ALLH exam 1 study guide

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According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, most healthy adults should limit their daily sodium intake to less than ________ mg/day.


Per serving, which of the following foods is the most energy-dense?

4-ounce chocolate doughnut

Approximately how many grams of carbohydrate are in a sugar-sweetened beverage that supplies 240 kcals and contains no fiber, fat, protein, or alcohol?

60 grams of carbohydrate

Which of the following describe a conditionally essential nutrient?

All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following sources of oils would be recommended as part of a healthy diet?


Which of the following is an example of mechanical digestion in the GI tract?

Chewing food up into smaller pieces in the mouth

Kristan uses %DVs to help plan nutritious menus with various packaged foods. She should try to obtain at least 100% of the Daily Value for which of the following nutrients?


Strawberries are naturally a source of which monosaccharide?


Which of the following is a simple carbohydrate?


Which of the following foods is the most nutrient-dense per serving?

Leafy greens

Justin's blood cholesterol levels are too high. He'd like to add foods to his diet that can help reduce his blood cholesterol level. Based on this information, which of the following foods should he add?

Legumes (e.g. black beans)

Which of the following substances is a macronutrient?


Which of the following foods or beverages is a main source of added sugars in American diets?

Regular soft drinks

Which of the following menu items has ingredients that represent all MyPlate food groups?

Salad made with hard-cooked eggs, grapes, leaf lettuce, cooked pasta, and cheddar cheese

Which of the following conditions or diseases is a leading diet-related cause of death in the United States?


Due to a respiratory bacterial infection, Amanda had to take a large spectrum antibiotic for a period of 7 days. At the end of the regimen, her respiratory problem was gone; however, she informed her doctor that she now has diarrhea and other digestive problems. What do you think the doctor will recommend to Amanda to relieve her diarrhea and digestive problems?

Take probiotics to restore the population of beneficial bacteria she lost due to the antibiotic she was taking

Which of the following statements is true?

The human digestive tract does not produce enzymes that digest dietary fiber.

Which type of diabetes is most common in the United States?

Type 2 diabetes

The lining of the small intestine is covered with ________, tiny, finger-like structures that absorb nutrients from food.


Which of the following substances is a nutrient that does NOT supply any energy for the human body?

Vitamin D

A primary function of the digestive system is the

breakdown of food into nutrients.

Having a control group enables researchers to

compare findings of the control group with those of the experimental group.

If your diet supplies more sugar and starch than you need, the excess can be

converted into fat and stored.

Which of the following websites is most likely a source of biased and unreliable nutrition information?

Scientists conduct a study in which 100 adults with chronic diarrhea are divided into 2 groups with 50 people per group. One group is given a supply of yogurt that contains a certain kind of bacteria, and the other group is given yogurt that is bacteria-free. The study's participants and researchers do not know which group of subjects has the bacteria in the yogurt and which group does not. The scientists instruct the participants to eat the entire 8 ounces of yogurt once a day for a month and record their bowel habits. This is an example of a(n) ________ study.


When muscle cells have more glucose than they need for energy, they may store some of the excess as



helps glucose enter cells.

A group of registered dietitian nutritionists is planning to conduct a scientific study to investigate the effects of eating honey on behavior in school-aged children. To start, the researchers will

make observations.

According to Shawn's physician, Shawn has a high risk of ________ because his waist circumference is 42 inches, his blood pressure consistently measures 140 mm Hg/90 mm Hg, and his fasting blood glucose level is 110 mg/dl.

metabolic syndrome

A diet that supplies adequate amounts of nutrients prevents _______.

nutrient-deficiency disorders

According to the MyPlate guidelines, fruits and vegetables should account for about ________ of the food on a person's plate.


Small amounts of food move from the back of the mouth and through the esophagus by involuntary muscular movements called


A group of scientists suspects that certain dietary practices are partially responsible for different rates of hypertension among adults of different ethnic/racial groups. To test their hypothesis, the researchers examine data concerning the different population groups' hypertension rates and their past dietary practices. This research is a ________ study.


An online magazine article about weight-loss diets includes false information about the process of digestion that uses scientific-sounding terms to make it seem factual. The faulty information is an example of


Phil is a participant in a study designed to examine the effects of taking a dietary supplement on muscle tissue development. Phil suspects he is in the experimental group, because he is certain his muscles are bigger and stronger as a result of taking the product supplied by the researchers. When the study is completed, Phil learns that he did not receive the dietary supplement. Phil thinks the researchers made a mistake—he is certain his muscle mass increased while he took the supplement. According to this information, Phil's belief that his physical condition improved while he participated in the study is an example of ________.

the placebo effect

Which of the following is a micronutrient?


Which of the following organs produces and secretes enzymes that are essential for proper digestion?


A serving of food contains 15 g carbohydrate, 3 g protein, 5 g fat, 5 mg vitamin C, and 100 mL water. Based on this information, a serving of this food supplies _______.

117 kcals

Which of the following foods is both energy and nutrient-dense?

Peanut butter

Which of the following observations is an example of a positive correlation?

When a group of 6-year-old children increase their physical activity level to 60 minutes a day, the children's muscle mass increases.

Derek takes protein supplements before and after his workouts. He told his workout partner that he became 200% stronger within a couple of months after he added the supplements to his diet. His report about the effects of the supplements is an example of a(n) ________.


The three most important dietary monosaccharides for humans are

galactose, glucose, and fructose.

Phil is a healthy college student. When he wakes up in the morning, he can't wait to eat breakfast. While he is asleep and before he consumes food or beverages, his pancreas secretes ________ to maintain his blood glucose level within normal limits.


According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, added sugar intake should be limited to less than ________% of total daily calories.


According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, saturated fat intake should be limited to less than ________% of total daily calories.


Which of the following is a complex carbohydrate?

Soluble fiber

An essential nutrient _______.

must be supplied by the diet

Nervous system cells burn mostly ________ for energy.


The ________ helps form feces by absorbing excess water and some minerals from chyme.

large intestine

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