apush unit 7 test

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C. The New Deal turned the U.S. into a limited welfare state

. Based on the information in the chart, it could be argued that A. The Progressive Era was a direct response to a continuously growing U.S. national debt B. The New Deal resulted in increasing rugged individualism. C. The New Deal turned the U.S. into a limited welfare state D. Progressives were more radical than New Dealers

D. Establishment of the Civilian Conservation Corps

10. Based on the information in the chart, which of the following examples best refutes the claim presented in the previous question? A. Establishment of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation B Passage of the Wagner Act C. Passage of the Federal Emergency Relief Act D. Establishment of the Civilian Conservation Corps

A. Small government

13. The author(s) of the excerpt most likely supported which of the following principles? A. Small government B. Deficit spending C. Subsidies for farmers D. Old-age pensions

D. "The New Deal has misused the federal taxing power in an effort to promote visionary schemes for the redistribution of wealth."

14. Which of the following quotes most explicitly supports the answer to the previous question? A. "The New Deal has all but destroyed the export market for American agricultural products." B. "The New Deal has built up a huge bureaucracy, which has shown no regard for the Constitutional rights and liberties of our citizens." C. "The New Deal has harassed American business and has entered into competition in almost every way with private industry." D. "The New Deal has misused the federal taxing power in an effort to promote visionary schemes for the redistribution of wealth."

D. Deficit spending

19. The sentiments expressed in the excerpt are most in direct conflict with which of the following New Deal policies? A. A reduction in tariff rates B. Labor rights C. Economic recovery D. Deficit spending

the new deal actively used government power to stimulate economic recovery

23. In which of the following ways did the New Deal mark a departure from previous government practices? The New Deal relied on congressional legislation to enact reforms. The New Deal initiated the first regulations of the financial system. The New Deal actively used government power to stimulate economic recovery. The New Deal made African American civil rights central to its programs.

Strong isolationist sentiments after the First World War left many Americans wary of involvement in another European conflict.

24. Which of the following best explains the policy of the United States toward Nazi Germany in the 1930s? a.Regrets over the Treaty of Versailles that ended the First World War left many Americans sympathetic toward German rearmament. b.Strong isolationist sentiments after the First World War left many Americans wary of involvement in another European conflict. c.Economic cooperation between the United States and Nazi Germany discouraged any actions that would jeopardize the partnership. d.Public attitudes within the United States discouraged any decisions that might jeopardize programs fostering recovery from the Great Depression.

Japan attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor.

26. Which of the following best explains the factor that most directly prompted United States entry into the Second World War in 1941 ? Isolationism was no longer popular among Americans. The European continent was in desperate need of aid. Nazi Germany declared war on the United States. Japan attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor.

C. Passage of the Agricultural Adjustment Act

9. Based on the information in the chart, which of the following examples best support the claim that the progressive principle of conservation was neglected during the New Deal? A. Ratification of the 21st Amendment B. Passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act C. Passage of the Agricultural Adjustment Act D. Passage of the Wagner Act

B. President Harding's signing of the Fordney-McCumber Tariff into law

A widely held view of the Republican administrations of the 1920s is that they represented a return to an older order that had existed before Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson became the nation's chief executives. Harding and Coolidge especially are seen as latter-day McKinley's, political mediocrities who peopled their cabinets with routine, conservative party hacks of the kind almost universal in Washington from the end of the Civil War until the early 20th century. In this view, the 1920s politically were an effort to set back the clock. 1. Which of the following examples most directly supports the main argument found in the excerpt? A. President Harding's pardon of Eugene Debs B. President Harding's signing of the Fordney-McCumber Tariff into law C. President Coolidge's call for an anti-lynching law D.President Harding's support of an 8-hour workday within the steel industry.

c. Gilded Age

A widely held view of the Republican administrations of the 1920s is that they represented a return to an older order that had existed before Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson became the nation's chief executives. Harding and Coolidge especially are seen as latter-day McKinley's, political mediocrities who peopled their cabinets with routine, conservative party hacks of the kind almost universal in Washington from the end of the Civil War until the early 20th century. In this view, the 1920s politically were an effort to set back the clock. 3. The author of the excerpt clearly compares government leadership in the 1920s to government leadership during which of the following periods? A. Progressive Era B. Manifest Destiny Era C. Gilded Age D. World War I Era

C. Corporation

A widely held view of the Republican administrations of the 1920s is that they represented a return to an older order that had existed before Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson became the nation's chief executives. Harding and Coolidge especially are seen as latter-day McKinley's, political mediocrities who peopled their cabinets with routine, conservative party hacks of the kind almost universal in Washington from the end of the Civil War until the early 20th century. In this view, the 1920s politically were an effort to set back the clock. Considering the answer to the previous question, which of the following groups looked to gain the most from the 1920s Republican policies? A. Labor unions B. Farmers C. Corporations D. Minorities

C. Progressives considered consumer protection a priority while a main objective of the New Deal was job creation.

A. Civil Rights advocacy was a main pillar of both the Progressive and New Deal eras. B. Progressives were more interested in turning America into a socialist state while New Dealers were more moderate in the economic philosophies and policies. C. Progressives considered consumer protection a priority while a main objective of the New Deal was job creation. D. The issue of political corruption was largely ignored during the Progressive Era but heavily addressed during the New Deal.

B. He opposed direct relief policies

Based on the excerpt, which of the following conclusions can best be made about Herbert Hoover? A. He was a strong supporter of the Bonus Army B. He opposed direct relief policies C. He supported legislation that would establish old-age pensions D. He underestimated the unemployment problem in the U.S. at the time

A. Financial reform

Based on the information in the chart, which of the following values did progressives and New Dealers seem to share the most interests in? A. Financial reform B. Relief to the poor C. Business competition D. Eugenics

B. FDR's court-packing scheme

It is stated in the excerpt that 'the New Deal has sought to destroy the American system of government composed of three branches", clearly foreshadowing which of the following? A. FDR's Good Neighbor policy B. FDR's court-packing scheme C. The Roosevelt recession D. FDR's declaration of a national bank holiday

C. Declining consumer demand

The trends shown in the graph had the most direct impact on which of the following trend(s) in the 1930s? A. The changing role of cinema B. Improvements to both environmental and ecological systems C. Declining consumer demand D. Increasing racial strife

B. The introduction of the installment plan

Which of the following most directly influenced the trends shown in the graph? A. Corporate tax breaks B. The introduction of the installment plan C. The Harlem Renaissance D. The signing of the Bretton-Woods agreement

D. business investments in mass production

Which of the following most likely had the greatest impact on the trend shown in the graph? A. Increasing inflation B. A steady increases in wages for industrial workers C. A growing international market for U.S. goods D. Business investments in mass production methods

C. Rugged individualism

he sentiments expressed in the excerpt were most likely influenced by Hoover's belief in A. Keynesian economic philosophy B. Maintain a balanced federal budget C. Rugged individualism D. Populism

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