What is a holding procedure?
predetermined maneuver which keeps an aircraft within a specified airspace or ground operation while awaiting further clearance from ATC.
What is a clearance limit?
the fix, point, or location to which an aircraft is cleared when issued an air traffic clearance
What responsibilities do air traffic personnel have in regards to NOTAMs?
- Immediatley report any hazardous cond. & situations - Accept all airmen info regardless of source or subj. matter provided the occurence is no more than 3 days in the future - record name, title, address & phone of reporting person & forward to appropriate (AFSS) air flight service station - coordinate with other affected ATC facilities
What is the vertical minima altitude separation between IFR aircraft up to and including FL410?
1,000 feet
For En Route Radar separation, how many miles are required at or above FL600?
10 miles
What is the minimum number of vertical separation between aircraft and special use airspace for altitude above 290?
1000 feet
What is the standard minima for non-radar longitudinal separation?
10 minutes or 20 miles Depending on speed, 10 minutes is usually more than 20 miles, using 450 knots ground speed, separation b/w 2 air craft 10 minutes in trail is 75 miles Using 20 miles separation is way more efficient and can fit more planes
Any air craft flying above _______ MSL should have the altimeter set to 29.92 regardless of the local altimeter settings at stations they fly over.
18,000 MSL
When radar data is received from a single radar antenna, use the following minima... When two aircraft are less than 40 miles from the antenna ________ separation is required. When two aircraft are 40 miles or more from the antenna, _______ miles of separation are required.
3 miles 5 miles
What is the vertical minima altitude separation between IFR aircraft from FL600 and up?
5,000 feet
What is the minimum number of vertical separation between aircraft and special use airspace for altitude up to FL290?
500 feet
By what methods are airmen's information disseminated by? Describe each.
Aeronautical charts - IFR Charts such as: *En route high altitude charts *En route low altitude charts - VFR Charts such as; *sectional aeronautical charts *terminal area charts (TACs) *world aeronautical charts (WACs) Flight information publications in book form, know as "FLIPs" - notices to airmen publication (NTAP) - airport/facility directory (AFD) - U>S> Terminal Procedures (TERPs) - Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
How do you establish non radar longitudinal separation using (DME) distance measuring equipment?
Always get the report of the lead aircraft first. "November one, report passing five miles east of LAMAR." "This is November one, 5 DME from LAA at 5,000ft"
What does it mean for an air craft to be "Abeam"?
An aircraft is abeam a fix, point, or object when that fix, point, or object is approximately 90 dgrees to the right or left of the aircraft track. abeam indicates a general position rather than a precise point.
Define non-radar vertical separation from Block Altitudes.
At times, aircraft are assigned a range of altitude blocks. This may be due to weather or other operational requirements. Standard vertical separation is used and separation is applied from the upper and lower limit of the block
Pertains to military navigational aids and airports that re part of the NAS. -numbering system is different -generally plain language -if formatted properly, they will be publishes as an FDC or D NOTAM.
What is (RVSM) reduced vertical separation minima?
Some air craft are not equipped with the required vertical navigation avionics, which allows for application of the standard 1000' separation from FL290 to FL410 These air craft are referred to as NON-RVSM
What are the exceptions to the RVSM altitude rule?
The following air craft may be assigned altitudes between FL290 ad FL410 without RVSM equipment, but require 2,000' vertical separation. DOD department of defense aircraft lifeguard air ambulance aircraft aircraft for manufacturers certification and development foreign state aircraft Most NASA aircraft
Describe the inbound leg of a typical holding pattern.
The inbound radial, course, bearing, azimuth, airway, or route to the holding fix on which the aircraft is to hold, usually expressed in units of time or distance.
During non-radar lateral separation, what kind of headings must departing aircraft be cleared to fly?
headings that diverge by atleast 45 degrees
What is a NOTAM?
notice to airmen
What is the vertical minima altitude separation between IFR aircraft from FL410 up to and including FL600?
2,000 feet
At what series of heading degrees will an aircraft be considered as "to be crossing through the course of another aircraft"?
45 to 135 degrees after 135 degrees, the aircraft is now considered on an opposite course.
If radar data from more than one radar antenna is presented on a radar display, how many miles of separation are required?
For En Route Radar separation, how many miles are required below FL600?
5 miles
Describe radar visual separation.
After pilot sees another aircraft, controller instructs the pilot to maintain visual separation from that aircraft as follows; -pilot is informed about other aircraft's position/direction/intentions -controller obtains acknowledgement frompilot that other aircraft is in sight -pilot is instructed to maintain visual separation -controller advises pilot if two radar targets appear likely to converge
What are the things to be separated?
Air craft and aircraft from protected airspace
What are the responsibilities of the Air Traffic Facilities?
Air traffic facilities shall originate NOTAMs for air navigation aids which they are responsible for monitoring or controlling
How do you separate aircraft using intersecting runways?
Ensure the departure does not begin takeoff roll untill one of the following exists.. - preceding aircraft has departed and passed the intersection. -preceding arriving aircraft is clear of the landing runway, completed the landing roll and will hold short of the intersection, passed the intersection, or has crossed over the departure runway
An air craft without RVSM equipment shall be assigned what two categories of altitude?
either FL280 or lower or FL430 or higher Non RVSM aircraft may only climb or descend through RVSM altitudes FL290 to FL410. While transiting this airspace, 2000' vertical separation must be maintained with all other aircraft.
What responsibilities do Terminal and ARTCC's have in regards to NOTAMs?
only accept and disseminate NOTAMs they do not classify NOTAMs
What does it mean to expect further clearance (EFC)?
the time a pilot can expect to receive clearance beyond a clearance limit
Every NOTAM D will have an abbreviated keyword prior to the stated condition, will you have to know all of these abbreviations?
Define visual separation in conjunction with visual approach procedures; When can you clear an aircraft for visual approach?
-The air craft is number one in the approach sequence. or... -air craft is to follow a precediing aircraft and the pilot reports the preceding aircraft in sight and is instructed to follow it or... -pilot reports the airport or runway in sight but not the preceding aircraft. radar separation must be maintained until visual separation is provied
(NFDC) What is the responsibilities of the national flight data center in regards to NOTAMs?
-issuing FDC NOTAMs and NOTAM Ds pertaining to changes to instrument departure procedures (DPs) and standard terminal arrival routes (STARs) -operating the National NOTAM System -managing the FAA's aeronautical information database -collecting, validating, and disseminating data for use by the charting and publication entities of FAA, other government agencies, and industry
What are the responsibilities of the Technical Operations (Tech Ops) services in regards to NOTAMs?
Initiating NOTAM info for shutdown, restoration, or other cond. that affect NAVAIDs, frequencies, or other electronic aids that affect safety of flight Coordinating with air traffic facilities prior to shutdown or changes that affect safety of flight - expected to submit approval requests for routine maintenance shutdowns so that ample time is allowed for clearance and NOTAM to be issued five hours before a shutdown
Define lateral separation at multiple fixes.
Clear aircraft to hold over different fixes, at the same altitude, whose holding pattern airspace areas do not overlap each other or other sirspace to be protected
How can air pressure effect altitude?
If the pressure is higher than 29.92, flight levels move up. If air pressure is lower than 29.92, flight levels move down
Explain the vertical separation requirements involving fuel dumping aircrafts.
Must be atleast 2,000 ft below any fuel dumping aircraft, can be 1000 ft above a fuel dumping aircraft unless aircraft does not have RVSM, then its 2000 ft requirement.
Give an example command for air craft N2 to change altitude from 7000 to 9000 at fix MIO.
November 2, cross miami vortac at or after zero four two zero. Maintain seven thousand until the MIAMI VORTAC, climb and maintain niner thousand
How is a NOTAM used?
Pilots can call the flight service station before ddeparture for a complete preflight breifing. Briefer can review NOTAM information for an airport to see all information about what is affecting their work environment. (are runways closed, are all NAVAIDs working, etc.
Radar vs Non-radar separations.
Radar gains significatn advantage over non-radar 5 miles of separation for radar unlike the 20 miles required for non-radar (can also be as low as 3 miles for separation with radar opposed to 20 miles)
Define Radar separation.
Radar separation is radar spacing of aircraft in accordance with established minima. Sepration minima requirements are established for terminal and En Route
What does a typical holding pattern look like? desribe the standard and non standard patterns.
Standard pattern -right turns -one linute legs (1 1/2 minute above 14,000 MSL) Non Standard Pattern -left turns -other than standard timing, or DME leg length
The system for disseminating aeronautical information is made up of what two subsystems?
The airmen's information system (AIS) -AIS consists of charts and publications The NOTAM system -notam is a telecommunication system
Who provides runway separation and how many planes are allowed on a runway at a given time?
Tower controllers and typically only one.
(T/F) An aircraft on a course within 45 degrees of another aircraft is considered to be on the same course.
What are the three types of radar and non-radar separation minima? In what form of measurement is each one expressed?
Vertically - feet Laterally - miles & airway routes Longitudinally - miles or minutes
Can you clear air craft at the same fix?
Yes using vertical separation.
Define visual separation
a means employed by ATC to separate aircraft in the NAS. there is no time or distance minima, per se, but separation is accomplished by visually avoiding other aircraft. "visual contact of other aircraft by either tower controller or pilot"
Describe the responsibilities of the airport manager/operator in regards to NOTAMs?
airports are not owned by the FAA observing and reporting the condition of a movement area provide a list of personnel authorized to issue NOTAMs legally, only airport management can close a movement area
What are the responsibilities of the AFSS (automated flight service stations) in regards to NOTAMs?
classify, accept, format, and disseminate NOTAMs, as well as monitor their currency
What is NOTAM D?
consists of information that requires wide dissemination via telecommunication and pertains to; -En route navigational aids -Civil public - use airports listed in the airport facility directory (AFD) -Facilities - Services
How do you establish non-radar longitudinal separation using time?
depart at a specified time arrive at a fix at a specified time hold at a fix until a specified time change altitude at a specified time or fix Example: November 2 crossed fix LAMAR at or after 1320 Depart Fix PUEBLO VOR at or after 1318
Define (FL) flight level
level of constat atmospheric pressure related to a reference datum of 29.92 inches of mercury. Each is stated in 3 digits that represents hundreds of feet. For example, FL250 represents a barometric altimeter indication of 25,000 feet; FL255 = 25,500 feet, etc.
What is flow control?
measures designed to adjust the flow of traffic into a given airspace, along a given route, or bound for a given airport, so as to ensure the most effective utilization of airspace.
obst dep procedure
When can a departing air craft begin its take off roll if there is an arriving air craft using that runway?
once the arriving aircraft has taxied off the runway
Describe the outbound leg of a typical holding pattern.
outbound leg timing begins over/abeam the fix, whichever occurs later, if the abeam position cannot be determined, start timing when turn to outbound is completed. The outbound course of a DME holding pattern is called the outbound leg of the pattern -the length of the outbound leg may be specified by the controller
Describe the responsibilities of the Aviation System Standards National Flight Procedures Office (AVN).
part of (Tech Ops), identify those safety-of=flight cond. which req. the issuance of FDC NOTAMs relating to Instrument Flight Procedures FDC NOTAMs are normally issued for revisions to standard Instrument Approach Procedures, airway structures, and some departure procedures
What is a NOTAM?
provides information (not known sufficiently in advance to publicize by other means) concerning the establishment, condition, or change in any component(facility, service, or procedure of, or hazard in the NAS) the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations
Define (non-intersecting) runway separation.
same as (intersecting runway separation) except the runways are not physically touching however, they are on converging headings
What is non-radar longitudinal separation?
spacing of aircraft at the same altitude by a minimum distance expressed in units of time or miles
What is non-radar lateral separation?
spacing of aircraft at the same altitude by requiring operation on different routes or geographical locations. Applied when neither vertical nor longitudinal separation exist Each plane's lateral "protected airspace" cannot overlap
What is a holding fix?
specified fix identifiable to a pilot by NAVAIDs or visual reference to the ground used a a reference point in establishing and maintaining the position an aircraft while holding
What are the four different types of NOTAMs?
Originators of airmen's information are expected to inform who? in sufficient time before the effective dates of changes to permit publishing of aeronautical data on the various charts or in the appropriate publications?
the (NFDC) National Flight Data Center
Define vertical separation
the vertical spacing of aircraft achieved by assigning different altitudes or flight levels used with radar or non-radar procedures. IFR instrument flight rules aircraft are assigned different altitudes/flight levels to meet standard separation requirements.
Define tower visual separation.
tower controller may use visual separation provided both aircraft are in sight and instructions can be issued to keep them apart. Communication must be maintained with at least one of the aircraft involved or the capabilitiy to communicate immediately must be available.
What are the different used for holdings?
traffic en route arrival delays weather at destination flow control spacing
When is information publicized as a NOTAM?
when changes occur so rapidly that time does not permit issuance on a chart or in an appropriate publication, yet the timely issuance of the changes are essential
Define same runway separation.
ensure takeoff roll does not begin until a preceding departing aircraft has crossed the runway end or has turned to avert a conflict ensure arriving aircraft does not cross the landing threshold until a preceding departing aircraft has crossed the runway end or has turned to avert a conflict