Administration of Justice test #1

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public order crimes

Behaviors that are illegal because they run counter to existing moral standards. Obscenity and prostitution are considered public order crimes.

There is a notoriously low percentage of suspect identification and arrests in regard to reported burglaries (around 13 percent). What is this low percentage attributed to?

The vast majority of burglaries occur in unoccupied dwellings and the suspect is long gone before the property's owner even notices anything is missing.

Regarding the consensus view of crime, who decides which behaviors are classified as crimes?

The vast majority of society sets the rules over what is right and what is wrong.

conflict view of crime

The view that criminal law is created and enforced by those who hold political and economic power and is a tool used by the ruling class to control dissatisfied have-not members of society.

interactionist view of crime

The view that criminal law reflects the preferences and opinions of people who hold social power in the society and use their influence to impose their own values and moral code on the rest of the population.

consensus view of crime

The view that the great majority of citizens agree that certain behaviors must be outlawed or controlled, and that criminal law is designed to protect citizens from social harm.

racial threat hypothesis

The view that young minority males are subject to greater police control—for example, formal arrest—when their numbers increase within the population.

What are some of the contributing factors listed for reasons why some females are more likely to commit crimes than other, nonoffending females?

They are alienated at home.

The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) updated the UCR by adding 11 additional crimes to the Part I and Part II FBI reporting requirements. Which of the following are additional crimes that need to be reported to the FBI under the NIBRS requirements? Select all that apply.

Bribery Blackmail

What standards do proponents of the interactionist view of crime consider when controlling behavior and determining if an action should be against the law? Select all that apply.

immoral wrong

Which of the following are true statements regarding the Uniform Crime Reports (UCRs)? Select all that apply.

Agencies across the country are transitioning from the UCR to NIBRS.It is published by the FBI.Its major unit of analysis involves Part I crimes.

NIBRS (National Incident-Based Reporting System)

A form of crime data collection created by the FBI requiring local police agencies to provide at least a brief account of each incident and arrest within 22 crime patterns, including the incident, victim, and offender information.

Hate crimes are violent acts directed toward a particular person or toward the members of a group. Which items listed below are examples of hate crimes? Select all that apply.

A neighbor is unhappy that a group home for mental health opened next to their house. They were overheard saying that they would "torch that bunch of looneys." A week later the group home caught fire. The neighbor ended up confessing to the arson.A man with a gun enters a mall and shoots four women. Thankfully, none of the women sustained major injuries. An investigation revealed that the man posted a message on Facebook citing how upset he was over constant rejection from women.

self-report survey

A research approach that questions large groups of subjects, such as high school students, about their own participation in delinquent or criminal acts.

truth-in-sentencing laws

A sentencing scheme requiring that offenders serve at least 85 percent of their original sentence before being eligible for parole or other forms of early release.

What is an example of a situational inducement to commit crime?

A shopper notices an item on the shelf that they would like to have, but not pay for. The shopper slides the item into their purse prior to leaving the store.


A violation of social rules of conduct, interpreted and expressed by a written criminal code, created by people holding social and political power. Its content may be influenced by prevailing public sentiments, historically developed moral beliefs, and the need to protect public safety.

part II crimes

All other crimes reported to the FBI; these are less serious crimes and misdemeanors, excluding traffic violations.

liberal femenist theory

An ideology holding that women suffer oppression, discrimination, and disadvantage as a result of their sex and calling for gender equality in pay, opportunity, child care, and education.

Which of the following is an example of burglary?

An offender enters a home and removes a brand new flat-screen television while the homeowners are asleep upstairs.


An offense is cleared by arrest or solved when at least one person is arrested or charged with the commission of the offense and is turned over to the court for prosecution.

Chronic Offender

As defined by Marvin Wolfgang, Robert Figlio, and Thorsten Sellin, delinquents arrested five or more times before the age of 18, who commit a disproportionate amount of all criminal offenses.

What has the study of immigration's effect on crime revealed?

As the number of immigrants in the population increases, the crime rate may actually decline.

Which behaviors become crimes, according to the consensus view of crime?

Behaviors that are essentially harmful to a majority of citizens in the society

corporate crime

Crime committed by a corporation, or by individuals who control the corporation or other business entity, for such purposes as illegally increasing market share, avoiding taxes, or thwarting competition.

hate crimes (bias crimes)

Criminal acts directed toward a particular person or members of a group because they share a discernible racial, ethnic, religious, or gender characteristic.

Compared to 20 years ago, how have violent crime rates changed?

Dropped significantly

...are now among the leading causes of injury deaths in the United States.

Drug Overdoses

What is the purpose of organized crime?

Economic gain through illegal enterprise

Psychologists note significant cognitive differences between boys and girls that may affect their antisocial behaviors. What is one recognized difference?

Girls acquire language faster.

Gender differences in the crime rate have been explained by which of the following statements? Select all that apply.

Hormonal differences make males more aggressive.-Boys are granted greater personal freedom.

Which of the listed statements below are questions typically asked on self-report surveys? Select all that apply.

How many times in the past year did you hurt someone so badly that they needed medical care?-How many times in the past year did you use marijuana?-

The number of actual offenses reported to the FBI for the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) can sometimes be reduced. Why would certain offenses be removed?

If the criminal complaints are determined to be unfounded or false

The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) provides a detailed picture of crime incidents, victims, and trends. What information does the NCVS collect and provide about victims of crime? Select all that apply.

Income martial status

People who are unable to obtain desired goods and services through conventional means may resort to theft and other illegal activities—such as selling narcotics—to obtain them. These activities are referred to as...

Instrumental crimes

Because chronic offenders rarely learn from their mistakes, incapacitation rather than rehabilitation is the goal. Which of the policies below is encouraged by the chronic offender concept?

Mandatory sentences for violent or drug-related crimes

...phenomenon relates to the fact that researchers can never be sure whether the few who refuse to participate in a self-report survey constitute a significant portion of the cohort's population or persistent high-rate offenders. Consequently, self-reports may measure only nonserious, occasional delinquents, while ignoring hard-core chronic offenders.

Missing cases

Which statement below is true regarding chronic offenders?

Most offenders commit a single criminal act and, upon arrest, discontinue their antisocial activity.

What is the name of the program started in 1982 that provides more comprehensive and detailed crime statistics than the Uniform Crime Reports?

National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)

The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) are separated into two categories of crime known as...

Part 1 & 2

Who do Americans face the greatest physical danger from?

People who they are in close intimate contact with

moral entrepreneurs

People who wage campaigns to control behaviors they view as immoral or wrong.

What methods does the UCR use to express crime data? Select all that apply.

Per 100,000 peopleRaw dataChanges in the rate of crime over time

career criminal

Persistent repeat offenders who organize their lifestyle around criminality.

Which one of the services below do organized crime criminal cartels NOT provide as demanded by the general public?

Prescription medications

Property crimes fall into two broad categories: theft offenses and

Property damage

What is known as "the world's oldest profession"?


... states that as the percentage of underrepresented groups in the population increases, so does the amount of social control that police direct at underrepresented group members.

Racial threat hypnosis

Which of the following can be the basis for a hate crime? Select all that apply.

Religious preference-Gender-Racial-Ethnicity-

Which theory below refers to the thought that criminal law is created and enforced by those who hold political and economic power?

The conflict view of crime

Three Strikes Law

Sentencing codes that require that an offender receive a life sentence after conviction for a third felony. Some states allow parole after a lengthy prison stay—for example, 25 years.

By what approximate margin do property crimes outnumber violent crimes?

Seven to one

Although the conflict, consensus, and interactionist views of crime differ, they generally agree on which of the following? Select all that apply.

Social forces mold the definition of crimes.Criminal law has a social control function.Criminal law defines crime.

What is a reason for the almost 15 percent increase in the number of gangs over the past decade?

The emergence of gangs in rural and suburban areas

Which of the killers listed below are classified as multiple murderers? Select all that apply.

Spree killers-Organized killers-Serial killers-Mass murderers-

There are some possible relationships between substance abuse and criminal activity. Which of the following statements are true regarding these relationships? Select all that apply.

Substance abusers turn to a life of crime to support their habits—that is, drug abuse causes crime.-Chronic criminal offenders begin to abuse drugs and alcohol after they have engaged in crime—that is, crime causes drug abuse.-

What are the elements of the crime of larceny? Select all that apply.

TakingCarrying awayPersonal property

Which of the following listed factors may shape the future direction of the crime rate? Select all that apply.

Technological change-The economy-Social factors-

Although population trends are important, which other factors may shape the direction of the crime rate? Select all that apply.

Technological changeSocial factors

Which of the following is a theory that explains why kids are more involved in crime than adults?

Teenagers are becoming independent from parents.

Early onset

The beginning of antisocial behavior during early adolescence, after which criminal behavior is more likely to persist throughout the life span.

What did the Monitoring the Future (MTF) study discover from the self-reporting data?

The number of people who break the law is far greater than the number projected by official statistics.

UCR (Uniform Crime Report)

The official crime data collected by the FBI from local police departments.

NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey)

The ongoing victimization study conducted jointly by the Justice Department and the U.S. Census Bureau that surveys victims about their experiences with law violation.

According to the conflict view of crime, who creates and enforces criminal law?

The ruling class

In which part of the year do most crimes occur?

The summer months of July and August-

According to the latest NCVS survey, U.S. residents age 12 or older experienced property crime victimization at what rate as compared to violent crime victimization?

They experienced property crime victimization at a rate of over 2:1 compared to violent crime victimization.

Part I crime

Those crimes used by the FBI to gauge fluctuations in the overall volume and rate of crime. The offenses included are the violent crimes of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault and the property crimes of burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson.

What is crime data routinely used for?

To measure the nature and extent of crime

mass murder

Type of multiple killer who kills many victims in a single violent outburst.

serial killer

Type of multiple killer who kills over a long period of time but typically assumes a "normal" identity between murders.

spree killer

Type of multiple killer who spreads the murderous outburst over a few days or weeks.

What do some critics say explains the race-based differences in the crime rates?

Unequal treatment by the justice system

White-collar crimes can account for hundreds of billions of dollars. Beyond the monetary loss, white-collar crimes often damage property and kill people. What is the reasoning behind the damage and death?

Violations of safety standards, pollution of the environment, and industrial accidents due to negligence

expressive violence

Violent behavior motivated by rage, anger, or frustration.

instrumental violence

Violent behavior that results from criminal activity designed to improve the financial status of the culprit, such as shooting someone during a bank robbery.

Which of the ways listed below are how crimes are cleared? Select all that apply.

When someone is arrested When an element beyond police control precludes the physical arrest of an offender

white collar crime

White-collar crimes involve the violation of rules that control business enterprise. They include employee pilferage, bribery, commodities law violations, mail fraud, computer fraud, environmental law violations, embezzlement, Internet scams, extortion, forgery, insurance fraud, price fixing, and environmental pollution.

a)...violence are acts that can vent rage, whereas acts that can improve the social position of the criminal are violence that is considered...b)


Since gang-related killings have become so commonplace, there is a new term that is now recognized as a separate and unique category of criminal behavior. What is the new term?

gang homicide

How often are law enforcement agencies required to report the number of Part I crimes known to them?


According to official statistics, even though the number of arrests has been in decline, the peak age for arrest is:


What is the term for the gap between fear of crime and the reality of one's victimization potential?

victimization Paradox

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