animal science test #3

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animal welfare (philosophical definition)

-animals are entrusted to us (it is ok to use them but we have obligations to use, care for and treat them humanely)

The five freedoms for animals (bramble report, 1965)

-freedom from hunger & thirst -freedom from discomfort freedom from pain, injury, or disease -freedom to express normal behavior -freedom from fear and distress

foundations of modern biotech:

-organismic mendelian or old genetics -cellular: tissue or in vitro culture (the exchanging or modification of genetic information at the cellular or organelle level) -molecular:recombinant DNA or Gene-splicing ( the direct manipulation, modification, amplification and exchanging of DNA

Application of Biotechnology

-production of new and improved foods, industrials chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and livestocks -development of virus-resistant crop plants and livestock recombinant vaccines to prevent diseases such as adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA)

Biotech techniques

-restriction digestion -cloning -micro-array -polymerase chain reaction

when was structural DNA discovered?


when was the birth of biotech.


When did the Humane genome project begin?

1985 (the wanted to sequences humans dna)

bioinformatics: (used for the human genome project)

1990s-combines biology, computer science, information engineering, mathematics and statistics to analyze and interpret biological data

How much Americans own pets?

60% of American families own pants

Gestation Period (cats)

60-67 days


A female castrated/unsexed before sexual maturity


A sexually mature male

venereal disease

A sexually transmitted infectious disease

What was one of the first cats?

African bush cat (Felis lybica)

What are the Feline Registries in the U.S.A.?

American Cat Fancier's Association American Cat Association Cat Fancier's Association, Inc. Cat Fancier's Federation Crown Cat Fancier's Federation, Inc. National Cat Fancier's Association, Inc. United Cat Federation


An organism that feeds on a living host

What are dogs ancestors?

Ancestors were Canis lupis (gray wolves)

How many dogs are obese

Approx. 25% obese dogs

Who did the Lab animal presentation?

Benjamin C. Datril Ph.D RLATG

What is a group of cats?


How was the African bush cat (Felis lybica) brought to Europe?

Brought to Europe by Phoenician trading ships around 900 B.C.

What type of food does cats eat?

Cats are carnivores, not omnivores, but ARE very adaptable and can survive on an omnivorous diet.

What type of stomach does a cat have?

Cats are monogastric like humans (single stomach)



How many breeds are recognized by the AKC?

Currently 147 breeds recognized by AKC


Diseases transmitted from animals to humans and from humans to animals

What type of food does dogs eat?

Dogs are carnivores, not omnivores, but ARE very adaptable and can survive on an omnivorous diet.

What types of stomachs does dogs have?

Dogs are monogastric like humans (single stomach)

who presented the animal welfare concepts and application presentation

Dr. Candace Croney and Dr.Sara Crawford

Who presented the intoduction to biotechnology presentation?


Who presented the companion animals terminology lecture?

Dr.Harold Higgins from birmingham

When were the earliest records of the domestication of dogs?

Earliest records of domestication were remains in Paleolithic caves dating ~ 12,000 B.C.

What did the African bush cat (Felis lybica) become a objects of deification for?

Egyptian cat-headed goddess (also known as Pasht, Ubastet, and Bubatis)

When was the American kennel club established?

Established in 1884

How many dog breeds are there?

Estimated to be over 400 breeds of dogs recognized world-wide

Puppy - Newborn

Female: Puppy bitch Male: Puppy dog

average daily gain (ADG)

Gain in some interval divided by days of interval -pre-weaning gain post weaning gain

What is a male cat castrated before sexual maturity?


How does cats have apart of the bubonic plague?

Killing of cats during Dark Ages contributed to surge of rodents and spread of bubonic plague

Who did the veterinary services presentation

Lauren Mayo and her dad Mark Mayo, DVM 1973-1976

What does the American Kennel club do?

Maintains stud book and breed registrations

Dr.Sara Crawford

National Pork Board

What is a female cat castrated before sexual maturity?


What is the American kennel club?

Nonprofit organization for advancement of purebred dogs

transgenic organism

Organisms that contain functional recombinant DNA from a different organism

How many dogs are registered in the U.S annually

Over 1.5 million new dogs registered annually within the United States

gel electrophoresis

Procedure used to separate and analyze DNA fragments by placing a mixture of DNA fragments at one end of a porous gel and applying an electrical voltage to the gel

Dr. Candace Croney

Purdue University center of animal welfare science


Species names for the domestic dog

How long has cats been bred?

Specific breeding of cats less than a century old

What are the dog categories?

Sporting dogs Hounds Working dogs Terriers Toy breeds Nonsporting dogs Herding dogs Miscellaneous group

What were the ancestors of dogs used for?

Territorial nature may have led to use as camp guards

conception rate

The number of the female pigs conceived over the number of bred female animals times 100

How did the Selection for desired traits has resulted in the development of various dog breeds

They became Hunters some work by sight, some by scent Retrievers Guard dogs Personal preferences for varying colors, sizes, body types, etc.

What is a sexually mature male cat?


Where did Mark Mayo attend school?

Tuskegee University and the University of Missouri

Estrus Synchronization

Using synthetic hormones to make a group of females come into heat at the same time.

Who presented the beef terminology lecture?

Wendell McElhenney

What were the African bush cat (Felis lybica) trained for?

Were trained to hunt with aristocrats and valued in control of rodents

What is a adult female cat

a Queen

breeding sounded exam

a complete and systematic evaluation of the reproductive potential of a given male


a group of dogs


a heterozygous individual having one recessive allele and one dominant allele for a particular gene

Scrotal Circumference

a measure of testes size which is related to semen producing capacity and age at puberty of female relatives

How each does a female cow go into heat?

about every 21 days

Copulating (dogs)

act of breeding


act of breeding


act of parturition

Whelping (dogs)

act of parturition


adult female dog


animals that are approximately one year old ( usually 12-24 months of age)

Where did Dr.Harold Higgins attend schools?

attended Tuskegee University for undergrad and grad school

What does most surplus cattle end up as?


break down of biotech meaning:

bios=life technikos= skillfully made tool logos= study or essence

red vs black (beef)

black is dominate to horned

What does beef cattle refer to?

cattle that are maintained for beef production


collectively refers to the dogs


contains information that an organism uses to produce a specific protein

What is the species name for the domestic cat?



domesticated fowl raised for meat or eggs

what is the genus name for domestic cats



female cattle that have had one or more calves


female cattle the have not had a calf

When was the first records of cats?

first records in Egypt in 4,000 BCE


fowl bred and raised for egg production


fowls bred and raised for meat

How does dogs get pancreatitis?

from eating table food

what are the basis of heredity?



genus name for domestic dogs

what does the frame score tell you?

gives you an estimate of how much an animal will way when its slaughtered.

measures of natural living

group living, access to outdoor and natural surfaces, clean, dry, comfortable resting areas


heifer or cow shows of advanced pregnancy

Prion diseases

hen normal prion protein, found on the surface of many cells, becomes abnormal and clump in the brain, causing brain damage ex.scrappy and mad cows disease

what was introduced in 1940?

hybrid corn

How can you tell if a calf is in heat?

if a cow allows another cow to mouth her and she gets rigid

key welfare issues for US animal agriculture

intensive confinement animal handling use of antibiotics

Protozoal infections

is an informal term for single-celled eukaryotes, either free-living or parasitic, which feed on organic matter such as other microorganisms or organic tissues and debris.

lab animal medicine

is the speciality of vet medicine which deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease in animals used as a subject in biomedical activities.

constraints of science

it cant tell us what is acceptable quality of life for animals

What is a newborn cat?


What can small lab animals be used as?

mainly pocket pets, others are used as farm, companion, or zoo animals

Classical Biotechnology

making wine, beer, cheese composting organic materials releasing parasitic wasps to control insects


male castrated after sexual characteristics developed


male castrated/unsexed before sexual maturity


male cattle that were castrated before any sex characteristics


male cattle with undescended testes

Beef Classification


what does biotech give us the ability to do?

manipulate living organisms w/ todays precision -development of cell theory -elucidating cellular function -understanding the nature of the gene

Early uses of chickens

meat, religious purposes, scavenger hunts

Did Mark Mayo get accepted into Tuskegee's Vet school?


weaning rate

number of cows with calves divided by the total number of cows exposed times 100

What is the number one nutrition problem that does have

obesity ( 15% IBWT - overweight > 25% IBWT - obese)


pertaining to a virus

Polled vs. Horned (beef)

polled is dominate

Study of poultry

poultry science or poultry biology


pregnancy (period from conception to birth of young) Gestation period = 9 weeks

typical grade in order from highest to lowest

prime, choice, and select

dressing percentage

ratio of hot carcass weight to live weight.


refers to cats


refers to non-pregnant females

lab animal science

refers to the complex of knowledge and skills derived from many disciplines and speciality fields that relate to the use of animals In biomedical research, education, testing and demonstrations.


refers to the use of living organisms for their components to provide useful products


refers to white flecks and streaks of fat within the lean sections of the muscle. measured at the 12th rib

Who is Benjamin C. Datril

research associate professor and assistant director of animal care, CMRC.

frame score

score based by measuring hip height. this score is related to the slaughter weights at a constant end point.

equine welfare issues

slaughter: how humane is slaughter, transport, euthanasia

embryo transfer

taking a fertilizing egg from a donor cow and transferring them to the recipient cows

When was the cloning of dolly the sheep?

the 1990s

Where did Mark Mayo work for a vet before undergrad?

the Virgin Islands

feed conversion

the amount of feed to achieve one unit of production.

three conceptions of animal welfare

the animal should: function well (good health, reproduces, normal growth) feel well (min. negative feelings max. pos feelings) be able to lead reasonably natural lives

what happened in 2007 with horses?

the closure of equine slaughter facilities

Define beef

the culinary name for meat cattle


the female member of unlike twins in cattle which are typically infertile

the concepts of old biotech:

the idea of basic genetics 1860 "the mendelian genetics" in 1900 it was introduced to agriculture 1930s intro. to disease and insect resistant hybrid wheat varieties

animal welfase (OIE definition)

the means how an animal is coping with the condition in which it lives. healthy, comfortable, well nourished, safe, able to express innate behavior, and isn't suffering from unpleasant states of pain.


the nuclear material of cells

estrous cycle

the period of time from one estrus to another

heat ( estrus)

the recurrent period of sexual receptiveness in females when they will stand for a bull to breed them

ribeye area

the size of the longissimus doors muscle at the 12th rib

How many species are there in beef?

the taurus ( inhumed) and indicus (humped)

What is the relationship between the weaning and conception rate?

the weaning rate should be less than or equal to the conception rate?

what is the purpose of the feed conversion?

to fairly compare animals, age and composition of gain (lean or fat) should be considered

why does people use Estrus Synchronization?

to result in calves having similar ages in the calf crop and lower labor requirements


uncastrated male cattle of any age

yearling weight

weight at one year old

birth weight

weight of the calf at birth

weaning weight

weight of the calf at weaning ( the sale weight)

what area of animal science is growing and is an alternate from being a vet?

working with lab animals

what should you think about when looking at measures of natural living

you need to think of: what elements of the animals living conditions are both natural and preferred what species typical behaviors can be accommodated


young cattle less than one year old

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