A&P Exam 2 (Skeletal, Bones, Joints, and Skin)

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The tarsals are classified as _____ bones.

humerus, radius, ulna, the carpal and metacarpal bones, and the phalanges.

The upper limbs consist of the :

the pelvic girdle and the lower limbs

What does the lower appendicular region consist of?

the pectoral girdle and upper limbs

What does the upper appendicular region consist of?

Osteoblasts (cells responsible for bone formation) and osteoclasts (cells responsible for removing bone tissue) play key roles in bone remodeling.

What two cells play key roles in bone remodeling?

Perforating canal

Canals between osteons that connect blood vessels and nerves from multiple central canals.

chondrocytes; lacunae.

Cartilage-forming cells are called ---- and are found in cavities called ----

specific surface markings

Almost all bones have ------- that represent association of the skeletal system with other systems. For example, the long head of the biceps brachii muscle runs through the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus

epiphyseal line

Bone lengthening occurs in response to hormonal stimulation and appropriate mechanical stimulation. Once the epiphyseal plate has ossified (been replaced with bone matrix) in adulthood, it is termed the -----------

hormonal levels, nutrition, exercise

Bone mass is dependent upon ____

correct answer: All of the above.

Bone remodeling involves _____. osteoblasts osteoclasts bone mass maintenance All of the above


Cells responsible for removing bone tissue


Cells that are responsible for bone formation

It consists of approximately 206 bones and other associated tissues: cartilage, ligaments, menisci, and tendons that help stabilize, cushion, or connect the bones.

How many bones are there in the human body?

irregular shape

The bone has complex features such as notches, ridges, or distinct shapes. Example: vertebrae

Flat bone

The bone is flattened and thin with a greater surface area than other bones. Example: scapulae

appendicular skeleton

the ------- refers to the bones of the pectoral and pelvic girdles, and the upper and lower limbs.


the bones of the cranium include the ____ mandible ethmoid vomer All of the above


true or false The axial skeleton is comprised of the skull, vertebrae, and pelvis.


----- are long, cylindrical units that run parallel to the diaphysis of the long bone.


The ethmoid bone articulates with the _____ bone

Long bone

What bone shape is this? The length of the bone is greater than the width. Example: femur


---- are cavities or hollow spaces in a bone.


Costals are considered _____ bones.


Small channels through the concentric lamellae that connect lacunae to one another and to the central canal. Cellular projections from osteocytes extend into this and to neighboring osteocytes, thus forming an interconnected network.


Small spaces between adjacent concentric lamellae that house osteocytes


Small spaces between adjacent concentric lamellae that house osteocytes are called __


The --- are the supporting elements that connect the limbs to the axial skeleton.


The --- is formed from five fused vertebrae and is the final area of the vertebral column that holds the spinal cord.


The ---- is the area of the skull that encloses the brain to protect it, and also acts as attachment sites for muscles of the head and neck.


The ---- is the most complex bony structure of the body.


The ---- is the most inferior portion of the vertebral column, which includes anywhere from three to five fused vertebrae, and can vary depending on the individual.


The ---- skeleton provides mobility for the entire body and the ability to manipulate objects.

thoracic vertebrae

The ----- have costal facets where these vertebrae articulate with the ribs. These twelve vertebrae form the posteriorly convex curvature of the back.

axial skeleton

The ----- refers to the bones comprising the skull, thorax, and vertebral column

pectoral (or shoulder) girdle

The ------ includes the clavicles and scapulae.


true or false The pectoral girdle is part of the upper appendicular skeleton.

Rami (singular ramus)

---- are angular projections from the body of a bone.

Hyaline cartilage;

--- is found primarily in long bones and functions as the model around which long bones are formed during fetal development. ---- is also present as the epiphyseal plate in long bones during growth and solidifies into the epiphyseal line once growth is complete. attaches the ribs to the sternum and surrounds the articulating surfaces (condyles) of most long bones, acting as a cushion between articulating regions where two bones meet.


---- are areas on a bone where two or more bones articulate (move in relation to each other).


---- are bony projections that serve as sites for muscle attachment.


---- are large, smooth rounded surfaces, often found at the distal regions of bones; they function as an articulating surface, allowing bones to move in relation to each other.

Fossae (singular fossa)

---- are shallow depressions in bone that can function as: 1) sites of articulation (e.g. coronoid fossa), 2) bony protection or support for soft tissue (e.g. cranial fossae), or 3) sites of muscle attachment (e.g. subscapular fossa).

Cartilage; hyaline and fibrous cartilage.

---- is a connective tissue that cushions joints and creates a solid yet elastic structure in areas such as the ear and the nose. The skeletal system utilizes two main types of cartilage to support skeletal growth, integrity, and function:

Foramens, canals, fissures, and meatuses

----,-----,----,--- are openings in the bones through which nerves and blood vessels pass; each tends to have a characteristic shape or size.


----- absorbs some of the stress from forces that cause compression between bones. Thus, it is found in intervertebral discs, the pubic symphysis, and the menisci of knee joints. It has a more organized microscopic structure than hyaline cartilage, due to the parallel orientation of the collagen fibers


----- are small, round projections most often found at the proximal ends of bones; they serve as sites for muscle attachment


----- bone is analogous to scaffolding: it provides a structural framework and strength in different directions, with open segments between the structural elements. In spongy bone, these open segments are normally filled with bone marrow. The scaffold-like nature also contributes to bone integrity by providing resistance to stress from different directions, not just in tension and compression

Elastic cartilage

----- is meant to be flexible while providing support and cushion. It is found in the outer ear, the epiglottis, and the Eustachian tube of the ear. It is similar in histology to hyaline cartilage, but it also contains elastic fibers in a solid matrix.

Bone remodeling

----- occurs throughout an individual's lifetime, with adequate levels of bone mass being maintained through the production of new bone and the removal of older bone. Different bones of the body remodel at different rates. Bone mass is dependent upon hormonal levels as well as mechanical stimulation such as weight-bearing exercise (walking, weight-lifting)

Spongy bone; trabecular bone;

-----, or -----, is internal to the compact bone and serves as the site of mineral storage and hematopoiesis (blood cell production).


------ are regions where two bones have fused together.


------ are roughened regions of bone where tendons or ligaments attach.

Compact bone

------ is the outer layer of bone that provides strength and structural integrity to withstand acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) repetitive force and stress.

Grooves or sulci (singular sulcus)

-------- are indentations in bones along which blood vessels, nerves, or tendons travel.

Facial bones

---------- include the mandible, maxillae, zygomatic bones, nasal bones, lacrimal bones, palatine bones, vomer bone, and inferior nasal conchae


A _____ is an example of an irregular bone.


A _____ is formed where two vertebrae articulate.

endochondral ossification; epiphyseal plates

During the process of normal bone growth, bones grow longer as well as wider. When a bone grows longer, it is termed ------------. Lengthening occurs during childhood when the ------ located at the ends of long bones are composed of hyaline cartilage.

collagen fibers

Fibrocartilage differs from hyaline cartilage in that it has ____

correct answer: intervertebral discs.

Fibrocartilage in the skeletal system is found in the _____. epiphyseal plates diaphysis of long bones intervertebral discs All of the above


Hyaline cartilage includes ____ chondrocytes osteocytes osteoblasts All of the above

correct answer: vertebrae.

Irregular bone(s) of the body include the _____. humerus femur vertebrae all of the above

hyaline cartilage

Lengthening of bone occurs the most during childhood when the epiphyseal plates located at the ends of long bones are composed of _____.

Central canal (Haversian canal):

Located in the center of the osteon; the passageway for blood vessels and nerves that supply the bone. This is often referred to as the "bull's-eye."


Mature bone cells that function to to maintain the bone matrix are called __


Mature bone cells whose function is to maintain the bone matrix. They are found within the lacunae.


Most of the bones of the skull are held together in an immobile joint called a -----.


Muscles of the neck attach to the skull at the mastoid ___

Periosteum Compact bone Cancellous bone Endosteum Marrow Cavity

Order the structures of a long bone from the most external (top) to the most internal (bottom): Periosteum Marrow cavity Cancellous bone Endosteum Compact bone

Concentric lamellae:

Rings of collagen fibers (connective tissue) and hydroxyapatite (HA) crystals: Ca10[PO4]6[OH]2. Note that the HA crystals are composed primarily of calcium (Ca2+) and phosphate (PO4-). The collagen fibers within each layer are oriented at an angle to the layer before and after it. This alternating angular orientation provides much greater strength in tension (stretching) and compression (squeezing). This surrounds the central canal and give bones their strength. Osteons have numerous of these

pelvic (or hip) girdle

The ------ consists of the ossa coxae (innominate bones) which are the fusion of the ischium, ilium, and pubic bones. It also includes the sacrum and coccyx of the axial skeleton.


The _____ vertebrae have costal facets where these vertebrae articulate with the ribs.


The _____ vertebrae have costal facets where these vertebrae articulate with the ribs.

1) The upper appendicular region, consisting of the pectoral girdle and upper limbs. 2) The lower appendicular region, consisting of the pelvic girdle and the lower limbs.

The appendicular skeleton is divided into two general regions:

the limbs (arms and legs) and girdles

The appendicular skeleton refers to the bones of the appendages: ------------.

Haversian System

The basic structural and functional unit of compact bone is called the osteon, or -------. It is often compared to a "bull's-eye" target.


The bones of the ---- include the frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones, as well as small sutural bones. The small sutural bones are sometimes present within sutures, such as the lambdoid suture between the parietal and the occipital bones


The cervical vertebrae are the first ---- vertebrae inferior to the skull, which form the posteriorly concave curve of the neck.

Perforating canal Nutrient foramen: Canaliculi Lacunae Central canal (Haversian canal) Concentric lamellae Osteocytes

The defining features of the osteon are:


The gluteal _____ occurs where the gluteus maximus meets the femur.

compact and spongy (or trabecular)

The human skeleton consists of two types of bone:

axial and appendicular

The human skeleton is divided into two major regions:

all of the above

The humerus articulates with the _____. scapula radius ulna All of the above

femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsal bones, metatarsal bones, and the phalanges

The lower limbs consist of the:

hematopoeisis - correct

The major functions of the skeletal system include _____ hematopoeisis synthesis of lipids energy production All of the above

the lumbar vertebrae; larger

The next five vertebrae, after the thoracic vertebrae, -----------, are overall ---- in size than the cervical and the thoracic vertebrae, as they bear more of the weight of the body.

thoracic vertebrae

The next twelve vertebrae after the cervical vertebrae are the -----.


The parietal bone and the occipital bone join together at a __

Nutrient foramen

The passageway in the compact bone for blood vessels and nerves to enter and supply resources to the bone.


The pectoral girdle includes the _____ . femur clavicle mandible None of the above

humerus, carpals, ulna

The radius articulates with the ____


The sacrum articulates with the ___ illium ischium ulna all the above

cranium and facial bones

The skull consists of the ----- and ---- bones.


The structural and functional unit of spongy bone is ----, a lattice-like network of cells.

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccyx regions

The vertebral column is divided into regions:

facial bones

The---- are small bones that form cavities for sensory organs. They also provide openings for the passage of air and the ingestion of food, hold the teeth in place, and ultimately form the shape of the face.


There are approximately --- bones of the appendicular skeleton, most of which are paired bones between the right and left sides of the body.


True or False The pectoral girdle is part of the upper appendicular skeleton.


True or False One important function of the skeletal system includes the storage of minerals and lipids for the body.


True or False The fibula is part of the axial skeleton.


True or False The axial skeleton is comprised of the skull, vertebrae, and pelvis.


True or False: A flat bone is defined as a bone in which the length is approximately equal to the width.


True or false: The trabecular structure of spongy bones allows bones to withstand forces from multiple directions.

The most well-known function of the skeleton is support of the body against gravity, but it has several other important functions as well: storage of minerals and lipids, blood cell production (hematopoiesis), protection of internal organs, and production of movement.

What are the functions of the skeleton?

Short bone

What bone shape is this? The length of the bone is approximately equal to the width. Example: carpal (wrist) bones

appositional growth; osteoblasts; external circumferential lamellae; osteoclasts

Widening of a bone is termed ------. This occurs within the periosteum (the external-most membrane of the bone), where ---- (cells that support bone growth) produce and deposit new bone matrix, called -------. The structure of lamellae resembles the growth rings of a tree: as the lamellae increase in number, the width of the bone increases. At the same time, ---- (cells that break down bone) within the medullary cavity are concurrently reabsorbing bone matrix and increasing the circumference of the medullary cavity. ----(first answer) is a normal part of bone growth, and occurs largely in response to both hormonal stimulation and mechanical stress.

all of the above

____ are openings in the bones through which nerves and blood vessels pass. Foramens Canals Fissures All of the above

all of the above

_____ are openings in the bones through which nerves and blood vessels pass. Foramens Canals Fissures All of the above

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