ASA (Aspirin)
ASA Dosage for an Adult
2 x 80mg Tablets, chewed
ASA Supplied
80mg Tablets
Alternate name for Aspirin
ASA Classifications
Analgesic, Antipyretic, Platelet Inhibitor
Alternate name for ASA
ASA Mechanism of Action
Aspirin also has an antiplatelet effect by inhibiting the production of thromboxane, which under normal circumstances binds platelet molecules together to create a patch over damage of the walls withing blood vessels. Because the platelet patch can become too large and also block blood flow locally and downstream, aspirin is also used long-term, at low doses, to help prevent heart attacks, stokes, and blood clot formation in people at high risk for developing blood clots.
ASA Contraindications
GI bleed, allergy, asthmatics sensitive to ASA
ASA Dosage for a Child
ASA Dosage for an Infant
ASA Indications
Suspected ischemic chest pain, AMI, unstable angina