A&P chp 5

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The layer of the skin that is made of fibrous connective tissue.


The layer of the skin that is made of stratified squamous epithelium is the ___.

Hair root and Mitosis

The living part of a hair is the ___ where the process of ___ takes place.

nail bed

The living part of a nail is the ___.

epidermis and To make new cells

The lowest layer of the ___ is the stratum geminativum, and its function is ___.

Squamus cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma

The most common forms of skin cancer.

keratinized dead cells

The visible portion of a nail is made of ___.

Ceruminous Glands

These glands are located in the dermis of the ear canals. There secretion is called cerumen or ear wax.

Vitamin D

"sunshine vitamin" is important for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food in the small intestine. -Maintains muscle strength especially in elderly people. -And in the functioning of insulin for the regulation of blood glucose level. - Provider protection against some types of cancer and against infection caused by bacteria and viruses. People with a Vitamin D deficiency are more susceptible to tuberculosis, and influenza. Vitamin D stimulates white blood cells to produce cathelicidin, a natural antimicrobial that punctures the membranes of outer coverings of pathogens.

Merkel cells

(Also called Merkel discs) Receptors for the sense of touch.


The layer of the integumentary system that stores potential energy is the ___.

Circulatory shock

A condition caused by too much blood and blood plasma loss. As more plasma is lost, blood volume and blood pressure decrease.


A lipid substance that we commonly refer to as oil. -Inhibits the growth of bacteria on the skin surface. -Another function is to prevent drying of skin and hair.

mitosis and nail root

A nail grows by the process of ___ in the ___.

Vasodilation and lose

A warm environment stimulates ___ in the dermis in order to ___ heat.

Langerhans cells

Also called (dendritic cells) because of their branched appearance when they move. These cells originate in the red bone marrow, and are quite mobile.

Eccrine Gland

Are found all over the body but are especially numerous on the forehead, upper lip, palms, and soles.


Are good for scratching.


Are made of epithelial tissue. Produces secretions in the dermis.

Apocrine Glands

Are most numerous in the axillae (underarm) and genital areas an are most active in stressful and emotional situations.


Are primarily responsible for removing waste products from the blood and for maintaining the body's proper salt-to-water proportion.


Are proteins that label foreign material for destruction.


Are small arteries, and the smooth muscle in their walls permit them to constrict (close) or dilate (open). This is important in the maintenance of body temperature, because blood carries heat, which is a form of energy.

Hair root and Matrix

At the base of a follicle is the ___, which contains cells called the ___.

Dilate vasodilation

In a warm environment, the arterioles in the dermis will ___.

Superficial Fascia (subcut layer)

Between the dermis and the muscles is the ___.

Areolar connective tissue

Connects skin to muscles. Contains many WBCs to destroy pathogens that enter breaks in the skin. Contains mast cells that release histamine, leukotrienes, and other chemicals involved in inflammation.

Adipose tissue

Contains stored energy in the form of true fats. Cushions bony prominences Provides some insulation from cold Contributes to apetite Contributes to use of insulin Produces cytokines that active WBC's


Detect changes that are felt as the cutaneous senses: touch, pressure, heat, cold, itch, and pain.


Dilate in response to warmth increase heat loss. Constrict in response to cold to conserve body heat. Constrict in stressful situations to shunt blood to more vital organs.


Drying of the eardrum is prevented by ___.


Drying of the skin is prevented by ___.


During hot weather the ___ sweat glands increase their rate of secretion.


During stressful situations, blood is shunted to vital organs by ___ in the dermis.

Hair (follicles)

Eyelashes and nasal hair keep dust out of eyes and nasal cavaties. Scalp hair provides insulation from cold for the head.

Free nerve endings

For heat, cold, itch and pain the receptors are ___.

Encapsulated nerve endings

For the cutaneous receptors of touch and pressure, the receptors are ___.

Free nerve endings

For the cutaneous senses of pain and heat, cold and itch the receptors are ___.

Encapsulated nerve endings

For touch and pressure the receptors are ___, which means there is a cellular structure around the sensory nerve endings.

Papillary layer

Functions: Contains capillaries that nourish the stratum germinativum.


Human hair has an insulating function for the ___.

eyes & nasal cavities

Human hair helps keep dust out of the ___ & ___.

pathogens and chemicals

If intact, the stratum corneum is a very good barrier to ___ and ___.


In a cold environment, however, body heat must be conserved if possible, so the arterials constrict (close). This DECREASES the flow of blood thought the dermis and keeps heat with in the core of the body.


In a cold environment, the arterioles in the dermis will ___.

Constrict and more vital organs

In a stressful situation, the arterioles in the dermis will ___ to allow blood to flow to the ___.

Mitosis and stratum germinativum

In the epidermis, new cells are produced by the process of ___ in the ___

Subcutaneous tissue

In the integumentary system, areolar connective tissue is part of the ___ (layer).

Areolar connective tissue

In the superficial fascia, the tissue that contains many white blood cells is ___.

Adipose tissue

In the superficial fascia, the tissue that stores potential energy is ___.


In warm environment the arterioles dilate, which increases blood flow through the dermis and brings excess heat close to the body surface to be radiated to the environment.


Information about the environment outside the skin is provided by ___.


Is a function of the brain.


Is made primarily from the amino acid tyrosine. Is increased by exposure of skin to ultraviolet rays, which are part of sunlight and are damaging to living cells. Gives the skin a darker color. Gives color to hair, thought its protective function is confined to the hair of the head. Two parts of the eye obtains their color from melanin. The iris and the interior choroid layer of the eyeball.

Stratum germinativum

Is the base of the epidermis the innermost layer in which mitosis takes place.


Keratin is a ___ (type of molecule) that helps make the skin relatively waterproof.

Epidermis and phagocytize pathogens

Langerhans cells are found in the ____ of the skin, where they ____.


Living skin cells are protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays by ____.


Loss of too much body water in sweat.


Made of irregular type of fibrous connective tissue. Irregular meaning that the fibers are not parallel, but run in all directions. Strength and Elasticity are two characteristics of the dermis.

Subcutaneous tissue

May also be called (superficial fascia), one of the connective tissue membranes. Made of areolar connective tissue and adipose tissue, the superficial fascia connects the dermis to the underlying muscles.

melanin and ultraviolet rays

Melanocytes produce the protein ___ when stimulated by ___.


Most cutaneous receptors are found in the ___ of the skin.


New cells are continually being produced, pushing the older cells toward the skin surface. These cells produce the protein ____.


Pathogens in the blood.


Prevention of water loss or entry is a function of the stratum ___ of the epidermis.


Produce both collagen and elastin fibers. - The collagen fibers are strong. - Elastin fibers are able to recoil after being stretched.

Ceruminous glands

Produce cerumen, which prevents drying of the eardrum.

Sebaceous glands

Produce sebum, which prevents drying of skin and hair and inhibits growth of bacteria.

Eccrine sweat glands

Produce watery sweat that is evaporated by excess body heat to cool the body.

Nails (follicles)

Protect ends of fingers and toes from mechanical injury.

D and calcium & phosphorus

Sunlight on the skin stimulates production of vitamin ___ which is important for the absorption of ____.


Sweating promotes heat loss by means of the process of ___.

Sebum and Sebaceous glands

The ___ secreted by the ___ inhibits the growth of bacteria on the skin.

Cerumen and ceruminous glands

The ___ secreted by the ___ prevents drying of the eardrum.


The arterioles in the dermis will constrict when the external environment becomes ___.


The arterioles in the dermis will dilate when the external environment becomes ___.


The body's defense mechanism response to immediate danger in which all energy is mobilized to either fight or run.

Langerhans cells

The cells in the epidermis that carry ingested pathogens to lymph nodes are the ___.


The cells of the epidermis produce antimicrobial chemicals called ____.

Langerhans cells

The cells of the epidermis that phagocytize pathogens are the ___.


The cells that are most abundant in the epidermis is the ____ and there are no capillaries present between them.

Collagen and elastin

The dermis made primarily of the proteins ___ and ___.

Sebaceous Glands

The ducts of ___ open into hair follicles or directly to the skin surface. There secretion is sebum.


The ends of fingers and toes are protected from mechanical injury by ___.

Ceruminous glands

The glands that secrete cerumen are called ___

Subaceous glands

The glands that secrete sebum are called ___.


The growth of bacteria on the skin is inhibited by ___.

Dermis and fibrous connective

The inner layer of the skin is the ___ which is made of ___tissue.


The inner layer of the skin.


The layer of the integumentary system that cushions some bones is the ___.


The layer of the integumentary system that provides some insulation from cold is the ___.


The new cells of the epidermis produce the protein___.

Epidermis and Stratified Squamus kerotonizing Epithelial

The outer layer of skin is the ___ which is made of ___ tissue.


The outer layer of the skin. Is made of stratified squamous keratinizing epithelial, and is thickest on the palms and soles.

Stratum corneum

The outermost layer of the epidermis is the ___.


The precursor molecule for Vitamin D is ___.

Stratum germinativum

The process of mitosis in the ___ produces new cells for the epidermis. Also, called the stratum basale.


The purpose of ___ is to provide the central nervous system with information about the external environment and its effect on the skin. This information may stimulate a response, such as washing a painful cut finger, scratching an insect bite, or responding to a feeling of cold b putting on a sweater.

hair growth

The rate of hair growth averages 3 to 4 inches/month (8 to 10mm) and eventually a follicle will become dormant before starting to grow a new hair that pushes the old hair out. We lose hair from the scalp every day, estimates range from 50 to 100 hairs lost per day.

dead cells and keratin

The stratum corneum is made of several layers of ___ which in turn are made of ___.

Hair follicle and mitosis

The structure in which a hair grows is called ___ and the process by which a hair grows is ___.

dermis and underlying muscles

The subcutaneous tissue is located between the ___ and the ___.

Superficial fascia

The subcutaneous tissue layer is also called ___.

Papillary layer

The uneven junction of the dermis, with the epidermis, is called ___. Capillaries are abundant here to nourish not only the dermis but also the stratum gerninativum.

melanin and melanocytes

Ultraviolet rays stimulate the production of ___ by cells called ___.

Conserve and cold

Vasoconstriction in the dermis is important to ___ heat in a ___ environment.

Lose and warm

Vasodilation in the dermis is important to ___ heat in a ___ environment.

Calcium Phosphorus and small intestines

Vitamin D is important for the absorption of ___ in the ___.

D and ultraviolet rays

Vitamin ___ is produced in skin that is exposed to ___.


When the arterioles in the dermis constrict, the loss of body heat will be ___.


When the arterioles in the dermis dilate, the loss of body heat will ___.

Arthropod parasite

a mosquito, tick, flea, or louse. These parasites (all but the tick are insects) feed on blood, and are potential vectors of disease caused by bacteria viruses, or protozoa.

Sweat Glands

glands in the skin that produce sweat to regulate body temperature. Sweat is mostly water and contains sodium chloride, making sweat salty. two types of sweat glands apocrine and eccrine.

Human Hair

help to keep dust and perspiration out of the eyes and hairs just inside the nostrils help to keep dust out the nasal cavities.


protect the ends of the fingers and toes from mechanical injury and give the fingers greater ability to pick up small objects.


scratching an itch is efficient because fingers have ___.

heat and dehydration

the purpose of sweating is to increase the loss of ___ but it has the disadvantage of leading to ___.


the shaft of a hair is made of ___.

Cutaneous senses

touch, pressure, heat, cold, itch, and pain. For each sensation there is a specific type of receptor, which is a structure that will detect a particular change.

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