AN 181 Midterm

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loss of a minority group's cultural distinctiveness in relation to the dominant culture.


family relationships created through marriage


groups of men who are close to one another in age and share similar duties or responsibilities

Age grades

named categories to which men of a certain age are assigned at birth

Age sets

interactions between members of distinct ethnic and cultural groups that reduce barriers between the groups over time


pressure placed on minority groups to adopt the customs and traditions of the dominant culture.


married individuals live with or near an uncle


the exchange of something with the expectation that something of equal value will be returned within a specific time period

Balanced reciprocity

the smallest unit of political organization, consisting of only a few families and no formal leadership positions


a form of temporary or situational leadership; influence results from acquiring followers

Big man

a man marries a woman who is both his mother's brother's daughter and his father's sister's daughter

Bilateral cross-cousin marriage

descent is recognized through both the father and the mother's sides of the family.

Bilateral descent

kinship (family) systems that recognize both the mother's and the father's "sides" of the family

Bilateral descent

payments made to the bride's family by the groom's family before marriage


Areas with few usable resources have a lower_____ than those with many resources

Carrying capacity

the division of society into hierarchical levels; one's position is determined by birth and remains fixed for life

Caste system

large political units in which the chief, who usually is determined by heredity, holds a formal position of power


the enclosure of an area by a geographic feature such as mountain ranges or desert or by the boundaries of a state


formal legal systems in which damages, crimes, remedies, and punishments are specified

Codified law

the process of buying, eating, or using a resource, food, commodity, or service


Which of these activiites is NOT considered a primary activity of foraging?


In a patrilocal residence, who leaves the household so that the married couple lives with or near the husband's parents?


Applied anthropologists work in which of these fields?

Development antrhopology, educational, anthropology, medical anthropology (all of them)

payments made to the groom's family by the bride's family before marriagw


societies in which there is no great difference in status or power between individuals and there are as many valued status positions in the societies as there are persons able to fill them. Feuds: disputes of long duration characterized by a state of recurring hostilities between families, lineages, or other kin groups


people in a society who claim a distinct identity for themselves based on shared cultural characteristics and ancestry

Ethnic group

the degree to which a person identifies with and feels an attachment to a particular ethnic group.


gradual emergence of new ethnicities in response to changing social circumstances


The excavationi of material remians from the remote past is the task for the subfield of physical anthropology


Cultural relativism is the idea that one's own culture is most important and the best way to measure how advanced other cultures are in comparison


Qualittative anthropological research uses statistical, mathemetical, and/or numerical data to study human behavior


The subsistnce system of ofragers is based on small-scale cultivation of crops and small herds of domestic livestock


the family in which an individual is raised

Family of orientation

a new household formed for the purpose of conceiving and raising children

Family of procreation

usually collective ownership by kinship groups


ideas designed to reinforce the right of powerholders to rule


a medium of exchange that can be used in all economic transactions

General purpose money

giving without expecting a specific thing in return

Generalized reciprocity

Homo economicusa term used to describe a person who would make rational decisions in ways predicted by economic theories.

Homo economicus

the resources used to produce goods in a society such as land for farming or factories

Homo economicus

ranked societies, family centered, own the produce but not the land


What is economics?

How people make their living

The "one-drop" rule for determining blackness in the US is an example of the _____ concept of race


a racial classification system that assigns a person with mixed racial heritage to the racial category that is considered least privileged.


individuals who can trace or demonstrate their descent through a line of males or females back to a founding ancestor.


a term used to describe laws passed by state and local governments in the United States during the early twentieth century to enforce racial segregation of public and private places

Jim Crow

a very large extended family that includes multiple generations.

Joint family

the pattern of culturally recognized relationships between family members.

Kinship system

a man marries a woman who is his mother's brother's daughter.


A(n) ________ is a custom whereby a man is obligated to marry his brother's widow


the practice of a woman marrying one of her deceased husband's brothers


kinship (family) systems that recognize only relatives through a line of female ancestors. Nation: an ethnic population


a man marries a woman who is his mother's brother's daughter

Matrilateral cross-cousin marriage

kinship (family) systems that recognize only relatives through a line of female ancestors. Nation: an ethnic population


the social relations through which human labor is used to transform energy from nature using tools, skills, organization, and knowledge

Mode of production

Which of these is the term for any sequence of phonemes that carries menaing?


an attempt to get something for nothing; exchange in which both parties try to take advantage of the other

Negative reciprocity

punishments for noncompliance through fines, imprisonment, and death sentences

Negative reinforcements

newly married individuals establish a household separate from other family members

Neolocal residence

genetic traits that are inherited independently rather than as a package.


the practice of calling on a deity to bear witness to the truth of what one says


the practice of excluding a person with any non-white ancestry from the white racial category

One-drop rule

a test used to determine guilt or innocence by submitting the accused to dangerous, painful, or risky tests believed to be controlled by supernatural forces


the practice of marrying a male or female cousin on the father's side of the family

Patrilateral cousin marriage

kinship (family) systems that recognize only relatives through a line of male ancestors


a kinship group created through the paternal line (fathers and their children).

Patrilineal descent

married individuals live with or near the husband's father's family.

Patrilocal residence

residents of a state who earn a living through farming


a society characterized by strong correlation between a person's skin color and his or her social class


an approach in anthropology that investigates the historical evolution of economic relationships as well as the contemporary political processes and social structures that contribute to differences in income and wealth

Political economy

marriages with one wife and multiple husbands


families based on plural marriages in which there are multiple wives or, in rarer cases, multiple husbands.


marriages in which there is one husband and multiple wives.


secret societies for men and women, respectively, found in the Mande-speaking peoples of West Africa, particularly in Liberia, Sierra Leone, the Ivory Coast, and Guinea

Poro and sande

rewards for compliance; examples include medals, financial incentives, and other forms of public recognition.

Positive reinforcements

a process through which farmers are removed from the land and forced to take wage labor employment


an attempt to categorize humans based on observed physical differences.


the process of defining and redefining racial categories in a society.

Racial formation

short-term uses of physical force organized and planned to achieve a limited objective


societies in which there are substantial differences in the wealth and social status of individuals; there are a limited number of positions of power or status, and only a few can occupy them.


the accumulation of goods or labor by a particular person or institution for the purpose of


the process by which an inaccurate concept or idea is accepted as "truth."


a marriage system in which only two extended families can engage in this exchange

Restricted exchange

societies in which people reject attempts by any individual to exercise power

Reverse dominance

The idea that language controls howhuman groups see relatiy comes from

Sapir and Whorf

a hierarchy of lineages that contains both close and relatively distant family members

Segmentary lineage

marriage to a succession of spouses one after the other.

Serial monogamy

the division of society into groups based on wealth and status

Social classes

a concept developed by society that is maintained over time through social interactions that make the idea seem "real."

Socially constructed

a system used to encourage solidarity or feelings of connectedness between people who are not related by family ties


the practice of a man marrying the sister of his deceased wife.

Sororate marriage

the most complex form of political organization characterized by a central government that has a monopoly over legitimate uses of physical force, a sizeable bureaucracy, a system of formal laws, and a standing military force


societies in which there are large differences in the wealth, status, and power of individuals based on unequal access to resources and positions of power


a form of violence in which a social structure or institution harms people by preventing them from meeting their basic needs

Structural violence

people who raise plants and animals for their own consumption, but not for sale to others

Subsistence farmers

norms that permit persons of higher rank to enjoy greater social status by wearing distinctive clothing, jewelry, and/or decorations denied those of lower rank

Sumptuary rules

limited or occasional displays of ethnic pride and identity that are primarily for public display

Symbolic ethnicity

a system of classification


How did warfare in agricultural states differ from warfare in band societies?

They used full-time and/or professional armies

political units organized around family ties that have fluid or shifting systems of temporary leadership


Cultural norms are not always followed by everyone within the same gropu


Culture is defined as a set of beliefs, practices, and symbols that are leanred and shared. Together, they form an all-encompassing, integrated whole that binds people together adn shapes their worldview and lifeways


Foodways are the cultural norms an dattiudes surrounding food adn eating


Proxemics is the study of the social use of space, including the amount of space an individual tries to maintain around themselves in their interaction with others


The etic approach provides a descriptoin of the studied culture from the perspective of the observer or outsider


With training, barring disability, any human can utter the sounds found in any language


kinship (family) systems that recognize only one sex-based "side" of the family

Unilineal descent

Unilineal descent is when a person is affiliated with a group of kin through links within one sex only, thus

a unilineal descent is either patrilineal or matrilineal

status gained through actions/abiliites, egalitarian socieites

achieved status

status gained by inheriting the position based on family, ethnicity; ranked socieites

ascribed status

the exchange of goods considered to have roughly equal value; exchange occurs within a specified time period; social purposes usually motivate the exchange

balanced reciprocity

A small, kin-based group found among foragers is known as a


self-help familial


The four subdisciplines of anthropology are

biological anthropology, archaeology, cultural anthropology, and linguistics

intermediate form between tribe and state that featured differential access to resources and a permanent political structure


a group of people who have a general notion of common descent that is not attached to a specific biological ancestor


differences in the traits that occur in populations across a geographical area. In a cline, a trait may be more common in one geographical area than another, but the variation is gradual and continuous, with no sharp breaks.


An example of a non-kin sodality in trabal sodalities is the...

council of elders

The practices of the levirate and the sororate emphasize tha tmarriage

creates kinship obligations

Many anthropologists of the 19th century believed that cultures transformed over time into more complex and superiorr cultures. This type of thinking is called

cultural (unilineanl) evolutionism

relationships that provide members with a sense of identity and social support based on ties of shared ancestry

descent groups

Humans have the ability to talk about things, times, and places that are not within their immediate experience. The term for this is


Every language has a limited number of sounds and rules for combining them to create units of meaning. Tihis charateristic of language is called


_______ is the work associated with obtaining food for the family or household

domestic economy

a term that can be used to describe a group of people who live together even if members do not consider themselves to be family

domestic group

The ____ of a society consists of the social relationships that organize the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services


a term describing expectations that individuals must marry within a particular group


"Hispanic or Latino" is a(n) ______ category


The tendency to view one's own cluture as superior and to use one's own standards and values in judging others is called


a term describing expectations that individuals must marry outside a particular group


An independent variable _____ the dependent variable


a family of at least three-generations sharing a household

extended family

the smallest group of individuals who see themselves as connected to one another.


be able to identify what symbols represent female, male, marriage relationship, parent-child relationship, and sibling relationship

female-circle male-triangle marriage relationship-equal sign parent-child relationship-vertical line sibling relationship-bracket

Requiring an ethnic group to adopt the lnaguage, religion, and manner of dressing the dominant ethnic group is an example of

forced cultural assimilation

the giving of goods without expectation for return of equal value at any definite time in the future

general reciprocity

What are the three types of reciprocity?

general, balanced, negative

family members who reside together


Becuase culture is leanred socially

human infants are able to learn the culture of any human group, cultural knowledge from one generation is available to members of future generations, human groups can change their ideas and behairos very rapidly

private ownership, mechanized production in factories or agriculture by specialized wage laborers


What does ethnographic fieldwork consist of?

interviewing, observing, and participating in activiies

Chiefs (chiefdoms) acted as _______ in disputes


Property rights in tribal societies are


term used to describe culturally recognized ties between members of a family, the social statuses used to define family members, and the expected behaviors associated with these statuses.


charts used by anthropologists to visually represent relationships between members of a kinship group.

kinship diagrams

the terms used in a language to describe relatives.

kinship terminology

term used to describe any form of descent from a common ancestor.


a society in which women have authority to make decisions


a kinship group created through the maternal line (mothers and their children).

matrilineal descent

couples live with or near the wife's parents


married individuals live with or near the wife's mother's family.

matrilocal residence

Nuclear family households have become more common than extended family households in industrial and postindustrial states due to

mobility related to finding work

Peasants sharing food resources and labor in agricultural states is a form of

moral economy

maintenance of multiple cultural traditions in a single society.


exchange motived by the desire to obtain goods, in which both parties try to gain all they can from the exchange while giving up as little as possible; haggling

negative reciprocity

Dressing correctly at a wedding is an example of what component of culturla knowledge?


a parent or parents who are in a culturally-recognized relationship, such as marriage, along with minor or dependent children.

nuclear family

The word "lower" contains

one free morpheme and one bound morpheme

Fraternal polyandry refers to marriage between ________

one woman and multiple brothers

In witch hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries, suspected witches were thrown into water to see if they drowned or lived. This pracice is most similar to which tribal conflict resolution practice?


The way of life in which people tend, breed, and harvest the products of livestock is termed


ranked societies, grazing land is communal


couples live with or near the husband's parents


Leadership in band societies is based on...

personal qualities

The unique indidvidual sounds that make a difference in the meanings of words are called


one woman with multiple husbands


One man with multiple wives


service/knowledge based economy


Descendants of those who _____ are typically those who can tolerate digestion of dairy as adults

practiced pastoralism

what are the three forms of exchange in an economic system?

reciprocity, redistribution, market

Taxes are a form of

redistributional exchange

the set of behaviors expected of an individual who occupies a particular status


Jim Crow laws in the US enforced policies of


Honorifics are used to linguistically distinguish

social leveles

institutions that serve to unite geographically scattered groups


simple court system mediation

some tribes

formal governmental structure and socioeconomic stratification


courts regulation


any culturally-designated position a person occupies in a particular setting.


a version of an extended family that includes an older couple and one of their adult children with a spouse (or spouses) and children.

stem family

A society with specialized occupations such as craftspeople is more likely to be


A(n) is the set of skills, practices, and technologies used by members of a societ to acquire and distribute food

subsistence system

The earliest plan domestication occured in

the Middle Ease (fertile crescent)

Enculturation is

the process by which the young learn the culture of those around them

What is one way that anthropolgists might preserve the confidentiality of their informants?

the use of pseudonyms

One of Franz Boas's principal criticsm of nineteenth-century anthropolgists was

their theories were based on "armchar anthropology" and not their own fieldwork

economy based on horticulture and pastoralism


self-help mediator


descent is recognized through only one line or side of the family.


A people's beliefs about the way of life that is most desirable for them and their society are callled


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