AGED 260 Lesson 6

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Strengths of the behavioral approach

-On the positive side, it has broadened the scope of leadership research to include the study of the behaviors of leaders rather than only their personal traits or characteristics. -it is a reliable approach because it is supported by a wide range of studies. - the behavioral approach is valuable because it underscores the importance of the two core dimensions of leadership behavior: task and relationship -it has heuristic value in that it provides us with a broad conceptual map that is useful in gaining an understanding of our own leadership behaviors

Blake and Mouton developed a practical model for training managers

How leaders combine these orientations results in five major leadership styles: authority-compliance (9,1), country-club management (1,9), impoverished management (1,1), middle-of-the-road management (5,5), and team management (9,9).

the Ohio State studies, the Michigan studies, and the studies by Blake and Mouton (1964, 1978, 1985) are strongly representative of the ideas in this approach.

are representative of the behavioral approach

The behavioral approach focuses

exclusively on what leaders do and how they act.

the behavioral approach expanded the research of leadership to

include the actions of leaders toward followers in various contexts.

Why is it complicated

many have personal styles that are different from

The Michigan studies provided similar findings but called the leader behaviors

production orientation and employee orientation.

What does the behavioral approach suggest

- It suggests that leaders engage in two primary types of behaviors: task behaviors and relationship behaviors -How leaders combine these two types of behaviors to influence others is the central focus of the behavioral approach

what does the behavioral approach do

- reminds leaders that their actions toward others occur on a task level and a relationship level -leaders need to be more task oriented, whereas in others they need to be more relationship oriented. -some followers need leaders who provide a lot of direction, whereas others need leaders who can show them a great deal of nurturance and support. -The behavioral approach gives the leader a way to look at his or her own behavior by subdividing it into two dimensions.

How can the behavioral approach be applied

-At all levels in all types of organizations, managers are continually, engaged in task and relationship behaviors. -By assessing their own behaviors, managers can determine how they are coming across to others and how they could change their behaviors to be more effective -the behavioral approach provides a mirror for managers that is helpful in answering the frequently asked question, "How am I doing as a leader?"

Many studies have been done to determine which leadership behavior is most effective in a particular situation

-In some contexts, high consideration has been found to be most effective, but in other situations, high initiating structure is most effective -Determining how a leader optimally mixes task and relationship behaviors has been the central task for researchers from the behavioral approach.

what are grid seminars about

-are about increasing productivity, improving morale, and gaining employee commitment - They are offered by Grid International, an international organization development company ( -At grid seminars, self-assessments, small- group experiences, and candid critiques allow managers to learn how to define effective leadership, how to manage for optimal results, and how to identify and change ineffective leadership behaviors -The conceptual framework around which the grid seminars are structured is the behavioral approach to leadership

In the Michigan study,

-leaders who were oriented toward production were less oriented toward employees -those who were employee oriented were less production oriented When the two behaviors are treated as independent orientations, leaders are seen as being able to be oriented toward both production and employees at the same time

What did Blake and Mouton say about the grid style

-people usually have a dominant grid style (which they use in most situations) and a backup style -The backup style is what the leader reverts to when under pressure, when the usual way of accomplishing things does not work.

Negatives of the behavioral approach

-researchers have not been able to associate the behaviors of leaders (task and relationship) with outcomes such as morale, job satisfaction, and productivity. -researchers from the behavioral approach have not been able to identify a universal set of leadership behaviors that would consistently result in effective leadership. -the behavioral approach implies but fails to support fully the idea that the most effective leadership style is a high-high style (i.e., high task and high relationship).

What are the criticisms of the behavioral approach

1) -First, the research on the behavioral approach has not adequately shown how leaders' behaviors are associated with performance outcomes -Researchers have not been able to establish a consistent link between task and relationship behaviors and outcomes such as morale, job satisfaction, and productivity - "results from this massive research effort have been mostly contradictory and inconclusive." -only strong finding about leadership behaviors is that leaders who are considerate have followers who are more satisfied 2)failed to find a universal style of leadership that could be effective in almost every situation -n. The overarching goal for researchers studying the behavioral approach appeared to be the identification of a universal set of leadership behaviors that would consistently result in effective outcomes. -has been unable to identify the universal behaviors that are associated with effective leadership just like how the trait approach was unable to identify the definitive personal characteristics of leaders, the behavioral approach 3) of the behavioral approach is that it implies that the most effective leadership style is the high-high style (i.e., high task and high relationship). -the full range of research findings provides only limited support for a universal high-high style -Certain situations may require different leadership styles; some may be complex and require high- task behavior, and others may be simple and require supportive behavior -it remains unclear whether the high-high style is the best style of leadership.

a ceo

1) needs to personally, intellectually, emotionally own the problem. 150 in company is your team 2) clear, accurate, credibile 3) people you appoint leadership roles and may seperate good results in bad way

What are the strengths of the behavioral approach

1) several positive contributions to our understanding of the leadership process -the behavioral approach marked a major shift in the general focus of leadership research, Before the inception of this approach, researchers treated leadership exclusively as a trait -broadened the scope of leadership research to include the behaviors of leaders and what they do in various situations -It was expanded to include what leaders did and how they acted. 2) a wide range of studies on leadership behavior validates and gives credibility to the basic tenets of the approach. -the behavioral approach is substantiated by a multitude of research studies that offer a viable approach to understanding the leadership process. 3) researchers of the behavioral approach have ascertained that a leader's style consists primarily of two major types of behaviors: task and relationship. 4) the behavioral approach is heuristic. -It provides us with a broad conceptual map that is worthwhile to use in our attempts to understand the complexities of leadership. - Leaders can learn a lot about themselves and how they come across to others by trying to see their behaviors in light of the task and relationship dimensions. -Leaders can assess their actions and determine how they may want to change to improve their leadership behaviors

I am the lead Barista at a local coffee shop managing four staff. I assign tasks each work shift and check back regularly to see that work has been done. I do not spend much time talking with my staff about things other than getting the job done. My behavior would plot on the Blake & Mouton's Leadership Grid at what point?

9, 1

What is the behavioral approach to leadership

A leader has to have effective task behavior an dd effective leadership behavior

What is an example of the behavioral approach

An example may help explain how the behavioral approach works. Imagine two college classrooms on the first day of class and two professors with entirely different styles. Professor Smith comes to class, introduces herself, takes attendance, goes over the syllabus, explains the first assignment, and dismisses the class. Professor Jones comes to class and, after introducing herself and handing out the syllabus, tries to help the students to get to know one another by having each of the students describe a little about themselves, their majors, and their favorite nonacademic activities. The leadership behaviors of professors Smith and Jones are quite different -The preponderance of what Professor Smith does could be labeled task behavior, and the majority of what Professor Jones does could be labeled relationship behavior.

Efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree

Authority Compliance Management t

9,1 style of leadership - places heavy emphasis on task and job requirements, and less emphasis on people, except to the extent that people are tools for getting the job done. -Communicating with subordinates is not emphasized except for the purpose of giving instructions about the task - style is result driven, and people are regarded as tools to that end - often seen as controlling, demanding, hard driving, and overpowering.


Which of the components on Blake & Mouton's Leadership Grid has low concern for interpersonal relationships and high concern for task accomplishment?


You are required to report directly to your supervisor every morning. Upon arrival he gives you a large list of tasks to be completed by the end of the day; he states he will be checking in after lunch to see your progress. This is an example of

Authority-compliance management

An example of a training and development program that deals exclusively with leader behaviors is

Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid (formerly Managerial Grid) seminar.

-refers to how a leader attends to the people in the organization who are trying to achieve its goals -building organizational commitment and trust, promoting the personal worth of followers, providing good working conditions, maintaining a fair salary structure, and promoting good social relations

Concern for people

-refers to how a leader is concerned with achieving organizational tasks -It involves a wide range of activities, including attention to policy decisions, new product development, process issues, workload, and sales volume

Concern for production

are essentially relationship behaviors and include building camaraderie, respect, trust, and liking between leaders and followers.

Consideration behaviors

Thoughtful attention to the needs of the people for satisfying relationships leads to a comfortable, friendly organization atmosphere and work tempo.

Country-Club Management

the behavior of leaders who approach subordinates with a strong human relations emphasis - They take an interest in workers as human beings, value their individuality, and give special attention to their personal needs

Employee orientation

1,1 leadership style -representative of a leader who is unconcerned with both the task and interpersonal relationships. -This type of leader goes through the motions of being a leader but acts uninvolved and withdrawn. -1,1 leader often has little contact with followers and could be described as indifferent, noncommittal, resigned, and apathetic

Impoverished Management

Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done as appropriate to sustain organization membership.

Impoverished Management

A leader who is indifferent and apathetic is displaying

Impoverished behaviors

are essentially task behaviors, including such acts as organizing work, giving structure to the work context, defining role responsibilities, and scheduling work activities

Initiating structure behaviors

was designed primarily for research and has been used extensively since the 1960s.


Researchers and practitioners alike have used many different instruments to assess the behaviors of leaders and the most common are

LBDQ (Stogdill, 1963) and the Leadership Grid (Blake & McCanse, 1991)

Stogdill published the shortened version of LBDQ

LBDQ-XII, became the most widely used instrument in leadership research.

Ohio State developed a leadership questionnaire called the

Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ ), which identified initiation of structure and consideration as the core leadership behaviors.

What was the questionnaire in the Ohio Study

Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire and given to educational, military, and industrial settings, and the results showed that certain clusters of behaviors were typical of leader

The two types of behaviors identified by the LBDQ-XII represent the core of the behavioral approach and are central to what leaders do

Leaders provide structure for followers, and they nurture them

-is an example of a practical model of leadership that is based on the two major leadership behaviors: task and relationship. -closely parallels the ideas and findings that emerged in the Ohio State and University of Michigan studies. - It is used in consulting for organizational development throughout the world

Leadership Grid

Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get work out while maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level

Middle of the Road Management

-5,5 leadership style -who are compromisers, who have an intermediate concern for the task and an intermediate concern for the people who do the task. - They find a balance between taking people into account and still emphasizing the work requirements -style gives up some of the push for production and some of the attention to employee needs. -the 5,5 leader avoids conflict and emphasizes moderate levels of production and interpersonal relationships. - type of leader is is expedient, prefers the middle ground, soft-pedals disagreement, and swallows convictions in the interest of "progress

Middle-of-the-Road Management (5,5)

Is the behavioral approach a refined theory


- refers to a leader who uses any combination of the basic five styles for the purpose of personal advancement -will adapt and shift his or her leadership behavior to gain personal advantage, putting self-interest ahead of other priorities -performance and the effort of the leader are to realize personal gain -words to describe this behavior: ruthless, cunning, self-motivated but some argue it could be adaptable and strategic


Sara is criticized for shifting her management style too much and is known as a leader who watches out for herself. She is a

Opportunistic leader

Which leadership style, according to Blake and Mouton, includes rewards and approval for people in return for their loyalty and obedience?


consists of leadership behaviors that stress the technical and production aspects of a job

Production orientation

Daily meetings, open communication, face-to-face interaction, and accessibility are all behaviors of which type of leader?


I am meeting my new team who I will directly supervise for the first time. I introduce myself and invite each team member to share some interesting facts about themselves unrelated to work. I am using

Relationship behaviors

Work accomplishment is from committed people. Interdependence through a common stake in organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect.

Team Management

9,9 -places a strong emphasis on both tasks and interpersonal relationships. - It promotes a high degree of participation and teamwork in the organization and satisfies a basic need in employees to be involved and committed to their work. 9,9 leader: stimulates participation, acts determined, gets issues into the open, makes priorities clear, follows through, behaves open-mindedly, and enjoys working.

Team Management (9,9)

was designed primarily for training and development; it continues to be used today for training managers and supervisors in the leadership process.

The Leadership Grid

How did the behavioral approach originate from

The behavioral approach originated from three different lines of research: the Ohio State studies, the University of Michigan studies, and the work of Blake and Mouton on the Managerial Grid.

For example, a leader can be high in initiating structure and high or low in task behavior. Similarly, a leader can be low in setting structure and low or high in consideration behavior.

The degree to which a leader exhibits one behavior is not related to the degree to which she or he exhibits the other behavior.

The behavioral approach reminds leaders that

They should continually engage in both task and relationship behaviors.

How was the Ohio study conducted

This analysis was conducted by having followers complete questionnaires about their leaders. Followers had to identify the number of times their leaders engaged in certain types of behaviors

The behavioral approach describes

What leaders do

the behavioral approach provides a framework for

assessing leadership in a broad way, as behavior with a task and relationship dimension. -works not by telling leaders how to behave, but by describing the major components of their behavior.

The Leadership Grid portrays five major leadership styles

authority-compliance (9,1), country-club management (1,9), impoverished management (1,1), middle-of-the-road management (5,5), and team management (9,9)

The goal has been to find a universal set of leadership behaviors

capable of explaining leadership effectiveness in every situation. The results from these efforts have not been conclusive, however. Researchers have had difficulty identifying one best style of leadership.

what two factors did organizations reach their purpose through the leadership grid

concern for production and concern for people

Employee orientation is very similar to the cluster of behaviors as

consideration in the Ohio State studies

1,9 style -represents a low concern for task accomplishment coupled with a high concern for interpersonal relationships -Deemphasizing production, 1,9 leaders stress the attitudes and feelings of people, making sure the personal and social needs of followers are met -They try to create a positive climate by being agreeable, eager to help, comforting, and uncontroversial.

country club management

What did the Michigan study identify as the two types of leadership behaviors

employee orientation and production orientation

A group of researchers at Ohio State believed that the results of studying leadership as a personality trait seemed fruitless and decided to analyze how

individuals acted when they were leading a group or an organization.

What were the two general types of leader behaviors that the questionnarie answers clustered to

initiating structure and consideration

Production orientation parallels the

initiating structure cluster found in the Ohio State studies.

What is different about the Ohio and Michigan researchers

n their initial studies, conceptualized employee and production orientations as opposite ends of a single continuum.

- refers to a leader who uses both 1,9 and 9,1 styles but does not integrate the two -This is the "benevolent dictator" who acts graciously but does so for the purpose of goal accomplishment. - treats people as if they were dissociated from the task. -"fatherly" or "motherly" toward their followers; regard the organization as a "family" -make most of the key decisions; and reward loyalty and obedience while punishing noncompliance


What helps followers feel comfortable with themselves, with each other, and with the situation in which they find themselves.

relationship behaviors

-goal accomplishment and they help group members achieve their objectives

task behaviors

What are the two general kinds of behaviors

task behaviors and relationship behaviors

It is a model that has been used extensively in organizational training and development.

the Managerial Grid the Leadership Grid

What is the best known model of managerial behavior

the Managerial Grid also known as the Leadership Grid

- provides a valuable framework for assessing leadership in a broad way as assessing behavior with task and relationship dimensions. -reminds leaders that their impact on others occurs along both dimensions.

the behavioral approach

was designed to explain how leaders help organizations to reach their purposes through two factors: concern for production and concern for people.

the leadership grif

In the 1950s and 1960s, a multitude of studies were conducted by researchers from both Ohio State and the University of Michigan to determine how leaders could best combine their task and relationship behaviors

the results that emerged from this large body of literature were contradictory and unclear (Yukl, 1994)

What is the purpose of the behavioral approach

to explain how leaders combine these two kinds of behaviors to influence followers in their efforts to reach a goal

From this orientation,

workers are viewed as a means for getting work accomplished

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