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Result of Webster- Ashburton Treaty

1842 between the US and the Brits, settled boundry disputes in the North West, fixed most borders between US and Canada, talked about slavery and excredition

Who planned to send slaves back to Africa

American Colonization Society established to end slavery, but only to return them to Africa; president of society was James Monroe, for whom the capital of the American-founded state of Liberia in Africa named their capital after: Monrovia

Social commentary from Thomas Dew, 1832, President of William and Mary College- 2 questions

An expression of Southern pride in the institution of slavery Response to the abolitionist criticism of the treatment of slaves in the South

Irish immigrants

Came to the U.S. because of the Irish Potato Famine. Many worked in factories in harsh conditions for little pay The majority of Irish immigrants to the United States in the 1840s and 1850s settled In cities along the east coast

1837 map of US roads/ canals, 2 questions

Canals- the North and old Northwest benefitted the most. The South built fewer internal improvements while the North and old Northwest funded more canal and railroad projects. The South had less capital to invest in such projects and they were not a political priority. Steam engine benefitted the most Most closely linked regions' economies together -The East and the Midwest Had LEAST impact on European immigration to the United States

Lowell system???

Developed in the textile mills of Lowell, Massachusetts, in the 1820s, in these factories as much machinery as possible was used, so that few skilled workers were needed in the process, and the workers were almost all single young farm women, who worked for a few years and then returned home to be housewives. Managers found these young women were the perfect workers for this type of factory life.

Result of Treaty of Ghent

Ended the War of 1812

NY city influences

Erie Cana; connected the Great Lakes to the east coast and fueled the economic rise of New York City

Wrote a book about being a slave

Frederick Douglas

Immigrants during '40s and '50s

Irish and Germans arrived in unprecedented numbers, resulting in a nativist backlash in popular culture

early political parties who wanted to expand voting rights to more white males

Jacksonian Democrats stand for the common man (as long as he's white), hostility to banks and federal power (usually), as well as Henry clay and his American System; tend to be pro-slave and states' rights

Senator Calhoun's view of slavery

John C. Calhoun organized the Whig Party, spokesman for the slave-plantation system of the antebellum South

1844 James K. Polk inaugural address, 2 questions

Polk is the president most associated with the ideology of Manifest Destiny, which held that white European-Americans were divinely ordained to settle the North American continent. During Polk's presidency, the United States went to war with Mexico and negotiated the boundaries of Oregon territory with the British.

Manifest Destiny examples

Settlers destined to be in America Ex: war with Mexico to acquire Texas and other areas of the Southwest, the dispute with Great Britain over the Oregon Territory and the U.S. colonization of Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Manifest destiny also influenced the U.S. acquisition of Native American lands.

Letter from TJ to John Holmes 1820- 2MC questions

TJ expressed opinion of Missouri Compromise Reveals his fear that the extension of slavery into the West would destroy the Union. John Holmes became one of the first senators to serve from Maine, when the state was admitted to the Union as part of the Missouri Compromise

Western expansion issues

The most divisive issue in regards to western expansion during the antebellum era was the extension of slavery

Nullification Crisis/ some Marshall Court decisions/ Hartford Convention

They illustrated attempts by the federal government to assert greater control over the states and the resistance those attempts created

Result of Jay's Treaty

Was made up by John Jay. It said that Britain was to pay for Americans ships that were seized in 1793. It said that Americans had to pay British merchants debts owed from before the revolution and Britain had agreed to remove their troops from the Ohio Valley

Outcomes for tech improvements during antebellum

Which of the following was NOT a result of antebellum technological innovations such as textile machinery, the steam engine, the telegraph, and the use of interchangeable parts? The heightened isolationism of rural americans The increase if slavery in the new southwest during the antebellum era created new tensions over the spread of slavery

Result of Adams-Onis Treaty

acquired Florida from Spain [Andrew Jackson had already invaded it, and Adams used Jackson to scare Spain into selling it] and ceded claims Texas to Spain

1829 David Walker, Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World, 2 questions

an audaciously outspoken Black American activist who demanded the immediate end of slavery in the new nation. A leader within the Black enclave in Boston, Massachusetts. David Walker's Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World: a call to "awaken my brethren" to the power within Black unity and struggle. recognized for his critical contribution to ending chattel slavery in the United States. one of the most important political and social documents of the 19th century. They credit Walker for exerting a radicalizing influence on the abolitionist movements of his day and beyond. He has inspired many generations of Black leaders and activists of all backgrounds. The emergence of African American abolitionist movements

Monroe Doctrine

combined with position of neutrality, would drive most of American foreign policy well into the 20th century John Quincy Adams crafted this as a response to the independence movements in central and South America: 1) New World now off limits to Europe; 2) promised to not interfere with European politics or wars [neutrality reinforced]; 3) Western hemisphere meant for republics, not aristocracies

McCulloch v. Maryland

denied the state of Maryland the right to tax a national institution (affirmed supremacy of national government; affirmed loose construction of the Constitution as the correct one, not strict interpretation Maryland wanted)

Similarities of Indians/religious followers/women

developed unique cultures reflecting their interests and experiences

Marbury v. Madison

established the principle of judicial review over presidential or congressional actions (judicial review over states already established, but Marbury firmed up the right) (next use on a federal level: 54 years later in the Dred Scott decision)

Tariff of 1828

helped emerging American businesses to compete more effectively with British (promoted by Jacksonians so Jackson could win some New England and northern votes in 1828 election) became a trigger event, as South Carolina called it the Tariff of Abominations, because they bought British goods and thus paid a bigger chunk of taxes;

Decision by Marshall SC on McCullough v. Maryland, 1819, 2 questions

issued a decision that upheld Indian nations' political authority in their communities

Commentary from Dorothea Dix to Massachusetts Legislature, 1843, 2 questions

petitioned the Massachusetts Legislature to pay for an expansion of the state insane asylum in Worcester, an institution she believed offered a moral, curative treatment and a haven for indigent people with mental disabilities. Attempts described to match democratic political ideals with social realities

Darthmouth v. Woodward

refused to allow New Hampshire to overturn charter for Dartmouth, to turn it into public university (a contract is a contract)

1830 Indian Removal Act

resulted in the removal of 45,000 Indians from the American Southwest. The Cherokee trail of tears is the most famous and deadly removal. Americanized Native American nations of the east were uprooted and forced west. created Indian Territory [Oklahoma] and "asked" Native Americans east of Mississippi River to move there; government "promised" Native Americans it would be theirs forever

Worchester v. Georgia

rule against Georgia, saying a state had no right to tell Cherokee what to do, as this was a federal matter: Andrew Jackson openly defied the Supreme Court ruling: "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it."

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