Astronomy Topic 4: Constellations

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How many constellations are there?


What is the brightest star in Perseus?

Aigo (the eye of medusa) blinks like a christmas tree

What is the asterism in Pegasus?

Asterism: The great square

What is the asterism in Ursa Major?

Asterism: contains the big dipper Asterism: three leaps of the gazelle (feet of bear)

What is the asterism in Cygnus?

Asterism: it is a part of the Summer Triangle asterism

What is the asterism in Hercules?

Asterism: the Keystone (square shape)

What is the constellation for June?

Bootes the herdsman clues: booties in June on spring break or looks like a tie (fathers day)

What is the brightest star in Scorpius?

Brightest star: Antares (bright red star (the heart of the scorpion))

What is the brightest star in Bootes?

Brightest star: Arcturus

What is the brightest star and asterism in Orion?

Brightest star: Betelgeuse (armpit or top left of orion) Asterism: the belt is a famous feature (and possibly his sword)

What is the brightest star and asterism in Leo?

Brightest star: Regulus Asterism: backwards question mark (sickle)

What is the brightest star or asterism in Canis Major?

Brightest star: Sirius

What is the brightest star or asterism in Taurus?

Brightest star: aldebaran (bright red star)

What is the constellation for March?

Canis Major the Greater Dog clue: march in the parade with your dog

What is the constellation for November?

Cassiopeia the Queen clues: looks like a "W" (queens are Women) and Im a queen because my birth month is november.

Unique fact about Cassiopeia?

Circumpolar and opposite of big dipper

What is the constellation for September?

Cygnus the swan (northern cross) clues: september and swan both begin with S's and "cross" contains two S's

What is the constellation for August?

Hercules the strongman clue: Hercules was an august (respective and impressive) man

What is the constellation for April?

Leo the Lion clue: april showers in big dipper rain on leo

What is the constellation for February?

Orion the hunter clue: Orion LOVES pleiades

What is the constellation for October?

Pegasus the flying horse clues: looks like a baseball diamond and world series is in october and Lightning is a pegasus and we play football in october.

What is the constellation for December?

Perseus the hero clues: Perseus cut off medusa's head and medusa had a cold heart (december is cold)

What is the constellation for July?

Scorpius the scorpion clues: my half birth month and shaped like the "J" in July.

What is the constellation for January?

Taurus the Bull clue: New Years resolutions are a bunch of bull

What is the constellation for May?

Ursa Major the Greater Bear clue: you MAY eat my lunch Mr. Bear.

What is the star cluster close to taurus?


What are the Pleiades?

the 7 sisters (only 6 seen with naked eye)

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