apes final semester 1, apes final semester 2

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Which of the following best describes the source of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that could accumulate in the tissues of a top predator?

DDT and other pesticides that are sprayed to control for mosquitoes.

Scientists are interested in studying the bioaccumulation of mercury in different species of dolphins exposed to the same concentration of mercury. The dolphins in the study will be of similar age and living in the same habitat. Which of the following best identifies a testable hypothesis for the study?

Different species of dolphins will have different levels of mercury in their fatty tissues depending on the species' ability to absorb and excrete mercury.

The location where one tectonic plate is being forced beneath another, creating a volcanic arc.


Soybean crops are generally planted in early or mid-May and harvested in August. The table below shows the times of peak damage to soybean crops from various agricultural pests. Farmers use this type of data calendar to track pests and plan integrated pest management strategies to maximize crop yields. Based on the data, which of the following time periods are insect pests most detrimental to the soybean crops?

Early May through mid-September

Sort the following from farthest to closest to Earth's surface.

Farthest from the surface of Earth - Exosphere - Thermosphere - Mesosphere - Stratosphere - Troposphere Closest to the surface of Earth

Three common methods of beef production include using rangelands, pasture, and feedlots. The environmental impacts of these different methods for a variety of variables is compared in the graph below. Which of the following claims is best supported by the data in the graph?

Feedlots have high levels of pesticide use and energy consumption as a result of high demands for grain production.

Based on the data in the graph, which of the following likely occurred from 1960 to 2015 because of changes in solid waste disposal methods?

Fewer natural resources needed to be extracted.

Place the following in chronological order for using geothermal energy to generate electricity.

First Step - Drill deep into the ground - Release the high pressure steam from water in the rock - Steam rises and excess water is removed from the steam - Dry steam spins a turbine - Turbine spins magnets in a generator - Electricity is generated and goes to the grid - Water vapor is condensed back into liquid - Liquid water is injected back into the ground Last Step

Place the following in chronological order.

First Step - Mine the uranium - Enrich the uranium - Fission to release heat - Heat water to turn it to steam - Use the steam to spin a turbine - Turbine causes generator to generate electricity - Spent fuel rods are cooled in a pool - Spent fuel rods are stored on land in dry casks - Spent fuel rods are buried under the ground for thousands of years Last Step

Place the following steps in order for a coal burning power plant.

First Step - Pulverize coal into smaller pieces - Burn the coal - Heat causes water to turn to steam - Steam spins a turbine - Turbine causes the generator to generate electricity that goes to the electric grid - Steam cools to condense back into water, while some of the heat is released as water vapor from the cooling tower Last Step

Place in chronological order for generating electricity using a hydroelectric dam.

First Step - Water from the upstream side of the dam moves through an opening - Moving water spins a turbine - Turbine spins the magnets in a generator - Electricity goes to the grid Last Step

Place the following in chronological order for generating electricity using a hydroelectric dam.

First Step - Water moves from the upstream side to towards the downstream side of a dam - Flowing water spins a turbine - Turbine spins magnets in a generator - Generator generates electricity - Electricity is sent to the grid to power homes Last Step

Place the following in chronological order to describe the formation of sedimentary rocks.

First Step - Weathering - Deposition - Compaction - Cementation Last Step

The diagram below represents how solar radiation strikes the surface of the Earth differently, depending on location, during the June solstice. Which of the following combinations correctly identifies and explains the effects of the differences in the distribution of solar radiation on Earth as seen in the diagram above?

Global wind patterns are created because uneven solar radiation results in warm air at low latitudes and cool air at high latitudes, resulting in density differences between the air masses.

The first substitute for CFCs was...


Which of the following is an unintended consequence associated with water logging caused by flood irrigation?

High water tables

Sort the following from highest to lowest priority to reduce solid waste.

Highest Priority - Create products that last longer - Reuse products - Recycle products - Send the used product to a landfill Lowest Priority

The following methods can improve the insulation of a home.

- Double Pane Windows - Fix leaks around windows and doors - Green Roof NOT open windows

Match the following:

- Inorganic Chemicals- acids, salts, metals - Organic Chemicals- oil, gasoline, pesticides

if NPP is 5 units of energy and the plants needed 10 units of energy for respiration, GPP is ____ units of energy.


It is easier to ascribe toxicity to a specific cause when the exposure is ____.


Which of the following changes are linked to an increase in ocean water temperature?

An increase in metabolism in marine species and a decrease in dissolved oxygen in ocean water.

The thinnest area of stratospheric ozone is located over...


Which type of coal is the cleanest to burn with the lowest amount of sulfur?


Which of the following gases has the greatest impact on global climate change as a result of having the highest global warming potential (GWP)?


After the Industrial Revolution, the use of fossil fuels increased significantly. Despite the documented environmental effects of these resources and the availability of renewable resources, the use of nonrenewable sources continues. Which of the following statements best explains why there is continued widespread use of nonrenewable fossil fuels in energy production in the United States?

Established technology and transportation infrastructure for fossil fuels allows these resources to be converted into energy to meet consumer demand.

Most fresh water on our planet is in the form of liquid fresh water.


Place the following in chronological order.

First Step - Wind spins the blades of a wind turbine - The blades spin the gears in the gearbox - The gearbox spins the magnets in the generator - The generator generates electricity - Electricity moves to the grid Last Step

inorganic conventional products

GMO, synthetic pesticides, hormones, synthetic fertilizers

Love Canal is located in...

New York

The best solution for indoor air pollution is to...

Open a window and increase ventilation.

List the following countries in order from the source zone of the Nile River to the floodplain.

Source - Ethiopia - Sudan - Egypt Floodplain

List the following countries in order from the source zone of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to the floodplain.

Source - Turkey - Syria - Iraq Floodplain

In order to maximize the use of passive solar energy to heat a home all year in the United States, the windows of the house should face ____.


Which of the following statements best describes how the Clean Water Act legislation aims to protect wetlands from being lost?

The Clean Water Act requires wetlands to be constructed to mitigate the effect of newly drained wetlands.

indicator species

a trout requires a certain amount of dissolved oxygen. it is sensitive to low dissolved oxygen and dies when the levels drop

sexual reproduction

can lead to genetic diversity

During a drought, the water table will move ____, when it rains, it will move ____ closer to the surface of the soil.

down, up

irruptive population curve

exponential growth followed by a population crash

locally extinct

extinct in one area but still exists somewhere else

T/F in the U.S. genetically modified foods must be labeled.


bird friendly

farming that occurs under the canopy

which of the following are renewable or perpetual resources?

fresh water, fresh air, fish, wind, trees NOT gold, fossil fuels, phosphates

as energy moves up through the trophic levels, it is lost as ____.


type 1 survivorship curve

humans, penguins, whales


increase in concentration of a chemical as you go up the trophic levels


international whaling commission

lake victoria- nile perch

introduced, large, predatory fish that ate the endemic cichlids

most of the human population lives in _____ developed countries.


mass extinction

many species going extinct in a short period of time


natural grasslands

boreal forest

needles for leaves and cone bearing trees

a system moving in one direction and then goes in the opposite direction is an example of a(n) _____ feedback loop.


When plant material decays, it first forms ____, then it turns into ____. With more heat and pressure, it becomes ____. Finally, it forms a type of coal with lower amounts of sulfur called ____.

peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite

mimicry defense

protected by looking like a poisonous species


rain, snow, hail



type 2 survivorship curve

sparrows, squirrels

tropical desert

stable temperature year-round with less than 10 inches of rain in a year

prairie aka

temperate grassland

mutualism is a ____ interaction.

+, +

parasitism is a ____ interaction.

+, -

Match the following:

- Bubbling Tank- secondary treatment - Bar Screen- primary treatment - UV, sand filter- tertiary treatment

CFCs are made up of...

- Chlorine - Fluorine - Carbon NOT oxygen, bromine

Match the following terms with the definition.

- Cooling Tower- stores hot water and gives it time to cool down - Moderator- slows down the neutrons - Control Rods- absorbs neutrons to control the rate of fission reactions - Coolant- removes heat from the core - Fuel Rods- contains uranium 235

Which of the following are sources of methane?

- Cow burps - Mining for oil - Landfills - Swamps NOT living trees

Which of the following are sources of nitrous oxide?

- Legumes - Rice paddy fields - Organic fertilizers - Sewage - Synthetic fertilizers

An acceptable level of coliform bacteria in drinking water is ____. For water to swim in, it is less than ____.

0, 200

Area where new crust is being created at a divergent plate boundary. Hard to see it but there are 5 location labeled, A through E on this map.


At which of the following sites would activity result in volcanoes, island arcs, and mountains?


The world's worst industrial accident occurred in ____, ____ at a ____ plant. A toxic ____ was released that killed many people living nearby. It also caused blindness.

Bhopal, India, pesticide, gas

Chemicals that stick in the fat of organisms tend to...


Oil is mostly made up of which element?


Ozone thickness is measured in...

Dobson Units (DU)

Chemicals that cause cells to change as if a hormone is present are called...

Hormone Mimics

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using hydrogen fuel cells?

Hydrogen gas is not readily available on Earth.

____ requires surface mining companies to restore the land after they are done mining to pre-mining conditions.


The most ecologically sound method of sewage sludge disposal is...

To use it as a soil conditioner.

temperate deciduous forest

broad leaves that change color in the fall and fall off of the trees


can be caused by random changes to the DNA during sexual reproduction, are important to natural selection, can be caused by chemicals or ionizing radiation, provide genetic diversity, are not always harmful NOT are always harmful

cows raised by grazing

can lead to overgrazing, meat with less fat


chemical that kills algae


chemical that kills fungi


chemical that kills mites

soil that is high in ____ is more prone to water logging.

clay NOT silt, sand

high pressure system

cool dry air sitting over an area bringing fair weather

clear cutting

cutting all of the trees in an area

lake victoria- water hyacinth

decorative water plant that is invasive and blocked waterways

the arctic fox and gray fox have a common ancestor. they became two different species due to _____.

divergent evolution

the ____ green revolution moved away from ____ to large ____ that required higher inputs of land, water, pesticides, fertilizers, and energy.

first, polycultures, monocultures

plants have been genetically modified to...

fix it's own nitrogen, resist drought, resist frost, ripen slower, be resistant to herbicide


grassy plains in eastern europe


high turbidity

palm oil

ingredient added to food to extend the shelf life

biotic pollution

invasive species

which of the following are underlying causes of rainforest destruction?

logging, cash crops, population growth, poverty, oil drilling, cattle ranching, roads

list in order of most to least restricted land use.

most restricted land use wilderness national parks national wildlife refuge national forest least restricted land use

Bacteria and fungi that can break down biodegradable plastics can work faster at breaking it down if they have access to ____ and ____.

oxygen, moisture

which of the following nutrient cycles, cycles the slowest?

phosphorous NOT water, sulfur, carbon, nitrogen

____ uses plants to remove contaminants from soil or water, while ____ uses fungi.

phytoremediation, mycoremediation

the _____ of a population is the number of individuals in the population, while the _____ describes the number of individuals per area or volume

size, density

two components having a greater amplified effect when combined is an example of a(n) ____ effect.


convergent evolution

when two different species independently gain similar traits due to living in similar environments

commensalism is a ____ interaction.

+, neutral

Match the following.

- Accident that scared the American public away from using nuclear energy- Three Mile Island - Early testing site that had a partial meltdown that most people are unaware of- Rocketdyne/Santa Susana Field Lab - Accident that led to radioactive steam spreading from an explosion across Europe- Chernobyl - Accident caused by an earthquake- Fukushima disaster

Sort the following:

- Advantages to Incinerating Waste- reduces the volume of trash, heat can be used to generate electricity - Advantages to Sending Waste to a Landfill- methane can be used to generate electricity - Disadvantages of Incinerating Waste- toxic ash is produced, expensive to build - Disadvantages of Sending Waste to a Landfill- could contaminate ground water, methane is produced, must be monitored for many years

Match the following.

- Bioassay- tests done on living things - Biomagnification- toxin moving up the trophic levels - Threshold Level- dose of a chemical where none of the test subjects are harmed - Bioaccumulation- toxins staying in a cell

Sort the following hazards.

- Biological Hazard- bear, mold, pollen - Chemical Hazard- acid, radiation - Physical Hazard- tsunami, forest fire - Cultural Hazard- drinking alcohol, driving, poverty

Match the following.

- Biological Weathering- caused by tree roots or acidic chemicals released by lichens - Physical Weathering- caused by wind, rain, or the freezing and thawing of ice - Chemical Weathering- caused by acid rain

The Sun's energy is responsible for generating which of the following renewable sources of energy?

- Biomass (ex. wood, ethanol from fermented plants) - Wind - Flowing water NOT oil, natural gas

Match the following

- Bioremediation- using bacteria or enzymes to break down oil or other chemicals - IPM- can reduce the amount of pesticides in runoff - Boom- traps oil or debris on the surface of water - Double Hull- protects ships from spilling oil

NOx is produced by...

- Burning anything at a high enough temperature in our atmosphere - Lightning - N fixing bacteria in the soil - Legumes

Lead enters the atmosphere by...

- Burning leaded gasoline - Smelting lead ores - Burning coal NOT volcanoes, burning natural gas

Match the following:

- CERCLA- Superfund Law - RCRA- cradle to graze documentation of hazardous wastes - Basel Convention- international treaty to stop hazardous wastes from being shipped to countries without permission - Stockholm Convention- international treaty to phase out POPs

Match the following:

- CFC- ODS and GHG - Paris Agreement and Kyoto Protocol- climate change agreement - Montreal Protocol- ozone protection agreement - HFC- GHG only

Burning coal releases which of the following?

- Carbon Dioxide - Mercury - Sulfur Dioxide - Radioactive Particles - Carbon Monoxide - Particulates (Soot)

Match the following.

- Changing climate can changes the range of tropical diseases like- malaria - Ocean acidification is caused by- carbon dioxide dissolving into the water - Lower biodiversity leads to- less resilience to climate change - Lower pH leads to- death of coral - Changing climate can affect the migration of certain species and the timing of plants growing/blooming- phenology - Loss of coral leads to- lower aquatic biodiversity

Match the following terms.

- Climate- average temperature and rainfall for an area over a long period of time (decades) - Weather- day to day changes in temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed

Match the following regarding industrial smog forming a large cloud over an area.

- Climate- increases flooding by warming higher elevations and melting snow, can also cause cooling by reflecting light - Agriculture- decrease crops by blocking light (photosynthesis) - Aquaculture- makes the water more acidic - Human Health- respiratory illnesses

Rising sea levels will lead to...

- Coastal flooding - Salt water contaminating coastal aquifers - Climate refugees - Increased coastal erosion - Loss of islands

Which of the following are compostable?

- Coffee grounds - Grass clippings - Flowers NOT salad dressing, cheese, bones, meat

Natural gas can be burned to...

- Cook your food on a stove - Heat the water in your home - Heat your home - Generate electricity

Which of the following are cons to using solar energy?

- DC needs to be converted to AC before use - Requires a back up source of electricity at night - Initial cost of solar panels can be expensive NOT releases carbon dioxide as it generates electricity

Match the following.

- Dioxin- released from burning certain plastics - PCBs- currently banned from use but were previously used in transformers - BPA- previously used in baby bottles but banned since they mimic estrogen. Found in plastic food and beverage containers - Phthalates- added to plastics to make them more pliable

Match the following.

- Divergent- plate boundaries moving apart away from each other - Transform- plate boundaries sliding in opposite direction past each other - Convergent- plate boundaries moving together towards each other

Which of the following reduces the amount of fertilizer in agricultural runoff?

- Divert the runoff - Plant a buffer zone of bushes - Crop rotation with legumes - Growing GMO crops that fix their own nitrogen - No till farming

Match the following.

- Does not use a tank to store heated water but burns natural gas when heated water is needed- Tankless Water Heater - Mirrors used to point sunlight towards a central tower to heat water to turn to steam, to spin a turbine and generator magnets to generate electricity- Heliostat - Uses panels on a roof to heat a fluid that releases the heat in a water heater tank to raise the temperature of the water for use in the home- Solar Water Heater - Uses sunlight to excite electrons that flow along a semiconductor to create direct current that needs to be converted to alternating current- Solar Panel - Uses curved mirrors to concentrate sunlight towards a pipe with oil that traps heat to transfer to a water tank to turn it to steam and spin a turbine and generator magnets to generate electricity- Solar Trough

Match the following:

- E85- fuel with 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline - Regenerative Braking- can be used to recharge a battery when you brake - Electric Vehicle- does not have an internal combustion engine

Which of the following is considered biomass fuel?

- Ethanol from fermenting corn - Paper or cardboard being burned - Wood chips to burn NOT coal

Match the following:

- Example of a physical change to water- sediment increases the turbidity of the water - Example of a biological change to water- introduction of an invasive species - Example of a chemical change to water- decrease in pH

Match the following.

- Formaldehyde- found in wood paneling, particle board, new furniture - Ultrafine Particulates- dust mite droppings, asbestos - Radon 222- radioactive gas that is a byproduct of uranium 238 - Tobacco Smoke- contains carcinogens like arsenic, cadmium, and formaldehyde

Match the following.

- Gear Box- the blades turn the gears that are connected to the generator - Wind Vane- shows the direction of the wind - Anemometer- measures wind speed - Blades- the part of a wind turbine that catches the wind

Electronic waste can contain...

- Gold - Lead - Cadmium - Nickel - Mercury

The water cycle is powered by...

- Gravity - The Sun NOT volcanoes, fission

Challenges to the Montreal Protocol include...

- HFCs have global warming potential - Illegal trade of CFCs - Some countries have yet to ratify the amendments NOT few countries have agreed to the Montreal Protocol

Excessive UV can...

- Harm N-fixing bacteria in the soil - Damage coral - Cause skin cancer - Cause cataracts - Harm phytoplankton - Break down paints and plastics - Suppress your immune system - Damage crops

Geothermal energy can be used to...

- Heat homes - Generate electricity - Heat water

Which of the following could increase depletion time?

- Higher prices - Recycling - Finding a substitute - Reuse - Finding more NOT mine, use, throw away

Match the following.

- Ice Bergs- towing them to areas with less fresh water to get more fresh water - Three Gorges Dam- located in China - Aral Sea- shrinking and getting salty - Cloud Seeding- uses silver iodide to make clouds to hopefully make rain - Burning Coal- releases radioactive particles, sulfur dioxide leading to acid deposition, releases carbon dioxide

Which of the following can be used as evidence of past climate?

- Ice cores from Antartica - Forams - Mud cores from the bottom of the ocean - Old navigation routes - Tree rings - Historical records of harvest dates

Which of the following are solutions to help slow down climate change?

- Increase subsidies for low emission technology and decrease subsidies for those with high emissions - Increase energy efficiency - Plant more trees/protect existing forests - Reduce food waste - Eat less energy intensive foods

Match the following:

- Influent- water entering - Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP)- treats sewage waste before releasing the water into a watershed - Effluent- water leaving - Leach Field- area outside of a home where water from a septic tank is distributed - Septic Tank- for homes not attached to a sewer line

Which of the following are cons for using geothermal energy?

- It can release a sulfur smell - It can contaminate aquifers - It cannot be used everywhere - It may lead to subsidence if too much water is removed NOT it can be used around the clock, it requires a lot of maintenance compared to wind farms

Which of the following are cons to using a tidal barrage or tidal stream power?

- It is in a corrosive environment - Limited locations where this energy source available - Difficult and expensive to maintain

Which of the following are advantages to using phytoremediation?

- It is more aesthetically pleasing - It is inexpensive compared to removing soil and sending it to a landfill - It reduces erosion compared to soil removal

Which of the following are disadvantages of phytoremediation?

- It is slower than soil removal - You still have to dispose of the contaminated plants - It can introduce an invasive species into an area - It can only be used up to a certain depth due to the length of the plant roots

Acid deposition leads to...

- Kills fish by lowering the pH of lakes or ponds - Respiratory illnesses - Damages paint on buildings and cars - Leaching of toxic metals from soils and rocks into lakes or ground water

Match the following.

- Kyoto Protocol- international agreement to reduce GHG emissions to 5.2% below 1990 levels by 2012 - Canada- backed out of the Kyoto Protocol due to increased mining of oil sands - Paris Agreement- aims to keep global temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by 2100 - U.S.- signed the Kyoto Protocol but did not ratify it because less developed countries were excluded - Earth Summit- led to the Kyoto Protocol

Match the following;

- MSW- trash from homes and schools - Hazardous Waste- anti-freeze and brake fluid - Industrial Solid Waste- trash from factories like metal scraps, wood, packaging

What are the consequences of not having access to enough fresh water?

- Mass emigration or immigration - Famine - Use of dirty water - Disease - Wars

Which of the following are factors to consider when deciding on a location for a new wind farm?

- Migratory paths of birds - Mountains, tall buildings, or tall trees that -might disrupt the flow of wind -Distance from a city - Wind speed and wind blowing at least 90% of the time - Migratory paths of bats

Match the following

- Minamata Disease- mercury poisoning - Neurotoxin- toxin that damages neurons - Mercury- higher trophic level fish - Lead- found in some ceramic glazes and old pipes

Sort the following examples.

- Mitigation- wasting less energy, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by not burning fossil fuels, protecting forests - Adaptation- moving to higher elevation, building sea walls due to higher sea levels, pumping water out of a street due to coastal flooding

Match the following.

- Most efficient energy source for transportation- natural gas - Most efficient energy source for space heating- passive solar - Most efficient energy source for producing high temperature industrial heat- surface mined coal

The human body protects itself form particulates with...

- Mucus - Cilia - Sneezing and coughing - Nose hairs

Which of the following are pros for using wind to generate electricity?

- Multiple land use with animals grazing on a wind farm - Renewable - Does not release greenhouse gases - You can place wind farms offshore NOT some people think wind farms are ugly, can kill bats, you do not need a backup source of electricity, can kill birds

Consequences of burying our radioactive waste include...

- Must be monitored for thousands of years - Could contaminate ground water - Could contaminate soil

Sort the following pros and cons for natural gas and coal.

- Natural Gas: Pros- no sulfur dioxide released when burned, no mercury released when burned, no particulates released when burned - Natural Gas: Cons- highly explosive, if leaked, it is a GHG 20-25 times more potent than CO2 - Coal: Pros- easy to transport without a pipeline, can produce high temperature heat for industrial uses - Coal: Cons- mining this can have a high environmental impact, leads to acid deposition, black lung

The following are sources of carbon monoxide.

- Natural gas burning stove - Fireplace burning wood - Car running indoors in a garage - Wood burning stove NOT an open window

Which of the following are environmental impacts of mining?

- Noise pollution - Water pollution - Soil pollution - Air pollution - Disturbed land

CFCs are...

- Odorless - Non-corrosive - Stable - Non-flammable - Non-reactive NOT flammable, explosive

Match the following.

- Ogallala Aquifer- subsidence and overuse of groundwater - Florida Everglades- loss of wetlands, toxic runoff, and diverting water away from a wetland - Gulf of Mexico- dead zone

Match the following.

- Particulates- dander from pets - Chloroform- vaporized chlorinated water - Carbon Monoxide- fire place burning wood, water heater burning natural gas - VOC- paints stored in a garage can be a source of this - Asbestos- in walls, floors, or around water pipes in older homes as insulation - Formaldehyde- new furniture, shelves, wood flooring - Radon 222- tends to seep in through cracks in the walls of the basement

Sort the following:

- Passive Solar Heating- does not generate electricity - Solar Thermal Power Plant- generates electricity by using steam to spin a turbine, uses mirrors, generates alternating current - Solar Panels- uses solar cells, generates direct current, made from silicon

Match the terms.

- Persistence- how long the substance lasts in the environment - Solubility- describe how something dissolves with something else - Exposure- how long someone is in contact with a substancr - Dose- amount of a substance taken in

Match the following:

- Physical Treatment of Hazardous Waste- using resin to separate out harmful chemicals - Incineration- using high temperature to break down hazardous wastes - Chemical Treatment of Hazardous Waste- treating an acid with a base to neutralize it - Bioremediation- cleaning up an oil spill

The Superfund has failed because...

- Polluters try to classify the waste as not hazardous - Polluters sue local governments and small businesses to get out of fully paying for clean-up - Polluters deny responsibility

Sort the following:

- Primary Pollutant- particulates, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide - Secondary Pollutant- nitric acid, nitrous acid, sulfuric acid, carbonic acid

Sort the following.

- Pros for Nuclear Energy- low environmental impact without accidents, can release ⅙ less carbon dioxide compared to burning coal - Cons for Nuclear Energy- requires mining, potentially releases thermal pollution, expensive

Sort the following pros and cons for using groundwater and dams.

- Pros for using groundwater- is not lost through evaporation - Cons for using groundwater- can be contaminated by saltwater if overused near the ocean, can lead to subsidence if overused - Pros for using dams- can provide cheap renewable electricity, provides recreation and jobs, reduces downstream flooding - Cons for using dams- can block migratory fish paths, loses water through evaporation, expensive to build and maintain, toxins and nutrients build up on one side, displaces people

Match the term with the definition.

- Recharge- to refill or replenish - Watershed- area from where water runs off the land into a body of water - Water Table- top part of the zone of saturation - Consumptive Water Use- using water from one watershed and using it in a different watershed that is not returned to the original watershed - Ground Water- water that is stored under the ground - Nonconsumptive Water Use- using water from one watershed and returning it back to the same watershed - Reliable Runoff- surface runoff that is a consistent amount from year to year - Zone of Saturation- area under ground where the soil particles are completely surrounded by water

Match the following terms with the definition.

- Reduce- use less of a product - Compost- biodegradable waste that is not sent to a landfill and is instead broken down by decomposers to recycle the nutrients - Refuse- not buying something you do not need - Repurpose- using a tires as a tire swing - Recycle- changing a plastic bottle into a park bench - Reuse- using the same product over and over again in the same form for the same purpose

Which of the following are the benefits of using mulch in your garden?

- Reduces erosion - Retains moisture in the soil - Blocks weed growth - Recycles nutrients

Mining companies can restore the land by...

- Replacing the topsoil or adding nutrients back into the soil - Reshaping the land back into its original topography - Planting native grasses

Match the following.

- SPM- tiny particles that stay suspended in the air - Phytotoxins- toxic to plants - Neurotoxins- lead, mercury - VOC- organic compounds in the air (ex. new car smell, paint smell, methane) - PM-10- particulates with a diameter less than 10 micrometers - PM-2.5- ultrafine particulates, diameter less than 2.5 micrometers

Match the following:

- Sanitary Landfill- landfills that are lined with clay and plastic and covered daily - Open Dump- landfills that are not lined - Waste to Energy Incinerator- incinerator that used the heat from burning trash to generate electricity

Match the following:

- Second Law of Thermodynamics- energy goes from high to low quality, it cannot be recycled - First Law of Thermodynamics- energy is neither created nor destroyed - Law of Conservation of Matter- matter is neither created nor destroyed

Match the following.

- Secondary Oil Recovery- pushing water into the well to recover more oil from the well - Primary Oil Recovery- removing the crude oil that comes out of a well when you drill a hole in the ground - Tertiary Oil Recovery- using heated gas or a detergent to remove more oil from the well

Match the following:

- Secondary Pollutants- not initially harmful as they are released but become harmful once they combine with other chemicals - Primary Pollutants- harmful pollutant directly emitted into the air

Match the following.

- Secondary Recycling- a plastic bottle is recycled into a park bench - Composting- a banana peel is decomposed and the nutrients go back into the soil - Primary Recycling- an aluminum is recycled back into an aluminum can

Water is lost in agriculture by....

- Seepage - Runoff - Evaporation

Match the following.

- Smelting- using chemicals or heat to separate ore from the metal - Gangue- the part of the ore you don't want - Overburden- soil on top of the ore when it is in the ground - Spoils- soil that was removed to get to the ore - Tailings- removed gangue - Ore- rock containing a desired mineral

Which of the following have a cooling effect on climate?

- Snow reflecting light away - Clouds - Volcanic activity with ash and smoke in the air - Particulates from burning coal or other anthropogenic sources NOT greenhouse gases increasing

A mineral can be described as...

- Solid - Metallic or non-metallic - Inorganic - Naturally occurring - Crystal structure

Some options for reducing and controlling malaria include...

- Spraying DDT to kill mosquitoes - Using medicines to kill the parasite in the blood - Draining wetlands - Using mosquito nets at night

Which of the following are the byproducts of a coal burning power plant?

- Sulfur Dioxide - Carbon Dioxide - Radioactive particles - Particulates/Ash - Mercury

Match the following:

- Surface Impoundments- a lined open pit in the ground - Above Ground Long-Term Retrievable Storage- store hazardous waste in metal drums in a warehouse for frequent monitoring - Deep-Well Disposal- deep well that uses high pressure to store waste in porous rocks - Secure Landfill- store hazardous waste in metal drums and then under the ground in a clay and plastic lined compartment with water and gas monitoring

Which of the following are sources of methane?

- Swamps - Landfills - Methane hydrates from the bottoms of the ocean - Cow burps - Melting permafrost

Which of the following are problems that could arise from putting waste cake in a landfill?

- Takes up space - Nutrients will not be recycled - It needs to be transported to a landfill which requires energy - Could contaminate an aquifer with heavy metals - Decomposition of the cake in the landfill will produce methane

Match the following:

- Tertiary Treatment- additional treatment using UV radiation, microfiltration, reverse osmosis - Potable Water- drinkable water - Secondary Treatment- biological water treatment - Reclaimed Water- water that can be used for irrigating landscapes - Primary Treatment- physical water treatment

Which of the following are differences between the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement?

- The Paris Agreement allowed each country to submit its own plan to reduce GHG emissions, while the Kyoto Protocol did not - The U.S. initially agreed to the Paris Agreement, while the Kyoto Protocol was signed, but not ratified NOT The Kyoto Protocol focused on reducing ozone depleting substances while the Paris Agreement did not, The Paris Agreement focused on reducing GHG emissions while the Kyoto Protocol did not

Love Canal was...

- The first Superfund site - The location where chemicals were buried under a clay cap - Abandoned in 1980 NOT fully cleaned up in 1980, cleaned up by the Hooker Chemical Company

Match the following.

- Thermosphere- where molecules are moving fast so temperature is high, but it would feel cold due to fewer particles hitting our skin - Stratosphere- where the beneficial ozone layer is located - Troposphere- where most of the mass of our atmosphere is locted - Mesosphere- where meteors burn up

Sort the following.

- Transmissible Diseases- chicken pox, measles, flu, malaria - Non-transmissible Diseases- diabetes, asthma

Match the following.

- UVC- most dangerous UV that is absorbed by the ozone layer - UVB- sunburn, redness, can develop skin cancer - UVA- least dangerous, can cause tanning and wrinkles

CFCs were used in...

- Used to be used to make Styrofoam cups - Old spray cans - Old car air conditioners - Old refrigerators

Which of the following helps to save water?

- Using gray water to water your yard - Raising the price of water while providing a lower rate for the poor - Water meters - Xeriscaping - Users pay approach - Rain barrel NOT growing cotton

Tropospheric smog is formed by...

- VOC - NOx - Sunlight NOT water

Catalytic converters reduce which of the following from car exhaust?

- VOCs from evaporated unburned fuel - Carbon monoxide by changing it into carbon dioxide by adding an oxygen - NOx by removing N from the O to produce N2 and O2

Which of the following are nonanthropogenic sources of air polllution?

- Volcanoes - Soil particles in the wind - Pollen NOT car exhaust

Using corn to produce ethanol fuel, requires a lot of...

- Water - Pesticides - Fertilizer - Land

Match the following terms.

- Water running down a hill- runoff - Liquid to gas- evaporation - Water released by plants through their leaves- transpiration - Gas to liquid- condensation - Water breaking the soil barrier- infiltration - Rain, snow, hail- precipitation - Water moving down through soil layers- percolation

Oxygen demanding wastes enter a stream. Match the following.

- Zone that is upstream from the waste- clean zone - BOD- biological oxygen demand - DO- dissolved oxygen - Anaerobic bacteria and fungi are dominant in this zone- septic zone

process of eutrophication

1. nitrogen filled waste runs into a body of water 2. algae grow abundantly (algal bloom) 3. plants below the surface of the water die due to lack of sunlight 4. algae run out of nitrate and begin to die 5. decomposers are decomposing the dead algae and plants 6. dissolved oxygen is removed from the water 7. fish die due to a lack of dissolved oxygen in the water 8. anaerobic organisms are left to survive in anoxic conditions

if the birth rate is 30 per 1,000 people, and the death rate is 15 per 1,000 people, then what is the percent growth rate?


If a country has a crude birth rate of 24 per 1,000 and a crude death rate of 8 per 1,000, the natural annual percent increase of its population is...


if the ecological efficiency at each trophic level of a particular ecosystem is 10%, and the green plants capture 100 units of energy, ____ units of energy will be available to support herbivores.


if primary producers store 10,000 kcal of energy, tertiary consumers will have ____ kcal available.

10 NOT 100, 10,000, 5,000

which of the following years, post disturbance, had the greatest species richness?

100 NOT 25, 175, 250

The current carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is made with the isotope carbon ____, which is preferred by plants to be taken in through photosynthesis, not carbon ____ which is due to volcanism. The extra carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is coming from the burning of old plant material, in the form of ____ ____.

12, 13, fossil fuels

based on the data in the graph, when did more-developed regions first reach replacement level fertility?


Which of the following is the approximate projected rate of change in renewable energy consumption from 2010-2040?

2.33 quadrillion BTUs per year

A state is looking to reduce the cost of transportation, which uses 7.10×10^14 BTUs per year. Currently the cost of 1x10^6 BTUs is $20.00. How much will the state save in one year if they implement regulations requiring all transportation methods to be 20% more efficient?

2.84×10^9 dollars

The net annual primary productivity of a particular wetland ecosystem is found to be 8,000 kcal/m2 per year. If respiration by the aquatic producers is 12,000 kcal/m2 per year, what is the gross annual primary productivity for this ecosystem, in kcal/m2 per year?


a temperate grassland biome has a GPP of 3,480 kcal/m2/year and an NPP of 2,000 kcal/m2/year. what is the approx. number of kcal/m2/year available to herbivores in that biome?

200 NOT 2,000, 1,480, 5,480

loam is ____% sand, ____% silt, and ____% clay.

40, 40, 20

The concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has now surpassed ____ ppm.


A country currently has a population of 100 million and an annual growth rate of 3.5 percent. If the growth rate remains constant, what will be the population of this country in 40 years?

400 million

if the human population growth was 10%, it would take ___ years for the population to double if the current population is 7 billion.


In 1997 the World Resources Institute estimated the world's proven oil reserves to be 1,000 billion barrels and the ultimately recoverable reserves to be 2,000 billion barrels. The table below shows the world consumption of oil from 1986 to 1997. At the 1997 rate of consumption, about how long will the estimated 2,000 billion barrels of oil last?

75 years

At which of the following sites does seafloor spreading result in rifts and possible volcanoes?


The graph below shows the dose response curves for four different chemicals, labeled A — D, in a dose-response study on the effects of the chemicals on mortality in amphibians. All dose experiments began at 0 units of each chemical. Based on the data in the graph, which of the four chemicals is the most toxic to amphibians regardless of dose?


The intraplate location where hot-spot volcanism is occurring.


which box represents a carbon sink that holds carbon compounds for the shortest period of time?


Which of the following is a direct economic consequence that would likely occur if an area of forest was clear-cut so that a housing development can be built?

A decrease in the number of game hunting licenses purchased

Which of the following is an example of a point source of pollution?

A leaking septic tank

Which of the following best describes how ocean acidification harms coral reefs?

Acidification decreases the amount of carbonate ions, which leads to a decline in the formation of reef infrastructure.

Which of the following is most responsible for the change in the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from 1970 to 2020 as shown in the graph?

An increase in air emission standards that began in 1970 that regulated corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards.

Which of the following statements best describes an unintended environmental consequence of aquaculture fish-farm enclosures located in estuaries?

Aquaculture enclosures can harbor parasites that can negatively affect wild populations that breed in estuaries.

Chemical A has a higher LD50 concentration than chemical B. Therefore, chemical ____ is more toxic than chemical ____.

B, A

____ uses bacteria or enzymes to help convert toxins into less toxic substances.


At what step in the diagram would the last solid waste be removed from the wastewater in the treatment plant?


At which of the following sites is an earthquake most likely to occur as two plates slide sideways past each other?


The location where new crust is being created at a divergent plate boundary.


If a country possesses large oil and gas reserves within its borders, which of the labeled rock types must be present in the underlying geology of the country?

C (sedimentary rock)

The Superfund law is also known as...


____ is reducing carbon dioxide emissions using cap-and-trade.


Vaccines work by...

Causing your body to produce an immune response so you can fight the actual virus when it enters your body.

What is used to determine the boundary between the layers of the atmosphere?

Change in temperature from decreasing to increasing or increasing to decreasing

The graph below shows the change in hog farming in the United States from 1955-2015. The hog-farming industry maintains production levels to satisfy the demand for pork. Which of the following methods of meat production would provide the most likely explanation for the information represented in the graph above?

Concentrated animal feeding operations

Which of the following best describes the total consumption of all fossil fuels in 2040 compared to the consumption of nuclear energy in 2040?

Consumption of fossil fuels will be approximately 13 times greater than consumption of nuclear energy.

The phrase used to describe keeping track of hazardous waste from when it was made to when it is disposed of is also called...

Cradle to grave

Overfishing of stocks of fish species, like salmon and cod, in an effort to meet a growing global demand has become an international concern. A recent estimate indicates that the average annual consumption of fish globally in 2014 was about twice the consumption in 1960. Because of increased concerns about the impact of overfishing, fishery managers are looking for ways to protect wild populations while still satisfying global demand for food for human consumption. Which of the following techniques could best reduce the harmful effects of overfishing if it were to be widely adopted by the fishing industry?

Increased use of large-mesh gill nets for harvesting salmon and trout

The function of the chlorine added to the water at the end of wastewater treatment is to...

Kill bacteria or other microorganisms.

Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are human-made chemicals that have been used as temporary replacements for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in refrigerants because they decompose more readily in the atmosphere and thus pose less of a threat to Earth's protective ozone layer. Levels of HCFCs have been measured in the stratosphere, and the concentrations of many different HCFCs have been steadily increasing since the mid- to late 1990s. HCFCs were originally introduced as a solution to help phase out the use of CFCs. Which of the following most likely contributed to the increased levels of HCFCs in the stratosphere over the past 30 years?

Leaking of refrigeration and air-conditioning units.

Refining oil separates carbon chains by boiling points. List the following in order of boiling point (lowest to highest).

Lowest Boiling Point - Methane (1 carbon) - Gasoline (8 carbon chain) - Diesel (12-20 carbon chain) - Asphalt (45 carbon chain) Highest Boiling Point

The data in the graph can be useful in explaining the greenhouse effects when they are compared with...

Mean global temperatures

Which of the following best describes how a scientist could accurately study the effects of soil buffering on plant growth in a region that is affected by acid deposition downwind of a coal-burning power plant?

Measure the changes in plant height over a year in two different groups of trees the same distance from the power plant; one group is in topsoil and one group is in topsoil with limestone added.

Based on the data in the graph, which of the following insulation options is ineffective at insulating a home and greatly contributes to indoor air pollution?

Mineral fiber batt

Sort the following from most to least abundant in our atmosphere.

Most Abundant - Nitrogen Gas (N2) - Oxygen Gas (O2) - Argon - Carbon Dioxide Least Abundant

Irrigation methods and efficiency.

Most Efficient - LEPA/Drip Irrigation - Center Pivot - Spray Irrigation - Flood Irrigation Least Efficient

Fluidized bed combustion burns coal over jets of air that suspend the particles. This lowers the temperature to prevent the formation of ____. This helps to reduce ____ ____. It also uses ____ to absorb sulfur from the gasses that are produced. By removing the sulfur, less ____ ____ will form.

NOx, photochemical smog, limestone, acid deposition

Burning anything in our atmosphere at a high enough temperature produces ____, which contributes to the formation of ____.

NOx, smog

When drilling for oil, the first layer you will encounter is made up of...

Natural Gas (methane)

A scientist is studying the correlation between air pollution and cardiovascular disease in humans. Which of the following measures would best show a link between air pollution and cardiovascular disease?

Occurrences of emergency room visits by individuals with cardiovascular disease on days with a high air quality index value.

____ ____ are rocks with ____ in it. The ____ is removed to produce ____ ____. Tar sands, also known as ____ ____, contain ____. Compared to conventionally drilled oil, the oil from tar sands and oil shales will have a ____ net energy yield.

Oil shales, kerogen, kerogen, shale oil, oil sands, bitumen, lower

According to the World Health Organization, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are found in nearly all tested organism tissues and environmental samples. Which characteristic of POPs accounts for their presence in living tissues and in environmental samples?

POPs are released in to the air, water, and land, which allows them to be transported and incorporated in multiple ways.

A developer wants to develop a large tract of land near a watershed, which will require the removal of several large trees. Which of the following statements best describes the impact that the development would have on the watershed?

Removing large trees would cause an increase in temperature and keep the surrounding water and soil warmer.

____ rock on the surface of the crust can be pushed into the Earth. Under heat and pressure, it is converted into ____ rock. This is then melted and brought back up to the surface out of a volcano and is now ____ rock.

Sedimentary, metamorphic, igneous

Based on the diagram, organic solids that have settled to the bottom of the treatment tanks in step B are transferred to which of the following for further processing?

Sludge treatment tanks

What causes acid drainage from coal tailings?


____ is the most useful indicator for predicting future population change.

TFR NOT infant mortality, crude death rate, crude birth rate

A scientist wanted to investigate the effect of tropospheric ozone on the respiratory function of mice. Twenty female mice were placed in one of five different field environments that mimicked the natural habitats of the mice. Each environment had a tube connected to it that would pump in a set level of ozone measured in ppm. In each field environment, the scientist measured the average respiratory output for the twenty mice over a three-month time frame. Which of the following describes the independent variable in the experiment?

The different levels of ozone introduced into the environments.

The Atacama Desert lies to the west of the Andes Mountains in northern Chile. It is the oldest, most consistently arid place in the world. Based on the map above, which of the following best identifies and explains the region of South America that would have a more moderate climate?

The east coast would have a more moderate climate because of the Brazil Current.

The map above shows the locations of known volcanoes and earthquakes. Which of the following explains what is being illustrated in the enclosed area in the northwest portion of the map?

The enclosed area shows a hot spot in the middle of the Pacific Plate in the Hawaiian Islands.

Which of the following statements best describes the boundary between the two tectonic plates seen in the map?

The map illustrates a transform boundary, where tectonic plates slide past each other as the Pacific Plate moves northwest and the North American Plate moves southeast.

The Montreal Protocol is and example of ____ ____ ____ because the agreement was made to protect the health of humans and the environment from the potential adverse effects of ozone loss.

The precautionary principle

Which statement is best illustrated in the diagram above regarding how the Sun's energy affects the Earth's surface from June through September in the Northern Hemisphere?

The season changes from summer to autumn, daylight hours decrease, and infrared radiation is the strongest during the June solstice.

An environmental agency wants to evaluate the effectiveness of rain gardens in reducing the impact of urban runoff from an impervious parking lot and from the roof of the building. The parking lot is slightly sloped so the rainwater flows toward the gardens. The runoff from the roof is collected by various downspouts and directed toward the gardens. Scientists at the agency plan to monitor the effectiveness by measuring the water quality of the storm water as it moves through the gardens during and after storm events. Which of the following would be the best measure to use to determine the effectiveness of the rain gardens in reducing the impact of urban runoff?

The speed and volume of the water exiting the gardens.

Burning wood releases carbon dioxide.


Coal is made from plants that died in swamps millions of years ago, that were buried in dirt and water, and placed under a lot of heat and pressure.


Photochemical smog (brown smog) forms when ____, ____, and ____ combine to form ____.

VOCs, NOx, sunlight, ozone

Which of the following best describes an environmental problem that is often linked to the process of fracking?

Wastewater from fracking operations is injected into porous rock formations, which can induce seismic activity.

In the previous question, which of the following would be the best control in this experimental design?

Water samples collected from the roof or parking lot before they passed through the gardens.

An experiment to evaluate the efficiency of wet and dry scrubber networks that filter particulate gas at different flow rates was conducted under different flow rate conditions. The results are shown below. Based on the data in the graph, which of the following methods would be most effective at removing the greatest amount of particulate matter from coal-burning power plant emissions?

Wet scrubbers using a flow rate of 450 L/min are best suited to remove small particles.

An air pollution expert set up a monitoring program to determine the amount of particulate matter (PM) leaving a farmer's field after crops were harvested and the soil was bare. She set up high-volume air samplers 10 meters from each edge of the square field and collected samples weekly for two months. When she looked at her data, she was surprised by how much the PM levels varied, both from site to site on a given date and over time at each site. Which of the following parameters would have been best to measure to help explain the variation in her results?

Wind direction and speed.

foundation species

a beaver builds a dam and creates an aquatic habitat that did not exist before so other animals can live in the area

interference competition

a dog and cat fighting each other directly for food

exploitation competition

a dog eating all of the food in the bowl before the cat can get to it

Lichen are formed by a relationship between ____ ____ and ____. They indicate ____ air quality when they are growing in an area.

a fungus, algae, good


a plant and its pollinator

stable population curve

a population that is slightly above and below carrying capacity

clumped dispersion

a pride of lions

endangered species

a species close to extinction

globally extinct

a species that is no longer found on Earth

critically endangered

a species that is very close to extinction

ecologically extinct

a species with so few in the population that it no longer fulfills its role in the ecosystem


a tick feeding on the blood of a deer

which of the following has allowed the human population to grow so rapidly?

ability to move into different habitats, medicine, industrialized agriculture, increased sanitation

non-living factors such as pH and temperature are limiting factors that are considered to be ____ factors.


____ bacteria are used to remove nitrates and phosphates in the water in secondary wastewater treatment. ____ bacteria are used in the digester to break down the solid sludge that is removed from the sewer water.

aerobic, anaerobic

Oxygen demanding wastes are called this because the bacteria that break it down are ____. These oxygen demanding wastes, like manure and sewage, can also be high in ____ and ____.

aerobic, nitrate, phosphate

which continent has the highest crude birth and crude death rate?

africa NOT australia, europe, north america

The largest use of water in the western U.S. is for ____. The largest use of water in California is for ____.

agriculture, agriculture

how is DNA inserted into a plant cell?

agrobacterium, gene gun NOT selective breeding, artificial selection

soil contains...

air pockets, particles of rock, nutrients, organic matter, water

what kinds of problems will humans face if their population grows too quickly?

all of the above- reduction in resources, loss of habitat, loss of biodiversity

which of the following are benefits of habitat corridors?

allow for gene flow between populations to increase genetic diversity, they allow organisms to move to other areas for more space, food, and mates NOT they allow disease to spread more easily between habitats, they allow invasive species to move between habitats

fair trade

allows cash crop growers to receive a fair wage with fewer people between the grower and consumer


allows for some tribes to hunt whales


an epiphyte growing on a tree. it does not hurt the tree

the demographic transition model describes population change over time as a country becomes more developed. Age-structure diagrams describe how populations are distributed across age ranges. Which of the following age-structure diagrams best displays the age ranges in a country that is in stage 2 of the demographic transition?

an expansive pyramid age-structure diagram

barrier islands...

are sandy islands along a coastline that reduce erosion of the mainland NOT are in the middle of lakes, are made of rock and are far from the mainland, are found in rivers

riparian zone

areas with vegetation along a river or stream

based on current trends and patterns, which of the following statements best predicts how the human population will change over the next 50 years?

as the population density increases, there will be an increase in disease transmission, leading to increased mortality

plants are ____, while cows are _____.

autotrophs, heterotrophs

which of the following could help slow down human population growth?

available contraception, protecting women's rights, women being able to earn incomes outside the home, providing women access to education, delaying marriage

which of the following are opportunists or pioneer species?

bacteria, weeds, fungi NOT lions

____ tends to push a population towards exponential growth. it is represented by the letter ____. ____ tends to push a population towards ____. it is represented by the letter ____.

biotic potential, r , environmental resistance, carrying capacity, K


bird eating a worm

even dispersion

birds on a rock fighting for limited nesting space

stage 1: preindustrial

birth and death rates are high

stage 4: post industrial

birth rates and death rates are low

stage 2: transition

birth rates are high, death rates decrease

stage 3: industrial

birth rates decrease, death rates are still low

camouflage defense

blending in with the environment so it is harder to be seen

check all the names for a coniferous forest

boreal forest, taiga NOT veldts, pampas

which of the following are sources of sulfur in the atmosphere?

burning coal, volcanoes, swamps NOT photosynthesis, respiration

how have deserts been misused?

by testing bombs and burying radioactive waste NOT by logging, by overgrazing, by overfarming

Bats are killed by wind turbines when they fly ____ the spinning blades. The change in air pressure created by the spinning blades causes their lungs to explode. Bats provide an important ____ service as they help to control pest populations. They are also being harmed by a ____ that causes white nose syndrome.

by, ecological, fungus

farm raised fish

can introduce an invasive species into an area, produces a lot of fish sewage, uses antibiotics, requires less energy, can lead to the destruction of mangroves

Oceans help to slow down climate change by absorbing ____ ____ and ____. As the ocean absorbs this, the pH will ____ and the water will release the dissolved ____ ____ ____ ____.

carbon dioxide, heat, decrease, oxygen and carbon dioxide

what causes overturns to occur in temperate lakes?

changes in temperature of the water surface due to the changing seasons NOT the rotation of the earth, the moon's gravity, the movement of organisms under the water




characterized by a wet and dry season and has alot of hoofed animals

first generation pesticide

chemical from plants, citronella oil from a plant to repel insects


chemical that kills plants or weeds


chemical that kills rodents

world's largest hydroelectric dam is in...

china NOT australia, europe, north america

which of the following could help to reduce the spread of invasive species through waterways?

cleaning your boat, emptying the ballast water before moving to a new location, drying your boat NOT immediately moving from one waterway to the next

slash and burn

clears forest and returns nutrients to the ground quickly

which of the following factors make sea turtles prone to extinction?

climate change warming the sand and causing sea levels to rise, getting caught in fishing nets, development on nesting sites, poaching of turtles and eggs

the area above the continental shelf is called the ____ zone. it is _____ in nutrients, ____ water with plenty of sunlight, and is _____ in biodiversity compared to the open ocean.

coastal, high, shallow, high

cold front

cold air moving and pushing warm air up leading to thunderstorms

The Great Ocean Conveyor Belt is powered by the sinking of ____ water by Greenland. This current moves warm water by Europe and keeps their temperatures mild along the coast. Freshwater from increased rain and thawing ice in the arctic, will lead to the ____ dense freshwater from sinking, therefore disrupting the conveyer belt current.

cold, less

a transgenic organism...

contains DNA from another organism in its genome NOT contains 3 copies of DNA in its nucleus, is not considered to be GMO, is a clone of another species

organic fertilizer

contains micronutrients, bulky, slow release of nutrients, compost, manure, offensive odor

which of the following causes air to circulate on our planet?

coriolis effect, uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun, tilt of earth on its axis causing seasons, convection currents

Biodegradable plastic is made form sugars that come from ____. The sugar is fermented to make ____ ____. This is connected to make a long chain of ____ called PLA.

corn, lactic acid, carbons

benthic organisms include...

crabs, worms, clams NOT parrot fish, whales, turtles

a population that exceeds carrying capacity can...

crash, move to another location with more resources, change habits to use an alternative resource NOT continue to grow exponentially indefinitely

chemicals defense

creating a chemical that is distasteful to a predator

which of the following techniques helps to reduce the rate of erosion?

crop rotation, terracing, conservation tillage, contour farming NOT till farming

industrialized agriculture uses feedlots to grow meat. this leads to...

crowding of animals like chicken and pigs, loss of habitat to grow more crops to feed that animals, large amounts of water, fertilizer, and pesticides being used to grow the grain to feed the animals, use of antibiotics to keep animals from getting sick, the production of large amounts of nitrogenous wastes

selective cutting

cutting certain trees and leaving other trees at different ages behind


cutting stair steps into a hillside to grow crops on

strip cutting

cutting trees in rows at different time periods

In the troposphere, an increase in elevation leads to a ____ in temperature and a ____ in pressure.

decrease, decrease

wolves were exterminated from Yellowstone, then reintroduced. following the wolf reintroduction, the elk population _____, the vegetation _____, and biodiversity _____. therefore, wolves are considered to be an example of a(n) _____ species.

decreased, increases, increased, keystone

The amount of dissolved oxygen in water ____ with increased temperature. It can also ____ with the addition of oxygen demanding wastes as the ____ bacteria require oxygen to break down the wastes.

decreases, decrease, aerobic

fragmenting a habitat _____ interior habitat and _____ edge habitat. it also _____ biodiversity.

decreases, increases, decreases

nitrate is converted to nitrogen gas through the process of ____.


One disadvantage of solar cells is that ____ current must be converted into ____ current.

direct, alternating

density dependent factor

disease, food shortage affecting the population

Desalination removes salt from ocean water. ____ evaporates fresh water out and requires a lot of energy. ____ ____ pushes saltwater through a semi-permeable membrane to remove the salt.

distillation, reverse osmosis

describe the restoration of the Florida Everglades.

divert water back to the wetlands, reducing the pollution in the runoff from cities and farms NOT building of dams, allow more farming near the Everglades

asexual reproduction

does not require a mate

which of the following are benefits of using Kenaf as a source of fiber for paper?

does not require fertilizer, it contains more fiber than trees, does not require pesticides, does not require as much energy to grow NOT it costs more to produce

As you refine crude oil, the overall net energy yield of the gasoline that is produced will go ____.


which of the following are economic benefits of dams?

drinking water, water for irrigating crops, recreation, jobs, electricity if it is a hydroelectric dam NOT climate moderation

lake victoria- deforestation

due to the need to smoke the fish meat

inorganic fertilizer

easy to apply, synthetic, requires alot of energy to produce, requires frequent application to the soil, mostly N, P, K

a team of ecologists are studying four different ecosystems with varying levels of biodiversity. The ecologists categorize the different levels of biodiversity for the four ecosystems as shown in the table below. based on the information above, which ecosystem most likely experienced a recent population bottleneck?

ecosystem A, because its low genetic diversity could have resulted from an event that reduced the variation in the gene pool

the arrows in a food web represent the direction of ____ flow.


T/F homologous structures are features in different species that are not from a shared ancestor.


T/F kelp that washes up on the shore should be immediately removed and discarded.


T/F natural selection works by letting organisms pick the traits they want during their lifetime because they need them or want them.


T/F sustainable yield can apply to fossil fuels.


T/F two species that occupy the same niche can coexist



feeling like you need to buy more than you need, uncontrolled and unnecessary shopping

controlled fires

fires set on purpose to remove excess dead vegetation and to prevent bigger fires later

salmon ranching process

first step grow salmon in a hatchery allows them to get bigger inside nets in freshwater lakes or pools release them into the wild so they swim out in the ocean to feed and grow for 2-5 years harvest them when they return to their birth place last step

currently, electricity can be commercially generates using nuclear ____.


which of the following species show high biotic potential?

frogs, bacteria, small fish NOT whales

worldwide, the majority of wood is used for _____. this is mostly occurring in _____ developed countries with a _____ population growth rate.

fuel, less, higher


gas to liquid

in genetic engineering, a ____ from one species is removed and inserted into the ____ of another species. it does not require _____.

gene, DNA, breeding

exponential growth curve

graph that looks like a letter J. the graph continues to show an increase

logistic growth curve

graph that looks like a letter S. starts out exponential and then levels off


grassy plains in south africa


grassy plains in south america

a population with a high number of individuals in the prereproductive category can expect the population to ____ in the future.

grow NOT stay the same, decrease

contour farming

growing crops in rows that are perpendicular to the slope of a hill

gully reclamation

growing native grasses on an area that has been significantly eroded by water

phosphorous can be found in...

guano, rock, animals, plants NOT air

maintains or increases biodiversity

habitat bridges or corridors connecting habitat islands, marine protected areas (MPA's), blocking the creation of roads into forests, reducing pesticide runoff, laws like the ESA, protecting wetlands, national parks or wilderness areas, protecting old growth forests

habitat island

habitat that is isolated from surrounding habitat due to fragmentation

temperate rainforests...

have a stable climate due to being near a large body of water, receive alot of rain NOT have nutrient rich soil, are near the equator

which of the following density-independent factors can affect the size of a human population?

heat waves NOT disease, availability of food, access to clean water

Ozone in the stratosphere ________, while ozone in the troposphere ________.

helps to block UV radiation from Earth's surface, leads to respiratory problems

character displacement is seen when niches overlap and there is ____ competition for resources.



high turgidity

rainforests tend to have ____ inertia and ____ resilience due to having ____ biodiversity.

high, high, high

tropical rainforests are ____ in species biodiversity. species tend to be ____ to reduce ____. when different species occupy different levels of a rainforest, it is an example of resource ____.

high, specialists, competition, partitioning

in a world with rapidly changing climate, having ____ biodiversity leads to ____ resilience, which is the ability to bounce back from a disturbance.

higher, higher

The melting of sea ice reveals the darker ocean surface. The ice has a ____ albedo than the dark ocean. With less sea ice, there will be less reflectance of sunlight or energy. This energy will instead be absorbed by the dark ocean and warm the water. This will lead to the melting of more sea ice so it is an example of a ____ feedback loop.

higher, positive

sort the following in order of highest to lowest biodiversity according to the theory of island biogeography.

highest biodiversity large island, close to the mainland large island, far from the mainland small island, far from the mainland lowest biodiversity

put the following in order of heigh level from the top to the bottom of the tropical rainforest.

highest level emergent layer canopy understory ground layer lowest level

marine reserve

highly protected areas of the ocean (no drilling, mining, or fishing)

the _____ keeps the giant kelp attached to the ocean floor. the _____ float towards the surface due to the _____ that are attached to them.

holdfast, fronds, air bladders

decomposing dead organic matter in the soil is called ____.


commercial whaling

hunting whales and selling the meat or parts for profit

A hydrogen fuel cell car runs on ____ ____ and releases ____ ____ as a byproduct.

hydrogen gas, water vapor

lake victoria- weevil

insect that ate the water hyacinth

a team of ecologists are studying four different ecosystems with varying levels of biodiversity. The ecologists categorize the different levels of biodiversity for the four ecosystems as shown in the table below. based on the information above, which of the following best describes Ecosystem C?

its low habitat diversity indicates that Ecosystem C most likely has a low number of specialist species and few species that utilize large territories NOT its low species diversity indicates that Ecosystem C most likely has species with very low population sizes, its high genetic diversity indicates that Ecosystem C most likely has species that evolve quickly, its high genetic diversity indicates that Ecosystem C is most likely the result of the founder effect and a subpopulation originating from Ecosystem A

which of the following countries are for whaling?

japan, norway, iceland NOT u.s.

the sea otter is a ____ species because it controls the number of _____ that eat the _____. the kelp forest is _____ in biodiversity. the presence of the sea otter has a significant impact on the biodiversity of the ecosystem.

keystone, sea urchins, kelp, high

Dilution is less effective in ____ than ____ because they can be stratified, there is less mixing of water, and there is little flow.

lakes, rivers

The melting of ____ ice will cause sea levels to rise. Also the expansion of the water as it ____ up.

land, warms

climate changes with increasing ____ and ____.

latitude, elevation

place in order from most to least amount of energy available in the trophic level.

least energy tertiary consumers secondary consumers primary consumers producers most energy


leaves radioactive waste as a byproduct, splits an atom, is the reaction that is done in most common nuclear reactors, can use Uranium 235 as a fuel source, releases heat NOT fuses two atoms, produces helium as a byproduct, uses heavy hydrogen as a fuel source

conservation tillage

leaving last year's crop debris behind to cover the soil

lake victoria- sewage, fertilizer runoff

led to algal blooms and dead zones

in an el niño year, there is ____ fish off the coast of the western side of South America because the upwelling ____.

less, is blocked

An LD50 graph shows the ____ dose for a chemical at which ____ of the test population dies.

lethal, 50%

what is a nonanthropogenic cause of forest fires?

lightning NOT camp fires that are not properly extinguished, cigarette butts that are thrown out of cars, faulty wiring or electrical equipment, candles falling over or near curtains


liquid to gas

random dispersion

location of dandelions in a field

background extinction

low level of extinction that is always occurring

the timber wolf is prone to extinction due to which of the following?

low reproductive rate, feared by humans, is seen as a pest NOT r strategist, fixed migratory pattern, specialized feeding habits

the blue whale is prone to extinction due to which of the following?

low reproductive rate, specialized feeding habits, fixed migratory pattern NOT feared by humans, r strategist, is seen as a pest

clay has ____ permeability and ____ porosity. while sand has ____ permeability and ____ porosity.

low, high, high, low

Acid deposition is rain, snow, dust, or fog with a pH ____ than 5.6.


second generation pesticide

made in a lab, DDT


major producers are lichen, mosses, and grasses

national wildlife refuge

managed by US fish and wildlife

national forests

managed by the US forest service

national parks

managed by the national parks service


managed grasslands

earth is a closed system for ____, and an open system for ____.

matter, energy

which of the following are ways scientists can monitor biodiversity or changes to it?

measuring species richness and evenness, camera traps, observations out in the field, measuring the EPT/midge ratio and pollution tolerance index (PTI)

Melting permafrost in the tundra will release ____, which contributes to global warming. As temperatures rise, more permafrost melts, and more of this gas will be released. This is an example of a ____feedback loop.

methane, positive

which of the following is a law that pertains to wetlands?

mitigation banking NOT soil protection act, ESA, CITES

intermediate disturbance hypothesis

moderate, frequent disturbances lead to higher biodiversity

most of the resources are being used by _____ developed countries.


A combined cycle natural gas power plant is ____ efficient than coal power plant. It uses the ____ from burning natural gas to spin a turbine and heat water to turn it into ____ to spin a second turbine. The turbine cause two generators to produce electricity.

more, heat, steam

Old tires can collect water and lead to more ____ that carry disease. They can also lead to highly polluting ____.

mosquitoes, fires

sort the following countries in order of population size.

most china india u.s. indonesia least

place in order of most to least energy intensive to produce per kg of body weight.

most cows pigs chicken fish (catfish or carp) least

list the zones of a biosphere reserve from most to least disturbed by humans.

most disturbed transition buffer core least disturbed

sort in order of most to least energy intensive.

most energy intensive industrial agriculture traditional intensive subsistence farming least energy intensive

sort from most to least nutrient rich soil.

most nutrients temperate deciduous forest coniferous forest tropical rainforest tropical desert least nutrients

camera trap

motion detecting cameras used to document biodiversity

which of the following is an apex predator?

mountain lion NOT squirrels, coyote, rats

density independent factor

natural disasters like an earthquake affecting the population

100% organic products

natural pesticides, animals having access to the outdoors is required, natural sources of nitrate and phosphate, no hormones or antibiotics, non-GMO, typically more expensive

the form of nitrogen most usable to plants is ____.


which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?

nitrogen gas NOT methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor

Pesticides and fertilizer runoff from farms is an example of ____ source pollution, while pollution being discharged from a pipe leaving a wastewater treatment plant is an example of ____ source pollution.

nonpoint, point

sort in order of occurrence moving from the equator to the poles.

north pole tundra coniferous forest deciduous forest tropical rainforest equator

which of the following can cause dissolved oxygen (DO) to fluctuate?

number of decomposers, turgidity, number of consumers, number of producers, turbidity, temperature of the water

source river zone

nutrient poor

floodplain river zone

nutrient rich

type 3 survivorship curve

oaks trees, sea turtles, insects, frogs

reef fish inherit tolerance to warming oceans in a rapidly changing climate, the decline of animal populations is a very real concern. An international team of researchers reported new evidence of reef fish adjusting to global warming conditions at the genetic level. [R]esearchers . . . have found that reef fish can inherit from their parents the genetic tools to adjust to ocean warming. "When parents are exposed to an increase in water temperature, we found that their offspring improved their performance in these otherwise stressful conditions by selectively modifying their epigenome." Epigenetic change refers to chemical modifications in the DNA that signals genes to be switched on or off. A range of factors, including disease, famine, or in the case of this research, heat stress, can stimulate these subtle changes. in this study, when both parent and offspring experienced the same elevated water temperatures, responsive changes . . . were observed that enhanced the next generation's ability to cope with the new, warmer temperatures. "We reared spiny chromis damselfish . . . for two generations under three different water temperatures, up to 3 degrees Celsius warmer than current-day ocean temperatures. The next generation appeared to be advantaged by parental exposure to elevated temperatures. The offspring's altered gene expression, also referred to as 'acclimation,' allowed them to maximize oxygen consumption and energy use." "Acclimation may buffer populations against the impacts of rapid environmental change and provide time for genetic adaptation to catch up over the longer term." "reef fish inherit tolerance to warming oceans: Thanks to mom and dad, baby reef fish may have to what it takes to adjust to hotter oceans," Ryu Taewoo, ScienceDaily, April 30, 2018. which of the following best identifies the author's claim?

observed adjustments in the ecological tolerance of a species of reef fish is a result of epigenetic changes

how do humans impact the coastal zone?

oil and trash in the runoff from cities, development along the coast, building dams that block water flow to the ocean, fertilizer and pesticide runoff from farms

most of the nutrients in a tropical rainforest are found in the ____ due to rapid ____ and uptake of nutrients.

organisms, decomposition

lake victoria- loss of jobs for small fishermen

overfishing by larger vessels

overturns bring _____ rich water to the bottom of the lake and _____ rich water to the surface.

oxygen, nutrient

which of the following is a sedimentary cycle?

phosphorus NOT carbon, sulfur, water, nitrogen

during the day when light is available, plants do the process called, ____ which removes atmospheric carbon from the atmosphere


Burning ethanol from fermenting corn releases carbon dioxide. Since the corn was taking in carbon dioxide through ____, we can say that there ____ ____ net increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

photosynthesis, is no

Malaria is caused by a ____ ____ and the vector is ____.

plasmodium parasite, mosquitoes

which of the following are benefits of periodic fires?

plenty of sunlight for newly growing plants, clears out invasive species, some seeds need fire to know when to germinate, recycles soil nutrients

tundra aka

polar grassland

decreases biodiversity

pollution, overexploitation, habitat loss, invasive species, climate change

population will experience a decline

population pyramid with a narrow base and wide at the top

population will experience rapid growth

population pyramid with a wide base and narrow top

keystone species

prairie dogs create homes for other species, aerate the soil with its burrows, serve as prey for predators, remove tall plants and shrubs by grazing, and alters the soil chemistry. their presence has a significant impact on the biodiversity of an ecosystem

a soil ____ shows various soil ____ or layers.

profile, horizons

which of the following would be a benefit of conservation tillage?

protects the soil from wind erosion, retains soil moisture, saves energy by leaving the previous crop debris covering the soil, reduces the need for added soil nutrients

what are the ecological services provided by the mangrove forests?

provide places for baby fish to hide, provides habitat for birds, produces oxygen, absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, slows down coastal erosion

which of the following are ecological or natural services provided by inland wetlands?

provides habitat for other species, recharging aquifers and replenishing streams NOT fish that can be sold, jobs

which of the following are ecological services of kelp forests?

provides oxygen, provides food for many species, absorbs carbon dioxide, provide shelter for many species NOT can be sold as an ingredient in food and beauty products

irregular population curve

random changes to a population due to changes in the habitat

which of the following describes a country that is stuck in a demographic trap?

rapid economic growth with low GDP per capita

which of the following are ecological services provided by coral reefs?

reduces erosion along the coast, increases biodiversity, absorbs carbon dioxide, provide habitat for many species

which of the following are ecological services provided by forests?

reduces erosion, maintains soil nutrients, provides habit for other species, improves water quality of a nearby stream, takes in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere NOT provides lumber and paper, provides jobs

fisheries can be better managed by...

reducing invasive species, monitoring and enforcing regulations, establishing more MPAs, limiting the number of fish caught, controlling pollution

which of the following will help to slow down human population growth.

reducing poverty, employment for women, family planning and access to contraception, access to education for women

which of the following are ways to restore the land?

replant native plants, remove invasive species, protect the riparian zones NOT allow a dense populations of cows to graze in the area

plantation agriculture...

requires alot of land, grows a monoculture, grows a cash crop NOT grows a polyculture

wild caught fish

requires more energy, can lead to the depletion of wild fish stocks, bycatch

superpests develop by the overuse of pesticides. the pest can become ____ to a chemical by having a beneficial _____. this is then passed down to its _____ and the pesticides is not longer effective at controlling the pest.

resistant, mutation, offspring


returning to a condition similar to the original state

low pressure system

rising warm air is filled with moisture and as it condenses, it comes back down as precipitation

wind breaks

row of trees used around a field

which of the following are benefits to living in clumps?

safety in numbers, harder for the predator to chase 1 individual, predators can work together and hunt as a group, it is easier to find a mate NOT an increase in the rate at which diseases spread, increased competition for resources such as food and space

the _____ is a keystone species that eats _____ that eat the _____. by controlling the population of _____, the kelp forests remain in tact and _____ the biodiversity of the area.

sea otter, purple sea urchins, giant kelp, urchins, increases

solutions for better managing forests include...

selective/strip cutting, purchasing products made from sustainably grown timber, protecting old-growth forests, growing trees in tree farms, reducing the number of roads being built that go into forests NOT clear cutting

_____ generation time, _____ offspring, _____ size, and _____ parental care describes an r strategist. a _____ generation time, _____ offspring, _____ in size, and _____ parental care describes a K strategist.

short, many, small, short, long, few, bigger, long

the tasmanian devil has a ____ population and ____ genetic diversity. this makes it ____ likely to go extinct.

small, low, more

place in order from smallest to biggest particle size.

smallest clay silt sand largest

limiting factors on the ground of a tropical rainforest include...

soil nutrients, light NOT water, carbon dioxide

which of the following is a natural resource?

soil, water, wind NOT water storage, pest control, climate moderation

CITES is ineffective for which of the following reasons?

some governments are corrupt, it is not well enforced or sufficiently funded, countries exempt themselves from protecting certain species NOT the u.s. has not signed it

which of the following are cons for using GM crops?

some of the insecticide producing crops can kill non-target insects and disrupt ecosystems, some of the herbicide resistant crops require the use of alot of herbicide, the overuse of insecticides can eventually select for insects that are resistant to the insecticide, the overuse of herbicides can lead to weeds becoming resistant to the herbicide

which of the following locations have Mediterranean climates?

southern California, around the Mediterranean sea, parts of Chile, southern tip of Africa, parts of Australia

threatened species

species that is close to becoming endangered

biodiversity includes diversity in...

species, DNA (genetic), ecosystems

armor defense

spines or a hard shell

which of the following are reasons for greater species richness closer to the equator?

stable climate, higher productivity NOT fewer producers available, varying climate

A POP is a persistent organic pollutant. It is ____ and contains many ____ and hydrogens. These chemicals also tend to be ____ so they stick in fat.

stable, carbons, hydrophobic

Ozone in the ____ absorbs and blocks UV radiation from Earth's surface, while ozone in the ____ is found in smog and causes respiratory problems.

stratosphere, troposphere

Ozone in the ____ blocks UV radiation to prevent skin cancer and cataracts. Ozone in the ____ aggravates respiratory issues.

stratosphere, troposphere

traditional agriculture

subsistence farming, usually in less developed countries, polyculture, relies on animal or human labor

The Clean Air Act regulates ____ ____ emissions using a cap-and-trade program.

sulfur dioxide

thriving coral reefs require...

sunlight, dissolved oxygen, nutrients NOT cloudy water

place in order of depth from surface to ocean floor.

surface euphotic zone bathyal zone abyssal zone deep ocean floor

place the following in order from top layer to deepest layer.

surface layer O A B C deeper layer

clearance area

taking out vegetation near properties that may catch on fire


temperate biome with deep fertile soil and periodic fires

a climatogram shows which of the following information?

temperature for each month of a year, rainfall each month NOT the species in an area, the soil type

which trophic is most prone to extinction due to habitat loss?

tertiary consumer NOT secondary consumer, primary consumer, producer

bottom up population control

the amount of plants controlling the population of herbivores

invasive species

the brown tree snake in Guam is not native to Guam and is causing many native bird populations to decline

tropical rainforests are found near ____, they have a stable ____, and nutrient ____ acidic soil.

the equator, climate, poor

cyclic population curve

the fluctuating populations of a lynx and hare in response to one another

which of the following describes the most likely change to terrestrial biomes resulting from warmer average global temperatures?

the global distribution of midlatitude biomes, such as grasslands and temperate rain forests, would increase NOT deciduous trees found in temperate seasonal forests would flower later in the year, the latitude range of tropical rain forests would narrow closer to the equator, high-latitude biomes, such as the tundra, would experience a decrease in net primary productivity

species richness

the number of different species in an area

species abundance

the number of individuals of each species in an area

top-down population control

the number of owls controlling the number of mice

scientists collected data for 35 years on the populations of mice and owls in a given area. which of the following claims is best supported by the data shown in the table above?

the owl population experienced population overshoot between 1995 and 2000 because of increased competition for resources

which of the following can be an indicator of water quality?

the presence of bacteria, the amount of nitrates, smell, the amount of dissolved oxygen, the amount of phosphates, pH, turbidity, color, the type of living organisms in the water

six white-tailed deer and six sika deer were enclosed in a pasture for observation during an eight-year study in central Texas. White-tailed deer are a native species to central Texas, while sika deer are a nonnative species to central Texas. white-tailed deer feed on flowering plants and the tips of trees and shrubs but do not eat grass. sika deer feed on flowering plants, the tips of trees and shrubs, and grass. all other grazing animals were kept out of the pasture during the study. The number of sika deer more than doubled after the eight years, while the population of white-tailed deer decreased by 50 percent. which of the following statements best supports the results from the study?

the sika deer out competed the white-tailed deer in consuming flowering plants and shrubs NOT the sika deer are generalists, while the white-tailed deer are specialists, parasites infected the sika deer population but did not infect the white-tailed deer population, change in the local climate reduced the availability of food resources for the white-tailed deer population

which of the following best describes the change in Antarctic temperature from about 440,000 years ago to about 340,000 years ago?

the temperature increases by about 12°C and then decreases by about 12°C NOT the temperature increases by about 10°C, the temperature decreases by about 8°C, the temperature decreases by about 10°C and then increases by about 12°C

why are tropical rainforests very productive?

there is alot of sunlight, a stable year-round climate, there is plenty of rain NOT lack of water available, large difference between winter and summer temperatures

farmers in a suburban coastal town started using no-till agriculture, a practice that reduces soil erosion from their farmland. use the image above to determine which of the following long-term effects no-till agriculture will have on the ecosystem surrounding the farmland.

there will be less algal growth in the nearby ocean NOT there will be an increased need for fertilizer on farmlands, there will be less phosphorous pollution in the atmosphere, there will be an increased deposition of phosphorous-rich sediments

animals are poached for which of the following reasons?

they have parts that are used as medicine, they are valuable or have parts that are valuable, they are a delicacy, they are exotic pets

why are deserts cold at night?

they lack water vapor in the air to trap heat NOT the sand absorbs the heat out of the air, there is very little wind

why did the ranchers kill the wolves in Yellowstone?

they were killing their cattle NOT their population was growing exponentially, they were eating all of the elk

a system that passes an irreversible threshold has passed a _____ point.


which stage of the demographic transition model has the highest rate of population growth?

transitional NOT post-industrial, industrial, preindustrial

which of the following reduces your exposure to synthetic pesticides found in food?

trimming the fat off of the meat, growing your own organic produce, washing and scrubbing fruit and vegetables, buying organic produce eating less meat NOT eating conventional (non-organic) fruits

savanna aka

tropical grassland

Malaria is more common in ____ ____ with large areas of ____ ____.

tropical regions, stagnant water

T/F convergent evolution is when unrelated organisms become more structurally similar due to living in similar environments


T/F forest fires can benefit the Mediterranean biome of Southern California by recycling nutrients and removing invasive species.


T/F mitigation banking requires the creation or restoration of a wetland prior to the destruction of an existing wetland.


T/F nutrient rich soil is usually darker in color.


based on the graph above, which of the following tree species would be the predominant species found during the intermediate stage of succession?

tulip poplar NOT red maple, sweetgum, white oak

which biome do you think is the least resilient?

tundra NOT rainforest, deciduous forest, prairie

stable population growth

uniform distribution of population age groups in all age categories

Nuclear reactors use ____ ____ as a fuel source that undergoes nuclear ____ to release heat. The heat is used to turn water into steam. The steam spins a ____ and that powers the ____ to generate electricity.

uranium 235, fission, turbine, generator

which of the following are alternatives to using pesticides?

use phermones to lure the pests away, vacuum the pest, scald the pest, fool the pest by growing different crops each year or at different times, create homes for the pest's enemy, implant genetic resistance NOT DDT

industrialized agriculture

uses alot of pesticides, usually in more developed countries, requires alot of energy, monoculture, require alot of water, heavily mechanized, large amounts of synthetic fertilizer

cows raised in feedlots

uses antibiotics, fed corn, less space used

ipm is...

uses chemical pesticides as a last resort, specific to a location and situation, expensive NOT fast acting

warm front

warm air moving and hitting cool air causing the warm air to rise and release moisture

A geothermal heat pump uses pipes under the ground filled with a heat exchange fluid that can cool your home in the summer by moving ____ air from your house underground. It can heat your house in the winter by moving ____ fluid from under the ground and releasing it into your house.

warm, warm

in an el niño year, the surface ocean temperature over the Pacific ocean is ____ and this causes an upwelling to ____, as well as causing ____ to fall on the western side of the Americas.

warmer, be blocked, more rain


water breaking the soil barrier

which of the following is a natural service?

water storage, pest control, climate moderation NOT water, wind, soil

artificial selection

when humans select traits through the process of selective breeding

divergent evolution

when one species becomes two different species due to geographic isolation


when two species evolve in response to one another

all of the following are advantages to sexual reproduction except...

you need to find a mate, females need to produce 2 offspring to replace the parents, you might have to compete with a mate NOT genetic diversity, two parents can provide more protection for the offspring

if the ecological efficiency at each trophic level of a particular ecosystem is 10%, and the green plants capture 100 units of energy, ____ unit(s) of energy will be available to support carnivores.


a solution with a hydrogen ion concentration of 1 x 10 to the -9 moles per liter is a solution with the pH of ____. therefore, this solution is _____.

9, basic

if you were asked to draw a graph of the human population over the last 1,000 years, it would look like the letter...


____ = ____ - R


the soil layer with the most dead leaves and sticks is the ____ horizon.


crop rotation

alternating growing fields of crops with legumes every other year

strip cropping

alternating rows of crops with legumes

the process of nitrogen gas being converted into ammonia is called ____.


the fins of a fish and the wings of a penguin both help them to swim underwater. these are ____ structures because they do not have a close common ancestor, but they do live in similar environments.


secondary consumer


which of the following are commons?

clean air, clean water, migratory animals, fish in the open ocean NOT privately owned grassy field

which of the following would increase the rate of extinction?

climate change, loss of habitat, pollution, invasive species, over harvesting or overexploitation

which of the following contains carbon?

coal, oil, trees, limestone

the leaf cutter ant depends on the fungus it grows to break down leaves to extract the sugars from the. the fungus depends on the leaf cutter ant to bring it leaves so it can also eat the sugars in them. the development of this relationship is an example of ____.


the process where one species evolves in response to another is called ____.


organic fertilizer benefit

does not need to be applied as frequently and contains micronutrients

inorganic (synthetic) fertilizer benefit

easy to store and apply, does not have an offensive odor

T/F the fastest and strongest individuals in a population have the highest evolutionary fitness


the sun's energy comes primarily from ____.


most of the energy lost from our system, is lost in the form of ____.


primary consumer


plants with nodules on their roots with bacteria that fix nitrogen are called ____.


the human population is growing faster in ____ developed countries.


which of the following are possible solutions to prevent the Tragedy of the Commons?

limiting the number of fish that can be caught in the open ocean, limiting the amount of pollution that can be released into water or air, laws or agreements between countries to protect migratory animals, increasing government regulation of a resource (ex. fishing only during a certain time of the year, only allowed to catch a certain size fish, only allowed to catch certain species of fish), owning a resource so others cannot use it

most of the pollution is being produced by _____ developed countries.


water moving down through the soil layers is called ____, while ____ carries dissolved nutrients or pollutants down through the soil layers.

percolation, leaching

the most limiting nutrient for plants is ____.




a system moving in one direction is an example of a(n) _____ feedback loop.


which of the following would help to reduce erosion on hillsides?

terracing, contour farming NOT till farming

which of the following is a benefit of planting legumes with crop rotation?

they add nitrate to the soil

place in order from the base (at the bottom) to the top trophic level.

top tertiary consumer secondary consumer primary consumer producer base

the following conditions are needed for biological evolution.

traits that can be passed down generations, differential reproduction, genetic diversity in a population NOT a stable climate


water moving down through soil layers


water released by plants through their leaves


water running down a hill

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