Anthropology Final Study Guide

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When studying a human cultural group, anthropologists tend to focus on

typical characteristics of that population

Freud and Malinowski believed that humans turned to religion and supernatural beliefs in order to deal with

uncertainty and anxiety

Lewis Henry Morgan proposed _______________ that ordered civilizations from "primitive" to "civilized".

unilinear evolution

A shaman is most likely to be a person in a society who

uses supernatural influence and relationships to heal illnesses

A person's class position is

usually measured in terms of income level

A person's class position is

usually measured in terms of income level.

Compared to Malinowski's research in the Trobriands, Weiner's restudy addressed

women's lives.

The Xhosa rite of passage involves

young men during the process of circumcision

According to the anthropological perspective, polytheistic relgions

A baseball player tapping the plate 5 times, because he thinks this will improve his fortunes at bat.

Examples of recognized third genders include (select all that apply)

A. Hijra E. Berdache

Marriage is nearly universal due to: [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY]

A. gendered division of labor. B. prolonged infant dependency. C. sexual competition. D. economics.

A "Big-Man's" position depends on which of the following? Select ALL that apply.

A. personal charisma B. accumulation of wealth and subsequent generosity C. ascribed status E. hard work

In Africa, youths who go through circumcision rituals together are said to constitute

Age sets

Large extended households are most prevalent in which mode of livelihood?


A big-man's position depends on B. his generosity. C. his personality. D. many supporters working on his behalf. E. having at least one wife.

All of the above

A case study of the Society of Muslim Women in Kazakhstan found that A. SMW's main approaches to dealing with wife abuse are counseling, shelter, and mediation. B. SMW members have no funding or professional training. C. SMW sees domestic violence as a problem that the Islamic faith should address. D. sheltering abused women fits with the Kazakhi custom of hospitality.

All of the above

A holistic approach will study A. Subsistence strategies B. Political and economic systems C. Belief systems and religion D. Kinship and marriage

All of the above

According to the film "India Untouched", the Untouchables A. are prohibited from drinking from the same vessels or sources as other castes B. eat in separate locations of other castes C. are often relegated to cleaning duties

All of the above

All systems based on inequality (such as" race," caste, etc.), regardless of their local specificities, share this feature: A. Those who have greater entitlements control those who have lesser entitlements. B. Underprivileged groups may rebel against the system. C. Members of dominant groups work to keep their position. D. People are relegated to particular levels of entitlement.

All of the above

An ethnography is A. the main way cultural anthropologists their findings about culture. B. a descriptive writing about a culture. C. an important aspect of anthropological research.

All of the above

In patriarchy A. there tends to be more gender stratification. B. a sharp public/private dichotomy exists. C. there may be more domestic violence. Incorrect D. the practices of dowry murder, female infanticide, and clitoridectomy exist

All of the above

In the case of Bom Jesus, Brazil children experience A. poverty. B. short life spans. C. "benign neglect". D. "delayed attachment"

All of the above

Language refers to A. speech. B. words. C. communication based on arbitrary symbols. D. written forms of communication.

All of the above

Linguistic anthropologists study A. how contemporary languages differ in terms of structure, grammar, and sound systems. B. nonverbal communication. C. how languages change over time. D. how languages are related.

All of the above

Neolocal residence for married couples is associated with A. a foraging mode of livelihood. B. Western industrialized society. C. bilineal kinship systems.

All of the above

Social control in small-scale societies is centered around A. maintenance of social relationships. B. norms. C. informal enforcement. D. the use of personalized mechanisms such as gossip or shunning.

All of the above

Structural suffering refers to health problems caused by A. poverty. B. war. C. famine. D. forced migration.

All of the above

What differences in custom and belief hampered Bohannan's telling of "Hamlet" to the Tiv? A. Differences in marriage customs B. Clothing and weapons are different C. A belief in witchcraft among the Tiv D. That the Tiv are very accomplished storytellers.

All of the above

In "Spite" the prophet-healer in the Ivory Coast draws from which of the following religious traditions? Christian, Muslim, Traditional African

All of the above.

Marriage is nearly universal due to: [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] Correct A. gendered division of labor. Correct B. prolonged infant dependency. Correct C. sexual competition. Correct D. economics.

Answer Key: A, B, C, D

Forces of change in contemporary household arrangements are __________. [Select ALL that apply] Correct A. migration Correct B. female employement Correct C. Westernization or globalization. Correct D. poverty Correct E. economic change

Answer Key: A, B, C, D, E

The area within medical anthropology that seeks to make its knowledge useful to medical practitioners working in health care delivery is

Applied medical anthropolgy

Factors of marriage in Japan, according to Kristof include: [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] All of the Above

B. shame acts to keep divorce rates low. C. 99% of children born are born to married couples. D. couples may not know each other well before marrying. E. "less" love is accepted making marriages more stable.

The Fulani rite of passage involved

C. young men and women and scarification.

What activity were Kanzi and Dr. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh doing in the video that demonstrated Kanzi's amazing ability to communicate with the researcher?


The common origins, language, shared history, and selected cultural differences, such as difference in religion characterize a group of people as


The process whereby new cultures are created in the aftermath of violent events such as depopulation, relocation, enslavement, and genocide is:


Absolute cultural relativism is a view that promotes questioning and debate concerning cross-cultural practices.


According to Watters, classifying mental illness as a "brain disease" decreases the stigma.


Based on the lecture, love is a prerequisite for marriage cross-culturally.


Christian missionaries have historically found their encounters with indigenous religions to be peaceful, and converts willing and accepting.


Culture is best defined as the effects of biological heredity on human behavior.


Margaret Mead's work focused only on Samoa for her entire career.


Nancy Scheper-Hughes views the neglect of children by mothers in Brazil as unforgivable.


Sex and gender are the same concept.


The examples of bride kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan were actually always consensual "bride-nappings".


The issue of violence against women has long been accepted by development policy makers as being of high priority on their agenda.


What term refers to the tasks and activities that a culture assigns to the people of a particular biological sex?

Gender Roles

The poorest country in the Western Hemisphere is


What is Duka's dilemma?

Her husband married a young second wife without her or his family's approval.

Lee made a mistake in his gift giving by not being ______.


Leadership in bands is


_______ is a cluster name for many indigenous peoples who live in the eastern Canadian Arctic.


Which of the following statements about the Minangkabau culture is accurate?

It is the world's largest matrilineal culture.

The film "Me, My Sex, and I" followed which of the following adolescents and their parents as it related to intersexuality?


The adult female gorilla who is skilled at American Sign Language to communicate with researchers is


Structuralism - the approach that views culture as the surface representation of the underlying patterns of the human mind is attributed to


In the film "Tajimoltik" the cultural group depicted were the

Maya of Chiapas, Mexico

The groups involved in 'The Big Moka' are located in

New Guinea

You are the "headperson" of a band. You witness one person hitting another with a stick. In your society this a a violation of a very strict rule. Given that you live in a band, which of the following actions are you most likely to take?


A first-generation "contact" language is called a


Human language has an infinite capacity for generating very efficient messages, a feature called


The films and lecture noted how Koko demonstrated _____ in the creation of new words like "water bird".


According to Sosis, every known culture practices some form of


An increasing prevalence of the disease __________ is attributed to the construction of high dams and irrigation in many parts of the world.


The role of European diseases in the depopulation of the "New World" was


A cluster of people beyond the domestic unit who are usually related on grounds other than kinship; members have a sense of rights and responsibilities toward the group is known as

Social Group

Formal taxation most characterizes which form of political organization?


__________ is a culture-specific syndrome in Spain and Portugal and common among Latino people in the United States;


__________ is a culture-specific syndrome in Spain and Portugal and common among Latino people in the United States; it is associated with a stressful incident or situation.


"Big Men" are a form of leadership present in some tribal societies. They often have to collect and distribute goods to maintain power. According to your text, in the Kagwahiv,

The Big Man's wife is usually the leader of the women in the community.

According to Watters, mental illness is _______ across the world.

The Same

One of the cultural elements that distinguishes political bands from political tribes is that

Tribes are mutilocal and society-wide

Access to natural resources is a basic component of indigenous people's development.


Band leaders have authority and influence but no power.


Bilineal kinship is more characteristic of foraging and industrial/informatics societies than of the other three modes of livelihood.


Bodley argues that malnutrition is linked with mental retardation in both Africa and Latin America.


Compared to pastoralism and horticulture, agriculture is a more labor-intensive and land-intensive strategy.


In much of Latin America, local categories of "race" and ethnicity overlap


In the Trobriand Islands, kinship follows the female line.


Most cultural anthropologists would accept as the minimal accepted definition of marriage a "union between two or more people."


Sacrifice is probably the oldest form of ritual.


The Ju/'hoansi's traditional healing system is a form of community healing.


There are more biological sexes than cultural genders.


The country of __________ imprisons more people than any other country in the world.

United States

Max Weber's three dimensions of stratification include which of the following: [select all that apply]

Wealth Prestige Power

An example of a life-cycle ritual is

a coming-of-age ceremony for young men or women.

The term intersex describes

a discrepancy between external and internal genitals

Culture shock occurs when

a person has shifted from one culture to another.

Humoral healing systems are based on

a philosophy that seeks balance among various bodily fluids and forces.

Del Guercio describes voodoo as

a sophisticated religion with African beginnings.

The changes that occur when different cultural groups come into intensive contact is:


The two most important factors on which the division of labor is based in horticultural societies are

age and gender.

A holistic approach will study A. Subsistence strategies B. Political and economic systems C. Belief systems and religion D. Kinship and marriage

all of the above

An emic approach focuses on: A. what people in the study area say about their own culture. B. gathering data on culturally shared rules for behavior. C. explanations for culture offered by members of that culture. D. events that have meaning for members of a particular culture.

all of the above

Parent's desire to have children is affected by

all of the above

Polyandry is

almost always fraternal

Social ranking on the basis of caste is

an ascribed system.

Smith suggests that cellphones

are status symbols

Egalitarian Societies are also likely to be

band levels of political organization

One reason why foragers typically have low rates of population growth is because

breast-feeding occurs over frequent and long periods of time, thereby suppressing ovulation.

Applied anthropology, as a field of anthropology,

can be used as an approach by the 'four' fields of archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and biological anthropology.

Which of the following is NOT culturally constructed?

choromosomal sex

From the Anthropological perspective, magic is a form of supernatural interaction which

compels the supernatural to act in some particular way

If someone were to collect bits of your hair and nail clippings to use in a magical ritual, this person is practicing

contagious magic

If someone were to collect bits of your hair and nail clippings to use in a magical ritual, this person is practicing

contagious magic.

Miner (1956) was offering a critique of __________ culture.

contemporary American

Ethnology, or "cultural anthropology" tends to focus the attention of its research on

contemporary cultural groups

In an intensive agricultural subsistence system

crops are grown for the grower to sell and the grower does not usually eat their own products

Retired Husband Syndrome and awas are examples of

culture-specific syndromes.

Research that is guided by a hypothesis is called


The most frequent motive for direct infanticide cross-culturally is that the infant is

deformed or ill

As reported by Bodley, the correlation between dental health and economic progress is that

dental health declines with modernization.

The feature of human language that allows people to talk about the past and the future is referred to as


Kerala, India, provides an example of success in terms of which approach to development?

distributional approach

A parallel cousin, from the perspective of 'ego', would be

ego's father's brother's or mother's sister's offspring

One's cross-cousin, from the perspective of 'ego', would be

ego's father's sister's or mother's brother's offspring

Unilineal descent systems

ego's father's sister's or mother's brother's offspring

The tendency to apply one's own cultural values in judging the behavior and beliefs of people raised in other cultures is known as


The male bias in development planning and projects refers to the

exclusion of women from many development projects.

Written language has been used by human cultures

for about 5000--6,000 years

Life projects promote development through

giving priority to local people's aspirations

The increased spread of international ties and spread of Western capitalism worldwide is referred to as


The primary challenge that Sterk faced during research was

guilt about having a safe and comfortable life when her informants were struggling with poverty and disease

With increasing population political systems tend to

have the need to excercise more and more regulatory control

The reproductive patterns of the Hutterites and Mennonites of North America are characterized by

high fertility rates.

Children have the most tasks in which mode of livelihood?


Biological anthroplogists focus on

human evolution and contemporary human variation.

Which of the following occurs at the industrialized/informatic mode of consumption and exchange?

increased unbalanced exchange

People who have a longstanding connection with their home territory predating colonialism are referred to as

indigenous people.

The cultural materialist perspective uses a three-level model of culture that includes

infrastructure, structure, and superstructure.

A reason for the emergence of linguistic anthropology in the United States is the

interest in recording disappearing languages.


is a mode of livelihood based on domesticated animal herds and the use of their products, such as meat and

Social stratification

is a set of hierarchical relationships between groups

In political systems where there are 'Big Men', the role of 'Big Man'

is competitive, and often involves giving a lot of gifts to gain influence and power

Anthropological explanations for the marital pattern known as polyandry suggest that

it is an adaptive response to severely limited resources, particularly cultivatable land

One of the main reasons that foragers/food collectors work fewer hours than agriculturalists is

it is unnecessary to work harder: labor intensification would cause overexploitation of resources

A cultural relativist would view contemporary Nacirema culture as

just as interesting and worthy of study as any other.

The advantages of polyandry listed in the video include: (select ALL that apply)

land stayed within the same family it served as a form of birth control for the woman

The Sapir Whorf Hypothesis is an anthropological analysis that suggests that

language has significant influences on culture and the perceptions of people in that culture

The incest taboo

leads to exogamy.

This is an example of which form of descent?


For most Pastoralists, wealth is held in

mobile herds of animals

Darwin's theory of evolution includes the key concept of

natural selection

To anthropologists, a society would be considered egalitarian if

no social groups have greater or lesser access to economic resources, power, and prestige

Ethnologists tend to gather their data by

observing and interviewing living peoples Culture is best defined as the effects of biological heredity on human behavior. False

Physical or biological anthropology is most often divided into the two subdisciplines of

paleoanthropology and human variation

The research method in cultural anthropology that involves living in a culture for an extended period while gathering data is

participant observation.

Sounds that make a critical difference in a language are referred to as


The term "medical pluralism" refers to the

presence of multiple health systems within a society.

According to the code of ethics of the American Anthropological Association, the anthropologist's first responsibility is to

protect the people studied from harm related to their research.

Del Guercio, suggests that voodoo is used to:

regulate social behavior

Sosis maintains that rituals promote group cohesion by

requiring members to engage in behavior that is too costly or dangerous to fake.

Carnival is an example of a

ritual of inversion

According to the textbook, kinship is based on which three factors?

sharing, adoption, and marriage

Balanced reciprocity, as a form of economic exchange, tends to be

short term in its expectations of return

An example of the interpretivist approach in medical anthropology is

showing how a song sung by a shaman might help a woman through a difficult birth.

A pure gift is

something for which a "return" is not expected or calculated.

The ecological/epidemiological approach in medical anthropology involves

study of how the natural environment interacts with culture to cause disease.

A marital rule of endogamy would

suggest that one must marry someone from within the same group

Gadsby's article highlights all of the following about the Inuit diet except:

that a movement away from "traditional foods" always has a positive effect on the culture.

Dettwyler finds that breastfeeding is culturally defined and discussed all of the following examples except:

that breastfeeding is most beneficial when it continues until age 5.

An emic approach focuses on

the "father" of participant observation.

Based on his experience in the Trobriand Islands during World War I, Bronislaw Malinowski is generally considered to be

the "father" of participant observation.

Distributional development emphasizes

the assessment and adjustment of entitlements.

Among the Tsimané people of Bolivia, the health status of children is strongly related to

the mother's traditional knowledge of healing plants.

According to the discussion of anthropological linguistics, a protolanguage is

the reconstructed ancestral language of a set of known and documented related languages

Ethnomedicine refers to

the study of cross-cultural health systems.

The Hawthorne effect refers to

the tendency for respondents to change their behavior to correspond with the researcher's interest.

Anthropologists will consider a religion to be monotheistic if

there are many supernatural beings, but one has significant power overall the others

What was the purpose of the feasting ritual in "The Feast"?

to from an alliance between two groups

Ongka staged his "Moka" in order to

to gain power and prestige

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