a&p exam 1

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selective permeability

a barrier that allows some substances to pass through it while excluding others

transverse section

a cut along a horizontal plane, dividing the body into superior and inferior parts (cross section_

tight junction

impermeable junction that encircles the cells and binds them together


nerve cells that receive and conduct electrochemical impulses from one part of the body to another

visceral layer

part of serous membrane that covers the outside of organs in a cavity


part of the cytoskeleton that determines the overall shape of a cell and the distribution of its organelles

intermediate filament

part of the cytoskeleton that helps form desmosomes and provides internal wires that resist pulling forces on the cell


part of the cytoskeleton that is most involved in cell motility and shape changes

extracellular matrix

produced by connective tissue that is composed of a structureless ground substance and fibers


product that usually contains proteins molecules in an aqueous fluid


repair by dense connective tissue (formation of scar tissue)


small RNA molecules that escort amino acids to the ribosome

simple diffusion

unassisted diffusion of solutes through the plasma membrane

vesicular transport

uses ATP to fuse or separate membrane vesicles and cell membranes


enlargement of certain body tissues due to some irritant or condition that stimulates the cells


ATP-requiring process that takes up/engulfs extracellular substances into the cell


a three-base sequence of DNA

elastic cartilage

cartilage found in structures with elasticity

ventral body cavity

cavity that contains all structures within the chest and abdomen

dorsal body cavity

cavity that contains two subdivisions on the posterior side of the body

reticular layer

deepest skin layer that contains dense irregular connective tissue, blood vessels, sweat/oil glands, and pressure receptors

cardiovascular system

delivers nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and other substances to (and picks up wastes such as CO2) from cells near exchange sites (does this through blood)


fibrous protein that makes a tough protective layer of the epidermis


flows control center's response back to stimulus

cardiac muscle

found in the heart wall and contracts to make the heart pump and propel blood (involuntarily)

stratified epithelium

more than one layer of epithelial cells


RNA that carries instructions for protein synthesis from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm


RNA that helps form ribosomes where proteins are synthesized


a DNA segment that carries the information for building a protein

frontal (coronal) section

a cut along the lengthwise plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior parts

sagittal section

a cut along the lengthwise plane that divides the body into left and right parts

nuclear envelope/membrane

a double membrane barrier surrounding the nucleus (its boundary)


a flexible epithelial structure that can be divided into hair root and hair shaft

plasma membrane

a fragile, transparent barrier that contains the cell contents and separates them from the surroundings

organ system

a group of organs that work together to accomplish a common purpose

transitional epithelium

a highly modified, stratified squamous epithelium that forms the lining of the urinary bladder, ureters, and part of the urethra

simple columnar epithelium

a single layer of tall cells that fit closely together

simple squamous epithelium

a single layer of thin squamous cells resting on the basement membrane (thin, scale-like)


a structure composed of two or more tissue types that performs a specific function for the body


ability to sense changes (stimuli) in the environment and then react to them


all activities promoted by the muscular system


all chemical reactions that occur within the body and all of its cells


an abnormal mass of proliferating cells (can be cancerous)

adipose tissue

an areolar tissue in which adipose cells are most prominent (fat)


anchoring junction that prevents cells from getting pulled apart


biological catalyst that speeds up every chemical reaction that occurs in the cell


bottom layer of the cutaneous membrane composed mostly of dense (fibrous) connective tissue


cell engulfing droplets of extracellular fluid ("gulping/drinking")

epidermal dendritic cell

cell scattered about in the epidermis that alerts and activates the immune system cells

receptor-mediated endocytosis

cell taking up specific target molecules

goblet cells

cells that produces a lubricating mucus (in epithelial membranes)


cellular material outside the nucleus and inside the plasma membrane


central region that separates lungs into right and left cavities in thoracic (where heart and trachea are found)


chemical substances that may be present in cytosol depending on the cell type


coiled and condensed chromatin threads formed when a cell is dividing


collection of DNA-wrapped histones when a cell is not dividing

lymphatic system

complements the cardiovascular system by returning leaked fluids to the bloodstream to keep blood circulating through the body

mucous membrane

composed of epithelium resting on a loose connective tissue membrane (lamina propia); lines all body cavities open to the exterior (WET)


composed of osteocytes in cavities (lacunae) surrounded by layers of a very hard matrix of calcium salts and collagen fibers

hair follicle

compound structures consisting of epithelial and connective tissue to form hair


connective tissue composed of chondrocytes that is less hard and more flexible than bone

blood (vascular tissue)

connective tissue consisting of blood cells surrounded by blood plasma (nonliving, fluid matrix)

synovial membrane

connective tissue membrane composed of loose areolar connective tissue and contains epithelial cells

reticular connective tissue

connective tissue that consists of a delicate network interwoven reticular fibers

loose connective tissue

connective tissue that is softer with more cells and fewer fibers

dense connective/fibrous tissue

connective tissue with collagen fibers forming the main matrix, fibroblasts rows between fibers

skeletal system

consists of bones, cartilages, and joints that support the body and provide a framework for skeletal muscles


consists of one or more cells that make a secrete a specific product

skeletal muscle

consists of skeletal muscle tissue packaged by connective tissue sheets to form the organs (forms flesh of the body and can be moved voluntarily)


contain chemicals used for energy and cell building

pelvic cavity

contains reproductive organs, bladder, and rectum

abdominal cavity

contains stomach, liver, and intestines


control center of a cell usually found in the center and houses the cell's DNA

endocrine system

controls body activities at a much slower pace than the nervous system; secretes hormones which regulated other structures

body membrane

covers surfaces, lines body cavities, and forms protective sheets around organs


cut made in a body to look at internal structures


cutaneous membrane that is absolutely essential in keeping water and precious molecules in the body while keeping excess water out


decrease in size of organ/body area due to loss of normal simulation

stratum basale

deepest cell layer of epidermis which contains stem cells


dense connective tissue that attaches skeletal muscles to bones


dense connective tissue that connects bones to bones at joints

control center

determines the level at which a variable maintains

endocrine glands

develops from endocrine sheets that lose their ducts and secrete directly into blood vessels (secrete hormones)

exocrine glands

develops from endocrine sheets that retain their ducts and secrete to the epithelial surface (secretes sweat and oil)

facilitated diffusion

diffusion of needed substances that are both lipid-insoluble and too large to pass through pores, substances can also be charged


diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane

homeostatic imbalance

disturbance of homeostasis, can cause or be a result of disease


division of the cytoplasm that begins in late anaphase and finishes in telophase

serous membrane (serosa)

epithelial membrane composed of a layer of simple squamous resting on a thin layer of areolar connective tissue

cutaneous membrane

epithelial membrane composed of two layers (epidermis, dermis) and is exposed to air/makes up the surface of the body (DRY)

stratified columnar epithelium

epithelium that consists of multiple layers where topmost layer is column-shaped

stratified cuboidal epithelium

epithelium that consists of multiple layers where topmost layer is cube-shaped

directional terms

explains exactly where one body structure is in relation to another

spinal cavity

extends from the cranial cavity to end of the spinal cord, protected by bony vertebrae (make up the spine)

extracellular (interstitial) fluid

fluid that continuously bathes the exterior of our cells (contains nutrients, gases, salts, amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, vitamins)

epithelial membrane

functions as a covering and lining, and contains an epithelial layer that is combined with a different connective tissue layer

intercalated discs

gap junctions where cardiac cells fit together and can send ions freely between cells


group of cells that are similar in structure and function


highest level of structural organization


highly compressible cartilage that forms discs between vertebrae of the spinal column (for cushioning)

negative feedback

homeostatic control mechanism whose response to stimulus is to shut it off or lessen the intensity

positive feedback

homeostatic control mechanisms whose response is to increase the stimulus and push the variable further from its original state (UNCOMMON)


homogeneous mixture of 2 or more components (present on both sides of the plasma membrane)

skin appendage

includes cutaneous glands, hair/follicles, and nails that all arise from the epidermis to help maintain homeostasis


internal framework of an organ (formed by reticular connective tissue)

gap junction

junction used mainly for communication

respiratory system

keeps the body supplied with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide


larger substances being engulfed ("cell eating")

stratum lucidum

layer above granulosum only present in areas of the body with no hair (thick, clear layer)

stratum spinosum

layer above the basale in the epidermis that contains thick bundles of intermediate filaments

stratum granulosum

layer above the spinosum where cells are flattened, organelles deteriorate, and the cells are flattened


longer projection from the cell that is used to propel


mRNA converted to its amino acid sequence


mRNA sequence that corresponds to DNA's triplet


made of proteins and rRNA, site of protein synthesis


mechanism used to actively secrete hormones, mucus, and eject cellular waste


membranous bag containing powerful digestive enzymes


membranous sac containing oxidase enzymes that use oxygen to detoxify harmful or poisonous substances


most common cell type in the epidermis that produces keratin

stratified squamous epithelium

most common stratified, usually has many cell layers with topmost layer having a thin, scalelike shape

areolar connective tissue

most widely distributed connective tissue variety that is soft and pliable and cushions and protects the organs (acts as the glue of the body)

hyaline cartilage

most widespread cartilage that is composed of collagen fibers hidden under a rubbery matrix

smooth (visceral) muscle

muscle tissue found in the walls of hollow organs, contracts and enlarges to accommodate substances (no striations)

muscular system

muscles whose only function is to contract for movement


network of protein structures throughout the cytoplasm that determines cell shape, supports organelles, and provides machinery for transport and movement

simple cuboidal epithelium

one layer of cuboidal cells resting on a basement membrane

simple epithelium

one layer of epithelial cells

nuclear pore

opening in nuclear envelope that allows selected substances to pass through

Golgi apparatus

organelle found near the ER and works to modify, package, and ship proteins in specific ways depending on its destination (these proteins are received from the ER)


organelle that houses reactions in which oxygen is used to break down foods and captures the resulting energy in ATP molecules


organelle that lies close to the nucleus; generates microtubules and directs mitotic spindle formation during cell division

reproductive system

organs that work to produce offspring

stratum corneum

outermost epidermal layer that is 20-30 cells thick and contains dead cells filled with keratin

parietal layer

part of serous membrane that lines a specific portion of the wall of the ventral cavity

cell division

period in which a cell reproduces itself


period in which the cell grows and carries on its usual metabolic activities


pigment ranging from yellow to brown to black that is produced by melanocytes found in the stratum basale layer


process by which molecules move away from areas where they are more concentrated to areas where they are less concentrated (moves down a concentration gradient)

active transport

process by which substances are transported against the gradient through the use of protein carriers powered by ATP


process by which water and solutes are forced through a membrane by fluid pressure (occurs when there is a pressure gradient)


process in which DNA is encoded into an RNA message


process of breaking down ingested food into simple molecules that can be absorbed


process of removing excreta (wastes) from the body


production of offspring (cellular or organismal)

urinary system

removes nitrogen-containing waste from blood and flushes it from the body through urine


replacement of destroyed tissue by the same type of cells


result of areolar tissue soaking up fluids and wastes inflamed regions (more fluid present than normal)

secretory vesicles

sac filled with protein that pinches off of Golgi and travels to the plasma membrane (to fuse and release substances outside of cell)


scalelike modification of the epidermis

rough endoplasmic reticulum

segment of the ER that is studded with ribosomes that work as the cell's membrane factory

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

segment of the ER that metabolizes lipids and detoxifies drugs and pesticides


semitransparent fluid that suspends other elements

thoracic cavity

separated from rest of ventral body by the diaphragm, contains heart and lungs (protected by ribcage)


serosa lining the abdominal cavity and its organs


serosa surrounding the heart


serosa surrounding the lungs


short stage in which chromosomes line up in a straight line

pseudostratified columnar epithelium

single layer of cells on the basement membrane that have different heights (appear stratified)


site where ribosomes are assembled before they leave to work on protein synthesis

arrector pili

small bands of smooth muscle cells that connect each side of the hair follicle to the dermal tissue


smallest units of life that are formed by molecules associating in specific ways

intracellular fluid

solution contained small amounts of gases, nutrients, and salts dissolved in water (found on the inside of a cell: cytosol)

cranial caivty

space inside bony skull


special group of supporting cells that insulate, support, and protect neurons


specialized cellular compartments that are the metabolic machinery of the cell


stage in which centromeres split and and chromatids move apart towards opposite sides of the cell


stage in which chromatin shortens to form (sister) chromatids that are held together by a centromere which are then connected to microtubules (mitotic spindle) in preparation for separation


stage in which chromosomes uncoil (forms chromatin again) and a nuclear envelope forms around each chromatin mass

anatomical position

standing up with feet parallel and arms hanging at sides with palms facing forward/anterior


structural unit of all living things


subcutaneous tissue that is not part of the skin but helps anchor it to the underlying organs


substance present in largest amount in a solution


substance present in smallest amount in a solution

apocrine gland

sudoriferous gland that is larger than eccrine glands and secretes fatty acids and proteins into hair follicles

eccrine gland

sudoriferous gland that produces sweat to regulate body temperature

papillary layer

superficial dermis region that is uneven and has projections; brings nutrients to the epidermis and increase friction on hands and feet

endoplasmic reticulum

system of fluid-filled tunnels throughout the cytoplasm that acts as a network of channels for carrying things from one place to another in the cell


the body's ability to maintain relatively stable internal conditions with continuously changing external conditions

nervous system

the body's fast-acting control system that includes the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sensory receptors

integumentary system

the external covering of the body including skin, hair, and nails (protects organs and regulated temp)

epithelial tissue (epithelium)

the lining, covering, and glandular tissue of the body; covers all free body surfaces inside and out, and contains versatile cells


the process of dividing a nucleus into two daughter nuclei with exactly the same genes as the mother nucleus

cell life cycle

the series of changes a cell goes through from the time it's formed until it divides


the study of how the body and its parts work or function


the study of the structure and shape of the body and its parts and their relationships to one another


tiny building blocks of matter that can combine to form molecules


tiny, fingerlike extensions from the plasma membrane that increase the cell's surface area (more surface area = more substances in and out at quicker rates)


tissue damage and cell death caused by intense heat, electricity, radiation, or chemicals

connective tissue

tissue that connects body parts; primarily involved in protecting, supporting, and binding together other body tissues

muscle tissue

tissue that is highly specialized to contract/shorten and generates the force required to produce movement


top layer of the cutaneous membrane that is composed of stratified squamous

digestive system

tube running from mouth to anus that contains organs that break down food and deliver resulting nutrients to the blood for dispersal


type of sensor that monitors and responds to environmental changes

generalized cell

unspecialized cell with the same basic parts and functions common to all cells


well-nourished stratum basale where hair is formed


whiplike extensions that move substances along the cell surface ("crowdsurfing")

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