A Revolution of Industry

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What were the factors of production back then? How have these factors changed over time?

At first it was land, labour, and capital. Nowadays offshore manufacturing makes land and labor easier to acquire, electric power makes land less important, and capital is provided by investors.

What were some advantages and disadvantages of a cottage industry?

Cottage industry work allowed for a comfortable yet productive schedule, but required a range of skills and strength.

Why did England rise as the first industrial power?

England had the land (rivers), labor (out-of-work farmers), and capital (stable government and economy), as well as numerous ingenious inventions.

What makes mass production possible?

Factory workhouses, assembly lines, and interchangeable parts

What effects did industrialization have on the world?

In certain places, the standard of living increased, the middle class rose to prominence, and prices declined due to mass supplies.

What were some advantages and disadvantages of 18th century factory work?

It was very productive. Workers had no benefits, though - unsafe and harsh work environment, dominating bosses, and no insurance or anything like that.

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