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Growth rate (using CBR and CDR) - Rate of natural increase


population change equation

(births + immigration) - (deaths + emigration) / total population

Birth rate factors

-children as part of labor force -cost of raising and educating children -availability of private and public tension -educational and employment opportunities for women -average age of a woman at marriage -family planning/contraceptives -cultural norms

death rate factors

-life expectancy -infant mortality rate

Mortality rate factors

-malnutrition -disease -poor parental care -drug/alcohol use

The world's population is growing at a rate of about ________ .

1.2% The world's population is growing at a rate of about 1.2%.

What percentage range of all people between the ages 15 and 49 is infected with HIV in many southern African counties?

15-26% In several southern African countries, 15-26% of all people between ages 15 and 49 are infected with HIV

It has taken about _____ years for the human population to reach an estimated 2 billion


It has taken about ________ years for the human population to reach an estimated two billion.

200,000 It has taken about 200,000 years—from the time that the latest version of our species Homo sapiens sapiens evolved, to the 1920s—for our population to reach an estimated two billion people.

doubling time

70/growth rate % = # years

What is the average life expectancy (total, both men and women) for the United States?

79 - For U.S. males, average life expectancy is 76. For U.S. women, it is 81. Among the nations with highest life expectancies are: San Marino (85), Hong Kong (85), Japan (84) and Switzerland (84). Among the lowest are: Central African Republic (53), Sierra Leone (54) and Nigeria (54).

The American baby boom added how many people o the United States population between 1946 and 1964?

79 million The American baby boom added 79 million people to the U.S. population between 1946 and 1964.

What is the current global population (approximately)?

8 billion - "With widespread, sustained declines in fertility, the world population will likely peak in 2064 at around 9.7 billion, and then decline to about 8.8 billion by 2100 -- about 2 billion lower than some previous estimates, according to a new study."

In a given county, the population size is decreasing because there are fewer prereproductive-aged individuals in the population. Which of the age structure diagrams best illustrates the population of this county?

A - inverted pyramid (declining population): the population is most likely declining because of increased women education which delays the reproductive age of women, and therefore lowers their total fertility rate (TFR)

The demographic transition model describes population change over time as a country becomes more developed. Age-structure diagrams describe how populations are distributed across age ranges. Which of the following age-structure diagrams best displays the age ranges in a country that is in stage 2 of the demographic transition?

An expansive pyramid age-structure diagram

Based on current trends and patterns, which of the following statements best predicts how the human population will change over the next 50 years?

As the amount of available food and drinking water increases, the population size will also increase. As the population density increases, there will be an increase in disease transmission, leading to increased mortality.

Since 1980, which country has undergone the most rapid industrialization and economic growth?


Which country had 19% of the world's population in 2012?

China China had 19% of the world's population in 2012

Which list the three most populous countries in order, starting with the largest population:

China, India, The United States

________ is an interdisciplinary study of how humans interact with the living and nonliving parts of their environment.

Environmental science Environmental science is an interdisciplinary study of how humans interact with the living and nonliving parts of their environment. It integrates information and ideas from the natural sciences such as biology, chemistry, and geology; the social sciences such as geography, economics, and political science; and the humanities such as ethics.

A scientist is studying a biome that experiences large seasonal fluctuations in both temperature and precipitation patterns. Which of the following would best characterize the organisms that inhabit the biome?

Generalists would be most abundant, because the resources available would be constantly changing.

Which of the following density-independent factors can affect the size of a human population?

Heat waves

Based on the survivorship curves shown below, which of the following is a possible reason for the change in the shape of the curve from 1900 to 1980?

Improvements in health-care services and medical research

Why decrease in TFR?

In developed countries, women have access to birth control, education, employment so they don't have to get married and start having kids right away for stability.

Which of the following statements best describes why birth and death rates are changing in a country that is in Phase 2 of the demographic transition?

Individuals have better sanitation and access to clean drinking water.

Human population growth is unevenly distributed geographically. 95% of the 2.6 billion people added to the world population between 2012 and 2050 will be born in:

LDCs (less developed countries) less resources, family planning, in LDCs women are less likely to go into higher jobs so women are married younger and having more babies, cultural norms.

Which of the following is an example of a regulating ecosystem service?

Mangroves provide storm protection for cities near the coast.

________ refers to the natural resources and services that keep us alive and other species alive.

Natural capital Natural capital is the natural resources and natural services that keep us and other species alive and support human economies. Natural resources are materials and energy in nature that are essential or useful to humans. Natural services, or ecosystem services, are processes provided by healthy ecosystems.

Which of the following is a point source pollutant that would likely affect the ecosystem health of a coral reef?

Oil released from the broken hull of a shipwrecked tanker

What stage of demographic transition experiences population growth that levels off and then declines as birth rates equal and then fall below death rates?


Full-cost pricing

Pricing method that uses all relevant variable costs in setting a product's price and allocates those fixed costs not directly attributed to the production of the priced item.

Which of the following would be categorized as a cultural ecosystem service of forests?

Recreation and scenic areas for tourism

Based on the data, which of the following policies would most likely make the greatest reduction in the ecological footprint for all of the cities shown in the graph?

Setting higher fuel efficiency standards for vehicles

What three major cultural changes have occurred over the past 10,000 to 12,000 years?

The agricultural revolution, the industrial-medical revolution, and the information-globalization revolution The three major cultural changes since about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago have been: the agricultural revolution, which began 10,000-12,000 years ago when humans learned how to grow and breed plants and animals for food, clothing, and other purposes; the industrial-medical revolution, which began about 275 years ago when people invented machines for the large-scale production of goods in factories; and the information-globalization revolution, which began about 50 years ago, when we developed new technologies for gaining rapid access to all kinds of information and resources on a global scale.

Which of the following best describes the trends seen in the total fertility rates for the world population from 1950 to the projected rates in 2040 ?

Total fertility rates declined rapidly from 1960 to 2000 because women had children later in life as a result of increased educational

________ is an example of natural pollutants.

Volcanic ash Polluting substances, or pollutants, can enter the environment naturally, such as from volcanic eruptions, or through human activities, such as the burning of coal and gasoline, and the dumping of chemicals into rivers, lakes, and oceans. At a high enough concentration in the air, in water, or in our bodies, almost any chemical can cause harm and be classified as a pollutant.

Which of the following best describes a supporting ecological service provided by wetlands?

Wetlands provide a habitat for a wide variety of organisms.

Replacement fertility rate

What value to keep population stable - usually higher in developing countries.

The _____ of a population can be used to determine if that population will increase or decrease

age structure An important factor determining whether the population of a country increases or decreases is its age structure.

The first major cultural change that occurred in the human population was the:

agricultural revolution

Industrial Period

as birth/death rate approach each other, population stabilizes.

Life expectancy and Infant mortality rate are good indicators of overall health of a country. The Infant mortality rate refers to the number of children per 1,000 births that die:

before their first birthday - In less developed countries (LDCs), infants typically die from under-nutrition, malnutrition, and infectious disease (diarrhea). In more-developed countries (MDCs), drug addiction and lack of prenatal health care are more likely to blame. The U.S. has a fairly high infant mortality rate.

Top 10 populated countries

china, India, US, Indonesia, Brazil, pakistan, nigeria, bangladesh, russia, japan

Which substance would be considered a nonrenewable resource?


All of the following ways would help reduce the projected ecological footprint EXCEPT:

continuing reliance on fossil fuels

Which factors are most responsible for decreasing population?

death and emigration When births plus immigration exceed deaths plus emigration, a population grows; when the reverse is true, a population declines.

transitional period

death rates decline due to improved food production and health care - takes a while for birth rates to drop off so there is an exponential increase in population.

Harvesting trees faster than nature can restore them is a human activity that ________ .

degrades natural capital Many human activities can degrade natural capital by using normally renewable resources such as trees and topsoil faster than nature can restore them and by overloading the earth's normally renewable air and water systems with pollution and wastes. For example, in some parts of the world, we are replacing diverse and naturally sustainable forests with crop plantations that can be sustained only with large inputs of water, fertilizer, and pesticides.

The biological science that studies how living things interact with one another and with their environment is called:


People who can take the same data, be logically consistent with it, and arrive at quite different answers to moral, ethical, or religious questions are said to have differing ________ .

environmental worldviews People with widely differing environmental worldviews can take the same data, be logically consistent with it, and arrive at quite different answers to such questions because they start with different assumptions and moral, ethical, or religious beliefs.

All nonrenewable resources can theoretically be:

exhausted or depleted

Which substance would be considered a renewable resource?


Gasoline is relatively cheap, despite the fact that producing and using gas results in various types of pollution and other problems that damage the environment. We could live more sustainable by finding ways to include such costs in market prices. Which of the following terms applies to the economic approach of including the harmful environmental costs in the prices of goods?

full cost pricing

The prices of goods and services do not include most of the ________ .

harmful costs to humans or the environment Companies using resources to provide goods for consumers generally are not required to pay for most of the harmful environmental and health costs of supplying such goods. The prices of goods and services do not include most of their harmful environmental and human health costs, consumers have no effective way to evaluate the harmful effects, on their own health and on the earth's life-support systems, of producing and using these goods and services.

An inexhaustible resource can be defined as a resource that ________ .

has a continuous supply Solar energy is called an inexhaustible resource because its continuous supply is expected to last for at least 6 billion years, until the sun dies. A renewable resource is one that can be replenished by natural processes within hours to centuries, as long as we do not use it up faster than natural processes can renew it.

Solar energy is known as a(n):

inexhaustible resource

Ecological footprint is the amount of ________ needed to supply a person or an area with renewable resources and that are needed to absorb and recycle the wastes and pollution produced by such resource use.

land and water Ecological footprint is the amount of land and water needed to supply a person or an area with renewable resources such as food and water, and that are needed to absorb and recycle the wastes and pollution produced by such resource use. The developers of this tool for measuring environmental impacts chose to focus on renewable resources, although the use of nonrenewable resources also contributes to our ecological footprints.

Encouraging family planning has been shown to be an effective way of...

lowering population growth Scientific studies and experience have shown that one effective way to slow or stop population is by encouraging family planning.

A(n) ________ is an approximate representation or simulation of a system.


Age-structure diagram (right)

more stable population (US) will have more baby boomers. In a country like japan, have less youth - post industrial period.

Briefly stated, living sustainably means living on ________ .

natural income Living sustainably means living on natural income, the renewable resources such as plants, animals, soil, clean air, and clean water, provided by the earth's natural capital. It also means not depleting or degrading the earth's natural capital, which supplies this income, and providing the human population with adequate and equitable access to this natural income for the foreseeable future.

How many people can the earth support at a sustainable level?

no one knows No one knows how many people the earth can support indefinitely, and at what level of average resource consumption per person, without seriously degrading the ability of the earth to support us, our economies, and the millions of other forms of life. However, our expanding total and per capita ecological footprints are disturbing warning signs.

Pesticides blown from land into the air are ________ sources of pollution

nonpoint Nonpoint sources are dispersed and often difficult to identify. Examples are pesticides blown from the land into the air and the runoff of fertilizers, pesticides, and trash from the land into streams and lakes. Point sources are single, identifiable sources. Examples are the smokestack of a coal-burning power or industrial plant, the drainpipe of a factory, and the exhaust pipe of an automobile.

Four important features of the scientific process are curiosity, skepticism, reproducibility, and ________ .

peer review

The average amount of land and water needed to supply an individual in a given country with resources and recycle wastes is known as:

per capita ecological footprint

Which is a nonpoint source of pollution?

pesticide runoff

The term _____ refers to the contamination of the environment by a chemical or other agent that is harmful to organisms.


The world's ________ collectively degrade forests, topsoil, grasslands, fisheries, and wildlife.

poorest people Desperate for short-term survival, the world's poorest people collectively degrade forests, topsoil, grasslands, fisheries, and wildlife. They do not have the luxury of worrying about long-term environmental quality or sustainability. Even though the poor in less-developed countries use very few resources per person, the large population size in some countries leads to a high overall environmental impact.

In the IPAT equation, the 'P' stands for:



population growth levels off and then declines as birth rates equal and then fall below death rates

The rule of 70 can be used to determine a population's doubling time. Doubling time is a measure of the

population growth rate

Age-structure diagram (population pyramid)

population that is just increasing and going that that demographic transition.

Japan, Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Ukraine, Serbia, Greece, Portugal, and Italy are all countries currently faced with what population problem?

rapidly declining population Countries currently faced with rapidly declining populations include Japan, Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Ukraine, Serbia, Greece, Portugal, and Italy.

A(n) ________ is a possible and testable answer to a scientific question or explanation of what scientists observe in nature.

scientific hypothesis

The exponential rate of growth of the total human population over the past 100 years (shown in the graph below) has been a result of:

sharp drop in death rates - As nations become more industrialized, death rates drop due to improvements in agriculture, medicine, and sanitation. If the human population levels off during the 21st century, the growth model will move from a "J-shaped" curve to an "S-shaped" curve.

4 categories of ecosystem services

supporting, provisioning, regulating, cultural

Many scientists contend that the earth is the only real example of a(n) ________ system.

sustainable Many scientists contend that the earth is the only real example of a sustainable system. The newest challenge for the human species is to learn how to live more sustainably, and some scientists argue that we have no time to waste in doing so.

What term describes the highest rate at which a renewable resource can be used indefinitely without reducing its available supply?

sustainable yield

During most of the 10,000 years since humans invented agriculture, civilization has lived on the ________ of the earth's natural systems.

sustainable yield During most of the 10,000 years since we invented agriculture, civilization has lived on the sustainable yield of the earth's natural systems. But in recent decades we have been living unsustainably by degrading and depleting the earth's natural capital at an accelerating rate to fuel a growing population and ever increasing resource consumption.

Sustainability refers to

the capacity of the earth's natural systems to maintain stability and adapt to changing environmental conditions indefinitely

The primary difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources is:

the length of time it takes for each to be replenished

replacement level fertility

the number of children a couple must have to replace themselves (2.1 developed, 2.7 developing)

What is one factor that helps account for larger families in India?

the strong cultural preference for male children

The degradation of commonly held or shared resources is known as:

the tragedy of the commons

What rate refers to the average number of children born to the women in a population during their reproductive years?

total fertility rate Total fertility rate is the average number of children born to the women in a population during their reproductive years.

A scientific hypothesis is a possible and testable answer to a scientific question or explanation of what scientists observe in nature.


In less-developed countries, a woman with no education typically has how many more children than does a woman with a high school education?

two In less-developed countries, a woman with no education typically has two more children than does a woman with a high school education.

In addition to a high incidence of infectious disease, what does a high infant mortality rate usually indicate?

undernutrition and malnutrition A high infant mortality rate usually indicates insufficient food (undernutrition), poor nutrition (malnutrition), and a high incidence of infectious disease.

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