ANTH103 Ch. 7

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Which of the following statements about apes and brachiation are true?

Apes have longer arms than legs, which is adaptive for brachiation. Apes and humans likely had a brachiating ancestor. Young apes brachiate.

Anthropologists are concerned with the ______ era, which is the era of recent life—birds and mammals


Which of the following are true of chimps?

Chimps are omnivorous, Chimps live in tropical Africa and range over a larger area than gorillas

Which of the following statements about the behavior of chimps are true?

Chimps exhibit dominance relationships. Chimps are very vocal.

The largest primate that ever lived is


Which of the following statements regarding apes and humans are true?

Humans and apes share common ancestry. Humans and apes belong to the same taxonomic superfamily. Humans and apes are more closely related to each other than either are to monkeys.

Which of the following statements regarding Gigantopithecus are true?

It was confined to Asia. It is the largest primate that ever lived.

Which of the following statements about primates are true?

Learned behavior is an important part of primate adaptation. Primates tend to be social animals, which live with others of their species.

Which of the following are characteristics of orangutans?

Males typically climb, rather than swing through, trees. They live in jungles and feed in trees. Adult males weigh more than twice as much as females.

Which of the following statements about New World monkeys is true?

Many have prehensile tails.

Hominoid fossils became abundant during which epoch?


Which of the following statements about gorillas are true?

Most of the gorilla's day is spent feeding. Gorillas spend little time in the trees. Gorillas live in social groups.

The platyrrhines are

New World monkeys.

Which of the following are characteristics of primates?

Primates' most important means of obtaining information is sight rather than smell. Primates have five-digited feet and hands that are suited for grasping.

Which of the following happened during the Oligocene epoch?

Proto-monkeys became the most numerous primates.

Which of the following are traits of terrestrial, as opposed to arboreal, Old World monkeys?

Terrestrial monkeys are larger than arboreal monkeys. Sexual dimorphism tends to be more marked in terrestrial than in arboreal monkeys.

Which of the following distinguished proto-monkeys from strepsirrhines during the Eocene epoch?

The brains and eyes of proto-monkeys enlarged. The eyes of the proto-monkeys rotated more forward.

Different geographic areas provide more abundant primate fossil evidence for different time periods. Which of the following is true?

The fossil record is limited, and much is subject to change.

Which of the following statements about catarrhines are true?

They are sharp-nosed as opposed to flat-nosed. They include Old World monkeys, apes, and humans.

Which of the following statements about gibbons are true?

They are skilled brachiators. They are arboreal. They live in primary groups.

Which of the following tend toward orthograde posture?

apes humans

What's the term for primates who live primarily in trees?


Sometimes called the pygmy chimpanzee, ___________ live in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Hand-over-hand movement through the trees is known as


Thanks to studies by scientists such as Jane Goodall, we know a lot about the full range of behavior and social organization of what kind of apes?


Which of the following comprise the great apes of the hominoid superfamily?

chimpanzees orangutans gorillas

There are dietary differences between chimps and gorillas. For example, ________ prefer fruits and are omnivorous, but ______ eat green bulk vegetation.

chimps gorillas

True or false: Some apes have tails.


The similarities used to assign organisms to the same taxon are called


Traits inherited from a common ancestor are called


Which of the following have longer legs than arms?


Which of the following belong to the hominoid superfamily?

humans apes

Where do New World monkeys live?

in the forests of Central and South America

Anthropologists measure eras by the term m.y.a. In what unit of years are does m.y.a. measure?


During the Eocene, proto-monkeys branched off from other haplorrhines by becoming

more diurnal.

Each gorilla troop has a silverback, which is usually the ______ in the troop.

only breeding male

Genetic relatedness based on common ancestry is known as


What is the term for differences between male and female anatomy and temperament?

sexual dimorphism

The assignment of organisms to categories according to their relatedness and resemblance is known as


Baboons and many macaques are ______ monkeys.


What do we know about extinct types of primates, based on the fossil record?

very little

The physical and biochemical similarities between humans and apes are recognized in which of the following?

zoological taxonomy

Which of the following are true of the discoveries from Egypt's Fayum deposits?

The proto-monkeys of the Fayum lived in trees and ate fruits and seeds. Some of the Fayum fossils have a new and distinctive dental formula as compared with earlier primates. The Fayum fossils revealed the existence of different groups of proto-monkeys.

What is a type of primate that is a skilled brachiator and lives primarily in trees?


Which of the following is the smallest and most agile of the apes?


What is the zoological superfamily that includes extinct and living apes?


Which of the following is the most solitary of the great apes?


Sexual dimorphism is more marked in _____ species of Old World monkeys.


What's the term for primates who live primarily on the ground?


Which of the following traits are shared by apes as distinct from monkeys and other primates?

Body size tends to be larger. There is a tendency toward upright posture. There is a longer interval between births.

Which of the following statements about bonobos are true?

Bonobos are about the same size as members of the smallest subspecies of chimpanzee. Bonobos use sex to avoid conflict. Among bonobos, the strongest social bonds are among females.

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