Anatomy Final

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In males, what action does the bulbospongiousus muscle perform?

Compresses base and stiffens penis

Which of the following is the normal pH range of blood?


If Alberto is standing in anatomical position, and he raises his arms laterally to the level of his shoulders, he has just done what motion?


Which of the following functions of the digestive system causes the movement of nutrients from the small intestine to the bloodstream?


In the hypothalamus, the autonomic center perfom which of the following functions?

Control heart rate and blood pressure

Mature bone cells that maintain and monitor the protein and mineral content of the surrounding matrix are called


The physical process of bone formation is called


If a bodybuilder on a beach contracted his muscles so that his "pecs" bulged, what muscles would you observe?

pectoralis major

Based on your knowledge of anatomical terminology, when a ballerina stands on her toes, this movement is an example of which of the following?

plantar flexion

Compared with that of females, the male coccyx

points anteiorly

Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system?

production of melanin

In correct order from beginning to end, cells undergoing mitosis pass through

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase


provide structural framework and myelinate the central nervous system (CNS) axons

The femur is ________ to the tarsus


Which of the following is NOT included in the integumentary system?

skeletal muscles

The two types of osseous tissue are

spongey and compact bones

Which type of epithelium would be best suited to line the oral cavity, the pharynx, and the esophagus, where foods can cause friction?

stratified squamous

If you were to receive an injection with a hypodermic needle, which layer of the integumentary system would the needle be designed to reach?


Regarding the histological organization of the digestive tract, the ________ is a layer of dense, irregularly arranged connective tissue that surrounds the muscularis mucosae.


Which of the following layers of the digetive tract contains the submucosal plexus?


Which of the following structures in the mesencephalon regulates activity in the basal nuclei?

substantia nigra

Another name for the subcutaneous layer is the

superficial fascia

Which is a major function of the skeletal system?

support of the body

A fibrous joint that holds skull bones together is called (a)


A cartilaginous joint that permits slight movement is (a)


If you were looking at cross-sections of two blood vessels on a microscope slide, what features could you use to distinguish arteries from veins?

The artery wall is thicker, but the lumen is narrower

Which of the nuclei groups of the thalamus are part of the limbic system?

anterior group

The ____________________ muscle acts to compress the cheeks.


The shaft of a long bone is known as the


The ________ division of the PNS sends motor information to muscles and glands.


Which of the following actions is performed by the externl intercostals?

elevates ribs

Which is the deepest and innermost layer of the heart wall?


Which of the following neuroglia produce cerebrospinal fluid?

ependymal cells

The visceral pericardium is also called the


A hypodermic needle would penetrate the skin in which order?

epidermis, papillary layer of dermis, reticular layer of dermis

The axilla is ________ and ________ to the nasus

inferior, lateral

The major functions of the ________ system are temperature control and protection of the body from the external environmental hazards.


Cardiac muscle cells differ from skeletal muscle fibers in that the cardiocytes are uniquely interconnected by (the)

intercalated disks

Clinically, the most common site to obtain a venous blood sample is (the)

median cubital vein

Which of the following selections lists only types of glial cells?

microglia, oligodendrocytes, and Schwann cells

Which of the following layers of the digetive tract contains the Lamina propria?


Which of the following layers of the digetive tract contains the plicae?


The biceps brachii is innervated by which nerve?


The ________ system allows for locomotion, provides support, and produces heat


Which of the following tissues is NOT a connective tissue?


The cells responsible for information processing and transfer are the


The nervous system includes all of the ________ tissue in the body.


Which organelle determines the structural and functional characteristics of the cell by controlling RNA and protein synthesis, determining what proteins are synthesized, and in what amounts?


If you pick up your pencil, what kind of motion are you doing with your fingers and thumb?


Which of the following is the highest level of organization?


connects a muscle to a bone and is formed by the convergence of the epimysium, perimysium and endomysium


If you make a fist and with your other hand palpate the carpal area proximal to the fist, you can feel a ridge extending down the midline of the carpal area. What structure forms this ridge?

tendon of the palmaris longus muscle

Excitability of a muscle refers to

the ability of a muscle to respond to stimulation

The structural classification of a neuron is based upon

the number of processes that project from the cell body

The primary site of blood cell production is within the

the skeletal system

If a young man had a very pronounced "Adam's apple," you would be observing his

thyroid cartilage

Which nerve innervates gastrocnemius?


Which of the following is a special characteristic of spongy bone?


struts or plates within spongy bone which assist in withstanding stresses in a specific direction


Closure of the fontanels is typically complete around the age of

two years

Which vessels collect blood from capillaries?


Which of the following is an example of an irregular bone?


The anatomical name for the front of the elbow is


The correct order of the digestive tube layers, from lumen outward, is: (1) mucosa (2) muscularis externa (3) serosa (4) submucosa

1, 4, 2, 3

Choose the correct arrangement of items 1-5, ranking them from the highest to the least level of complexity. (1) organism (2) tissue (3) chemical or molecular (4) cellular (5) organ system

1, 5, 2, 4, 3

The periosteum ________

covers the outside of bones

If an archaeologist discovers a skeleton and finds that the hyoid bone is fully ossified and fused, it could be determined that the bone belonged to an individual who was at least how old?


Which of the following statements is NOT true about the lumbricals in the hand?

All five lumbricals attach to the phalanges.

Which of the following is a function of skeletal muscle?

All of the answers are correct

An understanding of surface anatomy can be used

All of the answers are correct.

Functions of the nervous system include which of the following?

All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following demonstrate(s) the usefulness of surface anatomy?

All of the listed responses are correct.

What formed element is incorrectly matched with its abundance range?

Basophils: 200-1500 per µl

Which of the following nerves make up the cervical plexus? Select all that apply.

C4, C5, C2

The parasymaptheic division of the autonomic nervous system arises from which of the following nerves?

CN III, VII, IX, X and S2 - S5

The symaptheic division of the autonomic nervous system arises from which of the following nerves?

T1 - L2

The latissimus dorsi performs which of the following actions?

Extension, adduction and medial rotation at shoulder

What action is provided by the inferior oblique ?

Eye rolls, looks up an laterally

Which of the following is NOT a function of the respiratory system?

Gas exchange between blood and urine

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the soleus muscle?

It is innervated by the fibular nerve

Which of the statements is true of a synergistic muscle?

It supports an agonistic muscle and may stabilize a motion

Which of the following statements are true about the parasympathetic division? Select all that apply

It will cause an erection in males, it will cause a decrease in respiration, It will cause a decrease in heart rate

Which statement(s) is true about the sympathetic division? Select all that apply.

It will cause the suprarenal medulla to release adrenaline The preganglionic nerves synape in a ganglion closer to the spinal cord than the affected organ.

Which of the following nerves contribute to the lumbar plexus? Select all that apply.

L1, L2, L5, T12

Which of the following is NOT a function of the cardiovascular system?

Metabolize ingested drugs

What function do the pneumotaxic and apneustic centers perform?

Modify output of respiratory centers in the medulla oblongata.

A male patient under your care has his blood volume checked. It is calculated that he has 5.8 liters of blood. How would you classify your patient?


Which blood type could be administered to anyone without the risk of a cross-reaction?


Which of the following nerves have a sensory or special sensory primary function? Select all that apply.

Optic, Vestibulocochlear, Maxillary branch of Trigeminal, Olfactory

Which type of muscle contraction in the digestive tract propels the bolus of food through the system?


In which stage of interphase is DNA replicated?


Which of the following correctly states an orgination level of skeletal muscles?

Sarcomeres consist of actin and myosin

Which cell type helps to move mucus upward through the respiratory system?

Pseudostratified, ciliated columnar cells

Which tissue would you most likely find lining the respiratory tract (nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi)?

Psuedostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium

The ________ carries blood to and from the gas exchange surfaces of the lungs.

Pulmonary circuit

Which of the following tissues would be best suited to reduce friction and control vessel permeability?

Simple Squamous Epithielum

Which of the muscle tissues is correctly matched with its location?

Smooth - digestive organs

Which of the following is NOT a way that veins move blood from the lower extremities to the heart?

They have thick tunica media layers for contraction of the vessel.

Which of the following organs would be considered an accessory organ in the digestive tract?


A small neuron in which there are no anatomical clues to distinguish dendrites from axons is called an anaxonic neuron


Blood cells and cell fragments suspended in the liquid matrix are collectively called the formed elements. True or False?


Which of the following nerves have a motor primary function? Select all that apply.


Madelynn has a sinus headache. The term sinus is actually an anatomical term referring to which kind of bone marking?

a chamber within a bone that is normally filled with air

A joint that permits free movement is called

a diarthrosis

Processes involved in the movement of substances across a membrane at the expense of ATP, via exchange pumps, are classified as

active transport

The outermost layer of a blood vessel, which is very thick and composed chiefly of collagen fibers with scattered bands of elastic fibers, is the


Which of the following directional reference pairs consists of anatomical equivalents when referring to the human body?

anterior, ventral

Which vessels have an average diameter of 30 µm, have a poorly defined adventitia, and an often-incomplete tunica media?


If the CNS were susceptible to a drug that should not affect it, this might indicate damage to which of the following cells?


Which of the following statements DOES NOT apply to the brachioradialis?

attaches to the ulna

The central nervous system (CNS) includes the

brain and spinal cord

The hips are ________, or inferior, to the shoulders


The anatomical subdivisions of the nervous system are (the)

central and peripheral nervous systems

Which of the following is a non-membranous organelle?


Which of the following features is NOT characteristic of muscle tissues?

cognitive ability

At structures called ________, two cells are held together by membrane proteins that function as a narrow passageway, allowing ions, small metabolites, and regulatory molecules to pass from cell to cell.

communication junctions

The walls of bones are composed of

compact bone

The reticular formation

contains nuclei and centers that regulate vital autonomic nervous system functions

In blood cell formation, all cells start as a pluripotential stem cell that will differentiate into either a myeloid stem cell or a lymphatic stem cell. Which of the following formed elements arise from the meyloid stem cell? Check all that apply.

everything except lymphocytes

What characteristic of muscle tissue allows it to respond to a stimulation by the nervous system?


Which unique quality of muscle tissue is defined as the ability to continue to contract over a range of resting lengths?


A small, flat articular surface is a


Which nerve provides innervation to the orbicularis oculi?


Which of the following nerves have a mixed primary function? Select all that apply.

facial, vagus

Which of the following is a passive process for material movement across a plasmalemma?

facilitated diffusion

Which of the following bones does the rectus femoris NOT attach to?


Which of the following functions is NOT performed by the digestive system?

filtration of blood

Movement in the anterior-posterior plane that reduces the angle between the articulating elements is


Which of the following is most likely to have a nerve pass through it?


A shallow depression on the surface of a bone is called a


The best models to use in studying surface anatomy include

individuals with well-developed muscles and little body fat

What movement occurs when the vertebral column bends to the side?

lateral flexion

Which of the following is a vesicle that contains enzymes?


A yoga enthusiast is able to maintain an inversion position, in which the person suspends the body weight on the hands while the feet are tucked up into the chest. Which of the following functions of muscle tissue does this describe?

maintenance of posture or body position

Pronation and supination occur at a/the

radioulnar joint

An extension of a bone that is set at an angle to the rest of the bone is usually called a


The ________ system allows for gas exchange between the air and circulating blood.


The deltoid muscle attaches to all of the following bones EXCEPT


Which structure receives blood from the systemic circuit?

right atrium

The membrane that surrounds the muscle cell is called the


If Rachel has completely dislocated her shoulder, she has moved the humerus off its articulating surface with what bone?


The functional classifications of neurons include ________, which carry information toward the CNS.

sensory nerurons

Which muscles are inferior to the pectoralis muscles but lateral to the rectus abdominis and appear as a series of bulges?

serratus anterior

Which of the following organs are found in the upper respiratory system? Check all that apply.

sinus, nasal cavity, pharynx, nose

Which of the following are components of plasma? Check all that apply.

water, proteins, solutes like electrolytes

Areas of the nervous system that are dominated by myelinated axons are referred to as

white matter

A/an ________ is a sheet like anchoring junction that serves to stabilize the lateral surfaces of adjacent epithelial cells

zonula adherans

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