All BIO Exam 2 Practice Questions

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How much ATP does one round of the Calvin Cycle use? a) 14 b) 16 c) 18 d) 20


How much ATP does glycolysis produce (net)?


What is the total maximum amount of ATP that is produced per glucose during glucose metabolism? a. about 8-10 ATP b. about 16-18 ATP c. about 28-30 ATP d. about 36-38 ATP

36-38 ATP

MRNA is read from: __________.

5' to 3'

What is a Ligand?

A signaling molecule

What is the sequence pairing in DNA?

A to T, G to C

Which of the following codons is the start codon?


The function of a membrane protein is... A. Transport B. Enzymatic activity C. Signal Transduction D. Attachment E. All of the Above

All of the Above

Plasmodesmata are intercellular junctions between plant cells that: A. Join cells together or link cells to the Extracellular Matrix B. Direct cytoplasmic connections between adjacent cells C. Occur in the middle lamella between plant cells D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is the product of the Citric Acid (Krebs) cycle? A. ATP B. NADH C. FADH D. All of the above.

All of the above

Programmed cell death is AKA... A. meiosis B. cell genesis C. apoptosis D. autophagy


Signals can intentionally cause a cell to die. What is this called?


What type of cell signaling secrete molecules to bind to the cell surface?

Autocrine Signaling

When a cell responds to a signal it sent, this is an example of A. contact dependent signaling B. autocrine signaling C. direct intracellular signaling D. paracrine signaling E. endocrine signaling

Autocrine signaling

What is the name of the signaling molecule that is responsible for the process of phototropism?


The assembly of transcription factors begins

C) upstream from the transcription start site.

Which cycle uses (oxidizes) ATP and NADPH? A. Carbon Cycle B. Hydrolic Cycle C. Cell-division Cycle D. Calvin Cycle

Calvin Cycle

The CAM protein, cadherin, connects cells to what?


Plant cell walls are made mostly of ________?


ATP synthase captures ____________ energy to produce ATP during the light reaction. A. Light B. Mitochondrial C. NAPDH D. Chemiosmotic


What is the major light capturing pigment?

Chlorophyll A

What tissue type is cells joining together to create continuous sheets that cover and line internal organs?

Connective Tissue

1.) In bacteria, transcription and translation occur in the __________


Where does glycolysis take place? A. Mitochondrial matrix B. Mitochondrial membrane C. Mitochondrial innermembrane D. Cytosol


Which is not a function of the extracellular matrix?

DNA Replication is NOT a function of the extracellular matrix. Support, adhesion, and movements ARE all functions of the extracellular matrix.

Transcription is the transfer of genetic information from ___ to complementary strands of ___.


When it comes to the types of animals tissues, which of the following is NOT one of them? A. Epithelial tissue B. Connective tissue C. Muscle tissue D. Dermal tissue

Dermal Tissue

Cell junctions allow signaling molecules pass from one cell to another is which of the following:

Direct Intercellular signaling

Some tissues need to be able to expand and contract, such as lungs during breathing and intestines during digestion. Predict which ECM protein would be abundant in these tissues: A. Elastin B. Collagen C. glycoaminoglycans D. fibronectin


Which protein of the ECM provides elasticity?


A chemical reaction that has a positive delta G is correctly described as... A. Endergonic B. Spontaneous C. Exothermic


Hormones are released from one cell and act on other cells in distant organs and are thus an example of... A. Contact to contact signaling B. Autocrine signaling C. Endocrine Signaling D. Paracrine signaling

Endocrine signaling

A chemical reaction that has a positive delta G is correctly described as ________. A. Endothermic B. Exothermic C. Spontaneous D. None of the above


Type of animal tissue in which cells join together to form continuous sheets to cover or line body surfaces:


Which of the following is an animal tissue out of the main tissue types? A. Epithelial B. Vascular C Dermal D Parenchyma


In glucose catabolism, glycolysis is a spontaneous reaction - what type of reaction is this, and does it absorb or release energy? A. Endergonic, absorbs B. Endergonic, releases C. Exergonic, absorbs D. Exergonic, releases

Exergonic, releases

Which is NOT part of the 4 main types of Cell Junctions? a. Middle lamella b. Anchoring junctions c. Tight junctions d. Extracellular matrix

Extracellular Matrix

Which of the following are not stop codons? (UAA, UAG, UGA, or GAU)


Which one of the following is the first step in the formation of ATP from glucose? A. Shuttle Step B. Glycolysis C. Oxidative Phosphorylation D. Cellular Respiration


What is delivered to plants through veins? a. Sugars b. Chloroplasts c. H2O and nutrients d. CO2

H2O and Nutrients

The DNA double helix is separated into single strands during replication by the enzyme


What enzyme unwinds and unzips DNA during in the initiation step DNA replication?


Arrange the following proteins in the proper order in which they participate in DNA replication .1 = Primase 2 = Helicase 3 = Single-strand binding proteins 4 = DNA polymerase I

Helicase Single-stranded binding proteins Primase DNA Polymerase I

Where are the protein complexes associated with the electron transport chain located? A. Mitochondrial inner membrane B. Cytosol C. Mitochondrial outer membrane D. Mitochondrial matrix

Mitochondrial inner membrane

Cellular respiration produces the most energy in the form of ATP from which of the following? A. Production of lactate B. Citric acid cycle C. Substrate level phosphorylation D. Glycolysis E. Oxidative phosphorylation

Oxidative phosphorylation

What is the major lipid found in membranes A. Phospholipid B. Steroids C. Cholesterol D. Triglycerides E. Saturated Fatty Acids


What are the two major components of cell membranes? A. Phospholipids and proteins B. Glycolipids and phospholipids C. Cholesterol and Proteins D. Phospholipids and carbohydrates E. Phospholipids and Cholesterol

Phospholipids and proteins

You discover a new multicellular organism. The organism has organelles and cell walls composed mainly of cellulose. This new organism could be... A. fungus B. plant C. animal D. human


What Species contain Ion Channels?

Plants, animals, and Fungal

Water held behind a dam would best reflect.... A. Potential Energy B. Kinetic Energy C. Chemical Energy D. Mechanical Energy

Potential Energy

Protein degredation in eukaryotes is performed by... A. Proteasomes B. Flagellum C. Ribosome D. Cytochrome


What is the role of the electron transport chain in glucose metabolism? A. Pump H+ ions from mitochondrial matrix to intermembrane space B. Capture energy from the concentration gradient to produce ATP C. Regulate phosphofructokinase D. Break down organic molecules

Pump H+ ions

What is the term associated with A + G binding in DNA?


During glycolysis, Glucose is broken down into... A. Acetyl CoA B. NADH C. Pyruvate D. Oxygen E. ATP


The primary function of an enzyme or any biological catalyst is to A. Increase the rate of reaction B. Reduce the energy of activation of a reaction C. Change the direction of the reaction D. Stop the reaction

Reduce the energy of activation of a reaction

In eukaryotic DNA replication, what happens each time the DNA is duplicated?

Removal of primer and replacement of DNA on the 3' end

Where does translation of proteins occur?


What is the most common and important enzyme on Earth? A. Urease B.Protease C. Hydrolase D. RuBisCo


DNA is replicated through what process?


What pyrimidine is replaced in RNA?


A ___________ signal stops transcript and causes the RNA transcript to be released.


In DNA replication, DNA "unwinds" to form two template strands: the leading strand and lagging strand. Which of the following statements about these strands are true? A. Okazaki fragments are used to synthesize the leading strand of DNA. B. The leading strand of DNA is synthesized continuously. C. DNA polymerase can only synthesize DNA on the leading strand. D. The lagging stand can only be synthesized once the leading strand has been completed.

The leading strand of DNA is synthesized continuously.

What is the nucleotide that is always paired with Adenine (A), in DNA?

Thymine (T)

The enzyme that removes tightened coils ahead of the replication fork is____


Which produces a complementary RNA strand from a DNA strand?


What proteins bind to the promoter and other regulatory elements in eukaryotes during transcription?

Transcription factors

Diffusion is the movement of a molecule from an area of high to low concentration A. True B. False


What are the RNA nucleotides and what nucleotides do they pair to?

a,u,c,g and au/cg

Reactants capable of interacting to form products in a chemical reaction must first overcome a thermodynamic barrier known as the reaction's a. entropy. b. activation energy. c. endothermic level. d. heat content. e. free-energy content.

activation energy

1. tRNA have a 3-nucleotide sequence called a(n)


A cell signalling to itself to trigger cell death is an example of what? A. rejuvenation B. phototropism C. apoptosis D. dialysis


During which process do cells enter into programmed cell death, during which time DNA is chopped up, organelles are fragmented, the cell shrinks, and parts of the cell are packaged into vesicle and removed by scavenger cells? a. endocytosis​ b. catastrophism c. cytokinesis d. apoptosis


Which of the following is NOT a part of the 3-step process for cell communication? a. Receptor activation b. Apoptosis c. Signal transduction d. Cellular response


When a cell releases a growth factor that binds to receptors on neighboring cells causing them to proliferate, this is an example of... A. paracrine signaling B. autocrine signaling C. endocrine signaling D. contact dependent signaling

contact dependent signaling

Where does translation occur in eukaryotes?


The release of hormones that activates a distant tissue is an example of: A .Autocrine Signaling B. Endocrine Signaling C. Direct intercellular signaling D. Paracrine Signaling

endocrine signaling

You inject a dye into an animal cell and observe that is moves into adjacent cells. This would occur through... A. adherens junctions B. gap junctions C. plasmodesmata D. tight junctions

gap junctions

What is central to the metabolism of all cells? a. Glycolysis b. Anaerobic Respiration c. Glucose catabolism d. Fermentation

glucose catabolism

What is the first step of Glucose Catabolism? A.) Citric Acid Cycle B.) Glycolysis C.) Shuttle Step D.) Oxidative Phosphorylation E.) Substrate level Phosphorylation


What are the steps of glucose catabolism (in order)? A. Shuttle step, glycolysis, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation B. Glycolysis, shuttle step, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation C. Glycolysis, shuttle step, oxidative phosphorylation, citric acid cycle D. Glycolysis, citric acid cycle, shuttle step, oxidative phosphorylation

glycolysis, shuttle step, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation

Which form of energy would something elevated have? A. Chemical B. Gravitational C. Electrical D. Electrochemical


In what type of climate do plants close their stomata to minimize water loss? a. chilly climates b. hot climates c. freezing climates d. rainy climates

hot climates

At what step is energy captured from harvested light and converted into chemical energy in photosynthesis? A. The Calvin Cycle B. Glycolysis C. Light Reactions stage D. The Citric Acid Cycle

light reactions state

Which of the following RNA is used to code for the sequence of amino acids?


Which type of RNA is used to code for the sequence of amino acids in protein during translation?


What is DNA primate responsible for in DNA replication?

making RNA primer

Transcription is similar in prokaryotes and eukaryote, but it is _________

more complex in eukaryotes

Primary metabolism is the process of building or breaking down ____ a. Carbohydrates and proteins b. Lipids, proetins, and carbohydrates c. Proteins and nucleic acids d. Nucleic acid, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates

nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates

The stomata, where gas exchange is allowed... A. Is opened and closed to regulate water loss. B. Does not regulate water loss. C. Only closes to regulate water loss D. Only opens to regulate water loss.

opened/closed to regulate water loss

The structural organization of chloroplasts allows ________ to occur with great efficiency. A. catabolism B. photosynthesis C. respiration D. fermentation


_____ is a functional unit that captures light and uses it to produce high energy electrons. A- Chlorophyll B- Photosystem C- Chloroplasts D- Cell Membrane


Gap junctions in plant cells are most similar to (?) in plant cells A. middle lamella B. tight junctions C. plasmodesmata D. primary cell walls


Which of the following classifications for cell receptor types is NOT is not a true receptor type? A. Enzyme Linked Receptors, B. Ion Channel Receptors, C. G-Protein Coupled Receptors, D. Receptor Tyrosine Kinases

receptor tyrosine kinases

Q: What is oxidation on the atomic level?A: Removal of electrons B: Addition of electrons C: Hydrolysis by water D: Dehydration (removal of water)

removal of electrons

Light is captured (absorbed) by what during photosynthesis? A. Removing two elections B. Forming a chemeosmotic gradient C. Special photopigments D. A high energy electron carrier

special photopigments

Plants in very hot, dry climates close their ________ to minimize water loss during the day which creates a problem of not enough O2, and CO2 exchange. a) glyceroldehyde b) stomata c) RuBisCo d) photosystem


What allows gas exchange and opens or closes to regulate water loss? a.) Thylakoid b.) Stomata c.) Chloroplast d.) Upper Epidermis


After the Calvin Cycle occurs, ADP and NADP+ are transported back to the ___ to be re-energized. a) stroma b) thylakoid c) photon d) chloroplast


Where do light reactions take place? a. stroma b. thylakoid membrane c. stomata d. cisternae

thylakoid membrane

Enzymes can be activated by the addition or removal of a phosphate. A. True B. False


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