AI quiz 4

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Paperclip Maximizer Scenario

"Be careful what you wish for." Tell the AI system "I want you to make as many paperclips as you can," and then the AI decides the best way to do that is to make all matter on Earth into metal that can be made into paperclips. The AI doesn't hate humanity directly but wants to accomplish its goal. In this sense, the goal is incompatible with human existence.

Elgammal argument

AI art is a form of conceptual art (intent lies in the process), makes AICAN emphasizing novelty and algorithm favors abstract work --> take the art and show humans, who can't tell the difference between its work and human and also really like AICAN's work.

Chambers argument

AI is NOT an artist: lacks the intrinsic psychic meaning to the agent, Not drawing upon its personal or collective experiences, Predicated on human experiences, CAN does not have a psychic structure, do not have their own psychological experiences, They do not have collective psychology that developed over millennium


Artificial General Intelligence (general-purpose systems with intelligence comparable to that of the human mind), a form of AI that possesses the ability to understand, learn and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks and domains

final/inherent goals and values

Goal that exists inherently for itself. (I.e. friendship, love) In terms of AI: Do what humans tell you to do? Can't really predict a final goal

instrumental goals and values

Goal you have for accomplishing other goals. (I.e. gym, brushing teeth, doing dishes. Do these things for other purposes (health, clean teeth, clean dishes for meals later))

The control problem

How does a less intelligent being control another being with vastly more intelligence? (Toddler in battle example). Top-down argument: If AI is super intelligent it will also be super persuasive, super manipulative, super strategic.


If you understand that A is B, then do you also understand that B is A? (I.e. you ask Chat who Tom Cruise's mother is and it answers but when you say who is ___ (Tom Cruise's mother's name) it does not know.)

transformative use (in U.S. copyright law)

Making use of copyrighted material. If you are a human being and you view someone's art, then you can be inspired by what you see and do something similar. Transformation of the original art, taking the original but putting your creative spin on it.

Whole Brain Emulation

Mind uploading is a speculative process of whole brain emulation in which a brain scan is used to completely emulate the mental state of the individual in a digital computer, replicating the functionality of the human brain in software

Pascal's wager

No matter how unlikely you think something is, the magnitude of the risk is so big that maybe you shouldn't do it. If risk isn't 0 and you multiply the number by the destruction of humanity then it vastly outweighs any benefits that the system could provide.


Reduces human art to a very simplistic thing → just extending patterns that they've seen in the past. "AI can make art because humans are just programs for generalizing patterns, trained on historical datasets"


The claim that all human knowledge is grounded in perceptual and motor experiences; Human beings learn language based on predicting next letter or word based on tendencies

instrumental convergence

The claim that intelligent agents will converge on a set of instrumental goals, rather than final goals (which are up in the air, orthogonal to intelligence, no way of predicting final goals). There is a way of predicting instrumental goals (p instrumental goals convergence out of q possible goals Likelihood of AGI destroying humanity = p/q)


There are some parts of the human mind that are not based in perception or action; Chomksy argues that AI is good old fashioned empiricism b/c doesn't understand what it's doing (cannot generalize, not creative)

the orthogonality thesis

There is no correlation between intelligence and "final goals/values" Intelligence and goals are orthogonal to each other --> There is no association between the two of them

fair use (in U.S. copyright law)

Whether or not you are making money off of things or not. Doing it for your enjoyment, not for money might be considered fair use. (whether something is a fair use and identifies certain types of uses—such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research—as examples of activities that may qualify as fai)


a point where this rate of technological progress will be so rapid that it appears to be a rupture in the fabric of human history. The moment when computing power reaches an "intelligence explosion." People who are merged with technology will undergo a radical transformation. Become posthuman: immortal, limitless, changed beyond recognition

Elgammal adversarial network (CAN) defined

compels AICAN to contend with two opposing forces: on one end it tries to learn aesthetics of existing art, on the other it will be penalized if it too closely emulates an existing style

indeterminacy of translation

languages are often so fundamentally different from each other that we cannot accurately translate concepts from one to another. AI cannot communicate with humans, so everything it has done is just a copy and not art Communication-based argument, AI may be creative but not artistic b/c can't communicate ideas like you're supposed to

O'Gieblyn, Ghost in the Cloud

largely talks about how transhumanism is very similar to christian theology, Transhumanist ideas are not merely similar to theological concepts but could in fact be the events described in the Bible, whole thing is that singularity = resurrection


p(doom), if you have one, is your best guess at the likelihood — expressed as a percentage — that AI ultimately turns on humanity, either of its own volition, or because it's deployed against us. (n/m)

Existential risk / x-risk

risk of going out of existence, terrible life event occurring (i.e. asteroid wiping out intelligent life, climate change)


says a lot of crazy things about how the future is going to change and how machine intelligence is growing exponentially, main point is that we are going to reach singularity, which he characterizes as a point where the rate of technological progress will be so rapid that it appears to be a rupture in the fabric of human history


the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology. AI will either kill us, or transform us into godlike beings ourselves. Connected to traditional christian theology

Moore's Law

the observation that computing power roughly doubles every two years. Computer processing power doubles every two years, meaning that technology is developing at an exponential rate.


the truthfulness of origins, attributions, commitments, sincerity, devotion, and intentions; the quality of being authentic --> probably in terms of AI art

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