World history test q&a #2

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Buddhism spread quickly through first through India, then China, and into Japan. What made Buddhism so appealing to so many?

A) Buddhism did not exclude anyone based on caste, gender, or background.

The eastern origins of the Silk Roads was the Chinese capital city of...

A) Chang'an.

The sacred writings in the diagram are examples of..

A) Hinduism.

Given these images, if a third image showed the next dynasty's territory shrinking, which of these would BEST describe why?

A) Nomadic invaders from Central Asia gained control.

According to the map, which statement about the Indian Ocean routes is true?

A) Trade connected Africa, India, and Southeast Asia.

A ruler could lose the "mandate of heaven" if he or she..

A) became immoral or unjust.

Which of the these BEST describes why the Zhou dynasty collapsed?

A) feudal power structure that gave too much power to regional lords

The MOST important social function of women in Chinese society during the Classical period was to..

A) produce a male heir.

Which change in social structure due to the spread of Buddhism in China is being described in the excerpt?

A) women could join monastic orders

These statements are key to the belief system of...

A. Buddhism

Which country had the MOST spiritual influence on classical China?

A. India

Which of these was an important achievement in the field of astronomy that occurred during the Gupta Empire in ancient India?

A. Scholars discovered that earth rotates on its axis every day.

Which number represents the time period in which the Mauyra Empire rose to power in India?

A. 3

All of these are describing?

A. Ashoka

The fall of the Mauryan Empire is closely related to the death of Emperor...

A. Ashoka

Which of these historical figures had the GREATEST impact on the culture and religion of China?

A. Buddha

The Eightfold Path is a guiding principle of

A. Buddhism

These are five of the eight most important aspects of what ideology?

A. Buddhism

What belief system would have been MOST likely to have traveled from the east to the west during this time?

A. Buddhism

Which religion spread by missionaries and pilgrims who traveled the Silk Road?

A. Buddhism

Which religion was popular in China and spread through Japan by missionaries?

A. Buddhism

___ entered China for the first time during the Han Dynasty.

A. Buddhism

Which other religion also allows women a similar role as being described in the excerpt above?

A. Christianity

What geographic challenge was shared by both the Trans-Saharan trade route and the Silk Road?

A. Deserts

Using the prompt and your outside knowledge, which ship was mainly used in the trade network shown?

A. Dhow

The government found in Gupta India..

A. was less centralized than under Mauryan rule.

The Gupta Empire is considered the "Golden Age" of ancient India PRIMARILY because it...

A. was marked by achievements in science, mathematics, and the arts.

According to the excerpt how does Buddha say that one can escape the cycle of rebirth?

B) By following the Eightfold Path, one could achieve nirvana and an escape from the cycle of rebirth.

The rule of the Qin emperors (221-206 BCE) led to a significant development in China which future rulers also adopted. What was that development?

B) China became a unified state with one ruler.

Which of these people would have had the GREATEST impact on the philosophy of government in the Han Dynasty?

B) Confucius

According to Indian religious and philosophical practices, people must fulfill a moral duty which is called..

B) Dharma

Which of these BEST describes the impact of the Silk Roads on Han China?

B) Goods from the Levant made their way into China.

Which of these BEST explains why Shi Huangdi (259 - 210 BCE) ordered the burning of all books, except for those on medicine, divination, agriculture, and forestry, and ordered the live burial of more than 400 alchemists?

B) He was weeding out scholars and writing that might threaten his power.

The dhow is most associated with which trading network?

B) Indian Ocean

What body of water was used in the Classical Era as an important trade route linking Africa, India, and Southeast Asia?

B) Indian Ocean

Which statement about the Silk Road is INCORRECT?

B) Islam spread to China as a result of interactions on the Silk Road.

This passage BEST supports which of these Chinese beliefs?

B) Mandate of Heaven

What can you conclude would be one change caused by the Indian Ocean trade network?

B) Muslim societies developed algebra as a result of interactions with Indian merchants.

Which of these played the largest role in Buddhism's spread throughout Asia from the 100s to the 700s CE?

B) The Silk Road

By reading this quote you can determine that Confucius believed..

B) age will determine respect.

All of these inventions are MOST associated with

B) classical China.

This is a picture of the terracotta soldiers that were built by Chinese slaves in 210 B.C. to guard Emperor Qin Shi Huang's tomb, thus protecting him in the afterlife. Based on this picture, which of these was MOST LIKELY a responsibility of slaves in ancient China?

B) constructing buildings for the community

Which product would have been MOST likely to have been exported from this country along the Silk Roads?

B) porcelain

Which product would have been MOST likely to have been traded from the East to the West?

B) porcelain

The Zhou Dynasty was the first dynasty in China to claim that their rule was ordered by supernatural spirits. This was known as....

B) the Mandate of Heaven

How did Buddhism enter China in the 1st Century CE?

B) the Silk Roads

Based on these maps, the increase in Qin territory to the south had the GREATEST impact on..

B) trade with parts of east Asia.

According to Hindu beliefs, one's position in the caste system is determined by...

B) your deeds in a previous life.

For early followers, one of the Buddhism's most appealing aspects was

B) the equality among classes and genders.

All of these describe what major religion?

B. Hinduism

Who are three main Gods of Hinduism?

B. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva

China's classical period gave rise to all of the following intellectual traditions EXCEPT

B. Buddhism

These phrases are describing the...

B. Han Dynasty.

Chandragupta Maurya founded his empire in the 300s BCE in what modern-day country?

B. India

Although Buddhism began in India, its highest percentage of followers today can be found in the country of

B. Japan

After Alexander the Great, but before the rise of the Gupta Empire, which other empire politically and economically united most of present-day India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan?

B. Maurya

Since ancient times the southwestern coast of the Indian subcontinent of Asia has been MOST impacted by...

B. Monsoons

How did the Silk Road contribute to the development of classical civilizations such as China, Persia, India, and Arabia?

B. The Silk Road promoted a cultural exchange between China and the West and helped spread Chinese inventions.

The purpose of the The Great Wall of China, as originally constructed by the Qin Dynasty, was to...

B. prevent foreign invasion

This is a rubbing of a piece stone from one of the Edicts of Ashoka pillars in India. What was the purpose of the Edicts of Ashoka?

B. to let people know of his conversion to Buddhism

This diagram shows four of the most important texts of...

C) Hinduism

This quote MOST likely comes from which of these sources?

C) The works of Confucius

The Han dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE) was weakened significantly because of..

C) security threats posed by nomadic tribes to the north.

Which product would have been MOST likely to have been traded in this area at this time?

C) spices

Using this map you can determine that

C) there was significant interaction between widely diverse cultures.

The Diamond Sutra is significant because it...

C) was the first printed book in history.

What was the purpose of The Analects?

C. It was the main text of Confucianism.

Using the prompt, who does Emperor Wen suggest would be lower in social hierarchy in the Han society?

C. merchants

Which statement BEST describes India's history during the Gupta Dynasty (320-500s CE)?

C. relative peace and intellectual achievements

If you were going to pick one of these answers to describe a belief of Buddhists, which one would be TRUE?

C. Eliminating the desire for material things will prevent suffering.

What is the dominant religion of India?

C. Hinduism

Which classical civilizations would have relied on monsoon winds to transport trade goods?

C. India

All of these are describing what Chinese dynasty?

C. Qin

Using the prompt and outside knowledge, which group of people would be considered highest in social status in Han society?

C. Scholars

The caste system in India was used for what purpose?

C. to provide social control and conformity according to one's birth

Which principle of Confucianism does this support?

D) Ancestor Veneration

If you were wanting to read work from an expert in legalism, which of these authors would you consult?

D) Han Fei Zi

The emperor who united China in the classical period was called...

D) Shi Huangdi.

Which statement is an accurate description of Buddha's viewpoint on suffering?

D) Suffering is caused by the desire for illusory power, happiness, and worldly objects.

Which belief system does this quote support?

D) Taoism

Under the rule of the Zhou dynasty (1045-700BCE) in China, a new theory about the right of rulership emerged. What was it?

D) The Mandate of Heaven.

Which statement BEST describes the Silk Roads?

D) They were a network of roads controlled by local governments.

Compared to the information in the excerpt above, Vedic religion established along the Indus River valley DIFFERED in that

D) a person's soul was continually reincarnated until Moksha was achieved.

Chinese dynasties- such as the Qin, Han, and Ming- are often said to be imperial dynasties. The term imperial is MOST associated which of these words?

D) empire

Using the prompt and your knowledge of history, which of these led to expanded trade between East Africa and East Asia?

D) greater knowledge of monsoon winds

Which belief is common to BOTH Hinduism and Buddhism?

D) reincarnation

The Zhou Dynasty is credited with originating the concept of the "Mandate of Heaven," which held that.

D) the emperor was allowed to rule only with the blessing of the gods.

Confucianism, a philosophy developed in China in the 5th-6th century BCE, had a great impact on...

D) the roles of members of the family and of different people in society.

The Mauryan Empire (322 BCE - 185 BCE) was key in unifying many smaller kingdoms in India and was founded by...

D. Chandragupta

In which of these areas would you be MOST likely to find the HIGHEST concentration of people who follow Hinduism?

D. 6

Which number on the timeline represents the era in which the Han Dynasty collapsed?

D. 6

In which of these areas would you be MOST likely to find the HIGHEST concentration of people who follow Buddhism?

D. 7

Which of the explains how the growth of the Mauryan Empire in such a short amount of time?

D. Chandragupta Maurya was an able and skilled leader.

Which of these is MOST true of trade in classical India?

D. Due to its location along the Indian Ocean basin and its location between Southwest Asia and China, Indian merchants were active in sea and overland trade.

Which Chinese belief system does this quote support?

D. Legalism

The Han Dynasty of China contributed which invention to society that is still used today?

D. Paper

As a result, which Buddhist ideas did he create to get rid of suffering?

D. The Four Noble Truths

Which of these is an accurate description of the Gupta Empire in ancient India?

D. They were known for their religious tolerance, active trade, and great wealth

Which group of people are considered "unclean" and are outside the caste system?

D. Untouchables

The Zhou Dynasty ended in

D. Wars and political upheaval.

The major cause for the decline of the Mauryan dynasty in India was...

D. a period of decentralization and waring regional kingdoms soon after the rule of Asoka.

A basic tenet of Hinduism is the belief that

D. everything in the world is an aspect of Brahman

What impact did Emperor Asoka's conversion to Buddhism have on India in the 3rd century BCE?

D. it brought a period of non-violence and toleration

The Qin began to construct a wall that became known as the Great Wall of China in order to...

D. prevent the invasion of people from the north.

King Ashoka's major contribution was the introduction into public and private life of...

D. religious toleration.

The concept of karma is best described as..

D. the sum effect of one's actions during life

In Hinduism, a person's dharma -or set of spiritual duties and obligations- is based on..

D. their class and station in life

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