AP II_21007 Lect_ Chapter 17 Endocrine Sytem _ Tophat

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Describe several main differences in the communication methods used by the endocrine system and the nervous system.

Endocrine System Nervous System Signaling mech Chemical Chemical/ electrical Primary chemical Hormone Neurotransmitters signal Distance traveled long or short always short Response time fast or slow always fast Environment targeted Internal Internal or external

The production of melatonin is inhibited by . a declining levels of light b exposure to bright light Your answer c the secretion of serotonin d the activity of pinealocytes

exposure to bright light

. What secretory cell type is found in the adrenal medulla? a chromaffin cells Your answer b neuroglial cells c follicle cells d oxyphil cells

chromaffin cells

If an autoimmune disorder targets the alpha cells, production of which hormone would be directly affected? a somatostatin b pancreatic polypeptide c insulin d glucagon


In the elderly, decreased thyroid function causes . a increased tolerance for cold b decreased basal metabolic rate Your answer c decreased body fat d osteoporosis

decreased basal metabolic rate

Hormones produced by the thymus play a role in the . a development of T cells Your answer b preparation of the body for childbirth c regulation of appetite d release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach

development of T cells

. Which of the following is an anterior pituitary hormone? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a ADH b oxytocin c TSH Your answer d cortisol


The secretion of thyroid hormones is controlled by . a TSH from the hypothalamus b TSH from the anterior pituitary Your answer c thyroxine from the anterior pituitary d thyroglobulin from the thyroid's parafollicular cells

TSH from the anterior pituitary

Which of the following hormones contributes to the regulation of the body's fluid and electrolyte balance? a adrenocorticotropic hormone b antidiuretic hormone Your answer c luteinizing hormone d all of the above

antidiuretic hormone

Steroid hormones: a Are based on cholesterol b Are based on tyrosine c Are water-soluble d Require second messengers to exert their effects on target cells

are based on cholesterol

The walls of the atria produce which hormone? a cholecystokinin b atrial natriuretic peptide Your answer c renin d calcitriol

atrial natriuretic peptide

Athletes may take synthetic EPO to boost their . a blood calcium levels b secretion of growth hormone c blood oxygen levels Your answer d muscle mass

blood oxygen levels

The gonads produce what class of hormones? a amine hormones b peptide hormones c steroid hormones Your answer d catecholamines

steroid hormones

The end result of the RAAS is to . a reduce blood volume b increase blood glucose c reduce blood pressure d increase blood pressure

increase blood pressure

The production of FSH by the anterior pituitary is reduced by which hormone? a estrogens b progesterone c relaxin d inhibin


Which of the following statements about insulin is true? a Insulin acts as a transport protein, carrying glucose across the cell membrane. b Insulin facilitates the movement of intracellular glucose transporters to the cell membrane. Your answer c Insulin stimulates the breakdown of stored glycogen into glucose. d Insulin stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb glucose into the bloodstream.

insulin facilitates the movement of intracellular glucose transporters to the cell membrane.

The anterior pituitary gland develops from which embryonic germ layer? a oral ectoderm Your answer b neural ectoderm c mesoderm d endoderm

oral ectoderm

. Chemical signaling that affects neighboring cells is called . a autocrine b paracrine Your answer c endocrine d neuron


What cells secrete melatonin? a melanocytes b pinealocytes Your answer c suprachiasmatic nucleus cells d retinal cells


Which of the following responses is not part of the fight-or-flight response? a pupil dilation b increased oxygen supply to the lungs c suppressed digestion d reduced mental activity

reduced mental activity

. How many hormones are produced by the posterior pituitary? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a 0 Your answer b 1 c 2 d 6


The adrenal cortex produces ______________. Multiple answers:Multiple answers are accepted for this question a Cortisol b Corticosterone c Aldosterone d Androstenedione

Cortisol Corticosterone Aldosterone Androstenedione

Compare and contrast endocrine and exocrine glands.

Endocrine glands are ductless. They release their secretion into the surrounding fluid, from which it enters the bloodstream or lymph to travel to distant cells. Moreover, the secretions of endocrine glands are hormones. Exocrine glands release their secretions through a duct that delivers the secretion to the target location. Moreover, the secretions of exocrine glands are not hormones, but compounds that have an immediate physiologic function. For example, pancreatic juice contains enzymes that help digest food.

The development of a goiter indicates that . a the anterior pituitary is abnormally enlarged b there is hypertrophy of the thyroid's follicle cells c there is an excessive accumulation of colloid in the thyroid follicles Your answer d the anterior pituitary is secreting excessive growth hormone

There is an excessive accumulation of colloid in the thyroid follicles

A tumor in what tissue would cause Grave's disease? a Kidney b Adrenal gland c Pancreas d Parathyroid e Thyroid


Cushing's disease is a disorder caused by . a abnormally low levels of cortisol b abnormally high levels of cortisol Your answer c abnormally low levels of aldosterone d abnormally high levels of aldosterone

abnormally high level of cortisol

Iodide ions cross from the bloodstream into follicle cells via . a simple diffusion b facilitated diffusion c active transport Your answer d osmosis

active transport

A small molecule binds to a G protein, preventing its activation. What direct effect will this have on signaling that involves cAMP? a The hormone will not be able to bind to the hormone receptor. b Adenylyl cyclase will not be activated. Your answer c Excessive quantities of cAMP will be produced. d The phosphorylation cascade will be initiated.

adenylyl cyclase will not be activated

Which of the following statements about the thyroid gland is true? a It is located anterior to the trachea and inferior to the larynx. b The parathyroid glands are embedded within it. c It manufactures three hormones. d all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following can result from hyperparathyroidism? a increased bone deposition b fractures Your answer c convulsions d all of the above


The adrenal glands are attached superiorly to which organ? a thyroid b liver c kidneys Your answer d hypothalamus


The hypothalamus is functionally and anatomically connected to the posterior pituitary lobe by a bridge of . Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a blood vessels b nerve axons Your answer c cartilage d bone

nerve axons

A student is in a car accident, and although not hurt, immediately experiences pupil dilation, increased heart rate, and rapid breathing. What type of endocrine system stimulus did the student receive? a humoral b hormonal c neural Your answer d positive feedback


The function of the placental hormone human placental lactogen (hPL) is to a prepare the breasts for lactation Your answer b nourish the placenta c regulate the menstrual cycle d all of the above

prepare the breasts for lactation

Which of the following is not a steroid hormone? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a Estrogen b Aldosterone c Cortisol d Prolactin e Testosterone


endocrine glands a secrete hormones that travel through a duct to the target organs b release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft c secrete chemical messengers that travel in the bloodstream Your answer d include sebaceous glands and sweat glands

secrete chemical messengers that travel in the bloodstream

When blood calcium levels are low, PTH stimulates . a urinary excretion of calcium by the kidneys b a reduction in calcium absorption from the intestines c the activity of osteoblasts d the activity of osteoclasts

the activity of osteoclasts

A newly developed pesticide has been observed to bind to an intracellular hormone receptor. If ingested, residue from this pesticide could disrupt levels of. a melatonin b thyroid hormone Your answer c growth hormone d insulin

thyroid hormone

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