12 Body Systems; Function and Organs

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Muscular System

Function: consists more than 600 muscles that provides movements Organs: cardiac skeletal sphincter contracibility ecitability elasticity

Lymphatic System

Function: defend against infection and maintain fluid balance & remove waste products Organs: vessel atrium

Respiratory System

Function: delivers air to sites where gas exchange can occur between the air and circulating blood Organs: nose pharynx larynx trachea bronchi lungs

Nervous System

Function: detects the sensations from all parts of the body and controls all body actions Organs: brain spinal cord nerves

Urinary System

Function: eliminates access water, salts, waste products, from the body Organs: kidney uterus urinary bladder urethra

Endocrine System

Function: glands that manufacture hormones Organs: glands

Reproductive System

Function: produces sex cells and hormones necessary for female to develop and for pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding Organs: ovaries fallopian tube uterus vagina

Skeletal System

Function: provide frame work and support the movement and protection of the body Organs: long bones short bones flat bones irregular bones

Digestive System

Function: provides energy to the body by processing food Organs: mouth esophagus stomach small & large intestines

Integumentary System

Function: provides protection from environmental hazard such as sun rays and bacteria Organs: Epidermis dermis subcutaneous tissue

Sensory System

Function: receives visual information from light rays through a transport layer called cornea Organs: cornea pupil lens nerve choroid retina

Cardiovascular System

Function: transport blood cells and dissolved materials including nutrient and oxygen to the body Organs: heart blood vessels arteries veins

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