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C. both 1 and 2 are true A DC selsyn system is a widely used electrical method of indicating a remote mechanical movement or position A synchro-type indicating system is an electrical system used for transmitting information from one point to another

(1) A DC selsyn system is a widely used electrical method of indicating a remote mechanical movement or position (2) A synchro-type indicating system is an electrical system used for transmitting information from one point to another Regarding the above statements A. only 1 is true B. only 2 is true C. both 1 and 2 are true

B. tension loads

A well designed rivet joint will subject rivets to A. compressive loads B. shear loads C. tension loads

A. hydraulic fluid flowing from the pump drain line Hydraulic pumps have a shaft seal vented into a compartment in the pump and drain overboard. If the pump shaft seal leaks, hydraulic fluid will drip out of the overbeoard draining line

A worn hydraulic pump shaft seal can normally be detected by A. hydraulic fluid flowing from the pump drain line B. evidence of hydraulic fluid combined in the engine oil C. the presence of hydraulic fluid around the pump mounting pad

C. sense and loop antennas The ADF system operates in the lw- and medium- frequency (LF/MF) band, and the airborne equipment consists of a receiver, a loop (directional) antenna, a sense (nondirectional antenna), and indicator, and a control unit

Part of the ADF system used on aircraft includes A. RMI indicator B. marker beacon antenna C. sense and loop antennas

A. The word Avgas and the minimum fuel grade

According to Part 23, what minimum requirement markings must be replaced at or near each appropriate fuel filter cover for reciprocating engine-powered airplanes? A. The word "Avgas" and the minimum fuel grade B. The word "fuel" and the useable fuel capacity C. The word "Avgas" and the total fuel capacity

C. contain acetone cylinders used to transport and store acetylene contain acetone in which the acetylene gas is dissolved. When acetylene gas is dissolved in acetone, it can safely be stored under pressure

Cylinders used to transport and store acetylene A. are pressure tested to 3,000 psi B. are green in color C. contain acetone

C. Torque and directional control The auxiliary rotor located on the tail of a single main rotor helicopter compensates for torque and provides for directional control

The auxiliary (tail) rotor of a helicopter permits the pilot to compensate for and/or accomplish which of the following? A. Altitude and pitch oscillation B. Airspeed and trimmed flight C. Torque and directional control

C. provide means to maintain a balance fuel load condition Multi-engine aircraft normally have fuel tanks located in widely separated parts of the aircraft. A crossfeed fuel system allows fuel to be used from any tanks by any of the engines. This allows a balanced fuel load to be maintained

Normal fuel crossfeed system operation in multiengine aircraft A. calls for jettisoning of fuel overboard to correct lateral stability B. reduces contamination and/or fire hazards during fueling or defueling operations C. provide a means to maintain a balance fuel load condition

C. saves weight while not compromising strength sandwich panels of metal honeycomb constructor are used in modern aircraft because of their high strength-to-weight ratio

Sandwich panels made of honeycomb construction are used on aircraft because this type of construction A. has a high tensile strength and is non-flammable B. has a low weight and is corrosion resistant C. saves weight while not compromising strength

A. not be straightened or bent further When a teflon hose that has developed a permanent set from exposure to high pressure or temperature is removed from an aircraft hydraulic system, its ends should be supported to prevent the hose from being straightened or further bent

Teflon hose that has developed a permanent set from being exposed to high pressure or temperature should A. not be straightened or bent further B. not be reinstalled once removed C. be immediately replaced

B. Compression Compression failure of a wood structure can take place when that wood structure is overstressed

Any wooden member that had been overstressed is subject to which type of failure? A. Stretch B. Compression C. Torsion

A. oil spray An AC generator that is built integral with the constant-speed drive is cooled by an oil spray delivered by the CSD section. The oil used in cooling is held in a reservoir in the CSD

CSD generators are usually cooled by A. oil spray B. an integral fan C. both ram air and an integral fan

B. be at least flame resistant 14 CFR 23.2325 requires that upholstery material used for each compartment to be used by the crew or passengers must be at least flame resistant

Cabin upholstery materials installed in current standard category airplanes must A. be fireproof B. be at least flame resistant C. meet the requirements prescribed in Part 43

B. Iron or steel cases Most electrical instrument are mounted in steel or iron cases to prevent interference from outside magnetic fields. Lines of magnetic flux cannot cross iron or steel because the metal traps the lines of flux rather than allowing them to pass across it

Cases for electrically operated instruments are made of A. Aluminum or composite cases B. Iron or steel cases C. Bakelite or plastic cases

C. 15 years or 5,000 filling cycles whichever occurs first Composite oxygen cylinders which are made of an aluminum shell wrapped with Kevlar and conforming to DOT-E-8162 must be retired after 15 years or 10,000 fillings cycles.

Composite oxygen bottles that conform to DOT-E-8162 have a service life of A. 5 years or 5,000 filling cycles whichever occurs first B. 10 years or 5,000 filling cycles whichever occurs first C. 15 years or 10,000 filling cycles whichever occurs first

B. to provide additional wear resistance over the edges of fabric forming structures Surface tape, or finishing tape, should be placed over all lacing, seams, (both machine- and hand-sewn), corners, edges, and places where wear is likely to occur

Finishing tape (surface tape) is used for what purpose? A. To help prevent "ripple formation" in covering fabric B. To provide additional wear resistance over the edges of fabric forming structures C. To provide additional anti-tear resistance under reinforcement tape

C. act as check valves Flapper valves are used in fuel tanks to serve as check valves Flapper valves allow ful to flow to the booster pump but it prevent its flowing away from the pump during certain flight maneuvers

Flapper valves are used in fuel tanks to A. reduce pressure B. prevent a negative pressure C. act as check valves

B. airframe and powerplant rating A person must hold an AnP to be authorized to complete a 100 hour inspection and return to service

For an individual (not a repair station) to conduct a complete 100-hour inspection on an aircraft and approve it for return to service requires a mechanic certificate with A. an aircraft rating only B. airframe and powerplant rating C. airframe and powerplant rating with an inspection authorization

A. Chemical oxygen generator system Chemical oxygen generator systems are used as emergency backup for pressurized aircraft because of their lack of complexity, efficient use of space and weight, and the small amount of maintenance required

For use in pressurized aircraft, which is generally the least complicated and requires the least maintenance? A. Chemical oxygen generator system B. High-pressure oxygen systems C. Low-pressure oxygen systems

C. inadequate airflo through the evaporator If there is not enough airflow through the evaporator coils to add heat from the cabin to the refrigerant, ice or frost willbuild up on the outside of the evaporator

Frost or ice buildup on a vapor-cycle cooling system evaporator would most likely be caused by A. the mixing valve sticking closed B. moisture in the evaporator C. inadequate airflow through the evaporator

B. surging Baffles are installed in aircraft fuel tanks to prevent the fuel sloshing or surging in the tank caused by changes in attitude of the aircraft

Fuel baffles are installed in tanks to prevent _____ caused by changes in the attitude? A. vapors B. surging C. starvation

B. electrically the fuel flow transmitters discussed in the examination transmit their data electrically

Fuel flow transmitters are designed to transmit data A. mechanically B. electrically C. utilizing fluid power

B. ice crystals Turbine powered aircraft incorporate fuel heaters to prevent ice crystals from forming in the fuel and clogging the fuel system

Fuel heaters are used with fuel systems for turbine engines to prevent _____ in the fuel from clogging system filters. A. moisture B. ice crystals C. contamination

A. boost pump

Fuel is moved overboard in most fuel jettison systems by A. boost pumps B. gravity C. gravity and engine-driven fuel pumps

A. through a common manifold and outlet in each wing Fuel jettisoning is usually accomplished by a fuel dump manifold, which connects the dumpable fuel tanks to the dump valves and to a fixed or extendable dump chute in each wing

Fuel jettisoning is usually accomplished A. through a common manifold and outlet in each wing B. by gravity flow into the outboard wing tanks and overboard through a common outlet in each wing C. through individual outlets for each tank

B. dump limit valves or a low-level circuit Fuel tanks whose fuel can be jettisoned are equipped with a dump limit switch that will shut off the flow to the dump chute if the pressure drops below that needed to supply the engine with adequate fuel, or when the tank level reaches a preset dump shutoff level

Fuel jettisoning past the limits prescribed by the Federal Aviation Regulations is usually prevented by A. closely monitoring the fuel quantity and turning off the fuel dump switch(es) B. dump limit valves or a low-level circuit C. standpipes in the fuel tanks

A. drain off static charge Aircraft fuel system components must be bonded to the aircraft structure and must be grounded in order to prevent a buildup of static electricity.

Fuel system components must be bonded and grounded in order to A. drain off static charge B. prevent stray currents C. retard galvanic corrosion

A. to provide a positive flow of fuel to the engine A fuel boost pump is used to provide a positive flow of fuel from the tank to the engine Boost pumps are used for engine starting, as a backup pump for takeoff or landing, and in many cases to transfer fuel from one tank to another

Fuel-boost pumps are operated A. to provide a positive flow of fuel to the engine B. primarily for fuel transfer C. automatically from fuel pressure

B. high pressure and rates of fluid flow Some aircraft hydraulic systems hace such a high fuild pressure and high rate of fluid flow that the fluid becomes too hot for efficient operation. These systems cool the fluid with heat exchangers that are similar to engine oil coolers

Heat exchanger cooling units are required in some aircraft hydraulic systems because of A. fluid flammability B. high pressure and high rates of fluid flow C. the high heat generated from braking

A. must be reheated before use Heat-treatment rivets of the D and DD series that are not riven within the prescribed time after heat treatment, or which have been removed from refrigeration, must be heat-treated again before they are used, There is no specified number of times they ma be reheat-treaded

Heat-treatment rivets in the D and DD series that are not driven within the prescribed time after heat treatment or removal from refrigeration A. must be reheated before use B. must be discarded C. may be returned to refrigeration and used later without reheat treatment

C. contain acetone Acetylene is stable when stored under a pressure of less than 15 psi, but at pressure above this, it becomes dangerously unstable. Because of this instability, it is stored in a steel cylinder filled with a porous material such as a mixture of asbestos and charcoal. The mixture us then saturated with acetone. The acetone absorbs approximately 25 times its own volume of acetylene, and allows the cylinder to be charged to a pressure of 250 psi without the acetylene becoming unstable

High pressure cylinders used to transport and store acetylene must A. be pressure tested to 3,000 psi B. be green in color C. contain acetone

C. green color and the words AVIATOR'S BREATHING OXYGEN stenciled in 1-inch white letters High-pressure oxygen cylinders used in aircraft should be painted green and should have their AVIATOR'S BREATHING OXYGEN stenciled on them in 1-inch white lettering

High-pressure cylinders containing oxygen for aviation use can be identified by their A. green color and the words BREATHING OXYGEN stenciled in 1-inch white letters B. yellow color and the words AVIATOR'S BREATHING OXYGEN stenciled in 1-inch white lettering C. green color and the words AVIATOR'S BREATHING OXYGEN stenciled in 1-inch white letters

A. possibility of causing delamination Hole filling fasteners such as conventional rivets should not be used in composite structures because of the probability of causing delamination. When a conventional rivet is driven, its shank expands to completely fill the hole. The force applied by the expanded shank will cause the material to delaminate around the edges of the hole

Hole filling fasteners (for example, MS20470 rivets) should not be used in composite structures primarily because of the A. possibility of causing delamination B. increased possibility of fretting corrosion in the fastener C. difficulty in forming a proper shop head

C. air cycle air conditioning Cold air is supplied for the air conditioning system in some turbine-engine-powered aircraft by an air-cycle cooling system. Hot compressor bleed air loses some of its heat energy as it flows into the air-cycle machine where it is compressed and its temperature and pressure are both increased. This heated air then passes through a secondary heat exchanger, where it gives up some of its heat energy, and then it flows into the air-cycle expansion turbine. Here it uses up a large amount of its heat energy in driving the compressor. The air expands as it leaves the turbine and becomes cold

Hot compressor bleed air operates the conditioned air system on some turbine aircraft, cold air supplied by the A. hot air mixing valve B. vapor cycle air condition C. air cycle air conditioning

A. Pulleys A change in diretion can be cause dby the use of a pulley

How are changes in direction of a control cable accomplished? A. Pulleys B. Bell cranks C. Fairleads

B. Amperes at rated voltage Generators are rated according to the current they can produce at their rated voltage

How are generators rated? A. Watts at rated voltage B. Amperes at rated voltage C. The impedance at rated voltage

C. The transformer will get hot in normal operation If some of the windings in a transformer are shorted together, an excessive amount of current will flow in the windings and the transformer will get hot in normal operation

How can it be determined if a transformer winding has some of its turns shorted together? A. Measure the input voltage with an ohmmeter B. The output voltage will be high C. The transformer will get hot in normal operation

A. Air bubbles in the sight glass disappear A full charge of refrigerant in a vapor-cycle air cooling system is indicated by the absence of bubbles in the sight glass in the reciever-dryer

How can it be determined that a vapor-cycle cooling system is charged with the proper amount of freon? A. Air bubbles in the sight glass disappear B. The compressor loads up and RPM decreases C. Air bubbles appear in the sight glass

B. Reverse the electrical connections to either the field or armature windings The direction of rotation of a DC motor may be changed by reversing the connection to either the field or the armature winding, not both of them

How can the direction of rotation of a DC electric motor be changed? A. Interchange the wires which connect the motor to the external power source B. Reverse the electrical connections to either the field or armature windings C. Rotate the positive brush one commutator segment

A. parallel grain construction Laminated wood is made up of a number of pieces of wood glued together with the grain of all pieces running in the same direction (parallel to each other) Plywood is also made up of layers of wood, but the grain of each alternate layer runs at an angle to the ones next to it

Laminated wood is sometimes used in the construction of highly stressed aircraft components. This wood an be identified by its A. parallel grain construction B. similarity to standard plywood construction C. perpendicular grain construction

B. if the same quality of wood is used in both laminated wood spars may be substituted for solid rectangular wood spars if the same quality of wood is used in both

Laminated wood spars may be substituted for solid rectangular wood spars A. only in certain instances where the primary load is shared by one or more other original structural members B. if the same quality of wood is used in both C. only upon specific approval by the manufacturer or the FAA

C. Red light for unsafe gear; green light for gear downl no light for gear up Some landing gear system s indicate in the manner shown here. A red light shows an unsafe condition and a green light when each gear is down and locked. There is no light to show when the landing gear is up and locked

Landing gear warning systems usually provide which of the following indications? A. Red light for unsafe fear; green light for gear up B. Green light for gear up and down; red light for unsafe gear C. Red light for unsafe gear; green light for gear down; no light for gear up

A. in accordance with an inspection program authorized under 14 CFR Part 91, Subpart E Large airplanes and turbine-powered multiengine aircraft operated under 14 CFR part 91 must be inspected in accordance with one of the inspection programs authorized under subpart E of 14 CFR 91.409(e) and (f). The inspection programs specified in 14 CFR 91.409(e) and (f) are not the progressive inspection covered in 14 CFR 91.409(d)

Large airplanes and turbine-powered multiengine airplanes operated under 14 CFR Part 91, General Operating and Flight Rules, must be inspected A. in accordance with an inspection program authorized under 14 CFR Part 91, Subpart E B. in accordance with a continuous airworthiness maintenance program (camp program) authorized under 14 CFR Part 91, Subpart E C. in accordance with the progressive inspection requirements of 14 CFR 91.409(d)

B. senses light reflected from smoke particles passing through a chamber Light refraction-type smoke detectors detect the presence of smoke by sensing the light that is reflected from smoke particles passing through a chamber

Light refraction smoke detectors are activated when the detector A. measures a reduction in the amount of visible or infrared light in the surrounding area B. senses light reflected from smoke particles passing through a chamber C. uses radiation induced ionization to detect the presence of smoke

B. supply fluid at the auxiliary pump The outlet from the hydraulic reservoir to the main engine-driven hydraulically pump is above the outlet that goes to the hand pump. If a line breaks and the engine-driven pump forces all the fluid to which it has access overboard, there is still fluid left in the reservoir. There is enough fluid available to the auxiliary hand pump for such critical operations as landing gear extension

Many hydraulic reservoirs contain a small quantity of fluid which is not available to the main system pump. This fluid is retained to A. prime the main system B. supply fluid at the auxiliary pump C. supply fluid to the pressure accumulator

C. center the nosewheel before it enters the wheel well Many retractable nose gears use a centering cam to center the nosewheel when all the weight is off of the shock strut. The centering cam ensures that the wheel is positioned so it will fir into the wheel well properly

Nose gear centering cams are used in many retractable landing gear systems. The primary purpose of the centering device is to A. align the nosewheel prior to touchdown B. engage the nosewheel steering C. center the nosewheel before it enters the wheel well

B. a shorting hazard Oil canning is the condition of a piece of sheet metal that causes it to snap back and forth when it is distorted or vibrated. If the sides of an electrical junction box oil can, there is a possibility of some of the wires becoming shorted

Oil canning of the sides of aluminum or steel electrical junction boxes is considered to be A. normal operation in vibration prone areas B. a shorting hazard C. acceptable operation

A. Fuel or defuel any of the tanks on an aircraft Large aircraft pressure fueling systems consist of a refueling reciprocal and a panel of controls and gauges that permit one person to fuel or defuel any or all fuel tanks of an aircraft

On a large aircraft pressure refueling system, a pressure refueling receptacle and control panel will permit one person to A. Fuel or defuel any of the tanks on an aircraft B. Fuel any of the tanks on an aircraft C. Defuel any of the tanks on an aircraft

C. subtracting the setback from both legs When laying out a sheet metal fitting having a single bend, the setback must be subtracted from the mold line length of both the legs

On a sheet metal fitting layout with a single bend, allow for stretching by A. adding the setback to each leg B. subtract the setback from each leg C. subtracting the setback from both legs

C. several fuel tank levels can be read on one indicator A fuel totalizer is a single instrument that gives an indication of the total quantity of the fuel remaining on board the aircraft. The totalizer adds the quantities of the fuel in all of the tanks

On advantage of electrical and electronic fuel quantity indicating systems is that A. the indicator are calibrated in gallons; therefore, no conversation is necessary B. only one transmitter and one indicator are needed regardless of the number of tanks C. several fuel tank levels can be read on one indicator

B. extend the landing gear if the normal operating mechanical fails All aircraft equipped with retractable landing gear must incorporate some means by which the gear may be extended if the normal operating mechanical fails

On all aircraft equipped with retractable landing gear, some means must be provided to A. retract and extend that landing gear of the normal operating mechanism fails B. extend the landing gear if the normal operating mechanical fails C. prevent the throttle from being reduced below a safe power setting while the landing gear is retracted

C. An embossed letter "H" The raised, or embossed, H on the stem of an air-valve core denotes that this is a high pressure valve core used in an air-oil strut or in an accumulator, rather than in a tube or tire

On an air valve core stem, what indicates high-pressure type? A. An embossed letter "NP" B. An embossed letter "HP" C. An embossed letter "H"

B. Both 1 and 2 are true

(1) A fuel heater can use engine bleed air as a source of heat (2) A fuel heater can use engine lubricating oil as a source of heat Regarding the statements above A. Only 1 is true B. Both 1 and 2 are true C. neither 1 nor 2 are true

B. Both 1 and 2 are true Most fuel-pressure gauges are differential pressure gauges. They measure the difference in pressure of the fuel and the pressure of some reference air. When a pressure carburetor is used, this reference air pressure is the carburetor upper deck air pressure. Statement 3 is also true, the pressure shown on the gauge is the pressure of the fuel as it enters the carburetor

(1) A fuel pressure gauge is a differential pressure indicator (2) A fuel pressure gauge indicates the pressure of the fuel entering the carburetor Regarding the statements above A. only 2 is true B. both 1 and 2 are true C. neither 1 nor 2 are true

C. Both 1 and 2 are true An antiskid system is designed to apply the correct amount of force to operate the wheel just below the skid point. This gives the most effective braking. A warning lamp lights when the system is turned off or when there is a system failure

(1) An antiskid system is designed to apply enough force to operate just below the skid point (2) A warning lamp lights in the cockpit when the antiskid system is turned off or if there is a system failure Regarding the above statements A. only 1 B. only 2 C. Both 1 and 2 are true

C. Both 1 and 2 are true Gas turbine fuel systems are very susceptible to ice The fuel heater operates to heat fuel to prevent formation of ice

(1) Gas turbine engine fuel systems are very susceptible to the formation of ice in the fuel filters (2) A Fuel heater operates as a heat exchanger to warm the fuel Regarding the statements above A. Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true C. Both 1 and 2 are true

C. both 1 and 2 are true There are three basic DC motors: series, shunt motors, and compound motors In a series motor, the field windings, consisting of a relatively fre turns of heavy wire, are connected in series with the armature wires

(1) There are three basic types of DC motors; series, shunt, and compound (2) In the series motor, the field windings, consisting of relative few turns of heavy wire, are connected in series with the armature winding Regarding the above statements, A. only 1 is true B. only 2 is true C. both 1 and 2 are true

C. both 1 and 2 are true when all f the wheels are turning at less than 20 mph, the locked wheel arming circuit becomes inoperative, giving the pilot full braking action for low-speed taxiing and parking

(1) When an airplane is slowed below approximately 20 mph, the antiskid system automatically deactivated to give the pilot full control of the brakes for maneuvering and parking (2) An antiskid system consists basically of three components; wheel speed sensors, control box, and control valves Regarding the above statements, A. only 1 is true B. only 2 is true C. both 1 and 2 are true

A. pressure and temperature A Bourdon tube instrument is a pressure-measuring instrument. It can be used to measure temperature by connecting it to a temperature bulb containing a volatile liquied such as methyl chloride. The bulb and the bourdon tube are connected with a small diameter cooper tube and are sealed as a unit. When the temperature surrounding the bulb changes, the pressure above the volitile liquid changes. The Bourdon tube instrument whose dial is calibrated in units of temperature measures this pressure change, which relates to the temperature change

A Bourdon tube instrument may be used to indicate A. pressure and temperature B. temperature and position C. position and pressure

C. a variable hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor AC generators speed is held constant as the engine speed varies by a CSD unit. A variable-delivery hydraulic pump supplies fluid to a hydraulic motor. The ratio of the speed between the input and output of the CSD is varied to between the input and output of the CSD is varied to maintain a constant generator speed by controlling the pressure of the fluid that is delivered to the motor

A CSD unit drives a generator through the use of A. a synchronous electric motor B. an infinitely variable mechanical gearing system C. a variable hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor

C. only on the ground by maintenance personnel Some jet transport aircraft that use AC as the primary electrical power have a switch on the flight engineer's panel that allows the CSD unit to be disconnected in flight if there is a malfunction, suh as an excessively high generator-drive oil temperature. The CSD unit can be reconnected only by maintenance personnel when the aircraft is on the ground

A CSD unit that is disconnected in flight, due to the malfunction such as overtemperature, may be reconnected A. automatically if the temperature falls back into the normal operating range B. manually by the flight crew C. only on the ground by maintenance personnel

C. soften to facilitate riveting DD, or 2024--t, rivets are heat-treated before they are driven to soften them so they will not split when they are driven

A DD rivet is heat treated before use to A. harden and increase strength B. relieve internal stresses C. soften to facilitate riveting

A. not be blanked out by the wing when the aircraft is banked To prevent an interruption in DME operation, the antenna must be located in a position that will not be blanked by the wing when the aircraft is banked

A DME antenna should be installed on the aircraft in a position that will A. not be blanked out by the wing when the aircraft is banked B. not be blanked out by the vertical stabilizer C. facilitate cleaning, inspection, maintenance

A. 29.92 "Hg

A barometric altimeter indicates pressure altitude when the barometric scale is set at A. 29.92 "Hg B. 14.7 "Hg C. Field elevation

B. an inverter An inverter is a device that converts direct current into alternating current

A battery-generator system provides direct current. On installations requiring alternating current from the battery-generator system, it is necessary to have A. a transformer B. an inverter C. a variable resistor between the battery and generator

A. that are designed to work with lower pressure Brake deboosters are installed between the power brake control valve and the wheel cylinders of aircraft that are equipped with power brakes that use pressure supplied by the aircraft main hydraulic system. System pressure is too high for smooth brake application, so the debooster decreases the pressure and increases the flow of fluid to the brakes so they will apply smoothly and release quickly

A brake debooster valve is installed in systems where the high pressure of the hydraulic system (3,000 psi) is used to operate brakes A. that are designed to work with lower pressure B. that are used in conjunction with an antiskid system C. that are used on aircraft having high landing speeds

A. pounds A capacitance-type fuel quantity indicating system measures the density of the fuel (the dielectric constant of the fuel changes with density). It indicates the quantity of fuel in pounds rather than gallons

A capacitance-type fuel quantity indicating system measures fuel in A. pounds B. pounds per hour C. gallons

A. horn is nonmetallic A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher should not be used on an electrical fire unless the horn is made of a nonmetallic material. Most of the horns are made of pressed fiber

A carbon dioxide (CO2) hand-held fire extinguisher may be used on an electrical fire if the A. horn is nonmetallic B. handle is insulated C. horn is nonmagnetic

A. Thermoplastic

A category of plastic material that is capable of softening or flowing when reheated is described as a A. thermoplastic B. thermocure C. thermoset

A. circuits each pole can complete through the switch The throws of a switch indicate the number of circuits, or paths for current, the switch can select for of its poles. An SPDT switch can select either of two paths

A certain switch is described as a single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) switch. The throw of a switch indicates the number of A. Circuits each pole can complete through the switch B. Terminals at which current can enter or leave the switch C. Places at which the operating device (plunger, toggle, etc.) will come to rest and at the same time open or close a circuit

A. circuits each pole can complete through the switch The throw of a switch indicates the number of circuits, or paths for current, the switch can select for each of its poles. An SPDT switch can select either of two paths

A certain switch is described as a single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) switch. The throw of a switch indicates the number of A. circuits each pole can complete through the switch B. terminals at which current can enter or leave the switch C. places at which the operating device (toggle, plunger, etc.) will come to rest and at the same time open or close a circuit

B. 100-hour inspections of instruments The only funcion among the alternatives given here that is allowed a certificated mechanic is that of performing a 100-hour inspection of instruments. The other operations must be done by a certificated repair station with the appropriate approvals

A certificated mechanic may perform A. minor repairs to instruments B. 100-hour inspections of instruments C. instrument overhaul

C. not perform repairs to aircraft instruments Aircraft instruments may be repaired only by a certificated repair station that has approval for the specified instrument. A certificated mechanic with airframe and powerplant ratings may not perform any repairs or any alterations to aircraft insturments

A certificated mechanic with airframe and powerplant ratings may A. perform minor repairs to aircraft instruments B. perform minor repairs and minor alterations to aircraft instruments C. not perform repairs to aircraft instruments

C. inspections and function checks on aircraft instruments Certificated airframe technicians and A/P techs are cahrded with a wide varety of maintenance functions related to instruemnts and instrument systems. Installation, removal, inspection, troubleshooting, and functional checks are all performed in the field by certificated personel. It is also a responcibility of the certificated technician holding an airframe rating to know what maintenance is required and to acess the approved precedures for meeting those requirements

A certificated mechanic with at least an airframe rating may perform A. minor internal repairs to aircraft instruments B. major repairs to aircraft instruments C. inspections and function checks on aircraft instruments

A. Circuit and should be locate as close to the source as possible A circuit breaker is installed in an aircraft electrical system primarily to protect the circuit. It is installed as close to the source as it possible

A circuit breaker is installed in an aircraft electrical system primarily to protect the A. Circuit and should be located as close to the source as possible B. Circuit and should be located as close to the unit as possible C. Electrical unit in the circuit and should be located as close to the source as possible

C. electrically with wires

A synchro transmitter is connected to a synchro receiver A. mechanically through linkage B. electromagnetically without wires C. electrically with wires

B. heavy power circuits A current limiter, such as is used in the armature circuit of a high-current DC generator, is a form of slow-blow fuse that will accpet a sure of current greater than the generator rating. But if there is a continual flow of current in excess of th generator rating, it will open the armature circuit and remove the generator from the system. These current limiters cannot normally be replaced in flight. The current limiter for a slamm, low-current generator is a variable resistor in the field circuit that decreases the output voltage when the current exceeds the generator rating

A circuit protection device called a current limiter is essentially a slow-blow fuse and is designed to be used in A. 400 cycle AC circuit B. heavy power circuits C. starter-generator circuits

B. heavy power circuits A current limiter, such as is used in the armature circuit of a high-current DC generator, is a form of slow-blow fuse that will accept a surge of current greater than the generator rating. But if there is a continual flow of current in excess of the generator rating, it will open the armature circuit and remove the generator from the system. These current limiters cannot normally be replaced in flight.The current limiter for a small, low-current generator is a variable resistor in the field circuit that decreases the output voltage when the current exceeds the generator rating

A circuit protection device called a current limiter is essentially a slow-blow fuse and is designed to be used in A. 400 cycle AC circuits B. heavy power circuits C. starter-generator circuits

A. Replace all the fusible plugs Fusible plugs or thermal plugs must be inspected visually. These threaded plugs have a core that melts at a lower temperature than the outer part of the plug. This is to release air from the tire should the temperature rise to a dangerous level. A close inspection should reveal whether any core has experienced deformation that might be due to high temperature. If detected, all thermal plugs in the wheel should be replaced with new plugs

A close inspection of a fusible plug release the core has experienced some deformation. What is the appropriate maintenance procedure? A. Replace all the fusible plugs B. Replace the affected fusible plugs C. Replace with new wheel assembly

C. internal leakage in the actuating unit internal linkage in an actuating unit is a common cause of slow actuation of a hydraulic component

A common cause of slow actuation of hydraulic components is A. cold fluid B. restricted orifices C. internal leakage in the actuating unit

B. removing the indicating element and installing new indicating element A contaminated element is not reusable

A contaminated carbon monoxide portable test unit may be returned to service by A. cleaning the indicating element with soap and water B. removing the indicating element and installing new indicating element C. removing the indicating element from the exposed area for 24 hours

A. oxygen If an oxygen system has been opened, it is a good idea to purge it of any air that may be in the lines. Plug masks into the outlets, and if diluterp or pressure-demand regulators are used, place them in the Emergency position. Turn the pxygen supply on and allow oxygen to flow through the system for at least 10 minutes

A contaminated oxygen system is normally purged with A. oxygen B. compressed air C. nitrogen

B- remove grease from fabric. acetone is a fast-evaporating dope solvent that is suitable for removing grease from fabric propr to doping. It is also used for cleaning paint spray guns and as an ingredient in paint and varnish remover

A correct use for acetone is to A. thin zinc chromate primer B. remove grease from fabric C. thin dope

C. landing gear system The function of a crossflow valve is to bypass hydraulic fluid from the landing gear up line to the down line when the landing gear is being extended. When the landing gear is released from its uplocks, it weight causes it to fall so rapidly that fluid cannot fill in behind the piston into actuating cylinder, and excessive pressure builds up on the opposite side of the piston. The crossflow valve permits fluid to flow from the up side of the piston to the down side and thus allows the gear to fall more easily and with an event motion

A crossflow valve which is designed to bypass fluid from one side of an actuating cylinder to the other side, under certain conditions, may be found in some aircraft installed in the A. flap overload system B. engine cowl flap system C. landing gear system

A. weight aboard at takeoff A fuel totalizer is a fuel quantity indicator that gives the total amount of fuel remaining on board the aircraft on one instrument. The totalier adds the quantities of fuel in allow the tanks and gives the pilot an indication of the total number of pounds of furl remaining

A digital fuel totalizer automatically indicates the amount of fuel used, fuel remaining, current rate of consumption, and fuel A. weight aboard at takeoff B. remaining at the 45-minute IFR fuel reserve C. remaining, flight time at the current power setting

A. The amount of fuel in the tank A drip gauge is used to measure the quantity of fuel in a fuel tak when the aircraft is on ground. The drip gauge is pulled down from the bottom of the tank until fuel begins to drip from its end. The quantity of fuel in the tank is indicated on the gauge by the amount the gauge is pulled from the tank before it begins to drip

A drip gauge may be used to measure A. The amount of fuel in the tank B. System leakage with the system shut down C. Fuel pump diaphragm leakage

B. diameter of the rivets being used Rivet spacing is based on the diameter of the rivet shank. It is expressed in term sof rivet diameter

A factor which determines the minimum space between rivets is the A. length of the rivets being used B. diameter of the rivets being used C. thickness of the material being riveted

A. Compression failure A compression failure in a piece of wood is identified by a faint line running across the grain of wood

A faint line running across the grain of a wood spar generally indicates A. compression failure B. shear failure C. Torsion

C. Micronic filter A micronic filter used in a hydraulic system has an element made of specially treated cellulose paper, formed in vertical convolutions, or pleats. The micronic element prevents the passage of solids greater than 10 microns in size. CUNO is spaced metal disks Sediment traps are glass/plastic/metal bowls (think gasgolator) Micron filters are paper filters

A filter incorporating specially treated cellulose paper is identified as a A. sediment trap B. CUNO filter C. Micronic filter

B. weighing the container and its contents Fire extinguishers containing carbon dioxide are weighed to determine their state of charge. Containers of freon and nitrogen, and their containers of dry powder, have the condition of their charge measured by the use of pressure gauges that are part of the container

A fire extinguisher container can be checked to determine its charge by A. attaching a remote pressure gauge B. weighing the container and its contents C. a hydrostatic test

A. installed without excessive twisting The stripe that runs the length of a hydraulic hose is called a twist stripe, or lay line. The purpose of a twist stripe is to allow a technique to ebsure that the hose is not twisted when it is being sintalled.

A flexible hydraulic hose identified as MIL-H-8788 will have a strip running the length of the hose. This stripe is A. installed without excessive twisting B. for high pressure fluids with a flexible range C. suitable for a wide temperature range

B. packing a packing is a flexible sealing element that is subject to motion. A gasket is a flexible sealing element that is not subject to motion

A flexible sealing element subject to motion is a A. compound B. packing C. gasket

B. 14 CFR Parts 23 and 25 and CAM 4b The regulations governing fuel jettinsoning systems are covered in 14 CFR parts 23 and 25, and in the Civil Air Regulations Part 04 for aircraft certified by the CAA before the formation of the FAA

A fuel jettison system is required under certain conditions if the maximum takeoff weight exceeds the maximum landing weight. What regulations cover the requirements of fuel jettisoning? A. 14 CFR Parts 43 and 91 B. 14 CFR Parts 23 and 25 and CAM 4b C. 14 CFR Parts 21 and 43 and CAM 8

A. positive-displacement fuel pump A pressure relief valve is required for a positive-displacement aircraft fuel pump. A pressure relief valve is not needed with a centrifugal fuel boost pump

A fuel pressure relief valve is required on an aircraft A. positive-displacement fuel pump B. centrifugal boost fuel pump C. positive-displacement fuel pump and centrifugal boost pump

C. drops below a specific amount The fuel pressure switch warning switch contacts close and a warning light turns on when the fuel pressure drops below a specified limit

A fuel pressure warning switch contacts close and warning light is turned on when A. a measured quantity of fuel has passed through it B. the fuel pressure stops C. the fuel pressure drops below specific limits

C. lightning

A fuel system must be designed to prevent fuel vapor ignition caused by A. over-heating B. back-fire C. lightning

B- a source for additional hydraulic power when heavy demands are placed on the system. The accumulator allows an incompressible fluid such as oil to be stored under pressure. The fluid stored in the accumulator under pressure is available to supplement the pump as an additional source of hydraulic power when heavy demands are placed on the system

A fully charged hydraulic accumulator provides A. air pressure to the various hydraulic components B. a source for additional hydraulic power when heavy demands are placed on the system C. positive fluid flow to the pump inlet

B. Three A fully integrated autopilot controls an airplane about all three of its axis: roll, pitch, and yaw

A fully integrated autopilot controls the aircraft around how many axes? A. Two B. Three C. Four

A. to prevent the entry of moisture A gasket or sealants is used between a radio antenna mast and the fuselage skin to prevent the entry of moisture into the fuselage

A gasket or sealant is used between the antenna mast and fuselage skin A. to prevent the entry of moisture B. for aircraft pressurization only C. to prevent abrasion between the antenna mast and fuselage skin

C. tilting the main rotor disk in the desired direction A helicopter in forward-flight cruise configuration changes its direction by tilting the main rotor disk in the desired direction by using the cyclic pitch control. The direction in which the fuselage rotates about the vertical axis is determined by the pitch of the tail rotor, but this does not change the direction of flight

A helicopter in forward flight, cruise configuration, changes direction by A. varying the pitch of the main rotor blades B. changing rotor RPM C. tilting the main rotor disk in the desired direction

C. an indefinite number of times Quoting from AC 43.13-1A, section 332,b,(1), dealing with retreading types VI and VII high-speed tires: "The wide variations in tire operating environments which may affect total carcass life and servacibility mae it inadvisable to prescribe arbitrarily the maxximum number of times a highspeed tire should be retreaded. This aspectm therefore, is controlled by a thorough inspection of the carcass before retreading"

A high-speed aircraft tire with a sound cord body and bead may be recapped A. a maximum of three times B. only by the tire manufacturer C. an indefinite number of times

B 3000 psi When hydraulic fluid flows into an accumulator, it copresses the air charge. The pressure of the air will be the same as the pressure of the hydraulic fluid. When the hydraulic system pressure is 3000 psi, the pressure of the air in the accumulator will also be 3000 psi

A hydraulic accumulator is charged with an air preload of 1000 PSI. When a hydraulic system pressure of 3000 psi is developed, the pressure on the air side of the accumulator will be A. 1000 psi B. 3000 psi C. 4000 psi

B. rotary motion

A hydraulic motor converts fluid pressure to A. linear motion B. rotary motion C. angular motion

C. delivers a uniform rate of fluid flow A constant-displacement type of hydraulic pump delivers a uniform rate of fluid flow. It moves the same amount of fluid each time it rotates

A hydraulic pump is a constant-displacement type if it A. produces an unregulated constant pressure B. produce a continuous positive pressure C. delivers a uniform rate of fluid flow

C. The fluid level in the reservoir is low If the level of the fluid in the reservoir is below the outlet that feeds the engine-driven pump, portions of the system can be actuated by the emergency hand pump, but not by the engine-driven pump

A hydraulic system operational check during ground runup of an aircraft indicates that the wing flaps cannot be lowered using the main hydraulic system, but can be lowered by using the emergency hand pump. Which is the most likely cause? A. The flap selector valve has a severe internal leak B. The pressure accumulator is not supplying pressure to the system C. The fluid level in the reservoir is low

B. have all hydraulic power components located in one unit a hydraulic power pack is a small, self--contained hydraulic system that includes the resivoir, pump, selector valves, and relief valves all in one easy-to-service unit

A hydraulic system referred to as a "power pack" system will A. have an engine-driven pump for greater pressure B. have all hydraulic power components located in one unit C. have a pressurized resivour

C. too low or no preload in the accumulator A loud hammernig noise in a hydraulic system using an accumulator is often caused by a loss of accumulator air preload. The perssure regualtor puts the pump on the line. Since there is no compressible fluid in th esystem, the cutout pressure is immediately reached. This causes a shock on the system. As soon as the regulator directs the pump outlet to the return manifold, the system pressure drops below the cut-in pressure and the pump is aain put on the line

A loud hammering noise in a hydraulic system that has an accumulator usually indicates A. air in the fluid B. too much preload in the accumulator C. too low or no preload in the accumulator

A. number of collar grooves a lock bolt has locking groves in its pin into which the collar is swaged. A shear lockbolt has two locking grooves, and the tension lockbolt has five groves

A main difference between Lockbolt/Huckbolt tension and shear fasteners (other than their application) is in the A. number of locking collar groves B. shape of the head C. method of instillation

A. 165* A closed angle is an angle that has been ent beyond 90*. In order to form a closed angle of 15*, the sheet must be bent to an open angle of 15*

A piece of flat stock that is to be bent to a closed anfle of 15* must be bent through an angle of A. 165* B. 105* C. 90*

C. bend radius what a piece of sheet metal is bent, the curvature of the inside of the bend is referred to as the bend radius

A piece of sheet metal is bent to a certain radius. The curvature of the bend is referred to as the A. bend allowance B. neutral line C. bend radius

B. lack of fluid in the brake system If there is a lack of fluid in the brake system, the pedals will have to be depressed more than normal to get enough fluid into the wheel cylinders to apply the brakes. Answers A and C have no effect on the amount of pedal travel

A pilot reports that the brake pedals have excessive travel. A probable cause is A. weak return springs B. lack of fluid in the brake system C. oil or some foreign matter on the brake rotors and lining

C. leaking accumulator air valve If the hydraulic pressure is normal when the pump is running, but drops to zero when the pump stops, there is a good probability that the accumulator has lost its air preload. A leaking accumulator air valve could cause this

A pilot reports that when the hydraulic pump is running, the pressure is normal. However, when the pump is stopped, no hydraulic pressure is available. This is an indication of a A. leaking selector valve B. low accumulator fluid preload C. leaking accumulator air valve

B. air in the brake hydraulic system Brakes that have a spongy feel when the pedal is depressed have air in the brake system. Hydraulic fluid is incompressible and gives the brakes a solid feel, but if there is any air in the system, it will compress and cause the brakes to feel spongy

A pilot reports the right brake on an aircraft is spongey when the brake pedal is depressed in a normal manner The probable cause is A. the hydraulic master cylinder piston is sticking B. air in the brake hydraulic system C. the hydraulic master cylinder piston spring is weak

C. 1 inch in diameter A potted compound repair to a honeycomb structure can be used if the damage is less than one inch in diameter

A potted compound repair on honeycomb can usually be made on damages less than A. 4 inches in diameter B. 2 inches in diameter C. 1 inch in diameter

B. barometric pressure, cabin altitude, and cabin rate of change A ppressurization controller uses cabin altitude for the isobaric controla nd barometric pressure for the differential rance of control A cabin rate of climb is used to control the rate of pressure change inside the cabin

A pressurization controller uses A. bleed air pressure, outside air temperature, and cabin rate of climb B. barometric pressure, cabin altitude, and cabin rate of change C. cabin rate of climb, bleed air volume, and cabin pressure

B. Capacitor Probes, which are capacitors are used as the fuel-quantity-sensing element in a capacitor, fuel quantity indicating system

A probe or a series of probes is used in what kind of fuel quantity indicating system? A. Selsyn B. Capacitor C. Synchro

A. transmitting a signal and receiving back a reflected signal A radar altimeter measures the height of the aircraft above the ground by transmitting a VHF signal vertically downward from the aircraft and receiving the reflected signal. A computer inside the instrument measures the time required for the signal to reach the ground and return, and converts this time into feet of radar altitude. This altitude is displayed on the radar altimeter indicator

A radar altimeter determines altitude by A. transmitting a signal and receiving back a reflected signal B. receiving signals transmitted from ground radar stations C. means of transponder interrogation

C. altitude above ground level A radar altimeter measures the actual altitude above the terrain over which the aircraft is flying

A radar altimeter indicates A. flight level (pressure) altitude B. altitude above sea level C. altitude above ground level

B. tail to pivot in the direction of torque rotation around the main rotor axis On a single-rotor helicopter with an anti torque tail rotor, the torque of the main rotor tends to rotate the fuselage in a clockwise direction as viewed from above. The tail rotor comensates or this by attempting to rotate the fuselage in a counterclockwise direction. Decreasing the pitch of the tail rotor allows the torque of the main rotor to rotate the drelabe in a clockwise direction about the main-rotor axis

A reduction in anti-torque thrust will cause the A. tail to pivot in the opposite direction of torque rotation around the main rotor B. tail to pivot in the direction of torque rotation around the main rotor axis C. anti-torque system to become more efficient in the hover mode

C. tinned When resurfacing a soldering iron, all of the puts are filed out and the tip shape is desired. The iron is heated and immediately the entire surface is coated with solder to prevent the formation of oxides on the copper. This process is called tinning. Oxides on the tip prevent the transfer of heat from the copper to the metal being soldered

A resurfaced soldering iron cannot be used effectively until after the working face has been A. fluxed B. polished C. tinned

B. have slightly greater radius than the revit head The rivet set used to drive AN470 or MS20470 universal head rivets should have a radius slightly larger than the radius of the rivet head this larger radius allows the hammering action of the rivet gun to be directly on the crown of the rivet

A rivet set used to drive MS20470 rivets should A. have the same radius as the rivet head B. have slightly greater radius than the rivet head C. be nearly flat on the end, with a slight radius on the edge to prevent damage to the sheet being riveted

C. more current at low RPM than at high RPM A series-wound DC motor produces an extremely high starting torque. It uses a large amount of current when it first starts to rotate and when it is operating at slow speeds. The current drops off as the armature speed and the counter EMF builds up

A series-would DC electric motor will normally require A. more current at high RPM than at low RPM B. approximately the same current throughout its operating range of speed C. more current at low RPM than at high RPM

C. more current at low RPM than at high RPM A series-wound DC motor produces an extremely high starting torque. It uses a large amount of current when it first starts to rotate and when it is operating at slow speeds. The current drops off as the armature speed and the counter EMF builds up

A series-wound DC electric motor will normally require A. more current at high RPM than at low RPM B. approximately the same current throughout its operating range of speed C. more current at low RPM than at high RPM

B. 1/4 inch This problem calls for joining two pieces of .040 matal using 3/32 inch-rivets. The total thickness of the material is .080 inch. the rivet should protrude the last of the material for 1-1/2 diameters, or 0.1406 inch (9/64). The total length of the rivet must b 0.080 + 0.1406, or .2206 inches. the nearest standard rivet to this length is 1/4 inches long (.250 inch)

A sheet metal repair is to be made using two pieces of .040 inch aluminum riveted together, All rivet holes are drilled for 3/32 inch rivets. The length of the rivets to be used will be A. 1/8 inch B. 1/4 inch C. 5/16 inch

C. 5/16 inch Each of the two sheets of material to be riveted together has a thickness of 0.0625 inch. The total thickness of the material is 0.125 inch, and the 1/8 inch rivets should extend through the material for 1-1/2 diameters,which is 0.1875 inch. The total length of the rivet must be 0.3125 inch, which is 5/16 inch.

A sheet metal repair is to be made using two pieces of 0.0625-inch aluminum riveted together. All rivet holes are drilled for 1/8-inch rivets. The length of the rivets to be used will be A. 5/32 inch B. 3/16 inch C. 5/16 inch

C. 13/16 inch The minimum row distance is 2 1/2 D (d=diameter) 4D + 2-1/2 D= total overlap 6-1/2D =13/2 Given the rivet diameter (D) specified in this question 13/2 (1/8") = 13/16 inches total overlap

A single-lap sheet splice is to be used to repair a section of damaged aluminum skin. If a double row of 1/8 inch rivet is used, the minimum allowable overlap will be A. 1/2 inch B. 3/4 inch C. 13/16 inch

B. limit the extension stroke A sleeve, spacer, or bumper ring is incorporated inside an air/oil shock strut to limit its extension stroke

A sleeve, spacer, or bumper ring is incorporated in a landing gear oleo shock strut to A. limit the extension of the torque arm B. limit the extension stroke C. reduce the rebound effect

B. in the expansion valve and stop the entire system operation A small amount of water in a vapor cycle cooling system can freeze and stop the entire system operation. Water vapor will freeze in the expansion valve, not in the receiver-dryer

A small amount of water in a vapor cycle cooling system can freeze A. in the receiver-dryer and stop the entire system operation B. in the expansion valve and stop the entire system operation C. but the system is designed to continue operation

C. 36.6 Inch-pounds can be converted into foot-pounds by dividing by 12. 440 inch-pounds is 36.6 foot pounds

A special bolt in a landing gear attachment requires a torque value of 440 inch-pounds. How many foot-pounds are required A. 36.8 B. 38 C. 36.6

B. device for causing the fire-extinguishing agent to be released A squib is an electrically actuated explosive device used to break the seal on a HRD extinguisher bottle to release the agent

A squib, as used in a fire-protection system, is a A. temperature-sensing device B. device for causing the fire-extinguishing agent to be released C. probe used for installing frangible disks in extinguisher bottles

A. slippage mark The stripe or mark that extends across the edge of a wheel onto a tube-tire type is a slippage mark that shows whether the tie has slipped on the wheel If the slippage mark is broke, the tire should be removed from the wheel to inspect the tube for possible damage to the valve

A stripe or makr applied to a wheel rim and extending into the sidewall of a tube type tire is a A. slippage mark B. wheel-to-tire balance mark C. wheel weight reference mark

C. retain a set tension Cable tension regulators are used in some flight control systems to compensate for the difference in the expansion of the aluminum aircraft structure and the steel control cable. These cable tension regulators automatically maintain a given cable tension as the physical dimensions of the aircraft changes due to temperature changes

A tension regulator in the flight control cable system of a large all-metal aircraft is used primarily to A. increase the cable tension in cold weather B. provide a means of changing cable tension inflight C. retain a set tension

A. it generates a small current when heated A thermocouple in a fire-detection system generates its warning signal by producing a small current when it is heated. Thi small current activities a sensitive relay which in turn causes the slave relay to indicate the presence of a fire

A thermocouple in a fire-detection system causes the warning system to operate because A. it generates a small current when heated B. heat decreases its electrical resistance C. it expands when heated and forms a ground for the warning system

C. converts fluid pressure directly through a transmitter to the indicator A transducer is a device that changes energy from one form into another. A fuel pressure transducer converts fuel pressure into an electricals ignal that is proportional to the fuel pressure. This signal is transmitted to the fuel pressure indicator

A transducer in a fuel pressure system serves what function? A. Transmits an electrical signal to the transmitter for fluid pressure B. Transmits an electrical signal proportional to the fluid pressure C. Converts fluid pressure directly through a transmitter to the indicator

B. Converts fluid pressure to an electrical signal The transmitter in a fuel pressure warning system converts the pressure of the fuel into an elecrical signal that turns on a warning light or flashes a warning on an annunciator panel

A transmitter in a fuel pressure warning system serves what function? A. Transmits an electrical signal to fluid pressure B. Converts fluid pressure to an electric signal C. Transmits fluid pressure directly to the indicator

C. both roll and yaw a turn coordinator uses a canted gyro as its sensing element and can therefore sense both roll and yaw

A turn coordinator instrument indicates A. the longitudinal attitude of the aircraft during climb and descent B. the need for corrections in pitch and bank C. both roll and yaw

C. 1, 2, 3, and 4

A typical large transport aircraft fuel manifold system allows how many of the following? 1. All tanks can be serviced through a single connection 2. Any engine can be fed from any tank 3. All engines can be fed from all tanks simultaneously 4. A damaged tank can be isolated from the rest of the fuel system A. 1 and 2 B. 1, 2, and 3 C. 1, 2, 3, and 4

B. elevators, speed brake, flaps, and stabilizer trim Takeoff warning indicator system senses a number of items, and if any of them are not in the correct configuration for takeoff when the throttle for engine No. 3 is advanced for takeoff, an aural warning will sould to inform the pilot of the problem The atems sensed - elevator or stabilizer trim in the takeoff range -speed brake (spoilers) handle in the 0* position - steerable fuselage landing gear is centered -wing flaps are at 10* - leading edge flaps are extended

A typical takeoff warning indication system, an addition to throttle setting, monitors the position of which of the following? A. Ailerons, eleators, speed brake, and sterable fuselage landing gear B. Elevators, speed brake, flaps, and stabilizer trim C. Aerodynamically actuated slats, elevators, flaps, and speed brake

A. an actuaing cylinder

A unit which transforms hydraulic pressure into linear motion is called A. an actuating cylinder B. an accumulator C. a hydraulic pump

A. with the aileron in the NEUTRAL position When measuring aileron travel with the universal propeller protractor, the aileron is placed in its neutral position and the rotractor is zeroed. With it zeroed in this position, the amount of aileron travel upward and downward from the neutral position can be measured

A universal propeller protractor used to measure the degrees of aileron travel should be zeroed A. with the aileron in the NEUTRAL position B. with the aileron in the DOWN position C. with the aircraft is in a level flight attitude

C. cool too rapidly A thin, pointed tip on a soldering copper is normally undesirable because it cools too rapidly and does not transfer enough heat intot he,etal being soldered

A very thin and pointed tip on a soldering copper is undesirable because it will A. transfer too much heat to the work B. have a tendency to overheat and become brittle C. cool too rapidly

C. varying current flow to generator field coil A voltage regulator controls generator output voltage by varying the amount of current allowed to flow in the generator field coil

A voltage regulator controls generator output by A. introducing a resistance in generator-to-battery lead in the event of overload B. shorting out field coil in the event of overload C. varying current flow to generator field coil

C. resistance of the generator field circuit A voltage regulator controls generator output voltage by varring the resistance of the generator field circuit. This may be cone by using a carbon-pile voltage regulator, a vibrator-type voltage regulator, or a transistor voltage regulator. The resistance in the field circuit determines the amount of field current allowed to flow

A voltage regulator controls generator voltage by changing the A. resistance in the generator output circuit B. current in the generator output circuit C. resistance of the generator field circuit

A. a loose tip A welding torch backfire may be caused by torching the tip against the work, by overheating the tip, by operating the torch at other than recommended pressures, by a loose tip or head, or by dirt or slag in the end of the tip

A welding torch backfire may be caused by A. a loose tip B. using too much acetylene C. a tip temperature that is too cool

A. dangerously unstable Under low pressure at normally temperatures, acetylene is a stable compound. But when it is compressed in a container to a pressure greater than 15 psi, it becomes dangerously unstable

Acetylene at a line pressure above 15 psi is A. dangerously unstable B. used when a reducing flame is necessary C. usually necessary when welding metal over 3/8-inch thick

C. the fluid side of the accumulator has been charged Even though a hydraulic accumulator has been charged with air, no system pressure will show on the main system gauge until fluid has been pumped into the fluid side of the accumulator

After a hydraulic accumulator has been installed and air chamber charged, the main system hydraulic pressure gauge will not show a hydraulic pressure reading until A. at least one selector valve has been actuated to allow fluid into the fluid side of the accumulator B. the air pressure has become equal to the fluid pressure C. the fluid side of the accumulator has been charged

B. loop must be calibrated When an automatic direction finder is installed on a particular type of aircraft for the first time, it is important that the loop antenna be checked for quadrantal error. Quadrantal error is the error caused by the mental in the aircraft structure distorting the electromagnetic field of the received signal. Quadrantal error causes azimuth inaccuracies, which are greatest between the four cardinal points with respect to the centerr line of the aircraft

After an automatic direction finding antenna has been installed, the A. antenna must be grounded B. loop must be calibrated C. transceiver must be compensated

A. all connections checked for leaks After the filter elements in a combustion heater fuel system have been cleaned or replaced, the fuel system should be pressurized and checked for leaks

After cleaning or replacing the filtering element in a combustion heater fuel system, the system should be pressurized and A. all connections checked for leaks B. the fuel filter bypass valve reset to the filter position C. a sample of fuel taken downstream from the filter to ensure roper operation of the new filtering element

C. hand pump outport heck valve If the handle of a rebuild hydraulic pump cannot be moved in the normal pumping direction, the most likely cause would be that the pump outport check valve is incorrectly inctalled

After installation of a rebuilt hydraulic hand pump, it is found that the handle cannot be moved in the pumping direction (pressure stroke). The most likely cause in an incorrectly installed A. hand pump inport check valve B. inport/outport orifice check valve C. hand pump outport check valve

C. to maufacfurers spacifications If the aircraft manufactuere requires it, any flight control surface that has been repaired or re-covered should be rebalanced to the maufactueres specifications

After repairing or re-covering a rudder, the surface should be rebalanced A. to its spanwise axis B. in its normal flight position C. to manufacturers specifications

A. airframe when an aircraft radio antenna installation is required to be grounded, it is grounded to the airframe structure

Aircraft antennae must be grounded to the A. airframe B. wing spar C. bus bar

C. use power brake control valves Aircraft brakes that require a large volume of fluid normally use brake power control valves and fluids supplied by the aircraft's main hydraulic system

Aircraft brakes requiring a large volume of fluid to operate the brakes generally A. use independant master cylinder systems B. do not use brake system accumulators C. use power brake control valves

C. stainless steel a stainless steel junction box is recommended for installation in a fire zone

Aircraft electrical junction boxes located in a fire zone are usually constructed of A. aluminum sheets B. carbon steel C. stainless steel

A. pilot can determine the relative position of the trim tab from the cockpit An airraft flight control trim system must provide a means to indicate to the pilot the position of the trim device with respect to the range of adjustment. This means must be visible to the pilot and must be located and designed to prevent confustion

Aircraft flight control trim systems must be designed and installed so that the A. pilot can determine the relative position of the trim tab from the cockpit B. operating control and the trim tab will always move in the same direction C. trim system will disengage or become inoperative if the primary flight control system fails

C. amperes Aircraft fuse capacity is rated in amperes

Aircraft fuse capacity is rated in A. volts B. ohms C. amperes

B. low-frequency, high-amplitude shocks

Aircraft instrument panels are generally shock-mounted to absorb A. all vibration B. low-frequency, high-amplitude shocks C. high-frequency, high-amplitude shocks

C. the specific aircraft maintenance or flight manual The marking to be used on an aircraft instrument are those specified by the aircraft manufacturer and listed in the maintenance or flight manual for the particular aircraft.

Aircraft instruments should be marked and graduated in accordance with A. the instrument manufacturer's specifications B. both the aircraft and engine manufacturer's specifications C. the specific aircraft maintenance or flight manual

A. fuel control panel access door Pressure fueling instructional procedures are normally placarded on the fuel control panel access door. No one should fuel an aircraft with a fuel pressure fueling system unless he/she has been thoroughly checked out on the procedure

Aircraft pressure fueling systems instructional procedures are normally placarded on the A. fuel control panel access door B. lower wing surface adjacent to the access door C. aircraft ground connection point

A. repairable, using approved methods Aircraft structural units when are built up from sheet metal are normally repairable, using procedures recommended by the manufacturer of the airframe and approved by the FAA

Aircraft structural units, such as spars, engine supports, etc., which have been built up from sheet metal, are normally A. repairable, using approved methods B. repairable, except when subjected to compressive loads C. not repairable, but must be replaced when damaged or deteriorated

A. not be altered and are designed for a specific installation Thermocouple leads must have a specific resistance. They are designed for a specific installation and should not be altered

Aircraft temperature thermocouple leads may A. not be altered and are designed for a specific installation B. be installed with either lead to post of the indicator C. be repaired using solderless connectors

B. at least once a week or more often Aircraft tire pressure should be checked at least once a week, or more often if the aircraft is flown a great deal

Aircraft tire pressure should be checked A. using only a push on stick-type gauge having one-pound increments B. at least once a week or more often C. as soon as possible after each flight

A. a stepdown transformer and a rectifier Aircraft that use AC generators as the primary source of electrical power usually have a transformer-rectifier unit to provide direct current where it is needed

Aircraft which operate only AC generators (alternators) as a primary source of electrical power normally provide current suitable for battery charging through the use of A. a stepdown transformer and a rectifier B. an inverter and a voltage-dropping resistor C. a dynamotor with a half-wave DC output

c. aircraft owners and other interested persons of unsafe conditions and prescribes the condition under which the product may continue to be operateres ADs are published by the FAA as amendments to 14 CFR 39.13 and apply to the following products; aircraft, engines, propellers, and appliances. The FAA issues ADs when an unsafe condition exists in a product and is likely to exist or develop in other products of the same type design

Airworthiness Directive (ADs) are designed to notify A. mechanics of an approved alternate method to perform a maintenance task other than specified in the aircraft maintenance manual B. aircraft owners and operators of methods, techniques, and acceptable practices for inspection and alterations of aircraft C. aircraft owners and other interested persons of unsafe conditions and prescribes the condition under which the product may continue to be operateres

A. by the manufacturer and to not require heat treatment before being driven Alloy 2117 rivets, which are called AD rivets, are heat treated by the manufacturer. They do not require any further heat treatment before they are driven

Alloy 2117 rivets are heat treated A. by the manufacturer and to not require heat treatment before being driven B. by the manufacturer but require reheat treatment before being driven C. to a temperature of 910 to 930 and quenched in cold water

C. 20 percent Dents in the heel of a bend in a piece of hydraulic tubing are not acceptable. Dents in other parts of hydraulic tubing are acceptable if ther depth is less than 20 percent of the tube dameter

Although dents in the heel of the bends are not permissible, they are acceptable in the remainder of the hydraulic tube providing they are less than what percent of the tube diameter? A. 5 percent B. 10 percent C. 20 percent

C- reflect ultraviolet from the fabric. Aluminum pigmented dope contains tiny flakes of aluminum metal that spread out to form a solid, lightproof film over the coats of clear dope. The aluminum dope prevents the ultraviolet rays from the sun damaging the fabric and the coats of clear dope

Aluminum pigment in dope is used primarily to A. provide a silver color B. aid in sealing out moisture from the fabric C. reflect ultraviolet from the fabric

C. individual strands will break easily after being nicked Aluminum wire must be stripped very carefully, because if a strand is nicked, it will quite likely break

Aluminum wire must be stripped very carefully because A. high resistance will develop in stripping nicks B. stripping nicks can cause short circuits C. individual strands will break easily after being nicked

A. a blue stripe or dot O-ring intended for use with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid are identified by a blue stripe or a blue dot

An O-ring intended for use in a hydraulic system using MIL-H-5606 (mineral base) fluid will be marked with A. a blue stripe or dot B. one or more white dots C. a white and yellow stripe

A. an electrically operated switch A relay is a magnetically operated electrical switch

An aircraft electrical circuit control relay is A. an electrically operated switch B. a device which converts electrical energy to kinetic energy C. any conductor which receives electrical energy and passes it on with little or no resistance

B. provide current return paths An instrument panel is electrically bonded to the aircraft structure with flexible metal braid to carry return current from the instruments back to the aircraft battery

An aircraft instrument panel is electrically bonded to an aircraft structure to A. act as a restraint strap B. provide current return paths C. aid in the panel installation

C. equipment is added that could effect compass deviation An aircraft compass is swung, or compesated, to correct for deviation error. There is no time interval requirement for swinging a compas but it is normally done when any equipment has been added to the aircraft that could affect the compas deviation

An aircraft magnetic compass is swung to update the compass correction card when A. an annual inspection is accomplished on the aircraft B. the compass is serviced C. equipment is added that could effect compass deviation

A. does not exceed 10 flight hours an aircraft that is due for a 100 hour inspection can be flown to a place at which the inspection can be done. A maximum of 10 hours beyond the 100 hour inspection period is allowed for this purpose, and the time flown beyond is subtracted from the next inspection cycle

An aircraft may be flown beyond the 100 hour inspection requirement to reach a place where the inspection can be accomplished, provided it A. does not exceed 10 flight hours B. has a special flight permit C. does not exceed 15 flight hours

A. with a test date, DOT number, and serial number stamped on the cylinder near the neck An aircraft oxygen bottle cannot be considered airworthy unless it is stamped on the cylinder, near the neck, with its DOT number, serial number, and the date of its last hydrostatic test

An aircraft oxygen bottle may be considered airworthy if it has been hydrostatically tested and identified A. with the test date, DOT number, and serial number stamped on the cylinder near the neck B. with the DOT number, serial number, and manufacturer stamped on the cylinder near the neck C. With the DOT number and manufacturer stamped on the cylinder near the neck

C-a moisture separator. A moisture seperator must be used in an aircraft pneumatic system that incorperates engine-driven compressors. The moisture separator separates the moisture from the compressed air before the air is allowed to expand in the system. If moisture were allowed to remain in the air, the temperature drop that occurs when the air expands would cause it to freeze and block the system

An aircraft pneumatic system, which incorporates an engine driven multistage reciprocating compressor, also requires A. an oil separator B. a surge chamber C. a moisture separator

A. one complete series of events or operation that recur regularly A cycle is one complete series of events or operations that recur regularly. An aircraft pressurization cycle consists of a takeoff, schedule pressurization, scheduled decrease in pressure, and depressurization

An aircraft pressurization cycle is normally considered to be A. one complete series of events or operations that recur regularly B. one take off and one landing C. when the fuselage reaches its maximum pressure differential one time

A. if a special permit has been issued for the aircraft An aircraft due for an annual inspection may be operated if the FAA frants a special flight permit. A special flight permit is usually issued for such purposes as moving the aircraft to a point where the annual inspection can be performed

An aircraft that is due an annual inspection may be flown A. if a special permit has been issued for the aircraft B. for the purpose of performing maintenance C. for a period of time not to exceed 10 hours

B. Part of the arcraft structure

An aircraft's integral fuel tank is A. usually located in the bottom of the fuselage B. a part of the aircraft structure C. a self-sealing tank

A. rudder an airplane is rotated about tis vertical axis with the rudder, but directional flight is controlled by a combination of the ailerons and the rudder. The ailerons tilt the lift produced by the airplane wings. This changes te direction of fkight. The rudder alone controls the rotation of the aircraft about ts vertical axis

An airplane is controlled directionally about its vertical axis by the A. rudder B. elevator(s) C. aileron

A. poor longitudinal stability An aircraft wit good (positive) static longitudinal stability automatically generates a restoring force anytime it pitches either nose up or nose down. If the amount of pithing increases, the aircraft has dynamic longitudinal instability. The aircraft in this question has poor longitudinal stability

An airplane that has a tendency to gradually increase a pitching moment that has been set into motion has A. poor longitudinal stability B. good lateral stability C. poor lateral stability

B. pitch longitudinal stability is also called pitch stability

An airplane which has good longitudinal stability should have a minimum tendency to A. roll B. pitch C. yaw

B. So that the airplane will have a nose-heavy tendency The center of lift is usually located slightly behind the CG of an airplane to improve longitudinal stability. Locating the center of lift behind the CG produces a nose-heavy tendency that is balanced y the downward aerodynamic tail load. When the nose pitches up, the aircraft slows down and the tail load decreases. Longitudinal stability uses the nose to drop th the level flight attitude. If the nose pitches down, the airspeed builds ip and the tail load increases. The increased tail load brings the nose back to the level flight attitude

An airplane's center of lift is usually located aft of its center of gravity A. so that the airplane will have a tail-heavy tendency B. so that the airplane will have a nose-heavy tendency C. to improve stability about the longitudinal axis

C. pitot and static air pressure An airspeed indicator is a differential pressure gauge that measures the difference between ram (pitot) pressure and the static pressure surrounding the aircraft at any moment of the flight

An airspeed indicator measures the differential between A. pressure and temperature B. pitot and cabin air pressure C. pitot and static air pressure

C. rate of current used to change the battery An ammeter in a battery-charging circuit in an aircraft is used to indicate the rate of current that flows into or out of the battery

An ammeter in a battery charging system is for the purpose of indicating the A. amperage available for use B. total amperes being used in the airplane C. rate of current used to change the battery

B. an electrohydraulic system An antiskid system is an electrohydraulic system. It uses an electrical signal to actuate a hydalic valve in the brake system

An antiskid system is A. a hydraulic system B. an electrohydraulic system C. an electrical system

C. sense the deceleration rate of every main landing gear wheel and release then reapply pressure at a slightly lower value when a skid is detected Antiskid generators are mounted in the wheel hubs, and they produce a signal whose frequency is proportional to the wheel rotational speed This signal is sent into a computer where its rate of frequency change is compared with an allowable rate of change. If he rate is too fast, its signals that a skid is impending

An antiskid system is designed to A. solely sense the deceleration rate of every main landing gear wheel B. release then reapply pressure at the slightly lower valve when a skid is detected only C. sense the deceleration rate of every main landing gear wheel and release then reapply pressure at a slightly lower value when a skid is detected

B. inlet of the steering damper A steering damper is a hydraulically operated device that accomplishes the function of steering and eliminating shimmying. The steering damper automatically reverts to damping when, for any reason, the flow of high-pressure fluid is removed from its inlet

An automatic damping action occurs at the steering damper if for any reason the flow of high-pressure fluid is removed from the A. outlet of the steering damper B. inlet of the steering damper C. replenish check valve

C. splint field series-wound motor Aircraft landing gear that are retracted and lowered with an electric motor use a series-wound motor because of its high starting torque and a split-field motor to both raise and lower the gear

An electric motor used to raise and lower a landing gear would most likely be a A. shunt field series-wound motor B. split field shunt-wound motor C. split field series-wound motor

A. in the tank that moves a connecting arm to the wiper on a variable resistor in the tank Electric fuel quantity indicators operate with DC and use variable resistance in a circuit to drive a ratiometer-type indicator. The movement of a float in the tank moves a connecting arm to the wiper on a variable resistor in the tank unit. This resistor is wired in series with one of the coils of the ratiometer-type fuel gauge in the instrument panel. Changes to the current flowing through the tank unit resistor change the current flowing through one o the coils in the indicator This alters the magnetic field in which the indicating pointer pivots. The calibrated dial indicates the corresponding fuel quantity

An electrical type fuel quantity indicating system consists of an indicator in the cockpit and the float A. in the tank that moves a connecting arm to the wiper on a variable resistor in the tank B. attached to a rod that moves up or down in a calibrated cylinder C. in the tank that operates with alternating current and uses constant resistance in a circuit to drive a radiometer-type indicator

B. 48 hours When activated, the battery installed in an ELT must be capable of furnishing power for signal transmission for at least 48 hours

An emergency locator transmitter (ELT) battery must be capable of furnishing power for signal transmission for at least A. 36 hours B. 48 hours C. 72 hours

A. parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft an ELT is activated by an inertial switch that senses impact forces primarily parallel to the longitudinal axis to the aircraft

An emergency locator transmitter (ELT) is normally activated by an inertial switch or equivalent mechanism if subjected to a force of a prescribed intensity and duration. It must activate when the force is applied A. parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft B. parallel to the vertical axis of the aircraft C. in any direction relative to the aircraft axis

A. inlet of the main hydraulic system The supply line from the standpipe in a hydraulic resivoir is attached to the inlet of the main hydraulic system pump Th is stand pipe ensures that there will be a supplu of fluid available to the emergency pump if the main system pump should force overboard all of the fluid available to it

An emergency supply of fluid is often retained in the main hydraulic system reservoir by the use of a standpipe. The supply line is connected to the A. inlet of the main hydraulic system B. inlet of the emergency pump C. outlet of the main system pump

C. removes stresses caused by forming Annealing is the process of heating up the metal and letting it cool slowly. this resets the internal grain structure and removes stresses

Annealing of aluminum A. increases the tensile strength B. makes the material brittle C. removes stresses caused by forming

B. a switch in the cockpit A brake antiskid system is armed by placing the arming switch in the ARMED position. This releases the brakes and initiates the locked-wheel protection circuit. The armed antiskid system will not allow the brakes to be applied until the weight of the aircraft is on the wheels and the wheels have reached a rotational speed of more then 15 MPH. This same switch allows the pilot to deactivate the system

Antiskid braking systems are generally armed by A. the application of brakes B. a switch in the cockpit C. the rotation of the wheels above a certain speed

C. conductive coating Arcing inside an electrically heated windshield panel usually indicates a breakdown of the conductive coating through which the current passes

Arcing in an electrically heated windshield panel usually indicates a breakdown in the A. temperature-sensing elements B. autotransformers C. conductive coating

C. Stains, seeps, and heavy seeps (in addition to running leaks), are considered flight hazards when located in unvented areas of the aircraft Any fuel leaking from the aircraft is a big no no

As a general rule, which statement is true regarding fuel leaks? A. Stains, seeps, and heavy seeps are not flight hazards B. All fuel leaks regardless of location or severity are considered a hazard to flight C. Stains, seeps, and heavy seeps (in addition to running leaks), are considered flight hazards when located in unvented areas of the aircraft

C. move toward the leading edge The center of pressure of an asymmetrical airfoil moves forward as the angle of attack increases and backwards as it decreases. The center of pressure of a symmetrical airfoil does not move as the angle of attack changes

As the angle of attack of an airfoil increases, the center of pressure will A. move toward the trailing edge B. remain stationary because both the lift and drag components increase proportionally to increase angle of attack C. move toward the leading edge

A. An internal leak in the master cylinder An internal leak in the master cylinder will cause the brakes to creep to the OFF position after the parking brake has been set

Aside from an external leak in the line, what will cause parking brakes to continually bleed off pressure? A. An internal leak in the master cylinder B. Insufficient hydraulic fluid in the reservoir C. Glazing brake linings

A. 29.92 inhg In avaiation, there is a commonly used pressure known as standard pressure which refers to an established or standard value that has been created for atmospheric pressure. This standard pressure value is 29.92 inches of murgery. 1013.2 hectopascals or 14.7 psi

At sea level, when the average atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psi, the barometric pressure is A. 29.92 "Hg B. 29.92 Mb C. 1013.25 "Hg

A. When wheel rotation deceleration indicates an impending skid Normal skid control control comes into plau when any wheel decelerates at a rate that indicates an impending skid

At what point in the landing operation does normal skid control perform its function? A. When wheel rotation deceleration indicates an impending skid B. When wheel rotation indicates hydroplaning condition C. Anytime the wheel is rotating

A. Expansion turbine The refirgeration precess takes place in an air cycle cooling cyctem as th ompressed air expands through the turbine wheel of the air-expandion turbine. Expansion of the air reduces both its temperature and its pressure

At which component in an air-cycle cooling system does air undergo a pressure and temperature drop? A. Expansion turbine B. Primary heat exchanger C. Refrigeration bypass valve

A. hydrostatically tested within the proper time interval Before high-pressure oxygen cylinders an be serviced, it must be determined that they are of the correct type and that they have been hydrostatically checked for burst strength within the proper time interval. DOT 3AA oxygen cylinders myst be hydrostatically tested to 5/3 of their nominal working peesure every five yeats, and DOT 3HT cylinders must be tested in the same way every three years,. The date of the hydrostatic check must be stamped on the bottle near its neck

Before a high pressure oxygen cylinder is serviced, it must be the correct type and have been A. hydrostatically tested within the proper time interval B. approved by the National Transportation Safety Board C. inspected by a certificated airframe mechanic

C. avoid touching the surface with bare hands It is important when preparing a bare metal surface for painting that, after t has been cleaned, you do not want to touch it with your bare hands. There is enough oil on the surface of your skin that it can contaminate the surface enough that the finish will not adhere

Before applying a protective coating to any unpainted clean aluminum, you should A. wipe the surface with methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) B. remove any contaminants from the surface with a paper towel C. avoid toughing the surface with bare hands

A. The truck pump pressure must be correct for that refueling system Before fueling an aircraft, it is important that the fuel truck pump pressure be correct for the refueling system. Some systems, such as that used on the 727 require a maximum fuel delivery pressure of 50 psi,

Before fueling an aircraft by using the pressure fueling method, what important precaution should be observed? A. The truck pump pressure must be correct for that refueling system B. The truck pump pressure must be adjusted for minimum filter pressure C. The aircrafts electrical system must be on to indicate quantity gauge readings

C. relieve the air pressure Some hydraulic resivoirs are pressurized with bleed air from the engine compressor or from a ventrui-tee. All of the air pressure must be relieved before a pressurized resivoir is opened

Before removing the filler cap of a pressurized hydraulic reservoir, in order to service the system, you must A. relieve the hydraulic system pressure B. pressurize all components in the system C. relieve the air pressure

A. resistance value A bonding connection must be installed in such a manner that the resistance of each connection does not exceed 0.003 ohm

Bonding connections should be tested for A. resistance value B. amperage value C. reactance

B. an unsteady flow from turbulance Buffeting is an intermitent application of forces on aircraft surfaces caused by an unsteady flow of air from turbulance

Buffeting is the intermittent application of forces to a part of an airplane. It is caused by A. incorrect rigging of flaps B. an unsteady flow from turbulence C. incorrect rigging of aileron

B. halogenated hydrocarbons and nitrogen

Built-in aircraft fire-extinguishing systems are ordinarily charged with A. carbon dioxide and nitrogen B. halogenated hydrocarbons and nitrogen C. sodium bicarbonate and nitrogen

C. rectifiers which use the aircrafts AC generator as a source of power Large aircraft that use AC for normal electrical operation often use battery furnished DC for standby use. These systems use transformers to reduce the voltage and rectifiers to change the alternating current into direct current to keep the batteries charged

Certain transport aircraft using AC electrical power for all normal operation and battery furnished DC electrical power for standby emergency use. In aircraft of this type that operate no DC generators, the batteries are kept charged by A. inverters which use the aircraft's AC generators as a source of power B. alternators which use the aircrafts generators as a source of power C. recitifiers which use the aircraft AC generators as a source of power

C. red color, petroleum base, will burn, synthetic rubber seals 5606 is a red, petrolium based fluid . it will burn and should be used with components that have synthetic rubber seals

Characteristics of MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid are A. light purple color, phosphate ester base, fire resistant, uses butyl rubber seals B. blue color, will burn, natural rubber seals C. red color, petroleum base, will burn, synthetic rubber seals

C. blue color, vegetable base, will burn, natural rubber seals ITS VEGTABLE

Characteristics of MIL-H-7644 A. red color, petroleum base, will burn, synthetic rubber seals B. light purple color, phosphate ester base, fire resistant, butyl rubber seals C. blue color, vegetable base, will burn, natural rubber seals

C. blue color, vegetable base, will burn, natural rubber seals

Characteristics of MIL-H-7644 hydraulic fluid are A. red color, petroleum base, will burn, synthetic rubber seals B. light purple color, phosphate ester base, fire resistant, butyl rubber seals C. blue color, vegetable base, will burn, natural rubber seals

B. light purple color, phosphate ester base, fire resistant, butyl rubber seal MIL-H-8446 hydraulic fluid is a light purple, phosphate ester-base, fire-resistant fluid Butyl rubber seals are used with MIL-H-8446 fluid

Characteristics of MIL-H-8446 hydraulic fluid are A. blue color, phosphate ester base, fire resistant, butyl rubber seals B. light purple color, phosphate ester base, fire resistant, butyl seals C. light green color, phosphate ester base, fire resistant, butyl rubber seals

C. air in the system chatter in a hydraulic system is usually caused by air in the fluid that is moved through the pump

Chatter in a hydraulic system is caused by A. Excessive system pressure B. insufficient system pressure C. air in the system

C. that air is entering the pump An air leak at the inlet side of a hydraulic pump will cause it to chatter as it alternately gets air and then hydraulic fluid

Chattering of the hydraulic pump during operation is an indication A. of low accumulator preload B. that the main system relief valve is sticking open C. that air is entering the pump

C. deflect water away from the fuselage The nose wheel tires on aircraft with turbine engines mounted on the aft fuselage are often equipped with chines, or deflectors, molded into the outer sidewall. The chines deflect the water away from the fuselage and prevent it from getting into the engines

Chines are used on some aircraft nose wheel tires to help A. nose gear extension at higher air speeds B. reduce the possibility of hydroplaning C. deflect water away from the fuselage

A. guarded switches When it is important that an electrical switch not be inadvertently operated, it is normally installed with a guard over its operating handle. The guard requires a conscious effort to get to the switch to actuate it

Circuits that must be operated only in an emergency or whose inadvertent activation could endanger a system frequently employed A. guarded switches B. push-pull-type circuit breaker only (no switches C. spring-loaded to off toggle or rocker switches

B. have surface layers of pure aluminum or aluminum alloy bonded to the core material to inhibit corrosion Clad aluminum alloys are used in aircraft construction because they are less subject to corrosion than uncoated aluminum alloys. Pure aluminum which is not susceptible to corrosion is used to coat a sheet of high-strength aluminum alloy to protect it from corrosion

Clad aluminum alloys are used in aircraft because they A. are naturally corrosion resistant, so they do not require corrosion resistant materials for protection B. have surface layers of pure aluminum or aluminum alloy bonded to the core material to inhibit corrosion C. are highly corrosion resistant because an oxide film forms on their surfaces upon contact with air

A. Stoddard solvent Systems using skydrol should be flushed with trichloroethylene. components containing skydrol can be cleaned using MEK, Stoddards, or isopropyl alcohol

Components containing phosphate ester-base hydraulic fluid may be cleaned with A. Stoddard solvent B. Naphtha C. Carbon tetrachloride

C. at right angles to the grain Compression failure in aircraft structural wood is characterised by a streak on the surface of the wood at right angles to the grain

Compression failures in wood aircraft structures are characterized by buckling of the fibers that appear as streaks on the surface A. at right angles to the growth rings B. parallel to the grain C. at right angles to the grain

A. digital signals All of the data transmitted between the components in an EFIS are converted into digital signals and are transmitted via an avionics standard communication bus using a time-sharing basis

Data transmitted between components in an EFIS are converted into A. digital signals B. analog signals C carrier wave signals

C. reduce the pressure of the brake and increase the volume of fluid flow Debooster cylinders are used in brake systems to reduce the pressure applied to the brake and to increase the volume of fluid flowing into the brake. Brake deboosters are used only with brakes that have power control valves and get their fluid from the main aircraft hydraulic power system

Debooster cylinders are used in brake systems primarily to A. reduce brake pressure and maintain static pressure B. relieve excessive fluid and ensure a positive release C. reduce the pressure of the brake and increase the volume of fluid flow

C. reduce the pressure and release the brakes rapidly A debooster valve reduces the pressure applied to the brake by the power brake control valve. When the brake pedal is released, pressure is removed from the inlet port. Then the piston return spring moves the piston rapidly back to the top of the debooster. The rapid movement of the piston causes a suction in the line to the brake assembly that results in a fast release of the brakes

Debooster valves are used in brake systems primarily to A. ensure rapid application and release of brakes B. reduce brake pressure and maintain static pressure C. reduce the pressure and release the brakes rapidly

B. A=.748 B=1.496 C=1.248 ok, get ready Setback = R+T = 0.188+0.064+0.252 inches Dimension A is a mold line length of 1.00 inch, less one setback. This gives a length of 0.748 inches Dimension B is the mold line length of 2.00 inches, less two setbacks. This cives a length of 1.496 inches. Dimension C is the mold line length od 1.50 inches, less one setback. This gives a length of 1.248

Determine the dimensions of A, B, and C in the flat layout A. A=.748 B=2.252 C=2.004 B. A=.748 B=1.496 C=1.248 C. A=1.252 B=2.504 C=1.752

A. 215 to 302 psig For this problem, we must interpolate 33*F is .3 of the way between 30 and 40* 215 psig is 0.3 of the way between 209 and 230 psig and 302 is 0.3 of the way between 295 and 317 psig. At 33*F the acceptable pressure range is between 215 and 302 psig

Determine what pressure is acceptable for a fire extinguisher when the surrounding area temperature is 33*F A. 215 to 302 psig B. 214 to 301 psig C. 215 to 301 psig

C. Evaporator coils The refrigerant in this diagram flows in a clockwise direction Refrigerant leaves the compressor as a high-pressure vapor and passes through the condenser where it becomes a high-pressure liquid. It then passes through the reciever-dryer to the expansion valve where it becomes a low-pressure liquid. After leaving the expansion valve, it passes through the evaporator coils where it abosrbs heat from the cabin and becomes a low-pressure vapor. Heat picked up from the cabin air changes the refrigerant from a liquid to a vapor in the evaporator. The loss of this heat cools the cabin air. After leaving the evaporator, the low-pressure vapor goes into the compressor where its pressure and temperature are both raised

Determine what unit is located immediately downstream of the expansion valve in a freon refrigeration system. A. Condenser B. Compressor C. Evaporator coils

B. the up travel is more than the down travel Differential control of an aileron causes the aileron moving upward to deflect a greater number of degrees than the one moving downward

Differential control on an aileron system means that A. the down travel is more than the up travel B. the up travel is more than the down travel C. one aileron on one wing travels further up than the aileron on the opposite wing to adjust for wash-in and wash-out

C. reinstall the structural strength of the aircraft skin A doubler is used under an antenna when it is installed on an aircraft skin to replace the strength in the structure that was lost when the hole was cut for mounting the antenna

Doublers are used when antenna are installed to A. eliminate antenna vibration B. prevent oil canning of the skin C. reinstate the structural strength of the aircraft skin

B. an integral fan When an aircraft is operating on the ground, the generator is cooled by air pulled through its windings by an integral fans (a fan that is mounted on the armature shaft)

During ground operation, aircraft generator cooling is usually accomplished by A. auxiliary air cooled through an air/fuel heat exchanger B. an integral fan C. an external motor-driven fan

C. the anti-collision light can be operated independently of the position An anti-collision light must be installed so that it can be operated independently of the position lights

During inspection of an anti-collision light installation for condition and proper operation, it should be determined that A. electrical or mechanical interconnections are provided so that the anti-collision light will operate at all times that the position light switch is in the ON position B. an appropriately rated fuse is in position at the light to protect the connecting wiring against electrical faults C. the anti-collision light can be operated independently of the position lights

A. each aileron to have greater up travel (from the streamlined position than down travel Differential control of an aileron means that the aileron has a greater amount of travel upward than it has downward. The differential movement is used to minimize adverse yaw. The aileron moving downward produces both additional lift and induced drag. To prevent the nose of the aircraft from starting to move in the direction opposite o the desired turn, additional parasite drag is generated by the aileron moving upward deflecting a greater number of degrees than the aileron moving downward

During inspection of the flight control system of an airplane equipped with different-type aileron control, side-to-side movement of the control stick will cause A. each aileron to have greater up travel (from the streamlined position) than down travel B. each aileron to have greater down travel (from the streamlined position) than up travel C. the left aileron to move through a greater number of degrees (from full up to full down) than the right aileron

B. the terminal studs are anchored against rotation studs used in terminal strips must b anchored to prevent their rotation This anchoring is normally done by using a square end on the stud set into a square hole in the terminal strip

During inspection of the terminal strips of an aircraft electrical system, it should be determined that A. only locknuts have been used for terminal attachment to the studs B. the terminal studs are anchored against rotation C. only plain nuts and lockwashers have been used for terminal attachment to the studs

C. a yaw damper system A yaw damper is installed in many swept wing airplanes to counter dutch roll. Dutch roll is an undesirable, low-amplitude oscillation about both the yaw and roll axis. These oscillations are sensed by a rate gyro. Signals are sent to the rudder servo that provides the correct rudder movement to cancel these oscillations

Dutch roll, a combination yawing and rolling oscillation that affect many sweptwing aircraft, it counteracted with A. a flight direction system B. An aileron damper system C. a yaw damper system

C- aids in getting full penetration of the metal and prevents local distortion. Edge notching is recommended in welding thick aluminum sheets because it aids in getting full penetration and also prevents local distortion. All butt welds in materials over 0.125 inch thick are generally nohed in some manner

Edge notching is generally recommended in butt welding above a certain thickness of aluminum because it A. helps hold the metal in alignment during welding B. aids in the removal or penetration of oxides on the metal surface C. aids in getting full penetration of the metal and prevents local distortion

C. fuses fuses and circuit breakers are used to protect a circuit from overheating by breaking the circuit if a certain amperage/heat is reached

Electric circuits are protected from overheating by A. thermocouples B. AN/MS connectors C. fuses

C. Ring Most aircraft electrical wiring is terminated with ring type terminals rather than hook or slotted terminals. If the nut on the terminal stud should become loose, the ring type terminal will remain on the stud whereas a hook or slotted terminal will slip off

Electric wire terminals for most aircraft applications must be what type? A. Slotted B. Hook C. Ring

A. be limited as to the number of cables to minimize damage from a single electric fault the number of wires run in a single bundle in an open wiring installation should be limited to minimize the damage that could result from a single electrical fault

Electric wiring installed in aircraft without special enclosing means (open wiring) offers the advantages of ease of installation, simple maintenance, and reduced weight. When bundling open wiring, the bundles should A. be limited as to the number of cables to minimize damage from a single electrical fault B. include at least one shielded cable to provide good bonding of the bundle to the airframe C. be limited to a minimum bend radius of five times the bundle diameter to avoid excessive stresses on the cable insulation

B. Military specifications (MS) Electrical connectors are specifically designed to meet military specifications. Components that meet these specifications are almost all approved for use in FAA-certificated aircraft

Electrical connectors used in aircraft assemblies should meet which of the following specifications? A. Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) B. Military Specifications (MS) C. Society of Electrical Specifications (SES)

B. Large diameter tube with fishmouth rosette welds The preferred repair to a welded steel tubular engine mount is one using a tube with a larger diameter, whose ends are cut with a fishmouth, slipped over the gamaged tube. Rosette welds are used to secure the outer tube to the inner tube

Engine mount members should be preferably be repaired by using a A. Larger diameter tube with fishmouth and no resette wields B. Larger diameter tube with fishmouth rosette welds C. Smaller diameter tube with fishmouth and rosette welds

C. anti-icing fuel additives and fuel heater Turbine engine fuel may have moisture entrained in it that will condense out and freeze on the fuel filters. This ice will shut off the flow of fuel to the engines.

Entrained water in aviation turbine fuel is a hazard because of its susceptibility to freezing as it passes though the filters. What are common methods of preventing this hazard? A. Micromesh fuel strainers and fuel heater B. High-velocity fuel pumps and fuel heater C. Anti-icing fuel additive and fuel heater

C. overinflation

Excessive wear in the center of the thread of an aircraft tire is an indication of A. misalignment B. underinflation C. overinflation

C. underinflation

Excessive wear in the shoulder area of an aircraft tire is an indication of A. overinflation B. excessive toe-in C. underinflation

A. pulley misalignment If a control pulley is misaligned, the cable will wear both sides of the groove in the pulley. If the cable is misaligned, it will wear only one side of the groove. If the cable is rigged wit too much tension, the center of the groove will be worn deeply

Excessive wear on both of the sides of a control cable pulley groove is evidence of A. pulley misalignment B. cable misalignment C. excessive cable tension

B. Pump, reservoir selector valve, actuator A simple hydraulic system includes a resivoir, a pump, a selector valve, and an acutator. All of the other components in the system are used to make the system more eficient and more effective

Excluding lines, which components are required to make up a simple hydraulic system? A. Actuator, pressure reservoir, accumulator, and selector valve B. Pump, reservoir selector valve, and actuator C. Pump, reservoir, relief valve, and shuttle valve

B. In parallel with the load In order for a voltmeter to read the voltage drop across the load, it must be connected in parallel with the load

How should a voltmeter be connected? A. In series with the source B. In parallel with the load C. In series with the load

C. Fuel, oil, ozone, electrical equipment, hydraulic fluid, and solvents Aircraft tires can be damaged if they are exposed to or stored near fuel, oil ozone, electrical equipment, hydraulic fluid, or solvents

Exposure to and/or storage near which of the following is considered harmful to aircraft tires A. Helium, fuel, oil, and low humidity B. Low humidity, helium, and ozone C. Fuel, oil, ozone, electrical equipment, hydraulic fluid, and solvents

C. proper operating position of the strut The amount of extension of an oleo strut is measured to determine the proper amount of air in the strut. This is the proper "operating position" of the strut

Extension of an oleo shock strut is measured to determine the A. amount of oil in the strut B. physical condition of the strut itself C. proper operating position of the strut

C. backup ring on the side of the O-ring away from the pressure Extrusion on an O-ring seal is prevented in a high pressure system by installing a backup ring in the groove with the O-ring, on the side of the O-ring away from the pressure. The back up ring prevents the high pressure fluid from forcing the o-ring into the space between the piston and cylinder walls

Extrusion of an O-ring seal is prevented in a high-pressure system by the use of a A. backup ring on the O-ring next to the pressure B. U-ring on the side of the O-ring away from the pressure C. backup ring on the side of the O-ring away from the pressure

A. restore the condition of dope coating rejuvenators is a dopelike finishing material that had powerful solvents and plasticizers. When a doped surface has aged and cracked, its resilience can be restored with rejuvenator. Rejuvenation does nothing to restore strength to deteriorated fabric

Fabric rejuvenator is used to A. restore the condition of dope coatings B. restoring fabric strength and tautness to at least the minimum acceptable level C. penetrate the fabric and restore fungicidal resistance

C. 3* fairleads sbould not cause a change in direction of a control cable of more than 3*

Fairleads should never deflect the alignment of a cable more than A. 12* B. 8* C. 3*

A. May be repaired According to AC 43.13-1B, fiberglass damage that goes completely through a laminate sandwich structure may be repaired by using either a stepped-joint or a scarfed-joint repair.Both types of repair are described in AC 43.13-1B.

Fiberglass damage that extends completely through a laminated sandwich structure A. may be repaired B. must be filled with resin to eliminate dangerous stress concentrations C. may be filled with putty which is compatible with resin

A. must be repaired According to AC 43.13-1b , fiberglass damage that goes completely through a laminate sandwich structure may be repaired by using either a stepped-joint or a scarfed-joint repair. Both types of repair are described in AC 43.13-1b

Fiberglass damage that extends completely through a laminated sandwich structure A. must be repaired B. must be filled with resin to eliminate dangerous stress concentrations C. may be filled with putty which is compatible with resin

A. filling with a putty consisting of a compatible resin and clan, short glass fibers Fiberglass damage that does not exceed the first layer, or ply, can be repaired by filling it with a putty made of a compatible resin and clean, short glass fibers. The mixture is used to fill in the damage. After it has cured, it is sanded smooth

Fiberglass laminate damage not exceeding the first layer or ply can be repaired by A. filling with a putty consisting of a compatible resin and clean, short glass fibers B. sanding the damaged area until aerodynamic smoothness is obtained C. trimming the rough edges and sealing with paint

B. requires the replacement of the damaged core and facing According to AC 43.13-1b, fiberglass damage that extends completely through one facing and into the core requires the replacement of the damaged core and facing

Fiberglass laminate damage that extends completely through one facing and into the core A. cannot be repaired B. requires the replacement of the damaged core and facing C. can be repaired by using a typical metal facing patch

B. a way to bring about strength reduction in joint Welds should never be filed or ground to prevent a smooth appearance, as the removal of the added filler material will reduce the strength of the joint

Filing or grinding a weld bead is considered to be A. an acceptable means to achieve a smoother surface B. a way to bring about strength reduction in joint C. frequently necessary to avoid adding excessive weight to a weld joint

B. cotton and linen Since cotton and linen are both natural fibers there are susceptible to mildew and fungal growth. To prevent the fabric from being weakened or destroyed, a fungicide must be mixed with the first coat of fabric dope. This mixture must completely saturate the fabric so all the fibers are completely encapsulated

Fungicide and mildewcide additives are important for fabric covered aircraft, such as A. cotton and dacron B. cotton and linen C. glass and linen

B. first coat to prevent fabric rotting and are applied thin enough to saturate the fabric Fungicide dope is used for the first coat applied to cotton or linen aircraft fabric. It is thinned enough to allow it to thoroughly saturate both sides of the fabric. The purpose of fungicide dope is to retard the formation of fungus and mold, which would cause the fabric to rot

Fungicide dopes are used in aircraft finishing as the A. first, full-bodied, brush-on coat to prevent fungus damage B. first coat to prevent fabric rotting and are applied thin enough to saturate the fabric C. final, full-bodied, brush-on coat reduce blushing

A. relieve system pressure

Generally, the first step in removing an accumulator from an aircraft is to A. relieve system pressure B. discharge the preload C. drain the reservoir

A. when a joint has seperated and the glue surface shows only he imprint of the wood fibers clinging to the glue A satisfactory glue joint has the strength of the wood. When a glue joint fails, the wood fibers should separate before the glue fails. If the joint separates with no wood fibers clinging to the glue, the glue has deteriorated

Glue deterioration in wood aircraft structures is indicated A. when a joint has seperated and the glue surface shows only the imprint of the wood fibers clinging to the glue B. when a joint has seperated and the glue surface shows pieces of wood and/or fibers clinging to the glue C. by any joint separation

C. prevent development of radio frequency potentials The most reasonable choice is that electrically grounding a conductive object prevents the development of radio-frequency potential that causes static in a radio. Grounding actually keeps all components at the same electrical potential, so there is no buildup of static charges. Static charges cause sparks to jump and these sparks produce radio frequency

Grounding is electrically connecting a conductive object to the primary structure. One purpose of grounding is to A. prevent current return paths B. allow static charge accumulation C. prevent development of radio frequency potentials

C. By consulting the aircraft manufacturer service manal the fuid will be noted either in the MSM or the plaque on the resivoir

How can the proper hydraulic fluid to be used in an airplane be determined? A. By referring to the pilot operating handbook B. By consulting the aircraft's Type Certificate Data Sheet C. By consulting the aircraft manufacturer's service manual

B. By breaking up ice formations Deicer boots inflate and deflate to break up ice that has formed on the leading edges of the wing and the tail surfaces

How do deicer boots help remove ice accumulations? A. By preventing the formation of ice B. By breaking up ice formations C. By allowing only a thin layer of ice to build up

A. By picking up the "noise" of any deterioration that may be present Acoustic emission monitoring is a method of inspecting composite materials for the presence of active corrosion. A sensitive microphone and amplifier are used with the microphone held against the surface being inspected. If corrosion is present, the noise caused by the bubbles generated by the corrosion activity will be heard as a hissing sound. When the panel is heated to about 150*F the noise caused by disbonding of the adhesive will be heard as a crackling sound

How does acoustic emission testing detect defects in composite materials? A. By picking up the "noise" of any deterioration that may be present B. By analyzing ultrasonic signals transmitted into the parts being inspected C. By creating sonogram pictures of the areas being inspected

A. cold fuel is heavier per gallon The density of aircraft fuel varies with its temperature. THe colder the fuel, the more pounds of fuel there are in a gallon. Aircraft engines use fuels on the basis of weight rather than volume

How does temperature affect fuel weight? A. cold fuel is heavier per gallon B. warm fuel is heavier per gallon C. temperature has no effect

C. A friction brake is applied by a spring and released by a magnet A magnet brake used to stop rotation of an electric-motor armature is applied by spring force and s released by an electromagnet energized when the motor is turned on. As soon as the motor is turned off, the spring applies the brake and stops the rotation

How does the magnetic brake used to stop rotation of an electric motor armature operate? A. Centrifugal force releases a rotating brake cog from a stationary notch when the armature reaches a certain speed and magnetic force re-engages the cog when the electrical power is turned off B. A friction brake is applied by a magnet and released by a spring C. A friction brake is applied by a spring and released by a magnet

B. By an expanding-type clamp secured to the back of the panel and tightened by a screw from the front of the instrument panel Flangeless instrument cases are mounted in an instrument cases are mounted in an instrument panel by an expanding-type clamp secured to the back of the instruction panel. A screw, accessible from the front of the panel, is loosened to release the instrument and tightened to clamp the instrument tightly in its mount

How is a flangeless instrument case mounted in an instrument panel? A. By four machine screws which extend through the instrument panel B. By an expanding-type clamp secured to the back of the panel and tightened by a screw from the front of the instrument panel C. By a metal shelf separate from and located behind the instrument panel

B. Both fields are shunted across the armature This question assumes the generator has two field poles and two field coils. The two field coils are connected together in series, and the two coils are shunted across (connected in parallel with) the armature

How is a shunt-wound DC generator connected? A. One field is shunted across the other B. Both fields are shunted across the armature C. The impedance at rated voltage

B. By depressing the brake and noting that the brake is firm and not spongy If all the air has been purged from a master-cylinder brake system, the brake pedal will feel firm rather than spongy

How is it determined in a master cylinder brake system that all of the air has been purged from the system? A. By operating a hydraulic unit and watching the system pressure gauge for smooth, full scale deflation B. By depressing the brake and noting that the brake is firm and not spongy C. By measuring the amount of fluid return to the master cylinder upon brake release

B. By physically separating the air chamber from the oil chamber with a flexible or movable seporator Air in the accumulator is kept out of the luid portion of the hydraulic system by the two chambers of accumulator being separatd by a diaphram, a bladder, or a movable piston

How is the air in a hydraulic accumulator prevented from entering the fluid system? A. By forcing the oil/air mixture through a centrifugal separating chamber that prevents the air from leaving the accumulator B. By physically separating the air chamber from the oil chamber with a flexible or movable separator C. By including a valve that automatically closes when the fluid level lowers to a preset amount

B. By an automatic outflow valve that dumps all the pressure in excess of the amount for which it is set Cabin pressurization is normally controlled by the cabin pressure regulator and an automatic outflow valve. The outflow valve dumps from the cabin all pressure in excess f that called or by the regulatr

How is the cabin pressure of a pressurized aircraft usually controlled? A. By a pressure-sensitive switch that causes the pressurization pump to turn on or off as required B. By an automatic outflow valve that dumps all the pressure in excess of the amount for which it is set C. By a pressure-sensitive valve that controls the output pressure of the pressurization pump

C. By controlling the rate of the air flowing out of the cabin Cabin pressure of an aircraft in flight is controlled by controlling the eate at which the air is allowed to leave the cabin. The pressurization air source supplies more air tha is needed for the proper cabin pressure, and the cabin altitude controller controls the outflow valves that regulate the amount of air that leaves the cabin

How is the cabin pressure of an aircraft maintained in flight? A. By controlling the rate of the air flowing into the cabin B. By inflating the door seals and recirculating the conditioned cabin air C. By controlling the rate of the air flowing out of the cabin

C. by the pump's design and internal clearances The outlet fuel pressure produced by a submerged single speed pump is determined by the pumps design and its internal clearances and characteristics

How is the outlet fuel pressure regulated on a submerged, single speed, centrifugal-type fuel pump? A. By the engine-driven pumps design and internal clearance B. By the first check valve downstream from the pump C. By the pump's design and internal clearance

A. At least 2 hours (3 in hot weather) Wait at least two hos - three hours in hot weather - after a flight, before checking tire pressure

How long should you wait after a flight before checking tire pressure? A. At least 2 hours (3 hours in hot weather) B. At least 3 hours (4 hours in hot weather) C. At least 4 hours (5 hours in hot weather)

A. 56 The plate is 10 inches long and 5 inches wide. The rivets have a diameter of 1/8 iches and there is an edge distance of two rivet diameters This requires two rows of rivets 9-1/2 inches long and two rows that are 4-1/2 inches long. The total length of the rivet seams is 28 inches. If the rivets are spaced every 1/2 inch ( 4D spacing), 56 rivets are needed

How many MS20470 AD-4-6 rivets will be required to attach a 10" x 5" plate using a single row of rivets, minimum edge distance, and 4D spacing? A. 56 B. 54 C. 52

B. Three Three cycles of alternating current are produced by a six-pole alternator for each revolution of the rotor. Each pair of poles produces one cycle of AC

How many cycles of AC voltage are produced in a six-pole alternator of the revolving-field type for each revolution of the rotor? A. Four B. Three C. Six

B. One fuel pump for each engine For reciprocating engine installations having fuel pumps to supply fuel to the engine, at least one pump for each engine must be directly driven by the engine and must meet 14 CFR Part 23. This pump is the main pump. There must be at least one main fuel pump for each turbine engine

How many engine driven fuel pumps per engine are required for engines requiring fuel pumps? A. Two engines can share one fuel pump B. One fuel pump for each engine C. Two fuel pumps for each engine

C. Four The french fell, machine-sewed seam used to join aircraft fabrics, the edges of the fabric are folded over eachother so the threads of the double row of stitches passes through four thicknesses of fabric

How many fabric thicknesses will be found in a french-fell seam? A. five B. three C. four

A. Three An attitude indicator is controlled by an attitude gyro that senses aircraft rotation about the roll and pitch axes. A heading indicator is controlled by an attitude gyro that senses aircraft rotation about the yaw axis. The turn needle of a turn and slip indicator is controlled by a rate gyro that senses aircraft rotation about the yaw axis

How many of the following are controlled by gyroscopes? 1. Attitude indicator 2. Heading indicator 3. Turn needle of the turn-and-slip indicator A. Three B. Two C. One

B. Neoprene, Buna-N Seals used with petroleum-base hydraulic fluids are made of synthetic rubber. Neoprene and Buna-N are forms of synthetic rubbers

How many of these seals are used with petroleum-base hydraulic fluids? A. Natural rubber, Ethylene-propylene B. Neoprene, Buna-N C. Natural rubber, Butyl rubber

A. Two If a single fuel tank (or series of fuel tanks interconnected to function as a single tank) is used on a multiengine airplane, the tank must have at least two vents arranged to minimize the probability of both vents becoming obstructed simultaneously

How many vents, arranged so that they are not likely to become plugged at the same time, must be used in multiengine fuel systems? A. Two B. Four C. Six

A. by adding a knock inhibitor The antiknock characteristics of a fuel may be improved by adding a knock inhibitor such as tetraethyl lead to the fuel

How may the antiknock characteristics of a fuel be improved? A. by adding a knock inhibitor B. by adding a knock enhancer C. by adding a fungicide agent

B. By observing the battery replacement fate akred on the outside of the transmitter According to 14 CFR 91.207, the batteries of an ELT must be replaced or recharged * by the date marked on the outside of the transmitter *when the transmitter has been in use for more than one sumulative hour *when 50 percent of their useful life has expired

How may the battery replacement date be verified for an emergency locator transmitter (ELT)? A. By removing the batteries and testing the under a measured load to determine if 50 percent of the useful life remains B. By observing the battery replacement date marked on the outside of the transmitter C. By activating the transmitter and measuring the signal strength

C. Bu turning a communications receiver to civil emergency frequency and activating the ELT momentarily within five minutes after the hour Operation of an ELT is verified by turning a communications receiver to 406 MHz and activating the transmitter for no more than three audible sweeps. The test must be conducted within the first five minutes after any hour. If the ELT must be operated outside of this time frame, you should contact the control tower before conducting this test

How may the operation of an installed emergency locator transmitter (ELT) be verified during aircraft inspection? A. By moving the deactivating switch from the DISARM position to the ARM position while monitoring the civil emergency frequency with a communications receiver at five minutes after the hour B. By activating the five-G switch and turning the unit on at five minutes after the hour C. By turning a communications receiver to the civil emergency frequency and activating the ELT momentarily within five minutes after the hour

C. 1 inch with the seat occupied and subject to maximum downward seat spring deflection When installing radio equipment under an aircraft seat, there must be one inch of clearance between the equipment and the bottom of the seat when it is occupied and subjected to a downward force of 1122 pounds. This load is found by multiplying the 170-pound nominal weight of an occupant by a load factor of 6.6

How much clearance from the seat bottom is required when installing radio equipment under the seat? A. 3 inches with the seat unoccupied B. No minimum as long as the equipment receives adequate cooling and damage protection C. 1 inch with the seat occupied and subject to maximum downward seat spring deflection

A. Every 5 years Standard-weight oxygen cylinders must be hydrostticlly tested every five years. Light weight cylinders must be tested every 3 years

How often should standard weight high-pressure oxygen cylinders be hydrostaticlly tested? A. Every 5 years B. Every 4 years C. Every 3 years

C. As directly as possible Generally speaking, coaxial cable, which must have as short a run as possible is allowed to be routed directly rather than being run parallel to or at right angles to stringers and ribs

How should a coaxial cable be routed? A. Parallel with stringers or ribs B. Perpendicular to stringers C. As directly as possible

A. Slightly carburizing flame A slightly carburizing flame is recommended for welding stainless steel. The flame should be adjusted so a feather about 1/16 inch long, caused by the excess acetylene, forms around the inner cone. Too much acetylene will add carbon to the metal and cause it to lose its resistance to corrosion

How should a welding torch flame be adjusted to weld stainless steel? A. Slightly carburizing flame B. Slightly oxidizing flame C. Neutral

A. Staggered along the length of the bundle Splices of the individual wires in a wire bundle should be staggered so the bundle does not become excessively enlarged

How should the splices be arranged if several are to be located in an electrical wire bundle? A. Staggered along the length of the bundle B. Grouped together to facilitate inspection C. Splicing within wire bundles is not permitted

B. Read the pressure gauge mounted on the cylinder The amount of oxygen available in a portable high-pressure oxygen cylinder is indicated by the pressure shown on the pressure gauge mounted on the cylinder

How should you determine the amount of oxygen in a portable, high-pressure cylinder? A. Weigh the cylinder and its contents B. Read the pressure gauge mounted on the cylinder C. Measure the pressure at the mask

B. A blue radial line A blue radial line is used on an airspeed indicator to indicate singla engine, best rate of climb speed for a multiengine aircraft

How would an airspeed indicator be marked to show the best rate-of-climb (one engine inoperative)? A. A red radial line B. A blue radial line C. A greed arc

C. operate a hydraulic unit slowly and note the pressure at which a rapid pressure drop beings as it goes toward zero The air pressure charge in an accumulator may be determined by slowly operating some hydraulic unit, such as the power brakes, to bleed pressure off of the system Watch the system pressure gauge. The last pressure indicated on the gauge before it suddenly drops to zero is the pressure of the air in the accumulator

How would the air pressure charge in the accumulator be determined if the engine is inoperative, but the system still has hydraulic pressure? A. Read it directly from the main system pressure gauge with all actuators inoperative B. Build up system pressure with the emergency pump and then read the pressure on a gauge attached to the air side of the accumulator C. operate a hydraulic unit slowly and note the pressure at which a rapid pressure drop begins as it goes toward zero

B. discarded at regular intervals and replaced with new filtering elements The porous paper elements used in some hydraulic filters are discarded at regular intervals, rather than being cleaned

Hydraulic fluid filtering elements constructed of porous paper are normally A. cleaned and reused B. discarded at regular intervals and replaced with new filtering elements C. not approved for use in certificated aircraft

C. normal system power pump The normal system power pump connects to the fluid outlet of the reservoir that is fed from the standpipe. If the power pump forces all of the fluid available to it overboard through a broken line, there will still be fluid in the reservoir that can be used by the emergency hand pump

Hydraulic fluid reservoirs are sometimes designed with a standpipe in one of the outlet ports in order to assure emergency supply of fluid. The outlet port with the standpipe in it furnishes fluid to the A. emergency pump when the fluid supply to the normal system B. emergency pump at any time it is required C. normal system power pump

C. Supplement the system pump when demand is beyond the pump's capacity and store power for limited operation of components if the pump is not operated An accumulator in a hydraulic system is basically a chamber to store hydraulic fluid under pressure. It dampens the pressure surges and aids, or supplements, the power pump when the demand is beyond the pump's capacity. It also stores power for a limited operation of components when the pump is not operating

Hydraulic system accumulators serve which of the following functions? A. Dampen pressure surges B. Dampen pressure surges and ensure a continuous supply of fluid to the pump C. Supplement the system pump when demand is beyond the pump's capacity and store power for limited operation of components if the pump is not operating

B. higher pressure than the system relief valve

Hydraulic system thermal relief valves are set to open at a A. lower pressure than the system relief valve B. higher pressure than the system relief valve C. lower pressure than the system pressure regulator

C. 3 7x19 7 bundles of 19 cables

Identify the cable that is used in primary flight control systems and in other places where operating over pulleys is frequently A. 2 B. 1 C. 3

A. engine oil If a rubberized fabric bladder tank is to remain empty for an extened period of time, it should be cleaned out thoroughly and its interior covered in a film of clean engine oil

If a bladder-type fuel tank is to be left empty for an extended period of time, the inside of the tank should be coated with a film of A. engine oil B. linseed oil C. ethylene glycol

B- between the brake control valve and the brake actuating cylinder. a brake debooster is located in the brake system between the power brake control bale and the brake actuator cylinder. The debooster lowers the pressure of the fluid supplied by the power-brake control valve to the actuator

If a brake debooster is used in a hydraulic brake system, its position in the system will be A. between the pressure manifold of the main hydraulic system and the power brake control valve B. between the brake control valve and the brake actuating cylinder C. in the brake pressure line between the brake pedal and the brake accumulator

B. used only on the original discharge valve assembly The fire extinguisher cartridge discussed here is the type used in a high-rate-discharge (HRD) freon container. If a cartridge is removed from a discharge valve for any reason, it should not be used in another discharge valve assembly. The distance the contact point produces may vary with each unit. Continuity might not exists if a used plug that has been indented with a long contact point where installed in a discharge valve that has a short contact point

If a fire extinguisher cartridge is removed from a discharge valve, it should be A. pressure checked B. used only on the original discharge valve assembly C. replaced with a new cartridge

B. Ambient air The air that passes through the condenser coils is ambient, or outside, air and removes the heat from the heated and pressurized refrigerant. The loss pf this heat causes tje refrigeant to condense from a vapor into a liquid

If a freon vapor-cycle cooling system, where is cooling air obtained for the condenser? A. Turbine engine compressor B. Ambient air C. Pressurized cabin air

A. depends on the load carried by the generator The actual time the voltage regulator points in a vibrator type voltage regulator remains open is determined by the amount of load being carried by the generator. When load is great, the voltage drops and the points must remain closed together to allow the voltage to rise. When the load is light, the voltage is high and the points remain closed for a very short amount of time

If a generator is equipped with a vibrator-type voltage regulator, the actual time the voltage regulator points remain open A. depends on the load carried by the generator B. is controlled by the reverse-current cutout relay point clearance C. is increased when the external load is greater than the generator output

B. Departmet of Transportation HP oxygen cylinders installed in an aircraft must meet the specifications of the DOT

If a high-pressure oxygen cylinder is to be installed in an airplane, it must meet the specifications of the A. aircraft manufacturer or the cylinder manufacturer B. Department of Transportation C. National Transportation Safety Board or the Standards of Compressed Gas Cylinders

A. mineral-base oil a hydraulic system that uses mineral-base fluid should use neoprene rubber packing materials. systems using vegtible-base fluid should use natural rubber seals, and systems using phosphate ester-base fluid should use butyl seals

If a hydraulic brake system uses neoprene rubber packing materials, the correct hydraulic fluid to service the system is A. mineral-base oil B. synthetic-base oil C. phosphate ester-base oil

C. TSO C22 Safety belts approved for installation in aircraft may be identified by the marking TSO C22 on the belt or by the military designation number for the belt. Military belts are approved for installation, because their requirements met or exceed those of TSO C22

If a new safety belt is to be installed in an aircraft, the belt must conform to the strength requirements in which document? A. STC 1282 B. 14 CFR Part 39 C. TSO C22

AA. increasing the angle of incidence, of the left wing, or decreasing the angle of incidence of the right wing or both A left-wing heavy condition may be coredted by increasing the anle of incidence of (washing in) the left ing ,decreasing the angle of incidence of (washing out) the right wing, or both. A wing is washed in by increasing its angle of incicen. Washing in a wing increases the lift it produces A wing is wash out by decreasing its angle of incidence. Washing out a wing decreases the lift it produces

If a pilot reports that an airplane flies left wing heavy, this condition may be corrected by A. increasing the angle of incidence, of the left wing, or decreasing the angle of incidence of the right wing or both B. increasing the dihedral angle of the left wing, or decreasing the dihedral angle of the right wing, or both C. adjusting the dihedral angle of the left wing so that differential pressure between the upper and lower wing surfaces is increased

B. may distort the flare You must never pull a rigid tube into position by using the flare nut on the fitting. This poor practice will distort the flare and could actually pull it off of the table

If a rigid tube is too short for the flare to reach its seat before tightening, pulling it into place by tightening A. is acceptable B. may distort the flare C. may distort the cone

C. strut should be removed, disassembled, and inspected If a shock strut bottoms after it has been properly serviced with both air and oil, it should be removed from the aircraft, disassembled, and inspected to find the problem

If a shock strut bottoms after it has been properly serviced, the A. strut should be disassembled and the metering pin orifice plate replaced B. air pressure should be increased C. strut should be removed, disassembled, and inspected

C. less than the retreating blade The angle of attack of the advancing bladee (the blade moving in the same direction the helicopter is traveling) is less than the angle of attack of the retreating blade. The difference in the angle of attack between the two blades compensates in the difference in the airspeed of the two blades and provides uniform lift around the rotor disk. It prevents dysimitary of lift

If a single-rotor helicopter is in forward horizontal flight, the angle of attack of the advancing blade is A. more than the retreating blade B. equal to the retreating blade C. less than the retreating blade

A. shock mounts Ratio equipment is bonded to the aircraft to provide a low-impedance ground and to minimize radio interference from static electrical charges

Installed radio equipment is protected from damage due to jolts and vibration by A. shock mounts B. spring and/or viscous damper mounted racks C. rubber or foam cushioning material between circuit chassis and case

B. isolating positions of the line and testing each position systematically starting at the instrument connections If, when checking the static system for leaks, a leak is indicated, isolate portions of the system and check each portion systematically. Begin at the connection nearest the instruments and check it If this is good, reseal the connection and check the next portion, working your way out to the static ports until the leak is found

If a static pressure system check reveals excessive leakage, the leak(s) may be located by A. pressurizing the system and adding leak detection dye B. isolating portions of the line and testing each portion systematically starting at the instrument connections C. removing and visually inspecting the line segments

C. Pass through conduit Anytime an electrical cable, a wire bundle, or an individual wire comes into contact with some moving part of the aircraft, the wire must be protected by passing it through conduit

If a wire is installed so the it comes in contact with some moving parts, what protection should be given the wire? A. Wrap with soft wire solder into a shield B. Wrap with friction tape C. Pass through conduit

A. the full rated strength of the cable

If all instruction issued by a swaging tool manufacturer are followed when swaging a cable terminal, the resultant swaged terminal strength should be A. the full rated strength of the cable B. 80 percent of the full rated strength of the cable C. 70 percent of the full rated strength of the cable

B. System will be contaminated, fluids will not blend, and the seal will fail If MIL-H-8446 fluid is used in a hydraulic system that is designed to use MIL-H5606 fluid, the system will be cntaminated and the seals will likely fail. the fluids are not compatible

If an aircraft hydraulic system requires mineral-base hydraulic fluid, but phosphate ester-based hydraulic fluid is used, what will be the effect on the system? A. No effect B. System will be contaminated, fluids will not blend, and the seals will fail C. System will be contaminated, fluids will not blend, but there will be no seal problem

A. low fluid If an aircraft shock absorber bottoms out on initial landing contact but functions properly during taxiing, the fluid supply is probably low but the air charge is proper

If an aircraft shock strut (air/oil type) bottoms upon initial landing contact, but functions correctly during taxi, the most probable cause is A. low fluid B. low air charge C. a restricted metering pin orifice

C. low acucmulator air preload A hyhdraulic system cycling more frequently than it should is an indication that the accumulator air preload is low. The accumulator is not holding the pressure on the system as long as it would if the preload pressure were correct

If an aircraft's constant-pressure hydraulic system cycles more frequently than usual and no fluid leakage can be detected, the most probable cause is A. a too high relief valve setting B. pump volume output too high C. low accumulator air preload

C. crazing Crazing is the formation of a network of tiny cracks in the surface of the plastic material. Crazing makes the transparent material difficult to see through and destroy its strength

If an aircraft's transparent plastic enclosures exhibit fine cracks which may extend in a network over or under the surface or though the plastic, the plastic is said to be A. hazing B. brinelling C. crazing

B. worn brake lining Badly worn brake linings can cause excessive brake pedal travel, but the braes will be hard and effective once the pressure is built up

If an airplane equipped with master cylinders and single-disk brakes has excessive brake pedal travel, but the brakes are hard and effective, the probable cause is A. the master cylinder one-way cup is leaking B. worn brake linings C. worn brake disk causing excessive clearance between the notches on the perimeter of the disk and the spines or keys on the wheel

C. restriction in the pump outlet if there is a restirction in the pump outlet or between the pump outlet and the system pressure regulator, the system pressure will drop when some unit is actuated

If an engine-driven hydraulic pump of the correct capacity fails to maintain normal system pressure during the operation of a cowl flap actuating unit, the probable cause is A. mechanical interference to the movement of the cowl flap B. a partial restriction of the inport of the selector valve C. restriction in the pump outlet

A. an out-of-adjustment voltage regulator If one generator in a DC system produces too low a voltage, the most logical cause would be an out of trim voltage regulator

If any one generator in a 24-volt DC system shows low voltage, the most likely cause is A. an out-of-adjustment voltage regulator B. shorted or grounded wiring C. a defective reverse current cutout relay

A. worn attachment fittings If a control surface vibrates when all the cables are properly adjusted, there is a probability that the attachment fittings are worn

If control cables are adjusted properly and the control surfaces tend to vibrate, the probable cause is A. worn attachment fittings B. oil can effects on the control surfaces C. excessive cable tension

B. The fluid level will increase when system pressure is reduced Fluid is drawn from the resivoir when pressure is bult up in the system and the acucumulator is charged If fluid is added to the resivoir while the sustem is presuried, the fluid level will increase when the system pressure is reduced

If fluid is added to a reservoir in the constant pressure hydraulic system while the system is pressurized, what will result? A. Fluid will spray violently out of the reservoir when the filler neck cap is removed B. The fluid level will increase when system pressure is reduced C. Air will be drawn into the system, when the filler neck cap is removed

C. a runtured diaphram or leaking seals A ruptured dia[hram or leaking seal in an accumulator will alow hydraulic fluid to get into the air side f the acumulator and be released with the air whenthe air valve core is depressed

If hydraulic fluid is released when the air valve core of the accumulator is depressed, it is evidence of A. excessive accumulator air pressure B. a leaking check valve C. a ruptured diaphragm or leaking seals

C. Deteriorated flexable hoses Spongy brake action not caused by air in the system may be caused by deteriorated flexible hoses. The hose may expand as the pressure is built up

If it is determined that spongy brake action is not caused by air in the brake system, what is the next most likely cause A. worn brake lining B. Internal leakage in the master cylinder C. Deteriorated flexible hoses

B. units within the highest pressure setting are adjusted first When adjusting several pressure regulating valves in a hydraulic system, always adjust the valve with the highest pressure setting first. If a valve having a lower pressure setting is adjusted first, you will never be able to reach the pressure required for the higher setting

If it is necessary to adjust several pressure regulating valves in a hydraulic system, what particular sequence, if any, should be followed A. Units most distant from the hydraulic pump should be adjusted first B. Units within the highest pressure settings are adjusted first C. Units are independent of each other, and therefore, no particular sequence is necessary

B found by adding approximately one-half of the stock thickness to the bend radius the neutral axis is not the exact center of the chickness of the material (the stock). But for all practical purposes, the neutral axis of a bend can be considered to be the bend radius, plus one-half of the stock thickness

If it is necessary to compute a bend allowance problem and bend allowance tables are not available, the neutral axis of the bend can be A. represented by the actual length of the required material for the bend B. found by adding approximately one-half of the stock thickness to the bend radius C. Found by subtracting the stock thickness from the bend radius

C. Conduct the defueling and the tank purging in an air-conditioned building 'You are asked which procedure should be avoded. DONT DEFUEL IN THE FRICEN BUILDING

If it is necessary to enter an aircraft's fuel tank, which procedure should be avoided? A. Continue purging the tand during the entire work period B. Station an assistant outside the fuel tank access to perform rescue operations if required C. Conduct the defueling and the tank purging operation in an air-conditioned building

B. use a special moisture proof type when electrical connectors are exposed to moisture, a special moisture-proof0type connector should be used

If it is necessary to use an electrical connector where it may be exposed to moisture, the mechanic should A. coat the connector with grease B. use a special moisture-proof type C. spray the connector with varnish or zinc-chromate

C- cure to the finish and be very difficult to remove. Masking tape should be removed from a surface as soon as the finish has dried to the extent that it is no longer tacky. If the tape is left on the surface too long, it will cure to the finish and be extremely difficult to remove

If masking tape is applied to an aircraft, such as for trim spraying, and is left on for several days and/or exposed to heat, it is likely that the tape will A. not seal out the finishing material if the delay of heating occurs before spraying B. be weakened in its ability to adhere to the surface C. cure to the finish and be very difficult to remove

C. covered with a thin coat of wax If, after all the dirt and grease are removed from a piece of transparent plastic material, no great amount of scratching is visible, the plastic material may be coated with a good grade of commercial wax. Applied in a thin, even coat, the wax will be polished to a high finish by lightly rubbing it with a soft cloth

If no scratches are visible after transparent plastic enclosure materials have been cleaned, their surfaces should be A. polished with rubbing compound applied with a damp B. buffed with a clean, soft, dry cloth C. covered with a thin coat of wax

C. parallel to each other and in series with the switch They are in parallel to prevent one from going out and killing all the lights, and in series to one switch to control them all at once

If one switch is used to control all navigation lights, the lights are most likely connected A. in series B. in series with each other and in series with the switch C. parallel to each other and in series with the switch

C. moisture to collect in the bottle If an oxygen bottle is allowed to remain empty, it is possible for moisture to collect inside it and cause rust or corrosion. For this reason, the pressure inside oxygen bottles should never be allowed to drop below approximately 50 psi

If oxygen bottle pressure is allowed to drop below a specifiec minimum, it may cause A. the pressure reducer to fail B. the automatic altitude control valve to open C. moisture to collect in the bottle

A. 52 inches Registration numbers and letters that are 12 inches tall are 8 inches wide. The number 1 is 2 inches wide, the space between the characters are 2 inches. The minimum space required for the number N1683C is 52 inches

If registration numbers are to be applied to an aircraft with a letter height of 12 inches, what is the minimum space required for the registration mark N1683C Note: 2/3 x height = character width 1/6 x height = width for 1 1/4 x 2/3 height = spacing 1/6 x height = stroke or line width A. 52 inches B. 48 inches C. 57 inches

B. dusting the cable with powdered soapstone Long lengths of electric cable may be lubricated as they are slid into either a rigid or a flexible conduit by dusting the cable and the inside of the conduit with powdered soapstone, tire talc, or regular talcum power

If several long lengths of electrical cable are to be installed in rigid conduit, the possibility of damage to the cable as it is puled through the conduit will be reduced by A. dusting the cable with powdered graphite B. dusting the cable with powdered soapstone C. applying a light coat of dielectric grease

B. started by tapping the aluminum lightly around the edges and gradually working down into the center When using the bumping operation to form a compound curve in a piece of soft aluminum, using light blows of the mallet to work the material down gradually form the edges. Remember that the object of the bumping process is to work the material into shape by stretching it ,rather than forcing into the form with heavy blows. Always start bumping near the edge of the form. Never start in the center

If streamline cover plate is to be hand formed using a form lock, a piece of dead soft aluminum should first be placed over the hollow portion of the mold and securely fastened in place. The pumping operation should be A. distributed evenly over the face of the aluminum at all times rather than being started at the edges or center B. starting by tappin the aluminum lightly around the edges and gradually working down into the center C. starting by tapping the aluminum the center until it touches the bottom of the mold and then working out in all directions

C. backwards

If the (+) terminal of a voltmeter is connected to the (-) terminal of the source voltage and the (-) terminal of the meter is connected to the (+) terminal of the source voltage, the voltmeter will read A. Correctly B. low voltage C. backwards

B. remove and replace the IDG An IDG has its own integral lubrication system. Contamination of the IDG scavenge oil filter with chunks or pieces of metal indicates a mechanical failure in the IDG, and the IDG must be removed and replaced

If the Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) scavenge oil filter is contaminated with metal, you should A. do an oil analysis to diagnose the problem B. remove and replace the IDG C. replace the oil and filter at 25 hour intervals

B. outflow valve to close faster If the cabin rate of climb is too great, the outflow valve should be made to close faster to prevent the cabin altitude from changing too rapidly

If the cabin rate of climb is too great, the control should be adjusted to cause the A. outflow valve to close slower B. outflow valve to close faster C. cabin compressor speed to decrease

C. down and the elevator will move down When the control stick of a properly rigged airplane is moved forward and to the right, the left aileron will move down and the elevators will move down. When the controls move in this direction, the airplane will bank to the right and the nose will rotate downward

If the control stick of an aircraft with properly rigged flight controls is moved forward and to the right, the left aileron will move A. up and the elevator will move down B. down and the elevator will move up C. down and the elevator will move down

C. down and the elevator will move up When the control stick of a properly rigged airplane is moved rearward and to the left, the right aileron will move downwards and the elevator will move up. When the controls move in this direction, the airplane will bank to the left and the nose will rotate direction?

If the control stick of an aircraft with properly rigged flight controls is moved rearward and to the left, the right aileron will move A. down and the elevator will move down B. up and the elevator will move down C. down and the elevator will move up

A. toe-out If lines drawn through the center of each of the wheels of an aircraft landing gear cross behind the wheels, the landing gear has toe-out. The landing gear will tend to spread out as the aircraft rolls forward

If the extended longitudinal axis of the main landing gear wheel assemblies intersects aft of the aircraft, the wheels can be termed as having A. toe-out B. toe-in C. negative chamber

B. no air pressure in the accumulator Air is required in an accumulator to hold pressure in the system after the engine is shut down If the system does not hold pressure, where is no air pressure in the accumulator

If the hydraulic system pressure is normal while the engine-driven pump is running, but there is no pressure after the engine has been shut off, it indicates A. the system relief valve setting is too high B. no air pressure in the accumulator C. the pressure regulator is set too high

B. be operated for a period of time to reach a stable condition and then the freon level rechecked Bubbles in the sight glass of the receiver-dryer of a vapor-cycle air cooling system indicate that the charge of refrigerant is low. When bubbles are seen, the system should be operated for a period of time to allow the system to stabilize. The sigh glass should be rechecked to see if it still indicates that the refrigerant charge is low

If the liquid level gauge in a vapor-cycle cooling system indicates a low freon charge, the system should A. be operated and a pressure check performed B. be operated for a period of time to reach a stable condition and then the freon level rechecked C. not be operated until freon and oil have been added

B. residual voltage If the positive field lead between a generator and its control panel or voltage regulator breaks and shorts to ground while the engine is running, the generator can produce only residual voltage. With both ends of the field at ground potential there can be no field current. The only magnetic field for the armature windings to cut is that caused by the permanent magnetism in the generator field frame. Permanent magnetism in the field frame produces residual voltage, which is somewhere between one and two volts

If the positive field lead between a generator and a generator control panel breaks and is shorted while the engine is running, a voltmeter connected to generator out-put would indicate A. zero voltage B. residual voltage C. normal voltage

C. opposite the normal direction and through the shunt field in the normal direction If the reverse current cutout relay contacts fail to open when the generator output drops below the battery potential, current will flow from the battery through the armature in the direction opposite its normal flow. Current will aslo flow through the shunt field but it will flow through the field coils in the normal direction of flow

If the reverse current cutout relay contact points fail to open after the generator output has dropped below battery potential, current will flow through the generator armature A. in the normal direction and through the shunt field opposite the normal direction B. and the shunt field opposite the normal direction C. opposite the normal direction and through the shunt field in the normal direction

A. airplane to be off balance both laterally and directionally If the right wing of an airplane is rigged with a greater angle of incidence than requires, the right wing will have a greater amount of lift than the left wing. This additionally lift will cause the airplane to be unbalanced laterally and will cause the airplane to turn An improper angle of incidence on one wing will cause the airplane to be out of balance both laterally and directionally

If the right wing of a monoplane is importerlu rigged to the greater angle of incidence than designated in the manufacturers specifications, it will cause the A. airplane to be off balance both laterally and directionally B. airplane to pitch and roll about the lateral ais C. right wing to have an increase lift and a decreased drag

B. the airplane wil be heavy on the controls If the travel of the control surfaces is correct,but the cables are rigged too tight, the aircraft will be heavy on the controls. The controls will be difficult to operate and there will be extreme wear in the control system

If the travel of an airplane's controls is correct but the cables are rigged exceptionally tight, what probable effect will this have when flying the airplane? A. The airplane will tend to fall off on one wing B. The airplane will be heavy on the controls C. The pilot will be unable to fly the airplane hands-off

A. amount of heat applied to the work the types of fuel gases used determine the temperature of the flame. The size of the orifice in the tip determines the amount of gas that is being burned and thus the amount of heat that is being put into the work

In selecting a torch tip size to use in welding, the size of the tip opening determines the A. amount of heat applied to the work B. temperature of the flame C. melting point of the filler metal

B. the vertical axis but not the longitudinal axis the vertical fin of a single-driven engine aircraft is offset to the left. Therefore, it is not parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. This offset provides directional stability. The fin is parallel to the vertical axis; therefore, it is straight up and down

If the vertical fin of a single-engine, propeller driven airplane is rigged properly, it will generally be parallel to A. the longitudinal axis but not the vertical axis B. the vertical axis but not the longitudinal axis C. both the longitudinal and vertical axes

B. the material will absorb carbon and lose its resistance to corrosion A slight carburizing flame is recommended for welding stainless steel. But too much acetylene will add carbon to the metal and case it to lose its resistance

If too much acetylene is used in the welding of stainless steel, A. a porous weld will result B. the material will absorb carbon and lose its resistance to corrosion C. oxide will be formed on the base metal close to the weld

C. equal amounts of force and will move at the same rate of speed If two actuating cylinders with pistons having the same cross-sectional area but different lengths of stroke, are connected to the same source of hydraulic pressure, they will exert equal amounts of force and they will move at the same rate of speed. But it will take them different lengths of time to reach the end of their stroke

If two actuating cylinders which have the same cross sectional area but different lengths of stroke are connected to the same source of hydraulic pressure, they will exert A. different amounts of force but will move at the same rate of speed B. equal amounts of force but will move at different rates of speed C. equal amounts of force and will move at the same rate of speed

A. lateral axis The elevator trim tab adjusts the steady-state inflight balance of an aircraft about its lateral axis This is the longitudinal trim of the aircraft

Improper rigging of the elevator trim tab system will affect the balance of the airplane about its A. lateral axis B. longitudinal axis C. vertical axis

A. prevent the formation of oxides in the puddle A stream of helium or argon gas is used in GTA welding to keep oxygen away from the puddle of molten metal. This prevents the formation of oxides in the puddle

In a Gas Tungsten Arc (GTA) welding, a stream of inert gas is used to A. prevent the formation of oxides in the puddle B. concentrate the heat of the arc and prevent its dissipation C. lower the temperature required to properly fuse the metal

B. relieves the hydraulic pressure on the brake If the antiskid computer senses that one wheel is decelerating fast enough to indicate an impending skid, it sends a signal to the skid control valve for that wheel. The skid control valve relieves hydraulic pressure from that brake until the rate of deceleration for it wheel is no longer excessive

In a brake antiskid system, when an approaching skid is sensed, an electrical signal is sent to the skid control valve which A. acts as a bypass for the debooster cylinders B. relieves the hydraulic pressure on the brake C. equalizes the hydraulic pressure in adjacent brakes

A. Pressure relief valves Pressure relief valves in a gaseous oxygen system are vented to blow-out plugs in the fuselage skin

In a gaseous oxygen system, which of the following are vented to blow out plugs in the fuselage skin? A. Pressure relief valves B. Filler shutoff valves C. Pressure reducer valves

C. shear pin A shear pin or a shear section of the drive shaft is used with a constant-displacement, engine-driven, gear-type hydraulic pump to proctect the pump from damage in case of an overload. If all the regulating and relief valves fail, the shaft will shear and keep the pump fro being more seriously damaged

In a gear-type hydraulic pump, a mechanical safety device incorporated to protect the pump from overload is the A. bypass valve B. check valve C. shear pin

A. The brush pigtail The brush pigtail eliminates any possible sparking between the brush and the brush guide. All of the current is carried from the brush into the holder through the pigtail rather than through the sliding contact made between the brush and the brush guide

In a generator, what eliminates any possible sparking to the brush guides caused by the movement of the brushes within the holder? A. The brush pigtail B. Brush spring tension C. Undercutting the mica on the commutator

B. Pressure relief valve If the ressure reducer valve in an installed, high pressure oxygen system should fail, a pressure relief valve will prevent damage to the system

In a high-pressure oxygen system, if the pressure reducer fails, what prevents high pressure oxygen from entering the system downstream? A. Check valve B. Pressure relief valve C. Manifold control valve

C. varying the pitch of the tail rotor blades The foot-operated petals of a helicopter change the pitch of the tail rotor blades and thus the thrust they produce. The thrust produced by the tail rotor maintains directional control of a hovering helicopter

In a hovering helicopter equipped with a tail rotor, directional control is maintained by A. changing the tail rotor rpm B. tilting the main rotor disk in the desired direction C. varying the pitch of the tail rotor blades

C. Air pressure regulator Hydraulic system reservoirs that are pressurized by turbine bleed air reuire an air pressure regulato between the engine and the resivoir to reduce the pressure to the proper value

In a hydraulic system that has a reservoir pressurized with turbine-engine compressor bleed air, which unit reduces the air pressure between the engine and the reservoir? A. Relief valve B. Air bleed relief valve C. Air pressure regulator

C. through the center of gravity at all times

In a rotocraft external-loading, the ideal location of the cargo release is where the line of action passes A. aft of the center of gravity at all times B. forward of the center of gravity at all times C. through the center of gravity at all times

B. prevent oil from escaping The seal prevents oil from scaping the strut

In shock struts, chevron seals are used to A. absorb bottoming effect B. prevent oil from escaping C. serve as a bearing surface

C. malfuntioning solenoid dumper valve When the pneumatic system pressure reaches the pump cuttoff pressure of 3150 psi, the pressure-sensing switch opens the circuit to the hydraulic selector valve and shuts off pressure to the hydraulic motor which drives the air compressor. At the same time, the dump-valve solenoid is de-energized and the dump valve opens, venting overboard any moisture that has accumulated in the moisture separator. If the solenoid-operated dump valve should malfuntion, the water accumuled in the moisture seperator will not be vented overboard when the compressor shuts down

In a typical high-pressure pneumatic system, if the moisture separator does not vent accumulated water when the compressor shuts down, a likely cause is a A. saturated chemical dryer B. malfunctioning pressure transmitter C. malfunctioning solenoid dumper valve

A. should not be used as circuit protective devices 14 CFR Part 23 states that each resettable circuit protective device must be so designed that a manual operation is required to restore service after tripping

In aircraft electrical systems, automatic reset circuit breakers A. should not be used as circuit protective devices B. are useful only temporary overloads are normally encountered C. must be used in all circuits essential to safe operation of the aircraft

C. Real power equals apparent power In an AC circuit that has no phase lead or lag, the power factor is one (100 percent). All of the current is in phase with the voltage. The real power is equal to the apparent power

In an AC circuit with no phase lead or lag, which is true? A. Real power is zero B. Real power is greater than apparent power C. Real power equals apparent power

A. an electrical sensor A wheel skid is detected by the electrical wheel-speed sensor in the wheel hub. If the wheel slows down faster than it should, the sensor sends a signal to the control box, and the hydraulic pressure on the brake in that wheel is released

In an antiskid system, wheel skid is detected by A. an electrical sensor B. a discriminator C. a sudden rise in brake pressure

C. Follow-up signal The follow-up signal in an autopilot nulls out the input signals to the control surfaces when the correct amount of deflection is reached

In an autopilot, which signal nullifies the input signal to the ailerons? A. Displacement signal B. Course signal C. Follow-up signal

A. capacitor The fuel tank transmitters in an electronic-type fuel quantity indicating system are capacitors. A tank probe (transmitter) is made of two concentric metal tubes that act as the plates of a capacitor. The fuel in the tank and the air above the fuel act as the dielectric. The capacitance of the probe is determined by the relative amount of fuel and air between the plates

In an electronic-type fuel quantity indicating system, the tank sensing unit is a A. capacitor B. variable resistor C. variable inductor

B. The expansion valve is not metering freon properly If the expansion valve is metering freon as it should, there will be an appreciable temperature difference between the lines connected to the expansion valve. As freon passes through the expansion valve, it changes from a high-pressure liquid into a low-pressure liquid. The drop in pressure causes a drop in temperature. If the valve is not metering as it should, there willbe no pressure drop and therefore, no temperature drop

In an operating vapor-cycle cooling system, if the two lines connected to the expansion valve are essentially the same temperature, what does this indicate? A. The system is functioning normally B. The expansion valve is not metering freon properly C. The compressor is pumping too much refrigerant

B. withdrawing fluid from the system for the purpose of removing air that has entered the system Bleeding the brakes means removing any fluid from the system that has air trapped in it

In brake service work, the term "bleeding brakes" is the process of A. withdrawing air only from the system B. withdrawing fluid from the system for the purpose of removing air that has entered the system C. replacing small amounts of fluid reservoir

C. a new section of spar should be spliced in or the spar replaced entirely The only repair that is approved for an elongated bolt hole in a wood aircraft wing spar is to cut out the section of the spar that contains the damage and splice in a new section.

In cases of elongating bolt holes in a wood spar or cracks in the vicinity of boltholes A. it is permissible to ream the hole, plug with hardwood, and redrill it B. the spar may be reinforced by using hardwood reinforced plates C. a new section of spar should be spliced in or the spar replaced entirely

B. size of the tip opening The amount of heat put into a material being welded is determined by the size of the orifice in the welding tip

In gas welding, the amount of heat applied to the material being welded is controlled by A. oxygen-acetylene B. size of the tip opening C. cutting oxygen valve lever

C. receiving an interrogation signal from a ground station and automatically send a reply back An ATC transponder is a special radio receiver that receives an interrogation signal from an ATC radar and automatically replies with a coded signal. The coded response to the ground station interrogation allows the controller to identify the aircraft

In general, the purpose of an aircraft transponder is to A. continually transmit heading, speed, and rate of climb/descent, etc., information to ATC B. monitor aircraft speed, heading, altitude, and attitude whenever the autopilot system is engaged C. receiving an interrogation signal from a ground station and automatically send a reply back

C. 100 According to AC 43.13-1, para 426(c), in installations where an ammeter is in the generator or alternator lead and the regulator system does not limit the maximum current the generator or alternator can deliver, the ammeter can be redlined at 100 percent of the greater or alternator rating

In installations where the ammeter is in the generator or alternator lead, and the regulator system does not limit the maximum current that the generator or alternator can deliver, the ammeter can be redlined at what percent of the generator or alternator rating? A. 50 B. 75 C. 100

A. sequence valves Hydrauliclly actuated landing gear systems that have hydraulically actuated wheel-well doors, control the operating sequence of the doors and the landing gear by the use of sequence valves

In most modern hydraulically actuated landing gear systems, the order of gear and fairing door operation is controlled by A. sequence valves B. shuttle valves C. microswitches

A. fuel pressure warning signal system Fuel pressure warning signal systems are installed in many large aircraft to warn pilot or flight engineer that a tank has been emptied and a full tank should be selected

In some aircraft with several fuel tanks, the possible danger of allowing the fuel supply in one tank to become exhausted before the selector valve is switched to another tank is prevented by the installation of A. fuel pressure warning signal system B. a fuel pressure relief valve C. an engine fuel pump bypass valve

C. yellow disk on the side of the fuselage If a fire extinguisher system has been intentionally discharged, the yellow disk on the side of the fuselage is blown out. If the fire extinguisher system has been discharged because of an overtemperature condition, the red disk will be blown out

In some fire-extinguishing systems, evidence that the system has been intentionally discharged is indicated by the absence of a A. red disk on the side of the fuselage B. geen disk on the side of the fuselage C. yellow disk on the side of the fuselage

C. cross-sectional area The AWG system is used to indicate the size of electrical wire. The AWG number relates to the diameter of the wire, and therefore to its cross-sectional area. There is no direct correlation between the AWF number of a wire and its area, but the larger the number, the smaller the wire

In the American Wire Gauge (AWG) system of numbers used to designate electrical wire sizes, the number assigned to a size is related to its A. combined resistance and current-carrying capacity B. current-carrying capacity C. cross-sectional area

A. squat switch is open An aircraft with an antiskid system cannot land with the brakes applied even if the brake pedals are depressed. When the aircraft is airborne, the landing gear squat switch causes the antiskid control box to prevent fluid reaching the brakes

In the air with the antiskid armed, current cannot flow to the antiskid control box because landing gear A. squat switch is open B. down and lock switch is open C. antiskid valves are open

A. Either a combustion air relief valve or a differential pressure regulator Combustion air for each cabin heater is recieved through either the main air intake or a separate outside air scoop. To prevent too much air from entering the heaters as the air pressure increases, either a combustion-air-relied valve or a differential-pressure regulator is provided. The combustion-air relief valve is located in the line leading from the ram intake air duct and is spring-loaded to dump excess air into the cabin-cabin-heater exchange-gas stream. The differential pressure regulator is also located in the combustion-air intake line. However, it controls the amount of air reahing the combustion heater in a slightly different manner

In the combustion heater, combustion air system, what prevents too much air from entering the heaters as air pressure increases? A. Either a combustion air relief valve or a differential pressure regulator B. Only a differential pressure regulator can be used C. Only a combustion air relief valve can be used

B. landing gear and flap positions The GPWS senses the nearness of the ground and warns the pilot if the aircraft has gotten too near the ground when it is not in a configuration of landing. It does this by monitoring the radar altimeter to determine the actual height above the ground. It also monitors the air data computer, instrument landing system, and landing gear amd flap position to determine if the aircraft is properally configured for its distance from the ground. If it is too near the ground for its distance from the ground. If it too near the ground for its location or configuration, the system will warn the pilot

In the landing configuration GPWS Typically monitors the radio (radar) altimeter, air data computer, instrument landing system, and A. aileron, rudder, and elevator position B. landing gear and flap positions C. spoiler, slat, and stabilizer position

C. the component has continuity and is not open If the ohmmeter is connected correctly and indicates some value of resistance, current is flowing through the component and it has continuity. It is not open

In troubleshooting an electrical circuit, if an ohmmeter is properly connected across a circuit component and some value of resistance is read, A. the component has continuity and is open B. either the component or the circuit is shorted C. the component has continuity and is not open

B. Cabin and cockpit Carbon monoxide detectors are installed in the cabin and in the cockpit of an aircraft to inform the occupants of the presence of this deadly gas

In what areas of aircraft would you find a carbon monoxide detector? A. Cargo and baggage compartment B. Cabin and cockpit C. Lavatory and engine nacelle

C. Vertical with the outlet at the bottom Liquid freon can be added to a vapor-cycle air cooling system by holding the bottle vertical with the outlet at the bottom. Care must be used when addind liquid refrgerant. The outside air temperature bst be high enough for all of the liquid to charge into a vapor before it reaches the compressor

In what position should the bottle be placed when adding liquid freon to a vapor-cycle cooling system? A. Vertical with the outlet at the top B. Horizontal with the outlet to the side C. Vertical with the outlet at the bottom

B. sensing The attitude indicator, which senses deviation from a level flight attitude, is in the sensing system of an autopilot

In which control element of an autopilot system is an attitude indicator? A. Command B. Sensing C. Input

C. in the aircraft manufacturer's service manual They type of fluid and the recommended air pressure to be used in an aircraft shock strut is found in the aircraft manufacturers service manual

Instructions concerning the type of fluid and amount of air pressure to be put in a shock strut are found A. on the airplane data plate B. in the aircraft operations limitations C. in the aircraft manufacturer's service manual

B. low-frequency, high amplitude shocks

Instrument panel shock mounts absorb A. high energy impact shocks caused by hard landings B. low-frequency, high-amplitude shocks C. high G shock loads imposed by turbulent air

C. altimeter after suction has been applied to the static system to cause a prescribed equivealt altitude to be indicated Instrument static system leakage can be detected by observing the rate of change in an altimeter indication. A suction is applied to the static system that causes an equivenalt alttude of 1,000 feet to be indicated on the altimeter. The system is sealed, and it must not leak more than 100 feet of altitude in one minute

Instrument static system leakage can be detected by observing the rate of change in indication of the A. airspeed indicator after suction has been applied to the static system to cause a prescribed equivalent airspeed to be indicated B. altimeter after pressure has been applied to the static system to cause a prescribed equivalent altitude to be indicated C. altimeter after suction has been applied to the static system to cause a prescribed equivalent altitude to be indicated

C. supported by the aircraft structure intergral fuel tanks are actually part of the structure in which all of the seams and riveted joints are sealed with an appropriate sealant. The fuel is carried in the sealed-off aircraft structure

Integral fuel tanks on transport aircraft are A. easily removed for service or inspection B. constructed of plastic or fiberglass C. supported by the aircraft structure

C. a brushless system to produce current An IDG is a high-output brushless alternator build into a single unit what a constant-speed drive. A permanent-magnet generator produces three-phase AC, which is set to the voltage regulator section of the GCU. The output of the GCU supplies current to the exciter field coil which controls the output voltage of the generator

Integrated drive generators (IDG) employ a type of high output AC generator that utilizes A. brushes and slip rings to carry generated DC exciter current to the rotating field B. battery current to excite the field C. a brushless system to produce current

C. the pedal to slowly creep down while pedal pressure is applied Internal leakage in the master cylinder of an aircraft brake system will cause the pedal to slowly creep down while pedal pressure is applied

Internal leakage in a brake master cylinder unit can cause A. fading brakes B. slow release of brakes C. the pedal to slowly creep down while pedal pressure is applied

C. shear failure A joggle (offset) in the shank of a rivet that has been removed from a damaged aircraft structure indicates tat the rivet joint has failed in shear

Joggles in removed rivet shanks would indicate partial A. bearing failure B. torsion failure C. shear failure

A. allow full debooster piston travel without fluid from the high pressure side entering the low pressure chamber A lockout debootster is different from an ordinary debooster as it also serves asa hydraulic fuse. It will lock out the system after a given amount of fluid passes through it. In an ordinary debooster, when fluid is lost, the piston moves to the bottom of its stroke and the riser unseats the ball check valve, and fluid from the power control valve passes through the piston shaft to replace the lost fluid. In a lockout debooster, when fluid is lost, the piston moves to the bottom of its stroke and the riser unseats the ball check valve, but the spring-loaded lockout valve prevents fluid entering the lower chamber until reset handle is lifted

Lockout deboosters are primarily pressure reducing valve that A. allow full debooster piston travel without fluid from the high pressure side entering the low pressure chamber B. cannot allow full debooster piston travel without fluid from the high pressure side entering the low pressure chamber C. must be bled separately after brake bleeding has been completed

C. overall length of 5/16 An MS20426AD-6-5 rivet is a countersunk-head rivet made of 2117 aluminum alloy. It has a diameter of 6/32 inch (3//16) and an overall length, including the head, of 5/16 inch

MS20426AD-6-5 indicates a countersunk rivet which has A. a shank length of 5/16 inch (excluding head) B. a shank length 5/32 inch (exclude head) C. an overall length of 5/16 inch

B. folded, french fell, or plain lapped machine-sewn seams in aircraft coverings may be of the folded fell or french fell. A plain lapped seam is satisfactory where selvage edges or pinked edges are joined

Machine-sewn seams in aircraft covering fabrics may be which of the following types? A. Folded-fell or plain lapped B. Folded-fell, french-fell, or plain lapped C. French-fell or plain fell

C. dampen the oscillation of the float Magnetic compass bwols are filled with liquid to dampen the oscillations of the float

Magnetic compass bowls are filled with a liquid to A. retard precession of the float B. reduce deviation errors C. dampen the oscillation of the float

C. track If the blades of a helicopter rotor do not cone in the same plane they are said to be out of track

Main rotor blades that do not cone by the same amount during rotation are said to be out of A. balance B. collective pitch C. track

C. replacement of damaged sensing elements Of the maintenance functions listed here, the only allowable maintenance for a fire-detection system is the replacement of a damaged sensing element

Maintenance of fire-detection systems includes the A. repair of damaged sensing elements B. servicing of the pressure type responder system C. replacement of damaged sensing elements

A. the equipment manufacturer Any major adjustments on electrical equipment must be done in direct compliance with the equipment manufacturer's maintenance recommendations

Major adjustments on equipment such as regulators, contactors, and inverters are best accomplished outside the airplane on test benches with necessary instruments and equipment. Adjustment procedure should be as outlined by A. the equipment manufacturer B. the FAA C. aircraft technical orders

C. Expader tube type Expander-tube brakes cannot be adapted for mecha ical operations. They depend on fluid inside the tube for their application

Many brake types can be adapted to operate mechanically or hydraulically. What type is not adaptable to mechanical operation? A. Single-disk spot type B. Single-servo type C. Expander-tube type

A. flapper any fuel tanks incorporate flapper valves that prevent fuel in the tank form flowing away from the boost pump or tank outlet any time the aircraft is in a high-G maneuver. These valves are normally open but if a maneuver causes the fuel to flow away from the pump or outlet, they flap shut until the force moving the fuel no longer exists, the they automatically open

Many fuel tanks incorporate __________ valves to prevent furl from flowing away from the boost pump or tank outlet when the aircraft is in a high-G maneuver? A. flapper B. check C. dump

B. Upward regardless of elevator position If the cockpit control for the elevator trim tab is rotated toward the nose-down position, the trailing edge of the trim tab will move upward, regardless of the position of the elevator. When the trim tab moves upward, it produces an aerodynamic force that moves the elevators downward. This movement of the elevator rotates the airplane nose downward

Movement of the cockpit control toward the nose down position during a ground operational check of the elevator trim tab system will cause the trailing edge of the trim tab to move in which direction? A. Downward regardless of elevator position B. Upward regardless of elevator position C. Downward if the elevator is in the UP position and upward if the elevator is in the DOWN position

C. common aircraft metals, polyeurethane, and epoxy paints Skydrol does not appreciably affect common aircraft metals such as aluminum, silver, zinc, magnesium, cadmium, iron, stainless steel, bronze, chromium, and others, as lon as the fluids are kept free of contaminate.

Material which are Skydrol compatible or resistant include A. epoxy paints and most common aircraft metals B. polyurethane and epoxy paints C. common aircraft metals, polyurethane, and epoxy paints

B. must be constructed of materials such as titanium or corrosion resistant steel One of the problems with carbon/graphite as a structural materials is the fact that aluminum alloys in contact with it will corrode. for this reason fasteners used with carbon/graphite must be made of a corrosion resistant material

Metal fasteners used with carbon/graphite composite structures A. may be constructed of any of the metals commonly used in aircraft fasteners B. must be constructed of materials such as titanium or corrosion resistant steel C. must be constructed of high strength aluminum-lithium alloy

A. Interferences with fuel flow, interface with fuel quantity indicators, and electrolytic corrosive action in a metal tank

Microbial growth is produced by various forms of micro-organisms that live by multiply in water interfaces of jet fuels. Which of the following could result if microbial growth exists in a jet fuel tank and is not corrected? A. Interference with fuel flow, interface with fuel quantity indicators, and electrolytic corrosive action in a metal tank B. Interference with fuel quantity indicators, engine seizure, or a lower grade rating of the fuel C. Interference with fuel flow, lower grade rating of fuel, and electrolytic corrosive action in a rubber tank

B. control electrical units automatically Microswitches are used primarily as limit switches to provide automatic control of such electrical units as lap and landing gear actuator motors

Microswitches are used primarily as limit switches to A. limit generator output B. control electrical units automatically C. prevent overcharging of a battery

C. steel parts Mild steel rivets are used for joining steel parts

Mild steel rivets are used for riveting A. nickel-steel parts B. magnesium parts C. steel parts

A. glass fabric

Moisture, mildew, chemicals, and acids have no effect on A. glass fabric B. cotton fabric C. polyester fabric

B. Both 1 and 2 are true the discharge cartridges for a fire-extinguishing system contain explosive charges called squibs are ignited with an electrical current when the fire extinguisher agent is closed. When removing or installing a discharge cartridge, ground or short the terminals to prevent an accidental firing. Before connecting the cartridge terminals to the electrical system, the system should be checked with a voltmeter to be sure that there is no voltage at the terminal connections

Most of the modern aircraft built-in fire-extinguisher systems, (1) during removal or installation, the terminal of discharge cartridges should be grounded or shorted (2) before connecting cartridge terminals to the electrical system, the system should be checked with a voltmeter to see that no voltage exists at the terminal connections Regarding the statements above A. only 2 is true B. both 1 and 2 are true C. neither 1 nor 2 are true

A. dimples Most rivets used in aircraft construction and repair are made of aluminum alloy 2117. 2117 rivets are identified by a dimple in the center of the manufacturer head

Most rivets used in aircraft construction have A. dimples B. smooth heads without markings C. a raised dot

C. contain a built-in means of system pressure regulation Most modern variable-displacement hydraulic pumps have a built-in means of system pressure reguation. They require no seperate system pressure regulator

Most variable displacement aircraft hydraulic pumps in use A. must be driven at a nearly constant speed in order to be practical for use B. are not practical for use with a closed-center hydraulic system C. contain a built-in means of system pressure regulation

B. cycic pitch control movement of a helicopter about tis lateral (pitch) axis is effected by moving the cyclic pitch control fore and aft

Movement about the lateral axis (pitch) in a helicopter is effected by movement of the A. collective pitch control B. cyclic pitch control C. tail rotor pitch control

B. cyclic pitch control Movement of a helicopter about its longitudinal (roll) axis is effected by moving the cyclic pitch control to the right or left

Movement about the longitudinal axis (roll) in a helicopter is effected by movement of the A. collective pitch control B. cyclic pitch control C. reduce lift

A. Flight management computer Large aircraft have many sophisticated electronic control devices. The FMC monitors flight parameters and performs autopilot funtions. It regulates the movement of the control surface actuators which control the stabilizers, elevators, rudders, speed brakes, and spoilers

On modern large aircraft, what electronic device typically monitors flight parameters and performs autopilot functions? A. Flight management computer B. Transponder C. Control/display unit

C. releasing the air and seeing that the oil is to the level of the filler plug The oil level in an oleo shock strut is checked by releasing the air from the strut and filling the strut with oil to the level of the filler plug

On most aircraft, the oil level of an air and oil shock strut is checked by A. removing the oil filler plug and inserting a gauge B. measuring the length of the strut extension with a certain air pressure in the strut C. releasing the air and seeing that the oil is to the level of the filler plug

B. replace the extinguisher container On a periodic check of fire extinguisher containers, if the pressure, when corrected for ambient temperature, as not between the minimum and maximum limits, the fire extinguisher container must be replaced

On periodic check of fire extinguisher containers, the pressure was not between minimum and maximum limits. What procedure should be followed> A. Replace pressure if above limits B. Replace the extinguisher container C. Increase pressure if below limits

B. longerons and stringers The longitudinal structural member of the semi-monocoque fucelage are called longerons and stringers

On semi-monocoque fuselage, the skin is reinforced by longitudinal structural members are called A. beams and struts B. longerons and stringers C. formers and bulkheads

A. main landing gear operated switch When a pressurized aircraft is on the ground with the cabin closed, the safety dump valve is held open by vacuum controlled by the dump solenoid, which is actuated through the landing gear safety, or squat, switch. As soon as the aircraft is airborne and the weight is off the landing gear, the squat switch allows the dump solenoid to close the safety dump valve, allowing the cabin to be pressurized

On some cabin pressurization systems, pressurization on the ground is restricted by the A. main landing gear operated switch B. cabin pressure regulator C. negative pressure-releif valve

A. The green thermal expansion disk missing If the pressure in an oxygen cylinder becomes too great, the safety disk ruprutes and the oxygen is vented overboard through a discharge line which is covered with a green discharge disk. This indicator is ont he outside of the aircraft where it is visible on the preflight walk-around insection

On transport category aircraft what might be an indication of an over pressure event of the aircraft oxygen system? A. The green thermal expansion disk missing B. The green thermal expansion disk in the cockpit missing C. The green thermal expansion on the oxygen regulator missing

A. can be located any distance from the tank(s)

One advantage of electrical and electonic fuel quantity indicating systems is that the indicator A. can be located any distance from the tank(s) B. has no movable devices C. always measures volume instead of mass

B. greater ease in stepping the voltage up or down One advantage of using AC electrical power in aircraft is the ease with which the voltage may be increased or decreased. Passing alternating current through a transformer changes its voltage

One advantage of using AC electrical power in aircraft is A. that AC electrical motors can be reversed while DC motors cannot B. greater ease in stepping the voltage up or down C. that the effect voltage is 1.41 time the maximum instantaneous voltage; therefore, less power input is required

A. two ranges are close together One antenna can be used on light aircraft to recieve both the low-frequency radio range and the standard broadcast bands. The frequency rancce of these two types of radio transmissions are so close together that one antenna can effecticely receive both signals

One antenna can be used for the radio range and standard broadcast bands in light aircraft because the A. two ranges are close together B. antenna is omnidirectional C. antenna length may be electronically adjusted

A. 445 to 450 psi The pressure at the beginning of the leak test is 460 psi. The temperature drops 12*F According to the curve, a 12* drop will cause a pressure change of 10 psi The pressure in the system with no leakage would be 450 psi The pressure is allowed to drop only 5 psi; therefore, the low pressure allowed in the system will be 445 psi

One hour after an oxygen system was charged for a leakage check, the oxygen pressure gauge read 460 psi at 63*F; 6 hours later the temperature was 51*F. (A 5 psi change is the maximum allowable in a 6-hour period). What pressure gauge reading would be acceptable to remain within the allowable limits? A. 445 to 450 psi B. 446 to 450 psi C. 455 to 460 psi

A. strip the damaged area of all paint and shine a strong light through the structure One method of inspecting a laminated fiberglass structure for internal damage is to strip all the paint from the damaged area. Then shine a bright light through the structure to visually check for damage

One method of inspecting a laminated fiberglass structure that has been subjected to damage is to A. strip the damaged area of all paint and shine a strong light through the structure B. use dye-penetrant inspection procedures, exposing the entire damaged area to the penetrant solution C. use an eddy current probe on both sides of the damaged area

B, mave mixed enough for a test sample One of the best ways of being sure that the matric resin for a composite repair has been properly mixed is to mix enough extra resin of each batch to make an identical layup. Use the same sure time, pressure, and temperature as the actual repair. The test sample should have the same finished characteristics as the repair

One of the best ways to assure that a properly prepared batch of matrix resin has been achieved is to A. perform a chemical composition analysis B. have mixed enough for a test sample C. test the viscosity of the resin immediately after mixing

A. fluid flows through the valve in the OFF position In an open-center hydraulic selector valve, fluid flows through the valve when it is in the OFF position. Open-center selector valves are installed in series with each other, while closed-center valves are installed in parallel with each other

One of the distinguishing characteristics of an open-center selector valve used in hydraulic system is that A. fluid flows through the valve in the OFF position B. fluid flows in three directions in the ON position C. A limited amount of fluid flows in one direction and no fluid flows in the opposite direction

C. they can be installed with ordinary hand tools Hi-lok fasteners are a new form of hi-Shear fasteners that can be installed with ordinary hand tools rather than requiring the special riveting tools. The pin is installed in an interference-fit hole and the collar screwed down over the threaded end. The pin is held with an allen wrench and the collar is screwed down, using an open-end wrench until the proper torque is reached. At this point, the hex shear-nut portion of the collar will break off

One of the main advantages of HI-LOK type fasteners over earlier generation is that A. they can be removed and reused again B. the squeezed on collar installation provides a more secure, tighter fit C. they can be installed with ordinary hand tools

A. wide operating temperature Skydrol is a phospate ester-base fluid is fire resistant and can operate between -65 to 225 degrees F

One of the main advantages of skydrol is its A. wide operating temperature B. high operating pressure C. inability to mix with water

C. a shorted armature the growler test checks to see if any of the windings are shorted

One purpose of a growler test is to determine the presence of A. an out-of-round commutator B. a broken field lead C. a shorted armature

B- provide for augmentation of airflow in some areas of the aircraft. a jet pump is essentially a special venturi in a line carrying air from certain areas in a aircraft that need an augmentent airflow through them. Jet pumps are often used in the lines that pull air through gallery's and toilet areas. A nozzle blows a stream of high-velocity compressor bleed air into the throat of the venturi. This increases the velocity of the air flowing through the venturia d produces a low pressure that pulls air from the compartment to which it is connected

One purpose of a jet pump in a pressurization and air conditioning system is to A. produce a high pressure for operation of the outflow valve B. provide for augmentation of airflow in some areas of the aircraft C. assist in the circulation of freon

A. automatically disengage the rotor from the engine incase of an engine failure The freewheeling unit in a helicopter rotor system automatically disengages the rotor from the engine in the case of an engine failure. The freewheeling unit allows the engine to drive the rotor, but if the rotor speed ever becomes greater than that of the engine, the freewheeling unit prevents the rotor driving the engine

One purpose of the freewheeling unit required between the engine and the helicopter transmission is to A. automatically disengage the rotor from the engine incase of an engine failure B. disconnect the rotor from the engine to relieve the starter load C. permit practice of autorotation landings

A. Aircraft type certificate datasheet The TCDS issued nu the FAA for every aircraft that is FAA certified, regardless of its ocuntry of oigin, inducled the amount of deflection of the primary flight controls

Other than the manufacturer maintenance manual what other document could be used to determine the primary flight control surface deflection for an imported aircraft that is reassembled after shipment? A. Aircraft Type Certificate Data Sheet B. Import manual for the aircraft C. The certificate of airworthiness issued by the importing country

C. wheel flange Overinflated tires may cause damage to the wheel flange on a hard landing

Overinflated aircraft tires may cause damage to the A. brake linings B. wheel hub C. wheel flange

C. flux Flux is used when welding aluminum to remove the oxides from the metal immediately ahead of the weld. The flux the coats the etal and prevents oxygen from reaching its surface and reforming the oxide

Oxides form very rapidly when alloys or metals are hot. It is important, therefore, when welding aluminum to use a A. solvent B. filler C. flux

B. steel Oxygen and acetylene cylinders are made of steel

Oxygen and acetylene cylinders are made of A. seamless aluminum B. steel C. bronze

A. continuous-flow and pressure demand types oxygen systems in an unpressurized aircrac may yse a continuous low system for the passengers and a diluter-demand or a pressure-demand system for the flight crew

Oxygen systems in unpressurized aircraft are generally of the A. continuous-flow and pressure-demand types B. pressure-demand type only C. portable-bottle type only

A. is at least 99.5 percent pure and is practically water free oxygen used in aircraft systems is at least 99.5 percent pure and is practically water free while hospital-quality oxygen contains more water vapor than is allowed in aviator's breathing oxygen

Oxygen used in aircraft system A. is at least 99.5 percent pure and is practically water free B. is at least 99.5 percent pure and is the same as hospital quality oxygen C. contains a higher level of water vapor than hospital-quality oxygen

C. scratches, kinks, tool marks, nicks, etc, held to a minimum When fabricating parts from Alclad 2024-T3 aluminum sheet stock, be sure that all damage such as scratches, kinks, tool marks, and nicks are held to a minimum to prevent exposing the alloy core through the damaged pure aluminum coating surface

Parts fabricated from Alclad 2024-T3 aluminum sheet stock must have all A. bends made with a small radius to develop maximum strength B. bends 90* to the grain C. scratches, kinks, tool marks, nicks, etc., held to a minimum

C. Red MIL-H-5606 petrolium-base hydraulic fluid is dyed red

Petroleum-based hydraulic fluid is which color? A. Purple B. Blue C. Red

B. water in the atmpsohere

Phosphate ester-base hydraulic fluid is very susceptable to contamination from A. rapid changes in temperature B. water in the atmosphere C. icing condition

A. they produce a small effect on grain direction Pin knot clusters in a piece of aircraft structural wood are permitted if they are small clusters and produce only a small effect on grain direction

Pin knot clusters are permitted in wooden aircraft structure provided A. they produce a small effect on grain direction B. they have no mineral streaks C. no pitch pockets are within 12 inches

B, broken strands Run a piece of cloth over the control cable to check for broken wires. If there are any broken wires in the cable, they will snag the cloth

Placing a piece of cloth around a stainless steel control cable and running it back and forth over the length of a cable is generally a satisfactory method of inspecting for A. corrosion B. broken strands C. excessive wear

B. relief valves the only components among the choises goven that are used inn a pneumatic system are the relief valves

Pneumatic system utilize A. thermal valves B. relief valves C. shuttle valves

A. high landing speeds As a general rule, power boost brake systems are used on aircraft that are too heavy or land too fast to employ independent brake systems, but are too light in weight to require a power brake system

Power boost brake systems are used on aircraft that have A. high landing speeds B. low normal hydraulic system pressure C. More then one brake assembly per axle

B. at least one single point connection A manifold fuel system allows an aircraft to be fueled by the pressure fueling method. All of the tanks can be fueled at the same time thruogh a single manifold connection. This reduces the fueling time, minimizes the chance of contamination, and minimizes the buildup of static electrical charges

Pressure fueling of aircraft is usually accomplished through A. pressure connections on individual fuel tanks B. at least one single point connection C. individual fuel tank overwing and/or fuselage access point

A. pounds per suqare inch

Pressure is a term used to indicate the force per unit area. Pressure is usually expressed in A. pounds per square inch B. pounds per inch C. pounds per cubic inch

A. Remove all paint from the area to be covered by the deicer boot When installing a surface-bonded deicer boot on an aircraft wing, remove all the paint from the area to which the boot is to be bonded The metal must be perfectly clean and the bonding material must be applied in strict accordance with the instructions furnished by the maker of the boot

Prior to installation of a pneumatic surface-bonded type deicer boots, on the leading edge of the wing, you should A. remove all paint from the area to be covered by the deicer boot B. clean the surface with MEK and apply adhesive to the back of the deicer boot and leading edge of the wing C. rough the surface with a mild abrasive

B. applying external heat and pressure Preimpregnated materials or prepregs, are fabrics that are uniformly impregnated with the matrix resins. They are rolled up and stored in a refrigerator to prevent their curing until they are to be used. One side of the material is covered with a plastic backing to prevent its sticking together when stored. To make a prepreg composite lay-up, cut the plies to size, remove the plastic backing, lay the plies up observing the correct ply orentation, and apply pressure and external heat

Proper prepreg composite lay-up curing is generally accomplished by A. adding a catalyst to curing agent to the resin B. applying external heat and pressure C. room temperature exposure and applying pressure

B. bubble level and special fixtures described by the manufacturer A bubble level and a special fixture may be used to determine the amoint of twist tht is put into a sheet-metal wing

Proper wing twist in a sheet metal constructed wing can usually be checked by utilizing a A. plumb bob, string, and straight edge B. bubble level and special fixtures described by the manufacturer C. straightedge, tape measure, and carpenter's square

C. quickly connecting and disconnecting hydraulic lines without loss of fluid or entrance of air into the system Hydraulic quick-disconnect fittings are normally found at the hydraulic pump. They allow the lines to be quickly connected or disconnected without loss of fluid or enterance of air into the system

Quick-disconnect coupling in hydraulic systems provide a means of A. easily replacing hydraulic lies in areas where leaks are common B. quickly connecting and disconnecting hydraulic lines and eliminate the possibility of contaminants entering the system C. quickly connecting and disconnecting hydraulic lines without loss of fluid or entrance of air into the system

C- by the holder of an inspection authorization. A radio equipment installation made in accordance with Supplemental Type Certificates can be approved for return by the holder of an inspection authorization. The information included with an STC is considered to be approved data for this alteration

Radio equipment installations made in accordance with Supplemental Type Certificate data require approval for return to service A. by a field approval from the FAA B. by an airframe and powerplant mechanic C. by the holder of an inspection authorization

C. provide a low-impedance ground and minimize radio interference from static electrical charges

Radio equipment is bonded to the aircraft in order to A. provide a low-impedance ground B. minimize radio interference from static electrical changes C. provide a low-impedance ground and minimize radio interference from static electrical charges

C. as damage-preventing units Relief valves in pneumatic systems are damage-preventing units that are preset and safetied They are installed to protect the system from excessive pressure buildup that can be caused by thermal expansion or by a compressor power system malfunction

Relief valves are used in pneumatic systems A. for one direction flow control B. to reduce the rate of airflow C. as damage-preventing units

C. an unairworthy repair Modern composite materials use materials, procedures, and special precautions that are different from those used with conventional aircraft fiberglass. To use fiberglass practices on advanced composite structure will likely result in an unairworthy repair

Repairing advanced composites using materials and techniques traditionally used for fiberglass repairs likely to result in A. restored strength and flexibility B. slightly stronger strength to weight ratio C. an unairworthy repair

C. permitted but are normally more critical in reference to strength in tension than similar repairs to the upper surface Repairs or splices to the stringers on the lower surface of a stressed skin metal wing are permitted, but since the lower surface of the sing is under tensile load in flight, these repairs are more critical with regards to tensile strength than repairs to the upper surface

Repairs or splices involving stringers on the lower surface of stressed skin metal wings are usually A. not permitted B. permitted only if the damage does not exceed 6 inches in any direction C. permitted but are more critical in reference to strength in tension than similar repairs to the upper surface

B. field shoes Residual voltage produced by a generator when no current is flowing through the field coils is produced by the permanent magnetism in the field coils is produced by the permanent magnetism in the field shoes of the generator

Residual voltage voltage is a result of magnetism in the A. field windings B. field shoes C. armature

B. Free air, carburetor air, coolant (engine), and oil temperature When temperature below about 300*F are to be measured by an aircraft instrument, resistance-change instruments such as wheatstone bridge or ratiometer instruments are normally used rather than thermocouples. Free air temperature, carburetor air temperature, engine coolant temperature,and oil temperature are all measured by resistance-change instruments

Resistant-type temperature indicators using Wheatstone bridge or ratiometer circuits may be used to indicate the temperatures of which of the following? A. Free air, carburetor air, oil temperature, and cylinder head temperature B. Free air, carburetor air, coolant (engine), and oil temperature C. Exhaust gas temperature gas temperature and cylinder head temperature

C. Nose into the wind Normally, rigging and alignment checks shuld not be undertaken in the open. If this cannot be avoided, the aircraft should be positioned with the nose pointed into the wind

Rigging and alignment checks should not be undertaken in the open. However if this cannot be avoided, the aircraft should be positioned with the A. Tail into the wind B. Left wing into the wind C. Nose into the wind

A. centers of the rivets in adjustment rows Rivet gauge is the distance between the centers of the rivets in adjacent rows

Rivet gauge, or transverse pitch is the distance between the A. centers of the rivets in adjacent rows B. centers of adjacent rivets in the same row C. heads of rivets in the same row

B, centers of adjacent rivets in the same row Rivet pitch is the distance between the centers of the rivets in the same row

Rivet pitch is the distance between A centers of rivets in adjacent rows B centers of adjacent rivets in the same row C heads of rivets in the same row

B. Blue dot or stripe The material of which the seal is made, its age, and its hardness are all important when making the proper replacement. Mineral-base hydraulic fluid (MIL-H-5606) should use a seal with a blue dot or stripe

Seals used with a mineral-base hydraulic fluid are identified by which color code? A. Green dash B. Blue dot or stripe C. Yellow dot or stripe

C. Engine bleed air to a heat exchanger Ice is prevented from clogging the filter of a turbine-powered aircraft system by routing warm compressor bleed air through an air-to-fuel heat exchanger. All of the fuel that flows to the engine must pass through this heat exchanger

Select one means of controlling the fuel temperature on turbine-powered aircraft. A. Engine bleed air to the fuel filter B. Engine bleed air to the fuel tank C. Engine bleed air to a heat exchanger

C. Forms the cutting edges of the drill point Oe of the funtions of the flutes cut in the shank of a twist drill is to form the cutting edges of the drill point

Select the alternative which best describes the function of the flute section of a twist drill bit. A. Provide a method for cooling oil to be delivered to the cutting surface B. Forms the area where the drill bit attaches to the drill motor C. Forms the cutting edges of the drill point

C-1 The type of countersinking shown in view 1 is prefered. The type in 2 is acceptable however the type in 3 is not acceptable

Select the prefered drawing for proper countersinking? A- all are acceptable B- 2 C- 1

C. Selector

Select the valve used in a hydraulic system that directs pressurized fluid to one end of an actuating cylinder and simultaneously directs return fluid to the reservoir from the other end A. Sequence B. Shuttle C. Selector

C. The handpump outlet check valve is sticking If the hand pump kicks back during the normal intake stroke, it is an indication that the outlet check value is stuck open, allowing system pressure stored in the accumulator to push back on the piston. This pressure should have been stopped by the check valve

Severe kickback of an emergency hydraulic hand pump during normal intake stroke will indicate which of the following? A. The hand pump inlet check valve is sticking B. the main system relief valve is set too high C. The hand pump outlet check valve is sticking

A. burnishing Shallow scratches in sheet metal may be repaired by burnishing Burnishing is a process in which a smooth tool is used to force the raised material back into the scratch

Shallow scratches in sheet metal may be repaired by A. burnishing B. buffing C. stop drilling

C. detection Smoke detection instruments are classified according to the method they use for detecting the presence of smoke

Smoke detection instruments are classified by their method of A. construction B. maintenance C. detection

B. photoelectric devices Smoke detectors that measure the light transmissibility of the air (the ability of the air to allow light to pass through it) are called photoelectrical devices

Smoke detectors that use a measurement of light transmissibility in the are are called A. thermocouple devices B. photoelectric devices C. ultraviolet optical devices

B. Photoelectric cell Smoke detectors used in the cargo and/or baggage compartments of aircraft are usually of the photoelectric-cell type, which measures the amount of light that can pass through the air. If there is smoke in the area being protected, the amount of light passing through the smoke is decreased and the system warns the flight crew of the presence of smoke in the compartment

Smoke in the cargo and/or baggage compartment of an aircraft is commonly detected by which instrument? A. Chemicals reactor B. Photoelectric cell C. Sniffer

C. Whenever icing conditions are first encountered or expected to occur An anti-icing system is operated in flight when icing conditions are first encountered or when they are expected to occur. The leading edge of the wing is kept warm by a continuous supply to the indic eof the ing, but for shorter periods of time and in a cyclic sequence. A deicer system allows the ice to accumulate and then breaks it off

Some aircraft are protected against airframe icing by heating the leading edges of the airfoils and intake ducts. When is this type of anti-ice system usually operated during flight? A. Continuously while the aircraft is in flight B. In symmetric cycles during icing conditions to remove ice as it accumulates C. Whenever icing conditions are first encountered or expected to occur

C. does not change when in flight The angle of incidence is a fixed angle between the chord lone of the wing and the longitudinal axis of the airplane. The angle of incidence doews not change in flight

The angle of incidence of an airplane at rest A. affects the dihedral of the wings in flight B. is the same as the angle between the relative wind and the chord of the wing C. does not change when in flight

C. motor can be operated in either direction Reverseible DC motors have two sets of field windings would in opposite directions By using two sets of windings, the direction of the armature rotation can be reversed by the action of a swtich

Some electric motors have two sets of field windings wound in opposite directions so that the A. speed of the motor can be more closely controlled B. power output of the motor can be more closely controlled C. motor can be operated in either direction

A. hydraulic fuse A hydraulic fuse may shut off the flow of fluid when either an excessive rate of flow occurs or when an excessive amount of flow has occured. Under normal operation, a fuse acts as an open line

Some hydraulic systems incorperate a device which is designed to remain open to allow a normal fluid flow in the line, but closed if the fluid flow increases above an established rate. This device is generally referred to as a A. hydraulic fuse B. flow regulator C. metering check valve

B. monitor the fuel temperature during the high altitude flight The fuel temperature indicator allows the crew to monitor the fuel temperature during high altitude flight in extremely fridged condition

Some turbine-powered aircraft have a fuel temperature indicator located in the cockpit to A. monitor the fuel flow in the event that ice crystals form in the fuel system B. monitor the fuel temperature during high altitude flight C. ascertain the amount of fuel onboard the aircraft when ice starts to form in the fuel tanks

B. lateral stability Stability about the axis of an aircraft that runs parallel to the line of flight (longitudinal axis) is lateral, or roll stability

Stability about the axis which runs parallel to the line of flight is referred to as A. longitudinal stability B. lateral stability C. directional stability

A. is imminent A stall warning system warns the pilot when a stall is imminent. It senses the angle of attack, and when the aircraft is approaching a stall it warns the pilot, providing ample time to take corrective action before the stall actually occurs

Stall warning systems are generally designed to being warning the pilot when a stall A. is imminent B. is starting to occur C. first affects the outboard portions of the wings

A. low current levels Static dischargers are mounted on the trailing edges of aircraft controls surfaces to conduct charges of static electricity into the atmosphere before they build up enough voltage to cause a high current to flow and cause radio interference. By the proper design and location of these dischargers, the static charges will be dissipated while its current levels is low

Static dischargers help eliminate radio interference by dissipating static electricity into the atmosphere at A. low current levels B. high voltage levels C. high current levels

A. use of an oscillator A static inverter is an electronic device that changes DC into AC. It incorporates an oscillator that changes DC into AC with the proper frequency and waveform. The an amplifier changes the voltage to the value needed

Static inverters are electronic devices that change DC to AC with the A. use of an oscillator B. properties of an exclusive OR gate C. input from an amplifier control by integrated circuit

B. one or more coats of suitable resin (room temperature catalyzed) to the surface Superficial scars, scratches, surface abrasion, or rain erosion can generally be repaired by applying one or more coats of a suitable resin, catalyzed to sure at room temperature, to the abraded surface

Superficial scars, scratches, surface abrasion, or rain erosion on fiberglass laminates can generally be repaired by applying A. a piece of resin-impregnated glass fabric facing B. one or more coats of suitable resin (room temperature catalyzed) to the surface C. A sheet of polyethylene over the abraded surface and one or more coats of resin cured with infrared heat lamps

B. drill the base of the manufactured rivet head with a frill one side smaller than the rivet shanka n remove the rivet with a punch When removing a solid shank rivet from a piece of aircraft structure, drill to the base of the manufactured head with a drill one size smaller than the rivet shank. Insert a pin punch into the hole and pry the head off then use the pin tunch to drive the rivet shank from the skin

That is generally the best procedure to use when removing a solid shank rivet? A. drill through the manufactured head and shank with a shank sized drill and remove the rivet with a punch B. drill the base of the manufactured rivet head with a drill one size smaller than the rivet shank and remove the rivet with a punch C. drill through the manufactured head and shank with a drill one size smaller than the rivet and remove the rivet with a punch


That's it, do good buddy!

A. 1 An AN flared-tube fitting is shown as 1 in figure 11. The AN fitting differs from the AC fiting shown as 2 because of the unthreaded portion of the fitting between the end of the threads and the flare cone

The AN flare-tube fitting is reffered to in which picture? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

C. sixteenths of an inch the diameter is in 1/16 in increments

The Dzus turnlock fastener consists of a stud, grommet, and receptacle. The stud diameter is measured in A. tenths of an inch B. hundreths of an inch C. sixteens of an inch

A. hundreths of an inch the stud length is in 1/100th of an inch

The Dzus turnlock fastener consists of a stud, grommet, and receptacle. The stud length is measured in A. hundreths of an inch B. tenths of an inch C. sixteenths of an inch

C. reduce weight A wooden I-beam wing spar is routed to reduce its weight. The material removed is in the web of the spar, and there is very little strength lost by removing this material

The I-beam wooden spar is routed to A. increase strength B. obtain uniform strength C. reduce weight

C. angle of attack the aoa is the acute anfle formed between the chorld line of the wing an the firection of the relative wind

The acute angle formed by the chord line of a wing and the relative wind is known as the A. longitudinal dihedral angle B. angle of incidence C. angle of attack

A. empty weight and useful load The installation of avionics equipment and its associated antenna, ahead of the cg limit, will affect its empty weight of the aircraft its CG, and its useful load. When such equipment is installed, a new weight and balance record must be made showing the change in the empty weight and showing the change in the empty weight and empty-weight CG of the aircraft.The addition of avionics equipment will decrease the useful load of the aircraft

The addition of avionics and associated antenna system forward of the CG limit will affect A. empty weight and useful load B. CG limits and useful load C. useful load and maximum gross weight

A. exhausted or dumped, usually overboard after a pneumatic component has been acutated, the compressed air is dumped overboard

The air that is expended and no longer needed when an actuating unit is operated in a pneumatic system is A. exhausted or dumped, usually overboard B. returned to the compressor C. charged or pressurized for use during the next operating cycle

C. extracting heat energy across an expansion turbine An air-cycle cooling system produces its cold air by extracting heat energy from compressed air. This is done by using some of the energy in the compressed air to drive an expansion turbine. As the air passes through the expansion turbine, its pressure and temperature are both decreased

The air-cycle cooling system produces cold air by A. extracting heat energy across a compressor B. passing air through cooling coils that contain a refrigerant C. extracting heat energy across an expansion turbine

C. Heat treatment alloys used in aircraft sheet metal construction are hardened by heat treatment

The aluminum alloy used in aircraft construction are usually hardened by which method? A. Cold-working B. Aging C. Heat treatment

A. 0,3436 inch Using the formula in fig 4, we find the total amount of material needed to make the bend is 0.3434 inch. BA = 2pi(R+1/2T)/4 =6.28(0.1875+0.03125)/4 =1.3737/4 =0.3434

The amount of material required to make the 90* bend is (thats a pi) A. 0.3436 inch B. 0.3717 inch C. 0.3925 inch

B, a line parallel to the wing chord and a line parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft The angle of incidence is the acute angle formed between a line parallel to the wing chord and a line parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft The british definition for angle of attack is the same as the american definition for angle of incidence.... cause you needed to know that... for some reason

The angle of incidence is the acute angle formed by A. the angular difference between the setting of the main airfoil and the auxiliary airfoil (horizontal stabilizer) in reference to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft B. a line parallel to the wing chord and a line parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft C. a line parallel to the wing from root to tip and a line parallel to the lateral axis of the aircraft

C, leading edge to the trailing edge

The chord of a wing is measured form A. wingtip to wingtip B. wing root to the wingtip C. leading edge to trailing edge

B. is not parallel to the true angle of attack of the aircraft the angle of attack indicating system consists of an airstream-direction detector mounted on the side of the fuselage and an indicator mounted in the instrument panel. The airstream-direct detection contains a sensing element that measures the direction of the local airflow relative to the true angle of attack. It makes this measurement by finding the angular difference between the directional of the local airflow and the fuselage reference plane

The angle-of-attack detector operates from differential pressure when the airstream A. is parallel pressure when the airstream B. is not parallel to the true angle of attack of the aircraft C. is parallel to the angle of attack of the aircraft

A. a source of compressed air, heat exchangers, and a turbine The basic air-cycle cooling system contsists of a source of compressed air, a heat exchanger, and a turbine to extract energy from the compressed air and expand it to drop its temperature

The basic air-cycle cooling system consitis of A. a source of compressed air, heat exchangers, and a turbine B. heaters, coolers, and compressors C. ram air source, compressors, and engine bleeds

A. rotor A basic difference between the Autosyn and Magnesyn remote indicating systems is the type of rotor used by each system. The magnesyn system uses a permanent magnet and the Autosyn system uses an electromagnet

The basic difference between an autosyn and a magnesyn indicating system is the A. rotor B. transmitter C. receiver

C. sew with a baseball stitch from the center of the tear out toward the extremity of each leg and then dope on a patch When making a repair to an L-shaped tear in aircraft fabric, use a curved needle and well-waxed thread. Start at the apx (center) of the tear and make baseball stitches every quarter inch to the end of the tear. After both sides of the tear have been stitched, remove the colored and sliver dopes by softening then with dope thinner or acetone. Dope on a patch that extends at least 1-1/2 inches beyond all edges of the tear

The best method of repair for a fabric-covered surface which has an L-shape tear, each leg of which is approximately 14 inches long, is to A. re-cover the entire bay in which the tear is located B. sew from the end of each leg to the center of the tear with a baseball stitch then dope on a patch C. sew with a baseball stitch from the center of the tear out toward the extremity of each leg and then dope on a patch

B. short ground rolls, slow taxi speeds, minimum braking, and proper tire inflation The best way to safeguard against a buildup of heat in an aircraft tire is short groundrolls, slow taxi speeds, and minimum use of brakes. Above all, proper tire inflation pressure must be maintained

The best safeguard against heat buildup in aircraft tires are A. proper tire inflation, minimum braking, and ground rolls into the wind B. short ground rolls, slow taxi speeds, minimum braking, and proper tire inflation C. minimum braking, proper tire inflation, and long ground rolls

B. By allowing the caliper to float automatically equalize as pressure is applied to the rotor The disk in Cleveland single disk brakes is rigidly attached to the wheel and rotates between linings that are riveted to the backplate and the pressure pate in the caliper. The caliper is free floating laterally on two anchor bolts that ride in holes in the torque plate. When the brakes are applied, the caliper moves out on the anchor bolts to produce equal pressure on both sides of the rotating disk

The breaking action of a cleveland disk brake is accomplished by compressing a rotating brake disk between two opposite brake linings. How is equal pressure on both sides of the rotating brake assured? A. By allowing the brake rotor to float to automatically equalize as pressure is applied to the rotor B. By allowing the caliper to float to automatically equalize pressure is applied to the rotor C. By allowing the brake linings to automatically equalize as pressure is applied

A. outflow valve opening The cabin-pressure controller controls the opening of the outflow valve

The cabin pressure control setting has a direct influence upon the A. outflow valve opening B. pneumatic system pressure C. inflow valve opening

B. differential, unpressurized, and isobaric The operating ranges (modes) in a pressurized aircraft are the unpressurized mode, the isobaric mode, and the differential mode. In the isobaric mode, the pressure inside the cabin remains constant In the differential mode, a constant difference is maintained between the pressure inside the cain and the pressure of the outside air

The cabin pressurization modes of operation are A. isobaric, differential, and maximum differential B. differential, unpressurized, and isobaric C. ambient, unpressurized, and isobaric

A. Decrease when the aircraft structure and cables become cold An all-metal aircraft structure expands and contracts far more than steel control cables with changes in temperature. If the control cable tension is adjusted when the aircraft is warm, the tension will decrease when the aircraft and cables become cold.Most large aircraft have cable tension regulators to maintain a constant cable tension with changes in temperature.

The cable-operated control system of an all-metal aircraft, not incorporating a temperature compensating device, has been rigged to the correct tension in a heated hangar. If the aircraft is operated in very cold weather, the cable tension will A. decrease when the aircraft structure and cable become cold B. increase when the aircraft structure and cables become cold C. be unaffected if stainless steel cable is installed

A. decrease when the aircraft structure and cables become cold All metal aircraft structure expands and contracts far more than steel control cables with changes in temperature. If the control cable tension is adjusted when the aircraft is warm, the tension will decrease when the aircraft and cables become cold. Most large aircraft have cable tension regulators to maintain a constant cable tension with changes in temperature

The cable-operated control system of an all-metal aircraft, not incorporating a temperature compensating device, has been rigged to the correct tension in a heated hanger. If the aircraft is operated in very cold weather, the cable tension will A. decrease when the aircraft structure and cables become cold B. increase when the aircraft structure and cables becomes cold C. be unaffected if stainless steel cable is installed

B. no external bracing A cantilever wing has all its strength inside its structure. The wing spars are built in such a way that they carry all the bending and torsional loads. A cantilever wing uses no external bracing

The cantilever wing uses A. external struts or wire bracing B. no external bracing C. the skin to carry most of the load to the wing butt

B. wiring from too much current A circuit breaker is installed in an aircraft electrical system primarily to protect the wiring from too much current. Circuit breakers are installed as close to the source of electrical power as is practical, usually on the main bus

The circuit breaker in the instrument lighting system protects the A. lights from too much current B. wiring from too much current C. wiring from too much voltage

A. E-glass There are two types of glass fibers used in aircraft composite structures. E-glass and S-glass E, or electrical glass, has a high resistivity and is designed primarily for electrical insulation. Its low cost makes it more widely used type of glass where high strength is not required. S, or structural, has a high tensile strength and is used for critical structural application

The classification of fiberglass reinforced reinforcement material that has high resistivity and is the most common is A. E-glass B. S-glass C. G-glass

B. S-glass E glass is used on circuit boards. they are not structural but does have a high dielectric strength and electrical insulation value. S glass is "structural glass"

The classification of high tensile strength fiberglass used inn aircraft structure is A. E-glass B. S-glass C. G-glass

A. greater than both steel and aluminum Plastics expand and constrict considerably more than the steel or aluminum channels in which they are mounted. Because of this high coefficient of expansion, provision must be made to allow for the material to change its dimensions without putting the plastic material under stress

The coefficient of expansion of most plastic enclosure material is A. greater than both steel and aluminum B. greater than steel but less than aluminum C. less than either steel or aluminum

B. changes alternating current produced in the armature into direct current as it is taken from the armature The commutator and the brushes used on a DC generator acts as a mechanical rectifier that changes the AC produced in the armature coils into DC before it leaves the generator

The commutator of a generator A. changes direct current produced in the armature into altering current as it is taken from the armature B. changes alternating current produced in the armature into direct current as it is taken from the armature C. reverse the current in the field coils at the proper time in order to produce direct current

C. selector valve

The component in the hydraulic system that is used to direct the flow of fluid is the A. check valve B. orifice check valve C. selector valve

C. outflow valve The selected cabin alitiude is maintained in a pressurized aircraft by the altitude controller modulating (opening or closing as needed) the outflow valve The safety is open when the aircraft is on the ground and is closed in flight unless the cabin pressure exceeds a preset value

The component that determines the pressure level in the cabin is the cabin air pressure A. shut-off valve B. safety valve C. outflow valve

C. using a dihedral board and bubble level along the front spar of each wing A dihedral board and a bubble level are used along the front spar of each wing to determine the correct amount of dihedral when rigging an airplane

The correct dihedral angle can be determined by A. measuring the angular setting of each wing at the rear spar with a bubble protractor B. placing a straight edge and bubble protractor across the spars while the airplane is in flying position C. using dihedral board the bubble level along the front spar of each wing

B. the aircraft service manual The aircraft service manual gives the proper inflation pressure for an aircraft tire. The pressure recommended by the aircraft manufacturer is to be used, rather than the pressure specified by the tire manufacturer

The correct inflation pressure for an aircraft tire can be obtained from A. tire manufacturer's specifications B. the aircraft service manual C. the information stamped on the aircraft wheel

C. speed of the aircraft and maximum wing loading The weight of the fabric approved for use on an aircraft structure is determined by the never-exceed speed of the aircraft and by its maximum wing loading

The determining factor(s) for the selection of the correct weight of textile fabric to be used in covering any type of aircraft is the A. maximum wing loading B. speed of the aircraft C. speed of the aircraft and maximum wing loading

A. front spar The dihedral angle of an aircraft wing is usually measured by placing a straightedge on the surface of the wing along its front spar and measuring the angle of the spar relative to the horicon, as it should with a bubble protractor. The rear spar is not used because if there is any twist in the wing, it would not give a true indication of the dihedral

The dihedral angle of a wing may be measured by placing a straightedge and level protractor on the A. front spar B. wing root C. wing chord

B. 1/8 inches in diameter and 1/2 inches long The first dash number is the rived identification fives the rivet diameter is 1/32 inch increments. The second dahs is the rivet length given in 1/16 inch increments

The dimensions of an MS20430AD-4-8 rivet are A. 1/8 inches in diameter and 1/4 inches long B. 1/8 inches in diameter and 1/2 inches long C. 4/16 inches in diameter and 8/32 inches long

A. an amplifier, an indicator, and a tank unit An electronic fuel quantity indicating system contains the following parts: - capacitor probes, mounted to the tanks -a bridge circuit to measure the capacity of the probes -an amplifier to increase the amplitude of the signal from the bridge circuit to a value high enough to drive the indicator -An indicator mounted in the instrument panel to show the amount of fuel in the tanks

The electronic-type quantity indicating system consists of a bridge circuit, A. an amplifier, an indicator, and a tank unit B. a tank, an amplifier, and an indicator C. a tank unit, a tank, and an amplifier

C. Lateral The elevator channel of an autopilot controls the aircraft about its pitch axis (its lateral axis)

The elevator channel of an autopilot controls the aircraft about which axis of rotation? A. Roll B. Longitudinal C. Lateral

B, lateral axis the elevator rotates an airplane about its lateral axis

The elevators of a conventional airplane are used to provide rotation about the A. longitudinal axis B. lateral axis C. vertical axis

C. lowering the boiling point of the water and drawing out the vapor A vapor-cycle cooling system is evacuated to remove any water that may be present. A vacuum pump is attached to the system and the pressure is lowered. This lowers the boiling point of any moisture, which then changes into a vapor and is removed by the vacuum

The evacuation of a vapor-cycle cooling system removes any water that may be present by A. drawing out the liquid B. raising the boiling point of the water and drawing out the vapor C. lowering the boiling point of the water and drawing out the vapor

A. 1/8 inch The larger the bend radius in this L-shaped bracket, the less material is needed. If we assume a metal thickness of 0.063 inch, the bracket having a 1/8 inch bend radius will need 3.865 inches of material. The bracket having a 1/2 inch radius will need only 3.704 inches of material The brcket having a 1/4 inch radius will need 3.811 inches of material

The flat layout or blank length of a piece of metal from which a simple L-shaped bracket 3 inches by 1 inch is to be bent depends upon the bend radius of the desired bend. The bracket which will require the greatest amount of material is one which has a bend radius of A. 1/8 inch B. 1/2 inch C. 1/4 inch

B. display alphanumeric data and representation of aircraft instruments The CRT is the display unit used in an EFIS. It displays alphanumeric data and graphic displays that represent the aircraft instruments

The function of a CRT in an EFIS is to A. allow the pilot to select the appropriate system configuration for the current flight situation B. display alphanumeric data and representations of aircraft instruments C. receive and process input signal from aircraft and engine sensors and send the data to the appropriate display

B. allow the pilot to select the appropriate system configuration for the current flight suriatuion In the efis, the pilots display (PDS) and the copilots display (CDS) are identical, and each contains two CRT displays, an SG, a display controller, and a source select panel. The display controller allows the pilot to select the appropriate system configuration for the current flight situation

The function of a display controller in an EFIS is to A. display alphanumeric data and representations of aircraft instruments B. allow the pilot to select the appropriate system configuration for the current flight situation C. receive and process input signals from aircraft and engine sensors and send the data to the appropriate display

A. protect the engine fuel system form ice forming The function of a fuel heater is to protect the engine fuel system from ice formation. It can also be used to thaw ice that has formed on the fuel screen

The function of a fuel heater is to A. protect the engine fuel system from ice formation B. protect the fuel from freezing C. heat the fuel to combustion temperatures

C. receive and process input signals from aircraft and engine sensors and send the data to the appropriate display The EFIC has three subsystems: the pilot's display system(PDS), the copilot's display system (CDS), and the weather radar (WX). The PDS and CDS are indentical and each contains two CRT displays, an SG, a display controller, and a source-select panel. The SGs recieve input signals from aircraft and engine sensors, process this information and send it to the approprate display

The function of a symbol generator (SG) in an EFIS is to A. display alphanumeric data and representations of aircraft instruments B. allow the pilot to select the appropriate system configuration for the current flight situation C. receive and process input signals from aircraft and engine sensors and send the data o the appropriate display

C. reduce the pressure of the liquid freon High-pressure liquid freon passes through the expansion valve, where it changes into low-pressure liquid freon before it enters the evaporator coils. In the evaporator, the low-pressure liquid changes into a low-pressure vapor by absorbing heat from cabin air flowing across the evaporator coils

The function of an expansion valve in a freon cooling system is to act as a metering device and to A. reduce the pressure of the gaseous freon B. increase the pressure of the liquid freon C. reduce the pressure of the liquid freon

A .transfer heat from the freon gas to ambient air the condensers in a freon cooling system transfers heat from the hot, high-pressure freon gas to the ambient air. When the hot gas gives up its heat, it condenses into a high-pressure liquid. It is then ready to begin its refrigeration cycle over again

The function of the condenser in the freon cooling system is to A. transfer heat from the freon gas to ambient air B. change liquid freon into a gas before it enters the compressor C. transfer heat from the cabin air to the liquid freon

B. lower the temperature of the cabin air Cabin air is drawn through the evaporator where it gives up some of its heat and is cooled. Liquid freon in the evaporator absorbs the heat and changes into a vapor

The funtion of the evaporator in a freon cooling system is to A. liquefy freon in the line between the compressor and the condenser B. lower the temperature of the cabin air C. transfer heat from the freon gas to ambient air

C. melt at a specified elevated temperature Fusible plugs installed in an aircraft wheel will melt at a specified elecated temperature to relieve the air pressure to relieve the air pressure and deflate the tire rather than allowing the tire to explode

The fusible plug installed in some aircraft wheels will A. indicate tire tread separation B. prevent overinflation C. melt at a specified elevated temperature

C. three times the thickness of the thickest sheet A rule of thumb for determining the rivet diameter to be used for repairing aircraft sheet metal is to use a rivet whose diameter is approximately three times the thickness of the thickest sheet being joined

The general rule for finding the proper rivet diameter is A. three times the thickness of the materials to be joined B. two times the rivet length C. three times the thickness of the thickest sheet

B. the desirable temperature range the green arc on an aircraft temperature gauge indicates the desirable temperature range of operation

The green arc on an aircraft temperature gauge indicates A. the instrument is not calibrated B. the desirable temperature range C. a low, unsafe temperature range

B. shuttle vavlve a shuttle valve is an automatic valve mounted on a landing gear acutating cylinder or brake cylinder. It directs normal system fluid into the component for normal operation, but in an emergancy is autoatically shifts to allow fluid from the emergancy system to eter the component

The hydraulic component that automatically directs fluid from either the normal source or an emergency source to an actuating cylinder is called a A. bypass valve B. shuttle valve C. crossflow valve

C. used only with a specific type of fluid The seals used in a landing gear shock strut are made of a material that is compatible only with the type of fluid that is used in the strut. When replacing the seals, use only the seal having the correct part number and a current cure date

The hydraulic packing seals used in a landing gear shock strut are A. generally designed to be compatible with more then one type of fluid B. kept from direct contact with fluid by teflon or nylon backup rings C. used only with a specific type of fluid

C. specific alloy used in the manufacturer of the rivet The identifying mark on the head of an aluminum alloy rivet indicates the specific alloy used in the manufacturer of the rivet

The identifying marks on the heads of aluminum alloy rivets indicate the A. degree of dimensional and process control observed during the manufacture B. head shape, shank size, material used, and specifications adhered to during manufacture C. specific alloy used in the manufacturer of the rivet

C. DC stator field current An inductor-type inverter uses a rotor made of soft iron laminations. Grooves are cut laterally across the surface of the rotor to provide poles that correspond to the stator poles. The voltage produced by an indicator-type inverter is controlled by the DC stator-field current

The inductor-type inverter output voltage is controlled by the A. number of poles and the speed o the motor B. voltage regulator C. DC stator field current

B. a pulling tool CherryMAX and Olypmic-lok rivets are types of blind rivets that are installed by inserting them into the hole and pulling the stem with a special pulling tool. When the stem is pulled, a taper swells the end of the shank and upsets it. Continued pulling breaks the stem off and leaves part of it in the hollow shank to reinforce it

The installation of CherryMAX and Olympic-lok rivets is accomplished by utilizing A. rivet gun, special rivet set, and bucking bar B. a pulling tool C. ordinary hand tool

C. enough bends to allow tube to expand and contract with temperature changes and to absorb vibration All metal hydraulic lines should have enough bends in them to allow the tub to expand and contract with temperature and ressure changes and tp absorb vibration

The installation of a new metal hydraulic line should be made with A. a straight tube to withstand the shocks and vibration to which it will be subjected B. a straight tube to permit proper alignment of the fitting and thereby reduce fluid loss through leakage C. enough bends to allow the tube to expand and contract with temperature changes and to absorb vibration

B. viscosity the internal resistance of a fluid which tends to prevent its following is called the viscosity of the fluid

The internal resistance of a fluid which tends to prevent it from flowing is called A. volatility B. viscosity C. stability

A. to close the valve at any time and the fuel must discharge clear of the aircraft The fuel jettison valve must be designed to allow flight personnel to close the valve during any part o the jettisoning operation. During the fuel jettisoning operation, the fuel must discharge clear of any part of the airplane

The jettison valve must be designed to allow flight personnel A. to close the valve at any time and the fuel must discharge clear of the aircraft B. to discharge fuel clear of the aircraft C. to close the valve at any time

A. foreign particles struck in the master cylinder compensating port The compensating port in a brake master cylinder must be open to vent the fluid in the brake line to the reservoir. If the port is plugged with a piece of foreign matter, the brake cannot release when pressure is removed from the pedal. The brake will drag

The left brake is dragging excessively on an airplane on which no recent brake service work has been performed. The most probable cause is A. foreign particles stuck in the master cylinder compensating port B. excessive worn brake linings C. low fluid supply in the brake system resivoir

B. one and one-half times the rivet diameter plus .096 inch The rivet length used to joun two sheets of metal should be equal to the tital thickness of the metal being hoined, plus 1-1/2 times the diameter of the rivet. The tital thickness of the aterial being joined is 0.096 inch. The length of the rivet should be 1-1/2 times the rivet diameter plus 0.096 inchs

The length of a rivet to be used to join a sheet of .032 inch and .064 inch aluminum alloy shoul be equal to A. two times the rivet diameter plus .064 inch B. one and one-half times the rivet diameter plus .096 inch C. three times the rivet diameter plus .096 inches

A. 3.750 The length of flat A is its mold line length of 4 inches, minus the setback. The setback is the metal thickness (0.0625 inch), plus the bend radius (0.1875 inch) or .250 inch The length of flat A is 4.00-0.250=3.750

The length of flat A is A. 3.750 B. 3.875 C. 3.937

B. 5/16 inch the two sheets or material to be riveted together have a total thckness of 0.096 inch. The rivet installed in a No.30 hole is a 1/8 inch rivet. It should extend through the material a distance of 0.1875 inch The total length of the rivet must be 0.096 + 0.1875 - 0.2835. The nearest standard rivet length to this is 5/16 inch (.3125)

The length of rivet to be chosen when making structural repair that involves the joining of 0.032 inch and 0.064 inch aluminum sheet, drilled with a No.30 drill, is A. 7/16 inch B. 5/16 inch C. 1/4 inch

A. pot life the amount of time a catalyzed resin will be workable is called the pot life (how long can it stay in the mixing pot)

The length of time that a catalyzed resin will remain in a workable state is called the A. pot life B. work life C. plyable life

C. alternating current to direct current A rectifier is an electrical check valve that allows electrons to flow in one direction only A a rectifier is used to change alternating current into direct current

The purpose of a rectifier is an electrically system is to change A. the frequency of alternating current B. direct current to alternating current C. alternating current to direct current

C. Observing the pressure gauge and operating the selector valves It is possible, by watching the fuel pressure gauge and operating the selector valves, to isolate a portion of a large-aircraft fuel system that has an internal leak

The location of leaks and defects within the internal portions of the fuel system can usually be determined by A. visual inspection for evidence of wet spots and stains, and feeling for unusually warm components B. performing a fuel flow check C. observing the pressure gauge and operating the selector valves

A. represent the nose of the aircraft The lubber line on a directional gyro is used as a reference to represent the nose of the aircraft. The number on the dial opposite the lubber line is the heading of the aircraft

The lubber line on a directional gyro is used to A. represent the nose of the aircraft B. align the instrument glass in the case C. represent the wings of the aircraft

A. with th epower control valve hed in the CLOSED position A hydraulic power control valve is a hand operated shutoff valve with an automatic turn-on feature. It must be closed manually, but it opens automatically. When the unit is OPEN, it permits free circulation of fluid from the engine-driven pump tot he reservoir . In this way, it relieves the pump of its load. In order to adjust the system pressure relief valve, the power control valve must be pushed in to its CLOSED position and held until the system pressure builds up high enough to adjust the system pressure relief valve

The main system pressure relief valve in a simple hydraulic system equipped with a power control valve should be adjusted A. with the power control valve held in the CLOSED position B. while one or more actuating units are in operation C. with the power control valve in the OPEN position

C. by means of a transformer Alternating current may have its voltage changed to any other value of AC by the use of a transformer. A transformer does not change the power of the AC, but when the voltage is increased, the current will correspondingly decrease

The major advantages of alternating current (AC) over direct current (DC) is the fact that its current and voltage can easily be increased or decreased A. by means of a inverter B. by means of a rectifier C. by means of a transformer

A. body diameter, type of head, and length of the fastener Dzus faterners are identified by marks on the head of the stud. A leter identifies the type of head, a number identifies the body diameter in 1/16th inch increments, and another number identifies the stud length in hundreths of an inch

The markings on the head of a Dzus fasteners identify the A. body diameter, type of head, and length of the fastener B. body type, head diameter, and type of material C. manufacturer and type of material

C. 100 feet in 1 minute When a static pressure system integrity test is made, the pressure is allowed to leak a miximum of 100 feet in one minute

The maximum altitude loss permitted during an unpressurized aircraft instrument static pressure system integrity check is A. 50 feet in 1 minute B. 200 feet in 1 minute C. 100 feet in 1 minute

C. 10* The compensated installation of a magnetic direction indicator may not have a deviation in level flight greater than 10* on any heading

The maximum deviation (during level flight) permitted in a compensated magnetic direction indicator installed on an aircraft certified under 14 CFR Part 23 is A. 6* B. 8* C. 10*

A. 10 hours A 100-hour inspection time may be extended for up to 10 hours, but these extended hours must be subtracted from the next inspection period

The maximum time a 100-hour inspection may be extended is A. 10 hours B. 10 hours with a special flight permit C. 12 hours with a special flight permit

B. retard the flow of oil as the struts are compressed The metering pin in an oleo shock strut retards the flow of oil as the strut is compressed. This retarded flow causes a more even absorption of shock

The metering pins in oleo struts serve to A. lock the strut in the DOWN position B. retard the flow of oil as the struts are compressed C. meter the proper amount of air in the oil struts

A. interpoles Interpoles are used in large compound-wound DC generators to overcome the effect of armature reaction. If armature reaction is not corrected, it will cause the brushes to arc under certian load conditions

The method most often used in overcoming the effect of armature reaction is through the use of A. interpoles B. shaded poles C. drum-wound armatures in combination with a negatively connected series field

B. design for the instrument case The design of the instrument case determines the way the instrument is mounted in the panel. Some instruments are held in place with screws. Others are clamped in a special mounting ring

The method of mounting aircraft instruments in their respective panels depends on the A. instrument manufacturer B. design for the instrument case C. design of the instrument panel

B. design of the instrument case The design of the instrument case determines the way the instrument is mounted in the instrument panel.Some instruments are held in place with screws. Others are clamped in a special mounting ring.

The method of mounting aircraft instruments in their respective panels depends on the A. instrument manufacturer B. design of the instrument case C. design of the instrument panel

B. skin or coverings The greatest amount of strength in a monocoque fuselage is derived from the skin or covering

The monocoque fuselage relies largely on the strength of A. longerons and formers B. skin or coverings C. bulkheads and longerons

C. dents, kinks, or crushed sensor section Dents, kinks, or crushed sensor sections are a common cause of false fire warnings in the continuous-loop fire-detection system

The most common cause of false fire warnings in continuous-loop fire-detection systems is A. improper routing or clamping of loops B. moisture C. dents, kinks, or crushed sensor section

C. compensate for thermal expansion somebrake systems use a thermal relief valve to relieve pressure build up by thermal expansion of the fluid

The purpose of a relief valve in a brake system is to A. reduce pressure for brake application B. prevent the tire from skidding C. compensate for thermal expansion

A. crimping For years, wire were connected to an or ms connectors by soldering them into pots on the end of the pin or socket. A newer and far more common method of attachment to MS connectors is by crimping a tapered pin on the end of the wire and inserting this pin into a tapered hole in the back side of the pin or socket in the connector

The most common method of attaching a pin or socket to an individual wire in an MS electrical connector is by A. crimping B. soldering C. crimping and soldering

A. current flowing through the shunt field coils The most common method of regulating the output voltage of a component DC generator is by varying the current flow through the shunt field coils

The most common method of regulating the voltage output of a compound DC generator is to vary the A. current flowing through the shunt field coils B. total effective field strength by changing the reluctance of the magnetic circuit C. resistance of the series field circuit

B. material compatibility The most important consideration when selecting a welding rod is its compatibility with the material being welded

The most important consideration(s) when selecting welding rod is A. current setting or flame temperature B. material compatibility C. Ambient condition

B, radius, thickness, and degree of bend when making a flat-patern layout of a piece of formed sheet metal, there are ofur things we must consider: 1. the radius of the bend 2. the thickness of the material being bent 3. the number of degrees in the bend, and 4. the lengths of all the flat portions of the part (the mold line dimentions, minus the setback)

The most important factors needed to make a flat pattern layout are A. radius, thickness, and mold line B. radius, thickness, and degree of bend C. the lengths of the legs (flat sections)

C. single-pole, single-throw (SPST), two-position switch A switch that controls a single circuit and has only an OFF and ON position is referred to as a single-pol, single-throw (SPST), two-position switch

The navigation lights of some aircraft consist of a single circuit controlled by a single switch which has an ON position and an OFF position, with no additional positions possible. This switch is referred to as a A. double pole, single throw (DPST), two position switch B. single-pole, double throw (SPDT), two-position switch C. single-pole, single-throw (SPST), two-position switch

C. current rating with the contacts closed The nominal current rating of conventional aircraft switches us usually stamped on the switch housing. This rating represents the continuous current rating of the switch with the contacts closed

The nominal rating of electrical switches refers to continuous A. current rating with the contacts open B. voltage rating with the contacts closed C. current rating with the contacts closed

A. strength of the magnetic field A constant generator output voltage is maintained under varying load and speed conditions by varying the strength of the magnetic field in the generator

The only practical method of maintaining a constant voltage output from an aircraft generator under varying conditions of speed and load is to vary the A. strength of the magnetic field B. number of conductors in the armature C. speed at which the armature rotates

A. Alternately turns the fuel on and off, a process known as cycling the temperaturer produced by an aircraft combustion heater is controlled by the thermostat which alternately turns on and off the fuel going to the burner

The operation of an aircraft combustion heater is usually controlled by a thermostat circuit which A. alternately turns the fuel on and off, a process known as cycling B. meters the amount of fuel continuously entering the heater and therefore regulates the heater;s BTU output C. regulates the voltage applied to the heater's ignition

A. not parallel to the true angle of attack of the aircraft The angle of attack system installed in some aircraft measures a differential pressure at the point the airstream flows in a direction not parallel to the true angle of attack of the aircraft

The operation of an angle of attack indicating system is based on detection of differential pressure at a point where the airstream flows in a direction A. not parallel to the true angle of attack of the aircraft B. parallel to the angle of attack of the aircraft C. parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft

A. opening the shunt field circuit An overvoltage control protects a generator system when there is excessive voltage in the system. The over voltage control opens the generator shunt field circuit to reduce the output voltage

The overvoltage control automatically protects the generator system when excessive voltage is present by A. opening the shunt field circuit B. opening and resetting the field control relay C. breaking a circuit to the trip coil of the field control relay

B. neutral A neutral oxyacetylene flame is normally used for silver soldering. A flame having a slight excess of acetylene may sometimes but it must be soft, not harsh

The oxyacetylene flame for silver soldering should be A. oxidizing B. neutral C. carburizing

A. be neutral and soft The flame used for welding aluminum should be neutral, soft, and slanted at an angle of approximately 45* to the metal

The oxyacetylene flame used for aluminum welding should A. be neutral and soft B. be slightly oxidizing C. contain an excess of acetylene and leave the tip at a relatively low speed

B. Ribbon direction The ribbon direction of a honeycomb core is the direction of the strips of material that were used to form the honeycomb cells. Honeycomb core material has strength parallel to the ribbon direction, but not perpendicular to the ribbon. When replacing honeycomb core material, the ribbon direction of the original core

The part of a replacement honeycomb core that must line up with the adjacent original is the A. Cell side B. Ribbon direction C. Cell edge

B. the ground side of a circuit The pin section of an AN/MS connector should be installed on the ground side of a circuit and the socket on the "hot" side. This arrangement minimizes the possibility of a short between a connector and ground when the connectors are separated

The pin section of an AN/MS connector is normally installed on A. the power supply side of a circuit B. the ground side of a circuit C. either side of a circuit (makes no difference)

C. negative air pressure Reed-type stall warning indicators used in some of the small general aviation aircraft are actuated when the angle of attack is increased to the position at which there is a negative pressure at the pickup hole in the leading edge of the wing

The pneumatic (reed) type stall warning system installed in some light aircraft activated by A. static air pressure B. positive air pressure C. negative air pressure

Refrigerant in a vapor cycle cooling system enters the expansion valve as a high-pressure liquid and sprays out into the evaporator coils as tiny drops of liquid refrigerant. Heat from the cabin enters the refrigerant in the evaporator coils and changes the liquid refrigerant to a gas. The gaseous refrigerant is compressed in the compressor where its temperature and pressure are both increased. the hot refrigerant gas leaves the compressor nd flows into the condenser. In the confenser, ambient air blowing over the coils absorbs heat from the refrigerant and changes back into a liquid, ready to begin its trip through the system again to puck up more heat from the cabin

The point at which freon flowing through a vapor cycle cooling system absorbs heat and changes from a liquid to a gas is the A. condenser B. evaporator C. expandsion valve

A. condenser Refrigeration in a vapor-cycle cooling system enters the expansion valve as a high-pressure liquid and sprays out into the evaporator coil as tiny droplets of low-ressure liquid refriguirant. Heat from the cabin enters te refrigerant in the evaporator coils and changes the liquid refrigerant into refrigerat vapors. The refrigerant vapors are compressed in the compressor where their temperature and pressure are both increased. The hot, high pressure refrigerant gas leaves the compressor and flows into the condenser. In the condencer, ambient air blowing over the coils abosrbs hest from the refirgerant and it changes back into a liquid, ready to begin ints trip though the system again to pick up more heat from the cabin

The point at which freon flowing through a vapor-cycle cooling system gives up heat and changes from a gas to a liquid is the A. condenser B. evaporator C. expansion valve

B. field assembly The pole pieces (pole shoes) in a DC generator are part of the field assembly. The pole pieces form a part of the magnetic circuit for the field

The pole pieces or shoes used in a DC generator are a part of the A. armature assembly B. field assembly C. brush assembly

C. reduce eddy current losses The pole shoes of a generator are usually made of laminated soft iron to reduce the eddy current losses. Eddy currents produce heat and are a source of power loss in the generator

The poles of a generator are laminated to A. reduce flux losses B. increases flux concentration C. reduce eddy current losses

C. freon in the outlet of the evaporator The position of the thermostatic expansion valve is controlled by the temperature of the refrigerant as it leaves the evaporator. This temperature is sensed by the sensing bulb of the expansion valve. An externally equalized thermal expansion valve also senses the pressure at the outlet of the evaporator to compensate for the pressure drop across a large evaporator

The position of the thermostatic expansion valve in a vapor-cycle cooling system is determined by temperature and pressure of the A. freon entering the evaporator B. air in the outlet of the condenser C. freon in the outlet of the evaporator

C. as far aft possible but forward of the empennage An ELT must be installed in a location where it is least likely to get destroyed in a crash. This is normally as far aft as possible but forward of the empennage

The prefered location of an ELT is A. as far forward as possible but aft of the firewall B. at the lowest point possible in the fuselage C. as far aft possible but forward of the empennage

B. top of the cabin with the apex of the V pointing forward The preferred location for a VPR antenna on a single-engine aircraft is on top o the cabin, with the apex of the V pointing forward

The preferred location of a VOR antenna on light aircraft is on A. the bottom of the fuselage and as far forward as possible B. top of the cabin with the apex of the V pointing forward C. top of the vertical stabilizer

C. laminating on new repair plies The preferred way of making a permanent repair to a composite structure is to remove the damaged area and lay in new repair plies, observing the choice of materials, the overlap dimensions, ply orientation, and curing procedures

The preferred way to make permanent repairs on composites is by A. bonding on metal or cured composite patches B. riveting on metal or cured composite patches C. laminating on new repair plies

C. Clogged fuel nozzle A clogged fuel-injector nozzle will allow the fuel to escape through the air bleed holes in the side of the nozzle. There will be fuel stains on the cylinder head around the clogged nozzle

The presence of fuel stains around a fuel nozzle would indicate A. too much fuel pressure B. excessive airflow across the venturi C. clogged fuel nozzle

A. the main hydraulic system The pressure source for aircraft power brakes is the main hydraulic system

The pressure source for power brakes is A. the main hydraulic system B. the power brake reservoir C. a master cylinder

A. 2 the alloy identification is the first number (copper in this case)

The primary alloying agent of 2024-T3 is indicated by the number A. 2 B. 20 C. 24

A. current-carrying capacity and allowable voltage drop When selecting electrical cable size, you must consider both the current-carrying capacity of the wire and the allowable voltage drop

The primary considerations when selecting electric cable size are A. current-carrying capacity and allowable voltage drop B. the voltage and amperage of the load it must carry C. the system voltage and cable length

B. aviation oxygen has had all the water vapor removed

The primary difference between aviation breathing oxygen and other types of commercially available compressed oxygen is that A. the other types are usually somewhat less than 99.5 percent pure oxygen B. aviation breathing oxygen has had all the water vapor removed C. aviation breathing oxygen has a higher percentage of water vapor to help prevent drying of a person's breathing passages and possible dehydration

B. maintain the desired cabin pressure The functions of the outflow valve is to control the amount of air that flows out of the cabin to maintain the cabin pressure called for by the pressure controller

The primary function of the cabin pressurization system outflow valve is to A. provide protection against overpressurization B. maintain the desired cabin pressure C. maintain the same cabin air pressure at all altitudes

B. voltage output of the DC exciter The voltage output of an AC alternator is determined by the amount of current flowing in its exciter field. The alternator output voltage may be controlled by varying the output voltage of the DC exciter

The voltage output of an alternator may be regulated by controlling the A. speed of the alternator B. voltage output of the DC exciter C. resistance in the rotor windings

A. prevent the flaps from being lowered at airspeeds which would impose excessive structural loads A flap overload valve prevents the flaps from being lowered at an airspeed that would impose excessive structural loads on the aircraft

The primary function of the flap overload valve is to A. prevent the flaps from being lowered at airspeeds which would impose excessive structural loads B. cause the flap segments located on opposite sides of the aircraft centerline to extend and retract together so that the aircraft will not become aerodynamically unbalanced to the extent that it becomes uncontrollable C. boost normal system pressure to the flaps in order to overcome the air loads acting on the relatively large flap area

B. place for contaminants and water to settle with a drain valve to remove the impurities Fuel tanks are equipped with sumps (low points in the tank in which water and dirt accumulate to be collected and drained

The primary purpose of a fuel tank sump is to provide a A. way to shut off fuel flow or to route the fue to a desired location B. place for contaminants and water to settle, with a drain valve to remove the impurities C. way to manually operate valves on a fuel tank to isolate or direct fuel to a pump

B. fluid pressure into useful work

The primary purpose of a hydraulic actuating unit is to transform A. fluid motion into mechanical pressure and back again B. fluid pressure into useful work C. energy from one form to another

C. a thrust reverser Takeoff power warning system is actuated by a switch on the power lever (thrust lever) If any of the monitored flight controls are not properly set for takeoff, when the thrust lever is advanced, a warning will sound

The primary purpose of a takeoff warning system is to alert the crew that a monitored flight control is not properly set prior to takeoff. The system is activated by A. an 80 knot airspeed sensor B. an ignition system switch not set for takeoff C. a thrust lever

A. lower landing weight Some aircraft are allowed to have a higher takeoff weight than is allowed for landing. These aircraft must have a fuel jettison system that allows the pilot or flight engeneer to safely dump, or jettison, enough fuel to reduce the aircraft weight to its allowable landing weight

The primary purpose of an aircraft's fuel jettison system is to quickly achieve a A. lower landing weight B. balanced fuel load C. reduced fuel hazard

A. prevent heavy spots and reduce vibration Aircraft tires and wheels are balanced to prevent localised heavy spots and to reduce vibration. If there is an heavy spot, it will hit the ground first and get the most wear

The primary purpose of balancing aircraft wheel assemblies is to A. prevent heavy spots and reduce vibration B. distribute the aircraft weight properly C. reduce excessive wear and turbulence

b) stall the inboard portion of the wings first stall strips are small triangles wedges fastened to the leading edge of the wing in the root area. Stall strips cause the wing root to stall before the tip. This allows the pilot to have aileron control during the stall

The primary purpose of stall strips is to A. provide added lift at slow speeds B. stall the inboard potion of the wings first C. provide adding lift at high angles of attack

C. capacitor with fuel and air acting as a dielectric A capacitance-type, fuel quantity indicaing system uses a capacitor as a tank probe. Fuel and air are the dielectric between the plate and the probe

The probe of capacitance-type fuel level gauge is essentially a A. float actuated variable capacitor B. capacitor with fuel and air acting as one plate C. capacitor with fuel and air acting as a dielectric

C. dry powder chemical aircraft brake fires are properly extinguished by the use of dry-powder chemical fire extinguisher

The proper fire-extinguishing agent to use on an aircraft brake fire is A. water B. carbon dioxide C. dry powder chemical

A. relative position of the blades during rotation The purpose of balancing blades is to bring the tips of all blades into the same tip path through their entire cycle of rotation. Tracking shows only the relative position of the blades, not their path of flight

The purpose in checking main rotor blade tracking is to determine the A. relative position of the blades during rotation B. flight path of the blades during rotation C. extent of an out of balance condition during rotation

C. compensate for fuel pressure to altitude changes The diaphragm in a compensated vane-type fuel pump is used to compensate the fuel pressure for altitude changes, It maintains the fuel pressure a constant amount above the pressure of the ambient air

The purpose of a diaphragm in a vane-type fuel pup is to A. equalize fuel pressure at all speeds B. vary fuel pressure according to throttle setting C. compensate fuel pressure to altitude changes

C. The glide slope system is the part of an ILS that allows a pilot to make the correct angle of descent to the instrument runway during an approach

The purpose of a glide slope system is to A. provide for automatic altitude reporting to air traffic control B. indicate the distance the airplane is from the end of the runway C. assist the pilot in making a correct angle of descent to the runway

C. relieve the pump of its load when no acutating units are being operated A hydraulic system pressure regulator, or unloading valve, relieves the pump of its loa when no units are being actuated. The accumulator holds the system pressure at the desired level while the pump is unloaded

The purpose of a hydraulic pressure regulator is to A. prevent the system pressure from rising above a predetermined amount due to thermal expansion B. boost the pressure in proportions of the system C. relieve the pump of its load when no actuating units are being operated

A. allow clearance for a sheet or an extrusion A joggle is an offset bend in the end of a sheet or an extrusion made to allow clearance for another sheet or extrusion. Joggles allow both the main portion of the material and the portion of the material over the sheet or the extrusion to lie flat

The purpose of a joggle is to A. allow clearance for a sheet or an extrusion B. increase obstruction for a sheet or an extrusion C. decrease the weight of the part and still retain the necessary strength

C. align the airplane with the center of the runway The function of a localizer in an ILS is to align the aircraft with the center line of the instrument runway

The purpose of a localizer is to A. set the airplane on the proper approach angle to the runway B. indicate the distance the airplane is from the end of the runway C. align the airplane with the center of the runway

C. ensure operation of landing gear and doors in the proper order A sequence valve is installed in a hydraulic landing gear system to ensure that the landing gear doors are fully open before the landing gear is extended or retracted

The purpose of a sequence valve in a hydraulic retractable landing gear system is to A. prevent heavy landing gear from falling too rapidly upon extension B provide a means of disconnecting the normal source of hydraulic power and connecting the emergency source of power C. ensure operation of landing gear and gear doors in the proper order

C. cool the freon to prevent premature vaporization A subcooler is used in some vapor-cycle cooling systems to cool the refrigerant after it leaves the receiver. By cooling in the refrigerant, premature vaporization (flash-off) is prevented. This is located in the condenser, another, seperate line in the cooling fins

The purpose of a subcooler in a vapor-cycle cooling system is to A. augment the cooling capacity during periods of peak demand B. aid in quick cooling and hot aircraft interior C. cool the freon to prevent premature vaporization

B. restrict flow in one direction and allow free flow in the other An orifice check balance is a component in a hydraulic system that allows a free flow of fluid in one direction, but restricts its flow in the opposite direction

The purpose of an orifice check valve is to A. relieve pressure to a sensitive component B. restrict flow in one direction and allow free flow in the other C. relieve pressure in one direction and prevent flow in the other direction

A. control the rate of movement hydraulically operated mechanisms Restrictors in a hydraulic system control the rate of movement of hydraulically operated mechanisms. They control the rate of movement by restricting the flow of fluid into the mechanism

The purpose of restrictors in hydraulic systems is to A. control the rate of movement hydraulically operated mechanisms B. allow the flow of fluid in one direction only C. lower the operating pressure of selected components

A. assist the pilot in moving the control surfaces Spring tab and servo tabs are both used to assist the pilot in moving the control surface. A servo tab is moved by the cockpit control and it produces an aerodynamic force that moves the primary control on which it is mounted. A spring tab does not move until the aerodynamic forces on the control surface are great enough to to compress the spring in the system linkage. When this spring is compressed, the tab deflects and produces an aerodynamic force that aids the pilot in moving the control surfaces on which the tab is mounted

The purpose of spring tabs or servo tabs is to A. assist the pilot in moving the control surfaces B. contribute to the static balance of the control surface C. make in-flight trim adjustments possible

B. regulate airflow in relation to cabin altitude when in diluter demand position The airflow metering aneroid in a diluter-demand oxygen regulator regulates the amount of abin air that is allowed to flow through the regulator in relation to the cabin altitude, when the regulator is in the dluter-demand position

The purpose of the airflow metering aneroid assembly found in oxygen diluter demand regulators is to A. regulate airflow in relation to oxygen flow when operating in emergency or diluter demand positions B. regulate airflow in relation to cabin altitude when in diluter demand position C. automatically put the regulator in emergency position if the demand valve diaphragm ruptures

B. resist fuel surging within the fuel tank Baffle plates in a fuel tank resist/prevent the fuel from surging in the tank

The purpose of the baffle plate in a fuel tank is to A. provide an expansion space for the fuel B. resist fuel surging within the fuel tank C. provide internal structural integrity

A. all positive pressure for the cabin The dump valve in a pressurized aircraft relieves all positive pressure from the cabin when the aircraft is on the ground

The purpose of the dump valve in a pressurized aircraft is to relieve A. all positive pressure from the cabin B. a negative pressure differential C. pressure in excess of the maximum differential

A. maintain system operating pressure within a predetermined range and to unload the pump A hydraulic system pressure regulator maintains a system operating pressure within a predetermined range. The pump remains unloaded, circulating the fluid through the system with no opposition until the lower limit of the pressure is reached, at which time the pump again forces fluid into the system

The purpose of the pressure regulator in a hydraulic system is to A. maintain system operating pressure within a predetermined range and to unload the pump B. regulate the amount of fluid to the actuating cylinders within the system C. prevent failure of components or rupture of hydraulic lines under excessive pressure

A. directional stability

The purpose of the vertical fin is to provide A. directional stability B. longitudinal stability C. lateral stability

A. reduce stalling speed A wing slat allows an aircraft to fly at a higher angle of attack before it stalls Allowing flight at a higher angle of attack reduces the stalling speed

The purpose of wing slats is to A. reduce stalling speed B. decrease drag C. reduce lift

C. minimum and/or maximum safe operating limits a red radial line on an aircraft instrument dial indicates the maximum and.or minimum safe operating limit

The red radial lines on the face of an engine oil pressure gauge indicates A. minimum engine safe RPM operating range B. minimum precautionary safe operating range C. minimum and/or maximum safe operating limits

B. by operating the various hydraulic components through several cycles Air is removed from most hydraulic systems by cycling the components through several operating cycles. This operation will remove the fluid that contains air from double-acting hydraulic components. Single acting components, such as brakes, must be bled separately by bleeding some of the fluid from the system to remove the air

The removal of air from an aircraft hydraulic system is generally accomplished A. through automatic bleed valves on individual components during system operation B. by operating the various hydraulic components through several cycles C. by allowing the system to remain inoperative for several hours

C. prevent maintenance According to 14 CFR Part 43, Apx A, the removal installation, and repair of landing gear tires by a private pilot, on an aircraft that is owned and operated by him or hir, is considered to be prevented maintenance

The removal, installation, and repair of landing gear tires by the holder of a private pilot certificate on an aircraft owner or operater is considered to be A. a violation of the Federal Aviation Regulations B. a minor repair C. preventative maintenance

B. inseting, removing, or hanging the location of washers or spacers at the center pivotal point of the scissor torque links Toe-in on an aircraft equipped with an oleo landing gear may be adjusted by inserting, removing, or changing washers or spacers at the center pivot point of the scissors torque links

The repair for an out-of-tolerance toe-in condition of main landing gear wheels determines not to be the result of bent or twisted components consists of A. shimming the axle in the oleo trunnion B. inserting, removing, or hanging the location of washers or spacers at the center pivotal point of the scissor torque links C. placing shims or spacers behind the bearing of the out-of-tolerance wheel or wheels

C. Part 43, apx E The minimum requirements for testing and inspection for instrument static pressure systems required by 14 CFR 91.411 are contained in Part 43, apx E

The requirements for testing and inspection for instrument static pressure systems required by 14 CFR 91.411 are contained in A. Type Certificate Data Sheet B. AC 43.13-1A C. Part 43, appendix E

A. a permanent magnet The magnesyn remote indicating system uses a permanent magnet as its rotor

The rotor in a Magnesyn remote indicating system uses A. a permanent magnet B. an electromagnet C. an electromagnet and a permanent magnet

A. an electromagnet The Autosyn remote indicating system uses an electromagnet as its rotor

The rotor in an Autosyn remote indicating system uses A. an electromagnet B. a permanent magnet C. neither an electromagnet nor a permanent magnet

B. minimum radius of bend The minimum radius of bend, or as it is more commonly called, the minimum bend radius, is the sharpest bend that can be made in a piece of metal without critically weakening the part

The sharpest bend that can be placed in a piece of metal without critically weakening the part is called the A, bend allowance B. minimum radius of bend C. maximum radius of bend

C. helium and argon, or a mixture of helium and argon The gases used as a shielding gas for GTA welding are normally argon or helium or a mixture of these two gases

The shielding gases generally used in the Gas Tungsten Arc welding of aluminum consist of A. a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide B. nitrogen or hydrogen, or a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen C. helium and argon, or a mixture of helium and argon

A. one and one-half times the diameter of the rivet shank The shop, or bucked, head of a rivet should have a diameter and a thickness of 1/2 of the shank

The shop head of a rivet should be A. one and one-half times the diameter of the rivet shank B. one-half times the diameter of the rivet shank C. one and one-half times the diameter of the manufactured head of the rivet

C. one radius from the bend tangent line that is placed under the brake When making a bend in a piece of sheet metal in a cornive or box brake, draw a sight line inside the bend allowance that is one bend radius from the bend tangent line that is placed under the brake. Sight down vertically over the edge of the radius bar and place this sight line directly in line with the edge of the radius bar. In this position the bend tangent line is at the beginning o the radius

The sight line on a sheet metal flat layout to be bent in a cornive or box brake is measures and marked A. one-half radius from either bend tangent line B. one radius from either bend tangent line C. one radius from the bend tangent line that is placed under the brake

C. high starting torque A series-wound DC motor has a very high starting torque because all of the current passes through the armature also passes through the field

The starting current of a series-wound DC motor, in passing through both the field and armature windings, produces a A. low starting torque B. speed slightly higher when unloading C. high starting torque

B the orientation of the plies to the load direction Th strength and stiffness of a properly constructed composite build up depends primarily on the orientation of the plies to the load direction

The strength and stiffness of a properly constructed composite buildup depends primarily on A. a 60 percent matrix to 40 percent fiber ratio B. the orientation of the plies to the load direction C. the ability of the fibers to transfer stress to the matrix

C, tensile strength the strength of aircraft covering fabric is based on tensile strength

The strength classification of fabrics used in aircraft covering is based on A. bearing strength B. shear strength C. tensile strength

B. glue the strength of a well-designed and properly prepared wood splice is provided completely by the glue. No other type of load-carrying fastener is used in a glued joint

The strength of a well designed and properly prepared wood splice joint is provided by the A. bearing surface of the wood fibers B. glue C. reinforced plates

B. The number of turns of wire in the coil and the amount of current (amperes) passing through the coil The strength of an electromagnet depends upon the material used for the core, the number of turns of wire in the coil, and the amount of current flowing through the coil

The strength of the core of an electromagnet depends upon the material from which it is constructed and which of the following? A. The number of turns of wire in the coil and the applied voltage B. The number of turns of wire in the coil and the amount of current (amperes) passing through the coil C. The size (cross section) and the number of turns of wire is the coil and the applied voltage

B. parallel with each other, but in series with the indicator lights The thermal switches in a bimetallic thermal-switch type of fire-detection system are connected in parallel with each series with the indicator light. If any switch completes a circuit to ground, the indicator light will turn on

The thermal switches of a bimetallic thermal-switch type fire-detection (single-loop) system are heat-sensitive units that complete circuits at a certain temperature. They are connected in A. parallel with each other, and in parallel with the indicator lights B. parallel with each other, but in series with the indicator lights C. series with each other, but in parallel with the indicator lights

C. rate-of-temperature rise The thermocouple-type fire-warning system is activated by an abnormal rate of rise rather than a specific temperature

The thermocouple fire-warning system is activated by a A. certain temperature B. core resistance drop C. rate-of-temperature rise

A. 24 Tw=Ta x L/(L + A) =320x18/18+2 =288 inch-pounds

The trunnion nut on an aircraft landing gear requires a torque of 320 inch-pounds. To reach the nut, a 2-inch straight adapter must be used on an 18-inch torque wrench. How many foot-pounds will be indicated on the torque wrench when the required torque of the nut is reached? A. 24 B. 28.8 C. 22

A. to prevent circuit failure due to terminal disconnect Terminals used on aircraft electrical wires must safely carry all of the current the wire can carry. They must also be designed in such a way that they cannot cause a circuit failure by inadvertently disconnecting from the terminal on which they are installed

The type of electric wire terminals used for most aircraft applications, in addition to providing good current carrying capabilities, are designed primarily A. to prevent circuit failure due to terminal disconnect B. for uncomplicated and rapid circuit connection and disconnected C. for permanent connection to the circuit

B. centrifugal Centrifugal boost pumps normally have a small agitator (a small propeller) that spins when the pump impeller is turning to separate the vapor from the fuel before the fuel enters the lines to the carburetor

The type of fuel-booster pump that separates air and vapor from the fuel before it enters the line to the carburetor is the A. gear-type pump B. centrifugal-type pump C. sliding vane-type pump

A. water, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, and halogenated hydrocarbons Fire-extinguishing agents that are suitable for aircraft interior fires are water, carbon monoxide, dry chemical, and Halon 1301 0r 1211, which both are forms of halogenated hydrocarbons

The types of fire-extinguishing agents for aircraft interior fires are A. water, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, and halogenated hydrocarbons B. water, dry chemical, methyl bromide, and chlorobromomethane C. water, carbon tetrachloride, carbon monoxide, and dry chemical

B. sequence valve allows one hydraulic operation to follow another in a defined order

The unit in the hydraulic system that requires a certain action to be completed before another action can begin is called a A. check valve B. sequence valve C. snubber valve

C. degrees of flap travel The universal propeller protractor is the type of protractor most generally used in aircraft maintenance shops for measuring the amount of control surface travel. This includes the number of degrees of flap travel

The universal propeller protector can be used to measure A. propeller track B. aspect ratio of a wing C. degrees of flap travel

C. microbial contaminants Microbial contamination is a fuel system problem that is associated with the higher viscosity fuel used in turbine engine aircraft. Turbine engine fuel holds more water more readily than gasoline. Mircoorganisms live in this water and form a scum which clogs the fuel filters, lines, and fuel controls. The scum holds water against the fuel tank structure and causes tank corrosion

The use of turbine fuels in aircraft ahs resulted in some problems not normally associated witha viation gasolines. One of these problems is A. increasing viscosity of fuel as fuel temperature lowers at altitude B. higher vapor pressure C. microbial contaminants

A. lower than the vapor pressure of automotive gasoline The vapor pressure of aviation gasoline is limited to a maximum of 7 psi, which is lower than the vapor pressure of many grades of automobile gasoline

The vapor pressure of aviation gasoline is A. lower than the vapor pressure of automotive gasoline B. higher than the vapor pressure of automotive gasoline C. approximately 20 psi at 100*F

C. checking with a go-no-go gauge before and after, to show compliance with the manufacturer's requirements after the swaging operation The barrel of a swaged control cable terminal slips over the steel cable, and when the terminal is swaged, its inside diameter is reduced enoght that terminal s swaged, its inside diameter is reduced enough that the metal grips tje canle tight enough that the swaged fitting provides 100 percent of the strength of the cable. To ensure that the terminal is proerly swedged, its diameter should be ckecked with go-no-go gauges beore and after it is swaged

The vast majority of aircraft control cables are terminated with swedged terminals, that must be A. corrosion treated to show compliance with the manufacturer's requirements after the swaging operation B. pull testing to show compliance with the manufacturer's requirements after the swaging operation C. checking with a go-no-go gauge before and after, to show compliance with the manufacturer's requirements after the swaging operation

A. collective pitch changes The amount of lift produced by a helicopter rotor system is determined by the collective pitch of the main rotor system. Vertical flight of a helicopter is controlled by increasing or decreasing the collective pitch

The vertical flight of a helicopter is controlled by A. collective pitch changes B. cyclic pitch change C. increasing or decreasing the RPM of the main rotor

A. greater and the amperage less voltage than the primary A transformer that contains twice as many turns (loops) in the secondary winding as there are turns in the primary winding will have a secondary voltage that is twice the voltage in the primary. The current in the secondary will be only one-half the current in the primary There is more wire in the second winding, therefore, more electrons to move. However, more electrons means lower amperage (because kirchoff's law).

The voltage in an AC transformer secondary that contains twice as many loops as the primary will be A. greater and the amperage less than in the primary B. greater and the amperage greater than in the primary C. less and the amperage greater than in the primary

B. Attach parts or components with screws to sheet metal Rivnuts are special type of blind rivets whos shank has internal threads. When rivnut is upset in a piece of thin metal, the threaded shank acts as a nut to receive a machine screw. Rivnuts were originally designed to attach deicer boots to thin sheet metal wings and empennage leading edges

Threaded rivets (Rivnuts) are commonly used to A. join two or more pieces of sheet metal where shear strength is desired B. attach parts or components with screws to sheet metal C. Join two or more pieces of sheet metal where bearing strength is desired

A. 24 years or 4,830 filling cycles AC 43.13-1b states "The lightweight cylinders must be hydrostatically tested every 3 years, and must be retired from service after 24 years or 4,380 pressurizations, whichever occurs first. These cylinders carry an ICC or DOT 3HT 1850 classification and must be stamped with the approval after being inspected

To be eligible for recharging, a DOT 3HT oxygen cylinder must have been hydraulically tested every three years and be retired from service after A. 24 years or 4,380 filling cycles B. 15 years or 10,000 filling cycles C. 10 years or 5,000 filling cycles

A, reduce all hydraulic ressure, then observe the reading on the accumulator air gauge The modern practice is to measure the hydraulic system pressure on the nitrogen, or air, side of the accumulator. When no engine is running and all hydraulic pressure is removed from thesystem, the accumulator gauge reafs the amount of the accumulat air preload

To check the air charge in a hydraulic accumulator, A. reduce all hydraulic pressure, then observe the reading on the accumulator air gauge B. observe the first reading on the hydraulic system gauce while operating a component in the system C. read it directly from the auxiliary pressure gauge

A. parallel The output of a DC generator normally has some AC hash, or noise, caused by brush arcing superimposed on it. This AC can cause radio interference, and it may be removed by connecting a capacitor between the armature and ground, in parallel with the armature windings. The AC passes to ground through the low impendence path provided by the capacitor

To help minimize radio interference a capacitor will largely eliminate the provide a steady direct current if the capacitor is connected to the generator in A. parallel B. series C. series/parallel

A. various types of valves or orifices are used which restrict the reverse fluid flow Various types of valves and orifices are used inside an oleo strut to prevent a rapid extension of the strut after the initial landing impact has been absorbed

To prevent a very rapid extension of an oleo shock strut after initial compression resulting from landing impact A. various types of valves or orifices are used which restrict the reverse fluid flow B. the metering pin gradually reduces the size of the orifice as the shock strut extends C. the air is forced through a restricted orifice in the reverse direction

C. boost pumps Booster pumps are installed in the fuel tanks of some aircraft to prevent vapor lock in the fuel lines at high altitudes The booster pump holds a positive pressure on the fuel in the lines, between the tank and the engine driven fuel pumps

To prevent vapor lock in fuel lines at high altitude, some aircraft are equipped with A. vapor separators B. direction-injection-type carburetors C. booster pumps

C. covered with a suitable sleeve

To protect seals from damage when installed over a threaded section, the threaded section should be A. coated with a heavy grease B. covered with tape C. covered with a suitable sleeve

A. place armature in a growler and connect a 110v test light on adjacent segments; light should light A generator armature may be checked for an open winding by placing it on a growler and using the built-in 100-volt test lamp to test for continuity between the individual segments. The lamp will light if the coil between the segments being checked is good

To test generator or motor armature windings for opens, A. place armature in a growler and connect a 110v test light on adjacent segments; light should light B. check adjacent segments on commutator with an ohmmeter on the high resistance scale C. use a 12/24v test light between the armature core segments and the shaft

C. equal to the width of the mica When a DC generator is overhauled, the commutator is turned on a lathe until it is perfectly round and smooth. Afterthe commutator is tuned, the mica seperator between the commutator bars are undercut to approximately the width of the mica, or somewhere in the neighorhood of 0,02 inches

To what depth is the mica insulation between the commutator bars of a DC generator undercut? A. One-half the width of the mica B. Equal to twice the width of the mica C. Equal to the width of the mica

C. bleed air The air taken from a turbine engine for air conditioning and pressurization is normally called compressor bleed air

Turbine engine air used for air conditioning and pressurization is generally called A. compressed air B. ram air C. bleed air

B. chromel/alumel thermocouples High temperature, such as the exhaust-gas temperature of a turbine engine, are measured using chromel and alumel thermocouples

Turbine engine exhaust gas temperature are measured by using A. iron/constantan thermocouples B. chromel/alumel thermocouples C. ratiometer electrical resistance thermometers

B. compressor bleed air and aircraft electrical system Wing thermal anti-icing systems usually use heated bleed air from the turbine-engine compressor, but electrically heated elements are also used in some installations

Two possible sources of heat for the operation of a wing thermal anti-icing system are A. first stage of the aircycle turbin and turbo compressor B. compressor bleed air and aircraft electrical system C. combustion heater and exhaust gases

A. mineral base, an phosphate ester base nearly all of the hydraulic fluid used in modern civilian aircraft is either mineral-base MIL-H-5606 (red oil), or phosphate ester-base fluid such as the various types of Skydrol

Two types of hydraulic fluids currently being used in civil aircraft are A. mineral base, and phosphate ester base B. mixed mineral base and phosphate ester base C. petroleum base and mixed mineral base

A. low strength characteristics Type A (commercially pure aluminum rivets) are not used for aircraft structural repair because of their low-strength characterisitcs

Under certain conditions, type A rivets are not used because of their A. low strength characteristics B. unique design that causes crazing or cracking C. tendency toward embrittlement when subjected to vibration

A. inside radius of the material being formed The bend radius of a piece of sheet metal is the radius of the inside of the bend

Unless otherwise specified, the radius of a bend is the A. inside radius of the material being formed B. inside radius plus one-half the thickness of the metal being formed C. radius of the neutral axis plus one-hld the thickness of the metal being formed

B. relieve the pump pressure An unloading valve is another name for a system pressure regulator. When the system pressure reaches the regulating range, a check valve in the unloading valve traps pressure in the system where ut ut held by the acucmulator. A lavke then ioes to allowfluid from the pump to circulate back to the resivoir with very little opposition. Thefluid flows with the umo unloaded until the system pressure rops to the kick-in pressure. when the kick in pressure is reacked, the output of the pump is again directed into the system

Unloading valves are used with many engine-driven hydraulic pumps to A. dampen out pressure surges B. relieve the pump pressure C. relieve system pressure

C. Short in the up limit switch In order for the red light to remain on when the landing gear is down and locked, there must be a short in the up-limit switch that keeps wire 19 electrically connected to wire 8. This keeps power supplied to the red light

Upon completing of the landing gear extension cycle, the green light illuminated and the red light remained lit. What is the probable cause? A. Short in the down limit switch B. Short in the gear safety switch C. Short in the up limit switch

A. 100 psi According to Pacal's law, pressure is the same in all parts of an enclosed system. If the hand pump builds up a pressure of 100 psi, this same pressure will exist in the one-half-inch-diameter line as well as in the tow-inch diameter actuator

Using a hand pump, pressure of 100 psi has been built up in a hydraulic system. The hand pump piston is 1 inch in diameter. A 1/2 inch line connects the hand pump to an actuating cylinder 2 inches in diameter. What is the pressure in the line between the hand pump and the actuator? A. 100 psi B. 150 psi C. 200 psi

C. 45 to 73*F

Using the chart, determine the temperature range for a fire-extinguishing agent storage container with a pressure of 330 psig (consider 330 psig for both minimum and maximum pressure) A. 47 to 73*F B. 47 to 71*F C. 45 to 73*F

C. both VOR and ATC communication VHF radio transmissions operate in the 188.000 to 135.975 MHz range. This frequency range is used for ATC communications and VOR navigation

VHF radio signals are commonly used in A. ATC communications B. VOR navigation C. both VOR and ATC communication

BB. the behavior of the trailing edge when the surface is suspended from its hinge points The static balance of a control surface can be checked by suspending the surface from its hinge points and noting the movement of the training edge. If the trailing edge moves down, the surface is underbalanced. If the trailing edge moves upward, the surface is overbalanced

Very often, repairs to a control surface require static rebalancing of the control surface. Generally, flight control balance condition may be determined by A. checking for equal distribution of weight through the control surface B. the behavior of the trailing edge when the surface is suspended from its hinge points C. suspending the control surface from its leading edge in the stream line position and checking weight distribution

A. it allows any tank to supply fuel to any engine This can be used to maintain balanced fuel load

WHat is the primary purpose of the crossfeed system? A. it allows any tank to supply fuel to any engine B. it bypasses the engine shutoff valve if it fails C. It divides the fuel and sends it to the injectors

B. both draf and lift will increase due to the increased angle of attack When a wing is washed-in, its angle of incidence, and thus its angle of attack, is increased. Increasing the angle of incidence increases both the lift and the drag for a given flight condition A wing is washed in to correct a wing heavy condition

Washing-in the left wing of a monoplane, for purposes of rigging corrections after flight test, will have what effect on the lift and drag of that wing? A. Both drag and lift will decrease due to decreased angle of attack B. Both drag and lift will increase due to increased angle of attack C. The drag will decrease due to the effect of the lift increase

A. not permitted Welding over a previously brazed or soldered joint is not permitted because the brazing and soldering materials will enter the pores of the metal These materials will weaken the welded joint

Welding over brazed or soldered joints is A. not permitted B. permissible for mild steel C. permissible for most metals or alloys that are not heat treated

C. The aircraft should be placed on jacks and a retraction test should be performed Any maintenance done to an aircraft landing gear that could affect its ability to retract and extend should be followed by a retraction test with the aircraft on the jacks

What action should be taken whenever maintenance is performed that will affect the landing gear system performance? A. A test flight should be performed to conduct an operational check B. A technician with an inspection authorization should perform a visual inspection C. The aircraft should be placed on jacks and a retraction test should be performed

B. Correct the discrepancy and enter in the aircraft records If there is a difference of more than 5 psi pressure between tires mounted as duals on an aircraft, the discrepancy should be corrected and a note made of this in the aircraft records so the condition of these tires can be watched carefully

What action, if any, should be taken there is a difference of more than 5 pounds of air pressure in tires mounted as duals? A. Replace both tires B. Correct the discrepancy and enter in the aircraft records C. Replace the tire with the lowest pressure

A. Sight glass, mechanical, electrical, and electronic

What are the four general types of fuel quantity gauges? A. Sight glass, mechanical, electrical, and electronic B. Electrical, electronic, bourdon tube, and litmus indicator C. Electrical, direct reading static pressure type, sight glass, and litmus indicators

C. The system is undercharged

What does a steady stream of bubbles indicate when servicing a vapor cycle air conditioning system? A. The system is overcharged B. The system is properly charged C. The system is undercharged

A. pressure altitude When the barometric scale on an aircraft altimeter is set to 29.92 inches of mercury, the altimeter reads pressure altitude, the altitude above standard sealevel

When an aircraft altimeter is set at 29.92" on the ground, the altimeter will read A. pressure altitude B. density altitude C. field elevation

A. An electrical heating element in the windshield, a heated air circulating system, and windshield wipers and anti-icing fluid Some aircraft prevent ice formation on the windshield by using a double-panel windshield with warm air blown through the space between the panels. Others use windshield wipers with anti-icing fluid sprayed on. Most modern airplanes use an electrical heater element in the windshield

What are three methods of anti-icing aircraft windshields? A. An electrical heating element in the windshield, a heated air circulating system, and windshield wipers and anti-icing fluid B. A blanket-type heating system, an electric heating element in the windshield, and a ribbon-type heating element C. An electric heating element in the windshield, a heated air circulating system, and a hot water system

A. use anti-icing and antibacterial additives

What can be done to eliminate or minimize the microbial growth problem in an aircraft jet fuel tank? A. Use anti-icing and antibacterial additives B. Add CO2 as a purgative C. Keep the fuel tank topped off

C. Flutter and vibration When any rigid antenna is mounted on a vertical stabilizer, the flutter and vibration characteristics must be carefully evaluated. An antenna can change the resonant frequency of the vertical surface

What characteristics of the installation of a rigid antenna on a vertical stabilizer should be evaluated? A. Polarization and impedance B. Impedance and interference C. Flutter and vibration

A. Expansion valve If a vapor-cycle air cooling system does not take a charge of refrigenant, the most likely component to be at fault is the thermal expansion valve.. It takes only a tiny partical of dirt or other contaminant to stop the flow of refrigerant through the tiny orifice in this valve

What component in a vapor-cycle cooling system would most likely be at fault if a system would not take a freon charge? A. Expansion valve B. Condenser C. Receiver-dryer

B. Gyro Most electromechanical and electronic autopilots use gyros to sense movement of an aircraft about its pitch, roll, and yaw axis

What component is the sensing device in an electromechanical autopilot system? A. Servo B. Gyro C. Controller

A. Comopressor If liquid refrigerant is introduced into the low side of a vapor-cycle air cooling system, it will likely not change into a vapor before it gets into the compressor and causes th reed vaves in the compressor to be damaged

What component might possibly be damaged if liquid refrigerant is introduced into the low side of a vapor-cycle cooling system when the pressure is too high or the outside air temperature is too low? A. Compressor B. Condenser C. Evaporator

B. Negative pressure relief valve All pressurized aircraft require some from of negative-pressure relief valve. This valve may be incorporated into the outflow valve or it may be a separate unit. The negative-pressure relief valve opens when the outside air pressure is greater than the cabin pressure. It this way, it prevents cabin altitude from ever becoming higher than the aircraft altitude

What component of a pressurization system prevents the cabin altitude from becoming higher than airplane altitude? A. Cabin rate-of-descent control B. Negative pressure relief valve C. Positive pressure relief valve

A. Servo The servo is the component in an autopilot system that applies the force to actuate the control surface

What component of an autopilot system applied torque to the control surfaces of an aircraft? A. Servo B. Controller C. Gyro

B. Inadequate supply of fluid The condition most likely to cause excessive fluctuation of the pressure gauge, when the pump is operating, is an inadequate supply of fluid. When the pump alternately picks up fluid and then air, the pressure gauge fluctuates

What condition would most likely cause excessive fluctuation of the pressure gauge when the hydraulic pump is operating? A. Accumulator air pressure low B. Inadequate supply of fluid C. System relief valve sticking closed

A. Calibrated orifice In the basic continuous-flow oxygen system, a calibrated orifice controls the amount of oxygen delivered to the mask. However, a manual or automatic pressure regulator determines the pressure delivered to the orifice

What controls the amount of oxygen delivered to a mask in a continuous-flow oxygen system? A. Calibrated orifice B. Pressure reducing orifice C. Pilot's regulator

C. Distributor valve A distributor valve controls the inflation sequence in a pneumatic deicer boot system

What controls the inflation sequence in a pneumatic deicer boot system? A. Shuttle valve B. Vacuum pump C. Distributor valve

A. Cabin altitude The operation of the cabin pressure regulator is determined by the caim air pressure or, more accurately, by the cabin altitude

What controls the operation of the cabin pressure regulator A. Cabin altitude B. Bleed air pressure C. Compression air pressure

C. Pressure regulator A hydraulic system pressure regulator is also called an unloading valve. When the system pressure is high enough, the pressure regulator traps the fluid in the system, where it is held by the air pressure in the accumulator. With the system pressure trapped, the pressure regulator directs the output o the pressure pump back into the reservoir. The fluid circulates with very little load on the pump. As soon as fluid is demanded by the system, the pressure regulator is demanded by the system, the pressure regulator directs the pump output into the system. Pressure regulator controls the operating pressure Pressure relief bleeds pressure in the event of excessive pressure

What device in a hydraulic system with a constant-delivery pump allows circulation of the fluid when no demands are on the system? A. Pressure relief valve B. Shuttle valve C. Pressure regulator

C. The existing atmospheric pressure A manifold pressure gauge used with a reciprocating engine is an absolute pressure gauge. When the engine is not operating, the manifold pressure gauge indicates the existing atmospheric pressure

What does a reciprocating engine manifold pressure gauge indicate when the engine is not operating? A. Zero pressure B. The differential between the manifold pressure and the atmospheric pressure C. The existing atmospheric pressure

B. Changes alternating current into direct current A rectifier is an electrical device or circuit that allows electrons to pass in one direction by blocks them when they try to flow the opposite. A rectifier changes alternating current into direct current

What does a rectifier do? A. Changes direct current into alternating current B. Changes alternating current into direct current C. Reduces voltage

C. Regulates the compressor inlet air to provide a stabilized source of air for the compressor The absolute pressure regulator in an aircraft pneumatic system regulates the air pressure at the inlet to the compressor In doing this, it provides a stabilized source of air for the compressor

What function does the absolute pressure regulator perform in the pneumatic power system? A. Regulates the compressor outlet air pressure to stabilize the system pressure B. Regulates the pneumatic system pressure to protect the moisture separator from internal explosion C. Regulates the compressor inlet air to provide a stabilized source of air for the compressor

B. The output pressure reduce, but the volume remains the same When the system pressure regulator opens to unload the pump, the fluid passes from the resivori through the pump t the pressure regulator, back into the resivoir, with almost no opposition. The volume remains the same, but the pump putput pressure drops to alost zero. The system pressure regulator traps the pressure in the system where it is held by the accumulator

What happens to the output of a constant-displacement hydraulic pump when the hydraulic system pressure regulator diverts the fluid from the system to the reservoir? A. The output pressure remains the same, but the volume reduces B. The output pressure reduces, but the volume remains the same C. The output pressure and volume remain the same

A. It disengages the engine from the main rotor when engine RPM is less than rotor RPM Since lift in a helicopter is provided by rotating air floils, these airfoils must be free to rotate if the engine fails. The freewheeling unit automatically disengages the engine from the main rotor when engine RPM is less than main rotor RPM. This allows the main rotor and tail rotor to continue turning at normal in-flight speeds

What i the purpose of the free-wheeling unit in a helicopter drive system? A. It disengages the engine from the main rotor when engine RPM is less than rotor RPM B. It allows the engines to be started without any load from the transmission C. It allows the rotors to turn slowly as the engine RPM increases

C. Carburetor ice Carburetor ice can form when the outside air temperature is well above freezing and when there is no visible moisture present. Much of the temperature drop that causes carburetor ice comes from the evaporation of the fuel

What icing condition may occur when there is no visible moisture present? A. Injector ice B. Inet ice C. Carburetor ice

C. low spring tension Low spring tension will cause the brushes to bounce

What is a cause of generator brush arcing? A. seating brushes with No.000 sandpaper B. Carbon dust particles C. Low spring tension

A. Flash the fields Residual magnetism may be restored to a generator by flashing its field. To flash the field, momentarily pass direct current from the battery through the generator field coils in the normal direction of current flow

What is a method used for restoring generator field residual magnetism? A. Flash the fields B. Reseat the brushes C. Energize the armature

C. Capacity matches the needs of the circuit It is important when aircraft fuses are selected that the current ratings are appropriate for the circuit protection required. The aircraft service manual specifies the current ratings to be used

What is an important factor in selecting aircraft fuses? A. The current exceeds a predetermined value B. The voltage rating should be lower than the maximum circuit voltage C. Capacity matches the needs of the circuit

B. shuttle valve A shuttle valve is used in some systems to insure that if an emergency source of hydraulic power is needed, only the essential parts of the system are acutated

What is commonly used to connect an emergancy source of power, and at the same time disconnect the normal hydraulic source from critical parts of a landing gear or wheel braking system for operation (usuallu when the normal source system fails? A. Selector valve B. Shuttle valve C. Sequence valve

B. 5.936 Flat A is 1.00 inch, minus the setback D (0.095 inches)= 0.905 inches Flat B is 3.00 inches, minus setback of D and E (0.095+.068=0.163) = 2.837 Flat C is 2.00 inches, minus setback E (0.068 inches) = 1.932 Add to the total length of these three flats the amount of material needed to make both of the bends (0.150 inches for bend D and 0.112 inch for bend E) The total developed length (length F) is 0.905 + 2.837 + 1.932 + 0.150 + 0.112 = 5.936 inches

What is dimension F? Setback at D = .095 Setback at E = 0.068 Bend allowance at D = .150 Bend allowance at E = .112 A. 4.836 B. 5.936 C. 5.738

C. Fretting corrosion is occurring between the rivets and the skin A smokey residue streaming back from some of the riets in an aircraft structure is normally an indication off fretting corrosion. An extremely small amount of relative movement between the rivet and the skin allows the oxide to be rubbed off the rivet and the surface of the rivet hole. It acts as an abrasive, wearing off more oxides. These loosened oxides work their way out between the skin and the rivet and resemble smoke streaming out from the rivet

What is indicated by a black "smokey" residue streaming back from some of the rivets on an aircraft? A. Filiform corrosion is occurring between the rivets and the skin B. Intergranular corrosion is occurring between the rivet and the skin C. Fretting corrosion is occurring between the rivets and the skin

B. copper jumpers Electrolytic action may rapidly corrode a bonding connection if suitable precautions are not taken. Copper jumpers ma be safely used to bond together noncontiguous stainless steel components

What is normally used to bon noncontinuous stainless steel aircraft components? A. stainless steel jumpers B. copper jumpers C. aluminum jumpers

B. There is no fire hazard if the motor is stalled

What is one advantage of piston-type hydraulic motors over electric motors? A. They are considerably quieter in operation B. There is no fire hazard if the motor is stalled C. They work satisfactorily over a wider temperature range

A. Ammeter reading A visual inspection should naturally be made of all of the connections. A check of the ammeter reading when the pitot-static tube heater is operating is a final check of the proper installation of the heater

What is one check for proper operation of a pitot-static tube heater after replacement? A. Ammeter reading B. Volt reading C. Continuity check of system

B. Deteriorates rubber parts Aromatic additives in avgas increases its antidetonation characteristics but the also cause deterioration to rubber components

What is one disadvantage of using aromatic aviation fuels? A. A fuel intercooler is required B. Deteriorates rubber parts C. Results in low fuel volatility

C. The restriction will cause the slow release of the brakes It is possible for a restricted compensator port in a brake master cylinder to cause slow release of the brakes. With the port open when the brakes are released, there is an open passage between the master cylinder and the resivoir. But if the compenstor port is clogged, some fluid can be trapped in the brake line, keeping the brake partially applied

What is one effect a restricted compensator port of a master cylinder will have on a brake system? A. The brakes will operate normally B. The reservoir will be filled by reverse flow C. The restriction will cause slow release of the brakes

C. Thickness of the material is greater than the thickness of the rivet head To use the machine countersinking for instillation a countersunk rivet, the thickness of the material must be greater than the thickness of the rivet head

What is one of the determining factors which permits machine countersinking when flush riveting? A. Thickness of the material and rivet diameter are the same B. Thickness of the material is less than the thickness of the rivet head C. Thickness of the material is greater than the thickness of the rivet head

A. To maintain atmospheric pressure A fuel tank vant maintiamsn atmpspheric pressure on top of the fuel in the tank to provide for proper fuel flow from the tank to the engine

What is one purpose of a fuel tank vent? A. To maintain atmospheric pressure B. To decrease fuel vapor pressure C. To decrease tank internal air pressure

B. Frequency and voltage must both be equal Before AC generators may be connected in parallel, it must be determined that the output voltage, the frequency, and the phase rotation of all of the generators are the same

What is required when operating two aircraft AC generators in parallel? A. Amperes and frequency must both be equal B. Frequency and voltage must both be equal C. Amperes and voltage must both be equal

C. It is resettable and reusable A circuit breaker is resettable and reusable, where as a fuse, once blown, must be replace

What is the advance of a circuit breaker when compared to a fuse? A. It is easily replaced B. It controls current flow C. It is resettable and reusable

C. It will take overload for a short period A current limiter is a type of slow-blow fuse that will take a momentarily high overload of current but will open the circuit under a sustained overload in excess of its rating

What is the advantage of a current limiter? A. It breaks circuit quickly B. It can be reset easily C. It will take overload for a short period

A. Using a crimping tool to secure the terminal lug Crimped terminals on an aircraft electrical wire transmit the tension and vibration loads from the wire into the terminal gradually and do not cause stress concentrations, as is done with a soldered connection. Soldered terminals are not considered satisfactory for aircraft wiring because vibration will likely cause them to break off of the wire

What is the appropriate method for installing pre-insulated terminal lugs and splices to electric wires? A. Using a crimping tool to secure the terminal lug B. Soldering the terminal lug to the end of the wire C. Soldering the exposed wire prior to crimping on the terminal lug

A. 2069 pounds This computation is described in AC 43.13-2 The constant 0.000327 is multiplied by the frontal area of the antenna (in this case 0.125 square foot). This quantity is multiplied by the square of the never-exceed speed of the aircraft which is 225 mph 0.000327 x .125 x 225^2 = 2.069

What is the approximate drag load on an antenna with a frontal area of .125 square feet installed on an aircraft with a speed of 225 mph? A. 2.069 pounds B. 2.073 pounds C. 2.080 pounds Note: D=.000327AV^2

A. 3.387 pounds This computation is described in AC 43.13-2 The constant 0.000327 is multiplied by the frontal area of the antenna (in this case .137 square foot). This quantity is multiplied by the square of the never-exceed speed of the aircraft which is 275 mph 0.000327 x 0.137 x 275^2 = 3.3879

What is the approximate drag load on an antenna with frontal area of .137 square feet installed on an aircraft with a speed of 275 mph? A. 3.387 pounds B. 3.741 pounds C. 3.592 pounds Note: D=.000327AV^2

B. Left side, red; right side, green; aft, white

What is the color and orentation of the position light for navigation on civil airplanes? A. Left side, green; right side, right; rear aft, white B. Left side, red; right side, green; rear aft, white C. Left side, white; right side, green; rear aft, red

A. Brown Aircraft plumbing that contains fire-extinguishing agents is color coded with a stripe of brown tape and a series of diamonds

What is the color code for fire extinguisher lines? A. Brown B. Yellow C. Red and Green

C. High-pressure vapor The refrigerant in a vapor-cycle air cooling system is a hot, high-pressure vapor as it enters the condenser. The refrigerant has absorbed heat from the cabin and it has had both its pressure and temperature raised by the compressor. In the condencer, the hot vapor loses much of its heat and it becomes a high pressure liquid

What is the condition of the refrigerant as it enters the condenser of a vapor-cycle cooling system? A. High-pressure liquid B. Low-pressure liquid C. High-pressure vapor

B. Low-pressure liquid The refrigerant in a vapor cycle air cooling system leaves the reciever0dryer as a high-pressure liquid. Its pressure is drpped to that of a low-pressure liquid as it passes though the thermal expansion valve. From the thermal expansion valve, the low-pressure liquid enters the evaporator coils. As it passes through the evaporator, it absorbs heat from the cabin air flowing over the coils and changes into a low-pressure vapor

What is the condition of the refrigerant as it enters the evaporator of a vapor-cycle cooling system? A. High-pressure liquid B. Low-pressure liquid C. High-pressure vapor

B. High-pressure liquid The refrigerant in a vapor-cycle air cooling system leaves the condenser as a high-pressure liquid. The compressor increased the pressure of the refrigerant vapor and raised its temperature higher than that of the outside air. Outside air passing over condenser coils removed some of the heat and caused the refrigerant to condense into a high-pressure liquid

What is the condition of the refrigerant as it leaves the condenser of a vapor-cycle cooling system? A. Low-pressure liquid B. High-pressure liquid C. High-pressure vapor

A. Too much material applied in one coat Runs and sags in the surface of paint that has been sprayed are normally caused by applying too much material in one coat

What is the usual cause of runs and sags in aircraft finishes? A. Too much material applied in one coat B. Material is being applied too fast C. Low atmospheric humidity

B. Low-pressure vapor The refrigerant in a vapor-cycle air cooling system leaves the evaporator as a low-pressure vapor. It has absorbed heat from the cabin as cabin air was blown over the evaporator coils

What is the condition of the refrigerant as it leaves the evaporator of a vapor-cycle cooling system? A. Low-pressure liquid B. Low-pressure vapor C. High-pressure

C. Fuel and air in the tank The dielectric used in the tank probes of a capacitor-type fuel quantity indicating system is the fuel and the air in the tank above the fuel. Fuel has a dielectric constant of approximately two. Air has a dielectric constant of 1

What is the dielectric (nonconducting material) in a capacitance-type fuel quantity indicating system? A. Outer shell of the capacitor B. Fuel in the tank C. Fuel and air in the tank

B. 4.182 Setback = 0.252 inch Bend allowance = 0.345 inch Dimension A is a mold line length of 1.00 inch, less one setback. This gives a length of 0.748 inches Dimension B is the mold line length of 2.00 inches, less two setbacks. This gives a length of 1.496 inches. Dimension C is the mold line length od 1.50 inches, less one setback. This gives a length of 1.248 Dimension D is the sum of dimensions A, B, C, plus two bend allowances D=.748+.345+1.496+.345+1.248= 4.182 inches

What is the dimension D? A. 3.492 B. 4.182 C. 3.841

B. lubber line

What is the fixed line mark attached to the compass bowl of a magnetic compass called? A. Reeder line B. Lubber line C. Reference line

B. 6.8 inches The dimention of flat A is 3.688 inches The dimension of flat B is 2.688 inches. Using the bend allowance formula, we fin that 0.441 inch of material is used to make the bend. The total layout dimension is 3.688 + 2.688 + 0.441 = 6.817 inches

What is the flat layout dimension? A. 7.0 inches B. 6.8 inches C. 6.6 inches


What is the frequency of an alternator dependent upon? A. Voltage B. RPM C. Current

B. Straightens the nosewheel Many retractable landing gears use a centering cam to center the nosewheel when all the weight is off of the shock strut. The centering cam ensures that the wheel is positioned so it will fit into the wheel well properly

What is the function of a cam incorporated in a nose gear shock strut? A. Provides an internal shimmy damper B. Straightens the nosewheel C. Provides steering of aircraft during ground operation

A. extinguished When the aircraft is on jacks, the gear safety switch is changed from that in Figure 19. The landing gear is in transit, causing the position of the nose-gear-down switch and the down limit switch to be changed The warning horn is sounding. Current is flowing from the 5 amp circuit breaker, through wire #6, the changed position of the nose-gear-down switch, one or both of the throttle switches, and the changed down-limit switch to the horn The landing gear has not yet reached its up-and-locked position, so the up-limit switch is in the position, there is no power to the red landing gear position light

What is the indication of the red landing gear position light under the following conditions? Aircraft on jacks Landing gear in transit Warning horn sounding A. extinguished B. flashing C. illuminated

A. 3.7 inches the length of flat A is its mold-line length of 4.00 inches, minus the setback. The setback is the metal thickness (0.062), plus the bend radius (0.250 inch), or 0.312 inch. The length of flat A is 4.00-0.312=3.688 inches

What is the length of Flat A? A. 3.7 inches B. 3.8 inches C. 3.9 inches

A. Moisture The main form of contamination of an oxygen system is moisture. Moisture in the system may be due to damp charging equipment and condensation of moisture in the system

What is the main cause of contamination in a gaseous oxygen system? A. Moisture B. Dust C. Nitrogen

B. Prevent hydraulic pump cavitation Resivoirs for hydraulic systems used in aircraft that fly at extremely high altitudes are normally pressurized to produce a positive supply of fluid to the engine driven pump. This prevents the pump cavitation

What is the main purpose of a pressurized reservoir in a hydraulic system? A. Prevent tank collapse at altitude B. Prevent hydraulic pump cavitation C. Prevent hydraulic fluid from foaming

C. Move the control surface as commanded The servo in an autopilot system moves the control surface as commanded by the control units

What is the main purpose of a servo in an autopilot system? A. Correct for displacement of the aircraft about its axis B. Change mechanical energy to electrical energy C. Move the control surface as commanded

A. Bleeder The bleeder is the absorbent material which is used to absorb the excess resin that is squeezed from the plies that are being cured by the vacuum bag process

What is the material layer used within the vacuum bag pressure system to absorb excess resin during curing called? A. Bleeder B. Breather C. Release

B. Two minutes An intermittent duty circuit is one that is operation for a maximum of two minutes

What is the maximum amount of time a circuit can be in operation and still be an intermittent duty circuit? A. Three minutes B. Two minutes C. One minute

A. 7 psi

What is the maximum vapor pressure allowable for an aircraft fuel? A. 7 psi B. 5 psi C. 3 psi

A. 3 hours When checking tire pressure, allow three hours to elapse after a typical landing to ensure the tire has cooled to ambient temperature

What is the minimum amount of time to wiat for tires to cool before checking tire pressure? A. 3 hours B. 2 hours C. 1 hour

A. ten times the outside diameter of the bundle Wire bundles should not be bent with a bend radius of less than 10 times the outside diameter of the bundle

What is the minimum bend radius for an electrical wire bundle? A. Ten times the outside diameter of the bundle B. Five times the outside diameter of the bundle C. Fifteen times the outside diameter of the bundle

C. Any gear not down and locked, and one throttle retarded The landing gear warning horn (aural warning) will sound anytime either throttle is retaeded and any one of the landing gears is not down and locked

What is the minimum circumstance that will cause the landing gear warning horn to indicate an unsafe condition? A. All gears up and one throttle retarded B. Any gear up and both throttles retarded C. Any gear not down and locked, and one throttle retarded

A. One-half inch

What is the minimum distance allowed between a fuel tank and the fire wall separating the engine? A. One-half inch B. One inch C. Two inch

C. The minimum edge distance for the single row is equal to that for the multiple row The minimum edge distance allowed for an aluminum alloy single lap sheet splice is the smae whether a single row of rivets or if a multiple row of rivets is used. This distance is two times the diameter of the rivet being used

What is the minimum edge distance allowed for aluminum alloy single lap sheet splices containing a single row of rivets as compared to a joint with multiple rows, all rivets being equal in diameter? A. The minimum edge distance for a single row is greater than that for the multiple row B. The minimum edge distance for a single row is less than that for the multiple row C. The minimum edge distance for the single is equal to that for the multiple row

A. two times the diameter of the rivet shank The minimum edge distance for aircraft rivets (the distance between the center of the rivet hole and the edge of the sheet) is twice the diameter of the rivet shank

What is the minimum edge distance for aircraft rivets? A. two times the diameter of the rivet shank B. two times the rivet head C. three times the diameter of the rivet shank

C. three times the diameter of the rivet shank Rivets in a single row should be spaced no closer than three times the diameter of the rivet shank (3D)

What is the minimum spacing for a single row of aircraft rivets? A. Two times the diameter of the rivet shank B. Three times the length of the rivet shank C. Three times the diameter of the rivet shank

A. Integrated circuit chip having a clock circuit The most accurate frequency measuring instruments in use today are digital instruments that contain integrated circuit chips and a clock circuit

What is the most accurate type of frequency measuring instrument? A. Integrated circuit chip having a clock circuit B. Electrodynamometers using electromagnetic fields C. Electromagnets using one permanent magnet

B. Soak method The most common method of cementing transparent plastic material is the soak method. The edges of the pieces of plastic material to be joined are soaked in a solvent until they are softened and a cushion is formed. The two softened edges are pressed together and allowed to remain under pressure until the softened areas diffuse and form a single piece of material

What is the most common method of cementing transparent plastics? A. Heat method B. Soak method C. Bevel method

B. The relative motion between a gyro and its supporting system The gyro in a flight instrument remains rigid in space and the aircraft rotates about it. The gyro is used as the reference device in an autopilot which senses the relative motion between the gyro and its supporting system

What is the operating principle of the sensing device used in an autopilot system? A. The reaction of the force 90* away from the applied force in the direction of gyro rotation B. The relative motion between a gyro and its supporting system C. The rate of change of motion between the gyro gimbal rings and the aircraft

A. To relieve the pilot of control of the aircraft during long periods of flight The primary purpose of an automatic pilot is to relieve the human pilot of having to manually control the aircraft all the times

What is the primary purpose of an autopilot? A. To relieve the pilot of control of the aircraft during long periods of flight B. To allow for longer flights and more precise courses flown by the pilot C. To stabilize flight control in turbulent conditions

A. High starting torque

What is the principal advantage of the series-would DC motor? A. High starting torque B. Suitable for constant speed use C. Low starting torque

B. An air blast forms a barrier that prevents raindrops from striking the windshield surface A windshield pneumatic rain removal system blows the rain from the windshield with a blast of compressor bleed air. A blast of high-velocity air, directed against the outside surface of the windshield, forms a barrier that keeps raindrops from hitting the surface of the windshield

What is the principle characteristic of a windshield pneumatic rain removal system? A. An air blast spreads a liquid rain repellant evenly over the windshield that prevents raindrops from clinging to the glass surface B. An air blast forms a barrier that prevents raindrops from striking the windshield surface C. A pneumatic rain removal system is simply a mechanical windshield wiper system that is powered by pneumatic system pressure

C, to retard age hardening 2017 and 2024 aluminum alloy rivets must be heat treated before they are driven. Immediately after they are quenched, they should be stored in a subfreezing refrigerator. Storing the rivets at the cold temperature retards their aging process and allows time elapse between their heat treatment and their being driven

What is the propose of refrigerating 2017 and 2024 aluminum alloy rivets after heat treatment? A. To accelerate age hardening B. To relieve internal stresses C. To retard age hardening

A. Permits the fluid to flow toward or away from the reserve as temperature changes A compensating port in a brake master cylinder is a passageway open between the reservoir and the master cylinder when the brake is completely released. Fluid can flow from the reservoir into the master cylinder and from the master cylinder back into the reservoir as it expands or contracts because of temperature changes

What is the purpose of a compensating port or valve in a brake master cylinder of an independent brake system? A. Permits the fluid to flow toward or away from the reserve as temperature changes B. Assists in the master cylinder piston return C. Prevents fluid from flowing back to the reservoir

A. It sends an electric signal to the fuel quantity indicator A float-operated fuel quantity transmitter is normally a variable resistor whos resistance changes with the fuel level in the tank. Information on the fuel level is sent as an electrical signal to the fuel quantity indicator on the instrument panel

What is the purpose of a float-operated transmitter installed in a fuel tank? A. It sends an electric signal to the fuel quantity indicator B. It senses the total amount of fuel density C. It senses the dielectric qualities of fuel and air in the tank

C. To join and reinforcing intersecting structural members Gussets are used in aircraft structure to join and reinforce intersecting structural members Gussets are used to carry stresses from one member to another at the point to the member join each other

What is the purpose of a gusset or gusset plate used in the construction and repair of aircraft structures? A. To hold a structural member in position temporarily until the permanent attachment has been completed B. To provide access for inspection of structural attachments C. To join and reinforce intersecting structural members

A. Control the supply of hot, cold, and cold air The mixing valve in an air-cycle air conditioning system mixes air from three sources to get cabin pressurizing air of the desired temperature. The three sources of air are: hot air before it passes through the primary heat exchanger, cool air after it has passed through the secondary heat exchanger, and cold air after it has passed through the air-cycle machine. By controlling the amount of air from each of these three sources, the desired temperature of pressurization air can be obtained

What is the purpose of a mixing valve in a compressor bleed air air conditioning system? A. Control the supply of hot, cold, and cold air B. Distribute conditioned air evenly to all parts of the cabin C. Combine ram air with conditioned air

B. To prevent fuel from flowing away from the boost pumps Some intergral fuel tanks have flapper-type check valves that allow fuel to flow to the boost pump, but prevent rough air or abrupt flight maneuvers from causing the fuel to flow awau from the booster pump. Some aircraft also have a pump-removal, flapper-type check valve that allows a booster pump to be removed from the tank without haing to first drain the tank

What is the purpose of flapper-type check valves in integral fuel tanks? A. To allow defueling of the tanks by suction B. To prevent fuel from flowing away from the boost pumps C. To allow the engine-driven fuel pumps to draw fuel directly from the tank if the boost pump fails

C. To make human flight possible in the hostile enviroment of the upper atmosphere Pressurizing aircraft cabins creates the proper enviroment for preventioin of hypoxia an permits operation at high altitudes

What is the purpose of pressurizing the aircraft cabin? A. To permit the aircraft to operate in thunderstorms B. To allow aircraft systems to operate properly C. To make human flight possible in the hostile environment of the upper atmosphere

B. To sequence the deicer boots inflation symmetrically The distributor valve in a deicer system sequences the deicer boot inflation and deflation cycle so the ice will be removed symmetrically from the aircraft

What is the purpose of the distributor valve in a deicing system utilizing deicer boots? A. To equalize the air pressure to the left and right wings B. To sequence the deicer boots inflations symmetrically C. To distribute anti-icing fluid to the deicer boots

A. To protect the deicer boots from oil deterioration The oil separator in a pneumatic deicing system is located in the exhaust of a wet-type vacuum pump. Oil from the engine is used to lubricate and seal the pump. After passing through the pump, this oil is discharged with the exhaust air. The oil separator removes the oil from the air and returns it to the engine crankcase. Getting rid of this oil, before the air reaches the deicer bots, helps prevent their deterioration

What is the purpose of the oil separator in the pneumatic deicing system? A. To protect the deicer boots from oil deterioration B. To remove oil from air exhausted from the deicer boots C. To prevent an accumulation of oil in the vacuum system

B. allow operation of engines from one tank The pump crossfeed valve shown here allows both engines to operate from either of the two tanks

What is the purpose of the pump crossfeed valve? A. balance the fuel in the tanks B. allow operation of engines from one tank C. allow operation of the left engine when the right fuel-boost pump is inoperative

C. To obtain reasonable switch efficiency Electrical switches must be derated when they are used with certain types of electrical loads. These loads either have an abnormally high current inflow when the switch is first closed, or else they have extremely high voltage from an induced load when they switch is opened. The use of derated switches is important to obtain reasonable switch efficiency and service life

What is the purpose of the selection of derated switches for known continuous load current applications? A. To calculate the voltage drop across the circuit B. To prevent short circuits in the motor field windings C. To obtain reasonable switch efficiency

C. maintain correct wheel alignment The torque links that attach the piston to the cylinder of a landing gear oleo strut maintain the correct wheel alignment

What is the purpose of the torque links attached to the cylinder and piston of a landing gear oleo strut? A. Limit compression stroke B. Hold the strut in place C. Maintain correct wheel alignment

C. Prevent high pressure from exturding the seal between moving and stationary parts A backup ring is used behind an O-ring in a high-pressure hydraulic system to prevent the high pressure from extruding the O-ring between the moving and stationay parts

What is the purpose of using back up rings with O-rings in hydraulic systems above 1,500 psi? A. prevent internal and external leakage of all moving parts within a hydraulic system B. Provide a seal between two parts of a unit which move in relation to each other C. Prevent high pressure from extruding the seal between moving and stationary part

A. Primary will have one-third as many turns as its secondary If a transformer has a three-to-one set-up ratio, the secondary winding will have three times as many turns as the primary winding. The secondary voltage will be three times the primary voltage

What is the ratio of turns between the primary coil winding ad the secondary coil winding of a transformer designed to triple its input voltage? A. Primary will have one-third as many turns as its secondary B. Primary will have twice as many turns as its secondary C. Primary will have three times as many turns as its secondary

C. Steam clean the tank interior Before a gasoline tank is welded, it should be washed out with hot water and a detergent. Then, live steam should be passed through the tank for about a half hour. This tremement vaporizes and removes any residual fuel that may be left in the tank

What is the recommended practice for cleaning a fuel tank before welding? A. Purge the tank with air B. Flush the inside of the tank with clean water C. Steam clean the tank interior

C. 1/8 inch According to 14 CFR 23.2250, no cable smaller than 1/8 inch diameter may be used in aircraft primary control system

What is the smallest size cable that may be used in aircraft primary control systems? A. 1/4 inch B. 5/16 inch C. 1/8 inch

A. Vane-type pump Normally the air pump used on a reciprocating engine for the inflation of deicer boots is a vane-type pump

What is the source of pressure for inflating deicer boots on reciprocating engine aircraft? A. Vane-type pump B. Gear-type pump C. Piston-type pump

B Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide can be used

Which gas is used for purging an aircraft fuel tank? A. Helium or argon B Carbon dioxide C. Carbon monoxide

C. The internal resistance of a fluid which tends to prevent it from flowing The viscosity of a fluid is its internal resistance, which tends to prevent its flowing

What is the viscosity of hydraulic fluid? A. The increase in volume of a fluid due to temperature change B. The fluid's ability to resist oxidation and deterioration for long periods C. The internal resistance of a fluid which tends to prevent it from flowing

C. 4V Using the formula given with this question, the voltage drop in an 18 gauge copper wire, 50 feet long, carrying 12.5 amps, is 4.025 volts

What is the voltage drop for a No. 18 copper wire 50 feet long to carry 12.5 amperes, continuous operation? Note: VD=RLA VD= Voltage drop R= resistance per foot (.00644) L = length of wire A = Amperes A. 1/2V B. 1V C. 4V.

A. This is an altitude encoder used with transponders The ceiling-mounted box in figure 23 depicts an altitude encoder used to convert the aircraft's pressure altitude into a code sent by the transponder to ATC

What is this antenna is used for? A. This is an altitude encoder used with transponders B. This is a TCAS receiver used with monitoring and alerting systems C. This is an aircraft radar beacon transponder used for location identification

B. Thermistor Thermistor (a special form of electrical resistor whose resistance is a function of its temperature) Are used as temperature sensors in an electrically heated windshield

What is used as a temperature-sensing element in an electrically heated windshield? A. Thermocouple B. Thermistor C. Thermometer

C. boost pumps Boost pumps installed in many aircraft fuel tanks have an agitator on their shaft along with thee impeller. The agitator causes bubbles in the fuel to be released into the tank before the fuel is forced into the fuel lines to prevent additional vapors from forming

What is used in many aircraft to prevent bubbles in the fuel after it leaves the tank when atmospheric pressure is lower than fuel vapor pressure? A. Air-fuel separators B. Anti-foaming additive C. Boost pumps

A. Pressure reducer valve An oxygen pressure reducer valve may be used to change high cylinder pressure to lowerr system pressure

What is used in some oxygen systems to change high cylinder pressure to low system pressure? A. Pressure reducer valve B. Calibrated fixed orifice C. Diluter demand regulator

B. Naptha or varsol

What is used to flush a system normally serviced with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid? A. Methyl ethly ketone or kerosene B. Naptha or varsol C. Lacquer thinner or trichlorethylene

B. retarder Retarder is a special type of thinner that dries slowly. It is used in dope and lacquer to slow its drying time. The slower drying time prevents blushing and provides a smoother finish

What is used to slow the drying time of some finishes and to prevent blush? A. reducer B. retarder C. rejuvenator

B. Carries heat to the places where needed Ventilating air that flows through a combustion heater picks up heat from the heater and carries it to places in the aircraft where it is neaded

What is ventilating air used for on a combustion heater? A. Provide combustion air for ground blower B. Carries heat to the places where needed C. Provides air required to support the flame

A. A VOR/glide slope antenna

What kind of antenna is this? A. A VOR/glide slope antenna B. A marker beacon receiver antenna C. A radar beacon transponder antenna

A. A VOR/glider slope antenna

What kind of antenna is this? A. A VOR/glide slope antenna B. A marker beacon receiver antenna C. A radar beacon transponder antenna

A. A dipole antenna depicts a v-shape VOR navigation antenna, which is a common dipole antenna

What kind of antenna is this? A. A dipole antenna B. A Marconi antenna C. A loop antenna

B. A VOR and localizer antenna

What kind of antenna is this? A. A glide slope antenna B. A VOR and localizer antenna C. A radar beacon transponder antenna

C. A radar beacon trandsonder antenna

What kind of antenna is this? A. A glide slope antenna B. A VOR and localizer antenna C. A radar beacon transponder antenna

C. A radar beacon transponder antenna

What kind of antenna is this? A. A lightning detector system antenna B. A marker beacon receiver antenna C. A radar beacon transponder antenna

B. A marker beacon receiver antenna

What kind of antenna is this? A. A lightning detector system antenna B. A marker beacon receiver antenna C. A satellite weather antenna

A. an ELT antenna

What kind of antenna is this? A. An ELT antenna B. A DME antenna C. A VHF communications antenna

A. A lightning detector system antenna

What kind of antenna is this? A. Lightning detector system antenna B. A VOR and localizer antenna C. A satellite weather antenna

C. This is a loop and sense antenna The low-profile signal antenna in figure 22 is a loop and sense antenna, which is used for ADF navigation

What kind of antenna is this? A. This is a glide slope antenna B. This is a DME or a radar beacon transponder C. This is a loop and sense antenna

B. canted antenna Many antennas are canted (or slanted) for better reception

What kind of antenna is this? A. dipole antenna B. canted antenna C. Macroni antenna

A. Single-pole, single throw (SPST), two position normally open (NO)

What kind of switch should you install in a single wire circuit that requires the switch to be manually held in the ON position? A. Single-pole, single throw (SPST), two position normally open (NO) B. Single-pole, single-throw (SPST), single-position C. Single-pole, double throw (SPDT), single-position normally open (NO)

C. A horn or other aural device and a red warning light All retractable-landing-gear aircraft must have some type of device to warn the pilot if the landing gear is not down and locked when the throttes are retarded for landing. All f the devices listed in the alternatives for this question are indicators except the horn or other aural device and a red warning light

What landing gear warning device(s) is/are incorporated on retractable landing gear aircraft? A. Visual indicator showing gear position B. A light which comes on when the gear is fully down and locked C. A horn or other aural device and a red warning light

B. Thermistors Thermistors (a special form of electrical resistor whose resistance is a function of its temperature) are used to control the amount of current used in an electrically heated windshield

What maintains normal windshield temperature control in an electrically heated windshield system? A. Thermal overheat switches B. Thermistors C. Manually-controlled rheostat

B. White A white slip makr painted across the gass and the bezel of an aircraft gauge to indicate tot he mechanic if the coverglass has spilled

What marking color is used to indicate if a cover glass has slipped? A. Red B. White C. Yellow

C. The word "avgas" and the minimum fuel grade The fuel fill cap will have "avgas" or "Jet Fuel" and the permissible grade/reference to the AFM manual

What markings must be placed on or near each appropriate furl filler cover on standard category aircraft? A. The word "Avgas" and the minimum fuel grade and the total fuel tank capacity B. The word "Avgas" and the minimum fuel grade or designation for the engines, and the usable fuel tank capacity C. The word "Avgas" and the minimum fuel grade

C. Teflon tape The only thread lubricant approved for use on tapered pipe thread connections in an aircraft oxygen system is MIL-T-5542 oxygen-compatible thread lubricant. Teflon tape applied to the male threads can be used in place of a thread lubricant

What may be used as a lubricant on oxygen system tapered pipe thread connections? A. Silicone dielectric compound B. Glycerine C. Teflon tape

C. Soap and water Since deicer boots are normally made of rubber, they should be cleaned with mild soap and water

What may be used to clean deicer boots? A. Unleaded gasoline or Jet A fuel B. Naptha C. Soap and water

C. Fuel temperature indicator Fuel temperature indicating systems are required in turbine aircraft to warm when there is danger of ice crystals forming in the fuel. A fuel strainer differential pressure gauge gives an indication that ice crystals have already formed and are restricting fuel flow to the fuel filter.

What method is used on turbine-powered aircraft to determine when the condition of the fuel is approaching the danger of forming ice crystals? A. Fuel pressure warning B. Fuel pressure gauge C. Fuel temperature indicator

B. A rupture of the red plastic disk in the thermal discharge line If a built-in fire-extinguisher system is discharged because of a thermal (overheat) condition, the red indicator disk is blown out

What method is used to detect the thermal discharge of a built-in fire-extinguisher system? A. A discoloration of the yellow plastic disk in the thermal discharge line B. A rupture of the red plastic disk in the thermal discharge line C. The thermal plug missing from the side of the bottle

A. Thermo-cycling switches Thermo-cycling switches control the temperature of an anti-icing system that uses combustion heaters. These switches shut off fuel to the heater when the temperature is high enough

What method is usually employed to control the temperature of an anti-icing system using surface combustion heater? A. Thermo-cycling switches B. Thermostats in the cockpit C. Heater fuel shutoff valves

C- Welded patch plate. A patch plate may be welded over a steel tube longeron that is dented at a cluster

What method of repair is recommended for a steel tube longeron dented at a cluster? A. Welded split sleeve B. Welded outer sleeve C. Welded patch plate

A. Place the valve in the OFF position, drain the strainer bowl, and with boost pump on, watch to see if the fuel flows to the strainer bowl Internal leakage in a fuel valve can be checked by placing the valve in the OFF position and the draining the fuel strainer bowl. Turn the fuel tank boost pump on. If fuel flows into the empty strainer bowl, the valve has an internal leak

What method would be used to check for internal leakage of a fuel valve without removing the valve from the aircraft? A. Place the valve in the OFF position, drain the strainer bowl, and with boost pump on, watch to see if the fuel flows to the strainer bowl B. Remove fuel cap(s), turn boost pump(s) on, and watch for bubbling in the tanks C. Apply regulated air pressure on the downstream side of the fuel pump and listen for air passing through the valve

A. Ethylene glycol and isopropyl alcohol Frost may be removed from an aircraft by spraying it with a deicing fluid which normally contains ethylene glycol and isopropyl alcohol

What mixture may be used as a deicing fluid to remove frost from an aircraft surface? A. Ethylene glycol and isopropyl alcohol B. Methyl ethyl ketone and ethylene glycol C. Naptha and isopropyl alcohol

A. Bonding straps must be installed across the instrument mounts as a current path When an aircraft instrument panel is supported in shock mounts, the mounts must have bonding straps across them to provide a path for electric current to return from the instrument to the aircraft structure

What must be done to an instrument panel that is supported by shock mounts? A. Bonding straps must be installed across the instrument mounts as a current path B. The instrument mounts must be grounded to the aircraft structure as a current path C. The instrument mounts must be tightened to the specified torque required by the maintenance manual

C. Zero Each fuel quantity indicator must be calibrated to read "zero" during level flight when the fuantity of fel remaining in the tank is equal to the total unusable fuel

What must each fuel quantity indicator be calibrated to read during level flight when the quantity of fuel remaining is equal to the unusable fuel supply? A. The total unusable fuel quantity B. Both the total unusable fuel quantity and the unusable fuel quantity in each tank C. Zero

C. Use a terminal gauge to check the diameter of the swaged portion of the terminal After a cable terminal has been swaged onto an aircraft control cable, the diameter of the terminal go-no-go gauge. This gauge is referred to in this question as a terminal gauge. The gauge mentioned here has a two step go-no-go gauge. One step determines the correct diameter of the terminal before it is swaged, and the other step (the after step) determines the correct diameter after the terminal has been swaged

What nondestructive checking methods used to ensure that correct amount of swaging has taken place when installing swaged-type terminals on aircraft control cables? A. Check the surface of the swaged portion of the terminal for small cracks which indicate incomplete swaging B. Measure the finished length of the terminal barrel and compare with the beginning length C. Use a terminal gauge to check the diameter of the swaged portion of the terminal

B. A lamp within the indicator illuminates automatically When a visual smoke detector is activated, a lamp inside the indicator is automatically turned on. The light is scattered by the smoke so the smoke is visible against the black background inside the window of the indicator

What occurs when a visual smoke detector is activated? A. A warning bell within the indicator alarms automatically B. A lamp within the indicator illuminates automatically C. The test lamp illuminates and an alarm is provided automatically

A. Reduce field strength Interpoles are used in high-output compound-wound DC generators to counteract field distortion and to overcome armature reaction. Armature reaction causes arcing at the brushes Interpoles do not reduce the field strength, they increase it

What of the following is not one of the purposes of interpoles in a generator? A. Reduce field strength B. Overcome armature reaction C. reduce arcing at the brushes

B. span and chord the aspect ratio of a wing is the ratio of the span of the wing (length) to its chord (width)

What physical factors are involved in the aspect ratio of airplane wings? A. Thickness and chord B. Span and chord C. Dihedral and angle of attack

A. Prime the repair with a corrosion inhibitor and seal from the atmosphere When a repair to a metal honeycomb structure is made, the repair should be primed with a corrosion-inhibiting primer and should be sealed so no moisture or air can get to the inside of the repair

What precaution, if any, should be taken to prevent corrosion inside a repaired metal honeycomb structure? A. Prime the repair with a corrosion inhibitor and seal from the atmosphere B. Paint the outside area with several coats of exterior paint C. None, honeycomb is usually made from manmade or fibrous materials which is not susceptible to corrosion

A. The tank airspace must be interconnected If a gravity fed fuel system is permitted to supply fuel to an engine from more than one tank at a time, the airspace above must be interconnected

What precautions must be observed if a gravity feed fuel system is permitted to supply fuel to an engine from more than one tank at a time? A. The tank airspaces must be interconnected B. The fuel outlet ports of each tank must have the same cross-sectional area C. Eash tank must have a valve in its outlet that automatically shuts off the line when the tank is empty

B. Mechanical

What protection to wires and cables does conduit provide when used in aircraft installations? A. Electromagnetic B. Mechanical C. Structural

B. mechanical

What protection to wires and cables does conduit provide when used in aircraft installations? A. Electromagnetic B. Mechanical C. Structural

B. Minimize or prevent oxidization Flux minimize or prevents oxidation in a weld. Flux removes the oxides that have formed and covers the weld so no new oxides cannot form in the weld

What purpose does flux serve in welding aluminum? A. Removed dirt, grease, and oil B. Minimize or prevents oxidation C. Ensure proper distribution of the filler rod

C Ground safety switch The ground safety switch (squat switch), is actuated by the compression of the landing gear oleo strut. The ground safety switch prevents the landing gear from retracting when the weight of the aircraft is on the landing gear

What safety device is actuated by the compression and extension of a landing gear strut? A. Uplock switch B. Downlock switch C. Ground safety switch

C. Pump drive coupling shear section Almost all engine-driven hydraulic pumps have a sheer section in their drive coupling. If all of the pressure relief devices should fial, or if the pump should sieze, the shaft will shear and prevent the pump from being further damaged

What safety device is usally located between the driving unit and hydraulic pumpdrive shaft? A. Thermal relief valve B. Pump motor safety switch C. pump drive coupling shear section

B. Reduces the chances for fuel contamination Pressure fueling of an aircraft reduces the chances of fuel contamination, as well as reducing the danger of static electricity igniting vapors

What safety related advantage does a pressure fueling system provide? A. Keeps the aircraft within the weight and balance limitations B. Reduces the chances for fuel contamination C. Reduces the time required for fueling

C. Fluid level If a shock strut bottoms during landing, the fluid is probably low. Transfer of the fluid from one chamber to another cushions the impact of landing, whereas the air pressure cushions the shocks produced when the aircraft is taxiing

What should be checked when a shock strut bottoms during a landing? A. Air pressure B. Packing seals for correct installation C. Fluid level

A. 118* For most drilling, including that for hard metal, the cutting angle of a twist drill is ground to an included angle of 118*

What should be the included angle of a twist drill for hard metal? A. 118* B. 100* C. 90*

B. 90* For drilling soft metals, an included angle of about 90* is suitable. For normal metals, an agle of 118* is concidered normal

What should be the included angle of a twist drill for soft metals? A. 118* B. 90* C. 65*

A. CO(2) Before working inside an integral fuel tank, you should inert it (replace the gasoline fumes with an inert gas).Integral fuel tanks can be inerted by filling them with CO(2).

What should be used to inert an integral fuel tank before attempting repairs? A. CO(2) B. Water C. Steam

A. CO2 Before working inside an intgral fuel tank, you should inert it (replace the gasoline fumes with an inert gas). It can be inerted by filling it with CO2

What should be used to inert an integral fuel tank before attempting repairs? A. CO2 B. Water C. Steam

C. Hot air Ice should be melted from the inside of a turbine engine by flowing warm air through the engine until all of the rotating parts move freely

What should be used to melt the ice in a turbine engine if the compressor is immobile because of ice? A. Deicing fluid B. Anti-icing fluid C. Hot air

B. Suitable grommet When an electrical cable must pass through a hole in a metal structure, the edges of the hole are covered with a rubber grommet to keep the metal from cutting or chafing the wire. THe cable should be attached to the structure with a clamp that holds it centered in the hole

What should be used to protect wires from chafing when they must pass through bulkheads, firewalls, ribs, etc? A. Aerodynamic duct tape B. Suitable grommet C. Plastic spiral wrap

B. Five percent of nitric or sulfuric acid Promptly, upon completion of welding, wash the inside and outside of the tank with liberal quantities of hot water then drain. Next, immerse the tank in either a 5 percent nitric-acid or 5 percent sulfuric-acid solution

What should be used to remove flux from an aluminum tank after welding repairs? A. Soft brush and warm water B. Five percent solution of nitric or sulfuric acid C. Mild solution of soap and warm water

A. Alcohol injection nozzle Carburetor icing can be minimized by spraying isopropyl alcohol into the throat of the carburetor and by using heated induction air

What system component aids in the prevention of carburetor icing? A. Alcohol injection nozzle B. Bleed air valve C. Air diverter butterfly

C. Pressure test with water High pressure oxygen cylinders msut be periodically hydrostaticly tested. In this test, they are filled with water and pressureized to 5/3 the operating pressure

What test is used to determine the servicibility of an oxygen cylinder? A. Pressure test with manometer B. Pressure test with nitrogen C. Pressure test with water

A. shear A shear load, which causes most rivet failures, is one that tries to cut a rivet by shearing it

What type loads cause the most rivet failures? A. Shear B. Bearing C. Head

B. a special modified twist drill When holes are to be drilled completely through Plexiglas, the standard twist drill should be modified to a 60* tip angle, the cutting edge ground to a zero rake angle, and the back clip clearance angle increased to 12 to 15*

What type of bit should be used to drill holes in Plexiglas? A. A standard twist drill B. A specially modified twist drill C. A dull twist drill

A. fowler flaps fowlers slide down and out from the trailing edge of the wing. When lowered, they increase the wing area as well as the wing chamber.

What type of flap system increases the wing area and changes the wing camber? A. Fowler flaps B Slotted flaps C. Split flaps

B. Sliding vane it is a constant displacement pump and therefor requires a pressure relief valve

What type of fuel-booster pump requires a pressure relief valve? A. Concentric B. Sliding vane C. Centrifugal

A. Megohmmeter A megohmmeter is a special type of ohmmeter used to measure very high values of resistance. Many megohmmeters have their ow high-voltage power supply built into them

What type of instrument is used for measuring vary high values of resistance? A Megohmmeter B. Shunt-type ohmmeter C. Multimeter

B. special high geade refrigeration oil The oil used in a vapor-cycle cooling system is a special high-grade refrigeration oil which is a highly refined mineral oul. It is treated to be free from water, sulfer, and wax. Be sure to use only the oil recommended in the aircraft servicing maunual

What type of oil is suitable for use in vapor-cycle cooling system? A. Low viscosity engine oil with the inability to absorb water B. special high grade refrigeration oil C. Highly refined synthetic oil, free from impurities with special water absorbing additives

B. Packing materials made for ester-base fluids Any packing used in a hydraulic system using Skydrol hydraulic fluid must be compatible with ester-based fluids, of which skydrol is a type. ONLY PACKIN SPECIFICALLy called out by part number should be used in an aircraft hydraulic system

What type of packings should be used in hydraulic components to be installed in a system containing Skydrol? A. AN packings made of natural rubber B. Packing materials made for ester-base fluid C. AN packings made of neoprene

B. Electronic Electronic capacitance type, remote reading, fuel quantity indicating system has several probes installed in each fuel tank. The total capacity of the probes accurately relates to the amount of fuel in the tank

What type of remote-reading fuel quantity indicating system has several probes installed in each fuel tank? A. Electromechanical B. Electronic C. Direct reading

A. Four port, closed-center valve Most commonly used selector valve in an aircraft hydraulic system is a four-port, closed center selector valve

What type of selector valve is one of the most commonly used in hydraulic systems to provide for simultaneous flow of fluid into and out of a connected actuating unit? A. Four-port, closed-center valve B. Three-port, four-way valve C. Two-port, open-center valve

C. Orifice valve An orifice check valve permits fluid to flow freely in one direction, but restricts the rate of flow in the opposite direction

What type of valve in an aircraft hydraulic system permits fluid to flow freely in one direction, but restricts the rate at which fluid is allowed to flow in the other direction A. Check valve B. Orifice restrictor C. Orifice valve

C. A shuttle valve A shuttle valve is used in a brake system to isolate the emergency brake system from the normal power-brake control valve system

What type of valve is used in the brake actuating line to isolate an emergency brake system from the normal power brake control valve system? A. A bypass valve B. An orifice check valve C. A shuttle valve

A. Reciever-dryer

What unit in a vapor-cycle cooling system serves as a reservoir for the refrigerant? A. Receiver-dryer B. Evaporator C. Condenser

B. Pressure-sensitive mechanism A pressure-sensitive mechanism (usually a bellows) is used to actuate a warning system

What unit is generally used to actuate the fuel pressure warming system? A. Fuel flowmeter B. Pressure-sensitive mechanism C. Fuel pressure gauge

B. Pressure-sensitive mechanism The contacts on the pressure-sensitive mechanism would be adjusted to change the pressure at which the fuel pressure at which the fuel pressure warning unit actuates

What unit would be adjusted to change the fuel pressure warning limits? A. Fuel flowmeter bypass valve B. Pressure-sensitive mechanism C. Fuel pressure relief valve

A. The altimeter and airspeed indicator will bth read low If an instrument static-pressure line becomes disconnected inside a pressurized cabin, the aliteter will indicate a lower altitude. The increase static pressure inside the airspeed indicator case will cause it to read low

What will be the result if the instrument static pressure line becomes disconnected inside a pressurized cabin during cruising flight? A. The altimeter and airspeed indicator will both read low B. The altimeter and airspeed indicator will both read high C. The altimeter will read low and the airspeed indicator will read high

C. Closing the nose, left and right wheel gear full retract switches In order for the amber indicator light to illuminate, all three of the landing gears must be in their up-and-locked position. The full retracted switches for the nosewheel, left wheel, and right wheel must all be closed

What will illuminate the amber indicator light? A. Closing the nosewheel gear fully retract switch B. Retarding one throttle and closing the left wheel gear locked down switch C. Closing the nose, left and right wheel gear full retract switches

C. Normal operation A displacement follow-up in an autopilot system develops a signal proportional to the amount of error sensed. It stops the control surface movement as soon as sufficient displacement has been reached. If the wing drops, the gyro senses an error and sends a signal to the to the aileron servo that moves the left aileron down. When the aileron moves an amount proportional to the amount the wing has dropped, the follow up system generates a signal equal to in amplitude but opposite in polarity to the error signal and cancels it. The left ing is still down and the aileron is deflected. Since the signals have canceled, the autopilot does not call for any more aileron deflection. As the aerodynamic forces bring the wing back to level flight attitude,an error signal opposite to the one that started the action is produced. The signal is gradually canceled. By the time the wing comes level, the aileron is in the streamlined position and there is no overshooting or oscillation

What will occur if an aircraft attitude is changed by its autopilot system in order to correct for an error and the involved control surfaces are returned to streamline by the time the aircraft has reached its correct position? A. Overshoot and oscillation B. Undershoot and oscillation C. Normal operation

C. The brakes could drag If the piston return spring in a master brake cylinder were to break, the breaks would not release properly and they would drag

What would be the effect if the piston return spring broke in a breakmaster cylinder A. The brakes would become spongy B. The brake travel would become excessive C. The brakes could drag

C. Increasing the output of the low generator and decreasing the output of the the high generator until they are equal An equalizer circuit in a multiengine DC generator system maintains an equal sharing of the load between all of the generators. When the load is shared unequally, the output voltage of the low generator is increased, and the output voltage of the high generator is decreased

When DC generators are operated in parallel to supply power for a single load, their controls include as equalizer circuit to assure that all generators share the load equally. The equalizer circuit operates by A. increasing the output of the low generator to equal the output of the high generator B. decreasing the output of the high generator to equal the output of the low generator C. increasing the output of the low generator and decreasing the output of the high generator until they are equal

C. changes to phosgene gas Open-flame leak detectors should be used on aircraft vapor-cycle cooling systems because of their fire hazard. Another reason for not using them is that any time Refrigerant-12 passes through an open flame, it produces phosgene, a deadly gas

When Refrigerant-12 is passed over an open flame, it A. changes the methane gas B. is broken down into its basic chemical elements C. changes to phosgene gas

B. 100 percent of the thickness of the base metal

When a butt-weld joint is visually inspected for penetration the penetration should be A. 50 percent of the thickness of the base metal B. 100 percent of the thickness of the base metal C. 75 percent of the thickness of the base metal

C. disconnected from the circuit When a semiconductor diode is checked for an open or short circuit, it is removed from the circuit and its resistance is checked with an ohmmeter

When a diode is checked for an open circuit or a short circuit, it should be A. in the circuit B. checked with a milliamp C. disconnected from the circuit

B. rejected A fiber stop nut should be rejected if it can be screwed onto the bolt or stud through the fiber using only the fingers. When the fiber is worn to this point, the nut can no longer be depended upon to hold against vibration

When a fiber or nylon insert-type self-locking nut can be threaded on a bolt or stud through the insert with only the fingers, it should be A. re-torqued frequently B. rejected C. reused only in a different location

B. Antiskid system When the landing gear strut indicates that the weight is off of the nading gear, the safety switch deactivates the antiskid system. An antiskid system has a provision that prevents the brakes from being applied, regardless of the position off the brake pedal, until weight is on the landing gear

When a landing gear safety switch on a main gear strut closes at liftoff, which system is deactivated? A. Landing gear position system B. Antiskid system C. Aural warning system

A. Oil seepage Lubricating oil is sealed in a vapor-cycle cooling system. If refrigerant leaks from the system, it is quite likely to carry some traces of oil with it Any trace of oil on the outside of hoses or components is a possible indication of the location of refrigerant leak

When a vapor-cycle cooling system is not operational, what is an indication that the system is leaking freon A. Oil seepage B. Bubbles in the sight glass C. An ozone-like odor in the immediate area

B. series with the light

When adding a rheostat to a light circuit to control the light intensity, it should be connected in A. parallel with the light B. series with the light C. series parallel with the light switch

B. Green When an air sample containing carbon monoxide passes over silica-gel crystals turn to a shade of green, The intensity of the green color is proportional to the concentration of carbon monoxide in the sample of air

When air samples contain carbon monoxide, portable carbon monoxide detectors containing yellow silica gel will turn which color? A. Blue B. Green C. Red

A. only after a period of age hardening An MS20470D rivet is an ice box rivet. it regains its half its strength after thawing and full strength after 4 days

When an MS20470D rivet is installed, its full shear strength is obtained A. only after a period of age hardening B. by the cold working of the rivet metal in forming a shop head C. by heat treating just prior to being driven

B- the fluid being forced through a metered opening. the internal landing impact is cushioned in an air-oil chock strut by the fluid being forced from one chamber to another through a metered opening

When an air/oil type of landing gear shock strut is used, the initial shock of landing is cushioned by A. compression of the air charge B. the fluid being forced through a metered opening C. compression of the fluid

B. of strainers and sumps is combined with periodic filter changes and inspection to ensure fuel is contaminant free Even though an aircraft is fueled from an uncontaminated source, the fuel tank sumps ad strainers must be periodically checked, as there is always the possibility of contamination from other sources

When an aircraft is fueled from a truck or fuel farm that has not been contaminated, daily draining A. is not required because fuel trucks and fuel farms may make use of laser contaminant identification technology B. of strainers and sumps is combined with periodic filter changes and inspection to ensure fuel is contaminant free C. is only required if the fuel truck or farm has not been in continuous service

C. Bubb;e testing with a special soap solution manufactured specifically for this purpose leak in the plumbinb of an oxygen system may be found by applying a solution of a special nonpetroluem-base soap to the suspenected area. If a leak is present, bubbles will form

When an aircraft's oxygen system has developed a leak, the lines and fittings should be A. removed and replaced B. inspected using a special oxygen system dye penetrant C. bubble testing with a special soap solution manufactured specifically for this purpose

C. trim position The control surface indicating system used in some aircraft notes the position of the primary flight control surface, and shows whether or not trim trim tab is set properly for the existing flight condition

When an airplane's primary flight control surface are set for a particular phase of flight, such as landing or takeoff, the corresponding control-surface indicating system will show A. flap/slat position B. speed break position C. trim position

C. so that loads imposed are transmitted to the aircraft structure An antenna must be installed on an aircraft in such a way that the loads imposed are transmitted into the aircraft structure

When an antenna is installed, it should be fastened A. to the primary structure at the approximate intersection of the three aircraft axes B. with a reinforcing doubler on each side of the aircraft skin C. so that loads imposed are transmitted to the aircraft structure

C. Altimeter The static system on an unpressurized aircraft can be checked for leakage by placing a negative pressure of approximately one inch of mercury on the static system and sealing it off. This negative pressure will cause the altimeter to increase its indication by approximately 1,000 feet. Seal the system and watch the altimeter for one minute. If the system is not leaking, the altimeter will not change its indication by more than 100 feet

When an unpressurized aircraft's static pressure system is leak checked to comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 91.411, what aircraft instrument may be used in lieu of a pitot-static system tester? A. Airspeed indicator B. Vertical speed indicator C. Altimeter

C. Doped on after the first or second coat of dope Finishing tape (surface tape) is applied to the wing surface with dope and is usually stuck down after the first or the second coat of dope has been applied

When and how is finishing tape applied on a fabric-covered aircraft? A. Sewed or laced on before dope is applied B. Doped on immediately prior to the finish coat C. Doped on after the first or second coat of dope

A. one There shall not be more than one splice in any one wire segment between any two connectors or other disconnect point unless it is specifically approved by the engineering department of the aircraft manufacturer

When approved, splices may be used to repair manufactured harness or installed wiring. The maximum number of splices permitted between any two connectors is A. one B. two C. three

C. the grain is perpendicular A plug of balsa wood can be used to replace a section of damaged honeycomb. When using balsa for repair, cut the plug so that its grain is perpendicular to the skin

When balsa wood is used to replace damaged honeycomb core, the plug should be cut so that A. the grain is parallel to the skin B. it is 1/8 inch undersize to allow sufficient bonding material to be applied C. the grain is perpendicular

A. 10 times the diameter of the cable Because it is essential that the center conductor of a coaxial remain in its exact center, coax should not be bent with a radius of less than 10 times its diamterr

When bending coaxial cable, the bend radius should be at least A. 10 times the diameter of the cable B. 15 times the diameter of the cable C. 20 times the diameter of the cable

C. neutral line The material on the outside of a curve stretchers, whole the material on the inside of the curve compresses. There is a location near the middle of the metal thickness that neither shrinks nor stretches. This is called the neutral line or the neutral axis of the material.

When bending metal, the material on the outside of the curve stretches while the material on the inside of the curve compresses. That part of the material which is not affected by either stress in the A. mold line B. bend tangent line C. neutral line

C. firm brake pedals Brakes are bled to remove all air from the fluid. When all of the air has been removed, the pedal will have a firm, rather spongy feel

When bleeding aircraft brakes, one of the indications that the air has been purged from the system is A. partial brake pedal travel B. full brake pedal travel C. firm brake pedals

A. Blockage in the system When changing a vapor-cycle air cooling system after it has been evacuated, refrigerant is put into the high side of the system. If the compound gauge, connected to the low side, fails to come out of a vacuum, there is a blockage in the system. The low side is not getting any refrigerant

When charging a vapor cycle cooling system after evaluation, the low-pressure guage fails to come out of a vacuum. What is indicated? A. Blockage in the system B. The expansion valve failed to close C. The compressor is not engaging

B. Lower speed with more pressure applied to the drill When drilling stainless steel, you should use a drill with a larger included angle. Use a lower speed and more pressure than you would use for aluminum alloy

When comparing the machining techniques for stainless steel material to those for aluminum alloy sheet, it is normally considered good practice to drill the stainless steel at a A. Higher speed with less pressure applied to the drill B. Lower speed with more pressure applied to the drill C. Lower speed with less pressure applied to the drill

C. 1 and 3 The correct spiral for a teflon backup ring is shown in 1 and 3. View 1 shows the ring before pressure is applied. View 3 shows the way the ring shapes itself when pressure is applied

Which illistron(s) show(s) the correct spiral for teflon backup rings A. 1 and 2 B. 3 C. 1 and 3

B. Dull thud Tap testing is a common technique used for the detection of delamination and/or disbond. The method is accomplished by tapping the inspection area with a solid round disk or lightweight hammer-like device and listening to the response. A clear, sharp noise is indicative of a well-bonded soli structure, while a dull or thud-like sound indicates a discrepant area

When conducting a tap test on a composite panel, which of the following sounds would be indicate delamination? A. Sharp ringing B. Dull thud C. Sharp thud

B. current-carrying capacity and allowable voltage drop When wire size is selected for an alteration of an aircraft electrical system, both the current-carrying capacity of the wire and the allowable voltage drop for the length of the wire must be considered

When considering an alteration, the criteria upon which the selection of electric cable size should be based are A. applied voltage and allowable voltage drop B. current-carrying capacity and allowable voltage drop C. current-carrying capacity and applied voltage

C. Always defuel outside the hanger Both fueling and defueling operations should be conducted outside with good ventilation

When defueling an aircraft, which of the following must be accomplished? A. Defuel inside the hanger when fire suppression is available B. Defuel outside the hanger when possible C. Always defuel outside the hanger

C. When the user inhales With a diluter-demand oxygen regulator, the demand valve opens each time the wearer of the mask inhales

When does the diluter-demand regulator operate? A. When the user selects alternate oxygen B. When the user selects 100 percent oxygen C. When the user inhales

C. aluminum foil and cellulose tape Dope proofing a structure is done by covering all the parts that will come in contact with doped fabric with a protective coating such as aluminum foil or cellulose tape

When dope-proofing the parts of the aircraft structure that come in contact with dope fabric, which of the following provide an acceptable protective coating? A. Resin impregnated cloth tape and cellulose tape B. Aluminum foil and resin impregnated cloth tape C. Aluminum foil and cellulose tape

C. 140* and turn at a low speed The drill used for drilling stainless steel should have a mush flatter angle than a drill used for soft material. A included angle for approximately 140* is good for stainless steel. When drilling stainless steel, the drill should turn at a slow speed

When drilling stainless steel, the drill used should have an included angle of A. 90* and turn at a low speed B. 118* and turn at a high speed C. 140* and turn at a low speed

A. that function is inoperative warning flags show in an HSI when the function identified by the flag is inoperative. Warning flags are included in the navigation, gyro, and glide slope

When flags such as NAV, HDG, or GS are displayed on an HSI, the indication is A. that function is inoperative B. that function is operating C. to call attention to deviation from the desired setting, or flight path, or heading, etc.

A. varies with temperature change An indication of the weight of the fuel in an aircraft fuel tank is more important than a measure of its volume. The engine uses the fuel on the basis of its weight, and the volume of the fuel in the tanks changes as the temperature of the fuel changes

When fuel quantity is measured in pounds instead of gallons, the measurement will be more accurate because fuel volume A. varies with temperature change B. increases when temperature decreases C. varies with changes in atmospheric pressure

C. is fully discharged before removing it from the circuit A high-voltage capacitor can store enough electrical charge to cause a dangerous shock when it is removed from the circuit. Before removing any high-voltage capacitor, short across its terminals with an insulated-handle screwdriver to fully discharge it

When handling a high voltage capacitor in an electrical circuit, be sure it A. has a full charge before removing it from the circuit B. has at least a residual charge before removing it from the circuit C. is fully discharged before removing it from the circuit

B. A glossy, blush-free finish Hydrated wash primer is a washer that has enough water added to properly convert the phosphoric aced to a phosphate film on the metal. When this primar is applied to the surface, it is ready for a topcoat after it has been allowed to cure for at least 30 minutes. It should produce a glossy, blush-free finish

When humidity is low, what is likely to occur if hydrated wash primer is applied to unpainted aluminum an then 30-40 minutes later, a finish top coat is applied? A. Corrosion B. A glossy, blush-free finish C. A dull finish due to the topcoat "sinking in" to primer that is still too soft

A. a shear section on the main hydraulic pump drive shaft If the system pressure regulator and all of the system pressure relief valves fail, a shear section in the main hydraulic pump shaft will break This will protect the system against overpressure

When hydraulic system pressure control and relief units fail to function properly, how are most systems protected against overpressure? A. A shear section on the main hydraulic pump drive shaft B. One or more hydraulic fuses installed in the pressure and return lines C. A shuttle valve interconnecting the main and emergency systems

B. separation of the lamination When using the ring/tap test of inspecting a composite panel, a solid ringing sound usually indicates a sound material, but a dull thud may indicate a seperation of the laminates, and the material should be examined more closely

When inspecting a composite panel using the ring/tapping method, a dull thud may be indicate A. less than full strength curing of the matrix B. separation of the lamination C. an area of too much matrix between fiber layers

C. the safety wire ends are wrapped a minimum of four turns around the terminal end shanks When a turnbuckle is properly installed there should be no more than three threads exposed from either side of the turnbuckle barrel, and it should be safetied with at least four turns of the safety wire around the terminal-end shanks

When inspecting a control cable turnbuckle for proper installation, determine that A. no more the four threads are exposed on either side of the turn buckle barrel B. the terminal end threads are visible through the safety hole in the barrel C. the safety wire ends are wrapped a minimum of four turns around the terminal end shanks

C. operating In order to inspect a fuel system for leaks, you should inspect all of the valves located downstream of the booster pump, with the pumps operating and producing maximum pressure

When inspecting a fuel system, you should check all valves located downstream of boost pumps with the pumps A. at idle B. dormant C. operating

A. pressurize the tank with air and brush with soapy water After a removable rigid fuel tank has been repaired, it should be pressurized with noo more than 1/2 psi air pressure and all seams and the repare area should be inspeted by brushing on liquid soap or soap bubble solution to check for leaks

When inspecting a removable rigid fuel tank for leaks, what procedure should be followed? A. pressurize the tank with air and brush with soapy water B. fill the tank with soapy water and pressurize with air and brush with soapy water C. pressurize the tank with air to submerge in water to locate leaks

C. minimum recommended torque plus friction drag torque When installing a castle nut, start alignment with a cotter pin hole at the minimum recommended torque plus friction drag torque. DO NOT EXCEED MAX TORQUE plus the friction drag. If the hole and nut castellation do not align, change the washer or nut and try again

When installing a castle nut, start alignment with a cotter pin hole at the A. minimum recommended torque without friction drag torque B. maximum recommended torque minus friction drag torque C. minimum recommended torque plus friction drag torque

C. the direction of fluid pressure A chevron seal is installed in a hydraulic component in such a way that the open sides of the seal face in the direction of the fluid pressure When the seal is properly installed, the hydraulic pressure will force the seal tightly against the cylinder wall

When installing a chevron-type seal in an aircraft hydraulic cylinder, the open side of the seal should face A. opposite the direction of fluid pressure B. up or forward when the unit is installed in a horizontal position C. the direction of fluid pressure

C. 16 inch rigid fuel lines installed in a aircraft should be supported by clamps or brackets at the distances specified in AC 43.13-1B. For a 1/2-inch line the supports should be installed every 16 inches along the run of the line

When installing a rigid fuel line, 1/2 inch in diameter at what intervals should the line be supported? A. 24 inch B. 12 inch C. 16 inch

B. The mechanic installing the instrument When an instrument is installed in an aircraft instrument panel, it is the responsibility of the technician making the installation to be sure the instrument is properly marked for the aircraft in which it is being installed

When installing an instrument in an aircraft, who is responsible for making sure it is properly marked? A. The aircraft owner or pilot B. The mechanic installing the instrument C. The manufacturer of the instrument

C. at two-foot intervals when installing a coaxial cable, secure the cable firmly along its entire length at intervals of approximately every two feet

When installing coaxial cable, it should be secured firmly along its entire length A. at one-foot intervals B. whatever the cable sags C. at two-foot intervals

C. centerline on the airplane a DME antenna should be mounted on the center line of the belly of an airplane

When installing the DME antenna, it should be aligned with the A. VOR antenna B. chord line C. centerline on the airplane

B. tightened to a firm fit, then backed off one full turn When bolts and self-locking nuts are used to hold transparent plastic enclosures in place, the nut should be tightened to a firm fir, then backed off one full turn. This installation procedure allows the plastic material to expand and contract without placing it under stress

When installing transparent plastic enclosures which are retained by bolts extending through the plastic material and self-locking nuts, the nuts should be A. tightened to a firm fit plus one full turn B. tightened to a firm fit, then backed off one full turn C. tightened to a firm fit

A. MEK MEK is used for cleaning an area of fiberglass structure to be repaired by bonding

When making repairs to fiberglass, cleaning of the area to be repaired is essential for a good bond. The final cleaning should be made using A. MEK B. soap, water, and a scrub brush C. a thixotropic agent

A. slightly increase before the engine starts to idle

When moving the mixture control on a normally operating engine into the idle cuttoff position, engine RPM should A. slightly increase before the engine starts to die B. slightly decrease and then drop rapidly C. remain the same until the cutoff is effected, then drop rapidly

A. When the transmitter has been in use for more than one cumulative hour According to 14 CFR 91.207, the batteries of an ELT must be replaced or recharged * by the date marked on the outside of the transmitter *when the transmitter has been in use for more than one sumulative hour *when 50 percent of their useful life has expired

When must the emergency locator transmitter (ELT) battery be replaced (other than reading the replacement date)? A. When the transmitter has been in use for more than one cumulative hour B. Must be replaced annually or it the five-G switch has been activated C. When the transmitter has been tested more than ten times

A. When the aircraft is operated outside the United States A radio station license issued by the FCC was formerly required to be displayed in all operating aircraft equipped with a two-way radio. A recent change in the FCC regulations requires this license to be in the aircraft only when it is operated outside the United States

When must the radio station license be displayed in an aircraft equipped with a two-way radio? A. When the aircraft is operated outside the United States B. When the aircraft is returned to service C. When the aircraft is certified for IFR flight

A. a switch in the cockpit Constant speed drive units are equipped with an electrically actuated disconnected that is controlled manually by a switch in the cockpit or automatically by the generator control unit. The disconnected is actuated in the event of certain types of generator malfunctions

When necessary during operation, CSD disconnected is usually accomplished by A. a switch in the cockpit B. circuit breaker activation C. a shear section in the input shaft

C. water only An improper cutting fluid used for machining composite materials would contaminate the material and prevent subsequent bonding. For this reason, water is the only fluid normally approved for use in machining composite materials

When necessary, what type of cutting fluid is usually acceptable for machining composite laminations? A. Water soluble oil B. Water displacing oil C. Water only

B. Landing light retraction motor A landing light retraction motor is the most likely of the motor listed here to have an armature brake. The brake causes the armature to stop turning as soon as the switch is released

Which motor would be most likely to have an armature brake? A. Starter motor B. Landing light retraction motor C. Inverter drive motor

A. only after the gyros come up to speed and the amplifier warms up When operationally checking an autopilot system on the ground, the autopilot should not be engaged until the gyros are up to speed and the amplifier is properly warmed up

When operational checking an autopilot system on the ground, after the aircraft's main power has been switched on, the autopilot should be engaged A. only after the gyros come up to speed and the amplifier warms up B. whenever the operator desires C. for only a few minutes at a time

B. maintenance instructions published by the aircraft and/or equipment manufacturer The necessary information for overhauling electrical equipment is provided in the maintenance instructions published by the aircraft or the equipment manufacturer

When overhauling electrical equipment, all necessary information should be obtained from A. the aircraft maintenance manual B. maintenance instructions published by the aircraft and/or equipment manufacturer C. illustrated parts manual for the aircraft

A. circular or elliptical patches Circular or elliptical patches are used when patching aircraft plywood skin to prevent abrupt changes in the cross-sectional area of the skin. If a rectangular or triangular patch is used, the corners must have ample radii

When patching a plywood skin, abrupt changes in cross-sectional areas which will develop dangerous stress concentration should be avoided by using A. circular or elliptical patches B. square patches C. doublers with any desired shaped patches

C. negative pressure The altimeter, airspeed indicator, and vertical speed indicator that are attached to an aircraft static air system all work on negative pressure. Static system leakage tests are performed using a negative pressure of approximately one inch of mercury

When performing the static system leakage check required by 14 CFR 91.411, the technician utilizes A. static pressure B. positive pressure C. negative pressure

B. the layout should be made so that the bed will be 90* to the grain of the steet For the gratest strength in a bend piece of material, the layout should always be made so that the bend will be perpendicular to the grain of the sheet

When piece of aluminum alloy is to be bent using a minimum radius for the type an thickness of material, A. the piece should be bent slowly to eliminate cracking B. the layout should be made so that the bend will be 90* to the grain of the sheet C. less pressure than usual should be applied with the movable (upper) clamp bar

B. Prevent excessive loss of refrigeralt oil When purging the refrigerant from a vapor-cycle air cooling system, the refrigerant should be released at a slow rate to prevent the loss of refrigerant oil. The oil and refrigerant are sealed in the system, If the refrigerant is released too rapidly, it can blow some of the oil out with it

When purging a freon air conditioning system, it is important to release the charge at a slow rate. What is the reason for the slow-rate discharge? A. Prevent the large amount of freon from contaminating the surrounding atmosphere B. Prevent excessive loss of refrigerant oil C. Prevent condensation from forming and contaminating the system

A. the shear strength of the rivet joint When repairing a small hole in a metal stressed skin, the rivets should take all the stress from the skin and carry it into the patch. On the opposite side of the damage, this stress is carried back into the skin. The shear strength of the riveted joints should be

When repairing a small hole on a metal stressed skin, the major consideration in the design of the patch should be A. the shear strength of the rivet joint B. to use rivet spacing similar to a seam in the skin C. that the bond between the patch and the skin is sufficient to prevent dissimilar metal corrosion

B. use short strips of fiberglass in the bonded repair Using a long strip of glass fiber resin to attach a hinge to a large flat surface will cause the surface to warp, but if short strips of fiberglass are used to bond the fasteners to the panel, the warpage will be minimized

When repairing large, flat surfaces with polyester resins, warping the surface is likely to occur. One method of reducing the amount of warpage is to A. add an extra amount of catalyst to the resin B. use short strips of fiberglass in the bonded repair C. use less catalyst than normal so the repair will be more flexible

B. 100 times the thickness of the metal When repairing puncture type damage to a metal-faced laminated honeycomb panel, cut a piece of aluminum alloy the same thickness or thicker than the original face. taper the edges of this patch back to a ratio of about 100 to 1

When repairing puncture-type damage to a metal faced laminated honeycomb panel, the edges of the doubler should be tapered to A. two times the thickness of the metal B. 100 times the thickness of the metal C. whatever is desired for a neat, clean appearance

B. Place a protective separator between areas of potential electrical difference One precaution to be observed when riteting together dissimilar metals is to be placed a nonconductive separator between the two surfaces. This separator prevents the migration of electrons between the areas of electrode potential difference

When riveting dissimilar metals together, what precautions must be taken to prevent an electrolytic action? A. Treat the surfaces to be riveted together with a process called anodic treatment B. Place a protective separator between areas of potential electrical difference C. Avoid the use of dissimilar metals by redesigning the unit according to the recommendations outlined in AC 43.13-1A

A. have at least one bend between such fittings Never install a straight length of tubing between two ridigly mounted fittings. Always incorporate at least one bend between such fittings to absorb strain caused by vibration and temperature changes

When routing a fuel line between two rigidly mounted fittings the line should A. have at least one bend between such fittings B. be a straight length of tubing and clamped to the aircraft structure C. have a flexible line added between two metal lines to allow for ease of instillation

B. the proper AMS number used Using welding rods that are compatible with the materials to be welded. Welding rods for various applications have properties suitable for the application intended and will be identified by the AMS number

When selecting a welding rod, one of the most important factors to consider is to ensure that A. ferrous rods are used on aluminum B. the proper AMS number used C. nonferrous rods are used on steel

B. rivet length The length of the rivet does not enter into the determining the minimum rivet spacing The diameter and the type/thickness of the materdo determine the rivet spacing

Which of the following need not be considered when determining minimum rivet spacing? A. rivet diameter B. rivet length C. type of material being riveted

A. Mechanical strength, ease of installation, amount of current to be carried Hardware used for attaching bonding bonding connections to an aircraft structure should be selected on the basis of mechanical strength, the amount of current to be carried, and the ease of installation

When selecting hardware for attaching bonding connections to an aircraft structure, which of the following should be considered? A. Mechanical strength, ease of installation, amount of current to be carried B. Permissible voltage drop, amount of current to be carried, type of load C. Mechanical strength, allowable power loss, ease of installation

C. Aircradt manufactueres maintenance maual or isntruction late affixed to the unit When servicing aircraft hydraulic systems, be sure to use only the type of fluid specified in the aircraft manufacturer's maintenance maual or on the instruction plate attached to the resivoir or to the unit

When servicing aircraft hydraulic systems, use the type fluid specified in the A. aircraft manufactures maintenance manual B. instruction plate affixed to the unit C. aircraft manufacturer's maintenance manual or instruction plate affixed to the unit

B. check oil and add as necessary, and add freon if an air conditioning system has lost its freon charge, the oil level should be checked and oil added if needed. The system is the evacuated by subjecting t to an extremely low pressure (a high vacuum) for a period of time. Freon is then put into the system while it is under vacuum

When servicing an air conditioning system that has lost all of its freon, it is necessary to A. check oil and add as necessary, evacuate the system, relieve vacuum, and add freon B. check oil and add as necessary, evacuate the system, and add freon C. check oil and add as necessary, and add freon

A. collapsed and fluid at the filler opening To service an air-oil shock strut, bleed all of the air out to collapse the strut, and remove the strut filler valve. Completely fill the strut by moving the piston into and out of the cylinder to work all of the air out of the strut. Replace the filler valve and, with the weight of the aircraft on the wheel, fill the strut with compressed air or nitrogen until the strut extends to the correct height

When servicing an air/oil shock strut with MIL-5606 the strut should be A. collapsed and fluid added at the filler opening B. fully extended and fluid added at the filler opening C. partially extended and fluid added at the filler opening

C. proper packing ring seating and removal of air bubbles When a shock strut has been filled with fluid, it should be extended and compressed at least twice to be sure that all the packing rings are properly seated and all the air is worked out of the fluid

When servicing an empty shock strut with fluid, the strut should be completely compressed and extend several times to ensure A. the piston rod and wiper are lubricated with hydraulic fluid B. all excess hydraulic fluid is forced out of the strut C. proper packing ring seating and removal of air bubbles

A. straighten cold and reinforced If a structural member made of 2024-T4 aluminum alloy is bent, it should be straightened cold and then reinforced

When straightening members made of 2024-T4, you should A. straighten cold and reinforced B. straighten cold and anneal to remove stress C. apply heat to the inside of the bend

B. 70 percent of the original strength for intermediate fabric Aircraft fabric is allowed to deteriorate to 70% of its required strength. When an airplane requiring intermediate fabric, whose new tensile strength is 65 pounds per inch, is covered with Grade A fabric whose new strength is 80 pounds per inch, the fabric can deteriorate to 70 percent of the strength of new intermediate fabric, or 46 pounds per inch, before it must be replaced

When testing the strength of Grade A cotton fabric covering an aircraft that requires only intermediate grade, the minimum acceptable strength the fabric must have A. 70 percent of its original strength B. 70 percent of the original strength for intermediate fabric C. 56 pounds per inch warp and fill

A. corrosion Wash primer requires moisture to convert the phosphoric acid into a protective film on the surface of the metal. If unhydrated primer, primer without enough water to effect the mixture, is applied, and within 30-40 minutes it is covered with a dense film of a finish such as a polyurethane, there is good probability that filiform corrosion will form under the polyurethane

When the humidity is low, what is likely to occur if unhydrated wash primer is applied to unpainted aluminum and then, about 30 to 40 minutes later, a finished topcoat is applied? A. Corrosion B. A glossy, blush-free finish C. A dull finish due to the topcoat "sinking in" to primer that is still too soft

B. also increse

When the lift of an airfoil increases, the drag will A. decrease B. also increase C. increase edge to trailing edge

B. 117 pounds minimum, 143 pounds maximum Follow the vertical line for 80*F upward until it intersects the curve for 3/16 inch cable. This intersection falls on the horizontal line for a nominal cable tension of 130 pounds The chart gives a tolerance of plus or minus 10 percent of the minimal reading. This gives a range between 117 pounds as a minimum value (130 pounds - 13 pounds) an 143 pounds (130 pounds +13 pounds) as the maximum value

When the outside air temperature is 80*F, select the acceptable 3/16 cable tension range A. 130 pound minimum, 140 pound maximum B. 117 pound minimum, 143 pound maximum C. 120 pound minimum, 140 pound maximum

A. Corrosion resisting steel Any metal parts installed near a magnetic compass should be nonmagnetic. The only non magnetic metal of which cuter pins are made that is listed among the alternatives is corrosion-resistant steel

When used in close proximity to magnetic compasses, cotter pins are made of what material? A. Corrosion resisting steel B. Anodized aluminum alloy C. Cadmium-plated low carbon steel

A. parallel with each other and in series with the light In fire-detection systems using a single indicator light, the thermal switches are wired in parallel with each other, and the entire combination of switches is in series with the indicator light

When used in fire-detection systems having a single indicator light, thermal switches are wired in A. parallel with each other and in series with the light B. series with each other and the light C. series with each other and parallel with the light

A. Bourdon tube most hydraulic pressure gauges use a bourdon tube

Which of the following operating mechanisms would be found in a hydraulic pressure gauge? A. Bourdon tube B. Pressure diaphragm C. Evacuated bellows

C. shows vey low resistance if it is a series field coil Series field coils are wound of relatively few turns of heavy wire and have a very low resistance. All of the generator output current flows through them

When using an Ohmmeter to check the continuity of a generator field coil, the coil should A. be removed from the generator housing B. show high resistance when the meter prods are connected to the terminals of the coil C. shows very low resistance if it is a series field coil

A. input voltage must be maintained at a constant value When using the voltage-drop method to check circuit resistance, the input voltage must be maintained at the constant value

When using the voltage drop method of checking circuit resistance, the A. input voltage must be maintained at a constant value B. output voltage must be maintained at a constant value C. input voltage must be varied

A. 15 psi the acetylene should never be set higher than 15 psi

When welding or cutting, the acetylene pressure gauge should never be set higher than A. 15 psi B. 20 psi C. 25 psi

A. When the throttle is retarded and gear is not down and locked A landing gear warning system will cause a warning horn in the cockpit to sound when the throttle is pulled back, as it would be for landing if the landing gears are not all down and locked

When will a continuous horn provide a warning in the cockpit? A. When the throttle is retarded and gear is not down and locked B. When the throttle is advanced and gear is down and locked C. When the throttle is retarded and gear is down and locked

B. To ensure safety in case of a defective wheel or broken tie bolts If an aircraft tire is deflated before the axle not is loosened, the wheel halves will not spread apart in case some of the wheel bolts are damaged or weakened

When working with high pressure, high performance tires, why is it recommended to deflate the tires when removing wheels from the axle? A. To relieve the strain on the wheel retaining nut and axle threads B. To ensure safety in case of a defective wheel or broken tie bolts C. To reduce the size of the tire for ease of removal

B. When flying or communicating within the United States The FCC regulations require a restricted radio telephone operator permit only when the aircraft is operated outside the United States

When would a U.S resident NOT be required to hold a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Restricted Radio Telephone Operator Permit to operate two-way aircraft VHF radio equipment? A. When flying to or communicating with destinations outside the United States B. When flying or communicating within the United States C. When the radio equipment is operated in aircraft certified for VFR flight only

A. Laminated in the glass The thermistor-type heat sensor in an electrically heated windshield are laminated into the glass panels

Where are the heating elements located on most aircraft with electrically heated windshields? A. Laminated in the glass B. Attached to the glass C. Inside the windshield frame

A. Fluid manuacturer's technical bulletins Manufacturers tenchical bulletins provide information on the compatability of fire-resistant hydraulic fluids with aircraft materials

Where can information be obtained about the compatability of fire-resistant hydraulic fluid with aircraft materials? A. Fluid manufacturer's technical bulletins B. Aircraft manufacturer's specifications C. AC 43.13-1A

A. Breakage usually occurs when cables pass over pulleys and through fairleads The wires in a control cable are most likely to break where the cable runs over, under, or around a pulley, sleeve, or through a fair-leed

Where does the breakage of control cable wires occur more frequently? A. Breakage usually occurs when cables pass over pulleys and through fairleads B. Breakage sites are unpredictable and usually occur randomly anywhere along the length of a cable C. Breakage usually occurs where cables are swaged to turnbuckle and ball terminal

C. Expansion turbine In an air-cycle air conditioning system, hot compressor bleed air mixes with bleed air that has been cooled in the primay heat exchanger. The air leaving the mixer is held at a constant temperature of 300*F. This 300*F air is compressed by the regrigeration unit compressor, then flows through the secondary heat exchanger for its intitial cooling. After giving up some of its heat in the seconday heat exchanger, it flows through the expansion turbine where it gives up mre heat energy for its last stage of cooling. From the expansion turbine, the cool air is mised with just enough 300*F air to maintain its temperature at the level called for by the cabin temperature regulator

Where does the last stage of cooling in an air-cycle air conditioning system occur? A. Refrigeration unit compressor B. Secondary heat exchanger C. Expansion turbine

B. Fuel pressure line of the carburetor The fuel pressure warning sifnal used with most aircraft engines is taken from the fuel-pressure line that goes into the fuel inlet of the carburetor

Where is fuel pressure tanken for the pressure warning signal on most aircraft? A. Outlet side of the boost pump B. Fuel pressure line of the carburetor C. Between the fuel pump and the strainer

B. 137 inches aft of the zero or fixed reference line Fuseage station 137 is located 137 inches aft of the fuselage station 0 (datum)

Where is fuselage station No.137 located? A. 137 centimeters aft of the nose or fixed reference line B. 137 inches aft of the zero or fixed reference line C. Aft of the engine

A. AC 43.13-1B The list of acceptable species of wood materials used in aircraft structures is found in Table 1.1 of AC 43.13

Where is information found concerning acceptable species substitutions for wood materials used in aircraft repairs? A. AC 43.13-1B B. Aircraft Specifications or Type Certificate Data Sheets C. Technical Standard Orders

C. A width measurement left or right og, and parallel to, the vertical centerline A buttock line on an aircraft is a width measurement to the left or right of, and parallel to, the vertical center line of an aircraft

Where is the buttock line or buttline of an aircraft? A. A height measurement left or right of, and perpendicular to, the horizontal centerline B. A width measurement left of, and perpendicular to, the vertical centerline C. A width measurement left or right of, and parallel to, the vertical centerline

C. Vertical speed indicator,altimeter, and airspeed indicator The vertical speed indicator, the altimeter ad the airspeed indicator are connected to the aircraft pitot-static system

Which instruments are connected to an aircraft's pitot-static system? A. Cabin altimeter and cabin rate of change indicator B. Vertical speed indicator and altimeter C. Vertical speed indicator, altimeter, and airspeed indicator

B. Stamped on the generator data plate The current rating of a generator is usually stamped on the generator data plate. If the rating is not on the data plate, it may be found in the generator specifications by referring to the part number of the generator, which is stamped on the data plate

Where is the generator rating and performance data located? A. In the pilot operating handbook B. Stamped on the generator data plate C. In the aircraft maintenance manual

A. On the main gear shock strut The landing gear safety switch, or squat switch, is usually located on one of the main landing-gear shock strut

Where is the landing gear safety switch usually located? A. On the main gear shock strut B. On the landing gear drag brace C. On the pilot's control pedestal

B. Above the antenna The strongest signals come from, or are received at, 90* to the length of the antenna. There is no field generated off of the end of the antenna

Where is the strongest signal for this antenna? A. Below the antenna B. Above the antenna C. Ahead of the antenna

A. Aircraft flight manual or aircraft maintenance manual Engine instruments should be marked in accordance with the information found in the aircraft specifications or Type Certificate Data Sheets for the aircraft in which the instrument is installed. This information is also found in the aircraft maintenance manual or the aircraft flight manual

Where may a person look for the information necessary to determine the required markings on an engine instrument? A. Aircraft flight manual or aircraft maintenance manual B. Engine manufacturers specifications C. Instrument manufacturer's specifications

B. Painted on the surface to be welded and applied to the welding rod The flux is painted directly on the top and the bottom of the joint, and if a filler rod is used, it is also coated with flux

Where should the flux be applied when oxyacetylene welding aluminum? A. Painted only on the surface to be welded B. Painted on the surface to be welded and applied to the welding rod C. Applied only to the welding rod

C. Aircraft service or maintenance manual The precise information needed to perform a symmetry-allignment check for a particular aircraft is in the service or maintenance manual for that aircraft

Where would you find precise information to perform a symmetry alignment check for a particular aircraft? A. Aircraft Specifications or Type Certificate Data Sheet B. Manufacturer's service bulletin C. Aircraft service or maintenance manual

A. 14 CFR Part 91 The operating conditions that make a 100-hour inspection mandatory are found in 14 CFR 91.409(b)

Where would you find the operating conditions that make a 100-hour inspection mandatory? A. 14 CFR Part 91 B. 14 CFR Part 43 C. 14 CFR 43.13-2A

B. 14 CFR Part 43 The recommended statement for approving or disapproving an aircraft for return to serice after a 100-hour or annual inspection is found in 14 CFR 43.11

Where would you find the recommended statement for recording the approval or disapproval for return to service of an aircraft after a 100-hour or annual inspection A. 14 CFR Part 65 B. 14 CFR Part 43 C. 14 CFR Part 91

A. Electronic An electronic system incorperates a signal amplifier

Which aircraft fuel quantity indicating system incorporates a signal amplifier? A. Electronic B. Sight glass C. Electric

B. Difference between the ambient and internal air pressure Cabin differential pressure is the difference between the pressure inside the cabin and the pressure of the outside, or ambient air

Which best describes cabin differential pressure? A. Difference between cabin flight altitude pressure and mean sea level pressure B. Difference between the ambient and internal air pressure C. Difference between cabin pressure controller setting and actual cabin pressure

A. Elevator The autopilot detects changes in pitch attitude in the elevator control channel

Which channel of an autopilot detects changes in pitch attitude of an aircraft? A. Elevator B. Aileron C. Rudder

C. Minimum maintenance requirements, lightweight and simple to inspect Hydraulic systems have many advantages as a power source for operating various aircraft units. Hydraulic systems combine the advantages of light weight, ease of imspection, simplicity of inspection, and minimum maintenance requirements. Hydraulic operations are also almost 100% efficient, with only a neglagible loss due to friction

Which characteristics apply to aircraft hydraulic system? A. About 80 percent operating efficiency (20 percent loss due to fluid friction) B. Minimum maintenance requirements and simple to inspect C. Minimum maintenance requirements, lightweight, and simple to inspect

B. Vacuum relief valve improperly adjusted Excessive vacuum in a vacuum system could be caused by an improperly adjusted vacuum relief valve. A vacuum relief valve is a spring-loaded, flat-disk valve that opens at a preset amount of vacuum to allow air to enter the system. If the spring is set with too much compression, the vacuum will have to be greater to allow the disk to offset and allow air to enter the system

Which condition would be most likely to cause excessive vacuum in a vacuum system? A. Vacuum pump overspeed B. Vacuum relief valve improperly adjusted C. Vacuum relief valve spring weak

B. Blushing Blushing is a condition in dope or lacquer finishes in which moisture from the atmosphere condenses on the surface and causes some of the cellulose to precipitate from the finish. Blushing leaves a porous, dull, and weak finish. Blushing may be caused by the temperature being too low, the humidity being too high, or by drafts or sudden changes in temperature

Which defect in aircraft finishes may be caused by adverse humidity, drafts, or sudden changes in temperature? A. Orange peel B. Blushing C. Pinholes

C. 60:40 60 fiber to 40 resin It is the fibers that carry the strength in a composite structure and a 60 fiber : 40 resin gives the most strength

Which fiber to resin (percent) ratio for advanced composite wet lay-ups is generally considered the best for strength? A. 40:60 B. 50:50 C. 60:40

C. thermocouple The thermocouple-type fire-detection system is activated by an abnormal rate of temperature rise

Which fire-detection system measure temperature rise compared to a reference temperature? A. Fenwal continuous loop B. Lindberg continuous element C. Thermocouple

B. Halon 1301 (im not typing that again)

Which fire-extinguishing agent is considered to be the least toxic? A. Carbon dioxide B. Bromotrifluoromethane (Halon 1301) C. Bromochloromethane (Halon 1011)

A. Vertical speed indicator and altimeter Only the vertical speed indicator and the altimeter are connected to the aircrafts static pressure system only. The cabin altimeter and cabin rate-of-change indicator sense their static pressure from inside the cabin. The airspeed indicator is connected to the aircraft's static pressure system and to the pitot system

Which instruments are connected to an aircraft's static pressure system only? A. Vertical speed indicator and altimeter B. Cabin altimeter and rate-or-change indicator C. Vertical speed indicator, altimeter, and airspeed indicator

B. case paint chipped

Which insturment condition is acceptable and would not require correction? A. Red line missing B. Case paint chipped C. Fogged

A. Flammable under normal conditions Petroleum-base hydraulic fluid is flammable under normal conditions. Because of the flammability of mineral-base fluid, synthetic fluids have been developed

Which is a characteristic of petroleum-base hydraulic fluid? A. Flammable under normal conditions B. Compatible to natural rubber seals and packings C. Nonflammable under all conditions

B. High flash point One of the main advantages of the new synthetic-base hydraulic fluids over the older mineral-base hydraulic fluids is their higher flash point

Which is a characteristic of synthetic-base hydraulic fluid? A. Low moisture retention B. High flash point C. Low flash point

C. cotter pin use safety wire or a cotter pin

Which is an acceptable safety device for a castle nut when installed on secondary structures? A. star washer B. lock washer C. cotter pin

A. Zinc chloride will have no effect A quick and easy way to distinguish between cellulose acetate plastic and acrylic plastic is to put a drop of zinc chloride on them. ZC will have no effect on acrylic plastic but will turn cellulose acetate a milky white color

Which is an identifying characteristic of acrylic plastics? A. Zinc chloride will have no effect B. Acrylic has a yellowish tint when viewed from the edge C. Acetone will not soften plastic, but will change its color

A. Supplement physical inspections with periodic operational carbon monoxide detection tests It is a good operating practice, when using exhaust-type heat exchangers for cabin heat, to periodically check for the presence of carbon monoxide

Which is considered a good practice concerning the inspection of heating and exhaust systems of aircraft utilizing a jacket around the engine exhaust as a heat source? A. Supplement physical inspections with periodic operational carbon monoxide detection tests B. All external system components should be removed periodically, and their condition determined by the magnetic-particle inspection method C. All exhaust system components should be removed and replaced at each 100-hour inspection period

B. When rivets are used, adequate spacer or other satisfactory means to prevent excessive tightening of the frame to the plastic should be provided. If rivets are used to install a transparent plastic panel or a windshield, spacers should be used to prevent the rivets from excessively tightening the frame on the plastic

Which is considered good practice concerning the installation of acrylic plastics? A. When nuts and bolts are used the plastic should be installed hot and tightened to a firm fit before the plastic cools B. When rivets are used, adequate spacer or other satisfactory means to prevent excessive tightening of the frame to the plastic should be provided. C. When rivets or nuts and bolts are used, slotted holes are not recommended

A. Apply pressure on the forward stroke, only, except when filing very soft metals such as lead or aluminum To prevent unde wear on the file, when filing any metal other than lead or soft aluminum, apply pressure only during the forward stroke. Relieve pressure during the return stroke.

Which is correct concerning the use of a file? A. Apply pressure on the forward stroke, only, except when filing very soft metals such as lead or aluminum B. A smoother finish can be obtained by using a double-cut file than by using a single-cut file C. The term "double-cut" and "second-cut" have the same meaning in reference to files

C. 3 The grip length of a rivet is the total thickness of the material held together by the rivet. In this question, the grip length is dimension 3

Which is the grip length of the flush rivet? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

B. If the time required to operate the mechanism decreases with successive operations, it indicates the air is being worked out of the system It is a normal procedure for a double-acting system such as the flap operating mechanism to have air in it when it is first installed To remove the air, the system is cycled through its operation a number of times. As the air is expeled from the system, the operating time will decrease because of the loss of the compressible fluid in the system

Which is true regarding the ground check of a flap operating mechanism which has just been installed? A. If the time required to operate the mechanism increases with successive operations, it indicates the iar being worked out of the system B. If the time required to operate the mechanism decreases with successive operations, it indicates the air is being worked out of the system C. All hydraulic lines and components should be checked for leaks by applying soapy water to all connections

A. Eliminate the action of the unloading valve Before any pressure relief valves in a hydraulic system can be adjusted, the pressure regulator, which is also known as the uloafinf valve ,must be temporarily set to a pressure above that of the relief valve being set, or its action must be eliminated in some other way. If the operation of the unloaing valve is not eliminated, the pressure eill never riase enoufh to adjust the relief valve

Which must be done before adjusting the relief valve of a main hydraulic system incorporating a pressure regulator? A. Eliminate the action of the unloading valve B. Adjust all other system relief valves which have a lower pressure setting C. Manually unseat all system check valves to allow unrestricted flow in both directions

A. 1 1 is a DME radar beacon trans-sponder 2 is a glide slope antenna 3 is a VOR and localizer antenna 4 is a VHF communications antenna

Which of the antennas show a typical DME antenna A. 1 B. 2 C. 4

A. 2 1 is a DME radar beacon trans-sponder 2 is a glide slope antenna 3 is a VOR and localizer antenna 4 is a VHF communications antenna

Which of the antennas shown is a typical glideslope antenna A. 2 B. 3 C. 4

C. 3 The batteries in 1 are connected in series The batteries in 2 are connected in parallel The batteries in 3 are not corrected properly. They are set up in parallel however the middle battery is reversed, this would cause the battery to short circuit and drain the system and cause excessive heat

Which of the batteries are connected together incorrectly? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

A. check valve

Which of the following allows fluid to flow unimpeded in one direction but prevent s fluid flow in the other direction? A. Check valve B. Sequence valve C. Relief valve

A. Improved stre Phenolic microballoons are used to improve the strength to weight ratio of a repair, to decrease the density of the repair, and to give greater flexibility, thus lowering the stress concentrations in the repair area

Which of the following are benefits of using microballoons when making repairs to laminated honeycomb panels? A. Improved strength-to-weight ratio, less density, and lower stress concentration B. Greater concentrations of resin in edges and corners C. Less density and improved strength-to-weight ratio

A. A volume storage capacity about three times that of compressed oxygen and system generators that are inert below 400°F, even under severe impact. Once a chemical or solid-state oxygen system is initiated, it releases oxygen at a predetermined rate which is not adjustable according to demand.On a volume basis, the storage capacity of oxygen in candles is about three times that of compressed gas.The generators of a chemical oxygen system are inert below 400°F, even under severe impact.The distribution and regulating system is self-contained. It consists of a stainless steel cylinder attached to manifolded hose nipples. The nipples contain orifices just small enough to ensure essentially equal flow to all masks.

Which of the following are characteristics of a chemical or solid-state oxygen system? A. A volume storage capacity about three times that of compressed oxygen and system generators that are inert below 400°F, even under severe impact. B. An adjustable oxygen release rate and a volume storage capacity about three times that of compressed oxygen. C. System generators are inert below 400°F, even under severe impact, and a distribution and regulating system similar to gaseous oxygen systems.

B. Circuit breaker, furses, and current limiters The three most commonly used circuit-protection devices are circit breakers, fuses,a nd current limiters. Circuit breakers and fuses rocket the wiring in the loa circuits of the aircraft and are accessible to the pilot inflight. Current limiters, a form of slow-blow fuse in the generator output circuit,a re not available for replacement in flight

Which of the following are considered circuit-protective devices that are used in aircraft electrical systems? A. Circuit breaker, relays, and current limiters B. Circuit breakers, fuses, and current limiters C. Circuit breakers, capacitors, and current limiters

CC. Display "No Smoking" placards, provide adequate fire-fighting equipment, keep all tools and oxygen servicing equipment free from oil or grease, and avoid checking aircraft radio or electrical systems

Which of the following are fire precautions which must be observed when working on an oxygen system? A. Display "No Smoking" placards and keep all tools and oxygen servicing equipment free from oil or grease B. Display "No Smoking" placards and provide adequate fire-fighting equipment C. Display "No Smoking" placards, provide adequate fire-fighting equipment, keep all tools and oxygen servicing equipment free from oil or grease, and avoid checking aircraft radio or electrical systems

C. Autotransformers, heat control relay, heat control toggle switch, and indicating light An aircraft windshield that has an integral heater laminated into the panel uses a 115-volt AC power supply, an autotransformer, a heat-control toggle switch, a heat control relay and indicating lights, but has no DC power

Which of the following are found in a laminated integral electrical heated windshield system? A. Autotransformer, heat control relay, heat control toggle switch, and indicating light B. Heat control relay, heat control toggle switch, 24V DC power supply, and indicating light C. Autotransformer, heat control relay, heat control toggle switch, and indicating light

A. High tensile strength and flexibility Kevlar Aramid fiber that is noted for its flexibility and high tensile strength. It does not conduct electricity and does not cause aluminum to corrode when it is held in contact with it

Which of the following are generally characteristic of aramid fiber (Kevlar) composites? A. High tensile strength and flexibility B. High tensile strength and stiffness C. Corrosive effect in contact with aluminum and ability to conduct electricity

B. Stiffness, high compressive strength, and corrosive effect in contact with aluminum

Which of the following are generally characteristic of carbon/graphite fiber composites? A. Flexibility, high compressive strength, and corrosive effect in contact with aluminum B. Stiffness, high compressive strength, and corrosive effect in contact with aluminum C. Ability to conduct electricity

B. Normal skid control, fail safe protection, locked wheel skid control, touchdown protection The skid control system performs four functions; normal skid control, locked wheel skid control, touchdown protection, and fail safe protection

Which of the following functions does a skid control system perform? A. Normal skid control, normal braking, fail safe protection, locked wheel skid control B. Normal skid control, fail safe protection, locked wheel skid control, touchdown protection C. Normally skid control, normal braking, touchdown protection, takeoff protection

A. Indicate the position of retractable landing gear, cowl flaps position, cooler door position, fuel quantity, and position of wing flaps DC selsyn systems are a widely used electrical method of indicating remote mechanical condition. They are used to show the movement and position of retractable landing gear, wing flap position, cowl flap position, oil cooler doors, and other movable parts of an aircraft. They are also used for measuring fuel quantity

Which of the following are some uses for a DC selsyn system? A. Indicate the position of retractable landing gear, cowl flaps position, cooler door position, fuel quantity, and position of wing flaps B. Indicate the position of retractable landing gear, angle of incidence, and altitude C. Indicate the fuel quantity, rate of climb, and position of wing flaps

A. Armature assembly, field assembly, brush assembly, and end frame The major parts of a practical DC motor are the armature assembly, the field assembly, the brush assembly, and the end frame

Which of the following are the major parts of a DC motor? A. Armature assembly, field assembly, brush assembly, and end frame B. Field assembly, brush assembly, commutator, and pole piece C. Brush assembly, pole piece, rheostat, and end frame

C. SAE 4130 chrome/molybdenum Of the materials listed, only chrome molybdenum tubing can be welded without adversely affecting its strength

Which of the following can normally be welded without adversely affecting strength? A. Spring steel struts or aircraft bolts B. Most heat treated steel/nickel alloy components C. SAE 4130 chrome/molybdenum

A. Deviation Deviation is a compass error caused by local magnetic fields in the aircraft. Deviation can be corrected by an aircraft mechanic by swinging the compass. This is a procedure in which small magnets inside the compass are turned in such a way that their magnetic fields cancels the effect of the offending magnetic fields

Which of the following causes of aircraft magnetic compass inaccuracies may be compensated for by mechanics? A. Deviation B. Magnetic compass current C. Variation

A. Once a chemical or solid-state oxygen system is initiated, it releases oxygen at a predetermined rate which is not adjustable according to demand. On a volume basis, the storage capacity of oxygen in candles is about three times that of compressed gas. This generators of a chemical oxygen system are inert below 400*F, even under severe impact The distribution and regulating system is self-contained. It consists of a stainless steel cylinder attached to a manifolded hose nipples. The nipples contain orifices just small enough to ensure essentially equal flow to all masks

Which of the following characteristics of a chemical or solid-state oxygen system? A. A volume storage capacity about three times that of compressed oxygen and system generators that are inert below 400*F, even under severe impact B. An adjustable oxygen release rate and a volume storage capacity about three times that of compressed oxygen C. System generators are inert below 400*F, even under severe impact, and a distribution and regulating system similar to gaseous oxygen systems

C. Landing gear not locked down and throttle retarded The landing gear warning horn will sound if the landing gears are not all down and locked, and the throttle is retarded to reduce power for landing

Which of the following conditions is most likely to cause the landing gear warning signal to sound? A. Landing gear locked down ad throttle advanced B. Landing gear locked down and throttle retarded C. Landing gear not locked down and throttle retarded

A. Careful inspection fails to reveal any decay Wood having mineral streaks is acceptable for aircraft structure, provided careful inspection does not reveal any decay. Mineral streaks have no effect on the direction of the grain in the wood

Which of the following conditions will determine acceptance of wood with mineral streaks? A. Careful inspection fails to reveal any decay B. They produce only a small effect on grain direction C. Local irregularities do not exceed limitations specified for spiral and diagonal grain

C. Distributor valve A distributor valve in the deicer system directs vacuum to the deicer boots to hold them tightly against the leading edges in flight when they are not needed

Which of the following connects vacuum to the deicer boots when the system is not in operation, to hold the boots tightly against the leading edges in flight? A. Vacuum relief valve B. Ejector C. Distributor valve

B. No.6 The general rule of thumb for replacing aluminum electrical cable with copper is that copper of two wire gauges smaller (larger number) may be used to replace aluminum. This rule does not hold is the instance. According to the current-carrying capacity charts in Figure 11.5 and 11.6 of AC 43.13-1, a 6 gage aluminum electrical cable is rated at 83 amps in free air and 50 amps in a bundle or conduit, and an 8-gage copper electrical cable in free air is rated at only 73 amps and 46 aps in a bundle. A 6-gage copper electrical cable which will carry 101 amps in free air, and 60 amps in a bundle will have to be used to replace a No.6 aluminum electrical cable

Which of the following copper electrical cable sizes should be selected to replace a No.6 aluminum electrical cable? A. No. 4 B. No. 6 C. No. 8

C. Carbide W point A carbide W-point (better known as a brad-point bit) used in drill holes in aramid fiber composite laminates to keep the hole free of fuzzy fibers that other drilling methods leave behind in the hole

Which of the following drill bit types work best when drilling an aramid fiber (kevlar) composite laminate? A. Tool steel with standard grind B. Diamond dust coated C. Carbide W-point

A. Allowable power loss, permissible voltage drop, current carrying capability of the conductor, type of load When selecting the size wire to use in an aircraft electrical system, you must consider the allowable power loss (the amount of electrical energy converted into heat), the permissible voltage drop, the current-carrying ability of the wire, and the type of load (continuous or intermittent) that is carried by the wire

Which of the following factors must be taken into consideration when determining the wire size to use for an aircraft installation? A. Allowable power loss, permissible voltage drop, current carrying capability of the conductor, type of load B. Mechanism strength, allowable power loss, resistance of current return path through the aircraft structure, type of load C. Allowable power loss, resistance of current path through the aircraft structure, type of loaf

B. Fluctuating reading on the pressure gauge and relatively steady readings on the vacuum gauge A pneumatic deicer system is operating normally when the pressure gauge fluctuates as the various tubes inflate, and the vacuum gauge shows a relatively steady reading as all of the tubes are held deflated

Which of the following indications occur during a normal operational check of a pneumatic deicer system? A. Relatively steady on the pressure gauge and fluctuating readings on the vacuum gauge B. Fluctuating readings on the pressure gauge and relatively steady readings on the vacuum gauge C. Pressure and vacuum gauges will fluctuate as the deicer boots inflate and deflate

C. Red line missing, mounting screws loose, case paint chipped, or leaking at line B nut A certificated aviation mechanic can correct any of these discrepancies: red line missing from an instrument, provided the red line is marked on the outside of the instrument glass; loose mounting screws; chipped paint on the outside of the instrument case; and leaking B-nut on the line connected to the instrument

Which of the following instrument discrepancies could be corrected by an aviation mechanic? A. Case paint chipped, leaking at line B nut, mounting screws loose, or case leaking B. Red line missing, case leaking, glass cracked, or fogged C. Red line missing, mounting screws loose, case paint chipped, or leaking at line B nut

A. Case leaking, glass cracked, instrument will not zero out, or fogged Any of the following problems will require an instrument to be replaced; case leaking, glass cracked, the instrument will not zero out, or if the inside of an instrument case is fogged

Which of the following instrument discrepancies would require replacement of the instrument? A. Case leaking, glass cracked, instrument will not zero out, or fogged B. Redline missing, case leaking, or glass cracked C. Instrument will not zero out, leaking at line B nut, or mounting screws loose

B. Cylinder head temperature gauge and airspeed indicator Of the instruments listed here, only the airspeed indicator and the cylinder head temperatuer gauge have range markings

Which of the following instrument will normally have range markings? A. Altimeter B. Cylinder head temperature gauge and airspeed indicator C. Altimeter and airspeed indicator

B- Static electricity buildup. When dry-sanding a fabric-covered surface, be sure to electorally ground it to a cold water pipe or some other good ground electrode. Rubbing the sandpaper over the surface will generate static electricity, enough to cause a spark to jump and ignite the highly flammable fumes inside the structure

Which of the following is a hazard associated with sanding on fabric covered surfaces during the finishing process? A. Overheating of the fabric/finish, especially with the use of power tools B. Static electricity build up C. Embedding particles in the finish

C. Skydrol hydraulic fluid Skydrol phosphate ester-base hydraulic fluid is susceptible to contamination from moisture in the atmosphere. Containers of skydrol should be kept tightly closed to prevent this contamination

Which of the following is adversely affected by atmospheric humidity if left unprotected? A. MIL-H-5606 and Skydrol hydraulic fluid B. MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid C. Skydrol hydraulic fluid

A. Two seperate independent systems Lateral stability during fuel jettisoning is maintained by having two separate and independent jettisoning systems. There is one system for each side of the aircraft

Which of the following is employed to maintain lateral stability when jettisoning fuel? A. Two separate independent systems B. Crossfeed system C. Two interconnected system

B. Excessive current draw from the battery Thermal runaway of a nickel-cadmium battery occurs when some of the cells become excessively hot. The heat lowers both the voltage and the resistance so the cells can accept the high rate of charging current. This high current produces more heat and the battery can destroy itself. The temperature rise that triggers the thermal problems can come from heat generated by a fast discharge, from high ambient temperature, of from a breakdown of the separator material

Which of the following is most likely to cause thermal runaway in a nickel-cadmium battery? A. A high internal resistance condition B. Excessive current draw from the battery C. Constant current charging of the battery to more than 100 percent of its capacity

A. the manufacturer's maintenance manuals The manufacturer's maintenance manuals give all the information need ed to be effectively troubleshoot a fuel pressure warning system

Which of the following is necessary to effectively troubleshoot a fuel pressure warning system? A. The manufacturer's maintenance manuals B. AC 43.13-1B, acceptable methods, Techniques, and practices-aircraft inspection and repairs C. A set of Federal Aviation Regulations

C. Inability to be over-torqued The advantage of a HI-LOK two piece fastener include its light weight, high fatigue resistance, high strength, and its inability to be over-torqued

Which of the following is one advantage of Hi-LOK fasteners A. shorter transition area between the shank and the thread B. eternal counter bore at the base to acconiate material thickness C. Inability to be over-torqued

A. A brush of a squeegee Wet snow deposits should be removed from an aircraft with a brush or squeegee

Which of the following is the best means to use when removing wet snow from an aircraft? A. A brush of a squeegee B. Hot air C. Warm water

A. O ring most common type of seal used to prevent leakage in both directions is the O ring

Which of the following is the most commonly used seal to prevent internal leakage in both directions of a hydraulic seal? A. O ring B. V ring C. U ring

C. Low viscosity, high flash point, high fire point A good hydraulic fluid must have a low viscosity so it is free to flow. It must be chemically stable and must have a high flash point and a high fire point

Which of the following lists only desirable properties of a good hydraulic fluid that has chemical stability? A. High viscosity, low flashpoint, high fire point B. High flash point, low viscosity, low fire point C. Low viscosity, high flash point, high fire point

C. Riveting and resealing Since integral fuel tanks are part of the aircraft structure, it is repaired by riveting, and resealing the repaired area

Which of the following may be used for the repair of fuel leaks on most integral fuel tanks? A. Welding and resealing B. Brazing and resealing C. Riveting and resealing

A. Install a switch independent of the position light switch When installing an anti-collision light, you must use a switch that is independent of the position light switch

Which of the following must be accomplished when installing an anti-collision light? A. Install a switch independent of the position light switch B. Use shielded electrical cable to assure fail-safe operation C. Connect the anti-collision light to the aircraft position light switch

B. Fuel to be used appropriately identified It is extremely important when fueling an aircraft that the fuel be properly identified. The use of fuel with a lower than allowed octane or performance rating can cause detonation which can destroy an engine. A number or airplanes have been destroyed by the inadvertent fueling of a reciprocating engine aircraft with turbine-engine fuel. Turbine-engine fuel will cause severe detonation when a reciprocating engine is operated at takeoff power

Which of the following precautions is most important during refueling operations? A. All outside electrical sources must be disconnected from the aircraft B. Fuel to be used must be appropriately identified C. All electrical switches must be in OFF position

C. Flight controller The flight controller allows the pilot to provide manual maneuverability to the aircraft when the autopilot is engaged. The pilot can insert a command signal through the controller at any time

Which of the following provides manual maneuverability of the aircraft while the autopilot is engaged? A. Servo-amplifier B. Directional gyro indicator C. Flight controller

C. Suction relief valve A suction-relief valve regulates the vacuum supplied by the air pump to hold the deicer boots deflated when the pneumatic deicing system is off

Which of the following regulates the vacuum of the air pump to hold the deicing boots deflated when the pneumatic deicing system is off? A. Distributor valve B. Pressure regulator C. Suction relief valve

C. When adding fluid to a system, use the type specified in the aircraft manufacturer's maintenance manual or on the instruction plate affixed to the reservoir or unit being serviced To assure proper system operation and to avoid damage to nonmetllic compnents of the hydraulic system, the correct fluid fluid must beused. When adding fluid to the system, use the type specified in the ircraft manufacturer's maintenance manua or on the instruction plate affixiated to the resixoir or unit beingserviced

Which of the following safeguards ensures proper system operation and mitigates damage to non-metallic components of the hydraulic system? A. The manual bleed valve should be closed prior to servicing hydraulic fluid to prevent fluid loss as the cap is being removed B. Before assembly of any hydraulic components, seals and gaskets should be inspected and replaced only if they show signs of war or leakage C. When adding fluid to a system, use the type specified in the aircraft manufacturer's maintenance manual or on the instruction plate affixed to the reservoir or unit being serviced

C. Locate the bundle above flammable fluid lines and securely clamp to structure Any time a wiring bundle is installed in an aircraft in such a way that it passes through a compartment parallel to a fluid line carrying flammable liquid fluids, the bundle should be routed above the fluid line, and it should be clamped securely to the aircraft structure. In no case should a wire be supported by a flammable fluid line

Which of the following should be accomplished in the installation of aircraft wiring? A. Support the bundle to structure and/or solid fluid lines to prevent chafing damage B. Provide adequate slack in the wire bundle to compensate for large changes in temperature C. Locate the bundle above flammable fluid lines and securely clamp to structure

A. Ried vapor pressure test the ried vapor pressure of a fuel is a measure of the fuel's tendency to vapor lock

Which of the following tests can determine an aviation gasoline's tendency to vapor lock? A. Reid vapor pressure test B. Octane vapor pressure test C. True vapor pressure test

A. Deviation When swinging a magnetic compass, the compensators adjust for the magnetic interference cased by localised magnetic fields in the aircraft structure. These magnetic disturbances within the aircraft are called deviations, and they deflect the compass needle from alignment with magnetic north

Which of the following will cause inaccuracies in a magnetic compass that may be compensated for by an aircraft mechanic? A. Deviation B. Current C. Variation

C. Maintenance manual diagrams and depictions Close visual inspection is required whenever a leak or defect is suspected in a fuel system. Follow the aircraft manufacturers instructions on the repair of fuel leaks and requirements that need to be met for airworthiness

Which of the following would be most useful to locate and troubleshoot an internal fuel leak in an aircraft fuel system? A. Structural repair manual B. Orthographic projection troubleshooting trees C. Maintenance manual diagrams and depictions

A. Fuel pressure warning The fuel pressure warning system should give the first indication, by a loss of pressure, that a fuel tank is empty. This drop in pressure warns the pilot to switch to a full tank

Which of the following would give the first positive indication that a change-over from one fuel tank to another is needed? A. Fuel pressure warning B. Fuel pressure gauge C. Fuel quantity indicator

A. flox and chopped fibers Chopped fibers may be any type of fiber cut to a length of 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Flox is the fuzzy fibers taken from the strands of fabric. Microballoons are tiny spheres of glass or phenolic resin. When repairing damaged fastener holes in composite panels, chopped fibers or flox can be added to the wet resin to strengthen the repair. Microballoons do not add any strength

Which of the following, when added to wet resins, provide strength for the repair of damaged fastener holes in composite panels? A. Flox and chopped fibers B. Microballoons C. Microballoons and flox

A. 1 The angle between the head and the shank of rivet 1 is 130* on each side (260* on both sides) The angle formed by the rivet head is 100* (360-260), which is the standard angle for the cutter in an aircraft rivet countersink

Which of the rivets showed will accurately fit the conical depression made by a 100* countersink? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

C. X-ray and backlighting Fiberglass honeycomb structure can be inspected for entrapped water by either the x-ray or backlighting method. The backlighting method of inspection is done by removing all of the paint from the surface and shining a strong light on one side of the panel and examining from the other side for any dark areas that would indicate entrapped water

Which of those methods may be used to inspect fiberglass/honeycomb structures for entrapped water? A. Backlighting and acoustic emission monitoring B. X-ray and acoustic emission monitoring C. X-ray and backlighting

A. COntinuous flw system Rebreather bad type oxyge masks are used with continuous flow oxygen generators

Which oxygen system employs a regulator only when the user inhales? A. Continuous-flow system B. Emergency -flow system C. Demand-flow system

A. T36 To provide a visual means for identifying the various grades of aluminum and aluminum alloys, aluminum stock is usually marked with symbols such as a government specification number, the temper or condition furnished, or the commercial code marking. The commercial code marking consists of a number that identifies the particular composition of the allou. Additionally, letter suffixes designate the basic temper designations and subdivisions of aluminum alloys

Which part of 2017-T36 aluminum alloy indicates the temper designation> A. T36 B. 2 C. 17

A. 2

Which part of the 2017-T36 aluminum alloy designation indicates the primary alloying agent used in its manufacture> A. 2 B. 17 C. 24

B. Longerons and stringers In a semi-monocoque fuselage, the primary bending loads are taken by the longeron

Which parts of a semi-monocoque fuselage prevent tension and compression from bending the fuselage? A. ribs and formers B. Longerons and stringers C. Bulkheads and skin

C. Delivery air duct check valve There is delivery air duct check valve, or isolation valve, at the discharge side for the air turbine that prevents the sudden loss of pressurization int he event of loss of the pressurization air source

Which prevents a sudden loss of pressurization in the event that there is a loss of the pressurization source? A. Firewall shutoff valve B. Cabin pressure outflow valve C. Delivery air duct check valve

B. Turning the reamer only in the cutting direction When using the reamer to elargen a hole, always trn the reamer in the direction of cutting. If the direction of reaming motion is reserved, the reamer will be seriously dulled

Which procedure is correct when using a reamer to finish a drilled hole to the correct size? A. Turn the reamer in the cutting direction when enlarging the hole an the opposite direction to remove from the hole B. Turn the reamer only in the cutting direction C. Apply considerable pressure on the reamer when starting the cut and reducing the pressure when finishing the cut

C. Defuel the outboard tanks first Unless the service manual states otherwise, the outboard fuel tanks on an aircraft with swept back wings should be defueled first. This procedure minimizes the twisting effect on the wing caused by the fuel being located behind the wing attachment points on the fuselage

Which procedure must be followed when defueling aircraft with sweptback wings? A. Defuel all the tanks at one time B. Defuel the inboard tanks first C. Defuel the outboard tanks first

C. Install another instrument If the glass is found to be loose in any aircraft instrument, the instrument must be removed from the aircraft and the glass resealed by an instrument repair shop. A mechanic is not allowed to make either major or minor repairs to any aircraft instrument

Which procedure should you use if you find a vacuum-operated instrument glass loose? A. Mark the case and glass with a slippage mark B. Replace the glass C. Install another instrument

C- Polyurethane. Polyurethane is the most durable of all of the finishes that are used for modern aircraft. It is noted for its chemical resistance and for its famous "wetlook" that is caused by its slow flow-out time

Which properly applied finish topcoat is the most durable and chemical resistant? A. Synthetic enamel B. Acrylic lacquer C. Polyurethane

C. Replace electrical wire No. 12 If the landing gear does not retract when the weight is off the landing gear and the gear switch is placed in the UP position, wire 12 could be faulty and need to be replaced. Current flows from the bus through the 20-amp circuit breaker, through wire 1 to the gear switch in the UP position, through wire 1 to the gear switch in the UP position, though wires 13 and 10 to the up-limit switch in the position shown, through the gear safety switch (squat switch) whose position is changed, through wire 12 to the relay coil. When the relay is energized, current flows through its contacts and wire 14 to the gear motor to retract the landing gear

Which repair should be made if the gear switch was placed in UP position and the gear does not retract? A. Replace electrical wire No. 15 B. Replace the down limit switch C. Replace electrical wire No. 12

A. It has no moving parts in the tank The probes are made of two concentric tubes that serve as the plates of a capacitor. Fuel and air act as the dielectric

Which statement concerning an electric capacitance-type fuel quantity indicating system is true? A. It has no moving parts in the tank B. It has two tubes separated by an electronic field in the tank C. It utilizes a variable capacitor to indicate the fuel tank capacity

C. Gear downlock microswitch The replacement of a landing gear downlock microswitch would require a retraction test in which the airplane is put on jacs and the landing gear is retracted and extended/ This type of test is required anytime any change or adjustment is made that could affect the operation of the retracting mechanism

Which repair would require a landing gear retraction test? A. Landing gear safety switch B. Red warning light bulb C. Gear downlock microswitch

B. 5056 To prevent corrosion in a magnesium structure, 5056 aluminum alloy rivets should be used. Magnesium is the chief alloying agent in 5056 aluminum alloy

Which rivet is used for riveting magnesium alloy structures? A. Mild steel B. 5606 aluminum C. Monel

C. monel rivets

Which rivet is used for riveting nickel-steel alloys? A. 2024 aluminum B. mild steel C. monel

B. 2117-T3 a 2117 rivet is known as an AD rivet. It may be driven as received, without further heat treatment

Which rivet may be used as received without further treatment A. 2024-T4 B. 2117-T3 C. 2017-T3

B. MS20470AD-4-4 The two pieces of material to be joined have a total thickness of 0.064 inch. The rivet used with this metal should have a diameter of about three times the thickness of the thickest sheet, This would cause us to choose a rivet with a diameter of 3 x 0.032 inch, or 0.096 inch. The closest rivets to this is one with a diameter of 1/8 inch (0125 inch). A 1/8 inch rivet should extend through the material for 3/16 inch, or 0.1875 inch. The total length of the rivet must be 0.064 + 0.1875, or 0.2515 inch. We would choose an MS20470AD-4-4 rivet. This is a universal head rivet, 1/8 inch in diameter and 1/4 inch long

Which rivets should be selected to join two sheets of .032 inch aluminum? A. MS20425D-4-3 B. MS20470AD-4-4 C. MS20455DD-5-3

B. Butyl rubber Butyl rubber seals are used with phosphate ester-base hydraulic fluid

Which seal/material is used with phosphate ester-base hydraulic fluids? A. Silicone rubber B. Butyl rubber C. Neoprene rubber

C. Buna-N Seals used in hydraulic systems using petroleum-base fluids are made of neoprene or Buna-N. Butyl rubber seals are used with phosphate ester-base fluids

Which seals are used with petroleum-base hydraulic fluids? A. Polyester B. Butyl rubber C. Buna-N

A. Low or high pressure compressor The bleed air that is used to drive the air-cycle machine is tajen from one of the lower pressure stages of the trubine engine compressor

Which section of a turbine engine provides high pressure bleed air to an air cycle machine for pressurization and air conditioning? A. Low or high pressure compressor B. Compressor inlet C. C-D inlet compressor duct

A. Install critical stress panels or plates Before some aircraft are jacked, stress panels or plates must be installed to distribute the weight of the aircraft over the jack pad. When any aircraft jacked, the recommendation of the aircraft manufacturer must be followed in detail

Which should be accomplished before jacking an aircraft? A. Install critical stress panels or plates B. Determine that the fuel tanks are empty C. Make sure the aircraft is leveled laterally

C. Compliance with an applicable AD is mandatory and must be recorded in the maintenance records Compliance with all applicable AD is mandatory. The fact of their compliance and the date and method of their compliance must be recorded in the aircraft's permanent maintenance record

Which statement about Airworthiness Directives (ADs) is true? A. ADs are information alert bulletins issued by the airframe, powerplant, or component manufacturer B. Compliance with an AD is not mandatory unless the aircraft affected is for hire C. Compliance with an applicable AD is mandatory and must be recorded in the maintenance records

C. All fluids readily transmit pressure All fluids, whether gases or liquids, transmits pressure in a fluid power system. A liquid is a noncompressible fluid and a gas is a compressible fluid

Which statement about fluids is correct? A. Any fluid will completely fill its container B. All fluids are considered to be highly compressible C. All fluids readily transmit pressure

C. Decay is not acceptable in any form or amount When inspecting a wooden aircraft structure examine all stains and discolorations carefully to determine whether or not harmless or in a stage of preliminary or advanced decay. All pieces must be free from rot, dote, red heart, purple heart, and all other forms of decay

Which statement about wood decay is correct? A. Decay that occurs before the wood is seasoned does not affect the strength of the finished piece B. A limited amount of certain kinds of decay is acceptable in aircraft woods since decay affect the binding between the fibers and not the fibers themselves C. Decay is not acceptable in any form or amount

C. It can be welded successfully using the same type of joints that are used for aluminum Gas welding magnesium is very similar to welding aluminum using the same equipment. Joint design also follows similar practice to aluminum welding

Which statement best describes magnesium welding? A. It has low thermal conductivity, so distortion and cracking rarely occur B. It is recommended to use larger welding beads and a slower welding speed than normal C. It can be welded successfully using the same type of joints that are used for aluminum

C- Filler rod should be the same composition as base metal. When welding magnesium, the filler rod must be of the same composition as the base metal and on prepared by the manufacturer to fuse with his alloy

Which statement best describes magnesium welding? A. Magnesium can be welding to other metals B. Filler rod should be nickel-steel C. Filler rod should be the same composition as base metal

A. the inert-arc welding process using an inert gas to protect the weld zone from the atmosphere In the process of inert-gas arc welding, the molten metal is protected from the formation of oxides by flowing an inert gas, such as argon, over the surface being welded to exclude oxygen from the weld area

Which statement concerning a welding process is true? A. the inert-arc welding process uses an inert gas to protect the weld zone from the atmosphere B. in the metallic-arc welding process, filler material, if needed is provided by a separate metal rod of the proper material held in the arc C. in the oxyacetylene welding process, the filler rod used for steel is covered with a thin coating of flux

A. Joints in electric wire to be soldered should be mechanically secure prior to soldering When soldering electrical wires, the joints must be mechanically secured before soldering. The solder provides a low-resistance connection, but it should not be dependent upon for mechanical strength

Which statement concerning soldering is correct? A. Joints in electric wire to be soldered should be mechanically secure prior to soldering B. Changable shades of blue can be observed on the surface of a copper soldering tip when the proper temperature for soldering has been reached C. If the soldering temperature is too high, the solder will form in lumps and not produce a positive bond

C. The threaded rod ends should be checked for the amount of thread engagement by means of the inspection hole provided You can determine that the threaded rod ends are properly inserted into a push-pull control rod when the threads on the rod end extend beyond the inspection hole. You should not be able to insert a piece of safety wire in the inspection hole, as it should be covered by the threaded rod end

Which statement concerning the 100-hour inspection of an airplane equipped with a push-pull tube-type control system is true? A. The threaded rod ends should not be adjusted in length for rigging purposes because the rod ends have been properly positioned and staked during manufacture B. The terminal end threads of the turnbuckles should be visible through the safety hole in the barrel C. The threaded rod ends should be checked for the amount of thread engagement by means of the inspection hole provided

C. Any form or amount of decay is not permitted When inspecting a wooden aircraft structure, examine all stains and discoloration carefully to determine whether or not they are harmless or in a stage of preliminary or advanced decay. All pieces must be free from fot, fote, red heart, purple heart, and all other forms of decay

Which statement concerning wood decay is correct? A. Decay that appears to be mineral streaks is acceptable B. A limited amount of decay along the beveled edges of unrouted beams is acceptable C. Any form or amount of decay is not permitted

C. Torque direction is the opposite of rotor blade rotation The torque direction of a helicopter rotor system is opposite the diretion of the rotor rotation

Which statement is correct concerning torque effect on helicopters? A. Torque direction is the same as rotor blade rotation B. As horsepower decreases, torque increases C. Torque direction is the opposite of rotor blade rotation

A. An appropriately rated mechanic may accomplish the repair, and an IA may approve the aircraft for return to service If an aircraft is found unairworthy after an annual inspection because of a discrepancy that requires a major repair, the repair can be made by an appropriately rated mechanic. However, the aircraft can be approved for return to service only by a mechanic holding an IA

Which statement is correct regarding an aircraft that is found to be unairworthy after an annual inspection, due to an item required a major repair (assuming approved data is used to accomplish the repair)? A. An appropriately rated mechanic may accomplish the repair, and an IA may approve the aircraft for return to service B. An appropriately rated mechanic or repair station may repair the defect and approve the aircraft for return to service C. Only the person performing the annual inspection may approve the aircraft for return to service, after the major repair

B- An appropriately rated mechanic may repair the defects and approve the aircraft for return to service. If an aircraft has failed an annual inspection because of several items that require minor repairs, the repairs can be made and the aircraft approved for return to service by an appropriately rated mechanic. The mechanic approving the aircraft for return to service does not need to hold an IA

Which statement is correct when an aircraft has not been approved for return to service after an annual inspection because of several items required minor repair? A. Only the person who performed the annual inspection may approve the aircraft for return to service B. An appropriately rated mechanic may repair the defects and approve the aircraft for return to service C. An appropriately rated mechanic may repair the defects, but an IA must approve the aircraft for return to service

A. The welded section does not have the strength of the original metal A welded section of heat-treated magnesium cannot have the strength o the original metal until the entire part is again heat-treated

Which statement is true in regard to welding heat-treated magnesium? A. The welded section does not have the strength of the original metal B. Flux should not be used because it is very difficult to remove and is likely to cause corrosion C. Magnesium cannot be repaired by fusion welding because of the high probability of igniting the metal

B. No external bracing is needed A cantilever wing does not require any external bracing or struts. All the strength is within the wing itself

Which statement is true regarding a cantilever wing? A. It has non adjustable lift struts B. No external bracing is needed C. It requires only one lift strut on each side

C- Old wash primer coats may be overcoated directly with epoxy finishes. Old wash primer coats may be overcoated directly with epoxy finishes. A second coat of washprimer, however, must be applied to the surface if an acrylic finish is to be applied

Which statement is true regarding paint system compatibility? A. Old-type zinc chromate primer may not be used directly for touchup of bare metal surfaces B. Acrylic nitrocellulose lacquer may be used over old nitrocellulose finishes C. Old wash primer coats may be overcoated directly with epoxy finishes

C. If genuine rivet tipping has occurred, groups of consecutive rivet heads will be tipped in the same direction If the structure has actually been damaged, this would be indicated by groups of consecutive rivet heads being tipped in the same direction caused by a major deflection of the skin under load

Which statement is true regarding the inspection of a stressed skin metal wing metal wing assembly known to have been critically loaded? A. If rivets show no visible distortion, further investigation is unnecessary B. If bearing failure has occurred, the rivet shanks will be joggled C. If genuine rivet tipping has occurred, groups of consecutive rivet heads will be tipped in the same direction

B. Do not set parking brake when brakes are not Do not set the parking brakes on an aircraft equipped with multiple-disk brakes are not. Setting the parking brake on a hot brake will usually cause the brake disks to warp

Which statement is true with respect to an aircraft equipped with hydraulically operated multiple-disk type brake assemblies? A. There are no minimum or maximum disk clearance checks required due to the use of self-compensating cylinder assemblies B. Do not set parking brake when brakes are hot C. No parking brake provision are possible for this type of brake assembly

A. Dry-type vacuum pumps with carbon vanes are very susecptible to damage from solid airborne particles and must take in only filtered air Dry-type vacuum pumps do not require any lubrication, but their carbon vanes are highly susceptible to damage from solid particles in the air. It is extremely important that only filtered air be allowed to flow through these pumps

Which statement regarding an aircraft instrument vacuum system is true? A. Dry-type vacuum pumps with carbon vanes are very susceptible to damage from solid airborne particles and must take in only filtered air B. Vacuum systems are generally more effective at high altitudes than positive pressure systems C. If the air inlet to each vacuum instrument is connected to a common atmospheric pressure manifold, the system generally will be equipped with individual instrument filters only

B. When attaching a terminal to the end of an electric cable, it should be determined that the strength of the cable-to-terminal joint is at least equal to the tensile strength of the cable itself The tensile strength of the wire-to-terminal joints should be at least equivalent to the tensile strength of the wire itself. The resistance of the joint should be negligible, relative to the normal resistance of the wire

Which statement relating to electric wiring is true? A. When attaching a terminal to the end of an electric cable, it should be determined that the strength of the cable-to-terminal joint is at least twice the tensile strength of the cable B. When attaching a terminal to the end of an electric cable, it should be determined that the strength of the cable-to-terminal joint is at least equal to the tensile strength of the cable itself C. All electric cable splices should be covered with soft insulating tubing (spaghettis) for mechanical protection against external abrasion

B. series wound Series-wound DC generators are not used in aircraft electrical systems because of the difficulty in regulating and controlling the output voltage

Which type of DC generator is not used as an airplane generator? A. externally grounded B. series wound C. compound wound

A. wash primer Wash primer is a two-part primer that contains phosphoric acid to etch the surface of the metal to improve the bond between the surface and the topcoats

Which type of coating typically includes phosphoric acid as one of its components at the time of application? A. Wash primer B. Epoxy primer C. Zinc chromate primer

C. Thermal relief valve A thermal relief valve would be adjusted to a higher pop-off pressure than any of the other valves in a hydraulic system. Thermal relief valves are installed in proportions of a hydraulic system that normally hold fluid trapped by a selector valve. They relieve the pressure that is built up in the lines as the fluid is heated by the surrounding air. Thermal relief valves are set to relieve a pressure higher than any of the other valves so theyca nnot interfere with normal system operation or protection

Which valve installed in a hydraulic system will have the highest pressure setting? A pressure regulator valve B Main relief valve C Thermal relief valve

C. A certificated repair station approved for that class instrument

Who is authorized to repair an aircraft instrument? A. A certified mechanic with an airframe rating B. A certificated airframe repair station C. A certificated repair station approved for that class instrument

A. Reduces internal stresses and assures more complete penetration Thick aluminum plates are preheated to reduce the internal strains caused by the large amount of expansion when the thick plates are heated

Why are aluminum plates 1/4 inch or more thick usually preheated before welding? A. Reduces internal stresses and assures more complete penetration B. Reduces welding time C. Prevents corrosion and ensures proper distribution of flux

B. It will restrict visibility If a syrupy, chemical rain repellant is sprayed on the windshield of an airplane without a heavy rain striking it, it will smear and restrict visibility through the windshield

Why should a chemical rain repellant not be used on a dry windshield? A. It ill etch the glass B. It will restrict visibility C. It will cause glass crazing

B. To supply fuel under pressure to engine-driven pumps Centrifugal pumps are used in the fuel tanks of aircraft that operate at high altitude. Boost pumps supply fuel uder positive pressure to the inlet of the engie-driven pump uunder conditions where the ambient pressure is too low to esure a possitive supply

Why are centrifugal-type boost pumps used in fuel systems of aircraft operating at high altitude? A. Because they are positive displacement pumps B. To supply fuel under pressure to engine-driven pumps C. To permit cooling air to circulate around the motor

C. to reduce weight Integral fuel tanks are used in large aircraft to reduce weight and to utilize as much of the space as possible for carrying fuel

Why are integral fuel tanks used in many large aircraft? A. to reduce fire hazards B. to facilitate servicing C. to reduce weight

A. Jet fuels have a higher viscosity than gasoline Jet fuels have a higher viscosity than aviation gasoline. Because of this higher viscosity, contaminates such as water remain suspended in the fuel and do not settle out into the fuel tank sumps

Why are jet fuels more susceptible to water contamination that aviation gasoline? A. Jet fuel has a higher viscosity than gasoline B. Jet fuel is lighter than gasoline; therefore, water is more easily suspended C. Condensation is greater because of the higher volatility of jet fuels

C. To reduce the effects of eddy current The iron cores used in mst induction coils, transformers, and motors are made of laminated soft iron. The thin laminations reduce the losses caused by eddy currents flowing in the iron

Why are the iron cores most induction coils laminated? A. To reduce the core reluctance B. To increase the core permeability C. To reduce the effects of eddy current

A. Alternate inflation of deicer boot tubes keeps disturbance of the airflow to a minimum Pneumatic deicer boots are inflated alternately to keep the disturbance of the air over the airfoil to a minimum

Why are the tubes in deicer boots alternately inflated? A. Alternate inflation of deicer boot tubes keeps disturbance of the airflow to a minimum B. Alternate inflation of deicer boot tubes does not disturb airflow C. Alternate inflation of deicer boot tubes relieves the load on the air pump

A. to allow the tube to position itself correctly inside the tire When a tube type tire is mounted, the tube should be fully inflated, deflated, and then re-inflated. This procedure allows the the tube to position itself inside the ture and to relieve all the stresses

Why do most aircraft tire manufacturers recommend that the tubes be installed after the tires be first inflated, fully deflated, and then reinflated to the correct pressure? A. to allow the tube to position itself correctly inside the tire B. To eliminate all the air in inbetween the tube and the inside of the tire C. To test the entire assembly for leaks

C. A short may exist in either circuit without causing a false fare warning The fenwal fire-detection system is wired between two parallel circuits so that a short can exist in either circuit without causing a false fire warning

Why does the Fenwal fire-detection system use spot detectors wired parallel between two separate circuits? A. A control unit is used to isolate the bad system in case of malfunction B. This installation is equal to two systems: a main system and a reserve system C. A short may exist in either circuit without causing a false fare warning

B. So aircraft may be placed in a level position An aircraft should be weighed indoors to prevent the possibility of air currents moving the aircraft and knocking it off the jacks or causing the scales to give an inaccurate reading

Why is it generally necessary to jack an aircraft indoors for weighing? A. So aircraft may be placed in a level position B. So that air currents do not destabilize the scales C. So weighing scales may be calibrated to 0 pounds

A. To chemically clean the base metal of oxide film It is nessasary to use flux in all silver soldering operations because the base metal must be chemically clean without the slightest film of ovide. A film of oxide on the metal will prevent the silver solder from coming into intimate contact with the base metal.

Why is it necessary to use flux in all silver soldering operations? A. To chemically clean the base metal of oxide film B. To prevent overheating of the base metal C. To increase heat conductivity

C. To limit pressure differential between the tank and atmosphere Fuel tanks must be vented with the vents having sufficient capacity to allow the rapid relief of excessive pressure between the interior and the exterior of the tank

Why is it necessary to vent all aircraft fuel tanks? A. To ensure a positive head pressure for a submerged boost pump B. To exhaust fuel vapors C. To limit pressure differential between the tank and atmosphere

C. It measures by weight instead of volume The electronic fuel quantity indicating system is more accurate than other types of systems used for measuring fuel quantity. These systems use several capacitor-type probes extending across each tank from top to bottom. When the attitude of the aircraft changes, fuel rises in some probes and lowers in other. The total capacitance of all probes remain the same as th aircraft changes in attitude. The dielectric constant of the fuel changes with its density. Therefore, the system is able to determine the mass (weight) of the fuel rather than its volume

Why is the capacitance fluid quantity indicating system more accurate in measuring fuel level than a mechanical type? A. Only one probe and one indicator are necessary for multiple tank configurations B. It measures in gallons and converts to pounds C. It measures by weight instead of volume

A. It traps any small amount of water that may be present in the fuel system

Why is the main fuel strainer located at the lowest point in the fuel system? A. It traps any small amount of water that may be present in the fuel system B. It is near the fuel tank heater to help prevent vapor lock in the system C. It filters and traps all micro-organisms that may be present in the fuel system

B. It hardens the surface A carburizing flame, a flame that has an excess amount of acetylene, adds carbon to the puddle so the weld is capable of being hardened more than the surrounding metal. The metal surrounding the weld bead has less carbon in it than the weld itself

Why should a carburizing flame be avoided when welding steel? A. It removes the carbon content B. It hardens the surface C. A cold weld will result

A. longitudinal axis Lateral dihedral, which is the positive acute angle between the lateral axis of an aircraft and a line parallel to the center of a wing panel, contributes to the lateral stability of an aircraft.Lateral stability (roll stability) is stability of an aircraft about its longitudinal axis.

Wing dihedral, a rigging consideration on most airplanes of conventional design, contributes most of its stability of the airplane about its A. longitudinal axis B. vertical axis C. lateral axis

A. longitudinal axis Lateral dihedral, which is the positive acute angle between the lateral axis of an aircraft and a line parallel to the center of a wing panel, contributes to the lateral stability of an aircraft. Lateral stability (roll stability) is the stability of an aircraft about its longitudinal axis

Wing dihedral, a rigging consideration on most airplanes of conventional design, contributes most to stability of the airplane about its A. longitudinal axis B. vertical axis C. lateral axis

B. Aileron Differential control is a term used to describe an aileron system in which the airleron moving upward deflects a greater number of deagrees than the aireron moving downward

With which system is differential control associated? A. Trim B. Aileron C. Elevator

C. testing with a 10% solution of caustic soda Aluminum alloy of the 2xxx series can be identified by using a 10% caustic soda. When this solution is applied to the material, it reacts with the copper in the alloy and forms a dark spot

You can distinguish between aluminum and aluminum alloy by A. filing the metal B. testing with an acetic acid solution C. testing with a 10% solution of caustic soda

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