Art History Final exam

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A large palace/fort was built at Split in Yugoslavia by_______


Christianity was recognized as the official religion of Rome in the early fourth century CE by which of the following?


He was a great Roman general and became the first Roman emperor

Purple toga

In Dura painting, Samuel Anointing David is depicted with an Imperial attribute indicating his royalty. Which of the following is that attribute?


In ancient Rome 70-80 CE, _______ was the largest and most important amphitheater in the world.


In contrast to a Greek temple, Roman temple usually were ________

Linear perspective

In second-style wall paintings such as Cubiculum M from the Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor, Roman architects used ________ to convincingly portray depth

Before Pilate

In the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, the sculptors illustrated scenes from the life of Christ

Verstic/ Verism

Romans super-realistic portraits was all so called _____

Column depicting his victories

The Emperor Trajan commissioned which of the following?


The Markets of Trajan construction used the basic unit of_________, a single-room shop covered by barrel vault


The Roman Republic vested power mainly in a senate and in two elected_____

Monumental concrete barrel vaults

The Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia was characterized by which of the following?


The entrance porach of Old St. Peters in ROme is called?

Platonic Eqypt

The illustrated book had a long history in the ancient world. When did the tradition of placing pictures in manuscripts first begin?


The palace at Tivoli was constructed for which of the following emperors?

Grape harvest and wine production

The themes represents the interior decorative of the santa costanza

3rd style

The__________ of Pompeian painting, people adorned walls with delicate linear fantasies sketches in predominantly backgrounds

imperial purple

This color was used to depict Christ after Christianity was officially recognized by Roman authorities


This emperor founded " New Rome" at Byzantium (modern Isranbul, Turkey) _____


Under the emperor Hadrian, he commissioned the largest concrete building in the world

3rd century

What is the earliest datable period for christian art?

mathematical linear perspective

Which style of wall painting was least characteristic of Roman wall painting?


Who is represented on the sarcophagus of Santa Maria Antiqua


________ was the Ostrogothic king of Sant' Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna


established the tetrarchy and adopted the title of Augustus in 293

Julius Ceaser

first to break tradition and use his portrait on Roman coinage

Caracalla baths

in the 1st century A.D. Rome the _________ was the greatest in a long line of bathing and recreational complexes

Mount Vesuvius

suddenly erupts and buried the city of Pompeii and towns around the Bay of Naples in a single day

The Rossano Gospels

the _____ is the earliest illuminated manuscript that contains illustrations of New Testaments

the celebration of imperial virtues

the arch of titus shows the military triumphs of titus, returning after the successful conclusion of the jewish wars in 70 CE. Which of the following was also included in the sculptural program of the Arch of Titus?

Architectural illusionism

the best describes and distinguishes the "fourth style" of roman painting?

center of dome

where would an oculus be found?

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