334 Final

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"I hate asparagus" is an example of which component of an attitude toward asparagus? a. affective b. behavioral c. cognitive d. perceptive


A marketing vice-president tells the marketing department to schedule a test market in Dallas because he feels that this city is "typical" of the composition of the target market for a new product nationally. The vice president is asking for a(n) ____. a. judgment sample b. area sample c. cluster sample d. convenience sample


Carlos is examining the row and column totals in a contingency table. What are these called? a. marginals b. subtotals c. totals d. running totals


In the regression equation, Y = a + β X, Y is the ____. a. dependent variable b. slope c. independent variable d. intercept


When the on-time performance of airlines is used to predict the number of customer complaints in a regression equation, on-time performance is the ____ variable and the number of customer complaints is the ____ variable. a. independent; dependent b. dependent; dependent c. dependent; independent d. independent; predictor


Which behavior should a presenter avoid during the oral presentation? a. using jargon b. maintaining eye contact c. repeating the main points d. using short, familiar words


Which graphic aid is useful for showing the relationship of one variable to another? a. line chart b. bar chart c. table d. pie chart


Which of the following eliminates the drawback of having the measure of dispersion in squared units rather than in the original measurement units? a. standard deviation b. variance c. deviation d. mean


Which type of error occurs when the researcher concludes a relationship exists, when in fact one does not exist? a. Type I b. Type II c. Type A d. Type B


Counting the number of responses to questions in a survey by hand is called ____. a. indexing b. tallying c. collating d. moderating


Which element should be used to indicate the contents of the table? a. source notes b. title c. stubhead d. explanatory legend


Which type of validity is another way of expressing internal consistency? a. content validity b. convergent validity c. criterion validity d. discriminant validity


A person's weight is best described as being measured on a(n) ____ scale. a. ordinal b. interval c. ratio d. nominal


All of the following are disadvantages of open-ended response questions EXCEPT: a. cost b. interviewer bias c. irrelevancy d. nonrepresentativeness of respondents


If researcher wish to compare six brands of HDTVs on the basis of quality, how many paired comparisons will be necessary? a. 3 b. 6 c. 15 d. 30


The measure of central tendency that identifies the value that occurs most often is called the ____. a. mean b. median c. mode d. range


The use of index numbers requires the ____ level of measurement. a. nominal b. interval c. ratio d. ranked


Which type of scale is regarded as the highest form of measurement? a. nominal scale b. ordinal c. ratio d. interval


Failing to identify a hypothesized difference using a sample result when a difference really does exist in the population is a ____ error. a. primary b. secondary c. Type I d. Type II


In which type of chart do the slices represent a percentage of the whole? a. bar chart b. line chart c. column chart d. pie chart


The ____ is a measure of dispersion. a. mean b. proportion c. range d. mode


Asking respondents to remember something without providing any clues to help them remember is called ____. a. unaided recall b. aided recall c. recognition d. cognitive retrieval


____ is the long-run relative frequency with which an event will occur. a. Probability b. Central tendency c. Estimation d. Deviation


A national political pollster randomly selects ten states, then randomly selects five counties within each state, then randomly selects five voting precincts within these counties, then randomly selects five blocks within these precincts, and finally, randomly selects five households for door-to-door interviews about their voting intentions in the next Presidential election. This is best called a(n) ____. a. simple random sample b. multistage area sample c. systematic sample d. nonprobability sample


In which type of sampling is a subsample drawn using simple random sampling within each stratum? a. cluster sampling b. stratified sampling c. systematic sampling d. convenience sampling


The specific objectives of the research report should be presented in the ____. a. appendix b. introduction c. results d. recommendations


The arithmetic average of a set of numbers is referred to as the _____. a. proportion b. mode c. mean d. median


Which type of analysis involves three or more variables? a. univariate statistical analysis b. bivariate statistical analysis c. multivariate statistical analysis d. polyvariate statistical analysis


Which type of statistical analysis tests hypotheses involving only one variable? a. primary statistical analysis b. bivariate statistical analysis c. univariate statistical analysis d. monovariate statistical analysis


"Do you agree or disagree with the statement: The Federal Reserve Bank and the large U.S. banks are responsible for the high foreclosures on home mortgages" is an example of a(n) ____ question. a. counterbiasing b. open-ended response c. counterbalancing d. double-barreled


In which type of scale is a neutral point, or point of indifference, at the center of the scale? a. synergistic b. symmetrical c. unbalanced d. balanced


All of the following are stages in the selection of a sample EXCEPT to ____. a. analyze data b. select a sampling frame c. determine sample size d. conduct fieldwork


A researcher is interested in studying attitudes about raw milk sales and has reason to believe that urban, suburban, and rural groups will vary in their responses. The researcher knows that the population being studied is 50% urban, 40% suburban, and 20% rural. She classifies the potential participants as urban, suburban, or rural residents, and then, for a sample totaling 100, randomly selects 50 individuals from the urban group, 40 from the suburban group, and 20 from the rural group. The researcher is using a(n) ____. a. proportional stratified sample b. balanced stratified sample c. even stratified sample d. primary stratified sample


The transformation of raw data into a form that makes the data easier to understand and to interpret is called ____. a. descriptive analysis b. outlier analysis c. computer mapping d. box and whisker plotting


The arrangement of the parts of a research report is known as the ____. a. results b. format c. introduction d. summary


The value below which half the values in a distribution fall is the ____. a. mean b. median c. mode d. range


When a respondent's answers to ten Likert-scale items are added up to form a total subtest score for these questions, ____ is being used. a. data indexing b. data transformation c. contingency analysis d. data indexing


Which attitude component represents a person's awareness and knowledge of the matter? a. affective b. cognitive c. behavioral d. personal


Which of the following is the symbol for the population standard deviation? a. S b. σ c. μ d. S2


Which type of error occurs when potential respondents are improperly excluded before the sample is taken? a. Type I error b. sampling frame error c. statistical error d. list error


As sample size ____, random sampling error ____. a. increases; increases b. decreases; decreases c. increases; decreases d. increase; remains unchanged


Which element should contain the captions for the columns of the table? a. source notes b. title c. bannerheads d. explanatory legend


In which section of the research report should extremely comprehensive or detailed charts be placed? a. introduction b. body c. executive summary d. appendix


The last portion to be written in a research report should be the ____. a. summary b. body c. introduction d. appendix


Which of the following is the symbol for the sample standard deviation? a. S b. μ2 c. σ d. σ2


A researcher measures the reliability of an instrument by comparing the results of the odd-numbered questions with the results of the even-numbered questions. What type of reliability is being assessed? a. test-retest b. split-half c. equivalent-forms d. criterion


A respondent is given a list of four local shopping malls and asked to put them in order, from the one he most likes to shop at to the one he least likes to shop at. This is a(n) ____ task. a. rating b. ranking c. sorting d. semantic differential


Which characteristic is a key difference between ratio and interval scales? a. number of items b. absolute zero c. number of intervals d. nominal values


Which type of measure reflects the intensity of a concept by assigning scores that can take on any value along some scale range? a. discrete measure b. continuous measure c. absolute measure d. valid measure


Which type of nonprobability sampling technique is used in the Consumer Price Index? a. convenience b. judgment c. cluster d. stratified


In the regression equation, Y = a + β X , β is the ____. a. y-intercept b. independent variable c. slope of the regression line d. dependent variable


"In light of the current economic crisis, do you agree or disagree that the President of the United States is doing a good job of managing the economy?" is an example of what type of question. a. counterbalancing b. order bias c. double-barreled d. loaded


A bar at the top of the page in an Internet survey that indicates how much of the survey still needs to be completed is called a(n) ____ bar. a. drop-down b. radio c. push d. status


A written statement of a research study and its results is known as a(n) ____. a. communicator b. medium c. field of experience d. research report


In which type of sampling does every element in the population have a known, nonzero probability of selection? a. absolute sampling b. relative sampling c. nonprobability sampling d. probability sampling


Tables are most useful for presenting ____ information. a. symbolic b. verbal c. pictorial d. numerical


Measures that can take on only one of a finite number of values are called ____. a. discrete measures b. neutral measures c. limited measures d. continuous measures


In the research report, suggestions about the next steps appear in the ____ section. a. title page b. introduction c. conclusions and recommendations d. body


The equation, Y = a + β X, is the equation for the ____. a. coefficient of determination b. correlation coefficient c. least-squares regression line d. F-test


Another name for data transformation is ____. a. index analysis b. data conversion c. quadrant analysis d. data exchange


Suppose the price of MP3 players in Denver range from $59 to $179. Then, the range of these prices is ____. a. $59 b. $120 c. $179 d. $238


Which graphical application shows a frequency distribution in which the height of a bar corresponds to the frequency of a category? a. perceptual map b. histogram c. contingency table d. frequency chart


A(n) ____ is a single characteristic or fundamental feature of an object, person, situation, or issue. a. concept b. variable c. attribute d. construct


"What is your favorite hobby, playing video games, or what?" is an example of what type of question. a. loaded b. branching c. filter d. leading


All of the following are elements of a research report EXCEPT for the ____. a. title page b. executive summary c. body d. feedback notes


Which of the following is not a measure of the central tendency of a set of scores? a. mode b. median c. mean d. range


Which of the following provides correspondence rules that indicate that a certain value corresponds to some true value of a concept? a. operations b. reliability c. sensitivity d. scale


In ____, the value assigned for a response takes on a value opposite to that normally assigned to the scale labels. a. reverse coding b. indexing c. alpha coding d. convergence


Hans is writing a letter to include after the title page of a research report. The purpose of this letter is to release or deliver the report to the recipient rather than provide detailed information of the research findings. What is this letter called? a. letter of authorization b. letter of transmittal c. introductory letter d. formality letter


In the regression equation, Y = a + β X, a is the symbol for the ____. a. slope of the regression line b. y-intercept of the regression line c. dependent variable d. independent variable


Which graphic aid is useful for showing how several variables relate to the primary variable? a. line chart b. multiple-bar chart c. table d. pie chart


If Northwest Airlines selects randomly a set of 40 flights on a given day, and then selects randomly a group of ten passengers on each of these flights to participate in an in-flight survey, the passengers are best referred to as a ____. a. PSU b. census c. systematic sample d. secondary sampling unit


Which statement comparing quota sampling with probability sampling is true? a. Quota sampling typically costs less than probability sampling. b. Quota sampling is typically less convenient for researchers than is probability sampling. c. A study using quota sampling will typically take substantially more time to complete. d. Quota sampling generally provides a more random sample than probability sampling.


A questionnaire that collects information that is valid is said to be ____. a. relevant b. accurate c. counterbalanced d. balanced


An arrangement of data that shows the number of times each category occurs is called a(n) ____ table. a. cross-tabulation b. frequency c. percentage d. pre-coding


"Can you name five brands of tires?" is a(n) ____ question. a. fixed-alternative b. branching c. open-ended response d. filter


"I plan to buy a new DVD player sometime in the next three months" is an aspect of which component of an attitude? a. cognitive b. affective c. behavioral d. personal


"What is your gender? ____ M ____ F" is an example of a(n) ____ question. a. loaded b. leading c. fixed-alternative d. filter


All of the following are elements of a chart EXCEPT for the ____. a. footnotes b. title c. stubheads d. explanatory legend


Data with a(n) ____ distribution are appropriate for division based on the median split. a. normal b. unimodal c. bimodal d. uniform


Macey Ramsay has created a table that summarizes the number of times a particular value of a variable occurs. Macey has created a ____ distribution. a. parameter b. normal c. frequency d. probability


A researcher for Procter & Gamble selects five states randomly, and then selects 10 supermarket chains within each of these states to call for a phone survey for a test market of a new shampoo. Which type of sampling procedure is being used? a. systematic sample b. simple random sample c. nonprobability sample d. cluster sample


The difference between the sample result and the result of an accurate census is called ____. a. random sampling error b. systematic sampling error c. primary sampling error d. secondary sampling error


A filter question that used to determine what part of the questionnaire respondents are directed to is called a(n) ____. a. anchoring question b. branching question c. funneling question d. piping question


Do you own a cell phone? ____ Yes ____ No" is a(n) ____ question. a. leading b. simple-dichotomy c. loaded d. open-ended response


What is another term for a fixed-alternative question? a. open-ended response b. closed c. branching d. concise


A researcher hypothesizes that males and females differ with respect to attitude toward sports sponsorships. To investigate this hypothesis that these two groups' attitudes differ, the researcher will use a ____. a. bivariate test of differences b. univariate test of differences c. multivariate test of differences d. cluster analysis


A sampling procedure that assures each element in the population of an equal chance of being included in the sample is called ____. a. simple random sampling b. primary random sampling c. primary sampling d. stratified sampling


A tabulation of the results of a pretest to help determine whether the questionnaire will meet the objectives of the research is referred to as a(n) ____ tabulation. a. preliminary b. primary c. initial d. back


Age, gender, brand loyalty, and corporate culture are all examples of ____. a. concepts b. scales c. ratios d. codes


All of the following can be measured using ratio scales EXCEPT ____. a. gender b. income c. temperature d. weight


Compared to open-ended response questions, fixed-alternative questions: a. require less interviewer skill b. take more time c. are more difficult for the respondent to answer d. take the same amount of time


In a typical line graph, the ____ variable is shown on the vertical y-axis and the ____ variable is shown on the horizontal x-axis. a. dependent; independent b. ratio; nominal c. independent; dependent d. primary; secondary


In using a t-test to compare the means of two groups, the alternative hypothesis is typically stated as ____. a. μ1 ≠ μ2 b. μ1 = μ2 c. μ1 - μ2 = 2 d. μ1 + μ2 = 1


One of the most common probability distributions in statistics is the _____ distribution. a. normal b. standard c. central d. confidence interval


Scores or observations recalibrated to indicate how they relate to a base number are referred to as ____. a. index numbers b. rank orders c. elaborated numbers d. real numbers


Summary measures about variables computed using only data taken from a sample are called sample: a. statistics b. parameters c. estimates d. scores


The degree to which all information collected in a questionnaire addresses a research question that will help the decision maker address the current marketing problem is the extent to which the questionnaire is ____. a. relevant b. accuracy c. frequency d. counterbalanced


The document to the researcher that approves the project, details who has responsibility for it, and describes the resources available to support it is called the ____. a. letter of authorization b. letter of transmittal c. introductory letter d. formality letter


The orderly arrangement of data in a summary format showing the number of responses to each response category is called ____. a. tabulation b. frequency c. analysis d. interpretation


Three guidelines below help prevent the most common mistakes in designing questions. Which one is typically NOT used for this purpose? a. Avoid personal questions. b. Avoid complexity. c. Avoid leading questions. d. Avoid double-barreled questions.


What type of error occurs when respondents believe that past events happened more recently than they actually did? a. telescoping b. squishing c. myopic remembering d. zooming


When a group of experts agrees that a measuring instrument measures what it is intended to measure, we say that the instrument has ____ validity. a. face b. criterion c. test-retest d. equivalent-forms


When a researcher has made the decision to conduct a survey using a sample of the population, the FIRST step in the selection of the sample is to ____. a. define the target population b. determine the sample size c. select the actual sampling units d. select a sampling frame


When a researcher sets an acceptable significance level a priori, the researcher is determining how much tolerance will be allowed for a ____ error. a. Type I b. Type II c. Type A d. Type B


Which of the following is a discrete measure? a. nominal scales b. sensitive scales c. ratio scales d. a scale with five values


Which of the following is an indicator of a measure's internal consistency? a. reliability b. validity c. coefficient beta d. sensitivity


Which of the following is the appropriate technique for addressing research questions involving relationships among multiple variables that are measured with a less-than interval scale? a. cross-tabulation b. ANOVA c. regression d. cluster analysis


Which type of software allows answers from previous questions to be inserted into unfolding questions on Internet surveys? a. piping software b. interactive software c. error trapping software d. funneling software


"Should Dillard's keep its excellent department store credit card program? ____ Yes ____ No" is an example of ____. a. using a branching question b. making an assumption c. a double-barreled question d. using a checklist


A researcher interested in a data matrix that displays the frequency of some combination of possible responses to multiple variables should construct a ____. a. perceptual map b. contingency table c. regression equation d. marginal table


A researcher puts the name of each person in a sampling frame list on a 3" x 5" card, shuffles the cards thoroughly, and then selects 35 names from the top of the pile of cards for a phone interview study. What type of sampling procedure is being used? a. judgment sample b. simple random sample c. stratified sample d. area sample


A researcher wants to study the members of the American Marketing Association and selects a sample from its membership list. The membership list is an example of a ____. a. reverse directory b. sampling frame c. systematic sampling list d. census


A respondent in a personal interview is asked questions about shopping at a specific department store in the shopping mall, and then is asked general questions about shopping at that mall. What type of mistake in design has been made? a. filter effect b. order bias c. double-barreled effect d. loaded effect


A single element or group of elements that is eligible for selection via the sampling process is called a ____. a. sampling panel b. sampling unit c. sampling error d. sampling quota


Dichotomous and multiple-choice alternatives in fixed-alternative questions should not have overlap among categories. That is, the categories should be ____. a. exhaustive b. mutually exclusive c. positively worded d. balanced


In regression analysis, the symbol X is commonly used for the ____ variable, and the symbol Y is commonly used for the ____ variable. a. dependent; moderating b. independent; dependent c. dependent; independent d. independent; moderating


Janet has agreed to participate in surveys online. Every few weeks, she is sent an email asking her to participate in an online survey. What did Janet most likely do to become involved in these research studies? a. opted out b. opted in c. randomized herself d. met a quota


Lists of respondents who have agreed to participate in marketing research along with their e-mail contact information are called ____. a. interactive samples b. online panels c. perpetual samples d. e-samples


The contents of a chart should be described in the ____. a. footnotes b. title c. stubheads d. explanatory legend


The head of the marketing research department instructs field interviewers to interview owners of DVD players in a shopping mall such that they each interview 10 Sony owners, 8 Panasonic owners, 6 Toshiba owners, and 4 owners of other brands. Which type of sampling procedure is being used? a. systematic sample b. quota sample c. area sample d. multistage sample


The nature of the problem the researcher wishes to answer will determine which ____ will serve as a base for computing percentages. a. independent variable b. marginal total c. dependent variable d. column mean


When a researcher combines the "Strongly Disagree" and "Disagree" responses on a Likert scale item to a single "Strongly Disagree/Disagree" percentage, the researcher is using ____. a. data indexing b. collapsing the data c. the outlier effect d. a box and whisker plot


When a third variable is included in an analysis and that third variable changes the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable in an important way, the third variable is called a(n) ____. a. spurious variable b. moderator variable c. contingency variable d. outlier variable


When respondents think that recent events took place longer ago than they really did, what type of error is occurring? a. telescoping b. squishing c. faltering d. misredemption


Which aspect of the research methodology section of the research report should include an explanation of whether the research was exploratory, descriptive, or causal? a. sample design b. research design c. analysis d. data collection


Which of the following refers to concepts measured with multiple variables? a. operation b. construct c. concept d. scale


Which theorem states that as sample size increases, the distribution of sample means of size n, randomly selected, approaches a normal distribution? a. prospect b. central-limit c. dispersion d. entropy


Which type of sampling error is primarily due to the nature of a study's design and the correctness of study execution? a. random sampling error b. systematic sampling error c. primary sampling error d. secondary sampling error


____ definitions translate conceptual definitions into measurement scales. a. Summation b. Operational c. Assessment d. Matching


A company decides to send an Internet survey to all of its 127-member sales force to determine their morale. This is a ____. a. cluster sample b. multistage area sample c. census d. sample


A frequency distribution of the population elements is called a ____. a. normal distribution b. sample statistic c. population distribution d. standard error


A researcher is measuring consumers' attitudes toward product placement in movies using five attitude items. She created a scale by simply adding up the responses to each item making up the composite measure. This composite measure is called a(n) ____. a. derived scale b. additive scale c. summated scale d. primary scale


A researcher is reviewing average household income data and sees that one household reported an annual income of over $1 million. This value lies outside the normal range of the data and is called a(n) ____. a. abnormality b. marginality c. outlier d. quartile


A researcher wants to select 50 customers from a sampling frame of 250 customers who have purchased at least $10,000 worth of products from his company within the past six months. The researcher wants to use a systematic sampling technique. After randomly selecting a starting point, the researcher should select every ____ name on the list. a. 20th b. 10th c. 5th d. 50th


A respondent is asked: "How often, on the average, do you go out to a movie?" and is asked to indicate her answer by circling one of the following: never, rarely, sometimes, often, or very often. This is best described as a(n) ____ scale. a. semantic differential b. Likert c. category d. constant-sum


A telephone directory that lists the people in the phone book by their street address instead of by their last name is a type of ____. a. snowball directory b. inverse directory c. reverse directory d. sampling frame directory


An estimate of the population mean in the form of a single value, usually the sample mean, is called a ____. a. confidence interval estimate b. standard deviation c. point estimate d. variant


Counting the different ways respondents answered a question and arranging them in a simple summary form yields a(n) ____. a. elaboration analysis b. spurious analysis c. marginal tabulation d. index analysis


Examining responses to the question "Have you ever purchased a ticket online for an American Airlines flight?" by looking at subgroups based on gender and zip code is an example of ____. a. a box and whisker plot analysis b. an index number c. elaboration analysis d. interquartile analysis


In political elections involving candidates who are not well-known by many voters, the candidate who is listed first on the ballot often receives the most votes. This is an example of a(n) ____. a. Hawthorne effect b. self-fulfilling prophecy c. order bias d. split-ballot technique


In the typical bar chart, the ____ variable is plotted on the vertical y-axis while the ____ variable is plotted on the horizontal x-axis. a. independent; dependent b. nominal; interval c. dependent; independent d. ratio; ordinal


Nicole has created a table that summarizes the number of times a particular value of a variable occurs. Nicole has created a ____ distribution. a. parameter b. normal c. frequency d. probability


The number of respondents or observations (in a row or column) used as a basis for computing percentages in a contingency table is referred to as the ____. a. reference point b. moderator c. statistical base d. analytical point


The question: "Have you ever received a speeding ticket? ____ Yes ____ No," is followed by a question: "When did you receive that ticket?" if the respondent answers yes to the first question. In this situation, the first question functions as a ____ question. a. double-barreled b. leading c. filter d. anchoring


What type of question is the following? Which of the following services of the United Missouri Bank, besides your personal checking account, do you currently use? (check all that apply) ______ Savings account ______ Car loan ______ Home mortgage loan a. branching question b. filter question c. checklist question d. counterbalancing question


When "out of sight, out of mind" was translated into a foreign language, and then was translated back into English by a language expert in the foreign language, it became "invisible things are insane." This is an example of ____. a. the linguistic effect b. a loaded question c. back translation d. a counterbiasing statement


When a researcher is attempting to predict sales volume by using building permits, amount of advertising, and the income levels of residents, the researcher is most likely using ____. a. univariate analysis b. a chi-square analysis c. multiple regression analysis d. factor analysis


When a researcher uses pictures, tables, or charts to clarify complex points or emphasize a message in a research report, he or she is using ____. a. verbal elements b. medium elements c. graphic aids d. formalizers


When a researcher wants to estimate national market share based on the results of the test market for a new product in St. Louis and Kansas City, this is an example of: a. descriptive statistics b. the central limit theorem c. inferential statistics d. the standardized normal distribution


Which probability sampling technique is economically efficient and uses a group of elements as the primary sampling unit? a. simple random b. snowball c. cluster d. quota


Which type of validity addresses the question, "Does my measure correlate with measures of similar concepts or known quantities?" a. face validity b. reliability validity c. criterion validity d. discriminant validity


A marketing researcher wants to put together four focus groups of 18-24 year-old males who are "heavy downloaders of music" (defined as downloading 50 songs per month). Instead of asking people at a shopping mall whether they download music from the Internet, he finds one person in the target market who qualifies, and then asks that person to suggest the names of two other males between the ages of 18-24 who download music. The researcher will invite those two to participate in the focus group, and then they are each asked to suggest two others similar to themselves to participate in the focus group study. This procedure describes a ____. a. stepwise sample b. judgment sample c. area sample d. snowball sample


A question that poses some problem or topic and asks respondents to answer in their own words is called a(n) ____. a. sentence completion question b. unbalanced question c. fixed-alternative question d. open-ended question


A respondent is given a set of 3" x 5" with the current advertising slogan for a brand or product on each card. The respondent is asked to place the cards into two piles: one for the slogans that she recognizes and can name the brand or product and the other for slogans she does not recognize. This is a ____ task. a. rating b. ranking c. constant-sum d. sorting


All of the following are characteristics of the standardized normal distribution EXCEPT that it ____. a. is symmetrical about its mean b. has an infinite number of cases c. mean identifies the normal curve's highest point (the mode) d. has a mean of 1 and a standard deviation of 0


All of the following are elements of a table EXCEPT for the ____. a. source notes b. title c. stubheads d. explanatory legend


All of the following are elements of the executive summary of research report EXCEPT for ____. a. recommendations, or suggestions for action, based on the conclusions b. objective of the report c. the methodology and the major results d. detailed charts and tables with results


An introductory statement or preamble to a potentially embarrassing question that reduces a respondent's reluctance to answer by suggesting that certain behavior is not unusual is called a ____ statement. a. filter b. lead-in c. reassurance d. counterbiasing


It is hypothesized that an individual's style of processing information (i.e., verbal or visual) will influence the impact of advertising on attitudes toward the brand being advertised. Style of processing, then, is considered which type of variable? a. dependent variable b. external variable c. internal variable d. moderating variable


The ____ should help the reader interpret the chart without having to read the detailed report. a. footnotes b. title c. stubheads d. explanatory legend


The error caused by rejecting the null hypothesis when it is, in fact, true is called a ____. a. Type II error b. confidence level error c. confidence interval error d. Type I error


The findings of the study should be presented in the ____ section. a. introduction b. recommendations c. appendix d. results


The researcher examining descriptive statistics for any particular variable is using which type of statistics? a. multivariate b. interval c. nominal d. univariate


The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is called the ____. a. range b. standard median c. dispersion d. standard error of the mean


When a local television station sends a crew to interview joggers in the city park on a beautiful spring day, what type of sample is being used? a. cluster sample b. multistage area sample c. systematic sample d. convenience sample


When a researcher contacts a client after the client has had a chance to review the research report, the research is engaging in a(n) ____. a. oral presentation b. letter of transmittal c. letter of approval d. research follow-up


When a researcher uses students to participate in a study because he has easy access to them, what type of sampling procedure is being used? a. judgment sampling b. systematic sampling c. snowball sampling d. convenience sampling


When a respondent is asked whether he agrees, disagrees, or has no opinion to a series of statements, what type of scale is being used? a. forced choice b. Likert c. semantic differential d. non-forced-choice


When sample size (n) is larger than ____, the t-distribution and Z-distribution are almost identical. a. 10 b. 20 c. 25 d. 30


Which element can influence interpretation of a chart by making differences appear larger than they are? a. footnotes b. title c. explanatory legend d. axes values


Which element contains the captions for the rows of a table? a. boxheads b. footnotes c. source notes d. stubheads


Which element of a research report should state the title of the report, for whom the report is prepared, by whom it was prepared, and the date of releases or presentation? a. preamble b. appendix c. letter of transmittal d. title page


Which of the following refers to the proportion of respondents who choose the most positive choice in a multiple choice question? a. heteroskedasticity b. mode c. median d. top-box score


Which technique recommends asking general questions before specific questions in order to obtain unbiased responses? a. skip logic technique b. telescoping c. squishing d. funnel technique


Which technique uses nonprobability sampling, in which an experienced individual selects the sample based on his or her judgment about some appropriate characteristics required of the sample member? a. area sample b. subjective sample c. stratified sample d. judgment sample


Which type of measure assigns a value to an observation based on a mathematical derivation of multiple measures? a. conglomerate measure b. derivative measure c. summated measure d. composite measure


Which type of question is most likely to conserve space in a questionnaire? a. branching question b. funnel question c. multi-faceted question d. multiple-grid question


______ is the process of describing some property of a phenomenon, usually by assigning numbers, in a reliable and valid way. a. Research b. Analysis c. Validation d. Measurement


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CISCO NetAcad CCNA 1 Chapter 6 Exam

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Human Growth and Development midterm (modules 1-6)

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