AP Psychology Chapter 1.1: Five Waves, History of Psych

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Drawing from multiple perspectives W5

describe the fifth wave of psychology

multiple perspectives "Let's consider many viewpoints!" Big names/terms: -Eclectic -Modern-day

What are the five "waves" of psychology?

1. introspection 2. gestalt psychology 3. psychoanalysis 4. behaviorism 5. multiple perspectives

Wilhelm Wundt

1832-1920 Set up the first psychology laboratory German Trained subjects in introspection Described it as "structuralism" W1

What was the dominant school of thought from 1920-1960?


John Watson--Ivan Pavlov

John Watson studied the conditioning experiments of Ivan Pavlov WATSON declared that psych must be OBSERVABLE (W4) Wanted behavioralism to be the dominant form of psychology

William James

1842-1910 Published the Principles of Psychology Examined how what Wundt identified functioned in our lives Called functionalism W1

Max Wertheimer

Argued against dividing human thought and behavior into discrete structures Tried to examine a person's total experience W2

Sigmund Freud

Created psychoanalytic theory Decided that humans had an unconscious mind Hidden due to repression We must understand the unconscious mind fully through dream analysis, word association, etc Criticized for having no scientific data to back up his claims W3


Developed by Freud We can't deal with anxious and stressful thoughts, so we push them down into the unconscious mind (repress them) W3

Stimuli and response

Environmental events (stimuli) and how your react (responses) W4


Environmental stimuli that either encourages or discourages certain responses W4

Mary Whiton-Calkins

First woman President of the American Psychological Association W1


Greek philosophers Theorized about the relationship between human thought and behavior W1

B.F. Skinner

HUGELY INFLUENTIAL DUDE 1904-1990 Behaviorist Expanded it to include what is called reinforcement Really believed in environmental stimuli W4


Stone age humans carving holes in their heads to release evil spirits W1

G. Stanley Hall

Student of James Pioneered the study of child development The original president of the American Psychology Association W1

Margaret Floy Washburn

The first woman to earn a Ph.D. in psychology W1


The idea that the mind operates by combining subjective emotions and objective sensations Developed by Wilhelm Wundt W1

describe the third wave of psychology

psychoanalysis "The unconscious (and possibly insane) mind" Big names/terms: -Sigmund Freud -Dream analysis, word association, etc -words like "defense mechanism" **While not extraordinarily prevalent in modern psych, his newly coined buzzwords are constantly used

describe the second wave of psychology

gestalt "Total experience; the painting; context as well as the behavior" Big names/terms: -Max Wertheimer **Does NOT significantly influence modern psych


how introspection thoughts (thoughts that Wundt thought of) work in our lives developed by William James W1

describe the first wave of psychology

introspection "Humans thinking about their own thoughts and behavior" Big names/terms: -trephination -Plato/Democritus -Wilhelm Wundt -William James -Mary Whiton-Calkins -Margaret Floy Washburn -G. Stanley Hall **Does NOT significantly influence modern psych

describe the fourth wave of psychology

behaviorism "Psychology must be observable; it shows in your behavior" Big names/terms: -John Watson--Ivan Pavlov -Stimuli and response -B.F. Skinner -Reinforcement

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