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4. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING TABLE. Which expenditure category was the most important in December of 2008? A. housing B. food and beverages C. appare D. transportation

A. - Reading this from the second column in the table "Relative Importance December 2008". - These numbers represent the average percentage of household budgets the are spend on the expenditure category. - The greatest number, 43,421%, is on the row corresponding to housing.

Which of the answer choices best describes the appropriateness of Maria's data sample in the following vignette? Maria is conducting a study that will examine the ideas of middle school teachers, concerning the usage of iPhones in the classroom. She interviews all teachers who teach a computer software course. A. The sample is biased because it only includes teachers who are immersed in the technology field. B. The sample is biased because the sample size is too small. C. The sample is biased because the sample size is too large. D. The sample is not biased and is appropriate for the study.

A. The sample is biased because the study wishes to examine all middle school teachers' ideas, regarding usage of iPhones in the classroom, while the sample only represents ideas of those teachers teaching technology courses.

3. The Dewey Decimal Classes 000 Computer science, information, and general works 100 Philosophy and psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Languages 500 Science and mathematics 600 Technical and applied science 700 Arts and recreation 800 Literature 900 History, geography and biography Also during her research, Lise learns about Freud's Jewish background, and she decided to compare Freud's theories to traditional Judaism. To which section of the library should she go for more information on this subject? A. 100. B. 200. C. 800. D. 900

B. 200 To study Jewish traditions further; Lise should consult the 200s, which is devoted to books on religion.

3. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. Which of the following bone are located in the hand? A. fibula B. metacarpals C. metatarsals D. ulna

B. According to Figure 1, the metacarpals are located in the hand. - The metatarsals are located in the foot. - The fibula is in the leg, and the ulna is in the arm.

The next question is based not he following passage: When people are conducting research, particularly historical research, they usually rely on primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are the more direct type of information. They are accounts of an event that are produced by individuals who were actually present. Some examples of primary sources include a person's diary entry about an event, an interview with an eyewitness, a newspaper article, or a transcribed conversation. Secondary sources are pieces of information that are constructed through the use of other, primary sources. Often, the person who creates the secondary source was not actually present at the event. Secondary sources could include books, research papers, and magazine articles. From the passage it can be assumed that A. primary sources are easier to find than secondary sources B. primary sources provide more accurate information than secondary sources C. secondary sources give more accurate information than primary sources D. secondary sources are lawyers used when books or articles are being written

B. Answer choice B is the most logical conclusion. The passage states that, "Primary sources are the most direct type of information. They are accounts of an event that are produced by individuals who are actually present." - Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that an account prepared by someone who was present would be more accurate than one prepared by somebody decades later who had to rely on the accounts of others.

1. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. Which of the following is a logical conclusion that can be drawn form the information in the passage above? A. Victor's long reign provided the opportunity for her to bring balance to England and right the wrongs the had occurred during the reigns of her uncles. B. It was the death of Princess Charlotte Augusta that motivated the remaining princes to Mary and start families. C. The Duke of Ken t had hoped for a son but was delighted with his good fortune in producing the surviving heir that his brothers had failed to produce. D. King William IV was unreasonably suspicious of the Duchess of Kent's motivations, as she cared only for her daughter's well-being.

B. the passage does not state this outright, but the author indicates that the younger sons of King George III began considering the option of marrying and producing heirs after the Process Charlotte Augusta died. - Since she was the heir-apparent, her death left the succession undetermined. The author mentions very little about any "wrongs" that - Victoria's uncles committed, so that cannot be a logical conclusion. - The passage says nothing about the Duke of Kent's preference for a male heir over a female (in fact, it was likely that he was delighted to have any heir.) - And the author does not provide enough detail about the relationship between the Duchess of Kent and King William IV to infer logically that his suspicious were "unreasonable" or that the duchess cared only for her daughter's well-being.

READING 2. The Dewey Decimal Classes 000 Computer science, information, and general works 100 Philosophy and psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Languages 500 Science and mathematics 600 Technical and applied science 700 Arts and recreation 800 Literature 900 History, geography and biography During her research, Lise discovers that Freud's theory of the Oedipal complex was based on Ancient Greek mythology that was made famous by Sophocles' play Oedipus Rex. To which section of the library should she go if she is interested in reading the play? A. 300. B.400. C. 800. D. 900

C. 800 In this case, Lise needs to find a work of literature instead of work psychology, so she should consult the 800s.

READING 1. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: The Dewey Decimal Classes 000 Computer science, information, and general works 100 Philosophy and psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Languages 500 Science and mathematics 600 Technical and applied science 700 Arts and recreation 800 Literature 900 History, geography and biography Lise is doing a research project on the various psychological theories that Sigmund Freud developed and on the modern response to those theories. She is not sure where to begin, so she consults the chart of Dewy Decimal Classes. To which section of the library should she go to begin looking research material? A. 100 B. 200. C. 300. D. 900

A. 100 To find information on Freud's psychological theories, Lisa should go to class 100.

2. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. Which of the following bones is not part of the appendicular skeleton? A. skull B. clavicle C. scapula D. pelvic bone

A. According to the passage, the skull is part of the axial skeleton.

2. The next questions are based on the following passage: Which of the following sentences is the best summary of the passage? A. Among the first females awarded of degree form Oxford University, Dorothy L. Sayers proved to be one of the most versatile writers n post-war England. B. Sayers was born in 1893, the only child of an Anglican chaplain, and she received an unexpectedly good education at home. C. Within a few years, she began work on the detective novels and short stores that would make her famous, due to the creation of the foppish, mystery-solving aristocrat Lord Peter Wimsey. D. In her middle age, Dorothy L. Sayers published several works of Christian apologetics, one of which was so well-received that the Archbishop of Canterbury attempted to present her with a doctorate of divinity.

A. As indicated in the answer explanation above, the main focus of the passage is Sayers's versatility as a writer. - The first paragraph notes this and then begins discussing her education, introducing the experience that would inform her later accomplishments. - The second paragraph then follows this up with specifics about the types of writing she did. - Answer choice B would be correct if the passage were more narrative than expository. - Answer choices C and D focus on specific works far which Sayers is remembered, but both are too limited to be considered a representative summary of the entire passage.

Which answer choice represents the most useful resource for Hilaire in the following vignette? Hilaire's professor instructed him to improve the word choice in his papers. As the professor noted, Hilaire's ideas are good, but he relies too heavily on simple expressions when a more complex word would be appropriate. A. Roget's Thesaurus B. Webster's Dictionary C. Encyclopedia Britannica D. University of Oxford Style Guide

A. If Hilarie's vocabulary needs a boost, he needs a thesaurus, which provides a range of synonyms (or antonyms) for words. - A dictionary is useful for word meanings, but it will not necessarily assist Hilarie in improving the words he already has in his papers. - The encyclopedia is also irrelevant, particularly since the professor already approves of Hilarie's work and is not asking him to research further. - The style guide will be helpful if the paper needs more attention on grammar.

7. THE NEXT SEVEN QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THIS PASSAGE. This passages is most likely Sten form a(n) _______. A. self-help manual B. autobiography C. epistle D. novel

A. It seems clear that the author is about to describe the correct means of personal economy for a self-help manual.

Which answer choice gives the best definition for the underlined word in the following sentence? Although not considered the smartest student in her class, Klara was willing to work hard for her grades, and her sedulous commitment to her studies earned her top scores at graduation. A. diligent B. silent C. moderate D. complicated

A. Klara's success is clearly the result of diligence, so answer choice A must be correct. - It is possible that her diligence was also silent, but the sentence does not indicate this. - Answer choice B, then, can't be correct. - A moderate commitment by an average student would not lead to exemplary results, so answer choice C is incorrect. - Answer choice D makes no sense in the context of the sentence.

Which of the answer choices gives the best definition for the word in the following sentence? Although his friends believed him to be enjoying a lavish lifestyle in the large family estate he had inherited, Enzo was in reality impecunious. **impecunious** A. Penniless B. Unfortunate C. Emotional D. Commanding

A. Penniless The sentence indicates a contrast between the appearance and the reality. Enzo's friends believe him to be wealthy, due to the large hoe that he inherited, but he is actually penniless.

1. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. NOTE: The instructor of a history class has just finished grading the essay exams from his students, and the results are not good. The essay exam was worth 70% of the final course score. The highest score in the class was a low B, and more than half of the class of 65 students failed the exam. In view of this, the instructor reconsiders his grading plan for the semester and sends out an email message to all students. Which of the following describes this type of writing? A. technical B. narrative C. persuasive D. expository

A. Technical passages focus on presenting specific information and have a tone of formality. - Narrative writing focus on telling a story, and the passage offers no indication of this. - Persuasive writing attempts to persuade the reader to agree with a certain position; the instructor offers the students information but leaves the decision up to each student. - Expository passages reveal analytical information to the reader. - The instructor is more focused on providing the students with information than with offering the students analytical details. (The analysis, it appears, will be up to the students if they choose to complete an extra credit project.)

3. THE NEXT SEVEN QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THIS PASSAGE. According to the author, what is more difficult than making money? A. managing money B. traveling to a mill C. reading Dickens D. understanding the economy

A. The author insists that many people who have no trouble earning money waste it through lavish spending.

3. THE NEXT FIVE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. *Read picture first then continue reading below: ... in 1649. Eventually, his son King Charles II would be crowned, and this Charles is believed to have converted secretly to the Catholic Church. Charles II died without a legitimate heir, and his brother James ascended to the throne as King James II. James was recognized to be a practicing Catholic, and his commitment to Catholicism would prove to e his downfall. James's wife Mary Beatrice lost a number of children during their infancy, and when she became pregnant again in 1687 the public became concerned. If James had a son, that son would undoubtedly be raised a Catholic, and the English people would not stand for this. Mary gave birth to a son, but the story quickly circulated that the royal child had died and the child named James's heir was a foundling smuggled in. James, his wife, and his infant son were forced to flee; and James's Protestant daughter Mary was crowned the queen. In spite of a strong resemblance to the ing, the young James was generally rejected among the English and the Lowland Scots, who referred to him as "the Pretender." But in the Highlands the Catholic princeling was welcomed. He inspired a group known as Jacobites, to reflect the Latin version of his name. His own son Charles, known affectionately as Bonnie Price Charlie, would eventually raise an army and attempt to recapture what he believed to be his throne. The movement was soundly defeated at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, and England and Scotland have remained ostensibly Protestant ever since. Based on the information that is provided within the passage which of the following can be inferred about King James II's son? A. Considering his resemblance to King James II, the young James was very likely the legitimate child of the king and the queen. B. Given the queen's previous inability to produce a healthy child, the English and the Lowland Scots were right in suspecting the legitimacy of the prince. C. James "the Pretender" was not as popular among the Highland clans as his son Bonnie Prince Charlie. D. James was unable to acquire the resources needed to build the army and plan the invasion that his son succeeded in doing.

A. The author notes, "In spite of a strong resemblance to the king, the young James was generally rejected among the English and the Lowland Scots, who referred to him as "the Pretender." This indicates that there was a resemblance, and this increases the likelihood that the child was, in fact, that of James and Mary Beatrice. - Answer choice B is too much of an opinion statement that does not have enough support in the passage. - The passage essentially refutes answer choice C by pointing out that James "the pretender" was welcomed int he Highlands. - And there is little in the passage to suggest that James was unable to raise an army and mount an attack.

This question is based not he following passage: Victims of Marah's disease, a virtually unknown neurological condition, appear pain-free and content. Often, they also have a desire to engage in vigorous physical activities such as contact sports. Beneath it all, they re in great physical pain but have an inability to express it or act to reduce it, making diagnosis difficult. As a result, they are inaccurately diagnosed as very low on the pain scale, their discomfort level much lower than victims of severe sprains, despite the fact that sprains, although more painful, are temporary and comparatively essay to manage nature. This passage makes the argument that A. the pain scale is not an accurate or adequate way to measure the physical discomfort of certain people, such as the suffering from Marah's disease B. sprain victims have more intense pain than Marah's sufferers, but they can manage their pain more easily C. the pain scale seems to put more emphasis on intensity of pain than duration D. victims of Marah's syndrome are often unable to deal effectively with their discomfort

A. The author says that victims of Marah's disease "appear" to be comfortable but "beneath it all" are in pain. - He says that they are "inaccurately" diagnosed as low on the pain scale. This shows that the pain scale is not an accurate way to measure Marah's disease.

Which of the following best provides detailed support for the claim that "seatbelts save lives"? A. A government website containing driving accident information B. A blog developed by one the of the largest car companies in the world. C. An encyclopedia entry on the seatbelt and its development. D. An instant message sent out by a famous race car driver.

A. The government website would publish the most recent data on seatbelt information, like how many people wore seatbelts in the accident and hw many survived. - Choice B and C are more likely to be opinion-based. - Choice D is tempting, but it would not give someone the most up-to-date information.

2. The next four questions are based on the following information. The Big Book of Herbs and Herbal Medicine. Part 1: How to Grow Herbs. Chapter 1: Choosing Your Herbs Chapter 2: Planting for Herbs Chapter 3: Caring for Your Herbs. Part II: How to Cook with Herbs Chapter 4:: Herbs in Food Chapter 5: Herbs in Beverages Chapter 6: Herbs on Oils and Vinegars Part III: How to Heal with Herbs Chapter 7: Herbs for Children's Needs Chapter 8: Herbs for Adult Needs Section 8-A: Women's Needs Section 8-B: Men's Needs Chapter 9: Herbs for Immunity Chapter 10: Herbs for Respiratory Conditions Chapter 11: herbs for Digestive Conditions Chapter 12: Herbs for Detox Section 12-A: Circulatory conditions Section 12-B: Musculoskeletal Conditions Section 12-C: Endocrine Conditions Section 12-D: Topical Conditions Part IV: Alphabetical Herb Listing Chapter 13: Herbs, A-I Chapter 14: Herbs, J-O Chapter 15: Herbs P-Z Clothilde's sister has asked her to recommend an herbal therapy for her five-year-old daughter's chronic cough. In which chapter should Clothilde look for more information? A. Chapter 7 B. Chapter 9 C. Chapter 10 D. Chapter 12

A. This question asks the reader to consider the distinction between a recognized refractory condition (chapter 10) and a children's condition (chapter 7). - In this case, the first and best place to check is Chapter 7, because it addresses conditions specific to children, and it describes herbs that may be useful in treating these conditions. - Herbs, like pharmaceuticals, need to be used carefully, and the type of herbal remedy that would e used to treat an adult respiratory condition is not necessarily the same one that could be used to treat a respiratory condition in a child. - Additionally, the dosage would certainly be different, so the chapter on children's conditions Is the correct place to look. - Chapters 9 and 12 (immunity and detox, respectively) would not contain useful information for this particular situation.

Which of the following is a primary source? A. A report of an original research experiments B An academic textbook's citation of research C. A quotation of a researcher in a news article D. A website description of another's research

A. When a researcher has conducted an original experiment and reports the results, findings, and associated conclusions in a research report, that report is considered a primary source. - Academic textbooks, journal articles, articles in other periodicals, and authoritative databases may all be primary sources. - When an academic textbook cites research (B) by others, that citation is considered a secondary source as it refers to information originally presented by others. - When a news article quotes a researchers writing (C), that is also a secondary source. - So is a description given on a website of another person's research (D).

This question is based on the following passage: At one time, the use of leeches to treat medical problems was quite common. If a person suffered from a snake bite or a bee sting, leeches were believed to be capable of removing the poison form the body If they were placed on top of the wound. They have also been used for bloodletting and to stop hemorrhages, although entire of these leech treatments would be considered acceptable by present-day physicians. Today, leeches are still used on a limited basis. Most often, leeches are used to drain blood from clogged veins. This results in little pain for the patient and also ensures the patient's blood will not clot while it is being drained. The main purpose of the passage is A. to discuss the benefits of using leeches to treat blocked veins B. to give an overview of how leeches have been used throughout history C. to compare which uses of leeches re effective and which are not D. to explain how leeches can be used to remove poison from the body.

B. Answer choices A, C, and D are all mentioned in the passage, but they are part of the overall purpose, which is to give an overview of how leeches have been used throughout history.

Of the resource options listed int eh answer homies, which would not be considered a reliable, scholarly source for Nora in the following vignette? Nora is preparing a large project for the end of the term, and the instructor has required that all students make sure they are using reliable, scholarly resources in their papers. A. encyclopedia Britannica B. Wikipedia C. D. LexisNexis

B. As most students discover, Wikipedia is not considered a reliable source or a particularly scholarly one. - The Encyclopedia Britannica is , however, as are (which would contain officially recognized information provided by a government organization) and LexisNexis (a reputable site containing legal and education resources).

1 THE NEXT TWO QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. Lisa Grant: "Students should make students wear uniforms. Everyone would look the same. Students would be able to respect each other based on their ideas and character because they would no longer be judged by their appearance." Vivian Harris: "Students should not have to wear uniforms. Clothing is an important part of self-expression. Taking away that method of expression is suppressing the student's right." What is one idea that the students above seem to agree on, based on their statements? A. Students should be allowed to express themselves through apparel. B. Schools should give students a certain amount of respect. C. Students should focus more on school than on appearance. D. schools would violate students' basic rights by enforcing a dress code.

B. Both of the speakers are arguing over the respect due to an individual, but they are going abut it in different ways.

4. The next four questions are based on the following information. The Big Book of Herbs and Herbal Medicine. Part 1: How to Grow Herbs. Chapter 1: Choosing Your Herbs Chapter 2: Planting for Herbs Chapter 3: Caring for Your Herbs. Part II: How to Cook with Herbs Chapter 4:: Herbs in Food Chapter 5: Herbs in Beverages Chapter 6: Herbs on Oils and Vinegars Part III: How to Heal with Herbs Chapter 7: Herbs for Children's Needs Chapter 8: Herbs for Adult Needs Section 8-A: Women's Needs Section 8-B: Men's Needs Chapter 9: Herbs for Immunity Chapter 10: Herbs for Respiratory Conditions Chapter 11: herbs for Digestive Conditions Chapter 12: Herbs for Detox Section 12-A: Circulatory conditions Section 12-B: Musculoskeletal Conditions Section 12-C: Endocrine Conditions Section 12-D: Topical Conditions Part IV: Alphabetical Herb Listing Chapter 13: Herbs, A-I Chapter 14: Herbs, J-O Chapter 15: Herbs P-Z Clothhilde realizes that she failed to maintain her elderberry plant as she should have, and she needs tips about how to keep the plant in good condition to avoid another overgrowth. In which chapter should she look for more information? A. Chapter 2 B. Chapter 3 C. Chapter 13 D. Chapter 14

B. Chapter 3 contains information about caring for herbs, so it is the first place Clothilde should look. The herb is clearly already planted, so Chapter 2 will not be of much use in this case. - Again chapter 13 would certainly be the place to look in the index of herbs, but this chapter would most likely contain a listing of the herb and a summary of its properties, rather than recommendations for maintaining the plant. - Chapter 14, the alphabetical listing for herbs J-O, is unlikely to contain any information either about caring for herbs in general or about the elderberry in particular.

5. The next five questions are based on the following passage: In the United States, the foreign language requirement for high school graduation is decided at the state level. This means the requirement varies, with some states deciding to forego a foreign language requirement altogether ( It is necessary that these states reconsider their position and amend their requirements to reflect compulsory completion of a course of one or more foreign languages. Studying a foreign language has become increasingly important for the global economy. As technology continues to make international business relations increasing easy, people need to keep up by increasing their communication capabilities. High school graduates with foreign language credits have been shown to have an increased college acceptance rate. In addition, students who have mastered more than one language typically find themselves in greater demand when they reach the job market. Students who did not study a foreign language often find themselves unable to obtain a job at all. Which of the following would be the best concluding stamens for this passage? A. States should consider how important foreign languages are the global economy when making their policies regarding foreign language requirements for graduation from high school B. Policies regarding a foreign language requirement for graduation from high school should take into account the importance of foreign languages for the global economy and the correlation between foreign languages and increased college acceptance rates and employment opportunities. C. High school graduation requirements should include a foreign language class because o the influence knowledge of a second language has on college acceptance rates. D. Policies regarding a foreign language requirement for graduation form high school should take into account how difficult it is to obtain a job in today's economy for those who do not have knowledge of more than one language.

B. Choices A, C, and D do not offer a complete summary of the claims made in this passage.

1. the next two questions are based on the following table: Noella runs a small tea shop and needs to restock. She is running very low on English Breakfast and Darjeeling tea, and she needs two pounds of each. Which company can offer her the best price n the two blends? A. Tea Heaven B. Wholesale tea C. Tea by the Pound D. Tea Express

B. For two pounds of each type of tea, Wholesale Tea's price would be $96, which is the best price. - Tea Heaven's price our db $102. - Tea by the Pound's price would be $104. - Tea Express's price Ould be the same as tea Heaven's price: $102.

Which answer choice gives the best definition for the underlined word in the following sentence? Based on the student's florid complexion, Vivienne knew that his nerves were getting the better on him before the debate. A. rambling B. flushed C. unclear D. weak

B. If the student's nerves are getting the better of him, it is likely that he is either very pale or very flushed. Because flushed is one of the options, it is the correct choice. - A complexion cannot be rambling, so answer choice A is incorrect. - Answer choice C has a hint of promise, but it makes the stench more confusing, so it too is incorrect. - It is difficult to known what is meant by the phrase "weak complexion," so answer choice D is too unclear to be correct.

3. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. NOTE: The instructor of a history class has just finished grading the essay exams from his students, and the results are not good. The essay exam was worth 70% of the final course score. The highest score in the class was a low B, and more than half of the class of 65 students failed the exam. In view of this, the instructor reconsiders his grading plan for the semester and sends out an email message to all students. Which of the following offers the best summary for the instructor's motive in sending the email to the students? A. By now, many of you have probably seen your grade and are a little concerned. (And if you're not concerned, you should be -- at least a bit!) B. With each class comes a new challenge, however, and as any good instructor will tell you, sometimes the original plan has to change. C. The purpose of the group project is to allow students to word together and arrive at a stronger response than if each worked individually. D. At the beginning of the semester, I informed the class that I have a strict grading policy and that all scores will stand unquestioned.

B. In the opening paragraph, the instructor notes that his original grading plan has to change to reflect the exam scores. Because they are low, he now wants to give students a chance to make up for their low scores. - Answer choice B thus summarizes his motive effectively. The instructor introduces his email with the notes about the scores being posted, but, given the information that is provided in the message, this is not the sole motive for his writing. - Answer choice A limits the motive to the details about the group project, and the instructor provides three options. - Answer choice D overlooks the instructor's further note about how the grading policy sometimes has to bend to reflect circumstances.

If the statements listed below are true, which of the answer choices is a logical conclusion? Literacy rates are lower today than they were fifteen years ago. Then, most people learned to read through the use of phonics. Today, whole language programs are favored by many educators. A. Whole language is more effective at teaching people to read than phonics. B. Phonics is more effective at teaching people to read than whole language. C. Literacy rates will probably continue to decline over the net 15 years. D. The definition of what it means to be literate is much stricter now.

B. It can be concluded that phonics is more effective way to learn to read for two reasons.

The guide words at the top of a dictionary page are intrauterine and invest. Which of the following words is an entry on this page? A. Intransigent B. Introspection C. Investiture D. Intone

B. Only the word introspection can fall between intrauterine and invest. - The words intransigent and intone come before, and the word investiture follows.

2 THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING TABLE. On a seasonally adjusted basis, which of the following decreased by the greatest percentage between April and May of 2009? A. gasoline B. fuel oil and toddlers' apparel C. infants' and toddlers' apparel D. fruits and vegetables

B. Read this answer in the second column form the right. - Fuel oil and other fuels decreased by 3.1% during this period. - Gasoline increased by 3.1 %. - The other commodities decreased, but by lesser amounts.

Follow the instructions below to transform the starting word into a different word. - Start with the word ESOTERIC - Remove both instances of the letter E from the word - Remove the letter I from the word - Move the letter T from the middle of the word to the end of the word - Remove the letter C from the word A. SECT B. SORT C. SORE D. TORE

B. SORT The word SORT results from following all the of the directions that are provided.

3. The next four questions are based on the following information The Dewey Decimal Classes. 000 Computer science, information, and general works 100 Philosophy and psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Languages 500 Science and mathematics 600 Technical and applied science 700 Arts and recreation 800 Literature 900 History, geography, and biography One ancient work claims that Eratosthenes received the nickname "beta" from those who knew him. This is a word that represents the second letter of the Greek alphabet, and it represented Eratosthenes's accomplishments in every area that he studied. To which section of the library should Jorgen go to learn more about the letters of the Greek alphabet and the meaning of the word "beta"? A. 200 B. 400 C. 700 D. 900

B. Section 400 is the section on languages, so it is a good place to look for more information about the letters of the Greek alphabet. - Jorgen would be unlikely to find anything useful in the sections on religion, arts and recreation, or history, geography, and biography.

2. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING TABLE. A school needs to purpose 1000 composition textbooks and 300 linguistics textbooks. Which of the textbook suppliers can offer the lowest price? A. textbook mania B. textbook central C. bookstore supply D. university textbooks

B. Textbook Central - The cost for composition textbooks is $4350 (per 100) and for linguistics textbooks is $6550 (per 100). - The lower cost for the composition textbooks - $150 less per 100 than the closest company in cost-outweighs the slight difference in cost for the linguistics textbooks.

1. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING TABLE. A school needs to purchase 500 composition textbooks and 5000 world literature textbooks. Which of the textbook suppliers can offer the lowest price? A. textbook mania B. textbook central C. bookstore supply D. university textbooks

B. Textbook Central Require simple multiplication and addition. - Since the quantities needed are the same for both texts, one need only find the supplier with the lowest combined price (per 100) for the two texts. - Textbook Central's combined price for 100 each of the two texts is $9,550. - The closest competitor is University Textbook with a combined price of $9,600. The other two suppliers come in at $9,650 and $9,675. The total for the transaction with Textbook Central is $47,750.

1. The next two questions are based on the following chart. Between 1925 and 1991, Latvia was part of the Soviet Union. Since 1991, the population of which ethnic group in Latvia appears to have decreased the most? A. Latvian B. Russian C. Ukrainian D. German

B. The Russian population of Latvia decreased the most since 1991. - The Latvia population decreased slightly, but not the same degree. - The Ukrainian population decreased by an even smaller percentage since 1991. - The German population remained relatively unchanged between 1991 and 2011.

1. THE NEXT SEVEN QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THIS PASSAGE. Which of the following statements es expresses the Amin idea of the passage? A. getting a job is easier now than it ever has been before B. earning money is much less difficult than managing it properly C. Dr. Franklin advocated getting a job in a mill D. spending money is the greatest temptation in the world.

B. The author asserts both that earning money is increasingly easy and that managing money is difficult.

1. THE NEXT TWO QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CHART, WHICH REFLECTS THE ENROLLMENT AND THE INCME FOR A SMALL COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Based on the chart, approximately how many students attended the community college in the year 2001? A. 2100 B. 2300 C. 2500 D. 2700

B. The enrollment in 2001 falls directly between 200 and 2500, so 2300 is accurate. - Note that the enrollment for 200 all much closer to 2000, so 2100 is a best estimate for that year.

1. The next two questions are based on the following passage: Volleyball is easy to learn and fun to play in a physical education class. With just one net and one ball, an entire class can participate. The object of the game is to get the ball over the net and onto the ground on the other side. At the same time, all players hours be in the nready position to keep the ball from hitting the ground on their own side. After the ball has been served, the opposing team may have three hits to et the ball over the net to the other side. Only the serving team may. score. If the receiving team wins the volley, the referee calls, "side out" and the receiving team wins the serve. Players should rotate positions so that everyone gets a chance to serve. A game is played to 15 points, but the winning team must win by two points. That means if the score is 14 to 15, the play continues until one team wins by two. A volleyball match consists of three games. The winner of the match is the team that wins two of the three games. Who can score in a volleyball game? A. the receiving team B. the serving team C. either them D. there is no score

B. The information in the passage lets you know that only the saving team can score. This rule is different in different leagues, so it is important to read the passage instead of going by what you know from your own life.

3. The next questions are based on the following passage: Which of the following sentences contains an opinion statement by the author? A. Among the first females awarded a degree form Oxford University, Dorothy L. Sayers proved to be one of the most versatile writers in post-war England. B. Sayers was born in 1893, the only child of an Anglican chaplain, and she received an unexpectedly good education at home. C. Her translation of Dante's Inferno gained her respect for her ability to convey the poetry in English while still remaining true to the Italian terza rima. D. Sayers, for reasons known only to her, declined.

B. The mention of an "unexpectedly good education" represents an opinion on the part of the author. As the author does not follow this up with an explanation about why such as education would be unexpectedly good, the statement is simply a moment of bias on the author's part, rather than an element within the larger argument. - There is no bias in the other answer choices. - Answer choices A and C are factual stamens about Sayers's life and work. - Answer choice D, while it might hint vaguely at disapproval not he author's part (who might, perhaps, wish to know Sayers's reason), is not necessarily a statement containing bias. - It is indeed true that Sayers turned down the doctorate of divinity, and it is also true that her reasons for doing so are unknown. - Only answer choice B conveys an opinion of the author.

5. THE NEXT FIVE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. *Read picture first then continue reading below: ... in 1649. Eventually, his son King Charles II would be crowned, and this Charles is believed to have converted secretly to the Catholic Church. Charles II died without a legitimate heir, and his brother James ascended to the throne as King James II. James was recognized to be a practicing Catholic, and his commitment to Catholicism would prove to e his downfall. James's wife Mary Beatrice lost a number of children during their infancy, and when she became pregnant again in 1687 the public became concerned. If James had a son, that son would undoubtedly be raised a Catholic, and the English people would not stand for this. Mary gave birth to a son, but the story quickly circulated that the royal child had died and the child named James's heir was a foundling smuggled in. James, his wife, and his infant son were forced to flee; and James's Protestant daughter Mary was crowned the queen. In spite of a strong resemblance to the ing, the young James was generally rejected among the English and the Lowland Scots, who referred to him as "the Pretender." But in the Highlands the Catholic princeling was welcomed. He inspired a group known as Jacobites, to reflect the Latin version of his name. His own son Charles, known affectionately as Bonnie Price Charlie, would eventually raise an army and attempt to recapture what he believed to be his throne. The movement was soundly defeated at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, and England and Scotland have remained ostensibly Protestant ever since. Which of the following best describes the author's intent in the passage? A. to persuade B. to entertain C. to express feeling D. to inform

D. The passage is largely informative in focus and the author provides extensive detail about this period in English and Scottish history. - There is little in the passage to suggest persuasion, and the tone of the passage has no indication of a desire to entertain. - Additionally, the passage is historical, so the author avoids expressing feelings and instead focuses on factual information (with the exception of the one opinion statement).

1. The next five questions are based on the following passage: In the United States, the foreign language requirement for high school graduation is decided at the state level. This means the requirement varies, with some states deciding to forego a foreign language requirement altogether ( It is necessary that these states reconsider their position and amend their requirements to reflect compulsory completion of a course of one or more foreign languages. Studying a foreign language has become increasingly important for the global economy. As technology continues to make international business relations increasing easy, people need to keep up by increasing their communication capabilities. High school graduates with foreign language credits have been shown to have an increased college acceptance rate. In addition, students who have mastered more than one language typically find themselves in greater demand when they reach the job market. Students who did not study a foreign language often find themselves unable to obtain a job at all. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Studying a foreign language will help graduating students find jobs after high school. B. Studying a foreign language should be a mandatory requirement for high school graduation C. Studying a foreign language helps students gain an understand of other cultures. D. Studying a foreign language is essential if a student hopes to get into college.

B. The passage does not say that studying a foreign language will help students fine jobs after high school (choice A) or gain an understanding of other cultures (choice C). - The passage does not say that studying a foreign language is important for college acceptance (choice D), but his point alone is not the main idea of the passage.

4. THE NEXT FIVE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. *Read picture first then continue reading below: ... in 1649. Eventually, his son King Charles II would be crowned, and this Charles is believed to have converted secretly to the Catholic Church. Charles II died without a legitimate heir, and his brother James ascended to the throne as King James II. James was recognized to be a practicing Catholic, and his commitment to Catholicism would prove to e his downfall. James's wife Mary Beatrice lost a number of children during their infancy, and when she became pregnant again in 1687 the public became concerned. If James had a son, that son would undoubtedly be raised a Catholic, and the English people would not stand for this. Mary gave birth to a son, but the story quickly circulated that the royal child had died and the child named James's heir was a foundling smuggled in. James, his wife, and his infant son were forced to flee; and James's Protestant daughter Mary was crowned the queen. In spite of a strong resemblance to the ing, the young James was generally rejected among the English and the Lowland Scots, who referred to him as "the Pretender." But in the Highlands the Catholic princeling was welcomed. He inspired a group known as Jacobites, to reflect the Latin version of his name. His own son Charles, known affectionately as Bonnie Price Charlie, would eventually raise an army and attempt to recapture what he believed to be his throne. The movement was soundly defeated at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, and England and Scotland have remained ostensibly Protestant ever since. Which of the following best describes the organization of the information in the passage? A. cause-effect B. chronological sequence C. problem-solution D. comparason-contrast

B. The passage is composed in a chronological sequence with each king introduced in order of reign.

This question is based not he following passage: There is a clear formula that many students are taught when it comes to writing essays. The first is to develop an introduction, which outlines what will be discussed I the work. It also includes the thesis statements. Next come the sporting paragraphs. Each paragraph contains a topic sentence, supporting evidence, and finally a type of mini-conclusion that restates the pons of the paragraph. Finally, the conclusion sums up the purpose of the paper and emphasizes that the these statement was proven. After the topic sentence, A. a thesis statement is included B. supporting evidence is presented C. the conclusion is stated D. the author outlines what will be discussed

B. The topic sentence is placed a the beginning of each supporting paragraph. Supporting evidence is presented after the topic sentence in each supporting paragraph. - The passage states "Next come the supporting paragraph. Each paragraph contains a topic sentence, supporting evidence, and finally a type of mini-conclusion that restates the point of the paragraph."

At first, the woman's contractions were only intermittent, so the nurse had trouble determining how fr her labor had progressed. Which of the following is the definition for the underlined word? A. frequent B. irregular C. painful D. dependable

B. The word intermittent suggest that something occurs at imprecise intervals, so answer B is the best synonym. - Answer choices A and D suggest the exact opposite of the meaning indicated in the sentence. - Answer choice C likely reflects another element of the woman's labor, but it has nothing to do with the meaning of the word intermittent.

4. THE NEXT SEVEN QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THIS PASSAGE. Who is the most likely audience for this passage? A. economists B. general readers C. teachers D. philanthropists

B. This passage is Cleary intended for a non-expert adult readership.

2. The next two questions are based on the following table: After reviewing her inventory, Noella realizes that she also needs one pound of Earl Grey and two pounds of green tea. Which company can offer her the best price on these two bends? A. Tea Heaven B. Wholesale Tea. C. Tea by the Pound D. Tea Express

B. Wholesale Tea would have the best price for these specific blends. The price for one pound by Earl Grey and two pounds of green tea would be $78. - Tea heaven's price would be $87. - Tea by the Pound's price would be $83. - Tea Express's price would be $88.

2. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. What is the author's likely purpose in writing this passage about Queen Victoria? A. To persuade the reader to appreciate the accomplishments of Queen Victoria, especially when placed against the failures of her forebears. B. To introduce the historical impact of the Victorian Era by introducing to readers the queen who have that era its name. C. To explain how small events in history placed an unlikely process in line to become the queen of England. D. To indicate the role that King George III's many sons played to changing the history of England.

C. the author actually notes in the last paragraph that Victoria was an "improbable princess who became queen" and the rest of the passage demonstrates how it was a series of small events that changed the course of British succession. - The passage is largely factual, so it makes little sense as a persuasive argument. - The author mentions the Victorian Era, but the passage is more about Queen Victoria's family background than it is about the era to which she gave her name. - And the passage is more about how the events affected Victoria (and through her, England) than it is about the direct effect that George III's sons had on English history.

Which of the following would be the best source to begin developing a position about civil rights for an oral debate? A. A blog created by a proponent of civil rights. B. An interview with someone who took part in a civil rights march. C. A history textbook detailing civil rights. D. A speech by a famous civil rights leader.

C. All of these are good sources to use while developing a position on Civil Rights; nonetheless, first you must first familiarize yourself with an overview of the issue. - A history textbook probably would be the most comprehensive and the least affected by person opinion. - Speeches, interviews, and blogs are great next steps in the research process, but these choices may prove too subjective to provide a necessary overview of the issue.

1. The next two questions are based on the following passage: For lunch, she likes ham and cheese (town not bites),yogurt, raisins, applesauce, peanut butter sandwiches in the fridge drawer, or any combo of these. She's not a huge eater. help yourself too. Bread is on counter if you want to make a sandwich. It's fine if you want to go somewhere, leave us a note of where you are. Make sure she's buckled and rive carefully! Certain fast food places are fun if they have playgrounds and are indoors. It's probably too hot for playground, but whatever you want to do is fine. Take a sip cup of water and a diaper wherever you go. There's some money here for you in case you decide to go out for lunch with her. As for nap, try after lunch. She may not sleep, but try anyway. Read her a couple of books first, put area, on her mosquito bites (it's in the den on the buffet), then maybe rock in her chair. Give her a bottle of milk, and refill as needed, but don't let her drink more than 2 1/2 bottles of milk or she'll throw up. Turn on music in her room,, leave her in crib with a dry diaper and bottle to try to sleep. She likes a stuffed animal too. Try for 30-34 minutes. You may have to start the tape again. If she won't sleep, that's fine. We just call it "rest time" on those days that naps won't happen. To whom is this passage probably being written? A. a mother B. a father C. a babysitter D. a nurse

C. Although it never specifically addresses the babysitter, the directions are clearly instructions for how to take care of a little girl. - A mother or father would dot need this information written down in such detail, but a babysitter might. - You can infer the answer in this case.

THIS QUESTION IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CHART A recycling company collects sorted materials from its clients. The materials are weighed and then processed for re-use. The chart shows the weights of various classes of materials that were collected by the company during a representative month. Which of the following statements is NOT supported by the data in the chart? A. Paper products, including cardboard, make up a majority of the collected materials. B. One quarter of the materials collected are made of glass. C. More plastic is collected than cardboard. D. Plastic and cardboard together represent a larger portion of the collected materials than glass bottles.

C. The chart shows that plastic and cardboard materials both comprise 15% of the collected materials, and therefore it is incorrect to say that there is more plastic than cardboard. They are present in equal quantities.

1. The next questions are based on the following passage: Which of the following describes the type of writing used to create the passage? A. narrative B. persuasive C. expository D. technical

C. An expository passage seeks to expose information by explaining or defining it in detail. * As this passage focuses on describe the written works of Dorothy L. Sayers, it ay safely be considered expository. - The author is not necessarily telling a story, something one might expect from a strictly narrative passage. (Additionally, the author's main point, that of explaining why Sayers was such a versatile writer, represents a kind of thesis statement for shaping the overall focus f the passage. A narrative passage would focus more on simply telling the story of Sayers's life.) - At no point is the author attempting to persuade the reader about anything, and there is nothing particularly technical about the passage. - Rather, it is a focused look at Sayers's educational background and how she developed into a writer of many genres; this makes it solidly expository.

2. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. NOTE: The instructor of a history class has just finished grading the essay exams from his students, and the results are not good. The essay exam was worth 70% of the final course score. The highest score in the class was a low B, and more than half of the class of 65 students failed the exam. In view of this, the instructor reconsiders his grading plan for the semester and sends out an email message to all students. Which o the following best describes the instructor's purpose in writing this email to his students? A. to berate students for the poor scores that they made on the recent essay exam B. to encourage students to continue working hard inspire of failure C. to give students the opportunity to make up the bad score and avoid failing the course. D. to admit that the essay exam was likely to difficult for most students

C. Answer choice C fits the tone of the passage best. - The instructor is simply offering students the chance to make up the exam score (which is worth 70% of their grade) and thus avoid failing the course - The instructor does not berate students at any point, nor does the instructor admit that the exam was too difficult. - Additionally, the instructor offers encouragement to the students should they choose to complete an extra credit project, but that is not the primary purpose of this email.

READING Which of the answer choices gives the best definitions for the underlined word to the following sentence? Adelaide attempted to assuage her guilt her the piece of cheesecake by limiting herself to salads the following day. A. Increase B. Support C. Appease D. Conceal

C. Appease To assuage is to lessen the effects of something, in this case Adelaide's guilt over eating the pice of cheesecake.

Follow the instructions below to transform the starting word Ito a different word. - Start with the cord CORPOREAL - Remove the C from the beginning of the word. - Remove the O from the beginning of the word. - Remove the O from the middle of the word. - Move the E to follow the first R. - Move the L to follow the P. - Remove the second R. - Add the letter Y to the end of the word. What is the new word? A. REALLY B. PRETTY C. REPLAY D. POWER

C. As the final step indicates, the new word should end inY. This immediately eliminates answer choice D. - Answer choice A adds an L when a second one is not required, and answer choice B adds two T's to a words that has none. - Only answer choice C follows all of the directions to spell the new word: REPLAY

3. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING TABLE. A school needs to purchase 400 world literature textbooks and 200 technical writing textbooks. Which of the textbooks suppliers can offer the lowest price? A. textbook mania B. textbook central C. bookstore supply D. university textbooks

C. Bookstore Supply - Bookstore supply has the lowest cost o the four for the technical writing textbooks, and it has a comparable cost to University Textbook for the world literature textbooks.

3. The next four questions are based on the following information. The Big Book of Herbs and Herbal Medicine. Part 1: How to Grow Herbs. Chapter 1: Choosing Your Herbs Chapter 2: Planting for Herbs Chapter 3: Caring for Your Herbs. Part II: How to Cook with Herbs Chapter 4:: Herbs in Food Chapter 5: Herbs in Beverages Chapter 6: Herbs on Oils and Vinegars Part III: How to Heal with Herbs Chapter 7: Herbs for Children's Needs Chapter 8: Herbs for Adult Needs Section 8-A: Women's Needs Section 8-B: Men's Needs Chapter 9: Herbs for Immunity Chapter 10: Herbs for Respiratory Conditions Chapter 11: herbs for Digestive Conditions Chapter 12: Herbs for Detox Section 12-A: Circulatory conditions Section 12-B: Musculoskeletal Conditions Section 12-C: Endocrine Conditions Section 12-D: Topical Conditions Part IV: Alphabetical Herb Listing Chapter 13: Herbs, A-I Chapter 14: Herbs, J-O Chapter 15: Herbs P-Z Clothilde's elderberry plant is nearly overgrown, and she is hoping to try it back and use the elderflower to prepare a blend of tea, as well as a homemade wine. IN which chapter should she look for more information about how to do this? A. Chapter 3 B. Chapter 4 C. Chapter 5. D. Chapter 13

C. Chapter 5 contains information about using herbs in beverages. Since clothilde is looking for ways to use the elderflower to make tea and wine, this chapter should be useful. - Chapter 3 would not likely contain information the towel due useful in this situation. - Chapter 4 discusses using herbs in food, so Clothilde is unlikely to find anything in this section about beverages. - Chapter 13 would certainly be the place to look in the index of herbs, but this chapter would most likely contain a listing of the herb and a summary of its properties, rather than recommendations for how to use it in tea or wine making.

1. The next two questions are based on the following information. Car Owner's Manual: Table of Contents: Chapter I: Vehicle Instruments Chapter II: Safety Options Chapter III: Audio, Climate, and Voice Controls Chapter IV: Pre-Driving and Driving Chapter V: Routine Maintenance Chapter VI: Emergencies Chapter VII: Consumer Resources To which chapter should Regina turn if she needs to locate information about adjusting the air conditioning in the vehicle? A. I B. II C. III D. IV

C. Chapter II of the manual contains information about adjusting the climate within the vehicle, so it is here that Regina will find the instructions she needs to adjust the air conditioning. - Chapter I would be the best choice if the manual did not also include Chapter III. - The chapter on safety options would probably not contain information about how to operate the air conditioning, so answer choice B is incorrect. - Regina should definitely adjust the air conditioning before she begins driving, but the information needed to do this is not likely to be found in Chapter IV.

1. Bermuda Triangle THE NEXT FOUR QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE: The Bermuda Triangle The area known as the Bermuda Triangle has become such a part of popular culture that it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. The interest first began when five Navy planes vanished in 1945, officially resulting from "causes or reasons unknown." The explanations about other accidents in the Triangle range from the scientific to the supernatural. Researchers have never been able to find anything truly mysterious about what happens in the Bermuda Triangle, if there even is a Bermuda Triangle. What is more, one of the biggest challenges in considering the phenomenon is deciding how much area actually represents the Bermuda Triangle. Most consider the Triangle to stretch from Miami out to Puerto Rico and to include the island of Bermuda. Others expand the area to include all of the Caribbean islands and to extend eastward as far as the Azores, which are closer to Europe than they are to North America. The problem with having a larger Bermuda Triangle is that it increases the odds of accidents. There is near-constant travel, by ship and by plane, across the Atlantic, and accidents are expected to occur. In fact, the Bermuda triangle happens to fall within one of the busiest navigational regions in the world, and the reality of greater activity creates the possibility for more to go wrong. Shipping records suggest that there is not a greater than average loss of vessels within the Bermuda Triangle, and many researchers have argued that the reputation of the Triangle makes any accidents seem out of the ordinary. In fact, most accidents fall within the expected margin of error. The Increase in ships from East Asia no doubt contributes to an increase in accidents. And as for the story of the Navy planes that disappeared within the Triangle, many researchers now conclude that it was the result of mistakes on the part of the pilots who were flying into storm clouds and simply got lost. Which of the following describes this type of writing? A. Narrative B. Persuasive C. Expository D. Technical

C. Expository The passage is expository in the sense that it looks more closely into the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle and exposes information about what researchers have studied and now believe.

5. THE NEXT SEVEN QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THIS PASSAGE. What is the best definition of economy as it is used in this passage? A. exchange of money, good, and services B. delegation of household affairs C efficient money management D. less expensive

C. Here, the author is speaking of money management on a personal or household level.

2. The next two questions are based on the following chart. After World War II ended in 1945, large numbers of non-Latvian workers entered the country, primarily to work at construction jobs. Among these non-Latvian ethnic groups, the increase in workers represented a population percentage shift of less than one percent before 1945 to more than three percent by the time of the Soviet Union's collapse. Which ethnic group shown on the chart best represents this shift? A. Latvian B. Russian C. Ukrainian D. German

C. On the chart, the only ethnic group that represents approximately one percent of the population after World War II and approximate three percent by 1991 is the Ukrainian population. - The Latvia and Russian populations represent much larger percentages of the total population of Latvia. - The German population decreased significantly during this time period.

This question is based on the following information. LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE - CLEAN HOUSE/ QUIET AREA/ CLOSE TO UNIVERSITY Need one more female roommate for 3-bd house w/in walking distance of university. Current occupants quiet, house clean/smoke-free. No pets. Long-term applicants preferred. Reng: $800/mo. Utilities/Internet included. Avail: Aug 15. Call Florence at 985-5687, or send an email to [email protected] Florence receives a number of calls about the roommate advertisement. Of the individuals described below, who seems like the best applicant? A. Frances is a research assistant in the science department; she has a Yorkshire terrier. B. Adelaide works in the humanities department; she is looking for a three-month rental. C. Cosette is allergic to cigarette smoke; she needs a quiet place to study. D. Felix is a graduate student int he history department; he doesn't have a car.

C. Only Cosette fulfills all of the clearly stated requirements in the ad. She does not smoke (and is, in fact, allergic to cigarette smoke), and she needs a quiet place to study in a house that is advertised as having quiet occupants. - Also implied is Cosette's need to be close to the university, since she is likely going to be studying for classes. - Frances has a dog, and this is not allowed according to the ad. - Adelaide is looking for a short-term lease, and the other occupants prefer a long-term renter. - Felix is male, and the other occupants are looking for a female renter.

The guide words at the top of a dictionary page are needs and negotiate. Which of the following words is an entry on this page? A. needle B. neigh C. neglect D. nectar

C. Only the neglect can fall between the guide words needs and negotiate on a dictionary page. - The words needle and nectar would come before needs, and the word neigh would follow negotiate.

2. The next two questions are based on the following information. Dear library patrons: To ensure that all visitors have the opportunity to use our limited number of computers, we ask that each person restrict himself or herself to 30 minutes on a computer. For those needing to use a computer beyond this time frame, there will be a $3 charge for each 15-minute period. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. Pineville Library Raoul has an upcoming school project, and his own computer is not working. He needs to use the library computer, and he has estimated that he will need to be on the compeer for approximately an hour and a half. How much of a fee can Raoul expect to pay for his computer use at the library? A. $6 B. $9 C. $12 D. $15

C. Raoul will need the computer for a total of 90 minutes. - The first 30 minutes are free, so Raoul will need to be prepared to pay for 60 minutes. - This is equal to four intervals of 15 minutes. - Each 15-minute interval costs $3, so Raoul will need to pay $12 for his Internet usage at the library.

2. THE NEXT FIVE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. *Read picture first then continue reading below: ... in 1649. Eventually, his son King Charles II would be crowned, and this Charles is believed to have converted secretly to the Catholic Church. Charles II died without a legitimate heir, and his brother James ascended to the throne as King James II. James was recognized to be a practicing Catholic, and his commitment to Catholicism would prove to e his downfall. James's wife Mary Beatrice lost a number of children during their infancy, and when she became pregnant again in 1687 the public became concerned. If James had a son, that son would undoubtedly be raised a Catholic, and the English people would not stand for this. Mary gave birth to a son, but the story quickly circulated that the royal child had died and the child named James's heir was a foundling smuggled in. James, his wife, and his infant son were forced to flee; and James's Protestant daughter Mary was crowned the queen. In spite of a strong resemblance to the ing, the young James was generally rejected among the English and the Lowland Scots, who referred to him as "the Pretender." But in the Highlands the Catholic princeling was welcomed. He inspired a group known as Jacobites, to reflect the Latin version of his name. His own son Charles, known affectionately as Bonnie Price Charlie, would eventually raise an army and attempt to recapture what he believed to be his throne. The movement was soundly defeated at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, and England and Scotland have remained ostensibly Protestant ever since. Which of the following is a logical conclusion based on the information that is provided within the passage? A. Like Elizabeth I, Charles II never married and thus never had children. B. The English people were relieved each time that James II's wife Mary lost another child, as this printed the chance of a Catholic monarch. C. Charles I's beheading had less to do with religion than with other political problems that England was facing. D. Unlike his son and grandsons, King James I had no Catholic leaning and was a faithful follower of the Protestant church of England.

C. The author actually says, "Charles's own political troubles extended beyond religion in this case, and he was beheaded in 1649." This would indicate that religion was less involved in this situation than in other situations. - There is not enough information to infer that Charles II never married; the passage only notes that he had no legitimate children. (In fact, he had more than ten illegitimate children by his mistresses.) - And while the chance of Catholic king frightened many in England, it is reaching beyond logical inference to assume that people were relieved when royal children died. - Finally, the author does not provide enough detail for the reader to assume that James I had no Catholic leanings. The author only says that James recognized the importance of committing to the Church of England.

1. The next five questions are based on the following passage. What is the author's tone? A. the author's tone is optimistic B. the author's tone is pessimistic C. the author's tone is matter-of-fact D. the author's tone is angry

C. The author does not make predictions of a radically rejuvenated planet (choice A) or the complete annihilation of life as we know it (choice B). The author is also not accusatory in his descriptions (choice D). Instead, the author states what he believes to be the current state of the planet's environment, and makes practical suggestions for making better use of its resources int he future.

The heavy spring rain resulted in a plethora of zucchini in Kit's garden, and left her desperately giving the vegetables to anyone who was interested. Which of the following is the definition for the underlined word in the sentence? A. irritation B. quantity C. abundance D. waste

C. The correct answer is abundance. The sentence suggests that Kit has more zucchini than she needs, and is therefore trying to offload zucchini on anyone who might want some. - The plethora might lead to a mild irritation, but the words are definitely not synonyms. (In some cases, a plethora is certainly not an irritation.) - The word plethora is related to a quantity, but is a specific type of quantity; an excess. - Because the word quantity can also describe a lack of something, these words are not synonyms. - Kit is obviously trying to avoid waste, but the words plethora and waste are not synonyms. - Waste would also not be a natural replacement for plethora in the sentence.

4. The Bermuda Triangle Which of the following represents an opinion statements on the part of the author? A. The problem with having a larger Bermuda Triangle is that it increases the odds of accidents. B. The area known as the Bermuda Triangle has become such a part of popular culture that it can be difficult to sort through the myth and locate the truth. C. The increase in ships from East Asia no doubt contributes to an increase in accidents. D. Most consider the Triangle to stretch from Miami to Puerto Rico and include the island of Bermuda.

C. The inclusion of the statement about the ships fro East Asia is an opinion statement , as the author provides no support or explanation. The other statements within the answer choices offer supporting evidence and explanatory material, making them acceptable for an expository composition.

1. The next two questions are based on the following information. Dear library patrons: To ensure that all visitors have the opportunity to use our limited number of computers, we ask that each person restrict himself or herself to 30 minutes on a computer. For those needing to use a computer beyond this time frame, there will be a $3 charge for each 15-minute period. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. Pineville Library Which fo the following is a logical conclusion that can be derived from the announcement above? A. The library is planning to purchase more computers, but can not afford them yet. B. The library is facing budget cuts, and missing the Internet fee to compensate for them. C. The library has added the fee to discourage patrons from spending too long on the computers. D. The library is offsetting its own Internet service costs by passing on the fee to patrons.

C. The only logical conclusion that can be made based on the announcement is that the library has applied a fee to Internet usage beyond 30 minutes to discourage patrons from spending too long on the computers. - There is nothing int he announcement to suggest that the library plans to add more computers. - The announcement mentions a limited number of computers, but there is no indication that there are plans to change this fact. - The announcement makes no mention of the library's budget, so it is impossible to infer the the library is facing budget cuts or that the library is compensation for budget cuts with the fee. - Similarity, the announcement says nothing about the library's Internet costs, so it is impossible to conclude logically that the library is attempting to offset its own Internet fees.

2. The next five questions are based on the following passage: In the United States, the foreign language requirement for high school graduation is decided at the state level. This means the requirement varies, with some states deciding to forego a foreign language requirement altogether ( It is necessary that these states reconsider their position and amend their requirements to reflect compulsory completion of a course of one or more foreign languages. Studying a foreign language has become increasingly important for the global economy. As technology continues to make international business relations increasing easy, people need to keep up by increasing their communication capabilities. High school graduates with foreign language credits have been shown to have an increased college acceptance rate. In addition, students who have mastered more than one language typically find themselves in greater demand when they reach the job market. Students who did not study a foreign language often find themselves unable to obtain a job at all. Which of the following statements represents the best summary of the claims made in this passage? A. Studying a foreign language is important if you want to graduate from high school and get a job. B. Studying a foreign language is important for the global economy because of the technological advances that have been madden international communicates. C. Studying a foreign language is important for the global economy, college acceptance rates, and becoming a sought-after candidate in the job market. D. Studying a foreign language is important for college acceptance rates and obtaining a job after college.

C. The passage does not claim that studying a foreign language is essential to high school graduation (Choice A). - Choices B and D represent claims made in the passage, but do not include all of the claims made.

1. THE NEXT TWO QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CHART, WHICH REFLECTS THE ENROLLMENT AND THE INCME FOR A SMALL COMMUNITY COLLEGE. in order to offset costs, the college administration decided to increase admission fees.Reviewing the chart above, during which year is it most likely that the college raised the price of admission? A. 2002 B. 2007 C. 2009 D. 2010

C. The tuition appears to rise alongside the enrollment, until the year 2009 when it jumps significantly. Since the enrollment between 2008 and 2009 does not justify the immediate jump in income for the school, and increase in tuition costs makes sense.

READING Which of the following would best support the argument that people cause global climate change? A. The average global temperature has increased 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. B. Common greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide and water vapor. C. Most of the greenhouse gases today come from burning things like coal and other fossil fuels for energy. D. The average person breathes out about 1.0 kg of carbon dioxide every day, while the average cow produces about 80 kg of methane.

C. This choice shows how greenhouse gases are released from burning coal and other fuels, which people need for power.

3. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING TABLE. According to the organization of the table, which of the following expense categories is not considered to be a component of the "food at Home" category? A. cereals and bakery products B. fats and oils C. other miscellaneous foods D. alcoholic beverages

D. Components of each category are shown by indentation under the name of the category itself. - There may be sub-categories within each category that are further indented - Al of the Choices are indented under "Food at Home" except for "Alcoholic beverages",, which is a separate category.

2. THE NEXT TWO QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. Lisa Grant: "Students should make students wear uniforms. Everyone would look the same. Students would be able to respect each other based on their ideas and character because they would no longer be judged by their appearance." Vivian Harris: "Students should not have to wear uniforms. Clothing is an important part of self-expression. Taking away that method of expression is suppressing the student's right." Which of the following statements could NOT provide support for BOTH arguments? A. A number of local school districts have recently implemented dress codes. B. School administrators have been in talks with parents over the issue of uniforms. C. Students have reported that school uniforms are costly and typically ill-fitting. D. Several groups of students have been organized to discuss uniform dress codes.

C. This detail would only really support the argument agains wearing school uniforms, while the other three choices could all appear as details support of either side of the argument.

1. THE NEXT FOUR QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING GRAPHIC. Which of the following expense categories decreased in the year prior to June 2009? A. rent of primary residence B. boys' and men's apparel C. transportation D. meats, fish, and eggs

C. Transportation - This should be read form the column labeled "Unadjusted percent change to June 2009 from June 2008", a period of one year. - For transportation, the index is down 13.2%. This is the only negative change among the choices given.

Which of the answer choices gives the best definition for the underlined word in the following sentence? With all of the planning that preceded her daughter's wedding, Marci decided that picking out a new paint color for her own living room was largely peripheral. A. meaningless B. contrived C. unimportant D. disappointing

C. While planning her daughter's wedding, Marci is likely to find picking out a paint color for the living room important. - Therefore, answer choice C is the most logical option. - Choosing a paint color might also be meaningless the moment, but it is not without meaning altogether. It is not simply not as important - Answer choice A. infers more than the sentence implies. - Answer choice B could be forced into the sentence (if Marci was looking for a distraction from the stress of wedding planning, for instance), but it is not natural, and it is certainly not a synonym for peripheral. - Answer choice D makes little sense in the context of the sentence.

THIS QUESTION REFERS TO THE FOLLOWING IMAGE. Start with the shape pictured above. Follow the directions to alter its appearance * Rotate section 1 90* clockwise and move it to the right side, against sections 3 and 5. * Remove section 4. * Move section 2 immediately above section 3. * Swap section 2 and section 5. * Remove section 5. * Draw a circle around the shape, enclosing it completely. Which of the following does the shape now look like on the picture. A. in the upper left side B. in the upper right side C. in the bottom left side D. in the bottom right side

D. - Sections 4 and 5 and are removed; section 1 is placed on the right sides along sections 3 and 2.; there is a circle drawn around the entire shape - Answer choice A places section 1 in the wrong location and fails to switch sections 2 and 5. - Answer choice B incorrectly removes section 1 altogether. Answer choice C changes the shape of section 1 to a rectangle and reverses sections 2 and 3.

1. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. An adult skeleton had 206 bones. The skeleton has two major divisions: the axil skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton, which consists of 80 bones including the skull, vertebrae, and rib, is located down the center of the body. The axial skeleton protects vital organs such as the brain and heart. The appendicular skeleton consists of 126 ones of the arms, legs, and the bones that attach these bones to the axial skeleton. The appendicular skeleton includes the scapulae (shoulder blades), clavicles (collarbones), and pelvic (hip) bones. Which of the following bones is not associated with the leg? A. femur B. tibia C. patella D. radius

D. According to figure 1, the radius is a bone in the lower arm. - The femur, tibia, and patella are located in the leg.

1. The next four questions are based on the following information The Dewey Decimal Classes. 000 Computer science, information, and general works 100 Philosophy and psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Languages 500 Science and mathematics 600 Technical and applied science 700 Arts and recreation 800 Literature 900 History, geography, and biography Jorgen is doing a project on the Ancient Greek mathematician and poet Eratosthenes. In his initial review, Jorgen learns that Eratosthenes is considered the first person to calculate the circumference of the earth, and that he is considered the first to describe geography as it is studied today. To which section of the library should Jorgen go to find one of the early maps created by Eratosthenes? A. 100 B. 300 C. 600 D. 900

D. A search for early maps by one of the first people to study geography would certainly take Jorgen to the 900 section of the library: History, geography, and biography. - For this particular study, there is no reason for Jorgen to look among books on philosophy and psychology, social sciences, or technical and applied science.

6. THE NEXT SEVEN QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THIS PASSAGE. Which world best describes the author's attitude towards those who believe they understand money? A. supportive B. incriminating C. excessive D. patronizing

D. The author suggests that many people who believe they understand economy in fact do not.

The next question is based on the following information: Chapter 4: The Fictional Writing of Dorothy L. Sayers - Plays - Novels - Short Stories - Letters - Mysteries Analyze the headings above. Which of the following does not belong. A. Novels B. Plays C. Mysteries D. Letters

D. The chapter title refers on the fictional works of Dorothy L. Sayers, and letters generally do not fall under the category of fiction. - Novels, plays, and mysteries, however, usually do.

1. THE NEXT FIVE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. *Read picture first then continue reading below: ... in 1649. Eventually, his son King Charles II would be crowned, and this Charles is believed to have converted secretly to the Catholic Church. Charles II died without a legitimate heir, and his brother James ascended to the throne as King James II. James was recognized to be a practicing Catholic, and his commitment to Catholicism would prove to e his downfall. James's wife Mary Beatrice lost a number of children during their infancy, and when she became pregnant again in 1687 the public became concerned. If James had a son, that son would undoubtedly be raised a Catholic, and the English people would not stand for this. Mary gave birth to a son, but the story quickly circulated that the royal child had died and the child named James's heir was a foundling smuggled in. James, his wife, and his infant son were forced to flee; and James's Protestant daughter Mary was crowned the queen. In spite of a strong resemblance to the ing, the young James was generally rejected among the English and the Lowland Scots, who referred to him as "the Pretender." But in the Highlands the Catholic princeling was welcomed. He inspired a group known as Jacobites, to reflect the Latin version of his name. His own son Charles, known affectionately as Bonnie Price Charlie, would eventually raise an army and attempt to recapture what he believed to be his throne. The movement was soundly defeated at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, and England and Scotland have remained ostensibly Protestant ever since. Which of the following sentences contains an opinion on the part of the author? A. James was recognized to be a practicing Catholic, and his commitment to Catholicism would prove to be his downfall. B. James' son King Charles I proved himself to be less committed to the Protestant Church of England. C. The movement was soundly defeated at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, and England and Scotland have remained ostensibly Protestant ever since. D. Scholars in the 21st century are far too hasty in dismissing the role of religion in political disputes, but religion undoubtedly played a role in the problems that faced England and Scotland.

D. All other sentences in the passage offer some support or explanation. - Only the sentence in answer choice D indicates an unsupported opinion on the part of the author.

2. The next two questions are based on the following passage: Volleyball is easy to learn and fun to play in a physical education class. With just one net and one ball, an entire class can participate. The object of the game is to get the ball over the net and onto the ground on the other side. At the same time, all players hours be in the nready position to keep the ball from hitting the ground on their own side. After the ball has been served, the opposing team may have three hits to et the ball over the net to the other side. Only the serving team may. score. If the receiving team wins the volley, the referee calls, "side out" and the receiving team wins the serve. Players should rotate positions so that everyone gets a chance to serve. A game is played to 15 points, but the winning team must win by two points. That means if the score is 14 to 15, the play continues until one team wins by two. A volleyball match consists of three games. The winner of the match is the team that wins two of the three games. How many people can participate in a volleyball game? A. 14 B. 15 C. half of a class D. an entire class

D. Although any number of people could play in a volleyball game, the passage mentions that the entire class could participate in a game. Do all of them have to participate? No. But that wasn't the question.

3. The next five questions are based on the following passage: In the United States, the foreign language requirement for high school graduation is decided at the state level. This means the requirement varies, with some states deciding to forego a foreign language requirement altogether ( It is necessary that these states reconsider their position and amend their requirements to reflect compulsory completion of a course of one or more foreign languages. Studying a foreign language has become increasingly important for the global economy. As technology continues to make international business relations increasing easy, people need to keep up by increasing their communication capabilities. High school graduates with foreign language credits have been shown to have an increased college acceptance rate. In addition, students who have mastered more than one language typically find themselves in greater demand when they reach the job market. Students who did not study a foreign language often find themselves unable to obtain a job at all. Which of the following statements represents an EXAGGERATED claim in support of the argument presented in the passage? A. In the United States, the foreign language requirement for high school graduation is decided at the state level. B. Studying a foreign language has become increasingly important for the global economy. C. High school graduates with foreign language credits have been shown to have an increased college acceptance rate. D. Students who did not study a foreign language often find themselves unable to obtain a job at all.

D. Although students may find knowledge of a foreign language helpful in obtaining a job, it is an obvious exaggeration to claim tat students who did not study a foreign language would be unemployable.

2. The next two questions are based on the following information. Car Owner's Manual: Table of Contents: Chapter I: Vehicle Instruments Chapter II: Safety Options Chapter III: Audio, Climate, and Voice Controls Chapter IV: Pre-Driving and Driving Chapter V: Routine Maintenance Chapter VI: Emergencies Chapter VII: Consumer Resources To which chapter should Regina turn if she needs to find out what to do if the car begins overheating? A II B. III C. IV D. VI

D. An overheating vehicle is definitely an emergency, so Regina would need to consult Chapter VI. - The other chapters contain useful information that Regina will need ice her vehicle is back in working order, but until then she should focus on the information in the chapter about emergency situations.

4. The next five questions are based on the following passage: In the United States, the foreign language requirement for high school graduation is decided at the state level. This means the requirement varies, with some states deciding to forego a foreign language requirement altogether ( It is necessary that these states reconsider their position and amend their requirements to reflect compulsory completion of a course of one or more foreign languages. Studying a foreign language has become increasingly important for the global economy. As technology continues to make international business relations increasing easy, people need to keep up by increasing their communication capabilities. High school graduates with foreign language credits have been shown to have an increased college acceptance rate. In addition, students who have mastered more than one language typically find themselves in greater demand when they reach the job market. Students who did not study a foreign language often find themselves unable to obtain a job at all. Which of the following would be a useful source of information to determine the validity of the argument presented int his passage? A. A survey of high school students' preferences with regard to foreign language requirements. B. A comparison of the correlation between a second language introduced at home and subsequent college acceptance rates. C. A survey that asks parents to select the foreign language they would like their children to study in high school. D. A comparison of the correlation between high school students' study of a foreign language and subsequent college acceptance rates.

D. Choice A and C represent options that would provide information regarding the pinions of students and parents , but not actual evidence regarding the influence of studying a foreign language on future success. - Choice B specifies a second language taught at home, whereas the passages focuses specifically on a foreign language taught in high school.

Which of the answer choices presents a valid inference based on the following scenario? The latest movie by a certain director gets bad reviews before it opens in theaters. Consequently, try few people go to the move and the director is given much less money to make his next move, which is also unsuccessful. A. this director makes terrible movies B. the general pubic does not pay attention to move reviews C. the movie reviewers were right about the first movie D. movie reviewers exert influence o the movie quality.

D. The negative reviews led to the poor quality of the second movie.

1. The next four questions are based on the following information. The Big Book of Herbs and Herbal Medicine. Part 1: How to Grow Herbs. Chapter 1: Choosing Your Herbs Chapter 2: Planting for Herbs Chapter 3: Caring for Your Herbs. Part II: How to Cook with Herbs Chapter 4:: Herbs in Food Chapter 5: Herbs in Beverages Chapter 6: Herbs on Oils and Vinegars Part III: How to Heal with Herbs Chapter 7: Herbs for Children's Needs Chapter 8: Herbs for Adult Needs Section 8-A: Women's Needs Section 8-B: Men's Needs Chapter 9: Herbs for Immunity Chapter 10: Herbs for Respiratory Conditions Chapter 11: herbs for Digestive Conditions Chapter 12: Herbs for Detox Section 12-A: Circulatory conditions Section 12-B: Musculoskeletal Conditions Section 12-C: Endocrine Conditions Section 12-D: Topical Conditions Part IV: Alphabetical Herb Listing Chapter 13: Herbs, A-I Chapter 14: Herbs, J-O Chapter 15: Herbs P-Z Clothilde is looking for an herbal remedy to combat a recent outbreak of eczema. In which chapter should she look for more information? A. Chapter 8 B. Chapter 10 C. Chapter 11 D. Chapter 12

D. Eczema is a topical condition, so Chapter 12 (section D) would be the most appropriate place to look. - Eczema is not specific to either men or women, nor is it specific to adults, so Chapter 9 would not the best place to look. - Finally, eczema is neither a respiratory condition nor a digestive condition.

s3. The Bermuda Triangle With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree? A. There is no real mystery about the Bermuda Triangle because most events have reasonable explanations. B. Researchers are wrong to expand the focus of the Triangle to the Azores, because this increases the likelihood of accidents. C. The official statement of "causes or reason unknown" in the loss of the Navy planes was a deliberate concealment from the Navy. D. Reducing the legends about the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle will help to reduce the number of reported accidents or shipping losses in the region.

D. Of all the sentences provided, this is the one with which the author would most likely agree. The passage suggests that most of the "mysteries" of the Bermuda Triangle can be explained in a reasonable way.

Flemming is on a new diet that requires him to avoid all diary products, as well as diary byproducts. This will be a big change for him, so his doctor gives him information about foods that the might not realize often contain diary products. These include bread, granola, deli meat, dry breakfast cereal, and energy bars. Which of the following items from Flemming's standard diet will still be safe to eat? A. puffed rice cereal B. breaded chicken parmesan C. sliced turkey sandwich D. yogurt made from coconut milk

D. Puffed rice is a dry breakfast cereal, and therefore contains (or might contain) a diary product. - Breaded chicken parmesan contains both bread crumbs and parmesan cheese; the cheese is certainly a diary product, and bread is not he warning list form the doctor. - A sliced turkey sandwich contains deli meat and bread, both of which are discouraged by Flemming's doctor. - Yogurt made from coconut milk, however, is meant to be a diary-free alternative, so it should be a safe choice for Flemming.

4. The next four questions are based on the following information The Dewey Decimal Classes. 000 Computer science, information, and general works 100 Philosophy and psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Languages 500 Science and mathematics 600 Technical and applied science 700 Arts and recreation 800 Literature 900 History, geography, and biography Finally, Jorgen learns that Eratosthenes was fascinated by the story of the Trojan War, and that he attempted to determine the exact dates when this event occurred. Jorgen is unfamiliar with the story of the Fall of Troy, so he decides to look into writings such as The Illiad and The Odyssey, by Homer. To which section of the library should Jorgen go to locate these works? A. 100 B. 200 C. 700 D. 800

D. Section 800 features works of literature, so that is the best place for Jorgen to begin looking for The Iliad and The Odyssey. - The philosophy and psychology section will likely contain references in these works, but Jorgen would still hav ego go to the literature section to obtain the works themselves. - The same thing can be said about the religion and arts and recreations sections.

The next question refers to the following graphic: The year listed with each country is when the nation gained independence. Which of the following conclusions is true? A. The nations of North America were also fighting for independence at the same time as nations in South America. B. France lost most of its control in the New World because of these revolutions. C. Nations on the west coast gained independence first. D. South America had many revolutions in the fist three decades of the 19th century.

D. Ten nations received independence int he first thirty years of the nineteenth century. - Choice A is incorrect because the American Revolution was fought during the latter 1779s and early 1780s. - This was decades before the independence movements in South America. - In fact, they American Revolution inspired some of the movements. - France did not have many possessions in South America. So, choice B is wrong. - Nations on the west coast were among the last to gain independence. So, that makes choices C incorrect.

Anna is planning a trip to Bretagne, or Brittany, in the northwestern part of France. Since she knows very little about it, she is hoping to find the most up-to-date information with the widest variety of details about hiking trails, breaches, restaurants, and accommodations. Which of the following guides will be the best for her to review? A. The Top Ten Places to Visit in Brittany, published by a non-profit organization in Bretagne looking to draw tourism to the region (2015). B. Getting to Know Nates: Eating, Staying, and Sightseeing in Brittany's Largest City, published by the French Ministry of. Tourism (2014). C. Hiking Through Bretagne: The Best Trails for Discovering Northwestern France, published by a company that specializes in travel for those wanting to experience the outdoors (2013). D. The Complete Guide to Brittany, published by a travel book company that publishes guides for travel throughout Europe (2015).

D. The Complete Guide to Brittany is the most likely to offer all of the information that Anna needs for her trip. - The Top Ten Places to Visit in Brittany might have some useful information, but it will not provide enough details about picking trails, beaches, restaurants, and accommodations. - Getting to Know Nates limits the information to one city, and Anna's destination in Brittany is not identified. - Hiking Through Bretagne limits the information to one activity.

2. THE NEXT SEVEN QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THIS PASSAGE. What would this author's attitude likely be a person unable to find employment? A. descriptive B. conciliatory C. ingenuous D. incredulous

D. The author seems to believe that there are plenty of lucrative jobs for everyone.

2. The next four questions are based on the following information The Dewey Decimal Classes. 000 Computer science, information, and general works 100 Philosophy and psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Languages 500 Science and mathematics 600 Technical and applied science 700 Arts and recreation 800 Literature 900 History, geography, and biography Due to his many interests and purists, Eratosthenes dabbled in a variety of fields, and he is credited with a theory known as the sieve of Eratosthenes. This is an early algorithm used to determine prime numbers. To which section of the library should Jorgen go to find out more about the current applications of the sieve of Eratosthenes? A. 000 B. 100 C. 400 D. 500

D. The sieve of Eratosthenes is a mathematical Tok, so Jorgen should go to the science and mathematics section. - While the sieve might be used in certain computer applications, there is no specific indication of this. - As a result, answer choice D is a better option than answer choice A. - Also, Jorgen has no reason to check the philosophy and psychology or languages sections to find out more about a mathematical topic.

Ninette has celiac disease, which means that she cannot eat any products containing gluten. Gluten is a protein present in many grains such as wheat, rye, and barley. Because of her health condition, Ninette has to be careful about what she eats to avoid having an allergic reaction. She will be attending an all-day industry event, and she requested the menu in advance. Here is the menu: - Breakfast: fresh coffee or tea, scrambled eggs, bacon or sausage - Lunch: Spinach salad (dressing available on the side), roasted chicken, steamed rice - Cocktail Hour: Various beverages, fruit and cheese plate - Dinner: Spaghetti and sauce, tossed salad, garlic bread. During which of these meals should Ninette be careful to bring her own food? A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Cocktail Hour D. Dinner

D. The spaghetti and the garlic bread are definitely concerns for Ninette if she is unable to consume products with wheat in them. With all other meals, there appear to be gluten-free options that she can eat.

3. THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. Based on the context of te passage, the reader can infer that this information is likely to appear in which of the following types of works? A. a scholarly paper B. a mystery C. a fictional story d. a biography

D. This passage is most likely to belong in some kind of biographical reference about Queen Victoria. - A scholarly paper would include more analysis instead of just fact. - The information in the passage does not fit the genre of mystery at all. And since the passage recounts history, it is not an obvious candidate for a fictional story.

2. The Bermuda Triangle Which of the following sentences is most representative of a summary sentence for this passage? A. The problem with having a larger Bermuda Triangle is that it increases the odds of accidents. B. The area that is called the Bermuda Triangle happens to fall within one of the busiest navigational regions in the world, and the reality of greater activity creates the possibility for more to go wrong. C. One of the biggest challenges in considering the phenomenon is deciding how much area actually represents the Bermuda Triangle. D. Researchers have never been able to find anything truly mysterious about what happens in the Bermuda Triangle, if there even is a Bermuda Triangle.

D. This sentence is the best summary statement for the entire passage, because it wraps up clearly what the author is saying about the results of studies on the Bermuda Triangle.

2. The next two questions are based on the following passage: For lunch, she likes ham and cheese (town not bites),yogurt, raisins, applesauce, peanut butter sandwiches in the fridge drawer, or any combo of these. She's not a huge eater. help yourself too. Bread is on counter if you want to make a sandwich. It's fine if you want to go somewhere, leave us a note of where you are. Make sure she's buckled and rive carefully! Certain fast food places are fun if they have playgrounds and are indoors. It's probably too hot for playground, but whatever you want to do is fine. Take a sip cup of water and a diaper wherever you go. There's some money here for you in case you decide to go out for lunch with her. As for nap, try after lunch. She may not sleep, but try anyway. Read her a couple of books first, put area, on her mosquito bites (it's in the den on the buffet), then maybe rock in her chair. Give her a bottle of milk, and refill as needed, but don't let her drink more than 2 1/2 bottles of milk or she'll throw up. Turn on music in her room,, leave her in crib with a dry diaper and bottle to try to sleep. She likes a stuffed animal too. Try for 30-34 minutes. You may have to start the tape again. If she won't sleep, that's fine. We just call it "rest time" on those days that naps won't happen. You can assume the writer of the passage is: A. a mom B. a dad C. a teacher D. a parent

D. You cannot assume gender, and the note never indicates whether the writer is male or female. - you can tell that the writer is the main caretaker of the child in question, so "parent" is the best choice in this case. - A teacher or nurse might be able to write such a note, but parents is probably more likely, making it the best choice.

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