A+P Exam #2*

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How many ribs do we have (in pairs)?

12 pairs

How many bones are located in the vertebral column?


How many bones in one lower extremity?


What percentage of bone is made up living material?


What is the number of tarsal bones located one ankle?


The Axial skeleton consists of how many bones?


Which of the following bone markings can be defined as a narrow ridge of bone that is usually prominent?

A crest

Your new massage client tells you that he/she has a herniated disc in the lumbar region. Which of the following statements would be true?

A herniated disc is a concern and massage therapy should not be done without medical approval

In thinking about the piezoelectric property, choose the one true statement?

A local electrical current is involved

Choose the one correct statement about ribs?

All ribs attach to the vertebrae at the body and transverse process

If you were able to break open a long bone and look at he medullary cavity, you would see all the fowling except?

Articular Cartilage

The metacarpals are named by number. Which of the following is the correct way to number these bones?

Begin from lateral side and end on the medial side of the hand

How would you define Wolf's law?

Bone remodels in response to the demands placed upon it.

Swedish massage strokes are designed to work from vital regions to proximal of a limb. Which of the following list bones would be in that order?

Calcaneus, tibia, femur

Bone is known fort s strength. Which of the following minerals is responsible for this?


All bone is covered on the outside by a dense form of bone known as?


This tarsal bone is located just proximal to the base of the 5th metatarsal on the later foot?


Which the following bones does not support any weight?


This bone is commonly referred to as your "Forehead"?


Placing the heel of our hand on your iliac crest and resting your palm salon you lateral hip, your fingers would fall at the level of which bone marking?

Greater trochanter

Your clients needs massage for the proximal brachial region. Which of the following bone markings would be found in this area

Greater tubercle of the humerus

Which statement is correct in regards to the acetabulum?

IT is much deeper than the glenoid cavity

A quick way to locate the spinous process of T7 is to first locate and travel medial to which of the following bone markings?

Inferior angle

Which of the fowling is not a bone macron on the ethmoid bone?

Inferior nasal conchae

What is the name of the lateral holes on vertebrae that serve as a passageway for spinal nerves?

Intervertebral formen

As your small child sits on your lap, you can feel the bony projections of their "sit bones" which are anatomically called?

Ischial Tuberosities

If you're explaining where the lateral epicondyle of the femur is to a client, which of the fowling would be true?

It can be easily felt as a bony projection on the lateral side of the knee

Which statement is correct about the hyoid bone?

It has no direct attachment to any other bone

Considering bone markings, which of the fowling statement sis try in regards to the body of the vertebrae?

It is anteriorly located and supports weight

Considered the remnants of a tail bone, which statement best describes the coccyx

It is made up of 4 bones fused together

Which of the following best describes the lineament aspera?

It is prominent line running down the posterior femur

Which statement best describes the lamina groove

It lies between the transverse and spinous processes

Periosteum is an important part of bone. Which of the fowling does not describe one of the its functions?

It serves as the inner lining of long bones

These small bones from part of the medial walls of the orbits and serve as a passageway for tear ducts?

Lacrimal bones

Which of the following bones does not surround the orbits (EYE SOCKETS)??


Considering these facial bones, which of the fowling lists is in the order of inferior to superior?

Mandible, maxillae, nasal

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is formed by which of the following bone markings?

Mandibular condyle and mandibular fossa

These facial bones make up the hard palate of the roof of the mouth?

Maxillae Palatine

Which of the fowling bones markings would be considered the most distal?

Medial Condyle of the femur

You're wearing a pair of sunglasses, which of the following bones are they touching?

Nasal and Temporal bones

What is theme of the inner region of the intervertebral disc?

Nucleus pulposus

The foramen magnum is located on which of the following bones?


Ribs are named by number. Which of the following groups of the ribs is also know as the "True Ribs"?

Pairs 1-7

Looking at a lateral view of the skull, which of the fowling bones would you not be able to see?


All of the following are tassel bones except?


There are all sorts of deviations in the spine but normally, the thoracic region has a curve which can be described as?

Posteriorly convex

A lateral curve in the vertebral column is know as?


Bone provides for storage of all the fowling except?

Smaller bones

This bone resembles the shape of a bat or butterfly with outstretched wings?


What is the name of the bone that articulates with (has an attachment to every other cranial bone?


Bone can be classified by its density. Which of the following terms describes bone which is more porous and fragile?


If your adolescent child falls and breaks the larger bones in his/her femoral region with where the diaphysis and epiphysis meets. What might be the result?

Stunted growth of the bone in height may occur

The external auditory meatus is housed within which of the following bones?


In an adult long bone, yellow bone marrow is stored in which location?

The ,medullary cavity

The largest bone in the body is?

The Femur

Which of the following is an example of a long bone?

The bones in the fingers

The scientific name for the pelvic bones is?

The coxal bones

Looking at any typical long bone int he body, the shaft is scientifically know as ?

The diaphysis

Which of the following statements would be considered true?

The epiphyseal line is the location of long bone growth in height

The coronal suture divides which of the following bones?

The frontal from the parietal bones

The should joint is made up of which of the following?

The head of the humorous and glenoid cavity of the scapula

Where on the coal bone is the pubis bone located?

The inferior, anterior region

The name of the structure that lies between the radio and ulna and provides an attachment point for muscles is called?

The interosseous membrane

Choose the incorrect statement?

The knee joint does not include the patella

There are several structural differences between the make and female pelvic bowl. Considering these differences choose the list which is completely correct?

The male ischial tuber-sixties are closer together and the female iliac crest is lower.

In regards to massage and the skeletal system, which of the following does not make sense?

The more massages you receive, the softer the bones will become

Choose the one correct statement

The olecranon process is on the proximal ulna

All the following are true in regards to sesamoid bone except ?

The only exist in children

Kneeling on the floor could be uncomfortable on which of the following bones

The patella

Together, the two coal bones, the sacrum and the coccyx create an anatomical structure known as?

The pelvic bowl

With which of the following statements would agree?

The pelvic bowl of the female is wider and more shallow than that of a male

The lower extremity is attached to which of the following girdles?

The pelvic girdle

The sacroiliac joint is found where which of the following bones meet?

The sacrum and the ilium

The "bony thorax" is made up of the following bones?

The sternum, ribs , and thoracic vertebrae

As a newborns grows, he/she learns to lift its head and then later learns to stand and walk. Which of regions of the vertebral column are not affected by these developments?

The thoracic and scrap regions

The bone marking marking which can be found just distal to the patella on the center of the proximal, anterior leg is called?

The tibial tuberosity

Which of the fowling statements is true?

The vertebrae are irregular bones

In an healthy adult, which of the fowling statements would make sense in regards to their skeletal system?

Their osteoblasts would be more active then osteoclasts

Which of the fowling statements is correct?

There are 12 thoracic vertebrae

Which of the following statements is correct (CRANIAL + FAICAL BONES)?

There are 8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones

There are 30 bones in the upper extremity, which of the following statements is false?

There are a total of 14 phalanges in both hands

Which statement is true in regards to the coxal bones?

These bones consist of 3 regions fused together

Which of the following statements is true concerning the maxillae?

These bones hold the upper row of teeth

Which statement best describes the epiphyses?

They are the proximal and distal ends of long bone

Which of the following is not considered a function of the paranasal sinuses?

They make up the the floor of the cranial cavity

Which best defies warming bones?

They're found only in the newborn skull

Choose the one list of bone markings that can be all found on the same bone?

Tibial tuberosity, medial malleolus, medial condyle

What is the name of bone that makes up the inferior portion of the nasal septum?


Bone can be classified by its shape. Which of the fowling is not a classification of bone?


Commonly these bones are referred to as the "Cheek Bones"?


What is the role of an osteoclast?

a bone cell which breaks down bone

Which of the following describes a "Meatus"?

a canal-like passageway through bone

The distal row of carpal bones is made up of the following bones?

trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate

The glassy, smooth surface ont he ends of longs bones is called?

articular cartilage

Which of the following bones is not a facial bone?


This bone marking can palpated on most people as a prominent bump at the center of the back of the skull?

external occipital protuberance

Why is the first cervical vertebra (C1) unique?

it has no spinous process or body

Which of the following is an interesting feature about the pectoral girdle?

it only bone to bone attachment with the axial skeleton is where the clavicle meets the sternum

Which of the following is not a function of bone?

blood cell destruction

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