Assessment of Thorax and Lungs - Exam 1

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What are the three lateral reference lines of the thoracic cavity?

1. Anterior axillary line 2. Midaxillary line 3. Posterior axillary line

What are the three anterior reference lines of the thoracic cavity?

1. Anterior axillary line 2. Midclavicular line 3. Midsternal Line

What are 3 examples of diseases associated with wheezing?

1. Asthma 2. Bronchitis 3. Emphysema

What are the four functions of respiratory system?

1. Changing chest size during Respiration 2. Inspiratioin 3. Expiration 4. Control of Respiration.

What are seven examples of subjective data for thorax and lungs?

1. Cough 2. Shortness of breath 3. Chest pain with breathing 4. History of respiratory infections 5. Smoking history 6. Environmental exposure (respiratory irritants) 7. Self-care behaviors.

What are some examples of abnormal findings during inspection of thorax and lungs?

1. Nasal Flaring 2. retractions 3. pursed lip breathing 4. loud breathing 5. tripod posistion 6. rate is lower or higher than normal limits for age 7. anxious.

What are 2 examples of diseases associated with Rhonchi?

1. Pneumonia 2. COPD

Waht are the two posterior reference lines of the thoracic cavity?

1. Scapular Line 2. Vertebral Line

What are the 4 anterior thoracic landmarks?

1. Suprasternal Notch 2. Sternum 3. Manubriosternal Angle 4. Costal Angle

What are 2 examples of diseases associated with Pleural Rub?

1. Tuberculosis 2. Pneumonia

What are the 4 posterior thoracic landmarks?

1. Vertebra Prominens 2. Spinous processes 3. Inferior border of scapula 4. Twelfth rib

What are 5 examples of abnormal findings of the configuration of the Thorax?

1. barrel chest 2. pectus excavatum 3. pectus carinatum 4. scoliosis 5. kyphosis

What are 3 examples of discontinuous sounds of the lungs?

1. fine crackles 2. course crackles 3. atelectatic crackles

What are some examples of normal findings during inspection of thorax and lungs?

1. non labored breathing 2. Rate WNL for age 3. Skin color consisten with ethnicity 4. calm

How many lobes does the left lung have?

2 (superior and inferior)

How may lobes of the right lung are located in posterior view?

2 lobes.

How many lobes does the right lung have?

3 lobes (superior, middle, inferior)

How many lobes of the right lung are located in anterior view?

3 lobes.

How many lobes of the right lung are located in lateral view?

3 lobes.

During the 6-minute distance walk, what % oxygen level will require patient to use oxygen at home?



A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes.

Which type of crackles disappear after a couple of breaths?

Atelectatic crackles

What disease is affiliated with barrel chest?


marphans syndrome

Congenital disease that results in excessive cartilage formation at the growth, or epiphyseal, plates


Difficulty breathing when laying flat

Why is it important to listen to both anterior and posterior lung sounds?

If you dont you can miss a significant amount of lung field.

Why do atelectatic crackles clear after a couple of breaths in and out?

It expands the lungs and clears fluids.

What is a possible indication from Yellow or Green sputum


How would COPD affect tactile fremitus?

There would be less vibration due to barrel chest.

Tactile fremitus

a tremulous vibration of the chest wall during speaking that is palpable on physical examination (99)

whispered pectoriloquy

a whispered phrase heard through the stethoscope that sounds faint and inaudible over normal lung tissue


abnormal change in tone of voice that is heard when auscultating the lungs

What causes Kussmal's Respiration


What are abnormal findings during ausculation of lungs called?

adventitous lung sounds

What is a possible indication from white or clear sputum

allergies or infection


an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine


an inflammation of the pleura that produces sharp chest pain with each breath

Cheyne-Stokes respiration

an irregular pattern of breathing characterized by alternating rapid breathing followed by no breathing.

What type of adventitious lung sounds can be caused from not moving around after surgery?

atelectatic crackles

What is the phrase for normal findings in lung sounds

clear to auscultation


collapsed lung

Kussmal's Respiration

deep, signing respirations with normal or slow rate

What are some causes of Cheyne-stokes respiration

drug overdose, brain injury, car accidents. Associated with end of life.

What is a possible indication of rust colored sputum

from blood

Agonal respiration

gasping type respirations that have no pattern and occur very infrequently



Where can stridor be heard the most?

in the neck.

What is a possible indication of pink and frothy sputum?

mixture of fluid and blood cells.


normal breathing

What causes stridor?

obstruction caused by a foreign body, tumor, swelling, or bronchial spasms

pectus carinatum

pigeon chest

What causes agonal respiration

pre-cardiac arrest, brain injury, post-seizure or end of life.


rapid breathing >20 or 22


sound of the voice heard through the stethoscope over healthy lungs

Pectus excavatum

sunken sternum

What would happen to the percussion in areas of lungs filled with fluid?

there would be decreased percussion.

How would pneumonia affect tactile fremitus?

there would be more vibration

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