35 Facts about President Barack Obama you may not know

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5. Obama's parents divorced when he was [2 /12] years old.

2 Parents: padres, progenitores

24. Obama keeps on his desk a carving of a wooden hand holding an egg, [a Kenyan /an Indonesian] symbol of the fragility of life.

A KENYAN Carving: talla Life, lives: vida, vidas To hold, held, held: sostener, aguantar To keep, kept, kept: guardar Wooden: de madera

16. Obama would have liked to have been an [astronaut / architect] if he were not a lawyer, university professor and politician.

ARCHITECT Lawyer: abogado University professor: profesor de universidad

9. Obama was known as "O'Bomber" at high school for his skill [at baseball / at basketball]

AT BASKETBALL skill at sport: habilidades, destreas en una actividad deportiva To be known as: ser conocido como To know, knew, known: saber, conocer

01. N216 Cloze on 35 Facts about President Barack Obama you may not know

Available at https://sites.google.com/a/xtec.cat/sib-idiomes/inputs/autors/poli/barack-obama/35-facts-about-president-obama

12. Obama was known as [Barry / Berry] until university when he asked to be addressed by his full name.

BARRY To ask, -ed, -ed: preguntar, pedir, solicitar To be addressed by: llamars To be known as: ser conocido como To know, knew, known: saber, conocer Until: hasta

15. Obama had a [basketball / volleyball] court installed in the White House grounds.

BASKETBALL Basketball court: pista de basquet Grounds: terrenos

11. Obama applied to appear in a black pin-up calendar while at Harvard [and was accepted / but was rejected] by the all-female committee.

BUT JAS REJECTED All-female committee: Comité compuesto íntegramete por mujeres Pin-up calendar: calendario con hombres o mujeres atractivos To appear, -ed, -ed: aparecer To apply, -ied, -ied: solicitar To be rejected: ser rechazado

20. Obama [can / can't] cook chilli very well. It is his speciality as a cook.

CAN Cook: cocinero. To cook, -ed, -ed: cocinar

19. Obama [can / can't] speak some Spanish.

CAN To speak, spoke, spoken: hablar

18. Obama [can / can't ] drive [and / but] he has a Ford Escape Hybrid, having ditched his gas-guzzling Chrysler 300.

CAN, AND To drive, drove, driven: conducir

10. Obama worked in a Baskin-Robbins ice cream shop as a teenager and now [loves / can't stand] ice cream.

CANT' STAND as a teenager: como adolescente cant' stand: no poder soportar ice cream shop: tienda de helados

31. Obama's favourite films are [Gone with the Wind and Do the right thing / Casablanca and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest]

CASABLANCA AND ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST Do the right thing: Haz lo que debas Gone with the Wind: Lo que el viento se llevó One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: Alguien voló sobre el nido del cuco.

35. Obama and Michelle Obama have two [daughters / sons] daughters

DAUGHTERS Daughter: hija Son: hijo

33. Obama [loves/ doesn't drink] coffee and rarely drinks alcohol. He [loves / hates] tea.

DOESN'T DRINK, LOVES Rarely: raramente To drink, drank, drunk: beber To hate, -d, -d: odiar

13. Obama took Michelle to see the Spike Lee film "Do The Right Thing" on their [first / second] date.

FIRST Do the right thing: Haz lo que debas, lo que tengas que hacer On a date: en una cita To take, took, taken: tomar To see, saw, seen: ver

25. Obama has read every [Harry Potter / Sherlock Holmes ] book.

HARRY POTTER Every: cada, todos/as To read, read, read: leer

34. Obama [approves of / hates] the youth trend for trousers which sag beneath the backside.

HATES Backside: nalgas, trasero, posaderas Beneath: debajo, por debajo Sagged trousers: pantalones por debajo de la cadera To approve of, -ed -ed: aprobar, gustar, estar de acuerdo Youth: juventud Trend: tendencia To sag, -ged, -ged: combarse, caerse, hunirse.

4. Obama was born in [Honolulu, Hawaii / Jakarta, Indonesia] in 1961 to a black Kenyan father and white American mother.

HONOLULU, HAWAII To be born to a family: nacer en el seno de una familia

30. Obama's favourite music [includes / excludes] Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Bach and The Fugees.

INCLUDES To include, -ed -ed: incluir

7. Obama ate dog meat, snake meat, and roasted grasshopper while living in [Indonesia / Hawaii]

INDONESIA. meat: carne roasted grasshopper: saltamontes asado snake: serpiente To eat, ate, eaten: comer

6. Obama attended schools in [Honolulu, Hawaii / Jakarta, Indonesia] until he was ten years old.

JAKARTA, INDONESIA To attend, -ed -ed: asistir Until: hasta que

2. Obama's late father was a senior economist for the [Kenyan / Indonesian] government

KENYAN late father: padre que falleció senior economist: experto economista

23. Obama uses an Apple Mac [laptop / tablet]

LAPTOP Laptop: portátil Tablet: tableta

21. Obama is [right-handed / left-handed]

LEFT-HANDED Left-handed: zurdo/a Right-handed: diestro/a

29. Obama's favourite fictional television programmes are [Mash and The Wire / House and Breaking Bad]

MASH AND THE WIRE Fictional television programme: prorama de ficción televisivo

26. Obama's favourite book is [Moby-Dick by Herman Melville / The Old Man the Sea by Heminway]


1. President Barack Obama's birthday's [on July 4th / on August 4th]

ON AUGUST 4TH Birthday: cumpleaños

17. Obama has his hair cut [once a week / once a month] by his Chicago barber, Zariff, who charges $21.

ONCE A WEEK Brber: barbero To charge, -d, -d: cobrar, facturar. To have your hair cut: que te corten el pelo

28. Obama's favourite artist is [Pablo Picasso / Andy Wharhol]


32. Obama enjoys playing [Scrabble and poker / chess and darts]

SCRABBLE AND POKER Chess: ajedrez Darts: dardos To enjoy, -ed, -ed: disfrutar, gustar mucho

27. Obama collects [Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian / Superman and Wonderwoman] comics

SPIDER-MAN AND CONAN THE BARBARIAN To collect, -ed, -ed: coleccionar.

14. While on the campaign trail Obama refused to watch CNN and had [movie / sports] channels on instead.

SPORTS Campaign trail: actos de una campaña electoral Channel: canal Instead: en lugar de To refuse, -d, -d: rehusar, rechazar While: mientras

3. Obama's name means "one who is blessed" in [Swahili / Hawaiian]

SWAHILI To be blessed: ser bendecido To mean, meant, meant: significar, querer decir

8. As a teenager Obama [took / didn't take] drugs including marijuana and cocaine.

TOOK drug, drugs: droga, drgas As a teenager: como adolescente To take, took, taken: tomar

22. Obama says that his [best / worst] habit is constantly checking his BlackBerry.

WORST Best: mejor Worst: peor To check, -ed, -ed: comprobar

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