AG with details - part-2

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one that achieves unexpected success; something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very valuable A ~ is something that succeeds when no one thought it would. That low-tech movie about shark attacks that you shot on vacation and edited in your basement? It could be a ~ if you market it in the right way. Mnemonic: ~ means something which was sleeping for a long time and now it has got up or got recognition


অছি; উইল তৈরী করা; maker of a will; >>> When you make your last will and testament, you are the ~, and if the will is written and witnessed according to the law of the land, your estate will be divided in the way you, the ~, requested. >>> Mnemonic: ~ (or) testate: here from testate take estate and tor from tor represents a person so person having estates definetly makes a will so that estate will go to his heirs


অত্যল্প; meager; insufficient >>> We refer to an amount or thing that is not quite enough as ~, or lacking. It's an adjective used to describe something that doesn't offer enough, as in "farmers having a ~ crop in a drought year." >>> Mnemonic: S-CAN'T-Y = CAN'T be Sufficient


অন্তিম; final; not susceptible to further analysis; fundamental; Ex. The sun is the ~ source of energy. >>> The last in a series can be described as the ~. A cheeky kid, when asked what she wants to be when she grows up, might say, "I want to be an actress, a singer, and a veterinarian, but my ~ goal is to be President of the United States." >>> Mnemonic: ~ (final) and pen~ (one and only).


অন্ধকার; dark and gloomy; thick with fog; vague; Ex. ~ night/fog >>> Something that's ~ is dim, gloomy or hard to see through clearly. Think of the dark fog around a haunted house or the cloudy, muddy water in a swamp. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;Telgu);in telugu "murki" means dirty,so dirty is obviously dark


অস্থায়ী; tentative; temporary >>> Something ~ is temporary, in the sense that it's only valid for a while. You'll often hear ~ used to describe things such as governments, elections, contracts, and agreements, all of which can change into something permanent. Mnemonic: ~ certificate is issued by university before the actual degree certificate as a TENTATIVE ONE FOR THE ORIGINAL


কম্পন; tremble; shake; N. >>> Scaredy cats around the globe know that ~ing is a trembling, shaking motion. A cold gust of wind might make you ~, as would an icy glare from the abominable snowman. Mnemonic: ~..... sounds like shiver.... when we have fever we shiver/ ~..... tremble/ shake.


আধিক্য; excess; overabundance; Ex. a ~ of excuses >>> ~ means an abundance or excess of something. If you have 15 different people who want to take you on a date, you have a ~ of romantic possibilities. >>> Mnemonic: like if you go home after many days, your mother will insist that you eat more. What she will say is "Pe Le + Thoda Aur Le" ultimately, aisai lene se, it will become an excess at the end. You will be full :)


আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে স্বীকৃতি দেওয়া; approve formally; confirm; verify >>> To ~ a treaty or contract is to officially approve it by signing or voting for it. You and your brothers and sisters might devise a plan for a family vacation to Disney World, but it would need to be ratified by your parents. Mnemonic: (Tag:;hihihihi huhuhuhu);if you rectify the error in the report it might get ratified(approved) by the professor.


আর্তনাদ; great sorrow; deep inconsolable grief; affliction; suffering; Ex. financial ~s >>> "O, ~ is me!" This line is from Shakespeare. When Hamlet scorns Ophelia, she utters these words to express the grief and despair that will soon drive her to suicide. >>> Mnemonic: when ur mourning u sing "woh lamhe"


কর্মের ভারার্পণ করা / নিযুক্ত করা; decree or command; grant holy orders; predestine; install as a minister, priest, or rabbi ইহুদি শিক্ষক; N. ~ment; CF. ordination >>> An ~ed minister is one who's been appointed to the job by a special church authority. If you've ever had to sit through a lecture about the evils of too much TV, you know that a person doesn't need to be ~ed in order to preach ধর্মপ্রচার. >>>Mnemonic: ORD + A + IN = ORDer A person to come IN


কষ্টদায়ক; burdensome >>> If one teacher gives you three hours of homework a night, that's rough. But if all of your teachers do it, that makes the task of completing your homework an ~ one, to say the least. If something is ~, it is very difficult to deal with or do. >>>Mnemonic: it sounds like on+er+us..that is ONUS.. when something is ON US ..we feel burdensome


কুকুরছানা; young animal (esp. of the dog or cat family); young wolf, dog, tiger, etc. >>> It doesn't sound as cute as "puppy," but ~ means the same thing: a baby dog or wolf. This can also be a verb, as in "The mama poodle ~ed six ~s." >>> Mnemonic: its w+ help = as hutch dog is for help . ~ is a young dog


গম্বুজ - সংবলিত; circular building or hall covered with a dome >>> When making the plans for your new house, consider adding a ~, or a round room. It will give the house a grand appearance and also allow you to walk in circles as much as you please. Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);~, unda in hindi means egg, which is round.


নাছোড়বান্দা; holding tenaciously to an action; stubborn; persistent >>> If you won't take no for an answer, you're ~. The same holds true if you stubbornly push on a door despite a sign that says "pull." ~ means unyielding or perversely persistent. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:; );~ = pre(before) + teenage : The age before teenage is where a person shows a childish behaviour and is very stubborn in a negative sense.


জঘন্য; offensive; disagreeable; Ex. ~ smell >>> If something is ~, it's annoying and unpleasant. Generally, people like to avoid ~ folks. >>>Mnemonic: all নষ্ট and Toxic


টুঁটি টিপিয়া ধরা; strangle; regulate the speed of with a ~; N: valve that regulates the flow; CF. throat ? >>> The ~ of an engine controls the fuel going in, and if you're going at full ~, you'd better hang onto your hat. >>> Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with THROAT KILL, it means to KILL BY SQUEEZING THE THROAT.


তীক্ষ্নবুদ্ধি; (of someone) having insight; penetrating; astute >>> ~ is an adjective that means "shrewd" and "wise." A ~ child can't be fooled when her parents try to keep a secret by talking in Pig Latin. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;specacaious in the sense he is specultaing,means he has good sight,pervade means he can penetrate easily);pervade+specacaious=~


দায়িত্বভার; burden; responsibility >>> Take the noun, ~, as a formal word for responsibility or obligation. If your teacher assigns ~ as a vocabulary word, it puts the ~ on you to find out what it means. >>>Mnemonic: ON-US you are ON US ie. you are a BURDEN on me.


দীর্ঘায়ু; long life; long duration >>> Something with ~ has the ability to last for a long time. While tortoises are not known for their quickness, their ~ is amazing. Just ask the Hare. >>>Mnemonic: VIT- taking vitamins gives you ~.


নজির; preceding (in time, rank, etc.) >>> A ~ is something that sets a standard for future events. It's hard to say what the legal community would do without the word ~, since so many legal judgments and decisions are based on what came before. >>> Mnemonic: ~ == pre(before)+ cedent(incedent), an incident happened before which will decide the following incedent.


নমনীয়তা; ability to be molded; Ex. ~ material such as clay >>> ~ means "changeability" or "moldability" — clay has a lot of ~, but a rock has almost none.


প্রবল উদ্দীপনার সঙ্গে কিছু বলা; speak or write in an exaggeratedly enthusiastic manner; Ex. ~ over the beauty of the scenery >>> Use the verb ~ to describe something spoken about with extreme enthusiasm — and often at great length, like that friend who tends to ~ about her favorite movie for twenty minutes straight. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);when a lecture asks to explain about a rape scene he can explain or write in exaggeration and with enthusiasm.


পাকসাঁড়াশি; vice; tool for holding work in place; clamping device >>> If you're going to be doing a lot of woodworking, you'll probably need a ~, a tool used to clamp pieces of wood in place while you work on them. >>> Mnemonic: We know that a "vice" is a "device" - a tool. French word vis, meaning "screw."


পুন: সংস্কার করা; restore to good condition; renew >>> To ~ means to renew or rebuild so that something is in good condition. When you move into an old house, you will probably want to ~ the kitchen and bathrooms. Mnemonic: Re + innovate


প্রত্যাবর্তন করা; relapse; backslide; turn back to; return to the former owner; N. reversion >>> While ~ means to return to something earlier or to go back, it's often used wrongly in combination. If you're buying the older version of the game, you might say you're "~ing back," which is like saying "go back back." Mnemonic: =reverse


বিষাক্ত; poisonous; N. ~ity >>> Danger! Hazardous! Do not eat! These are just some of the warnings you'll see on ~ substances — meaning stuff that's poisonous and even deadly. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - The ENDEMIC spread of ~ waste has caused many deaths in the area.


বিষাদগ্রস্ত; ill-humored; sullen; sullenly melancholy >>> A ~ person is sullen, gloomy, sad, glum, and depressed — not a happy camper. >>>Mnemonic: মরায় মরায় ছেয়ে যাচ্ছে - সবাই ~


বেইমান ; traitor >>> Have you ever switched political parties, taken up a different religion, or — worst of all — changed which sports team you support? You are a ~ then, a deeply hostile word meaning a traitor or deserter to the cause. >>> Mnemonic: if you turn your coat then you show your back... and one who back stabs you is a traitor..


বয়স উত্তীর্ণ; retired or disqualified because of age; outmoded; obsolete >>> If a friend describes your dot matrix printer as ~, then you should probably plan a shopping trip for electronics. Your friend has just pointed out that your printer is obsolete. Mnemonic: super = greater annual = pertaining to year ~ = great many years i.e., too aged.


ভান করা; feign; imitate When you ~ something you imitate it. Hollywood makeup artists can use pencils and gray wigs to ~ old age in a young actor. It can also mean to modelââa computer can ~ disaster scenarios in cities. Mnemonic: ~ and EMULATE which are rhyming words also have the same meaning, i.e to imitate or copy.


ভীতিপূর্ণ; gruesome; grisly; ghastly; CF. of death >>> The adjective ~ is used to describe things that involve the horror of death or violence. If a story involves lots of blood and gore (রক্ত), you can call it ~. >>>Mnemonic: মড়া কবরে


মনোচিকিত্সক; doctor who treats mental diseases >>> A ~ is a doctor who specializes in emotional, behavioral, or mental disorders. Sigmund Freud is the founder of the field of psychiatry, pioneering psychoanalytic treatment.A ~ is a doctor who specializes in emotional, behavioral, or mental disorders. Sigmund Freud is the founder of the field of psychiatry, pioneering psychoanalytic treatment.


মহিমান্বিত; causing deep feelings of wonder, joy, respect, etc.; exalted; noble and uplifting; utter >>> In common use, ~ is an adjective meaning awe-inspiringly grand, excellent, or impressive, like the best chocolate fudge sundae you've ever had. Mnemonic: Lime juice makes us feel joy exalted...


মানবপ্রেমিক; lover of mankind; doer of good; >>> A ~ is a person who gives money or gifts to charities, or helps needy people in other ways. Famous examples include Andrew Carnegie and Bill & Melinda Gates. >>> Mnemonic: Phil+anthropy-phil is love and anthrop is human beings


মিথ্যাপ্রমাণ; refutation; response with contrary evidence; V. rebut: refute; disprove >>> When two people debate, one of them makes an argument, and the other follows with a ~, which, plainly put, is the "no, you're wrong and this is why" argument. Mnemonic: Rebutal=reply with but(contradiction) to all.


মৃত ব্যক্তির আত্মার শান্তি কামনায় সমবেত প্রার্থনা; mass for the dead; dirge >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ = re (recite) + quie (quiet) + m (man); means recite for a quiet/dead man.


লাগামহীন; violent; uncontrolled; Ex. ~ rage/greed >>> ~ means unrestrained. When you find out that you just won the lottery, feel free to jump up and down with ~ joy. Go ahead, most people would probably let loose in the same way. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - bridle is hand gear of horse...imagine if horse is ~... it is violent.........


শান্ত করা; pacify; bring peace to; conciliate; appease >>> When a husband shows up with flowers after he's fought with his wife, he's trying to ~ her. If you ~ someone, you stop them from being angry by giving them something or doing something that pleases them. >>> Mnemonic: PL + ac + ATE = a PLATE full of tasty food to SATISFY someone.


শাসন; method of system or government >>> A ~ is the ruling government of a country. The amount of freedom and restriction that citizens of a country have can change from ~ to ~. Mnemonic: reg(king or ruler )+aim (method) i,e method of government


শিকার; target of a hunt; victim; V: hunt and eat as ~; victimize; Ex. Cats ~ on mice. >>> ~ is an animal hunted for food. If you're a delicious-looking deer during hunting season, watch your back! You're the ~ for all those guys in orange jackets carrying rifles.


সংখ্যাতীত; very large number; ADJ. CF. ten thousand >>> If you've got ~ problems it doesn't mean you should call a ~ exterminator, it means you've got countless problems; loads of them; too many to count. Welcome to the club. >>>Mnemonic: মাইরি!! add আর add =~s of Ads during special programs (like IPL, new movie etc.)


সংগ্রহ; obtaining; V. procure: obtain by effort; obtain (a prostitute) for another >>> ~ is the act of getting something you need. Save it for when you need to sound serious, like if you're in the military. Mnemonic: ~ concentrate on cure for curing we need to OBTAIN a medicine so hence procure means obtaining


সংবরণ; moderation or self-control; controlling force; restriction >>> ~ is the act of holding something back. For example, if you exercise ~ over your emotions, you won't burst out into tears in public. Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);if some one controls u when u r in strain


সক্রিয়তা; ability to move spontaneously >>> Often used to describe the ability of sperm to swim, ~ is anything's ability to move or get around. His sperm's ~ was just one of the factors in the couple's fertility. >>>Mnemonic: ~ remember it by near synonym mobility


সঙ্কুচিত হত্তয়া; move back suddenly; shrink back; flinch; Ex. She ~d as she touched the cold body. >>> A ~ is a facial or bodily expression of pain, disgust, or regret. Think of something you've done that was really, really embarrassing or dumb: now feel your face or take a look in the mirror as you ~ at the uncomfortable memory. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);when opposite party WINS our faCES becomes ~


সজ্জারীতি / পরিস্থিতির সাথে খাপ খাওয়ানো; act of finding oneself in society >>> ~ is all about the direction you're facing. A house can have an east-facing ~. Freshman ~ starts you off in a good direction. Your political ~ means your political outlook


সময় লাগান; prolong; lengthen in time; draw out >>> To ~ something is to stretch it out. If you have a disagreement with a friend that you continue for weeks and weeks, you are ~ing the argument. Mnemonic: remember ~or which we use for problems in geometry. It "extends" from 0 to 180 or 360 degrees.


সমাজচু্যত করা; prohibit; ostracize; banish; outlaw >>> To ~ something is to forbid or prohibit it, as a school principal might ~ the use of cell phones in class. Mnemonic: When you want a magazine, you PREscribe(subscribe) it. Similarly when you want to stop it, you will have to ~. SO ~ = prohibit


সমালোচনা; severe and adverse criticism; critical comments; limit or restriction >>> One meaning of ~ is a nasty criticism, while the other is a sharp contraction of a tube or canal in the body. Either meaning can mean great pain to the person experiencing the ~. Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with strict a sir who is always strict CRITICEZES SEVERELY. And also constricts (limits)


সর্বব্যাপী; being everywhere; omnipresent; >>> It's everywhere! It's everywhere! When something seems like it's present in all places at the same time, reach for the adjective ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);it pronu~ like mosquitos which are being everywhere


সহযোগী; ব্যভিচারের দূত; pimp; cater to (the low desires of others) >>> If a campaigning politician wants to ~ to a crowd of pet owners, he might deliver a speech while embracing his own pet poodle. To ~ is to appease or gratify, and often in a negative, self-serving way. >>> Mnemonic: p(pant)+ander(inside)....pant k ander vale ko girlzz chahiye....needs some1 to arrange ~...he ll do somethin....


সুপণ্ডিত; carefully contrived; calculated; unspontaneous; deliberate; thoughtful; Ex. ~ remark >>> ~ describes a result achieved, not spontaneously, but by calculated and deliberate effort. It will probably take a ~ effort to not appear nervous when you give an oral presentation. Mnemonic: (Tag:;[email protected]);~->DIED, we are always unspontaneous to thought about died


স্ফীত; রসস্ফীত; swollen; distended (as from liquid) >>> ~ describes something that's swollen, typically by fluids, like a ~ water balloon that's way too big to resist dropping on your friend's head. >>> Mnemonic: তোর (TUR) জিদ (GID) ফুলে/ফেপে উঠলো


স্বজনপ্রীতি; favoritism (to a relative); CF. nephew >>> ~ is the practice of favoritism based on kinship, like when the coach chooses his own kid to be the quarterback even if his kid stinks at football. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag: Hindi) ne + poti + sm ~ poti (grand-daughter) .. every grand father shows favoritism for his grand daughter.


স্বর্গসুখ / নির্বাণ; in Buddhist teachings, the ideal state in which the individual loses himself in the attainment of an impersonal beatitude >>> ~ is a place of perfect peace and happiness, like heaven. In Hinduism and Buddhism, ~ is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment, meaning a person's individual desires and suffering go away


স্বল্পভাষী; inclined to silence; uncommunicative; reserved; Ex. He was ~ about the reasons; N. reticence >>> ~ means either quiet or restrained. If you're ~ about your feelings, you like to keep them to yourself, and you're probably quiet in rowdy groups where everyone is talking over each other. Mnemonic: Cent (Saint) is stereotypically reluctant to speak or draw attention to themselves.


স্বাভাবিক প্রবণতা; inclination; natural tendency (esp. towards something bad) >>> A ~ is a natural tendency to like something, such as your sister's ~ for restaurants that serve hot, spicy food. Mnemonic: Acclivity- an upward slope; Declivity --a downward slope; ~ -- a natural inclination


বিদ্রূপ; cutting ironic remark; scornful remarks; stinging rebuke; >>> Irony employed in the service of mocking or attacking someone is ~. Saying "Oh, you're soooo clever!" with ~ means the target is really just a dunderhead. >>> Mnemonic: remember "SARCASTIC" same...


বিনম্র / বিনীত; submissive; patient and long-suffering >>> The adjective ~ describes a person who is willing to go along with whatever other people want to do, like a ~ classmate who won't speak up, even when he or she is treated unfairly. >>>Mnemonic: ~ --> WEAK


বিবাহযোগ্য; marriageable; of marriageable age; CF. connubial (বৈবাহিক) >>> ~ is a word for young women who are attractive and "suitable for marriage" (which honestly sounds sort of chauvinistic). Feminist idealism aside, ~ is a flattering term for a gal. It means youthful and sexy. >>>Mnemonic: ~ reminds me of NEW BRIDE....~ means marriageable


বিরক্তিভাব; indignation; bitterness; displeasure; V. resent: feel anger about >>> ~, or the strong and painful bitterness you feel when someone does something wrong to you, doesn't have actual physical weight, but it feels very heavy and can last a long time. Forgiveness is one way to get rid of ~. Mnemonic: re+SENTMENT you feel BITTER, DISPLEASURE when you see the sentiment scenes.


বিরল; made less dense (of a gas); V. rarefy: make less dense; >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe things that are so stylish, smart, or moral that they seem elevated above the ordinary, like the ~ conversation of brilliant scholars. Mnemonic: rare(,,very less)+fied( field which means environment), hence environment where GAS is VERY LESS DENSE..


talking to oneself (esp. in a play); CF. monologue: ~; long speech by one person (often monopolizing a conversation) Ever see someone talking to himself while on a stage? That's what you call a ~ â a character's speech voicing his or her own thoughts as if to himself. Shakespeare's plays are full of soliloquies. Mnemonic: ~.soli(soul).loquy( or speech)now we must have seen in a play or movie.a person talking to his soul(talking to himself that is audible to everyone of us)


সেকালে; outmoded; no longer used


খিস্তি করা; complain bitterly; scold; rant; Ex. the weaker ~ing against injustices >>> The verb ~ means to criticize severely. When you ~ against increased taxes at a town meeting, you speak openly and loudly about how wrong the increase is and point out the problems it will cause. Mnemonic: ~ sounds like ~ or train so when you missed your ~, your father scolded you for not reaching on time....


ঠোট গোল করা; pucker; contract (lips) into wrinkles; N: wallet >>> Though ~s are mostly carried by women, this is the kind of ~ anyone would love to bring home: it's a prize, usually consisting of money. Mnemonic: just think of those bags (or ~) which are secured by pulling the strings on the two sides so that the opening closes by contracting and pukering up like pouting lips...


গড়াগড়ি / বিশৃঙ্খলা; wallow (as in mud or high seas); lie soaked (as in blood); Ex. The victims ~ed in their blood. >>> Use the noun ~ to describe an enormous, messy pile, like the jumble of papers, coffee mugs, pens, and food wrappers on the desk of the messiest person in the office. >>> Mnemonic: I would remember it as 'world tour'. so you are planning for a world tour, but 'confused' as where to start from, because there are quite a lot countries to be covered. Hence 'confused due to multiple things'.


গতানুগতিক; hackneyed; commonplace; threadbare >>> When you want to indicate that something is silly or overused, you would call it ~. A love song with lyrics about holding hands in the sunshine? Totally ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = tri +it ( so sounds like try + it) She made the same dish all the time and give it to her friends saying, 'try it' ... as it is repeated so many times, it becomes over familiar.


গতিপথ পরিবর্তন করা ; deviate; turn aside sharply from a straight course; Ex. ~ from the principle; Ex. The car ~d to the right. >>> The noun ~ means a sudden turn off your path. As a verb, it means to move off your original route, possibly to avoid a collision. You can ~ either toward something or away from it. Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with CURVE, meaning to DEVIATE, TURN ASIDE SHARPLY.


গবাদি পশুর ভক্ষ্য খড়কুটা; dry food for livestock; fodder >>> ~ is food that might not be fancy but it keeps you from going hungry, like the long-time ~ of college students: rice, pasta, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and the occasional discount pizza. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Some vendors sell dry food and hence product sold by a vendor = ~


গবেষণামূলক আলোচনা গ্রহন্থ; article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly >>> Our principal published her fifty-page "~ on Gum Chewing" days before she was carted away by men in white coats. ~s are formal papers that treat a specific subject. Gum chewing shouldn't merit one. >>> Mnemonic: focus on TREATI..almost same as remember treaty between two nations, so it must be a formal written document


গভীর জ্ঞানপূর্ণ; deep; not superficial; complete; Ex. ~ thinker/remark/silence/deafness; N. profundity >>> When you need a word that's deeper than "deep," consider ~. Mnemonic: whatever professional or researchers found(read find) has to be deep.


গভীরভাবে চিন্তা করা; ponder at length; N: source of inspiration (esp. of a poet) >>> As a verb, to ~ is to consider something thoughtfully. As a noun, it means a person — especially a woman — who is a source of artistic inspiration. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ums contain things which cause you to reflect deeply


গরমে হাঁসফাঁস করা ; (of a person) suffer from oppressive heat; be oppressed by heat >>> To ~ is to be hot — very, very hot, like on a humid, ninety-degree day. To ~ is to feel like you're in an oven. Mnemonic: If you put on a SWEATER in the heat, then you will get WET with SWEAT and will suffer from oppresive heat. ;-)


গাম্ভীর্র্য; self-control; self-restraint; formal but distant manner; reticence; Ex. without ~: freely and openly; ADJ. ~d: shy and uncommunicative >>> As a noun, ~ refers to the quality of a shy or modest person who doesn't easily express his or her feelings. As a verb, to ~ is to stash something away or to set it aside for future use.


গোধূলি; partial shadow (in an eclipse); CF. almost shadow >>> When you measure your shadow to calculate the angle of the sun in the sky, be sure to measure to the edges of your shadow, to the ~, the part of a shadow that is not as dark as the center. >>> Mnemonic: pen under an umbrella will be invisble unders umbrella's shadow


গোঁয়ারতমি; boldness; nerve; rashness; Ex. ~ to ask for a pay increase after only three day's work >>> Use the noun ~ to mean the quality of being unafraid of danger or punishment. If you have the ~ to jump off the bridge even after hearing about the risk of instant death, you truly are a nutcase. >>> Mnemonic: ~ (boldness) is the opposite of timidity, which means fear or shyness.


গোপন; action of moving secretly or unseen; slyness; sneakiness; secretiveness; >>> ~ means to do something so quietly and carefully that no one notices, like the ~ of a kitten sneaking up on a mouse. Mnemonic: If you remove TH then it becomes Steal, stealing is done in a secret manner.


গোলমালেভরা; boisterous; noisy and uncontrollable >>> ~ means boisterous, noisy, aggressive, defiant. You've probably seen an ~ child in the grocery store, pulling away from her mother, screaming at the top of her lungs. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);the word can be broken into ob+STREET+PERU..streets in peru are very noisy because of traffic.


গ্রহণ করিতে উদার; quick or willing to receive (ideas, suggestions, etc.); Ex. ~ to the proposal >>> To be ~ is to be open to new ideas or change. If you're responsive to other people's suggestions and not set in your ways, then you're not only ~, but flexible. Mnemonic: in the reception the girl must b ~


গ্রহনক্ষত্রের নির্দিষ্ট আবক্র পথ, ক্ষেপনাস্ত্রের চলের পথ; path taken by a projectile; Ex. ~ of a bullet >>> If you stay on your current ~ of constant partying, dining out, and yacht rentals, you'll end up broke. A ~ is the path of an object through space, or the path of life that a person chooses. >>> Mnemonic: In tragic moment of our life we follow the curved path of life


চক্ষুবিশারদ; one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects >>> An ~ specializes in testing the eyes and helping correct vision with glasses or contact lenses. If you can't read anything below the giant E on the doctor's wall chart, don't worry: an ~ can help improve how you see


চাক্চিক্যপূর্ণ; flashy; tawdry (অসারভাবে জাঁকাল); attractive on the surface but of no real value; Ex. ~ argument/jewel; CF. prostitute >>> Have you ever heard the phrase "fake it until you make it"? That is advice that encourages you to be ~, pretending to be something you aren't, like the ~ flaunting of gigantic fake diamond earrings, pretending they are real — and that you can afford them. >>>Mnemonic: Merry christmas Tree is Meretricious


চাটুকার; servile flatterer; yes man; sycophant; V: be a ~ to; fawn >>> You can call the kid who is always really nice to the teacher in hopes of getting a good grade a brown-noser or, if you want to sound clever, a ~. >>> Mnemonic: Sir, "TODAY"(~) you look very ...... (this an act of pleasing someone in order to gain a personal advantage.)


চাপাহাসি; nervous giggle; nervous laugh; V. >>> A ~ is an awkward laugh at something that you shouldn't be laughing at, like during dinner when Uncle Marvin makes a joke about your mother's new hairstyle. If you try to hide your laugh, it's probably a ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global slang);~ : tit + her(ter), these days blouses are made so somooth they frequently slipped off. this situation may find you laughing nervously, or one can laugh when management is trying to undo all stuff but keeping tits in mind ;)


চালক যন্ত্ৰ; substance which propels or drives forward (such as an explosive charge or a rocket fuel) >>> A ~ is a force or substance that drives something else forward. Your model rocket needs a ~, or a fuel to push it into the air. You might use something as simple as vinegar and baking soda. Space rockets use solid or liquid ~s, or fuel.


চিত্রনাট্য; plot outline; screenplay(script for a movie); opera libretto; outline of possible future events >>> A ~ is a specific possibility. To plan on playing with a bunch of bear cubs is a ~ — a dumb one, but still a ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~=scene+area


চিরস্থায়ী করা; make perpetual; make something last for a long time; preserve from extinction; N. perpetuity >>> Some things should last forever and others should not be ~d at all. Things that should NOT be ~d? Ugly rumors, arms races, and your Aunt Martha's annual fruit cake. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);PAR PE CHUA (touched feet) - if you touch feet of old ppl they say "may you ~"


চুক্তির শর্ত করা; state as a necessary condition (of an agreement); make express conditions; specify; Ex. He ~d payment in advance >>> To ~ something means to demand that it be part of an agreement. So when you make a contract or deal, you can ~ that a certain condition must be met. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Edited!);staple+it-- Staple the documents, so that it GUARANTEES that they stay together permanently!


চূড়া; peak; highest point; acme; Ex. ~ of fame >>> Going as far into the sky as you can go on foot, you'll reach the highest point, or ~, of the Himalayas. A successful climb like that might also become the ~, or peak, of your success. >>> Mnemonic: pin(PINE TREE)+NACLE..SOUNDS LIKE your uncle wants to CLIMB the PEAK OR HIGHEST POINT OF PINE TREE.


অবাধ্য; disobedient or resisting authority even after being punished; obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly; Ex. ~ child >>> If someone is so pig-headed that he won't budge on an issue, call him ~. Not that it will make a difference... Mnemonic: re+calcit(looks like calcite) we know calcite is a hard mineral found in calcium carbonate which forms the major part of rocks, chalk and marble, is hard to break and likewise a ~ person is also stubborn.


জীবনীশক্তি; active strength; energy; enthusiasm; ADJ. ~ous >>> If your new puppy runs all over the house, jumps on the furniture, and enthusiastically chews up your socks, you may congratulate yourself on your new pup's ~, or lively sense of energy. >>> Mnemonic: Igor is very enthusiastic


জেটি; dock; wharf; pier; landing place (for boats) >>> You know that wharf on the bank of the river where all the boats park? It's not an aqua parking lot. It's called a ~. Mnemonic: ~ - sounds like bay (area near the sea) - where boats reach.


জ্বালাতন করা; annoy; distress >>> If something ~es you, it brings you trouble or difficulty. In other words, it annoys, worries, distresses, irritates, bothers, or puzzles you. >>> Mnemonic: very similar to wax....and LADIES go for waxing, even though it is a very painful and annoying process.


অসামাজিক; shy and reserved (of a person); modest; Ex. her ~ personality >>> If you are a ~ person, you avoid being at the center of attention. You can often be found in the library and other quiet places, and if someone compliments you, you're likely to blush and change the subject. Mnemonic: Retire means to avoid attention. When sports people retire, they lose attention of the media. Though Sachin is a ~ person, he is diplomatic about his retirement.


আত্মহারা অনুভুতি; strong emotion; rapture; Ex. in a ~/~s of; V: move to strong emotion; enrapture >>> ~ means to move something, often large quantities of commercial products, over great distances. Container ships ~ goods made in China to the U.S., where they will be sold. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = TRANS + SPORT. Concentrate on the word sport. So, in order to be successful in any sport you have to be EMOTIONALLY STRONG.


ইলেকট্রিকের তারের খুঁটিরূপে নির্মিত উঁচু থামবিশেষ; making post for aviators; steel tower to support telephone cables >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENG);pile on...make sense urself!!


উচ্চারণ করা / বাতাস বের হবার পথ; release or discharge through a ~; express (esp. unfairly); utter; Ex. He ~ed his wrath on his family. >>> When you ~, you let something out, whether it's hot air or your feelings. If you ~ your feelings, you let out a strong and sometimes angry emotion and just say what you think. >>> Mnemonic: Ventilator


একর্টু একটু করিয়া; one part at a time; gradually; in stages; Ex. read a novel ~ >>> When you do something ~, you're doing it little by little, but in a seemingly random way, with no order or system. >>> Mnemonic: PIECE+MEAL...SO IF YOU DIVIDE YOUR MEAL INTO LITTLE PIECES AND EAT ONLY A PART OF IT AT A TIME...


একেশ্বরবাদ; belief in one God >>> ~ is the belief in a single all-powerful god, as opposed to religions that believe in multiple gods. Judaism and Christianity are widely practiced forms of ~. >>>Mnemonic: MONO(SINGLE) + THEI( root for GOD)


এড়াইয়া চলা; avoid (responsibility, work, etc.); malinger To ~ your responsibilities is to avoid dealing with them â like when you watch four consecutive hours of infomercials instead of facing your homework. Mnemonic: remember shark..., normal people used to avoid him as he was an ogre.


এড়াতে সমর্থ হউয়া; ward off a blow; deflect; Ex. He ~ed the unwelcome question very skillfully; >>> Here comes someone who only ever talks to you when he needs a favor. Quick, ~! When you ~, you avoid doing things. As the needy friend approaches, say, "I wish I had time to catch up!" and hurry off. Or, hide under a table. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like "Harry" Potter who wards off the curse from Voldemort..


কোমলতা; urbanity; polish; ADJ. ~: smooth and courteous >>> ~ is the art of making people like and want to be around you, like the celebrity whose ~ helped him land great movie roles — even though he wasn't the most talented actor to audition. Mnemonic: ~: Remember suAMITY(avity) is friendship and good friendship needs manners.


ঢং করিয়া কথা বলিতেছে বা হাঁটিতেছে এমন; affectedly dainty(delicate, শৌখিন); V. ~[^ing]e: cut (esp. meat) into very small pieces; walk with exaggerated primness; walk in an unnatural way, taking little short steps; Ex. The actor ~ across the stage >>> ~ is an adjective that describes someone who is being especially dainty or refined. The voices of older women who speak as though they're young girls can be described as ~. >>>Mnemonic: ~ cud be minimum thing which means to cut into small pieces


ঢিলামি; slow moving tree-dwelling mammal; laziness; indolent; If you lounge around in your bathrobe watching TV and ordering out for pizza, you'll get called a ~. A ~ is actually a slow-moving, tree-dwelling mammal, but it has become a synonym for 'lazybones.' Mnemonic: slowth


ঢেউ - তোলা; moving with a wavelike motion; CF. und: wave >>> ~ describes a wave-like pattern. If a sound increases and decreases in pitch or volume like waves, you can say the sound is ~. When searching for the lost boy, the rescuers' cries undulated through the forest. >>> Mnemonic: আন্দোলিত


তাপীয়; pertaining to heat; producing heat; warm; Ex. ~ bath; N: rising current of warm air >>> If it has to do with heat, it's ~. Wearing a ~ shirt under your sweater helps you stay warm on a brutally cold day. Your ~ coffee mug keeps your coffee hot. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);~ sounds like Kambal (a hindi word which means a warm blanket), is also a kind of ~ heating.


তামাশা; fix or manipulate; manipulate dishonestly for personal gain; Ex. ~ the election >>> When you ~ something, you connect parts in a way that's just so crazy it might work. You could ~ your jeans by using a paper clip to replace a button that pops. Mnemonic: like ~id = fixed so ~ = fix


দাঙ্গা; minor fight; minor battle in war; V. A ~ is a small fight â more a dust-up than a full-out battle â and it can refer to a physical fight or just a battle of words. It is definitely confrontational, though. Mnemonic: break the word - skir(skirt)+mi(mini) focus on the skir(T) part and imagine a GIRL walking on a road with her boy friend. If someone dares to pass a comment on her, what do you think will happen? There will be a ~


দাম্ভিক; ostentatious; showy; pompous; making unjustified claims; overambitious; Ex. ~ films that claim to be art >>> Use the adjective ~ as a way to criticize people who try to act like they are more important or knowledgeable than they really are. Mnemonic: ~ is someone who is Pretending


দুর্দশাদিতে সাহায্য ; assist (someone in difficulty); aid; comfort; N. >>> ~ is relief or help. If you've just woken up in the midst of a lion's den, wearing nothing but raw meat pajamas — sounds like you could use some ~! Mnemonic: Succour in hindi sounds like sukkar(IYA)....SUKKARIYA.....means to whom do we say sukkariya or thanks??...obviously to someone who HELPS or ASSISTS us in OUR DIFFICULT TIME ..OR in a time of difficulty.


দুর্দান্ত; formidable; causing fear >>> ~ means honorable, maybe even intimidatingly so. If your grandmother worked tirelessly to raise four kids on her own and start her own taxi cab business and to this day, keeps all of her cabbies in line, she is without a doubt ~. Mnemonic: ~ can be re+doubt(able) if you have REpeated DOUBTs in any subject just before the exam, it might CAUSE FEAR


দুল (কানের); hanging down from something; pending; N: ornament (hanging from a necklace etc.) >>> If you're wearing a necklace with a large gold heart on a delicate chain, then you have a ~, an ornament that hangs on a chain. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is like PENDULUM hanging around the neck.


দূর করা / পূর্বেই বুঝে তদানুযায়ী কাজ করা; make unnecessary; get rid of; Ex. ~ the need >>> To ~ means to eliminate the need for something or to prevent something from happening. If you want to ~ the possibility of a roach তেলাপোকা infestation সংক্রমণ, clean your kitchen regularly. >>>Mnemonic: ~ - viate sounds like deviate, deviate yourself from studying(happen something)....


দৃঢ়; অপলক; steadily loyal; unswerving; steady >>> Someone who is firm and determined in a belief or a position can be called ~ in that view, like your mom when she thinks you really shouldn't wear that outfit. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Enlgish);~~stood + first ; One who has always STOOD with you and is the FIRST one to help you is a LOYAL friend. Another meaning - Always STEADY so unswerving


দেদীপ্যমান; effulgent; brilliant; brightly shining; gleaming; Ex. ~ moon >>> If someone tells you that you have ~ eyes, they mean that your eyes shine brightly, like the stars. This suggests that your special someone is the poetic type, since ~ is a literary way of saying "bright." Mnemonic: ~ sounds like detergent.. use detergent to make things shine


দ্ব্যর্থহীন; plain; clear; obvious >>> If there is no doubt about it, it's ~. An ~ response to a marriage proposal? "Yes. Yes! A thousand times yes!" >>> Mnemonic: equivocate- using ambiguous lang i.e. unclear unambiguous is not unclear which s clear


দ্রুতগতি; swift; momentarily brilliant; Ex. ~ rise to fame; N. meteor (উল্কা) >>> Because meteors move through the sky so quickly, we often refer to something moving very fast as ~. A newly-popular singer might be said to experience a ~ rise to the top. (The fall can be ~, too.) >>>Mnemonic: v can easily remember dsi word by comparing it wid a METEOR which moves very fast n hence ~ also means sudden or swift...!!


ধাতুবিদ্যা সংক্রান্ত; pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores (আকরিক); N. ~[^ical]y: science that deals with extracting metals from ores >>> No, this is not a new kind of allergy. ~ means having to do with the branch of science that deals with metals. >>>Mnemonic: metal surgical; do surgery to take metal out from ores.


ধাতুর - আকর গলানো; melt (ore) for separating and removing the metal; melt or blend ores changing their chemical composition No, this verb doesn't involve using your nose. When you ~ metal, you remove it from ore, or rock. Heat is required to ~ iron. Mnemonic: s+melt=melt silver


নম্র; flexible; easily influenced; yielding; adaptable >>> ~ means bendable but not breakable. Wax is ~, good leather is ~. If you describe a person as ~, it usually means that he's easily influenced, like a nightclub owner who takes orders from a crime boss. >>> Mnemonic: PLIER is a tool which is used for bending and twisting materials without breaking them. Therefore, PLIER operates on materials which are ~.


নি: সঙ্গতা; isolation; solitude; set apart from others; isolate >>> ~ means being separate, and apart from others, in a quiet kind of way. If you want ~, try a private island. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;sounds like illusion so in illusion you will go to private place..);~ - derived from seclude. Opp to include.


নিঃশব্দ; silent; muffled; toned down; Ex. ~ traffic noise >>> Something ~ has a softened tone or quieted sound. When you try to listen through the wall at what someone is saying, it's really ~ and mumbly, even if you put a glass to your ear.


নিখুঁত; নিটোল; unspoiled; remaining in a pure state; characteristic of earlier times; primitive; Ex. an old book in ~ condition >>> If something is ~ it's immaculately clean or has never been used. So please check your shoes before walking on a ~ white carpet. Mnemonic: sounds like priest(ine) means pertaining to priests which is to remain in pure state.


নিদ্রা - উদ্রেককর; sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness; drowsy >>> Something that is ~ is sleep-inducing. Certain medicines, but also extreme coziness, can have a ~ effect. Mnemonic: (in hindi) 100(soo) puri kha kar I felt ~.


নীরস মামুলী উক্তি বা বক্তব্য; trite remark; commonplace statement; >>> If an executive gives a speech that begins, "This business is all about survival of the fittest. You need to burn the midnight oil and take one for the team," his employees might get sick of listening to these meaningless clichés and tell him to cut the ~s. >>> Mnemonic: flat + attitude: something flat does not attract us as it is very common. So you will obviously give trite remarks.


নোংরা; filthy; foul; base; vile; Ex. ~ bed/story >>> Describe a person's actions as ~ if they are so immoral or unethical that they seem dirty. Think of the worst parts of a bad soap opera! Mnemonic: (~)SORry I DID this FILTHY, VILE thing.


প্রাচুর্য; abundance; plenty; great amount; completeness; fullness; CF. plenary, plenty >>> The noun ~ means the state of being full or complete; also, an abundance. After the thirty inches of snow your town got over the weekend, you may joke that you have a ~ of snow. >>> Mnemonic: plen(i)tude: remove i. sounds like plenty..means full.


প্রাচুর্যময়; abundant; growing healthily and in large amounts; excessively ornate; rich and splendid; fertile; Ex. ~ forests/prose; >>> You can use the adjective ~ to describe something really luxurious or full and lush. If you walk through a dense forest after it rains, it's really ~ with green plants overgrowing the paths. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);LUX soaps are abundant in the market


প্রাণরস; হ্রাস করা; diminish; weaken; undermine the foundations of (a fortification); Ex. The element kryptonite ~ped his strength. >>> To ~ something is to drain or deplete something over time. If you ~ a maple tree, you drain the liquid inside it to make maple syrup. But if you ~ a person of strength, you've rendered him defenseless. >>> Mnemonic: If you slap(~) someone you diminish his dignity..


প্রাথমিক নিরীক্ষণ; survey of enemy by soldiers; reconnoitering; V. reconnoiter: make a preliminary inspection of (esp. to gather military information) >>> ~ is checking out a situation before taking action. Often it's used as a military term, but you could also do ~ on a new employee before you hire her, or a resort before you take a vacation. Mnemonic: ~ means recognising an enemy while surveying your. territory,Recognisation of conman-(thief) by nice sons(of the country)--soldiers.


প্রায়োগিক; practical (as opposed to idealistic); concerned with practical worth or impact of something; Ex. ~ test of the skill >>> To describe a person or a solution that takes a realistic approach, consider the adjective ~. The four-year-old who wants a unicorn for her birthday isn't being very ~. >>> Mnemonic: PRA + gma + TIC = PRA + c + TIC + al


প্রারম্ভিক; introductory; of a preface >>> The adjective ~ describes something that serves as a beginning or introduction. The president of the organization made some ~ remarks before the main speaker at the event. Mnemonic: you can find the Preface in every book , which is the introductory part, ~.


প্রার্থনা - সঙ্গীত; supplicatory (মিনতি) prayer; prayer in which the priest calls out and the people replies in the same words >>> If you've got a whole slew of complaints to get off your chest or requests to make, you've got yourself a ~ — a long, drawn-out list. >>>Mnemonic: split the word LIT+ANY You are hoping god is going to show you light in the dark to show you the path in these wretched times. LIGHT ANY path..


প্রেমের অভিনয় করা; faithless lover; flirt >>> A ~ is a guy who likes women. A lot. So much that he's got a beautiful wife — and a date with a different girl every weekend. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - PHIR HE LANDED ON HER. A womaniser cannot keep himself away from women.


পদচিহ্ন / জাহাজ চলার ফলে পেছনে যে পানির ঢেউ ; trail of ship or other object through water; path of something that has gone before; Ex. hunger followed in the ~ of the war >>> In the ~, or aftermath, of a death, it's traditional in many cultures to hold a ~, a vigil for the dead. There's a third meaning of ~, too, you know: it's the waves that a boat leaves behind as it slices through the water. And that's not all... >>> Mnemonic: sounds like walk, an insect walks on the water surface and create wave line on water that is trail


পদত্যাগ; patiently submissiveness; statement that one is quitting a job; ADJ. resigned: acquiescent >>> ~ can either mean to step down from a job or office, or to accept an unpleasant but inevitable situation. You could even feel ~ as you announce your ~. Mnemonic: Try this sentence: The designer signed the ~ letter and left forever


পরজীবী; animal or plant living on another; toady; sycophant; CF. para-: beside >>> A creature that lives off another organism is a ~. The ~ might not hurt the host, but it doesn't do anything to help it, either. >>> Mnemonic: para (Skt) means other. Site means place to build home. ~ means: insect living on other person's body.


পরনিন্দামূলক মিথ্যা বিবৃতি; defamatory written statement; act of writing something that smears a person's character; V. ADJ. ~ous >>> ~ is the act of publishing a statement about someone that is not true and that gives a bad impression about the person. >>>Mnemonic: lie + bell -> to bell (publish) lie (defame) about someone


পরবর্তী ; following in time or order; later >>> For something that comes after something else in time or order, choose the adjective ~. If the entire class fails an exam, the teacher will hopefully make ~ ones a little easier. Mnemonic: Sub means lower so ~ means lower in queue.


পরিধি; outside edge especially of a round surface; perimeter; Ex. ~ of the town >>> When something is on the ~ of your vision, you can only see it when you're looking sideways. ~ means outside the boundary of something. >>> Mnemonic: PIER-FERRY, takes you along the edge of the shore


পরিপাটি করা; make oneself tidy in appearance; feel self-satisfaction or pride; (of a bird) smooth or clean (feathers) with the beak; Ex. ~ oneself on; CF. prune >>> When a bird or a cat ~s, it smooths its feathers or cleans its fur. When you ~, you primp and pay careful attention to how you're dressed and groomed, as if you're inviting the whole world to watch you. Mnemonic: ~ sounds like prince.....he couldnt help ~ing himself on his good looks


পরিব্যাপক; spread throughout; V. pervade: (of smells, ideas, feelings) spread throughout; charge; permeate >>> When something is ~, it's everywhere. Common things are ~ — like greed and cheap perfume. >>> Mnemonic: look the word carefully..PERVASI+VE....and doesn't it sound like PRAVASI BHARTIYA initiative by the Indian government to attract NON RESIDENT INDIANS who are SPREAD WIDELY ACROSS THE WORLD........


পরিমাপ করা; measure; distribute; administer; Ex. ~ out justice/punishment >>> If you "~ out" something (the word is usually followed by "out"), it means you dish it out in very careful measured amounts. Anyone who ~s out their love probably isn't someone you want to have a relationship with. >>>Mnemonic: জ্যা-মিতি - measure of geo / earth


পরিসমাপ্তি; end; >>> Whether it refers to getting fired from a job, a contract running out, or the assassination of a deep-cover spy, ~ is "the end of the line." >>> Mnemonic: ~ and Eradication are rhyming words with the same meaning, which is, to remove something totally.


পানযোগ্য; suitable for drinking; drinkable >>> If something is ~ that means it's safe to drink. In developed countries, tap water is usually ~. Puddle water is not. I know you want to take a sip of that puddle water, but please, restrain yourself. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);water that is stored in a mudPOT ..coldwater suitable for drinking.


পারাযুক্ত / পরিবর্তনশীল; capricious; quick and changing; fickle; containing the element mercury; Ex. ~ temper; CF. mood >>> ~ describes someone whose mood or behavior is changeable and unpredictable, or someone who is clever, lively, and quick. With a ~ teacher, you never know where you stand. >>>Mnemonic: mercury level in the blood pressure testing device fickles a lot when measuring b.p


পার্থিব / বিষয়ী; engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual; of the material world >>> You can use the adjective ~ to describe people who have knowledge of many topics or experience in many areas. You don't have to travel the globe to be ~; reading and talking about many things with knowledge and enthusiasm is ~ too. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and earthly both sound and mean the same... concerned with material gains, not a spiritual person.


পার্থিব, সাময়িক; of time; not lasting forever; limited by time; temporary; secular; worldly >>> Our time on earth is limited, or ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and Mortal are rhyming words with the same meaning i.e something that is temporary, that does not last forever.


পীডা দেত্তয়া; irritate; fester; annoy >>> ~ is a cranky-sounding verb that means to eat away at or aggravate to the point of causing anger. If you want to ~ a cat, try splashing it with water and then putting it in the bathtub. Mnemonic: R+ANKLE...focus..on a JOINT between..foot and leg...and PAIN IN your ankle could be very annoying and irritating for you. Also ~= Red+Ankle which means when ur ankle turns red it pains a lot


পুঁজিপতি; wealthy and powerful businessperson; wealthy leader; magnate; Ex. business ~ >>> If you are meeting with someone who is considered a ~ in his industry, keep in mind that he is very successful and probably accustomed to high-stakes negotiations. >>> Mnemonic: we generally say "he is a business ~"...u knw the rest...!!!


পুনরুজ্জীবন; spiritual rebirth; Ex. ~ of the prisoners; V. regenerate: give or obtain new life; reform spiritually >>> ~ involves remaking something. Your city may plan ~ efforts to spruce up a riverfront area that has fallen on hard times.


পূর্বলক্ষণ; foretell; be a warning or sign of; N: presentiment; foreboding; omen >>> A ~ is a sign that something bad is about to happen, like when you get that queasy feeling in your stomach because your mom found out you skipped band practice to go to the movies. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);pre+sage- a SAGE has the power to PRE-tell the future.


পূর্বাভাস; premonition; foreboding; feeling something will happen; anticipatory fear >>> Do you ever have the feeling that something bad is about to happen? That's called a ~. Mnemonic: sentiment means feeling or perciving. ~ means feeling before hand about the future.


প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল; strongly opposed to social or political change; opposing progress; politically ultraconservative; N. OP. radical >>> ~ describes people on the far right politically. Reactionaries occupy a political space past conservative, near where ultra-conservative bumps shoulders with fascist. Mnemonic: ~ - Actionary is to perfrom some action, but ~ is to restrain/suppress the action....... i.e. to recoil the progress


প্রতিক্রিয়া; sudden strong feeling of disgust; sudden violent change of feeling; negative reaction; Ex. ~ from the scenes of torture >>> ~ means an intense, violent, sometimes physical, dislike of something. People feel ~ to different things. You may feel ~ at the thought of seeing a horror movie, but other people can't wait to be scared by the latest zombie or slasher flick. Mnemonic: repulsion = ~


প্রত্যাহার; introverted; retiring; remote remote/distant in manner; aloof >>> Quiet loners are ~ — that's a word for people who keep to themselves to such an extent that it seems a little unhealthy. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);After withdrawing oneself from societal association, one gets ~/aloof/unsociable.


প্রলেপ লাগান; soothing application applied to sore and inflamed portions of the body >>> The next time you have a cut or an infection, maybe you should put some cereal on it. A ~ is a soft material — often cereal-like — used for healing. Think of a ~ as a mushy, sticky bandage. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Layman's language);sounds like put ice!


প্রশংসামূলক; formal praise; encomium; Ex. I don't deserve such ~s. >>> A formal, high-minded speech can be described with a formal, high-minded word — the word ~, which is a very elaborate tribute to someone. You could consider most eulogies as ~s. >>> Mnemonic: pane sounds like paean means praise and gyric sounds like lyric, so ~ means expression of praise


বলির পাঁঠা; someone who bears the blame for others; whipping boy; CF. escape+goat >>> The Bible depicts a ritual in which a goat is sent out into the desert bearing the faults of the people of Israel. The word ~ first occurred in the earliest English translation of the Bible, and it has come to mean any individual punished for the misdeeds of others. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;~ " bali ka bakra");concetrate on 'goat' from ~ goat is nothing but the famous word 'bakra' in hindi recall mtv bakra !! also remember ! " bali ka bakara"


বলিষ্ঠ; physically strong; brawny; steadfast; strong in mind or determination; Ex. ~ supporter; N: ~ follower >>> To be ~ is to be loyal, no matter what, like your friend who remains a devoted fan of an actor she's admired since childhood, even if that was the last time the guy made a decent movie. Mnemonic: STALL+WAR- He alone can stall the war because he is a ~.


বশ ; willing to obey orders; yielding; timid >>> When animals live in packs, one animal is usually the dominant leader, while the others fall into more ~ roles. To be ~ is to obey or yield to someone else. Mnemonic: one who easily submits himself in front of some difficulty is ~...


বহুভাষিক; having many languages; fluent in several languages >>> Do you speak Spanish or French, in addition to English? Then you are ~, which is an impressive and practical thing to be.Do you speak Spanish or French, in addition to English? Then you are ~, which is an impressive and practical thing to be.


বাহুল্যবর্জিত; concise; abrupt; pithy >>> ~ means brief, or using very few words. If your teacher tells you to make your writing in your essay style ~ and to the point, he's saying use as few words as you can and be simple and clear. >>> Mnemonic: ~...sounds like TERESA..Here all her achievements,efforts everything has been consolidated, confined and put into a single word "MOTHER"..So ~ means brief,concise


বিকর্ষণ; distaste; disgust; act of driving back; ADJ. repulsive: causing disgust; tending to drive away; V. repel (not `repulse') >>> ~ is getting grossed out. If the thought of great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts makes you recoil in horror, then you've experienced ~, or an intense aversion to something. Mnemonic: one North pole has strong hatred (distaste) towards other N-pole therefore they repel each other


বিকলাঙ্গ করা; mutilate; injure lastingly; disable; cripple; Ex. ~ed for life >>> To ~ something is to disfigure it through force or violence. Wartime battles have a tendency to ~ soldiers. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;Engish);sounds like 'MAYHEM' which means violence. --- aim করে মেরে বিকলাঙ্গ করে দেয়া


বিকারতত্ত্বীয়; pertaining to disease; N. pathology: study of disease >>> If something is caused by a physical or mental disease, it is ~, like someone whose need to wash the floor every evening is part of a ~ compulsion for cleanliness, or a growth on someone's elbow that turned out to be a ~. >>> Mnemonic: This PATH of LOGICAL behaviour of the Harmon's will lead to new breakthrough of the disease


বিকৃত কামনা - পীড়িত; having or causing lustful desires and thoughts; arousing immoderate sexual desire >>> Something is ~ if it focuses attention on sex not in an artistic way or to teach something, but purely to appeal to your baser instincts. If something is ~, it's sure to offend somebody. Mnemonic: pure i aint


বিক্ষিপ্ত; occurring irregularly; intermittent >>> ~ is an adjective that you can use to refer to something that happens or appears often, but not constantly or regularly. The mailman comes every day but the plumber visits are ~--he comes as needed. Mnemonic: ~== opposite of periodic, we know periodic things occur regularly.


বিক্ষোভ; commotion of a great crowd; riot; noise; uproar; ADJ. ~uous: noisy and disorderly >>> If a principal steps into a classroom and is greeted by a ~ of voices, with the teacher shouting for her kids' attention, he will not be pleased. A ~ is a state of noisy confusion. >>> Mnemonic: tu+mu = tu tu main main


ফাঁদ; hidden danger; concealed trap >>> A ~ is a trap or difficulty you didn't see. A possible ~ for high school seniors is not working hard after they know they've already been accepted into college. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);THERE s a pit to make you fall...trap


ফাঁপর; dilemma; state of uncertainty; Ex. She is in a ~ about whether to go. >>> How to define the word ~? Wow, this is quite a dilemma. What to do, what to do? Hmmm. Looks like this moment itself is a ~: a tough situation that will be really hard to resolve. Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);quantary relates to quantum physics,which is so complex that it leaves you in DILEMMA about the UNCERTAINITY of photon


ফাটল; narrow opening in a large mass; break in a friendly relation; Ex. through a ~ in the clouds; OP. reconcilation >>> ~ sounds like rip, and it's helpful to think of it that way. When there is a ~ in a political party over how much taxes to pay, it is like a rip or tear in the fabric of the group. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);rhyme is d~(a sound force which drives something along)..a d~ed water caused many breaks in the wall.


ফালাফালা করা; split; tear apart; N. rent; CF. heart~ing: causing deep sorrow >>> The verb ~ means to tear with force or violence. If you are sewing a shirt and haven't been paying attention, to fix it you will ~ your shirt from collar to hem. The past tense of the verb is rent. Your shirt was rent from collar to hem. Mnemonic: In most South Indian languages ~ means two - i.e., split up.


বকাবকি; squabble; minor dispute; minor quarrel >>> You probably recognize the word ~ from the phrase lover's ~, which describes a minor squabble between a couple. The ~ is usually over something as silly as which partner has to do the laundry, and the relationship usually recovers quickly, with no long-term harm done. Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~-sounds like >spit-and when you spit on someone it leads to a minor quarrel.


বড়াই করা / আস্ফালন / দম্ভোক্তি; boasted; bragged; highly publicized; V. ~: boast; brag >>> To ~ is to brag and boast and flaunt and go on and on about how great something is. It's over-the-top showing off, and when you taunt and exaggerate your greatness, you vaunt to the point of no longer seeming so great. >>> Mnemonic: WHY+AUNT...why do you call me aunty.....i still look young....a kind of bragging


বদমেজাজী স্ত্রীলোক; female fox; ill-tempered woman; CF. shrew >>> A ~ is a female fox. Or it can be a woman with a temper. If you really want to insult a woman who is a little short on patience, call her a ~. She won't like it. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like (vex) which is to annoy, implying ill tempered !!


বনদেবতা; half-human, half-bestial being in the court of Dionysus (resembling a goat), portrayed as wanton(unrestrained) and cunning; lecher; CF. faun; CF. goat: lecherous man >>> In classical mythology, ~s were companions to Pan, a fertility god, and Dionysus, the god of wine and ecstasy. As you might guess, ~s were not known for their mild-mannered ways: Like their patrons, they were excessively fond of women, drink, and song. >>> Mnemonic: SAT+Yr. = Any 1 who SAT AT HOME FOR A YR. becomes a half goat n half man.... (u sit for 2yrs, u becum full goat/beast :P)


বন্ধ করে দেওয়া; shut; close; obstruct; Ex. A blood clot চাপ ~d an artery ধমনী. >>> ~ means to obstruct, as with an opening. You hear this a lot in a medical context. Heart surgeons are looking for occlusions in blood vessels--things that ~ the flow of blood. >>>Mnemonic: when you include someone they are welcome and the gates are always open but when you ~(rhymes with EXCLUDE), they are unwelcome and hence the gates are SHUT or CLOSED on them.


মোহিত; engrossed; absorbed; enchanted; Ex. ~ listener >>> To be ~ is to be carried away, caught up or otherwise engrossed in something. If a performer is really good or particularly mesmerizing, the audience will be totally ~. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);I read rape news with ~ attention.


মোজাইক সংক্রান্ত; mosaic; inlaid; Ex. ~ pattern >>> Use ~, an adjective, to describe a mosaic pattern formed from small tiles, blocks, or stones pieced together: "The ~ pavement of blue and gold stones glistened in the sunlight." >>> Mnemonic: ~=tiles+Decorated


মৰ্যাদা; respect or admiration; impression produced by achievements or reputation; ADJ: causing admiration; >>> People, cars, schools, clubs, banks--all can be said to have ~. Star in a blockbuster movie? Your ~ level just shot up. Get caught shoplifting? A ~ killer.People, cars, schools, clubs, banks--all can be said to have ~. Star in a blockbuster movie? Your ~ level just shot up. Get caught shoplifting? A ~ killer.


যাইতে দেরি করা / গড়িমসি করা; loiter or dawdle; be slow in leaving; delay going; continue or persist; be slow to disappear; Ex. The smell ~ed for days. >>> When someone ~s, he or she takes an unexpectedly long time to depart, as Romeo ~s when bidding Juliet farewell (or as annoying houseguests almost always tend to do). >>>Mnemonic: ~--- Ginger... the taste of ginger is still present in my tongue although its slowly leaving


যাজকসংক্রান্ত; রাখালী কবিতা; rural; of rural life; idyllic; >>> ~ refers to the countryside, particularly an idealized view of the country. If you draw cheery pictures with lush grassy fields, calm skies, a farm animal or two, and some flowers, you draw ~ scenes. >>> Mnemonic: past(history)+oral---We believe that in the past people were of rural kind and we only study them orally in books..


যার আগুন লাগানোর বাতিক আছে; person with an insane desire to set things on fire >>> Someone who loves to set fires — and, for whatever reason, can't stop setting them — is a ~. Mnemonic: pyro+maniac...pyro sounds similar to pyre(pile of wood on which cremation of dead is done) a maniac who sets everything to fire and perform their funeral rites...


বিধ্বংসী ; tending to overthrow or ruin; overthrow completely (an established system); destroy completely; CF. undermine ? >>> You might want to call someone ~ if they are sneakily trying to undermine something, from the social structure of your high school to an entire system of government. Mnemonic: ~--->reversive--->go against established rule.Revert (to cause downfall) from inside.


বিবেকবর্জিত; unscrupulous; not guided by conscience; excessive; beyond reason; Ex. ~ demand >>> Something that is almost unimaginably unacceptable is ~. Think of it as being something that no reasonable person would even think of doing or saying — something unbelievable, outrageous, and often horrible. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;not aware about conscience);~ is un + conscio + nable...and conscience means to know what is morally acceptable but unconscious means not aware of the acceptable amount and therefore the same as ~.


বিবেকী; conscientious; extremely thorough; Ex. ~ worker >>> ~ means very careful to do things properly and correctly, such as paying friends back for money borrowed right away, or not returning a pair of shoes after they've been worn outdoors. >>> Mnemonic: it makes u think of sculpture and while building sculpture the worker has to be very careful


বিভক্ত করা; split into opposite extremes or camps >>> To ~ is to divide. Something that's been ~d has been split into two sides that are so different, it seems as though they're from opposite ends of the earth — like the North Pole and the South Pole. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);reminds of the two poles "N-Pole", "S-Pole" which is nothing but division of two extreme poles.


বিশ্বাসযোগ্য; having the appearance of truth or reality; probable or likely to be true; plausible >>> The adjective ~ describes something appears to be true or real, but may not be. If you want to impress your friends, remark on the ~ portrait of lost love in that foreign film you all went to see. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);veri - truth remember veriserum from Harry Potter which makes u tell the truth even if u drin a drop of it


বিষয়ভিত্তিক;মূল উদ্দেস্য বিসয়ক; of a theme; relating to a unifying motif or idea >>> When you visit a museum and the cat paintings are grouped together in one room, and the fruit paintings in another, you could conclude that the curator favors a ~ arrangement, meaning grouped by topic, rather than chronologically or by artist. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;language);~ can be thought of as related to a theme or an idea. So is it's meaning..


বিস্তার করা; increase in number by producing young; multiply; spread; Ex. Most plants ~ by seed; Ex. newspaper propagating their ideas >>> To ~ is to be fruitful and multiply, by the usual routes of reproduction, or by spreading something around — like a rumor. Mnemonic: distribute these PAGes among students


বিস্মৃতি; obscurity; condition of being completely forgotten; forgetfulness >>> ~ is the state of being forgotten. If you slip into ~ after selling one record, then your only hope is becoming a "VH1 one-hit wonder." >>>Mnemonic: ops! আবার ভুলে গেছি


বুভুক্ষু; extremely hungry; voracious >>> A ~ person feels like they haven't eaten in days and could probably finish off 10 pizzas without help. So ~ is not a good state to be in when you go grocery shopping. Mnemonic: sounds like RAVAN.. we can understand how hungry one would get to feed his 10 heads.


বোকা বানান; make stupid in mind; cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent; suppress; frustrate or hinder; Ex. ~ing effect of uninteresting work; Ex. ~ free expression >>> When something stultifies you, it drains you of your energy, enthusiasm, or pleasure. A well-acted Shakespeare play can be a thrill. A poorly-acted one can ~ like nothing else. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sounds like STUNT+IFY. When one guy who tries to be a stunt man and fails then he looks stupid.~=stunt+failed.


বৈধ; logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable; effective; Ex. ~ reasoning/passport >>> A ~ argument is one that is well-grounded in fact, law or logic. "Their argument for annulment was ~ because they had never even met and their marriage was the result of a clerical error at town hall." >>> Mnemonic: ~ (logical) is like solid (strong)... give me one solid reason to prove, that, what you are saying is ~.


ব্যহ্যাবরণ / পাতলা তক্তার আবরণ; thin surface layer (of good quality wood, glued to a base of inferior material); cover; surface show; facade; V. >>> You know how some furniture looks like solid oak or maple until it gets chipped and reveals itself to be nothing more than some cheap particle-board covered with a thin layer of fancy wood? That thin layer is called a ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ like vinegar which is used as a coating on food and ~ used for furniture


ভুল নাম বা সম্বোধন; wrong or improper name; incorrect designation >>> A ~ is a wrong or unsuitable name. It's a ~ to call your grandmother "Grandfather," the same way it's a ~ to call a chair with four legs that doesn't move unless you drag it across the floor, a rocking chair. >>>Mnemonic: mis+name= ~


ভোঁতা; blunt; not sharp; stupid; slow in understanding >>> The adjective ~ is good for describing someone slow on the uptake: "Don't be so ~: get with the program!" >>>Mnemonic: ~ refers to angles between two lines which is >90 degrees.....the line appears like its leaning towards the wall which is inactive and stupid


মঞ্চ; pedestal; raised platform >>> A ~ is a raised platform like the kind Olympians stand on when they win a medal or like the overturned crate in the garage where you pretend to accept your Academy Award. >>> Mnemonic: The Chemistry teacher demonstrate the nature of sodium standing at the ~ in the class.


মত্স্য - শিকার - সংক্রান্ত; pertaining to fishing; CF. Pisces >>> Teach a man to fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to excel in the ~ arts, and he eats for a lifetime. ~ means having to do with fishing. >>> Mnemonic: ~ Cat,obviously is good at fishing


মন্দাবস্থা; difficult condition; condition or state (esp. a bad state or condition); predicament >>> A ~ is a situation that's hard to get out of. Learning about the ~ of very poor people trying rebuild their homes after a devastating earthquake might inspire you to send money to a charity. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like flight which is a difficult condition for first time flyers.


মস্তক ত্ত হস্তপদহীন মূর্তি; trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human trunk >>> A ~ is no more than the trunk of the human body — minus arms, legs, and heads. Joggers or early morning dog walkers frequently find ~s. And then the police are called. >>> Mnemonic: the terrorist TORtured the army chief SO much that his dead body was found as a ~(head and legs missing...)


মারপিট / জখম; injury to body; crime of willfully maiming or crippling a person; violent disorder; Ex. ~ in the zoo; CF. maim >>> ~ is a violent and rowdy disturbance, like what you might experience at an overcrowded rock concert or a day-after-Thanksgiving sale. >>>Mnemonic: sounds like MAY HARM ... injurious


মার্জিতরুচি; suave; refined in manner; elegant >>> ~ people are sophisticated, polished, cultured, refined. Spend enough time in an urban setting--going to concerts, museums, spending time in crowds--and you'll be ~ too. >>> Mnemonic: Urban(e)- people living in urban areas generally have refined social experience.


যোগ্যতাসম্পন্ন; limited; restricted; V. qualify: limit the meaning of; modify >>> ~ means something depends on another action occurring. If your friend receives a ~ offer on her house, that means something else has to happen — like a bank approving the loan — before it's sold. Mnemonic: Primary meaning ~ :above a given standard(quality) Secondary meaning:limited in quality(just the opposite)


রঙ্গপ্রিয়; humorous; mischievous; tricky >>> ~ means that someone is humorous or witty — the kind of person who'd keep you in stitches all night if you sat next to one at a party. >>> Mnemonic: adjective and actually describes someone who is a wag — the kind of hilarious person who keeps you entertained with witty stories and jokes


রদ করা; cancel; retract; CF. irrevocable >>> When you ~ something, you officially cancel it, like when you ~ your sister's "coolest sibling" award because she shows your friends funny pictures of you from when you were little. Mnemonic: Re-Voke...VOKE rhymes with POKE.When someone tries to POKE you you WITHDRAW


রাজ্য; kingdom; field or sphere; Ex. not within the ~s of possibility >>> A ~ is an area that is ruled by something. If you are a controlling cook who doesn't like anyone to do anything else in the kitchen, then the kitchen is your ~. Mnemonic: ~ (re + alm ) alm means king like almpanah in hindi (region of alm = kingdom)


রীতিনীতি; conventions; moral standards; moral customs >>> ~ are the customs, norms, and behaviors that are acceptable to a society or social group. If your personal morals are in disagreement with local ~, you should be prepared to be annoyed every time you read the local Letters to the Editor. >>>Mnemonic: MORE + S = moral standards


রুচিকর; agreeable; pleasing to the taste >>> Something that is ~ is acceptable to one's sense of taste—literally or figuratively. If it's ~, then you can put up with it — whether it's leftovers or a mediocre made-for-TV movie. >>> Mnemonic: PAL+AT+TABLE - u nd ur PALs At Table......obviously food is gonna very tasty...


রোগগ্রস্ত / মরণ চিন্তাগ্রস্থ; given to unwholesome or unhealthy thought; moody; characteristic of disease; Ex. ~ curiosity; N. ~ity; CF. disease >>> If the first section of the newspaper you read is the obituaries, you could be considered ~. ~ is a word used to describe anyone who spends too much time thinking about death or disease. >>>Mnemonic: ~ = MORTAL (deadly) + BITE (like of an insect) --> a deadly bite is unhealthy and disease related.


রোগজীবাণু; disease communicator >>> Whether in the human body or on a computer, a ~ is a disease-causing agent. If you come down with a nasty stomach ~, be sure to drink lots of water, get lots of rest, and stay near the toilet. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is CONTAGIOUS.


হাড়কঞ্জুষ; miser; stingy person A ~ is someone who only shops at bargain stores, never orders dessert, and in general hates spending money. It's not a nice word, so if you're trying to compliment someone, better to call them thrifty or frugal. Mnemonic: flint - চকমকি পাথর - not buying a flint and get its skin until end :D


হাস্যকর অনুকরণ, প্যারডি; copy or example of something that completely misrepresents the true nature of the real thing; comical parody or imitation; treatment aimed at making something appear ridiculous; Ex. ~ of justice; OP. paragon >>> A ~ is a cheap mockery, usually of something or someone serious, such as a ~ of justice. >>> Mnemonic: If u think Bra(tra) as vest then it is a ~.


লুটপাট; devastate; plunder; despoil; Ex. crops ~d by storms >>> The word ~ can be used as a noun or a verb meaning destruction or to destroy. In a war, bombs and the attacking army will ~ the country under siege. Mnemonic: In order to take revenge against ur enemy u have to ~ his army


লুণ্ঠিত বস্তুসমূহ; plunder >>> To ~ is a term of war that means to take everything of value from a place that you've conquered, but these days, ~ can be used to talk about anyone who takes what's not theirs. >>> Mnemonic: Pirate+Village=~


শরীরী ; able to be touched; real; concrete; palpable; possible to realize or understand; Ex. ~ proof >>> When you can touch something, it's ~: I need ~ proof that aliens exist — I want to shake their little green hands! Mnemonic: related to tangent, touching


শান্ত করা; appease; conciliate; make peaceful; ADJ. propitiatory >>> If you forgot flowers on your Mom's birthday, you can still ~ her by sending a bouquet the next day. ~ means to appease someone or make them happy by doing a particular thing. Handy strategy for lovers, too. Mnemonic: PROf+PITI- if you want professor's pity then you would have to appease him/her.


শান্ত; calm and unexcitable; not easily disturbed; >>> Yes, ~ has roots in that colorless, mucous stuff called phlegm, but people who are ~ aren't called that because they have lots of mucous. They are just a little dull in expressing feelings or showing emotion. >>> Mnemonic: Sounds like PRAGMATIC(practical) --> practical people think with logic and show little emotion.


শালীনতার ভানে - ভরা স্ত্রীলোক; excessively modest or proper person (who is easily shocked by improper things, esp. of a sexual nature); N. ~ry; ADJ. prudish: excessively concerned with propriety >>> Use ~ to describe someone who is too concerned with being proper or modest. It is a derogatory label affixed most often to girls or women who are not forthcoming romantically--it's not very nice. Mnemonic: Can be thought as an antonym of CRUDE. Also, when crude oil is refined we get PURE oil and hence it can be called PURITAN also.


শাসক - সংক্রান্ত / গুরুত্ব পূর্ণ পদাধিকারী; authoritative; imperious; commanding; of a magistrate; Ex. ~ study of Roman law; Ex. ~ manner >>> A person who is ~ can be distinguished and grand, or possibly just conceited (দাম্ভিক) and bossy. You will learn a lot if you listen to a ~ presentation of early American history. >>>Mnemonic: magistrate...!!!


শাস্তিমূলক; punishing; Ex. ~ measures >>> ~ describes inflicting a punishment. If someone takes ~ action against you, you'll probably whine and complain — you're in trouble and you're about to get punished. Mnemonic: pun, if misinterpreted, can lead to punishment


সংবিধিবদ্ধ; created by statute or legislative action; regulated by statute; Ex. ~ age limit >>> If something is ~, it is related to or set by laws or statutes. ~ restrictions on air pollution require drivers to have the emissions from their cars check every few years. Mnemonic: ~ warning-Cigarette smoking is injurious to health


সংবেদনশীলতা; process of being made sensitive or acutely responsive to an external agent or substance; make or become sensitive >>> Feeling more sensitive these days? It might be the result of ~, the process of making someone react to something that previously had no effect. >>> Mnemonic: ~ or SENSITIZE - cause to respond readily to STIMULI or stimulus.


সংশয়; uneasy feelings; misgivings; uneasy fears especially about matters of conscience; Ex. I have no ~ about giving this assignment to Helen. >>> A ~ is a feeling of uneasiness, or a sense that something you're doing is wrong, and it sounds almost like how it makes your stomach feel. If you had ~ about taking candy from the bulk bins at the store, your conscience probably told you to go back to the cashier and pay.


সঠিক যুক্তিসম্মত চিন্তা - প্রক্রিয়া; reasoning; act of drawing conclusions from premises; V. ratiocinate: reason logically >>> Take your time and think things through logically. That's what it means to use ~ to solve a problem. Mnemonic: have to SOLVE question based ON RATIO AND VARIATION WITH THE help of reasoning and logic


সততা; moral correctness; moral uprightness; moral virtue; correctness of judgment >>> ~ refers to behavior that is correct, upright and honorable. You have moral ~ if you refuse to be involved with a plan that some kids in your class have to cheat on a test. Mnemonic: ~ -> rectified + attitude. If a attitude is rectified, it has to be correct.


সততা; uprightness; honesty; incorruptibility >>> Though ~ sounds like what you might do with a sharp stick, it actually means being morally and ethically above reproach, having integrity. Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi+ english);PRO(pahle)+beti(ladkiya) sounds like girls first 'something having high morale'


সতর্ক; moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol); seriousness ~ is the state of being sober, which can mean either not intoxicated or being solemn. If he takes a drink, an alcoholic ends a stretch of ~. You might note ~ in the stands when your team is losing. Mnemonic: sobr..sounds like SOBER..AND a sober person is always serious about his life, therefore seriousness is the state of being sober.


সত্যবাদিতা; truthfulness; adherence to the truth >>> ~ sounds like some kind of disease you don't want to catch, but in fact, it means truthfulness. If you question the ~ of a statement or story, you wonder whether it is truthful or accurate. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and voracity were two cities, people of vora city used to eat too much and people of vera city used to tell truth about their fattiness, which caused differences between two cities (in this way you can remem. both words)


সদ্গুণ; goodness; moral excellence; good quality; advantage; Ex. by ~ of; Ex. make a ~ of necessity >>> ~ is the quality of being morally good. If you're writing a screenplay and you want it to be a real tearjerker, make sure your hero is full of ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - something that is pure.


সম্পূর্ণতার আদর্শ; model of perfection; Ex. ~ of virtue >>> ~ applies to someone who is a model of perfection in some quality or trait. We link ~ with other words that follow it, such as "~ of virtue" or "~ of patience." >>> Mnemonic: ~ which is a slipper brand makes products which are models for perfection


সর্বশক্তিমান; all-powerful; having unlimited power >>> If you want to describe someone who can do absolutely anything, reach for the adjective ~. >>>Mnemonic: OMNI (means all) + POTENT (powerful) = ALL POWERFUL


সর্বসম্মতি; complete agreement; >>> When there is ~, everyone agrees. When it comes to opinion, ~ is the opposite of disagreement. >>> Mnemonic: un+animity(enimity) means no enemy which means agreement or harmony


সাধন করা (কুকর্ম); commit an offense; do (something wrong) >>> It's possible to ~ a good deed, but not likely. That's because ~ means to commit or be responsible for something — usually something mischievous or bad. >>> Mnemonic: per+pet+r+ate--person eating pet animal is doing wrong


সাধ্য; feasible >>> Something that is ~ is something that can be reasonably done. Look at the word within the word, practice, plus the suffix -able, and you have something that is able to be put into practice, or ~.


সুবিধাজনক; position giving an ad~ (such as a strategic point); CF. ~point >>> A ~ is a really good place from which to survey a scene. You might find that the roof of the house offers an excellent ~ from which to drop water balloons on your kid brother's head. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);In the movie "~ Point" the hero has an ad-~ over the villain.


সুর; quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument (which distinguishes it from others of the same pitch) >>> ~ is a word that describes the tone or unique quality of a sound. If you play the same note on a piano and on a guitar, each note will have its own ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ reminds us of timber or wood. Also most of our traditional musical instruments are made of wood.In cricket when a batsman gets bowled , it hits the timber and produces a distinguised quality sound called "~".


সুরাপান করা; drink (alcoholic beverages) frequently; N: alcoholic drink >>> Use the verb ~ when you want to show that someone drinks moderately but regularly. During Prohibition in the 1920s it was illegal to ~ but today you can ~ almost anywhere — as long as you are 21. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Don't ~ or you will TOPPLE.


সূক্ষতা ; perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy; ADJ. subtle: delicate; so slight as to be difficult to detect; able to make fine distinctions; clever; Ex. subtle mind/differences in meaning >>> ~ is the quality of being understated, delicate, or nuanced. You can really appreciate the ~ your gothic friend's art if you can distinguish among many different shades of black. Mnemonic: SUB(all) did not LET(allow) him enter.bcoz he was CUNNING,GUILE


স্তবক; division of a poem (composed of two or more lines) >>> ~s are the building blocks of formal poetry, like paragraphs in a story or verses in a song. They usually have the same number of lines each time, and often use a rhyming pattern that repeats with each new ~.


স্তর; layer of earth's surface; layer of society; >>> A ~ is a layer of something, whether abstract, like a social ~ composed of only billionaires, or physical, like the different strata (that's the plural version) of clouds that an airplane passes through. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ ~ stratosphere : A layer of earth !


স্ত্রীর প্রতি অতিমাত্রায় অনুরক্ত; excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife; CF. uxor: wife >>> A man who dotes on or really adores his wife is ~; often that's an admirable trait, but sometimes, if it's carried too far, it makes you ask, "Who wears the pants in this family?" >>> Mnemonic: Anyone will be ~ to a LUXURIOUS woman with BUXOM breasts.


স্বতন্ত্র করিয়া রাখা; isolate; segregate; seclude; retire from public life The word ~ describes being kept away from others. If your sister tells you to stay out of the way so she can cook dinner for her new boyfriend, you might ~ yourself in your room. Mnemonic: seek + quest - those who seek to find something as a part of a quest have to leave the society or seclude themselves from it.


অগোছালো; untidy; careless in work habits; slipshod; one who is habitually untidy or careless ~ is what your great aunt Mehitabel might call you if you came to high tea without a necktie. It means messy or unkempt, but is a word you probably won't hear messy or unkempt people using. Mnemonic: people of SLOVENIA(a country in europe) are known to be very untidy and careless people.


অগ্নিপরীক্ষা; severe trial or affliction; difficult experience; trial(test of patience or endurance); affliction >>> An ~ is something difficult or painful to go through. Something kind of hard like taking a test can be an ~, but often an ~ is a serious and long-lasting event, like an illness or tragedy. >>>Mnemonic: or + deal = make a deal or die, it's a difficult experience


অচলাবস্থা; deadlock; situation in which further action is blocked >>> A ~ is an impasse in a contest, a point where neither player — usually in chess — can win or lose. Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);STALE(bad) + MATE(lifemate) -> You have got a bad life mate, and now you cannot do anything about it, you are at a standstill, a deadlock.


অতিক্রম করা; overcome >>> If you ~ a challenge or difficult situation, you're not just getting over it. You're outdoing yourself, exceeding expectations, and overcoming the task at hand. Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);sur+MOUNT - To cross a mountain u need to overcome the difficulties.


অতিভোজী; ravenous; eating large quantities of food; exceedingly eager; insatiable; Ex. ~ animal/reader >>> ~ is an adjective used to describe a wolflike appetite. It might be a craving for food or for something else, such as power, but the word usually denotes an unflattering greediness. >>> Mnemonic: remember carniVORES ,herbiVORES...So "VORE" tells sumthing about eating.


অনুতপ্ত; repentant; N. >>> ~ means deeply sorry, ashamed, and full of remorse. If you feel sorry--or just want to appear to--you should adopt a ~ manner. >>> Mnemonic: inside a tent if you do some thing wrong with a girl by giving penni(money) you will repent it later.


অনুতাপ; regret; lament; mourn; Ex. He will ~ the day; N. ADJ. ~ful >>> To ~ is to feel regret or remorse for something. If that position at the deli ended up involving a reality TV show that made everyone famous, you may ~ the day you turned down the job. Mnemonic: ~ sounds similar to ruin...when you ruin your life you LAMENT and REGRET it


আলোচনা; কথোপকথন; conference (between opponents); CF. speak >>> A formal discussion between enemies or opponents is called a ~. A British drummer called for a ~ between the British and American armies in 1781, and officers from both sides then discussed the terms of Britain's surrender. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like parliament... where CONFERENCE is held between opponents ...


উন্নতিলাভ করা; prosper; flourish >>> If something is thriving, it's doing well — so well you could call it "booming." A thriving retail business sees its products flying off the shelves. >>> Mnemonic: ~ after strive


কবর; tomb; V: place in a ~; >>> A ~ is a burial vault or tomb, like the one that is featured prominently in the final scenes of Romeo and Juliet. (Of course, for those who haven't read the play yet, we're not suggesting that anyone dies, necessarily.) >>> Mnemonic: it can be broken down into see(p)+ vulture .As vulture is human flesh eating animal will b found near tombs.


কামানো; very thin piece, usually of wood (cut from a surface with a sharp blade) Mnemonic: obvious when u shave there is a thin piece left


কৃত্রিম ; not natural; artificial; resulting from synthesis; Ex. synthetic fiber; N. >>> Something made of artificial material, not natural items, can be described as ~. Football stadiums have ~ grass, just as many aging actresses have ~ body parts.


কেঁদ্রীয়; central; critical; crucial >>> High school graduation is a ~ moment in most people's lives — an important point that signifies a shift in direction. >>> Mnemonic: vote- voting is very crucial & important for our future


গভীর ক্রোধ; anger; fury >>> ~ is great anger that expresses itself in a desire to punish someone: Noah saw the flood as a sign of the ~ of God. >>> Mnemonic: remember rath(s) means chariots(রথ) in mahabharata. when kings are angry and furious, they come on their rath(s) to fight.


গলিত; melted; Ex. ~ lava >>> ~ describes an object that's reduced to liquid form by heating. You're probably familiar with lava, the ~ rock that explodes out of a volcano. >>>Mnemonic: 'molt' sounds like 'melt', you melted iron and liquefied it.


গোড়ার দিকের; existing at the beginning (of time); rudimentary >>> ~, an adjective, describes something that has been around forever, like cockroaches. Mnemonic: (Tag:;:));"~" = "prime" + "order" =first in the order = existing at the beginning , rudimentary


ঘুরাঘুরি করা; wander aimlessly (physically or mentally); digress >>> You ~ when your talking or your walking goes on and on and on. And on. You're in no hurry to make a point or get to your destination — if there is one at all. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);Ram + amble -- Ram(rambo) ambled (wandered) aimlessly in the jungle.


ডিকশনারি; dictionary


প্রাচুর্য; a great quantity; Ex. ~s of clothes >>> >>> Mnemonic: ~ == Sc + Ad. ~s of ads coming on TV nowadays.~s=scores+ads


মূল্যহানিকর; (of a word or phrase) suggesting that someone is of little value; negative in connotation; having a belittling effect; Ex. Many women now considers ``housewife'' a ~ expression, because it patronized them. >>> Call a word or phrase ~ if it is used as a disapproving expression or a term of abuse. Tree-hugger is a ~ term for an environmentalist. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Owner of a Mitsubishi PAJERO belittles everyone on the road.


যাযাবর; wandering; V. ~: move from one region and settle in another; move periodically from one region to another >>> Animals that change locations with the seasons are said to be ~. Ruby-throated hummingbirds are ~. They spend winter in the warmer climate of Mexico, Central, and South America and then return to the eastern United States in the spring.


যুক্তিপূর্ণ; fundamental reason or principle (on which a system or principle is based); fundamental reason or justification; grounds for an action >>> The ~ for something is the basic or underlying reason or explanation for it. This noun (pronounced "rash-uh-NAL") is usually used in the singular: What was the ~ behind his decision to quit? Mnemonic: ~- fundamental A rationcard is a fundamental thing necessary for showing as proof


যুদ্ধবিষয়ক; warlike; of war; Ex. ~ art/law >>> An adjective referring to the military, the word ~ adds a warlike tone to any noun it describes. >>>Mnemonic: marital-- sometimes marital relations are warlike - when husband and wife have altercations.


শারীরবৃত্তীয়; pertaining to the science of the function of living organisms >>> ~ refers to the normal, healthy operation of your body and its organs.


শুষ্ক; parched; dry You can describe something that is dried up, withered, or without moisture with the adjective ~. The desert climate, for example, is ~, as is your skin after a day in the wind. Mnemonic: like the Sierra Desert, dry and arid


শ্বাসক্রিয়া; breathing; exhalation; ADJ. respiratory >>> ~ is the act of breathing. You wear a ventilator if you need help with your ~.


সরস ; juicy; full of juice or sap; full of richness; N: ~ plant such as a cactus >>> ~ means juicy and is often used to describe food. Think a ~ piece of meat, or berries so ~ you're left sucking juice off your fingertips when you eat them. Mnemonic: You suck a fruit only if it is ~.


(ভয়ঙ্কর) আকার ধারণ / তাঁত; appear or take shape (usually in an enlarged, indistinct, or distorted form); Ex. The shadow of the gallows (ফাঁসিকাঠ) ~ed threateningly. N: apparatus for making thread into cloth >>> ~ has two distinct meanings. First, it's a tool for weaving. Second, it means to appear or stand over someone in a threatening way. The future ~ed grim (ভয়ানক). The shadow ~ed above us. >>> হালুম - sounds and ~ as a furious tiger


; stop or check flow of blood; Ex. ~ the gushing wound >>> Use the verb ~ to describe stopping a liquid from spreading, like a bandage that ~es bleeding or thick towels that ~ the flow of water across the kitchen floor when you drop a full glass of water. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Stop and Check the flow of blood);~ = ST(op)+AN(d)+CH(eck)


gift for finding valuable things by accident; accidental good fortune or luck; CF. The Three Princes of Serendip If you find good things without looking for them, ~ â unexpected good luck â has brought them to you. Mnemonic: (Tag:;LUCK BY CHANCE);if a DEITY shows PITY on you, you are LUCKY and you can DISCOVER GREAT THINGS.~=sudden+pity(divine)


point or time at which the sun is farthest from the equator The longest and shortest days of the year â the days when the sun is furthest from the Equator â are each called a ~. Mnemonic: ~:Solution+ice::when does a solution becomes ice when there no heat,i.e sun is far away.


অনুচরবৃন্দ; following; attendants >>> A ~ is an entourage, a crew, a posse. It's the group of people that accompany an important person. Mnemonic: (Tag:;rhyme);sounds like routine what you FOLLOW (daily) is routine(oops ~) i.e follow-->routine following-->~


অপরাধী; evildoer; criminal >>> A ~ has done something illegal and has been or will be convicted, such as the ~ who was videotaped stealing money from a cash register. >>>Mnemonic: see it as MAL-EFFECTOR who affects in wrong way


আন্দোলিত করা; vibrate pendulumlike; waver >>> On a hot day, you'll be happy to have a fan that can ~, meaning it moves back and forth in a steady motion. >>>Mnemonic: we always ~ who will be the winner of next Oscar prize


কুলপতি; father and ruler of a family or tribe >>> A ~ is a male leader. Your father might be the ~ of your family, but your kid brother could be the ~ of his club house. >>> Mnemonic: partri+arch patri=father......hence partiarch is father of family or tribe


খুঁটিনাটি; trivial; unimportant >>> If something is ~ it's really unimportant, of no consequence — "a ~ detail." >>> Mnemonic: divide it like TRI(TRY)+FLING.(means to throw sb or something) always TRY to throw SOMETHING UNIMPORTANT.


জিজ্ঞাসা; inquiry; question; V. >>> A ~ is a question, or the search for a piece of information. Mnemonic: ~ is to enquiry


তীব্র তিরস্কার; scold harshly; criticize severely >>> If you receive a ~, it means that you have been reprimanded, or scolded. Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);sounds like REEBOK.....u'll SCOLD HARSHLY n CRITICIZE SEVERELY ur servant as he has spoiled ur reebok shoes..


দোদুল্যমান; hanging; suspended >>> Walking a path with ~ trees, the kind with hanging branches, is easier if you're five rather than seven feet tall. >>> Mnemonic: remember a pendulum, hangs downward


পুষ্ট; stout; corpulent >>> >>> Mnemonic: PORKY the pig is ~...


প্রশমিত করা; soothe an angry person >>> To ~ is to calm someone down, talk them off the ledge, make amends, maybe even apologize. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sounds like just think of nullifying something...nullifying your temper


প্রাচুর্য; great amount; plenty; overabundance; excess; lavish expenditure; Ex. ~ of choices; ADJ. profuse: plentiful; copious; giving or given abundantly; extravagant >>> If there's an abundance of something, you can say that there's a ~ of it. Hilarious and bizarre YouTube videos certainly exist in ~. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);WHERE THERE IS FUSION (EXPLOSION, ABUNDANCE, MUCH) OF MONEY


বাহিয়া উঠা; slope; inclined plane or roadway (connecting two levels) >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Fashion);~ (stage) is used in fashion shows when models walk on ~ which is like an inclined plane.


বিচারালয়; court of justice >>> A ~ is like a court. If you've done something wrong and you get caught it's likely you'll be brought before a ~, although not all ~s are there to determine guilt. >>> Mnemonic: tribal people are badly dey need a special COURT OF JUSTICE!!


বিবাহ - বিদ্বেষী; hatred of marriage


লম্পট / কামুক; amoral; lewd and lascivious; unrestrained >>> Someone who is ~ behaves or speaks inappropriately, usually in regards to sex. >>>Mnemonic: lie (শোয়া) + cent + use -> lie with any woman for cents and use as you wish


শান্ত; peaceful; calm; Ex. ~ child/lake >>> >>> Mnemonic: a student well PLACED in his college will sit calmly and compared to those who did not get placed.


সারি; line (of waiting people or vehicles) >>> A ~ is a line of things, usually people. If you go to the store on a big sale day, there will probably be a long ~ at the check-out. Mnemonic: ~


হুলুস্থূল; extreme confusion; great commotion and confusion; Ex. throw the country into ~ >>> Mashed potatoes flew in one direction, peas in another. Kids were standing on chairs. The principal was shouting, but no one listened. "Food fight!," the seniors cried. The cafeteria was in a state of ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~: turn + oil...when the government raises the price of creates ~ among the public.


large quantity or number; Ex. ~ of errands left >>> Of all the many nouns referring to a large group of things, one of the most fun is ~, as in I saw a whole ~ of birds in the tree by the river. Mnemonic: His typing was slow, yet there were a ~ of errors.


~; practical person; N. pragmatism: pragmatic way of dealing with things >>> If you have a friend whose head is always in the clouds, always dreaming, and taking risks without thinking of the consequences, you might say that she isn't much of a ~. >>> Mnemonic: PRACTICAL+MATHEMATIST


অকার্যকর করা; spoil the effect of; make inoperative; corrupt morally >>> As some sneaky five-year-olds know, crossing one's fingers while making a promise is an effective way to ~, or destroy the validity of, an agreement. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ is vish + ate, vish in the hindi language means poison..if you make anyone eat poison it's an IMMORAL ACT and the person will be in an IMPERFECT condition.


অতি প্রকাণ্ড; gigantic; enormous >>> The adjective ~ is a great way to describe something really, really big, like those huge woolly elephants they're still finding in the melting glaciers. >>>Mnemonic: : mam+moth—mam(madam) mouth(moth) was so HUGE she just keep on shouting


অতিভোজন ; satiate; feed or supply to excess; stuff; indulge to excess in anything; N: ~ing; excessive amount; Ex. ~ of food >>> Steve baked a ~ of jam tarts. Steve ate a ~ of jam tarts. Steve ~ed himself on jam tarts. Whether ~ is a noun or a verb (as in overabundance or gorge), Steve is likely to end up with a bellyache. Mnemonic: (Tag:;HINDI);break ~ as SIRF(sirf in HINDI means only to) EAT.Bas khate hi rehta an excess of..


অতিরিক্ত ; superfluous; more than needed or demanded >>> Something that is ~ is a little too much — more than what you want or need. It could be an extra layer of tinsel on an already flashy Christmas tree or a second lengthy apology after the first one was accepted. Mnemonic: sounds like super+repository. A repository is a storage of information. super repository will have 'EXCESSIVE' information.


অতিলৌকিক; not earthly; supernatural; weird; ghostly >>> ~ describes something supernatural — a person or object that seems to come from another world. ~ beings are usually mysterious and can sometimes be scary, like the aliens you might see in a science fiction movie. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - un+earthly, something that is not on earth is supernatural...


অতীত পর্যালোচনামূলক~; taking effect before its enactment (as a law) or imposition (as a tax); (of a law) having effect on the past as well as the future >>> The adjective ~ refers to something happening now that affects the past. For example, a ~ tax is one that is passed at one time, but payable back to a time before the tax was passed. Mnemonic: Retro refers to the "past" as in retrospect, retrofit etc., ~ means: "Active in the past" i.e., applicable to the past.


অতীত-পর্যালোচনামূলক; go backwards; recede; degenerate; deteriorate; ADJ. >>> ~ describes moving in a backwards or reverse direction. If you're suddenly told that you can no longer vote because you're a woman, that's a ~ affront to your civil rights. Start protesting! Mnemonic: Prefix Retro:Behind,Backward...retro+grade is like degrade..


অত্যুচ্চ প্রশংসা; overwhelmingly favorable review; V: talk wildly as if mad; Ex. raving lunatic >>> If you ~ about a book you just read, you're telling people you think it's great, or you're giving it a ~ review. Mnemonic: think of B~, to whom you are giving enthusiastically review for this b~ry.


অদ্ভুত; odd in an old-fashioned way; odd; old-fashioned; picturesque >>> ~ means strange and unusual in an old-fashioned and charming way. It's a word you'd use to describe a little store that sells tea cozies and antique tea services, or your grandmother's habit of calling the radio the "wireless." Mnemonic: If you know someone already, you call them ac + ~. That is because, they are already known to you (old).


অধস্তন ; occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive; N. V: put in a lower rank or class >>> ~ means putting one thing below another--a ~ is someone who works for someone else, and to ~ means to place or rank one thing below another. We ~ our desire for popcorn to our desire to keep watching the movie.


অনন্যসাধারণ; being only one; individual; unique; extraordinary; odd; If something is extraordinary, remarkable, or one of a kind, you can say it is ~. A ~ opportunity to sing onstage with a rock star is a remarkable opportunity. Mnemonic: anyone who is ~(single) in a crowd is UNIQUE AND ODD


অনভ্যস্ত / সচরাচর ঘটে না এমন; unaccustomed; unusual; Ex. He arrived with ~ punctuality. >>> ~ is a pretty old-fashioned word now, meaning something unusual or out of the ordinary. Nowadays, ~ is a pretty ~ word itself. >>> Mnemonic: WONTED=WANTED... name of salman khans film.....but if its sequel is named ~ ,now that shall be UNCUSTOMARY=UNUSUAL...; )


অনুত্তেজিত; composed (with no excitement); grave; V: administer a ~ive to; >>> ~ means to be calm, but if a doctor ~s you it means you've been administered a tranquilizing drug. Most surgeries require some form of sedation, but to be ~ in day-to-day life means composed, quiet, and serene. Not necessarily unconscious. >>> Mnemonic: one should be ~d before his 1st date....


অনুনয় - বিনয় করা ; petition humbly; pray to grant a favor >>> If you don't get the grade you were hoping for on your paper, you could try to rewrite it, or you could meet with your teacher and ~. Your humble requests for an 'A' may or may not work. Mnemonic: (Tag:;usage);if u ~ God will SUPPLY


অনুনয় - বিনয় করা; entreat; request earnestly; seek to obtain; Ex. ~ votes; chief law officer ~ means to ask for. It is what those people on the street are doing, when they ask, Do you have a moment to talk about the destruction of the planet? They are ~ing donations for their cause. Mnemonic: so+ let(li)+ me sit(cit)....i requestd my teacher


অনুশোচনা; deep regret for wrongdoing; guilt; self-reproach >>> ~, a noun, is what you feel if you regret your actions or wish for another outcome. Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENG);rem+(w)orse ....remembering(read recalling)the worse thing that u did ...u feel the guilt.


অনৈক্য; division into factions (esp. within a religious body); split >>> The sound of the word ~ reminds some people of the sound of a piece of paper being torn in two; which makes sense -- when a group has a big fight and the group is torn in two, that's a ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hinduism sikhism e.t.c);Sounds like prism which splits light into colors.


অন্তর্ঘাতক; one who commits sabotage; destroyer of property; N. sabotage: destruction of property (usually carried out secretly) >>> A ~ is a person who makes a mess of a situation on purpose. You might call your little brother a ~ for letting the air out of your bicycle tires, but you could be a ~ in return by filling his shoes with cold spaghetti. Mnemonic: sab(in hindi we all)+teur..sounds like tear...during the gujrat riots when people were destroying property..people who were eying on tv sets .un.SAB ki aakho me tears aa gaye.


আঠালো চটচটে জিনিস; ointment >>> That sometimes sticky or greasy salve you put on cuts or rashes is also called an ~. Whether it's a cream or a gel, the main purpose of an ~ is to heal or protect a sore. >>> Mnemonic: un (not) gu (গু) - its sth else, its - oinment


আদেশপত্র; ~ten command issued by a court (telling someone to do or not to do something) >>> If you are ever served with a ~, then you better do what it says. A ~ is a ~ten document issuing a legal order. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is similar to ~e. something that is ~ten-so, ~ is a document.


উত্থান - পতন; change (esp. from good to bad); change of fortune; CF. the last emperor of China >>> When you talk of the ~s of life, you're referring to the difficult times that we all go through: sickness, job loss, and other unwelcome episodes. No one can escape the ~s of life. >>> While ~ comes from the Latin vicis, which means "change" and technically can mean a change of any kind, you'll find that ~ is almost always used to talk about an unfortunate event or circumstance.


কৌশলপূর্ণ; crafty; cunning; artful; N. ~e: deceitful stratagem >>> Did you fall for that ~ door to door salesman's pitch? He must be very slick and tricky to have convinced you to buy a set of new tires, considering you don't have a car. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - wildly cunning


খিটখিটে; touchy; peevish; ill-tempered >>> Choose the adjective, ~, to describe a person or behavior that is irritable in a childish way. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);The pet - u - lent me is getting me irritated


গোলাকৃতি; roundness; sonorousness of speech >>> When you talk about the ~, or roundness, of a voice, you're talking about how full-bodied and easily heard it is. The ~ of a person is how round they are in the belly. Any 3D object that has a roundness to it can be described in terms of its ~. Mnemonic: rotund = round


ছো মারা; fall sharply; fall straight down; Ex. Stock prices ~ed. >>> The verb ~ means "to drop sharply," like eagles that ~ toward earth, seeking prey, or school attendance that ~s when there is a flu outbreak. >>> Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with "comet" which falls so sharply.


জড় করা; gather; assemble (troops); Ex. ~ up one's strength for the ordeal (কঠোর পরীক্ষা); N. >>> Originally meaning only to gather soldiers, ~'s definition has been expanded to include gathering up just about anything--you can ~ up some dinner, some friends, or even some ketchup, pickles and mustard. >>>Mnemonic: try rhyming it with "cluster" almost means the same..


জলাভূমি বা গলিত পদার্থ হইতে নির্গত দূষিত বাষ্পবিশেষ; swamp gas; heavy vaporous atmosphere often emanating from decaying matter; pervasive corrupting influence; noxious atmosphere or influence >>> A ~ is a cloud of foul-smelling vapor, like swamp gas. You could have a ~ of stale beer that lingers in the stands long after the crowd disappears, or a ~ of rumor swirling around a politician. >>>Mnemonic: swamp gas has a bad odor which causes me asthma (mi-asma)


ঝাঁজরা; full of pores; like a sieve >>> If something is full of tiny holes or openings, you can describe it as ~. A sponge is ~, and if the border between countries is open for anyone to cross easily, it too can be called ~.


টাকাকড়ি - সংক্রান্ত; pertaining to money >>> If it has to do with money, it's ~ — not to be confused with "peculiarity" — which actually has one more syllable than ~ but isn't worth as much because it rarely pertains to money. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);One NAARY(woman) after PE-KAY(drinking)was lying on the ground beggind for money


ডোরা - ডোরা; marked with parallel bands; striped; grooved; Ex. ~ rocks; thin groove or line >>> If a field is plowed into furrows, it's ~--or, technically, it's marked with striae, which are stripes or grooves.


তৃষ্ণা নিবারণ করা; assuage or satisfy (thrust); slake; douse or extinguish; put out; suppress >>> ~ means to put out, put an end to, or satisfy. If you're stranded in the middle of the desert with nothing drink, you're probably dreaming of a nice big glass of ice water to ~ your thirst. Mnemonic: rhymes with drench (which also means the same).


দূরদর্শিতা; ability to foretell the future; knowledge of actions before they occur; ADJ. prescient >>> Do you already know what happens tomorrow? Next week? Next year? If you can see into the future, then you have ~. Mnemonic: pre(before)+science(..knowledge)..i.e. having the knowledge to TELL THE FUTURE BEFORE TIME...


দেহসংক্রান্ত; pertaining to the body; bodily; physical ~ is a fancy word that just means dealing with the body. You may be tired of hearing your great-grandfather's ~ complaints, but give him a break - his body has been working for 80 years! Mnemonic: etymologically SOMA means body...and thus the word ~


দৈবদুর্ঘটনা; unfortunate accident >>> Don't cry over spilled milk, it is just a minor ~ — a misfortune. If the surgeon operates on the wrong leg when you go in for knee surgery? Now, that's a ~ to get upset about. >>>Mnemonic: ~=mis+happenining


ধোঁয়া; emit (an unpleasant odor or smoke); give off an unpleasant odor; give out smoke; Ex. ~ing chimney; N: unpleasant odor; stench >>> It smells absolutely rotten and offensive. Birds are falling from the sky because of the fumes. You might throw up from one whiff. Whatever it is, it ~s. Mnemonic: A Drainage LEAK will emit a ~ :)


নতুনত্ব; something new; newness >>> ~ is a newness or refreshing quality. Many college freshmen enjoy the ~ of living on their own — until it comes time to do that first load of laundry. >>>Mnemonic: politician is no+velty(wealty) it is a news and newness


পক্ব; experienced >>> ~ describes a person who has been around forever, doing what they do, and doing it well — throughout the seasons. They have lots of experience, and they can handle just about anything that comes their way. >>> Mnemonic: one which saw many SEASONS in its life...will be very AGED


পায়ের ডাক্তার; doctor who treats ailments of the feet; chiropodist; >>> A ~ is a foot doctor. Got a bunion? A hammer toe? Call the ~. >>> Mnemonic: pod + atrist = pod means feet...artist of feet is doctor of feet


পূজাবিধি; title or heading (in red print); directions for religious ceremony; protocol >>> A ~ is a heading or a category in a chart, or a rule of conduct. A teacher's grading ~s may include participation, homework completion, tests, quizzes, and papers. Mnemonic: BRICKS are usually in red in color and and every brick has a company name on it(title) on it..


প্রতারক; cheater >>> If you know someone is a ~, stay away from him. ~s are scammers who con people to make a buck. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ -- ~ -- A ~ changes his mind just like WIND direction


প্রবক্তা; supporter; backer; opposite of opponent >>> ~ means someone who is in favor of something. You might be a ~ of longer vacations, but your parents are ~s of a longer school year. Mnemonic: person opposite to opponent


প্রস্তাবনা; introduction; introductory performance or event; forerunner >>> The prefix "pre-" means "before," so it makes sense that a ~ is an introductory action, event or performance that comes before a bigger or more momentous one. Mnemonic: CONCLUDE will be in the end, ~ - beginning / introduction


প্রস্তাবনা; introductory statement >>> A ~ is a brief introduction to a speech, like the ~ to the Constitution that starts out "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect ordain and establish this Constitution." >>> Mnemonic: PRE(before) + AM (i) + BOL(tell): in a meeting political leaders will say: what I want to say before I start my lecture is bla bla bla. All this will take 1 hour. :) . This is what ~ is.


ফেঁকাসে; having a pale or sickly color; pallid >>> Someone who is ~ is visibly unwell and lacking in energy. If you've had the flu for over a week, and you finally get out of bed looking pale and tired, your mother might say that you look ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = white + and + nervous


ফ্যাশান দুরস্ত; fashionable; conforming to the current fashion >>> Something ~ is fashionable and stylish. It's a-la-mode, or right on top of the latest look. In the 1970s, it was considered ~ to wear bell bottoms. >>>Mnemonic: ~ = mode (style) + ish.. thats is extremely stylish.. hence very fashionable..


বংশ; descent; ancestry >>> The word ~ is used to describe everyone who descends from a particular ancestor. Mozart had six children, but none of them had children of their own, so the composer's ~ ended after one generation. >>>Mnemonic: line of age


বিভ্রান্ত করা; confuse; muddle; cause confusion; make needlessly complex; make so confused as to be difficult to understand >>> Some people are experts at obfuscating the truth by being evasive চতুর, unclear, or obscure in the telling of the facts. The people who are good at ~ing would include defense lawyers and teenagers asked about their plans for Saturday night. >>>Mnemonic: ob (ab---now) FUSCATE = fuss + create To deliberately create a fuss about an issue to make it hard to understand and hard to understand.


মদ্যপানবিমুখতা; practice of abstaining totally from alcoholic drinks; N. teetotaler;; ADJ. teetotal; CF. T + total >>> ~ is a noun, meaning staying away from alcohol. If you see someone drinking a soda at a bar, they might practice ~ or they might just be planning to drive themselves home. >>> Mnemonic: totally drinking tea..not drinking alcohol :-)


রাজস্ব; tax levied by a ruler; payment made by one nation to another in acknowledgment of submission; mark of respect (such as praise or gift); Ex. pay ~ to >>> A ~ is a sign of respect or admiration, an award to honor a person's accomplishments. A famous director receives a lifetime achievement award as a ~ to his many successful films. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and CON~ are rhyming words. As it was a ~ for the flood victims, everyone CON~D generously.


রাজার দণ্ড; ceremonial staff used as a symbol of authority; clublike medieval weapon >>> Ever see a film about medieval knights killing one another? Well, the long stick with iron spikes at the end they often used was called a ~. It'll put quite a dent (গর্ত) in your skull. >>>Mnemonic: don't mess with me otherwise i will hit you with a ~


লাবণ; salty >>> ~ is an adjective that means "salty." While "salty" is a perfectly good word to use when describing French fries or tears, ~ tends to be a word you might hear in a more official setting, like in a hospital or in a geology class. >>> Mnemonic: at hospital when the famous ~ is given, it is actually for compensating for minerals(salts)


শোকার্ত; mournful; sorrowful >>> Funerals are ~. So are rainy days and Mondays. Anything that makes you sad, gloomy, or mournful can be called ~. >>>Mnemonic: He was very mournful when he had to BURY his maimed (অঙ্গহীনত্ব) LEG.


শোভন; (of behavior) proper; appropriate >>> You don't want to seem anything less than ~, especially in the presence of the Queen. Only ~ behavior is allowed when she's around. >>> how you'd like to "seem" to others. Chances are the answer is something like ~. Unless you enjoy seeming like a big mess


সতর্ক; very cautious; watchful >>> Describe yourself as ~ if you don't quite trust someone or something and want to proceed with caution. Be ~ of risky things like wild mushrooms and Internet deals! >>> Mnemonic: ~ and worry sound the same... you become ~ (cautious) if you have too many worries in life.


সত্যবাদী; (of a person) truthful >>> Someone who is ~ speaks the truth — like your brutally honest friend who always lets you know what she thinks about your outfits, your hairstyle, your lasagna recipe, and your taste in movies. >>> Mnemonic: the root word 'VER' refers to true.. hence we can frame words like: ~ - truthful and verisimilitude - an appearence of truth.


সরকরি সাহায্য ; direct financial aid by government, etc.; assist with a ~ >>> A ~ is a grant of financial assistance. Many school districts, for example, offer a ~ to low-income families for book fees and lunch costs. The family pays a set amount and the district makes up the difference. Mnemonic: to subside difficulties government grant ~


সরস চটজলদি জবাব; quick clever reply >>> Late night talk show hosts are known for being experts at ~, or clever conversation, with their celebrity guests. Mnemonic: ~ Reply (rep) + Artistically (artee)


সর্বভুক; eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything >>> An ~ animal eats meat and plants — everything on the menu


সুচতুর; prudent; judicious; well judged; expedient; well devised >>> If you are ~, you are smooth and diplomatic. You'd probably make a good ~ian. >>> Mnemonic: To enter ~s, one has to highly PRACTICAL n they must also have a WELL DEVISED plan to succeed!


সুড়সুড়ি দেওয়া; tickle; excite pleasantly; Ex. not to ~ the audience but to enlighten it >>> A juicy steak may ~ your taste buds, or sexy images in a foreign film may ~ your desire. ~ means to excite someone's imagination, especially in a sexual way. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Adult);"Tits" + "Late" -> The more late a girls show you her tits in foreplay, more sexually excited you become.


সুশিক্ষাবিহীন লোক; narrow-minded person, uncultured and exclusively interested in material gain; uncultured person who is indifferent to artistic and cultural values; member of an ancient people in Palestine; OP. aesthete >>> A ~ is a person who doesn't think a lot and isn't interested in learning. Your uncle Marvin, who's only interested in eating, sleeping, and watching game shows, could be considered a ~. >>> Mnemonic: break it into PHIL(feel)+TINE(tiny)...those who feel over tiny things are NARROW MINDED.


স্বীকার করিয়া লত্তয়া; self-evident truth; something assumed without proof; V: assume the truth of (as a basis of an argument) >>> Assume something or present it as a fact and you ~ it. Physicists ~ the existence of parallel universes, which is a little mind-blowing. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);post-u-late: I agree that I posted it late but when you get my mail, my statement that "I did send it" will self evidently be true.


হাড়ে পরিণত করা / শক্ত; change or harden into bone; become hard and unchanging in one's ideas >>> ~ means to become bony. When a baby is born, some of their "bones" are actually soft cartilage কোমলাস্তি, which allows for growth. As the child grows, these soft areas ~ into actual bone. The knee cap, for example, begins to ~ between ages 3 and 6. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);remember it with "fossil"--bodies become hard fossils(bones)


হোঁতকা; উবু হত্তয়া; short and thick; stocky; Ex. ugly ~ tower; V. N. >>> If you crouch down very low and sit on your heels, you ~. If you have to talk to a small child, you might have to ~ to talk face-to-face. Mnemonic: Indian toilets force you to ~.


অক্ষরে অক্ষরে; word for word; in the same words; repeating the actual words exactly >>> Repeat something you've read or heard precisely word-for-word, and you have just quoted it ~. That's great if what you deliver ~ is the directions on how to defuse a bomb, but not a good idea if you're cheating on a test and copying someone's answer ~. >>> Mnemonic: VERBAL+ IMITATION.......VERBAT+IMitation


অনুভূ; গ্রহনক্ষত্রাদির কক্ষপথের যে স্থান পৃথিবী হইতে নিকটতম; point of moon's orbit when it is nearest the earth; CF. apogee >>> The ~ is the point in the orbit of an object circling the Earth when that object is closest to the Earth. The best time to observe the moon is when the moon reaches its ~. >>> Mnemonic: it has opposite meaning with APOGEE


একরঙা; having only one color >>> If everything in your room is pink, your room is ~ — all of one color. >>>Mnemonic: Mono(single)+chromatic(color) as follows,,,,


চর্বণ করা; chew >>> To ~ is to chew your food or to bite and grind stuff with your teeth. >>>Mnemonic: মাস্তিতে কাটা চিবিয়ে খাওয়া


চামার ; person who turns animal hides into leather >>> Mnemonic: TAN+LEATHER:Person who makes Tan into leather


ঝগড়াটে; given to complaining; complaining; fretful; whining >>> ~ means "having a tendency to complain" or, more directly put, "whiny." Sure, no one can be happy all the time, but that's no excuse for being ~. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);One who keeps questioning (querying) everything.


দরিদ্রতা; extreme poverty; stinginess; stingy >>> ~ means extreme poverty to the point of homelessness and begging in the streets. Economic downturns, job loss, shopping sprees, and weekends at the high rollers' table in Vegas can lead to ~. >>> Mnemonic: pen+ru(pee) rupee to buy a pen


নির্মম; pitiless; merciless; cruel >>> ~ means showing no mercy or compassion. If you really want to cut down on the clutter in your apartment, you can't be sentimental about keepsakes. You have to be ~ and throw out everything that's not absolutely essential. Mnemonic: ~ is a synonym of relentLESS


পদচিহ্ন; trace; remains; Ex. ~s of some ancient religion >>> ~ is an elegant word. It's all about shadows, and gives us a way to talk about traces or reminders of something that has disappeared or is disappearing. >>> Mnemonic: think of in + vestigate, where we look for traces or remains of something.


প্রতিরোধ করা; make impossible; prevent; exclude; eliminate >>> To ~ something is to prevent it from happening. A muzzle ~s a dog from biting. Mnemonic: ~ is to EXCLUDE or keep out, whereas INCLUDE which is its opposite means to take in as part of a group.


বদমাইশ; very wicked >>> Describe a person's actions as ~ if they are evil or wicked. Batman and Superman are always fighting evildoers and stopping their ~ plots. >>>Mnemonic: this sounds like ne(nephew)+farious(furious) your nephew is very furious or cruel or violent


বিদ্বেষপরায়ণ; hateful; spiteful; expressing malice; N. malice: desire to harm others; spite


মজ্জা; core or marrow; spongelike substance in the center of stems; essence; substance >>> ~ is the central idea or essence of something. If you're in danger, you could exclaim, "I would greatly appreciate it if someone would provide assistance." Or, you could get right to the ~ of your point by shouting, "Help!" >>> Mnemonic: ~ : ~aji(father in hindi)essential or central part of the family


সমুদ্রতীরবর্তী; bordering on(adjacent to) the sea; nautical; of the ships or the sea; Ex. ~ Provinces >>> Use ~ to describe anything involving the sea and ships. A ~ museum would probably be located in a coastal town, and stuffed full of historic boats, oars, life preservers, and fishing gear. >>>Mnemonic: Marine time!


সহনশক্তি; power of endurance; strength; staying power >>> If you can run for a really long time, or carry a heavy box a really long way, you have ~. ~ is staying power or enduring strength.


অপ্রত্যাশিত প্রত্যাখ্যান; reject bluntly; snub; beat back; Ex. She ~ed his invitation; N. >>> If you ~ someone's advances, it means they're trying to get in with you, and you're sending them signals that you are not interested. A ~ can be quite rude, like pretending you don't hear their question. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);re (reject) + buff (bluff) -> you will reject/snub/beat back what a bluff (person who pretends or lies) says !


পরম গুরূত্ব; seriousness; gravity Put on a straight face when you think of the word ~; it is used for occasions that are all about seriousness and dignity. Mnemonic: Remember king solomon,he was very serious


পৃথক ; separate; part; CF. a~ >>> Think of the word ~ as violently tearing something apart. A frequent line in a wedding ceremony is, What God has joined together, let no man tear a~. Keep that in mind, and you'll have the meaning of the word. Mnemonic: Sundar ladkiyan kya karti hain,doston ke beech mein lad aai karwa deti hain,dost alag ho jaate hain,physical violance bhi possible hai


পৃথক্করণ; isolation of a person, place, or ship to prevent spread of infection; V: isolate in ~ >>> If you contract something highly infectious, such as pinkeye, please ~ yourself so that you don't infect others with it. This means you'll have to stay in isolation and avoid contact with other people. Mnemonic: ~ is pretty familiar in case of antivirus softwares you can ~ the virus affected files which means to ISOLATE THEM...


পেঁচাল; twisting; winding; bending in and out; not morally honest ~ means winding or curvy. If you get lost on a ~ mountain path, you'll need a compass or a GPS to figure out which direction leads back to camp. Mnemonic: Two things: 1. sin() uous - like a sine wave, twisting and winding


পেঁচালো; winding; full of curves; Ex. ~ mountain road >>> ~ means twisting or complicated. "James Bond drove his custom BMW 120 mph on the road that was ~ in its twists and turns. He had to stop the evil madman's plan for world domination that was so ~ even 007 could not understand it." >>> Mnemonic: a tortoise does not move in straight line... it keeps twisting and turning making path complicated.


পোশাক - সংক্রান্ত; pertaining to tailors or tailoring; Ex. a man of great ~ elegance; CF. sartor: tailor >>> If it's the day before a big event and you have no idea what to wear and nothing in your closet is going to cut it, you are facing a ~ dilemma — one that pertains to clothing, fashion or dressing. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like sari tore and you need a tailor to fix it, thus ~ pertains to tailoring


পৌরোহিত্য অভিষেক; ceremony conferring holy orders; ceremony of ordaining a priest >>> What an inauguration is to a president, an ~ is to a religious authority. It's the ceremony of bestowing a person with a position of religious authority — as when someone becomes a priest, minister, or shaman. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;engish);order by the nation


প্যাপিরাস কাগজ; ancient paper made from stem of ~ plant >>> The word "paper" comes from ~, which is "the paper plant, or paper made from it." When the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans wanted to jot something down, they used ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~: sounds like paper thing


প্রকাশ্য লিখিত ঘোষণা; public declaration of principles; statement of policy >>> A ~ is a public statement stating your views or your intention to do something. If you feel you should be voted "Most Likely to Succeed," you could issue a ~ describing all the reasons why you deserve to win. >>>Mnemonic: To make his public declaration the MAN had a FIESTA to draw attention to his declaration.


প্রচণ্ড / আবেগজনিত; forceful; intensely emotional; with marked vigor; strong; >>> You can use the adjective ~ to describe an extremely strong, powerful, or intense emotion or force. The teenager argued for a much later curfew in a ~ speech to her parents; her parents responded with an equally ~ "No way!" >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~ resembles cement i.e. strong, forceful (cement expands inwards with immense pressure and force) ~ == cement. -- হু হু করে ওঠা


প্রচণ্ড ক্রুদ্ধ / কৃষ্ণনীলবর্ণ; lead-colored; black and blue (as from a bruise (কালশিটে)); ashen; enraged; extremely angry >>> If you're ~, you're furious, in a black cloud of anger. The Latin root this word comes from means "bluish-gray" or "slate-colored," and you can also use ~ to describe the color, such as a ~ bruise or a ~ sea. >>>Mnemonic: I live I Decide --- ছেলে রাগ করে বাড়ি ছেড়ে চলে যাচ্ছে nd very angry


প্রচুর সংখ্যায় স্বীয় বংশবৃদ্ধি; grow rapidly (in numbers); spread; multiply; >>> When something ~s, it's growing, spreading or multiplying really quickly. Bunny rabbits have a habit of proliferating, as do dandelions in untended gardens and funny YouTube videos on the internet. Mnemonic: life rate=its always increasing


প্রচুর; (of something bad) widespread; abundant; current >>> If your supervisor at work describes your new position as "~ with opportunities for advancement," then rejoice! That means your position offers many opportunities for advancement. Mnemonic: ~ is like wife...which is common one hence ABUNDANT and PLENTIFUL.


প্রচুর; material; solid; essential or fundamental; ample; considerable; well-to-do; wealthy >>> Something ~ is large in size, number, or amount: If you want to say someone spent a lot of money without being too specific, you could say they spent a ~ amount of money.


প্রচুরপরিমাণে উত্পাদনশীল; producing offspring or fruit in abundance; fertile; fecund; abundantly fruitful; producing abundant works; Ex. ~ writer >>> Someone or something that is ~ is fruitful or highly productive. A ~ songwriter can churn out five hit tunes before breakfast. Mnemonic: "Production Lifted"--> They produced large amounts of the product = Their production was lifted up in amount = They were ~.


প্রচেষ্টা; পরীক্ষামূলক প্রস্তাব; not fully worked out or developed; provisional; experimental; uncertain; hesitant; not definite or positive; Ex. ~ agreement/reply >>> Choose the adjective, ~ to describe something you are unsure or hesitant about. On Monday, you can make ~ plans for the weekend but it's too early to commit to one party or another. >>> Mnemonic: Living in a tent temporarily. If you are living in a tent, you are unsettled.


প্রজা / সামন্ত; in feudalism (সামন্ততন্ত্র), one who held land of a superior lord; subordinate or dependent >>> If this were Medieval Europe, you would probably be a ~ — like most everyone else. ~s were people who worked the vast plots of land that were held by lords, who though much fewer in number, held all the wealth and power. >>> Mnemonic: work on vast land (vas) for salvation (sal) - ~


প্রজেক্টাইল; missile; fired or thrown object (such as stone or bullet) >>> A ~ is a type of weapon that is propelled towards its target. If you shoot a gun at someone, the bullet is a ~, but the gun itself is not.


প্রস্তরীভূত করা; turn to stone; cause to become stonelike; stun or paralyze >>> If you scare someone so much they can't move, you ~ them. ~ is to make something like a stone or to literally turn to stone. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);killing a pet with a riffle (by being STONE hearted)


প্রাসঙ্গিক; having importance; pertinent; referring to the case in hand; N. relevance, relevancy >>> Something is ~ if it's appropriate or connected to the matter at hand. ~ things are helpful and on point. Mnemonic: Having relevance with what i want


প্রাসঙ্গিক; suitable; to the point; relevant >>> Something ~ is relevant and on-point. If you give your best friend ~ advice, that means the advice is appropriate for the situation. >>> Mnemonic: relate to pertaining....which means relevant to


প্রাসাদতুল্য; of or suitable for a palace; magnificent >>> Knowing that the adjective ~ is derived from the same Latin word as palace gives you a good sense of its meaning: magnificent, reminiscent of a home fit for a king. >>> Mnemonic: Read it: palashial i.e., like a palace.


ফসল কাটার যন্ত্র; one who harvests grain; Ex. the Grim ~; cut and gather (crop); harvest a crop >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);reap sounds like ripe: one who harvest ripe grains called ripe(r) or ~....


বাধা দেত্তয়া; stop or check (the flow of); Ex. ~ the bleeding from the slashed artery; N: main axis of a plant; stalk >>> Sometimes ~ means to originate; other times it means to stop something its source. You ~ the flow of a river, but you can also observe that a river's flow ~s from a spring. Mnemonic: meaning of ~ is opposite of what a ~ of a plant does ; It lets the nutrients travel accross and lets the water from root upward ! But ~ means to stop the flow !


বিকৃত করা / মচকানো; twist; pull; strain; Ex. He ~ed the gun out of her hands. >>> To ~ means to grab or pull something with a lot of physical force. See this teddy bear? If you want it, you'll have to ~ it out of my hands, because I'm not willing to give it up. >>> Mnemonic: Remember as 'wire+inch', so "TWIST" this wire by 2 inch.


বিশেষ অধিকার; উন্মুক্ত; obvious; easily seen; open for the public to read; of or protected by a ~; Ex. ~ to everyone; N. >>> A ~ is a government document that proves that an invention is yours and yours alone. In the US, as of 2009, over 7,000,000 ~s were issued by the ~ and Trademark Office. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);relate it with patient....when you enter a hospital, you can easily judge a patient from the others. Something easily seen.


বিশ্বাসঘাতক; treacherous; disloyal; N. perfidy: treachery >>> If someone accuses you of being ~, you should probably be offended — it means underhanded, treacherous, deceitful — even evil. >>> Mnemonic: per+FID+ious.. FID stands for fidelity.. i.e. loyalty.. hence ~ is its opposite


বৃহদায়তন; having great volume (as of a garment or container); bulky; large >>> Consider that volume is a measure of size. That will help you understand that ~ refers to something very large in size or extent. >>> Mnemonic: Its simple ~ MEANS full of volume so ITS GENERALLY REFERS TO sth LARGE,ENORMOUS...


ভক্তিপূর্ণ; respectful; worshipful; V. revere: regard with reverence; N. reverence: profound respect >>> When you have great awe and respect for someone or something, and you show it by respectfully worshiping that person, thing, deity, or musical group, you are being ~. Mnemonic: ~-divide as river end i.e we bath in the rivr end as a part of worship


ভণ্ডামিপূর্ণ; pertaining to the Pharisees, who paid scrupulous attention to tradition; self-righteous; hypocritical >>> Someone who is ~ preaches one thing and then does another — not a good trait for politicians or even playground pals. >>> Mnemonic: ~ contains HARI and SAI all GOD name so ~ means pious


ভারী; having great weight; weighty; unwieldy; lacking lightness; dull; Ex. ~ body/style of writing >>> When you call Frankenstein ~, it's not because he likes to ponder the great questions of life. It's because he moves like a Mack truck, only slower and less gracefully. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Its simple guys, POUND is a unit of weight , we often calculate weight in pounds! 1 Pound = 480 grams


ভীরুস্বভাব; lack of self-confidence or courage >>> Do you suffer from ~? If so, you probably feel uneasy in new places and situations. You might fear having to make decisions. But as you get more comfortable, your ~ will go away. >>> Mnemonic: timi(time)+dity(duty)..well you did nt do the duty of studying on time during now you have lost your self confidence......


ভুল বোঝাবুঝি; error; misunderstanding >>> When you have a ~, you make a mistake trying to understand something, which leads you to believe something that isn't true. You may have a ~ about your brother's motives for being so nice to you this week. >>>Mnemonic: apprehend means to understand..


ভূকম্পীয়; pertaining to earthquakes >>> For the ancient Greeks, "seismos" meant an earthquake. Later on, when the study of earthquakes became a science, anything ~ meant anything related to the study of the pressures in the Earth's crust. >>> Mnemonic: Seismograph is an instrument measuring Earth quake so ~ is something related to Earth quake


ভোগবিলাসে মগ্ন ; lover of luxury; person devoted to pleasure and luxury; >>> If you know someone who's totally addicted to luxurious things and all of life's pleasures, call them a ~. Unless she's inviting you over for champagne brunches and showering you with gifts — in which case you should keep your mouth shut. Mnemonic: ~ was first recorded in the 1600s, meaning a "person devoted to pleasure." The literal translation of this noun is "inhabitant of Sybaris," which was an ancient Greek town full of citizens who loved nice things. Today, the word still has the same two meanings: it's either a person who could be described as addicted to pleasures and luxury (like a hedonist), or an actual person who lives in Sybaris.


ভোজের আয়োজন; meal; feast; banquet >>> Whether it's a sumptuous feast you're sitting down to or just a simple bite to eat, a ~ is just another word for "meal." Mnemonic: ~ or say re+fast...before refasting the next day we have a ~.


ভোটাধিকার প্রসারের সমর্থক; advocate of the extension of voting rights (for women); >>> Before 1920, women did not have the right to vote in the U.S. The ~ movement fought for these rights, and the people who were part of that movement were ~s. Mnemonic: Sufferer + just: A ~ is being just or trying to do justice to suffrers (women in most cases)


ভ্রমণ; journey; V. peregrinate >>> If you went backpacking through Europe last summer, you could call your travels a ~. A ~ is a long journey or period of wandering. >>> Mnemonic: remove 1st 3 letter egrination sounds like migration, which means the same


মকুব; temporary moderation (of disease symptoms); remitting of a debt or punishment; cancelation of a debt; pardon; Ex. The disease went into ~; Ex. Christians pray for the ~ of sins. >>> ~ refers to a stage of lesser intensity, when something subsides or improves. ~ is usually a good thing — like when your cancer is in ~, it means that it is manageable and not getting any worse. Mnemonic: The intermission in RGV ki Aag is just a ~, the headache would start again soon. [;)]


মরমর; dying; at the point of death; CF. death >>> Something that is ~ is almost dead, like the ~ plant you didn't water for months, or so without change or growth that it seems dead, like a ~ town that seems trapped in the 1950s. >>>Mnemonic: মরি বন্ধু, ধর ধর


মরীচিকা; unreal reflection; optical illusion >>> Next time you're traveling in the desert, make sure you carry plenty of water. That enticing (প্রলোভিত) pool of water you see far away in the distance may be a ~, or an optical illusion. >>>Mnemonic: MIRA..mirror ,and when we see ouselves in MIRROR we get to see our image in MIRROR ,which is nothing but UNREAL REFLECTION.


মর্মভেদী; cutting; incisive; keen >>> If you're ~, it means you think or say smart, sharply worded things that cut right to the heart of the matter. A ~ observation is one that makes people scratch their chins thoughtfully, or wince with embarrassment for whomever you're talking about, or both. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;you build a trench... must keep a keen eye on the enemy...then attack or penetrate enemy lines when the time is right!);if chant under the ll be clear and effective


মলম; the act of anointing with oil; Ex. extreme ~ >>> ~ is a specially-prepared substance meant to bless or heal — the use of special oils in a religious ceremony or the medicine you might put on your chest if you are congested. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like f~ where anointing with oil is done


মার্জনীয়; (of a fault or sin) forgivable; trivial >>> Some crimes are unforgivable. Others are ~ — ~ crimes and sins are excusable. They're not a big deal. >>> Mnemonic: key word is menial (গার্হস্থ্য চাকর). We forgive someone for menial mistakes. - বিনয়ী (ven) হয়ে ক্ষমা করে দেয়া


মিলনস্থল / স্থান; location; place (of a crime, trial, gathering, etc.); CF. come >>> A ~ is the place where an event or meeting is happening. If you're going to see the best band ever, you should get to the ~ early to get a good seat. >>> Mnemonic: VE + NUE -- VERY + NEW...this ~ has recently been added.. it is very new.


মুখশ্রী; features especially of the face; distinctive shape or contour (সীমাসূচক রেখা) of the face; CF. line >>> A ~ is a fancy, literary word that means "a part of a person's face," like his eyes, ears, or nose


মুদ্রাবিষয়ক; pertaining to money >>> If it has to do with money or currency, it's ~, like your childhood toy collection that has no ~ value, but you love it nonetheless. >>>Mnemonic: money+tary


মেজাজ; moderate; make less severe; tone down or restrain; toughen (steel) as by alternate heating and cooling >>> ~ can refer to a tendency to become unreasonably angry. If you're not sure whether you have a ~, ask your friends — but don't get mad if you dislike what they have to say. >>> Mnemonic: ~ means 2 reduce so "divide this tem--per head"where tem can b taken as anything which can b divided


মেয়াদে; ভোগদখল; holding of an office or real estate; time during which such an office is held >>> Take the noun ~ for the period of time a person holds a position or office. Your ~ as a student ends when you graduate high school — unless, of course, you go on to college. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like ten you are holding an office for the last ten years.


মোটা বই; large volume; book >>> A ~ is a large book. If you're pre-med, chances are you're going to have one heck of a ~ for your biology class. ~ is often used to refer to a book that is not only really large but also unusually important. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);when you are asked to read a really Large Book, Then you say with surprise "TO ME"??? .. ;)


যথার্থ; being truly so; real or genuine; actual; not false or imaginary >>> When something is ~ it is true, or at least feels that way. "The trees and lights turned the campus into a ~ wonderland" means that the campus seemed to be transformed into a true wonderland (if there is such a thing). >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);~--veri(verify)+table--something that is true can be verified.


রণলিপ্সু; combative; bellicose; N. >>> A ~ is someone who is engaged in a war or who acts aggressively for their cause. If you are ~ in your beliefs, you do not question them anymore than a soldier questions his orders


রোগ নিরাময় বিদ্যা সংত্রান্ত; চিকিত্সামূলক; curative; N. therapy >>> Whether you're talking about a ~ drug or a ~ exercise plan, something that is ~ helps to heal or to restore health. >>> Mnemonic: therape(therapy) + eutic..a therapy to cure ~..means curative....


রোগভানকারী / কাজের ভয়ে রোগের ভান করা; one who feigns illness to escape duty >>> Have you ever pretended to be sick or hurt to get out of taking a test or doing a chore? Then you, my dear, are a ~, and should be ashamed of yourself. Shape up! >>>Mnemonic: Ma linger= child lingering around her mom to avoid going to school.


রোগীর মন রাখার জন্য প্রদত্ত ঔষধ; harmless substance prescribed as a dummy pill >>> A patient's symptoms sometimes disappear just because they believe that they are being treated. Even when doctors give them a biologically inactive drug, otherwise known as a ~, the patients swear they are cured. >>> Mnemonic: split it like this PLACE-it takes the place of the actual substance..and doesnt do what the actual pill does.Thus ~ is a bogus harmless pill which takes the place of the original.


রোমাঞ্চকর; wild; sensational; graphic; gruesome; horrible; Ex. ~ details of the murder >>> When people are *lured* (প্রলুব্ধ) into looking at something, they may be drawn to it because it's a shocking, graphic, or horrible scene, something ~ and very vivid that pulls them in. Shrunken heads of witch doctors and crime scenes are examples of ~ things. >>>Mnemonic: ~ -> luri -> lure = attract. something that lures you , and you are strongly attracted by cant control your feelings, and at any cost you want to get it...and to get it you can do you are ~


লক্ষ্য করা / পরিস্থিতির সাথে খাপ খাওয়ানো; get one's bearings; adjust; make familiar with a situation; ~ate >>> When you ~ yourself towards something, you point yourself towards it, literally or figuratively. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;hinidi ad);Imagine your friend informing about ~ PSPO (fan) :)


সাদাসিধে; modest; Ex. the champion's ~ manner >>> The word ~ means modest, lacking in arrogance, pleasant, or polite. You'll find that some of the most ~ people are actually the most interesting and powerful of all. They're just decent enough not to display it all the time. >>> Mnemonic: assuming means very forward, arrogant. ~ is opposite of it which is modest.


সাময়িক আবাস; temporary stay; V: stay for a time If you want a fancy way to say that you took a trip to the countryside, you might talk about your country ~. ~ is a literary word meaning a temporary stay or visit or to live or stay somewhere for a short time. Mnemonic: so-journ, remember it as so(sona)to sleep,during a journey,therefore it would be a temporary stay at a place away from your home..


সাময়িক উপশম; postponement or cancelation of a punishment; temporary stay; V: postpone or cancel the punishment of >>> A ~ is a break in or cancellation of a painful or otherwise lousy situation. If you're being tortured, a ~ is a break from whatever's tormenting you. Mnemonic: sounds like relieve and means the same


সেলাই ; stitches sewn to hold the cut edges of a wound or incision; material used in sewing; V: sew together a wound >>> If your energetic dog gets his paws on your beloved teddy bear, and you don't realize it until it's too late, you might have to use a needle and thread to ~ Teddy's left arm back onto his body. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);sounds like hindi SOOTAR(like in mangal-sootar)...means thread in english


স্পর্শি ; only slightly connected; not central; peripheral; digressing; showing divergence; >>> ~ refers to something that's not part of the whole. If you make a comment that is ~ to the story you're telling, it's a digression. The story could still be understood without it. Mnemonic: Word Tangent(ial) taken from maths. A tangent is a line that touches a circle with a 90`degree angle. So the meaning comes from there only slightly connected, not central, preipheral.


স্পৃশ্য ; pertaining to the organs or sense of touch >>> ~ has to do with the sense of touch. There's a huge ~ difference between smooth glass and rough sandpaper. Mnemonic: CON-tact - If you are in contact with something, you are in touch with it and hence it is ~.


স্ফীতি; protrusion; swelling; bulge >>> A ~ is something that sticks out, like a swelling or a lump, like a bunion on your foot. A ~ doesn't have to be hideous; it could be your nose on your face or a knot on a tree. Mnemonic: ~ as we pump air to tube it ~s i.e bulges in size


স্বচ্ছ; crystal clear >>> The adjective ~ describes something (often liquid) that is clear, serene and bright. Nature calendars often feature glamour shots of a ~ stream or a ~ lake. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ ..liquid...transparent...


স্বচ্ছ; permitting light to pass through freely; easily detected; obvious; clear; Ex. ~ lie >>> You can see right through something ~. A window is ~, but so are the intentions of a Peeping Tom looking through that window. >>> Mnemonic: ~ or EXPLICIT - something that is crystal clear.


স্বদেশীয ভাষা; living language (as compared to the official language); language spoken in a country or region; natural style; Ex. lapse into the ~ >>> ~ describes everyday language, including slang, that's used by the people. The ~ is different from literary or official language: it's the way people really talk with each other, like how families talk at home. >>> History: Latin vernaculus, vernacula. -> vocabula vernacula -> "vocabulary of the national language"


স্বপ্নচারী; sleepwalker; >>> If you ever find yourself standing in the backyard in your pajamas at 4:00 in the morning and wondering how you got there, you may be a ~ — someone who walks in her sleep. Mnemonic: etymologically somna-'sleep'(like Insomnia) and amble-'walk'.


স্বৈরশাসন; oppression; cruel government; ADJ. tyrannical: of a tyrant or ~; despotic; V. tyrannize: treat tyrannically; oppress >>> ~ is a noun that describes a repressive and arbitrarily cruel regime. Don't accuse your mother of ~ just because she won't let you play video games all weekend long. >>> Mnemonic: TY + RANI ~ just to learn the word. After f_king his RANI, raja says TY(thank you) Rani and then f_ks his janta


স্মরণীয় করে রাখা; commemorate >>> When you ~ something, you honor it or do something so it will be remembered. If you want to remember a summer trip taken with friends, you could make a photo album full of the pictures you took to ~ it. >>>Mnemonic: MEMORIAL - something to commemorate an event in the past....War Memorial etc.


স্মারকচিহ্ন; token; reminder of the past; keepsake; Ex. ~ of your visit >>> A ~ is a keepsake of something you want to remember. You may keep photographs as a ~ of a great family reunion — except for that one photo where Aunt Bonnie is wearing the lampshade and singing "Respect." No one wants to remember that! >>>Mnemonic: u got a momento some is calling and reminding u..


স্মৃতিচারণ; recollection; V. reminisce: recollect the past >>> A ~ is a memory, or the act of recovering it. A visit to your old elementary school may flood your brain with ~s--things you hadn't thought of in years coming suddenly back. Mnemonic: can break it as re + mini + scene - recollecting mini scenes from our past memories


স্মৃতিসম্বন্ধীয় পদ্ধতি / মনে রাখার কায়দা সম্পর্কীয়; pertaining to memory; assisting the memory; N: device, such as as formula or rhyme, used as a ~ aid >>> A ~ is a memory aid for something, often taking the form of a rhyme or an acronym. I before E except after C, is a ~ to help you remember how to spell words like "piece" and "receive." >>>~: How can you not know this ...


স্মৃতিস্তম্ভ; tall column tapering (ক্রমশঃ সরু হইয়া গিয়াছে - becoming gradually narrower toward the end) and ending in a pyramid >>> Next time you visit the nation's capital, you can wow tourists by telling them the Washington Monument is an ~ — a tall, narrow stone pillar that tapers to a point at the top and commemorates an important person or event. >>>Mnemonic: the character Obelix from Asterix and Obelix carried a huge stone ~


স্যাকারিন (মিষ্টি); cloying sweet; characteristic of sugar or saccharin >>> You might be tempted to turn the radio dial when you hear a love song that is ~, meaning that it's too sweet and sentimental to bear. Mnemonic: sounds like shakkar which in hindi means sugar.Sugar is obviously very sweet.


সৎকার ব্যবসায়ী; undertaker; CF. death >>> Lots of kids want to grow up to be astronauts, firefighters, or doctors. Not too many want to be ~s, which makes sense: a ~ runs a funeral home. >>>Mnemonic: মর্গের দারোয়ান


অকৃত্রিম; genuine; real >>> Feign means to fake, or pretend, so ~ means sincere. If you greet a friend with ~ joy, she'll know you are happy to see her. >>> Mnemonic: un(not)-feigned(fined): you are left unfined if you are HONEST, and this is a GENUINE fact.


অগোছালো; বিশৃঙ্খল; slovenly; careless; sloppy; untidy; shabby; Ex. ~ work When someone does something in a ~ manner, they do it in a way that's careless and sloppy â that isn't right. Mnemonic: ~.....very close to slipshot ..slip+shot..(in cricket) now think of a batsman ...playing a SHOT TO THE SLIP in a VERY CARELESS MANNER...thereby being caught out by the fielder at the slip.


অণু; the smallest particle (one or more atoms) of a substance that has all the properties of that substance >>> A ~, or the simplest structural unit of a substance that still keeps the properties of that substance, is a scientific word that gets used by the nonscientific, as in "Every single ~ in my body wants that chocolate cake!"


অনিশ্চিত; causing a problem; open to doubt; doubtful; unsettled; questionable; Ex. Whether the arena will ever be completed is ~. >>> Something ~ poses a problem or causes difficulties. Your ambitions to become the next great leader of Spain are great, but your inability to speak Spanish might prove ~. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);(Doubt)you always have doubts with while solving problems.


অবশিষ্ট; remainder; balance >>> ~ is anything that's left over when a substance has been removed, like the grease left over on a frying pan. It can also mean, simply, "remainder." Mnemonic: ~...resi+due..somethng is in "due"...have to pay the remaining "balance"..there's the meaning :)


অবাধ্য; impatiently restless (induced by external coercion or restriction); restlessly impatient; obstinately resisting control; Ex. ~ horses because of wolves; CF. not a general synonym for `restless' >>> To be ~ is to be impatient or on edge — it's an edgy state. When you feel like your skin is too tight and your nerves are ready to snap, when you feel ready to explode, you are ~. Mnemonic: ~ is actually restless. Like factitious is actually factless :)


অবিচলিত; steadfast; firm; not changing >>> ~ means unwavering, not changing. As an adult, you might thank your mother for her ~ support of your education, never letting you skip a night of homework. Now, not so much. >>> Mnemonic: Remove 'f' from the word it becomes UNALTERING... Alter is to change so ~ is not changing or being firm.


অভিবাদন; bow (to show respect and obedience) >>> An ~ is an act, usually physical, showing dutiful obedience. A supplicant might perform ~, touching his face to the ground, before humbly asking for help. >>>Mnemonic: obey (obei) + saints (sance) = when we obey saints we show them respect.


অভিবাসী; changing its habitat; wandering; Ex. ~ birds/workers >>> A ~ worker is someone who travels for a job--in the U.S., many farm workers migrate from Mexico every year to work on the harvest and then return home when their jobs are over


অভূতপূর্ব; having no previous example; novel; unparalleled >>> Something that is ~ is not known, experienced, or done before. If you've never gone on a family beach vacation but you're planning one now, you could refer to it as an ~ decision. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);UN(not)..PRECEDE(event occured in past) ~ means something which has never occured in past or it is novel


অভ্যস্ত; (the stated person's) habit or custom; habitual procedure; ADJ. ~ed: customary >>> A ~ is a custom or habit, like my ~ to drink at least ten cups of coffee a day. (In this particular example, some people might call my ~ an addiction.) >>> Mnemonic: ~ = want = want for something = habit


অমার্জিত গেঁয়ো লোক; clumsy person; ADJ. ~ish; CF. from countrysides ? >>> A ~ is a clumsy, awkward oaf (গণ্ডমূর্খ). If you want to insult the person who just stepped on your toes and belched, say, "Watch where you're going, you ~!" >>>লেংটা পাগল OUT -> he's a very ~ person


অমার্জিত; boorish; clumsy in speech or behavior; outlandish >>> When you're at a fancy dinner party, if you burp after you eat, use your fingers to spread butter on your bread, and hang spoons from your nose, people will probably say you are ~, meaning vulgar and ill-mannered. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - UN(not)-C(courteous)-OUTH(youth)


অলংকার বহুল; ornate; highly decorated; N. CF. 18th century >>> ~ describes a very ornate style originating in Europe. It you love tons of decoration and fancy details, then you'll love the ~ style of architecture and music. Mnemonic: ro(w)+coco- you arrange and decorate coconuts in a row.


অলঙ্ঘনীয়; inviolably sacred; most sacred; inviolable >>> You might be enraged at the idea of doing homework on a Saturday if you consider your weekends ~ — meaning they are too special or important to interrupt. Mnemonic: In Hindi 'sacro' or more likely 'sainkdo' means 'hundreds' and 'sant' means 'a hermit (a sacred person)'.In the Hindu Mythology we have descriptions of hundreds of the MOST SACRED hermits.


অসাড়তা; lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy; ADJ.: lethargic; lazy; inactive; (of an animal) dormant; hibernating >>> ~ is a state of mental and physical inactivity. "After a huge Thanksgiving meal, my family members fall into a ~; no one can even pick up the TV remote." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);Well its quite opposite to what is a topper who is naturally diligent


অস্বচ্ছ; dark; not transparent; N. opacity >>> Use the adjective ~ either for something that doesn't allow light to pass through (like a heavy curtain) or for something difficult to understand (like bureaucratic gobbledygook). >>>Mnemonic: OP(opposite) and AQUE(aqua)-- opposite of water -- means not transparent.


অস্বীকার করা; cancel out; nullify; cause to have no effect; deny >>> If something neutralizes the effect of something else, then you can say the effect is ~d. Hanging a disco ball from your living room ceiling ~s the sleek modern effect created by the contemporary furniture. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;No-gate);ne=no + gate=door, so there is no entrance through that door


অহংকারী; boastful; excessively conceited; N. ~y: great vanity >>> If you admire yourself in the mirror all the time and constantly brag about all the beauty contests you have won, you might rightfully get accused of being ~. >>> Mnemonic: all your *glorious achievements* are *in vain* if you boast about them.


অহংকৃত; going beyond what is right; excessively forward; arrogant; taking liberties >>> When someone takes liberties, doing things too boldly, you can describe them with the adjective ~. Mnemonic: Focus on "Presum" (Presume)--> To overstep your boundaries by boldly PRESUMing/assuming something.


আঁটো; tight; strained; tense; ready; OP. slack >>> ~ means "tight, not slack." "The tightrope ought to be ~ and not dangling down by the lion cage." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~ sounds like taught.. and if all the teachers want to taught(teach) lessons at the same period it will be tight..


আঁটো; (of rules) binding; rigid; marked by scarcity of money; Ex. ~ economic conditions >>> That teacher's demands are ~ — she wants the homework typed in her favorite font, on special paper, and each essay must be exactly 45 lines! Mnemonic: STRI(Lady) N GENT are binded together- both have to follow some rules when they are together


আংশিক; incomplete; favoring one side over another; having a liking for something >>> If you describe something as ~, you're usually saying it's just part of the whole, or incomplete. Say someone asks how you started your band and you say, "I bought a guitar." That would be a ~ answer, at best.


আচ্ছন্নকর; related to thinking about something constantly; of an obsession; preoccupying; N. obsession: compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea; compulsive idea; V. obsess: preoccupy the mind of excessively >>> If you rush to the carwash every time a speck কণিকা of dust lands on your fender, your friends probably describe you as ~ about keeping your car clean. In other words, you care way too much about your car's cleanliness. >>>Mnemonic: ~ - thinking boob excessive


আঠালো; (of a liquid) thick and sticky; gluey; viscid; CF. consistency >>> ~ means sticky, gluey and syrupy. So if something is ~, you usually don't want to stick your fingers in it — that goes for boogers and maple syrup alike. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is like mucus - both mean something sticky or gooey.


আঠালো; adhesive; gluey >>> The adjective ~ is used to describe something that is sticky or a thick, slow-moving liquid. If bake bread and you get flour all over your counters, clean it up carefully because adding water can turn the flour into a ~ paste, and then you'll really have a mess! >>> Mnemonic: viscous + liquid = ~ from the Latin word viscum (*very sticky gum*), or birdlime. Birdlime is a sticky substance made from sap and is smeared on branches. Small birds land on the branches and are trapped, allowing someone to easily catch them.


আত্মনিগ্রহকারী / যে কষ্ট পেতে ভালোবসে; person who enjoys his own pain >>> If you call someone a ~, you either mean that they take pleasure in pain, or — perhaps more commonly — that they just seem to. >>>Mnemonic: মার আমার Chest এ যত পারিস


আশঙ্কা / সন্দেহ; doubts >>> If you have ~s about something, it means you're worried that it's not a good idea. Trying to fall asleep the night before a test, you might have ~s about having studied so little. >>>Mnemonic: Miss + Give = Miss giving good grades to me? Doubt it


আশাবাদী; optimistic; cheerful; hopeful; of the color of blood; red >>> If you're ~ about a situation, that means you're optimistic that everything's going to work out fine. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is pronounced very much like "SANGEEN" in hindi which is usually referred with crime-"sangeen hatya" which shows serious murder with blood red colour...


ঋণদায় / বাধ্যবাধকতা; drawback; handicap; debts; obligation; responsibility; condition of being liable; ADJ. liable: likely; responsible (for paying) >>> A ~ is a debt or obligation or a personal flaw that stands in your way. A company's liabilities are simply the debts on its ledger, but a personal ~ might be your grandfather's membership in the Ku Klux Klan. >>>Mnemonic: Lia(lie)...ability...ur ability(habit in genreal)will b a major drawback for u in ur carrier


ঋষি; person celebrated for wisdom; wise person; ADJ: wise >>> Use the word ~ for someone or something wise and judicious. Thanks to the ~ advice of your friend, you didn't write your teacher an angry e-mail! >>> Mnemonic: If one knows meaning of saga,dat is any legend, one can easily remember ~.a saga will b a wise person,sensible.


ঔদাসীন্য; indifference; lack of concern; composure; ADJ. ~[^ce]t: unconcerned; cool; indifferent; Ex. nonchalant attitude to his debts >>> ~ is a casual lack of concern, a relaxed state without anxiety or enthusiasm. Like how you'd act if the girl you've had a secret crush on since grade school asks you to the prom. (Or maybe not.) >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~ rhymes like No + Challenge , When there is no challenge, people tend not to care and there will be a casual lack of concern.


কণা; small amount; smallest speck; Ex. not a ~ of >>> ~ means a small tiny part of--as dregs is to liquid, ~ it to everything else. You might feel the last ~ of your confidence depart when your teacher hands out the 32-page final exam. >>> Mnemonic: '~' sounds like 'wheat' which is small in size hence tiny.


কর্কশ; (of voice) harsh and unpleasant; (of people) disorderly and boisterous; Ex. ~ shouts >>> ~ means unpleasantly loud, or behaving in a noisy and disorderly way. It can be hard to give an oral report in the front of a classroom when the kids in the back are being ~. Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);rauc(sounds like rock) + us rock music is usually loud and harsh.


কর্তৃত্ব দান করা; justified; authorized >>> If you watch cop shows, you know that a warrant is something police need to get into your house — a permission slip from a judge.


কর্মভারহীন পদ; well-paid position with little responsibility; If you have a cushy job â one that pays, but involves minimal work â then you have a ~. Because he was the brother of the CEO, he was offered a ~ in the company: he showed up each day and collected a pay check, but others actually did his work. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);7 crores ... baithe baithe hi 7 crores mil jate ...


কাটা - কাটা; played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound; Ex. staccato applause >>> ~ is a musical term for notes that are played quickly and sharply. It can also refer to anything characterized by similar beats, such as the ~ clacking of a woman's high heels on a tile floor. Mnemonic: ++Imajeeth When the cat suddenly jumps on to the stack, it makes an abrupt sharp sound.


গতানুগতিক; lacking in imagination; dull and unimaginative; matter-of-fact(concerned with facts, not imagination or feelings); factual; CF. prose >>> ~ means ordinary or dull. Most of us lead a ~ everyday life, sometimes interrupted by some drama or crisis. Mnemonic: mosaic--->beautiful artistic work with full of vibrant colours.....~ ...opposite of that ...dull


গ্রীক দার্শনিক প্লেইটো বা তাঁহার মত সংক্রান্ত; purely spiritual; theoretical; without sensual desire >>> ~ describes a relationship that is purely spiritual and not physical. If a guy and a girl hang out all the time but aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, they'd describe their friendship as ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - Plato (disciple of Socrates) wrote all the theoretical philosophies.


গ্লানিকর; quality of being deeply moving; keenness of emotion; touching; deeply moving; (of sorrow, grief, etc.) painful; keenly distressing to the mind; Ex. poignant memory/anxiety; CF. prick >>> The noun ~ refers to something that is deeply touching, especially something that brings forth strong emotions like sympathy, sadness, or sorrow. The ~ of the movie may bring you to tears. Bring tissues. Lots of tissues. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is derived from poise... poised means tended towards... ~ means tended towards emotions


ঘটনা; observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation; SG. phenomenon: observable fact; very unusual person, thing, or event; marvel; wonder; extraordinary; of a phenomenon; Ex. ~l strength >>> A phenomenon is an extraordinary occurrence or circumstance. In the 1950s, rock-n-roll was considered a new cultural phenomenon, while today we think of crop circles as a mysterious ~.


ঘটা; (of a fact) become known; be revealed; happen; give off (watery waste matter) through pores >>> ~ is a fancy way of saying "happen." "What's transpiring?" — however — just doesn't have the same ring as "What's happening?" >>> Mnemonic: Conspire is Secret plot, so ~ is to open the secret, reveal it


ঘনবসতিপূর্ণ বস্তি; tunnels in which rabbits live; overcrowded living area; crowded conditions in which people live >>> When Bugs Bunny outruns Elmer Fudd and vanishes down his rabbit hole, he's escaping into a ~ — a network of underground tunnels where rabbits live. >>> Mnemonic: barren-- nobody lives in barren lands.. ~(habitat for rabbits), is the opposite of barren, and can be described as a populous region because rabbits live in multitudes.


ঘোলা; (of a liquid) having the sediment disturbed; muddy; thick >>> If a liquid is dark and murky and you can't see through it, it's ~. It's usually used as a criticism — a ~ river is generally a polluted one, but then again a good pint of real ale should be ~. Go figure. >>> Mnemonic: T+URBID(urban) we can see that the urban areas are still muddy.. and disturbed sediment.


চশমাবিক্রেতা; maker and seller of eyeglasses >>> The person who makes your eye glasses is an ~. They work in the back room of the glasses shop, or at a factory, fabricating the lenses and attaching them to the frames. >>>Mnemonic: OPTIC refers to the eye or sight, hence an ~ has something to do with the eye...he is a spectacle (eye glasses) maker.


চাকচিক্যময়; shining; brilliant; Ex. ~ hair >>> In shampoo commercials, the hair you see swinging is ~. It is brilliant, in the shiny sense. >>> illustrate -> illustrous : hair illustration after using shampoo


চাকরবাকরসংক্রান্ত; suitable for servants; lowly; mean; N: someone who does ~ work (esp. servant in a house) >>> A ~ task is anything that takes very little training, skill, or talent. Some people find it relaxing to do the ~ chore of folding laundry. Go figure. >>>Mnemonic: Man who does *manual* works


চেহারা (মুখাকৃতি বিচার পূর্বক চরিত্রনির্ণয়বিদ্যা); face (as showing the character and the mind); art of judging human character from facial features >>> The meaning of ~ means the look of your face. When traveling in Italy, you may be struck by the wide eyes and pleasing ~ of the Italian people you meet. >>> Mnemonic: break into [physio+ know+ my(me)] .u asked physio that do u know me implies my face.


জাতিচু্যত ;সমাজচুত বাক্তি; social outcast; Ex. Mariah the ~ >>> A ~ is someone that has been soundly rejected by their community. Your constant gossiping might make you a ~ on campus. >>> Mnemonic: PARIs + AHead = send paris and disrad from socity


জাদুবিদ্যা; black magic; sorcery; dealings with the dead; art that professes to communicate with the spirits of the dead so as to predict the future; CF. necro+divination; CF. necro-: death; Ex. necropolis >>> Spooky, sneaky, powerful and strange, ~ is the art of raising the spirits of the dead, either for their predictions about the future, or their ghostly help in making something happen. Greek word for *corpse* *necro* and prophecy mancy. If you travel to the underworld to speak to the dead, then you have the power of necromancy, not to mention geomancy, the ability to read signs from the earth to find the necropolis, or city of the dead.


ঢেলে সাজানো; reconstruct (a sentence, story, statue, etc.); fashion again >>> "Let's start over." That's what someone might say when he or she needs to ~ something, meaning "to make major changes that make something seem very different or even brand new." Mnemonic: re(again)+cast( to form)....and ~ing something means, to bring a change in the existing form and presenting it again.


তছনছ করা (অনুসন্ধান); ransack; thoroughly search >>> ~ means to search for something, but in a scattered, disorganized manner. You can ~ through your drawer looking for a lost sock, or you could even hold "a ~ sale" to sell off all your socks that are missing their mates. Mnemonic: if yu drink RUM at small age then definetlty yu loose yur way to home and yu have to SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH now


তাত্ত্বিক; based on theory; not practical or applied; hypothetical >>> Something ~ is concerned with theories and hypotheses — it's not necessarily based on real life or meant to be applied to real life. >>> Mnemonic: theore(theory)+tical(practical) something that is just based on theory..not on practical.....


দিবাস্বপ্ন; daydream; abstracted musing >>> If you're relaxing on the beach, dreaming of how you will never have to get up and go back to work, you're engaged in a ~, or pleasant daydream. Mnemonic: (rever)ie, rever sounds like river. if you think of sitting with a girl on a river bank you are daydreaming.


দূরদর্শী; providing for future needs; displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies; OP. im~ >>> If you are ~, that means you plan carefully for the future. You have your Christmas lights up in early December, you have a well-stocked pantry, and you have some savings tucked away just in case. Mnemonic: to remember this, think about 'LIC ~ FUND POLICY'which is kept for future use.


দৃঢ়তা; firmness; persistence >>> Most people will tell you that ~ is a great quality to have, especially if you're trying something challenging that takes a while to complete. >>> Mnemonic: ~ : teen's consistant activity ie determination to continue what he/she 's doing.


ধারণা; assumption; postulate; proposition upon which an argument is based >>> A ~ is what forms the basis of a theory or a plot. When you called 911 on the guy in your back yard, it was on the ~ that he was a thief and not the meter-reader. Mnemonic: (Pre)- Before + (Mise)- Muse = think. You think something before knowing about that it, means that you are making an ASSUMPTION.


ধারনক্ষম; holding; able to retain things (esp. facts in the mind); having a good memory >>> If something is ~, it is able to hold something else, so be glad if you have a ~ mind and grab a sponge if you need something ~ to sop up water. Mnemonic: ~=Re + attentive=one who is attentive has a good memory


ধার্মিকতা; devoutness; reverence for God; ADJ. pious >>> ~ is devotion to God or to religious practices. Nuns who pray all day long are famous for their ~. If you have filial ~ it means you're devoted to your parents. >>> Mnemonic: ~ for the deity(god)


নিন্দা করা; slander; insult to one's character or reputation; V. A ~ is an insulting remark. In a political campaign, itâs not unheard of for a candidate to launch a ~ at her opponent, though doing so is usually frowned upon. Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENglish);~ ~ blur : Blur is something that is not clear to the eyes (vision) and ~ is not clear in Sound !


নিন্দা করা; slander; speak evil of; N. vilification >>> To ~ someone is to spread nasty stories about them, whether true or not. >>> Mnemonic: ~ (to speak ill of) is to make someone out to be a villain


পরিসীমা; outer boundary; length of the outer boundary; circumference >>> The noun ~ refers to the border of an enclosed space. The ~ of a house is its property line. For a country, it would be that country's borders.


পাল্টা অভিযোগ; countercharges; >>> Sometimes you accuse your opponent of refusing to compromise and he accuses you of the same thing. That's a ~, an accusation or insult that's hurled back at someone. Mnemonic: re-crimina-tion: crimina relates to a crime. ~ means: one accusing the other for a crime. The other "re" accused him of another crime.


পাল্টা দুর্বাবহার; repay in kind (usually for bad treatment); V. ~ >>> To ~ means to get back at someone, usually through a counterattack. "Ned got hit with a cream pie, then he ~d by throwing a bucket of Jell-O at his attackers." Mnemonic: after re talying the money which u gave doesnt match so ask him to repay in kind


পুঁচকে; tiny; weak; insignificant >>> Are your muscles looking small, weak, and totally inferior? In other words, ~? Sounds like somebody needs to eat more spinach. Mnemonic: remember "pony" tail which is small and tiny.


পূজ্য; deserving high respect; commanding respect; CF. command: deserve and get >>> To be ~ is to be admired and respected because of your status or age. You become ~ by achieving great things or just by living long enough. >>> Mnemonic: ~==honourable


পূর্বলক্ষণ; foretell; presage; be a sign or warning of; >>> ~ means to show a sign that something calamitous is about to happen. The teetering, tottering, pile of fine china piled up after the dinner party ~s an imminent crash of broken plates and dishes. >>> Mnemonic: When we reached the port's end (sea port) we saw some dead bodies, which gave a sign that something bad was going to happen.


পূর্বাশঙ্কা; forewarning; presentiment; foreboding >>> Some people claim to have ~s, such as a dream about a friend they haven't seen in years the night before the friend dies. A ~ is a warning that comes in advance, or a feeling that something is going to happen. Mnemonic: pre(before hand) + monition (remember adMONISH, which means to warn) warning which is before hand is ~


প্রতিদান দেওয়া; make return for; repay; reciprocate; revenge; N. requittal >>> You can ~ a friend's kindness by doing your friend a favor or by being kind in return. ~ means "to repay or return." Mnemonic: re+QUITE one would be quiet only after taking his REVENGE.


প্রতিধ্বনিময়; (of a sound) echoing; resounding(sounding loudly); deep and full in sound; producing resonance; Ex. ~ voice; N. resonance >>> ~ describes sound that is deep and rich. It also can mean deeply evocative. A ~ speech moves you by bringing to mind all that is good in the world: family, friends, laughter. Mnemonic: REASON+ANT...d "reason" he is resounding(shouting) is he was bit by an "ant" ..!!..hahaha


প্রতিনিধি ; substitute; person or thing used in place of another; Ex. surrogate mother; ADJ. >>> Someone who acts as a ~ takes the place of another person. In the middle of a big Hollywood awards ceremony, if a celebrity has to go to the bathroom, a ~ will take his or her place and fill the seat. Mnemonic: Sir+ro+gate: Sir rokar gate se bahar chale gaye and so we need to call someone lese for teaching


প্রতিনিধি; authorized agent; authority to act for another >>> Don't feel like going to the grocery story today? See if you can send your brother as a ~, meaning he's a substitute authorized to act for you. Mnemonic: heard of ~ servers? ..they act for other servers, to connect us to the desired website...


প্রতিবাদ করা বা দাখিল করা; protest; objection; V. ~: say in protest >>> ~ means to call someone on something that's wrong. If your mother yells at you in public, you might call this getting chewed out. She might call it remonstrating. Either way, it's embarrassing. Mnemonic: ...sounds like remember it like when you are demonstrative you can protest for something.


প্রতিযোগিতা করা; contend; compete >>> To ~ for something means to compete for it. Two teams may ~ for the gold medal, but one will have to go home with silver. >>> Mnemonic: Pronounce it as 'Why' and observe the gesture i.e; right thumb up asking someone the question ' Why'.. and indeed you show your thumb up whenever you CHALLENGE some person


প্রতিরোধ করা; stand up against; resist successfully >>> In the story of the three little pigs, only the house made of brick was able to ~ the huffing and puffing of the Big Bad Wolf. To ~ is to hold up against something strong.


প্রতিলিপি করা; copy; write a copy of; >>> If someone asks you to ~ something, they want you to listen to it and write down what was said, word for word. Speeches, interviews, and trials are often ~d for records. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = TRANSfer + SCRIBE(to write). So when you transfer some writings from one book to other it means you COPY the writings.


প্রতিশোধ লত্তয়া; inflict; Ex. ~ one's vengeance on >>> To ~ is to cause something to happen, usually with a terrible consequence. You can make mischief, cause problems, or inflict pain, but to ~ damage suggests a deeper level of destruction. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like if you break somebody will definately be inflicted some punishment


প্রতিশ্রুত / প্রদান করা / নিমরাজি; grant condescendingly; guarantee; Ex. ~ your fair return on your investment >>> ~ is a verb meaning to offer something in a condescending way. You might ~ to your brother the secret to your key lime pie recipe. >>> Mnemonic: ~: A voucher is valuable, and where do we keep valuables - in a safe- a safe is a guaranteed security, therefore ~.


প্রতিষেধক; used to prevent disease; N: something ~; condom; N. prophylaxis: prevention of disease >>> ~ might sound like a prehistoric period when dinosaurs roamed the earth, but it actually describes something that can prevent something negative, such as disease. ~ surgery to remove a mole can prevent skin cancer. Mnemonic: pro+phy+lactic -> professionals use lactic acid(in milk) to prevent diseases.


প্রত্যহিক বিবরণী / ঘটনাবলী; record of a voyage or flight; record of day-to-day activities; section of a trunk; V. >>> A ~ is the trunk of a tree minus the branches: ~ging is cutting down trees. A ~ is also a written record of something, and ~ging is keeping such a record. >>>Mnemonic: every mobile has a ~ FILE, in which all your call RECORDS are stored...


প্রসবযন্ত্রণা; strenuous work; toil; painful labor; labor of childbirth >>> If you've had to bust your behind, burn the midnight oil, and shed blood, sweat, and tears to get where you are today, you could say you've endured significant ~. In other words, back-breakingly hard mental exertion or physical labor. >>> Mnemonic: TRAVel - AIL...Imagine someone ailing after a long travel...repenting over the large physical and mental pain and tiredness after the travel


প্রসারণশীল; growing or spreading uncontrollably; growing in profusion; unrestrained; Ex. ~ lawlessness/weed >>> ~ means wild, out of control, to be up on your hind legs roaring at the world. You don't have to be four-legged: "The children ran ~ at the supermarket even though their mother tried to control them." Mnemonic: ~ can be divided as ramp+ANT where ants are generally more in number PROFUSION,UNRESTRAINED.


প্রসারণীয়; capable of being stretched; of tension; Ex. ~ rubber >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe materials that can be shaped, such as the ~ clay that a potter crafts into a bowl or vase. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and Ductile have one thing in common. They both refer to something that is easily strechable.


প্রসারিত করা; lengthen; extend; draw out >>> I don't want to ~ this definition, so I'll keep it short. To ~ is to make something last longer or to stretch it out in time. Mnemonic: PRO + LONG... LONG something that is stretched out, drawn out. Therefore ~ is to stretch the time, delay.


প্রহরী; sentry; lookout >>> A ~ is a guard, a lookout, a person keeping watch. It's often a soldier, but not always. If you're watching a pot, waiting for it to boil, you're standing ~ over it. (Incidentally, it won't boil until you leave.) >>> Mnemonic: ~=see at entry.Guard or Sentry.


প্রাপক; receiver >>> A ~ is the person on the receiving end of something. Meryl Streep is the ~ of more Academy Award nominations than any other actor.


বদলিরূপে কাজ করিতেছে এমন / পরার্থ; experienced as if one were taking part in the experience of another; done by a deputy for other people; acting as a substitute; Ex. ~ thrill at the movies; Ex. the ~ sufferings of Christ >>> If something is ~, it delivers a feeling or experience from someone else. If your child becomes a big star, you might have a ~ experience of celebrity. >>> Mnemonic: vi (brother) + care + ios => big bro care and experience pain for us


নির্ভুলভাবে; infallibly; ADJ. unerring: making no mistakes >>> >>> Mnemonic: If it is what I think it is, the word stems from error so ~ - un-error without error, without mistakes.


নির্মল; transparent; limpid(crystal clear); clear in meaning; easy to understand >>> A sentence that teaches a new vocabulary word should always be ~, that is, its style and meaning should be easily understandable so that you can derive the definition from the sentence. >>> Mnemonic: PEL+LUCID...LUCID..MEANS CLEAR ....SO CLEAR IN MEANING.


নিশাচর; done or active at night; Ex. ~ animals/raids >>> If something is ~, it belongs to or is active at night. That includes vampires, owls that like to hunt by moonlight, and that roommate who stays up playing video games until the wee hours of the morning. >>>Mnemonic: Latin nocturnus "belonging to the night"


নিশ্চল; (of water) not flowing (often bad-smelling); motionless; stale; not developing; inactive; dull; Ex. ~ industrial output >>> There is a tone to the word ~ that sounds like what it is: lacking movement, stale, and inactive, especially with exaggerated pronunciation, staaaagnant. Mnemonic: It pronounce like Pregnant which can not easily move..stall...


নিশ্চিহ্ন করা; destroy completely; wipe out; Ex. ~ the village >>> When you see ~, think of evil alien invaders that zap আক্রমণ a planet with a destructive ray. In one blast, the planet and all of the people on it are vaporized. The planet is truly ~d, or completely wiped out. >>>Mnemonic: lets ' all-be-literate ' and destroy illiteracy completely


নিষ্প্রাণ; dull; stuffy; boringly conservative; Ex. ~ book >>> The Queen's guards outside Buckingham Palace might seem ~ (or stuffy and stuck-up), but they are only doing their job. Mnemonic: ~-a old fashoined doggy


নৈকট্য; nearness; ADJ. proximate >>> The word ~ means "nearness," and it is often qualified by the word close. "It was hard not to see him cheating, when our desks are in such close ~ to one another." Mnemonic: remember approximate (close to result) ap(to towards)+ ~ (close)..


নৈপুণ্য; dexterity; legerdemain; quickness of the hands in doing tricks The noun ~ refers to being able to use your hands with ease, especially when doing a trick. ~ is often used in the phrase ~ of hand. If you are a good magician, you can make a coin disappear with ~ of hand. Mnemonic: he can write EIGHT on SLATE with both hands this is a ~ of hands


নৌকার হাল ঘুরানর হাতল; handle used to move boat's rudder (to steer) >>> The ~ is what steers a boat — specifically, the handle attached to the rudder. ~s are generally found on smaller boats because it would take too much force to steer larger ships with hand ~s. >>> Mnemonic: Power~


ন্যায়ভ্রষ্টতা; corruption; turning from right to wrong >>> Although most often used to refer to some sort of psychological corruption or abnormal behavior (usually sexual), the word ~ can actually refer to anything that is used for a distorted or wrong purpose. >>> Mnemonic: perfect version of getting money is corruption


পক্ষপাত; preference; partiality >>> A ~ is a preference for or bias toward something. If you have a ~ for wool clothing, you should take up knitting. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);pre(before)+dialect(local language); you generally become partial when you are taking an interview and you meet someone who speaks your language ( :) assume the interview is in the US)


পক্ষপাত; state of being partial; inclination; favorable bias; special fondness; preference >>> ~ is the habit of favoring something — taking its part. If your parents always seem to let your little sister off the hook while you get grounded, you could accuse them of ~ in their parenting. They favor your sister over you.


পক্ষাবলম্বী; one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party (with dislike of any others); N: strong supporter of a party; guerrilla >>> If something is prejudicial towards a particular point of view, you can call it ~. You'll often hear of the ~ politics in the US — since politicians seem to be so devoted to either the Republican or Democratic parties. >>> Mnemonic: parti(think of a political party)+san(son) a father who is favouring his son's political party, instead of a good party.


পক্ষিবিজ্ঞানী; scientific student of birds >>> An ~ is a type of zoologist who focuses on birds. If you want to know anything about our fine feathered friends, consult an ~. >>>Mnemonic: orni+logist... so orni sounds like morni(peacock in english) n thologist who studies, therefore person who studies birds --- Greek ορνις (ornis - শকুনি)


পচনশীল; of or causing sepsis; putrid; producing putrefaction; poisoning of part of the body (producing pus) >>> ~ is connected to dangerous waste products. If your house is not connected to your town or city's sewer, your waste from drains and toilets goes into a ~ tank. >>> Mnemonic: An Anti-~ is used to prevent a wound from getting ~.


পচা; decayed and foul-smelling; foul; rotten; decayed; N. ~ity >>> You know that science experiment that used to be lunch that is now rotting in the back of your fridge? Because it's decomposing and stinks to high heaven, you can call it ~. Mnemonic: put+rid...anything that is rotten and foul smelling, we would want to get rid of immediately...


পরিচ্ছন্ন; proper to the point of affectation; very precise and formal; exceedingly proper >>> ~ means polite, straight-laced, even twee. Many characters in Jane Austen novels are ~ and proper. Mnemonic: In order to be very precise and formal with my speech.., I had to trim all my stories. (~ - Trim)


পরিণাম; outcome; final result >>> The ~ of an action is the end result, whatever happens last as a consequence of the original action. The ~ of reading this sentence is that you will understand what the word ~ means. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - when yuvraj aims a shot up (~), it comes out (outcome) of the stadium


পরিত্যাগ করা; abandon; give up (by formal announcement); disown; repudiate; Ex. ~ one's claim to the property/one's religion; N. renunciation >>> To ~ is to officially give up or turn away from. People on a diet usually ~ pizza and chocolate cake, for example. Mnemonic: re-announce something.abandon the previous announcement.Start afresh


পরিত্যাগ করা; give up something (with reluctance); yield; release; Ex. ~ power/the claim to the land/his hold on my arm >>> If you ~ something, you let it go. You ~ control of the army when you resign as general. Your ~ your plan to sneak into town when your parents find out what's going on. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Its quite opposite to what it spells "Re - link - Wish"


বাঁধাধরা; one regarded as embodying a set image or type; fixed and unvarying representation; standardized mental picture often reflecting prejudice; Ex. stereotype of the happy slave; V: make a stereotype of; represent by a stereotype; Ex. It is wrong to stereotype people; Ex. stereotyped answer >>> A ~ is a preconceived notion, especially about a group of people. Many ~s are racist, sexist, or homophobic. Mnemonic: stereos are old..unchanging..though they are good, becuase of their fixed quality, they're PRE-JUDICED to be inferior...


বাইচ; boat or yacht race >>> A ~ is an organized series of boat races. In a ~, yachts or sailboats usually participate, but some ~s focus on rowboats or powerboats. Mnemonic: (Tag:;telugu);re+gatta(sounds like katta )cheruvu katta where u find boats


বাগাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ; bombastic; stiffly pompous; Ex. ~ rhetoric; CF. stiff: formal >>> The adjective ~ describes something—usually a style of writing or speaking—that is unnaturally formal. It also refers to something raised on stilts, such as some lake houses that are ~, or resting on stilts over the water. Mnemonic: The woman wore STILletos to the formal party to artificially increase her height.


বাগাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ; wordy; >>> ~ describes a person, speech, or piece of writing that uses many words, usually more words than necessary. If you talk too much, you can be described as ~, and so can your history paper if you didn't do the research and are just tried to take up space with words. >>> Mnemonic: VER for verbal BOSE for boss; so you may say that your boss is excessively verbal.


বাচাল; talkative >>> A ~ person talks a lot, often about stuff that only they think is interesting. You can also call them chatty or gabby, but either way, they're ~. >>>Mnemonic: it is derived from the root word 'loqua'... which refers to SPEECH or TALK


বাজারের ক্রিয়াকর্মে শিথিলভাব; withdrawal; retreat; time of low economic activity >>> Jobs being cut? Houses not selling? Everyone talking about the poor sales of everything from cars to bouquets of flowers? That's a ~, a time of economic decline. Mnemonic: taken from..Latin cession which is made from cedere means to words like depression , ~, concession, secession.and all of these have the cession..means to yield something less or some or other way...


বিঘ্নিত; disturb greatly >>> To ~ is to bug or bother someone by confusing them or throwing them off balance. You can try, but it's almost impossible to ~ the guards outside Buckingham Palace. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like "disturb"


বিরক্তিকর ভাবপ্রবণ; mushy(sentimental) and gushy; icky-sticky sentimental; excessively and objectionably sentimental >>> ~ means excessively sentimental or so sappy it's sickening. Which is how you'd describe two lovebirds gushing over each other or your grandma's cooing, cheek pinches, and sloppy-lipstick kisses. >>>Mnemonic: ওই বিড়াল, এত মাও মাও কেন করিস


সংক্ষিপ্ত; briefly giving the gist of something >>> Something that is ~ is short and clear. If you're going to be interviewed on television about your new book and only have a five minute slot, you'll need to come up with a ~ version of your story. Mnemonic: SUCK+INK - brief/summary of story sucks less ink on the paper


সংযোগসাধন; combination (of two business corporations); act of merging >>> When two companies become one company, they've had a ~. A ~ is like a marriage for things other than people. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);MERGE R


সম্পূর্ণ পরিতৃপ্ত করা; satisfy to the full; satisfy to excess; cloy >>> Sometimes you're so hungry you feel like you could eat a ten-course meal. Other times it takes just a small salad to ~ your appetite, or to satisfy your hunger. >>> Mnemonic: s-ate, so when we have finished eating our food, we are satisfied to the full..(pet bhar kar khaana kha liya)


সম্পূর্ণ বিনাশ; (place or scene of) complete disorder or ruin; wreck; mess; Ex. After the hurricane, the coast was a ~. Originally a word for a slaughterhouse, ~ now usually means one heck of a mess, as in You were supposed to clean your room, but it's still a ~! Mnemonic: ~ and GAMBLES... The gambling den was in ~ after the police had raided it.


সম্পূর্ণ সিক্ত; thoroughly soaked; dull or stupid as if from drink Pull out your galoshes. When it's been raining for days, there are puddles everywhere, and the grass is thoroughly soaked, it's safe to say the ground is ~. Mnemonic: ~ ...remove the 'o' and replace it with 'a',u get sadden(ed) when u are saddened u look so DULL


সহস্রাব্দ; thousand-year period (as in the New Testament); hoped-for period of happiness and prosperity >>> A decade means ten years, a century means a hundred, and ~ means a thousand. Think: a decade of marriage, the new ~


বৈবাহিক; related to marriage or the wedding ceremony; N. ~s: wedding ceremony >>> You can describe something related to a wedding, or ~s, using ~. You might go on a diet, getting ready for your ~ day. After the wedding, you might experience ~ bliss (সুখ). >>>Mnemonic: ~ = N + U + Pti (husband)+ al ( kal=tomorrow)= if u will do marriage tommorrow N U become husband.


ব্যর্থ করা; stamp out(put an end to); thwart; hinder; Ex. ~ the rumor; CF. cut; >>> Don't get your hopes up: The verb to ~ has nothing to do with the well-known liquor. Instead, it means to prevent or stop something from happening. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ leads to ~(drink too much and u'll fall down being hurt)


স্থলাভিষিক্ত; replace; cause to be set aside; make obsolete; >>> If you click on the link after this description, a new screen will ~, or replace, this one. A longer description will supplant, or ~, by replacing this brief one. Mnemonic: when a SUPER new thing arrives, we REPLACE /SET ASIDE the old thing because it is OBSOLETE..


স্থান - সংক্রান্ত; relating to space >>> ~ describes how objects fit together in space, either among the planets or down here on earth. There's a ~ relationship between Mars and Venus, as well as between the rose bushes in the backyard. Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~--sounds like special--ANYTHING related to SPACE IS always special.


স্থিতিস্থাপক; elastic; having the power of springing back; able to recover quickly (as from misfortune) >>> When something is strong and able to recover from damage quickly, call it ~. If you're rough on your toys, the ones that don't break are ~. Mnemonic: ~=RE(recover)+ EASILY+BENT. So, ~ means something which RECOVERS EASILY when BENT.


স্থির অবস্থা; calmness; peace >>> ~ is a sense of peace and quiet. It is the feeling you have while sitting under a starry sky, listening to the crickets. The aura of tranquility comes from the calm in the world, which makes you feel you are without a care in the world. >>> Mnemonic: Trans (transfer) + quality -> transfer in to quality life


অন্তেষ্টিক্রিয়া; funeral ceremony


অপব্যয়ী; waster; profligate >>> Your brother who spends money as quickly as he gets it, always wearing new clothes and taking friends out for expensive dinners? You might call him a ~, meaning he spends his money foolishly. >>> Mnemonic: A ~ is a person who wastes money on self-indulgence, is a profligate.


অবিচলিত; dull; impassive; showing little emotion when strong feelings are expected >>> A ~ person can't be moved to smile or show much sign of life, in much the same way as something solid, like a giant boulder, is immovable. Both are expressionless. Mnemonic: stone like It becomes 'T' SOLID. So someone very SOLID against 'T'(ears) or emo'T'ions.


একগুঁয়ে; stubborn; hard to control or treat; Ex. ~ cough >>> When someone is beyond stubborn, use the word ~ instead: "You ~ old mule! Get out of my way!" >>>Mnemonic: obs+tin+ate he ate tin so he is stubborn fellow as he is hard to control


কোরাম; minimal number of members necessary to conduct a meeting >>> A ~ is not necessarily a majority of members of a group, but the minimum needed in order to conduct business. For example, if two members of a group are absent, there can still be a ~, meaning the meeting can go on without them. Mnemonic: for status quo, u need a minimum number of people


ক্রীতদাস; slave; bondage; slavery; Ex. Her beauty held him in ~; CF. en~ >>> When you're in ~ to someone, you are under their control in some way. If you're being held as a hostage, you're in ~ to your captor. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~=thrill( a person is in slavery under a witch and doing thrill work


ক্ষতিকর; harmful; CF. ob~ >>> Something ~ is harmful and could be even fatal — whether it is colorless, odorless, and invisible like carbon monoxide, or dark, strong-smelling, and obvious, like black smoke from a fire. People are called ~ too when they hurt others with cruelty or mental anguish. >>>Mnemonic: ~=TOXIOUS.........harmful


ক্ষুদ্র; trivial; unimportant; very small; small-minded; ~-minded >>> ~ used to mean just "petite" or "small," but now it's used for things that are trivial and shouldn't matter much. If you host world leaders and spend more time picking napkins than memorizing names, you're focused on ~ things. >>> Mnemonic: girls use ~ coats inside dress which r very small than the dress they wear


খাদ; dig into (to get stone); N: mine; >>> Both meanings of ~ have to do with going after something. An animal being hunted is called ~, and when you dig a hole in the earth looking for rocks, both the digging and the hole are called ~ as well. Mnemonic: ~ sounds like query we know query is to ask questions when you r in doubt or when you desire to know more, and ~ means to dig deep when you want something from earth.


খাদ্যদ্রব্য; food; provisions; V. victual: provide with food >>> ~ are anything that can be used as food. Even that plate of mystery meat that the lunch lady just gave you could be considered ~. >>> Mnemonic: Vic (vikkhuk) re tule dao -> food


গরম ও আর্দ্র; (of weather) warm and damp >>> Think of hot, humid, steamy weather as being so unpleasant that you feel "mugged" by it when you step outside. That's one way to remember the meaning of ~. >>>Mnemonic: like MAGGY noodles which are WARM and DAMP when prepared.


চেপ্টা চামচ; broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing >>> Don't even think about making pancakes if you don't have a ~. What else would you flip them with? Mnemonic: (Tag:;Telugu);s+Patkar+ulta - used to turn things upside down


ছাড়িয়ে যাওয়া / ছাপাইয়া যাত্তয়া; outrun; surpass; outdo >>> While ~ might make you think about undressing, it really means outdoing. If the productivity of your garden ~s your neighbor's, expect the neighborhood to come calling for fresh vegetables. >>>Mnemonic: out + strip - পটি = out of the strip


ছোটো নদী; small stream; CF. rill < ~ < river >>> A ~ is a small stream. A ~ is to a river as a baby is to an adult. Mnemonic: river at outlet i.e small stream


ত্রিশূল; three-pronged spear >>> If you're the ancient Greek god of the sea, you're probably already familiar with a ~, a three-pronged spear you can use to stab things. >>> Mnemonic: ~=TRI(three) + DENT(tooth).


ধর্মসম্প্রদায়; separate religious body; faction; group of people with common beliefs within a larger group >>> A ~ is a religious group that exists inside of a larger religion. Think of it as a ~ion of a particular religion. >>> Mnemonic: sanct(pavitra) ~(~or) larger religious group


পরিবর্তনশীলতা; ability to change in form; fickleness >>> ~ means the quality of being changeable. Caterpillars, on their way to becoming butterflies, display a great deal of ~


বিচক্ষণ; clever; astute If you are ~ in your spending, you can make a small salary go a long way. Use the adjective ~ to describe a person or thing that is smart or clever in a practical sort of way. Mnemonic: just think of shrew i.e. a small mouse like thing is chote hamesha chalak hote hain...(Hindi)


বিভিন্ন বর্ণযুক্ত; piebald; variegated(many-colored); multicolored >>> ~ means colorfully jumbled. If you're looking at kittens, you may see solid black ones, solid white, or ones with lots of different patches of color. You'd call a patchy one ~. >>> Mnemonic: remember pie chart which has different colors


সম্ভাব্য বস্তু; expressing possibility; latent; N: capacity for growth >>> >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;EN); ~ energy that is not taken to action despite kinetic !


সাহস করা; risk; expose to risk; dare; undertake a risk; N. >>> As either a noun or verb, ~ implies risk. Your family won't like it if you leave school to go on an artistic ~. Those who chose to ~ off school grounds were never seen again. >>> Mnemonic: AD+~=which is exiting but full of risks and daring things.


অবশেষ; remainder >>> A ~ is something that's left over, once the rest is used up. If you plan to sew a shirt using only a ~, it might have to be a midriff shirt. Mnemonic: ~, break it as rem[remaining] + nant[amount] => balance/remainder.


অলস ব্যক্তি; lazy; slow; inactive; lethargic; with no shell >> When you are feeling draggy â positively slug-like â you are ~, or slow. If cookie sales are ~ at your bake sale, you are selling very few treats. Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);slugginsh = slow + ish :)


অস্বীকার করা; disown; disavow; deny >>> To ~ something is to reject it, or to refuse to accept or support it. If you grow up religious, but ~ all organized religion as an adult, you might start spending holidays at the movies, or just going to work. Mnemonic: he ate the PUDDING AGAIN.. When his mother asked him if he ate the pudding, he tried to ~ (deny eating it)... :)


আলোকদায়ক; shining (esp. in the dark); issuing light; Ex. ~ paint/road signs >>> ~ means full of or giving off light. During the winter holidays, with all their emphasis on light, you can see ~ displays of candles everywhere. >>>Mnemonic: ~ = luminance ~ bright


একগুঁয়ে; wilful; intentional; headstrong >>> ~ means "deliberate" or "stubborn." A child who exhibits ~ disobedience knows she is doing something wrong (even if she tries to convince you otherwise). >>> Mnemonic: will full...done with full will..totally intetional


কাটছাট করা; cut away; trim >>> To ~ means to clip, crop, cut back, and weed out. Pruning usually happens to overgrown trees and bushes, but can also be helpful for wild eyebrows and guest lists that are too long. Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);Rhymes with SALOON, where barber CUT(TRIM) our hair...


খর্খর করা; কর্কশকঠে বলা; making a harsh noise; grating; harsh >>> A sound is ~ when it is rough or scratchy. If you get a bad cold or scream encouragement to a losing team for a few hours, you will end up with a ~ voice. Mnemonic: Ras(In Hindi) means juice, Py(pii=Drink). So, when u drink cold juice it makes ur throat sore and makes ur voice harsh.


খাজনারুপে প্রদেয় এক দশমাংশ; tax of one-tenth (contributed to a church); V: pay a ~ >>> To ~ is to make a contribution equal to one-tenth of your income, usually to a church or religious institution. You probably always ~, even in years when your finances are very tight. >>> Mnemonic: sorry if it hurts any one........tit+he..when someone touches the tits then he shud pay 1/10th of salary


খাড়া ও উঁচু গিরিচূড়া; cliff; dangerous position; Ex. on the edge of the ~ >>> Cartoon characters often end up on a ~, the edge of a steep cliff, where their chubby toes curl and cling as they totter and eventually fall, making a hole in the ground below and getting up again. Most real people avoid ~s. Mnemonic: PRECI (PRESIDENT)+ PICE (PEACE). So if presedent wants peace then he will have to CLIMB a HIGH VERTICAL MOUNTAIN and meditate there. It will be a great PERIL for him.


খাড়া পাশ; গিরিখাত; narrow valley with steep sides; gorge; CF. gully, canyon >>> In a Western, outlaws will lie in wait at the top of a ~, or narrow valley, until they see a traveler entering at the bottom. Then, the outlaws will come pounding down the ~'s steep sides. Mnemonic: ra+vine(wine) so we pour wine in glass of STEEP SIDES.


গন্ধযুক্ত; giving off an odor >>> Something that's ~ carries a smell. When you hear someone use the word ~, just hope they're not referring to your breath or armpits বগল. >>>Mnemonic: 2 meanings: 1. odori relates to odour/smell. 2. ferous related to ferocious and hence offensive


গোলমালকারী; clamorous; noisy; V. ~ate: cry out loudly (when complaining) >>> ~ describes loudmouths, such as the ~ mob at the soccer game. >>> Mnemonic: VOICE + FURIOUS = noisy


ঘোলা করা; উত্তেজিত করা; make liquids murky by stirring up sediment; disturb >>> To ~ means to stir up or churn. A stormy ocean might ~, or even a restless crowd. Mnemonic: ~ ~ SOIL = muddy


ছন্দঃশাস্ত্র; art of versification; study of the metrical structure of verse >>> ~ is the rhythm and sounds used in poetry. Kids who can freestyle rap fit the ~ of their words to a rhythm that's already laid down. Mnemonic: ~ is converting 'prose' into mel'ody'. ie versificatn


তুচ্ছ ত্রুটি; slight offense or fault; CF. sin >>> A ~ is a minor offense or sin. Parents recognize that their kids have a few ~es: they don't always remember to say please and thank you, don't put their dirty clothes in the hamper, and worst of all, they keeping finding the chocolate stash! >>> Mnemonic: "pecc" (actually, pecado) refers to "mistake" as in impeccable. pecking others etc., So, ~ means small mistake.


তুচ্ছ; insignificant; petty; trifling; contemptible; Ex. ~ sum; CF. trash >>> A ~ amount is so small it's not even worth thinking about. In the novel "Oliver Twist," when Oliver is given a ~ amount of gruel — not nearly enough — he asks, "Please, sir, can I have some more?" >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);pal means moment in hindi,its very can b neglected when we r wasting hrs on facebook:)


তুন্দ্রা অঞ্চল; rolling treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America >>> The ~ is a vast treeless plain near the Arctic Circle where the subsoil is permanently frozen. Despite the stark cold, many animals thrive on the ~, including insects, migrating birds, and foxes. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - a region where there is lot of 'thund' meaning cold in hindi


তৃণশয্যা; small poor bed; Ex. straw ~ >>> ~ is a busy noun, but it's mainly a slab or framework of wood used for carrying things. The most common type of ~ is the kind used to move cargo. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);pal(PALANG)+let(LIE DOWN or latena) let as"late" in you lie on a bed...But the bed is pallid. Pall(-et)


তৃতীয়; প্রশাখা; third in order or rank >>> ~ is another way of saying "third in importance," like socializing with co-workers being a ~ reason for getting an after-school job — less important than, first, earning money and second, gaining skills. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and Subsidiary have the same sounds. While Subsidiary stands for something second in importance (as Primary means first), ~ refers to third in level.


তেরছা / বাঁকা; indirect; slanting (deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line); Ex. ~ reference >>> If something is ~, it has a slanting position or direction. In figurative use, ~ means indirect or purposely misleading. "What is two plus two?" "Fish!" as an answer is completely ~. >>>Mnemonic: ~ - split it like OB(object) lique(sounds as LIKE). So OBject Like, referring something indirectly.


তোষামোদপূর্ণ; oily; bland; insincerely suave >>> You might know the idea of the adjective ~ by other words like "oily," "smarmy," or overly "flattering." When a person is ~, you can't trust their kindness, because they usually want something in return. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ -> f~ -> party like ... in parties girls do a lot of oily makeup and try to appear and behave sauve but in my opinion they look and behave in a bland way.


দেশদ্রোহী; traitor who aids invaders; CF. Vidkun ~ >>> A ~ is a traitor, especially one who collaborates with an enemy occupying force for personal gain. Mnemonic: ~; split like QUIT+LINK means a culprit quits and collaborate (link)with enemy


ধড়্ফড়ানি; fear; nervous apprehension >>> When plain old "fear" isn't enough to get across a deep feeling of dread about something on the horizon, use the more formal word ~. >>> Mnemonic: Intrepid is fearless, so Trepid is fearfull....:P


ধনবান শাসকগোষ্ঠী; society ruled by the wealthy >>> In a ~, the people are ruled by the wealthy few. We know that's not true of our democracy. "One person, one vote" is how our system works. There's no ~ here. Rich people theoretically have no more power than do the poor. >>> Mnemonic: ~...society jo LOOT leti hai or sounds like AUTOCRACY


ধনশালিতা; extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance >>> Something with ~ is drenched in wealth and luxury. You'll need gold brocaded curtains, diamond-encrusted watches, and a world-renowned personal chef if you want to add some ~ to your life. >>>Mnemonic: OPUL REMENBER OPEL AND LANCE MEANS LANCER CAR PEOPLE THOSE WHI HAS OPEL AND LANCER LIVE IN OPULANCE --- Latin opulentia, meaning "wealthy."


ধনশালী ব্যক্তি; person of prominence or influence; powerful or influential person (in business or industry); Ex. oil ~ >>> If you're a hugely successful businessman, particularly if you've cornered the market in a particular area, you're a ~. ~s are often larger than life characters. Donald Trump, he of the hair, is a classic real estate ~. >>>Mnemonic: like a magnet.. attracts people and hence influences..


ধরে রাখা; keep; maintain possession of; employ (esp. a lawyer or advisor); N. ~er: servant; fee paid to ~ an advisor >>> ~ means to hold on to or keep. People who can ~ a lot of information are often mistaken for geniuses, but really they just have very good memories.


ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ; worldly; not pertaining to church matters or religion; temporal >>> ~ things are not religious. Anything not affiliated with a church or faith can be called ~. >>> Mnemonic: He was not a priest, he was SEX-ular


ধর্মনিষ্ঠ; devout; religious; N. piety >>> If someone is deeply religious and visibly follows all the moral and ethical codes of his religion, he is ~. Don't become a priest if you're not prepared to live a ~ life. >>> Mnemonic: We give thanks to God for the PIe he has given US.


ধর্মান্তরিত করা; (induce someone to) convert to a religion or belief; N ~: new convert to a doctrine or religion >>> To ~ is to try to persuade someone to switch to your religious beliefs or your way of living. "Like a true evangelist, Amber ~d about the rewards of life as a devout adherent of the faith." Mnemonic: relate it to hypnotize....changing someones religion by telling them prose(epics)and hypnotizing


ধূলিসাত্ করা; destroy completely; Ex. ~ the city to the ground >>> ~ means to tear an object down to the ground. Before Donald Trump can ~ that family's home to build another skyscraper, he's going to have to cut them a big check. Mnemonic: ~ means to destroy completely. So the word ~ sounds similar to erase.~=erase...which means to remove or clean completely.


নির্ভরপত্র; guarantee; assurance by seller >>> Most cars and toys come with a ~, a written guarantee that the product will not fail within a certain amount of time. If it does, the manufacturer will repair or replace it for free.


পক্ষীর পালকসমূহ; feathers of a bird; >>> If you like the looks of the color and pattern formed by a bird's feathers, then you like its ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Birds wen they AGE, they become PLUM(P) and shed off their feathers :/


পরিশোধ করা; repay; pay back >>> If you buy a basketball for your school team with your own money, and you ask your coach to ~ you, you are asking him to pay you back. To ~ is to compensate for an expense or loss. Mnemonic: ~-re +i(m)+purse-i repay using my purse


পাঁকে ডোবান; entangle (জড়ান); stick in swampy ground; stick or sink in ~; N: bog; deep mud; Ex. sucked deeper into the ~ >>> A ~ is mushy ground like quicksand, so if you feel yourself trapped in a sticky situation, consider yourself ~d. One gets ~d IN something — like in a dispute or in a love triangle. >>>Mnemonic: Tire in mire


বিষধর সর্প; poisonous snake >>> A ~ is a certain type of poisonous snake. The most common ~s in the United States are rattlesnakes and water moccasins. >>> Mnemonic: A ~ ia an ADDER (a snake). A ~ can WIPE out your life.


বিষাক্ত মাকড়সা; venomous spider >>> A ~ is a hairy, poisonous, black spider. Although they are furry and some people keep them as pets, you probably don't want to cuddle up to one. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);~ is like Dracula


ভাণ্ডার; storehouse >>> Think of a ~ as a storehouse, a place where things are kept until needed. A silo is a ~ for animal feed, a trivia buff's mind is a ~ for useless information. Mnemonic: ~ sounds like depository- a place where u deposit things.


ভীরু; cowardly; lacking courage; fainthearted >>> You can describe someone who lacks courage as ~, such as a ~ student who is too afraid to speak out against someone who is bullying others. Mnemonic: take it as PUSSY + ANIMAL = a pussy will always be dumb and cowardly, will always lack courage.


মহাপণ্ডিত ব্যক্তি; scholar; learned person; CF. savoir: know >>> You know that girl in your school with a GPA over 100? She is a ~ in the making. A ~ is someone over-the-top smart, a scholar. It might take a ~ only five minutes to do an entire math test. >>> Mnemonic: rakhee ~ is a SCHOLAR....pun!!!


রাজকীয়; royal; of a monarch; Ex. ~ manner >>> Even though he was homeless, Dan had a ~ bearing. ~ is an adjective that describes things that appear to be royal. Mnemonic: sounds like legal i.e., laws made by a power.


শিক্ষানবিশ; beginner >>> If you're a ~ at snowboarding, you're just learning the sport. On the Internet, a ~ might be called a newbie, but your parents would call one a beginner. >>>Mnemonic: NO WISE


সমুচিত জবাব দেয়া; quick sharp reply; V. >>> What's a ~? It's a reply that's short. "Why did the monkey fall out of the tree; please give me a report?" I said "The monkey's dead," with a dry ~. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);re...


সর্বজ্ঞ; all-knowing >>> To be ~ is to know everything. This often refers to a special power of God. >>>Mnemonic: ~ sounds like omni + scientist so a scientist knows about all the things .


সুসিক্ত করা; soak thoroughly; imbue; impregnate; charge; fill to capacity >>> >>> Mnemonic: ~ or INTEGRATE - to fill or supply completely.


হৃদয়স্পর্শী; causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching >>> Something ~ inspires pity and contempt. ~ things are awful or lame. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);if there is not path to proceed then you feel sad


immature; half-baked; >>> Mnemonic: so physics is = chemistry.. its a false logic


navigation tool used to determine a ship's latitude and longitude (by measuring the altitudes of stars) A ~ is a tool for measuring the angles between heavenly bodies â the kind found in outer space. Used as a navigational tool out at sea, it helps determine a ship's longitude and latitude. Mnemonic: For proper sex, you have to be in proper longitude and latitude to each other..(Sorry for scurrilous mnemonic)


অতিসতর্ক; excessively careful (with great attention to detail); painstaking; scrupulous >>> People who are ~ can be pretty annoying, what with their extreme attention to detail. But if that person is, say, your surgeon or your accountant, you'll want them to be ~. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng);it sounds like matriculation(admission to a college).To get matriculation we should be as a ~(careful) aspirant to clear the exam.


অবশ্য পালনীয়; demanding and leaving no choice; imperative; Ex. ~ decree/knock >>> Say "perempt-" out loud. Hear how it sounds like you're clearing your throat as if to get everyone's attention and put an end to a discussion? That's all you need to know to understand ~, which means bossy and official sounding. >>> Mnemonic: Remember it with pre-empty, i.e something which is already empty, needs to be filled, it demands...


অতীব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ; full of life; animated; vibrant and lively; critical; of great importance; necessary to stay alive; of life; living; breathing; N. ~ity; V. ~ize >>> A patient's ~ signs are their important body functions, such as pulse rate, that shows they are still alive. Use the adjective ~ to describe something that is important and necessary, or a person full of energy. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);when U take re~ ( produced by Ran Baxy) U will b full of life,,


অবসন্ন; lacking in spirit or energy; languid >>> To be ~ it to be lethargic, low spirited, and limp (নিস্তেজ). "The fever made the boy ~ — he seemed to melt into the sofa." >>>Mnemonic: I lost my list of universities to apply, Now I am lacking spirit because I am ~


অগ্রদূত; forerunner; predecessor >>> You've heard the old saying "Pride comes before the fall?" Well, you could just as easily say pride is a ~ to the fall. A ~ is something that happens before something else. Mnemonic: (Tag:;:));"~" = pre(before) + cursor(that points out) == something that points out in advance == forerunner :)


অগ্রদূত; forerunners; foremost position of an army; advance forces; foremost position in a trend or movement; CF. rearguard >>> If you are in the ~, you're up front. It could be that you are in the ~ of an advancing army, or in the ~ of any movement, trend, or occupation. >>> Mnemonic: Maruti A Maruti "VAN" needs to be guarded from the front as it doesnot have a bonnet.


অগ্রভাগ ছাঁটিয়া দেত্তয়া; cut the top off; shorten >>> The verb ~ means to cut off or shorten. You can ~ a board that is too long using a power saw, a chain saw, or perhaps even a karate kick. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);trunc(TRUNK) + cate(CUT).....when you CUT the TRUNK OF THE tree, by cutting the top off, you make it SHORT.


অতি সূক্ষ্ম তারতম্য; shade of slight difference in meaning or color; subtle distinction >>> Use ~ to refer to a very small difference in color, meaning, or feeling. What makes singers brilliant is not how loud they can sing a note, but how many ~s they can evoke (আহ্বান) through their approach. >>>Mnemonic: ~ = new + ounce.. and ounce is a very small unit for weight.. hence a very small difference..


অতিশয় অপছন্দ করা; detest; ADJ. loathsome: arousing loathing; offensive; Ex. loathsome smell >>> If you ~ someone or something, you hate them very much. You might not choose to eat raw carrots if you dislike them, but if you ~ them, you might have a hard time even having them on your plate. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Loa-the can be related as Low thought...So having a low thought of someone else implies hate or detest


অত্যন্ত ক্ষতিকর; (of a disease or poison) extremely harmful or poisonous; (of a feeling) hostile; bitter; CF. virus; CF. venom >>> A ~ disease is one that's infectious, spreading and making lots of people sick, while a ~ rant is just a verbal attack, causing sickness of the emotional kind. Either way, something ~ puts a strain on the people who get it. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);it is a virus, which causes disease and harm. So, something ~ is viral and poisonous.


অত্যল্প পরিমাণ; very small object or insect-like creature; small coin >>> ~ is one of many words for a very small amount, like a bit and a jot. A ~ is teeny-weeny and itty-bitty. It's not much at all. >>>Mnemonic: remember termite (উইপোকা) They are TINY creatures.


অত্যুজ্বল; brilliant; splendid in appearance; dazzling; glorious >>> Someone or something that is ~ has great beauty and is a pleasure to behold. "She was there, at the base of the stairs, ~ in her flowing gown and jewels." Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~: Pendent, if gold, is shining and glowing...


অত্যুত্তেজিত; nervous or excited; extremely agitated; hysterical; wrought-up; CF. wrought: made or done >>> High on drama and lacking any emotional restraint, ~ is an adjective that means deeply, excessively agitated or nervous. >>> Mnemonic: over+wrought => remember wrought iron. Which has become so due to agitation and hysterisis.


অদক্ষ / অনিপুন / কৌশলী নয় এমন; clumsy; not skillful; awkward; bungling >>> If you are clumsy, you are ~. But the word can mean all kinds of clumsy. Trip over your words? You are verbally ~. Stumble in social situations? You're socially ~. >>>Mnemonic: mal(means bad at doing something)+adroit(it means skillful ).......and someone who is bad at skills in his known area ,considered a ~ person


অধিকতর ভারী অবস্থা; superiority of power, quantity, etc.; greater in power, weight, or importance; >>> If there's a ~ of something, there is A LOT of it. If you are a prosecutor, you are looking for a ~ of evidence to convince the jury that the defendant is guilty. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);ponderous means weighty, ~ may be remembered as something having heavy weight, quantity or power


অধ্যাদেশ; decree; authoritative order >>> An ~ is a local law. Many cities have recently passed ~s making it illegal to smoke indoors or mandatory for pet owners to curb their dogs. >>>Mnemonic: order by nuns(they give orders for the welfare of people)


অনধিকারচর্চী / অবাঞ্চিত হস্তক্ষেপ; interfering >> A ~ person gets in your business in a way that's totally annoying. In other words, they meddle. Respect people's privacy by not being ~. >>>Mnemonic: meddle(middle) when two people are talking WE SHOULD NEVER INTERFARE IN MIDDLE OF THEIR TALKS.


অনন্ত; everlasting >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something that never ends or changes. If you're a ~ procrastinator, your dilly-dallying ways are never going to improve. >>> Mnemonic: rhyme with rituals...rituals are everlasting


অনর্গল বক্তৃতা দিতে পারে; fluent; talkative; glib >>> ~ describes someone who talks a lot, like your aunt who can't stop telling you to cut your hair or a political candidate who makes twenty speeches on the day before the election. >>> Mnemonic: Remember "volume" in TV controls. It's related to sound. This ~ is also related to speaking.


অনর্থক কথা বলা; talk idly; speak foolishly; boast idly >>> To ~ means to talk on and on about something. While it may be interesting to hear about other people's vacations, when they ~ about them until the wee hours, it becomes intolerable. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~: pee-rate, some guys were talking about the rate at which they pee *such a foolish talk, these people are really idle.


অনস্তিত্ব / ফালতু লোক; person of no importance; nonexistence >>> The noun ~ refers to a person of no significance or importance. If you are a member of a sports team, but spend all your time sitting on the bench watching the rest of the team play, you will probably feel like a ~. >>>Mnemonic: ~ sounds like no entry..... worthless people have no entry in to the college.....


অনিচ্ছুক; reluctant; unwilling; disinclined; Ex. Romeo and Juliet were both ~ for him to go. >>> If you are ~ to do something, you really don't want to do it. If you are reluctant to go swimming, people will say you are ~ to swim, but if they are really mean — they may throw you in anyway. >>>Mnemonic: if you have taken a oath of not doing what your dad guides you... you are very unwilling and reluctant to listen him.


অনিয়ন্ত্রণসাধ্য / বিষম; awkward (to carry or move); cumbersome; unmanageable >>> If you see an ~ person coming down the aisle of the bus with an ~ box, you may want to step aside because that's a double dose of clumsy. It's an awkward person carrying a box that is difficult to manage. >>> Mnemonic: un+wieldy...WIELD(y) rhymes with WELD...that which can be WELDED is easily changeable or MANAGEABLE. so WIELDY is EASILY MANAGEABLE. and ~ is the opposite


অনিশ্চিত; unsafe; lacking in stability; uncertain; risky; Ex. ~ living >>> Grab for the adjective ~ when something is unstable, dangerous or difficult and likely to get worse. Are you totally broke and the people you owe money to keep calling? You're in a ~ financial situation! >>> Mnemonic: PRE+CARE+IOUS -> We have to take CARE while doing something risky so that it does not go wrong. ..


অন্তর্ভূত করা ; include (as a member of a group); encompass >>> ~ means to absorb or include. A successful company might ~ a failing competitor through a merger, or love may ~ you in the early stages of a romance. Mnemonic: ~ -- sub + sum + e. Sum -- summing. summing something means adding up and hence to include everything.


অন্ধকারাচ্ছন্ন; dark; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; CF. shadow >>> Funerals are often ~ affairs. Also your face after your teacher hands back an exam you failed. ~ is used to describe situations, facial expressions, or moods that are dark, gloomy, or depressing. Mnemonic: ~ SOUNDS LIKE BOMBER...SO WHEN A BOMBER EXPLODES A BOMB, DARKNESS FALLS AND EVERYONE IS IN A STATE OF GLOOM.


অন্য গ্রন্থকার বা শিল্পীর অনুকরণে রচিত সাহিত্য বা শিল্প; শিল্পকর্ম; imitation of another's style in musical composition or in writing; work of art openly imitating the works of other artists >>> The next time you see a movie that you think is a cheap imitation of an older, better movie, you can sound like a film critic by dismissing the picture as a thoughtless ~. >>> Mnemonic: PASTi+CHE......pasti...PASTE...........we do copy PASTE......while copying we imitate the style of others and paste it where we want


অন্যকে কষ্ট দিয়ে আনন্দ পাওয়া; inclined to cruelty; delight in cruelty >>> If you kick your little brother in the shin and feel a strange sense of enjoyment as you watch him cry, then you're being ~, meaning that you get pleasure from hurting others. >>> Mnemonic: ~ persons enjoy by making someone sad or influencing a lot of pain on them.


অন্যায্য; unjustified; having no justification; groundless; baseless; undeserved >>> When something is ~ it's not called-for under the given circumstances. For example, debating the merits of someone's talent is one thing, but calling them stupid is ~. >>> Mnemonic: i got a mobile without a warranty and that was unjustified.


অপবাদ দেওয়া; expose to slander >>> To ~ is to badmouth someone or something. If you don't want people talking trash about you, then don't ~ them either — even if they started it. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - TO + REDUCE someone's good image, to slander or defame.


অপবিত্রকর, ধর্মদ্রৌহিক; desecrating; profane; N. sacrilege: desecration, misuse, or theft of something sacred >>> Catholics regard using the consecrated host for any purpose besides Communion as ~. If you burn a copy of the Koran, Muslims find it ~. ~ means very disrespectful towards something sacred. Mnemonic: ~ can be split as SAC(k) + RELIGIOUS(religious) beliefs. So one who sacks religious beliefs will commit PROFANE acts... ie speak against..


অপব্যয়ী লোক; someone who wastes money; CF. thrift: accumulated wealth >>> A ~ person is reckless and wasteful with his money. ~s who like to take you out to nice lunches are good people to be friends with, but it's generally a bad way to handle your own bank account. Mnemonic: ~ is actually a misnomer...split it as SPEND+THRIFT. Thrifty means, careful use of resources, so a ~ should actually mean someone who carefully spends money, but it means SOMEONE WHO WASTES MONEY.


অপব্যয়ী; wasteful; reckless with money; profuse; Ex. a mind ~ of ideas; N. ~ity >>> In the Bible, the ~ Son leaves home and wastes all his money, but when he returns, he feels sorry. Use the adjective ~ to describe someone who spends too much money, or something very wasteful. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English); prod(rodies) +gals(girls)=extravagance. If you are with girls of rodies then you have to be extravagant..


অপমানবোধ / বিদ্বেষ / ক্ষোভ; resentment; anger; sense of injury or insult; Ex. take ~ at his rudeness >>> When someone takes ~ at something, they find it offensive, and it probably makes them angry. >>> Mnemonic: notice the last 4 letters...RAGE.And then umbrella =shade, rage=anger and resentment.


অপরাধপ্রবণতা; habitual return to crime (even after being punished); >>> ~ means going back to a previous behavior, especially criminal behavior. People that work with prisoners are always hoping to lower ~ rates. Mnemonic: =re (back to) + CID (crime investigation department) = back to crime


অপরিসীম; বিস্ময়কর; enormous; marvelous; extraordinary; Ex. ~ amount/memory >>> Something exceptional, substantial, or great is ~. A blizzard includes ~ wind and snow. A ~ writer is one who can write a lot and do it well. Mnemonic: (Tag:;root);The root PRO- means 'in favor of'.The root DIGI- (e.g., digit) refers to numbers or quantity. So, ~ refers to a favorable (or great) number.


অপরিহার্য; necessary requirement; something required; ADJ: required; necessary >>> A formal or fancy word for indispensable, ~ is often now used in a humorous context. During their princess phase, three year old girls are loathe to leave the house without the ~ beads, tiaras and high heels. Mnemonic: required at site: means something necessary


অপরের যৌনক্রিয়া বা যৌনাঙ্গ দেখে যৌন তৃপ্তিলাভকারী ব্যক্তি; Peeping Tom; person who derives sexual gratification from observing the sexual acts of others >>> Make sure you close the curtains at night, just in case there's a ~ in the neighborhood. A ~ is someone who likes to watch people without them knowing. >>> Mnemonic: wow yeh yaar!


অপসরণ; withdrawal; V. secede: withdraw formally from membership >>> The noun ~ refers to a big break-up — a formal split, an official "Good-bye to you!" — among political entities. If France has really, truly had it with the European Union, then a French ~ movement may be in order. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Due to recession in US, many WITHDRAWN their business...


অপ্রফুল্ল; morose; gloomy; Ex. Do not be misled by his ~ countenance. >>> Medieval alchemists ascribed to the planet Saturn a gloomy and slow character. When people are called ~, it means they are like the planet--gloomy, mean, scowling. Not exactly the life of the party. >>> Mnemonic: Saturn = Shani, Shani = makes wrong things happen in one's life (astronomically) so meaning = gloomy, unhappy, morose.Just remember saturns rings-->glommy,dull,faroff planet .


অবজ্ঞাপূর্ণ উপহাস; laugh (at); mock; ridicule; Ex. ~ at their threats >>> To laugh at someone with scorn is to ~ at them. People have ~ed at many great inventors, saying their products would flop because the public wouldn't be interested in things like the light bulb, cars, televisions, or personal computers. >>> Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with cough. If someone coughs in the class we MOCK at them.


অবহেলাকারী; negligent; careless about a duty >>> If it's your turn to bring in the coffee and donuts for your early morning meeting, and you forget, then your co-workers can say that you were ~ in fulfilling your responsibility to keep them awake with sugar and caffeine. Don't expect to get much done at your meeting. Mnemonic: re+MISS you miss something repeatatively because of NEGLIGENCE, CARELESSNESS.


অভিযোগমুক্ত করা; remove or get rid of something or someone unwanted; eliminate; free from blame or guilt; cleanse or purify (esp. of sin, guilt, or defilement); N. >>> To ~ is to get rid of something or someone, and often it's done suddenly. ~ rhymes with urge, and when you have a really strong urge to throw stuff away or clean something out, you have an urge to ~. Mnemonic: its the opposite of 'merge', merge means to mix something into another and ~ means get rid of something.


অভ্যাস ইত্যাদি ছাড়ানো; accustom a baby not to nurse; accustom (the young of a mammal) to take nourishment other than by suckling; give up a cherished activity; cause to gradually leave (an interest or habit); Ex. ~ oneself from cigarettes >>> To ~ yourself from something is to gradually eliminate that thing from your life. You may want to ~ yourself from watching too much TV, drinking two pots of coffee every morning, or obsessively reading the celebrity columns. >>> Mnemonic: ~ to wear lungi - start using pajama


অরণ্যময় ; pertaining to the woods or the country >>> The adjective ~ refers to a shady, wooded area. The word suggests a peaceful, pleasant feeling, as though you were far away from the noise of modern life. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);van---> jungle n jungle is full of woods.....


অরুচিকর; distasteful; disagreeable; morally offensive; Ex. ~ activity/reputation >>> Call something ~ if it's unappetizing, tasteless, or morally offensive. Curdled sour milk is pretty ~, as are the dirty details of the latest political scandal. >>> Mnemonic: savor means taste,hence unsavor means distasteful.


অর্ধশয়ান; reclining; lying down completely or in part >>> Bikes on which you recline rather than sit upright are ~. ~ means to leaning back in a reclining position. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);recum+bent => sounds similar like become+bent. you become bent while sitting means you lie down.


অলংকার বহুল ভাষা; art of effective communication; art of using language effectively and persuasively; style of speaking or writing; grandiloquent language; Ex. political ~; ADJ. ~al; CF. ~al question: question to which no answer is expected as ``Who knows it ?'' >>> ~ is speaking or writing that's intended to persuade. If your goal is to write editorial columns for "The New York Times," you should work on your ~. Mnemonic: ~ = "right oral" skills. If you have the right oral skills, you can communicate well.


অলস গতি; stroll(go for a leisurely walk) slowly; N. >>> To ~ is to stroll at a leisurely pace. The next time someone accuses you of dragging your feet and asks you to speed it up, calmly tell them that you're perfecting your ~. >>> Mnemonic: we were ~ing in our Santro(car)..


অল্পকালস্থায়ী; transient; impermanent; fleeting; >>> If something is fleeting or lasts a short time, it is ~. Your boss declared the company's restructuring to be ~, and promised that the company would emerge stronger and better than ever. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Electronics);Transistors take a very short time to turn from on to off i.e acting like a switch


অল্পতা; scarcity; dearth >>> The word ~ means not enough of something. If you've got a ~ of good cheer, for example, you'd better cheer up! >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);pau - paav as in paav bhaji and only one "paav" for the whole obviously it will be scarce


অল্পভাষী ; habitually silent; talking little >>> Someone who is ~ is reserved, not loud and talkative. The word itself refers to the trait of reticence, of seeming aloof and uncommunicative. A ~ person might be snobby, naturally quiet, or just shy. Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);Taxi_turn Taxi Driver will be reserved or uncommunicative while Driving.


অশুভ; evil; ominous People who are left-handed might feel unlucky having to use a desk designed for right-handers, but there probably wasn't any ~, or evil, intent behind the design. Or was there? Mnemonic: when the word sinister came into use in English, people who were left-handed were thought to be bad luck or even evil. In his play Hamlet, Shakespeare wrote of the villain holding a human skull in his sinister — i.e., left — hand. It would seem to be sinister, or wicked, enough to see a human skull in the right hand, not to mention unlucky for the person missing a head in the first place.


অশোভন; unbecoming; not proper in behavior; indecent; Ex. leave with ~ haste >>> Something that is inappropriate or unacceptable behavior is ~. It's a gentler, somewhat nicer word for "inappropriate" than its synonyms, the "in" words: "indecent, indecorous, indelicate, inelegant, inept" — well, you get the idea. >>> Mnemonic: UN+SEEM- does not seem normal or proper in behavior


অশ্লীল গালিগালাজপূর্ণ; abusive; obscene; indecent; Ex. ~ remark >>> If something is ~, it's meant to offend. ~ rumors can give you a bad rep, and ~ stories sell tabloid magazines. >>> Mnemonic: You want to scurry away when someone makes ~ charges against you.


অসংযত / চরিত্রহীন; debauched person; dissolute or licentious person; roue; CF. free >>> If you drink a lot, eat a lot, and live a wild and unrestrained life, you might be called a ~. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~=liberti+ne=LIBERTY IN Excess can make you irresponsible and immoral.


অসততা; dishonest behavior or action; Ex. ~ in the election ~ is dishonest words that are meant to trick people, like your brother's fast-talking that leaves you doing all of his chores and your own, plus giving him your allowance. He's a master of ~. Mnemonic: DIGGING up SKULLS and selling them to Science laboratories is Illegal & dishonest.


অসমর্থনযোগ্য / অচল; (of a position, esp. in an argument) indefensible; not able to be maintained >>> If something is ~, you can't defend it or justify it. If your disagreement with your teacher puts you in an ~ position, you better just admit you made a mistake and get on with it. >>> Mnemonic: a child un(der) ten not able defense himself they need parents maintenance (under+ten+not able)


অস্তিত্ব ; existence; means of ~ting; means of support; livelihood; V. : exist; maintain life (at a meager level) >>> ~ means the minimal resources that are necessary for survival. If you work for ~, you'll probably receive food, water, and lodging (internet access not included). Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);In those days of recession I needed ASSISTANCE(financial help) As my salary provided a mere ~(sufficient for EXISTENCE)


অস্থিরতাবোধ; uneasiness; vague feeling of ill health (without any particular pain or appearance of disease) >>> If you are experiencing ~, chances are you are feeling blue or looking green. ~ is a slump; you're not feeling your best — either mentally or physically. >>>Mnemonic: mal(means bad, not good (of condition)+aise(sounds like ease)....and someone who is not at ease is one who is feeling ill


আঁকড়াইয়া ধরিতে সক্ষম; capable of grasping or holding (esp. by wrapping around); Ex. ~ tails >>> ~ means "able to grasp" and often refers to such body parts as claws, feet, and tails. Elephants curl their ~ noses around objects in order to pick them up. Mnemonic: PRE(before)+HENS+ILE before the hens can escape we have to grasp & hold them.


আইন বা আদেশ লঙ্ঘন; violation of a law; sin; V. : go beyond (a limit); violate; do wrong >>> A ~ is something that is against a command or law. Whether you are cheating on a test, or cheating on a spouse, you are committing ~s that are not easily forgiven. >>> Mnemonic: Trans + aggression....imagine the army of Pakistan aggressively crossing the Line of Control (LOC) and hence violating the law trans(=across) border.


আকর্ষণ করা; holding one's attention; absorbing; engrossing >>> A rivet is a fastener that holds something closed or down, and something ~ keeps you glued to your seat and grabs your attention. Sometimes a movie is so ~ that not even free popcorn refills can lure you away. Mnemonic: ii was aroused and riveted by the WET girl in the RIVER


আকস্মিক; খিঁচুনি; fitful (অনিয়মিত); periodic; of or like a spasm; (N. ~): sudden involuntary muscular contraction; sudden burst of energy or emotion >>> Something that is ~ is experiencing a fit, a loss of muscular control. If you are spazzing out, you are ~. Mnemonic: remose s..becomes SPAM..some interrupting mails for yu...hahaha


আঘাতদায়ক; (of an experience) deeply shocking; pertaining to an injury caused by violence; serious wound; emotional shock that causes lasting psychological damage >>> Something is ~ if it's very upsetting, painful, or disturbing. The word is related to a Greek word meaning "wound," so you can think of ~ as something involving a wound, either physical or mental. >>> Mnemonic: trauma...sounds similar 2 coma


আড়ম্বরপূর্ণ; pertaining to a bishop or pope; pompous or pretentious; CF. pontiff: pope; bishop >>> If you ever listen to talk radio you'll hear some fairly ~ talk going on — that is, puffed up, vain, overblown speech from someone convinced he alone is right. What he's doing is ~. >>> Mnemonic: remember ponting who behaves like a pope of cricket and rapes the players of other teams.


আতঙ্ক; morbid fear >>> A ~ is an intense and irrational fear of something. If seeing a spider makes you scream and jump on top of a table, then you might suffer from a ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~


আত্মম্ভরিতা; self-important behavior; acting like a stuffed shirt(pompous person); ADJ. pompous: self-important >>> The noun ~ means super-sized self-confidence. A person who thinks he or she is better than every else suffers from ~ — and everyone in that person's life suffers, too. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;:));"~" == "pompo" rhymed with "impo" ie important == ~ means self-importance , stuffed shirt


আদিরূপ; original work used as a model by others >>> A ~ is the original model, like a sample on which to base future designs. A company designing a new toaster will first design and build a ~, to test it out and see if it's any good.A ~ is the original model, like a sample on which to base future designs. A company designing a new toaster will first design and build a ~, to test it out and see if it's any good.


আন্তরয়ন্ত্রীয় / নাড়ীভুঁড়ি - সম্বন্ধীয়; felt in one's inner organs; N. ~ra: internal body organs; CF. eviscerate >>> When something's ~, you feel it in your guts. A ~ feeling is intuitive — there might not be a rational explanation, but you feel that you know what's best, like your ~ reaction against egg salad. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = wise cereal, which is good for health and internal organs.


আন্দাজ করা ; guess; N. >>> If you see the empty ice cream containers, the sprinkles littering the ground, a kicked can of Reddi-wip in the trash, you can ~ what has happened: Sundaes. To ~ is to form an opinion or make a guess about something. Mnemonic: Mice can guess where the cheese is kept even though they do not know where exactly it is kept.


আপত্তি; minor objection or complaint; V: raise minor objections; carp; cavil >>> A ~ is a small argument or fight. As a verb, it means to pick a mini-fight over something that doesn't really matter. "Let's not ~ over price," people will say, usually when they plan to gouge you. Mnemonic: mnemonic in hindi.. read it as qui(kyun)+bble(bill)..KYUN BILL ITNA ZYADA HAI?, you OBJECT to reading of meter & COMPLAIN to the authorities..


আপত্তিকর; attacking; insulting; distasteful >>> ~ describes rude or hurtful behavior, or a military or sports incursion অনুপ্রবেশ into on opponent's territory. In any context, "on the ~" means on the attack.


আপাত সত্য; appearance of truth; quality of appearing to be true or real; likelihood; Ex. ~ of her performance as Lady Macbeth >>> ~ means being believable, or having the appearance of being true. You can improve your play by using the sounds and smells of the beach as well as lots of sand to create ~. >>> Mnemonic: ver + similar + tude; 'ver' means true and 'tude' means a state, so '~'means 'the state of being true'.


আপার্তবৈপরীতা; something apparently contradictory in nature (that may nonetheless be true); statement that looks false but is actually correct >>> Here's a mind-bender: "This statement is false." If you think it's true, then it must be false, but if you think it's false, it must be true. Now, that's a ~! >>> Mnemonic: looks like parad(parade) of ox. which is contradict in nature but can be true.


আবদ্ধ করা; restrain or immobilize by binding the wings or legs; N: bird's wing >>> Many cars use rack-and-~ steering, in which the steering wheel turns a small-toothed ~ gear, which engages the larger rack that turns the car's wheels. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng);Think of PIN, Pinning sth to the ground so that it can not move->restrain


আবহাওয়া; pass safely through (a storm or difficult period); endure the effects of ~ or other forces >>> ~ is the atmospheric conditions, including the temperature, wind, snow, rain, or anything else happening outside. People tend to talk about the ~ when they can't think of anything else to talk about. >>> Mnemonic: ~ pertains to atmosphere and its effects and also ~ refers to survive through a hard time


আবৃত্তি; repetition; memorization through repetition without understanding; Ex. learn poetry by ~ >>> ~ means learning a fact by repeating it. ~ means learning a fact by repeating it. ~ means learning a fact by repeating it. Do you remember what ~ means yet? Mnemonic: ROT = read over thoroughly.


আমোদ প্রমোদ; merriment; laughter >>> ~ is a formal or literary term meaning fun and enjoyment as shown by laughter. If you and your friends stayed up all night at a sleepover laughing, you might refer to that as a night of ~. >>>Mnemonic: mother at birth of her child is extreemely happy. this is how the word was made. mother at birth = ~.


আলখিল্লা; Roman outer robe >>> A ~ is the draped, dress-like garment worn by men in ancient Rome. Today, businessmen wear suits and ties, but thousands of years ago, the business suit of Rome was a ~. >>> Mnemonic: as v know dat v know dat v r supposed to wear some special clothes to do yoga...nw lets supose dat v should wear ~ to do its a kind of robe


আলগাভাবে বা ঝুরাভাবে ছড়ান; spread randomly; sprinkle; scatter; Ex. flower girl ~ing rose petals >>> When you ~ something, you scatter it all over the place. At a wedding, for example, the flower child's job is to ~ the path with petals. Mnemonic: (Tag:;screw - many golden screw disperse on floar in your bathroom);~ =screw


আলোর তীব্রতার একক; unit of light energy (one candle's worth) >>> The ~ is a unit of measurement for the brightness of light. If a light bulb is blindingly bright, it produces a lot of ~s. >>>Mnemonic: ~=LOO+MEN...when all the MEN had gone for the LOO(LU) we switched off the lights to scare them....hope,this mnemonic might help u guys!...:)


আশাবাদী ব্যক্তি; person who looks on the bright side; N. optimism >>> An ~ is someone who always sees the bright side of any situation — a trait that can be either encouraging or annoying, depending on your frame of mind


আশ্রিত ব্যক্তি; person receiving protection and support from a patron >>> A protégé is a person who receives special protection and promotion from someone more established in a field. If your boss introduces you as his newest protégé, you're off to a good start in your career. Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);prot(protection)+ ege(ageis means sheild)....providingsheild for protection....


আসীন; requiring sitting; done while sitting; not moving from one place to another; settled; Ex. ~ job/population >>> Scientists believe that one of the causes of the obesity epidemic sweeping the US is our ~ lifestyle. ~ means sitting a lot and refers to a person or job that is not very physically active. >>> Mnemonic: dentary- dentist u require a lot of sitting to make ur teeth healthy


আস্বাদন করা; enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality; N: taste or smell; distinctive quality >>> Whether it's a feeling of joy or a piece of pecan pie — when you ~ something, you enjoy it to the fullest. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and FLAVOR are rhyming words. You ~ (feel the taste) the flavor (taste) of the food you eat.


ইঁচড়ে পাকা; advanced in development; >>> That high school hoops phenom who plays like an NBA pro? The sixth grader who's already asking questions about organic chemistry? They're both ~ — meaning they're way beyond their years in skill or knowledge. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng);it can be pre + conscious(conscious). i.e. thing or person who/which is very conscious in advance.


ইতর লোক; উদ্ভ্রান্ত; dirty child in torn clothes; person wearing tattered clothes >>> Use the word ~ to affectionately tease your friend who shows up late to brunch with messy hair, dark circles under her eyes, and her shirt on backwards. In essence, you are calling her a shabbily clad street urchin. Mnemonic: RAG+muffin(muslin)......a GUY WHO is RAGGED because of that whose muslin cloths are torn apart and have become DIRTY.


ইতর; হীনজাত; common; vulgar; pertaining to the common people; N: common people in ancient Rome; CF. patrician >>> In Roman times, the lower class of people was the ~ class. Today, if something is ~, it is of the common people. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - sounds like play with lesbian which is very vulgar


ইন্ধন জোগানো; stir up a fire or furnace; feed plentifully >>> To ~ is to poke a fire and fuel it so that it burns higher. It can also mean incite--a principal's impassive silence in the face of requests for more tater tots might ~ the flames of student anger. Mnemonic: Sounds like stove which is a furnace.


উচ্ছিন্ন করা ; take the place of unfairly; usurp; replace >>> Kate was out sick for a month with mono, and when she came back to school, Jessie had ~ed her as the funny girl at the lunch table. ~ means to take the place of. Mnemonic: Sounds like: sub + plant....i.e substitute + plant... it is taking the place of the other plant or superseding it. Root out one plant and grow another.


উচ্ছৃঙ্খল; unrestrained; gratuitously cruel; willfully malicious; unchaste; sexually improper; promiscuous; Ex. ~ spending/killing; CF. having no just cause >>> ~ describes something excessive, uncontrolled and sometimes even cruel. The principal sees a food fight as a ~ act of vandalism done with ~ disregard for the rules, but the kids might just see it as fun. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);WANT - TON, a person who wants tons of girls,money etc..syn: arrogant, capricious, careless, concubine, cruel, disregardful, extravagant, fast, frisky, frolic, frolicsome, fulsome, gratuitous, harlot, hussy, immoral, jade, lavish,


উড়নচণ্ডে; wasteful (of money); dissipated; wildly immoral; dissolute; N: ~ person; >>> ~, as a noun or as an adjective, implies recklessly wasting your money on extravagant luxury. ~ behavior is a lot of fun, but you'll regret it later — when you get your charge card bill. Mnemonic: ~= spend Profusely like bill Gates


উড়ান; waste; spend foolishly >>> To ~ means to spend extravagantly, thoughtlessly, or wastefully. If you need to save for college, don't ~ her income on nightly sushi dinners. Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with if you keep wandering, you are ultimately wasting time in life. gud


উত্ক্ষাত করা; expel; drive out; force out; N. ~er: ~ing >>> A teacher may ~ you from class if you are being disruptive, or you might ~ your class president from her position if you beat her in the election. To ~ is to "expel," "kick out," or "remove and replace." >>>Mnemonic: OUT + Substitute --- ~ often implies both removal and replacement. The automobile, for instance, ~ed the horse as the preferred means of travel. Likewise, when a politician ~s someone from office they are taking that person's place in office. And if you beat the all-time record in a hot-dog eating tournament, then you ~ the previous record holder from their position.


উত্স; place of origin; origin or source of something; Ex. Gunpowder is of Chinese ~; CF. come >>> Where something comes from is its ~. If a style of music originated in the capital of Rhode Island, you could say that its ~ was Providence. Mnemonic: ~ = province+ance, remember when someone asks you: where do you belong to or to which province do you belong to?..which means whats your origin? ~=(Province of oneself )


উদ্দেশ্য / নিরপেক্ষ; not influenced by emotions; fair; N: goal; aim >>> If a police officer falls in love with a witness in a case, it might be hard for him to stay ~ — that is, looking at things in a detached, impartial, fact-based way. >>>Mnemonic: u r not influenced by emotions when u need to fulfill ur ~


উদ্দেশ্যমূলক; promoting a particular point of view; biased; having an aim; designed to further a cause; Ex. ~ rather than truth-seeking; CF. tend: move in a certain direction >>> If you are writing a report on climate change, and ignore evidence that the earth is warming, the paper might be called ~. ~ means promoting a specific, and controversial, point of view. >>> Mnemonic: Rearrange the words to make - Tend or Tendency + ious or bias. So, ~ is a TENDENcy towards one viewpoint over another.


উদ্দেশ্যে বাধা দেত্তয়া; block or hinder; baffle; frustrate >>> A villain's worst nightmare is the superhero who always seems to ~ his efforts, preventing him from carrying out his plans to take over the world. >>> Mnemonic: this word sounds like if someone squeezes your throat your air passages will get blocked...............thus desires will be prevented.. u also feel frustrated and baffled..


উদ্বায়ী; changeable; of a quickly changing nature (as of temper); mercurial; tending to violence; evaporating rapidly; Ex. ~ character/situation in the street >>> Watch out when a situation becomes ~ — it is likely to change for the worse suddenly. You fight and then make up with your partner often if you two have a ~ relationship. >>> Mnemonic: ~ memory is a computer memory which gets erased when power is turned off, i.e., changed suddenly like RAM, so ~ means Lliable tochange


উদ্ভট / বিদেশী; bizzare; peculiar; unconventional >>> If something is ~ it's bizarre or unfamiliar, far outside the boundaries of expected or normal behavior. Driving around the city in a golf cart and eating spaghetti with pineapple sauce are both examples of ~ behavior. >>>Mnemonic: out+landish => the one who is from some other land. Means unconventional and bizarre to our land.


উন্নাসিক ; haughty; arrogant; condescending; patronizing; CF. eyebrow, cilium >>> ~ people think very highly of themselves, more highly than of others. Think of them as a super silly ass, and you'll remember the basic sense of ~. Mnemonic: split it like SUPER+CILI(sounds like SILLY) think of our SUPER SENIORs in our college . ..who were very ARROGANT IN NATURE..and were very keen to exhibit their superiority over us hence treated us in a very silly way..


উন্নীত করা; advance in rank; advance; help to flourish; advocate; help actively in forming; publicize or popularize; Ex. Milk ~s health; Ex. ~ a match/bill; Ex. ~ a new product >>> If you work for a marketing firm, your job is to ~ new products — to publicize them and to try to get the public to buy them.If you work for a marketing firm, your job is to ~ new products — to publicize them and to try to get the public to buy them.


উপকারী; স্বাস্থ্যবর্ধক; tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome; Ex. The punishment had a ~ effect on the boy; CF. health >>> Use ~ to describe something that's good for your health, like the ~ benefits of exercise, laughter, and getting enough sleep every night. >>> Mnemonic: relate to you salute a person who even after many failures never gives up and always has THAT TENDENCY TO IMPROVE.


উপগ্রহ; small body revolving around a larger one >>> A ~ is something small or less powerful that orbits around something bigger. It often describes a body in space, such as an artificial ~ that orbits the Earth and beams down signals that power devices like cell phones. >>> Mnemonic: A ~ is a HIGHLIGHT or an ATTENDANT of a planet.


কুখ্যাতি; disrepute; ill fame >>> ~ is fame you get from doing something bad or being part of a misfortune or scandal. Just remember: ~'s not al-righty. Charles Manson earned ~ for his grisly crimes. >>>Mnemonic: root word is notorious means mischievous. so "notor" in the word specify defamity..illfame


উপযাচক; meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering one's services; overly eager in offering unwanted services or advices; Ex. ~ bellboy >>> Though ~ sounds like official, it means being annoyingly eager to do more than is required. "The ~ lunch lady made everyone's food choices her business, and made nasty comments when students chose cookies over carrots." >>>Mnemonic: ~,the first part of the word sounds similar to office. Imagine a government office where people poke their nose in other's affairs, they are INTERFERING.


উপরি; any gain above stipulated salary; Ex. ~s such as free meals and a car >>> ~s are the benefits or "perks" that come along with a job. Free air travel for air hostesses? Free company car for corporate execs? Free pork for politicians? That's right, they're all ~s. >>> Mnemonic: ~---->perks---->something u get apart from salary


উপশম করা; ease pain (without curing); make less severe or offensive (a crime or illness) >>> When you ~ something, you try to make something less bad: "City leaders tried to ~ effects of the trash haulers' strike by distributing extra large garbage cans with tight-fitting lids." >>> Mnemonic: it can be like pale(faint coz of disease)+ate so eating the pain.i.e. reducing it.


উপশম করা; satisfy (thirst); quench; sate When you ~ something, such as a desire or a thirst, you satisfy it. A big glass of lemonade on a hot summer day will ~ your thirst. Mnemonic: focus on the 'lake' part of this you can say that you want to satisfy your thrist after seeing the water in that lake .


উপেক্ষণীয়; so small, trifling, or unimportant as to be easily disregarded >>> When something is meaningless or insignificant because it is so little, it's ~. The amount of interest you'll get on your savings is ~, so you might as well spend your money. >>>Mnemonic: NEGLect it because it's not (><) GIB (big )


উল্লুক; monkeylike; N: ape or monkey As a noun, a ~ is a monkey or ape. Something monkey- or ape-like can be described using the adjective ~. So: something can be ~ without being a ~. Got it? Mnemonic: ~ like simi(lar)/SAME + an ( only one) and nearly similar to mankind is the monkey or ape and that is why ~.


উল্লেখযোগ্য; conspicuous; worthy of note; remarkable; important; distinguished; noted >>> When something is ~, it's worthy of notice, or even famous. It might be a ~ feature of your trip to New York City that you spotted one of the city's ~ celebrities. >>>Mnemonic: Please note whenever you are able to see an important and distinguished feature of something


উষ্ণপ্রধান; (of weather) hot or scorching; passionate; Ex. ~ love affairs >>> If you're having a ~ romance, that means it's steamy and emotionally charged. If you're listening to a ~ band, then you're listening to a band that has a lot of energy. >>> Mnemonic: torturously arid or hot & arid=~


একগুঁয়ে; stubborn; refusing to change one's belief >>> ~ is a formal word meaning stubborn. If you want to major in English, but your parents are ~ that you should go premed, they might go so far as to threaten not to pay your tuition. >>>Mnemonic: OB+DURA(RELATE IT TO WORD DURABILITY)..SO anything which has durability..has the resisting power, and something which can resist, is stubborn.


একঘেয়েমি; sameness leading to boredom; CF. monotone >>> ~ is when you have too much of a boring thing: one tone of voice going on and on, one piece of flat music playing over and over, one infomercial droning on and on. There is no variety in ~. >>>Mnemonic: MONO(SINGLE)+TONY(like TONE) = SINGLE TONE, the same tone gets boring after a while.


একতরফা; one-sided; involving or affecting only one side; Ex. ~ declaration >>> ~ means "one-sided." If parents make a ~ decision to eliminate summer vacation, it means that the students' opinions or opposing views weren't considered. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and Bilateral have the same sounds but they are opposite in meaning. ~ means to involve one part while bilateral is the involvement of two parties.


একরকমের ধাঁধা যাতে ছবি থেকে উদ্দিষ্ট শব্দটি আন্দাজ করে নিতে হয়; representation of words in the form of pictures or symbols; puzzle in which pictures or letters stand for words; Ex. ``R U 18'' is a ~ for ``Are you 18''. >>> A ~ is a puzzle that uses symbols or pictures to represent the sounds of words. A picture of an eye, a heart, and a ewe might be used to say "I love you." Isn't that sweet? Mnemonic: (Tag:;funny);Re(read)+bus imagine u r in for tp u start reading book but reading is difficult in you buy the book which has pictures in place of words now its really easy to read here picture represents words.Reading+At+BUS


একরূপতা; sameness; monotony; the same all over >>> Have you ever noticed that even though you and your friend have different history teachers, you are both learning the same thing? That is because of the ~, or consistency, of the curriculum. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and superficiality have the same sounds and they mean, something that does not change, is monotonous.


একাগ্রভাবে পড়া; study industriously; ponder; scrutinize; Ex. ~ over the book; N. >>> That trickle of sweat didn't just miraculously appear — it was secreted out of a ~, a really tiny opening on the surface of your skin. >>> Mnemonic: school books are a bore....... because we have to ~ through them


এড়ানর কৌশল; stratagem(deceptive scheme); pretense; evasion; Ex. resort to a harmless ~ >>> If you want to surprise your mom with a sweatshirt, but don't know her size, it might take an act of ~, like going through her closet, to find it out. ~ is the use of tricky actions to hide, or get something. Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);~: 'sub taraf fuse', if you see electrical fuses everywhere its certainly a misrepresentation, and not the true nature of connections


এদিক ওদিক ঘুরে বেড়ানো; wind or turn in its course; follow a winding or turning course; move aimlessly and idly >>> To ~ means to wander aimlessly on a winding roundabout course. If you want some time to yourself after school, you might ~ home taking the time to window shop and look around. >>>Mnemonic: Pronounce it like 'wander'; they are synonymous.


এলোথেলো; disheveled; uncared for in appearance; not combed; CF. comb >>> ~ literally means "not combed," but use it to describe anything with a sloppy appearance. Your hair probably looks ~ when you roll out of bed in the morning. Keep it that way if you're going for the rock star look. >>> Mnemonic: Drop the 'm' from ~. It becomes 'UNKEPT'...UN+KEPT, something not kept properly or maintained like hair. or someone who is dowdy, untamed.


এলোমেলো লড়াই; fight >>> A ~ is a noisy free-for-all or rowdy fight — a no holds barred, battle royal, if you will. It's what pro wrestlers engage in every night, and shoppers endure at the toy store every holiday season. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);sounds like Bruce Lee, Jet Lee and Me (mamun) Lee - we all fight


এলোমেলো; (of someone) awkward in movement; clumsy; (of something) unwieldy; Ex. ~ dancer/instrument >>> ~ is the opposite of graceful, convenient or easy. A clumsy dancer boogies in an ~ or awkward fashion. >>> Mnemonic: un(means NOT) + GAINly...a model who LACKS GRACE IN HER MOVEMENT OR IF SHE WALKS IN AN AWKWARD manner on the ramp, will NOT GAIN popularity.


ঐক্য / ধ্বনিসময়ন; unity of pitch (in musical performance); complete accord; Ex. The choir sang in ~. >>> The noun ~ describes something that is synchronized or simultaneous, like when someone asks a question and you and your friend respond with the exact same answer at the same moment. When something is said in ~, two or more voices sound like one. >>> Mnemonic: UNI for same; SON (comes from SONUS=SOUND)


ঐচ্ছিক; not compulsory; left to one's choice; N. option: act of choosing; choice; freedom or power to choose; something available as a choice; Ex. have no option; Ex. two options >>> If you can choose whether or not to do something, it is ~. Extra credit is always ~, death and taxes are not


ঐশ্বর্যবান ; grand suggesting great expense; lavish; rich; Ex. ~ feast >>> ~ could be used to describe a room appointed with the finest furniture, a lush orchestra playing a beautiful symphony, or a meal meant for a king. ~ describes something that costs a lot and imparts sensory pleasure. Mnemonic: divide it like sumptu+ous;just focus on the SUMPT+U,SOUNDS LIKE SAMPAT(I)(IN HINDI..DHAN SAMPATI)SO SAMPATI MEANS MONEY,well if you have a lot of sumpati or money, you will spend it LAVISHLY,you will be able to buy all luxury.


ওৎ পেতে থাকা; stealthily lie in waiting; slink; exist unperceived >>> To ~ is to creep around, hide out, and wait to attack. Your team's strategy for winning capture the flag might be to ~ in the bushes for an hour until the opposing side thinks you gave up and went home. >>>Mnemonic: ~ for the larki (মেয়ে) to say I Love U


ককর্শ ও কর্ণপীড়াদায়ক; loud and harsh; insistent; >>> Feminists are often characterized by people who don't like them as ~. ~ describes their voices, raised in anger, as loud and harsh. Being a ~ feminist isn't very ladylike. But making less money than a man when you do the same work is worse. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);Think of stree(wife) + dant(tooth). A girl's mouth is always loud and harsh - craving for supremacy or attention :)


কঠোর নিয়মনিষ্ঠ ব্যক্তি; strict disciplinarian; person who demands total obedience to rules and orders; CF. Jean ~ >>> Use the noun ~ to describe someone is a stickler when it comes to following rules, such as the teacher who won't accept homework if it is written in a color other than blue. >>>Mnemonic: spelling is very similar to martial - so a ~ is martial belligerent


কতিপয় ; miscellaneous; various; several; small miscellaneous items >>> A woman emptying out her purse after many years might find an old stick of gum, a pair of broken sunglasses, a few movie tickets, and ~ items, meaning that that her purse was filled with a random collection of unrelated things. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi); SUNDARI (beautiful girl) ke peeche SEVERAL boys pade hai :P


কদাকার; ugly; unpleasant to look at >>> ~ is a gentler way of saying ugly. Often something that is described as ~ sticks out like a sore thumb in an otherwise attractive environment. >>> Mnemonic: concentrate on sight means to see. ~ means can't like to see if it is ugly.


কবচ ; charm; object believed to give supernatural powers to or protect its bearer >>> A ~ is a charm that is supposed to ward off evil or illness. Your rabbit's foot key chain may be your lucky ~, but it wasn't so lucky for that rabbit, of course. Mnemonic: ~ sounds like Tilism(hindi word), which also refers to a magical charm (most probably a locket or an amulet) that helps protect its bearer.


কম্পিত; trembling; wavering >>> Something ~ is shaky and quivering, usually from fear or lack of strength. If you're nervous at your first big job interview, your hands might be a little ~. >>> Mnemonic: TREMble+nervOUS-->~ is trembling in nervousness or fear


করুণাপ্রার্থী; entreating; beseeching; N. >>> ~ means someone who is asking humbly. You enter church as a ~, asking God to spare you from illness. You ask in a ~ (humble) manner, because you know God is stern and demands total faith. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);God, please SUPPLY me what I wANT.. a humble request!


কর্কশ স্বভাব; bad-tempered; rude; cross >>> ~ describes behavior nobody wants to be around. Think of the irritable old guy who lives on your street and always seems to be simmering with some sullen nasty anger, whose every utterance he spits out with a rude snarl. He's the poster boy for ~. Mnemonic: sur+ly......focus on sur....SOUNDS LIKE THINK OF our school SIR...who was very BAD TEMPERED AND RUDE..who use to beat us whenever we hadn't completed our home work on time................


কর্তৃত্বপ্রয়াসী; bossy; domineering and arrogant; decisively important; Ex. ~ manner/importance >>> ~ means domineering. You might find it difficult to play the piano as your ~ instructor criticizes every key you touch. >>>Mnemonic: to bear someone's views on yourself.. that person is ~ you.. that is he is dominating over you..


কর্মপ্রেরণা / যৌনকামনা বা তাড়না; psychic and emotional energy or urges behind human activity; sexual desire >>> ~ is a person's sexual desire. Once a year? Once a week? Once a day? There is no correct answer, because everyone's ~ is different. However, you hope your partner's is similar to yours! >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);sounds like Dildo, hence the mnemonic --- *lie (li) with girls, say bye (bi) and do (do) your word*


কর্মবিধি; practical rule guiding conduct; Ex. mother's ~ >>> A ~ is a rule or direction, often with some religious basis, dictating a way you should act or behave. Mnemonic: its a rule to PRE SET(cept)the oven before cokking


কলুষিত; contaminate; cause to lose purity; modify with a trace of something bad; Ex. ~ed reputation; N: stain; touch of decay or bad influence; CF. touch >>> ~ means to contaminate. If your water supply is ~ed with arsenic, you should stop drinking it right away. Mnemonic: (Tag:;tain is similar pronounced as pain.If u have pain in ur mind u will not say ur prayer,then u will be bad or polluted in the eye of god.);Stained PAINT


কষ্টসহিষ্ণু ব্যক্তি; without attention to comfort; lacking luxury and comfort; sternly disciplined; Ex. ~ living condition/life >>> A ~ existence is kind of like being a monk. Your room is bare, you live simply and eat sparingly, and your sheets are probably scratchy. Mnemonic: watched '300'? Those ~s were highly disciplined but Sparta as such led an austere life.


কাউকে অনুকরণ করে বান্গরসাত্মক রচনা (প্যারডি); humorous imitation; spoof; takeoff; travesty; V. >>> A ~ is a humorous or mocking imitation of something, using the same form as the original. To ~ a poem, you have to write another poem. >>> Mnemonic: ~..parrot..always imitates people often in a humorous way.


কাউকে বিখ্যাত রূপে চিন্তা করা; treat (a person) as a celebrity >>> The lion is the king of beasts. To ~ someone is to see them as important as a lion. Republicans continue to ~ Ronald Reagan as their ultimate hero. >>>Mnemonic: Lion is assigned a great social importance in animal kingdom


কাঙ্গাল; very poor person >>> ~ is an old-fashioned word for someone who is poor — really poor, like the ~s described by Charles Dickens or Mark Twain. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;pau+per);Person jisko "pau"(bread) "per" jina padata hai use poor person kahete hai


কাচের ন্যায় চক্চকে; of glass; pertaining to or resembling glass; V. ~ify: change into glass; CF. petrify >>> Something that has the characteristics of glass — hard, brittle, glossy, possibly transparent — can be said to be ~, or glasslike. A ~ surface works well for a kitchen counter. >>> Mnemonic: the gel that fills the eye between the lens and the retina has been known as the "~ humor,"


কাপড়ে পোশাকে বসানোর চুমকি; small shiny metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation >>> Do you like your outfits to have flair? A little sparkle? Then you're probably a fan of ~s, or small, shiny decorative things like sequins. Mnemonic: The ~ on the saree matches the bangles.


কামুক; devoted to the pleasures of the sense; carnal; voluptuous; Ex. ~ woman/curves/lips >>> ~ means physically pleasing. It often is used in a sexual context, but is not exclusively sexual in meaning. >>> Mnemonic: ~ indulging in PHYSICAL pleasures that also excite the MENTAL status of a person.


কামুক; lustful >>> When you're ~ you're driven by your libido, meaning your sex drive. When you describe someone as ~, it's usually not a compliment, since the word suggests being out of control with lust and desire. >>>Mnemonic: Latin word *libido*, meaning "desire," a word the world relearned from Sigmund Freud in the early 1900s. Freud believed that the libido — sexual energy — is one of the powerful motivating forces for people and that psychological health is determined by how well a person controls and focuses it.


কারণনির্ণয়ের অসাধ্য; unexplicable; impossible to account for; unreasonable or mysterious >>> People, especially those in leadership positions, are described as ~ when they behave as though they don't need to explain themselves, answer to anyone else, or take responsibility for their actions. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - you cannot EXPLAIN about the statistics that are not in ACCOUNT


কারামুক্ত; liberate; free from chains; V. ~ >>> The adjective ~ed describes something or someone uninhibited and unrestrained. If you write mysteries novels for a living you probably turn your unfettered imagination to murder and mayhem. >>> Mnemonic: un-fettered(feathered): if a bird is feathered it is FREE or LIBERATED to fly


কার্পণ্য করা; provide or use scantily; live very economically; Ex. ~ on necessities; inadequate in amount; scanty; stingy; niggardly >>> The verb ~ refers to using a limited amount of something. When tomato prices are high, a cost-conscious restaurant might ~ on the amount of chopped tomatoes it puts on salads. Mnemonic: ~ (less than required) clothes of kim sharma (bollywood actress)


কালক্ষেপন করা, গড়িমসি করা; gain time as by postponing an action; avoid committing oneself >>> The verb ~ describes stalling in order to gain time in the hopes of avoiding or preventing something. Your class might ~ so your teacher won't have time to give the pop quiz you all think she's going to give. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);(~ ~ Memorize); If you are not able to memorize the GRE words properly you ~ your plan to schedule the exam date immediately


কালো কাচের মতো দেখতে একজাতীয় আগ্নেয়শিলা; black volcanic rock >>> ~ is a type of black or dark glass formed from cooling lava. So if you find a shiny, hard, dark piece of glass next time you're hanging around a volcano, it's probably a piece of ~. >>>Mnemonic: obsi(obese)+indian(are dark color):so fat indian looks like black volcanic rock


কিপটে; meanly stingy; parsimonious >>> While this looks like a certain racial slur, it's really just a way of saying meager, stingy or ungenerous. If you get a ~ share of cake, it means someone gave you a very small piece. >>>Mnemonic: nigar khan dont spend money on clothes jst spend on bikini hehehehe


কুণ্ঠাহীন / সংকোচমুক্ত; unrepressed; free in behavior and feelings >>> The prefix "un-" means "not," making the meaning of ~ "not inhibited, not restrained or holding back." Someone who is ~ is not afraid to act however he or she wishes. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);UN(not)INHIBIT(to put down by force or authority).....thus ~ means free in behaviour and feelings or unrestrained [inhibit - prohibit]


কুতর্ক; seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning; >>> ~ is tricking someone by making a seemingly clever argument, such as telling your mom you must have candy before dinner because if you don't you'll die and then the protein and vitamins won't get eaten at all. Mnemonic: so physics is = chemistry.. its a false logic


কুতার্কিক; teacher of philosophy; quibbler; employer of fallacious reasoning; >>> A ~ is someone who makes good points about an issue — until you realize those points aren't entirely true, like a political candidate who twists an opponent's words or gives misleading facts during a speech. Mnemonic: SO PHI-losoph-IST


কুসুম কুসুম গরম; lukewarm; slightly warm; half-hearted; not eager; Ex. ~ reaction to the new film; Ex. ~ supporter >>> ~ means lukewarm or half-hearted. If the applause for your mime-on-a-unicycle performance was more ~ than enthusiastic, it might be time to find a new hobby. >>> Mnemonic: te(tea) and pid(dip):ypu can dip ur hand into tea only when it is lukewarm


কৃতী সন্তান / প্রতিভাবান ব্যক্তিত্ব; celebrity (in a specific field); dignitary; object that gives light (as a celestial body) >>> In scientific writing, Stephen J. Hawking is a ~. People look up to this well-known scientist and author for his knowledge and insight. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sounds like luminous(under light).So,a celebrity who is in the limelight inspiring others.


কৃত্রিম হাসি; conceited smile; offensively self-satisfied smile (often at someone else's misfortune); V. A ~ is specific kind of smile, one that suggests self-satisfaction, smugness, or even pleasure at someone else's unhappiness or misfortune. Mnemonic: SMIle+IRK....meaning SMILE IN AN IRKY MANNER OR IRRITATED MANNER


কৃপণ; miser; excessively frugal person >>> A ~ is someone who avoids spending money, like a relative who wraps a piece of junk from the basement in used wrapping paper and gives it to you, even though he or she could afford to buy you a nice birthday present. >>> Mnemonic: tight + wadu(in telugu)....a person who is tight or very miserly when it comes to spending money...we generally say he is a tight handed person..that means he is a miser.....


কৃপণস্বভাব; stinginess; excessive frugality; ADJ. parsimonious >>> ~ is a noun to us when you are watching your money very carefully. So you're not just saving your pennies for a rainy day — you're clipping coupons, re-using dryer sheets, and refusing to pay full price for anything. >>> Mnemonic: parsi-purse,,, who will not take money from his purse - a greedy person.....


কৃষ্ণকায় ; (of a skin or complexion) dark; dusky; Ex. ~ Italian ? >>> ~ means dark skinned. If you like tall, dark and handsome men, you find a ~ complexion attractive. Mnemonic: Sounds like swarth which means selfish. i.e., dark side of a human.


কেল্লার প্রাচীর; defensive mound of earth >>> If you are building a sand castle and want it to be extra realistic, don't forget the ~. This protective wall may not keep the ocean away, but it might intimidate a few hostile hermit crabs. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);break this word like RAM(hindu god)+APART---~ was built to part Ram from Sita


কেশকর্তন,মাথা ন্যাড়া করা; shaving of the head especially by person entering religious orders; V. >>> If you are a monk that shaves all or some of your hair for religious reasons, that bald spot is called a ~. The act of creating that spot is also known as ~. >>> Mnemonic: u have to be ton sure before u shave ure head


কোণঠাসা করা; thwart; present an obstacle; stump >>> The verb ~ means to obstruct or hinder. Constantly texting with your friends will ~ your effort to finish your homework. Mnemonic: ~ is a negative word. ~ means tie me. i.e., prevent from moving forward.


কোলাহলপূর্ণতা; state of violent agitation; ADJ. violently agitated or disturbed >>> Use the noun ~ to describe instability or disturbance. If you're on an airplane during a storm, ~ is that horrible thing that is causing the plane (and your stomach) to bounce around. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;~ sounds ambulance. An ambulance is needed during state of violent agitation,many of them get wounded.);Ambulance


কৌশলোদ্ভাবন / ষড়যন্ত্র; evil schemes or plots; schemes or plots to achieve an evil end >>> When a James Bond villain comes up with a plan to destroy the world, he doesn't use a simple plan. No, he uses a ~ — a complex plot that relies on numerous elements coming together to work. >>> The robots have a ~ to kill all the humans and make a MACHIne NATION...... TERMINATOR MOVIE.


কোনো নাট্যসংঘর কর্তৃক নিয়মিত অনুষ্ঠিত নাট্যসম্ভার; list of works of music, drama, etc., a performer is prepared to present; CF. repertory >>> ~ refers to the full supply of what you can do. A singer's ~ is all the songs they can sing. A chef's ~ is what she knows how to cook. Mnemonic: =REPET (Repeat) + TOIRE (sounds like CHOIR = songs) => so repeat-choir = repeat songs = collection of songs


কোলাহলময়; marked by commotion; very noisy (esp. with laughter); hilarious; causing loud laughter; extremely funny >>> ~ describes a room of happy people laughing, or a noisy crowd at a soccer match. ~ situations are very loud, a little out of control, and often hilarious. >>> Mnemonic: ~ has ROAR, sound made by Lion which always comes b4 TOM AND JERRY starts....its a show marked by commotion,fun,laughter and is sometimes noisy............; )


কৌশল করে পরাস্ত করা; outsmart; defeat by behaving more cleverly >>> Use the verb ~ to describe using your brain to beat an opponent, like ~ting someone by figuring out the answer to a difficult riddle ধাঁধা. >>>Mnemonic: out + win (wit) = winning with outside tricks


কৌশল সত্যকে এড়াইয়া যাওয়া; lie; hide the truth (by equivocating) >>> When you ~, you lie or mislead. Now, go ahead and tell me whether you already knew that meaning, and don't ~ about it — give me the story straight! Mnemonic: divide is as pre(..before)+var(truth..)+icate(..gate) ..i.e. before truth, you have kept a gate. Hence you are LYING or HIDING THE TRUTH..


কৌশলী / ম্যাকিয়্যাভেলি সম্বন্ধীয়; crafty; double-dealing; of the political doctrine of Machiavelli, which holds that craft and deceit are justified in pursuing political power >>> Especially when it's capitalized, the word M~ is useful for talking about a person who follows Machiavelli's philosophical ideas. However, it's more frequently used to describe someone who is sneaky, cunning, and lacking a moral code. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;english, hindi);sounds like mafia villain. A villain is always crafty and double dealing. ---- You can use the adjective ~ to describe someone who is a fan of the Italian philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli. Modern psychiatrists even use the adjective to describe a specific kind of personality disorder, a cold selfishness. When Machiavelli's first works were published in the 1600s, they were seen by some to be dangerous and amoral, and the word ~ was coined.


ক্যাপটেনের অপেক্ষা নিম্নপদস্থ সেনাপতিবিশেষ; subordinate >>> A ~ is someone with a low ranking in a social, political, or other hierarchy. It can also mean someone who has been marginalized or oppressed. Mnemonic: alternate, someone who is inferior (sub)in position, meaning a SUBORDINATE.


ক্রান্তিকাল; going from one state of action to another >>> A ~ is a change from one thing to the next, either in action or state of being—as in a job ~ or as in the much more dramatic example of a caterpillar making a ~ into a butterfly. >>> Mnemonic: ~ or CONVERSION or TRANSFORMATION, all of which are rhyming words having the same meaning. The words refer to the process of changing from one state to another.


ক্রোধান্নিত অবস্থা; দুর্বার ক্রোধ;; fit of bad temper; fit of petulance; caprice; Ex. The child went into ~s. >>> A ~ is a short-lived fit of frustration. Kids have them. Politicians have them. Reality show stars have them. I bet even you have had one! >>> Mnemonic: sounds like "tantra mantra". We do tantra mantra to get rid of the bad temper if someone has due to evil souls entering someone's body


ক্ষণজীবী; staying for a short time; momentary; temporary; N: one that is ~ >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something that always changes or moves around, like how a teenage girl can have a temporary crush on one boy one week and another boy the next week. >>> Mnemonic: remember ~ light and ~ current.... that we studied in physics.....which produce an effect for a very short time...


ক্ষতি সাধিত / বিকৃত; damaged; disfigured; V. mar: spoil; disfigure >>> If something is ~, it's damaged due to a flaw. If the big football game on Sunday ends with a fight among fans of the opposing teams, commentators will say that the game was ~ by violence. >>>Mnemonic: mar+red in hindi maar = getting hurt .. bcoz of hurt it becomes red.hence damaged..


ক্ষতিকর; very harmful; deadly; very destructive; Ex. ~ effect/anemia >>> ~ means harmful and subtle, such as a poison gas that causes cancer in those exposed to it over the course of years. >>> Mnemonic: word can be divided like per+nicious..nicious when pronounced sounds like noxious.. something harmful.....


ক্ষতিপূরণ; compensation (for loss or wrong); amends; Ex. make ~ for the damage; CF. repair >>> If you guessed that ~ is related to the word repair, you were right. Both come from the Latin word meaning "to restore." While ~ has a range of meanings, they all convey the sense of fixing or making up for a past wrong. Mnemonic: compare it with making repairs.i.e compensating for wrong doing


ক্ষমতাবান্ / অত্যান্ত ধনী ও সম্ভ্রান্ত ব্যক্তি; powerful person; Ex. oil ~s; CF. Mogol, Moghul; CF. Mongolian >>> If you're the type of person who likes to be in charge, you may have dreams of becoming a ~ — that is, a powerful businessperson. >>>Mnemonic: sounds like MUGAL empire (in hstory) in which akbar was a powerful man.


ক্ষমতাশালী; powerful; convincing; persuasive; greatly influential >>> ~ means really strong, but not like a body builder. Use ~ instead to describe things like intense smells, powerful magic potions, and very influential people. >>> Mnemonic: Remember Im~? Which means weak and ineffective. ~ which means- powerful and influential, is the antonym of Im~. As a mnemonics of Im~ we used: a person who is IM~/Powerless is not treated as IMPORTANT


ক্ষুদ্র অলংকার; knickknack; bauble; cheap jewelry >>> The word ~ refers to an inexpensive, flashy ornament or piece of jewelry. A rhinestone brooch to pin to your jacket is a showy ~ that won't break the bank. >>> Mnemonic: A BRACELET is also a ~. A ~ refers to a small and delicate piece of jewellery.


ক্ষুদ্র বস্তু (ধরে রাখার জন্যে); সুবিধা নেয়া; the mechanical advantage gained by being in a position to use a lever; secure grasp or hold; firm grasp or footing >>> When you ~ a pair of shoes, you buy them. If you want to gain ~, or favor, with new friends, you might tell them about your recent ~ of chocolate, and offer to share. Mnemonic: when you ~ something, that thing becomes forever yours and you have "a firm grasp or footing" on that thing.


ক্ষুদ্র বিশ্ব; small representative world; world in miniature; Ex. ~ of English society >>> When you think of ~, picture your home town inside a snow globe. The teeny tiny city is a ~ of the one you live in. It is that place in miniature. >>>Mnemonic: micro = small + cosmos = universe


কড়া, ঝাঝালো; stinging; acrid; sharp in taste or smell; (of speech or writing) caustic; N. pungency >>> Use ~ to describe a taste or smell that gives a sharp sensation. "What is that ~ odor?" is a polite way of suggesting that someone in the room has BO. Mnemonic: remember pug dog of vodafone. It's very stingy.


খণ্ডন করা; disprove; prove to be false; N. refutation >>> The verb ~ is to prove that something is wrong. When the kids you're babysitting swear they brushed their teeth, you can ~ their claim by presenting the dry toothbrushes. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ rhymes with refuse, when you DISAPPROVE OF something, or if something is false or ~ it or disapprove..


খরচ কমানো; cut down; cut down expenses; economize >>> When times are tight, it's time to ~. That means rethink your budget, cut back on the spending, and use your pennies wisely. Mnemonic: Consider the word in bracket only: re(trench) .. relate trench with bench. Tag: IT companies are removing all the employees on BENCH to CUT DOWN OR ECONOMIZE the company costs.


খাড়া; soak; saturate; Ex. ~ the fabric in the dye bath; ADJ: precipitous >>> ~ means sharply angled. When hiking trails lead straight up mountainsides, they've got a ~ incline. ~ also means to soak in, as in ~ing a tea bag in boiling water. Mnemonic: It's stow deep. i.e., keep something deep in a liquid.


খাপে ভরা; place into a case; insert into or provide with a ~; Ex. He ~d his dagger; The verb ~ means to place in a sheath. What's a sheath? Well, that's any kind of protective covering. Mnemonic: সিধ কাটা চোর - tear covering apart


খাবারঘর; dining hall; room where meals are served (in a school) >>> A fancy word for a dining hall, or a place for communal meals, is a ~. It is usually used to describe a dining hall in a religious institution, like where monks eat together. Mnemonic: R.E.factory = Roti Eating factory - ie dining hall


খামখেয়াল / উদ্দেশ্যহীন খেয়াল; capricious happening; caprice; whim; CF. wander >>> A ~ is an unexpected and unpredictable change, and the word is usually used in the plural. You might know from experience that the vagaries of winter weather make planning a vacation in February a risky proposition. >>> Mnemonic: ভাগাড়ে পড়ে আছে ~ -coz he's whimsical


খামখেয়াল; sudden sharp turn or twist; startling twist; caprice; idiosyncrasy; peculiarity of behavior; Ex. by a ~ of fate >>> A ~ is a unique, odd, and sometimes charming trait that makes a person stand out from the crowd. Country comedian Minnie Pearl was known for her ~ of wearing a $1.98 price tag dangling from her hat. Mnemonic: Sounds like "quick" (sharp turn).


খামখেয়ালী; capricious; fanciful; amusingly strange >>> ~ means full of or characterized by whims, which are odd ideas that usually occur to you very suddenly. If you decide at the last minute to fly to Europe, you could say you went there on a whim. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like comical...~ is , impulsive, playful...comical is amusing and funny.


খিটখিটে; irritable; impatient and bad-tempered; short-tempered; N. testiness >>> You might feel a bit ~ before taking a test, but test and ~ are unrelated. Feeling ~ is like being peeved, annoyed, or irritated. >>> Mnemonic: If someone has described you as SHORT-TEMPERED in the ~(testimonial), then you will get IRRITATED looking at it.


খুঁটিয়ে পরীক্ষা করা; examine closely and critically; >>> If you want to examine something closely and go over every single detail, then you should ~ it. Like the way your mom probably assesses your outfit before you leave the house for school. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and ANALYZE which have the same sound, mean, to examine something very closely or carefully.


খুঁটির বেড়া; wooden enclosure or pen; fixed line of posts used as defensive barrier >>> A ~ is an enclosed pen used to herd cattle and other livestock. ~s can also house men, in the sense of a penal camp. In both cases, the treatment tends to be on the rough side. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~~Stock(enough supply) of Blades; Lets put these blades in the fence around our house..this is a stock(common,standard) way (in India) to protect from thieves climbing the fence to enter the house - hence the barrier !


খুঁড়ে বার করা; dig up; discover (facts) by careful searching; Ex. He ~ed some secrets about her; OP. conceal >>> To ~ something is to dig it up. You could ~ a coffin, or even a tee shirt buried in the bottom of a drawer. >>> Mnemonic: un(not)+earth the minerals which are not present in surface of earth is find BY DIGGING


খুঁতখুঁত করা; fret; complain; be annoyed; Ex. ~ over the undone work >>> The verb ~ describes expressing gloom or discontent. Brooding, fretful, and sad — these are the traits of people who ~ at their circumstances in life. Mnemonic: Imagine on Christmas, your friend brings pine tree instead of Christmas tree, so you will ~...


খুব মোটা; excessively fat >>> ~ means excessively fat. In medical terms, it means you have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more, at which point your body's excess fat begins to threaten your health. >>>Mnemonic: ob+vieously+ese(EASE) FAT people are obviously not at ease


খেতাব; name (of a book, film, etc.); mark of rank; formal appellation as of rank or office (such as Lord or General); right or claim to possession; championship; Ex. ~ as head of the family; Ex. ~ to the estate >>> A ~ is typically the official part of your name, placed at the beginning to signify a certain status or function. So, do you prefer "Mr.," "Mrs.," "Dr." or "Ms"? Or perhaps you just go by "Grand Pooh-bah"? >>> Mnemonic: ~ ~~ en~


খেপান; irritation; resentment from wounded pride (eg. loss in a contest); V: provoke; arouse; annoy; cause to feel resentment; Ex. ~ her curiosity >>> The verb ~ means to make someone angry or annoyed. But when something ~s your interest or curiosity, here the verb ~ just means to arouse, stimulate, or excite. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~ can be split as pi+que.. so imagine you are standing in a QUE(ue) in a Pie shop (cake) for a long time you get ANNOYED ,IRRITATED and you tend to show RESENTMENT


খেয়ালিপনা; fits of depression or gloom; CF. mood: | state of mind or emotion >>> If you're contented one moment, then sad the next, then angry, then joyous, then irritable, you're suffering from ~, or changeable moods. >>>Mnemonic: being MOODy


খোলস ছাড়া; periodically shed or cast off hairs or feathers (for replacement by a new growth) >>> When an animal ~s, it loses its feathers, fur, skin or maybe even outer skeleton. People don't ~, but plenty of animals do as a normal part of their life cycle. >>>Mnemonic: m + old ~ as you get old, your hair shed


খোলস; (of a snake) shed or cast off (dead outer skin); N: outer layer that is shed When you ~, you get rid of the rough. To ~ is to remove an outer layer, like filing dry skin from feet. You can ~ away emotions too, like the heebie-jeebies you get thinking about dead skin from people's feet. Ew. Mnemonic: Remember plough. Plough means to dig and make useful while ~ means to cast off and remove waste. [Sal Charano]


খোশামুদে; slavishly attentive; servile; full of servile compliance; sycophantic >>> If you disapprove of the overly submissive way someone is acting — like the teacher's pet or a celebrity's assistant — call them by the formal adjective ~. >>>Mnemonic: or obse(ssed)-Qui( yes in frech)-ous=always obsessed with saying yes to it all


খ্যাতি; fame; ADJ. ~ed >>> ~ is fame and acclaim — the kind of celebrity that most people only dream about. ~ is not only about celebrity, though, it also means to be highly respected in one's field. Mnemonic: ~= re== again & again nown==KNOWN== listen about someone.(eg. katrina)


গড়িমসি করা; postpone; delay or put off >>> ~s means putting off doing something until a future time. When people sit down to write term papers, they can find all kinds of clever ways to ~: reorganizing the paperclips, calling everyone they know, typing "I am bored" fifty times in a row. Mnemonic: Pro-cras-ti-nate: In Latin, Pro(forward) and Cras (tomorrow). Looking forward to do work tomorrow is called postpone or delay.


গণবিক্ষোভ; conduct or language inciting rebellion; rebellion; resistance to authority; insubordination; >>> ~ is the illegal act of inciting people to resist or rebel against the government in power. It's what the southern states did at the start of the Civil War. >>> Mnemonic: seidition = said+i+shun he said i will shun u.. reisitance 2 authority


গলাবাজি; speak violently or excitedly; rave; talk excitedly showing anger; scold; make a grandiloquent speech; Ex. The priest ~ed about the devil. >>> A ~ is an argument that is fueled by passion, not shaped by facts. When the shouting starts on talk radio, or when a blog commenter resorts to ALL CAPS — you're almost certainly encountering an instance of ~ing. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);Rent maangate waqt makaan maalik hamesha ~ mein hi rehta hai ...


গল্পপটু লোক; story-teller; one who tells stories with wit and skill >>> ~s are gifted storytellers, able to spin amusing tales from everyday life. Who is the biggest ~ in your group? He or she's the one who always tells the best stories — or jumps in when another storyteller isn't being vivid enough. Mnemonic: "reckon" means think. ~ is one who thinks (writer/storyteller).


গানের কথা / গীতিনাট্য ইত্যাদির বই; text of an opera or oratorio; CF. book >>> In opera, the ~ is the words or lyrics, as distinct from the music. Mozart composed the music to his operas, but the ~s were written by someone else. >>>Mnemonic: LI-Lee, BRETTO-Bret: we know that Bret Lee is member of a band also, so imagine Li Bretto singing in an opera house...


গালাগালি করা; attack with abusive language; vilify(slander) >>> If something is ~d, you alone don't dislike it; a whole community of like-minded souls has to hate its guts. For instance, spam is widely ~d. (The junk e-mails, not the potted meat. Somebody out there really does like that potted meat.) Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);concentrate on evil- doing evil like slandering


গালাগালিপূর্ণ; abusive; scolding; V. ~: berate; scold; rail against abusively >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe criticism that's so sharp it hurts. A ~ review of a movie would make the director bitter for months. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);In older days H2SO4 was called oil of vitriol that is severly bitter and caustic.~ appears as 'operating' vitriol on someone.Note that vtriolic and ~ have almost similar meaning.


গীক পুরাণে উল্লিখিত নারীর মুখ ও সিংহের দেহবিশিষ্ট ডানাওয়ালা দানব; enigmatic; mysterious; >>> (Greek mythology) a riddling winged monster with a woman's head and breast on a lion's body; daughter of Typhon; ~-like


গুরুত্ব আরোপ করা; underline; emphasize >>> To ~ is to draw special attention to a fact, idea, or situation. When you're involved in a debate, it's wise to ~ the points that best support your argument. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;_);~ means the special character '_' which we use to EMPHASIZE special words.


গৃহকলহ; blood feud (জ্ঞাতিবৈর esp. between two families); CF. Nina Williams >>> A ~ is blood feud, a quest for revenge. In Corsica, a ~ will separate families for generations, with members of one family murdering those of the other, all to satisfy an ancient grudge (দ্বেষ). >>> Mnemonic: Ven (when)- d (the)- etta (attack)....when they attack each other they are in ~.


গেরো দিয়ে দড়ির দুই মুখ যুক্ত করা; join together end to end to make one continuous length; fasten together; unite; Ex. two strips of tape; N. >>> As noun and verb, ~ refers to the overlapping or interweaving of two ends of something to create the strongest possible attachment. Mnemonic: ~ is the opposite of slice (not the drink). If you slice, you cut. If you ~, you join.


গোছা; bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together Those old love letters tied up with a ribbon at the back of your closet? Last week's newspapers bundled up for recycling? Each is a ~ â a tied up bundle of something ready for storage or carrying. Mnemonic: Remeber it with chef,a chef brings a bundle of grain sacks for cooking..Has a gud stock in kitchen for preparing food.


গোঁড়া; নীতিবাগীশী; bookish; showing off learning; marked by an excessive ostentatious concern for book learning; N. pedantry >>> There's nothing wrong with focusing on the details, but someone who is ~ makes a big display of knowing obscure facts and details. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);Can u smell the word 'PANDIT'( "Scholar" in english) from "~"? PANDITs are usually very strict about the bookish stuff.


গোপনে চুপেচুপে করা; move furtively and secretly; Ex. He ~ through the less fashionable sections of the city. ~ing is cowardly. It means hiding out, either because you're trying to pull something off in secret, or you're trying to get out of doing something you're supposed to be doing. Mnemonic: ~ reminds us of skull. People who associate themselves with that symbol are usually notorious(like pirates). And as everyone knows such people move about secretly.


গ্রামবাসী; pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; narrow; unsophisticated >>> A ~ person comes from the backwaters. Someone from a small province outside of Provence, France, might seem a little more ~ and less worldly than someone from, say, Paris. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sounds like "PROVINCE"....imagine person belonging to rural province then he dont have much exposure to outer he is unsophisticated and limited in outlook....


গ্রামীন; pertaining to country people; unsophisticated; simple; crude; uncouth; (of furniture) rough with the bark left on; N. rural person; ~ person >>> When you think of the word ~, think of the rural country. This word can be given a positive or a negative spin depending on how you use it; a ~ inn, for example, might be quaint or it might be virtually uninhabitable. Mnemonic: Think of RUST, which reminds us of something which is old or has worn out, hence country people are old fashioned, rural or slightly backwards


গ্রামে বাস করা; banish to the country; dwell in the country >>> If you want to move to the countryside — especially if you desire a simple, unsophisticated life there — you may explain to people that you wish to ~ your busy life. Mnemonic: ~ - made/banished to become rustic


ঘুসোঘুষি; beat or pound with fists >>> The best ~ers in the world are probably boxers, as to ~ means to repeatedly beat someone down, especially with fists. Mnemonic: imagine yourself BEATING ~a Anderson Boobs WITH YOUR FISTS.~=punch+pamela.


ঘূর্ণি; whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; predicament into which one is inexorably plunged >>> Think ~ and picture a tornado or whirlpool — swirling around, causing destruction. >>> Mnemonic: Vertex is the higher point .~ is lower point caused by the whirlpool.


ঘূর্ণিঝড়; tropical hurricane or cyclone >>> What a hurricane is to the United States, a ~ is to South Pacific and Asian nations. It's a giant, rotating storm that brings awesome wind, rain, and destruction. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);in hindi it is "tuphaan" sounds similar with ~ ...meaning is same


ঘৃণাপূর্ণ; scornfully mocking; disdainful; sarcastic; cynical; Ex. ~ smile >>> If someone is being scornful and mocking in a humorous way, call her ~. If you want to write comic sketches for late-night talk shows, work on being ~. >>> Mnemonic: sorry to comment but.. remember sardarji always people mock at them making jokes. so remember as ~


ঘৃণাসহকারে প্রত্যাখ্যান করা; reject disdainfully; scorn; Ex. She ~ed all offers of help. >>> If you reject your mother's offer to buy you a pair of lederhosen with a snort and eye roll, you are ~ing her generosity. To ~ means to reject with disdain. Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);~ = s + purn. S = sex!! Purn = porn ; we disdainfully reject sex + porn


ঘৃণ্য; arousing strong dislike; hateful(causing hatred); vile >>> If something is ~ it's hateful. If you become a historian of slavery, you'll learn all the details of that ~ trade. >>>Mnemonic: I hate high audio(~) --- Bad Odor person ~


ঘোষণা করা; announce; proclaim a doctrine or law; make known by official publication >>> To ~ is to officially put a law into effect. Your state may announce a plan to ~ a new traffic law on January 1st. Mnemonic: Prom (promote)+ul+gate. So promoting something out of the gate, i.e. to make known by opening the gate (or opening declaration) to everyone out there.


ঘোড়ার মৃদু ডাক; neigh like a horse; CF. neigh: make the sound which horses make >>> A cow moos, a dog barks, a rooster crows, and a horse whinnies. ~ is both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it's the sound a horse makes. As a verb, it's the horse making the sound. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);sounds like w+HINHInana of horse


ঘ্রাণেন্দ্রিয় - সংক্রান্ত; concerning the sense of smell >>> Something ~ has to do with the sense of smell. The odor from that factory is a symphony of ~ delights. Not. >>>Mnemonic: ol(oil) people are CONCERNED ABOUT THE SMELL THAT COMES FROM THE OIL FACTORY.


চকমক করা; shine with a flickering light; glimmer intermittently; Ex. The moonlight ~ed on the water; N. When you ~ you shine, although sometimes quite weakly. Mnemonic: sounds like glimmer and s gives the meaning of sharma sharma ke means intermittently


চটাপটে; cause; urge; provoke; provide a cue (for an actor); ADJ: done without delay; done at the right time; punctual; on time; N: reminder or cue >>> A ~ is a cue that gives forgetful actors a hint for their next line, or students the topic of the essay they will write. It can also be the act of inspiring action, like your letter to the editor that ~s others to join your cause. Mnemonic: I ~ed myself to promote my knowledge


চতুষ্পদ; four-footed animal; ADJ. CF. biped >>> A squirrel, a zebra, a deer, a wolf, and a grizzly bear meet in a field. Yes, a disaster in the making, but also a bunch of ~s — animals that walk on four feet. Mnemonic: Quad means four and Ped means foot


ছিদ্র করা; pierce; put a hole through >>> When you ~ something, you make a hole in it, like when you poke holes in a piece of aluminum foil to let steam escape while something is cooking. >>> Mnemonic: imagina a boxer ..~=perfect force at a rate ..then we call its a punch..on a paper ..lly hole appears(pierced)


চরমপত্র; last demand; last warning; last statement of conditions that must be met; Ex. They have ignored our ~. >>> An ~ is a final demand attached to a threat, like "If you don't do it, I'll never speak to you again." ~s are serious business. >>> Mnemonic: ~...Utimate + Term (condition). These are the ultimate terms and conditions that have to be met...this is the final ~.


চরিত্রচিত্র / সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ; small drawing placed at the beginning or end of a chapter; picture; short literary sketch; short written description of a character or scene >>> A ~ is a brief but powerful scene. A good ~ leaves you wanting more. >>> Mnemonic: vig (visual) + net (nature of the character)


চলমান / ভ্রাম্যমান; movable; not fixed >>> When something is ~ it can move or be moved easily. If you walk to the end of the block talking on your cell phone, you are a ~ being using a ~ device.When something is ~ it can move or be moved easily. If you walk to the end of the block talking on your cell phone, you are a ~ being using a ~ device.


চাটুকার; servile dependent; obsequious follower >>> Your ~s, if you are lucky enough to have any, are those people who are devoted to you and entirely dependent on you. If you borrow money from a bully and don't pay it back, he might send one of his ~s after you. >>>Mnemonic: Union leader has lot of ~ members in the union


চাপা হাসি হাসা; half-stifled(suppressed) laugh; V. A ~ is a disrespectful snort of half-suppressed laughter, often expressing superiority. We ~ at beauty queens talking about world peace, for example. Mnemonic: The students gave a ~ when the professor came to the class in a sneaker.


চিন্তানিমগ্ন; dreamily or deeply thoughtful; sadly thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness; contemplative; CF. think over >>> See that person staring out the window who looks so sad and lost in thought? He is ~, the opposite of cheery and carefree. >>> Mnemonic: With a pen in your mouth, you are always indulged in somekind of thought.


চিন্তিত; sadly thoughtful (because of desires or memories); sadly pensive; vaguely longing >>> Only one letter separates the two words, but "wishful" is having hope for something, and ~ is having sadness or melancholy about something. "Wist" isn't even a word that's used anymore, but you can still be ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and Wishful...~ = Full of longing or unfulfilled desire. Wishful = Seeking advancement or recognition.


চিৎ হয়ে শোয়া; lying on back; passive; inactive; Ex. The defeated pugilist lay ~; Ex. ~ acceptance of the decision >>> One can be described as ~ when lying face up (his favorite yoga poses were always the ~ ones); or, if one is very passive or lethargic (~ in the face of their threats and insults). Mnemonic: remove 'u' => spine... lying on BACK facing upward.. as good as no resistance.......OR THINK OF SPINAL CORD(SPINE) YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY REMEMBER


চেহারায় আচরণে ইতর / ঘেয়ো / নীচ; shabby; wretched; suffering from mange; of bad appearance >>> Imagine something really disgusting — crusty, dirty, falling apart — you know, like zombie flesh. If it's shoddy, gross, and really, really cruddy, it can be called ~. >>>Mnemonic: ~ ~ manky (monkey)... monkey is shabby animal


চোয়ান; pass slowly through small openings; ooze; trickle; N. ~age >>> ~ means to leak slowly. When you see the word, imagine water coming in through your sneakers on a rainy day. It's not a lot of water, but your feet still get pretty wet. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is similar to PEEP. When you peep, you see through a small opening. When liquid ~s, it comes out of a small opening


চোরাবালি; bog; marsh; soft, wet, boggy land; predicament; complex or dangerous situation from which it is difficult to free oneself >>> A ~ is a dangerous place, like the muddy shoreline of a pond. The more you try to climb out of a ~, the more you seem to slip. That's because as you step on the mud, it oozes everywhere. Mnemonic: Take into consideration the First three words ~. The words resemble earth QUAKE. So earth quake is an awkward predicament, where soil sinks under your feet.


ছত্রভঙ্গ; put to ~; stampede; drive out; N: complete defeat and disorderly retreat >>> When you think about the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, associate a ~ with the agonizing defeat. A ~ is the kind of humiliating loss that makes you wish you would have been injured in the first quarter so you could have avoided the outcome. Mnemonic: All batsmen are out. Team faces "~".


ছদ্মনাম; pen name; fictitious name assumed by an author; ADJ. ~ous >>> A ~ is a name that someone--often a writer--uses instead of their real name. The real name of Dr. Seuss was Theodore Seuss Geisel. Mark Twain was a ~ for the writer Samuel Clemens. Mnemonic: sounds like pseudo name . pseudo mean not real . ~ means not real name , that is pen name


ছল; trick to deceive; stratagem >>> Movie bank robbers always seem to pull some kind of ~, a deceptive trick or tactic like hiding the money underneath the bank while they drive off in the getaway car to avoid capture by the police. Mnemonic: ~: re+ use, in a shop the shopkeeper reused the old goods, which is deceptive


ছাড়; return of part of a payment; discount; V. >>> A ~ is a partial refund of the cost of an item. It acts as an incentive to help sell the product. If your new cell phone came with a ~, you'll get a check in the mail for a certain amount of the cost. Mnemonic: R(Rates)+ebate(abate); so rates are abated


ছাড়িয়া দেওয়া; give up temporarily; yield; N. ~r: ~ing a right or claim; document that ~s a right or claim >>> To ~ is to give up one's right to do something. If you ~ your right to help name your family's new puppy, you can't complain if he ends up being called "Mr. Tinkerbell Sweetheart Lovey-Face." >>> Mnemonic: sounds like wave - when do u wave a white flag? when you Give up temporarily.


ছাতাপড়া; stale (in odor or taste); spoiled by age; CF. moist >>> ~ is an unclean, stale and possibly moldy smell. If something smells ~ that means it's probably been sitting in a damp corner without any air for a little too long. >>>Mnemonic: ময়লা জিন্স পরে মাস্তি


ছেঁকা দেত্তয়া; burn the surface of; char or burn; brand; parch; cause (a plant) to wither >>> To ~ something is to quickly cook or burn its surface by applying intense heat. When making beef stew, the color and flavor are usually better if you ~ the meat first. >>> Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with TEAR. When you BURN your hand you are in tears.


ছেদন করা; s~ off; stop something's growth or development; bite; make numb with cold; Ex. ~ the plan; Ex. A guard dog ~ped the postman; Ex. fingers ~ped by the extreme chill >>> A ~ is a tiny bite, a cold feeling, or a strong taste on your tongue. It's also a verb for pinching or biting something, but not always in a bad way. >>>Mnemonic: nipple


জঘন্যতা; detestation; quality of being; hatefulness; disrepute (resulting from hateful conduct) >>> That shivery কাঁপন ধরানো feeling of disgust and hatred that you get when you see something senseless and horrible is called ~. >>>Mnemonic: Podium = means stage and I have a stage fear and therefore I detest going on the stage. --- ওডি আমি খাই না


জট পাকানো; fall apart into tangles; entangle; un~ or untwist >>> Mnemonic: You will entangle(~) your RIVAL with ropes


জনসাধারণ্য পরিগণিত; অনুমিত; supposed; reputed; generally regarded as such; Ex. ~ father of the child >>> You might be the ~ leader of your lacrosse team, even if someone else holds the title of captain. ~ means to be known as something by reputation, or assumed to be something, or generally accepted. Mnemonic: divide it like put-a-ti(tea) we are PRESUPPOSED to put tea on the table not on the floor


জন্মলাভ করিতেছে; incipient; coming into being or existence; Ex. ~ ability in music >>> ~ describes the birth or beginning of something, for example a civilization, a trend, an idea, or an action. It can also imply a future promise, like the ~ government of a new country. >>>Mnemonic: "new soul sent" earth


জবরদখল করা; seize another's power or rank (without legal authority); supplant; appropriate; N. ~ation; CF. take for one's own use >>> If you take over your neighbor's backyard and claim his in-ground swimming pool as your own, you might seize control of, or ~ his yard, but he'll probably call the cops on you. >>> Mnemonic: us(e)+ur+p(ower)


জমকালো সমাধিমন্দির বা সমাধি স্তম্ভ; monumental tomb; large stately tomb >>> A ~ is a building that contains a tomb or tombs. The Taj Mahal, built by Shah Jahan as a monument to his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, is the world's most famous ~. >>>Mnemonic: মুসলিম কবর, সালাম দাও


জয়জয়কার; enthusiastic applause >>> Hear that applause and cries of "Bravo"? Your audience is giving you an ~, or praise for a great performance. >>>Mnemonic: ওহ! ভাষণ দিল - everyone clapped


জয়সঙ্গীত বা বন্দনা - গান; song of praise or joy; Ex. ~s celebrating the victory >>> A ~ is a hymn of praise or thanksgiving. You might sing a ~ in church, where many hymns extol the greatness of God. >>> Mnemonic: it is pronounced exactly as P.N. remember it by 'Priase Number'=praise song.


জলকপাট; artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water (with a gate to regulate the flow) Anything that resembles a water slide with a gate is a ~ â a narrow channel that controls water flow. Mnemonic: Divide '~' into 'slow','ice'.when ice slowly melts in the Arctic region then the nearby areas are flooded and we need a ~, which means watergates, to control the flow of water and protect the people.


জাঁকাল ভোজ; entertain >>> You may have heard it said that the fastest way to a person's heart is through his stomach. So, if you need to please or impress someone, ~ them — that is, treat them to lavish food and drink. Mnemonic: re+gale(remember chris gayle )if he comes to bat again he always provides entertainment to audience


জাবর কাটা; chew over and over (mentally or, like cows, physically); mull over(ponder) >>> When you ~, it means you are thinking very deeply about something. You're likely to be so lost in thought that you stare off into space and don't hear people when they call your name. Mnemonic: my RUMmy ATE my food, u gotta think over what you can do


জামাকাপড়; clothing; garments; Ex. I have no ~ fit to wear. >>> ~ is an old-fashioned word for clothing, particularly fancy clothing, like ladies who always wore their best ~ when calling on friends. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);sounds like the Raymond brand which is famous for its garments.


জাল; false; counterfeit; forged; illogical; Ex. ~ arguments >>> Something false or inauthentic is ~. Don't trust ~ ideas and stories. ~ statements often are lies, just as a ~ coin is a counterfeit coin — a fake. Mnemonic: s-PURE+ious...pure means true...~ means the opposite of it..which is FALSE,CONTERFEIT


জীবচ্ছেদ; act of dissecting living animals >>> ~ means literally "to cut up something that's alive," and it's the term used for operating on live animals for scientific research. The word is usually used by people who oppose the practice. >>> Mnemonic: ~ means disection.


জীর্ণ; (of a building or vehicle) poorly constructed; rickety; falling apart >>> Is your house in terrible condition? Does the roof leak? Is it half tumbling down? Congratulations! It's ~ — in other words — in terrible condition and barely holding together. Mnemonic: Ram+Shakela;If Shakela falls on Ram, it gets destroyed and pieces will fell apart


জীর্ণ; run-down; decrepit; disreputable; having many seeds; Ex. ~ downtown hotel >>> When a place is ~, it's sleazy, run-down — not the kind of place you'd take your mom. The East Village of New York was once known for being ~, but now it's safe for children of all ages. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~~bidi : one who smokes bidi (gen. workers) are shabby and untidy and they are morally degraded (generally rowdy by nature + smoking is not good :no offence plz). You can also think of "beedi jalaiyi le",morally degraded song


জ্যেষ্ঠত্ব; seniority by birth; state of being the first-born child; right of the eldest child (to inherit the entire property of one or both parents) >>> ~ is when the oldest son inherits all or more of his parents' stuff than any of his siblings. When a king dies, typically by the rules of ~, his eldest son inherits the throne. Mnemonic: ~... Considered PRIMary Due to GENTIC importance(genetically important or born first)


জ্যোতি র্বিকাশী; iridescent; lustrous; like an opal (একধরনের দামী পাথর যাতে নানা রঙের খেলা দেখতে পাওয়া যায়) >>> If you're familiar with the way that the gemstone রত্ন পাথর opal shimmers চকমক like a pearl, then you'll understand that something ~ reflects the light in the same way. >>>Mnemonic: Opel Astra and Accent car are ~ (shining and lustrous)


ঝড়ো; stormy; violent; impassioned; N. tempest: violent storm >>> A tempest is a storm, so you can use the adjective ~ to describe anything stormy or volatile — from a ~ hurricane to a ~ romance. >>> Mnemonic: ~ can be split as TEMP + PEST + OUS, so how will your TEMPer be if someone keeps PESTering you. It will obviously be VIOLENT.


ঝিক্মিক্ করা; sparkle; flash; be animated; be full of life; Ex. scintillating conversation >>> The verb ~ means to twinkle or glow, as in a flickering light. You may find it romantic to sit on the deck overlooking a lake on a clear night, where you can enjoy the scintillating stars in the sky and the reflection of the moon on the water. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hind);Skin/Till>> Till sparkles on skin


ঝিমান; slow up; loosen; To ~ is to loosen the tension on or tightness of something. If you ~ the clothesline any more, the clothes will be on the ground next time you hang out the wash. Mnemonic: slow keno?


টক টক করে গেলা; drink with zest; drink with relish(zest; hearty enjoyment); CF. sip >>> To ~ is to gulp. You're in a desert; you haven't had water in days; you're wicked thirsty. Then you find an oasis! You lean over and ~ the water. Mnemonic: sounds like cough. When we have a cough, we DRINK cough syrup which is quite tasty actually.


টাকরা (মুখের ভিতরের উপরের অংশ); roof of the mouth; sense of the taste >>> Touch your tongue to the top of your mouth. What you're touching is your ~. ~ is often used when discussing taste in a broader sense, as in: chocolate cake is pleasing to the ~. >>> Mnemonic: remember PAL+ATE, ur pal eats everything u hav cooked it means he has good sense of taste


টানিয়া তুলিয়া ফেলা; courage; V: pull off or out; pull out the hair or feathers of; ADJ. ~y: courageous; brave >>> To ~ is to pick or pull a single item out of many, like a flower or a hair. As a noun, ~ is energy or enthusiasm, even when things are looking grim. >>> Mnemonic: one should possess "Courage" to ~ flowers from our garden


টেরোডাকটাইল; extinct flying reptile; CF. wing+finger >>> Pretend that you are living during the Cretaceous period. Then look up at the sky. That fierce winged creature swooping down on you is a ~, a flying reptile. Mnemonic: duck with a tail... obviously extinct


ঠেকাইয়া রাখা; refuse to give; hold back; Ex. ~ing tax >>> If you keep something back and don't share it, you ~ it. You can ~ things such as permission, emotion, or information. You might get into trouble if you ~ information from your parents or the police. >>> Mnemonic: with+hold....if you hold back the library book and refuse to return it on are ~ing it.


ডাকটিকেট - সংগ্রহকারী; stamp-collector; >>> Don't call a coin collector a ~. That word is reserved for people who collect stamps. If you're going to become a ~, start saving those old envelopes. >>> Mnemonic: phil + ATLAS = loves atlas and hence collect stamps of the countries on the atlas


ডিম ছাড়া; lay eggs (in large numbers); produce offspring (in large numbers); N: eggs of aquatic animals >>> Technically, the mass of small eggs laid by animals like fish, frogs, mollusks is called ~. But the word has been borrowed to mean offspring, or the act of making them in general. Mnemonic: (Tag:;counter-strike);~ in the game counter-strike is the place where the players get rebirth in a new round. so basically ~ is place where something is regenerated. relate it to eggs.


ডোঙা; small light sailboat or rowboat A ~ is a small boat. If you decide to purchase a ~ instead of giant yacht, you're probably someone who prefers the quiet, simple life. (Or maybe you just didnât want to spend the money on a yacht.) Mnemonic: ~ = Ship + Kid => small ship (boat in this case)


তাম্রমল / পুরাতন তামার উপরে যে সবুজ ময়লা জমে; green coating or patina on copper which has been exposed to the weather >>> ~ is the blue-green tarnish on certain metals after they are left outside for a long period of time. A lot of churches have rooftops coated with ~, and many capitol buildings have ~ on their domes. >>> Mnemonic: verd means green and take gris as grease. So, a coating of a green colour on metal. [Middle English vertegrez, from Old French verte grez, alteration of vert-de-Grice : verd, green; see verdant + de, of (from Latin d; see de-) + Grice, Greece.]


তালিকা / কাত হয়ে যাওয়া; tilt (as of a ship); lean over (to one side) >>> To make a ~ is to put things in order or to name them, like a grocery ~ or a wish ~. ~ing is also leaning over, creating a slant (ক্রমশ: ঢালু) called a ~. >>>Mnemonic: ~=Items falling one after another.So one item is leaning over another.


তিরস্কার করা; reprimand; severely scold >>> No, ~ isn't what girls get done at a salon before prom. When you ~ people, you scold them, tell them off and criticize them. (You could, however, ~ your stylist after a bad haircut.) >>> Mnemonic: elders criticize severely if their girls UP their BRA


পায়ের বেড়ি; chain; fetter; confine with ~; N. Handcuffs are ~s. So are those leg irons some prisoners wear when they appear in court. In other words, a ~ is a restraint, either physical or psychological, that restricts movement. Mnemonic: visualise shakaal chained in shackels


তিরস্কারপূর্ণ বক্তৃতা; long angry denunciatory speech; diatribe; harangue; extended scolding; denunciation >>> A ~ is a speech, usually consisting of a long string of violent, emotionally charged words. Borrow and lose your roommate's clothes one too many times, and you can bet you'll be treated to a heated ~. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like tired.. your mom gets tired after a ~..i.e. LONG ANGRY DENUNCIATORY SPEECH..


তীক্ষাগ্ন অস্ত্র লাঠি আঙুল প্রভৃতির তীক্ষাগ্ন অস্ত্র; poke (with a pointed object); stir up; urge; goad to action; N: pointed object used to ~; ~ding >>> A teacher might use a verbal ~ when students aren't participating in class. A ~ is an encouragement, like the threat of a quiz. Just hope the teacher doesn't use the kind of ~ a rancher uses to keep cattle moving! Mnemonic: sounds like "rod". stir up with rod, poke with a rod etc.


তীব্র যন্ত্রণা; অশান্তি; violent anguish >>> Did your team just lose the Super Bowl or the World Series? You're probably in the ~ of despair — experiencing intense feelings of suffering and agitation. >>> Mnemonic: THROE is pronounced like throw you throw things at someone when you become violent in PAIN/ANGUISH.


তীব্র সমালোচনা করা; কড়া; criticize harshly >>> A ~ can be a cooking utensil, a negative opinion, or a sweeping camera shot. You cook eggs in a ~, but as a film critic you might ~ a new docudrama for poor editing and overuse of ~ shots. >>> Mnemonic: the way people eat "~"(hindi) and spit everywhere deserves harsh criticism..


তীব্রতা (কাঁটার মত বেঁধে বা খোঁচ দেয় এমন অবস্থা); tender sorrow; pity; quality in art or literature that produces these feelings; Ex. ~ that runs through the novel >>> ~ is a quality that stirs emotions. A song with a lot of ~ hits you right in the heart. >>> Mnemonic: ~.. is a part of the word symPATHy.. and you have sympathy for the people for whom you feel pity or who are in sorrow..


তোষামোদ্কারী; servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man; >>> A ~ is a person who tries to win favor from wealthy or influential people by flattering them. Also known as brown-nosers, teacher's pets or suck-ups. Mnemonic: syco+pant..its not so easy to get a syco's pant..u need to please him like hel to make him to give his pant to you(personal advantage)..


ত্বরন্বিত; something that causes a substance in a chemical solution to separate out in solid form; OP. solvent >>> A ~ is a cause or reason for some event. So if you skip your Biology test on March 17th, your parents might deduce that your enjoyment of the St. Patrick's Day parade was a ~ of your actions.A ~ is a cause or reason for some event. Her ~ acceptance of his proposal of marriage surprised everyone.


ত্রয়ীর, তিনটি কাজের সমষ্টি; group of three related works (connected by a shared subject but each complete in itself) >>> If you've just started a ~ of books, you'll be reading for a while. A ~ is something that has three parts, so you'll have three books to read. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);Julius caesar is divided into three act yeilding a ~ a literature work by shakespeare !!


থপথপিয়ে চলা; move heavily or clumsily; Ex. The bear ~ed through the woods >>> Do you move clumsily, heavily and slowly, without a shred of grace? Then it sounds like you might ~. Sorry to hear that. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);Relate to the person who is "lamba" (lamba in Hindi language means tall person in English ) moves heavily or clumsily -- লাম্বা


দজ্জাল; scolding woman; very small mouselike animal Use the noun ~ â at your own risk â to refer to a woman who is argumentative, nagging, and ill tempered. Mnemonic: Split ~ like SHE+SCREW means scolding women, termegant


দমন করা ; put an end to forcibly; subdue; stifle; overwhelm; inhibit the expression of; check; prevent from being published or made public; Ex. ~ a smile; Ex. suppress the magazine/truth >>> To ~ something means to curb, inhibit, or even stop it. If the sound of your boss moving in his chair sounds like gas, you're going to have to learn how to ~ your giggles. Mnemonic: (Tag:;local slang);The celebrity said sup press when the press came and ruined his activity.


দমন করা; suppress; put an end to; put down forcibly; extinguish; quiet; Ex. ``Army ~s Rebellion'' in newspaper; CF. kill >>> Meaning to suppress or overcome, ~ is what you have to do with nerves before a big test and fears before going skydiving. Mnemonic: ?????


দমান; less intense; quieter; Ex. ~d lighting; Ex. ~: conquer; make less intense; quiet; Ex. ~ one's anger >>> To ~ is to hold back, put down, or defeat. A Doberman can be ~d with a bone, but subduing a yapping toy poodle can be a mail carrier's greatest daily challenge. Mnemonic: After winning the Match when he was asked about the Party.. He said..SAB DUE hai..fir dunga..


দাম্ভিক; arrogant; presumptuous >>> ~ is a negative term meaning arrogant or excessive. People can be described as having ~ pride or ~ ambition. It's too much and not good. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);a person who wins over and over becomes arrogant. He now arrogantly presumes that he will always win.


দালালি করা,প্রচারণা করা, কোনো কিসুর অতিরিক্ত প্রসংসা করা; promote or publicize (one's goods or service); praise excessively (as a form of advertisement); CF. advertise >>> To ~ means to praise, boast, or brag about. If you like to ~ your skill as a skier, you tell people you can go down expert-level hills. >>> Mnemonic: ~: shout to promote (to publicly praise or promote)


দুঃসাহসিক; (of a person) bold; adventurous; daring; (of an action) risky >>> The adjective ~ describes someone who is willing to take risks, someone brave. If you have a ~ child, you may worry because she's the one you find on top of the playhouse instead of inside it. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);if u want to do an adventurous act of climbing hills , then u should be brave , bold enough. ~ = adventure + some bravery.


দুইটি বিবৃতি থেকে সিদ্ধান্ত অনুমান করা; logical formula consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion; deceptive or specious argument >>> A ~ is a type of logical reasoning where the conclusion is gotten from two linked premises. Here's an example: An apple is a fruit. All fruit is good. Therefore apples are good. Mnemonic: Change the s to c and you'll find the word logic.


দুরভিসন্ধিমূলক / যা প্রথমে উল্লেখিত হয় নাই / পরে আসে এমন; intentionally hidden; beyond what is evident; situated beyond; unstated and often questionable; Ex. ~ motive >>> An ~ interest, argument, or revelation is one you try to keep hidden, like your ~ motive for weeding your grandmother's garden is to have a conversation with your crush — and Grandma's neighbor — who happens to be outside, too. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = ultra + interior which is very much inside means hidden.


দুর্গন্ধময়; foul smelling; very unpleasant; unwholesome >>> If you accidentally leave half a sandwich under your bed for a few days, cover your nose while you sleep because it will probably become quite ~. This is a fancy way of saying that it will stink. >>>Mnemonic: Try to extract out two words from it... NOSENOISE.. Hence ~ is something that makes NOISE in our NOSE


দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত; foul-smelling >>> You can use the adjective ~ as a nicer way to say that something's stinky. Maybe you think your feet smell like roses, but if people move far away when your shoes come off, your rosy feet are probably ~. >>>Mnemonic: mal(means bad)+odor(sounds simillar to odour)..+us.......smelling..bad odour of some chemicals is dangerous to health.


দুর্ঘটনা; mischance; ill luck; Ex. death by ~ >>> Ever climb a ladder and then, when you're at the top, the ladder tips over, leaving you stranded up there? That's the start of a ~, an unfortunate situation that happens because of bad luck. >>>Mnemonic: means something like you go missing in an adventure!..its like a mishap!


দুর্দশা; suffering; ordeal; distress; trial >>> ~ is suffering or trouble, usually resulting from oppression. The ~s of a coal miner include a dangerous work environment, lung disease from black dust and a cramped, dark work space. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~~Tribal ; While the group was trekking they were caught by jungle tribal(junglee log In Hindi) and harrased ...It was a period of ~ for them!


দুর্বৃত্ত; violent scoundrel; bully >>> A ~ is a bully, someone who is violent toward others. Maybe they had a bad childhood, or perhaps they like the sound of people in pain. No matter where they come from, ~s are best avoided. Mnemonic: Sounds like "rough"-ian. i.e., a rowdy person.


দুর্বোধ্য; abstruse; not easily understood; profound; secret >>> It's rather difficult to penetrate the meaning of ~. Fitting, because it's an adjective that basically means hard for the average mind to understand. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);read ~ as "re conduct". The professor re coducted(repeated) the topic as the students could not understand properly.


দুর্ভাগ্য / ভগবানের মার; someone seeking revenge; source of downfall or ruin; CF. ~ >>> Use the word ~ to describe someone or something that always causes you major problems, like the runner on another school's track team who, for years, has been beating your time by a fraction of a second. >>>Mnemonic: not+my+sis hence wants to take sister wouldn't have been the cause of my downfall.


দুর্ভাগ্য; ill luck >>> ~ describes a moment of bad luck, like when you have the ~ of slipping on the ice or catching a cold or losing your car keys. >>>Mnemonic: how would you feel if you miss a chance in modelling industry!


দুর্ভাগ্যপূর্ণ; unexpected and adverse; unfortunate or unlucky; Ex. ~ encounter >>> The adjective ~ describes something offensive or inappropriate, like the rumors of ~ behavior that can shatter a Hollywood icon's reputation. >>> Mnemonic: conditions which are not towards me are ==> ~


দেত্তয়ালে অঙ্কিত; wall painting >>> A ~ is a large-scale painting usually done on a wall. Diego Rivera, the Mexican ~ist, is famous for the plaster ~s he painted on the walls at Rockefeller Center in the 1930s. >>>Mnemonic: মূর্তি আঁকা wall


দেরিতে যাত্তয়া; linger; delay in starting or going; dawdle >>> To ~ is to linger and take your time leaving. If you really like going to Sally's Diner for dessert, you might ~ over coffee and end up leaving after they've closed the kitchen. >>> Mnemonic: দেরী -> ~


দোলায়মান হত্তয়া; waver (in opinion); fluctuate; sway to and fro; >>> ~ means to waver back and forth, unable to decide. You might ~ between ordering waffles and pancakes at your favorite diner — it's hard to pick just one when both are so tasty! >>> Mnemonic: sounds like something which moves from one position to another position.


দোষারোপ করা; censure; rebuke; N. reproof >>> If you get into trouble and are sent to the principal's office, be prepared for the principal to ~ you for your behavior. To ~ is to scold, reprimand, or — in plain English — "chew out." Mnemonic: there are two opposites of approve:1.disapprove a2.~.


দোহাই; excuse >>> ~ is a false reason given for doing something. If you catch your mother going through your drawers, and she says she was just tidying up, cleaning was her ~ for snooping. Mnemonic: ~... when your teacher asks for an explanation for your low marks, you try to find an EXCUSE that you donot have a TEXTbook


দৈবপাক; শাখাবিস্তার; branching out; subdivision; one branch of a system; one of the results following from an action or decision; Ex. ~s of a business/the decision >>> A ~ is an accidental consequence that complicates things. Remember that time you borrowed your father's car without asking? The ~ was that Dad missed an important meeting, his company went under, and he had to sell the car. Oops! Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Bhagwan Ram and his brothers were subdivided, i.e., two were sent to the jungle and while the other two stayed in the kingdom. So, ~ means subdivision.


দৈববাণীসম্বন্ধীয়; of an oracle; prophetic; uttered as if with divine authority; mysterious or ambiguous; hard to understand; N. oracle: wiser person; prophecy made by an oracle >>> Something that's ~ is giving off an oracle-like vibe: mysterious, enigmatic, prophetic and probably a little weird. >>>Mnemonic: In the Matrix...the Oracle(old woman character ) prophesises that Neo is "the one"


দৈহিক সৌন্দর্য; beauty; comeliness; ADJ. ~inous >>> If someone comments on the ~ of your face, you shouldn't be offended. It may sound like quite the opposite, but ~ actually means "beauty." Mnemonic: itude=attitude a girl who has high attitude ... she is beautiful


দ্বিরূক্ত; অর্থহীন পুনরাবৃত্তিমূলক; needlessly repetitious; Ex. ``It was visible to the eye''; N. tautology: needless repetition of the same sense; statement that is always true >>> Something ~ is redundant and circular, especially when talking about logic. "Logical things are logical" is a ~ sentence. >>> Mnemonic: tota (parrot) repeats what u say !!


দ্রুতবেগে ছোটা; হৈচৈ; move hastily; hurry; move briskly >>> ~ means to move quickly, at a frenzied pace, and often also implies the urge to hide. When you come upon a mouse in your house, chances are it will ~ away. >>> Mnemonic: ~..sounds like SCARY...SO if you see something move hastily from that place.


ধাতান; reprove severely; rebuke; N. >>> If you're ~ed, someone in authority speaks to you in an angry way because you've done something wrong. Or you might ~ your dog if he steals your hot dog. Mnemonic: Rep+rimand(Remand) when police take remand of someone,,they Scold them harshly (Strong rebuke)


ধাতুমল; glassy residue from smelting metal; dross; waste matter Mnemonic: What was lagged behind.. Waste.


ধাত্রীবিদ্যাবিশারদ; physician specializing in delivery(assisting in giving birth) of babies; CF. midwife >>> If you were born in the United States, probably the first doctor you ever laid eyes on was an ~, a medical doctor who delivers babies. >>>Mnemonic: ~ sounds like OBSTRUCTION. So the an ~ helps the pregnant woman to clear the obstruction of the female opening and deliver the baby


ধূমায়িত; burn slowly without flame; be liable to break out at any moment; exist in a suppressed state; Ex. ~ing anger When a fire is barely burning, it's ~ing. Fires can ~ for days without anyone's knowing, then burst into a conflagration that gets the fire department sirens wailing all over town. Mnemonic: ~, remove the 'm' from the word, it becomes solder. For soldering, we do not require fire, it is done by electricity or by burning copper zinc ,lead etc..


ধূর্ত; like a fox; crafty >>> You may encounter a ~ smile, a ~ movie director, or a ~ laugh — whatever it is, be on guard. The word ~ describes something that is crafty like a fox. >>> Mnemonic: VULP sounds like WOLF - vulpes, the Latin word for "fox,"


ধ্বংসাবশেষ; surviving remnant (from an extinct culture); memento; keepsake; ~s: corpse; Ex. ancient ~s; Ex. ~s of his travel; Ex. His ~s are buried at X. >>> A ~ is a fragment from the past — one of Elvis's guitars, an ancient piece of pottery or even an outmoded way of thinking -- that remains behind. Your dad might love his old albums, but to you, they're just ~s. Mnemonic: associate with reel.. when we visit a place, the camera reel has all the memories, so pICk the REel and ur through


নকল ; assumed; counterfeit; hypothetical >>> ~ is a fancy word for based on guesswork. Used in a legal sense more than anything else — if a piece of evidence is ~, then it's basically hypothetical. It doesn't have any hard facts to back it up. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~~ suppose+fictitious ;suppose is to assume and fictitious can related to counterfiet and hypothetical ... make ur own stories


নকল; বাজে; made of inferior material; sham; not genuine; inferior; dishonest; Ex. ~ goods/trick ~ refers to poor materials or quality. Maybe you passed on buying a house because it leaned in an odd way and various and sundry parts were falling off. Sounds like both the materials and workmanship were ~. Mnemonic: sounds like showy means in look things are good but in quality they are not good as they are made up of inferior material


নকশা - কাটা কাঠের পাটাতন; floor made of wood strips inlaid in a mosaic like matter; CF. strip: long narrow piece >>> It must take a very long time to create a ~ floor. This type of woodwork includes many small, intricate pieces laid out in a geometrical pattern, almost like a mosaic. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like carpet. which is made of different design.


নখর ; claw of bird >>> A ~ is a large, hooked claw. Although ~s are usually associated with eagles, hawks and other birds of prey, you can also use the word to describe the flesh-tearing claws or fingernails of raptors, werewolves or even enraged preschoolers. Mnemonic: Falcon depends upon its ~ (claw of a Bird), while on hunting


নজরে না - আসা; inconspicuous; not blatant >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something that doesn't attract much attention, like an ~ waiter who doesn't interrupt diners to rattle off the nightly specials, or an ~ stain on the floor that your parents haven't noticed. >>> Mnemonic: something obtruding (বাহির করিয়া দেখান)/protruding will be noticeable, UN(not)OBSTRUSIVE( undesirably noticeable) is unnoticeable and not blatant


নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি; recent convert; new member of a religious group; beginner; CF. plant >>> "Look at the little freshies," said the football team captain to his friends. "Little ~s come to learn how the big boys play....Let's get 'em!" >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);split the word into "neo = the matrix hero" and "phyte = fight". Thus neo fights in matrix movie as a beginner or new commer to save the revolution.


নমনীয় ; flexible; limber; pliant >>> Something or someone that is ~ bends and moves easily, like a contortionist at a circus sideshow. If you can wrap your legs around your neck, you most likely have a ~ body. Mnemonic: ~ = chappal.. now the rexona ki chappal or any other slippers should be flexible and easy to bend in order to be a good chappal.. so a chappal shoul be ~ or flexible, pliable ! :)


নমনীয়; (of a metal) capable of being shaped by pounding(beating); pliable; (of someone) impressionable(easily influenced); easily controlled; tractable >>> A ~ personality is capable of being changed or trained, and a ~ metal is able to be pounded or pressed into various shapes. It's easier to learn when you're young and ~. >>>Mnemonic: relate with meltable; so possible to reshape


নমনীয়; flexible; supple; pliable; V. >>> Can you dance the hula? Get into crazy yoga positions, or touch your toes? Then you're ~, meaning your body is pretty flexible and able to bend well. >>>Mnemonic: ~.......divide it like LIMB+ER......and a limb is an arm or leg(in human)...a wing in animal and birds..and a branch in case of plants....but what is the MOST COMMON THING IN all of these...they are all are flexible.


নরকবাস; damnation; complete ruin; hell >>> ~ is mainly a religious concept from Christianity that means hell or eternal damnation. ~ doesn't sound like a lot of fun. >>> Mnemonic: It sounds like partition.. So Relate ~ to Partition of India in 1947 due to which several families were completely ruined.


নরকের প্রান্ত; region near heaven or hell where certain souls are kept; prison (slang); Ex. Purgatory and ~ >>> ~ is originally a Roman Catholic term used to describe a place for infants who die before baptism. In common speech ~ can be used in much the same way as "gray area." It's a place where nothing is clear or certain. When the law isn't clear on a specific issue, then that issue is in "legal ~" If there is an election that is so close that no one knows who won, that's "political ~" >>>Mnemonic: if you drive your LIMO too fast your soul will reach LIMBO


নরম হত্তয়া; become less severe; give in(surrender); ADJ. ~less: unyielding; continuously severe >>> Being unwilling to ~ is a good qualification for a sales person. You have to keep trying to make the sale and never give in until you've made it. Mnemonic: re=re+lent, imagine you lent something to your friend, and you need it back but your friend needs it even more than you do, so you ~ and lend the thing again.


নরম; কোমল; offer formally; extend; Ex. ~ one's resignation/the exact fare; N: formal offer; money; Ex. legal ~; ADJ: young and vulnerable; sensitive to the touch; sore; soft; delicate; Ex. child of ~ years; Ex. ~ wound >>> If you're ~, it means you're fragile, sensitive, easily bruised or gentle. Young, easily cut beef and a sentimental heart can both be called ~. >>> Mnemonic: the method of contracting.. or FORMALLY OFFERING a company to undertake public works is called a ~....


না ভাবিয়া চিন্তিয়া; casual; done without prior thought or preparation >>> The adjective ~ describes a remark or comment that is made without previous thought or preparation. If you are at a wedding, you may want to make a few ~ but nice remarks about the bride and groom. >>>Mnemonic: ~ - hands on means experience, you have prepared for that , so off hands means something without preparation


নাকচ করা; repeal; annul; cancel (a law, decision, or agreement) >>> If get a call saying a company has decided to ~ your job offer, it's back to the classifieds for you. ~ is an official reversal. Mnemonic: ~ reminds us of "resign", where resign is to cancel your appointment and ~ is to cancel an agreement.


নাকিকান্না; complain or whine tearfully; run at the nose; snuffle; Ex. Don't come back ~ing to me. Sometimes, when you really want something, you might resort to whining and blubbering to get it â in other words, you'll ~. It's never pretty, so try to keep your dignity, and don't ~! Mnemonic: ~:sneeze + well(vel) runing nose


নাক্ষত্রিক; relating to stars; Ex. ~ day Far out, man. I mean really far out â as in related to the distant stars of the universe. That's what ~ means. Mnemonic: ~ is pronounced as SY-DEE-RIAL and not SIDE+REAL, therefore CELESTIAL is a more appropriate suggestion, as it not only rhymes with ~, it also has the same meaning-relating to the stars or the constellation.


নাছোড়বান্দা; holding fast (as to a belief); persistent >>> Use ~ to mean "not easily letting go or giving up," like a clingy child who has a ~ grip on his mother's hand. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Sounds like ten Asians. Ten developing Asian countries if united together, can not be pulled apart.


নানাবিধ; varied; greatly diversified; Ex. ~ activities >>> A person or thing with many sides or different qualities is ~. The Internet has ~ uses, museums are known for their ~ art collections, and Hindu gods are associated with ~ incarnations. >>>Mnemonic: ~=MULTI+FARIOUS,farious rhymes with both multi and various means de same...VARIED and GREATLY DIVERSIFIED


নাপাক; violate; desecrate (something holy); treat unworthily; be ~ for; ADJ: secular; nonreligious; irreverent for holy things >>> ~ is the sort of language that gets bleeped on TV but it's also whenever you deeply offend people with how little respect you show something (usually religious). Mnemonic: PROPANE - propane being unextinguishable is not allowed in mosques/temples etc.


নামকরা; supposed; Ex. ~ father of the child; V. repute: consider; N. repute: reputation; esteem >>> A person of great or fine repute is someone who's widely known and highly respected. The word has a stuffy feel, so you're better off describing a cellist as being of great repute than, say, a rapper or comedian.


নামেমাত্র; খেতাবসার; of a title; in name only; nominal; having the title of an office without the obligations; Ex. ~ head of the company >>> You might say you're the boss man in your household, but if everybody else in the family ignores you, 'boss man' is probably a ~ position for you. In other words, it's just a title. There's no power behind it. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - TIT + U + LAR - TITLED + YOU + ARE. Titled you are but unfortunately with no power.


নারীবিদ্বেষী; hater of woman; CF. misogyny >>> If you're someone who believes women belong in the kitchen and shouldn't be accorded the same respect as men, you might be a ~. A ~ is a person who hates or doesn't trust women. >>>Mnemonic: mis=to hate, and gyne=female as in gyneocologist


নাস্তিবাদী; one who considers traditional beliefs to be groundless and existence meaningless; absolute skeptic; revolutionary terrorist >>> If you reject all moral beliefs and take the view that life has no meaning, you could be called a ~. >>>Mnemonic: ~ sounds like annihilate - নাশ করা. A ~ wants to annihilate all religious beliefs.


নি: সঙ্গতা; state of being alone; seclusion; existing or living alone (esp. by choice); remote or secluded; single; sole; Ex. no ~ piece of proof ~ is the state of being alone. You might crave ~ after spending the holidays with your big, loud family â you want nothing more than to get away from everyone for a little while. Mnemonic: ~ sounds like Altitude. When you reach high Altitude of a mountain there you find no one other than yourself. So you become alone.


নিদ্রাকর্ষক / আফিংঘটিত ওষুধ; medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain; something that relieves emotions or causes inaction; sleep-producing drug containing opium >>> An ~ is a drug such as morphine or heroin that is derived from opium. Used figuratively, it means something that calms or soothes. >>>Mnemonic: ~ = OPI (OPIUM) + ATE (TO EAT). Therefore, as you ATE the medicine with OPIUM in it, you are feeling drowsy (sleepy).


নিদ্রালু; half asleep; drowsy; >>> If you're ~, you're feeling sleepy or drowsy. It's best to avoid operating speedboats or motorcycles when you're ~. Mnemonic: somn is a root which means sleep, so any word having this root is pertaining to sleep...


নিন্দনীয়; deserving blame; blameworthy; V. reprehend: blame >>> ~ means deserving of blame or strong criticism. It is a strong word--your mother might forgive you for doing something bad, but something ~? That's worse. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);It sounds like opposite of apprehensible and apprehensible sounds like derived from ~ is something which is not appreciated.


নিন্দা; infamy; disgrace arising from shameful conduct; vilification(slander); scorn; contempt; Ex. ~ hurled নিক্ষিপ্ত against him >>> If you go against or oppose what's good, you might earn ~ — the opposite of getting attention for something good. Bad behavior leads to ~. If you throw a soft drink off the theater balcony, the ~ might keep you from getting dates to the movies. >>>Mnemonic: If you take OPIUM(banned drug) you will be criticized, humiliated & put to shame for inappropriate behavior


নিপূণভাবে ব্যবহার করা; operate with one's hands; control or play upon (people, forces, etc.) artfully; maneuver; Ex. how to ~ publicity and men; ADJ. manipulative >>> To ~ something means to handle something skillfully. Like a sculptor manipulating clay or a really good politician working the crowd


নিম্ন / গরুর ডাক; moo; make the sound of a cow >>> When you travel through a ~ tunnel, you might be tempted to duck your head. Something that's ~ is short or shal~. >>>Mnemonic: ~.. cow .. moooooo!


নিম্নতম বিন্দু; lowest point; point on the celestial sphere diametrically opposite the zenith >>> If a highly forgetful person loses his phone, his wallet, and then his car keys in separate instances all in one day, you could say that he has reached an organizational ~. This means "lowest point." >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);na+gir meaning from where one cannot fall that is the lowest point ---- Arabic nazir - নজির, which means "opposite to." It is still used in astronomy to indicate the part of the celestial sphere located directly below an observer, but also more generally to describe the worst point of someone's life or career.


নিম্নপদে সরান; put into a lower or worse place; banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign; Ex. ~ the old furniture to the children's room; Ex. ~d to the second division >>> ~ means assign to a lower position. If the quarterback of the football team stops making decent throws he might be ~d to the position of benchwarmer, while another kid is given the chance to play. Mnemonic: ~..split it like rele(relatives+gate)your relatives are crying at THE GATE because you are not allowing them to enter your house, you have put them in a worse place i.e the GATE WHICH IS ALMOST LIKE A FOOTPATH.


নিয়ন্ত্রিত করা; tone down in intensity; change the intensity or tone of; regulate; change from one musical key to another; Ex. ~ from E to G >>> Is your friend's voice so high-pitched that people are starting to stare? Sweetly ask, "Can you ~ your voice, please? To ~ is to change the pitch of something


নিয়মানুবর্তিতা; perfectionist; person who insists things be exactly right >>> A ~ is someone who insists that things are done in a certain way. Say you're getting married and want to write your own vows, but your partner's mother demands that you have a traditional ceremony. The mother is a ~ for tradition. Mnemonic: read it as STICK-LER, i.e one who sticks to a set of rules, a PERFECTIONIST.


নিয়মানুযায়ী / শৃঙ্খলাবদ্ধ; systematic; N. ~: systematic method of procedure >>> ~ means following a method. If you follow the same sixteen steps in the same order when you make a fire, you could be said to take a ~ approach to this activity. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);in maths when we solve a problem we try to get a method which is systematic.


নিরপেক্ষ; neutral; refusing commitment to a particular opinion; unpledged; undecided >>> When you want to keep all your options open, stay ~. This means you say "maybe" and "I'll see if I can do that," rather than making promises to do specific things. >>>Mnemonic: No commitment with any party means neutral.


নির্জনবাসী; তপস্বী; hermit; loner; >>> A ~ lives alone, works alone, eats alone, and generally stays away from other people. Anti-social old hermits are ~s, as are a lot of students during exam time. Mnemonic: re+close . Closed=hermit


নির্দিষ্ট অঞ্চলের বিশদ বিবরণ, প্রাকৃতিক বৈশিষ্ট; physical features of a region (such as the shape and height); CF. topo-: place >>> ~ is a detailed map of the surface features of land. It includes the mountains, hills, creeks, and other bumps and lumps on a particular hunk of earth. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is the GEOGRAPHY of an area, its rivers, roads, buildings, etc.


নির্বাক; মৌন; understood (without actually being expressed); not put into words; Ex. ~ agreement >>> Something ~ is implied or understood without question. Holding hands might be a ~ acknowledgment that a boy and girl are dating. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);~ ~ take it; imagine you are giving permission to someone to take something from your room...but you didn't say it verbally but via your actions.


নির্বিকার; ~al; impassive; unmoved by joy or grief; N. CF. ~ism >>> Being ~ is being calm and almost without any emotion. When you're ~, you don't show what you're feeling and you also accept whatever is happening. Mnemonic: Think: Stone-like--> To be like a stone means you don't experience pleasure or pain. You are unaffected.


নির্বোধ / ভূতের সন্তান; stupid awkward person; CF. elf (দুষ্ট) >>> An ~ is the boring, ill-mannered person you hope doesn't show up at your party and send the other guests running for the door. >>>Mnemonic: ~...sounds like uff..and when you see a ugly awkward say..uff ufff..uff kyo mil gaya ye!!1


নিষেধাজ্ঞামূলক; so high as to prohibit purchase or use; tending to prevent the purchase or use of something; prohibiting; inclined to prevent or forbid; Ex. ~ tax >>> If something's so expensive you can't touch it, it's ~. That Ferrari in the showroom? You may want it, but its price is ~.If something's so expensive you can't touch it, it's ~. That Ferrari in the showroom? You may want it, but its price is ~.


নিস্তব্ধ; dormant; temporarily inactive; at rest; N. quiescence >>> The adjective ~ means "being quiet and still," like the ~ moments lying in a hammock on a beautiful summer Sunday. Mnemonic: ~ => quies ~ quiet = motionless


নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা; be widespread; triumph over; gain victory; ~ on: persuade; induce; Ex. Justice has ~ed; Ex. ~ on someone to do something >>> ~ means to successfully persuade someone of something. If you were a Presidential advisor and you convinced him to make a National Day of Pet Appreciation, then you ~ed upon him to recognize pets. Mnemonic: prove that you are superior


নীতি; doctrine; dogma >>> A ~ is a principle or belief honored by a person or, more often, a group of people. "Seek pleasure and avoid pain" is a basic ~ of Hedonism. "God exists" is a ~ of most major religions. >>> Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with the tenants were given a set of DOCTRINE by the owner before they could occupy the house


নীতিগর্ভ রূপক - কাহিনী; short simple story teaching a moral >>> A ~ is a short and simple story that teaches a religious or moral lesson. The ~ of the Good Samaritan and the ~ of the Prodigal Son are just two examples of the many ~s attributed to Jesus, as recorded in the four gospels. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);para+able.. is a small PARAgraph that makes u able.. (i.e. gives morals)


নীরস মনে হত্তয়া; become boring; grow tiresome >>> A ~ was originally a coffin's cloak. Now ~ usually means that an event or situation is — literally or figuratively — covered in gloom, like disappointing news that casts a ~ on your day. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);A Song from Lage Raho Munna Bhai "~ ~ ~ ~ Har pal Har Pal Kaise katega pal" If you are bored then you say "Kaise Katega ~ Har ~"


নীরস; lacking liveliness; dull and unimaginative; insipid and flavorless; Ex. ~ lecture >>> Reserve the adjective ~ for the airhead in your office that brings nothing to the table, except maybe the doughnuts. (And be careful to mutter it behind her back; it's much too vicious for a casual dig.) >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sounds similar to rapid(~ very rapid)... If you cook in a rapid manner, you may spoil the taste of the food, or say, when you eat may not get the taste of the food.


নূতন শব্দ; new or newly coined word or phrase >>> A ~ is a made-up or new word. ~s can be fun-ti-ful, but the problem is making sure others understand what you mean. >>>Mnemonic: 'neo' means 'new' and 'logos' means 'word'; so '~' means inventing new word.


নৃশংসতা; aggressiveness; ferocity; ADJ. pugnacious; fierce >>> If you get into fights all of the time, you might be accused of ~ and sent for anger management classes. ~ is showing a fierce kind of aggression. >>> Mnemonic: truc(sound like truck) + cull(means to kill animals) + ance(hence).. the truck driver culled some of the animal while driving, hence the villagers are angry with him and are agressively barring him from entering the village.


নোংরা জ্যালজেলে; shabby and dirty; flimsy; insubstantial; Ex. ~ back-street hotel/fabric >>> Something that is ~ is low and nasty. Itâs a perfect word to describe characters like the ~ door-to-door con men who cheat old ladies into selling them their jewelry at a deep discount. Mnemonic: ~ sounds like lazy..a person too lazy to take bath even..he is shabby n dirty


নৈকট্য; nearness (in space or relationship); proximity; kinship >>> Ah ~, a word meaning "proximity or physical closeness." Your ~ to someone in a conversation will affect whether you can smell his breath or not. Mnemonic: ~ has PIN in it. If you pin two things together they are close together


পণ্ডিত; authority on a subject; expert; learned person >>> Beware the ~, a supposed expert who imparts deep knowledge to us more ignorant folks. ~s are often blowhards, mere hacks, and you might well want to take what they say with a pinch of salt. Mnemonic: A pandit is scholar


পথচারী; ordinary; dull; unimaginative(lacking in imagination); going on foot; Ex. ~ prose; N. >>> A ~ is someone traveling by foot. If you're walking, you might get angry at the drivers who don't stop so you can cross the street. But if you're driving, you might fight the urge to run those annoying ~s over! >>> Mnemonic: ped means foot ~ means one who walks on foot is obviously ordinary


পথে ওত পাতিয়া থাকা; ambush; lie in wait for and attack >>> When you ~ someone, you stop them from doing what they were going to do, either by using violence or some other tactic. >>> Mnemonic: on the WAY robbers LAY wooden logs to stop you


পপৌরি; heterogeneous mixture; medley; mixture of dried flower petals a pot (to give a pleasant smell to a room) >>> The noun ~ can refer to a mixture or collection of seemingly unrelated items, an unusual assortment. You may own a ~ of books — from classic literature to trashy novels and from Shakespeare's plays to comic books. >>> Mnemonic: imagine a pot in which you are making a puri (Indian dish).... you put all kinds of stuff in it to make a puri... so that the mixture is a heterogeneous one! hence potpurri..


পরম বিস্ময়কর বস্তু; highly gifted child; person with exceptional talents; marvel; wonder >>> A ~ is someone who is so naturally talented at something that they become a master of that particular skill as a child--you can be a musical ~ or a math ~. Mozart was one, writing symphonies and playing for kings when he was only five years old. Mnemonic: Person with exceptional talents is proud ji(~)


পরাধীন ; behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious; subordinate; >>> ~ means compliant, obedient, submissive, or having the qualities of a servant. Something that's ~ has been made useful, or put into the service of, something else. Mnemonic: sub+servient..servient sounds like servent.....a servent is a slave or one who is low in rank or position so subordinate..........


পরামর্শদাতা; counselor; teacher >>> A ~ is a person who trains and guides someone, like the second-grade English teacher who saw the spark of creativity in your writing and encouraged you to become a professional author. >>>Mnemonic: link it with mentos.. DIMAG KI BATTI JALA DE.. ~ is the one jiski batti already jali hui hai..


পরাস্ত করা; crush; suppress; s~; subdue; annul; Ex. ~ a rebellion/the decision of the low court >>> ~ means to put down, stop, extinguish, and it's usually used to talk about ideas, feelings, or political movements. You wouldn't ~ a grape underfoot; you would s~ it. But if you were a military dictator, you would ~ a revolution. Mnemonic: s~ also means the same - compress/suppress.


পরিকল্পিত; of a schema or scheme; relating to an outline or diagram; using a system of symbols; N. schema: diagrammatic representation; outline >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe a drawing that's very simple and symbolic. That drawing your cousin made of a house with a pointy roof, smiling stick figures, and a round yellow sun? Very ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ or SIMPLISTIC - simplified or in the form of a diagram.


পরিবারের মা ও কর্ত্রী; woman who rules a family or larger social group >>> Rose Kennedy was the ~ of the Kennedy clan (বংশ) — she was the female head of the family. This noun can also be used metaphorically. For instance, Alice Waters could be called the ~ of Chez Panisse and the generation of chefs that her revolutionary restaurant inspired. >>> মাতৃ arch


পরিভাষা; terms used in a science or art; study of nomenclature >>> ~ is vocabulary associated with a certain field of study, profession, or activity. Knowing the ~ is an important part of being able to work in a given profession. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and Etymology both refer to words. ~ refers to the technical terms of a subject whereas Etymology refers to an account of a word's origin and description.


পরিশ্রমী; diligent; assiduous; paying attention; >>> A ~ person is someone who works hard and doesn't give up easily. If you make repeated and ~ attempts to fix a leaky pipe and it only makes things worse, it might be time to go online and find the number of a plumber. >>> Mnemonic: to seduce a woman, man needs to be diligent and persistent and off course Hardworking ;)


পর্বতপ্রমাণ; massive; impressively large; built as a monument >>> Whether it's a ~ effort requiring vast amounts of strength or a ~ cruise ship with eleven floors and five sets of elevators, the word ~ describes something imposing or massive in size. >>>Mnemonic: like a MONUMENT, monuments are BIG and IMPRESSIVE


পলি; sediment deposited by running water (at the entrance to a harbor or by a bend in a river) ~ is the fine bits of clay and sand that become sediment settling at the bottom of a river or lake. If there's a lot of ~ flowing in a river, it looks murky. Mnemonic: sounds like SEAL....excessive ~ can seal passages....


পাংশু; token of disgrace; brand; V. ~tize: mark with a stigma; characterize as disgraceful >>> If something has a negative association attached to it, call this a ~. Bed-wetting can lead to a social ~ for a six year old, while chewing tobacco might have the same effect for a sixty year old. Mnemonic: ~ (STICK + MAA) Imagine someone hitting his MAA with a STICK. How disgraceful it will be !!!


পাইকারী হারে সরবরাহকারী; furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer; V ~: supply (eg. food); furnish; CF. provide >>> A ~ is someone who supplies goods — often of food or drinks. If you're a seafood ~ you will always smells a bit fishy, which is no surprise, considering that you sell cod and haddock all day long. Mnemonic: remember conveyor which means supplying something..~= person+ conveyor. A person who does a job of conveyor by supplying something to others.


পাঠ করা; read through with care; N. perusal >>> Traditionally, ~ has meant to read or examine something carefully. But informally, it can have the opposite meaning, to read something casually and quickly. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;~ can be split as.. pre(per)+use. pre means before . so before use always read with care);when you are PER(..pertaining) to USE some device.. u first READ the MANUAL with CARE before testing the device..


পাণ্ডুবর্ণের; (of the skin) yellowish and unhealthy-looking; sickly in color; Ex. ~ complexion due to jaundice >>> ~ means unhealthy in appearance--often yellow in color--and is almost invariably used to describe someone's complexion. His smile was as engaging as ever, but from his ~ complexion, I knew he was sick. >>> Mnemonic: Sounds like yellow, and after replacing sa with ye, ~ becomes yellow..


পাথরকুঁচি; fragments (esp. from a destroyed building) >>> The pile of crumbled debris that's left over after something breaks or collapses is ~. Famous scenes of ~ include the fallen Twin Towers on September 11 and the remains of the Haitian capital after the 2010 earthquake. Mnemonic: when u use rubber, ~ fall down


পারস্পরিক; mutual; given and received in return; exchangeable; interacting; Ex. ~ trade agreement >>> ~ describes something that's the same on both sides. If you and your sister are in a big fight on a long car trip, you might resolve it through a ~ agreement that you'll stop poking her and she'll stop reading road signs out loud. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);x= 1/y , it is ~ because x and y can be exchangeable.


পুনরাবৃত্ত; occurring again and again >>> Do you dream again and again that you are flying? If so, you could say that you have a ~ dream of flight. ~ means something that happens repeatedly. Mnemonic: (Tag:;re ( again ) + curr (occurring) = occurring again);~ = re + curr + ent


পুনরাবৃত্তি করা; musical repetition; repeating of a piece of music; repeat performance; recurrent action; Ex. ~ in the finale; Ex. constant ~s >>> ~ means "repeat an earlier role." If you're asked to ~ your role as "kid entertainer" at the annual family reunion, that means people want you to do it again this year. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);REPEAT PERFORMANCE because it has got RE-PRISE


পুনরাবৃত্তি; repeat >>> To ~ something is to say or do something again, or many times. Let me ~: if you repeat yourself, you're reiterating the thing you originally said. Mnemonic: re+iterate—iterate means to repeat so RE+ITERATE


পুনরায় পালিশ করা; renovate; make clean, bright, or fresh (make new) again; make bright by polishing; Ex. ~ an old theater; CF. furbish: polish >>> Whether it's a bike, an old computer, or a tennis stadium, when you ~ something you clean it up and make it look or perform better. Mnemonic: by changing one character b to n we get REFURNISH. i.e. refurnishing something - renovate or make bright by furnishing again.


পুনরূদ্ধার করা; recover; return to health; regain; Ex. ~ losses >>> To ~ is to get something back that you have lost — could be good health, or money lost in a bad investment. When you ~, you heal and recover. Mnemonic: the last part sounds like after the operation, patient recovers


পুনর্বাসিত করা; restore to proper condition (health or useful life); restore the former rank of >>> If you have been in a bad accident or have an addiction problem, you may go away for a stretch of time to ~ yourself or, in other words, bring yourself back to health. Mnemonic: restore the good habits..


পুনর্যৌবন লাভ করা; make young again >>> When you make something young again or give it more life and energy, you ~ it. For example, you can often ~ a not-quite-dead plant, bringing it back to health with some water and some TLC. Mnemonic: ~...Juvenile means a young making Younger


পুরুষোচিত; manly; having masculine spirit or strength; full of strength >>> You'll often hear the word ~ referring to a manly, powerful man, because the word means having physical strength and other typical masculine qualities. >>> Mnemonic: ~ (strong) is the opposite of fragile (sensitive). -- vir = বীর


পুষ্টিসাধকতা ; sustaining; means of livelihood, support, food, nourishment; something that maintains life; food >>> ~ comes from the word sustain, which means to continue. ~ is food or drink that allows you to continue to be alive. For many, prayer is a source of spiritual ~. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English, Hindi);Saste naan as ~ to sustain in this world.


পূর্বনির্দিষ্ট সাক্ষাত্; meeting place; meeting at a set time or place; V. >>> ~ is a very French way to say "meeting" or "date." So go ahead and call your next dentist appointment or lunch date with friends a ~. Mnemonic: (Tag:;telugu);rende+zoos only two zoos are there for meeting place


পূর্বপুরুষ; ancestor >>> While any ancestor can be a ~, or previous member of a family line, the word is usually applied to someone who was an originator of or major contributor to the characteristics of that line. Mnemonic: Pro + Genesis


পূর্বস্বত্ব; legal claim or right on a property >>> A ~ is a claim against the property of someone who owes money. It's pronounced like "lean," which might also describe your meager finances if a ~ has been placed on your home. >>>Mnemonic: when you have to show your right on your property you say 'this property "lie in" my name. --- Latin ligāre, which means "to bind," and you can see that "binding," or tying up a person's property, really does put the owner in a "bind"


পূর্বাহ্নেই অনুরাগী করান; give an inclination toward (in advance); make susceptible to; Ex. ~ people to certain cancer; >>> ~ means to have a tendency toward something. Some people believe that just being born in Canada will ~ you to love ice hockey. Mnemonic: if wastes are not disposed from the body, it makes us susceptible for diseases


পূর্বাহ্নেই চিন্তা করা; plan in advance; Ex. ~d murder >>> When you ~, you are planning ahead. While most people associate this word with crime, let's hope you can think of a better reason to ~ — like buying groceries before a storm. Mnemonic: pre+meditate = think before planning something.


পূর্বাহ্নেই স্থির; determine in advance; predestine; settle or decide beforehand; influence markedly >>> The verb ~ means "determine in advance," like when you ~ how much money you will spend on your friend's birthday present to make shopping easier. Mnemonic: pre [before] + determine [estimate]. So if you understand or evaluate someone beforehand, you frame either +ive or -ive image for her/him, so you r getting 'biased' in that sense.


পৃথিবীব্যাপি; widespread; affecting the majority of people; N: ~ disease; CF. all people >>> Remember the 2009 swine flu? That was a ~ — an illness that swept over much of the globe. >>> Mnemonic: Just to remind you: demos = people, epi = top, pan = all. So, epidemic means spread in a small area. ~ means spread in across countries etc., Further epidemic is any undesirable thing where ~ is used only in


পৃষ্ঠপোষকতা করা; support; act superior toward; treat in a condescending manner; be a customer of; N. patron: one that supports; regular customer; N. patronage; CF. boycott >>> If you ~ a business, you shop there regularly. But if someone ~s you, it's not so pleasant — they talk to you as if you were inferior or not very intelligent. >>> Mnemonic: PATRO(father)+NIZE(nice)....we get NICE SUPPORT from our FATHER


পৃষ্ঠস্থ; ভাসাভাসা; of the surface; not deep; shallow; not thorough; trivial; Ex. ~ analysis/knowledge >>> Anything ~ has to do with the surface of something. If you're judging a book by its cover, you're being ~. People who worry too much about their clothes and hair may also be considered ~. Mnemonic: seeming like upper face so no deep interst or knowledge & knowing only wt is apparent(hawa me udana)


পেশীতন্তুযুক্ত; (of meat) tough; strong and firm; muscular; tendon; strong cord connecting a muscle to a bone Something muscular, with a tight and stretched toughness, is ~. Tennis players' lean arms have a ~ beauty, all the muscles showing as they hit their smoking serves. Mnemonic: sounds like sunny deol who is muscular and strong.


প্রকাশ্য; open to view; public; not secret; CF. c~ >>> ~ means open and done in plain sight. An ~ attempt to get your teacher off-track might fail. Instead, try asking subtle questions about her kids, and she'll stay off topic all class. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);we know c~ is hidden so ~ is an exact opposite ie non-secretive.


প্রচণ্ড ত্বরাপূর্ণ; hurl downward; throw headlong; hasten; cause to happen sooner; condense and fall as rain or snow; cause (a solid substance) to be separated from a solution; ADJ. hasty; rash; premature; sudden >>> ~ usually means "bringing something on" or "making it happen" — and not always in a good way. An unpopular verdict might "~ violence" or one false step at the Grand Canyon could ~ you down into the gorge. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ -> Pre + anticipate. That means you dont think/anticipate before you do something. You do it in RASH or HASTE.


প্রজ্ঞ; wise; perceptive; shrewd; having insight; >>> Use the formal adjective, ~, to describe someone who is wise and insightful like an advisor to the president or a Supreme Court justice. >>> Mnemonic: ~ look like suggest us.....and we always ASK WISE PEOPLE to suggest us, whenever we are in trouble.


প্রজ্বলন; lively; inducing excitement; stirring; V. rouse: waken; arouse from sleep or depression; excite; stir up >>> If you've ever been "roused" out of your sleep by someone, then you'll have no trouble seeing that ~ refers to anything that gets you going, up on your feet, energized. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);a~ ... lively or stirring up the crowd


প্রণয়কটাক্ষ; look at amorously প্রণয়পূর্ণ; make eyes at; Ex. old men ~ing young girls >>> When you ~ someone, you look at them with love or desire in mind. And if you're a cartoon character, you might also be drooling আবোলতাবোল বকা . >>>Mnemonic: O+gle..(girls) a man staring or eyeing young girls..


প্রতিক্রিয়া; rebound; reaction; reverberation; Ex. serious ~ >>> A ~ is something that happens because of another action. You could quit paying your rent, but getting evicted from your apartment might be the ~. Mnemonic: very simple !! concentrate on CUSSION(I mean cushions) ... cushions itne soft hote hai ..bouncy bouncy (rebound property)...similarly ~ --> rebound


প্রতিজ্ঞা ভঙ্গ করা; break a promise; deny; go back on; Ex. ~ on the contract/paying off the debt >>> To ~ is to go back on your word or fail to keep a promise. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English); ~ : made of re+nege nege is a root for negative, go negative on ones own said words, which is the meaning.


প্রতিদানহীন; not requited (অনুরোধ); not reciprocated; Ex. ~ love >>> ~ is used almost exclusively in the context of romantic love. If you love someone and they don't love you back--that, my friend, is a case of ~ love. >>> Mnemonic: অনুরোধ (requited) ছাড়াই (un)


প্রতিদানে দেওয়া; do or give something in return; repay in kind; give or take mutually; interchange; move >>> You ~ when you return a favor, return a compliment, or respond "the same to you" to the angry guy in the car you just passed. In short, you react to an action, statement, or emotion by mirroring it. Mnemonic: When the goods are delivered, you give a RECEIPT


প্রতিধ্বনিত হওয়া; echo repeatedly; resound; Ex. The thunder ~d across the valley. >>> If you give a loud shout in a cavernous place, like a gym, or a church, the sound of your voice will ~ throughout the room. ~ means sound waves traveling back and forth, as in an echo. Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);re+vibrate(echo) again and again


প্রতিপালন; nourish; feed; educate; rear; care for while it is growing or developing; foster; cultivate; N: something that nourishes; rearing >>> If you plant a seed, water it daily and give it lots of light, you ~ it until it is ready to be transplanted outside. When you ~ a person or thing, you care for it and help it to grow. >>>Mnemonic: Dont torture but please ~


প্রতিলিপি নির্মাণ; reproduce; duplicate >>> Did you just figure out how to make that excellent pizza you had in Philadelphia? Then what you've done is ~ it, meaning you've been able to reproduce it. Mnemonic: ~ is to Duplicate or remake on the same lines, a reproduction of something.


প্রতিসাম্য ; arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity; ADJ. symmetrical >>> Things that have ~ are balanced, with each side reflecting the other. A human body has such complex ~, from eyes, ears, and nostrils to arms, legs, and feet, that even a minor injury can make a body look unbalanced.


প্রশান্তি; calmness; placidity; The goal of meditation is to reach a state of ~, when you mind is still and perfectly calm. Use ~ to mean the quality or state of being calm and peaceful. Mnemonic: if u maintain ~(CALMNESS)...ull have serendipity...!!!


প্রতিহিংসাপরায়ণ; disposed to revenge; vengeful; out for revenge; spiteful; intended to cause harm; malicious; Ex. ~ streak >>> It is no fun hanging out with ~ people, who are forever out to get back at people they think have hurt them. If you forget to say hello to them one day in the hall, they will carry a grudge against you into next week. >>> Mnemonic: ~ from Latin vindicta "revenge." The related Latin verb vindicare has the very different meaning "to defend or clear someone from guilt," and this is the source of the English verb vindicate.


প্রত্যাহার করা; disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess error; Ex. ~ one's faith/a statement >>> If you're someone who speaks before you think, you may need to ~, or take back, that overly honest assessment of your friend's new haircut. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Boss to Junior);RE (again) + CANT (cannot) = "I have told you this AGAIN and AGAIN, it CANNOT be done, it has been REJECTED."


প্রত্যাহার করা; withdraw; take back; draw back; Ex. ~ a statement/an offer/claws; N. ~ion; CF. ~ile >>> Have you ever said something you wish you could ~, or take back? You're not alone. Even newspapers and magazines have sections where the editors can ~ something written that was incorrect. Mnemonic: ~->RE TAKE IT, meaning to take back


প্রত্যাহার; revoke; annul >>> To ~ something — usually a law, ordinance or public policy — is to take it back. For example, dog lovers might want the town council to ~ the law that says residents can have no more than four dogs. Mnemonic: we peal the ORANGE before eating .. similarly


প্রত্যুত্তর; reply; retort; comeback; V. rejoin: say in reply >>> A ~ usually means a witty comeback. If someone asks you a silly question like, "Are you painting?" when you are holding a paint can and a brush, your ~ could be, "No, I'm just doing my nails." Mnemonic: re + join + der (there) = re joining in d same place again.. = coming back..


প্রদর্শন / জনসভা; outward demonstration; manifesting; indication of the presence of something; Ex. ~ of his pronounced musical bent >>> A ~ is the public display of emotion or feeling, or something theoretical made real. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;think of presentation (demonstration));political parties release their manifesto before elections to demonstrte their plans...


প্রদান করা; give; deliver; provide; represent in verbal or artistic form; depict; perform; make; translate; Ex. ~ the song beautifully >>> ~ is a synonym of make--technically it means "cause to become." An illness might ~ you unable to walk, or a shocking site might ~ you speechless. Mnemonic: rhymes vendor who delivers ur goods


প্রধান পুরোহিত; church dignitary; priest of high position in the church (esp. bishop) >>> A ~ is a high-ranking member of the clergy, such as a cardinal, abbot, or bishop, who has authority over lesser clergy. Both Catholic and Protestant religions have ~s in their ranks. Mnemonic: church bishops are always late.


প্রধান; pertaining to the stars; of a star performer; outstanding; Ex. ~ attraction of the entire performance >>> Meaning outstanding, wonderful, better than everything else, ~ is a word of praise or excitement. Thomas Edison invented many things, but his ~ achievement might have been the light bulb. Mnemonic: constellation also refers to stars and heavenly bodies.


প্রধানতম; foremost in importance; supreme; CF. para-: beyond; above; Ex. paranormal >>> To the President, protecting our nation's security is of ~ importance — it's at the very top of his to-do list. >>> Mnemonic: ~..(MOUNT EVEREST)..IS THE biggest mountain on the earth,so something SUPREME ,and BEYOND OUR REACH(LIKE MOUNT EVEREST) is ~.


প্রবচন; proverb; truth pithily stated >>> A ~ is a succinct formulation of a principle, rule, or basic truth about life. Usually clever, ~s are like great sayings everybody knows. Ben Franklin is the author of many, including "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." >>>Mnemonic: ~ Gorky's - মা - a great novel with many proverbs


প্রবণ; inclined to; likely to (suffer); prostrate; lying with the front downward; Ex. ~ to disease/make mistakes; Ex. accident-~ >>> The path of least resistance is where you'll find ~: it refers to whatever you're likely to do. Mnemonic: Lying ~ she is talking on PHONE. (i.e she is lying face down)


প্রবল আক্রমণ; vicious assault; fierce attack; Ex. unexpected ~ of the enemy >>> ~ is a military term that refers to an attack against an enemy. It's safe to say that no one wants to be caught on the receiving end of an ~, because there will be lots of danger, destruction and probably death. >>>Mnemonic: ~...divide it like..on+slaught(ER)...SO if you slaughter somebody or something on the spot..YOU ARE FIERCELY ATTCKING THEM.


প্রভাবশালী; powerful; strong; potent; N. puissance: power >>> ~ means powerful and in possession of authority, and is often used to describe the political power of someone, like a prince or president. Mnemonic: to satisfy the pussy.... u need to be powerful...haha... no hard feelings


প্রমাণ করা; make valid; confirm; ratify >>> To ~ is to prove that something is based on truth or fact, or is acceptable. It can also mean to make something, like a contract, legal. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;confirm whether it is a "valid date" r not?);~ and generate have the same rhyming sound...~ is to check the validity of and generate is, to bring into existence.


প্রয়োজনাতিরিক্ত; superfluous; more than is necessary; verbose; excessively wordy; repetitious >>> The word ~ applies to things that are unnecessary or could be left out. Calling a blank sheet of paper empty is ~. Mnemonic: ~ rhymes Abundant and thts the meaning


প্রশমিত করা; appease; moderate; make or become less in force or intensity >>> Choose the verb, ~, when something lessens the unpleasantness of a situation. You can ~ your parents' anger by telling them you were late to dinner because you were helping your elderly neighbor. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);~ > "Gate pe kutte ki potty pe mitti daal do" why? so that the intensity of bad odour will lessen.


প্রশ্নাতীত; not open to attack; impregnable; not subject to question >>> The adjective ~ means without flaws or indefensible. If you are going to get home late (again!), you'd better have an ~ alibi for your parents, or else you should plan on not seeing the outside of your room for a while. >>> Mnemonic: a boat can be made to change direction by changing direction of SAIL. so one who is ~ cannot be changed or questioned or attacked or tampered remains as it it


প্রসন্ন শুভলক্ষপূর্ণ; favorable; auspicious; advantageous; fortunate; Ex. ~ day/sign >>> When the timing of something is ~ or you've got ~ circumstances for something, it's likely to turn out well. A ~ time for taking a big test is when you've studied hard and gotten a good night's sleep. Mnemonic: sounds like profitious.. hence its profitable and thus favorable


প্রাণবন্ত; (esp. of older people) vigorously active; nimble >>> If you are an old lady, remaining ~ is something you aspire to. It means nimble. You might also use it to describe a goat that jumps easily along from mountain crag to mountain crag. Mnemonic: (Tag:;~ --- It's Like spray solution, when we press spray nozzle liquid comes in fast);~ -- Sprite...and Sprite, the cold drink, can all make you active.


প্রাণবন্ত; lively or animated; sprightl sprightly/lively >>> A ~ person is lively and spirited: a ~ dancer might do a back-flip off the wall and then jump into the arms of her partner. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);U shud try to be lively at time of ur VIVA


প্রাত্যহিক; daily; commonplace; customary; Ex. ~ routine >>> ~ is a fancy way of saying "daily" or "ordinary." ~ events are the everyday details of life. Mnemonic: split it as "quote+indian".QUOTE AN INDIAN every day. Newspapers quote opinions of Indians everyday.. so its a DAILY occurence,customary


প্রায়শ্চিত্তমূলক; place of spiritual expiation; temporary state or place in which the souls must expiate their sins >>> Being stuck in standstill traffic can feel like ~, but this brief spell of unpleasantness is nothing compared to the misery endured by souls waiting to get into heaven, which is the original meaning of the word. Mnemonic: ~ = in Roman Catholic, it means a place where one has to experience suffering before he goes to heaven, so it is like a gate to heaven, ~ = pure + gate, a gate to heaven which purifies you.


প্রোটোকল; diplomatic etiquette; ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats; first copy of a treaty before its ratification; Ex. ~ demands that the queen meet him at the airport. >>> ~ is most often used when talking about the rules of government or official agencies. It is derived from the French and refers to the correct rules of etiquette for diplomats. Mnemonic: If it's "PRO" people are for it. If it's "TOTAL" everyone is for it. And if people want it, they will CALL for it. So if its a manner of behavior that people want, we have PRO-TOTAL-CALL.


প্রয়োজনাতিরিক্ত; excessive; overabundant; unnecessary; >>> When something is so unnecessary that it could easily be done away with, like a fifth wheel on a car or a fifth person on a double date, call it ~. Mnemonic: divide it as super+flow.. when there is large(super) flow of water, it becomes EXCESSIVE / OVERABUNDANCE of water..


ফিটফাট করিয়া তোলা; groom oneself with care; adorn oneself >>> ~ is a word that is best illustrated by girls getting ready for a ball--it means to groom yourself elaborately. Mnemonic: Relate ~ to prom. People groom themselves with care before proms.


ফিটফাট; neat and trim in appearance; smart; Ex. Be spruce for your job interview; V. >>> ~ is a verb that means you pay special attention to your personal appearance, especially your grooming and clothing. If you want to ~ up for a wedding, you'll need to rent a tuxedo and do something with your hair. Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with CRUISE,TOM CRUISE who is NEAT AND TRIM IN APPEARANCE


ফিটফাট; neatly or smartly dressed; dapper; smart; Ex. ~ dresser >>> ~ means current in style, both of dress and manners. A ~ dresser is someone who is very stylish and has a snappy attitude. He may even be wearing a ~ fedora. >>>Mnemonic: ~ sounds like NEAT and N se naya also..., so ~


ফুটকে দিয়ে খোদাই করা; paint or draw with dots or short strokes >>> If you ~ something, that means you add tiny dots of color or texture, such as using a special painting tool to ~ a plain wall with dots of a different color to make it look more interesting. Mnemonic: staple means to punch holes. ~ means to put dots.


ফুটা করা; sink (a ship) by cutting holes in the hull; scrap; discard; N: small hatch in a ship's deck or hull >>> When you ~, you move with quick anxious steps, like a bug running for cover when a light is turned on. >>> Mnemonic: s-cut-tle -->if there happens to be a cut in a ship,it will sink..


ফেকাশে; pale; wan; Ex. ~ complexion >>> Santa looks a little ~, meaning that he has a pale complexion, from spending too much time at the North Pole. A few days in Hawaii might do wonders to add color to his pale, bearded face. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);~ = pale + lid.(jus take the 1st four letters hence 'pale')


বংশধরগণ; children; offspring; descendants >>> A sing-song rhyme may help in remembering the word ~: "All of you, all of me, together we make ~." The "you" and "me" can be a man and a woman making a baby, or trees and plants making little offshoots, or ~ of their own. Mnemonic: ~ = Provide Gene i.e ur offsprings.


বংশধরগণ; descendants; future generations; Ex. go down to ~ >>> ~ is a noun meaning "future generations." These people of the future could be your children and great-great grandchildren, or any people who are born after you. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = post + inherity


বকধার্মিক; displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness; hypocritical piety >>> The ~ person sounds like a hypocrite when he preaches to a friend about the evils of drugs, while he drinks one beer after another. >>> Mnemonic: saints and munis are ~... DHONGI SAADHU


বক্তৃতার উপসংহার; conclusion of an oration; perorating; V. perorate: conclude a speech; speak at great length >>> If you attend a political convention, be prepared to hear a ~ — a long, lofty speech. If the speech really drags on, you might find yourself hoping for its ~, as ~ can also refer to a speech's conclusion. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Per+oration--Part after ORATION = ~, that is the concluding section of an oration.


বদমাশ; wretch; wrongdoer; villain; Ex. kindness to the ~; CF. believe >>> A ~ is a person who is bad--who lies, breaks the law, yells at small puppies. It's a somewhat old-fashioned word, popular with old ladies shocked at having their purses stolen at the opera. >>>Mnemonic: god created them by mistake. Who? The VILLAINS


বশীভূত; yield (to something overwhelming); give in; die; Ex. ~ to the illness >>> Use the verb ~ to say that someone yields to something they've tried to fight off, such as despair, temptation, disease or injury. Mnemonic: ~(Suck + thumb)- Children doesnt give up sucking their thumb - Children are ~ in sucking thumb


বস্তুবাদ; preoccupation with physical comforts and things; excessive regard for worldly concerns (rather than spiritual matters) >>> ~ describes the belief that buying and having possessions (দখল) is not just important, but a key to happiness in life, like the people whose ~ has so clouded their minds that they are more interested in your clothes and shoes than in what you are saying


বহু বিষয়ে পণ্ডিত; having many talents; capable of working in many fields; having many uses or functions; >>> To describe a person or thing that can adapt to do many things or serve many functions, consider the adjective ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and mobile sound the same and they both mean, mobility (to be able to move).


বহুবর্ণে চিত্রবিচিত্র; blotched in coloring; spotted; Ex. ~ face >>> Something that is ~ has spots or patches with different shades or colors, like the reddish blotches (রংয়ের দাগ) that can appear on your skin if it's exposed to extreme temperatures. >>>Mnemonic: MOTE( a speck - ক্ষুদ্র দাগ/spot) + LED = SPOTT + ED --- ~ Bottle


বহুবর্ষজীবী; something long-lasting; ~ plant; ADJ: lasting through the year or many years; lasting for a long time; enduring >>> ~ typically describes things that are permanent, constant, or repeated. If you fight with your parents every year over whether they really must invite your annoying cousins for Thanksgiving, you could call that a ~ conflict. >>> Mnemonic: if you remember we have learnt about ~ rivers in social studies which means LONG LASTING rivers


বহুবিস্তৃত; ব্যাপক; widespread; generally accepted >>> Something ~ is common in a particular place at a particular time. ~ things are hard to avoid. When you see the word ~, think "It's everywhere!" Mnemonic: talent is not ~ (comman) among people.


বহুমুখী; বহুরুপি; able to take on many forms; versatile; CF. ~: sea god to change his shape at will >>> When Picasso is described as a ~ genius, it means that not only was he brilliant, but he changed the way he worked many times. ~ means able to change shape. Mnemonic: If you eat proteins rather than carbohydrates you will be strong and flexible(versatile) rather than fat.


বহুরূপ; having many forms >>> If you describe something as ~, it can exist in many forms. By its nature, a transformer toy that can double as a car and as a robot can be called ~. >>>Mnemonic: inkle uniform.... and relate it


বহুলব্যবহৃত; মামুলী; worn through till the threads show; shabby and poor; hackneyed; Ex. ~ excuses >>> Those jeans you wear every day that have holes in the knees and thin patches in the rear? They're ~. ~ means thin from overuse. >>> Mnemonic: সুতা (Thread) বেরিয়ে (bare) গেছে


বাগ্বাহুল্য; tedious wordiness; verbosity; ADJ: wordy; verbose; diffuse >>> If someone likes to talk but they're really boring, they've got ~. It's not something to be proud of. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);COMPLEXITY - complex words, work are always difficult and boring to understand.


বাতাসের মৃদু ঝাপটা; move gently (in air or in seas) by wind or waves; Ex. leaves ~ing past the window >>> When your grandmother cooks her famous spaghetti sauce, many wonderful smells may ~ from the kitchen. In other words, the air will gently carry this familiar aroma throughout the house. >>> Mnemonic: ~=wa+ft===> i.e. FLoating on WAter. i.e. driven slowly by waves.


বাধ্যতামূলক; binding; required; compulsory; V. ~[^atory]e: constrain; make grateful; do a favor; accommodate >>> ~ describes something you do because you have to, not because you want to. When you buy a car, you have to fill out the ~ forms. In many homes, saying please and thank you is ~. >>>Mnemonic: oblige is to bind..thus ~ follows...


বাস্তববুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন; worldly wise and urbane; refined; complex; >>> If something is ~, it's complicated and intricate. The inner workings of a computer are ~. ~ can also refer to having good taste. Either way, ~ things are impressive. Mnemonic: SO PHI-losoph-IST


বাহিরেরে দিকে বা সামনের দিকে প্রসারিত করা বা হওয়া; stick out; jut; project; Ex. protruding teeth >>> ~ means to stick out. A gravestone ~s from the ground, a shelf ~s from a wall, a lollipop stick ~s from your mouth. Mnemonic: intrude: coming in ~: bulging out


বিচক্ষণ; cautious; careful; ~ial >>> Describe an action as ~ if it is the wise thing to do under the existing circumstances. If you're getting in trouble, it is probably ~ to keep your mouth closed and just listen. Mnemonic: sounds like president; a president is always a wise or just person


বিচারবুদ্ধিহীন; lacking intelligence or wit; foolish; idiotic >>> A ~ person is a numbskull. To be ~ is not to lack the "funny" kind of "wit," but to lack the "brains" kind of "wit." If you're ~, you don't have your wits about you. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = WITh LESS brain, means foolish


বিতর্কমূলক; attack or defense of an opinion; controversy or refutation; argument in support of point of view; N. ~s: art of debate or controversy >>> A ~ is something that stirs up controversy by having a negative opinion, usually aimed at a particular group. A piece of writing can be a ~, as long as it gets someone's goat. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);pole(poll) during polls politicians often attack others opinions.


বিদ্যাবাগীশ (স্কুল - শিক্ষক); scholar who overemphasizes book learning, trivial details of learning, or technicalities >>> A ~ is an annoying person who is focused on minor details and book knowledge rather than ordinary common sense. In war, it can be dangerous to have a ~ as commander--he'll insist on textbook maneuvers instead of adapting to circumstances on the ground. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ rhymes with PATENT. Usually those students get PATENT who do research. Since they do research they must be scholar.


বিদ্যালয়ের শিক্ষক; teacher; CF. child leader >>> ~ is another name for "teacher," but one who is strict, stiff or old-fashioned, as in a ~ who stands in the front of the room and lectures for the entire class period, boring the students to tears. >>> Mnemonic: ped normally means for a child.. and -agogue means a leader.. hence pedegogue..


বিদ্রুপ; form of literature in which irony, sarcasm, and ridicule are employed to attack human vice and folly >>> ~ is a way of making fun of people by using silly or exaggerated language. Politicians are easy targets for ~, especially when they're acting self-righteous or hypocritical. >>> Mnemonic: Remeber like set fire..his sarcasm set fire on his opponents.


বিদ্রুপাত্মক / কামড়াইয়া ধরে এমন; biting; sarcastic; stinging; (apprec.) incisive; cutting; Ex. ~ pen/wit >>> If you like Edgar Allan Poe and "The Addams Family," you have a taste for ~ entertainment — that is, anything particularly grim or dark in nature. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);more +daant = more teeth, so biting


বিদ্রোহী হত্তয়া; work against; Ex. ~ against the chances of promotion; CF. serve as a soldier >>> Your father's loss of his job may ~ against the big family vacation your parents had been planning. To ~ is to be a deciding factor for or against. >>>Mnemonic: Military action often influences others to argue against the invasion.


বিভিন্ন জনের কাজের পালা; list (of names) >>> If you see your name on the ~ of players for the new softball team, then congratulations! Better start practicing, because you're on the list of players who made the team. Mnemonic: list of roast in hotel-onion roast,ghee roast,masal roast etc


বিভিন্ন বর্ণযুক্ত; multi-colored (as of a garment worn by a jester - ভাঁড়); mixed; heterogeneous; CF. jester: one who jests (as a paid fool at medieval courts) >>> If you've encountered the word ~, it's most likely in the phrase "~ crew," which means a diverse and poorly organized group. Think of a band of pirates, or the assorted characters who became The Fellowship of the Ring. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);If you and your friend goto shopping, he would suggest you in Hindi "Yeh Dress Math (MOT-Don't) LEY (take),Joker ki thara dhikegha". It didnt suit u as it was multi-coloured!


বিভ্রান্তিকর; seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally) >>> Use ~ to describe an argument that seems to be good, correct, or logical, but is not so. We live on the earth, therefore the earth must be the center of the universe has been proven to be a ~ theory of the solar system. Mnemonic: It sounds like 'suspicious'.


বিমল; untarnished; >>> Your reputation is ~, or unsoiled, because you study hard, you don't skip school, and you are generally kind to everyone. Your friend's reputation hasn't stayed ~ since he got caught selling answers to tests. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and Unsoiled have a similar meaning, something spotlessly clean, spick and span.


বিরক্তিকর; driving away; disgusting; offensive; repulsive; unattractive; N. >>> How can you tell that something is ~? You dislike it so much, you want nothing to do with it. If something is ~, it is highly offensive or disgusting. Mnemonic: All Out: Mosquito ~.


বিরাটকায়; gigantic; N. titan >>> If two rival football teams played a close game that went into overtime, it could be could be said that winning it was a ~ struggle. This means it took a large amount of force and power to do so. >>> Mnemonic: Think of the great ship '~', how powerful it was!


বিরাম; time for rest; interval of relief; delay in punishment; reprieve >>> A ~ is a break from something that's difficult or unpleasant. If you're cramming for exams, take an occasional walk to give yourself a ~ from the intensity. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindhi);Tarik pe Tarik (Sunny Deol) ~ pe ~


বিরুদ্ধতা; disgust; strong dislike; loathing; ADJ. repugnant: arousing disgust; repulsive >>> ~ means strong distaste for something. If you love animals, you probably feel ~ for people who mistreat their horses. Mnemonic: re and pugna(pugnacious). well pugnacious means war-like. people indulge in war wen they extremesly dislike each other.


বিলম্ব করা / ঘুরঘুর করা; hang about/around; stand idly about; linger >>> To ~ is to hang around a place with no real purpose, usually somewhere where you are not welcome — like under the "No ~ing" sign at a convenience store. >>>Mnemonic: remembers lighter(cigar) if u dint have it u will hand around others asking for it......


বিলাপী; expressing sorrow; mournful; Ex. ~ song >>> ~ is an adjective for describing someone or something with a pleading, sorrowful, desperate tone. If you have ever heard the ~ howl of a wolf, then you know what we are getting at here. >>> Mnemonic: ~ can be split into plain(plane)+tive(relative). Suppose a relative dies in a plane crash, we mourn. Thus ~ = mourn. Sorry for the sadistic mnemonic.


মন; soul; mind >>> Another word for the place where your thoughts come from is your ~. Not your actual brain, but whatever it is that generates all of your thoughts and emotions.Another word for the place where your thoughts come from is your ~. Not your actual brain, but whatever it is that generates all of your thoughts and emotions.


বিশীর্ণ / উষ্কখুষ্ক; shriveled; withered; Ex. ~ apple/old lady >>> "You're looking quite ~ today," is a something you should never, ever say to your grandmother, no matter how shriveled with age she might be. Think of a caricature of a witch — not your beloved granny. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - old people are experienced and WISE... and they are FEEBLE, WEAK, they SHRIVEL, WITHER


বিশুদ্ধ বানান; correct spelling; CF. ortho-: straight; correct; Ex. orthodontics >>> If you speak English — and you probably do if you're reading this — an ~ or writing system of "A, B, C, D..." makes sense. The Serbian language uses a different ~: "A B C Č Ć D Dž Đ..." >>>Mnemonic: etymologically ortho means 'to correct' and graphy means 'writing'. Therefore ~ means to correct the writings ,in other words TO CORRECT SPELLINGS.


বিশুষ্ক; extremely dry; very thirsty; V: make or become extremely dry (by exposure to heat) >>> Something ~ is excessively dry and hot, in extreme need of water, like a desert, a neglected plant, or your throat after a five-kilometer run. >>> Mnemonic: if you parked the car in open, then due to sunlight and greenhouse effect it will become hot or dry


বিশৃঙ্খল মারামারি করা; struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry; >>> As both a noun and a verb, ~ involves an all-out brawl. As a noun, it is the clash itself, like a ~ between sworn enemies, or as a verb, it refers to the actual fighting, like a bully who will ~ with just about anyone. >>> Mnemonic: Rhymes shuffle...u know the rest - Here, the meaning is not related to fighting, but rather the sound made by those ~ing feet.


বিশৃঙ্খলভাবে; in confusion; disorderly; Ex. dash ~ >>> When things are messy, wacky, crazy, and all over the place, they are pell-mell — chaotic >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;telugu);pelli-malli malli pelli cheskovala vadda ani confusion


বিশেষ ক্ষমতা; privilege; unquestionable right; CF. ask before >>> A ~ is someone's special right or privilege. As Bobby Brown once sang, "I don't need permission / Make my own decisions / That's my ~." Mnemonic: remember "Interrogative" which means questioning by Investigation officers. So ~ should be something opposite. so unquestionable


বিশ্বাস জাগাইয়া প্রতারণা করা ; tease; excite by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach; torture with disappointment; CF. Tantalus: Greek mythological figure >>> When you ~ people, you torment them in a specific way — by showing them something they want but can't have. You could ~ people with cavities and nut allergies by eating pecan pie in front of them. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng);Tanta-> Taunt Tont Taunting someone... It means harassing... easy to remem.~=taunt+entice


বিশ্বাসযোগ্য; conceivably true; having a show of truth but open to doubt; specious >>> If something is ~, it's reasonable or believable. Things that are ~ could easily happen. A woman becoming President is very ~. A giraffe becoming President is not. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);~ rhymes with possible "Something that may or may not be possible" true,but open to doubt.


বিহিত; remedy; compensation; Ex. seek ~ for the damage to your car; V: put right; remedy or rectify (a wrong); make amends for >>> The verb ~ is used when you are supposed to fix a problem and make amends. You want your parents to ~ the fact that you don't have a pet. Your parents offer to get a hamster, but instead, you say you want a monkey. Mnemonic: ~ is: "relief from distress"


বৃথা গর্বে বা আত্মগরিমায় গটগট করিয়া হাঁটা; pompous walk; V: walk in a self-important manner >>> When you ~, you walk with a proud swagger that has a little arrogance thrown in, like the prance of a running back who has just flown past the 250-pound linebackers and planted the ball in the end zone. Mnemonic: rhymes with SLUT - imagine the way she walks...pompous, with head erect and chest thrown out.


বৃথা বাক্য; talk idly; babble; N. CF. prate >>> If your little sister won't stop talking about her latest crush and you don't want to hear it, you might say, "Stop prattling on about that loser!" To ~ is go on and on about something unimportant. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Remember stone cold steve austin who is also called "Rattle snake".. who comes, always drinks beer and talks...


বেআইনী কাজ; wrongdoing; misconduct (by a public official) >>> Whenever you see the prefix "mal-," you know it's not good. ~ is bad behavior, especially from officials or people who should know better. >>>Mnemonic: Sounds like MAL FEES ANCE What do we mean by it if we say MAL FEES?? Certainly its a bribe. So ~ means officials indulged in taking bribes, a misconduct.


বেগ; speed >>> If your rocket is traveling at maximum ~, it means it can't go any faster. ~ is quickness of motion or action. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and rapidity are both significant of speed.


বেণী; braid; interwine; interweave strands or lengths of; make by weaving strands together; Ex. ~ed hair; N: braided length as of hair o fabric; CF. pigtail, ponytail >>> You might get an odd look if you ask your hairdresser to put your hair in a ~, but she'll eventually figure out what you want: a braid. >>> Mnemonic: p+LAI(lie)+t...when you lie you intertwine many things in order to hide them


বেদি; raised platform for speech-making; pulpit >>> You've probably listened to speakers who stood behind a raised platform. They set their notes on top and sometimes possibly gripped the edges for support. That platform is called a ~, also known as a podium or lectern. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);ROJ(daily)+DRUM- on school's PULPIT/raised platform, roj drum bajaya jaata hai


ব্যাণ্ডেজ ; wrap around; bandage; Ex. one's head ~d in bandages >>> When you ~ yourself in a blanket, you are wrapping or swaddling yourself up in it. ~ a baby up and you're creating a little cocoon where she can sleep. Mnemonic: (Tag:;slang);also remember ~(y),name of a gal,who's come out after a shower and has wrapped herself in a towel...she wud look horny, wudnt she :)


ব্যাপক ও ধ্বংস কর প্রভাব; violent whirlpool; violent or turblent situation; CF. stream >>> A ~ is a powerful whirlpool. A luckless ship might go down in one, conflicting ocean currents might cause one. You hear it more often metaphorically, to describe disasters where many competing forces are at play. >>>Mnemonic: mal(= bad) strom (storm) bad storm like a whirpool


ভবঘুরে পর্যটক; walking about from place to place (to work); moving; Ex. ~ school of philosophy >>> If you're reading this on a treadmill or while taking a walk, you may know about the ~, or walking, philosopher Aristotle, who taught while strolling with his students. Or, maybe you just like being a ~, a walking wanderer. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);~ sounds like par pe tic tic....means wandering on legs.


ভবঘুরে; wanderer (without a permanent home); tramp >>> A ~ is someone who moves around a lot. Picture Boxcar Willie, bandana on a stick thrown over his shoulder, going wherever the breeze takes him. >>> Mnemonic: this word can be thought as ~ = James Bond the spy, does not live at one permanent place and is always seen wandering all over the world.


ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী; predict (according to present indications) >>> To ~ means to predict something or at least hint at what will happen in the future. When a lot of natural disasters start happening close together, you might ~ that the world is ending, a prediction that's actually thousands of years old. Mnemonic: PROgKNOWsticate. a PRO KNOWS enough to make a prediction


ভবিষ্যদ্বাণীপূর্ণ; of a prophet or prophecy; having to do with predicting the future; N. prophecy; V. prophesy; N. prophet >>> If you make a prediction and it comes true, your words were ~. Like the time you warned your dad against eating a whole box of donuts. He got sick, right? That was a ~ warning. Mnemonic: remember Prophet Mohammad


ভবিষ্যদ্বাণীপূর্ণ; prophetic; oracular; The adjective ~ means having a secret meaning or foretelling the future, like a fortune teller whose crystal ball reveals a ~ message about what will happen. Mnemonic: sibyline=see + by + line...see within the lines...have you heard the idiom reading between the lines...this word has exactly the meaning.


ভয়ে পিছাইয়া পড়া; cower; shrink back in fear; lose heart >>> Smaller than the chicken and not as well known as the pigeon, ~ is like the often-overlooked middle child of the ground-dwelling bird family. Everyone always asks, "What's that one's name again?" about this bird. Every time. Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);If you fail in exam, you loose your heart and ~ before your dad :)


ভর্ত্সনা / নিন্দা; slander; disgrace; infamy >>> If you are on the receiving end of ~, then society has turned against you and you are in a state of disgrace. Poor Hester Prynne who was forced to wear a red "A" on her chest for "adultery" knows all about ~. >>>Mnemonic: etymologically OB-'against' and LOQUY-'talk'. Therefore ~ means to TALK AGAINST SOMEONE,i.e. SLANDER


ভর্ত্সনা; blame (not angrily but sadly); express disapproval or disappointment; N. ADJ. ~ful >>> ~ means to mildly criticize. If you show poor manners at your grandmother's dinner table, she will ~ you. Mnemonic: divide it as re(again..)+proach(..approach).. you ask someone to APPROACH AGAIN & AGAIN since you DISAPPROVE OF HIS WORK..(eg during submissions)


ভাঙ্গা টুকরা; fragment generally of broken pottery (glass, clay bowl, or cup) If you break a mirror, the thin sharp pieces you want to avoid are ~s. A ~ is simply a broken piece of metal, glass, stone, or pottery with sharp edges. Mnemonic: Don't confuse shard with shred, meaning to cut into strips, or chard, a leafy green vegetable. You could use a shard of metal to shred chard into salad, but be careful that you don't cut your hands to shreds!


ভাতা; pay for services >>> A ~ is a fixed, regular payment, usually meant to pay for something specific. It's kind of like an allowance, but for grownups — a college scholarship might include a ~ each semester for books, for example. Mnemonic: ~: rhymes with stri-fund.


ভান করা; pretend; feign; ADJ: not genuine; fake; Ex. ~ jewelry; N: something that is not what it appears; impostor; pretense; Ex. The agreement was a ~. >> A ~ is a fake. If you frequently order products advertised on late-night, hour-long television commercials, youâve probably ended up with at least one item that was a ~. All-purpose, industrial strength stain remover, anyone? Mnemonic: ~ sounds like scam...both have almost the same negative meaning..


ভানপূর্ণ / প্রশংসা লাভের জন্য প্রদর্শন; showy; trying to attract attention; pretentious >>> Reach for the adjective ~ when you want a flashy way to say — well, "flashy" or "showy." >>>Mnemonic: it as perform stunts to attract attention, showy.


ভাববিলাসী; idealistic but impractical; CF. Don Quixote >>> Use ~ for someone or something that is romantic and unrealistic, or possessed by almost impossible hopes. Your ~ task is easy to understand, if difficult to achieve: establish world peace. Mnemonic: ~== quick + exotic, if you desire something exotic to happen quickly in your life it is just a daydream.


ভাববিলাসী; produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical; showing foresight; N: one having foresight; one given to speculative impractical ideas >>> You've got big ideas. Crazy ideas. But forward thinking ideas — ideas that just might change the way the world works. You're considered a ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and imaginary sound alike and they both mean - something that is conceived, imagined.


ভারা; temporary platform for workers (to work at heights above the ground); bracing framework; platform for execution >>> An elevated temporary platform is called a ~. The ~ is used because it is much safer and efficient to have workers and their materials on a platform than scrambling up and down ladders all day. >>> Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with staff + hold...think of a TEMPORARY place or PLATFORM for the staff.


ভার্চুয়াল / নামত স্বীকৃত না হলেও কার্যত; in essence; existing in essence though not in actual form; for practical purposes; Ex. ~ ruler/space >>> The adjective ~ is used to describe something that exists in essence but not in actuality. You may have made a ~ friend on an online gaming site, but don't expect that person to meet you for coffee. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and fundamental both mean - basic.


ভাষা সংক্রান্ত; pertaining to language >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe anything related to language, like the ~ difficulties you might have if you visit a place where you do not speak the same language as everyone else.Use the adjective ~ to describe anything related to language, like the ~ difficulties you might have if you visit a place where you do not speak the same language as everyone else.


ভাষান্তর করা; restate a passage in one's own words while retaining thought of author; N: restatement of a text in other words >>> The verb ~ means to sum something up or clarify a statement by rephrasing it. So to ~ that explanation, it means to say something in other, simpler words. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Para+phrase. (convert paragraph to a translation)


ভাষায় প্রকাশ করা; put into words >>> To ~ something is to put it into words. If you need to get into the bathroom desperately, and the person in front of you hasn't noticed your agitation, you'll probably have to ~ it, and quickly! >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);verbal-->words hence verabalize is put into words


ভাসা - ভাসা জ্ঞান; slight knowledge; small scattered number or amount; Ex. ~ of German >>> A ~ is a small but inexact amount of something. If you know a ~ of things about Australia, then you don't know much. Mnemonic: He does not know the actual matter. His knowledge is quite ~. ~=small matter talk.


ভাসা - ভাসা; done routinely and with little care; superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; Ex. ~ kiss >>> ~ means done as part of a routine or duty. If you give someone a gift and they look at it like it's roadkill and say nothing about it but a ~ "thank you," you might not be giving them another one anytime soon. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);PARAI(other's)+FACTORY - if you are told to take care of somebody else's factory, you would casually care about it


ভিক্ষুক; beggar; ADJ: living as a beggar >>> People who live off begging can be called ~s. However, you probably wouldn't call your kids ~s, even though they beg you for stuff, because the word ~ also implies extreme poverty. >>>Mnemonic: the man can't walk (lame) - so he is a ~


ভিজাইয়া নরম করা; soften by soaking in liquid; waste away; Ex. ~ powdered wood to make paper >>> When you ~ something, you soften it by soaking it in a liquid, often while you're cooking or preparing food. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sounds like marinate. Marinating chicken or paneer in spices and masala to make them tender. If you over do it , you will end up spoiling it !


ভিড়; crowd (of people or things); V. >>> A ~ is a crowd of people or animals. On the crowded platform, the ~ of passengers attempted to push their way into the already overcrowded subway car. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hi preeti,now its corrected);this word sounds like when a king sits on the throne...CROWD gathers at that time.


ভিত্তি দুর্বল করে দেওয়া; weaken gradually; sap; dig a mine beneath >>> To ~ literally means to dig a hole underneath something, making it likely to collapse. But we more often use the word to describe sabotage or the act of weakening someone else's efforts. >>> Mnemonic: ~ ....Minining under the earth would GRADUALLY WEAKEN strength of soil and rock


ভীমরতি; old age; feeblemindedness of old age; resulting from old age; showing the weakness of body or mind from old age; Ex. senile dementia >>> ~ refers to mental deterioration and infirmity that often comes with old age, as in severe memory problems. If your find your shoes in the fridge or accidentally call your son by the dog's name, you may wonder if ~ is kicking in. >>> Mnemonic: SENI-lity--> remeber senior citizen,they r old age ppl..they behave in a confused or strange way, and unable to remember things, because they are old.


ভীরু; fearful; timid; demonstrating fear >>> A ~ person is timid or shy, like your ~ friend who likes to hang out with close pals but gets nervous around big groups of new people. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like TIME + OVER: imagine you are giving your GRE exam, and your time gets over, you will get frightened.. = fear = demonstrate fear. :)


ভুল অর্থ করা; interpret incorrectly; misinterpret; misjudge >>> ~ means something is interpreted the wrong way. If you see your brother walking your best friend home, you may ~ the situation and think they're dating when really he's only picking up your birthday present. >>>Mnemonic: mis + construe (ব্যাখ্যা করা)


মগ্নচৈন্যগত ; below the threshold of conscious perception; Ex. ~ advertisement >>> Each of your five senses constantly sends new information to your brain. And there's another way your brain receives information: through ~ messages. The unconscious mind picks up on things you don't even realize. Mnemonic: sub means smaller. liminal (minimal) is pertaining to limit. smaller than a limit.


মজ্জাপূর্ণ; concise and meaningful; substantial; meaty >>> A ~ phrase or statement is brief but full of substance and meaning. Proverbs and sayings are ~; newspaper columnists give ~ advice. >>> Mnemonic: pi-thy: the math symbol pi is concise and has great meaning


মধ্যস্থতা করা; settle a dispute through the services of an outsider; act as an intermediary; produce by mediating; Ex. ~ a cease-fire >>> If your two best friends aren't speaking to each other, you might find yourself trying to ~ a peace accord between them. To ~ is to go from one to another and try to make peace. >>>Mnemonic: whenever their is a dispute b/w me and my mom im~ly calls my father who acts as a MEDIATOR for us...............:D


মনুষ্যদ্বেষী / যে মানুষ কে ঘৃনা করে; one who hates mankind; misanthropist >>> A ~ is a person who hates or mistrusts other people. Your great aunt Edna who lashes out at anyone who approaches, convinced they'll steal the jewelry she keeps in her handbag on her lap? A ~ indeed. >>>Mnemonic: "misien"in greek means " to hate" and "anthropos" means "mankind" so ~ means one who hates mankind


মনে আঘাত দেওয়া / জ্বালানো; humiliate by embarassing excessively; shame; punish the flesh; discipline (one's body) by self-denial; Ex. mortified by her blunder; Ex. ~ the flesh; CF. cause to die >>> To ~ someone is to cause them extreme embarrassment. Your mother may not have been trying to ~ you when she showed up at your senior prom with a bunch of unicorn balloons, but she did. >>>Mnemonic: ~ can be said as moti fy means calling someone moti(fat) which is embarrasing and ashamed


মনোব্যাধি; mental disorder; ADJ. N. psychotic >>> If your Uncle Marvin starts talking to his furniture and sewing his own clothes out of newspapers, he may be suffering from ~, which is a serious psychiatric illness in which a person loses touch with reality.If your Uncle Marvin starts talking to his furniture and sewing his own clothes out of newspapers, he may be suffering from ~, which is a serious psychiatric illness in which a person loses touch with reality.


মনোরম; charming (in a childlike way); agreeable; gracious; engaging >>> If you are described as ~, take it as a compliment. It means you are attractive or charming in an open and delightful way. It doesn't mean you win some and you lose some. >>> Mnemonic: remember swayamvar in ramayana or mahabharatha. in that a man wins a wife by winning a competition. So if a girl is charming and attractive, she is ~(one who deserves to be won in svayamvar)


ময়লা সাফ করা; hunt through discarded materials for usable items or food; search, especially for food; N. ~r: one who ~s; animal that feeds on refuse and carrion >>> When you ~ you pick through discarded things looking for whatever is salvageable and can be reused. If you're looking for a replacement part for a vintage car, you might ~ at the dump for a suitable part. >>> Mnemonic: Remeber it with vultures, eagles which are well known ~rs..


মসলাদার; pleasant in taste; tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable; Ex. ~ reputation >>> Something ~ is full of flavor, delicious and tasty — usually something that someone has cooked. In the world of cuisine, ~ is also often used to mean the opposite of sweet, or salty. >>> Mnemonic: Save + Poori is pleasant to taste.


মহানুভবতা; generosity >>> Magnanimous behavior is noble, generous, or unselfish, and to exhibit ~ is to be this way. He showed great ~ in not pressing charges when I drove his car into the pond. "Accidents happen my friend," he said, and patted me on the back. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);magNANIMAous, NANI MA in hindi, is always "generous" to us


মাঝ দিয়ে অতিক্রম করে যাওয়া; go through or across >>> The verb ~ means to travel across an extended area. "Her dream was to ~ the country by car, so she could meet new people and see all the kitschy sites — like the giant roadside tire in Michigan or the shoe house in Pennsylvania." >>> Mnemonic: tra(travel)+ verse(adverse)- travel adverse = travel across.


মাত্রাতিরিক্তভাবে সজ্জিত; excessively or elaborately decorated >>> If something is ~ — whether it's a ball gown, a set of dishes, or a poem — it seems to be covered in ornaments. It's lavish, flowery, or heavily adorned. >>>Mnemonic: sounds like ORNAmenTe ..when many ornaments are used, the thing is ~d.


মানসিক অস্থিরতারূপ ব্যাধি; pertaining to mental dearrangement; N. psychopath: person with an antisocial personality disorder >>> ~ is a very strong word — it means mentally ill or insane and probably dangerous.~ is a very strong word — it means mentally ill or insane and probably dangerous.


মানসিক বা শারেরিক পীড়া; illness >>> A ~ is an illness, like a ~ that keeps you home, sick in bed for days, or something that causes you to have trouble or to suffer, like jet lag — a ~ that affects travelers. >>>Mnemonic: mala D (মালা দিদি) is a pill ( contraceptive ):: and you take pills when you become ill.


মামলা - মকদ্দমা; lawsuit >>> ~ is what goes on in court; it is the name for the process of suing someone or trying them for a crime. When families fight over their inheritance, the assets they want may end up being tied up for decades in ~. >>>Mnemonic: lawsuit; N. litigant: one party in a lawsuit; V. litigate (litter at gate...DUDE wtf m suing you ass hole)


মারধর করা / দুর্ব্যবহার করা; handle roughly; batter; injure by beating; Ex. ~ed by his overexcited fans; N: heavy long-handled hammer >>> ~ is both the name of a heavy hammer, and also a verb meaning beating and scratching. Tigers, lions, bears--animals with powerful paws and sharp claws, will ~ their victims. >>>Mnemonic: মাউলানা সাইদী সাহেবরে রিমান্ডে নিয়া সেইরকম মাইর হইছে


মিটমাট করা; make friendly again (after quarrel); make consistent (two ideas in opposition); correct inconsistencies; Ex. ~ one's political principles with one's religious beliefs >>> Reach for the verb ~ to make different things come together or resolve a matter. Mnemonic: Re(BACK)+concile(COUNSELLING)...After filing the petition in court for DIVORCE the judge ordered COUNSELLING of that relations could be to BACK to NORMAL again AFTER THE QUARREL without legal proceedings


মিতব্যয়ী; careful about money; economical; N. thrift >>> Being ~ means being careful of your money and how you spend it. Think twice before you spend, but if you must shop, hitting the sales and using coupons are good ways to be ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and Safety go hand in hand. It is for our own safety to be ~ (to use resources thoughtfully).


শ্রদ্ধা করা; revere; treat with great respect >>> To ~ is to worship, adore, be in awe of. You probably don't ~ your teacher or boss; however, you may act like you do! >>> Mnemonic: ven(..when)U RATE someone higher.. you TREAT THEM WITH RESPECT .


মিথস্ক্রিয়া; interdependent relationship (between groups, species) often mutually beneficial; CF. together + life >>> ~, a noun, tells about the relationship between living things that helps all of them stay alive, like the ~ between bees that eat nectar from flowers that get cross-pollinated when the bees move from one to the next. Mnemonic: split it like sym(simi) two sis(ters)..who are sharing BIOlogically similar.body...are living by mutually helping each other.


মিথ্যাবাদী; lying; habitually dishonest >>> A ~ person is one who tells lies habitually and intentionally. Don't get stuck at the water cooler or bus stop next to someone you consider ~! >>>Mnemonic: ~ = requiring mending (correction)


মিষ্ট কথায় ভুলান; deceive, persuade, or obtain by flattery; cajole; coax; Ex. ~ a promise out of her >>> To ~ is to sweet talk, or flatter someone in the hopes of getting something in return. You might try to ~ a meter maid into not giving you a parking ticket. Good luck with that. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);~ wheed(SOUNDS LIKE NEED)...when we NEED something very urgently we try to obtain it in whatever way possible, be it by flattery or deception.


মুক্ত করা; emancipate; free from slavery or bondage >>> To ~ means to set free, like in the United States in the late 1800s, after centuries of slavery, African-American men and women were ~ted by the plantation owners: they were set free, able to live however they chose. >>>Mnemonic: MAN-U-MIGHT-GO and be free! (In Jessica Lal's case, Manu was the culprit)


মুখ; face; appearance >>> ~ is a literary term for referring to someone's face or facial features. You may notice that some face creams use the word ~ to try to sound fancier than they are. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Resemblance);VISion of AGE. How can you visualise someone's age? By his/her face.


মুখবন্ধ; introduction (to a poem or play) >>> With the lines, "Two households, both alike in dignity," Shakespeare begins the ~ to Romeo and Juliet, setting up the idea of two families who hate each other before introducing the lovers in the opening scene. Mnemonic: The first Dialogue of a play is always the ~


মুদ্রা সংক্রান্ত পণ্ডিত; person who collects coins; N. ~[^st]cs: study or collection of money, coins, and medals >>> The person who looks closely at every penny might not be cheap — he might be a ~, a coin collector, looking for old or rare coins that somehow got into the mix. >>>Mnemonic: ~ = numis (means numbers.. there are numbers on all coins..) and stasis ~ store --- Latin word numisma, meaning "coin, currency."


মূক অভিনয়; acting without dialogue; V. >>> If you make a motion with your hands to indicate eating ice cream, you are using ~. Parents often use this wordless communication to try to keep things from the kids. Unfortunately, the kids usually catch on quickly — especially if there is ice cream involved. >>> Mnemonic: panto+mime mime means acting without word.i.e. we can get mime in PANTO movie.


মূলগত; lying below; fundamental >>> The obvious meaning of ~ refers to something beneath something else. But the word carries a more subtle meaning, that of something hidden but important, something that shapes the meaning or effect of something else, without being explicit itself. >>> Mnemonic: ~...under + lying...something that is LYING UNDER another material as a support...can be termed as ~.


মৃগনাভির গন্ধযুক্ত; having the odor of musk কস্তুরী >>> A ~ smell might make you close your eyes and smile, or it might make you leave a room. Either way, it's a very strong and sweet odor that's hard to ignore >>> এত গন্ধ যে musk (mask) পরে নিতে হয়


মৃত্যুর পরবর্তী; after death (as of child born after father's death or book published after author's death); coming or occurring after one's death; Ex. ~ fame/novel >>> If something happens after someone dies, it is described as ~ — like the ~ interest in the music of a singer who died "a nobody." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Post(postmortem) + Human : done after death);


মেঘাচ্ছন্ন; vague; hazy; cloudy; of a nebula; Ex. ~ proposal >>> Use the adjective ~ for situations that are "hazy, indistinct" and also "cloudy" or "fuzzy." >>>Mnemonic: Nebula the milky way in galaxy which is cloudy and unclear


মোচড় খাওয়া; twist in coils; contort in pain >>> To ~ is to squirm and twist. Often you'll see the phrase "to ~ in agony." ~ when you've just ingested some stomach-wrenching poison, or perhaps in response to red ant stings. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);it is 'write' but we have to pronounce it twisting our tongue to say '~' so the meaning 'twist'


যথাযথ; exact >>> ~ means strictly correct or very exact. If you need something to be ~, like the positioning of a safety net for a stunt jump over a canyon, there's no room for error. Mnemonic: ~ sound like resize,in winzip data is resized(exact)


যাজকের পদ বা পৌরোহিত্য থেকে বিচ্যুত করা; defrock; strip a priest or minister of church authority >>> >>> Mnemonic: Priest put on frock. UN(gives negative connotation)+FROCK- so to put off frock. Here if priest put off his frock then the designation that he is holding, gets deprived from him.


যাযাবর; homeless wanderer >>> A ~ is someone who is homeless and poor and may wander from place to place. In fiction a ~ often is a criminal, but a real-life ~ might just be a person who has lost a job and family and lives off the streets with help from charity. >>> Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with migrant. Migrants are homeless wanderers --- বাড়িভাড়া বাকি ? ভেগে যাও rent (rant) নাই - be homeless


যে পাণ্ডুলিপিতে নূতন লেখা ঢুকাইবার জন্য মূল লেখা ঘষিয়া তুলিয়া ফেলা হইয়াছে; parchment or piece of writing material used for second time after original writing has been erased >>> If you are writing fast and hastily erase something not quite all the way and continue writing right over the smudgy bit, then you've created a ~ — which means you can see traces of the earlier writing mixed in with the new. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like pamphlet , and a ~ is a sort of pamphlet .


যে ব্যক্তি ভঙ্গি করে বা ভঙ্গি করিতে দক্ষ; person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant, etc., to impress others; person who poses; CF. pose >>> "Strike a pose," sang Madonna in her most famous song, "Vogue." But if the pose you're striking is fake, pretentious, or arrogant, you're a ~. Be yourself: it's cooler. >>> Mnemonic: pose+ur -> pose ur stuff to impress others :)


যোগাযোগ / সংযোগ / মৈত্রী; contact that keeps parties in communication; communication between groups; one that maintains communication; go-between; secret love affair; V. liaise: keep a connection >>> Employ the French-sounding word ~ to refer to a relationship, a link between people or groups who aids communication. >>>Mnemonic: LE AI SON KO- grandmother speaks this to her daughter-in-law pointing towards her grandchild. Child is ~ between both.


রক্তচোষা; ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living >>> Although traditionally used to refer to the bloodsucking undead, you can use the noun ~ to describe someone who heartlessly preys on others — a blackmailer, or anyone else who just sucks the life out of you. >>> Mnemonic: Empire (kingdom) sounds like ~ (a blood sucking parasite)...a ~ that has a large empire.


রক্ষা করা; rescue (goods or property) from loss; N: saving; property saved >>> To ~ something is to save it...before it's too late. You might try to ~ your damaged reputation by defending yourself, or ~ a burnt piece of toast by scraping off the black residue. >>> Mnemonic: ~ -- SAVAGE -- savage is to destroy and ~ is completely opposite to that.


রক্ষাকর; protective; pertaining to a guardianship; Ex. ~ deities >>> The adjective ~ describes something that is supervising or guarding something else, like the ~ duties of a babysitter who makes sure the kids don't hurt themselves at the playground. >>> Mnemonic: TUTOR LIKE


রঙ্গমঞ্চের যবনিকা এবং ঐকতানবাদকের বসিবার স্থানের মধ্যবর্তী স্থান; part of stage in front of curtain; front arch of a stage >>> The ~ of a theater stage is a structure in front of the stage that frames the action of the play. It can be square or arched, and the stage curtain is generally directly behind it. Mnemonic: PRO+SCEN in front of the front of the curtain


রচনাচুরি করা; steal another's ideas or writings and pass them off as one's own; Ex. ideas ~d from my article; CF. kidnap >>> You ~ when you take someone's ideas or words and pass them off as your own. It's a fancy word for copying. Many politicians and writers have ~d. It's not always professional suicide, however — just ask Vice President Joe Biden. Still, don't do it. >>> Mnemonic: Plug(plag) the idea(ia) that arise (ize)from others.


রঞ্জক পদার্থ (গায়ের রং); coloring matter (usually powder to be mixed with water or oil) >>> Something's color is its ~. Technically, all living things have a natural ~ — leaves have a green ~ for example — but the word is more generally applied to human skin color. >>> Mnemonic: so to mend the pig you have to colour it


রাজতন্ত্র; government under a single ruler >>> A ~ is a country that is ruled by a monarch, and ~ is this system or form of government. >>>Mnemonic: monarch = mono (single) + arch (ruler)..


রাশভারী; serious and sedate; sober; Ex. staid during the funeral ceremony >>> Something that is ~ is dignified, respectable — possibly even boring, like a ~ dinner party that is heavy on the important guests but light on the laughs. Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~--sounds like STAYED--Imagine you have always maintained your dignity and propriety in the place where you have stayed for so many years!


রুন বর্ণমালার অক্ষরসংক্রান্ত; mysterious; set down in an ancient alphabet; N. rune: one of the letters of an alphabet used by ancient Germanic peoples (cut on stone or wood); magic charm >>> ~ writing consists of ancient characters that are tough to decipher. These days the word might better fit a doctor's signature or a confusing instruction manual. Mnemonic: in Lab yu have RUINED the IC(integrated chip) teachers asks who did this and all keep mysterious faces..hahaha


রুপান্তর; change of form; Ex. ~ of caterpillar (শুঁয়াপোকা) to butterfly >>> In Kafka's novel entitled ~, a man wakes up to find he has turned into a cockroach. That kind of complete and startling change pretty much sums up the word. >>>Mnemonic: meta ..means many + morp(..derived from morphic)means shape or form..


রূচিহীন; cheap and gaudy; Ex. ~ jewelry >>> ~ means cheap, shoddy, or tasteless. It can be used to describe almost anything from clothes to people to even events or affairs. >>> Mnemonic: TOWEL+DRY......In a public locker room, a person who dries his body with a towel in front of everybody is vulgar and gaudy.


রূপকথার পক্ষি বিশেষ; symbol of immortality or rebirth; Ex. ~ rising from its ashes >>> If you want to see a ~, simply locate a unicorn or a centaur, and then you'll be in the right neighborhood. A ~ is a mythical bird known for rising from its ashes. Don't try that at home! >>> Mnemonic: As the Immortal bird in Harry Potter


রোগ্ সম্ভাবনা; forecasted course of a disease; prediction; CF. prognostic >>> ~ concerns people who are so sick they might die. What is their ~? It is a word doctors use to talk about the path a disease will take with a person. Mnemonic: ~ = pro+diagnosis, pro= think forward, diagnosis = cause of disease, it means to predict the features of a disease before the disease itself.


লক্ষণীয়; prominent; projecting beyond a line; conspicuous; Ex. ~ features >>> If something stands out in a very obvious way, it can be called ~. It's time to find new friends if the differences between you and your current friends are becoming more and more ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ridiculous); SAL(year)IENT(ant or end)... in B.Tech good grades at the END of final YEAR are VERY IMPORTANT


লঘু; insult to one's dignity; snub; V: treat as if of small importance; insult; snub; ADJ. small in size; of small importance If you ~ someone, you deliberately ignore her, or treat her with indifference. If your best friend walks past you in the hall without so much of a word, she has ~ed you. Mnemonic: Give ~ importance or attention.Ur putting someone in ~(minority) hence humiliating.


লড়াইপ্রিয়; combativeness; disposition to fight; ADJ. ~: (of people) belligerent; combative in nature >>> ~ means ready for a fight. If you're a first year teacher, you probably don't know how to deal with the ~ kids in every class. Learn some discipline or they'll end up fighting you, or each other. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Why Hindu?);punga+nacious- one with tendency to always fight and take pungas(Hindi)


লম্পট; lascivious; lustful; Ex. ~ monk >>> Something ~ is full of juicy details — but they're the kind of raunchy, lusty, dirty details you probably don't want to hear. >>> Mnemonic: ~ involves SALA(abusive word for a characterless jeja) who is ~ for his SALI.


লম্বালম্বিভাবে ঝোলা; exactly vertical; N: weight on the end of a line; V: examine very carefully or critically in order to understand; measure depth (by sounding); Ex. ~ the depth of >>> To ~ a body of water, you measure its depth. To ~ a house, you connect all of its pipes. To make carpentry ~, you get it exactly vertical. >>> Mnemonic: ~--~er who tests the pipe to see whether it is exactly vertical or not.


লয়; speed of music >>> If no one is dancing at your party, you probably want to put on some music with a faster ~ — meaning a faster speed. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and Go. The ~ of the orchestra kept changing from the word Go (from the time they started)to the last piece of music they played on stage.


লাই দেত্তয়া / মেয়েলি পুরূষ; pamper; coddle; baby; indulge excessively >>> ~ means to spoil or overindulge something. You can think of ~ as an extreme form of coddle. If you constantly fuss (ব্যতিব্যস্ত করান) over your dog and serve her homemade food while she's resting on a soft feather bed, you ~ her. >>>Mnemonic: coddle (আদর করা) sounds like cuddle (আলিঙ্গন) which also means showing love.. so Molly ko cuddle kiya


লাভজনক; (of work) compensating; rewarding; profitable; well-paid; V. remunerate: reward; pay (someone) for work or trouble >>> When something is ~, it means people get paid for it. Your job is ~, and if your research into new farming methods leads to a big government contract, then that also could be called ~. Mnemonic: ~: re+money+iterative..make sense yourself


লুকাইয়া রাখা; conceal; hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism; CF. secretive >>> ~ is all about secrets. It means both "to hide" and "to release." When you squeeze a lemon, it ~s juice. When you stuff your money in a mattress, you ~ it there. >>> Mnemonic: Secret+e which is to be concealed or hidden


লোলুপ; voracious; ravenous; taking everything one can; excessively grasping; plundering; subsisting on live prey; Ex. ~ birds >>> Something ~ is out to devour — anything, and little can stand in its way. A ~ landlord is out for more rent, and a ~ eater is only satisfied at the all-you-can-eat buffet. Mnemonic: '~' means who likes to 'Rape' that means very greedy on woman body! & also take forcefully


লোহিত; rosy; optimistic; Ex. ~ views >>> As its sound might suggest, ~ has to do with "rosy." Anything that's ~ is rose colored or pinkish. It's often used in the term "~ glow," typically to describe a sunset. Mnemonic: (Tag:;suppose u EAT a ROSE i.e. rose+ate...u will become rosy...!!!);


শক্তসমর্থ; strong; vigorous >>> Use ~ to describe a person or thing that is healthy and strong, or strongly built. This adjective also commonly describes food or drink: a ~ wine has a rich, strong flavor. Mnemonic: (Tag:;~ robot );like a robot >>sturdy & strong POWERFUL, MUSCULAR, VIGOROUS


শত্রুকে ফাঁকি দিবার জন্য বা সুবিধালাভের জন্য কৌশল; deceptive scheme; clever trick >>> A ~ is a scheme or a clever plot. You can have a ~ for winning a chess game, getting the girl (or boy), and avoiding a punishment. However, your opponents, crushes, and parents may have a trick or two of their own. Mnemonic: strategy to deceive some one


শব্দবাহুল্য; pompous array of words; too many unnecessary words; wordiness >>> ~ is what it sounds like — a lot of words: verbs, nouns, adjectives and all the other parts of speech. Usually, ~ means a few too many words — like the excessive ~ in a legal document. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENGLISH);~ IS A GARBAGE OF WORDS.


শর্ত; stipulation; condition in an agreement; provision >>> A ~ is something added to a document or agreement that details the terms. You might agree to buy a used car with a ~ that the fuzzy steering-wheel cover is included as part of the sale. Mnemonic: ~=visa condition required for ms in us.


শাখাবিভক্ত করা; branch out; divide into branches or subdivisions >>> The verb ~ describes something that branches off or spreads, like the new subway lines that ~ across your city and reach even the neighborhoods farthest from the center. Mnemonic: compare with RAM of computer which have various memory locations


শামুকের খোলার পাক; ring of leaves around stem; ring; circular arrangement; Ex. ~s on the fingers >>> ~ describes something that looks like loops — a strand of curly hair that boings back up when you pull in then let it go, a corkscrew, even the track of a roller coaster that spins you in every direction. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);remember 'whi(o)rl'pool..!!!!!


শিকল; দড়ি দিয়ে বেধে রাখা; tie (an animal) with a rope or ~; N: rope or chain to which an animal is tied; limit of one's endurance; Ex. the end of one's ~ >>> Both a verb and a noun, ~ keeps things tied together, or is the tie itself. Remember, when you ~ that chair to those balloons, use a strong ~. You don't want to drop from the sky because you tied them together using a cheap piece of rope. >>> Mnemonic: ~ can be split as TiE + HER, so remember it as TIE her WITH A ROPE.


শিকারী প্রাণী; ~y animal or bird; ~y person; creature that seizes and devours another animal; person who robs or exploits others; ADJ. ~y: living by preying on other organisms; plundering; >>> A ~ is an animal that eats other animals — or people or companies who act like they do. Lions are ~s, but so are pickpockets and some giant corporations.


শিক্ষানবিস; beginner; novice >>> A ~ is a beginner, a new recruit, or someone who is just learning something. If you are the new guy at the job and you're wearing a big dorky badge that says "Trainee" on it, you are a ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~...sounds like try karo....a beginner TRYing to establish his buisness.


শিক্ষাবিজ্ঞান; teaching; art of education >>> ~ is another word for education, the profession and science of teaching. >>> Mnemonic: PEDA(a sweet)+GeolOGY(a subject)...a teacher teaching GEOLOGY tells to student that those who will study well will get a PEDA.


শিল্প কৌশলে দক্ষ ব্যক্তি; highly skilled artist (esp. in music); Ex. piano ~ >>> A ~ is an incredibly talented musician. You can also be a ~ in non-musical fields. >>> Mnemonic: One who has many "virtues" is called a ~.


শিল্পের সাহিত্যের বিশেষতঃ সংগীতের মূল উপাদান বা *প্রধান প্রসঙ্গ*; theme; recurrent thematic element in a musical or literary work; single or repeated pattern; figure >>> The race car decor in your room, the refrain of a song, the idea or object that keeps popping up in a story — these are all ~s, reoccurring elements that move throughout and shape music, art and novels. In novels, a ~ can be a recurring idea like revenge or object that symbolizes an idea. A character might notice shadows throughout a story which symbolize his dark past >>>Mnemonic: relate with motive


শিষ্টচারসম্পন্ন; minutely attentive (perhaps too much so) to fine points; stressing niceties of conduct or form; N. punctilio, ~ness: careful attention payed to every small exact detail >>> A ~ person pays attention to details. Are you always precisely on time? Is your room perfectly neat? Do you never forget a birthday or a library book's due date? Then you are one of the ~ people. Mnemonic: it is very close to word PUNCTUAL...and you pay attention to even a person who is 1 second late, that shows that you care for even very minute things too.


শিহরণ; trembling; slight quiver (as of the earth or from nervous agitation) >>> A ~ is a trembling or shaking in a person or the Earth. If you're scared about speaking in public you might have a ~ in your voice — or wish that an earthquake ~ would open up the floor and swallow you first. >>> Mnemonic: Remember Trimmer, a noob's hands will tremble/shake when trimmer is brought near to his neck


শীর্ষবিন্দু; summit; highest point; PL. vertices >>> If you've reached the ~ of something, you know it's all downhill after that, because ~ refers to the highest point on an object, such as the top of a mountain. >>> Mnemonic: ~ ..v er t X(cross) X = intersection of two lines.


শুষ্ক হওয়া; (of a plant) dry up from loss of moisture; lose freshness; shrivel; decay >>> ~ means to shrivel up or shrink. If you forget to water your plants for six weeks, they'll ~ — they'll dry up and you probably won't be able to bring them back to life. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = ~ weather = with dried weather


শূন্য; empty; lacking in ideas; inane; stupid; Ex. ~ expression; N. vacuity >>> Reserved for the harmlessly stupid and truly meaningless, ~ is a smart-sounding way to describe something dumb. Celebrity gossip and reality TV is usually pretty ~, even if it's fun. >>> Mnemonic: ~ can be seen as vacuum which means, a region empty of matter.


শেষ প্রান্ত; border; edge, rim, or margin; Ex. on the ~ of: very near to; V: border on >>> Think of an edge, a border, a boundary, and you are thinking about the ~, the point where something begins or ends. >>> Mnemonic: Assume VER(very)+ge(edge)= very edge means edge,border,margin,etc.,


শেষ স্টেশন; last stop of railroad; end >>> Consider ~ the end of the line. Whether it describes a train station, a goal, or an era — ~ refers to something's final point. >>> Mnemonic: ~=terminal+bus. So, ~ is Bus Terminal where bus stops and loads & unloads passengers.


শোক করা; long for; yearn; languish from longing or grief; decline >>> If you ~ for someone, you desperately want to see them, be with them, or perhaps smother them with kisses. If you're texting your ex-boyfriend over 50 times a day, there's a pretty good chance that you still ~ for him. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);~(verb):Have a desire for something or someone who is not present there. Mera dost jab WINE pe leta hai tab he starts pining for his girlfriend.


শৈলান্তরীপ; headland >>> A ~ is a high, rocky cliff jutting into a body of water. Just the kind of thing a heroine will threaten to throw herself off of if the love of her life does not return to her, foam churning where the water hits the rocks below, promising a certain death. Mnemonic: pro+MOUNT


শোধন করা; refine; purify; replace (natural urges) with socially acceptable activities; change between a solid state and a gaseous state >>> When you're at a lecture and you feel restless, you've got to ~ the desire to move around. That means you force the desire to be more subtle so you can continue listening — even if you don't want to. Mnemonic: lime juice refines us...


শোধরানো; set right; correct; CF. rect-: right >>> Did anyone ever ~, or correct, the prediction of the chicken that kept running around saying that "The sky is falling! The sky is falling," or did people eventually realize that the sky wasn't going anywhere? Mnemonic: It resembles "correct" + ify. We know that suffix -ify is a verb. Essentially means to "make correct"!


শ্বাসরোধ হওয়া; suppress; extinguish; inhibit; smother or suffocate >>> To ~ is to cut off, hold back, or smother. You may ~ your cough if you don't want to interrupt a lecture or you may ~ the competition if you fear losing. Mnemonic: ~ is similar to ~r(American pie series). imagine abt the guy... he used to supress and ditch around his fellow ppl.


শ্রেণীবিন্যাস; the major taxonomic group of animals and plants; contains classes; division >>> If someone asks you what you have in common with the Antarctic icefish, you can say that you both belong to the same ~, meaning the same taxonomic (শ্রেণীবিন্যাস) group. >>> Mnemonic: ~..sounds like file 'em...file them...classify them!


সংকীর্ণ; narrow in scope or outlook; provincial; related to parishes >>> If an issue or a matter is ~, it is trivial or only concerns a local area. Likewise, a person with a ~ mentality is narrow-minded, or not open to new ideas. >>> Mnemonic: link this with paro....(of devdas)...whose parents were narrow in their outlook for devdas family , so they married her to someone else.


সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপে; providing a general overview; summary; >>> If you've heard of a movie synopsis, which gives an overview of the plot, you can guess what ~ means: summarizing. At the end of your 900-page treatise on morals, try to give a ~ conclusion to drive your ideas home.


সংবেদনশীলতা; state of reacting readily to appeals, orders, etc.; ADJ. responsive: readily reacting; Ex. responsive to treatment >>> ~ means "being able to react quickly," like a sports car whose ~ makes it fun to drive, or a "responding with emotion," like the ~ of an audience at the concert of their all-time favorite singer.


সংযত করা; abstain from; resist; forbear; N: chorus >>> When someone burps in a quiet classroom it can be hard to ~ from laughing. Use the verb ~ if you have a sudden impulse to do something, and you have stopped yourself from doing it. Mnemonic: ref-rain...we resist from getting wet in the "rain" in rainy season.


সংযত করা; hold back (the natural expression of); restrain; crush; oppress; Ex. ~ed child; Ex. ~ a laugh/rebellion >>> Whether you're ~ing a feeling, an idea or even a revolution you're almost always going to be taking advantage of the press in ~. To ~ something is to "press it down" where it can't be seen, heard or even recognized. Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);re+press..1st thing that cums to mind wen u hear d word press is pressing the boobs of a gal..wen yo u press them 4 d 2nd time(re) she blocks you..hence ~ is to block the feelings or control the feelings..


সংশ্লেষণ ; combining parts or separate things into a whole; the whole so formed; >>> ~ is a mixture, or a result that comes from adding things together. Add salt to water, and the ~ is salt water. Mix flour, sugar, butter, and eggs together and bake them, and the ~ is a cake. Mnemonic: (Tag:;( science ));As in photo~ - which combines carbondioxide , organic material and light to give Oxygen ...


সঙ্কোচ; hesitate for ethical reasons; fret about; Ex. She did not ~ to read his diary; N: uneasy feeling arising from conscience; conscience >>> Your ~s are what keep you from doing things you consider to be morally or ethically wrong. Your ~s won't allow you to cheat on a test, or steal from your brother's Halloween candy stash. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);SCRU(screwed) CoUPLEs(lovers) are willing to escape but have a feeling of hesitation to do it.


সঙ্ঘর্ষ; striking one object against another sharply; Ex. ~ instrument; N: striking together of two bodies; sound caused by ~ >>> ~ is music involving drums and other instruments such as gongs, bells, cymbals, rattles, and tambourines. The instruments themselves are also called ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~,remove perc from the word, and add f in the front, it becomes fusion , in a fusion reaction, one atom strikes another and the reaction continues ...


সতর্ক; watchful; on the alert; watchfully awake; alert to spot danger; >>> Use ~ to describe someone who keeps awake and alert in order to avoid danger or problems. When taking the subway, be ~ about your wallet--always know where it is, or someone might steal it from you. >>> Mnemonic: VI-gi-LAN-t(vilan): vilan in movies are very WATCHFUL and ALERT of heros activities


সত্যতা; quality of being true; lasting truth or principle; Ex. the ~ of his testimony; Ex. one of the eternal verities >>> If your friend tells you she saw a UFO yesterday afternoon, you might be inclined to question the ~, or truthfulness, of her statement. Everyone knows UFOs are only visible at night. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);Pronounce it as "Very T" i.e; very true.


সন্দেহাতীত করা / সুস্পষ্ট করা / প্রমান; evident; visible; obvious; V: show plainly >>> Choose the verb ~ when someone shows something for everyone to notice. You might ~ your dislike of school food by stirring it around into a big pile of slop on your tray. >>>Mnemonic: In a FEST it was visible that people had Money[MANI] ,so Money was visible ; evident and was obvious.


সন্দেহাতীত; that cannot be impeached; beyond doubt or question; blameless and exemplary >>> ~ describes someone or something that is totally, completely, without any doubt, innocent and good, like an ~ role model who avoids bad influences and sketchy situations. >>> Mnemonic: un+impeach [ i m "pee"ing in the bEACH(i m pe each),so the police caught me and accused me for the crime :(]


সন্ন্যাসী; related to monks; removed from worldly concerns >>> ~ means like in a monastery. So what is it like in a monastery? Well, it's solitary, somewhat isolated, plain, and disciplined. If you take ~ vows, you promise to live this way. >>>Mnemonic: ~ has 'ascetic' which means self-denial, living life like a Monk.


সবচেয়ে অনুকূল; most favorable; optimal; N: most favorable condition >>> An ~ is the best condition or highest extent of something. He didn't mean to create a science experiment, but the unwashed coffee cup under his desk became the ~ dark, wet environment for growing lots of mold. >>>Mnemonic: ~ = optimistic mum (mummy) or optimistic moment


সমগ্র; (of power) complete; full; fully attended by all qualified members; Ex. ~ power >>> If something is full or complete, you can describe it as ~. When you get to be a teenager, your parents can give you ~ responsibility for your siblings when they go out. They pay pretty well to boss the kids around! >>> Mnemonic: ~ can be split into Plen (plenty) + nary (naari - women in hindi) :: This hall is full of naaris (women) = Plenty (filled with or full of) naari :: ~


সমপরিমাণ; equivalent in effect or value; Ex. This invasion is ~ to a declaration of war; CF. amount >>> When something is ~ to another thing it is essentially its equivalent. For some animal activists, wearing fur is ~ to murder. Mnemonic: ta-n-ta; an equal amount of 'ta' on both sides of 'n'.


সমমূল্যতা; equality; close resemblance; CF. disparate >>> ~ refers to equality of an amount or value, and it's used most often to refer to finance. >>> Mnemonic: ~.......divide it like pari(pair)...pairs always exhibit equality in their choices.


সমর্থনসূচক প্রশংসাধ্বনি; praise; enthusiastic approval; round(succession or series) of applause; ADJ. ~ory; CF. applaud >>> As its sound might suggest, ~ is indeed related to "applaud" and "applause." In fact it's really just a fancy way of saying "praise" or "acclamation." >>> Mnemonic: rhymes like "applaud it"


সমলয়; similarly timed; simultaneous with; occurring at the same time; V. synchronize >>> If you are a werewolf, your animal transformation is ~ with the lunar cycle. When something is ~, it occurs in time or at the same time with something else. Mnemonic: SAME+CHRONUS...chronusmeans time...hence ~ means existing or occurring at the same time.......


সমাজ থেকে নির্বাসিত; banish from a group; exclude from public favor; ban; Ex. His friends ~d him >>> If you banish someone or ignore him, you ~ him. When the Iranian president claimed that the Holocaust ব্যাপক হত্যাকাণ্ড was a hoax ধোঁকা, he was ~d by the international community. >>>Mnemonic: The ostrich was ~ because of his big mouth


সমাধান করা; decide; settle; solve; separate; make a determined decision; N. resolution >>> To ~ is to settle or make a decision about something — often formal. A college's board of directors might ~ to recruit more minority students. As a noun, ~ refers to a strong determination to do something. Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);If u r SOLVING problems in a chapter AGAIN & AGAIN then u have determination to do that chapter in exams


সমালোচনাতীত; entirely acceptable; not offering any basis for criticism >>> If something is ~, don't bother trying to find something wrong with it — you won't. Your ~ character makes you the perfect candidate to run for public office, but if you run, people will be looking for things to criticize. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENglish (for SE/IT));expections in sofware engg/IT terms is one that has bugs. So ~ is no exceptions i.e bug free code and hence completely agreeable to the client,office


সম্পূরক ; serving to assist; subordinate; secondary; of a subsidy; N. >>> If a company belongs to another company, then the owned company is a ~. When a large company bought your small business, you became a ~. It still hurts to call them the parent company, since you publish novels and they make toilet paper.


সম্পূর্ণ পরিতৃপ্ত করা; satisfy fully (physical needs such as hunger); sate; N. satiety: condition of being ~d >>> If you just can't get enough popcorn, even the jumbo tub at the movie theater may not be enough to ~, or satisfy, your desire. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);I SAT & ATE till I was full!


সম্মানপূর্ণ; respectable; having a good reputation >>> Want the real scoop on your favorite singer's latest romance? Then you should probably find a more ~ source than the tabloids — meaning someone with a better reputation, in this case for telling the truth. Mnemonic: a candidate will be REPUT to contest in a election next time only if he has won with A RESPECTABLE majoity this time


সরবৎ; flavored dessert ice ~ is a frozen dessert made of fruit juice and sugar. Though it looks like ice cream, ~ is a little different since it's made with little or no milk or cream. Mnemonic: Relate it with Sharbat (which in Hindi means, a fruit drink). If it is frozen it becomes a chilled desert (sweet dish) ice.


সরলতা; quality of being unsophisticated; simplicity; artlessness; gullibility; ADJ. ~[^te]: ingenuous; lacking worldliness; simple; credulous >>> If you suggest that world peace could be achieved by handing out cookies in warring nations, you would be revealing a certain amount of ~. This is a lack of wisdom and sophistication. >>>Mnemonic: quality of NAIVE ...


সরস উক্তি; witty saying; wisecrack(clever joking remark) >>> ~ describes something funny that someone says, like a pun or little joke. You may have heard that it is good to start off a speech with ~ because if you make the audience laugh, it'll help them — and you — relax. >>> Mnemonic: witch will make clever joking remark about her magic


সর্পিল; winding; twisting; of or like a serpent; Ex. ~ course of the river; N. serpent: snake You can use the adjective ~ to describe things that look like a serpent or are snakelike. Looking down at the carved riverbeds in the Grand Canyon is like looking into a basket of snakes: the ~ twists curve throughout the canyon floor. Mnemonic: A serpent is a snake - a snake has a twisting and winding movement instead of a straight one and therefore such a movement is termed as serpintine .


সর্বজনগৃহীত বিশ্বাস; traditional; (of someone) conservative in belief; adhering to an established doctrine >>> ~ practices or beliefs are generally accepted as true or correct. If you are an ~ vegetarian, you never, ever eat meat--not like those people who have chicken once in awhile, or even--gasp!--bacon. >>>Mnemonic: ~ sounds like Orthodontist which helps makes your teeth straight or right, which is commonly accepted to have straight teeth.


সর্বশ্রেষ্ট; outstanding; superior >>> Calling someone ~ means they're truly outstanding or better than everyone else — not in general, but in a specific field or specialty. Such as a ~ geologist. Mnemonic: ~ sounds like prominent


সর্বোত্কৃষ্ট; exceeding ordinary limits; superior; surpassing; V.: go beyond; exceed; surpass; >>> ~ describes something so excellent that it's beyond the range of human understanding. >>> Mnemonic: ~, concentrate on TRANSCEND. We are familiar with the transcend pen drive that is available in the market. It is of a SUPERIOR quality and SURPASSES all the other brands.


সহজবোধ্য; easily understood; clear; intelligible; N. ~ity >>> When you call something ~, you mean it's "easy to understand" or "sensible": "The singer's ~ style was obscured by backup singers chanting 'Shama-lama-ding-dong.'" >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENtertaghere);when u LOOK(luc) the ID of micorsoft employee...u will " clearly,tranparently understand,that he is clever n inteligent


সহজে উত্তেজিত; inconstant; capricious; frivolous; not serious; Ex. charming but ~ young woman; If you're ~, you're unpredictable and excitable. You've probably seen ~ horses in parades â the loud noises and crowds of people make them very nervous and jumpy. Mnemonic: In a skit ( a comic play or a drama), everyone is lively and playful.


সহজে পরাজেয়; susceptible to wounds or attack; >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something or someone open to being physically or emotionally wounded, like a newborn chick or an overly sensitive teenager. >>> Mnemonic: this word sounds like "wounded able" one who gets wounded very easily - from Latin and is based on vulnus "wound."


সহযোগীতা ও সমঝোতা; close relationship; emotional closeness; harmony >>> ~ is a good sense of understanding and trust. If you have good ~ with your neighbors, they won't mind if you kick your ball onto their property every now and then. Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~- its like airport, at airport you leave close-ones thus, EMOTIONAL CLOSENESS, HARMONY,friendly feeling there.


সাংগীতিক রচনা; work (esp. musical composition); Ex. magnum ~: masterpiece; CF. opera >>> An ~ is a created work, usually musical in nature. The composer's greatest ~ was inspired by the blooming of the spring flowers. >>>Mnemonic: ~ remember an oct~ working on a musical instrument like piano


সাজসরঁজাম; equipment; odds and ends used in a particular activity; personal belongings; Ex. photographic ~; CF. married woman's property exclusive of her dowry >>> Having lunch in the park might require you to first gather together a lot of picnic ~, such as blankets, coolers, Frisbees, and other miscellaneous items that are relevant to that activity. >>> Mnemonic: You remember this word by peripheral,means extra equipments..


সাতার কাটা; swimming >>> If you are someone who still loves the old joke: "Your epidermis is showing," natation is a word for you. It means floating but sounds like a terrible disease. >>> This is really stupid... nata in hindi means short in height...we know swimming increases height..hence natation is the solution to the height problem.


সাদৃশ্য; outward appearance; guise; Ex. We called in the troops to bring a/some ~ of order to the city. >>> ~ is all about illusion. Cramming all of your dirty clothes into the closet gives the ~, or false appearance, that you've done your laundry — but the stench might give you away. >>> Mnemonic: re~ should immediately come to your mind and relate the meaning of re~ to ~.


সান্ত্বনা; comfort in sorrow or trouble; consolation; V: comfort or console in time of sorrow or trouble If something eases your disappointment or grief, consider it a ~. If you're sad, you might find ~ in music or in talking to your friends. Mnemonic: i ~d when i opened my shoe lace


সাবুদ করা / যথার্থতা প্রতিপাদন করা / দোষক্ষালন করা; clear from blame; free from blame or accusation (with supporting proof); exonerate; substantiate; justify or support; avenge; Ex. ~ one's client; Ex. ~ one's claim; >>> ~ means to justify, prove, or reinforce an idea — or to absolve from guilt. If your family thinks you hogged the last piece of pie on Thanksgiving, you'll be ~d when your younger brother fesses up. >>> Mnemonic: vidicate....split it like vin(WIN) + di(the) + cate(case) when you win a case IN a means you are freed FROM ACCUSATION AND are freed from blame.


সামান্য পরিমাণ; limited quantity; small amount; Ex. He does not have a ~ of sense; CF. moderate >>> If you want to describe a small amount of something, try ~. If you have a ~ of interest in something, you are a little bit interested. >>>Mnemonic: ~=MODERATE+INCOME


সামান্য বেতন; small amount (of money); small allowance or wage >>> A ~ is a tiny payment or small reimbursement for work — generally an amount that's inadequate. The restaurant may pay you a ~, but you can do well if you get a lot of good tips. >>> Mnemonic: PITTIP(to waiter)


সামান্য ব্যাপার নিয়ে খুঁতখুঁত করা; spend too much time on minor points (esp. when finding fault); find fault; Ex. ~ over details; ADJ. ~[^e]ing >>> To ~ means to argue over petty things, like battling over who gets the front seat or bickering about who's turn it is to take out the garbage. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~: sounds like a new girls..who is worrying too much about her first day in college.


সাময়িক স্থগিত / আইন করিয়া সকল দেনা স্থগিত রাখা হয়; legal delay of payment or action; Ex. declare ~ on the building of new houses >>> A ~ is the suspension of a particular activity--you could have a ~ on fishing, baking, the use of candles, the wearing of matching socks. >>>Mnemonic: মোড়া তৈরী ছাইরা দিয়াম - ব্যবসা ভালা না


সারমর্ম; act of finding the total; summing-up; summary (esp. one given by the judge at the end of a trial) >>> A ~ is a final review or conclusion, often given in a court of law. As the incompetent lawyer approached the bench for the final time, he told the judge and jury, In ~, my client is guilty of all charges.


সারসংক্ষেপ প্রদান করা; summarize >>> To ~ means to go back and summarize. At the end of an oral report, you might say, "So, to ~, I've made three points," and then you name them. Mnemonic: sounds like recap....if you have noticed , whenever you watch a serial ,before it starts they always give the recap of what happened the previous day, other words they repeat what already has been shown but in a concise form.


সারসংক্ষেপ; abstract; concise summing up of main points; concise summary of a text >>> A ~ is a summary of something's main points. If you've ever jotted down notes about your main ideas before writing a persuasive essay, you've used a ~. Mnemonic: (Tag:;language);pre ( meaning before ) + cis ( as in thesis ) .... it is the summary that comes before a thesis


সার্বজনীন; characterizing or affecting all; general; present everywhere; of the universe; cosmic; Ex. ~ agreement; Ex. a subject of ~ interest >>> ~ describes something for everything or everyone. ~ design is architectural design that accommodates every person. A ~ remote can change the stations on all your home entertainment systems, but hopefully not at once. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and General sound the same and both words refer to something that is present everywhere, is common.


সাহস; bravery; ADJ. valiant: possessing ~; brave >>> Do you hear trumpets? With the word ~, you should. It was custom-ordered for a knight in resplendent armor sitting atop his noble steed. "Onward to deeds of ~!," you imagine him saying, anticipating his own unfailing courage. >>> Mnemonic:সাহসী লোক ~ ভালো খারাপের খারাপ


সীমা; set limits in amount or number; be thrifty; ADJ. ~ing, un~ing; CF. ~:savings >>> The noun ~ means a set amount of time in which you do something — often work of some sort. She served a ~ in the army, followed by a ~ in an office setting, before settling on a career as a lounge singer. Mnemonic: 'stin't is moderately 'stin'gy


সীমান্তবর্তী; of a periphery; marginal; outer; of minor importance; not central; Ex. ~ nerve/interest >>> Scanners, printers, and speakers are ~ devices for a computer because they aren't central to the working of the computer itself. Anything ~ is on the margin, or outside, while main things, like a computer's processor, are not ~. >>> Mnemonic: Villages on the Periphery of any country are of less importance...i.e ~


সুগন্ধি; odorous; fragrant; suggestive (of an odor); Ex. ~ of onions/mystery >>> When something is ~ of something, it makes you think of that thing by making a pretty strong impression on you. He had a shifty eye ~ of years of lying and petty crime. Mnemonic: re-odo-lent: reminder of "odor".


সুদর্শন; attractive (in personality or appearance) >>> If you're ~, you're friendly and get along well with other people. Being ~ is part of what makes you the star of the sales team — people just seem to like you. >>> Mnemonic: it can be person+able.i.e.person who is able to do something should be attractive.


সুদীর্ঘ দুর্গম পথ পারি; travel; journey; V: make a long difficult journey >>> Want to go on a ~ through the mountains? Make sure you have good shoes, drinking water, and snacks. A ~ is a long and difficult journey. >>> Mnemonic: Trecking is a long & tedious trip or a track is through which a journey is taken.


সুপ রাখিবার গামলাবিশেষ; deep dish for serving soup >>> If a waiter brought a big, deep serving dish to your table, removed its lid, and began ladling soup into your bowl, you could confidently call the dish a ~. >>> Mnemonic: It can be broken as ~ = Tarri + In TARRI is famous hindi slang for spicy curry. IN means isnide. So where we put TARRI. Which is nothing but bowl.


সুমধুর / মধুরভাবে বহমান; (of words or a voice) sweetly or smoothly flowing; melodious; having a pleasant tune >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something that sounds sweet and smooth, like the honeyed voice of a late-night radio DJ. >>>Mnemonic: the music played by a 'Flute' is ~.


সুস্পষ্ট তুলনামূলক; comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as Use the noun ~ when describing a comparison between two fundamentally different things, such as: His voice was smooth, like butter in a warm pan. Mnemonic: ~ = similar


সুস্বাদু খাদ্য; food; CF. live >>> A ~ is something really delicious. The grilled cheese sandwich at the diner near your house that's better than any other grilled cheese sandwich in a 400 mile radius? That's a ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ comes from the Old French word viande, meaning "food." - ভাত(v) ইলিশ(i) (an)d ডাল(d)


সুস্বাস্থ্যবিধি; prescribed course of diet or exercise; prescribed diet and habits; Ex. daily ~ of a dancer >>> A ~ is a systematic plan for some kind of therapy. If your doctor tells you to eat more vegetables, cut out potato chips, exercise, and take vitamins, he is prescribing a ~ for better health. Mnemonic: regime refers to a set of rules (normally, government). ~ is the set of rules for eating.


সূক্ষ্মতা; precision; accuracy; minute distinction or difference; Ex. to a ~: exactly; precisely; Ex. distinguish between ~[^y]ies >>> Clearly, you're interested in the ~ of a word's meaning if you're checking out this website. A ~ is a fine detail or shade of meaning that anything — not just a word — can possess. >>>Mnemonic: break ~ as 'nice'& 'ty' as 'tea' so its 'nice tea' that means it has perfect taste and is distinct from the others.


স্কার্ভি; contemptible; despicable; N: disease caused by deficiency of Vitamin C >>> If you are a pirate who doesn't get to shore very often to shop for fresh fruits and veggies, you might suffer from ~, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is a deadly disease. So people suffering from this vitamin c deficiency are low in health.


স্কেল; climb up; ascend; remove or come off in ~s; N: flake of epidermis; ascending or descending series of musical tones >>> How much do you love pizza? Rate it on a ~ of one to ten, with one being blech and ten being amazing. A ~ is a series that climbs up or down in a step-wise fashion. To ~ something is to climb it, as in "~ a ladder," where you work your way up step by step. >>> Mnemonic: ~ => rem with a phrase "~ the mountain" so it means climb or ascend the mountain


স্তম্ভিত করা; stun; make numb (as with a drug); amaze >>> Don't be embarrassed if the magician's tricks ~ you. It means you're amazed. Who doesn't want to be stopped in his tracks sometimes? Mnemonic: remember it like stupidify..


স্তরিত; divided into classes; arranged into strata; >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something with many layers, either physically (like the layers of your skin) or socially (a kingdom with the king at the top and peasants at the bottom). Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sounds like classified. divided into classes.


স্থলজ; on or relating to the earth >>> Not straying far from its Latin root "terra" meaning "earth," ~ means "of the earth." If it's ~, you'll find it on earth. If it's extra~, you'll find it emerging from a UFO. >>> Mnemonic: ~ which is pertaining to the earth is the opposite of Celestial or Astral which refer to the stars and the constellation.


স্থির; having no motion; unchanging; lacking development; N. stasis: stable state >>> ~ means not moving or changing--it's often used to describe abstract ideas that can't be seen. The troops were moving all over the country, engaged in skirmishes, but the army's overall position remained ~. Mnemonic: The contents of our ATTIC is ~; it hasn't changed in years.


স্থুলচর্ম জন্তু; thick-skinned animal >>> A ~ is a really big animal with really thick skin, like an elephant or a hippo. >>> Mnemonic: derm means skin(dermatologist is a skin specialist) and eg for pachderm animals are elephants,hippopotomus,etc ..the word pachy sounds like pack.. so the skin is so packed that is becomes thick.. thus ~ is thick-skinned


স্ফীত; শব্দাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ; (of a part of the body) swollen; distended; bombastic; pompous >>> To understand ~, think about how your belly feels after Thanksgiving when you've just polished off that third helping of turkey with stuffing and Brussels sprouts. Gassy? Full? Distended? That's ~ for you. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Logic reasoning);~ has the first three letters common with TUMOUR, which is a swollen mass or ball of cells. So ~ is swollen, or distended.


স্বতঃসিদ্ধ সত্য; self-evident truth >>> Here's a ~ for you: Only people who look up words they don't know can expand their vocabularies. Did you find that statement obvious, boring, and saying nothing new or interesting? That's the perfect description of a ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = TRUI(TRUE) + SM(SELF MADE) => self evident truth


স্বাভাবিক প্রবৃত্তি; natural inclination >>> A ~ is a natural tendency to behave in a certain way. We all have propensities — things we tend to do. Dogs have a ~ to bark, and many people have a ~ for getting annoyed by it. Mnemonic: now a days people are inclined towards "CITY" dats y thery r migrating from villages....


স্বার্থপর ব্যক্তি; conceited person; N. ~[^st]sm; CF. ~[^ist]us >>> The noun ~ refers to someone intensely concerned with only his or her own self or interests and who seems to forget that others exist. >>>Mnemonic: নাত্সি - হিটলার সাহেব ছিলেন চরম সার্থপর - নাত্সি (nazi)


স্বাস্থ্যপ্রদ; healthful; conducive to health or well-being; socially desirable; Ex. ~ area; CF. health >>> ~ is a fancy way to describe something that's good for you or is generally favorable to mind or body, but it need not be limited to describing healthy foods or liquids. >>> Mnemonic: (related to bollywood)remember salman khan........all health and all.......


স্বেচ্ছাচারী; purposely continuing to do something wrong; stubbornly wrongheaded; directed away from what is right; wicked and unacceptable; Ex. ~ satisfaction; Ex. Hannibal Lecter in a ~ mood; >>> Something ~, or improper, doesn't have a whole lot of good things going for it, even if it brings a few laughs. >>> Mnemonic: if we remove letter "p" and if we only concenterate on the rverse-this sounds simillar to reverse- which is nothing but leading to opposite path which is not acceptable in society.


হট্টগোল; wild tumult(commotion); wild noisy disorder; CF. Paradise Lost >>> ~ is chaos, total and utter craziness — like the stampede after your team won the championship, when everyone spilled onto the field at once, bouncing off each other. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like harmonium(musical instrument)...a harmonium gone out of array creates noisy disorder...commotion


হঠিয়ে দেওয়া; drive away; disgust; Ex. ~ the attack/moisture; Ex. ~led by the dirty room; CF. repulsion >>> Use the verb ~ when you want to turn something away, like drenched yourself in bug spray in an attempt to ~ the mosquitoes that plague you when you go camping. Mnemonic: Rip the enemy to ~.


হড়কাতে হড়কাতে চলা; slip or slide ~ means to move in a sideways motion, usually silently. Snakes, of all kinds, ~, from the original snake in the Garden of Eden, to that untrustworthy-looking individual who approaches you in the street. Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with SLIPper. So remember it as SLIP. -- ~ comes from the Old English term slidrian, meaning "to slide on a loose or gravely surface."


হতবুদ্ধি অবস্থা / স্তম্ভিত; put at a loss; bring to a halt by confusion; perplex; CF. no more >>> To ~ is to baffle or confuse someone to the point that they have nothing to say. Something weird and mysterious can ~ you, like a play that is performed entirely by chickens. >>>Mnemonic: non-plus=subtract..and any subtraction is a loss...not knowing the cause of loss we become confused and perplexed


হতবুদ্ধি অবস্থা; confuse; mix up confusedly; N: state of confusion >>> A ~ is something that's messy and confusing. If your bedroom looks like a hurricane just hit it, you might describe it as a ~. >>>Mnemonic: sounds like addle, puddle, fuddle which means be confused or make confused.


হাতকড়ি দিয়া বাঁধা; restrain; handcuff; N. >>> If a police officer has to ~ your hands behind your back, you're in big trouble. That's just a fancy way of saying that you've been handcuffed. >>>Mnemonic: ~ sounds like ankle or shackle , so my ankle got trapped therefore restrained from doing something.


হাতুড়ে ডাক্তার; charlatan; impostor >>> There are good ~s and bad ~s. A good ~ is the sound a duck makes. A bad ~ is someone pretending to be a doctor. (You'd be better off visiting the duck with your ailment.) Mnemonic: think of it as...if a person ~s like a duck...he is an impostor who is acting like a duck


হাতুড়ে ডাক্তার / ভণ্ড; charlatan; boastful pretender >>> A ~ has a talent for tricking people into buying things, like the ~ who charms women into buying "magic beauty pills" for hundreds of dollars, though they are just ordinary vitamins you can buy anywhere. >>> Origin: the Italian phrase "monta in banco." It describes a "doctor" who would "*mount a bench*" in the marketplace. Standing a bit higher than the crowd enabled people to hear his sales pitch and see the potions (মিশ্রণ) and powders he claimed were medical cures that never failed — claims as bogus as his credentials. A ~ is a fast-talking crook pretending to be an expert.


হামানদিস্তা; tool for mashing or grinding substances in a hard bowl or mortar >>> A ~ is a heavy, blunt tool used to grind things up, such as spices or herbs. If you're grinding spices, you put them in a container called a mortar and use the ~ to smash them up until they're finely ground. >>> Mnemonic: ~ to grind and then form paste.


হালকা / নগন্য; thin; slight; barely discernible >>> ~ describes something that's vague or flimsy. If your explanation of why you didn't help your mom paint the kitchen was weak and didn't help her understand your reasons, you'd call that a ~ explanation. >>> Mnemonic: whisky pee kar speaking - ~..


হাসিখুশি; playful; frolicsome; merry; CF. sport: play or frolic; CF. sportsmanlike >>> ~ is a good adjective to describe fun-loving people who are playful and lively, like your ~ friends who run straight to the water or hit the volleyball court when they get to the beach.


হিংসাপরায়ণ / অপচিকীর্ষু; wishing evil; exhibiting ill will >>> If someone is ~, they wish evil on others. If you find yourself approaching someone with a ~ look in her eye, best to run the other way. >>>Mnemonic: ~ = male +violent Violent males can cause more harm to society than females


হীন; sordid; base; filthy; unwholesome; Ex. ~ side of city life >>> Things that are ~ have lost all morality. Your mother wouldn't approve of you going to a ~ video arcade, especially not if you went with a group of ~ people. >>> Mnemonic: a person saying SEE - MY - ****, thats really FILTHY


হুকুম; order; charge; authoritative command; power to govern another country; power to given to a government; region under administration; V: give a ~ to; place under a ~; Ex. ~d territory >>> A ~ is like an official command or a go-ahead. When a politician wins an election by a lot, that's a ~ for their ideas. >>>Mnemonic: (Tag:;think of mandatory so "order");man+date a man orders you to go on a date with him


হুল - ফোটানো; causing sharp pain to the mind; caustic; corrosive; sarcastic; N. ~: sulphuric acid (which burns flesh deeply); bitterly abusive expression; caustic expression; CF. glass >>> Mean, nasty, and caustic as the worst acid, ~ words can hurt feelings, break hearts, and even lead to violence. >>> Mnemonic: divide it like ~..vitriol+ic...AND VITRIOL..IS ANOTHER NAME OF SULPHURIC ACID.. and we all know that acid is caustic, sharp and bitter...and when it falls on the skin it burns it, causing SHARP pain.


হ্রাস পাওয়া, নেমে যাওয়া; sink to a lower level; settle down; sink to the bottom (as a sediment); descend; grow quiet; become less; moderate; abate >>> To ~ is to die down or become less violent, like rough ocean waves after a storm has passed (or your seasickness, if you happened to be sailing on that ocean). Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);imagine there is a violent mob.the police comes to make them settle down.there first dialogue to the mob will be SUB SIDE ho..


হ্রাস; decrease in size or strength (after being full); grow gradually to an end; Ex. The moon waxes and ~s every month; N. >>> Things that wax and ~ grow larger and smaller, like the moon. Things that ~ simply grow smaller. "My initial enthusiasm for helping ~d when I saw the pile of envelopes that needed licking." >>> Mnemonic: wain = = gain. ~ is opposite of gain.

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