Working with Young Children Chapter 5
prosocial behavior
Acts of kindness that benefit others; behaviors that demonstrate cooperation and helpfulness.
Baby sign language
Includes modified gestures of American Sign Language
preverbal gestures
Intentional signals a baby uses to influence other people in their environment
Relates to how actively involved a child is with his or her surroundings.
joint attention
When the infant attends to the same event or object as the caregiver.
separation anxiety
a child's difficulty in separating from parents, often occurring between 6 and 15 months of age.
an automatic body response to a stimulus. At birth, an infant's physical abilities are limited to reflexes.
object permanence
an understanding that objects continue to exist even if a person cannot see them.
motor sequence
order in which a child is able to perform new movements. Motor sequence depends on the development of the brain and nerves.
quality and intensity of children's emotional reactions to their environment, such as passivity, irritability, and activity patterns.
tendency to feel distressed.
the ability to understand another's behavior.
the strong emotional connection that develops between people.
the values, beliefs, and practices of a particular group.
telegraphic speech
two-word phrases used by toddlers when they first learn to combine words.
deferred imitation
watching another person's behavior, then acting out that behavior. This occurs between eighteen and twenty-four months.