21: New deal

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the great depression and the economic crisis that ensued discredited supporters of

unregulated capitalism

the popular front :

was a political and cultural movement associated with the communist party

new deal housing policy

was a remarkable departure from the housing policies of previous administration

the first new deal

was a series of experiments, some of which succeeded and some of which failed

roosevelt court packing plan :

was criticized by many

Upton Sinclair

was head of the end poverty in CA movement

under new deal reform, african americans :

were mostly excluded from social security benefits

what factor contributed to the growth of union membership in the 1930s?

workers militancy and the tactical skills of a new generation of leaders

what ended the great depression ?

ww2 spending

the new deal failed to generate :

an economic recovery

the first thing that roosevelt attended to as president was the

banking crisis

what replaced liberty of contract as the judicial foundation of freedom by the end to the new deal

civil liberties

the Tennessee valley authority :

combined economic regional planning with relief

the Wagner act

created the national labor relations board

the congress of industrial organization

created union of industrial workers

why did FDR try to change the balance on the supreme court

he feared that the supreme court might invalidate the Wagner and Social Security Act

the new deal :

included a reliance on economic planning

the social security act of 1935 :

included old age pensions, unemployment relief with dependent children

the works progress administration :

included projects in the arts

the indian new deal

included the indian reorganization act of 1934

most historians agree that a recession reoccurred in 1937 bc roosevelt :

increased govt spending

which statement about the indian new deal is false :

it continued the policy of the dawes act

the fair labor standards act institute all of the following changes except :

it est. the 50 hours workweek

which statement about the social security act is false ?

it was extremely original in concept

the shares our wealth movement was :

led by Louisiana senator Huey long and gained a national following

in his 1932 campaign for the presidency , franklin d. roosevelt promised americans a policy change he called the

new deal

the sit down strike was :

part of the successful strategy that organized the auto industry

under the new deal, women :

played a more visible role in national politics

the american liberty league :

protested president roosevelt policies

the civilians conservation corps

put young men to work in national parks

the agriculture adjustment act :

raised farm prices by establishing quotes and paying farmers not to plant more

which phrase best describes leaner roosevelt's tenure as first lady ?

redefined the role of first lady, championing women right, civil rights, and human rights

the scottsboro case :

reflected the racism that was prevalent in the south during the 1930s

federal housing policy

reinforced residential segregation

Keynesian economics

relied on large scale govt. spending

fearing the growth of the communist party in America, congress passed the :

smith act

which statement about the new deal is true ?

social security was a 2nd new deal program

during 1934 , the great wee of labor strikes included all of the following groups except :


in 1938 , congress est. the house un american activities committee , which

subscribed to an expanded definition of un-American that included liberal democrats and labor organizers

which new deal program put the federal govt for the first time in the competition with private competitions?

the Tennessee valley authority

all of the statements about roosevelt's grow pot advisers known as the brain trust are true except

the brain trust believed that large corporations needed to be dismantled

during the the roosevelt administration , the democratic party emerged into a coalition that included all of the following except :

the business elite

which group welcomed black members and advocated the passage of antilynching legislation and the return of voting rights to southern blacks ?

the congress of industrial organization

which was not a new deal program

the congress of industrial organization

the new deal concentrated power in the hands of :

the executive branch

liberalism during the new deal came to be understood as :

active govt. to uplift less fortunate members of society

which act or organization barred commercial banks form becoming involved in the buying and selling of stocks ?

the glass - steagell act

in the presidential election of 1936 :

the so called new deal coalition reelected FDR in a landslide

which statement is true about the UAW sit down strikes?

the workers stayed inside the plants and kept the machines in working order

which program employed white collar workers and professional including doctors, writers and artists ?

the works progress adminstration

which statement best describes Huey Long, Upton Sinclair , and Dr. Francis Townsend

they all challenged Roosevelt to move further to the left of the center

in john steinboks piece about the dust bowl , he explained that migrants were hated for all of the follow reason except :

they were primarily immigrants

during the 1932 elections :

FDR called for a balances govt. and criticized hoover for excessive govt. spending

which 2 new deal program did the supreme court rule unconstitutional

agriculture adjustment act and national recovery administration

in fireside chats and public adresse, president roosevelt equated freedom with

economic security

the national industrial recovery act :

est. codes that set standards for production , prices , and wages in several industries

the glass steagall act

est. the federal deposit insurance corporation

when Mary McLeod Bethune remarked that the new deal offered african americans a new day ,she :

expressed the hope for change despite continued discrimination in federal housing and employment

by 1935 , the new deal

faced mounting pressures and criticisms

the second new deal :

focus on economic recovery

critics of the new deal included all of the following except :

frances perkins

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