apush: great migration - harlem renaissance
jim crow provisions of world war one
- army rejected most black people that attempted to join - marine banned them - navy only allowed them to be stewards
how did the americans treat the african americans?
- black soldiers were mistreated and given bad clothing and food - they didn't want anything to do with them -> gave american regiments to french bc didnt want them. -> didn't want the french to treat them well either
why did everyone move to harlem?
- close to the city - open space - affordable - near transportation -> train and on water - african americans were already settled there - allowed for cultural renaissance
what was harlem like?
- epicenter of black culture at this time - crowded - hot as everyone is crowded - friendly - some were wealthy - churches
how did the french treat the african americans?
- french were hesitant at first, but say their dedication and eventually accepted, admired, and welcomed those in black regiments - they were grateful for their service but the white americans commanded the french to treat the black people poorly and to not associate with them
"push" the migrants from the south
- lack of quality economic activities
"pull" the migrants to the north
- less racism - job opportunities - allowed to vote
great migration
- movement of over 300,000 African American from the rural south into Northern cities between 1914 and 1920 - African Americans fled the south in great numbers for the north and west - it began in the year preceding America's involvement in World War I and ended as the Great Depression began.
harlem renaissance
- the harlem renaissance was an increase of african american culture and pride in the upper new york city neighborhood harlem. - largest movement of AA in art, music and literature - done by black americans and received by both black and white americans - it excluded white people as it was an african american story
why are african americans leaving the south
- unable to get economic gain due to sharecropping - jobs don't have good working conditions - discriminated against - underpaid
why did african americans want to join the army despite unjust treatment?
-hoped that black enrollment in the war would cause for a fairer and juster treatment from whites as blacks have fought for their country and earned their rights - false promise that if they fought they would get their rights - "first your country, then your rights"
red summer
a series of 1919 race riots in 25 cities, with several Americans, predominantly black, were killed for unimportant felonies example of events: mid atlantic - two day washington dc black vs white mob; 6 dead and 100 wounded south - south carolinian sailors went on a rampage, two blacks died midwest / west - a black boy swam in lake michigan and accidentally went into "white part" of beach and was stoned and drowned
wilson's compromise
african americans were allowed to register but only 10% of those drafted would learn how to use combat while the rest would be laborers
what did literature, music and art have in common?
all touched upon the black experience
private william little
an african american soldier that exited the train station wearing his uniform and was commanded to strip and walk home in his underwear. he refused and was beaten to death and found days later.
369th infantry
an all-volunteer unit for world war one in new york city consisting of african americans
why did african americans migrate to the north during the war?
due to many white men being drafted, jobs were vacant. thus unemployed blacks took these factory jobs. when the war ended, many lost their jobs as the government terminated these job contracts.
jazz in harlem rennaissance
jazz had improvised instrumental solos and rhythms that took some aspects from other musical conventions. no two performances were the same because of these factors
why did lynchings of african americans rise during 1919?
most were lynched for "social offenses" such as walking on the sidewalk or protecting a black girl from a white drunk man or for accusations that couldn't be proven
new negro
the black americans who were resistant against injustice inflicted by whites especially since they fought in the war and for their country, they felt they deserved justice from it
cotton club
the cotton club was were a lot of the most well known jazz musicians and singers like duke ellington went to play will audiences flocking from all over the city. it was still somewhat segregated.
why did mississippi give an official stamp of approval on lynching?
they advertised a lynching of a black man in jail
connection between red scare and treatment of african americans
whites believed the african americans were revolting because they believed in communism which posed them as a country's threat