2. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act- 13. Consumer Protection Acts
7. HIPAA (a) Health Insurance portability access and renewal without preexisting conditions
Allows employees to switch jobs and keep health insurance despite preexisting conditions. HIPAA aimed to decrease paperwork and reduce inefficiencies within the health injury
9. DEA (a) Controlled Substances Act of 1970
Controls who may administer and use specific drugs. -"Schedules" I-V each type of drug and their potential for abuse -Regulates manufacturing and distribution of controlled substances such as hallucinogens, narcotics, depressants, and stimulants
9. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Created under Nixon Administration as part of "war on drugs" to combat drug abuse and drug trafficking through investigation, apprehension and prosecution programs.
6. Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments act (ADAAA)
Determines what "disability" means for certain Americans as well as protecting and upholding rights of those with disabilities in the US. This amendment to the ADA broadens the definition of disability. ADA prohibits the discrimination of people with disabilities.
3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Ensures/regulates health and safety of American workers through regulations, laws and their enforcement. Employers responsible for providing safe and healthful workplace. Assures safe and healthful workplaces by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance.
4. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Formed to regulate food safety in the US. Supervision and controlling products such as tobacco, dietary supplements, medications, vaccines and others. Control drugs accepted in the US Extends to products consumed by animals
13. (b) Truth in lending Act of 1968 (Regulation Z)
Inform consumers before they sign up for a line of credit, must inform consumer of terms and conditions.
5. Clinical laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA '88)
Issues laboratory testing standards for facilities performing specific tests. Series of federal standards set in place to regulate testing of human specimens in laboratories. Specimens include: blood, tissue, and other bodily material that can be used to diagnose, prevent and treat various diseases
2. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
Legal framework for the donation of organs, tissues and other human anatomy parts in the US. Passed in 1968, revised in 1987 and 2006.
8. Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act
Passed in 2009 to promote adaption and meaningful use of health information technology, including EHR and EMR -Healthcare providers would be incentivized to adopt new technology that put health care records into an electronic database, streamlining patient case management.
8. HITECH (a) Patient's right to inspect, amend and restrict access to his/her medical record
Patient has right to access and maintain the confidentiality of their health care records
10. Medical Assistant Scope of Practice
Performance of duties and procedures allowed by law, standard and educational preparedness -Defined by your education, training and experiences. -Also defined by organization of physician you work with MA's DO NOT practice medicine. They follow orders provided by medical provider. Cannot diagnose, write script or assess. (a) Consequenses of failing to operate within scope: could result in immediate dismissal and civil or criminal action
11. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)
Prevents employers from discriminating against people based on their genetic info/prohibits use of genetic info to make employment decisions
7. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Protect patient privacy and improve access to care. Online what is considered confidential information. -Any patient identifiers -Medical record or account # -Biometric identifiers -Health plan beneficiary #
12. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Protect public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease, injury, and disability in the US and internationally.
13. (a) Fair Debt Collection Practices
Protects consumers from being harassed by debt collectors -Debt collectors may not use abusive, unfair, or deceiving techniques when attempting to collect from debtors
7. HIPAA (b) Coordination of care to prevent duplication of services
Reduce amount of human effort and paperwork used to process claims, streamline entire process to prevent errors, duplications and fraud.
13. Consumer Protection Acts
Regulations that promote free trade, protect consumer from misinformation and fraud and promote competition. Prohibit certain methods, acts and practices in trade or commerce.