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Clayton anti trust act

- this act strengthened the provisions in the Sherman antitrust act for breaking up monopoly -most important for organized labor the new law contained a clause exempting unions from being prosecuted as trust

Slavery (1820-1860)

-cotton boom called for more slaves - Families to be separated and women would sometimes be vulnerable to sexual exploitation -all were deprived of their freedom -slaves would resist through revolts

Social security act

-created a federal insurance program based upon the automatic collection of payments from employees and employers people's working careers - The Social Security trust fund would then be used to make three payments to retired persons over 65

Reconstruction finance corporation (rfc)

-created by Congress as a measure faltering railroads, life insurance companies other financial institutions -The benefits would trickle down to smaller businesses and ultimately bring recovery

Sherman antitrust act

Outlawing combinations in restraint trade

Art and architecture

Painters were inspired by the architecture of American cities to explore loneliness and isolation of urban life

Commonwealth v hunt

Ruled that peaceful unions had the right to negotiate labor contracts with employers

nullification crisis

-Nullification theory- is that each state had the right to decide whether to obey a federal law or to declare Null and void

24th amendment

-abolished abolished the practice of collecting a poll tax one of the measures that for decades how discouraged poor people from voting

The war on poverty

- 40 million Americans were still living in poverty

William Randolph Hearst

- A New York publisher who pushed scandal and sensationalism to new heights

Underground Railroad

- A loose network of northern free blacks and courageous exploits with the help of some white abolitionist who helped escape slaves reach freedom in the north or in Canada -the most famous escaped slave was Harriet Tubman

Black panthers

- A revolutionary socialist movement advocating self-rule for American black

Slave codes(1650-1860)

- A series of laws that limited slave rights -slave owners were given authority to impose a harsh physical punishment and to control their slaves in any fashion they sought without court intervention - prohibited slaves from owning weapons becoming educated meeting with other African Americans without permission and testifying against whites in the court - severely limited the rights of slaves


- American people became more nationalistic and eager to read the works of American writers about American themes - the scarlet letter by Daniel Hawthorne questioned the intolerance and conformity in American life -Moby Dick logical and cultural conflicts of the air as it told the story of captains pursuit of a white whale.

Atlantic charter

- British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Roosevelt secretly mad and drew up a document known as the Atlantic charter which stated for sound piece after the war there would have to be no territorial expansion and free-trade

War powers act

- Congress used the public uproar over this information to attempt to limit the presidents power over the military -this will require a Nixon or any future president to report to Congress within 48 hours after taking military action -it for the provided that Congress would have to approve any military action that lasted more than 60 days

Fort Sumter

- Fort Sumter in South Carolina was gonna from vital supplies and reinforcements by southern control of the harbor -announced that he was sending provisions of food to the small federal Garrison so South Carolina have the choice of seizing or opening fire in which they chose to open fire -after this Washington other is spending for war and called for 75,000 volunteers to put down the insurrection in the Confederacy

Architecture 1870s

- Henry Hobson Richardson changed the direction of American architecture by finding inspiration in the Greek and Roman styles based on the medieval Romanesque style of massive stone walls and rounded arches

John Browns raids at harpers ferry

- John Brown lad and attack on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry - Brown and six of his followers we tried and convicted and hang by the state of Virginia - John Brown was hailed as a martyr by many antis slavery northerners

Joseph McCarthy

- Joseph McCarthy used a steady stream of unsupported accusations about communists and government to keep the media focus on himself and to discredit the Truman and administration

Berlin Wall

- Kennedy agreed to meet Soviet Premier Khrushchev in Vienna in the summer of 1961 -Khrushchev seized the opportunity in Vienna to threaten the president burn doing Soviet demands that the United States pool it's troops out of Berlin -August the East Germans with Soviet backing build a wall around West Berlin -it's purpose was to stop instruments from fling to West Germany -as the wall was built Soviet and US tanks faced off in Berlin -in 1963 the president travel to West Berlin to ensure its residents of continuing US support -The Berlin wall said as a gloomy symbol of the Cold War until it was torn down by rebellious East Germans

Roosevelt corollary to Monroe doctrine

- Latin American nations that were in deep financial trouble and couldn't pay their debts to Europeans creditors were threatened -Bearpin powers stayed ready to intervene in Santo Domingo but instead of letting Europeans intervene and Latin America a blatant violation of the Monroe doctrine Roosevelt declared that the United States would intervene instead -US would send gunboats to a Latin American country that was delinquent in paying its debts -US presidents used the Roosevelt corollary to justify sending you his forces into Haiti the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua

emancipation proclamation

- Lincoln issued a warning that enslaved people in all states still in rebellion on January 1, 1863 would be forever free -freed only 1% of slaves because slavery in border states was allowed to continue -important because it enlarged the purpose of the war -authorized the use of freed slaves as Union soldiers

Tonkin gulf resolution

- Lyndon Johnson became president just those things began to fall apart and South Vietnam the country had seven different governments in 1964 -allegedly North Vietnamese converts had fired on US warships in the golf of Tonkin -basically gave the president on this is Siri measures to protect US interests in Vietnam

Trail of tears

- Most Cherokees repudiated the settlement of 1835 which provided land in the Indian territory - in 1838 after Jackson had left office the US Army forced 15,000 Cherokees Cherokees to leave Georgia - the hardships on the trail of tears Westward caused the death of 4000 Cherokees

Railroads afte the civil war

- Railroad mileage increase more then five fold in a 35 year Period -created a market for goods that was national and skill and by doing so encouraged mass production mass consumption and economic specialization -not only prompted settlement on the Great Plains but linked the west with the east to create one great national market -during the summer for Congress authorized length grants and loans for the building of the first transcontinental railroad to tie California to the rest of the Union - Union Pacific (built westward) was a railroad company that employed thousands of war veterans and Irish immigrants - Central Pacific built eastward and the workers included 6000 Chinese immigrants

Lend lease act

- Roosevelt proposed ending the cash and carry requirement of the neutrality act and permitting Britain to obtain all the US arms it needed on credit

1936 election

- Roosevelt v alf Landon -Landon criticized the Democrats for spending too much money but in general excepted most of the new deal legislation -Roosevelt won

Dred Scott v Stanford (1857) Background

- Scott been held in slavery in Missouri and then taken to the free territory of Wisconsin where he lived for two years before returning to Missouri -arguing that his residence on Freesoil made him a free citizen Scott sued for his freedom in Missouri

Gold reserve and tariff

- Silver prices encouraged investors to trade their silver dollars for gold dollars -The gold reserve filled to a dangerously low

OPEC an oil

- The Arab nations joined then into another form the organization of petroleum exporting countries -Oil was shaping up to be a critical form policy issue - The combination of Western dependence on Middle East oil air of nationalism and a conflict between Israel and Palestinian refugees where trouble American presidents in the coming decades

Agriculture new south

- The Souths postwar economy remain tied mainly to growing cotton -between 1870 and 1900 the number of acres planted in cotton more than doubled -increase productivity however I did to the cotton farmers problems causing compresses to decline by more than 50% by the 1890s

Red scare

- The anti-German area of the war years turned quickly into anti-Communist


- The big three conferred again at Yalta, they agreed that: -Germany would be divided into occupation zones -there would be free elections in the liberated countries of eastern Europe, -the Soviets would enter the war against Japan, which they did on August 8, 1945 -the Soviets would control the southern half of Sakhalin island and the Kurile islands in the Pacific and would have special concessions in Manchuria - A new world peace organization the future United Nations it would be formed at a conference in San Francisco


- The election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860 virtually insured that some southern states would leave the union - Lincoln campaign death on the need to contain slavery in the territories - The election was an insult because Amanda had been elected president who virtually no one in the south voted for -South Carolina was the first to leave the union after this legislatures and inMississippi Georgia Florida Alabama Texas and Louisiana all voted to do the same - representative of the seven states met in February to create the Confederate states of America

The west

- The majority of American Indians were living west of the Mississippi River - horses brought to America by the Spanish allowed tribes to become nomadic hunters following the buffalo -Mountain Man served as the guides and Pathfinders for settlers Crossing the mountains into California and Oregon in the 1840s

The west: settlement of the last frontier

- The open grasslands of the plane supported and estimated 15 million bison or buffalo buffalo intern provided food clothing shelter and even tools for many of the charger and 50,000 American Indians living in the West in 1865 -and only 35 years conditions on the Great Plains change so dramatically that the front here lightly vanished causing by 1900 the great buffalo herds to wipe out -The rush for the West natural resources not only nearly exterminated the Buffalo but also seriously damaged environment - The American Indians who lived in the region paid a high human and cultural price as land was settled by miners ranchers and farmers


- The states that permitted slavery -The region included 15 states all but four of which ceded and joined the Confederacy -agriculture was the foundation of the region tobacco, rice, and sugar cane were important cash crops - chief economic activity was the production and sale of cotton - Cotton gin made cloth affordable throughout the world by the 1850s cotton provided two thirds of all US exports and linked the south and Great Britain ("cotton is king")

Panic of 1893

- The stock market crashed as a result of overspeculation and dozens of railroads went into bankruptcy as a result of overbuilding - The depression continued for almost 4 years - for foreclosures reached new heights and the unemployed reach 20% of the workforce

Women's role 1946

- The traditional view of a woman's role as caring for home and children was referring to in the mass media and in the best selling self-help book baby and childcare -evidence of dissatisfaction group especially among well educated woman in the middle class -more married woman especially as he reached middle age entered the workforce -email employers in the 1950s saw female workers primarily as wives and mothers and women lower wages reflected this attitude


- Younger generation of officers who emerged in the 1890s who focused on how emotions and experiences shape human experience

Why move to the suburbs

- abundant land available at low-cost -inexpensive transportation by rail -low-cost construction methods such as the wooden balloon frame house -ethnic and racial prejudice -and American fondness for growth privacy and detached individual horses

Brook farm

- achieve a more natural union between intellectual and manual labor

Margret Sanger

- advocated birth-control education especially among the poor -The movement developed into the planned parenthood organization

Second industrial revolution

- after the Civil War a second Industrial Revolution resulted in the growth of large-scale industry and the production of steel petroleum electric power and the industrial machinery to produce other goods


- allowed Hitler to get away with a relatively small acts of aggression and expansion -In 1935 Mussolini ordered a Italian troops to invade Ethiopia nothing was done to stop the Italian aggressor -Hitler openly defeated the Versallies treaty which was supposed to be permanently demilitarize in western Germany by ordering German troops to march into Rhineland -in 1937 war between Japan and Chinaerupted as Japan invaded its weak neighbor -in Sudetenland in 1938, Hitler insisted that Germany had a right to take over a strip of land in Czechoslovakia and Sudetenland, allowed him to take it unopposed - Munich agreement

Irish immigration (1820-1860)

- almost 2,000,000 immigrants came from Ireland -these immigrants were mostly tenant farmers driven from their homeland by potato crop failures and a devastating famine in the 1840s -they had little interest in farming and little money -they faced strong discrimination because of their Roman Catholic religion

Helen hunt Jackson

- and century of dishonor Jackson speaks about the injustices done to American Indians

Panic of 1837

- banks Closing - caused by Jackson's opposition to the rechartering of the bank of the United States


- became a center family life and millions of American homes -television programming in the 50s was dominated by three national networks which presented with a blind menu of situation comedies Western quiz shows and professional sports


- believed every word in the Bible must be excepted as literally true example the story of creation

United improvement association

- brought to Harlem from Jamaica by an immigrant Marcus Garvey -Garby advocated individual and racial pride for African-Americans and developed a political ideas of black nationalism

The cattle frontier

- by the 1860s world herds of about 5 million head of cattle round freely over the Texas grasslands - The construction of railroads and to Kansas after the war opened up eastern markets for the Texas cattle -cattle drives began to come to an end in the 1880s due to overgrazing that destroyed the grass and a winter blizzard and drought of 1885 to 1886 that killed off 90% of the cattle

Judiciary act of 1801

- created new judgeships to be filled by the President - John Adams fill the vacancies with party supporters known as midnight judges before he left office -led to bitter resentment by the incoming Jeffersonian Republicans party actor would play a role in the case of Marbury versus Madison

Socialist party

- dedicated to the welfare of the working class -called for more radical reforms that the progressives favored public ownership of the railroad utilities and even of major industries such as oil -Eugene debs was party's 1st candidate

Gilded age belief in limited gov.

- did you do little government was entering with two other popular ideas of the time laissez-faire economics and social Darwinism

Economic change civil war

- due to the two .6 billion borrowed by the sale of government bonds Congress to raise tariffs (Morril tariff 1861) raised excise taxes and instituted the first income tax -The US treasury issued more then four $430 million paper currency known as greenbacks -this paper money could be redeemed and gold which contributed to creeping inflation -prices in the North Rose about 80% during the war -to manage the ad revenue moving in and out of treasury Congress created a national banking system in 1863 -workers wages did not keep pace with inflation


- feminist achieved a major legislative victory in 1972 when Congress passed the equal rights amendment this proposed constitutional amendment stated equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or Breyers by the United States or by any State on account of sex - it just missed the acceptance by requiring 38 states because conservatives feared the movement through and the traditional roles of woman you are

Spanish American war (the Philippines)

- for shots of the Spanish-American war were fired in Manila Bay in the Philippines -Theodore Roosevelt McKinley's assistant secretary of the Navy as an expansionist who wanted to show off the power of his country's Navy -anticipating for war Roosevelt ordered a fleet to the Philippines that had been under Spanish control since the 1500s -after where was the declared deweys fleet fired on Spanish ships in Manila Bay Island, with Filipino rebels, US troops captured the city of Manila on August 13

Indian removal act (1830)

- for the resettlement of many thousands of American Indians west of the Mississippi

Ku klux klan

- founded in 1867 by next Confederate General Nathaniel forest -burned black owned buildings and flogged and murdered Friedman to keep them from exercising their voting rights - to get federal authorities of hard to stop the KKK violence and to protect the civil rights of citizens in the South Congress passed the force acts of 1870 and 1871

Hays second round of notes

- hay feared that the forces in China my attempt to occupy the country and destroy its Independence - he wrote a second note to the imperialist powers stating US commitment to preserve China's territorial integrity as well as safeguard equal and in partial trade with all parts of the Chinese empire

Richard Nixon

- his main goal was to decrease US involvement in the Vietnam war

Voter participation

- in 1910 states had adopted the secret ballot -introduce the new system for bypassing politicians and placing denominated process directly in the hands of voters -17th amendment required that all US senators elected by popular vote -amendments to state constitution offered voters the initiative a method by which voters could compel the legislature to consider a bill and the referendum a method that allowed citizen to vote on proposed printed on the ballets -recall enabled to remove a cracked or unsatisfactory politician from office by majority vote before the official term had expired

Compromise of 1877

- in return for the Democrats allowing Jesus to become president he would immediately and federal support for the Republicans in the south and support the building of a southern transcontinental railroad

Republicans during gilded age (1877-1900)

- in the north Republican politicians kept memories of the Civil War alive during the gilded age but figuratively at waving the bloody shirt and every campaign and reminding the millions of veterans of the Union Army that the runes have been caused by the southern Democrats and the Abraham Lincoln had been murdered by Democrat -The corner of Republicans strength came from men in business and for the middle class Anglo-Saxon Protestant many of whom supported temperance or prohibition -support high tariffs

Fordney McCumber Tarriff

- increase the duties on for manufactured goods by 25% -productive of US business interest in the short run but destructive in the long run -European nations were slow to recover from the war and had difficulty paying their war debts to the United States

March on washington

- king led one of the largest and most successful demonstration in US history - about 200,000 blacks and whites took part in the peaceful march on Washington in support of the civil rights Bill -The highlight of the demonstration I have a dream speech

Suez crisis

- led by the Arab nationalist general Gamel Nasser Egypt asked the United States for funds to build the ambition I was one damn project on the Nile River -US refused because Egypt threatened Israel security -The British and French carried out a surprise attack against Egypt and we took the canal

John James Audubon

- lover of American bird -painted wildfowl in their natural habitat -wrote birds of America which received popularity -the audobun society, for the protection of birds was named after him


- more than 1 million Germans seeked refuge in the United States in the late 1840s and 1850s -most had considerable skills as farmers and artisans -they moved westward in search of cheap fertile farmland -strongly supported public education and oppose slavery

Civil war -advantages for north and south

- most of the nation's wealth was situated in the north industrialization would give the north and advantage in producing guns bullets and other materials needed for warfare -The Northern Railway system was superior to the existing railways in the south -most influential banks and financial markets were located in the north - The south was larger than the north -the confederacy had to move troops shorter distances than Union -the south felt that their office corps were superior to the officer corps of the Union

Boxer rebellion

- nationalism and hatred and fear of foreigners were on the rise in China -the society of harmonious fists or boxers attacked foreign settlement and dozens of Christian missionaries -- to protect American lives and property of the US, troops participated in an international force that marched into Beijing and quickly crushed the rebellion of the boxers -the countries force China to pay a huge sum in indemnities to debate which furthered weakened the imperial regime

Five power treaty

- nations with the five largest navies agreed to maintain the following ratio with respect to their largest or ships or battleships the United States five Great Britain five Japan three friends 1.67 Italy 1.67 -Britain and the United States also agreed not to fortify their possessions in the pacific while no limit was placed on the Japanese

Railroad regulation under Roosevelt

- persuaded Congress to pass commerce commission(ICC) -under the Elkins act of 1903 mL had greater authority to start railroads from granting rebates to favorite customers -under the Hepburn act of 1906 the commission could fix just and reasonable rates for rail roads

Foster Dulles

- placed a greater reliance on nuclear weapons and airpower and spending less on conventional forces of the army and Navy

Supply side theory

- policy based on the theory that allowing companies the opportunity to make profits, and encouraging investment, will stimulate the economy and lead to higher standards of living for everyone. -Argued that tax cuts can be used stimulate economic growth. -Move money into the hands of the people and they will invest, thus creating prosperity.

Cuba and the platt amendment

- previously the teller amendment to the war resolution of 1898 guaranteed the U.S. Respect for Cuba sovereignty as an independent nation of the last US troops are made in Cuba from 1898 until 1901 -The platt amendment required Cuba to agree to never signed a treaty with a form how are impaired it's independence -to permit the United States to intervene in Cuban affairs to preserve its independence and maintain law and order, to allow the U.S. To maintain naval bases in Cuba, including once permanent base a Guantanamo bay

15the amendment

- prohibited any state from denying the citizens right to vote on account of race color or previous condition of servitude

Homestead act

- promoted settlement of the Great Plains by offering parcels of 160 acres of public land free to any person or family that farmed that land for at least five years

Tyding Mcduffe act

- provided the independence of the Philippines by 1946 and the gradual removal of US military presence of the islands island

Andrew Jackson

- seventh president -after word 1812 he invaded Spanish forward it to quell native American rebellions -after the treaty of the war of 1812 had already been signed he defeated British force that had invaded New Orleans, safeguarding Mississippi River -popular president due to his image of the self made westerner -implemented the spoils system approach to civil service -signed the Indian removal act, which provided for federal enforcement to remove Native American tribes west of the Mississippi -was against the Bank of the U.S.

Bleeding Kansas

- slaveholders in Missouri set up home steads in Kansas in means of winning control of the territory for the south -northern abolitionists and free soilers responded by organizing the new England emigrant aid company which paid for the transportation of anti-slavery settlers to Kansas fighting broke down between proslavery and anti-slavery groups - proslavery forces attacked the Freesoil town of Lawrence killing two and destroying homes and businesses - two days later a stern abolitionist retaliated and attacked a proslavery from settlement at Pottowatomie Creek killing 5 settlers

13th amendment

- slavery nor involuntary servitude except as a punishment for crime shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction


- soviet troops invaded Afghanistan an aggressive action the end of the decade of improving US Soviet relations

Mark twain

- started career as a writer working on a Virginia City newspaper in the 1860s --first great realist author -wrote adventures of Huck Finn

Dollar diplomacy

- tafts policy of promoting US trade by supporting American Enterprises

Kansas Nebraska act (1854)

- to obtain southern approval for Douglasses transcontinental railroad which would go through the central United States, Douglas introduced a bill to divide the Nebraska territory into two parts the Kansas territory and Nebraska territory and allow settlers in each territory to decide whether to allow slavery or not - since this territories were located north of the 36 30' Douglas is Bill gave south there in slave owners an opportunity to expand slavery that previously had been close to them by the Missouri compromise of 1820 -Northern Democrats condemned the bill as a surrender to the slave power

Fugitive slave law

- track down runaway slaves were to skip to a northern state capture them and return them to their southern owners

Hoovers policies

- urgent business is not to cut wages unions not to shake and private charities to increase their efforts for the needy and the jobless

Union strategy

- use the U.S. Navy to blockade southern ports (called the anaconda plan) and cutting of the central supplies from reaching the confederacy -take control of the Mississippi River dividing the confederacy into two -raise and train an army 500,000 strong to a conqueror

Andrew Johnson

- was a self-taught Taylor Rose and politics by championing the interests of poor whites and their economic conflict with Rich planters -was the only senator from a Confederate state who remained loyal to the union -first president to become impeached

Free soil move,net

-" Freesoil free labor for men" -advocated public land grants to small farmers and internal improvements

Wilson election of 1916

-"he keptout of war" -made a speech to the Senate declaring US commitment to his idealistic hope for peace without victory -a month later went to congress to ask for declaration of war

Civil rights movement

--President Truman interview did the Armed Forces in 1948 and introduced civil rights -has the 1950s again whatever African-Americans in the south were still by law segregated from whites in schools and in most public facilities - there are also kept from voting by poll taxes literacy test grandfather clauses and intimidation


-10 European nations joined the United States and Canada including the north Atlantic Treaty organization a military alliance for defending all members from outside attack - The Soviet union countered in 1955 by forming the Warsaw Pact a military alliance for the defense states of Eastern Europe

Mann Elkins act

-1910 -gave the interstate commerce commission the power to suspend new railroad rates and oversee the telephone telegraph and cable companies

Congress rights act of 1964 and 1965

-1964 civil rights act made segregation illegal in all public facilities including hotels and restaurants and get the pro-government additional powers to enforce school desegregation -voting rights act of 1965 and did a literacy tests and provided federal registrars in areas where blog from voting


-1st artificial Earth satellite -it was launched by Moscow in 1957 and sparked U.S. fears of Soviet dominance in technology and outer space. -It led to the creation of NASA and the space race.

Strike of 1919

-60000 unionists joined shipyard workers in a peaceful strike for higher pay

Mexican Americans during wwII

-A 1942 agreement with Mexico allowed Mexican farmworkers known as Braceros to enter the United States in the harvest season without going through formal immigration procedures -The sudden influx of Mexican immigrants into Los Angeles stirred white resentment and led to the so-called zoot suit riots in the summer of 1943 and which white and Mexican Americans battled on the streets

Jackie Robinson

-A baseball player broke in the Carline in 1947 by being hired by the Brooklyn Dodgers as the first African-American to play on a major-league team since 1880s

Booker t Washington

-A former slave who established an industrial and agricultural school for African-American in Alabama

The lodge corollary

-A group of Japanese investors want to buy a large part of Mexico's Baja Peninsula extending south of California - fearing that Japan's government might be secretly scheming to acquite the land lodge introduced the Senate in 1912 known as the lodge corollary to the Monroe doctrine -stated that non-European powers such as Japan would be excluded from owning territory in the western Hemisphere

The triangle shirtwaist fire (1911) in New York

-A high-rise garment factory took 146 lives mostly woman - The tragedy Spurk greater woman's activism and motivated states to pass laws to improve safety and working conditions in factories

Gentle men's agreement

-A major cause of friction between Japan and the United States concern the laws of California which discriminated against Japanese-Americans - San Francisco's practice of acquiring Japanese American children to attend segregated schools was considered a national insult in Japan -Roosevelt agreed to the gentleman's agreement to repeal it's discriminatory laws

Whigs in the age of jackson

-A national Bank -federal funds for internal improvements -a protective tariff

Kent state

-A nationwide protest on college campuses against the government -resulted in National Guard troops I can stay in Ohio and two students at Jackson State Mississippi

Charles Lindbergh

-A popular hero of the decade and most celebrated activist in 1927 -flew nonstop across the Atlantic from Long Island to Paris - Americans Wilson to the radio for news of his flight and welcomed his return to the US with parades

Palmer raids

-A series of unexplained bombings caused Attorney General Palmer to estanlish a special office under Edgar Hoover to gather information on radicals From November 1919 through January 1929 6000 people were arrested based on limited criminal evidence most reform one

Dust bowl farmers

-A severe drought in the early 1930s ruined in the Great Plains which became a dustbowl as poor farming purposes coupled with high winds blew away millions of tons of dry topsoil - with their farms turn to dust and their health often compromised thousands of okays from Oklahoma and surrounding states migrated west were to California in search of farm or factory work that often could not be found -John Steinbeck wrote about the hardships and his classic study of economic heartbreak the grapes of wrath

WEB Du Bois

-A social scientist to use new statistical methods to city crime in urban neighborhoods -first African-American to receive a doctorate from Harvard and it was the leading black intellectual of era - advocated equality for blacks integrated schools and equal access to her education for the talented 10th of African-American

March on Montgomery

-A voting rights march from Selma Alabama to the state capital of Montgomery was not with beatings and tear gas and what came to be known as bloody Sunday -turning point for civil rights movement - as a result Congress passed voting rights act of 1965

James Meridith

-A young African-American Air Force veteran attempted to enroll in the University of Mississippi -A federal court guaranteed his right to attend -supporting Meredith and the court ordered a set in 400 federal marshals and 3000 troops to control mob violence and protect her right to attend class

Public works administration

-Alotted of money to state and local government for building roads bridges downs and other public works provided as a source of thousands of jobs


-American architects adapted Grix thousand to glorify the Democratic spirit of republic

Fredrick Jackson turner

-American historian who said that humanity would continue to progress as long as there was new land to move into. The frontier provided a place for homeless and solved social problems

Reservation policy

-Andrew Jackson's policy of removing Eastern American Indians to the west was based on the belief that lands west of the Mississippi would remain Indian country -this expectation soon proved false as a Wagon Trails Rd., Westward on the Oregon Trail and plans were made for building a trans Continental Road -the Federal government began to send the plains tribes large tracts of land with definite boundaries -most plane tribes refuse to restrict their movements to the reservations and continue to follow the migrating Buffalo were over they roamed

Italy 1922

-Benito Mussolini seized power in 1922 -land Italy's fascist party would you talk to dissatisfied war veterans, nationalists, and those afraid of rising communism

Anti war songs

-Big mama Thornton hound dog -Elvis hound dog -Over there -I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier -This land is your land -All you fascists -strange fruit -sh-boom -three thirty three -catch a falling star

Andrew Carnegie

-Born in 1835 in Scotland cartage he emigrated to the United States and worked his way up from poverty to become the superintendant of Pennsylvania Railroad -in the 1870s he started manufacturing still in Pittsburgh and soon outdistanced his competitors by a combination of salesmanship and the use of the latest technology - employed business strategy known as vertical integration where a company controls every stage of the industrial process from mining the wrong materials to transporting the finished product -United States steel, first billion dollar company

Boundary dispute in Oregon

-British based claims to Oregon on the hudson fur company's profitable for trade with the American Indians of the Pacific North West - do you have faced it on the discovery of the Columbia River by Captain Gray in 1792 and the overland expedition to the Pacific coast by Lewis and Clark in 1805 and the for trading post and fort in a Astoria Oregon -president settled for just the southern half of it (49th parallel)

Impending crisis of the south

-By Hinton helper - used statistics to demonstrate to follow Southerners about slavery weakened the souths economy -southern states acted quickly to ban the book but it was widely distributed in the north by anti-slavery and Freesoil leaders

Dawes plan

-Charles Dawes was an American banker who would become Coolidges vice President -established a cycle of payments going from the United States to Germany and from Germany to the allies -The United States banks would lend Germany huge sums to rebuild it's economy and pay reparations Britain and France -and return Britain and France would use the reparations money to pay their war debts to the United States -this cycle help to ease financial problems on both sides of the Atlantic

Hay market bombing

-Chicago with about 80,000 Knight in 1886 was the site of the first maybe labor movement -in response to the made a movement calling for a general strike two achieve an eight hour day labor violence broke out at Chicago's Mc Cormick Harvester plant.

Restricting immigration

-Chinese exclusion act in 1882(placing a ban on immigrants from China) -restriction of criminals, convicts, mentally incompatent -contract labor law of 1885 restricted temporary workers to protect American workers -efforts to restrict immigration was supported by: which fear them Coors reviews immigrants to depress wages and break strikes to the society American protective Association which was openly prejudiced against Roman Catholics and social Darwinist who view the new immigrants biologically inferior to English and German stocks


-Committee members shared property and marriage partners -critics attacked the oniemda system of planned production and communal child rearing as a sinful experiment and free love the - community managed to prosper economically by producing and selling support of excellent quality

Demands for silver money Silver discoveries in Nevada receive demands for the use of silver to expand the money supply

-Congress in the 1870s also stop the coinage of silver critics call this action the crime of 1873 -Silver discoveries in Nevada receive demands for the use of silver to expand the money supply

First hundred days

-Congress passed into every law request of President Roosevelt -bank holiday, repeal of prohibition ( beer wine revenue act) -relief for the unemployed -create jobs for building bridges and dams

The United Nations

-Congress readily accepted the peacekeeping organization that was conceived during World War II and put in place immediately after the war -I would representatives from the United States and the Soviet Union Great Britain and try to propose an international organization to be called United nation -in April 1945 delegates from 50 nations assembled in San Francisco where they took only eight weeks to draft a charter of the United Nations - the senate quickly voted to accept US involvement in the United Nations on a october 24th 1945

Wilmot proviso

-David Wilmot proposed that an appropriations bill be amended to forbid slanders in any of the new territories acquired by Mexico

Republican Party

-Direct reaction to the passage of the Kansas Nebraska act -purpose was to impose a spread of slavery in the territories not to end slavery itself

Salt I

-Dixon used as a relationship with China to put pressure on the Soviets to agree to a treaty limiting anti-ballistic missiles a new technology that would have expanded the arms race -after the first round of strategic arms limitation talks US diplomats secured Soviet consent to a freeze on the number of ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads


-East, Lee took offensive by leading an army into enemy territory for the union state of Maryland and Pennsylvania -The invading Confederate Army surprised Union units at Gettysburg with 50,000 casualties -leave sold on union lines destroyed a key part of the Confederate Army which caused Lee's forces to retreat to Virginia


-Erie canal in New York linked the economies of western farms and eastern cities -economic success stimulated a canal building frenzy -improved transportation meant lower food prices in the east, more immigrant settling in the west, and stronger economic ties between two sections

Temperance movement

-Excessive drinking of alcohol by mail factory workers was one cause of poverty and working-class families -The woman's Christian temperance union was formed in 1874 advocating total abstinence from alcohol - The anti-saloon league founded in 1893 became a powerful force and by 1963 to 21 states to close down all saloons and bars

Whiskey ring

-Federal revenue agents conspired with the liquor industry to defraud the government of millions in taxes -while Grant himself did not personally profit from the corruption his loyalty to diss honest men around him badly tarnished his presidency

Wilsons progressive program

-Federal trade commission investigated and take action against any unfair trade practice in every industry except banking and transportation -federal Farm loan act in 19 16, 12 regional Federal Farm loan banks were established to provide from loans at low interest-rate - Child labor act-prohibited the shipment in interstate commerce of products manufactured by children under 14 years old

Fidel Castro

-Fidel Castro overthrew the Cuban dictator and 1959 -Castro nationalized American owned businesses and properties in Cuba -Eisenhower retaliated by cutting off US trade with Cuba causing Castro to turn to the Soviets for support -Eisenhower authorize the CIA to train anti-Communist Cuban exiles to retake the island but the decision to go ahead with the scheme was left up to the next president Kennedy

"Gilded age"

-First used by Mark train in 1873 as a title of the book referred to the superficial quarter of the new wealth so prominently displayed in the late 19th century -era of forgettable presidents

Great society reforms

-Foodstamp act help poor people buy food -National foundation on the arts and humanities provided federal funding for the arts and for creative and scholarly projects -medicare provided health insurance for all people 65 and older -medicaid Provided funds to states to pay for medical care for poor and disabled -Elementary and secondary education act provided federal funds to pour school district funds for special education programs and funds to expand Headstart in early childhood education program -higher education act provided Federal scholarships for post secondary education -immigration act abolished discriminatory quote is based on national origins - child nutrition act Added breakfast in school lunch program

New south continued poverty

-Forest region in the country -The poverty of the majority of Southerners it was caused by the Celts late start at industrialization and a poorly educated workforce -also failed to invest in technical and engineering schools as an orchidpost work on me

The Amanda colonies

-Germans who belonged to a religious reform movement known as pietism -emphasized simple communal living

WwI submarine warfare

-Germany answer the British blockade but announcing a blockade of its own and one that ships attempted to enter the war zone risk being sunk on site by German submarines -in August 1915 to Americans lost their lives at sea as a result of a German submarine attack on the Arabic

Woodrow Wilsons 14 points

-Germany had to return the regions of all and Lorrain difference and event great Belgium in the west and Romania and suburbia in the East - recognition of freedom of the seas -an end to the secret treaties -reduction of national amramants -an impartial adjustment of all colonial claims -self-determination for the various nationalities - removal of trade barriers -general association of nations (league of nations)

Settlement houses

-Group of young well educated women and men of the middle class concerned about the lives of the poor immigrant neighborhoods settled their to learn about the problems of immigrant families first hand -living in settlement houses that you were farmers hope to provide social services for people in the neighborhood - hull house in Chicago was started by Jane Addams -settlement houses taught English to immigrants pioneered early childhood education time industrial arts and established neighborhood theaters and music schools

Eugene debs

-Head of the American Railway Union and director of the Pullman strike - he was imprisoned along with his associates for ignoring a federal court injunction to stop striking. -While in prison, he read Socialist literature and emerged as a Socialist leader in America.

From neutrality to war 1939-1941

-Hitler broke the Munich agreement by sending troops to occupy all of Czechoslovakia -recognizing the failure of appeasement Britain and France pledge to fight a cold was attacked -German tanks and playing to be doing a full scale invasion of Poland causing Britain and France to declare war against Germany

Walt Whitman

-Humanist and poet who helped to start the transition between transcendentalism and realism. -Wrote "Leaves of Grass," which was highly controversial due to its overt sexual themes

Desegregating the schools (Brown decision)

-In brown v board of edu. Of Topeka the NAACP argued that segregation of black children in the public schools which unconstitutional because it violated the 14th amendment of equal protection of the laws - The Supreme Court overturned the plessy case -just Earl Warren ruled that separate facilities are inherently unequal and unconstitutional and school segregation should end with all deliberate speed

Battle of Leyte gulf

-Japanese had conquered the Philippines -General Douglas MacArthur destroyed the Japanese Navy -Japanese used going to cause a pilots to make Suzette attacks on the US ships -before finally succeeded in taking this island near Japan US forces suffered 50000 casualties and killed 100,000 Japanese

Keynesian economics

-John Maynard Keynes talk to Rose about that he had made a mistake and attempted to balance the budget -deficit spending was helpful in difficult times because the government needed to spend well above its tax revenues in order to initiate economic growth -deficit spending prime the pump to increase investment and create jobs

Moon landing

-July 20, 1969 -by astronaut Neil Armstrong and Col. Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. -became first people to walk on moon -televised landing

John hanckock

-King of the Smugglers -Patriot leader and president of the Second Continental Congress -first person to sign the Declaration of Independence.

Calvin Coolidge

-Limited government that stood outside business conducted it's own affairs

Lockheed v New York and Muller v Oregon

-Lockheed v New York) supreme Court ruled against A state law limiting workers to 10 hour workday -Muller v Oregon) -The high court ruled the health of women need special protection from long hours

Excessive use of credit

-Low interest rates and I believe both consumer and business that economic boom was probably lead to increased an installment buying


-Many immigrants arrived from Europe -due to development of inexpensive and relatively rapid ocean transportation -summons and revolutions in Europe that drove people from their homelands - The growing reputation of the United States as a country offering economic opportunities and political freedom - The immigrant strengthen the US economy by providing a steady stream of inexpensive labor and it increased demand for mass produced consumer goods

Treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo

-Mexico recognized the Rio Grande as the southern border of Texas -the United States took possession of the former Mexican provinces of California and the Mexican session the United States paid 15 million and assume responsibility for any claims of American citizens against Mexico

Mexico test of good neighboring policy

-Mexico toasted US patience and commitment to the good neighbor policy when it's President garden is seized or properties owned by US corporations - Roosevelt rejected corporate events to intervene and encouraged American companies to negotiate a settlement

Utopian communities (1820-1850)

-Movement that copied early European efforts at utopianism -attempt by cooperative communities to improve life in the face of increasing industrialism - groups practice social experiments that generally saw little success due to their radicalism -included attempts at sexual equality racial equality and socialism - examples of these communities are Brookfarm and only and

The French in Mexico

-Napoleon III taking advantage of US involvement in the Civil War by sending French troops to occupy Mexico -as soon as the Civil War ended in 1865 Seward invoked the Monro doctrine and threatened US military action unless the French withdrew -Napoleon III backed down and the French troops left Mexico


-National aeronautics and Space administration to direct the United States and explore outer space -billions were appropriate it to complete with the Russians in the space race

Knights of labor

-Open the membership to all women and African-Americans -advocated a variety of reforms such as working cooperatives to make each man his own employer, abolition of child labor, abolition of trusts and monopolies -The peak of 730,00 workers in 1886 but after the hay market in Chicago declined

New York realists (Aschan School)

-Painted themes of everyday life in poor urban neighborhoods -upsetting the realists and Romantics like where the abstract nonrepresentational painting exhibited in the Armory show in New York City in 1913

Ostend manifesto

-Polk offered to purchase Cuba from Spain for $100 million, but Spain refused to sell the last major remnant of its once glorious -several southern adventurers led small expeditions to Cuba in an effort to take the islands by arms , they failed -pierce adopted pro southern policies and secretly negotiated to buy Cuba from Spain in Ostend, Belgium -Ostend manifesto leaked to the press in the U.S. And provoked an angry reaction from antislavery members of congress -pierce was forced to drop the scheme

Immediate causes of war with Mexico

-Polk ordered Zachary Taylor to move his army toward the Rio Grande across territory claimed by Mexico on April 24, 1846 Mexican army cross the Rio Grande and captured and American army patrol killing 11 -Polk used the incident to go to war -z. Taylor's force of 6,000 men drove the Mexican army from Texas -then took Mexico City in September

Postwar America

-Problem of finding jobs and houses

Pullman strike

-Pullman manufactured the famous railroad sleeping cars known as Pullman cars -he announced a general cut wages and for the leaders of the workers delegation who came to bargain with him - Railroad were owner supported Pullman by linking Pullman cars to mail trains

Monroe doctrine

-Quincy Adams wanted to act alone(not with Britain) because he thought it would restrict US opportunities for further expansion -Monroe declared that the U.S. opposed attempts by a European power attempting to colonize American continents -Britain(canning) was annoyed with the doctrine because it applied to not only other European powers but his(britains) as well.

Railroad strike of 1877

-Railroad companies cut wages in order to reduce costs -The strike on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad quickly spread across 11 states and shut down two thirds of the countries real trackage -Railroad workers were joined by 500,000 workers from other industries in an escalating strike that quickly national in scale -after the strike some employees and dress the workers grievances but improving wages and working conditions while others take a hard line by busting workers organizations

Conservation by Roosevelt

-Roosevelt made repeated use of the forest reserve act of 1891 to set aside 150,000,000 acres of federal land as a national reserve that could not be sold to private interests -in 1902 Roosevelt one passage of the new land reclamation act a lot providing money from the sale of public land for irrigation projects in the western states -A national conservation commission it was established under Gifford Pinchot

Fireside chats

-Roosevelt went on the radio on March 12, 1933 to present the first of many fireside chats to the American people -the president assured his listeners that the banks which reopened after the bank holiday were safe -the public responded as hoped, with the money deposited in the reopened banks exceeding the money withdrawn

Monroe doctrine causes

-Russia's presence in Alaska worried both the U.S. and Britain. Russian seal hunters established a trading post in San Francisco Bay. -Britain and U.S. Had a common interest in protecting north and South America from possible European power -British naval power deterred Spanish from attempting a comeback in South America

Watergate scandal

-Scandal was a problem in Washington during the presidency of Richard Nixon. - The members of an association working to have Nixon re-elected, CREEP, were involved in a burglary, and it was then linked to Nixon. -The CREEP group had also gotten lots of money from unidentifiable places. -Suspicion set in and Nixon was accused of getting illegal help in being re-elected. -Nixon tried to use government to cover-up his involvement. Impeachment proceedings were started but Nixon resigned from his office in August of 1974.

Sequence of events in 1914 leading from peace to Europe to world war

-Serbian nationalist assassinates Austrian Francis Ferdinand ,the heir apparent to the throne of the Astro Hungarian Empire,and his wife -The Austrian government issues and ultimatum threatening or against Serbia and invade the country four days later -Russia as an ally of Serbia orders it's army to mobilize against Austria - German as Austrians ally declares war against Russia -Jeremy to cause a war against France Russia and immediately begins an invasion of neutral Belgium because it offers the fastest route to Paris -Great Britain as an ally of France declare war against Germany

William h Seward

-Served as Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson -Great Britain and France from entering the war on the side of the Confederacy -Love the drive to our next midway island in the Pacific gained righrs to build a canal in Nicaragua, And purchased the vast territory of Alaska

Sherman's March

-Sherman was a pioneer of the tactics of total war marching relentlessly through Georgia, hos troops destroyed everything in their path burning Cottonfield Barnes and houses everything the enemy might use to survive - Sherman's march had its intended effects to help break the spirit of the Confederacy and destroy its will to fight on

Joseph smith

-Smith reported to being visited by an angel and given golden plates in 1840 -the plates, when deciphered, brought about the Church of Latter Day Saints and the Book of Mormon -he ran into opposition from Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri when he attempted to spread the Mormon beliefs - he was killed by those who opposed him.

Edgar Allen Poe

-Southern writer who wrote about murder, mystery, and morbid. - The Raven -The Black cat

Interstate commerce act 1886

-State laws regulating railroads great run into the numerous legal problems especially with the roads that cross state lines -required real rights to be reasonable and just -had the power to investigate and prosecute pools rebates and other discriminatory practices

New deal

-The 3 Rs: really for people out of work recovery for business and the con me as a whole and reform of American economic institutions

D day in Europe

-The Allied drive to liberate friends begin on June 6, 1944 with the largest invasion by Sea in history -Monday day British and Canadian and US forces under the command of General Eisenhower secured several beachhead on the Normandy coast -after this bloody but successful attack the alley defensive moved rapidly to rollback German occupying forces -by the end of August Paris was liberated by September I would troops across the German border for a final push toward Berlin -The Germans launched a desperate counterattack in Belgium in December in the bottle bulge after the setback over Americans we organized and resumed their advance

Father Charles Coughlin

-The Catholic priest attracted a huge popular falling in the early 1930s through his weekly radio broadcast -he founded the national union for social justice which is which called for issuing an inflated currency and nationalizing all banks -his attacks on the new deal became increasingly anti-semitic and fascist until his superiors in the Catholic Church ordered him to stop his broadcast

Unrestricted submarine warfare

-The German high command had decided in early January 1917 to resume unrestricted submarine warfare -Germany recognize the risk of the United States and bring the word believe that by cutting off supplies to their allies they could win the war before Americans could react


-The Nazi party arose in the 1920s in reaction to deplorable economic conditions after the war and national resentments over the Treaty of Versailles -The Nazi leader Adolf Hitler used bullying tactics against Jews as well as fascist ideology to increase his popularity with disgruntled employee German workers -with his personal army of brownshirts Hitler gained control of the German legislature in 1933

The closing frontier

-The Oklahoma territory once set aside for the use of American Indians was open for settlement in 1889 and hundreds of homesteaders took part in the last Great land rush in the west -turners frontier thesis

Bakke v. Regents of the university of California (1978)

-The Supreme Court ruled that will raise could be considered the school had created racial quotas which were unconstitutional

The Philippine question

-The Treaty of Paris was passed 1899 -The people of the Philippines were outraged at their hopes for national independence from Spain was now being denied by the United States -A national leader Emelio aguinaldo thought alongside you his troops during the Spanish-American war now he loved guerrilla fighters in a war against US control

Panama Canal

-The US desired canal through Central America to connect the Atlantic and Pacific ocean - losing patience with Columbia's demands of more money and sovereignty over the canal Roosevelt orchestrated a revolt for a panamas independence in 1903 -The Panama Canal was completed in 1914 100s of labors lost who lives in the effort -many Americans approved of Roosevelt determination to build a canal but many were unhappy with his high-handed tactics to secure the Canal zone -to compensate Congress agreed to pay Columbia $25 million for it plus the Panama

Effects of great depression

-The US gross national product the value of all the goods and services produced by the nation in one year dropped from $104 billion-$56 billion in four years(1929-1932) -some 20% of all banks close would be out 10 million savings accounts -The crash ended Republican domination of government, people except expansion of the federal government -poverty and homelessness increase as did the stress on family as people search for work

Eisenhower doctrine

-The US quickly replaced Britain and France as a leading western influence in the Middle East but it faced a grown Soviet influence in Egypt and Syria - pledged economic and military aid any middle country Threatened by co threatened by communism

Sinking of the Maine

-The United States battleship Maine with our anger in the harbor of Havana, Cuba when it suddenly exploded killing 260 Americans on board -The opus accused Spain deliberately blowing of the shirt even though expert later concluded but the explosion was probably an accident

tet offensive

-The Vietcong lunch in the dark on almost every provisional capital and American base in S Vietnam -The US military counterattack and inflicted heavier losses in Vietcong -The tech offensive was viewed by millions on TV news and appeared as a colossal setback for Johnson's Vietnam policy -because of this Kong and North Vietnamese saw this as a victory in demoralizing the American public

Social change due to civil war

-The absence of millions of men from their homes added to the responsibility of woman in all regions causing them to take factory jobs customarily hold my man -Women also served as military nurses and volunteers and soldiers aid societies, causing the field of nursing to be opened for the first time -after the adoption of the 13th amendment in 1865 4 million people were freed men and freedom woman

Dawes severally act

-The act was designed break down tribal organizations which many felt kept American Indians from becoming civilized and law-abiding citizens -divided the tribal land into parts of up to 160 acres depending on family size -US citizenship was granted to those who stayed on the land for 25 years and adopted habits of civilized life -gov. Distributed 47,000,000 acres of land to American Indians -in 1924 impartial recognition that forced assimilation had filled the federal government granted US citizenship to all American Indian

Social Darwinism

-The belief that Darwins ideas of natural selection and survival of the fittest should be applied to the market place - an American social Darwinism Professor Williams graham argued that hoping the port was misguided because it interfered with the laws of nature and would only weaken the evolution of the species by preserving they unfit


-The big three Roosevelt Churchhill and Stallon met for the first time in the Iranian city of Teheran in a November 1943 -they agreed that the British and Americans would begin their drive to liberate France in the spring of 1944 and that the Soviets would invade Germany and eventually joined the war against Japan

Black Muslims and Malcolm X

-The black Muslim leader Elijah Mohammed preached black separatism and self-improvement -your doctor the name and acquired a reputation as the movements most controversial voice -used black violence to counter white violence

Three mile island

-The countries concerns for the environment were growing - after the incident three-mile Island Park Plaza in Pennsylvania public opinion turned against building additional nuclear power plants

Dried Scott v Stanford ruling and effects

-The court ruled dread Scott had no right to sue in federal court because the framers of the Constitution didn't intend African-Americans to be US citizens -Congress didn't have the power to deprive any person of property without due process of law; if slaves were from a property in Congress could not exclude slavery from any federal territory - The Missouri compromise was unconstitutional because it excluded slavery from Wisconsin and other Northern Territory -The supreme court declared that all parts of Wooster towards were open to slavery

Baker v Carr

-The court was the principle of one man one vote meaning of the election districts would have to be redrawn to provide equal representation for all citizens

Espionage and sedition acts

-The espionage act provided for imprisonment of up to 20 years for a person who either try to incite rebellion in the Armed Forces or obstruct the operation of the draft -The sedition act went much further by preventing anyone from making disloyal or abusive remarks about the US government -about 2000 people were prosecuted under these laws


-The federal economic polices of the Reagan administration, elected in 1981. These policies combined a monetarist fiscal policy, supply-side tax cuts, and domestic budget cutting. Their goal was to reduce the size of the federal government and stimulate economic growth.

Government policies

-The government had complete faith in business and did little to control a regular it -congress enacted hi Terrace which protected US industries but hurt farmers international trade

New south economic progress

-The growth of cities the textile industry and improved road symbolized efforts to create a new South in the 19 century -cotton mills employed almost 100,000 white workers

Roe v wade

-The high court struck down many state laws prohibiting abortions as a violation of a woman's right to privacy

Suburban growth

-The high demand for housing after the war resulted in a construction boom -William Levitt lead in the development of posterboard suburbia with his building and promotion of it Levittown, A project of 17,000 mass-produced low-priced family homes on Long Island New York -The majority of middle-class Americans became suburbanites

The farming frontier

-The homestead act of 1862 encouraged forming on the Great Plains by offering 160 acres of public land free to any family that settled on it for a period of five years -The promise of freelance combined with the promotions of railroads and land speculators introduce hundreds of thousands of native born and immigrant families to attend to from the Great Plains between 1870 and 1900

Laissez faire capitalism

-The idea of government regulation of business was alien to the prevailing a economic scientific and religious beliefs of the late 19 century

Seneca falls convention

-The leaving feminist mad at Seneca Falls New York in 1848 -first women's rights convention in American history -issued a document closely modeled after the declaration of independence called declaration of sentiments which stated that all men and women are created equal and listed woman's grievances against laws and customs that discriminated against them -after the convention Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B Anthony led the campaign for equal voting legal and property rights for women

Formation of the CIO

-The many different unions that made up the American federation of labor were dominated by skill white male workers and were organized according to craft -The industrial unions as they were called joined together as the committee of industrial organizations -renamed the Congress of industrial organizations the CIO broke away from the AF of l and became a chief rival it concentrated in organizing unskilled workers in the automobile still in southern textile industries

Indian reorganization act

-The new measure return the lens to the control of tribes and supported preservation of Indian cultures

Concentration of wealth

-The richest temper cent of the US population control 90% of the nations wealth -industrialization created a new class and millionaires -two thirds of all working Americans work for wages, usually a job for them to work 10 hours a day six days a week -One adult woman out of every five and 1900 was in the labor force working for wages -before The Industrial Revolution workers labored and small workplaces that valued and artisan skills and felt a sense of accomplishment in creating a product from start to finish -with industrial work workers were often a sign just one step in the manufacturing of a product -many workers were exposed to chemicals and pollutants that cause chronic illness and early death which caused industrial workers to rebel against intolerable working conditions by missing work or quitting

GI Bill

-The servicemen really just an act of 1944 also known as the G.I. Bill of rights proved a powerful support during the transition of 15 million veterans to appease time economy -more than half their turning GICs the opportunity afforded by the G.I. Bill to continue their education at government expense -over 2 million GIs attended college which started a postwar boom in higher education - The veterans also received over $16 billion in low-interest government backed loans to buy homes and farms and to start businesses

Democrats (gilded age)

-The solid south was indeed solidly Democratic until the mid-20th-century -often catholics were objected to temperance and prohibition Crusades conducted by Protestant groups -argued for states rights in living color is for federal government throwing in the Jeffersonian tradition

African Americans in the progressive era

-The status of African-Americans had declined and since Reconstruction with the separate but equal decision and plessy versus Ferguson

Uneven distribution of income

-The top by percent of the richest Americans received over 33% of all income -once demand for the product the client businesses laid-off workers contributing to a downward spiral and demand and more layoffs

Monitor v Merrimack

-The union hall for winning the war dependent on the effective blockade of Confederate ports -The unions blockade was placed in jeopardy by the confederate ship the Merrymac That attacked and sunk several union wooden ships on March 8 - after this the monitor engaged the Merrymac in a five hour duel, the battle ended in a draw

John d Rockefeller

-Took charge of the chaotic oil refinery business by applying the latest technology and efficient practices -this company known as the standard oil trust controlled 90 percent of the oil refinery business -horizontal integration of an industry,in which former competitors were brought under single corporate umbrella.

Pentagon papers

-Top-secret documents, published by The New York Times in 1971, that showed the blunders and deceptions that led the United States into the Vietnam War.

Marshall plan

-Truman submitted to Connors a $17 billion in recovery program better known as the Marshall plan -in 1948 $12 billion in aid was approved for distribution to the countries of Western Europe over four year period -do United States offered Marshall plan to the Soviet Union and its Eastern European satellites, but the Soviets refused it fearing that it would lead to dependence on the -- hope Western Europe achieve self sustaining growth by the 1950s and ended any real threat of communist political success is in that region

Cuban missile crisis

-US reconnaissance planes discovered that the Russians were building underground sites in Cuba for the launching of missiles that could reach the U.S. in minutes -good he responded by announcing to the world that he was setting up the naval blockade of Cuba until the weapons were removed -Khrushchev finally agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba in exchange for Kennedy's pledge not to invade the island nation and to later remove some US missiles from Turkey

Shoot on site

-US supported Britain by project and ships from submarine attack -The American destroyer was attacked by a German submarine it had been hunting - ordered maybe to talk all German Shepherd on site meaning the United States entered a number declaredNaval war Germany

Second battle bullrun

-Union lost -confederates saw the change in generals and took advantage

Du Bois stress on civil rights

-W.E.B. Du Bois was a northerner with a college education became a distinguished collar and writer -the souls of black folk-criticized Booker T. Washington's approach and demanded equal rights for African-Americans

Persian gulf war

-War Conflict that was triggered by a dispute over oil-drilling rights, leading to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990. - This war ended when the U.S. intervened, crushing Iraqi resistance and liberating Kuwait.

Military intervention under Wilson

-Will send refused to recognize the military dictatorship of Victoriano Huerta who had seized power in 1913 by having the democratically elected president killed -to aid revolutionaries fighting Huerta, wiilson called for an arms embargo against the Mexican government and send fleet to blockade the port of Vera Cruz -Huerta fell from power

Bonus March

-World War I veterans March to Washington DC to demand immediate payment of the bonuses promised them a later date 1945 -Congress failed to pass the bonus Bill and order the army to break up the encampment

Ida tarbell

-Wrote muckraking articles such as the history of the standard oil Company

Chinese exclusion act

-about one third of the Western minors in the 1860s or Chinese immigrants -Nativeborn Americans resent to the competition -political pressure from the Western states moved Congress to pass the Chinese exclusion act in 1882 which prohibited further immigration to the United States by Chinese laborers - immigration from China was severely restricted until 1965 -the 1882 are with the first major act of Congress to restrict immigration on the basis of race and nationality

Uncle toms Cabin (1852)

-about the conflict between and enslaved man named Tom and the brutal white slave owner Simon LeGree - showed slave owners as monstrously cruel and inhuman


-acquiring other territory or getting control over the political or economic life of other countries -advocates American expansion included missionaries politicians naval strategists and journalists

Freedmen's Bureu

-acted as an early welfare agency providing food shelter and medical aid for those made destitute by the war both blacks and Homeless Whites -greatest success was an education -under general over Howard it is that was nearly 3000 schools for freed blacks including several colleges

Yellow press

-actively promoting war fever in the United Stateswas yellow journalism sensationalistic reporting but featured bold and lurid headlines of crime disaster and scandal -to New York newspapers Joseph Pulitzer world and William Randolph Hearst journal which printed exaggerated and falls accounts of Spanish atrocities in Cuba -believing what they read daily in the newspapers many Americans urged Congress and the president to intervene in Cuba for humanitarian reasons and put a stop to the atrocities in suffering

Compromise of 1850

-admit CA to the union as a free state - divide the remainder of the Mexican session into two territories, Utah in Mexico and allow the settlers in these territories to decide to slavery issues by majority vote -give the land in dispute between Texas and New Mexico territory to the new territories in return for the federal government assuming Texas is public debt of $10 million -ban the slave trade in the district of Columbia but permit Whites to hold slaves as before -adopt of new fugitive slave law and enforce it rigorously

Causes for Vietnam war

-adopted Eisenhowers domino theory that is coming is forces overthrew South Vietnam's government they would quickly overrun other countries in Asia - 30 therefore continued US military aid to South Vietnam by providing for training and supplies

Korean War

-after the defeat of Japan crew was divided along the 38th parallel by the victors -so the armies occupied cream territory north of the line while US forces occupied territory of the south -north korea invaded South Korea -Truman called for a special session of the UN Security Council - US troops made up most of the UN forces sent to help the south Korean army -do you enforces proceeded to destroy much of the North Korean arm

Mckinley's war message

-after the sinking of the Maine, President McKinley issued an ultimatum to Spain demanding that It agree to a cease-fire in Cuba -Spaim agreed to this demand but US newspapers and a majority in Congress kept wanting war -reason for us to intervene in Cuba: put an end to the barber trees bloodshed starvation and horrible measures in Cuba, project the lives and property of US citizens living in Cuba, and the very serious injury to commerce trade and business of our people, and the constant menace to our peace arising from disorder in Cuba


-after winning independence from Spain, Mexico wanted to attract settles -Moses Austin died so he couldn't do it, so his son, Stephen Austin did it -Stephen brought 300 American families into Texas -by 1830 Americans outnumbered Mexicans in Texas -friction developed between Mexicans and Americans when Mexicans outlawed slavery and required all immigrants to convert to Roman Catholicism -when Americans refused to obey these laws Mexico closed Texas to additional American immigrants ...Americans ignored this

CWA civil works administration

-again for creating jobs such as temporary construction projects

Harriet Tubman

-and escaped slave woman who made at least 19 trips into the south to help some 300 slaves escape

Spanish American war (invasion of Cuba)

-and ill prepared larger volunteer force landed in Cuba by the end of June -do you and me was not the Spanish bullets but instead tropical diseases causing 5000 American soldiers death of malaria typhoid and dysentery while fewer than 500 died in battle -attacks by both American and cumin forces succeeded in defeating the much larger Spanish army - US destroy the Spanish fleet at San Diego Bay on July 3 causing Spain to realize that it could continue fighting and asked US terms of peace e

John Wilkes booth

-and in better actor and Confederate sympathizer shot and killed the president Lincoln while he was attending a performance and Ford's theater in Washington

Warren Harding domestic policy

-approved a reduction in the income tax -increase in carefree under the Fordlea McCumber tariff act of 1922 - establishment of the Bureau of the budget with procedures for all government expedition chairs to be placed in a single budget for Congress to review and put on

Adam smith

-argued in the wealth of Nations that business should be regulated not by government but by the invisible hand of the law of supply and demand -if government kept its hands off so the theory which businesses would be motivated by their own self interest to offer

Montgomery bus boycott

-as a Montgomery Alabama bus took on more what passengers the driver ordered a middle-aged black woman to give up her seat to one of them -Rosa Parks refused and her rest for violating the segregation Law sparked a massive African-American protest in the form of a boycott of city buses -The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. minister of the Baptist Church where the boycott started soon emerged as a inspirational leader of a nonviolent movement to end segregation


-assassinated -urged the something treated benevolently with malice toward none which charity for all

Henry Kissinger

-conducted a secret meeting with North Vietnam's Foreign Minister, Le Duc Tho - and Nixon took advantage of the rivalry between coming this giant China and Soviet union


-at first had safety problems but by the 1830s they were competing directly with canals as an alternative for carrying passengers and freight -changed small western towns into booming commercial centers of the expanding national economy

Interstate highway act

-authorized the construction of Interstate Hwy., linking all the nations major city's -model for rest of world

Federal farm board

-authorized to help farmers stabilize prices by temporarily holding surplus grand and cotton in storage

Nicholas biddle

-banks President -his arrogance contributed to that suspicion that the bank abused its powers and served the interest only of the wealthy

Andrew Jackson

-became a symbol of the emerging working-class and middle-class

Manhattan project

-began in 1942 directed by J Robert Oppenheimer -spent $2 billion to develop a weapon whose power came from the splitting of the Atom -was successfully tested on July 16 in New Mexico -The new president Harry Truman and his wartime alloys called on Japan to surrender unconditionally or face a destruction -when Japan gave an unsatisfactory reply on August 6 the a bomb was dropped on hero Shima and on a nine a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki -2 50,000 Japanese died


-bellief in original sin and predestination

Ralph Waldo Emerson

-best known transcendentalist -his essays and lectures expressed the individualistic and nationalistic spirit of Americans by urging them not to imitate European culture but to create a distinctive American culture -he argued for self-reliance, independent thinking and the primacy of spiritual matters over material once -leading critic of slavery in 1950s

Fredrick Douglas

-black abolitionist who could speak about the brutality and degradation of slavery from firsthand experience -started antislavery journal North Star

Robert Fulton

-built first steamboat, transforming River transportation -cheapened the market for trade and encouraged population movement west of the Appalachian mountains

State reform

-by 1915 the prohibitionist persuaded the legislatures of two thirds of the states to prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages -social welfare(Jane Addams) -needed political support in the state legislatures for meeting the needs of immigrants and the working class, succeeded in better schools juvenile courts Lebruns divorce laws and safety regulations for factories -State compulsorily school attendance laws proved most effective in keeping children out of mines and factories

Municipal reform

-by 1915 two thirds of the nation cities owned their own water systems as a result of the progressives efforts many cities also came to own and operate gas lines electric power plants and urban transportation systems -voters elected the heads of city departments (fire police sanitation) not just the mayor

League of Nations

-called on each member nation to stand ready to protect the independence and territorial integrity of other nations

New immigrants

-came from Southern and Eastern Europe -Italians greaks, Croats, Slovaks poles and Russians -many were poor and illiterate and were largely Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Jewish and Russian orthodox -25% were birds of passage which were young man who contracted for unschooled factory mining and construction jobs and would return to their native lands when did saved the first of many to bring back to their families

National industrial recovery act of 1933

-caused a lasting change in labor management relations by legalizing labor unions

Taft Hartley act (1947)

-check growing power of unions -outlawing the closed shop (contract requiring workers to join a union before being hired) -permitting states to pass right to work laws outlining the union shop(contracts requiring workers to join a union after being hired) -outlawing secondary boycotts (the practice of several union supporting a striking union by joining a boycott of a company's products) -giving the president invoke in 80 days cooling off period before a strike endangering the national safety could be called

Rachel Carson

-clean air and water laws or enacted in part as a response to Rachel Carson to expose of pesticides silent spring - Federal parks and wilderness areas were expanded

Tactics empowers would use for defeating Union

-closing the factory to break a leg or movement before I could get organized - names of pro union members circulated among employees known as Black lists -workers being told as a condition for employment that they must sign an agreement not to join a union -calling private guards and state militia to put down strikes

Southern thought

-code of chivalrous conduct and paternalistic attitudes -upper: valued college education for their children -lower: School beyond the elementary grades were generally not available -Catholics/ episcopalians took a neutral stand on slavery

Conservation movement

-concerns over deforestation -Americans grew increasingly concerned with about the loss of public lands and the national treasures they contained -The first reserve act of 1891 and force management act of 1897 Withdrew federal timberlands from development and regulated their use

Oliver Wendell Holmes

-concluded that the right just free-speech could be limited when it represented a clear and present danger to public safety

Mobilization, could the United States mobilize its vast economic resources fast enough to make a difference ?(industry and labor)hope arbitrate disputes between workers and employers as head of the national war labor Board

-created hundreds of wartime agencies and commission stuff by experts from business and government -under Bernard Baruch, The war industries Board set production priorities and established centralized control over raw materials -Herbert huber took charge of the food administration which encouraged American households to eat less meat and bread so that more food could be shipped abroad for the French and British troops -Harry Garfield volunteered to have the fuel administration which directed efforts to save cole -Mcdoo, headed the railroad administration which took public control of the railroads to coordinate traffic and promoted standardized railroad equipment -William Taft-hope arbitrate disputes between workers and employers as head of the national war labor Board

Sec The securities and exchange commission

-created to regulate the stock market and to play strict limits on the kind of speculative practices that had led to the Wall Street crash in 1929

Fourteenth amendment

-declare that all persons born or naturalized in the US were citizens and obligated the states to respect the rights of US citizens and provide them with equal protection of the laws and due process of law -disqualified former Confederate political leaders from holding either state or federal offices -repudiated the debts of the defeated governments of the Confederacy -penalized state if any eligible person from voting by reducing the states proportional representation in Congress and the electoral college

Japanese aggression and Manchuria

-defying both the open door policy and the covenant of the league of Nations, Japanese troops marched into Manchuria in September 1931 renamed the territory Manchukuo and established a puppet government -The league of Nations did nothing except to pass a resolution condemning Japan's actions in Manchuria -The leak through it's failing to take action showed its inability to maintain peace

Scalawags or carpetbaggers

-democratic Opponents gave nicknames to Southern Republicans scalawags and northern newcomers carpetbaggers - Southern whites who supported the republican governments were usually former wigs who were interested in economic development for the state and peace between the sections -northerners it went south because they're interested in setting up new businesses while others were ministers and teachers which humanitarian Goals

Root takahira agreement

-dependent pledged mutual respect for each nation specific possessions and support for the open door policy in China

The jungle by Upton Sinclair

-described and were going to tell the conditions in the Chicago Stock yards and meat packing industry -The pure food and drug act forbade the manufacture sale and transportation of adulterated or mislabeled food and drugs -meet inspection act provided that federal inspectors visit meatpacking plants to ensure that they meet minimum standards of sanitation

Henry David Thoreau

-did A two year experiment of living simply a cabin in the woods outside town -used observations of nature to discover essential truths about life and the universe -"civil disobedience" disobeying unjust law as -broke tax law to not support the U.S. War with Mexico


-didn't stop people from drinking alcohol in public places or at home -in 1933 the 21st amendment repealing the 18th was ratified and million celebrated the new year by toasting the end of Prohibition

Fredrick Winslow Taylor

-discovered ways of organizing people in the most efficient manner the scientific management system -many progresses believed that government to could be made more efficient it is placed in the hands of experts and scientific manager

Spoils system

-dispensing government jobs in return for a party loyalty

Internal darwinism

-don's concept of the survival of the fittest was applied not only to come petition in business but also to competition among nations and races for military advantage colonies and spears of influence - to demonstrate strength in the internationalArena expansionist wanted to acquire territories overseas - they saw this expansion as an extension of the idea of manifest destiny into the Caribbean and Central America and the Pacific ocean

Drive to victory WWI

-drove German army backwards -The German signed in Ormus dice in which they agreed to surrender their arms give up much of their navy and evacuate occupied

Good neighbor policy

-due to the rise of militarize read Jim's and Germany and Italy -The US delegation pledge to never again to intervene in the internal affairs of the Latin American country - Cuba ) Roosevelt convinced Congress to cancel the platt amendment which how to make their countries form policy subject to US approval and instead retain only the right to keep the US base at Guantánamo Bay

Political change after the civil war

-during the war and estimated 13,000 people were arrested on suspicion of aiding the enemy without a right to habeas corpus many of them were held without trial -conscription act -political dominance in the north - The supremacy of the federal government over the states was excepted as an established fact -The abolition of slavery gave new meaning and legitimate see to the concept of American democracy

Washington conference 1921

-effort to promote peace by arranging treaties of disarment -five, four (respect ones territories in pacific) and nine-respect open door policy

Consumer economy

-electricity in their homes enabled millions of Americans to purchase a new consumer appliances of the decade -automobiles became more affordable and sold by millions

Samuel slater

-emigrated from Britain -helped establish the first U.S. factory in 1791

Civilian conservation corps

-employed young man on projects on federal land and pay their family small monthly sums

Fair deal

-enacted by Truman -urged Congress to enact national healthcare insurance federal aid to education civil rights legislation funds for a public housing and a new farm program Defeated because: Trumans political conflicts with Congress and the pricing form policy concerns of the Cold War

The agricultural adjustment administration

-encouraged farmers to reduce production by offering to pay government subsidies for every acre they've plowed under

Committee of public information

-enlisted the voluntary services of artists writers performers and movie stars to depict the heroes of the boys which were US soldiers and the villainy of Kaiser

Miranda v Arizona

-extended the ruling in Escobedo to include The right to a lawyer being present during questioning by police

Cross of gold speech

-famous speech given by William Jennings Bryan; in support of bimetalism, Bryan spoke of the gold standard as a burden (like the cross)


-feared that the newcomers would take their jobs and weaken the culture of the anglo majority -Opposition to the immigration lead to riding and an anti-foreign society( this society turned into the know nothing party ) - anti-foreign feeling faded in important as north and south divided over slavery Civil War

National labor union

-first attempt to organize all workers in all states both skilled and unskilled book our cultural workers and industrial workers -championed equal rights for women ans blacksMonitor reform and worker cooperatives -victory was winning the eight hour day for workers employed by the federal government

First battle of bull run

-first major battle of the war -federal troops (Union) marched from Washington DC to tack Confederate forces near Bull Run Creek in Virginia -just as the union seem to close to victory Confederate reinforcements counter attacked and set Union troops back to Washington


-focus on intuition, feeling, individual acts of heroism, and the study of nature -was expressed by transcendentalists, a small group of New England thinkers

North reconstruction after civil war

-focused on railroad still labor problems and money

Scopes trial and creationism

-focused the debate between religious fundamentalists in the Rurual south and modernist of the northern cities -Tennessee like other southern outlawed the teaching of Darwin's theory of evolution in public schools -to challenge the constitutionality of these laws the American Civil Liberties Union persuaded a Tennessee biology teacher John Scopes to teach the theory of evolution to his high school class -we're doing so Scopes was arrested and tried in 1925 -laws banning the teaching of evolution remained on the books for years although they were rarely enforced

Students for a Democratic society

-followed leadership of Tom Hayden -the Group a declaration of purpose is known as the Port Huron statement it called for university decisions to be made through Participatory democracy, so that students would have a voice in decisions affecting their lives - activist and intellectuals who supported Hayden's ideas became known as the new left

The purchase of Alaska

-for decades rushing Great Britain both claimed the vast territory of Alaska -although Russia finally assumed control and established a small colony first seal hunting the became an economic burden because of the threat of British take over -Russia found Seward and offered him the purchasing of Alaska -Congress agreed to by Alaska for $7.2 million -for many years American social value in Alaska and referred to it As stewards folly

Proclamaction of amnesty and reconstruction (1863)

-for presidential pardons would be granted most Confederates who took an oath of allegiance to the union and the United States Constitution and excepted the emancipation of slaves -The state government could be reestablished and excepted as legitimate by the United States president as soon as at least 10% of the voters and that state took the loyalty oath

British war propaganda

-for recognizing the importance of influencing US public opinion the British government make sure the American press was well supplied with stories of German soldiers committing atrocities in Belgium and Germany occupied part of eastern France


-form the Southern Christian leadership conference which organized ministers and churches in the south to get behind the civil rights struggle -college students started the sit in movement after being refused service at a segregated lunch counter -the student nonviolent coordinating committee he was formed a few months later to keep the movie organized in the 1960s African-Americans used to sit in tactic to integrate restaurants hotels buildings libraries poles and transportation throughout the south

Henry turner

-formed the international migration society in 1894 blocks emigrate to Africa


-founded by Joseph smith in 1830 -traced a connection between American Indians and the lost tribe of Israel -to escape persecution the Mormons migrated to the far eastern frontier where they established the new Zion -their cooperative social organization helped the Mormons to prosper in the wilderness -practiced polygamy

Domino theory

-from 1955 to 1961 do United States gave over $1 billion in economic and military aid to South Vietnam an effort to build a stable anti-Communist state -and justifying this aid President Eisenhower made an apology to a roll of dominoes according to the domino theory of South Vietnam fell under communist control one nation after another in South East Asia would also fall until Australia and New Zealand were in dire danger


-gave US states a free hand to build a canal without British participation

Painting 1820-1860

-genre painting-portraying everyday life of ordinary people -the Hudson River school expressed the romantic age's fascination with the natural world

Bay of pigs invasion

-get it approved in the Central intelligence agency scheme planned under the Eisenhower administration to use Cuban exiles to overthrow fidel castros regime in Cuba -in April 1961 the CIA trained force of Cubans length of the baby pigs in Cuba but failed to set off a general uprising as planned -The anti-Castro Cubans had little choice but to surrender after Kennedy rejected the idea of using US forces to save them -Castro use this as a way to get even more aid from the soviet union

New frontier programs

-going to be cold for aid to education federal support of healthcare urban renewal and civil rights but his domestic programs grew weak in Congress

Know nothing party

-growing tensions between nativeborn Protestant Americans and immigrant German and Irish Catholics -hostility towards immigrants

19th amendment

-guaranteed a woman's right to vote and all actions at local state and national levels

Civil rights act 1875

-guaranteed equal accommodations in public places and prohibited cords from excluding African American from Juries

Cesar Chavez

-helped to gain bargaining rights for farm workers in 1975 -Farm worker, labor leader, and civil-rights activist who helped form the National Farm Workers Association, later the United Farm Workers. He helped to improve conditions for migrant farm workers and unionize them

Jazz age

-high school and called you to express their bowling against their elders by dancing to jazz music

Works progress administration

-hope to provide people with jobs -most were put to work construction new bridges roads airport

Tva Tennessee valley authority

-huge experiment in regional development and public planning -hired thousands of people and one of the nation's poorest regions the Tennessee Valley to build dams operate electric power plants control flooding and erosion and manufacture fertilizer

Nativism after WWI

-immigration shot upward after the war ended -quota laws: The first quota act of 1921 limited immigration to 3% of the number of foreign-born persons from a given nation counted in the 1910 census Second quota act 1924:set quarters of 2% based on the senses of 1890(before the arrival of the new immigrants)

Russo Japanese war

-imperialsit rivalry between Russia and Japan led to war in 1904 award Japan was winning. -Roosevelt arranged a diplomatic conference between the two photos and although both Japan and Russia agreed to the Treaty of Portsmouth of Japanese nationalists blame the US for not giving their country all that they believe they deserve from Russia

The Truman doctrine

-implemented in response to two threats: A communist let uprising against the government in Greece and Soviet demands for some control of the water route in turkey the dardanelles -the president ask Congress in March 1947 for $400 million in economic and military aid to assist the free people of Greece and Turkey against totalitarian regimes

Social Gospel

-importance of applying Christian principles to social problems -encouraged many middle-class person attack urban problems

California gold rush

-in 1848 the California gold rush was only the beginning of a fever-ish quest for gold and silver that would extend well into the 1890s and would help to settle much of the region - The discovery of gold near pikes peak Colorado in 1859 broad nearly 100,000 minors to the area -as the mines developed mining companies employed experience my news from your Latin America and China

Voting rights for women

-in 1892 of the pioneer feminist of the 1840s Elizabeth can do Stanton and Susan B Anthony of New York helped found the national American woman suffrage Association for women - Wyoming was the first to grant. Fridge to woman and 18 69 x 1900 some states allowed women to vote in local elections and most alone woman to own and control property after marriage

Indian reorganization act

-in 1930 for the new measure return lines to the control of tribes and supportive preservation of Indian cultures

Camp David accords (1978)

-in 1977 Egyptian president Anwar Sadat took the first courageous step toward Middle East peace by visiting Israeli Prime minister Menachem Begin in Jerusalem -President Carter followed this bold initiative by inviting Sadat and Begin to me again of the presidential retreat in Camp David Maryland -The 2 Lesders negotiated the camp at David Accord which provided a framework for a peace settlement between their countries - as a result of the Trinity Egypt became the first Arab nation to recognize the nation of Israel

The Berlin airlift

-in June 1948 the Soviets could have all access Farlenta the German city -by May 1949 the Soviets finally opened up the highways to Berlin thus bringing their 11th month blockade -major long-term consequence of the Berlin crisis or is it creation of two Germany's the Federal Republic of Germany (west Germany, a U.S. ally) and the German Democratic Republic (East geemany, a soviet satellite)


-in all media aggressive advertising buy namebrand promoted, material wants and the introduction of suburban shopping centers and the plastic credit card in the 1950s provided a quick means of satisfied


-in late July after Germany surrendered only salad remained as one of the big three -Truman was the US president and Clement Attlee had just been elected the new British minister -The 3 Leaders met in post damn Germany and agreed to demand that depends surrender unconditionally and fold or crime trials of Nazi leaders

Ralph Nader

-in response to his book unsafe at any speed Congress passed the regulations of the automobile industry that would save hundreds of thousands of lives in the following years

Open door policy in China

-in the 1890s Russia Japan Great Britain France and Germany at all - spears of influence in China meaning that they could dominate trade and investment with in their spare and shut up competitors - John hay asked the nations controlling spears of influence to accept the concept of opened by which all nations would have equal trading privileges in China -since no one rejected the concept hey declare that all excepted the open door policy

Indian wars

-in the late 19 century the settlement of thousands of Minard's ranchers and homesteaders on American Indian lands led to violence -Goldminers refused to stay off American Indian lands if gold was to be found on them - Lost ever of American Indian street just do US government controls came to a religious movement known as the ghost dance in which leaders of the movement believed it could return prosperity to American Indians - US Army gun down more than 200 American Indian men women and children in the battle of wounded knee in the Dakotas this final tragedy marked the end of the Indian wars on the Crimson Prairie

American Indians in the west

-in the late 19 century their conflicts with the US government were partly the result of way Americans having little understanding of the planes peoples lives tribal organization and nomadic lifestyle

Warren hoardings marked by scandals and corruption -teapot dome

-incompetent and dishonest man filled important positions including secretary of the interior of her fall and Attorney General Harry Daugherty - congress discovered that fall had excepted brides for granting oil leases near Teapot Dome Wyoming

The business boom between 1919 and 1929 resulted due to

-increased productivity, The manufacturing processes made more efficient by the adoption of improved methods of mass production such as Henry Ford's assembly line -fords the workers remained at one place all day and perform the same simple operation over and over again at rapid speed -energy technologies: increase use of oil and Electricity -government policy: Government favorite the growth of big business but are from corporate tax cuts and doing almost nothing to enforce the antitrust laws of the progressive era

Credit mobiler affair

-inside is gave stock to influential members of Congress to avoid investigation of the profits they were making

Other results of the Spanish-American war

-insular cases-did the U.S. Constitution apply to whatever territories fell under control which were Puerto Rico and the Philippines -The issue was resolved in favor of the imperialists when the court ruled that constitutional rights were not automatically extended to territorial possessions and that the power to decide whether or not to grant such rights belong to Congress -Cuba and the platt amendment -change of thought by both Americans and Europeans

Battle of midway

-intercepting and he couldn't Japanese messages and able to US forces to and Japanese expansion - I think it's Roger called island hopping commanders bypassed strongly held Japanese post and isolated them with naval and air power

Eli Whitney

-invented cotton gin in 1793 -devised a system for making rifles out of interchangeable parts during war of 1812 -interchangeable parts then became the basis for mass production methods in the new northern factories

National Association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP)

-it was to about offering to secretion and increase educational opportunities for African-American children - what is a nationwide to civil rights organization with over 100,000 members

NRA National recovery administration

-it's up to guarantee reasonable profits for business and fair wages and hours for labor -Gave workers right to organize and bargain collectively

20th amendment

-lame duck amendment -made period Between presidential election and inauguration shorter

The Spanish American war causes

-large American investments in Cuban sugar, Spanish misrule of Cuba, and the Monroe doctrine All provided justification for US Intervetion in the Caribbean largest island -Cuban revolt -yellow press -de lome letter -Sinking of the Maine -McKinley's war message -teller amendment

Harlem Renaissance

-largest ever in American community developed in Harlem -I don't became famous for its concentration on talented actors artists musicians and writers. -african-American jazz musician since were popular among the people of all races


-lee which was a Confederate General, hoped that a major Confederate victory in the union state would convince Britain to give official support to the Confederacy -McClellan how do you advantage of knowing wings plan because a copy of been dropped by a confederate officer -The Union Army intercepted the invading Confederates at Antietam Creek -22,000 soldiers died and caused the confederate army to retreat

Democrats age of Jackson

-local rule, limited government, free trade, opportunity for white males, Concerns : monopolies national Bank, Hig tariffs


-lusitania crisis was the first major crisis challenging US neutrality -German Obidos hit InSync a British passenger liner in the Lusitania -Most of the passengers drowned including 120 Americans

The great migration

-many African Americans were leaving the south -reasons: deteriorating race relations, destruction of their cotton crops by the Boll weevil, Job opportunities in northern factories that opened up one white workers were drafted in World War I

American isionationsts

-many Americans felt that he was entry into World War I trouble mistake -to ensure US policy would strictly be neutral of war broke out in your Congress adopted a series of neutrality acts -neutrality act of 1935 authorized the president to prohibit all arms shipmemts enter forbid US citizens to travel on the ships of belligerent nations -The neutrality act of 1936 for baby extension of loans and credits to belligerents -The neutrality act of 1937 for bade the shipment of arms to the opposing side in the Civil War in Spain

Rise of the sunbelt

-millions of Americans made moving a habit in the postwar era -A warmer climate lower taxes and economic opportunities in defense related industries attracted many GIs and their families to the Sunbelt states from Florida to California -by transferring tax dollars for the north east and Midwest to the south and west military spending during the Cold War helped finance the shift of industry people and ultimately political power from one region to the other

Wall Street crash

-millions of people invested in the boom market of 1928 Monday in October 1929 when it collapsed

Radical republicans

-moderates-were chiefly concerned with economic gains for the white middle-class -radicals who championed civil rights for blacks

Washingtons stress on economics

-most influential African-American at the turn of the century or the head of the Tuskeegee Institute in Alabama Booker T. Washington - Washington argued that blacks needs for education and economic progress where of foremost important and that they should concentrate on learning industrial skills for better wages -only after salvaging is the correct face said Washington the Americans hope to realize their goal of political and social equality

Women 1920s

-most middle class women expected to live lives as homemakers and mothers -revolt against sexual taboos -divorce rates rose

The agricultural northwest

-much was unsettled frontier -became closely tied to other northern states by: building of canals/ railroads -crops of corn and wheat were very profitable, farm family more efficient with steel plow and mechanical reaper


-nationalist and militarists independent increase their power in the 1920s and 1930s -they persuaded their empower that the best way to ensure access to basic Raw materials was to invade China and Southeast Asia and thereby give Japan control over what their leaders program to be greater East Asia coprosperity sphere

Growth of immigration (1865-1900)

-negative forces driving Europeans to emigrate:poverty of displays farmworkers driven from the lead by political turmoil and the mechanization of farm work, overcrowding and joblessness and cities as a result of the population boom, religious persecution particularly of Jews in Eastern Europe -positive forces: The countries your vacation for political and religious freedom and the economic opportunities afforded by settling of the west and the abundance of US jobs in cities


-newspaper and magazine publishers found that there middle-class readers love to read about underhanded schemes in politics -many publications featured in depth investigative stories -getting specializing in such stories are referred to as Muckrackers

Zimmerman telegram

-newspapers carried The shocking news of the seeker offer made by Germany to Mexico -intercepted by British intelligence of a telegram to Mexico from the German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmerman propose that Mexico with Germany in return for Germany's pushed out Mexico recover lost territories: Texas New Mexico and Arizona -The Zimmerman telegram aroused nationalistic anger of the American people and concinced Wilson Germany fully expected war with the the US

The north

-north east included New England and mid Atlantic states -old northwest stretched from Ohio to Minnesota -northern states were bound together by transportation routes and rapid economic growth based on commercial farming and industrial innovation

Amnesty act of 1872

-northerners are ready to put hatred of the Confederacy behind them - Congress in 1870 to pass general amnesty that removed the last of the restrictions on ex confederates except for the top leaders

Pearl Harbor

-on December 7, 1941 when the US fleet in the Pacific was angered at Pearl Harbor Hawaii Japanese planes from aircraft carriers flew over Pearl Harbor bombing every ship in sight -As Congress declared war on 8 December on Japan three days later Germany and Italy honored they're treating it with Japan by declaring war on the US -Breaking his nonaggression pact with Stalin Hitler ordered an invasion of the Soviet Union us the allies fighting Nazi Germany from 1942 to 1945 were Britain, the US and the Soviet Union


-on March 1916 German torpedoes drunk and unarmed Regin Chip this is sex it injured several American passengers -Wilson threatened to cut off your stupid O-Matic relations with Germany -rather than rescue as entry into the war on the British side Germany back down - sue six pledge promise not to sink merchant or passenger ships without giving due warning

You Kippur War

-on September 6 on the Jewish holiday of the young kipper the Syrians and addictions launched a surprise attack on Israel in an intent recover The Lions lost in the Six-Day War of 1967 -Nixon order the US nuclear forces on alert and airlifted almost $2 billion in arms to Israel to stem their retreat -The tide of battle quickly shifted in favor of the Israelis and the war was doing over


-on the existing society making moderate political changes and social improvement through government actions


-one of The earliest religious communal movements that had 6000 members in various communities - by the 1840s held property in common and kept woman and men strictly separate forbidding marriage and sexual relations -virtually died out by mid 1900s

The industrial northeast

-one who were once independent farmers became dependent on factory wages -formed unions and political parties to protect their interests -most state legislatures in north passed laws establishing a ten hour work day for industrial workers -as a result in such rapid growth in cities, slums expanded--> crowded housing, poor sanitation, infectious diseases, high crime rate -African Americans constituted 1% of northerners

De lôme letter

-one-story that caused the storm of outrage was the Spanish diplomats letter that was leaked to the press and put it on the front page of Hearsts journal -written by the Spanish minister to the United States Dupuy de Lôme, The letter was highly critical of President McKinley -many considered it an official Spanish insult against the United States national honor

The Philippine question Anti imperialists v imperialsits

-opinion divided between imperialist who favored annexing the Philippines and anti-Imperialists who opposed it -anti imperialists argue that for the first time the United States to be taking possession of a heavily populated area because people were of a different race and culture which they thought violates the principles of the declaration of independence by depriving Filipinos right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness and would also entangle the US in the political conflicts of Asia

Reaction of south

-opposition to the brown decision corrupted throughout the south -101 members of Congress signed the Southern manifesto condemning the Supreme Court for a clear abuse of judicial power -States thought the decision by closing public schools and setting up private schools -The KKK made a comeback and bounds against blacks increased -governor governor or formal five us use the states Orval Faubus used the states National Guard to prevent nine African-American students from entering Little Rock Central high school I was ordered by a federal court -President Eisenhower intervened and ordered federal troops to stand guard in Little Rock and protect black students

Committee of civil rights in 1946

-ordered the end of racial discrimination got the federal government including the Armed Forces

The wars impact on African americans

-over 1.5 million African-Americans left the south - continue to face discrimination and segregation -membership in the and NAACP increased during the war the Congress of racial equality is known as court was formed in 1942 to work more militantly for African American interests -A judicial victory was achieved in the court case Smith V. Allwright which ruled I was unconstitutional tonight membership and political parties to African-Americans as a way of excluding them from boating in the primaries

Women WWII

-over 200,000 women certain form in the Army Navy and Marines but in noncombat role -as in World War I, an acute labor shortage caused woman to take jobs vacated by men in uniform - almost 5,000,000 woman enter the workforce many of them working in industrial jobs in the shipyards and defense plants -the number of married women in the workforce increased to 24% -a song about Rosie the riveter was used to encourage women to take defense job -however they received pay well below that of male factory workers

Greenback party

-paper money not backed by older silver had been issued by the federal government in the 1860s as an emergency measure for financing the civil war -Northern farmers who received high prices during the war prospect for the use of greenbacks

Franklin d. Roosevelt

-paralyzed by pOlio in 1921 and eventually regained full power of his upper body -wife= Eleanor, she influenced him to support my minorities and the less fortunate -new deal -first 100 days

Woodrow Wilsons progressive program

-passage of the Underwood tariff in 1913 substantially lower tariffs for the first time in over 50 years - for the reduced tariffs revenues the Underwood bill included a graduated income tax and rates from 1 to 6% -proposed a national banking system with 12 district being supervised by a federal reserve board( Federal Reserve act in 1914 ) - reasons Americans are purchased goods and services under the federal reserve notes dollar bills issued by the federally regulated banking system )

Jones act of 1916 (Philippines)

-passed by Wilson -granted full territory status to that country guaranteed a bill of rights and universal male suffrage to Filipino citizens and promised independence for the Philippines as soon as stable government was established

Harley smoot Tariff

-passed by the Republican Congress set tax increases ranging from 31% to 49% on foreign imports -in retaliation your European countries and acted higher tariffs of their own against US goods

The treaty of Versailles

-peace conference following the armistice -every nation that had fun on the island side in the war was represented -Germany was disarmed and stripped of its colonies in Asia and Africa and was also forced to admit guilt for the war -independence was granted to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland; new nations of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia were established -signers of the treaty would join an international peacekeeping organization league of Nations -US never ratified the treaty or the league nations

Stock market speculation

-people were expecting the price of the stock to go up and that they could sell it for a quick profit -buying on margin allowed people to borrow most of the cost of the stock making down payments as low as 10 percent -when you stock prices dropped the market collapsed

Kellogg Briand act

-permitted defense of wars and failed to provide for taking action against violators of the agreement

Lyndon johnsons great society

-persuaded Congress to pass an extended version of Kelly's civil rights Bill and Katie's proposal for an income tax cut the letter measure sparked an increase in jocks consumer spending and a lot of period of economic expansion in the 60s

Gadsden purchase

-pierce succeeded in adding a strip of land to the American southwest for a railroad -in 1853, Mexico agreed to sell thousands of acres of semi desert land to the U.S. For $10 million -the Gadsden purchase forms the southern sections of present day New Mexico and Arizona

Organization of petroleum exporting countries oPEC

-placing embargo on oil sold to Israel supporters -The embargo caused a worldwide oil shortage and long lines at gas station in the United States -consumers switched from big American-made cars two smaller more fuel-efficient Japanese cars which cost you is automobile workers over 225,000 jobs

Political machines

-political parties in major cities came under the control of tightly organized groups of politicians -each machine had its boss the top politician get orders to the rank and file doled government jobs to loyal supporters - The political organization would find jobs and apartments for recently arrived immigrants and show up at the door of poor families with baskets of food during hard times

Omaha platform

-politically it demanded increases the power of common voters through direct popular election of US senators they use referendum procedures that allowed on proposed voted -economically the populist advocated unlimited coinage of silver to increase the money supply graduated income tax which of the greater a person's income, public ownership of railroads by the US government telegraph and telephone systems owned and operated by the government owns and fiddle war houses for farmers to enable them to stabilize prices for their crops in a hour day for industrial workers

Population growth (1800-1825)

-population doubled -high birthrate

Baby boom

-post war era -50 million babies entering the US population between 1945 and 196 -initially the baby boom tended to focus woman's attention on raising children and homemaking -nevertheless the trend of more women in the workplace continued

Charles Finney

-preacher of the 2nd great awakening -appealed to people's emotions and fear of damnation -taught every individual could be saved through faith and hard work

John Muir

-preservationist -oh lending founder of the Sierra Club in 1882 who aim to preserve natural areas from human interference

Geneva conference

-president proposed an open skies policy over each other's Turqueries open to the aerial photography by the opposing nation -soviets rejected the proposal

National American suffrage association (NAWSA)

-president was Carrie Chapman Catt -cat argued for the vote as a broadening of democracy we could empower women the enabling them to more actively care for their families and industrial society

Clayton - bulwer treaty

-prevented Britain and U.S. From seizing the opportunity to build a canal through Central America -neither nation would attempt to take exclusive control of any future canal route in Central America

Panic of 1857

-prices for Midwestern farmers dropped sharply and unemployment in northern cities increased -since cotton prices remained high, the south was less affected -some southerners believed that their plantation economy was superior and that continued union with the northern economy was not needed

Niigara movement

-program to protest at securing equal rights for blacks -founded NAACP

Black codes

-prohibited blacks from either renting land or borrowing money to buy land -placed freedom and into a form of semi bondage by forcing them as vagrants and apprentices to sign contracts -prohibited blacks from testifying against whites in court

Civil rights act of 1866

-pronounced all African-Americans to be US citizens there by repudiating the decision in the dread Scott case -attempted to provide a legal shield against the operation of the southern states black codes

Wade Davis bill 1864

-proposed more demanding terms for reconstruction -the bill required 50% of the voters of the state to take a loyalty oath and permitted only non-Confederate to vote for a new state constitution -Lincoln refused to sign the bill and Pocket vetoed it

Case of Sacco and Vanzetti

-protested against racist and nativist prejudices -The road to the support of Sacco and Vanzetti, Who is 1921 has been convicted and a Massachusetts court of committing robbery and Murder -liberals protested that the two men were in a sit and that they have been accused convicted and sentenced to die because they were poor Italian anarchists(against all gov.) - they were executed in 1927

Salt II treaty

-provided for a limiting the size of each superpowers nuclear delivery system

National security act 1947

-provided for essentialize department of defense to coordinate the operations of the Army Navy and Air Force - The creation of the national security to coordinate the making of foreign-policy in the Cold War -The creation of the Central intelligence agency to employ spice together information on foreign governments

Johnsons reconstruction policy

-provided for the loss of the right to vote and hold office of a former leaders and officeholders of the Confederacy and Confederates with more than $20,000 in taxable property -because the president retain the power of granting individual pardons to disloyal Southerners by the fall of 1865 former Confederate leaders were back in office

Money question during gilded age

-question of how much to spend money supply -farmers and businesses wanted more easy money in circulation since it would enable them to borrow money at low interest rates and pay off the loans more easily with inflated dollars -after the panic of 1873 many Americans blame the gold standard for stripping the money supply and causing the depression -bankers creditors investors and is that was business instead for sound or Hardmoney meaning currency backed by gold stored in government vaults -supporters of Hardmoney argue that dollars backed by gold would hold their value against inflation

JP Morgan

-quickly moved into take control of the bankrupt railroad and consolidate them -they can stabilize rates and reduce debts with competition eliminated

16th amendment

-ratified by the states in 1913 other is a US government to collect an income tax

turners frontier thesis

-reacting to the closing of the front tier Frederick Jackson Turner Road influential a safe called the significance of the fronttier in American history -Turner argue that 300 years of front tier experience that shaped American culture back reloading independent and individualism -The frontier was a powerful social level or breaking down class distinctions and those fostering social and political democracy -The challenges of frontier life caused Americans to be inventive and practical minded

Spanish American war treaty of peace

-recognition of Cuban independence -US acquisition of two Spanish islands, Puerto Rico in the Caribbean and Guam in the Pacific -US acquisition of the Philippines in return for payment to span of $20 million -since the purpose of the war effort was liberate Cuba Americans excepted the provision of the treaty -many weren't prepared for taking over a large Pacific island nation the Philippines as a colony

Office of price administration

-regulated almost every aspect of civilians lives by freezing prices wages and rents and rationing search commodities as me sugar gasoline and auto tire is primarily to fight wartime inflation

Second great awakening

-religious revivals and sort through the United States early 19 century -partly reaction against rationalism -successful preachers were understood by uneducated audience

Martin Luther King Junior

-remained committed to number protest against segregation -led march on Washington

Effects of Kansas Nebraska act

-repealed the Missouri compromise that kept a lid on regional tensions for more than three decades - after 1850 for the conflicts between anti-savory and proslavery forces exploded

22nd amendment

-republican dominated Congress proposed constitutional amendment to limit president to maximum of two full terms in office

Giddeon v wainwright

-require that state courts provide counsel for indignant (poor) defendants

Theodore Roosevelts square deal (For labor)

-reservoir demonstrated that he fit favorite neither business nor labor but instead a square deal -straight of coal miners-->Roosevelt tried to mediate the labor dispute by calling the union leader" mine owners to the White House -The owners agreed to except the findings of a special commission which granted 10 percent wage increase and a nine hour workday to the minors

Teller amendment

-responding to the Presidents message Congress passed a joint resolution on April 20 authorizing war -part of the resolution the teller remember the crew that the United States had no intention of taking political control of Cuba and that once piece was restored to the island the Cuban people would control their own government

Haymarket square riot

-response to the Maydee movement calling for a general strike to the chief in a hour day labor violence broke out at Chicago's McCormick harvester plant -someone threw a bomb that killed seven police officers

engel v vitale

-ruled that states laws requiring prayers and Bible readings in the public schools and the First Amendment provision for separation of church and state

Iran contra

-scandal that erupted after the Reagan administration -sold weapons to Iran in hopes of freeing American hostages in Lebanon -money from the arms sales was used to aid the Contras (anti-Communist insurgents) in Nicaragua, even though Congress had prohibited this assistance. -Talk of Reagan's impeachment ended when presidential aides took the blame for the illegal activity.

Environmental protection agency

-secured legislation to stop pollution and destruction of nature

Assassination of Kennedy

-shot in Dallas Texas in November 1963 -was killed by Harvey Oswald

Annexation of hawaii

-since the mid-1800s American missionaries and entrepreneurs had settled in the Pacific Islands of Hawaii - expansionist coveted the islands and in 1893 American settlers aided in the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarch queen Liliuokalani - The outbreak of war in the Philippines gave Congress and President McKinley the pretext to complete the annexation on July 1898. - Who and I don't became a territory of the United States in 1900 state in the union 1959

What are the main reasons for the conflict between the north and the south

-slavery as a growing moral issue in the north versus its defense and expansion in the south - constitutional disputes over the nature of the federal union and states rights - economic differences between the industrializing North and the agricultural south over such issues as tariffs , banking , and internal improvements - political blunders and extremism on both sides

Theodore Roosevelt's big stick policy

-speak softly and carry a big stick -The big steak was applied to Roosevelts aggressive foreign-policy -Panama Canal


-spoke about the torch being passed to a new generation and promised to lead the nation into a new frontier - candidate ever to be elected president -him and his wife Jackie brought style glamour and appreciation of the arts to the White House

New south segregation

-starting in the late 1870s the US Supreme Court struck down reconstruction act after another applying to civil rights -in the civil rights case of 1883 the court ruled that Congress couldn't legislate against the racial discrimination practiced by private citizens which included railroads hotels and other businesses used by the public -in 1886 in the case of plessy versus Ferguson The Supreme Court upheld a Louisiana law requiring separate but equal accommodations for why am black passengers on railroads - these federal court decision support you whether segregation laws commonly known as Jim Crow laws that southern states adopted beginning in the 1870s


-successful voyage up the Hudson River of the Clermont, a steamboat developed by Robert Fulton

Japanese Americans WWII

-suffered from their association with a wartime enemy and were suspected of being potential spies -A Japanese invasion of the West Coast was considered imminent by many -these irrational fears as well as racism prompted the US government to order over 100,000 Japanese Americans on the West Coast to leave their homes and reside in the barracks of Internet Camps -in the case of Korematsu v US The Supreme Court upheld the US government internment policy as justified in wartime. -in 1988 the federal government agreed the ruling was unjust and a word financial compensation to go still alive who had been interned

Rock and roll

-teenagers phone love with rock 'n roll music a blend of African-American rhythm and blues with the white country music populated by Elvis Pressley

Lowell system

-textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts recruited young farm women and housed them in company dormitories -many factories also made extensive use of child labor

Protestant work ethic

-that hard work and material success or signs of gods favor

United States v nixon

-the court denied his claims to executive privilege and ordered him to turn over the Watergate tapes

Spanish American war affect: how Europeans and Americans viewed each other

-the decisive us victory in the war filled Americans with national pride causing Southerners to share in this pride and become more attached to the union after their better experience in the 1860s -France Great Britain and other European nations recognize that the United States was a first class part with the strong maybe and a new willingness to take an active role in international affairs


-the high rate of alcohol consumption prompted reformers to target alcohol as the cause of social ills and explains why temperance became the most popular of the reform movements -American termperance society- tried to persuade drinkers to take a pledge of total abstinence

Herbert Hoover form policy 1929 to 1945

-thought the US shouldn't enter into a firm commitments to preserve the security of other nations this was known as isolationism

Cuban revolt

-through sabotage and laying waste to cuban plantations they hoped to either for Spain's withdrawal or pull in the United States is an ally - in response Spain sent autocratic general Valeriano Weyler and over 100,000 troops to crush revolt -Weyler forced civilians into armed camps were tens of thousands died of starvation and disease and gained him the title of the butcher in the American press


-to prevent the Vietnam and Cambodia from falling to communism dulles put together a regional defense packed called the South East Asia treaty organization -agreed to defend one another and cause of an attack with and the region eight nations send the packed and 1954

Reconstruction act of 1867

-took the drastic step of placing the south under military occupation -divided the former Confederate states into five military districts in each under the control of the Union Army -Dewayne Reed mission and asked Confederate states had to ratify the 14th amendment employees guarantees in its constitution for granting the right to vote to all adult males it regardless of race

Consequences of War with Mexico

-treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo and Wilmot proviso

Panic of 1873

-under grant second term -economic disaster that rendered thousands of northern laborborers both jobless and homeless -Overspeculation by financers and overbuilding by industry and railroads and led to widespread business failures and depression -doctors on the farms and in the cities demanded the creation of greenback paper money that was not supported by gold - Grant decided to side with the Hardmoney bankers and creditors who wanted a money supply backed by gold and vetoed a bill calling for the release of additional greenbacks

Stimson doctrine

-under the Stimson doctor under the nine power treating the United States refused to recognize the legitimacy of any Regime like Manchukuo that had been established by force

Causes of the crash

-uneven distribution of income Stock. Market speculation excessive use of credit over production of consumer goods week farm economy and government policies global economic problems

Politics of the common man 1824 to 1840

-universal male suffrage allowed all white males to vote and hold office which omitted any religious or property qualifications for voting and caused more people to vote - party politicians and voters would gather in a large meeting hall to nominate the party's candidates -anti-masons-attacked masons and accused them of belonging to a antidemocratic elite -politics became a form of local entertainment through campaigns which featured parades

New south loss of civil rights

-various political and legal devices were intended to prevent Southern blacks from voting such as literacy test poll taxes and political party primaries for whites only -The grandfather clause allowed to Mantorville only if it's grandfather had cast ballots and elections before reconstruction

Woodrow Wilson

-wanted to demonstrate that the United States respected other nations right and would support the spread of democracy - hoping to demonstrate that his presidency was opposed to self-interested imperialism Wilson took steps to correct what he viewed as wrongful policies in the past

Resurgence of Ku Klux Klan

-was strong in the Midwest as in the south - attracted followers because of a popular silent film called birth of a nation which portrayed the KKK during Reconstruction as the heroes and from the white backlash to the race riots of 1919 -dressed in white hoods to disguise their identity -would burn crosses and punish their victims with whips tar and feathers and even the hangman's nose


-was very urban game that demanded the teamwork needed for an industrial age -owners organize teams into links much as trusts of the day were organized -baseball with the national pastime -Jim Crow laws and customs prevented blocks from playing on all-white big league baseball teams between the 1890s and 1947

Southern classes

-wealthy planters-dominated state legislatures of the south and enacted laws that favored the large lamdholders' economic interest -farmers-produced bulk of cotton crop, worked in fields with their slaves -poor whites-3/4 of souths white population, defended slave system hoping they could afford it one day -Mountain people-small farmers lived in isolation along Appalachian and Ozark mountains


-west , union succeeded in controlling The full length of the Mississippi and cut off Texas Louisiana and Arkansas from the rest of the Confederacy


-what landowners attempted to force freed African-Americans into signing contracts to work the fields these contracts it turns out nearly bound the signer to permanent an unrestricted labor -undershirt copy of the land owner provided the seed and other needed from supplies in return for a share usually half of the harvest -sharecroppers usually remained independent on the landowners or in debt to local merchants

Quarantine speech

-when Japan invaded China in 1937 Roosevelt tested public opinion by making a speech proposing that the democracies act together to quarantine the aggressor -negative reaction to speech

Disputes with Japan

-when Japan join the axes in September Roosevelt responded by prohibiting the export of steel and scrap iron all countries except Britain and the nations of the Western Hemisphere -in July Japanese troops occupied French Indochina causing Roosevelt to freeze all Japanese credits in the US and also cut off Japanese access to vital materials including US oil -couldn't reach negotiation

Conscription act

-when the civil war began, those who fought were volunteers but the unions first conscription act made all men between the ages of 20 and 45 liable for military service but allowed a draftee to avoid service by either finding a substitute to search or pay a $300 exemption fee -The law provoked fear opposition among poor laborers who feared that if and when they return to civilian life their jobs would be taken by freed African-Americans

Counterculture movement

-white middle-class youths, called hippies, flower children -New Left, against Vietnam War, turned back on America becasue they believed in a society based on peace and love. - rock'n'roll, colorful clothes, and the use of drugs, lived in large groups. - lived in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbuy district becasue of the avalibility of drugs

Mobilization( finance)

-wilson's or government managed to raise $33 billion in two years by combination of loans and taxes

Specie resumption act of 1875

-withdrew a greenbacks from circulation

Baptists and Methodists

-would travel from one location to another and attract thousands to hear their dramatic preaching at outdoor revivals or camp meetings -these preachers activated the faith of many people who had never belong to a church -by 1850 the practice and the Methodist where the largest Protestant denominations in the country

Alexis de Tocqueville

-wrote democracy in America

James Fenimore Cooper

-wrote fiction using American settings -leatherstocking tales were a series of novels written from 1824-1841 that glorified the frontiersman as nobleman

F. Scott Fitzgerald

-wrote great gatsby -a novelist and chronicler of the jazz age

Jacob Riis

-wrote muckraking articles on tenement life -described in detail the correct deals that characterized big city politics from Philadelphia to Minneapolis

Betty Friedans

-wrote the feminine mystique which gave the movement a new direction by encouraging middle-class women to seek fulfillment and professional careers in addition to filling the rules of wife mother and homemaker -found The national organization for women known as now which adopted the activist tactics of other civil rights movement to Soccer equal treatment for women especially for job opportunities

The second red scare

Believe that coming to conspirators and spies had infiltrated American society

Unrest in the Third World

Decolonization or the collapse of colonial empires after World War II may been the single most important development of the post war era - between 1947 and 1962 dozens of Colonies in Asia and Africa gain their independence from former colonial powers such as Britain France and the Netherlands the

Public education

Free common schools(Horace Mann), moral education, higher education-2nd great awakening helped fuel growth for private colleges

Louisa Alcott

Louisa May Alcott Novelist whose tales of family life helped economically support her own struggling transcedentalist family

26th amendment

Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18

Movement for public asylums

Mental hospitals, schools for blind and deaf persons, prisons


Mortgage foreclosures and vixens became commonplace the homeless traveled and boxcars and lived in shantytowns name to Hooverville's in Moc of their president

My Lai massacre

My Lai Massacre 1968, in which American troops had brutally massacred innocent women and children in the village of My Lai, also led to more opposition to the war.

OverProduction of consumer goods

Produce the volume of good that workers was stagnant wages could not continue to purchase

Washington Irving

The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon. -first American internationally recognized in Writing -Legend of Sleepy Hollow -Rip Van Whinkle. - American folklore, local legends


The idea that people should glorify their nation and the race through an aggressive show of force -became the dominant ideology in European dictatorships in the 1930s

Cult of domesticity

When men took jobs outside the home to work for salaries are wages woman took hold of the household and children

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