Astronomy **** thanks daddy

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Many primitive cultures have a model of the suns motion in which the sun passes underneath a flat earth, this model predicts

That Everyone on earth sees the sun rise and set every day

The stars as seen from the earth appear to be attached to

The Celestial sphere a sphere that surrounds the earth

In addition to measuring the positions of all the planets all the time tycho Brahe measured them to an accuracy of

1/60 degree of arc

At 8 PM you see that the pointer stars of the Big Dipper and the star Polaris are arranged in a vertical line. At what time give or take a minute or so would you see them arranged at 45° to the vertical

11:00 PM the same day that is three hours later about an eighth of a sidereal day. The stars will rotate through 360/8 or 45° in that time

Just know what makes a statement falsifiable


The time it takes for the celestial sphere to rotate once relative to the earth is called

A sidereal day

Which of the following computer programs is most likely to be conisdered a scientific model

A simulation using currently accepted physical laws or waves crashing on the beach

In comparison to the established, earth centered theory, the cooernican theory of planetary motion made predictions that were of

About the same accuracy

In addition to being accurate Brahes observations focused on measuring the positions of the planets

All the time

The brightest star in the constellation Centaurus might be named

Alpha Centauri

The ancient Greeks were able to calculate the distance from the earth to the moon by using a geometrical model of

An eclipse of the moon

Kepler found that the orbit of mars is best described as

An ellipse

Kepler first law of planetary motion is that the orbit of each planet is

An ellipse with the sun at one FOCUS (not center)

Most of the Ancient Greek astronomers believed that the earth was fixed at the center of the universe. There was one, however, who thought that the sun was fixed and a rotating earth moved around the sun. That was

Aristarchus of samos

The star sirious can be located by using the pointer stars in


For Copernicus, a critical inconsistency in the final version of the Ptolemaic system was that it

Did not really have anything fixed in place at the center of the universe.

Cooernicus said that retrograde motion of the planets was caused by the

Earth and the planets orbiting the sun

Copernicus's said that the daily motions in the heavens were caused by the

Earth turning on its axis

Because the earth goes around the sun, we see the sun move

Eastward along the ecliptic

Are the most records from that time or loss in the burning of the great library at Alexandria most historians say that the first actual measurement of the earths circumference was made in the third century BC by

Eratosthenes of Syene

One objection to a solar system model that has the earth moving around the sun is that we would then see nearby stars seem to shift back and forth relative to more distant stars. The correct answer to that objection is that

Even the closest stars are so far away that the shift is very small

The time from one solar noon to the next is

Exactly 24 hours

A time of 24 hours is

Exactly equal to a solar day

Ancient astronomers were puzzled by the planets because they

Execute retrograde loops

Aristotle pointed out that assuming gravity pulls everything toward a common center

Explains why the earth is spherical

Kepler was an early advocate of the copernican theory. When he applied it to tychos observations it

Failed but led to a better theory

The consolation is a collection of stars that

Form a pattern in our sky

Tycho Brahe work at uraniborg was

Funded by a large fraction of the national budget of Denmark


Go to 7.5

Which of the following statements is most likely to be reproducible

I saw the sun rise and set during the same clear 24 hour day in the continental US (the most specific (longest)) one

The ptolemaic system was replaced when

It came into conflict with observations

One reason that the copernican system failed to fit tychos observations was that

It used circular orbits instead of ellipses

Aristarchus measured the angle between the sun and the moon when exactly half of the moon was illuminated. He found this angle to be

Less than 90 degrees by an amount too small for him to measure

Tycho brahes main contribution to the understanding of planetary motion was to

Make extensive observations

Mars is further than earth so

Mars takes longer to go around the sun than earth and moves more slowly than the earth does

Mercury is closer to the sun than earth. Which is true?

Mercury takes less time to go around the sun and moves faster than earth

As the two foci of an ellipse are brought together, the shape of the ellipse becomes

More like a circle around the foci

In a solar day the sun comes back to the same place in the sky but, in relation to the distant stars the earth actually rotates

More than one revolution

Planets further from the sun

Move slower on average

As seen from North America in the constellation Cassiopia

Never sets it is a circumpolar constellation

The Greek theory of gravity as a force pulling everything toward the center of the universe implied that the earth should be fixed at the center of the universe. Which of the following models of the solar system was in accord with that theory?

None of them which were (Copernican, the final Ptolemaic, and the Aristarchus)

Brahes careful observations of the olanets agreed to within observation error with

None of these systems I don't know why I wrote this

The earliest known measurement of the circumference of the earth used

Noon sun angle of two locations to determine the angle between the earth radii to those locations

We can use the pointer stars in the Big Dipper to locate a point in the sky near the

North Celestial pole

The daily rising and setting of the sun happens

Only south of the arctic circle and north of the antarctic circle

Closest star to the North Celestial pole that is visible to the naked eye is


The ancient Greeks insisted that a worthwhile model of a situation had to

Predict what really happens

By making extensive observations Brahe

Provided a lot of accurate data

Which of these was the solar system model that assumed the earth is fixed and the sun, moon, and planets all move on epicycles that, in turn move on circular orbits around the earth

Ptolemaic model

The greek philiosopher who guessed the earth is sphere bc most elegant and simple shape was


When Copernicus published his final version of the copernican system in 1543, it was

Rejected by most astronomers as not really any better than the Ptolemaic

As seen from North America, the constellation Orion

Sets in the west and southwest. It is not a circumpolar constellations so it does set

One property of a model such as the shape of the earth is the number of adjustable parameters it has - the number of numbers that are needed to determine the model. For a model to be regarded as elegant this humber

Should be small

Eratosthenes of syene is generally credited with using the angle of the moon sun at Alexandria and syene to determine the

Size of the earth

For the ancient Greeks the most basic of several clues that the sun is farther from the earth than the moon came from

Solar eclipses

The first telescope was possibly built by

Someone in the Netherlands

Together in the sky are

Sometimes close to each other in space

According to Keplers law of planetary motion as planets orbit the sun, they

Speed up when closest to the sun

At midsummer in Murmansk (largest city north of arctic circle) you would expect the sun to?

Stay above the horizon all day everyday

The idea of a scientific fact presents difficulties for the flasificationist philosophy that we have been discussing because that philosophy insists that every scientific statement is

Subject to change

Aristotle pointed out that a spherical earth would explain why

The constellations visible from Egypt are somewhat different than the constellations visible from Greece

An early measurement of noon sun angles at the summer solstice at Alexandria and syene needed one additional piece of information in order to determine the size of the earth

The distance between Alexandria and syene

One observation that Aristotle used to justify a spherical model of the earth was that

The earth casts a curved shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse

The observation that there are constellation that can be seen from Egypt but not from Greece convinced the ancient Greeks that

The earth is round

In the Ptolemaic model of the solar system

The earth was fixed and the planets and the sun moved on epicycles which, in turn, went around the earth

The path of the sun on the celestial sphere is called

The ecliptic

Which of keplers laws governs how a particular planet speeds up and slows down

The equal area law

Which of the following statements is falsifiable

The moon is made entirely of cheese

The summer solstice is the time when

The noon sun is highest in the sky

The ecliptic is

The path of the sun on the celestial sphere

The first major failure of the Ptolemaic theory to predict the results of observations was

The phases of Venus

From his obersvations of the phases of Venus, Galileo concluded that

The ptolemaic model is wrong

The ancient Greeks were able to estimate the distance from the earth to the sun by using

The quarter phases of the moon

The ancient Greeks argued that the earth cannot be moving because such a motion would cause apparent shifts in the positions of stars. This argument was wrong because

The stars are so far away that the shifts due to the earths motion are extremely small.

From the way solar eclipses happen the ancient Greeks concluded that

The sun is farther from the earth and larger than the moon

One reason that temperatures are higher in the summer than in winter is

The sun is higher in the sky in summer

One reason that temperatures are lower in the winter than in summer is

The sun is lower in the sky in winter

6.3 einsteins Henry of relativity 2 questions

They were too long for me to write

The purpose of a scientific model is

To predict the results of observations on real systems

Government supported big science

Tycho Brahe

Retrograde motion refers to

Westward motion of the planets relative to the stars

A disadvantage of the flat earth model is that it fails to provide a complete explanation of

What holds up the surface of the earth

One advantage of the spherical earth model is that it completely explains

What holds up the surface of the ocean

The idea that a worthwhile model of a situation must predict what is actually observed seems to have started

With the Ancient Greek philosophers

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