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stratum corneum, thin

*Thick skin* covers palms, soles, & surfaces of fingers + toes: --epidermis is 0.5 mm thick b/c of very thick surface layer of dead cells called __________ ---resists pressure & friction palms & soles are subjected to --- has sweat glands but no hair / oil glands *______skin has hair, oil glands, & sweat glands ---Covers rest of body

sudoriferous glands

- sweat glands - 2 types ~ eccrine & apocrine

Second degree burn

-aka partial thickness burn -epidermis & dermis, blistered & painful -damaged hair follicles, nerve endings & cutaneous glands -severe sunburns & scalds

Simple columnar epithelium

-single layer of tall narrow cells Function: Absorption; secretion of mucus, enzymes, and other substances; ciliated type propels mucus (or reproductive cells) by ciliated action., movement of egg & embryo in uterine tube Location: nonciliated type: lining of stomach,intestines, gallbladder and excretory ducts of some glands; ciliated variety lines small bronchi, uterine tubes, and some regions of the uterus.

stratified cuboidal epithelium

2 or more layers of cells, surface cells roughly square or round Function: sweat secretion, ovarian hormones, sperm Location: ducts of sweat glands, egg producing follicles of ovaries, sperm producing ducts of testes


A connective tissue that is more flexible than bone and that protects the ends of bones and keeps them from rubbing together. Chondroblasts - cells that secrete cartilage matrix Lacunae - small cavity surrounding a chondrocyte Chondrocytes - cartilage cells in lucunae Avascular Subtypes Hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage


Arrector pili muscle that pulls the hair erect when we have goosebumps is this type of muscle


At the center of each hair is a loosely arranged core of cells and air spaces. This region is called the ______.

connective tissue

Binding of organs Support Physical protection Immune protection Movement Storage Heat production Transport

Arrector pili

Bundle of smooth muscle cells attached to the connective tissue sheath around the hair follicle ---In response to cold, contracts, and makes hair stand on end (goosebumps)


Cells in the stratum spinosum are nourished by blood vessels located in the ______. A) dermis B) stratum basale C) stratum corneum D) stratum lucidum Hint: are there blood vessels in the epidermis?


Cells of Epidermis: 1)________Majority of epidermal cells ---synthesize keratin

Stem cells

Cells of Epidermis: 2) ___________: Undifferentiated cells, divide to form keratinocytes, found in deepest layer of epidermis: stratum basale


Cells of Epidermis: 3) ________: Only in stratum basale, deepest layer of epidermis ---Synthesize melanin: brown/ black pigment ---have long branches that spread among keratinocytes & shed melanin containing fragments: melanosomes from their tips ---Keratinocytes phagocyte the fragments & cumulate melanin granules on sunny side of nucleus: ---*also deposit melanin into keratinocyte* ---Like umbrella, pigment shields DNA from UV radiation

Integumentary system

Consists of the skin, hair, nails, & cutaneous glands

myoepithelial cells

Contract in response to stimulation by sympathetic nervous system and squeeze perspiration up the duct -found in both apocrine & eccrine


Downy hair, unpigmented hair of fetus

method of exocrine secretion

Eccrine glands (=Merocrine glands ) Exocytosis Tear glands, pancreas, gastric glands, others Apocrine glands Some glands called apocrine but they are not and the name stuck. (Residual name). They are mainly merocrine Mammary and axillary glands Not in axillary area in Koreans; sparse in Japanese Holocrine glands Entire cell is secreted Oil-producing glands of scalp and eyelid

third degree burn

Epidermis & dermis completely destroyed -contracture & disfigurement

simple epithelium

Every cell on basement membrane Simple squamous Simple cuboidal Simple columnar Pseudostratified columnar Goblet cells

cells of connective tissue

Fibroblasts - produce fibers and ground substance Macrophages - eat bacteria and debris Leukocytes - white blood cells (such as neutrophils and lymphocytes) that help in body defenses Plasma cells - produce antibodies Mast cells - secrete heparin and histamine Adipocytes - fat cells

epithelial root sheath, connective tissue root sheath

Follicle = diagonal tube that dips deeply into the dermis, 2 layers: 1) ______________:Extension of epidermis, adjacent to hair root -at deep end of follicle, widens to form bulge w/ stem cells for follicle growth 2)______________: derived from Dermis, surrounds epithelial root sheath, denser than adjacent dermal connective tissue

CT scan

Formally CAT scan (computerized axial tomographic) Cross-section X-rays Images are then stacked by a computer to reveal tumors, aneurysms, kidney stones, etc.

water retention

Function of Skin: 2)________: skin is barrier to water, prevents body from absorbing excess water when swimming or bathing ---prevent body from losing water to surrounding air

Vitamin D

Function of Skin: 3)_________Synthesis: Skin carries out first step, need for bone development & maintenance, liver & kidneys complete process


Function of skin: 4) __________: Skin is most extensive sense organ ---nerve endings react to heat, cold, touch, texture, pressure, vibration & tissue injury --esp abundant in face, palms, fingers, soles, nipples, genitals


Function of skin: 5) ________: thermoreceptors monitor body surface temperature ---cutaneous vasoconstriction: When body is cold, skin retains heat by constricting blood vessel, keep warm blood deeper in body ---cutaneous vasodilation: when body is hot, get rid of excess heat by dilating vessels, blood flows close to surface to release heat thru skin

keratin, acid mantle

Functions of Skin: 1) Resistance to trauma & infection ---Epidermal cells have protein ________ & linked by desmosomes: give skin durability ---Bacteria & fungi can colonize skin surface, but dryness & acidity keeps then from proliferating: ---protective acidic film = _____, contains antimicrobial chemicals ---immune cells: dendritic cells in epidermis protect against pathogens that enter

Marfan syndrome

Genetic disorder of the connective tissue. ---tend to be tall and thin, with long arms, legs, fingers and toes. They also typically have flexible joints and scoliosis - • Need certain percent of collagen & elastin to withstand force of heart (aorta) • -Heart ejects blood w/ massive force, aorta may rupture • Marfan syndrome: aneurysm Very tall, issue w/ connective tissue, involve irregularity in fibroblast & production of elastin & collagen


Hair and nails are composed of hard keratin while the stratum corneum is mostly soft keratin. The difference is _______. A) hard keratin is compact and crosslinked B) soft keratin contains adipose tissue C) hard keratin contains minerals D) soft keratin contains crosslinked fibers --hair & nails made of keratinized dead epidermal cells

dermal papilla

Hair bulb grows around the ___________, vascular connective tissue that supplies blood to the hair

Hair bulb

Hair root ends in dermis / hypodermis w/ swollen base called: ________________-


Hair that is longer, coarser & more heavily pigmented than vellus, forms eyebrows & eyelashes, covers scalp, pubic hair, male facial hair


Hair that serves to retain heat and shade the skin from UV radiation is found on the ______. A) head, arms, and legs B) all of the body C) scalp D) hair does not play this role in humans

dense regular connective tissue

Highly organized fibers Mainly fibroblasts Location: Tendons and ligaments Elastic tissue (e.g., in vocal cords) -resist stress


Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium: surface = dead cells packed w/ keratin -*no blood vessels*, depend on diffusion of nutrients from underlying connective tissue

Hair matrix

Located above dermal papilla, region of actively dividing cells , hairs growth center, all cells igher are ded


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Soft tissue visualization fMRI - functional moment-to-moment change --Functional MRI is a type of MRI that allows us to examine changes in blood flow to local parts of brain, which provides an indirect measure of brain activity


Melanocytes: A) drift upwards into the stratum corneum as they are replaced B) deposit pigment in the interstitial spaces in the epidermis C) replicate more frequently in dark skinned people D) freely release melanin into the interstitial spaces


Middle layer of the hair --consists of elongated keratinzied cells

Mammary glands

Milk-producing gland of women in breasts in pregnancy & lactation -modified apocrine sweat glands

Ceruminous glands

Modified apocrine (sweat) glands, located in external ear canal, secretes cerumen (earwax)

pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Multilayers, w/ goblet cells Function: secrete & propel mucus Location: respiratory tract from nasal cavity to bronchi, male urethra

stratified squamous epithelium keratinized

Multiple cell layers Location: epidermis, palms & soles Functions: Resist abrasion & water loss, resist penetration by pathogens

stratified squamous epithelium nonkeratinized

Multiple cell layers with cells becoming increasingly flat toward the surface without a superficial layer of dead cells Location: tongue, esophagus, vagina, anal canal Function: resist abrasion resist penetration by pathogens

skeletal, cardiac, smooth

Muscular Tissue: _____________ Muscle fibers Striations Voluntary _____________ Cardiocytes (myocytes) Striations Intercalated discs Involuntary ___________ Fusiform myocytes Non-striated Involuntary , contraction

First degree burn

Only epidermis -redness, slight edema, pain ex) sunburn


Outer layer of hair --Composed of multiple layers of thin, scaly surface cells that overlap like roof shingles facing opp. direction -resist pulling on the hair

dense irregular connective tissue

Random arrangement of fibers Resists stress Location: Most of dermis, Protective capsules around liver, kidneys, spleen, fibrous sheath


Recurring reddened plaques covered w/ silvery scale -sometimes disfiguring, maybe caused by autoimmune response

loose connective tissue

Reticular - supports lymphatic organs -lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, bone marrow Areolar - abundant, binds epithelia to deeper tissue, allow passage of nerves & blood vessels thru other tissues -underneath all epithelia, surround blood vessels, nerves, esophagus, trachea,

Sebaceous glands

Secrete sebum (oil) into the hair follicles where the hair shafts pass through the dermis -abundant on scalp & face


Serous Membranes of the Abdominal Cavity: ___________ Parietal and visceral. Peritoneal cavity. Peritoneal fluid. Retroperitoneal position -outside of peritoneum. Intraperitoneal - surrounded by peritoneum. Serosa - visceral peritoneum divides and wraps around organ

exocrine secretions

Serous glands - secrete thin, watery fluids Mucous glands - secrete mucin that absorbs water to form mucus Mixed glands - secrete a mix of watery and mucous secretions Cytogenic glands - release whole cells (e.g., ovaries release egg cells)

solitus, inversus, perversus

Situs__________- - normal arrangement Situs _____________ - reversed position of organs Situs____________ - one organ atypically positioned or on occasions, organ missing.

epidermis, dermis, hypodermis

Skin = body's largest & heaviest organ: 2 layers: __________: stratified squamous epithelium _________: deeper connective tissue layer ________: connective tissue layer not part of skin

thoracic cavity

Superior to the diaphragm - Mediastinum - Pericardium Pericardial cavity Pericardial fluid - Pleura Pleural cavity Pleural fluid


The "ABCD rule" for recognizing early signs of malignant melanoma refers to the following characteristics of the lesion: The "ABCD rule" for recognizing early signs of malignant melanoma refers to the following characteristics of the lesion: A) asymmetry, brightness, color, and diameter. B) aspect, brightness, color, and distance. C) aspect, border irregularity, color, and distance. D) asymmetry, border irregularity, color, and diameter. E)area, border irregularity, color, and density.


The __________ layer of the epidermis is absent from most areas of the body. A) stratum corneum B) stratum spinosum C) stratum basale D) stratum granulosum E) stratum lucidum

melanocytes, keratinocytes

The cells of the epidermis include stem cells, Langerhans or dendritic cells, tactile disc cells, ___________________, and ________________


The hair root is ______. A) the portion of the hair above the bulb, but still in the skin B) the portion of the hair above the epidermis C) the swollen base of hair in the dermis or hypodermis D) the portion of the hair surrounding the dermal papilla

Hair root

The part of the hair located below the surface of the epidermis.

epithelial tissue

Tissue that covers organs, forms glands, protection, secretion, absorption Found in: epidermis, inner lining of digestive tract, liver. -One or more layers Closely adhered cells Form surfaces Avascular Basement membrane Basal and apical surfaces

Hyaline cartilage

Translucent bluish white cartilage consisting of cells embedded in an apparently homogeneous matrix, -larynx, thin articular cartilage over ends of bones at movable joint, costal cartilage attaches ribs to sternum -ease joint movement, hold airway open during respiration, move vocal cord during speech

stratified epithelium

Two or more layers Named by top layer Stratified squamous Stratified cuboidal Transitional

Apocrine glands

Type of Sweat gland, thicker sweat -ducts open into hair follicle -occur in groin, anal, armpit, areola -scent glands, respond to stress & sexual stim -pheromones -develop as outgrowth of hair follicle


Type of hair in babies, children & women, fine, pale hair, but NOT for eyebrows, eyelashes & scalp


Type of sweat gland that is widely distributed in most areas of the body. -simple ducts lead to pores at skin surface -palms soles, body -functions to cool body

transitional epithelium

Umbrella cells in transitional epithelial tissue is protected from constant contact with urine in kidney pelvis, ureter and bladder. Have lipid rafts and proteins uroplakins in cell membrane.


What are the three concentric regions of the hair from the outside to the inside? A) Medulla, cortex, cuticle B) Cuticle, cortex, medulla C) Cortex, cuticle, medulla D) Cuticle, hyponychium, medulla


What is the most widely distributed sweat gland in the body? A) Ceruminous B) Sudoriferous C) Sebaceous D) Eccrine (Merocrine) E) Aprocrine


Which of the following does not interfere with microbial invasion of the skin? A) Keratin B) The acid mantle C) Cerumen D) Melanin E) Sebum


Which of the following sequences correctly describes the layers of the integument from the most superficial to the deepest layers? A) Epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous B) Dermis, subcutaneous, epidermis C) Subcutaneous, dermis, epidermis D) Epidermis, subcutaneous, dermis


Which tissue is found lining the lumen of the esophagus and adult vagina? A) Transitional epithelium B) Simple squamous epithelium C) Stratified columnar epithelium D) Stratified squamous epithelium E) Pseudostratified columnar epithelium


Which two strata of the epidermis are most susceptible to cancer? A) Basale and corneum B) Spinosum and basale C) Corneum and lucidum D) Lucidum and granulosum E) Granulosum and spinosum

nail bed, hyponychium, lunule, eponychium

____: skin underlying nail plate _________: epidermis of nail bed ____: opaque white cresent _________: aka cuticle, narrow zone of dead skin nail matrix = where growth happens

alopecia, pattern baldness

_____: thinning of hair ________________: occurs more often in males b/c affected by testosterone levels


_________-: Rest phase (resting phase) the final phase in the hair cycle that lasts until the fully grown hair is shed.

abdominal, pelvic

__________ cavity Superior portion Contains most of the digestive organs Spleen, kidneys, and ureters ___________- cavity Inferior portion Distal large intestine, urinary bladder, urethra, and reproductive organs


__________: Cells divide, Growth phase in the hair cycle in which a new hair shaft is created


__________: Club hair forms the brief transition period between the growth and resting phases of a hair follicle, generate club hair (easily pulled out by brushing)

endocrine, exocrine

___________ gland secretes hormone into blood ____________ gland uses duct to secrete to body surface or cavity


____________ - right/left portions Median (midsagittal) plane - equal halves Parasagittal - unequal portions Frontal (coronal) plane - anterior/posterior portions Transverse (horizontal) plane - superior/inferior portions


_____________ burns involve the epidermis, all of the dermis, and often some deeper tissue. A) First-degree B) Partial-thickness C) Second-degree D) Malignant E) Third-degree

radiopaque, angiography

______________-- visualization of hollow organs _____________ - blood vessels

nail body, nail root, nail fold

_______________:visible part of the nail _____________: extends under skin __________: surrounding skin rises above nail, separated from margin of nail plate by nail groove

elastic cartilage

cartilage with abundant elastic fibers; more flexible than hyaline cartilage -external ear, epiglottis -provide flexible support


clear, hard derivatives of stratum corneum -made of thin, dead scaly cells -densely packed, filled with parallel fibers of hard keratin

Transitional Epithelium

function: protect underlying tissue from effects of urine stretches readily and permits distension of urinary organ by contained urine Location: lines the ureters, urinary bladder, and part of the urethra


hair: thin filament of keratinized cells that grows from hair follicle

Nail plate

hard part of the nail, includes free edge overhanging the tip of finger or toe, nail body and root


inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin, -begin at puberty -follicle becomes blocked w/ keratinocytes & sebum, develops into blackhead (comedo) composed of these & bacteria -continued inflammation of follicle results in pus production & pimples

Hair receptors

nerve fibers that wrap around follicle and respond to hair movement


outermost germ layer; produces sense organs, nerves, and outer layer of skin -produce epidermis 2 layers: periderm & basal layer, intermediate layer produces keratinocytes -embryonic germ layer produces eccrine glands


resists compression, absorb shock transitional tissue btw hylaine & elastic location: intervertebral discs; pubic symphysis; discs of knee joint

simple cuboidal epithelium

single layer of cube shape cells Function: secretion and absorption, production of respiratory mucus Location: liver, thyroid, mammary, salivary, bronchioles, Kidney tubules; ducts and secretory portions of small glands, ovary surface.

simple squamous epithelium

single layer of flattened cells Function: rapid diffusion thru membranes, secrete lubricating serous fluid Location: air sac of lungs -glomerular capsules of kidney -kidney tubule -inner lining of heart -stomach, intestine -pericardium, pleurae


the middle layer of an embryo in early development, between the endoderm and ectoderm. -produces dermis -mesenchyme

Hair shaft

the part of the hair that is above the skin

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