APHUG Ch.6-13

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The "separate but equal" doctrine of racial equality was accompanied by

"Jim Crow" laws across the American South.

Truck farming is a term the derives from the Middle-English word truck, meaning

"bartering" or "exchange of commodities."

North America receives ___________ % of the world's Muslim migrants.


The average temperature of Earth's surface has increased by about

1 degrees Celsius since 1880

The earliest known domesticated wheat, barley, and rice crops are thought to have originated in Asia about

10,000 years ago

Geographer Derwent Whittlesey divided the world into ________ agricultural regions (not including his area of nonexistent agriculture).


European railways were not built in Greece until after


South Africa first elected a black president during the


Racist laws divided benches, drinking fountains, bathrooms, and schools in South Africa until


The # of farms in the US declined from about 6 million in 1940 to ____________ in 1980.

2 million

In Sub-Saharan African about

2/3 of the people are Christians.

In the U.S., Nucor has operations in at least

20 different states

Fair trade returns on average ________ percent to producers rather than 1 percent seen in so many trading arrangements.


________ % of London, England's citizens are born outside of the U.K.


In the US, __________ of the country is suited to wind power development.


Although many factory laborers in MDCs are paid $________ per hour, factory laborers in LDCs may be paid less than $________ per hour.


Russia, today, recognizes ____ different ethnicities within its political borders.


In about the year 1985, the amount of fish consumed by developing countries was approximately

40 million metric tons.

Although there are fewer developed countries in the world, altogether they consume about ________ of the world's fossil fuels


In the U.S. about _____ % of all jobs are in consumer services.


Developing countries (including Russia and China) consume approximately ________ % of the world's fossil fuels.


Geographer Derwent Whittlesey divided the world into agricultural regions (not including his area of nonexistent agriculture), ________ of which were classified as found in MDCs and ________ as found in LDCs.


In the year 2010 the world pop. was nearly

7 billion

In about the year 2005, the amount of fish consumed by developing countries exceeded

80 million metric tons.

What is NOT true in California's drought crisis?

80% of the water distributed in California goes to cities

The US had about 60% fewer farms and _____ few farmers in 200. than in 1900.


The earliest known domesticated squash crops are thought to have originated in the Americas more than

9,000 years ago.

What is a characteristic of shifting cultivation?

A new site is designated every few years

When an individual self-describes as "unaffiliated" this means?

Affirm neither a belief nor a lack of belief in a higher power, belief in a higher power but have no membership in a formal religious institution, express no religious interest or preference, and do not regularly participate in organized religious activity. (Espouse atheism or agnosticism would not describe an "unaffiliated.")

The second most populous ethnic group in the U.S. is

African Americans.

What is a belief that the existence of God cannot be proven empirically?


Indigenous Canadians and Americans grouped by ethnic identity include

Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, First Nations, Inuits. (Plains Natives would not be included).

Syria's ethnic composition is politically represented by which minority?


More than 40% of average income is spent on food in

Algeria, Syria, Madagascar, and Laos

Buddhism is founded on the Four Noble Truths, which include

All living things must endure suffering, suffering leads to rebirth, Nirvana is the goal, and Nirvana is attained through an eightfold path.

What is not true about sub-Saharan Africa's adolescent fertility rate?

All of Sub-Saharan Africa is in the 60% range

Maize, potatoes, squash, and peppers were first domesticated in the


Llamas, alpacas, and turkeys were domesticated in the


The only large mass NOT part of a sovereign state is


Iraq's majority Muslim population are

Arab Shi'ite

What is the lingua franca of the Muslim world?


Which semi peripheral nation is considered highly developed?


What country suffered from genocide in the early 20th century by the Turks?


Nagorno-Karabakh is an ethnic enclave of ______________ in _________________.

Armenia; Azerbaijan

Horses were domesticated in


Most of the religions with at least 1 million adherents originated on which continent?


WB assistance goes largely to states in


The most significant numbers of organic farmers are found in


What is NOT considered a semi peripheral nation?


The US has more coal production than

Australia or Canada

The term that describes the amount of oxygen required by aquatic bateria to decompose a given amount of organic waste is


This is a 19th century, universalizing religion established through abolition of racial, class, and religious prejudice.


Which of the following pairs of religions and places of worship or meditation is INCORRECT? Islam - Mosque, Sikh - Gurdwara, Buddhism - Pagoda, Baha'i - Temple, Judaism - Sunagogue

Baha'i - Temple

Which country in South America has the highest maternal mortality rate?


Elongated states may suffer from poor internal communication and difficulty defending its borders. What is not an example of an elongated state?


What is a large fundamental division of a religion?


The most populous country to depend on hydroelectric power is


What country represents a federal state in which power is allocated to local government?


Outside of the three world regions where industry is concentrated, the next two largest industrial producing countries are

Brazil and India

Meats provide at leas 25% of the protein consumed in

Brazil, Argentina, and Spain

The BRIC designation includes which 4 countries?

Brazil, Russia, India, China

10-99 million metric tons of rice are produced annually in

Brazil, Thailand, and the US

Moreno (Brunette/Olive) and Moreno Claro (Light Brown) represent

Brazilian self-identification.

What describes the nationality of someone who gives allegiance to the U.K.?


This religion is the most prevalent, non-Christian faith on the West Coast of the U.S.


What is NOT an ethnic Asian religion?

Buddhism (Universalizing Religion)

Who is the largest supplier of petroleum to the US?


Of the following list, which is the youngest religion? Jainism, Shinto, Zoroastrianism, Cao Dai, Sikhism

Cao Dai

In Canada, this branch forms the majority in Quebec.


In France, most of the people are


What is an example of a hierarchical religion?


The largest religious adherents in the U.S. Southwest are


Copper is found in

Chile, Mexico, Peru, Democratic Republic of Congo, but not Brazil

Over 1 billion squared meters of fabric are produced annually in both

China and India

In addition to the US, what countries are permanent members of the UN security council?

China, France, Russia, UK, but not Germany

The largest numbers of Asian Americans are descended from immigrants from


The world's largest universalizing religion is


The world's four largest religions in terms of total number of adherents are?

Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism (Should be Buddhism. Sikhism is young, so it isn't one of the main four.)

Almost 90% of people in the Western Hemisphere claim adherence to


Most immigrants to the U.S. are


What shape most easily fosters the establishment of effective internal communications for a smaller state?


Who prescribed a series of ethical principles for daily life based on li meaning propriety?


What island's capital is the only capital city in the world divided by an international ethnic boundary?


Von Thunen's model can best be used to explain the location of what types of agriculture?

Dairying in the NE US

The exiled spiritual leader of Tibet is the

Dalai Lama.

As Sudan's religion-based civil war was winding down, an ethnic war erupted in the region of


What African country has a prorupted shape?

Demographic Republic of Congo

What logical conclusion might explain the higher prevalence of Buddhism in the west coast counties of the U.S.

Destination of migrants from East and Southeast Asia

In order to become a global industrial power, Japan had to overcome what problem?

Distance from consumer

Pastoral nomadism is most commonly found in which climate region?


Rice, soybeans, and walnuts were first domesticated in

East Asia

What developing region has shown the biggest change in HDI?q

East Asia

In which part of the world will one find over 50% of the population described as unaffiliated with the remainder of the population either Buddhist or affiliated with a folk religion?

East Asia (Blame China.)

What are the four global regions with the most diverse religious composition?

East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa (North and South American would not be correct because of there Christian majority.)

The world leaders in blouse production include the US, China,

Egypt, Spain, and Brazil

The GII combines what three measures to derive a composite score?

Empowerment, employment, reproductive health

Cereals provide at least 50% of the protein consumed in

Ethiopia and India

Maize is the leading energy source in

Ethiopia, Mexico, and Guatemala

What lies at the root of the conflicts in the Sudan?

Ethnic Diversity

Cultural boundaries include

Ethnic, religious, language, and geometric, but not geomorphic

When gerrymandering takes place, the kind of redistricting that concentrates opposition voters into a small number if districts, allowing the party in power to gain control of numerous other districts, is termed a(n) _______ strategy.

Excess vote

What form of gerrymandering seeks to concentrate opposition supporters into a few districts?

Excess vote.

What penalty was NOT imposed by the Taliban in Afghanistan?

Families with more than 2 children were exiled.

What is not an indicator of global gender inequality?

Female life expectancy is less than males in every country of the world.

What democracy represents a unitary state in which power is concentrated in the hands of the central government?


What is the French colony northwest of the Pitcairn Islands?

French Polynesia

______________ is the literal interpretation and strict adherence to the basic principles of a religion.


What country has experienced the most extreme 'balkanization' since the dissolution of the Soviet Union?


What European country was divided post-World War II into a Democratic Republic and a Federal Republic?


What country doesn't have a nuclear power?


Examples of major nation-states are

Germany and Denmark

The motives of European states in establishing colonies can be summarized by

Gold, Glory, God, Power, but not Guilt

What is not a reason that supports gentrification?

Government subsidizes loans to gentrify an area.

A leader in microfinance has been

Grameen Bank

The Industrial Revolution began in

Great Britain

The global recession of 2008 brought especially severe repercussions to economically weaker nations in the EU, including

Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, but not France

What problems has Cyprus experienced during the past 4 decades?

Greek-inspired military coup, Turkish army invasion, increasing spatial segregation of Greeks and Turks, division of the capital city by a buffer zone patrolled by UN soldiers, but no a partition of the island by the British as part of independence

What is the U.S. colony located east of the Philippines?


In the US, there is a high concentration of natural gas fields in the

Gulf of Mexico

What country is NOT among the top five countries of origin for clothing sold in the US?


The core of Islamic faith rests on two principles that are geographic including prayer in the direction of Mecca (salat). What is the other pillar that is distinctly geographic?


This Arabic word for migration is also used to describe Mohammed's flight from persecution.


Cremation is more important than burial in what religion?


Dravidians in what is today South Asia mingled with Aryan tribes from Central Asia to produce


What ethnic group has the most adherents?


What religion has no centralized structure of religious control?


What religion is a polytheistic faith?


The world's largest ethnic religion is


What does the U.S. Census Bureau not consider a race?


The threat of famine is most likely is what region of the globe?

Horn of Africa and the Sahel

What pairing of activity and WB organization is incorrect?

IDA - implements transportation and social service projects (it actually aims to reduce poverty by providing loans and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities, and improve people's living conditions.)

This country has capitalized on its geothermal energy by heating homes and businesses in its capital city with it.


What is false about the Baltic States?

In all three states, Russian has remained the official language.

Jainism is concentrated in which South Asian country?


What country converted to an international trade model in the early 1990s?


More than 100 million metric tons of milk are produced annually in


The "Line of Control" represents a dividing line in Kashmir between

Indian and Pakistan.

Brazil's Amazonian North has the highest percentage of


What are the four largest countries in which 40% of the world's Muslim population lives?

Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh (Saudi Arabia would not be part of this group.)

Although the Ganges is the most holy river for Hindus, the religion evolved around which river valley?


What type of agriculture is practiced by the largest % of the world's people?

Intensive subsistence

What is likely the least or weakest centripetal force in the U.S.

Internet content available from around the world.

Both the Baha'i faith and Zoroastrianism have their roots in which Southwest Asian nation?


Between 1-9 million metric tons of milk are produced annually in


Less than 1 million metric tons of milk are produced annually in


Adherents of what religion have controlled the Holy Land for most of the past 1,500 years?


Of the universalizing religions, which religion provides the most local autonomy?


What is currently the most important religion in the homeland of the man who founded it?


A muezzin is most closely associated with


What is true about white flight?

It contributed to the spatial expansion of black ghettos, it was encouraged by unscrupulous real estate and banking practices, it contributed to blockbusting, and it was precipitated by a racially motivated push factor. (It began in the 1970s when the economy contracted would not be true.)

What is not a characteristic of a hierarchical region?

It encourages each congregation to be self-sufficient.

What is not true about the Law of the Sea?

It identifies internal shoreline waters as international to ensure free trade.

What is NOT true about acid precipitation?

It injures plants by deriving them of nutrients on land.

What best describes the situation of religion in Tibet?

Its spiritual leader is in exile and the government discourages observance.

A nuclear meltdown after a massive earthquake occurred in __________ in 2011.


What country is recognized as one of the most ethnically homogeneous in the world?


What developed nation is the leading food importer today?


Which developed region has shown the biggest change in HDI?

Japan and South Korea

What are the four countries that produce 50% of the world's industrial output?

Japan, U.S., China, Germany (not Great Britain)

Given Muslim perspectives on sacred spaces in the Middle East, politicians in the region have been wary of inviting further religious-fueled conflict by proclaiming

Jerusalem the capital of Israel.

Palestinians include all but what group?

Jewish citizens of Israel

People who were restricted by covenants in deeds included

Jews, Blacks, Roman Catholics, Mexican Americans, but not Caucasians.

What is a pair of terms and definitions that is incorrect?

Jihad - Suicide

Of the following list, which is the oldest religion? Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Baha'i.


Out of the list, which is not an universalizing religion? Buddhism, Baha'i, Islam, Judaism, Chrisitianity


This religion is the most prevalent, non-Christian faith on the East Coast of the U.S.


_________ is the shipment of manufacturing inputs in a manner that allows for production flexibility.


More than 50% of the labor force is engaged in agriculture in

Kenya, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe

What country has suffered in the 21st century from ethnic cleansing?


What writings emphasized mystical aspect of life based on Tao?


Which Southeast Asian country exceeds 50% when it comes to debt of GDP


Which country in Southeast Asia has the highest maternal mortality rate?


Potatoes were domesticated in

Latin America

Lima beans were domesticated in

Latin America.

The Spine and Disamenity zones are most closely associated with a(n)

Latin American city.

The most populous ethnic group in the U.S. is


What explains the large % of South Asians along Guyana's coast?

Legacy of indentured servitude under 19th century British rule

Southwest Asia and North Africa are considered

Less developed regions

Examples of state-sponsored terrorism by this country include the explosion of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.


What is NOT perceived as a negative to using GMO seeds?

Long-term GMO use reduces the quality of the soil

What African country has an elongated shape?


______________ is an example of a secondary sector activity.


Holiest city for Muslims is

Mecca (Makkah).

What is considered to be a hearth of urban settlement?


What area is NOT a major food exporting region?


Most Buddhist religious functions are performed by


What American TNC is most closely associated with GMOs?


What country has built a sand wall around the disputed Sahrawi Republic?


Given Daoism's classification as either a universalizing or an ethnic religion, what would you be more likely to categorize as pertaining to Daoism?

Most shrines are located at major physical features or sites of longstanding cultural significance.

What is NOT true about periodic Muslim markets around the globe?

Muslim markets operate every day of the week.

Between 10-20 million tons of aquatic catch are taken annually from

NE part of the Atlantic Ocean

Mediterranean is

NOT a form of subsistence agriculture

Africa's South Africa is

NOT an agricultural hearth.

The four most important holy places to Buddhists are found in

Nepal and India.

Clustered rural settlements were most common in which region of colonial America?

New England

Which states are the biggest exporters of solid waste?

New York, New Jersey, Illinois

Boko Haram seeks to turn which African country into an Islamic State?


This individual won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for work on the Green Revolution.

Normal Borlaug

This region has the highest per capita consumption of water in the world.

North America

Which U.S. state was judged by the Washington Post to have the most gerrymandering?

North Carolina

Juche is a young religion confined to

North Korea.

What two countries are committed to unifying the nation but face disagreement as to which will be the dominant political and economic ideology?

North and South Korea

Brazil's _____ was the major destination for Portuguese slave ships.


What is NOT true about nuclear energy?

Nuclear fusion has been developed to full capacity.

Changes in US manufacturing between 1950 and 2015 indicate that the number of manufacturing jobs decreased markedly in

Ohio, Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania

Which empire controlled Palestine for 400 years before it lost it after World War I


20-49% of the labor force is engaged in agriculture in

Pakistan, Iran, and Algeria.

Wheat is the leading energy source in

Pakistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia

The most prominent structure in the ancient city of Athens was the _______, which still overlooks the city.


The Taliban are members of which ethnicity?


What indicator has shown a widening gap since 1980?

Per capita GNI

The ___________ constitute the largest ethnicity adhering to Shi'ite Islam.


Rice is the leading energy source in

Peru, India, and Ecuador

What is a small British colony in the Pacific Ocean?


What is NOT true concerning recycling?

Plastics are symbolized with ranking for safety in recycling.

The "separate but equal" doctrine in the U.S. was legally established by

Plessy v. Ferguson.

Dumping chemicals (such as motor oil and antifreeze) into storm drains does not pair with

Point Source Pollution

The UN is PRIMARILY what kind of cooperative effort?


____________ compels subsistence farmers to consider new farming approaches to generate higher yields

Population growth

If a country's largest city has 1,000,000 inhabitants and the second largest city has 200,000 inhabitants, the country follows what distribution?

Primate city

What is a characteristic that isn't of the Fair Trade movement?

Protection of workers' rights is already a high priority for multinational corporations

In Canada, Nunavut is almost entirely


A sharp boundary between North and South America is represented by

Protestantism and Catholicism.

A person from northern Germany is more likely to be an adherent of


In Switzerland, the population is roughly divided between

Protestants and Catholics

What is the U.S. colony located west of the British Virgin Islands?

Puerto Rico

The largest Hispanic/Latino groups in the United States are from what two countries?

Puerto Rico and Mexico

Sikhs have fought for autonomy in ________ region.


What is NOT considered an activity that is among the largest consumers of energy?


______________ is the reuse of unwanted material.


The global extent of Christianity emerged largely as a result of which type of diffusion beginning with the Age of Exploration?

Relocation diffusion

What is the most dramatic change in the geographic distribution of African Americans in the United States?

Relocation to northern cities

What activity tends to locate on the street-level floor of a skyscraper in a typical North American CBD?


What are branches of Christianity?

Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant

A person in Ireland is more likely to be an adherent of

Roman Catholicism.

In Northern Ireland prior to the end of the violence in 1999, ________ were discriminated against by being excluded from schools and jobs.

Roman Catholics

Roman Catholics are clustered in the U.S. southwest primarily because of migration of

Roman Catholics from Latin America.

Moldova, after it became an autonomous republic sought ethnic reunification with


Because of its centrality in an ancient communications network, we still have the old saying "All roads lead to ________."


The two most holy and solemn days of the Jewish calendar are

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

The world's largest state is


Among the world's largest multinational states are

Russia and the United States

What is not true about Russia's multiethnic state?

Russia prohibits secondary official languages to ensure Russian remains pure.

The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 resulted in five groups of independent states, Russia and all but

Russia's central European States (Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania)

Hutu and Tutsi conflict is most closely associated with genocide in which African nation?


There has been a recent decrease in undernourishment in

SE Asia

Rye, lentils, olives, and oats were first domesticated in

SW Asia

Pigs, goats, and sheep were domesticated in the

SW Asia.

What is the British colony to the west of Angola?

Saint Helena

In Von Thunen's model, wood lots occupied the

Second ring

Gated communities best represent

Segregation based on social class

Kosovo was under minority political control of


Follows of what religious branch don't trace their origin to Abraham?


The dominant branch of Islam in Iran is

Shi'ite. (On quizizz it says Mahayana, need clarification.)

What type of agriculture is found primarily in less developed countries?

Shifting cultivation

This ethnic religion is also regarded as a cultural feature in Japan.


Who is the founder of Buddhism?

Siddhartha Gautama

The major holidays are associated with the births and deaths of the ten gurus in which religion?


A growth boundary is associated with

Smart Growth Programs

What is NOT true about solar energy?

Solar power is widely used in the US, providing 20% of the electricity

Brazil's ________ was the major destination for Europeans.


Swaziland makes ________ into a perforated state.

South Africa

What African country at the bottom south would not be a fragmented state?

South Africa

What country is the only semi peripheral nation-state in Africa?

South Africa

A large % of Muslims living in the U.S. are from which region?

South Asia

In which part of the world will one find an unevenly distributed population of over 66% Hindu?

South Asia

Literacy rates are lowest in

South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa

Buddhism diffused initially to

South Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia.

What is the poorest region in the US?


Coconuts, pigeonpeas, mango, and taro were first domesticated in

Southeast Asia

Pigs were domesticated in

Southwest Asia

Islam diffused initially to

Southwest Asia and North Africa.

The first people to domesticate lentils and olives were in

Southwest Asia.

Muslims are clustered in

Southwestern Asia, North Africa, and parts of South Asia and Southeastern Asia.

What form of gerrymandering has been particularly attractive for creating districts inclined to elect ethnic minorities?

Stack vote.

Oddly shaped districts is a form of gerrymandering known as

Stacked vote

What is most likely a basic economic activity?

Steel mill

The lowest HDI may be found in

Sub-Saharan Africa

Yams, sorghum, coffee, and cowpeas were first domesticated in

Sub-Saharan Africa

The dominant branch of Islam is


Less than 20% of average income is spent on food in

Sweden, Finland, US, Canada, Australia, and Germany

Chinese traditional religions are __________, in that they combine several traditions.


Until it was forced to withdraw its troops in 2005, most of Lebanon was controlled by


What African country is the most fragmented state?


What is the British colony to the east of Argentina?

The Falkland Islands

What is another example of an African country with an elongated shape?

The Gambia

What is NOT true about GMOs?

The NAFTA nations, the US, Canada, and Mexico have embraced the idea of labeling GMO foods

The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands represent the contested sovereignty of what three nations?

The People's Republic of China, the Republic of China (Taiwan), Japan

The least populated remaining colony is ruled by

The UK

Oil price history shows that prices have changed sharply on several occasions. What is NOT an event that led to a sharp fluctuation in barrel price?

The US government removes all subsidies in 1980 to major oil companies like Exxon-Mobil causing an increased prices.

What is NOT true about the world's energy supply?

The United States produced 50% of the world's petroleum output

What was apartheid?

The geographic separation of races in South Africa

What is not true about the U.S. attacks on Iraq in 1991 and 2003?

The hostility between the U.S. and Iraq dates back to the 1979 Shi'ite fundamentalist uprising which deposed the U.S.-friendly leadership

What was a distinctive feature of the world's superpowers between the 1940s and 1980s compared to other eras?

The number of superpowers was much lower than in the past

What is the correct chronological sequencing of Buddhism's branches?

Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana

What is not true about the branches of Buddhist?

Theravadists regard themselves as the "greater vehicle" while Mahayanas are the "less vehicle."

What do South Sudan, Libya, and the Central African Republic have in common?

They are fragile states.

What policy did the British follow in India?

They questioned the equity of the caste system.

What is NOT true about contemporary factories?

They require proximity to rail limes

In Von Thunen's model, crops and pastureland occupied the

Third ring

After China, India, and Pakistan, the world leaders in cotton yarn production include

Turkey, Egypt, US, and Brazil

Latinos live throughout the


The Substainable Development Goals replaced what global effort?

UN Millennium Goals

What is NOT a government policy to improve the financial position of US farmers?

US Public Law 480

__________ is dietary energy consumption that is continuously below that needed for a healthy life and the ability to carry out light physical activity.


The United Nations partition plan dividing Palestine placed Jerusalem under

United Nations administration.

The agricultural calendar is relatively unimportant to which type of religions?


Lutherans are clustered in what part of the United States?

Upper midwestern

The copper industry in the US has more copper mined in

Utah, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Montana

The world's smallest state is

Vatican City

This South American country has significant proven petroleum reserves.


Which less developed country does NOT exceed 50% when it comes to debt of GDP?


Cao Dai was granted legal status in 1997, increasing this country's adherents.


When gerrymandering takes place, the kind of redistricting so that the opposition is spread across many districts as a minority is termed a(n) ________ strategy.

Wasted vote

What form of gerrymandering seeks to distribute opposition supporters so they represent a minority in several districts?

Wasted vote.

Asian Americans are clustered in what area of the United States?


Portugal and ________ are the leading places of origin for Brazil's population.

West Africa

Latinos and Hispanics are clustered in what areas of the U.S.?

West, Southwest

The first widespread use of the nation-state concept came in

Western Europe

The Green Revolution is first associated with which "miracle" seed?


A major holiday in some pagan religions is

Winter solstice.

HDI examines education by combining two separate measures.

Years of schooling for adults and the expected years of school for youth

Wealthy, younger, highly educated individuals in Houston are classified by the market segmentation analyst group Neilson Claritas as

Young Digerati

the most prominent structure in the ancient city of Ur was the stepped temple called the _______, which was built about 4,000 years ago.


A person from Alabama is more likely to be an adherent of

a Baptist church.

In the geopolitical sphere, a balance of power is

a condition of roughly equal strength between opposing sides, as if they were two equally matched camps.

According to the sector model, the best housing is located in

a corridor from downtown to the edge of the city.

The conflict over the Aozou Strip involved

a disputed border and Libya's claims of sovereignty over the zone

FDI is defined as the investment of ________ in the economy of another country.

a foreign company

Hunting and gathering can be described as

a form of subsistence that is still practiced despite the modernization of agriculture in some areas

The difference between a frontier and a boundary is

a frontier is a tangible geographic area where a boundary is an infinitely thin line

Terrorism is NOT

a government imposing economic sanctions followed by a bombing strategy to coerce another government into behaving differently.

An example of a nationality might be

a group of Cherokee Indians living on a reservation.

A nationality is

a group of people tied to a place through legal status and tradition.

The geometric pattern which geographers use to represent market areas is

a hexagon

A good example of a state is

a mountainous region inhabited by heterogeneous ethnicities which share responsibility for maintaining an independent government and a standing army.

The Chernobyl incident in 1986 involved

a nuclear power accident.

BRIC countries represet

a potential dominant industrial bloc if they work together.

A recent change in the typical U.S. density gradient has been

a reduction in the differences in densities found within an urban area.

The Trans-Dniestria is

a sliver of land on the east bank of the Dniester River in Moldova occupied largely by Russians and Ukrainians

The Paseo de la Reforma in Mexico City would be identified by the Griffin-Ford model as

a spine.

In Australia and the South Pacific,

about 1/5 of the people are nonreligious.

Factories have moved to suburban locations in part because of

access to main highways.

Despite risks to the environment, the US Gulf Coast has become an important industrial area because of

access to oil and natural gas fields

The Chicago area became a significant asset for the Western Great Lakes region owing to its steel industries and its

access to the nation's transportation network

Photovoltaic cells are a component part of

active solar energy systems

Both direct and indirect electric conversion of solar radition is associated with

active solar energy systems.

The moderate hazard rating in China does suggests that there is

additional vulnerability to desertification

Megalopolis refers to

adjacent, overlapping Metropolitan Statistical Areas.

In the US many farms are integrated into a large food production industry. This is know as


This economic activity is largely associated with consumptive water use?


As a country's per capita income increases, its per capita carbon dioxide emissions

also increases

If a country has a large number of publishers and globally esteemed universities, you might surmise that the country is most likely

an MDC

The Commonwealth is primarily

an economic and cultural alliance of states once part of the British Empire.

According to Rostow's development model, the process of development begins when

an elite group initiates innovative activities

The process of legally adding land area to a city in the U.S> is


A country that is not fully autocratic or democratic is defined as a(n)


Alternative fuel vehicles

answer the demand for the service of a personal vehicle and reduced fossil fuel demand.

What pair of concepts or entities from South Africa and the U.S. is the best match?

apartheid - "Jim Crow" laws

The racist laws that divided SOuth Africans were known as


An ethnic religion is

appealing mostly to one group of people in one place.


are democratically governed organizations that improve the community.

The Kurds have a large population but

are divided among enough countries that they are a minority in every one.

Hunting and gathering societies

are found in isolated places in the world.

Fair trade is NOT a set of business practices that

are managed by individual governments.

The best way to block Asian carp from moving into the Great Lakes from the Illinois River would be the closing of locks and dams in and near Chicago; however, these waterways are not being closed because

as major transportation links for the region, they are important for Chicago's economy.

Hiduism's caste system

assigns everyone to a distinct class.

Terrorism differs from assassinated and other acts of political violence because

attacks are aimed at ordinary people

In contrast to the international trade approach, the self-sufficiency approach to development

attempts to spread investment through all sectors of the economy

Turkmenistan is an example of a(n)


Saudi Arabia is an example of a(n)


In the winter wheat area of the US, the crop is planted in

autumn and harvested in summer

The principal benefit of the self-sufficiency approach is to promote

balanced growth of all economic sectors

The attraction of the outsourced "offshore banking" industry can best be explained by

bank secrecy laws and the avoidance of paying taxes in other countries.

A firm that sells its products primarily to consumers outside its settlement is a

basic industry

Followers of primal indigenous ethnic religions do

believe everything is spiritual, believe in narratives that are specific to a physical landscape, invoke shamanistic spirits to affect the lives of the living, and generally live in the Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. But, the do NOT believe in multiple gods.

The US is the

biggest consumer of illegal drugs

According to the United States Census Bureau, a Mexican American might also be considered a member of which races?

black, white, or another

Neighborhood changes in ethnicity are sometimes caused by the illegal practice of


The highest hazard regions tend to

border existing arid regions

The U.S. government was encouraged the use of cars in part by

building interstate highways.

Fabricated metal production is an example of a

bulk-gaining industry

Beer bottling is an example of a

bulk-gaining industry.

A copper concentration mill tends to locate near a copper mine because it is a

bulk-reducing industry

Back-office functions are also called

business-process outsourcing.

What is LEAST likely to be produced in Mediterranean agriculture?


The "Boswash" corridor that stretches from Boston to Washington, D.C., was named "Megalopolis"

by geographer Jean Gottmann.

Gregorian calendars are

calendars that are now used by Protestants and Roman Catholics.

Breathing or consuming toxic wastes

can cause cancer, chronic ailments or immediate death.

Both universalizing and ethnic religions

can diffuse to different populations around the world.

25 US states have so called "right to work" laws that..

cause a great deal of trouble for labor unions attempting to organize workers and bargain with employers.

In a simplified model of a city, the zone where retail and office activities are clustered is the

central business district (CBD)

In the U.S., what defines a city covering the largest functional area?

central city

The fact that Scotland held a public referendum on whether or not to remain a part of the United Kingdom in 2014 suggests a very strong

centrifugal force.

What is a sovereign state that comprises an urban area and the surrounding countryside?


The first states in ancient Mesopotamia were

city-states, which incorporated cities as well as their countryside

The different areas of the world where Mediterranean agriculture predominates have similar


The most important reason why most farmers in NE China grow crops other than wet rice is


Afghanistan is an example of a(n)

closed anocracy

Based on previous redlining policies, minority groups in U.S. cities are more likely to be

clustered in inner-city neighborhoods

In U.S. cities, the underclass is largely

clustered in inner-city neighborhoods.

Compared to the US, poor families in European cities are more likely to be

clustered in suburbs.

Petroleum reserves in Southwest Asia and North Africa are

clustered primarily on the Arabian Peninsula

A place where farm buildings, homes, and churches are found close together is what kind of settlement?

clustered rural

Hydroelectric power is the second most popular source of electricity after


Most of the conflict in Africa is widespread because of

colonial boundaries in the midst of numerous ethnic and national groups.

The attempt by one country to impose political control over another territory is


A territory tied to a state rather than being completely independent is a


The principle purpose of holidays in universalizing religions is to

commemorate events in the founder's life.

The predominate form of agriculture in the US SE is

commercial gardening

Because so few people live in the CBD, urban areas are characterized by a high degree of


The Gender Inequality Index (GII)

compares the levels of indicators for females to those of males within a country.

Mahayanists, in contrast to Theravadists, emphasize Buddhaʹs


Land values are high in the CBD primarily because of

competition for limited space

President Barack Obama is a good example of the

complexity of ethnic identity in the United States.

The step of the copper production process that involves the crushing and grinding of particles is


Demand to use congested roads has been reduced in a number of ways including

congestion charges and tolls.

This method of soil cultivation reduces soil erosion and runoff.

conservation tillage

The secondary sector of the economy includes


Beliefs concerning the origin of the universe are


A stimulus strategy is introduced by governments to

counter negative conditions of economic downturns

Mixing crops and livestock allows farmers to

create a system where crops provide food for livestock and the livestock provide manure for crop fertilization

Farming varies around the world because of ________ across space.

cultural and environmental factors.

The U.S. Steel Production

decreased from 14% in 1980 to 6% in 2013

Brazil is an example of a(n)


Spain is an example of a(n)


Lutheranism is an example of a Christian


A number of local congregations united in a single legal and administrative body is a


The degradation of land due to human action such as excessive crop planting, deforestation, and land grazing is


A feature of the physical environment commonly used to separate states includes

deserts, mountains, rivers, and lakes, but not geometry

Sprawl is the

develepment of new housing sites not contiguous to the existing built-up area.

East Asia's industrial areas

developed based largely on export-oriented manufacturing of electronics.

The fact that meat accounts for one-third of all protein intake in developed countries but only one-tenth in developing ones suggests

developed nations can afford more meat per capita

The gravity model predicts that the optimal location of a service is

directly related to the number of people in the area and inversely related to the distance people must travel to access it.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, industry was geographically


For most of the past 2,000 years, most Jews have been

dispersed around the world.

Sunni and Shi'ite represent branches of Islam based on

disputes over religious leadership.

Urban residents are generally more tolerant of ________ than are the residents of rural communities, but residents of urban settlements often feel that they are surrounded by people who are indifferent and reserved.

diverse social behavior

The Kurds are likely to be found

divided among Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran

When a country experiences food insecurity, it

does not have physical, social, and economic access to safe and nutritious food.

To increase crop yields, farmers in South China commonly practice

double cropping

The underclass is characterized in part by high rates of

drug addiction and illiteracy.

Southwest Asia and Western Europe are major destinations for Muslim migrants because

economic opportunities are better than in country of origin.

Global cities are identified and ranked by a combination of

economic, political, cultural, and infrastructure factors.

Consumer services include

educational, retail, wholesale, health and social, leisure, and hospitality jobs.

France's large Muslim population is largely a result of

emigration from former French colonies.

An example of white flight is the

emigration of whites from central Los Angeles as blacks were arriving.

A(n) _________ is a place with high concentration of an ethnic group distinct from a surrounding area.


Compared to the private automobile, public transportation offers more

energy efficiency.

The electric grid across the US hasn't been standardized to

ensure efficiency and reliable delivery of service.

Detroit us trying to shut down and close off __________ because the city cannot afford to pay for street lights, garbage pickup, and police protection for the entire 360 km sq.

entire neighborhoods

State support for terrorism is seen to not include

establishing a political party representing terrorist grievances.

Balkanization is the fragmentation of political space along ________ lines.


The process when a group forcibly removes another group is called

ethnic cleansing.

An examination of the distribution of ethnicities in the United States reveals

ethnic groups tend to cluster in urban areas and in different U.S. regions.

The republics of the former Soviet Union were established based on

ethnic lines

Korea is a good example of a

ethnicity divided between more than one state

This term describes a specifically suburban area with a significant population of a particular ethnic group.


A choropleth map might conceal details such as that

even in developed countries where the average person spends less than 20% of their income on food, inequalities of income may be great enough for many people to remain undernourished.

Economic and political cooperation in the European Union doesn't take the form of

every member country having to adopt the Euro currency.

A presence of 'pond scum of algae' represents

excessive aquatic plant production due to farm fertilizer run off.

The two Germanys

existed separately from 1949 to 1990

The Serbian policy against Bosnian Muslims ultimately

expanded its national territory by eliminating Bosnian enclaves.

The Fertile Crescent

extended from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea and was the location of the first city-states in the Middle East

The pull factor that was a significant factor for African Americans to move south to north in the early to mid-20th century was

factory jobs with higher wages.

Record food prices, according to the UN, are attributed to

failure of NAFTA to address agriculture subsidies

In less developed countries, consumer goods such as telephones, television, and moter vehicles are

familiar to many but owned by relatively few

The process that includes subdividing a house from single-family over occupancy to multiple occupancy is


Chinese tradition and African traditional represent which type of religion?


The greatest challenge to world food supply has been

food prices

Immediately after World War II, new political boundaries resulted in

force migration of millions of Europeans to new territories on the continent.

The 18th and 19th century slave trade represents _____________ African migration while the 20th century relaxation of U.S. immigration quotas resulted in _____________ Latin American and Asia migration.

forced; voluntary

NATO membership expanded immediately after the dissolution of the USSR to include

former Warsaw Pact countries

Unlike other forms of commercial agriculture, plantations are

found primarily in less developed countries

Chile is an example of a(n)

full democracy

One of the most important ways a group can maintain its distinctive cultural identity in a globalized world is found through


Since 1990, most countries have seen an increase in

gender equality

Since 1990, most countries have seen a decline in previous patterns of

gender inequality

The UN argues that

gender inequality is a major factor that keeps a country from achieving a higher level of development

The shape and size of the Aozou Strip makes it an example of a

geometric boundary

The process of redrawing legislative boundaries to benefit the party in power is called


An increasing number of states have adopted a federal form of government primarily to

grant different ethnicities or nationalities more effective representation.

The potential use of a service at a location is related directly to population and inversely to distance in the

gravity model

Compared to the UK, the amount of sprawl in the US is


Compared to shifting cultivation, intensive subsistence agriculture is characterized by the

greater use of animal power

British cities are surrounded by open space known as



has a UN Peacekeeping force patrolling the buffer zone.

The European Union

has as its main objective to promote development within member states through economic and political cooperation.

China's steel industry

has grown due to proximity to primary inputs such as iron ore and coal.

The Po River basin in Italy

has inexpensive hydroelectricity from the Alps

The landscape of Quebec is distinguished from neighboring Canadian provinces and the United States partly because it

has numerous religious toponyms.

People are more productive in more developed countries because they

have access to more technology

Mexico's maquiladora plants

have an advantage of proximity to U.S. markets.

Given the colonial history of each continent, which characteristic distinguishes religion in South America from North America?

having a Roman Catholic majority

The dominance of Christianity was assured during the fourth century Roman Empire largely due to

hierarchical diffusion.

Sub-Saharan Africa's fragile states' status may be attributed to

high pop. growth and poor health, extreme poverty, ethnic tensions and ethnic cleansing, problematic shapes, but not alignment with the Soviet Union during the Cold War

Canadian representation of women is

higher than the US in elected positions

Protestants in Ireland are

highly clustered in one part of the island.

The area surrounding a service from which customers are attracted is the


Terrorist activities

hold every citizen responsible and view them as culpable for the actions they oppose and therefore view citizens as legitimate targets

According to the multiple nuclei model, an airport is likely to attract nearby

hotels and warehouses

Shifting cultivation is most commonly found in what climate region?

humid low-latitude

Race is often described as

identification with a group that is perceived to share a physiologic trait such as skin color.

According to the international trade approach to development, a country shouldn't identify

imports that it should limit

The Euro is a common currency

in 19 EU member states and 6 non-member states.

Chicago's African American population is largely concentrated

in South and West Chicago.

An ethnic religion typically has less widespread distribution of its holy places because

in large parts their holy places derive from the physical characteristic of its hearth.

The Chernobyl incident occurred

in the Soviet Union

The cottage industry system involved manufacturing

in the home

Carbon Dioxide emissions were approximately 300 PPM

in the year 1900 and 375 PPM in the year 2000

The biggest problem faced by less developed countries in financing development is

inability to repay loans

The multiple nuclei model

includes nodes such as a port, an university, airport, and a park

Over the past 60 years, the # of sovereign state memberships in the UN

increased by more than 50 countries

African Americans migrated out of the U.S. South partly as a consequence of

increased farm mechanization leading to a decreased demand for farm labor.

Between 1980 and 2013, the share of global steel production from developing countries

increased from 19% to 73% of the total, if Russia is considered a developing country.

From 1910 to 1950, population density of African Americans in ghettos


What is NOT a strategy for increasing food supply?

increasing tariffs on grain exports

A land use typically excluded from a NA CBD is


The IHDI of Latin American countries is

inferior to that of Canada and most Western European countries

The IHDI of the US is

inferior to that of Canada and most Western European countries

During the latter half of the 20th century, distinctive intraregional migration of African Americans was represented by

inner city to outer city and inner suburban neighborhoods.

Subsistence farmers are able to increase food supply by

intensifying production through increased labor supply and the addition of new techniques.

The largest proportion of farmers in Asia practice

intensive subsistence

What type of agriculture occupies the largest % of southeastern China?

intensive subsistence

What type of agriculture occupies the largest % of eastern India?

intensive subsistence.

In contrast to Fordist production, Post-Fordist production is more likely to

introduce more flexible work rules

The U.S. steel industry moved westward in the 19th century primarily because of better access to

iron ore

The Aozou Strip

is a disputed zone that abuts Niger on the West and Sudan on the East.

A frontier, in contrast to a boundary,

is an area rather than a line

The current era of transportation development

is characterized by electronic control of transportation systems.

The barrier between Israel and the West Bank

is controversial because it places about 10% of Palestinian land in Israeli territory.

Air pollution

is generated from power plants, factories, and motor vehicles


is the redrawing of legislative boundaries by both parties.

When a country concentrates on international trade, it

isn't seen to promote political and economic equity

The potential for increasing the use of biomass for fuel is limited because

it already serves an essential purpose other than energy, including providing food and shelter

Judaism us classified as an ethnic rather than an universalizing religion, partly because

it commemorates the Exodus from Egypt.

One approach the WTO doesn't take to reduce barriers to trade is

it discourages subsidies on exports

Afghanistan is important to the world drug trade primarily because

it produces about 90% of the world's opium

Ethnicity is important because

it reinforces diversity in the face of the globalization of culture

Severe gender inequality is a challenge to development because

it severely limits the economic and social mobility of women, as well as families that are headed by women.

The World Bank and the IMF were established

just before the end of WWII

An industry in which employee costs are a high percentage of expenses is called

labor intensive industry.

What factor of production is geographically fixed?


What was an important cultural characteristic of boundaries in 19th century France, Spain, and Portugal?


Eastern North America became the continent's manufacturing center in part because it had access to the continent's

largest markets

The Industrial Revolution began in the

late 1700s

The Antarctic section of the Pacific Ocean annually contributes

less than 1 million tons of aquatic catch

Farmers in more developed and less developed countries share what kind of problems?

limited profitability

A major practice of sustainable agriculture is

limited use of chemicals

Compared to less developed countries, more developed countries have higher rates of


Development analysts expect that a more developed country will have a

low GII and a high HDI

US Public Law 480, passed in 1954, provides for

low interest rate grain sales

Social conditions in inner cities don't include

low paying jobs being sufficient but skills aren't present in inner city population.

Compared to other industries, aluminum manufacturers are more likely to locate near sources of

low-cost hydroelectricity.

Public housing is

low-income government-owned housing.

The strongest criticism of suburbs argued that historically,

low-income people and minorities are unable to live in some areas because of the high cost of the housing, the unfriendliness (or discrimination) of established residents, and fears that property values would decline if minorities were allowed to buy property there.

U.S. inner cities face fiscal problems because

low-income people are concentrated there.

What is generally NOT a typical practice in growing rice in Asia?

machine harvesting and winnowing

What is the purpose of crop rotation?

maintaining the fertility of fields

The US has natural gas fields in

many different areas

A central place is a

market center.

The primary factor in von Thunen's model for choosing commercial farm products is

market location

Minimills are more likely than integrated steel mills to select locations because of access to


Producers of automobiles select assembly plant locations primarily for their closer access to

markets for finished automobiles

Before the advent of the shopping mall, what is the least likely to be found in a CBD?

medical services

Extremely small island-states in the world, many of which are former European colonies, are called


In addition to integrated mills, about one-fourth of U.S. steel production is now attributed to

minimills which utilize scrap metal in many US locations

Situation costs are critical to a firm that wishes to

minimize transport costs

Because the motor vehicle assembly industry is typically described as a bulk-gaining industry as well as a just-in-time delivery system, the most important factor when selecting a location for a new Toyota or Honda assembly plant in the United States might be

minimizing the cost of shipping finished vehicles to its customers

An example of a primary sector activity is


What explains the disappearance of African traditional religions between 1900 and 2010?

missionaries and colonial presence

The most common form of commercial agriculture in continental Europe between France and Russia is

mixed crop and livestock farming


mixes genetic material from species that would not otherwise mix in nature

A company which uses more than one ________ will often locate near break-of-bulk points.

mode of transport

The belief in the existence of only one god is


Asian American population in Texas is

more concentrated in the urban areas in the northeast and southeast.

The NW Pacific Ocean annually contributes

more than 20 million tons of aquatic catch

Although most settlements in North America were not planned for religious purposes,

most were built with a church at the center of the settlement.

North America's industrial areas have

much of the region's industry concentrated around or near the Great Lakes.

A(n) ______________ is a state that contains more than one ethnicity with traditions of self-determination and self-government.

multinational state

As a crime against humanity, ethnic cleansing is defined by the United Nations as involving

murder, arbitrary arrest and detention, rape and sexual assaults, and forcible removal and deportation, but not trials.

Loyalty and devotion to a state that represents a particular group's culture is


When a U.S. politician attempts to appeal to the widest number of voters, she or he probably appeals to concepts of shared


Fracking is most closely associated with extracting

natural gas

Three types of disruptions can affect just-in-time delivery manufacturing:

natural hazards, traffic, labor unrest

Religious maps indicate that in South America,

nearly all of the people are Christians.

Australia, India, and Indonesia are

net exporters

The Palestinian Authority is not a

neutral body engaged in arbitrating differences over the settlements in the West Bank.

Urbanization can be analyzed by looking at the increase in the ________ of people living in cities.

number and percentage

According to Homer Hoyt's sector model, once a district with high-class housing is established, the most expensive new housing is built

on the outer edge of that district, farther out from the center.

Buddhism began to diffuse eastward to China

only when trade routes were actively traveled.

Zimbabwe is an example of a(n)

open anocracy

Iraq is an example of a(n)

open anocracy.

In the US, public transportation systems are

operating at a loss.

Consumer owned cooperative movements

originated in the nineteenth century as an outgrowth to conditions created by the Industrial Revolution.

The new international division of labor reflects the growing importantce of


Large numbers of employees of suburban businesses may suffer hardships because they do not

own automobiles in an urban landscape where public transportation systems.

What accounts for the largest share of solid waste in the US?

paper products

A food desert is usually associated with

parts of the country where fresh fruit, vegetables, and other healthful whole foods are unavailable, usually found in impoverished areas.

A greenhouse is an example of a(n)

passive solar energy system

Ranching is practiced in a climate region most similar to that of what other type of agriculture?

pastoral nomadism

What type of agriculture occupies the largest % of Iran?

pastoral nomadism

What type of agriculture occupies the largest % of Somalia

pastoral nomadism.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was not negotiated and settled

peacefully at the UN

Compared to less developed countries, more developed countries have lower

percentages of GNI spent on education

Saudi Arabia has successfully employed the international trade alternative primarily because of

petroleum reserves

What type of boundary coincides with significant features of the landscape?


The boundary between Argentina and Chile is an example of a

physical boundary

The Hajj is a ______ by Muslims going to ___________

pilgrimage; Mecca.

The key elements of nationalism include all but

political structure.

What might be the contemporary basis for conflicting claims to the Arctic?

potential for energy resources

People in the United States are attracted to suburbs in part because suburbs are characterized by

private land surrounding the house.

The most significant anticipated benefit of the enclosure movement was to

promote agricultural efficiency.


promotes social, cultural, political, and economic links among member states in the Western Hemisphere

The Germans established the ______________ known as the Caprivi Strip in present-day Namibia to access resources in central Africa, including the Zambezi River.


The supply of energy remaining in discovered deposits is

proven reserve

Aerial photography in the Balkans was critical in

providing critical evidence to prosecute Serbian leaders for war crimes.

An adjustment made to the GNI to account for differences among countries in the cost of goods is a

purchasing power parity (PPP)

The decline in the number of farmers in MDCs can best be described as a consequence of

push/pull economic factors, including the lack of opportunity in rural areas and higher-paying jobs in urban areas

The traits that characterized the now generally rejected classification of ________ are not place specific.


During the Industrial Revolution,

rail lines connected London to many parts of the island of Britain by 1848.

The maximum distance people are willing to travel for a service is


The hierarchical listing of settlements by size is known as the

rank-size rule.

In terms of GII, most African countries have

rates far below the United States and Western Europe.

A process by which banks designate an area within which they refuse to lend money for improvements is


The fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century A.D. brought about what change in urban settlements?

reduction in urban population

The only step of the copper production process that is not significantly bulk-reducing is


Religion is a good example of the tension between globalization and local diversity because

religion represents core cultural values and beliefs that may conflict with others.

With respect to the relationship between culture, religion, and the physical environment,

religious ideas may be responsible for some of the changes people make in the physical environment.

Christianity first diffused from its hearth through

relocation diffusion.

Unlike other universalizing religions, Buddhism

remained primarily concentrated in one region of the world.

Restoration of a 1967 Mustang is an example of


The role of the International Boundary and Water Commission run by the U.S. and Mexican governments is to

renegotiate borders after the Rio Grande changes course

Turkish nationalism has often involved

repression of the Kurds.

Traditional barriers to international trade have included

requiring licenses for importers

European CBDs are similar to those in North America because they both contain

retail and office activities.

According to the concentric zone model, a city develops in a series of


The breakup of Yugoslavia during the 1990s was caused mainly by

rivalries among ethnicities.

The split between the Roman Catholic branch and the Orthodox branch of Christianity was due to a(n)

rivalry between the Pope of Rome and the Patriarchy of Constantinople.

As part of the triangular slave trade system, ships bound for Europe carried

rum and molasses.

The example of Jerusalem indicates that in regards to the geographic landscape,

sacred sites may be equally important to universalizing and ethnic religions.

Jerusalem's geography represents a particularly difficult religious conflict to resolve because

sacred sites of Jews and Muslims are literally built on top of one another.

Democracies and autocracies differ in three essential ways; they are

selection of leaders, citizen participation, and checks and balances

The concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves is known as

self determination

The categories of The Cosmopolitans and Bohemian Mix suggest

self segregation.

Metal fabrication plants are an example of a bulk-gaining industry because

separate parts are combined to make more complex and massive projects

The Brown v. Board of Education court decision ruled that

separate schools for blacks and whites were unconstitutional.

Large-scale migration occurred in South Asia after 1947 primarily because of the

separation of religious groups.

The primary sector of the economy includes

sheep herding

What type of agriculture occupies the largest % of central Africa?

shifting cultivation

What type of agriculture occupies the largest % of eastern Peru?

shifting cultivation.

Although transportation costs rise because of intermittent break-of-bulk points, we can surmise that over very long distances the lowest-cost form of transporting goods is by


Containerization was developed to facilitate long-distance transport by _________ before transferring trucks and trains.


Inner city population densities were generally ________, speaking to the quality of life in inner cities.

significantly higher

What two location factors influence more industries to remain in the northeastern United States and northwestern Europe?

skilled labor and rapid delivery to market

The spatial clustering of high tech industry in Silicon Valley was a result of

skilled labor and venture capital

Brazil's census classifies its population according to

skin color.

In Maryland, soil preservationists produced a new composite map by combining in their GIS

soil quality, environmental, and economic maps

Baptists are clustered in what part of the United States?


A state with control over its internal affairs has


After maize, the most important crop in the U.S. mixed crop and livestock region is


A geographer researching the practices of Tibetan Buddhists as well as the world travels of the Dalai Lama is studying?

spatial connections in the religion

When geographers study the sites where religions originated as well as the processes by which those religions diffused to other locations, they are focusing on the

spatial connections in the religion.

HDI is function of

standard of living, education, and health.

The shift in steel production locations in the United States from the mid-nineteenth century until the mid-twentieth century can best be described as

starting in the Pittsburgh area and then migrating towards the Midwest before ending up on the East and West coasts, as well as the Great Lakes region.

An area organized into an independent political unit is a


What is NOT associated with post-Fordist production?

steep organizational chart

One finds the highest rate of women's labor force participation in

sub-Saharan Africa

What is the Least developed region?

sub-Saharan Africa, second is South Asia

The UN experienced

substantial growth in membership since the 1960s when the colonial powers vacated African nations.

Edge cities emerged as a consequence of


The largest component of the U.S. population lives in


Factories have reduced demand for petroleum by

switching to natural gas

Mexico's maquiladora plants may be

taking advantage of lax environmental enforcement

Richard Florida's research identified a relationship between the distribution of

talent and cultural diversity

Austerity programs

target cuts in government spending on welfare benefits

What technical development has allowed back-office functions to relocate to LDCs?


Processing of computer information is an example of which sector of the economy?


In 2002 the Organization of African Unity was replaced by

the African Union

During the 1967 Six Day War, Israel captured a significant amount of territory including all but

the Becca Valley (Lebanon owns this)

The core of Islamic beliefs rests on

the Five Pillars.

The world's largest landfill is thought to be

the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The Crusades were a series of European military campaigns to assume control of

the Holy Land.

The UN, when established after WWII, replaced an earlier global cooperation effort known as

the League of Nations

A person from Minnesota is more likely to be an adherent of

the Lutheran church.

Serbian ethnic cleansing in Kosovo led to

the NATO bombing campaign.

The eastern part of the border between the United States and Mexico is delineated by

the Rio Grande

Political unity in the ancient Mediterranean world reached its height in

the Roman Empire

The conflict in the Ukraine started as a result of

the Russian minority declaring they were endangered in Ukraine

Israel has controlled all of Jerusalem since

the Six-Day War in 1967.

Canada's most important industrial area is

the St. Lawrence Valley and Ontario Peninsula.

The Western Europe's principal industrial areas include

the UK, Rhine-Ruhr valley, Mid-Rhine, and Northern Italy, but not Portugal and western Spain.

Empowerment refers to

the ability of women to achieve economic and political power

Animism is

the belief that objects, such as plants and stones, or natural events, like thunderstorms and earthquakes, have a discrete spirit and conscious life.

A racist believes in

the biological classification of people and the superiority of some groups over others on the basis of racial identity.

Balkanization refers to

the breakdown of a state due to conflicts among ethnicities

As a result of high land costs, the American CBD is characterized by

the construction of skyscrapers.

A significant drawback to wind power is

the cost of the turbines requires significant capital investment.

Given the earlier history of the chemical industry combining with advent of fossil fuel use in industry, we can hypothesize that its twentieth-century contributions to the textile industry would include

the creation of synthetic fabrics

The Green Revolution is best described as

the diffusion of more productive agriculture techniques in the 1970s and 1980s.

Social area analysis attempts to explain

the distribution of different types of people in an urban area.

Per capita GDP is a poor indicator for

the distribution of wealth within a country

The diversity of church appearances throughout the Western hemisphere is in part due to

the diversity of local building materials.

African Americans are clustered in what part of Colorado?

the eastern half of the state

African Americans are clustered in what part of North Carolina?

the eastern half of the state

One of the significant pull factors causing Jewish migration was

the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.

The Baha'i New Year begins on

the first day of spring.

The increase in Earth's temperature, caused by carbon dioxide trapping some radiation emitted from the earth's surface, is called

the greenhouse effect

The copper industry in the US has

the largest number of foundries in California, Illinois, Ohio, and Pennsylvania

The higher the GDP of a country,

the less equal its income distribution

What is NOT a strong centripetal force in the United States?

the many ethnic groups living in the U.S.

The US, Mexico, Canada, Australia, and Russia are

the most likely o suffer an obesity epidemic in the near future

Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, and Chad are

the most likely to suffer food shortages and/or undernourishment in the near future

The direction and frequency of hunter-gatherer migration depended on

the movement of game and the seasonal growth of plants.

The peripheral model is most closely associated with

the multiple nuclei model.

Global cities are defined by

the number and type of business services found there.

Changes in US manufacturing between 1950 to 2015 indicate that

the number of manufacturing hobs increased in California and Colorado, which are not "right -to-work" states.

Per capita GDP is a good indicator for

the potential for providing all citizens with a comfortable life

Protestantism originated with

the principles of Reformation and the theses of Martin Luther.

Development is best defined as

the process of improving the conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology.

The "clean 15" represent

the produce that represents the least amount of pesticide presence.

The chief concentrations of manufacturing in East Asia's industrial areas include

the river valley east of Wuhan.

The energy efficiency of a hybrid car is tied to

the use of a gasoline engine at high speeds, whereas at low speeds an electric motor takes over; moreover, energy that would have otherwise escaped as heat is captured and stored while the car is coasting and braking.

In the 21st century, the US has witnessed

the wealthiest 1% of the pop. control more of the wealth since the 1970s

Farmers in LDCs choose to grow drug crops for export primarily because of

their market value in MDCs

If the IHDI is less than the HDI, this indicates

there are higher levels of inequality in that country than there are in the world.

In the African American population in Arkansas,

there is more of a concentration in the southern part of the state.

In the Hispanic population in Idaho,

there is more of a concentration in the southern part of the state.

Ethnicities in the same country come into conflict partly because

they have conflicting traditions of self-rule.

Cities tend to situate convention centers and sports complexes in their CBDs because

they hope to stimulate more business for downtown restaurants, bars, and hotels.

The minimum number of people needed to support a service is called the


The U.S.-Canadian border was established

through a series of treaties between the United States and the United Kingdom.

In 1947, a Muslim family living in central India likely felt pressure to migrate

to the northwestern border and then to Pakistan.

In 1947, a Hindu family living in Pakistan or Northwestern India likely felt pressure to migrate

to the south, southeast, or east away from Muslim-controlled areas.

In the Midwest states, farm fields are more likely to be damaged by

too much rain

GDP is the

total value of outputs of goods and services produced in a country during a year

The seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pastures is


Major sources of FDI in terms of frequency and dollar amount are

transnational corporations

What has aided commercial farmers in MDCs?

transportation improvements, scientific advances, and electronics

What is not primarily a consumer service?

transportation services

The type of agriculture practiced near large cities, which includes producing fruits and vegetables, is called

truck farming

The biggest problem in promoting development through the international trade alternative is

unequal distribution of resources

A state which places most power in the hands of a central government is a(n)

unitary state

A religion that is spatially widespread and philosophically inclusive of all potential adherents is described as a(n)

universalizing religion.

Prime agricultural land in the US is being replaced with

urban land uses

The city plus its surrounding built-up suburbs is the

urbanized area.

According to the UN, to reduce pollution and fossil fuel dependency will require

use of carbon capture and storage mechanisms.

Oneida, New York, and New Harmony, Indiana, began as

utopian settlements

The value of a product minus the costs of raw materials and energy is

value added

Periodic markets are likely to feature

vendors who move from town to town

Maintaining control over all phases of a highly complex production process, as opposed to outsourcing, is known as

vertical integration

__________ model is used by geographers to explain the importance of proximity to the market in the choice of crops to the commercial farm.

von Thunen's

The attractions of shopping malls don't include

walking distance from homes

The Industrial Revolution

was a gradual diffusion of new ideas in industry and social, economic, and political inventions.

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

was established in 1960 to control oil, profits, and pricing

The share of manufacturing in developed countries

was roughly equal to manufacturing in developing countries in the early 1980s.

Yugoslavia's nationality

was socially constructed through a heavy-handed authoritarian leadership.

The boundary between the United States and Canada is best described by

water and geometric

European railways

were built in northern England before they appeared in southern England

In Germany, Catholics are the majority in the _________ and _________, while Protestants are the majority in the __________

west; southeast; north

Sawah and Paddy are terms most closely associated with

wet rice

The concept of a ghetto originally referred to the area of a city

where Jews were forced to live.

What fuel source has declined the most since the 1900s?


The largest number of daily trips are made primarily for


What do critics charge are some effects of Structural Adjustment Programs for refinancing loans to LDCs?

workers in state enterprises losing their jobs and support for dependent citizens being cut

A legal form of segregation in U.S. cities is achieved through


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