World History - First Cities
When did Catal Huyuk flourish?
About 6500 BC to 5600 BC
About when was Jericho captured?
About 7000BC
How do we know that Jericho was captured?
Based on the remains, the people that captured them started to build retangular houses instead of round ones.
Approximately when did Jericho form?
Between 10,000 and 8,000 BC
What is bitumen?
Black oily material, also known as asphalt or tar.
What goddes did the people of Catal Huyuk worship?
Catal. She is shown as a girl, a mother, or an old woman.
Where did Jericho's wealth come from?
From trading local goods such as salt and bitumen.
What did the people of Catal Huyuk use the obsidian or volcanic glass found nearby for?
Making daggers and mirrors.
What were the house of Jericho made of?
Mud bricks
How did they make mud bricks?
Mud was moulded by hand and left to dry in the sun.
Where where the doors to the houses at Catal Huyuk?
On the roof, making it difficult for enemies to get in.
One of the oldest towns in the world.
How many stories were the houses at Catal huyuk?
One story
Catal Huyuk
The largest of all the ancient settlements found to date.
How did the people of Jericho protect themselves from jealous neighbours?
They built a stone wall wiht towers and a ditch around the town.
Are mud bricks still used today?
Yes, in dry places.