Ars Amatoria Top 50% Vocabulary

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ipse, ipsa, ipsum

emphatic demonstrative pronoun/adjective


ever, always, at all times, continually, perpetually, forever

vultus, vultus, m.



himself, herself, itself, themselves

aptus, apta, aptum

fastened, joined, fitted, bound, attached

formosus, formosa, formosum

finely formed, beautiful, handsome


from, away from, down from, out of

aurum, auri, n.


magnus, magna, magnum


durus, dura, durum



if, when, inasmuch as, since

arma, armorum, m.

implements, outfit, instruments, tools


in consequence of, on account of, because of, for the sake of (old)

quis, quis, quid

interrogative pronoun


into, to

ferrum, ferri, n.


decet, decuit

it is becoming

parvus, parva, parvum

little, small

longus, longa, longum

long, extended

amor, amoris, m.

love, affection, strong friendly feeling

Venus, Veneris, f.

loveliness, attractiveness, beauty, grace, elegance, charm

vir, viri, m.

man, husband

multus, multa, multum

many, a great number

miser, misera, miserum

wretched, unfortunate, miserable



tuus, tua, tuum

your, yours

mens, mentis, f.

the mind, disposition, feeling, character, heart, soul

collum, colli, n.

the neck

animus, animi, m.

the rational soul

lingua, linguae, f.

the tongue


then, at that time, just then, on that occasion

hic, haec, hoc



thus, in this way, as I do, as you see

posco, poscere, poposci

to ask urgently, beg, demand, request, desire

rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus

to ask, question, interrogate

possum, posse, potui

to be able, have power

valeo, valere, valui, valiturus

to be strong, be vigorous, have strength, be able

sum, esse, fui, futurus

to be, exist, live

fero, ferre, tuli, latus

to bear, carry, support, lift, hold, take up

patior, pati, passus sum

to bear, support, undergo, suffer, endure

frango, frangere, fregi, fractus

to break in pieces, dash to pieces, shiver, shatter, fracture

lego, legere, legi, lectus

to bring together, gather, collect, choose, read

uro, urere, ussi, ustus

to burn

emo, emere, emi, emptus

to buy, purchase

opto, optare, optavi, optatus

to choose, select, prefer

venio, venire, veni, ventus

to come

tego, tegere, texi, tectus

to cover, cover over

sentio, sentire, sensi, sensus

to discern by sense, feel, hear, see, perceive, be sensible of

noceo, nocere, nocui, nociturus

to do harm, inflict injury, hurt

bibo, bibere, bibi

to drink

edo, edere, edi, essus

to eat, consume

cado, cadere, cecidi, casurus

to fall, fall down, descend

timeo, timere, timui

to fear, be afraid, be fearful

sequor, sequi, secutus

to follow, come after, follow after, attend, accompany

armo, armare, armavi, armatus

to furnish with weapons, arm, equip

nosco, noscere, novi, notus

to get knowledge of, become acquainted with, come to know, learn

reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus

to give back, return, restore

cedo, cedere, cessi, cessus

to go from, give place, remove, withdraw, go away, depart, retire

abeo, abire, abii

to go from, go away, go off, go forth, go, depart

eo, ire, ii, itus

to go, walk, ride, sail

do, dare, dedi, datus

to hand over, deliver, give up, render, furnish, pay, surrender

regno, regnare, regnavi, regnatus

to have royal power, be king, rule, reign

habeo, habere, habui, habitus

to have, hold

audio, audire, audivi, auditus

to hear

iuvo, iuvare, iuvi, iutus

to help, aid

praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitus

to hold forth, reach out, proffer, offer, tender

sustineo, sustinere, sustinui, sustentus

to hold up, keep up, support

teneo, tenere, tenui

to hold, keep, have, grasp, hold fast

laedo, laedere, laesi, laesus

to hurt, wound, injure, damage

sino, sinere, sivi, situs

to let down, set, let, allow

iaceo, iacere, iacui, iactus

to lie

vivo, vivere, vixi

to live, be alive

specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatus

to look on, look at

amo, amare, amavi, amatus

to love

facio, facere, feci, factus

to make, do

misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtus

to mix, mingle, intermingle, blend

moveo, movere, movi, motus

to move, stir, set in motion

iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussus

to order

placeo, placere, placui, placitus

to please, give pleasure, be pleasing

premo, premere, pressi, pressus

to press

pono, ponere, posui, positus

to put down, set down, put, place, set, fix, lay, deposit

apiscor, apisci, aptus sum

to reach, attain to, get, gain

surgo, surgere, surrexi

to rise, arise, get up, stand up


to say

nego, negare, negavi, negatus

to say no, deny, refuse

dico, dicere, dixi, dictus

to say, speak

video, videre, vidi, visus

to see, discern, perceive

quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus

to seek, look for

mitto, mittere, misi, missus

to send, send of

excutio, excutere, excussi, excussus

to shake out, shake off

sto, stare, steti, status

to stand, stand still

peto, petere, petivi, petitus

to strive for, seek, aim at, repair to, make for, travel to

sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptus

to take, take up, take in hand, lay hold of

tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus

to touch

fallo, fallere, fefelli, falsus

to trip, cause to fall

volo, velle, volui

to will, wish, want


to, toward

turpis, turpis, turpe

ugly, unsightly, unseemly, repulsive, foul, filthy


under, below, beneath, underneath, behind

aqua, aque, f.





well tended


when, at the time when



quisquis, quisquis, quidquid

whoever, whosoever, whatever, whatsoever, every one who, everything which



vinum, vini, n.



with, together with, in the company of

opus, operis, n.

work, labor, toil

Mars, Martis, m.

Mars, father of Romulus and god of war

triumphus, triumphi, m.

a triumphal procession

vox, vocis, f.

a voice,

verbum, verbi, n.

a word

annus, anni, m.

a year


all the way from

totus, tota, totum

all, all the

omnis, omnis, omne

all, every


also, too

oculus, oculi, m.

an eye






and not yet

ira, irae, f.

anger, wrath, rage

species, speciei, f.


fio, fieri, factus sum

be made, become


before, in front, forwards

sanguis, sanguis, m.




capillus, capilli, m.

collect., the hair of the head, hair

certus, certa, certum

determined, resolved, fixed, settled, purposed, certain

qui, quae, quod

relative pronoun or interrogative adjective

somnus, somni, m.


tener, tenera, tenerum

soft, delicate, tender

iste, ista, istud

strong demonstrative

talis, talis, tale

such, of such a kind, such like, the like

ille, illa, illud



that, so that

primus, prima, primum

the first, first

coma, comae, f.

the hair of the head, hair

caput, capitis, n.

the head

aetas, aetatis, f.

the life of man, age, lifetime, years

pudor, pudoris, m.

"a shrinking from blame, desire of approval, shame, modesty,

carmen, carminis, n.

"a song, poem, verse, oracular response, prophecy, form of incantation,

cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus

"to become acquainted with, acquire knowledge of, ascertain, learn,

cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus

"to drive together, collect, crowd, bring together, summon, congregate,

quisque, quisque, quidque

"whoever it be, whatever, each, each one, every, everybody, every one,

quis, quis, quid

(= aliquis) any one, anybody, anything, some one, somebody, something



corpus, corporis, n.

a body

arcus, arcus, m.

a bow

puer, pueri, m.

a boy

pectus, pectoris, n.

a breast, breast-bone

causa, causae, f.

a cause, reason, motive, inducement, occasion, opportunity

dies, diei, m. or f.

a day

ianua, ianuae, f.

a door

digitus, digiti, m.

a finger

vates, vatis, m.

a foreteller, seer

puella, puellae, f.

a girl

deus, dei, m.

a god, deity

sidus, sideris, n.

a group of stars, constellation, heavenly body

manus, manus, f.

a hand

equus, equi, m.

a horse

amator, amatoris, m.

a lover, friend

domina, dominae, f.

a mistress, dame, lady

nomen, nominis, n.

a name

pars, partis, f.

a part, piece, portion, share, division, section

tempus, temporis, n.

a portion of time, time, period, season

postis, postis, m.

a post, door-post

pretium, pretii, n.

a price, money value, value in exchange

fama, famae, f.

a report, rumor, saying, talk, tradition

munus, muneris, n.

a service, office, post, employment, function, duty

tabella, tabellae, f.

a small board

miles, militis, m.

a soldier

lacrima, lacrimae, f.

a tear

limen, liminis, n.

a threshold, lintel, sill

nox, noctis, f.


nullus, nulla, nullum

not any, none, no


not, by no means, not at all




notwithstanding, nevertheless, for all that, however, yet, still


now too, yet, even yet, still, even now


now, already


now, at present, at this time

meus, mea, meum

of me, my, mine, belonging to me, my own

suus, sua, suum

of oneself, belonging to oneself, his own, her own, his, her, its, their

qualis, qualis, quale

of what sort, of what nature, what kind of a


often, oft, oftentimes, many times, frequently

alter, altera, alterum

one, another, the one, the other



noster, nostra, nostrum

our, our own, ours, of us


out of

purpureus, purpurea, purpureum

purple-colored, purple, dark-red

saevus, saeva, saevum

raging, mad, furious, fell, fierce, savage, ferocious

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