AP World Unit 5 Test

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Industrialization in Russia during the nineteenth century most closely resembled industrialization in which of the following regions?

Japan during the Meiji Restoration

Which of the following most directly explains the importance of improved agricultural productivity to the industrialization of economic production in western Europe in the period 1750-1900 ?

Because less labor was needed on farms, more people moved to urban areas to work in factories.

The quotation above best supports which of the following conclusions about the author's motives for resistance to Spanish colonial rule in Latin America?

Bolívar rejected Spanish mercantilist policies that restricted free trade in Latin America.

The industrialization of Great Britain's economy in the mid-eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries is most directly explained by which of the following?

Britain had large reserves of coal.

Which of the following would most directly challenge the labor system portrayed in the sketch?

The Enlightenment

The labor patterns shown in the table are most directly relevant in understanding which broader process in nineteenth-century Europe?

The development of new class identities

Which of the following most likely influenced Fukuzawa's views in the passage?

The forcible "opening up" of Japanese markets to the West, which led to the Meiji Restoration

As described in the passage, the economic model of the British South Africa Company most directly differed from which of the following economic trends in the late nineteenth century?

The shift from mercantilism to free-market trade policies

Which of the following best explains why Japan was more successful than China in resisting imperialist encroachments in the nineteenth century?

The willingness of Japan's elite to sponsor reform

Which of the following best represents the purpose of Trotsky's statement in the passage above?

To argue that Russia is ripe for a socialist revolution, despite being less industrialized than other European countries

During the nineteenth century, Asian and African rulers usually desired transfer of which of the following western technologies most?


All of the following contributed to the rise of industrialization in western Europe and North America during the nineteenth century EXCEPT

increased rights for laborers

In the passage above, Zeng Guofan's purpose in listing the policies of the current Qing emperor is most likely to

mobilize popular support by showing that the Taiping rebellion does not represent a legitimate challenge to Qing rule

Kersaint and Saint-Maurice's arguments about granting citizenship to the Black inhabitants of Saint-Domingue are most different from the arguments of those nationalists who claimed that

only those born within the territory of the nation and those who shared a common historical origin should be included as citizens within the nation

The United States Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen reflect a shared concern for

protection of private property

A key issue that historians have debated in explaining the reasons for nineteenth-century slave emancipations involves

the role of humanitarianism

Marx's statement in the passage above is best understood in the context of which of the following responses to the development and spread of global capitalism in the nineteenth century?

A movement to articulate an alternative vision of society

The industrialization of Japan in the nineteenth century most directly led to Japan's adoption of which of the following foreign policies?

A policy of imperial expansion that sought to take advantage of the political and military weakness of neighboring Asian states

Which of the following statements is true of Latin American independence movements in the nineteenth century?

Creole elites led most revolts against colonial rule.

The image from Japan during the Meiji Restoration best exemplifies which of the following processes?

Cultural changes accompanying greater contact with the United States

Which of the following factors contributed most to the increase of world population in the period 1750 to 1900 C.E.?

Improvements in agricultural productivity and food distribution

In the excerpt, Bolívar expresses which of the following?

Outrage at the effects of mercantilist policies

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, some governments responded to the growing popularity of ideas such as the ones expressed in the passage by doing which of the following?

Passing reforms designed to improve the conditions of industrial workers

Which of the following was the main factor leading to the fall of Japan's Tokugawa shogunate and the rise of the Meiji government?

Pressure from Western powers

Which of the following distinguishes the Meiji period from earlier periods in Japanese history?

Reform and industrialization

Which of the following best supports the argument that the last three decades of the nineteenth century were a turning point in world history?

Significant increases in demand for fossil fuels for industrial uses

Which of the following claims does Napoleon make about religion in the document al-Jabarti quotes in the second paragraph?

The French did not wish to change the religion of the people of Egypt.

The data in the table best provide historical context to understand which of the following developments in mid-nineteenth-century Great Britain?

The emergence of social reform movements

In what way did the Haitian Revolution differ from the French Revolution?

The leaders of the Haitian Revolution came from a different social class than did the leaders of the French Revolution.

The Meiji Restoration of the nineteenth century involved internal reforms that included which of the following?

The modernization of Japan's military

The "objections" that the chairman refers to in the first paragraph can most directly be explained in relation to which of the following arguments commonly made by laissez-faire economists in the period 1750-1900 ?

The monopolistic practices of government-chartered joint-stock companies such as the British South Africa Company distorted market competition and hurt consumers.

The policies of the Meiji reformers brought about which of the following in Japan?

The promotion of rapid industrialization

Image 1 best illustrates which of the following broad economic transformations in the period circa 1750 ?

The transition from a human- and animal-powered economy to a fossil-fuel economy

A historian interpreting the decree would best understand the purpose of the "new legislation" referred to in the second paragraph as an attempt to

allow the Ottoman government to compete against industrializing European powers

The high proportion of women and children among the workers reflected in the table is best seen in the context of the

low wages of workers in industrial societies

In the nineteenth century, the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires were two examples of

multinational empires

All of the following claims made by Saint-Maurice in Source 2 directly advocate for the abolition of slavery in Saint-Domingue EXCEPT

that "White hands will never suffice to work the land under a burning sun"

Most world historians would agree that the key to European predominance in the world economy during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was

the Industrial Revolution

Great Britain's development of the industry referred to in the first paragraph during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries is best explained by the fact that British factories were the first to

use steam-powered machines for large-scale economic production

Which of the following was the most immediate effect of the processes illustrated in the images?

A decline in Asian countries' share of world manufacturing as Asian goods lost ground to European imports

Which of the following describes a conclusion about Asia that is best supported by the data in the table?

Although Asia had far fewer vessels than North America had, Asia was responsible for a larger percentage of world trade.

Which of the following groups was Bolívar most trying to influence with this letter?

Creole elites

Which of the following was the key factor in the start of Latin American independence?

Creole grievances about their lack of political authority

Which of the following was the primary Ottoman response to the processes depicted in Map 2 ?

Efforts to reform the government despite considerable internal opposition

In contrast to initial industrialization, the second Industrial Revolution in the last half of the nineteenth century was particularly associated with the mass production of which of the following?

Electricity, steel, and chemicals

Adoption of which of the following power sources has contributed the most to increasing the energy available to humans?

Fossil fuels

Members of which of the following groups led opposition to industrialization in both Qing China and the Ottoman Empire?

Government officials

The ideology reflected in the poster was most directly the result of which of the following developments in the nineteenth century?

Growing discontent with traditional forms of government led to the development of new political ideas.

Japan's industrialization during the Meiji period and the Soviet Union's industrialization during the 1920s and 1930s had which of the following characteristics in common?

Industrialization in both countries was achieved largely through state direction rather than through private initiative.

Which of the following developments in the period 1878-1922 best explains the change in Japanese trade patterns shown in the graphs above?

Japanese manufacturing output rose as a consequence of industrialization.

In the period from 1750 to 1850, which of the following political ideologies was gaining increasing influence in western Europe and parts of the Atlantic world?


The North and South American independence movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries shared which of the following?

Limitation of civil rights to a minority of the population

Which of the following best describes how nineteenth-century European industrialization affected European women's lives?

Married women found it increasingly difficult to balance wage work and family responsibilities.

Bolívar was describing the effects of which of the following economic policies?


Which of the following best describes an important difference between Karl Marx's theory of socialist revolution and that of V. I. Lenin?

Only Lenin argued that the workers' revolution would have to be led by professional revolutionaries.

In the nineteenth century, women's use of bound feet (China), white face paint (Japan), and corsets (western Europe) are examples of which of the following?

Practices that inhibit female activities

Which of the following is true of both Russia and Japan by 1914 ?

Rapid, state-sponsored industrialized had occurred in both countries.

The North and South American independence movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries shared which of the following?

Revolutionary demands based on Enlightenment political ideas

The excerpt above emphasizes which of the following solutions to the exploitation of industrial laborers?

Sufficient wages for factory workers to live full, comfortable lives

The decree's references to following the rules of Shari'a would best be interpreted as an attempt to appeal to

Sunni religious elites within the Ottoman government who opposed modernization

Which of the following societies successfully resisted foreign penetration and domination from 1650 to 1850?

The Japanese

Which of the following contributed the most to the growth of the movement to abolish slavery in the Atlantic world?

The adaptation of Enlightenment ideas challenging established social hierarchies

The author's argument regarding the effects of Western philosophy on the world is likely based on which of the following?

The adoption of European Enlightenment political and scientific principles worldwide

The emergence of the German industries referred to in the passage is most directly explained by which of the following processes in the nineteenth century?

The development of new methods of production during the second industrial revolution

The views expressed in the passage best illustrate which of the following processes?

The formulation of alternative visions of society in response to the spread of global capitalism

Which of the following best explains the change in energy consumption in the time period from 1000 to 1850 C.E.?

The increasing mechanization of labor as a result of industrialization

Which of the following best describes an accurate comparison of the relationship between sailing vessels and steamships in the late nineteenth century that is supported by the data in the table?

The total number of sailing vessels in all regions still greatly surpassed the total number of steamships in all regions.

The Meiji reforms in Japan resulted in

a shift of power away from regional lords and to the emperor

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the working conditions depicted in Image 2 served as an inspiration for those arguing that

the negative social effects of capitalism should be alleviated by enacting factory regulations

Which of the following is an accurate comparison between the economic development of Japan and the economic development of Russia in the nineteenth century?

Both countries industrialized, with the state playing an important role in the process.

Which of the following was a major reason for the decline in India's share of the global manufacture of cotton textiles by the end of the nineteenth century?

Competition from industrially produced British textiles

The "second Industrial Revolution" in the last half of the nineteenth century was associated with the mass production of which of the following groups of products?

Electricity, steel, and chemicals

Which of the following most directly influenced the arguments about social and economic change in Saint-Domingue expressed by Kersaint and Saint-Maurice in the passages?

Enlightenment thinkers

Which of the following best describes a conclusion about the relationship between steamships and world trade in the late nineteenth century that is supported by the data in the table?

Europe's dominance in the total number of steamships roughly correlates to its dominance in world trade.

The philosophy behind the late-nineteenth-century Chinese policy mentioned above was part of which of the following?

The Chinese government's attempt to reform the economy through self-strengthening

Zeng Guofan's analysis of the situation in China in 1854 was likely influenced by which of the following?

The Confucian notion of the dynastic cycle

Which of the following claims does al-Jabarti make about the French?

The French do not believe in either Christianity or Islam.

The decree's statement regarding the change in the situation of the Ottoman Empire, as described in the first paragraph, is a viewpoint that would most likely have been shared by members of which of the following governments in the nineteenth century?

The Qing Empire in the aftermath of the signing of the unequal treaties

The economic success of businesses such as the British South Africa Company was in part dependent on which of the following developments in the late nineteenth century?

The adoption of innovative practices in banking and finance

The passage above is an example of which of the following processes occurring in the eighteenth century?

The application of Enlightenment ideas

Which of the following best supports the view of some world historians that the eighteenth century marked a major turning point in world history?

The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England

Which of the following developments in the nineteenth century would most likely help explain the size and composition of the workforce at the Bayer plant as described in the second paragraph?

The construction of railroads facilitated the migration of people to interior regions.

Which of the following was a widespread social consequence of industrialization in the 1800s?

The creation of a wage-earning working class concentrated in urban areas

Many historians have argued that by the late nineteenth century the industrialized nations of Europe had achieved global economic dominance more through force and coercion than through the superiority of their industrial products. Which of the following nineteenth-century developments would best support this contention?

The decline of the Indian textile industry's share of global manufacturing

The development of the factory system most directly explains which of the following characteristics of the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?

The greater degree of labor specialization

Which of the following best explains the general increase in the living standards of industrial workers between 1800 and 1914 ?

The increased supply of inexpensive consumer goods

The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain was most influenced by which of the following factors?

The location and large number of British coal deposits

The gender and age makeup of the workforce shown in Image 2 best illustrates which of the following phenomena in mid-nineteenth-century European society?

Within factories, skilled workers continued to be predominantly male, while women and children continued to perform mostly unskilled factory work.

All of the following resulted from the French and Russian Revolutions EXCEPT

a socialist economic system

The print above suggests that as nineteenth-century Japan industrialized, Japanese women did which of the following?

Became involved in the factory system and industrial production.

All of the following statements about Armand-Guy Kersaint are factually accurate. Which would best explain why, unlike the author of Source 2, Kersaint is NOT calling for the unconditional and immediate abolition of slavery?

At the time of the French Revolution, Kersaint owned plantations and other property in the French Caribbean.

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