AP Bio Immune Systems

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A bone marrow transplant may not be appropriate from a given donor (Jane) to a given recipient (Janeʹs cousin Bob), even though Jane has previously given blood for one of Bobʹs needed transfusions. Which of the following might account for this? A) Janeʹs blood type is a match to Bobʹs but her MHC proteins are not. B) A blood type match is less stringent than a match required for transplant because blood is more tolerant of change. C) For each gene, there is only one blood allele but many tissue alleles. D) Janeʹs class II genes are not expressed in bone marrow. E) Bobʹs immune response has been made inadequate before he receives the transplant.


An immune response to a tissue graft will differ from an immune response to a bacterium because A) MHC molecules of the donor may stimulate rejection of the graft tissue. B) the tissue graft, unlike the bacterium, is isolated from the circulation and will not enter into an immune response. C) a response to the graft will involve T cells and a response to the bacterium will not. D) a bacterium cannot escape the immune system by replicating inside normal body cells. E) the graft will stimulate an autoimmune response in the recipient.


In which of the following situations will helper T cells be activated? A) when an antigen is displayed by a dendritic cell B) when a cytotoxic T cell releases cytokines C) when natural killer (NK) cells come in contact with a tumor cell D) in the bone marrow during the self-tolerance test E) when B cells respond to T-independent antigens


The MHC is important in a T cellʹs ability to A) distinguish self from nonself. B) recognize specific parasitic pathogens. C) identify specific bacterial pathogens. D) identify specific viruses. E) recognize differences among types of cancer.


These cells are involved in cell-mediated immunity and destroy virally infected cells: A) cytotoxic T cells B) natural killer cells C) helper T cells D) macrophages E) B cells


These cells are involved in cell-mediated immunity, and they respond to class I MHC molecule-antigen complexes: A) cytotoxic T cells B) natural killer cells C) helper T cells D) macrophages E) B cells


Which action below is affected by an antihistamine? A) blood vessel dilation B) phagocytosis of antigens C) MHC presentation by macrophages D) the secondary immune response E) clonal selection by antigens


Which of the following cell types are responsible for initiating a secondary immune response? A) memory cells B) macrophages C) stem cells D) B cells E) T cells


Which of the following is true of the successful development of a vaccine to be used against a pathogen? A) It is dependent on the surface antigens of the pathogen not changing. B) It requires a rearrangement of the B cell receptor antibodies. C) It is not possible without knowing the structure of the surface antigens on the pathogen. D) It is dependent on the pathogen having only one epitope. E) It is dependent on MHC molecules being heterozygous.


A transfusion of type A blood given to a person who has type O blood would result in which of the following? A) the recipientʹs B antigens reacting with the donated anti-B antibodies B) the recipientʹs anti-A antibodies clumping the donated red blood cells C) the recipientʹs anti-A and anti-O antibodies reacting with the donated red blood cells if the donor was a heterozygote (Ai) for blood type D) no reaction because type O is a universal donor E) no reaction because the O-type individual does not have antibodies


Clonal selection implies that A) brothers and sisters have similar immune responses. B) antigens increase mitosis in specific lymphocytes. C) only certain cells can produce interferon. D) a B cell has multiple types of antigen receptors. E) the body selects which antigens it will respond to.


Inflammatory responses may include which of the following? A) clotting proteins migrating away from the site of infection B) increased activity of phagocytes in an inflamed area C) reduced permeability of blood vessels to conserve plasma D) release of substances to decrease the blood supply to an inflamed area E) inhibiting the release of white blood cells from bone marrow


These cells are involved in innate immunity, and a person lacking these cells may have a higher than normal chance of developing malignant tumors: A) cytotoxic T cells B) natural killer cells C) helper T cells D) macrophages E) B cells


Which of the following would be most beneficial in treating an individual who has been bitten by a poisonous snake that has a fast-acting toxin? A) vaccination with a weakened form of the toxin B) injection of antibodies to the toxin C) injection of interleukin-1 D) injection of interleukin-2 E) injection of interferon


A person exposed to a new cold virus would not feel better for one to two weeks because A) specific B cells and T cells must be selected prior to a protective response. B) it takes up to two weeks to stimulate immunologic memory cells. C) no memory cells can be called upon, so adequate response is slow. D) antigen receptors are not the same as for a flu virus to which she has previously been exposed. E) V-J gene rearrangement must occur prior to a response.


Clonal selection is an explanation for how A) a single type of stem cell can produce both red blood cells and white blood cells. B) V, J, and C gene segments are rearranged. C) an antigen can provoke production of high levels of specific antibodies. D) HIV can disrupt the immune system. E) macrophages can recognize specific T cells and B cells.


In the human disease known as lupus, there is an immune reaction against a patientʹs own DNA from broken or dying cells. This kind of response typifies which kind of irregularity? A) allergy B) immunodeficiency C) autoimmune disease D) antigenic variation E) cancer


Naturally acquired passive immunity would involve the A) injection of vaccine. B) ingestion of interferon. C) placental transfer of antibodies. D) absorption of pathogens through mucous membranes. E) injection of antibodies.


Which of the following differentiates T cells and B cells? A) T cells but not B cells are stimulated to increase the rate of their cell cycles. B) Only B cells are produced from stem cells of the bone marrow. C) T cells but not B cells can directly attack and destroy invading pathogens. D) T cells but not B cells have surface markers. E) Only B cells take part in cell-mediated immunity


Which of the following is the last line of defense against an extracellular pathogen? A) lysozyme production B) phagocytosis by neutrophils C) antibody production by plasma cells D) histamine release by basophils E) lysis by natural killer cells


A patient can produce antibodies against some bacterial pathogens, but he does not produce antibodies against viral infections. This is probably due to a disorder in which cells of the immune system? A) B cells B) plasma cells C) natural killer cells D) T cells E) macrophages


A patient reports severe symptoms of watery, itchy eyes and sneezing after being given a flower bouquet as a birthday gift. A reasonable initial treatment would involve the use of A) a vaccine. B) complement. C) sterile pollen. D) antihistamines. E) monoclonal antibodies.


A person's immune systemʹs recognition of a secondary infection will involve which of the following? A) helper T cells B) memory B cells C) plasma cells D) cytotoxic T cells E) natural killer cells


Histamines trigger dilation of nearby blood vessels, and increase in their permeability. Which of the signs of inflammation are therefore associated with histamine release? A) redness and heat only B) swelling only C) pain D) redness, heat, and swelling E) all of the signs of inflammation


If a newborn were accidentally given a drug that destroyed the thymus, what would most likely happen? A) His cells would lack class I MHC molecules on their surface. B) His humoral immunity would be missing. C) Genetic rearrangement of antigen receptors would not occur. D) His T cells would not mature and differentiate appropriately. E) His B cells would be reduced in number and antibodies would not form.


Phagocytosis of microbes by macrophages is enhanced by which of the following? A) the binding of antibodies to the surface of microbes. B) antibody-mediated agglutination of microbes. C) the release of cytokines by activated B cells. D) A and B only E) A, B, and C


What are antigens? A) proteins found in the blood that cause foreign blood cells to clump B) proteins embedded in B cell membranes C) proteins that consist of two light and two heavy polypeptide chains D) foreign molecules that trigger the generation of antibodies E) proteins released during an inflammatory response


What is the primary function of humoral immunity? A) It primarily defends against fungi and protozoa. B) It is responsible for transplant tissue rejection. C) It protects the body against cells that become cancerous. D) It produces antibodies that circulate in body fluids. E) It primarily defends against bacteria and viruses that have already infected cells.


Which cells and which signaling molecules are responsible for initiating an inflammatory response? A) phagocytes: lysozymes B) phagocytes: chemokines C) dendritic cells: interferons D) mast cells: histamines E) lymphocytes: interferons


Which of the following is true of active but not passive immunity? A) acquisition and activation of antibodies. B) proliferation of lymphocytes in bone marrow. C) transfers antibodies from the mother across the placenta. D) requires direct exposure to a living or simulated pathogen. E) requires secretion of interleukins from macrophages.


Which statement about the complement system is true? A) These proteins are involved in innate immunity and not acquired immunity. B) These proteins are secreted by cytotoxic T cells and other CD8 cells. C) This group of proteins includes interferons and interleukins. D) These proteins are one group of antimicrobial proteins acting together in cascade fashion. E) These proteins act individually to attack and lyse microbes.


A bacterium entering the body through a small cut in the skin will do which of the following? A) inactivate the erythrocytes B) stimulate apoptosis of nearby body cells C) stimulate release of interferons D) stimulate natural killer cell activity E) activate a group of proteins called complement


A patient undergoes a high level of mast cell degranulation, dilation of blood vessels, and acute drop in blood pressure. These symptoms could be caused by which of the following? A) an autoimmune disease B) a typical allergy that can be treated by antihistamines C) an organ transplant, such as a skin graft D) the effect of exhaustion on the immune system E) anaphylactic shock immediately following exposure to an allergen


The following events occur when a mammalian immune system first encounters a pathogen. Which shows the correct sequence in which they occur? I. Pathogen is destroyed. II. Lymphocytes secrete antibodies. III. Antigenic determinants from pathogen bind to antigen receptors on lymphocytes. IV. Lymphocytes specific to antigenic determinants from pathogen become numerous. V. Only memory cells remain. A) I → III → II → IV → V B) III → II → I → V → IV C) II → I → IV → III → V D) IV → II → III → I → V E) III → IV → II → I → V


Which cell type interacts with both the humoral and cell-mediated immune pathways? A) plasma cells B) cytotoxic T cells C) natural killer cells D) CD8 cells E) helper T cells


Which of the following are symptoms of inflammation that might appear in such art? A) heat, pain, and redness B) pain and whitening of the surrounding tissue C) swelling and pain D) antibody producing cells E) swelling, heat, redness, and pain


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