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Unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to national security. Clearance expires & must be updated every 10 & 15 years. Examples for Seabees (Confirmation Briefs)

Top Secret (TS

Unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to national security. Clearance expires & must be updated every 5 years. Examples for Seabees (When performing maintenance on TS facilities or when involved in TS missions

Secret (S)

Unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to national security. Clearance expires & must be updated every 10 & 15 years. Examples for Seabees (Communications Equipment. COC access, Readiness reports)

Marine Advisor

A Marine Corps gunnery sergeant, usually possessing an infantry MOS, is assigned as an advisor the Commanding Officer and advises the CO on all matters relating to combat operations.


ACB's primary mission is to provide Ship to Shore transport of fuel, Amphibious Ready Group, Marine Expeditionary Force, Brigade sized operations, and Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) Operations. The also Support amphibious contingency engineering and construction operations, known as joint logistics over-the-shore (JLOTS) operations. ACB 1 - Coronado, CA. ACB 2 - Little Creek, VA.

Fragmentary Order (FRAGO)

Abbreviated form of OPORD (verbal, written or digital) usually issued on day-to-day basis that eliminates need to re-issue info in basic OPORD May be issued in sections Issued after OPORD to change or modify that order


An element of command that assists, protects, or supplies other forces in combat

Operation Plan (OPLAN

Any plan for conduct of military operations. Identifies forces & supplies required to execute a COCOM's strategic concept and a movement schedule of resources to theater of operations

Joint Clearance & Access Verification System (JCAVS

Application that supports command security personnel providing capabilities such as communications links with CAFs, e-QIP links to submit investigation requests & records keeping capabilities. Provides data of PSI history, status of current adjudicative actions, security clearance eligibility & access determinations to assist in local command program management.

Direct Liaison Authorized (DIRLAUTH)

Authority granted by a commander to subordinate to directly consult with a command within or outside granting command Is a coordination relationship, not an authority through which command may be exercised

Operational Control (OPCON)

Authority that may be exercised by commanders at any level at or below combatant command May be delegated within command Authority to perform those functions over subordinate commands as necessary to accomplish the mission Includes authoritative direction Should be exercised through commanders of subordinate units Does NOT include authoritative direction for logistics, admin, discipline, internal organization or unit training


CSEs are provided in support of deliberately planned combat operations to move personnel, equipment and/or cargo in a secure manner to or from a specific destination under the control of a single commander in a permissive, uncertain or hostile environment. Each CSE must be able to perform its mission under combat conditions, operating during daylight or nighttime and in the full range of projected operational environments

Operation Order (OPORD)

Directive issued by a commander to subordinate commanders for purpose of effecting a coordinated execution of an operation. (Patrol Order, Convoy Movement Order, etc.)

Commanding Officer

Directly responsible for timely preparedness & successful completion of construction projects & disaster recovery ops assigned by higher


Generates video and still documentation of combat operations, contingencies, exercises and Navy events of historical significance. COMCAM is a visual information acquisition unit, dedicated to surface providing rapid response aerial, surface and subsurface visual documentation of wartime operations.

Supported Commander

Has primary responsibility for all aspects of a task Refers to commander who prepares operation plans or operations orders Commander who receives assistance from another commander


In case the COC is destroyed, an alternate COC is established. All the consideration for a COC is duplicated in the alternate COC. Location of the alternate COC is away from the main COC and security is similar to the main COC. In the event the main COC is destroyed, operations are expediently assumed in the alternate COC.

Rifleman Number 2

Is generally a construction man or an apprentice, serves as a rifleman and protects the flank of the fire team

Rifleman Number 1

Is generally a constructionman, carries extra ammunition for the automatic rifleman. The automatic rifle must be kept in action at all times; if the automatic rifleman becomes a casualty, rifleman number 1 moves up and replaces the automatic rifleman.


Is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the automotive, construction and materials-handling equipment assigned to the battalion.


Is responsible for water, sanitary sewer, and power distribution systems, fuel systems, and communications projects. Bravo company serves as a mini public works department providing for maintenance and operation of the unit's camp.


Is the administrative and military organization for all enlisted personnel assigned to the NMCB's executive and special staffs. The Headquarters Company provides support to the line companies in construction and disaster recovery operations.


MCAST Command provides effective, flexible, and responsive teams of U.S. Navy Sailors to Joint Task Force Commanders to establish and enhance relations between military forces, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and the civilian populace. We have two missions: Maritime Civil Affairs (MCA) and Security Force Assistance (SFA). Both Missions focus on Defense, Diplomacy and Development with partner nations


Maintain, repair, and test electronic equipment including information systems and communications in the S6 Dept


Maintains discipline as Command Master at Arms Perform Command investigations Oversee the Commands Drug Testing Program Manage the Battalions Watchbill and Quarterdeck Oversee the Battalions restriction program.

(S2) Intelligence

Maintains library of contingency plans & maps Has supporting plans for combat support and disaster recovery Operates the armory


Manage inventories of repair parts and general supplies that support the Battalion. They procure, receive, store and issue material and repair components. They utilize financial accounting and database systems to perform inventory and financial management functions. Manage the Battalion's mail


Once an individual's access is suspended, DON CAF will remove eligibility and the command CANNOT reinstate access until DON CAF adjudicates the issues and makes a favorable eligibility determination. The individual concerned must be notified of the determination in writing within 10 days by the commanding officer or designee, to include a brief statement of the reason(s) for the suspension action consistent with the interests of national security.


Operate and manage Navy messes and living quarters established to subsist and accommodate Navy personnel. They prepare menus, manage and account for subsistence inventories, prepare and maintain financial records.


Operates and maintains the Navy's global satellite telecommunications systems, mainframe computers, local and wide area networks, and micro-computer systems used in the battalion.


Perform administrative and clerical work. Responsible for Official Mail, publishing Commanding Officer's correspondence, directives, policies, and manage the command's personnel security program


Perform duties as assistants in the prevention and treatment of disease and injury and assist health care professionals in providing medical care to personnel They also serve as battlefield corpsmen with the Marine Corps, rendering emergency medical treatment to include initial treatment in a combat environment.


Senior Enlisted assistant to CO Direct channel for communications between enlisted & Officers on problems or questions that cannot be resolved through normal channels.

(S1) Administrative

Senior assistant to XO for admin Reports, directives, legal, enlisted service records & personnel accounting

Company Commander

The Company Commander is usually a lieutenant in the CEC who is responsible for all aspects of their Company. They are responsible for commanding their Company by following the policies of the Commanding Officer.

Administrative Control (ADCON

Direction or exercise of authority over subordinate commands in respect to admin & support


Coastal Riverine Force (CRF) operates in harbors, rivers, bays, across the littorals and ashore. The primary mission of CRF is to conduct maritime security operations across all phases of military operations by defending high value assets, critical maritime infrastructure, ports and harbors both inland and on coastal waterways against enemies and when commanded conduct offensive combat operations.

Coordinating Authority

Commander or individual assigned responsibility for coordinating specific functions involving 2 or more military departments. Has authority to require consultation between agencies involved but cannot compel agreement. If agreement cannot be attained, it shall be referred to appointing authority. Is a consultation relationship.

Supporting Commander

Commander who provides augmentation forces to a supported commander Or who develops a supporting plan

Command Staff

Commanding Officer (CO) Executive Officer (XO) Command Master Chief (CMDCM) Safety Officer Marine Advisor Command Ombudsman

Grant Access

Commanding Officers may grant access to classified information to any individual who has an official need-to-know, established security clearance eligibility, and about whom there is no known un-adjudicated disqualifying information.

Type Commander (TYCOM) (NECC

Controls a ship (or command) during primary & intermediate training cycles then moves it OPCON to fleet commander)

Executive & Special Staff

Department Heads, Company Commanders and special assistants known as S codes and X codes.

Executive Officer

Direct representative of, & principal assistant to CO Executes policies & instructions of CO In execution of his / her duty, take precedence over all other persons under command of CO


Established as a representative of the NECC, Commander, respectively to exercise command and administrative control over assigned NCF units. NCG1-Port Hueneme, CA. NCG2-Gulfport, MS.


Expeditionary Combat Readiness coordinates and oversees all administrative processing, equipping, training, deployment and re-deployment of Sailors assigned as Individual Augmentees, In-Lieu of forces and to Provisional Units committed to Joint and Maritime Operations. ECRC coordinates with the Army to ensure they get the proper stateside training. Training includes instruction in individual combat skills and specialized mission areas to help IAs succeed in their mission and keep them as safe as possible while deployed.


Expeditionary Intelligence delivers flexible, capable and ready maritime expeditionary intelligence forces that respond rapidly to evolving irregular warfare area intelligence requirements. Intelligence teams supply expeditionary warfighters with timely relevant intelligence to deny the enemy sanctuary, freedom of movement and use of waterborne lines of communication while supported forces find, fix and destroy the enemy and enemy assets within the operational environment.


Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) conducts counter - IED operations, renders safe explosive hazards and disarms underwater explosives such as mines. EOD specialists can handle chemical, biological and radiological threats and are the only military EOD force that can both parachute from the air to reach distant targets or dive under the sea to disarm weapons. EOD's Mobile Diving and Salvage Units clear harbors of navigation hazards, engage in underwater search and recovery operations, and perform limited underwater repairs on ships.


Mission is to provide public works support at Naval Support Activities, Forward Operating Bases and Fleet Hospital/Expeditionary Medical Facilities during wartime or contingency operations. CBMU also provides disaster recovery support to Naval Regional Commanders in CONUS. There are 2 CBMU's that each have detachments in various CONUS locations. CBMU 202 - Virginia Beach, VA. CBMU 303 - San Diego, CA


NMCB advance element to repair war damage and construct urgent projects as required by major operational plans or as tasked by a MAGTF commander. 89 personnel, 35-45 units of CESE, but usually task organized Ready to fly in 48 hours from receipt of a warning order


Naval Construction (Seabees) provide a wide range of construction in support of operating forces, including roads, bridges, bunkers, airfields and logistics bases; provides responsive support disaster recovery operations; performs civic action projects to improve relations with other nations; and provides anti-terrorism and force protection for personnel and construction projects.


Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC) serves as the single functional command for the Navy's expeditionary forces and as central management for the readiness, resources, manning, training and equipping of those forces. Expeditionary forces are organized to accomplish specific objectives in other countries.

Security Clearance Eligibility

ONLY U.S. citizens are eligible for security clearance. Security clearance eligibility for access to classified information will be based on a PSI prescribed for the level of classification. For security clearance eligibility purposes, a U.S. citizen is a person born in one of the 50 United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Panama Canal Zone (if the father or mother (or both) is or was a citizen of the U.S.).

Warning Order (WARNO)

Preliminary notice of an order or action to follow Planning directive that describes situation, allocation of forces and resources, establishes command relationships, provides other initial planning guidance & initiates subordinate unit mission planning


President SECDEF Chairman Joint Chief Staff Combatant Commanders (PACOM) COMPACFLT NECC PAC NCR (30th) NMCB


President SECDEF SECNAV CNO Commander Fleet Forces NECC NCG NMCB

(S4) Supply

Procures, receives, stores, issues, ships, transfer and accounts for supply items, equipage, repair parts and construction materials


Provide a capability for construction, inspection, repair, and maintenance of ocean facilities in support of Naval and Marine Corps operations, to include repair of battle damage, in the EUCOM, CENTCOM, AFRICOM, and SOUTHCOM Areas of Responsibility; maintain capability to support a Fleet Marine Force (FMF) amphibious assault, subsequent combat service support ashore, and self-defense for the camp and facilities under construction; and in time of emergency or disaster control and recovery operations.


Provide enlisted people with information and counseling related to Navy occupations, opportunities for general education and job training, requirements for promotion, and rights and benefits.


Provide general engineering, disaster relief and humanitarian assistance, and civil support to Navy, Marine Corps, and joint operations forces through planned deployments and crisis response. There are 6 active duty NMCB's and 7 Reserve NMCB's NMCB 1 - Gulfport, MS. - NMCB 14 - Jacksonville, FL. NMCB 3 - Port Hueneme, CA. - NMCB 17 - Fort Carson, CO. NMCB 4 - Port Hueneme, CA. - NMCB 18 - Fort Lewis, WA. NMCB 5 - Port Hueneme, CA. - NMCB 22- Fort Worth, TX. NMCB 11 - Gulfport, MS. - NMCB 25 - Fort McCoy, WI. NMCB 133 - Gulfport, MS. - NMCB 26 - Mount Clemens, MI. - NMCB 27 - Chicopee, MA


Provide support to the Navy Chaplain in developing programs to meet the needs of the Battalion. RPs perform functions that do not require ordination and do not perform pastoral counseling.


Provides the command with force protection / antiterrorism specialists who assist in maintaining good order and discipline, law enforcement, and physical security duties. They enforce appropriate orders and regulations, make apprehensions, conduct investigations / interrogations and prepare required records and reports.


Public Affairs specialists. They gather news about people, places and activities in the Navy, and issues that affect their military communities, then broadcast this information to military and civilian communities through radio, television, military publications, Internet sites and hometown newspapers. Serve as the Navy's professional photographers. They operate different kinds of still and video equipment on a variety of assignments. May cover news events, ceremonies, accident investigations and provide photography for release to Navy and civilian publications or for use in Navy historical documents.


Relays engineer requirements to and acquire services from NECC, 1NCG, and NAVFAC Helps identify the amount and type of NCF necessary to provide the capabilities required by a joint force commander's (JFC) campaign plan

(S7) Training

Responsible for scheduling & monitoring technical & military training in battalion Prepares homeport training plan

(S6) Communications

Responsible for tactical communication training, equipment & procedures Responsible for installation, training & maintenance of all ADP equipment


Responsible for the operation and maintenance of gun mounts and other ordnance equipment, as well as small arms and magazines

(S3) Operations

Responsible to CO to manage construction & disaster preparedness programs Granted direct supervisory authority over utilization of battalion's construction resources

Direct Support

Seabee element provides direct construction / engineering support to one unit. Is required to respond to supported unit's construction / engineering requirements Example: A NMCB is assigned to directly support 1MEF. 1MEF assigns the work and priorities for the Battalion.

Mutual Support

Seabee element receives a mutual support mission when their capabilities allow them to coordinate their activities. Are tasked by NCE Ops Officer. Example - execution of combat engineering tasks such as construction of bridge at Diyala gap crossing in Iraq. Both Seabees and USMC supported this mission.

General Support

Seabee element that provides general construction / engineering support to the component element, not to a particular subordinate unit. Example: A NMCB is assigned to support a Forward Operating Base. Work is solicited and prioritized by the Battalion OPS Officer for tasking.


Serves as the Command and Control element for subordinate construction units OPERATIONALY while they are deployed. The NCR's are a subordinate command of the NCG's. There are 2 Active NCR's 22nd NCR Gulfport, MS. 30th NCR Port Hueneme, CA. There are 3 Reserve NCR's 1st NCR Port Hueneme, CA. 7th NCR Newport, RI. 9th NCR Fort Worth, TX.


Serves as the single functional command to centrally manage current and future readiness, resources, manning, training and equipping of the United States Navy's 40,000 expeditionary forces who are currently serving in every theater of operation. The NECC is a subordinate command of the Navy's Fleet Forces Command. Serves as the higher headquarters for NCG for all Administrative Control aspects of subordinate units. NECC is located in Norfolk, VA.


Skilled machine tool operators. They make replacement parts and operate the machine shop in Alfa Company


The COC is used to monitor and record the tactical and non-tactical operations of the battalion continually. The following watch stations are manned on a 24-hour basis: COC Watch Officer Watch Chief (PERSTAT) - (S1 Board) Intelligence Watch Officer (Enemy)(CBR) - (S2 Board) Operations Board (Friendly)(Projects - (S3 Board) UMCC Communicators Messengers/Security


The Navy Expeditionary Logistics Support Group (NAVELSG) delivers worldwide expeditionary logistics with active and reserve personnel to conduct port and air cargo handling missions, customs inspections, contingency contracting capabilities, fuels distribution, freight terminal and warehouse operations, postal services and ordnance reporting and handling. NAVELSG responds to humanitarian relief efforts and builds allies through humanitarian efforts among host nations.

Platoon Commander

The Platoon Commander is generally an Ensign or Lieutenant Junior Grade. Normally, they are the project supervisor. They are responsible for the training, discipline, control, and tactical deployment of their platoon. The rifle platoon commander carries out the orders of the company commander and controls their platoon through squad leaders


The Underwater Construction Team provides a capability for construction, inspection, repair, and maintenance of ocean facilities in support of Naval and Marine Corps operations, to include repair of battle damage. Maintain capability to support a Fleet Marine Force (FMF) amphibious assault, subsequent combat service support ashore, and self-defense for their camp and facilities under construction. In time of emergency or disaster, conduct disaster control and recovery operations There are 2 Underwater Construction Teams UCT 1 - Little Creek, VA. UCT 2 - Port Hueneme, CA.

Close Support

The action of the supporting force against targets or objectives that are sufficiently near the supported force as to require detailed integration or coordination of the supporting action with the fire, movement, or other actions of the supported force. Example: A Seabee unit is tasked to be imbedded with a combat unit and constructs as necessary to support the mission.

Automatic Rifleman

The automatic rifleman, generally a third class petty officer, provides heavy firepower and is the backbone of the fire team. They are responsible to the fire team leader for the effective employment of the automatic rifle as well as its condition and care

(X1) Chaplain

The battalion chaplain is a Navy chaplain corps lieutenant who serves as a principal assistant in promoting the religious programs of the unit.

(X2) Dental Officer

The battalion dental officer is a Navy dental staff corps lieutenant who serves as a principal assistant in promoting the dental readiness program of the unit. The dental section provides general dentistry services to the battalion and assists the medical section in treating combat casualties.

(X3) Legal Officer

The battalion legal officer is a Navy legalman PO1 who serves as a principal assistant to the Legal Officer.

(X4) Medical Officer

The battalion medical officer is a Navy medical staff corps lieutenant who serves as a principal assistant. The medical section provides routine sick call; administers immunizations; conducts preventive medicine programs, such as the hearing conservation program, asbestos surveillance program, radiation health program, and tuberculosis-screening program; and runs the battalion aid station (BAS) during contingency operations

Safety Officer

The battalion safety officer is a Navy CPO and usually of a Seabee (OF-7) rating. The Safety Officer works directly for the Commanding Officer and advises him / her on all matters relating to safety.

Command Ombudsman

The battalion's ombudsman is a volunteer who assists the CO and advises on matters relating to families of service members.


The company command post (CP) is the central point from which company operations are directed. The CP is established to provide the company commander centralized command and control facilities for the platoons assigned to the company


The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. Command and control functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in the accomplishment of the mission. Also called (C2).

Fire Team Leader

The fire team leader, generally a second class petty officer, carries out the orders of the squad leader and is responsible to them for the effective employment of the fire team. Their primary responsibility is to control the fire team in combat. In addition, they are responsible for the care and condition of the weapons and equipment of the fire team.


The grenadier, generally a third class petty officer, carries out the orders of the squad leader and is responsible to them for the effective care, maintenance, and employment of their weapon—the M203 grenade launcher. In combat, the grenadier always moves with (or is close to) the squad leader.

Platoon Chief

The platoon chief is generally a chief petty officer. Normally, they are the project supervisor. They are responsible for assisting the Platoon chief in the training, discipline, control, and tactical deployment of the platoon. The assistant rifle platoon commander carries out the orders of the company commander and controls their platoon through squad leaders..

Company Chief

The senior enlisted Sailor assigned to the company, usually a senior chief petty officer or a master chief petty officer. The rifle company chief is the primary administrative assistant and technical advisor to the company commander. The rifle company chief is directly responsible to the company commander for the administration and efficient operation of the company and for the discipline, training, and the performance of the Sailor assigned to the company.

Squad Leader

The squad leader is generally a first class petty officer. They carry out the orders of the platoon commander and are responsible to them for the discipline, appearance, training, control, and conduct of their squad at all times.


This rating requires a thorough knowledge of the Navy organization, including personnel and administrative procedures and policies. Navy counselors offer career guidance to personnel


To exercise command and control of Naval Construction Force (NCF) assigned units and to oversee the operational employment and logistics support of deployed NCF units in the Combatant Commanders areas of operation.


Train, certify and provide combat-ready Navy forces to Combatant Commanders that are capable of conducting prompt, sustained naval, joint, and combined operations in support of U.S. national interests. Command and control subordinate Navy forces and shore activities during the planning and execution of assigned service functions in support of CNO. Serves as the higher headquarters for NECC for all Administrative Control aspects of subordinate units


Trained paralegals who assist professionals in the field of law. They work in Navy legal offices under the direction of judge advocates (JAG), doing administrative and clerical tasks, investigating claims, preparing subpoenas, scheduling courtrooms and notifying people involved.

Combatant Commander (COCOM) (PACOM)

Unified or specifies command under single commander designated by President Typically has geographic or functional capabilities Non-transferable command authority exercised only by commanders of unified or specified commands Authority to perform those functions of command necessary to complete mission

Adjust access

When the level of access required for an individual's official duties changes, the command will adjust the authorized access accordingly, provided the new requirement does not exceed the level allowed by the established eligibility


is not part of the operating forces. Managing contract construction funded from the military construction appropriation for all services in the DOD-designated NAVFAC geographic areas. Providing construction and contingency contracting capability for planning, designing, and executing construction in-theater Providing technical support across a broad spectrum of engineering and scientific disciplines during contingency and crisis action planning Provides: Capital improvements Environmental Asset management Public Works Expeditionary programs Contingency engineering

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