Anatomy Exam II Study Guide

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Which body activity would be most affected if a patient lacked an adequate number of erythrocytes (anemia)? immune response Correct! oxygen transport clotting hormone transport Loss of fibrinogen within the plasma would most likely cause which of the following? Correct! loss of blood clotting pallor (pale skin) edema (swelling) fever with pain Basophils increase in number when parasitic invasion occurs. True Correct! False The final step in coagulation is the formation of ________. thrombin fibrinogen prothrombin activator Correct! fibrin Hemorrhagic anemias result from blood loss. Correct! True False If you centrifuge (spin) whole blood, you will find the red blood cells (erythrocytes) at the bottom of the tube and white blood cells atop them. This implies that ________. white blood cells are fewer in number than red blood cells red blood cells are larger than white blood cells Correct! Answer red blood cells have a greater density than white blood cells white blood cells are smaller than red blood cells A person exhibiting suppression of immunity and clotting disorder as well as low oxygen-carrying capacity is likely suffering from which of the following? Correct! aplastic anemia hemorrhagic anemia iron deficiency anemia pernicious anemia Which of the following is NOT a typical plasma protein? albumin fibrinogen globulins Correct! erythropoietin A person with type AB blood receives a transfusion of type O blood. Will there be a transfusion reaction? Why or why not? Correct! No: the recipient has no antibodies to antigens A and B, and therefore can receive blood from a type O donor. Yes: the recipient must receive blood of the same type as his or her own. Yes: the anti-A and anti-B antibodies of the recipient clump and hemolyze the donated blood. No: the anti-A and anti-B antibodies of the recipient do not affect the donated blood, because type O blood has no A or B antigens. These are the most abundant leukocytes, constituting 40-70% of all white blood cells. basophils eosinophils monocytes Correct! neutrophils Granulocytes include ________. neutrophils, monocytes, basophils Correct! neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils eosinophils, monocytes, basophils eosinophils, monocytes, neutrophils Which of the following is NOT a typical plasma protein? fibrinogen albumin globulins Correct! erythropoietin What organ in the body regulates erythrocyte production? liver Correct! kidney pancreas brain A person with type AB blood receives a transfusion of type O blood. Will there be a transfusion reaction? Why or why not? No: the anti-A and anti-B antibodies of the recipient do not affect the donated blood, because type O blood has no A or B antigens. Yes: the recipient must receive blood of the same type as his or her own. Correct! No: the recipient has no antibodies to antigens A and B, and therefore can receive blood from a type O donor. Yes: the anti-A and anti-B antibodies of the recipient clump and hemolyze the donated blood. The normal RBC "graveyard" is the liver. True Correct! False

A person with type AB blood receives a transfusion of type O blood. Will there be a transfusion reaction? Why or why not? Yes: the recipient must receive blood of the same type as his or her own. Correct! No: the recipient has no antibodies to antigens A and B, and therefore can receive blood from a type O donor. Yes: the anti-A and anti-B antibodies of the recipient clump and hemolyze the donated blood. No: the anti-A and anti-B antibodies of the recipient do not affect the donated blood, because type O blood has no A or B antigens. Loss of fibrinogen within the plasma would most likely cause which of the following? Correct! loss of blood clotting pallor (pale skin) edema (swelling) fever with pain A mismatch of blood types during a transfusion is dangerous because ________. Correct! preformed antibodies in the recipient's blood will bind and clump (agglutinate) the donated cells antibodies in the donor's plasma will attack and kill the recipient's healthy blood cells white blood cells from the donor's blood cause inflammation clotting factors in the donor's blood will cause unwanted clots known as thrombus The normal RBC "graveyard" is the liver. True Correct! False Basophils increase in number when parasitic invasion occurs. True Correct! False Which body activity would be most affected if a patient lacked an adequate number of erythrocytes (anemia)? Correct! oxygen transport immune response hormone transport clotting Each hemoglobin molecule can transport two molecules of oxygen. True Correct! False Which of the following might trigger erythropoiesis? moving to a lower altitude decreased tissue demand for oxygen Correct! hypoxia of EPO-producing cells an increased number of RBCs This formed element is essential for blood clotting. Correct! platelets eosinophils salts red blood cells Blood reticulocyte counts provide information regarding ________. Correct! rate of erythrocyte formation rate of platelet formation WBC ability to defend the body against disease clotting ability of the blood Basophils increase in number when parasitic invasion occurs. True Correct! False A mismatch of blood types during a transfusion is dangerous because ________. antibodies in the donor's plasma will attack and kill the recipient's healthy blood cells white blood cells from the donor's blood cause inflammation clotting factors in the donor's blood will cause unwanted clots known as thrombus Correct! preformed antibodies in the recipient's blood will bind and clump (agglutinate) the donated cells With a patient that is administered an injection of erythropoietin (EPO) you would expect to see ________. Correct! increased hematocrit decreased hematocrit decreased white blood cell count increased white blood cell count Loss of fibrinogen within the plasma would most likely cause which of the following? pallor (pale skin) edema (swelling) Correct! loss of blood clotting fever with pain If you centrifuge (spin) whole blood, you will find the red blood cells (erythrocytes) at the bottom of the tube and white blood cells atop them. This implies that ________. white blood cells are smaller than red blood cells white blood cells are fewer in number than red blood cells Correct! red blood cells have a greater density than white blood cells red blood cells are larger than white blood cells

The left ventricular wall of the heart is thicker than the right wall in order to ________. Correct! pump blood with greater pressure expand the thoracic cage during diastole accommodate a greater volume of blood pump blood through a smaller valve ________ is/are found in the ventricles, and attach the flaps of the AV valves to papillary muscle. Trabeculae carneae Correct! Chordae tendineae Moderator band Pectinate muscles Heart contraction is the systole. Correct! True False Which of the following is NOT part of the intrinsic conduction system of the heart? atrioventricular (AV) node sinoatrial (SA) node Correct! atrioventricular (AV) valve bundle branches The key pacemaker in the heart is the__AV__node. True Correct! False If the length of the absolute refractory period in cardiac muscle cells was the same as it is for skeletal muscle cells, ________. contractions would last as long as the refractory period it would be much longer before cardiac cells could respond to a second stimulation Correct! tetanic contractions might occur, which would stop the heart's pumping action pacemaker cells would cease to spontaneously depolarize The pulmonary arteries carry oxygenated blood. True Correct! False Norepinephrine acts on the heart by ________. decreasing heart contractility Correct! causing threshold to be reached more quickly blocking the action of calcium causing a decrease in stroke volume The source of blood carried to capillaries in the myocardium would be the ________. Correct! coronary arteries coronary sinus coronary veins fossa ovalis Cardiac muscle has more mitochondria and depends less on a continual supply of oxygen than does skeletal muscle. True Correct! False If the mitral valve is unable to close properly, ________. blood could flow back into the left ventricle Correct! blood could flow back into the left atrium blood could flow back into the right atrium blood could flow back into the right ventricle Heart contraction is the systole. Correct! True False The atrioventricular (AV) valves are closed ________. when the ventricles are in diastole while the atria are contracting Correct! when the ventricles are in systole by the movement of blood from atria to ventricles The source of blood carried to capillaries in the myocardium would be the ________. Correct! coronary arteries coronary sinus fossa ovalis coronary veins If blood volume decreased dramatically due to massive bleeding, the autonomic nervous system will attempt to maintain cardiac output by increasing the heart rate. Correct! True False ________ is/are found in the ventricles, and attach the flaps of the AV valves to papillary muscle. Correct! Chordae tendineae Moderator band Trabeculae carneae Pectinate muscles

The source of blood carried to capillaries in the myocardium would be the ________. Correct! coronary arteries coronary sinus coronary veins fossa ovalis If blood volume decreased dramatically due to massive bleeding, the autonomic nervous system will attempt to maintain cardiac output by increasing the heart rate. Correct! True False The pulmonary arteries carry oxygenated blood. True Correct! False If the vagal nerves to the heart were cut, the result would be that ________. Correct! the heart rate would increase by about 25 beats per minute the heart would stop, since the vagal nerves trigger the heart to contract parasympathetic stimulation would increase, causing a decrease in heart rate the atrioventricular (AV) node would become the pacemaker of the heart Pulmonary veins carry ________ blood to the ________. deoxygenated; right atrium deoxygenated; lungs Correct! oxygenated; left atrium oxygenated; right atrium The receiving chambers of the heart include the ________. left atrium and ventricle Correct! right and left atria right atrium and ventricle right and left ventricles Normal heart sounds are caused by which of the following events? friction of blood against the chamber walls Correct! closure of the heart valves excitation of the sinoatrial (SA) node opening of the heart valves During the period of ventricular filling, ________. pressure in the heart is at its peak the aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves are open the atria remain in diastole Correct! blood flows mostly passively from the atria through the atrioventricular (AV) valves into the ventricles Cardiac muscle has more mitochondria and depends less on a continual supply of oxygen than does skeletal muscle. True Correct! False Which of the following is NOT part of the intrinsic conduction system of the heart? sinoatrial (SA) node bundle branches atrioventricular (AV) node Correct! atrioventricular (AV) valve The pulmonary arteries carry oxygenated blood. True Correct! False The key pacemaker in the heart is the__AV__node. True Correct! False Cardiac muscle has more mitochondria and depends less on a continual supply of oxygen than does skeletal muscle. True Correct! False Which chambers of the heart contain oxygenated blood? Correct! left atrium and ventricle right and left atria right atrium and ventricle right and left ventricles

The hormone that lowers blood sugar levels is insulin. Correct! True False Direct gene activation involves a second-messenger system. True Correct! False Direct gene activation involves a second-messenger system. True Correct! False A man has been told that he is NOT synthesizing enough follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and for this reason he may be unable to father a child. Choose the correct statement to explain this problem. FSH stimulates estrogen secretion by ovarian cells; therefore, it is not synthesized by males. A hormone made in the anterior pituitary cannot influence fertility. The man must be producing progesterone, which inhibits the synthesis of FSH. Correct! FSH stimulates sperm production in the testes. Oxytocin ________. exerts its most important effects during menstruation Correct! release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism is an anterior pituitary secretion controls milk production Iodine is an essential element required for the synthesis of thyroxine. Correct! True False Oxytocin is a strong stimulant of uterine contractions. Correct! True False Besides controlling metabolic rate, thyroid hormone has many functions. These include ________. Correct! regulation of growth and development, and maturation of the nervous system stimulating production of sex cells (egg an sperm) and secondary sex characteristics regulation of blood calcium, and release of calcium from bones enabling the body to resist both short-term and long-term stressors John tells you that cholesterol is bad and should be eliminated from your diet. You explain to him that cholesterol is important. Which of the following hormones is synthesized from cholesterol? growth hormone thyroxine Correct! testosterone oxytocin Which organ is responsible for synthesizing the hormone atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)? the kidney the spleen Correct! the heart the skin Which of the following hormones suppresses appetite and increases energy expenditure? gastrin aldosterone Correct! leptin secretin The second-messenger mechanism of hormone action operates by ________. synthesizing more than one hormone at a time increasing the basal metabolic rate in the target organ altering gene expression in the nuclear DNA Correct! binding to specific receptors and employing the services of G proteins and cAMP Johanna is significantly shorter than normal for her age. Her doctor recommends treatment with a hormone before her growth plates ossify in her long bones. Which hormone is recommended? cortisol Correct! growth hormone parathyroid hormone thyroid stimulating hormone Oxytocin ________. exerts its most important effects during menstruation Correct! release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism is an anterior pituitary secretion controls milk production The hormone glucagon ________. raises blood glucose, accelerates transport of glucose into body cells, and stimulates conversion of glucose to glycogen or fat for storage accelerates transport of glucose into body cells Correct! raises blood glucose stimulates conversion of glucose to glycogen or fat for storage Leptin is secreted by ________. Correct! adipose cells fibroblasts goblet cells lymphocytes

This hormone is the major controller of blood calcium on a day-to-day basis. Correct! parathyroid hormone renal caltrate calcitriol calcitonin John tells you that cholesterol is bad and should be eliminated from your diet. You explain to him that cholesterol is important. Which of the following hormones is synthesized from cholesterol? oxytocin growth hormone Correct! testosterone thyroxine Chemical substances secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids that travel through the blood and regulate the metabolic function of other cells in the body are called ________. Correct! hormones proteins enzymes antibodies Which of the following hormones suppresses appetite and increases energy expenditure? gastrin Correct! leptin aldosterone secretin In circumstances where the body requires prolonged or increased levels of a hormone, the DNA of target cells will specify the synthesis of more receptors on the surface of the cells of the target organ. This is known as ________. sensitivity increase cellular affinity Correct! up-regulation a stressor reaction Which of the following is NOT a category of endocrine gland stimulus? neural hormonal humoral Correct! enzymatic Which organ is responsible for synthesizing the hormone atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)? the skin the kidney Correct! the heart the spleen Iodine is an essential element required for the synthesis of thyroxine. Correct! True False The second-messenger mechanism of hormone action operates by ________. increasing the basal metabolic rate in the target organ synthesizing more than one hormone at a time Correct! binding to specific receptors and employing the services of G proteins and cAMP altering gene expression in the nuclear DNA Direct gene activation involves a second-messenger system. True Correct! False This hormone is the major controller of blood calcium on a day-to-day basis. calcitonin Correct! parathyroid hormone renal caltrate calcitriol Chemical substances secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids that travel through the blood and regulate the metabolic function of other cells in the body are called ________. enzymes antibodies proteins Correct! hormones Hypersecretion of ________ results in decreased urinary output and dehydration. mineralocorticoids atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) Correct! antidiuretic hormone (ADH) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Melatonin ________. triggers sexual maturation and puberty is produced by the parathyroid glands is at its highest levels at around noon Correct! is responsible for regulating the sleep cycle

The abdominal aorta splits into which vessels? right and left common carotid arteries right and left femoral arteries Correct! right and left common iliac arteries right and left subclavian arteries Which blood vessels lack elastic tissue? muscular arteries and arterioles Correct! capillaries and venules arterioles and capillaries The carotid sinus reflex protects the blood supply to the brain, whereas the aortic reflex is more concerned with maintaining adequate blood pressure in the systemic circuit as a whole. Correct! True False In red bone marrow newly formed blood cells enter the circulation. You would expect to see many ________ type of capillaries in red bone marrow. continuous metarterioles fenestrated Correct! sinusoid The pulse rate depends on all of the following except one. Select the one answer the does NOT affect a pulse rate reading. emotions postural changes activity Correct! the vessel selected to palpate Each of the following describes the action of aldosterone except one. Which of the following does NOT describe the activity of aldosterone hormone? Correct! It will result in higher sodium levels in the urine. It promotes an increase in blood pressure. It will reduce urine output. It promotes an increase in sodium reabsorption from the kidney to the blood. This vein of the upper limb is often the site from which blood is drawn. Correct! median cubital median antebrachial cephalic basilic Which will NOT occur if blood pressure drops below homeostatic levels? Correct! Baroreceptors in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch will be stimulated. Vasomotor center of the medulla will trigger vasoconstriction. The cardioacceleratory center of the medulla will be activated. Cardiac output will increase. Arterial pressure in the pulmonary circulation is much higher than in the systemic circulation because of its proximity to the heart. True Correct! False Permitting the exchange of nutrients and gases between the blood and tissue cells is the primary function of ________. veins Correct! capillaries arteries arterioles The short-term controls of blood pressure, mediated by the nervous system and bloodborne chemicals, primarily operate via all but which of the following? reflex arcs associated with vasomotor fibers Correct! altering blood volume chemoreceptors reflex arcs involving baroreceptors Arterial pressure in the pulmonary circulation is much higher than in the systemic circulation because of its proximity to the heart. True Correct! False Vessels that carry blood away from the heart and are named by the organs they supply (renal) are _________. Correct! muscular arteries capillaries elastic arteries arterioles Which of the following blood pressure readings would be indicative of hypertension? 110/60 140/90 Correct! 170/96 120/80 Which of the following is the most significant source of blood flow resistance? Correct! blood vessel diameter total blood vessel length blood vessels type blood viscosity The velocity of blood is slowest in the capillaries and pressure of blood is lowest in the veins. Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of the benefits of slow, low pressure blood in the capillary beds? Lower pressure reduces the chance of injury to delicate capillary vessels. Slower blood flow through capillaries allows more time for diffusion to take place in the capillary bed. Lower pressure on the venous end of the capillary bed allows for greater reabsorption of fluid back to the plasma. Correct! Lower pressure in the capillary bed helps to increase pressure in the venous circulation. This vein of the upper limb is often the site from which blood is drawn. cephalic Correct! median cubital basilic median antebrachial The baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch are sensitive to which of the following? Correct! changes in arterial pressure a decrease in oxygen levels an increase in oxygen levels a decrease in carbon dioxide The aorta receives the full force of blood exiting the heart during ventricular systole. Which of the following statements best describes the adaptive anatomy of the aorta? The tunica external of the aorta is nearly absent compared to other vessels. Correct! Elastic fibers are extensive in the tunica media of the aorta and dampen the pulse pressure generated by the heart. The aorta's tunica media is thick with dense regular connective tissue to withstand the blood's pressure. Smooth muscle is relatively thin in the aorta to increase lumen size and systemic blood flow. An obstruction in the superior vena cava would decrease the flow of blood from the head and neck to the heart. Correct! True False

This vein of the upper limb is often the site from which blood is drawn. cephalic Correct! median cubital basilic median antebrachial These veins drain the thigh. Correct! femoral anterior and posterior tibial fibular popliteal Which of the following is the most significant source of blood flow resistance? blood viscosity blood vessels type Correct! blood vessel diameter total blood vessel length Which of the following is likely during vigorous exercise? Correct! Capillaries of the active muscles will be engorged with blood. The skin will be cold and clammy. Blood will be diverted to the digestive organs. Blood flow to the kidneys increases. The pulse rate depends on all of the following except one. Select the one answer the does NOT affect a pulse rate reading. emotions activity postural changes Correct! the vessel selected to palpate In red bone marrow newly formed blood cells enter the circulation. You would expect to see many ________ type of capillaries in red bone marrow. continuous fenestrated Correct! sinusoid metarterioles The baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch are sensitive to which of the following? an increase in oxygen levels Correct! changes in arterial pressure a decrease in oxygen levels a decrease in carbon dioxide Which structural layer of blood vessels is most responsible for maintaining blood pressure? tunica intima subendothelial Correct! tunica media tunica externa Permitting the exchange of nutrients and gases between the blood and tissue cells is the primary function of ________. veins arterioles arteries Correct! capillaries Which of the following blood pressure readings would be indicative of hypertension? 110/60 120/80 Correct! 170/96 140/90 Which of the following is likely during vigorous exercise? The skin will be cold and clammy. Blood will be diverted to the digestive organs. Correct! Capillaries of the active muscles will be engorged with blood. Blood flow to the kidneys increases. The short-term controls of blood pressure, mediated by the nervous system and bloodborne chemicals, primarily operate via all but which of the following? reflex arcs associated with vasomotor fibers chemoreceptors reflex arcs involving baroreceptors Correct! altering blood volume Each of the following describes the action of aldosterone except one. Which of the following does NOT describe the activity of aldosterone hormone? Correct! It will result in higher sodium levels in the urine. It promotes an increase in sodium reabsorption from the kidney to the blood. It will reduce urine output. It promotes an increase in blood pressure. The pulse rate depends on all of the following except one. Select the one answer the does NOT affect a pulse rate reading. emotions postural changes activity Correct! the vessel selected to palpate In red bone marrow newly formed blood cells enter the circulation. You would expect to see many ________ type of capillaries in red bone marrow. fenestrated continuous Correct! sinusoid metarterioles Which structural layer of blood vessels is most responsible for maintaining blood pressure? subendothelial tunica externa tunica intima Correct! tunica media Which of the following is not true regarding fenestrated capillaries? Fenestrated capillaries in endocrine organs allow hormones rapid entry into the blood. Fenestrated capillaries in the small intestine receive nutrients from digested food. Correct! Fenestrated capillaries form the blood-brain barrier. Fenestrated capillaries are essential for filtration of blood plasma in the kidney. Vessels that carry blood away from the heart and are named by the organs they supply (renal) are _________. Correct! muscular arteries arterioles elastic arteries capillaries The baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch are sensitive to which of the following? a decrease in oxygen levels Correct! changes in arterial pressure an increase in oxygen levels a decrease in carbon dioxide Which will NOT occur if blood pressure drops below homeostatic levels? Cardiac output will increase. Correct! Baroreceptors in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch will be stimulated. Vasomotor center of the medulla will trigger vasoconstriction. The cardioacceleratory center of the medulla will be activated.

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