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Focal Nodular Hyperplasia

A benign liver mass composed of a combination of hepatocytes and fibrous tissue that typically contains a central scar

Exudate ascites

A collection of abdominal fluid within the peritoneal cavity that may be associated with cancer

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

A growth disorder syndrome synonymous with enlargement of several organs including the skull, tongue, and liver

Hepatic Candidiasis

A hepatic mass that results from the spread of fungus in the blood to the liver


A localized collection of blood

WBC count

A pt with cholecystitis most likely has an elevation in which of the following labs?

Fatty Liver

A reversible disease characterized by deposits of fat within the hepatocytes; also referred to as hepatic steatosis

Budd-Chiari Syndrome

A syndrome described as the occlusion of hepatic veins, with possible coexisting occlusion of the IVC


A tumor that consists of a group of inflammatory cells best describe:


A tumor that consists of focal collection of blood best describes:


A tumor that consists of tissue from all three germ cell layers


A tumor that is of similar echotexture to normal liver tissue is discovered in the liver of an asymptomatic pt. What is the echogenicity?

Comet tail artifact

A type of reverberation artifact caused by several small, highly reflective interfaces, such as gas bubbles, describes:

Tumor Marker

Abnormal levels of substances found in the blood of cancer patients; used to monitor the presence of cancer and the extent of disease


Abnormally high WBC count

Portal vein thrombosis, portal hypertensions and Splenomegaly

All of the following are sequela of Cirrhosis:

Porta Hepatis

Also referred to as the liver hilum

Amebic Hepatic Abscess

An abscess that develops from a parasite that grows in the colon and invades the liver via the portal vein.


An angiosarcoma would most likely be discovered in the:

Periportal cuffing

An increase of echogenicity of the walls of the portal triads?


Blood cell formation


Cancer of white blood cells

Reduction in AFP

Clinical finding of HCC

Jaundice, fever and chills

Clinical findings of hepatitis:


Decreased blood volume


Excessive or profuse bleeding

Paracolic gutters

Extend alongside the ascending and descending colon on both sides of the abdomen


Having an immune system incapable of responding normally and completely to a pathogen or disease


Hepatic veins have which blood pattern?

Ligamentum venosum and falciform ligament

Identifiable ligaments within the liver during a sono:


Inflammation of the bile ducts


Inflammation of the liver associated with excess fat


Lack of a normal number of red blood cells

Hepatopetal flow

Normal direction of flow into the liver

Low resistance wave form pattern, with a quick upstroke, and gradual deceleration with diastole

Normal flow within the hepatic artery should demonstrate a:

Sonographic findings of Hepatits

Normal liver, enlarged hypoechoic liver, periportal cuffing, gallbladder wall thickening

Budd-Chiari syndrome

Occlusion of hepatic veins and possibly the IVC


Of the list below, which is considered to be an intraperitoneal organ:


Repair by dense fibrous connective tissue (scar tissue)

IVC and hepatic veins

Right-sided heart failure often leads to enlargement of the:


Secretes hormones or juices through ducts


Secretion of hormones into the blood to control many different body functions

ligamentum venosum

Shortly after birth, the ductus venosus collapses and becomes the:

Ligamentum Venosum

Shortly after birth, the ductus venosus collapses and becomes what?

Multiple masses with hyperechoic central portions and hypoechoic borders - may be described as a "target" or "halo" or " bull's-eye" lesions. 1 cm or smaller, older lesions may calcify,

Sonographic appearance of Hepatic Candidiasis:

Between the portal vein and hepatic vein

The TIPS shunt is placed:


The childhood syndrome Beckwith-Weidemann is associated with an increased risk for developing:


The common tumor of the kidney that consists of blood vessels, muscles, and fat

Glisson Capsule

The covering of the liver is referred to:


The diameter of the portal vein should not exceed:


The gastrinoma would most likely be discovered in the:

Malignant tumor of pediatric liver

The hepatoblastoma is a:

Malignant tumor of the liver

The hepatoma is a:

Renal cell carcinoma

The hypernephroma may also be referred to as the:

Papillary process

The inferior extension of the caudate lobe is referred to as:

Benign pancreatic tumor

The insulinoma is a:

Hydatid cyst

The larval stage of the tapeworm Echinococcus that may be found in the lungs or liver of livestock and humans. Moves from bowel into MPV to enter the liver.

Middle Hepatic Vein

The left lobe of the liver can be separated from the right lobe by:

Ligamentum teres

The left umbilical vein after birth becomes the:

Medial and lateral segments of the left lobe

The ligamentum teres can be used to separate the:

Middle Hepatic Vein

The main lobar fissure contains the:


The malignant testicular tumor that consists of trophoblastic cells:


The malignant tumor associated with hepatocellular carcinoma


The most common benign vascular liver tumor of early childhood is infantile hepatic __________.

Adrenal gland

The neuroblastoma is a malignant pediatric mass commonly found in the:

Adrenal gland

The pheochromocytoma is a benign mass commonly located in the:


The ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the total volume of blood

Right Hepatic Vein

The right intersegmental fissure contains the:

Right Hepatic Vein

The right lobe of the liver is divided into segments by the:

Bile duct carcinoma

The term cholangiocarcinoma denotes:

Budd-Chiari syndrome

Thrombosis of hepatic veins


Transitional cell carcinoma is commonly found in all of the following locations except:


What form of hepatic abnormality are immunocompromised patients more prone to develop?

Tumor marker

What is a substance produced by a cancerous tumor or an organ or structure in response to cancer?

Posterior right subhepatic space

What is another name for Morrison pouch?

Portal Hypertension, Portal Vein thrombosis, Hepatocellular Carcinoma

When you suspect Cirrhosis, you should always look for signs of:

The left umbilical vein

Which branch connects directly to Left portal vein?

The right branch (Ductus Venosus)

Which branch shunts blood directly into the fetal IVC?

Hepatic adenoma

Which hepatic mass is closely associated with oral contraceptive use?


Which of the following are not considered retroperitoneal organs?


Which of the following has both endocrine and an exocrine function?

beta- HCG

Which of the following is a tumor marker that may be used in cases of suspected testicular malignancy?


Which of the following is an artifact that alters echogenicity of a tendon?


Which of the following is another name for Wilms Tumor?

Hydatid liver abscess

Which of the following is associated with E. granulosus?


Which of the following is caused by the bending of the ultrasound beam when it passes through dissimilar speeds of sound and the angle of the approach is not perpendicular?


Which of the following is not a pediatric malignant tumor?

A sterile field must never be left unmonitored. If a sterile field is left unattended, it is considered non-sterile

Which of the following is not a rule of surgical asepsis?

Thyroid gland

Which of the following is not a salivary gland?


Which of the following is not an endocrine organ?


Which of the following is not considered to be an intraperitoneal organ?

Metastatic liver disease

Which of the following is the most common form of liver cancer?

Lesser sac

Which of the following is the space located between the pancreas and the stomach?


Which of the following laboratory values would be most helpful in evaluating a pt who has suffered from recent trauma?

Hyperechoic mass with a hypoechoic halo

Which of the following masses would be most worrisome for malignancy?


Which of the following occurs when the Doppler sampling rate (PRF) is not high enough to display the Doppler Frequency Shift?

Yolk Sac tumor

Which of the following to be considered to be malignant testicular neoplasm?


Which three structures are located within the Porta Hepatis?


white blood cells

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