World War II

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What did the Normandy invasion allow the Allies to do?

The Allied Powers now had a passage into Europe and could begin the fight against Germany The Soviet Union was now fighting the Germans in eastern Europe as well. Victory was still a long ways away, but now in sight!

What did Operation Overlord plan to do?

The Allies planned the largest invasion in the history of war. It was a unified effort which planned to land on the beaches of Normandy, France.

The America First Committee

The America First Committee opposed any American intervention or aid to the Allies.

What was the turning point for the war in the Pacific?

The Battle of Midway

What was the significance of the Battle of Stalingrad?

The Battle of Stalingrad claimed over two million casualties, more than any other battle in human history, and was also one of the longest: it raged for 199 days. Killed, wounded or captured at Stalingrad: Soviets: 1,290,000 Germans and allies: 850,000 WHY was this battle so important? 91,000 Germans were taken prisoner. With such a massive loss of manpower and equipment, the Germans simply did not have enough manpower to cope with the Russian advance to Germany when it came.

In an address to Congress on January 6, 1941, President Roosevelt delivered one of the most famous speeches in American history. By what name is the Speech known as?

The Four Freedoms Speech

Explain the main concepts behind the Four Freedoms Speech.

The Four Freedoms speech was an expression of the president's vision in which the American ideals of individual liberties were extended throughout a world already engaged in war. Roosevelt ended the speech with a description of four essential human freedoms Roosevelt also proposed an ambitious "lend-lease" program whereby the United States would become the arsenal of democracy by reinforcing Britain

Describe the D-Day Invasion.

The Germans were in control of France The Allied Powers planned to invade the German controlled France through the northern beaches of Normandy After a long battle, the Allied Powers took the beaches, allowing them to bring in more vehicles and soldiers

Neutrality Acts

The Neutrality Act of 1939 allowed warring countries to buy weapons from the United States as long as they paid cash and carried the arms away on their own ships. President Roosevelt used a loophole in the Neutrality Act of 1939 and sent 50 old American destroyers to Britain in exchange for the right to build American bases on British-controlled islands

Describe the Manhattan Project

The U.S had a program code-named the Manhattan Project led by Gen. Groves. Groves organized a team of engineers and scientists to build an atomic bomb. The secret laboratory was located in Los Alamos, New Mexico

Describe the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

The U.S. fought Japan on numerous islands including Okinawa and Iwo Jima. These islands were used to launch aerial assaults on Japan. This was the first time an invaders flag flew over Japanese territory.

What were the consequences of the Battle of Midway?

The consequences of the Battle of Midway for the Japanese were huge. At a stroke they had lost four vital aircraft carriers that were considered to be vital for the Pacific campaign. Whereas the Americans could replace the 'Yorktown', the Japanese would have found it very difficult to replace one carrier, let alone four.

Why did the Japanese choose to attack Pearl Harbor?

The place they could hurt the U.S. most was at Pearl Harbor, where much of the U.S. Pacific fleet was docked. Plus invading the mainland was too dangerous

At the Tehran conference what did Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt agree they would do with the country of Germany after the war?

They agreed to break up (control) Germany after the war.

After war is officially declared in Europe what is the United States stance?

To remain neutral or isolated.

Who was Norman Rockwell? What were his contributions to the war effort?

When World War II broke out Rockwell wanted to help his country, but he was too old to fight. Norman and his friend and illustrator Mead Schaeffer talked about how to help. When he heard the president wanted the four Freedoms illustrated, he knew he had found a way to help. The two men went to Washington D. C. with rough sketches of their ideas and spent the day offering their services free to the government. Robert Patterson, Undersecretary of War, was the first person to reject them. All day they went from office to office ending up at the Office of War Information. An official there told them that "real artists would be doing posters not illustrators." On the return trip they stopped in Philadelphia to see the editor of the Saturday Evening Post. Ben Hibbs loved the idea and told Rockwell "Norman, you've got to do them for us." Norman Rockwell not only helped communicate Roosevelt's Four Freedoms, but the paintings were used to raise money to help pay for the war. World War II was largely paid for by selling war bonds. In 1943-44, $133 million was raised through the sale of war bonds during a 14-city tour.

Describe the events that led to the Bataan Death March.

After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Japan attacked American airfields in the Philippines and landed their troops in the islands. The commander of the Americans and Filipinos defending the Philippines, General Douglas MacArthur, retreated to the Bataan Peninsula. He surrendered 75,000 men. The surrendered troop were forced to march to the prison camp 90 miles away Thousands died on the way Starvation Disease Murder

What was America's "Shoot-on-Sight" policy?

After a German U-boat fired on a American destroyer American ships to follow a "shoot-on-sight" policy toward German submarines. Germans torpedoed and sank the American destroyer Reuben James in the North Atlantic.

Explain America's Limited Aid to the Allies

After the German invasion of France and the rescue of Allied forces at Dunkirk, American public opinion changed to favor limited aid to the Allies President Roosevelt ran for an unprecedented third term as president in the election of 1940. Both Roosevelt and the Republican candidate, Wendell Willkie, said they would keep the United States neutral but assist the Allied forces. Roosevelt won by a large margin.

What was the term used for the Invasion of Italy and how did it unfold?

Also known as "The Italian Campaign" The plan was to invade Sicily and all Italian mainland until the surrender of Italy The Invasion began on September 3rd of 1943 160,000 Allied troops

Which 5 battles were seen as turning points in the war?

Battle of Stalingrad: 1941 North Africa Invasion: 1942 Invasion of Italy: 1943 Normandy Invasion: 1944 Battle of the Bulge: Dec 1944- Jan 1945

Explain the U.S. Embargo of Oil and Steeel.

By July 1941, Japanese aircraft posed a direct threat to the British Empire. US responded by freezing all Japanese assets in the US and reducing the amount of oil and steel shipped to Japan.


D-Day is the day on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated.

What was the Hemispheric Defense Zone?

FDR developed the hemispheric defense zone, which declared the western 1/2 of the Atlantic as part of the Western Hemisphere and therefore neutral. This allowed Roosevelt to order the U.S. Navy to patrol the western Atlantic Ocean and reveal the location of German submarines to the British.

Lend-Lease Act

FDR proposed the Lend-Lease Act- the United States could lend or lease arms to any country considered "vital to the defense of the United States." Passed by Congress

What was the significance of the Tehran Conference?

FDR, Churchill, and Stalin met in Tehran, Iran to discuss the invasion of France. They agreed to break up (control) Germany after the war. Stalin also agreed to help the U.S. defeat Japan.

What were the Four Freedoms?

Freedom of Speech Freedom to Worship Freedom from Want Freedom from Fear

What was the goal of D-Day?

Gain passage into Europe through France so the Allies could begin the fight against Germany

Who promised to come back for the Bataan Allied prisoners?

Gen Douglas MacArthur

What was the concept of Island Hopping?

General Douglas MacArthur's troops used Island Hopping to capture lightly-defended islands throughout the Pacific, one by one, until they had "HOPPED" their way towards Japan This would get the U.S. within striking distance of Japan.

What American General successfully pushed back German forces in North Africa which led them to surrender?

George Patton Under the command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Who became President after Franklin Roosevelt's death?

Harry S. Truman

Who started the Battle of the Bulge and what was its purpose and outcome?

Hitler attempted one last offensive to cut off Allied supplies coming through Belgium. The Battle of the Bulge began on December 1944, catching American troops off guard. As Germans raced west, their lines "bulged" outward, resulting in the battle's name. The United States won the battle and in January 8, Germans withdrew with little left to stop the Allies from entering Germany.

Describe Germany's invasion of the USSR

Hitler wanted to defeat the "inferior" Soviets The Germans tried to capture Stalingrad, but the Soviets held their ground. The Germans were surrounded and surrendered. The Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point in the war because it put the Germans on the defensive.

Describe the German surrender

In 1945 the Allied Powers had pushed the German forces back to Germany The Americans & British were to the West of the German capital (Berlin) and the Soviets were to the East The Battle for Berlin began Hitler killed himself as he knew defeat was inevitable - The Germans surrendered a week later in 1945

Atlantic Charter

In August 1941, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill agreed to the Atlantic Charter. postwar world of democracy nonaggression free trade economic advancement freedom of the seas.

What was the significance of the war in Africa?

In July 1942, Roosevelt ordered the invasion of Morocco and Algeria—French territories indirectly under Germany control. Under the command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower. General George Patton led the American forces in Morocco - Americans faced the German army for the first time. American and British forces finally pushed the Germans back. On May 13, 1943, German forces in North Africa surrendered.

What's So Special About the U.S.S. Indianapolis?

In July of 1945, the ship had delivered vital parts for the atomic bomb to a U.S base in Tinian. She was attacked and sunk by a Japanese submarine The ship sent distress signals which the Navy claims were never received. The delay in the rescue led to the loss of hundred of sailors. 300 men died in the attack while another 880 floated in the ocean for another four days. They suffered from lack of food and water, exposure to the elements, severe desquamation, and did I mention shark attacks?

Explain the timing and the significance of the Casablanca Conference

In early Jan. 1943, while the Allies hammered the Axis in North Africa and the Russians destroyed the Germans at Stalingrad- a momentous meeting was held by Roosevelt and Churchill in Casablanca, Morocco. They outlined the final plan for crushing the Axis. Italy was NEXT

What was the Doolittle Raid? What were its 2 major goals?

In response to the attack on Pearl Harbor, James Doolittle organized a bombing mission on Tokyo, Japan called the Doolittle Raid. It was the longest mission (650 miles) ever flown by the B-25B Mitchell medium bombers. 1. Boost American morale after Pearl Harbor, and 2. Expose the Japanese vulnerability to attack.

Describe the Battle of Leyte Gulf

In the battle of Leyte Gulf The U.S. retook the Philippines. First time the Japanese used kamikaze attacks. Douglas MacArhur returns and liberates the Allied POWs

What were President Truman's options for dropping the Atomic bomb on Japan?

Invade Japan with Allied troops; this would result in high deaths on both sides and an unknown timeline Drop an atomic bomb out in the Pacific away from people to show Japan our military strength Drop the bomb without warning to "shock" Japan into surrendering

Why was the Battle of Stalin grad a turning point for the Allies in the war?

It put Germany on the defensive.

What were the results of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, sinking or damaging 21 ships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, killing 2,403 Americans, and injuring hundreds more. Japan Less then 100 men 29 planes 5 midget submarines United States 2,403 servicemen killed 1,178 wounded 188 planes 18 ships (8 battleships, 3 light cruisers, 3 destroyers, 4 other vessels) The next day, President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan.

Japan's attempt to create an Empire conflicted with what U.S. policy?

Japan's attempt to create an empire is conflicting with the U.S. goal of maintaining an open trade policy in Asia

Was the war over after V-E Day?

NO! We still need to defeat Japan in the Pacific

What did the Japanese Allies of Germany and Italy do once the U.S. declared war on Japan?

On December 11, 1941, Japan's allies-Germany and Italy-declared war on the United States.

V-E Day

On May 7,1945, Germany gave its unconditional surrender. The next day, May 8, 1945 was proclaimed V-E Day for Victory in Europe.

What was Operation Overlord?

Operation Overlord was the code name for the landing in France and the start of the Liberation of Europe.

In 1940 Roosevelt is re-elected president for a 3rd term. What was his primary goal in being elected?

Roosevelt's primary goal was to help Britain and its allies defeat Germany.

Who participated in the Yalta Conference and what was decided?

Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin DECISIONS: Divide Germany United Nations

Describe Operation Torch

Started on November 8, 1942 and ended May, 1943 The battle for North Africa was a struggle for control of the Suez Canal and access to oil from the Middle East and raw materials from Asia. The Goal: clear the Axis Powers from North Africa, improve naval control of the Mediterranean Sea, and prepare an invasion of Southern Europe.

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