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platt amendment

Legislation that severely restricted Cuba's sovereignty and gave the US the right to intervene if Cuba got into trouble

John muir

(1838-1914) Naturalist who believed the wilderness should be preserved in its natural state. He was largely responsible for the creation of Yosemite National Park in California. -advocate of preservation

the philippine war

(1898-1902); War in which America used brutal tactics to crush rebellion; involved executions, concentration camps, destruction, and savagery; Jones Act allowed for independence of this nation when ready, but did not specify a specific date. Eventually, citizens would gain independence in 1946. --conflict with Philippines is least remembered of American wars but also one of the longest and most vicious killin 4300; likely that at least 50,000 natives died American occupiers face brutal guerrilla tactics in Philippines similar to Spanish occupiers in Cuba and found themselves drawn into same pattern of brutality that it outrage so many Americans when weyler had used them in carribean -when General Arthur MacArthur realized, reason to adopt much more severe measures and American military effort became more systematically vicious and brutal executed people, force communities into concentration camps, and took pleasure in killing arbitrarily... over 15 killed for every one wounded -by 1902, reports of brutality and of American casualties sword the American public on the war but by then, rebellion had largely exhausted itself and occupiers had establish control over most of the islands -Key to their victory was the March 1901 capture of Aguinaldo who signed document urging his followers to stop fighting and declare allegiance to US and war revived intermittently until 1906 but American possession of Philippines was now secure -In summer 1901, military transferred authority over islands to William Howard Taft who became first civilian governor and announce that the American mission in Philippines supposed to prepare the islands for independence and gave the Filipinos broad local autonomy; Americans also build roads, schools, bridges, and sewers and instituted major administrative in financial reforms like public health system -filipino economy that was dominated by fishing, agriculture, etc. also became increasingly linked to economy of US but Americans did not make investments and few Americans move there; trade with US crew to point the islands were almost completely dependent on American markets

Elkins act

(1903) gave the Interstate Commerce Commission more power to control railroads from giving preferences to certain customers

Niagara Movement

(1905) W.E.B. Du Bois and other young activists, who did not believe in accommodation, came together at Niagara Falls in 1905 to demand full black equality. Demanded that African Americans get right to vote in states where it had been taken away, segregation be abolished, and many discriminatory barriers be removed. Declared commitment for freedom of speech, brotherhood of all peoples, and respect for workingman

William howard taft

(1908-1912), was endorsed by Roosevelt because he pledged to carry on progressive program, then he didn't appoint any Progressives to the Cabinet, actively pursued anti-trust law suits, appoints Richard Ballinger as Secretary of the Interior, Ballinger opposed conservation and favored business interests, Taft fires Gifford Pinchot (head of U.S. forestry), ran for re-election in 1912 but lost to Wilson -easily won presidency against William Jennings Bryan -Taft would leave office the most decisively defeated president of 20th century and party deeply divided in government in the hands of Democratic administration for first time in 20 years --first problem is when he called Congress into special session to lower protective tariff rates, old progressive demand; made no effort to overcome the opposition of congressional old guard and said would violate separation of powers

labor radicalism

- heightened the general sense of crisis among the public - Labor turmoil at the time with strikes was a sign of instability perhaps Revolution - labor radicalism frightened the middle class

legislation to curb the power of trusts

-15 western and southern states adoptions laws prohibiting combinations that restrained competition but corporations found easy escape who limitations by incorporating in states that offered special privileges --if anti-trust legislation wants to be affective, it would have to come from the national government; in response to this, Congress passes Sherman antitrust act in July 1890 without dissent; most congressmen saw as symbolic measure that would help deflect public criticism with no real power and for over a decade, had almost no impact and little convictions

opponents of municipal reform

-Activists face a formidable array of opponents; also challenging the powerful city buses in there and trench political organizations, attacking large groups of interests, and most significantly, businessman who are established lucrative relationships with urban political machines who viewed reform as threat to their profits; great constituency of urban working people, many recent immigrants, whom the machines were source of need jobs and services

problems of the farmers alliance

-Alliances quickly became farmer widespread than Grangers but suffered from similar problems; cooperatives not always work well because market forces operating against them were too strong to overcome and because cooperative themselves often mismanaged; economic frustrations helped push the movement into a new phase at the end of the 1880s: creation of national political organization

issues in spanish American war

-American war effort not without difficulty style; you are soldiers faced serious supply problems with a shortage of modern rifles and ammunition, uniforms too heavy for weather, in adequate medical services, and bad food; regular army only had experience in calling Indian out breaks but no larger scale warfare -also racial conflicts; sig proportion of American invasion force are black and black regiments, etc and as the black soldiers travel through south toward the training camps, chafed at the rigid segregation to which they were subjected and occasionally resisted the restrictions openly; black soldiers in Georgia deliberately made use of whites only park and more protests in fl -racial tensions continued in Cuba, where blacks played crucial roles in some of most important battles and won many medals; half cuban insurgence were also of African dissent and sight of black Cuban soldiers fighting alongside white as equals gave African-Americans a stronger sense of the injustice of their own position

hayes presidency

-Battle over patronage overshadows all else during Hayes' presidency; one important substantive initiative - an effort to create a civil service system - attracted no support from either party and only weakened him further

populist party and the democrats

-Choice of Brian and nature of democratic platform created quandary for the populists because I thought they would represent the growing forces of protest but now the -Democrats had stolen their thunder; face choice of naming own candidate and splitting the protest vote or endorsing Bryan and losing identity as a party -many argue that fusion with the Democrats who ignored most of the other populous demands would destroy their party but majority concluded that there was no viable alternative so convention voted to support Bryan

cleveland administration and imperialism

-Cleveland administration took a similarly active interest in Latin America and an 1895, supported Venezuela in a dispute with Great Britain; Britain ignores American demands that the matter be submitted to arbitration so Richard Olney charged that britain was violating monroe doctrine; Cleveland create special commission to settle the dispute and says if britton resisted the commissions decision that the US should be willing to go to war to enforce it... British government agreed to arbitration

controversy over cuba

-Cubans has been resisting Spanish rule since at least 1868 - Many Americans had sympathized with the Cubans but not intervened -in 1895, cubans rebelled again and revolution produced ferocity on both sides that horrified Americans; Cubans deliberately devastated the island to force Spaniards to leave in Spanish confine civilians in some areas to hastily prepare concentration camps where thousands die; American press Took to calling the general butcher weyler and reported it more fully and sensationally which created impression that spaniards commuting all the atrocities -Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst engage in ruthless circulation war and growing population of Cuban immigrants gave extensive support to Cuban revolutionary party and how publicize the Cuban cars like yellow journalism did -did not persuade President Cleveland to support intervention, but when McKinley became president, formally protested Spains uncivilized and inhumane conduct and cause the Spanish government to recall general weyler, modify concentration policy, and grant the island qualified autonomy -chances at peaceful settlement vanish in February 1892 because of two events... First occurs when Cuban agents stole private letter by dupuy de lome (spanish minister in washington) and turned it over to American press; letter described McKinley as weak man that was better for admiration which created intense popular anger -Second event is the American battleship maine blew up in Havana harbor and kills 260; ship had been ordered to Cuba to protect American lives and property and Americans assumed that spanish had sunk the ship; war hysteria swept the country and Congress unanimously appropriated 50 million for military prep -McKinley still hope to avoid conflict but others in his administration were clamoring for war so in March 1898, president asked Spain to agree to an armistice and Spain did but refused to negotiate with the rebels in reserve the right to resume hostilities at its discretion; did not satisfy public opinion nor Congress so US declared war on Spain

US annexation of Hawaii

-Islands of Hawaii had been important waystation for American ships in China trade since early 19th century, but by 1880s, officers of expanding American Navy were looking at Pearl Harbor on the island of a wahoo as possible permanent base -pressure for an increased American presence in Hawaii was emerging from another source to... The growing number of Americans who had settled on the islands who had gradually come to dominate their economic and political life by doing this, Americans had been wrestling authority away from the leaders of an ancient civilization settled by Polynesian people that had developed agricultural and fish in society that was self-sufficient -battles among rival communities were frequent and an 1810, after series of battles, king kamehameha I established dominance and welcome American traders and help them develop a thriving trade between Hawaii and China; Americans want more than trade though and missionaries began settling there and william Hooper, Boston trader who became first of many to buy land and est a sugar plantation -arrival of merchants, missionaries, and planters were devastating to traditional Hawaiian society and newcomers also brought disease; by mid 19th century, more than half native pop had died; missionaries also work to undermine native religion and otherwise others introduce liquor, firearms, and commercial economy which eroded the traditional character of Hawaiian society -american settler G. P Judd became prime minister under king kamehameha II and est constitutional monarchy -in 1887, US negotiated treaty with Hawaii that permitted to open a naval base at Pearl Harbor -by then, growing sugar for export to America how to become basis for Hawaiian economy and 1875 agreement aloud Hawaiian sugar to enter US duty-free; sugar plantation system displaced native Hawaiians and sought to build a workforce with Asian immigrants bc thot more docile and reliable , some even try to create mixed race workforce to keep them divided and unlikely to challenge them -native Hawaiians did not except subordination without protest ends in 1891, elevated powerful nationalist to the throne: queen liliuokalani who challenged US but only in power for two years -in 1890, US illuminated privileged position of Hawaiian sugar in international trade which devastated the economy of the islands and planters concluded that only way to recover = become part of US to be exempt from tariffs; in 1893, stage revolution and call on US for protection; provisional government dominated by Americans sent delegation to Washington to negotiate annexation and when the Republicans return to power in 1898, approve the agreement

women and reform

-idea of the new women more time; more home appliances; less children; living longer; business out of home; staying single longer (Boston Marriages); high divorce rate

McKinley and allies commitment

-McKinley and his allies committed themselves to only one issue: the need for higher tariff rates; approve the Dingley tariff, raising duties to the highest point in American history

modern military system

-McKinley appoints Elihu Root as secretary of war to supervise the major overhaul of the Armed Forces and between 1900 and 1903, root reforms enlarge the regular army from 25,000 to 100,000, establish federal army standards for a national guard so no more volunteer regiments that were trained and equipped differently -sparked the creation of system of officer training schools, including the Army staff college and army war college -in 1903, a general staff (named the joint Chiefs of staff) was established to act as military advisers to secretary of war; last reform that route considered most important was the creation of central planning agency models on the example of European general staff; joint Chiefs were charged with many functions and how to supervise and coordinate entire army and establish office that would plan for possible wars; Army and Navy board were to foster interservice cooperation -as a result of the new reforms, US enter 20th-century with modern military system

Roosevelt's policy

-Roosevelt allied himself with progressives who urge regulation but not destruction of trusts -at heart of Roosevelt's policy was desire to win for governments the power to investigate activities of corporations and publicize the results... New department of commerce and labor established in 1903 was to assist in this task through its investigatory arm, the bureau of corporations -Roosevelt was not a trustbuster at heart but made a few highly publicized efforts to break up combinations; order Justice Department to invoke the Sherman antitrust act against new railroad the northern security company brought together by JP Morgan; went to supreme court and they rules that the company must be dissolved -Roosevelt had no serious commitment to reverse the prevailing trend toward economic concentration -commitment to establishing government as an impartial regulatory mechanism shaped Roosevelts policy toward labor

death of the grangers

-New regulations soon destroyed by the courts and combined with the political and experience of many Grange leaders and temporary return of agricultural prosperity, there was a dramatic decline in the power of the association; movement as whole dwindled rapidly

Rocky Mountain states and populists

-One exception was the rocky mountain states, where populists did have some significant success in attracting minors to their cause; did so partly because local populous leaders endorse a demand for free silver, the idea for permitting silver to become, with gold, the basis of currency so as to expand the money supply -in these areas of the far west, silver mining was an important activity, and peoples party enjoyed substantial success there

national government in late 1800s

-One reason the two parties managed to avoid substantive issues was that the federal government did relatively little; had a few other responsibilities besides maintaining a military, delivering mail, conducting foreign policy, and collecting taxes -significant exceptions; federal government has been supporting economic development of nation for decades and in the late 19 century, mostly meant giving tremendous subsidies to railroads in the form of federal lands and encouraging them to extend lines deeper into nation; not averse to using military and police power to protect capitalists -Federal government also administered a system of annual pensions for union Civil War veterans and at its peak, system was making payments to a majority of the male citizens of north and many women; some reformers wanted to make this permanent and universal but efforts failed because Civil War pension was awash in party patronage and corruption -some of the reformers that believed in "good government" saw elimination of the pension system as a way to fight graft, corruption, and party rule; one Civil War generation died, pension system also died in most other respects, US in the late 19 century was a society without modern, national government and the most powerful institutions for the two political parties and the federal courts

result of the assault on parties

-One result of the assaults on the parties was a change and party organization themselves, which attempted to adapt to new realities to preserve their influence; sometimes allowed their machines to become vehicles of social reform

president and patronage

-Power of the party bosses had importance effect on power of the presidency; great symbolic importance but occupants unable to do very much except distribute government appointments and presidents had limited latitude, since they had to avoid offending the various factions within their own parties

the allure of expertise

-Progressivists involved in humanitarian efforts place high value on knowledge and expertise and believed everything could be analyzed and solve scientifically; thought only enlightened experts and well design bureaucracies could create stability in order -some reformers spoke of creation of a new civilization; Thorstein Veblen propose new economic system in which power would reside in the hands of highly trained engineers so they can fully understand the machine process

Puerto Rico and US

-Puerto Rican sugar industry flourished because took advantage of American market now open to without tariffs; large sugar plantations on islands and higher natives to work them, many that do not live in Puerto Rico -growing emphasis of sugar as cash crop and transformation of farmers in to paid laborers lead to reduction in growing of food for the island and they became increasingly dependent on imported food so part of international commercial economy; when sugar prices drop, economy sagged pushing people into destitution -instability of economy, poverty among natives, and American threat to Hispanic culture lead more Puerto Ricans to agitate for independence but others began to envision close relations with US

United Mine Workers Strike

-Roosevelt was willing to consider laborers positions and when bitter 1902 strike by United mine workers endangered coal supplies for coming one sir, Roosevelt asked both operators and mines to except impartial federal arbitration and threatened to send federal troops if mine owners did not accept -arbitrators awarded strikers 10% wage increase and a nine hour day, although no recognition of the reunion; Roosevelt viewed himself as no more the champion of labor then as a champion of management and on several occasions, he ordered federal troops to intervene and strikes on behalf of employers

samoan islands

-The Samoan islands also long served as a waystation for American ships in Pacific trade and as American commerce with Asia increased, business groups in US and American -Navy began urging annexation of the Samoan harbor at Pago Pago; he is at a ministration extracted treaty from Samoan leaders for an American naval station in 1878 -Great Britain and Germany also interested in the islands and secure treaty rights from the native princes so three powers thought for dominance in Samoa and finally agree to share the power; three-way arrangement failed ends in 1899, US and Germany divided the islands between them, compensating Britain with territories elsewhere

Roosevelts other reforms

-Upton Sinclair's novel the jungle which featured a palling descriptions of meat packing industry pushed Roosevelt for passage of the meat inspection act which helps eliminate disease is transmitted in impure meat -starting in 1907, proposed but mostly failed to achieve more stringent reforms like eight hour workday, broader compensation for victims in industrial accidents, regulation of stock market, inheritance and income taxes, etc.; also openly criticize conservatives in Congress and judiciary in result was why do you golf between president and conservative wing of party

Wilsons proposals to deal with the monopoly

-Wilson proposes two measures to deal with the problem of Monopoly... proposal to create federal agency through which the government would help business police itself and also proposals to strengthen the governments ability to break up trusts -two measures took shape as the federal trade commission act in the Clayton antitrust act

women and the farmers alliance

-Women were following members in most local alliances and held offices in service lectures; most notable is Mary E Lease who became fiery populous or raider; other emphasize issues of particular concern to women especially temperance, agrarian women argue that sobriety was key to stability in rural society and advocated extending the vote to women in many areas of the country

crisis of the 1890s causes

-agrarian protest was only one of many indications of national political crisis emerging in the 1890s; severe depression, widespread labor unrest and violence, and continuing failure of either major party to respond to growing distress -Ridgid conservatism of Grover Cleveland meant federal government did little to alleviate the crisis and emerge some of the most heated political battles in American history and hung the future of the nation on the election of 1896

Annexation of the Philippines

-annexation of Philippines created long and impassioned debate because controlling a large and densely populated territory thousands of miles away seem different to Americans than controlling Puerto Rico -McKinley claim to be reluctant to support annexation but came to believe that there were no acceptable alternatives; claim divine guidance for his decision to annex the islands and said returning them to Spain would be cowardly and dishonorable; turning them over to another imperialist power would also be bad and grants in the islands independence would be irresponsible because unfit for self government; only solution was to take them all into educate the Filipinos, uplift and Christianized them, and do the very best they could -is ceded to the US in the treaty of Paris of 1898

anti imperialism in US

-in US Senate, resistance was fierce and during a debate for ratification of the treaty, powerful anti-imperialist movement arose around the country to oppose acquisition of Philippines -anti-imperialist include some of the nations wealthiest and most powerful figures like Andrew Carnegie, Mark Twain, Gompers, etc. and motives various; some thing imperialism is immoral, some feared polluting the American population by introducing inferior races, industrial workers feared being undercut by flood of cheap laborers, conservatives worry of large standing army and in singling foreign alliances that they believed imperialism would require and the threat to American liberties, sugar growers and others fear unwelcome competition -anti imperialist league develops

wilsons second flurry of reforms

-appoints Louis Brandies to supreme court (jew and advanced progressive) and later supported measure to make it easier for farmers to receive credit and system of Worker's Compensation for federal employees -sponsoring measures that expanded the powers of national government; supported the Keating owen one act, the first federal law regulating child labor; prohibited shipment of goods produced by underage children across state lines, expanding importance of task of regulating interstate commerce -also supported measures that used federal taxing authority as vehicle for legislating social change and tried to impose heavy tax on the products of child labor once Keating owen struck down by court Smith lever act of 1914 offered matching federal grants to support agricultural extension education -overtime innovative uses of government overcame most of constitutional objections and became foundation of long-term growth in federal power over economy

populists party alliances

-as populist party develop strength, desperately needed funds to finance campaigns and Silvermine owners were willing to provide assistance but insisted on elevation of currency plank; populists also needed to form alliances with other political groups so many question was waiting to win support of many people not engaged in farming

other urban victories

-in most urban areas, enemies of partisanship had to settle for less absolute victories; some cities made election of mayors non-partisan or move them to years with no presidential or congressional race is happening; reformers try to make city counselors run at large to limit influence of word leaders and district bosses and try to strengthen the power of the mayor at the expense of the city Council on assumption that reformers were more likely to succeed in getting sympathetic mayor

stirrings of imperialism

-by 1890s, some Americans were ready and eager to resume course of manifest destiny that had inspired ancestors to wrest an empire from Mexico in the expansionist 1840s

Roosevelt vs Taft

-campaign for a Republican nomination became battle between Roosevelt and Taft; Taft remain the choice of most party leaders who controlled nominating process -taft wins nominations so Roosevelt summoned supporters back to Chicago for a second convention to launch the new progressive party and nominate himself as presidential candidate (nickname bull moose party) -ended up splitting the republican vote which allows wilson to win

campaign of 1896

-campaign of 1896 produce desperation among conservatives and business and financial community contributed lavishly to Republican campaign because scared of Bryan's victory -McKinley huge to the tradition by which candidates for president did not actively campaign for office and conducted a dignified front porch campaign by receiving pilgrimages of the republican faithful, organized and paid for by hanna -Bryan showed no such restraint and became the first presidential candidate in American history to stump every section of the country systematically and appear in villages and hamlets, etc; May have done more harm than good because by violating long-standing tradition of remaining aloof from own campaigns, established the modern form of presidential politics but also antagonize many voters who considered his campaign undignified

dream of socialism

-capitalist critics attract most support ever between 1900- 1914 and social party of America grew into force with considerable strength -leader and presidential candidate is Eugene V Debs (leader of railroad union) -strongest and urban immigrant communities, particularly among Germans and Jews, also attracted loyalties of substantial number of protestant farmers in South and Midwest socialist one election to over 1000 state and local offices and had support at times of intellectuals like a Lincoln Steffens, Walter Lipman, Florence Kelly, Frances Willard, etc. some woman reformers attracted in part because support for pacifism and labor organizing -virtually all socialist agree on need for basic structural changes in economy, but differed widely on extent and tactics -Some endorse radical goals of European Marxists and others envision moderate reform that would allow small scale private enterprise to survive but nationalize major industries; some believe in working for reform through electoral politics and others favor militant direct action

early attacks on party dominance

-earlier attacks on party dominance include green back is them and populism and independent Republicans (mugwumps) that attempted to challenge grip of partisanship -enjoyed some success like adoption of the secret ballot (allowed polls to be filled out and deposited in secret and health chip away at the power of the parties over voters because could no longer monitor voting behavior and people could split their tickets)

the return of Roosevelt

-even though Roosevelt far away during controversies, American public thought of him as a formidable presence thanks to intensive newspaper coverage of his every move abroad in return is major public event -decides to embark on national speaking tour as he is furious with Taft and believed that he alone was capable of reuniting the Republican party -Real signal of Roosevelts decision to assume leader ship of republican reformers came in speech osawatomie, Kansas where he outlined "new nationalism" -this is very different from early cautious conservatism and he argued that social justice was possible only through vigorous efforts of a strong federal government; thought those who thought primarily of property rights and personal profit must give way to the advocate of human welfare; supported graduate income and inheritance taxes, Worker's Compensation for industrial accidents, regulation of labor of women and children, tariff revision, and firmer regulation of corporations

tammany hall reform

-example is New York's Tammany Hall where Charles Francis Murphy began to fuse the techniques of boss rule with some of the concerns of social reformers and Tammany began to use its political power on behalf of legislation to improve working conditions, protect child laborers, and eliminate the worst abuses of industrial economy

treaty of Paris 1898 and William Jennings bryan

-fate of the treaty is in doubt until received unexpected support of William Jennings Bryan, a fervent anti-imperialist; backed modification because he hoped to move the issue out of the Senate and make it the subject of national referendum in 1900, when he expected to be the Democratic presidential candidate again; persuaded a number of anti-imperialist Democrats to support treaty so Senate ratified it in 1899 - Bryan misscalculated though and in the election of 1900, nation had decided in favor of imperialism and Brian ran against McKinley and McKinley won; McKinley wins because the Republicans were the beneficiaries of growing prosperity and also of the colorful personality of their vice presidential candidate, Roosevelt, who was the hero of San Juan Hill

grangers and legislators

-grangers also work to elect state legislators pledged to program; Occasionally ran candidates under such independent party labels as antimonopoly and reform and add Pete, manage to gain control of the legislators in most Midwest states; purpose was to subject the railroads to government controls any Granger laws of the early 1870s impose strict regulations on railroads rates and practices

color alliances and populists

-in south, white popular struggles with question of whether to accept blacks in to their party; numbers in poverty made black farmers possibly valuable allies -important component to the movement called the color alliances that had 1.25 million members by 1890 -most populists though we're willing to except the assistance of African-Americans only as long as it was clear that whites would remain indisputably in control and when southern conservatives began to attack the populace for undermining white supremacy, the interracial character of the movement quickly faded

women's suffrage

-largest single reform movement in progressive era is fight for women's suffrage many suffrage advocates presented their views in terms of natural rights including first and foremost, the right to vote; example is Elizabeth Caddy Stanton -challenged the views of many men and women who believed in society requiring a distinctive female sphere in which women would serve first and foremost as wives and mothers -in the first years of 20th century, when substantial victories first suffrage because suffragist were coming to be better organized and more politically sophisticated than opponents -under Anna Howard Shaw and Carrie Chapman cat, membership and national American woman suffrage Association grew to 2 million; gain strength because many prominent leaders began to justify suffrage and safer less threatening ways and argued that it would not challenge the separate sphere but said that because of this distinct sphere, had special experiences and sensitivities to bring to public life -argue that and franchising women would help the temperance movement by giving at largest group of supporters a political voice; some suffrage advocates claims that war would become a thing of the past -also attract support for other, less optimistic reasons; middle-class people found persuasive the argument that if blacks, immigrants, and other base groups have access, common sense to allow educated Welborne women to vote

the agrarian revolt

-no group watch the performance of the govt with more dismayed than American farmers; suffering long economic decline and afflicted with painful sense of obsolescence, rural Americans keenly aware of problems of modern economy and eager for Govt assistance -result of frustrations was emergence of one of the most powerful movements of political protest in American history - populism

decentralization and regulation

-most progressives retain faith in possibilities of reform within a capitalist system and hope to restore economy to more human scale -recognize that some consolidation was inevitable but argue that the federal government should work to break up the largest combinations and in force a balance between the need for bigness in the need for competition -viewpoint identifies with louis d brandies who wrote other people's money about the curse of bigness -brandies and his supporters oppose bigness because considered it inefficient but also because of moral basis... Said bigness was a threat to efficiency and freedom and limited the abilities of individuals to control their own destiny's and encourage abuses of power; said government must regulate competition to ensure that large combinations don't emerge -other progressives more concerned about efficiency which they believes economic concentration encouraged and said government should guard against abuses of power by large institutions and distinguish between good trust and bad trusts; sad continuing oversight by a strong modernize government was essential; Herbert's Crowly wrote the promise of American life that became an influential progressive document on emerging nationalist position -attention of nationalist like crowly focused on some form of coordination of the industrial economy -walter lippmann wrote book drift and mastery... Sam took message as businesses themselves learning new ways of cooperation and self-regulation but others saw solution for government to play a more active role in regulating and planning economic life (theodore roosevelt endorses)

varieties of progressivism

-multiple reform impulses of progressivism... One powerful was the spirit of antimonopoly, fear of concentrated power and urge to limit and disperse authority and wealth; appeal to many workers and farmers but also to some middle-class Americans and encourage government to regulate/break up trusts at state and national level -another impulse was belief in the importance of social cohesion; thought individuals are part of great web of social relationships and that each person's welfare is dependent on welfare of society; produced concerns about victims of industrialization -another impulse was a deep faith in knowledge and possibilities of applying to society principles of natural and social sciences; believe that knowledge was more important then anything else as vehicle for making society more equitable and humane; most progressives also believes that modernize government must play an important role in process of improving and stabilizing society

other state reforms

-other reforms try to clean up the actual legislator and some states passed laws restricting lobbying by business interest and state legislators and band campaign contributions by corporations or public officials to except free passes from railroads; many States also struggle to create systems of Workmen's Compensation for workers injured on the job in reformer started successfully creating pensions for widows with dependent children reform after his most effective and states that elevated vigorous and committed politicians to positions of leadership; New York with governor Charles Evan Hughes, California with Hiram Johnson, Woodrow Wilson in New Jersey, etc.

challenging the capitalist order

-overshadowing issue = character of dramatically growing modern industrial society -many progressives could trace back problems to corporate america so focus on changing capitalist world

variance of people who favored ratification of treaty of Paris

-people who favored ratification also varied; exuberant imperialist like Roosevelt who saw it as a way to reinvigorate nation, some businessman saw opportunities to dominate Asian trade, and most Republicans saw Pardison advantages in acquiring valuable new territories through war fought and won by Republican administration; strongest argument in favor of annexation though was that the United States already possess the lands and already had an answer to fear of the large populations who might have to become citizens and said that the nations long-standing policies toward Indians had created a precedent for annexing land without absorbing people

Cleveland's second term

-policies of Cleveland second form we're also devoted to minimal government and hostile to active efforts to deal with social or economic problems, supported tariff reduction, and announce the results but allowed it to become law as the wilson Gorman tariff which included only very modest reductions \

anti suffrage movement

-powerful anti-suffrage movement emerged dominated by men with the active support of many women; set threat to national order of civilization and associated suffrage with divorce and promiscuity, looseness, and neglect of children

principal triumphs of suffrage movement

-principal triumphs of the suffrage movement began in 1910, when Washington was first state in 14 years to extend suffrage to women, more follow and by 1919, 39 had granted women right to vote and at least some elections; in 1920, suffragist one ratification of 19th amendment, which guaranteed political rights to women throughout nation

parties to interest groups

-reformers did contribute to a decline and party influence noticeable through decline in voter turn out; went from 81% to 73 then 59 and never returned to 70% voter turn out declined because of secret ballot because party bosses had less ability to get voters to polls; illiterate voters had trouble reading new ballots and party bosses lost much of their authority and were unable to mobilize voters as successfully as in past -most important reason for decline of party rule and voter turn out was that other power centers were beginning to replace them known as interest groups; new organizations emerged outside the party some some and social workers, settlement house movement, and women's clubs etc. learn to operate as interest groups to advance demands

crusade for social order and reform

-reformers direct many of energies a political process but also crusaded on behalf of moral issues; campaign to illuminate alcohol, curb prostitution, limit divorce, and restrict immigration and believe reforms would help regenerate society

democrat voters

-religious an ethnic differences also shape party loyalty; democrats mostly Catholic voters, recent immigrants, and poor workers and Republicans appealed to northern protestants, citizens of old stock, and much of middle class

republican voters

-republicans tended to support measures restricting immigration and favor temperance legislation which they thought would help them discipline immigrant communities; Catholics and immigrants viewed these as assaults on them and oppose them so democratic party follows lead

successful reformers in municipal reform

-some of the most successful reformers emerge from conventional political structures that progressives came to control; Tom Johnson wage long war against powerful streetcar interest in city and after his defeat and death, Townsend aid Newton D Baker one election as mayor and help maintain Cleveland's reputation as best cover city in America; he's in Pingree of Detroit, Samuel Jones, etc. challenge local party bosses to bring spirit every foreman to city govt

issues with governing Cuba

-three of the American dependencies (Hawaii, Alaska, in Puerto Rico) presented relatively few problems and received territorial status quickly -Navy took control of the Pacific Islands of Guam and Tutuila that were least populated and us left alone cuba was thornier problem; American military forces, commanded by General Leonardwood, remained there until 1902 to prepare the island for independence and build schools, roads, hospitals, re-organized systems, and introduced medical and sanitation reforms; but US also lead basis for years of American economic domination of the island -when Cuba draws constitution making no reference to US, Congress response by passing the Platt amendment in 1901 and pressured Cuba into incorporating its terms into constitution; Platt amendment bard Cuba for making treaties with other nations, gave US the right to intervene in Cuba to preserve independence, life, and property, and required Cuba to permit American naval stations on territory and left Cuba with only nominal political independence; US may lease land on island for purpose of building naval base in guantanamo bay -American investments that took over the islands economy made the new nation in American economic appendage and Americans poured into Cuba; absentee American ownership of islands most important resources was the source of resentment and agitation for decades and resistance to Yankee imperialism produce revolt against Cuban government that prompted US military intervention -sugar production increasingly dominated islands economy and subjected it to same cycle of booms and busts

spanish american war and military deficiencies

-war with Spain revealed glaring deficiencies in American military system; entire military organization demonstrated problems of supply, training, and coordination and US would've lost if opponent more powerful

panic of 1893 and third party

-when panic occurs, people begin to blame the democrats and republicans for letting this happen, so look for third party and gravitate towards the populists -farmers and industrial workers both hit hard by the panic, common adversaries of banks, industrialists, railroads.... Find common goals: -federal regulation if business, banking, and transportation -low tariffs -progressive income tax -women suffrage -direct election of senator -etc

admission requirements to professions

-while removing untrained and incompetent, admission requirements also protected those already in the professions from excessive competition and when prestige and status to their trades; some use entrance requirements to exclude blacks, women, immigrants, and other "undesirables" from ranks and others used to keep the numbers down

imperialist writers

-writer John Fiske predicted in 1885 article in Harpers magazine that the English speaking people's would eventually control every land that was not already the seat of an established civilization and said Destined to go on -John W burgess created steady political science and comparative law and also said it was the Anglos duty to uplift less fortunate people and force their superior institutions on them

Munn v. Illinois

1876; The Supreme Court upheld the Granger laws. The Munn case allowed states to regulate certain businesses within their borders, including railroads, and is commonly regarded as a milestone in the growth of federal government regulation.

Wabash case

1886 supreme court case that decreed that individual states had no power to regulate interstate commerce --public pressure growing in the 1880s among with the regulation of railroads and farm organizations in Midwest persuaded several state legislators to pass regulatory legislation but in Wabash case, supreme court rules one of the Granger laws in Illinois unconstitutional because it was an attempt to control interstate commerce and infringed upon the power of Congress; later courts limited power of the states to regulate commerce even within their own boundaries

McKinley Tariff

1890 tariff that raised protective tariff levels by nearly 50%, making them the highest tariffs on imports in the United States history --republicans were more interested in the issue of the tariff; rep William McKinley and Senator Nelson W Alldridge drafted the highest protective measure ever proposed to Congress known as the McKinley tariff; republicans misinterpreted public sentiment though and party suffered stunning reversal in 1890 Congressional election and senate and House majority lost

Sanford B. Dole

1894 wealthy, plantation owner and politician who was named President of New Republic of Hawaii. He asked US to annex Hawaii. -organizes a revolt of american business and plantation owners against queen; us marines comply, overthrow queen, establish republic of hawaii and dole becomes president; cleveland does not support but mckinley coaxed to accept treaty and annex hawaii

Dillingham Commission

1911 - Congressional commission set up to investigate demands for immigration restriction. It's report was a list of complains against the "new immigrants."

Underwood-Simmons Tariff

1914, lowered tariff, substantially reduced import fees. Lost tax revenue would be replaced with an income tax that was implemented with the 16th amendment. -wilsons first triumph as president

grover cleveland

22nd and 24th president, Democrat, Honest and hardworking, fought corruption, vetoed hundreds of wasteful bills, achieved the Interstate Commerce Commission and civil service reform, violent suppression of strikes -Grover Cleveland was respected for stern and righteous opposition to politicians, grafters, pressure groups, and Tammany Hall and became famous as the veto governor; embodiment of an era in which few Americans believe the federal government could or should do very much and had always doubted the wisdom of protective tariffs; believed high rates were responsible for the annual surplus and federal revenues which was tempting Congress to pass reckless or extravagant legislation that he vetoed

benjamin harrison

23rd President; Republican, poor leader, introduced the McKinley Tariff and increased federal spending to a billion dollars -Benjamin Harrison's record as president was little more substantial than his grandfather and had few visible convictions and made no effort to influence Congress; public opinion was beginning to force the government to confront some of the crossing social and economic issues of the day and sentiment was rising in favor of legislation to curb the power of trusts

William McKinley

25th president responsible for Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, and the Annexation of Hawaii, imperialism. Is assassinated by an anarchist -administration of William McKinley saw return to relative calm; one reason was the exhaustion of dissent and with the simultaneous decline of agrarian protest, greatest destabilizing forces in the nations politics were in retreat; another reason was the shrewd character of the McKinley administration themselves, committed to reassurance ability; most important, was the gradual easing of the economic crisis, and development that undercut many of those who were agitating for change -a pacifist

Theodore roosevelt

26th president, known for: conservationism, trust-busting, Hepburn Act, safe food regulations, "Square Deal," Panama Canal, Great White Fleet, Nobel Peace Prize for negotiation of peace in Russo-Japanese War -most powerful symbol of the reform impulse at national level -progressive reformers idol and rly popular -in many respects decidedly conservative and earned extraordinary popularity less because of extent of reforms then because he brought to his office a broad conception of its powers and invested the presidency with some thing of its modern status as center of national political life -never meant to be president (was vp to get him out of politics but mckinley dies) -President McKinley assassinated and Roosevelt who was vice president became youngest man to ever assume the presidency -Roosevelt has reputation as a wild man because displayed an energy seldom scene in the lethargic body; was a rancher in the Decota badlands and helps capture outlaws -as New York City police commissioner, had been flamboyant Badler against crime and vice and as assistant secretary of Navy was proponent of American expansion; as commander of Roughriders, led heroic charge in battle of San Juan Hill -as president, Roosevelt rarely rebelled against leaders of his party and became a champion of cautious, moderate change; believes reform was less a vehicle for a remaking American society than protecting it against more radical challenges

Woodrow wilson

28th president of the United States, known for World War I leadership, created Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Antitrust Act, progressive income tax, lower tariffs, women's suffrage (reluctantly), Treaty of Versailles, sought 14 points post-war plan, League of Nations (but failed to win U.S. ratification), won Nobel Peace Prize -Wilson rose to political prominence by unusual path; had been professor of political science at Princeton and then elected governor of New Jersey; during his two years in the state house, earned a national reputation for winning passage of progressive legislation and as presidential candidate, presented progressive form that came to be called as new freedom -Wilson was bold and forceful president and exerted firm control over cabinet most powerful advisor, Colonel Edward M house, was intelligent and ambitious Texan who has no office and his only claim to authority was personal intimacy with President -Wilson skillfully welded together coalition that would support his program; Democratic majority's in both houses made it easier

boxer rebellion

A 1900 revolt in China, aimed at ending foreign influence in the country. spread widely across eastern China and they attacked Westerners including many Christian missionaries; climax of revolt was siege of entire western foreign diplomatic corpse and imperial powers send international expeditionary force to China to rescue diplomats from British Embassy in Beijing -Boxer rebellion became important event for role of the US and China and McKinley and haj agreed to American participation in quelling boxer rebellion so as to secure a voice in settlement of the uprising and to prevent the partition of China by the European powers; -hay won support for Open door approach from England in Germany and do the others to accept compensation from Chinese for damages the boxer rebellion had caused; Chinese territorial integrity survived and name but US retained access to lucrative trade


A faction of the Republican party in the ends of the 1800s Supported the political machine and patronage. Conservatives who hated civil service reform. -led by Roscoe Conkling of New York -favor traditional, perfectionist machine politics while half breeds favorite reform; both groups mainly interested in larger share of the patronage pie and hayes tried to satisfy both but fails

roosevelt and conservation

A federal policy to conserve natural resources. Under Roosevelt's leadership, millions of acres were set aside as preserves and national parks were created. -Roosevelts aggressive policies on behalf of conservation contributed to gulf... Restricted private developments on millions of acres of undeveloped government lands by adding to national forest system and when Congress try to restrict authority over public lands in 1907, Gifford Pinchot and Roosevelt seized all the forests and many of the water power sites still in the public domain before the bill became law -first president to take an active interest in the new and struggling American conservation movement; many people who consider themselves conservationists promoter policies to promote land for carefully manage developments -Old guard equally supported another important aspect of Roosevelts natural resource policy: public reclamation and irrigation projects; President backed the national reclamation act or new lands act that provided federal funds for the construction of dams, reservoirs, and canals in the west that would open new lands for cultivation and provide cheap electric power


A group of renegade Republicans who supported 1884 Democratic presidential nominee Grover Cleveland instead of their party's nominee, James G. Blaine.

settlement house

A house where immigrants came to live upon entering the U.S. At Settlement Houses, instruction was given in English and how to get a job, among other things. The first Settlement House was the Hull House, which was opened by Jane Addams in Chicago in 1889. These centers were usually run by educated middle class women. The houses became centers for reform in the women's and labor movements. -Element of much progressive thought was belief in influence of the environment on individual development; said ignorance, poverty, and even criminality we're not result of genetic feelings or workings of Providence but effects of the unhealthy environment so to elevate the distressed, required improvement in living conditions -urban reformers thought that crowded immigrants neighborhoods produce most distressed; one response to problems what is the settlement house

the gold standard

A monetary system in which paper money and coins are equal to the value of a certain amount of gold -mckinley administration dealt with the explosive silver question and he sent a commission to Europe to explore the possibility of a silver agreement with great Britain and France but ineffective; Republicans that enacted the currency, or gold standard, act confirming the nations commitment to the gold standard by assigning a specific gold value to the dollar and requiring all currency issued by the US to hew to that value -Battle of the standards ended in victory for forces of conservatism and economic developments at the same time seem to vindicate the Republicans; prosperity and gold standard were closely allied it seemed -had it not been for a dramatic increase in the gold supply in the late 1890s, Populist predictions of financial disaster might in fact have proved correct; in 1898, 2.5 times as much cold was produce as an 1890, in the currency supply was soon inflated far beyond anything Bryan and the free silver forces had anticipated

social gospel

A movement in the late 1800s / early 1900s which emphasized charity and social responsibility as a means of salvation. -One of the most successful novels of era is Charles sheldons in his steps portraying this -walter rauschenbusch was protestant from New York that published series of influential discourse is on possibilities for human salvation through Christian reform; believed Darwinism was that all individuals should work to ensure humanitarian evolution of the social fabric -some american catholics use pope leo's rerum novarum for justification for social justice, follow father john a ryan to expand social welfare -intertwining progressivism and religion -biggest example is Salvation Army

direct primary

A primary where voters directly select the candidates who will run for office -efforts to limit power of party and improve the quality of elected officials -attempt to take the selection of candidates away from the bosses and give it to the people -by 1915 every state has primary elections


A procedure by which voters can propose a law or a constitutional amendment. -circumvent state legislators

Robert M. La Follette

A proponent of Progressivism and a vocal opponent of railroad trusts, bossism, WWI, and the League of Nations. He ran for President as the nominee of his own Progressive Party in 1924. -most celebrated state level reformer was Robert M Lafollett in Wisconsin; help turn state into laboratory of progressivism and won approval of direct primaries, initiatives, and referendums; regulated railroads and utilities; pass laws to regulate workplace and provide compensation for people injured on job, instituted graduated taxes on inherited fortunes; doubled state levies on railroads and other corporate interests -Lafollett use personal magnetism to widen public awareness of progressive goals and argue that reform was responsibility of newspapers, citizens groups, educational institutions, and business and professional organizations

women and the professions

American women were excluded from most of the emerging professions, but a substantial number of middle-class women, particularly those who graduated from women's colleges, nevertheless entered professional careers. The most important was teaching. For educated black women, often teaching was the only professional opportunity they could hope to find. Women also dominated nursing. Women's careers (nursing, teaching, and library work) were "helping professions". Proliferating the feminine and domestic image of women that conformed to their proper role in society.

a cross of gold

An impassioned address by William Jennings Bryan at the 1896 Deomcratic Convention, in which he attacked the "gold bugs" who insisted that U.S. currency be backed only with gold. -in aftermath of speech, convention voted to adopt a pro silver platform and Brian was nominated for president but Republican and conservative Democrats attacked Brian as a dangerous demagogue but admires held him as a great commoner; potent symbol of rural, protestant, middle-class America

the progressive impulse

Arose in response to many societal changes- growing tensions between labor and management, chronic corruption of political life, the abuse of power of big businesses, the hazards of industrial workplace, especially for women and children in the social miseries created by the devastation depression of the 90s -first an optimistic vision and believed in the idea of progress and that society was capable of improvement and continued growth and advancement were nations destiny -also believed that growth and progress could not continue to occur recklessly and natural laws of the market place and doctrines of blasé fair and social Darwinism were not sufficient; direct purposeful human intervention and social and economic affairs was essential to ordering and bettering society

Ballinger-Pinchot Affair

Ballinger, who was the Secretary of Interior, opened public lands in Wyoming, Montana, and Alaska against Roosevelt's conservation policies. Pinchot, who was the Chief of Forestry, supported former President Roosevelt and demanded that Taft dismiss Ballinger. Taft, who supported Ballinger, dismissed Pinchot on the basis of insubordination. This divided the Republican Party. -Taft had alienated the supporters of Roosevelt completely and irrevocably

Roosevelt and the Rough Riders

Calvary unit known as the Roughriders; commanded by General Leonardwood but real leader was Colonel Theodore Roosevelt; his passion to join war reflected decision of beloved father Theodore Roosevelt senior who refuse to fight in Civil War (brought shame) -Roosevelt rapidly emerged as a hero of the conflict; same rested in large part on roll in leading a bowl's charge up kettle Hill directly into the face of Spanish guns; he emerge unscathed

municipal reform

Changes in city governments made to encourage greater efficiency, honesty, and responsiveness. -many progressives like Lincoln Steffens believes that the impact of party rule was most damaging in cities; municipal government became one of first targets muckrakers Struck responsive cord among powerful group of urban, middle-class progressives and respectable citizens of nations large cities had avoided participation in municipal government because viewed politics as a debased and demeaning activity; by end of century, new generation of activists we're taking a growing interest in government

election of 1892

Cleveland v. Harrison, in which Cleveland won. The former was anti-protectionist tariffs, while the latter supported them. The people's party ran with Weaver, and showed their worth in this election. They did not win the presidency, but won several seats in both the house and the senate.

Populists (constituency)

Constituency included (especially small) farmers w/little economic security because they had little access to credit, and were not mechanized -little long-range economic security and people whose operations were minimally mechanized who relied on the crop, and who only had access to limited credit -in mid west, populists were usually family farmer struggling to hold onto their land and in south, they were many modest landowners to, but also significant numbers of sharecroppers and tenant farmers most populists have one thing in common: engage in a type of farming that was becoming less viable to the face of new, mechanized, diversified, and consolidated commercial agriculture -tended to be not only economically but also culturally marginal and movement appeals above all to geographically isolated farmers who felt cut off for main stream life; gave people outlet for grievances and provided them with a social experience -populists were also notable for groups they failed to attract; never attracted significant labor support because economic interest of labor in the interest of farmers were often at odds -most populous leaders were members of rural middle-class: professional people, lawyers, politicians, etc. -many active populists woman

the hetch hetchy controversy

Controversy over whether to build a dam in a large valley in Yosemite National Park to create a reservoir for San Francisco. The dam was eventually built. -in 1906, SF suffered devastating earthquake and fire and widespread sympathy for city strength in the case for the dam; Roosevelt initially expressed something sympathy for Mueller's position but turned decision over to Chief Forrester Gifford Pinchot and he approved construction -for over a decade, battle rage between naturalist and advocates of the dam Hans Muir helps place referendum question on ballot in 1908 but San Franciscans approve the jam by a huge margin and construction of dam finally began after World War I fight against Hetch Hetchy helped mobilize a new coalition of people committed to preservation, not rational use of wilderness

the silver question

Debate over what would form the basis of the dollar standard: gold, silver, or both. -Financial panic weekend the governments monetary system and president Cleveland believe that the instability of currency is the primary cause of depression so money question became basis for political conflict -at heart of debate was question of what would form the basis of the dollar and many believes that currency was worthless if there was not something concrete behind it like a precious metal -history of bimetallism f its existence, US recognize two medals (gold and silver) as basis for a dollar, known as bimetallism but in the 1870s this changed and official ratio of value of silver to gold for purposes of creating currency was 16 to 1 -actual commercial value silver was much higher than that and owners of silver could get more or selling it for manufacture then taking it to the mint so they stop taking it to the mint in the mint stopped coining silver

new freedom

Democrat Woodrow Wilson's political slogan in the presidential campaign of 1912; Wilson wanted to improve the banking system, lower tariffs, and, by breaking up monopolies, give small businesses freedom to compete. -while new nationalism advocated excepting economic concentration and using government to control it, wilson sided with those that believes that bigness was both unjust and inefficient and proper response to monopoly was to destroy it

the square deal

Economic policy by Roosevelt that favored fair relationships between companies and workers

interstate commerce act

Established the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) - monitors the business operation of carriers transporting goods and people between states - created to regulate railroad prices -after Wabash case, now clear that effective railroad regulation could only come from the federal government and Congress responded to public pressure in 1887 with interstate commerce act, which ban discrimination and rates between long and short hauls, required that railroads publish their reschedules schedules and file them with govt, and declared that all interstate rail rates must be reasonable and just -Interstate commerce commission was to administer the act but had to rely on the courts to enforce rulings and for almost 20 years after passage, the interstate commerce act had little practical affect

sherman antitrust act

First federal action against monopolies, it was signed into law by Harrison and was extensively used by Theodore Roosevelt for trust-busting. However, it was initially misused against labor unions -attempt of the government to address trusts by the elimination of monopolies

granger laws

Grangers state legislatures in 1874 passed law fixing maximum rates for freight shipments. The railroads responded by appealing to the Supreme Court to declare these laws unconstitutional

Santiago Harbor

Harbor that the US blockaded and sunk all of the Spanish ships in a matter of minutes American Atlantic fleet bottles Cervera up in harbor; commanding general nelson a miles alters strategies and attacks santiago from tampa but major incompetence and offer no opposition -General William M Shafter move towards Santiago but Matt and defeated Spanish forces at las guasimos and week later at el caney and san juan hill

maine ship

Harbored in Cuba and it blew up and killed 260 Americans and the yellow press accused Spain even though it was a accident. -what ultimately leads to the war is the explosion if the USS maine

election of 1888

Harrison (Rep) defeats Cleveland (Dem) -in 1887, he asked Congress to reduce the tariff rates but Senate Republicans pass bill raising the rates and deadlock made the tariff an issue in the election of 1888 -democrats nominated Cleveland who supported tariff reductions but the Republicans settled on former senator Benjamin Harrison who endorsed high tariffs; campaign was the first since the Civil War to involve clear question of economic difference between the parties and one of the most corrupt elections in history; harrison won electoral majority but Cleveland one popular vote


Haywood was the leader of the Wobblies. The International Workers of the World (Wobblies) were a militant, radical union. They favored socialism & opposed free enterprise. They were disliked by big business & less radical unions --among militance is radical labor union the industrial workers of the world's known as the wobblies; under leader ship of William Hayward, I WW advocated single union for all workers and abolition of the wage slave system, rejected political action in favor of strikes (esp general strike) and widely believed to have been responsible for dynamite in of railroad lines and power stations -IWW was one a few labor organizations of time to champion the cause of unskilled workers and had particular strength in the west where a large group of migratory laborers found it difficult to organize or sustain conventional unions -in 1917, strike by IWW timber workers in Washington and Idaho shut down production in industry and brought down upon the union the wrath of the federal government (needed timber for war prep) ; federal authorities in prison leaders of union and state governments past series of laws outlined the IWW... Organization survived but never fully recovered -antidote to socialism was Teddy Roosevelt

Eugene V. Debs

Head of the American Railway Union and director of the Pullman strike; he was imprisoned along with his associates for ignoring a federal court injunction to stop striking. While in prison, he read Socialist literature and emerged as a Socialist leader in America.

Alice Paul

Head of the National Woman's party that campaigned for an equal rights amendment to the Constitution. She opposed legislation protecting women workers because such laws implied women's inferiority. Most condemned her way of thinking. -to some feminist, victory seemed less than complete; Alice Paul, had of militant national women's party, never excepted relatively conservative separates fear justification for suffrage and argue that the 19th amendment alone would not be sufficient to protect women's rights and needed a more constitutional amendment that would provide clear, legal protection for rights and prohibit all discrimination on the basis of sex; found limited favor even among most important leaders

the farmer's alliance

In 1873 the Grangers founded this. Their goals promote social gatherings/education opportunities, organize against abuse, form cooperative/women played a significant role, and wanted political pressure. This later led to the founding of the populist party. by 1880 Southern alliance had more than 4 million members and also comparable northwestern alliance and Midwest developing ties with southern counterpart -alliances were principally concern with local problems and formed cooperatives and other marketing mechanisms; establish stores, banks, processing plants, and other facilities for members to free them from furnishing merchants who kept them in debt -Some alliance leaders saw the movement as an effort to build a society in which I cannot make competition make it way to cooperation and argued for sense of mutual, neighborly responsibility that would enable farmers to resist oppressive outside forces; alliance lectures traveled throughout rural areas attacking concentration of power in great corporations and financial institutions and promoting cooperation as alternative economic system

Sherman Silver Purchase Act

In 1890, an act was passed so that the treasury would buy 4.5 million ounces of silver monthly and pay those who mined it in notes that were redeemable in either gold or silver. This law doubled the amount of silver that could be purchased under the Bland-Allison Law of 1878. president Cleveland believe that chief cause of weakening gold reserves was the Sherman silver purchase act of 1890, which had to require the government to purchase silver and pay for it in gold -Sherman act repealed at Cleveland's request after a bitter and divisive battle that helps create permanent split in the democratic party; presidents goal policy aligned with southern and western Democrats in a solid alliance against him and his eastern followers

spanish american war

In 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans' fight for independence --in 1895, cubans rebelled again and revolution produced ferocity on both sides that horrified Americans; Cubans deliberately devastated the island to force Spaniards to leave in Spanish confine civilians in some areas to hastily prepare concentration camps where thousands die; American press Took to calling the general butcher weyler and reported it more fully and sensationally which created impression that spaniards commuting all the atrocities -Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst engage in ruthless circulation war and growing population of Cuban immigrants gave extensive support to Cuban revolutionary party and how publicize the Cuban cars like yellow journalism did -did not persuade President Cleveland to support intervention, but when McKinley became president, formally protested Spains uncivilized and inhumane conduct and cause the Spanish government to recall general weyler, modify concentration policy, and grant the island qualified autonomy -chances at peaceful settlement vanish in February 1892 because of two events... First occurs when Cuban agents stole private letter by dupuy de lome (spanish minister in washington) and turned it over to American press; letter described McKinley as weak man that was better for admiration which created intense popular anger -Second event is the American battleship maine blew up in Havana harbor and kills 260; ship had been ordered to Cuba to protect American lives and property and Americans assumed that spanish had sunk the ship; war hysteria swept the country and Congress unanimously appropriated 50 million for military prep -McKinley still hope to avoid conflict but others in his administration were clamoring for war so in March 1898, president asked Spain to agree to an armistice and Spain did but refused to negotiate with the rebels in reserve the right to resume hostilities at its discretion; did not satisfy public opinion nor Congress so US declared war on Spain


Interracial organization founded in 1909 to abolish segregation and discrimination and to achieve political and civil rights for African Americans. -NAACP won some important victories; in guinn v US, supreme court supported position that grandfather clause in Oklahoma was unconstitutional; and Buchanan V Worley, court struck down Louisville Kentucky while requiring residential segregation -NAACP establish themselves as one of nations leading black organizations particularly after Booker T. Washington's death -engaged in phenomenon of lynching and south; du bois was an outspoken critic of lunching and advocate of federal law making it illegal; most determined opponents of lynching were southern women like Jesse Daniel ames and most effective crusader Ida Wells Barnett who works with organizations to discredit lynching and challenge segregation

election of 1884

James G Blaine was nominated by the Republicans, while Grover Cleveland was the Democratic nominee. The Independent Republicans, known as "Mugwumps," supported Cleveland, which cost Blaine the election. The Democrats controlled the House, while the Republicans dominated the Senate. -Group of disgruntled liberal Republicans known by their critics as "mugwumps" announced they were bolt party and support an honest Democrat; Democrats nominate Grover Cleveland who had no substantive issues and had required a reputation as an enemy of corruption -campaign is filled with personal incentive and what may have decided the election was last minute intro of religious controversy; delegation of protestant ministers call on Blaine and Dr. Samuel Burchard referred to Democrats as the party of rum, romanism, and rebellion and Blaine is slow to repudiate Birchers indiscretion so Democrats quickly spread news that he had tolerated slander on the Catholic Church; Cleveland narrowly wins because unusually heavy catholic vote for the Democrats in New York

yellow journalism

Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers -Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst engaged ruthlessly in this which led to spanish american war

Battle of San Juan Hill

July 1, 1898-One of the most important battles of the Spanish-American War. Roosevelt, the Rough Riders and Pershing's Buffalo Soldiers defeated Spanish on Kettle and San Juan Hill.

Emilio aguinaldo

Leader of the Filipino independence movement against Spain (1895-1898). He proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in 1899, but his movement was crushed and he was captured by the United States Army in 1901.

pendleton act

Legislation that began the federal merit system -in 1883, Congress passed the first national civil service measure, the Pendleton act, which required that some federal jobs be filled by competitive written examinations rather than patronage; few offices fell under at first but extended steadily

teller amendment

Legislation that promised the US would not annex Cuba after winning the Spanish-American war

assault on the parties

Many progressives believed that such reforms should start with an assault on the domination of government and politics by the political parties, which they thought had become corrupt, undemocratic and reactionary. -Most progressive goals required involvement of government; reformers agreed that government could affectively counter many powerful private interest that threaten nation -but American government had poorly adapted to perform their ambitious tasks into every level were inefficient and corrupt; progressives would first have to reform government itself and first step must be in assaults on the dominant role the political parties played in life of the state

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

March 1911 fire in New York factory that trapped young women workers inside locked exit doors; nearly 50 ended up jumping to their death; while 100 died inside the factory; led to the establishment of many factory reforms, including increasing safety precautions for workers -when it's recommendations reach the New York legislator, most effective supporters were not middle-class progressives but to Tammany Democrats from working class backgrounds: Senator Robert F Wagner and assemblymen alfred E Smith; see her through series of pioneering labor laws that impose strict regulations on factory owners and established effective mechanisms for enforcement

wilson gorman tariff

Meant to be a reduction of the McKinley Tariff, it would have created a graduated income tax, which was ruled unconstitutional.

Anti-Saloon League

National organization set up in 1895 to work for prohibition. Later joined with the WCTU to publicize the effects of drinking.

W.E.B. DuBois

Opposed Booker T. Washington. Wanted social and political integration as well as higher education for 10% of African Americans-what he called a "Talented Tenth". Founder of the Niagara Movement which led to the creation of the NAACP.

Pan-American congress

Organized by James G. Blaine, the first Pan-American Congress of 1889 consisted of 19 nations. The congress rejected Blaine's proposals for an inter-American custons union and arbitration procedures for hemispheric disputes. The congress also created the Pan-American union, a weak international organization locaated in DC that served as a clearinghouse for distributing information to the member nations. They dealt with a border violation of Venezuela by British New Guinea, claiming that they went against the monroe doctrine and threatening war (British complied).

Omaha Platform

Political agenda adopted by the populist party in 1892 at their Omaha, Nebraska convention. Called for unlimited coinage of silver (bimetallism), government regulation of railroads and industry, graduated income tax, and a number of election reforms. -forming a third party of the farmers alliance was expectably strong in the northwest and among leaders like tom Watson of Georgia and Leonidas L polk -this is the new party platform and they nominate candidates for presidency and vice presidency

election of 1912

Presidential campaign involving Taft, T. Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson. Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote, enabling Wilson to win -Roosevelt entered fall campaign aware that caused was hopeless because many insurgence refuse to follow him out of the republican party; v pessimistic -1912 presidential election one between two forms of progressivism and matched two of most important 20th century leaders in unequal match -Roosevelt and Taft split the Republican vote and Wilson held onto most Democrats and won 435 of 531 electoral votes

Keating-Owen Act

Prohibited the sale of interstate commerce goods produced by children -makes new incentive not to send kids to school used federal taxing authority as vehicle for legislating social change

Luis Munoz Rivera

Puerto Rican Politician who pressured the Spanish govt. to grant Puerto Rico independence.

African americans and reform

Question of race received serious attention from relatively few white progressives. Many African Americans embraced the idea to work for immediate self-improvement rather than long-range social change. W.E.B. DuBois introduced a new idea, advocating that talented blacks should accept nothing less than a full university education.

election of 1896

Republican William McKinley defeated Democratic-Populist "Popocrat" William Jennings Bryan. 1st election in 24 years than Republicans won a majority of the popular vote. McKinley won promoting the gold standard, pluralism, and industrial growth. supporters of gold standard considered it's survival essential to the honor and stability of the nation and supporters of free silver consider the gold standard an instrument of Tierney so free silver became a symbol of liberation and would be a People's Money as opposed to gold, the money of oppression and exploitation; it would eliminate the indebtedness of farmers and of whole regions of the country -this election is the death of the populist party -for populists in their allies, election results were a disaster because they had gambled everything on their fusion with the Democratic Party; within months, the People's party began to dissolve and American farmers would never unite so militantly to demand economic reform

immigration restriction

Restrictions on immigration in the early 20th century, amidst fears of immigrant radicalism, included limits on the numbers of European immigrants and the barring of people eligible for naturalized citizenship. -virtually all reformers agreed that the growing immigrant pop created social problems but widespread disagreement on how to respond; some progressives think proper approach was to help new residents adopt but others say only solution is to limit flow Growing pressure to close the nations gates and argued that intro of immigrants into American society was polluting the nations racial stock; theories to support this where are eugenics, science of altering reproductive processes and effort funded by Carnegie foundation to turn eugenics into method of altering human reproduction but when eugenics movement was applied, in effort to grade races and ethnic groups according to genetic qualities, forced sterilization of mentally ill, criminals, etc. and spread belief that human any qualities were hereditary in the immigration contributing to multiplication of unfit -Madison grants and passing of the great race became most effective nativist and argued for purity of Anglo-Saxons -people who rejected racial arguments still supported limiting immigration as a way to solve urban problems -won support of nations leading progressives including Theodore Roosevelt

Second Open Door Policy

Secretary Hay repeated the principle of open trade and made an even stronger statement about American intentions to preserve trade. He also said that China should remain one country. -other countries accept out of fear that they can no longer control the chinese without US assistance

panic of 1893

Serious economic depression beginning in 1893. Began due to rail road companies over-extending themselves, causing bank failures. Was the worst economic collapse in the history of the country until that point, and, some say, as bad as the Great Depression of the 1930s. -other long-range causes of financial collapse as well; depressed prices in agriculture since 1887 had weekend purchasing power of farmers, the largest group in the population; depression conditions in Europe caused a lot of American markets abroad and withdrawal of foreign investors; railroad and other major industries expanded to rapidly beyond market demand -depression reflected the degree to which the American economy was now interconnected, where one failure affected all others; also showed how dependent the economy was on the health of the railroads, which remains the nations most powerful corporate in financial institutions -once panic began, and effect spread rapidly and thousands of businesses fail, railroads, and banks, and already low agricultural prices tumbled further; 20% of the labor force lost their jobs (the highest level of unemployment in American history to that point) and depression was unprecedented in severity and persistence; prosperity did not fully return until 1901 -suffering of the depression caused social unrest, especially among numbers of unemployed workers

Payne-Aldrich Tariff

Signed by Taft in March of 1909 in contrast to campaign promises. Was supposed to lower tariff rates but Senator Nelson N. Aldrich of Rhode Island put revisions that raised tariffs. This split the Repulican party into progressives (lower tariff) and conservatives (high tariff). -scarcely reduced tariff ratios and in some areas raised them

temperance crusade

Supported mostly by women and employers. Alcohol was viewed as an inhibitor to performance in families and factories; Women's Christian Temperance Union formed; pressed for legislative abolition of saloons. -women's Christian temperance union led by Frances Willard gained many members and became largest women's organization in American history to that point; the anti-saloon league join temperance movement and with WCTU, began to press for specific legislative solution: legal abolition of saloons...eventually led to prohibition of sale and manufacture of alc-- substantial opposition from immigrants and working class voters, but pressure for prohibition grew rapidly and by 1916, 19 states had passed prohibition laws --since consumption of alcohol was actually increasing in many unregulated areas, temperance advocates beginning to advocate a national prohibition law and with entry into World War I, and with support of rural fundamentalist who oppose alcohol on moral and religious grounds, progressive advocates of prohibition steered Congress through constitutional amendment and every state but Connecticut and Rhode Island ratifies so 18th amendment became law in January 1920

city manager plan

System of city government in which a small council, chosen on a nonpartisan ballot, hires a city manager who exercises broad executive authority

congressional elections of 1914

The 66th Congress, under President Wilson. He begged people to elect Democrats so that they could support his foreign policy initiatives in Congress, but the public rejected him. The senate had 47 Democrats and 49 Republicans and the House had 216 Democrats, 210 Republicans and 6 others. -shattered presidents complacency as Democrats suffer major losses and wilson could no longer rely on divided opposition when he ran for reelection; this causes wilson to support second flurry of reforms as he had previously stopped supporting any reforms

union labor party

The Building Trades Council spearheaded this organization, committed to a program of reform almost indistinguishable from that of middle-class and elite progressives in the city. -some unions played important roles and reform battles and the union labor party helps pass a child labor law, I Workmen's Compensation law, and limitation on working hours for women in california; union pressures contributed to passage of similar laws

1880 Presidential Election

The Republican party split over the spoils system. James Garfield wins the election with Arthur as vice president. Garfield was shot by Guiteau on July 2, 1881, so Arthur became president. -republicans manage to retain presidency in 1880 because agreed on a ticket that included a stalwart and a half breed; nominated James a Garfield (half breed) for president and Chester a Arthur for vice president; Democrats nominated Winfield Scott Hancock who had no national following; benefiting from the end of the recession of 1879, Garfield 18 decisive electoral victory but pop vote margin thin and Republicans also win both houses of Congress

annexation of Puerto Rico

The Spanish, like in Cuba, had control over Puerto Rico for years, but as time went on, Puerto Rican natives also began to fight back against the cruel abuses forced upon them by the Spanish; just as some of the freedoms they eventually won from the Spanish began to take effect, Puerto Rico fell into American hands. A colonial government was established there, two years later. -demands for independence continue in response to political pressure by popular politician Louis Munoz Rivera and Spain granted a degree but before they have chance to take affect, control of Puerto Rico shifts to United States

why did the US look beyond our borders for conquest?

The experience of subjugating the Indian tribes had establish president for exerting colonial control and concept of closing the frontier pretty spears that natural resources with soon dwindle an alternative sources must be found a broad; depression of the 1890s encourage some business men to look overseas for new markets; better social protest of the time lead some politicians to urge a more aggressive foreign policy as an outlet for frustrations that would otherwise destabilize domestic life -foreign trade became increasingly important to American economy in late 19th century and many Americans began to consider the possibility of acquiring colonies that might expand markets further well aware of imperialist fever raging through Europe and major powers in Africa so turn their eyes to far east and feeble Chinese empire; some Americans fear that their nation would soon be left out in that no territory it would remain to be acquired -many writers and public figures contended that nations or races like biological species, struggled constantly for existence and that only the fittest could survive so strong nations dominate over weak ones in accordance to the laws of nature

Treaty of Paris 1898

The treaty that concluded the Spanish American War, Commissioners from the U.S. were sent to Paris on October 1, 1898 to produce a treaty that would bring an end to the war with Spain after six months of hostilitiy. From the treaty America got Guam, Puerto Rico and they paid 20 million dollars for the Philipines. Cuba was freed from Spain.

seizing the Philippines

Theodore Roosevelt was an enthusiastic imperialist -strengthened navy's Pacific Squadron and instructed Commodore George Dewey to attack naval forces in the Philippines, in the event of war -May 1, 1898 Dewey destroyed Spanish fleet in Manilla, only 1 American dead -Several Months Later, after American expeditionary force arrive Spanish surrender Manilla -capture of manilla is first of spanish american war

foraker act

This act established Puerto Rico as an unorganized U.S. territory. Puerto Ricans were not given U.S. citizenship, but the U.S. president appointed the island's governor and governing council. -establish a colonial government with an American governor and 2 chamber legislature and Us can amend or veto any legislation

National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry

This organization better known as the Grange, was organized in 1867 by Oliver H. Kelley; its objective was to enhance the lives of isolated farmers through social, educational, and fraternal activities; the Grangers gradually raised their goals from individual self-improvement of the farmer' collective plight --myth that American farmers were most individualistic of citizens but in reality, had been making efforts to organize for many decades and first major farm organization appeared in the 1860s: the grange -how to origins after Civil War enter through south by minor agricultural department official Oliver H kelly and he was apalled by isolation and drabness of rural life; founded the national grange of the patrons of husbandry which at first defined their purposes modestly; attempted to bring farmers to gather to learn new scientific agricultural techniques and to keep farming instep but also -hope to create a feeling of community to relieve the loneliness of rural life grangers grew slowly at first but when depression of 1873 caused major decline in farm prices, membership rapidly increased and chapters in almost every state but the strongest what is the regions of the south and mid west -As membership crew, began to focus less on social benefits of organization and more on economic possibilities; attempted to organize marketing cooperatives to allow farmers to circumvent the hated middleman and urge cooperate of political action to curb monopolistic practices by railroads and warehouses -set up cooperative stores, creameries, elevators, warehouses, insurance companies, and factories that produce machines, stoves, etc. and forge lucrative relationships with existing businesses

ocala demands

This series of demands was the result of an 1892 farmers' convention held in Ocala, Florida. The farmers demanded: (1) the direct election of senators, (2) lower tariff rates, (3) a graduated income tax, and (4) a new banking system regulated by the federal government. -southern and northwestern farmers alliances agree to lose merger

williams jennings bryan

Three-time candidate for president for the Democratic Party, nominated because of support from the Populist party. He never won, but was the most important Populist in American history. His famous "Cross of Gold" speech electrified the Democratic National Convention in 1896 when he asked that the people of the country not be "crucified on a cross of gold." He was referring to the Republican's proposal to eliminate silver coinage and adopt a strict gold standard.

Lincoln Steffens

United States journalist who exposes in 1906 started an era of muckraking journalism (1866-1936), Writing for McClure's Magazine, he criticized the trend of urbanization with a series of articles under the title Shame of the Cities.

western progressives

Western states wanted more reforms with the federal government as opposed to state or local governments. -American west Purdue some of most notable progressive leaders of the time: Hiram Johnson of California, George north of Nebraska, William bora of Idaho -for western states, most important target every form was The federal government which exercised authority in the west that never possess in the east because some of the most important issues to the west required action above the state level like disputes over water and Colorado river -Federal government exercise enormous power over lands in resources of western states and provided substantial subsidies to the region in form of land grants and support for railroad and water projects and huge areas of west remains public lands and massive growth of Wes was a result of federally funded dams and water projects

the clubwomen

Women who, interested in activities outside of the home, joined women's clubs that were generally engaged in philanthropic or social events; for example, the General Federation of Women's Clubs. -women's clubs began largely as cultural organizations for middle and upper class to give outlet for intellectual energies; in 1892 foreign general Federation of women's clubs to coordinate activities of local organizations and membership grows -by early 20th century, became more concerned with contributing to social betterment and some organizations had substantial funds at disposal; club had no partisan image that made them difficult for politicians to dismiss -Black women occasionally joined clubs dominated by whites but most clubs excluded blacks so form clubs of their own; became part of independent national Association of colored women and took positions on issues like lynching and segregation -Club movement seldom raise challenges about the proper role of women in society and allowed women to define a space for themselves in public world without openly challenging existing male dominated -activities of clubs mainly uncontroversial like planting trees, supporting schools, etc.; also an important force in winning passage of state laws that regulated the conditions of woman and child labor, establish government inspections of workplaces, regulated food and drug in history 's, reformed policies towards Indians, applied new standards of urban housing, and outlawed the manufacture and sale of alcohol -instrumental in pressuring state legislators to provide mothers pensions to widowed or abandon mothers with small children and pressured Congress to establish children's bureau and labor department -Club women formed alliances with other women's groups like women's trade union league

president garfield

Won the election of 1881, promised to end the spoils system, 4 months later he was assassinated for not giving one of his supporters a job in government -Garfield began presidency trying to defy the stalwarts in his appointments and showing support for civil-service reform; found himself embroiled in ugly public quarrel with conkling and the stalwarts that was never resolved and on July 2, 1881, Garfield was shot twice and eventually died

the federal reserve act

a 1913 law that set up a system of federal banks and gave government the power to control the money supply -created 12 regional banks each controlled and owned by individual banks of its district; federal reserve banks would hold a certain percentage of the assets of their member banks in reserve and would use those reserves to support loans to private banks at an interest rate that the federal reserve system would set -this would also issue a new type of paper currency - federal reserve Notes; these would become the nations basic medium of trade and will be back by the government -most importantly, it would allow federal reserve banks to be able to shift funds quickly to troubled areas to meet increase demands for credit or to protect imperiled banks -supervising and regulating entire system was national federal reserve board whose members were appointed by President -under wilson

James g Blaine

a U.S. Representative, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, U.S. Senator from Maine, two-time United States Secretary of State, and champion of the Half-Breeds. He was a dominant Republican leader of the post Civil War period, obtaining the 1884 Republican nomination, but lost to Democrat Grover Cleveland -as Secretary of State in 1880s, led early efforts to expand American influence into Latin America where he believed it could be market for surplus goods -helped organize the first Pan-American Congress

Alfred Thayer mahan

a United States Navy officer, geostrategist, and educator. His ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world, and helped prompt naval buildups before World War I. Several ships were named USS Mahan, including the lead vessel of a class of destroyers. His research into naval History led to his most important work, The Influence of Seapower Upon History,1660-1783, published in 1890

Federal Children's Bureau

a federal agency created to investigate child labor problems by Taft

federal trade commission

a federal agency established in 1914 to investigate and stop unfair business practices -wilson supports this


a journalist who uncovers abuses and corruption in a society -first people to articulate new spirit every form were crusading journalist who directed public attention to various injustices; became known as the muckrakers after Theodore Roosevelt accused them of raking up much through writings; committed to exposing scandal, corruption, and injustice to public -at first, major targets = trusts and railroads that they thought were deeply corrupt; exposes a great corporate organizations began to appear in 1860s, when Charles Francis Adams Junior uncovered corruption among railroad barons -One of the most notable muckrakers was Ira Tarbell's enormous study of the standard oil trust -by end of century, turning attention to government and urban political machines; most influential is Lincoln Steffens, who writes famous book shame of the cities and portrays machine government and boss rule in lots of cities and helped arouse sentiment for urban political reform; argued that alternative was for the people themselves to take greater interest in public life -muckrakers reach peak of influence in first decade of 20th century and helped inspire Americans to take action


a legislative act is referred for final approval to a popular vote by the electorate


a person working to destroy monopolies and trusts

panic of 1907

a serious recession, proved the govt. still had little control over the industrial economy. Conservatives blamed Roosevelt's mad economic policies for the disaster, and the president disagreed, but acted quickly to reassure business leaders that he wouldn't interfere with their private recovery efforts. -JP Morgan helps construct a pool of the assets of several important New York banks to prop up shaky financial institutions and argued that the heat for the arrangement was the purchase by US steel of the shares of the Tennessee coal and iron company; insisted he needed assurances that the purchase would not prompt antitrust action and Roosevelts agreed so plan proceeds; panic soon subsided -Panic of 1907, combined with Roosevelts growing radicalism during his second term, Eli needed conservatives in his own party that he might have had difficulty winning and the Republican nomination so didn't run in 1908; also in 1904, made a public promise to step down four years later and in 1999 Roosevelt retired from public life for a brief time

moderate socialism

a term used to distinguish the non-violent, non-revolutionary character of socialism from the communist idea of revolutionary change; sometimes referred to as democratic socialism -moderate socialist who advocated peaceful change through political struggle dominated socialist party; emphasize gradual education of the public but World War I dramatically weekend the socialist; refused to support the war effort in growing wave of anti-radicalism subjected them to enormous harassment and persecution

armistice in the spanish american war

armistice ends war -under the armistice, Spain recognize the independence of Cuba, ceded Puerto Rico, and accepted continued American occupation of Manila pending the final disposition of the Philippines

Montgomery ward and company

began the nation's first mail order business in 1872 -One corporation emerge specifically to meet the needs of the Grangers: the first mail order business, Montgomery ward and Company; helps farmers escape the overpriced local stores but eventually grange enterprises fail because of an experience of their operators and opposition of the middleman

Party loyalty (late 1800s)

cultural, due to the most to people's region, but also to religion, ethnicity, class. Loyalty was not about economic issues or other issues except for immigration. -most striking feature of late 19th century politics was remarkable stability of the party system; electorate divided almost precisely evenly between the Republicans and Democrats and 16 states consistently Republican and 14 consistently Democrat (mostly south) -republican party captures presidency in all but two of elections of era but thin popular vote margin and congressional balance was also stable with Republicans generally controlling Senate and Democrats controlling house -Americans viewed party affiliations with passion and enthusiasm and voter turn out average over 78%; large groups of potential voters disenfranchised like women in almost all blacks and many poor whites but for adult white males, they were a few franchise restrictions -party loyalty was not because of distinct positions on important public issues but reflected other factors; region was most important into white southerners, loyalty to democratic party was a matter of a question of faith and was the vehicle by which they had triumphed over reconstruction and preserved white supremacy; to Northerners, felt same about Republican loyalty and party of Lincoln remains a bulwark against slavery and treason -party indication was more a reflection of cultural inclinations than a calculation of economic interest

roosevelt and preservation

despite concerns with vision of conservation, also shared some concerns of the naturalists who were committed to protecting the natural beauty of the land and the health of it wildlife from human intrusion spent time camping in the Sierras with John Muir, nations leading preservationist and founder of sierra club -Roosevelt added significantly to national Park system whose purpose was to protect public lands from exploitation or development; congress created first national Park of Yellowstone in 1872 and Rosabell added land to several existing parks and also created crater lake, Mesa Verde, Plattes, and wind Cave

half breeds

faction of the republican party; led by James G Blaine; favored reform; against patronage

Galveston, Texas

first city to adopt a commission plan of government -One of first major successes is in Galveston, Texas where old city government was unable to deal with destructive title wave at 1900; capitalizing on public dismay, reformers want approval of new city charter and mayor and council men replaced by an elected, non-partisan commission; Des Moines Iowa and more follow

People's Party

formed in 1892, the populist party was created by farmers' alliances. The peoples' party supported the abolition of national banks and the government ownership of railroads -members known as populists --election of 1892 demonstrated the potential power of new movement and populous presidential candidate James B Weaver receive the nomination; got 22 electoral votes -1500 populous candidates won election to states legislators and party elected three governors, five senators, and 10 congressman; also claimed the support of many Republicans and Democrats in Congress who had been elected by appealing to populist sentiment

Hepburn Railroad Regulation Act

gave the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) the power to set maximum railroad rates and led to the discontinuation of free passes to loyal shippers. -One of first targets after of Roosevelt after election was the powerful railroad industry

bland Allison act

government buys silver each month and mint it into coins -limited coinage to $2-4 million per month

Jones Act (Puerto Rico)

granted Puerto Rican people American citizenship

gifford Pinchot

head of the U.S. Forest Servic under Roosevelt, who believed that it was possible to make use of natural resources while conserving them -advocate of conservation

American Medical Association

in 1901, when many doctors who considered themselves trained professionals the began forming local associations and societies such as this one, which was organized into a national professional society, including nearly 2/3 of all doctor, they called for strict scientific standards in practicing medicine. -by 1900, medical education at a few medical schools like Johns Hopkins compared to Europe and doctors like William H Welch revolutionize teaching of medicine by moving students into laboratories and clinics Same thing with lawyers and professional bar associations and law schools; businessman and creation of schools of business administration and oh national organizations; and even farmers through national Farm Bureau Federation

Clayton Antitrust Act

law that weakened monopolies and upheld the rights of unions and farm organizations -Wilson loses interest in Clayton antitrust bill and a little to protect it from conservative assaults; decided that the future lay with government supervision

Open Door Notes

message send by secretary of state John Hay in 1899 to Germany, Russia, Great Britain, France, Italy & Japan asking the countries not to interfere with US trading rights in China. -McKinley eager for a way to advance American interest without risking more so issued statement in September 1898 saying the US wanted access to China but no special advantages (open door notes); Secretary of State John Hay translates these to england, germany, france, russia, japan, and italy And asked them to approve three principles: each nation with a sphere of influence in China was to respect rights and privileges of other nations, Chinese officials continue to collect her if there is an ass fears, nations were not to discriminate against other nations and Levi in Port use and railroad rates within their own spheres these principles would allow the US to trade freely with the Chinese without fear of interference and would allow all them to retain illusion of Chinese sovereignty and prevent formal colonial dismemberment which could create obstacles -Europe and Japan received the open door proposals but Russia openly rejected and other powers claim to except in principle but unable to ask unless all the other powers agreed; hay announced tho that all powers had excepted the principles of open door

Upton Sinclair

muckraker who shocked the nation when he published The Jungle, a novel that revealed gruesome details about the meat packing industry in Chicago. The book was fiction but based on the things Sinclair had seen. -the most important muckraker

Statehouse Progressivism

municipal government not enough, state legislatures were bad, ill paid, victims to bosses, wanted to increase elected power. -two of the most important changes were innovations first proposed by populists: The initiative and the referendum

bull moose party

nickname for the new Progressive Party, which was formed to support Roosevelt in the election of 1912 -Bull moose party was notable for strong commitment to wide range of progressive causes that had grown in popularity; advocated additional regulation of industries and trust, sweeping reforms as much of government, compensation by govt for workers injured on job, pensions for elderly and widows with children, and women suffrag

Anti-Imperialist League

objected to the annexation of the Philippines and the building of an American empire. Idealism, self-interest, racism, constitutionalism, and other reasons motivated them, but they failed to make their case; the Philippines were annexed in 1900

southern demagogue

populism created the southern demagogue, consisting of poor southerners who rose up against the aristocratic elite (who traditionally owned the poor people) -first generation of distinctive and enduring political breed - the southern demagogue; Tom Watson, Jeff Davis, etc. attracted widespread popular support by arousing the resentment of porous out the nerves I can see entrenched plantar aristocracy

opponents to restricting immigration

powerful opponents - employers who saw immigration as source of cheap labor, immigrants themselves, and their political representatives- manage to block restriction for a little but by beginning of World War I, native it's tied gaining strength


procedure whereby voters can remove an elected official from office -recall was more strenuous and only a few states adopted

the new middle class

service workers, white-collar managers, and civil servants -late 19 century saw dramatic expansion of number of Americans engaged in administrative and professional tasks and by turn-of-the-century, those performing services had come to constitute a distinct social group - the new middle class -New middle class placed high-value on education and individual accomplishment; members were building organizations and establishing standards to secure position in society -no way to prevent everyone from claiming a professional label so as demand for professional services increased, so did pressures for reform

populist ideas

subtreasuries (should replace and strengthen the cooperatives of Grangers and alliances that had been experimenting for years; government would establish network of warehouses, where farmers could deposit their crops and using those crops as collateral, growers could then borrow money from the government at a low rates of interest and wait for the price of their goods to go up before selling them), no national banks, no absentee ownership of land, direct election of senators NO laissez-faire - regulation and gov't ownership of railroads, telephones, telegraphs, postal saving banks, graduated income tax, inflation,"free silver" -eventually, party embrace the demand of its western members for the re-monetization of silver

Chester A. Arthur

succeeded Garfield and spent political lifetime as a devoted, skilled, and open spoilsman and close ally of Roscoe Conkling; tried to follow independent course and promote reform but Garfield assassination had discredited the traditional spoil system and to the dismay of the stalwarts, Arthur kept most of Garfield's appointments in office and supported civil service reform

pure food and drug act

the act that prohibited the manufacture, sale, or shipment of impure of falsely labeled food and drugs -enacted in Roosevelts second term

crime of 73

through the coinage act of 1873, the US ended the minting of silver dollars and placed the country on the gold standard. this was attacked by those who supported an inflationary monetary policy, particularly farmers and believed in the unlimited coinage of silver -when the market value of silver fell well below the official meant ratio of 16 to 1, silver became attractive for coinage again -two groups especially determined to undo crime of 73; one is the Silvermine owners who wanted government to take their surplus and pay them more than the market price; other group was discontent and farmers who want to increase in the quantity of money as a means of raising the prices of farm products and easy payment of farmers debts

events that changed Roosevelts mind about presidential ambitions

two events change Roosevelts mind about denying presidential ambitions and only trying to pressure Taft to return to progressive policies... first is an announcement by the administration of a suit against US steel which said the 1907 acquisition of Tennessee coal and iron company has been illegal; Roosevelt in raged by the implication that he had acted improperly -Roosevelt still reluctant to become candidate for president because Senator Robert Lafollett was trying to secure a nomination him selves; la follete's candidacy stumble though when he appeared to suffer a nervous break down during his speech in Philadelphia

Coxey's Army

unemployed workers marched from ohio to wahsington to draw attention to the plight of workers and to ask for goverment relief -only had 500 people by the time it reached washington from ohio and police arrested him at capitol and he and his followers were herded into camps because their presence supposedly endangered public health

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